Torremolinos Index Country Code +34 [+]...Recommended - We‘ve been there [++]...A Must! [24]...Open 24hrs [24W]... Nonstop weekend service [A]...Accommodation [B]...Bar [BY]...Boys/Escorts [C]... Café/Bistro [CC]...Credit Cards accepted [D]...Dancing GF]...Gay Friendly [GM]... Gay Men [GMW]...Gay Men & Women [GW]...Gay Women [L]...Leather/Fetish [M]...Meals [S]...Snacks [T]...Terrace/Outdoor facilities [WA]...Wheelchair accessible [X]...Cruising/Darkroom [Y]...Young crowd HOTELS • ACCOMMODATION NAVIGAYTOR The Gay Hotel Reservation. Only gay and gay friendly hotels and guesthouses. Enjoy Bed & Breakfast & + Fax: 236 236.19 www. [+ / A / GMW] 7500+ private accommodations from € 20,- in more than 400 cities, worldwide. 1 Apartamentos Candisol C/ Pasaje del Bajondillo, 7 & +34.952.381.937 [+ / A / CC / GF] www.apartamentocandisol. com For Gays from Gays! Apartments at Torremolinos frontline beach, next to the center. 2 Apartamentos La Casa del Árbol Calle Cordera, 7 FB: apartamentoslacasadelarbol & +34.653.635.279 [+ / A / CC / GF / GMW / T] Vintage Gay Apartments in a remodeled Villa. Un conjunto de apartamentos turísticos ubicados en una villa setentera remodelada, destinado a público gay-friendly. A 3 Apartamentos La Nogalera C/ Danza Invisible, 4 & +34. 952.381.629 or 620.854.337 [+ / A / CC / GF / GMW / T / WA] Centrally located apartments for 1-6 persons. Reasonable priced. Pool. 4 Gran Hotel Cervantes C/ Las Mercedes & +34.952.384.033 [+ / 24 / A / CC / GF / S / T] 5 Hostal Beatriz C/ Rio Balazote, 4 & +34.952.385.110 [+ / A / CC / GF / T] www. Next to Torremolinos beach, near center. Smart choice, free WiFi, AC, fridge, Microwave, TV and private bathroom. 6 Hostal Guadalupe C/ Peligro, 15 & +34.952.381.937 [+ / A / C / CC / GF / M / S / T] For Gays from Gays! Charming guesthouse at Torremolinos frontline beach, next to the center. With public restaurant, serving great meals. B 7 Hotel El Pozo La Nogalera, C/ Casablanca 4 & +34.952.380. 602 [24 / A / B / CC / GF / S / T] 8 Hotel Sol Melía Paseo Maritimo, 11 & +34.952.386.677 [+ / 24 / A / B / CC / GF / M / S / T / WA] BARS · CAFETERIAS A10Arcos Bar C/ Danza Invisible, 8 & +34 671.941.010 [+ / B / GM / GMW / T] open 7/7 from 20h Relax with cokctails, music and video. B11 Aqua Club Bar La Nogalera [+ / B / CC / GM / S / X / Y] Bar - Terrace - Disco - Cruising... B12 Bacchus Bear Bar La No- galera [+ / B / GM / T] from 22h B13 La Biznaga Caféteria La Nogalera [+ / C / GMW / S / T] A14 Black Rose Pub C/Danza Invisible B16 BUFF La Nogalera, C/ Danza Invisible & +34.656.620.826 [+ / B / D / GM / T / X] daily from 18h. A „berlin“ style bar, with a great terrace, dance and cruising. Every Thu there is a naked dance party from 23h B17 Central Station Bar La No- BEACH BARS & RESTOS 46 Eden Beach Paseo Maritimo, Playa de Bajondillo & +34.615.157.611 [+ / ++ / B / C / CC / GMW / M / S / T] from 10am -2am (Winter only Sat+Sun) Café | Restaurant | Club. The perfect place to chill, right at the gay beach. 47 El Gato Lounge Paseo galera [B / D / GM] Maritimo, 1 & +34.951.251.509 B18 Chessa Bar La Nogalera [+ / ++ [+ / B / GMW / T] open daily / B / C / CC / GMW / M / S Friendly place, drag shows... / T] open daily from 9:30 a.m. till A19 Chicago Karaoke Nogalera late, for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Kitchen is open till midnight. Beach B20 Codigo Bar La Nogalera service (El Gato Gay Beach) is comB21 Contacto La Nogalera 204 plimentary. In front of the gay beach. B22 Dino‘s Bar La Nogalera One of the most popular places. A23 Donna Bar C/Danza Invisible CRUISING BARS & CLUBS B24 Eden Copas C/ Danza