Rights List 2013


Rights List 2013
Rights List 2013
Manfredi Gianfranco
Marrone Titti
Maurensig Paolo Moresco Antonio Nicoletti Gianluca Odifreddi Piergiorgio
Oldani Davide Oggero Margherita Ozpetek Ferzan Papaleo Rocco
Pasini Giuliano Pastorino Marta Piperno Alessandro
Pirlo Andrea
Quilici Folco Rampini Federico
Riccardi Andrea
Riccarelli Ugo
Ricuperati Gianluigi
Roncoroni Federico Salvatori Claudia Santagata Marco
Schwed Alessandro Sciolla Laura Lorenza Signorini Alfonso Spisni Alessandra Tizian Giovanni
Trucillo Luigi Veronesi Umberto Vespa Bruno
Villalta Gian Mario
Volo Fabio
La freccia verde 25
Il tessitore di vite 19
L’arcangelo degli scacchi 12
La lucina 36
Una notte ho sognato che parlavi 50
Abbasso Euclide! 52
New Book 64
Perduti tra le pagine 37
Rosso Istanbul 22
Una piccola impresa meridionale 23
Io sono lo straniero 31
Il primo gesto 13
Pubblici infortuni 38
Penso quindi gioco 47
Cani e cani 41
Banchieri 60
La sorpresa di Papa Francesco
L’amore graffia il mondo
La produzione di meraviglia 16
Un giorno, altrove
La splendente regina della notte 26
Guida all’Inferno 59
La via del pavone 39
Mille baci, e ancora cento 27
Amore, folle amore 49
Fatto in casa64
La nostra guerra non è mai finita 57
Quello che ti dice il fuoco 40
La dieta del digiuno 53
Sale, zucchero e caffè 61
Alla fine di un’infanzia felice 17
La strada verso casa 5
Abate Carmine
Ammirati Maria Pia
Ash Tamara
Bandini Giovanna
Bianchini Luca
Bocelli Andrea Bollani Stefano Borghese Alessandro Brusadelli Stefano
Calopresti Mimmo
Camilleri Andrea Campriani Niccolò Cavalli Roberto
Cazzullo Aldo
Citati Pietro Clerici Antonella Cubeddu Marco Cugia Diego
Dalai Michele De Crescenzo Luciano De Pascalis Luigi
Evangelisti Valerio Ferragni Chiara
Franco Massimo
Genovesi Fabio Grandi Laura-Tettamanti Stefano Gratteri Nicola-Nicaso Antonio Idem Josefa Lecca Nicola Lerro Lucrezia Lorenzini Sara
Mander Marina
Il bacio del pane 34
La danza del mondo 6
L’amor che non perdona 28
Serial Lover 32
Io che amo solo te20
Pavarotti 42
Parliamo di musica43
Tu come lo fai? 65
I santi pericolosi30
I nostri padri 18
Il tuttomio 7
Ricordati di dimenticare la paura44
Just Me 3
Basta piangere!51
Il Don Chisciotte58
Tutti a tavola 65
C.U.B.A.M.S.C. 8
Tango alla fine del mondo 21
Contro il tiqui-taca 46
Gesù è nato a Napol’ 48
La morte si muove nel buio 29
Il sole dell’avvenire 24
The Blonde Salad 63
La crisi dell’impero Vaticano 54
Tutti primi sul traguardo del mio cuore
A capotavola
Acqua santissima 56
Partiamo dalla fine 45
La piramide del caffè 9
La confraternita delle puttane 10
45mq. La misura di un sogno 33
Nessun dorma 11
291 pages September 2013
Roberto Cavalli
The legendary icon of Italian fashion in his own words for the first time
The extraordinary autobiography
of Roberto Cavalli, one of the
legendary icons of Italian fashion,
filled with dazzling stories of style,
determination and success.
A gem of an autobiography, the
touching and passionate memoir
of an artist of the fashion system
(not simply a fashion designer) and
at the same time a guide for all the
golden fashion-systems fans and
a poignant lesson we can all learn
Cavalli generously discloses
even the most intimate aspects
of his life and distils his secrets
of leadership and success: his
memoir recounts his childhood in
occupied Florence, when his father
was taken by German forces and
further describes his school years
where his need for social rebellion
led to his first successes in textile
design. His vibrant voice outlines
his personal journey from Florence
to the elite areas of Milan and Paris,
drawing lines between the events of
his personal life and his triumphs,
taking the reader into his iconic
world and paying homage to the
great characters who helped him
becoming a star.