Invisible, La Nogalera Local 114 & B41 Aqua Club Disco La No+34.615.157.611 [+ / B / GM] galera [+ / B / CC / GM / S / open daily from 18h Great place! X / Y] Bar - Terrace - Disco - Cruising... A25Café El NA C/ CasabLa Nogalera, C/ lanca, 13 & +34.951.210.761 B16 BUFF [+ / B / C / Danza Invisible GMW / S / T] 16-24h, Fri+Sat & +34.656.620.826 16-2h, Wed closed. Cafetería, ter- [+ / B raza en Torremolinos. Ideal para la / D / GM / T / X] daily from 18h. primera copa. Especialidad en infu- A „berlin“ style bar, with a great siones, combinados. Perfect for your terrace, dance and cruising. Every Thu there is a naked dance party first night-out drink. from 23h B26 Esquina de Antonio La B28 Free Eagle C/ Danza InNogalera visible, 1 La Nogalera 409 & B27 La Esquinita Tapas C/ +34.605.077.312 [+ / B / GM / Danza Invisible, 5 Tapas Bar L / X] open B28 Free Eagle C/ Danza In- daily from 18h Bar for Bears and visible, 1 La Nogalera 409 & Leatherlovers... and their admirers! +34.605.077.312 [+ / B / GM / Darkroom, TV, WiFi, Shower. L / X] open 48 The Factory Plaza de Andaily from 18h Bar for Bears and dalucia S/N [+ / B / GM / L / Leatherlovers... and their admirers! X] Cruise & Leather Bar. Darkroom, TV, WiFi, Shower. B29 El Gato Viudo C/ La No- B33 Men‘s Bar La Nogalera galera 11 [+ / B / GM / S / T] 713-714 [+ / B / GM / L / X] Cruising Bar B30 Help Bar La Nogalera B31 La Luna Egipcia Bar Pla- 49 Querell Cruising Bar za de la Nogalera, local 101 & Avda Carlota Alessandri, 146 +34.951.102.198 [+ / B / GF [+ / B / GM / / GMW / M / S / T] Teteria- L / X] open from 22h 300sqm playroom, next to Sauna Miguel. Restaurant, Bar & Cocktail B36 Qúero Men‘s Bar La NoB32 Manhattan La Nogalera B33 Men‘s Bar La Nogalera galera, 21 [+ / B / C / GMW / M / S / 713-714 [+ / B / GM / L / X] T] open from 20.30h Gay Men‘s Cruising Bar Club B34 Morbos Show Bar La B50 XS Cruising Bar C/ de Nogalera, Avda Jesus Santos Rein, las Mercedes, La Nogalera & +34. 6 & +34.695.839.756 [+ / ++ 626.171.813 [+ / B / GM / L / X] / B / CC / GF / GMW] www. El mejor espectá- GAY FRIENDLY culo de transformismo de La Costa A51 Albanta Teteria del Sol, con los mejores artistas y A52 Eclipse Bar Pueblo Blanco los espectáculos más atractivos. A Must when it comes to drag shows! A53 La Gorilla Bar Pueblo Blanco A54 Kiko Bar C/Casablanca 12 B35 Pourquois Pas? Bar B36 Qúero Men‘s Bar La No- RESTAURANTS galera, 21 B61 Arizona La Nogalera [+ / B / C / GMW / M / S / T] 62 La Barraca Plaza Nogalera from 20.30h Gay Men‘s Club A37 Renes Bar La Esquina Pueblo Blanco renesbartorremolinos. com [+ / B / GF / GMW / S / T] daily from 20h. Very friendly host!!! B38 The Times La Nogalera B39 Vanilla Café Plaza de La Nogalera [+ / C / GMW / S / T] from 9am B40 Vida C/ Danza Invisible, local 523, La Nogalera & +34.626. 642.067 [+ / B / GMW / T] daily from 20h A straight friendly gay bar with a warm unique atmosphere DISCOS & DANCE CLUBS B41 Aqua Club Disco La Nogalera [+ / B / CC / GM / S / X / Y] Bar - Disco - Cruising... A42Centuryon C/ Casablanca, 13 & +34.622.433.414 [+ / B / D / GM / GMW / Y] 2am - 7am B43Mykonos by Eden La Nogalera [+ / B / D / GM] B44 Parthenon Disco La No- A15 Boomerang Bar Pueblo Blanco & +34.665.455.318 fb. com/ [B galera [+ / B / D/ GM / T] / GF / GMW / T] 45 Passion Disco Avda Palma de Mallorca, 18 & +34.607.666.663 [B / D / GF / GMW] B63 Britta‘s Restaurante C/ La Nogalera Local 705 & +34.605. 181.593 [+ / B / GF / M / S / T] A64 Calendula Tapas Bar Pueblo Blanco & +34.951.104.642 [+ / B / GF / M / S] A65 Ciao Italia C/ Casablanca & +34.951.332.169 A66Creperia Bahia Pueblo Blanco [+ / GF / M / S] 46 Eden Beach Paseo Maritimo, Playa de Bajondillo & +34.615.157.611 [+ / ++ / B / C / CC / GMW / M / S / T] 10am -2am (Winter only Sat+Sun) Café-Restaurant-Club. Perfect place to chill, right at the gay beach. 