Featuring anecdotes from his private
life and his own business dealings,he
offers a precious insight to his creative
processes and the building of an
empire. A unique possibility to meet
one of the greatest protagonists of
Italian fashion and a true inspiration
for any artist today.
Roberto Cavalli, was born in
Florence on November 15th, 1940.
250 pages November 2013
Fabio Volo
La strada verso casa
The Road Home
The eagerly awited new novel by the Italian phenomenon
With five million copies sold,
Fabio Volo’s books have made him
unquestionably one of the most
read authors in Italy and a sort of
miracle in a country which does not
have a robust reading culture: no
one has his success at harmoniously
connecting with the feelings of a
“mega-generation” spanning from
twenty to forty and further.
In his new novel Volo tells the story
of two brothers who are as opposite
as they can be in both character and
lifestyle. Andre is an engineer. He
is responsible, tidy, and steadfast.
His younger brother, Marco, owns
a restaurant in London and can
best be described as rebellious
and wayward. Their father’s illness
brings the two men closer and
forces them to finally take charge of
the things they had hoped to leave in
the past, including two complicated
romances and a long-kept family
secret that has been haunting them
for years. The story winds through
moments of hilarious normality and
others of deep emotion, capturing
the wealth of universal feelings that
fans have come to expect.
A story about the choices you make,
or fail to make, and the importance
of affection in becoming a true
adult, The Road Home is a novel
that attests to Volo’s maturity as a
writer and salutes the qualities that
have endeared him to millions of
Fabio Volo, ( born near Brescia in
1972) , writer, actor, Tv and radio
presenter, is the most extraordinary
publishing phenomenon in Italy
with six novels simultaneously still
riding high in the bestseller lists.
Among his foreign publishers:
Diogenes, Plaza y Janes, Rosa dels
Vents, Bertrand Brasil, Kinneret,
Presença, Muza, Fleuve Noir,
Dudaj, Ripol, Pegasus, Znanje,
Livani, Beo-Book, Colibri, Solo
Press Taiwan, Nha Nam Publ Thai,
Europa Hu, Sodam & Taeil Korea.
280 pages April 2013
Maria Pia Ammirati
La danza del mondo
The World’s Dance
When life puts a wall in your way, the only solution is to fly
Linda is thirty and in a rut. Her life
is split between two men: Carlo,
the husband she married all too
quickly, with whom she shares a
daily routine of distracted affection
and mutual infidelity, and Alberto,
thirty years her senior, her lover
for the past five, a calm and wise
physician. She discovers she’s
pregnant – the father is not Carlo.
The stagnation she feels imprisoned
in breaks. Linda decides to keep the
baby, but she loses it in a miscarriage
that leaves her permanently sterile.
A fierce argument with her husband
is the last straw. She tosses away
cell phone and credit cards and
heads for southern Italy – first
stopping in Calabria before moving
onto Sicily, that magical island,
where propitious and mysterious
encounters are the rule. The story
of a young woman and a journey that
starts out as an escape and turns
into an unforgettable experience
and an important lesson: to find
yourself you must first lose yourself.
Maria Pia Ammirati is a staff
director at Italy’s RAI television
network, a journalist. This is
her first novel published by
156 pages January 2013
Andrea Camilleri
Il tuttomio
The All-Mine
Lady Chatterley meets Lolita
Arianna is thirty-three, gorgeous
and deliciously infantile. Her
unreasonable caprices and Lolitalike behavior are the joy of Giulio,
the loving husband who protects her
even from herself.
But there are times when Giulio
realizes that he doesn’t know all
there is to know about his wife.
“There’s something you’re keeping
from me” he whispers to her.
Yet he can’t help spoiling her.
Arianna’s got plenty of secrets,
alright, and they’re piquant indeed.