47 El Gato Lounge Paseo Maritimo, 1 & +34.951.251.509 [+ / ++ / B / C / CC / GMW / M / S / T] open daily from 9:30 a.m. till late, for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Kitchen is open till midnight. Beach service (El Gato Gay Beach) is complimentary. In front of the gay beach. One of the most popular places. A67 La Gitana C/ Casablanca 6 Guadalupe Restaurante C/ Peligro, 15 & +34.952.381. 937 [+ / A / C / CC / GF / M / S / T] For Gays from Gays! Public restaurant at Hostal Guadalupe. Great meals, friendly staff. Reasonalbe priced. B68 La Kanela La Nogalera & +34.603.255.120 [+ / CC / GF / GMW / M / S / T] Great food and friendly service. Also takeaway dishes B31 La Luna Egipcia Bar Plaza de la Nogalera, local 101 & +34.951.102.198 [+ / B / GF / GMW / M / S / T] TeteriaRestaurant, Bar & Cocktail B69 Lo De Mariela La Nogalera [+ / GMW / S / T] Fast Food & Take Away 70 Maxi Pizza Avda de Europa, 26 & +34.952.381.025 [+ / B / CC / GF / M / S / T] Authentic Italian Pizza.. A71Osteria L‘arte di Roma C/ Casablanca, Pueblo Blanco & +34.603.255.120 [+ / CC / GF / GMW / M / S / T] Great food and friendly service. Also takeaway dishes B72 La Pepa Tapas La Nogalera A73 El Sabor C/ Casablanca, 20 & +34.952.384.069 www. [+ / CC / GF / M / S / T] open Tue-Sun from 14h Int‘l kitchen, tasty food, elegant relaxed atmosphere, great service. An unforgetable experience! A74 Shawarma Kebab Pueblo Blanco A75 Taller Fusion C/ Skal, 2 [+ / CC / GF / M / S / T] SAUNAS 78 Sauna Miguel Avda. Carlo- ta Alessandri, 166 A79 Sauna Utopia C/ Casablanca, 17 1st floor, La Nogalera & +34.952.384.457 [+ / B / CC / GM / S / T / X] GaySauna BOYS CLUBS · ESCORTS A80 Eros Bar & Sauna C/ Danza Invisible [B/ BY / CC / GM] SEX SHOPS B81 BOXER Torremolinos C/ Danza Invisible, 7 & +34.952. 409.341 www.boxertorremolinos. com [+ / ++ / CC / GM / GMW / L] Wed-Mon 11-15h + 17-21h Sports - Swim - Fetish - Toys A82cupido sex shop C/ Danza Invisible s/n, La Nogalera [+ / CC / GM / GMW / X] open from 12am. Darkroom, cabins, erotic shop FASHION STORES 83 Alpaja Roja Las Mercedes, 8 B81 BOXER Torremolinos C/ Danza Invisible, 7 & +34.952. 409.341 www.boxertorremolinos. com [+ / ++ / CC / GM / GMW / L] Wed-Mon 11-15h + 17-21h Sports - Swim - Fetish - Toys 84 Cosmos Fashion C/ Las Mercedes [+ / CC / GM] SERVICES B85 Atlantis Gym San Miguel A86CARNICERIA ISA C/ Casablanca, 27 & +34.617.747. 112 [+ / GF] Your Butcher Shop A87 Print Shop Digital C/ Skal, 13 & +34.952.387.553 [+ / GF] Grafic design, print shop. Imprenta, Serigrafia, Rotulacion. A88 Nelson Cárdenas La No- galera Hair Stylist 89 New Hairs Pje de las Gitanillas, 4 & +34.951.432.945 [+ / GF / GMW] Peluqueros - Hair Stylist 90 Sculpture Gym Av. Joan Miró, 4 & +34.952.375.405 [GF / GMW] ASSOCIATIONS & HELP A91 Colega Torremolinos Plaza de los Tientos, Pueblo Blanco & +34.952.382.634 open Mon-Fri 12-15h + 18.30-21h LGBT Association. Free HIV testing. Imprint Publisher Contact Friends Medien Lindenstrasse 25 71686 Remseck/Germany Fon: +49 7146 28633-0 Fax: +49 7146 28633-2 in Torremolinos Fon: +34 633 645 347 Publisher is not responsible for any advertising claims. Any copying of this material is a Federal law offense. Violators wil be prosecuted © 2015 by Friends Medien B81 49 6 1 B36 5 A3 A86 70 A86 B34 47 A73 A68 46 B24 A82 A15 B31 B68 A37 B28 A10 B11 2 A42 B69 B41 B33 A71 B16 A91 A25 B40 B18
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