But the one she’s most jealous of is
her “All-Mine” – her own private
shelter, a “den” tucked away in a
corner of the attic, much like the
little cave in the countryside where
she used to hide as a girl, alone
except for Stefania, a large talking
An unusual “hot” Camilleri about
the tricks of desire, the tragedy of
love and the unbreakable family
Andrea Camilleri, (born in Porto
Empedocle, Sicily in 1925) is
the author of the spectacularly
mystery series
feauturing inspector Montalbano,
which offers readers not simply
detective fiction but also an insight
into Italian wheeling and dealing
(the mafia, good food and drink,
beautiful countryside).
He is one of the few Italian authors
translated all over the world.
Rights sold to Métailié (F),
Kindler (D), Bertrand (P),
Bertrand (BR), Salamandra (E),
Wyd Literackie (PL).
342 pages April 2013
Marco Cubeddu
With a Grenade on My Heart
An exciting debut and an unconventional story of love
Alessandro Spera, Italy’s most
famous writer, has disappeared.
No one knows where he’s run off
to after barging in on the wedding
of Mel-In-Wonderland (the love of
his life) and Australian surfer Toby
Paramor, where he gunned down
the bride and groom, along with all
the guests.
Ten years after Spera breaks his
silence with the lengthy confession
of his extraordinary life, from his
first sexual experiences at nursery
school to the two years he spent in
the Foreign Legion.
In the shadow of a cursed, desperate
love, Cubeddu recounts Spera’s
wild adventures and twists of fate
through days of heavy drinking
and casual violence struggling to
salvage something worthwhile
from the wreckage of his past.
Sparkling, funny and witty prose
with frequent echoes to Tarantino,
Ammaniti, Bret Easton Ellis. This
is an exuberant story, touching,
exhilarating and disquieting, the
debut of an original author who will
surely gather much attention.
Marco Cubeddu was born in 1987
in Genova, where he lives and works
as a firefighter. He is a graduate
of the Holden School of Creative
Writing in Torino.
This is his first novel.
240 pages January 2013
Nicola Lecca
La piramide del caffè
The Coffee-Shop’s Rules
A spark to enlighten your life
At eighteen, Imi has at last realized
his dream of living in London after
leaving behind the orphanage where
he was raised in Hungary. In London
he works in a Proper Coffee outlet
(an international chain). His gaze is
pure and naïve and it’s going to take
time for him to grasp what a hard
city London is, and understand the
hierarchic ruthlessness behind the
rules that Proper Coffee employees
must follow, which are summed up
in The Coffee Guidebook, the Holy
Scriptures for his managers.
Her candor puts him in danger until
Morgan, an Iranian bookseller with
deep brown eyes, arrives on the
scene to protect him. In his bold
project, he enlists the elderly author
and Nobel laureate Margaret, who is
fed up with “everything” and yet has
an unshakable faith in life’s small,
routine gestures . Together, she and
Morgan know how to get Imi’s life
on track and make a small miracle
Nicola Lecca (Cagliari, 1976)
has lived in Rejkyavik, Visby,
Barcelona, Venice, London,
Vienna and Innsbruck His
previous novel Hotel Borg
(Mondadori 2006) has been
translated for publication in
twelve European countries.
Rights sold to Siruela (Spain),
Bertrand (Brasil), Cappelen
(Norway) and Alma Littera
LITERARY fiction
203 pages September 2013
Lucrezia Lerro
La confraternita delle puttane
The sisterhood of streetwalkers
A sensually charged novel and the rebellion of a group of young girls
Sisterhood of Streetwalkers is the
story of a group of young women
from Serdi, a town deep in the
south of Italy. These women come
in all forms: good and bad, fiery
and sweet, all of them beautiful and
all of them after the same thing: a
The small NATO base on the
hill above their town is their
beacon of hope, their ticket out.
Marrying a foreigner is the only
means of escaping the poverty
and rigid morality imposed by
their traditional and very religious
community. And so, whenever
the military boys leave base, the
women spring into action: dressing
up and running to better position
themselves within the boys’ line of
sight. The young women are wildly
at war with traditionalist roles and
with their mothers , who are the
first to condemn them to respect
their roles, whereas men can
behave with more freedom. The
competition amongst them is fierce,
particularly for the tormented Lara,
the most beautiful and therefore the
most envied, very criticized for her
ambiguous friendship to Mariella,
who feels suffucated in her small
An interweaving of stories of
love and disaffection, of risk and
disillusionment. A beautifully
savage novel following the colorful
and heart-wrenching stories of the
young women of Serdi.
Lucrezia Lerro was born in 1977
near Salerno but works and lives
in Milan. She is the author of five
novels Certi giorni sono felice, Il
rimedio perfetto, La più bella del
mondo, La bambina che disegnava
cuori, Sul fondo del mare c’è una
vita leggera (all published by
Bompiani) and of the collection
of poems L’amore dei nuotatori.
228 pages September 2013
Marina Mander
Nessun dorma
Nobody is sleeping
A suspenseful, courageous and thought-provoking literary novel by the author of The First Real Lie
On a feverish night, long awaited
and in the spotlight, the entire
world prepares to watch France
against Italy in the world cup.
Thanks to Zidane’s head butt, that
game will go down in history as one
of the most memorable shows in the
history of world soccer.
“A fateful evening,” as is often said
in these cases: but for Andrea and
his parents, this is a fateful evening
in a much more literal sense. Young
Andrea is, in fact, very ill; and he
has been waiting for too long now,
for news of a compatible organ
that will restore his failing health.
The sad truth is that it statistically
proven that on this evening - the eve
of the World Cup, a public event of
mass celebration - the odds are at
their most favorable that a young
and healthy person will die: perfect
for donating an organ.
On this extraordinary, yet ordinary,
hot summer night, as great as the
sky above the stadium, pusling with
the throbbing heart of every fan ,
the lives of Andrew, his parents,
his doctor and the person who
may, eventually die to give life, are
intertwined. , roaring a courageous
story of triumph and defeat.
Marina Mander born in 1962 in
Trieste, lives and works in Milano.
She is the author of Manuale di
ipocondria fantastica (2000),
Catalogo degli addii (2010) and La
prima vera bugia (2011), a small
literary case with rights sold to
Piper (DE), Lumen (E), Ambo
Anthos (NL), Presses de la Cité
(F), Keter (IL), Canongate (UK)
and Crown/RH (US).
Translation rights in conjunction
with Vicki Satlow
204 pages April 2013
Paolo Maurensig
L’arcangelo degli scacchi
The Archangel of Chess
Another surprising novel on chess by Paolo Maurensig
A highly detailed reconstruction
of the life of Paul Morphy, the
greatest chess player in pre-Civil
War America, rife with power
plays, personal interests, love and
A trip that combines fiction and
Paul Morphy, born to a wealthy New
Orleans family, was a child chess
prodigy. By the age of eight he was
already considered the best player
in the United States. At twelve he
beat the Hungarian master Johann
Loewenthal. At twenty he was
invited to the first American Chess
Congress in New York, where he
beat the best players in America
and won the tournament. Morphy’s
extraordinary talent was encouraged
by his uncle, while Adele, whom
Paul had loved ever since he was
a boy, broke off with him just as
the chess wonder was about to
leave for Europe in the hopes of
playing against Englishman Howard
Staunton, who was considered the
best player in the world at that time.
Paolo Maurensig born in Gorizia,
lives and works in Udine. Among
his works we can mention the
massive international bestsellers
La variante di Lüneburg (Adelphi,
1993) and Canone inverso
(Mondadori, 1996).
192 pages February 2013
Marta Pastorino
Il primo gesto
The First Move
An unconfortable and courageous novel on one of the greatest tabu in our society
Anna leaves the home where she
grew up and breaks off relations
with her family. She arrives in a
big city and finds an unusual job
for such a young girl – providing
assistance to a dying elderly woman,
Maria and listening to her stories of
her beloved nephew.
The night Maria dies, Anna gives
birth to a baby boy, fruit of a single
night of desire but the burden of
living weighs too heavily upon her
and she abandons the newborn in
the hospital and sets out on a new
An immigrant family provides
Anna with a tiny oasis, where she
can regain her strength. Soon
her journey turns into a search
for Giovanni, Maria’s mysterious
nephew. Giovanni will teach her
a new way of relating to her own
body and herself, through Sensitive
Dance techniques.
“Marta Pastorino’s sincerity is so
blinding that at times it makes
you want to close your eyes. Only
you can’t, there’s no way around it.
You have no choice but to let her
lead you into the virgin territory
that lies beyond your fear”.
Marta Pastorino, (Genova, 1978)
lives in Torino. She has published
short novels in various collections,
and the long story Effetti collaterali
(2006) for Meridiano Zero.
Paolo Giordano
392 pages September 2013
Federico Roncoroni
Un giorno, altrove
Someday, elsewhere
Fragments from a lover’s discourse : a refined epistolary novel
Philippe, a disillusioned
intellectual, has decided to live
in splendid solitude. After having
traveled the world as a teacher,
and after surviving the devastating
lymphoma that had him on his
deathbed, he flees to work on
his books in a house by a lake,
choosing to observe the world from
a distance.
He is content in his solitude and
convinced that he has achieved a
balance in his life. But one day, he
receives an email from Isabella,
his Isa, whom he hasn’t spoken
to in seven years. So much time
has passed since she left him in
a hospital bed in Paris, after the
unexpected reappearance of Teresa,
his ex-wife. Bewilderment, and
even joy and hope, arise as she
continues writing to him, asking
for answers to the many questions
that stand between them: what
happened after her departure? How
was he able to survive and recover?
In the five months he spends
writing emails to his lost love,
living in constant anticipation of
her responses, Philippe finally has
the opportunity to tell Isa about his
life and rekindle their interrupted
The answers to their questions
about life, and the questioning of
their love are answered in their
letters, where everything will find
an explanation, if not a solution, at
the very end of it all.
Federico Roncoroni, is an essayist
and scholar of Italian literature
(among other things he oversaw the
editions of the works of D’Annunzio
and Buzzati). He has published
several textbooks for schools,
collections of nursery rhymes and
essays about literature.
228 pages October 2012
Ugo Riccarelli
L’amore graffia il mondo
Love Scratches The World
A literary gem winner of Premio Campiello 2013
A compelling novel and a strong
emotional story, skillfully written
by a wonderful writer with a gift for
The daughter of a stationmaster and
a peasant, Signorina was born at the
beginning of the 20s in a small town
in central Italy. In her mother’s
opinion, reading and writing were
not activities suitable for a young
girl. Nevertheless, her father
decides to send her to school. After
the fifth grade, however, Signorina
has to give up her studies, in spite of
her teacher’s advice, who recognizes
her intelligence and her potential.
The encounter with a mysterious
Asian man, who with two quick
movements of the hand can
transform a swatch of material
into an origami dress for a doll,
provides Signorina’s creativity with
an unexpected outlet.
She learns to sew and, as if by magic,
creates beautiful clothes with a few
snipes of her scissors. However, her
life is struck by war and love: she
gives birth to a gravely ill son, to
whom she dedicates all her energy,
convinced that love can overcome
anything, fix everything.
Mixing autobiographical and
historical elements with the
imagination of a great writer,
Riccarelli paints for the reader
the unforgettable portrait of an
exceptional woman.
Ugo Riccarelli (born near Turin
in 1954 and recently passed away)
made his debut in 1995 with the
novel Le scarpe appese al cuore.
Mondadori has published L’angelo
di Coppi (2001), Il dolore perfetto
(2004, which won the 2004
Strega Prize ), Un mare di nulla
(2006), Comallamore (2009), La
Repubblica di un solo giorno ( 2011).
Among his foreign publishers:
Hanser, De Arbeiderspers,
Plon, Maeva, Kastaniotis,
Munhakdongne, Baltos Lankos.
192 pages April 2013
Gianluigi Ricuperati
La produzione di meraviglia
The Wonder Production
A man and a woman on a small plane. A devastating earthquake
A small plane is about to fly over the
Alps. There are two people on board:
the young man at the controls, in
silence; and the beautiful girl beside
him, enchanted as she casts her gaze
out the window. She’s left her family
behind her – including her father, a
renowned surgeon who has recently
been arrested.
The pilot, a poker player by
profession, does not speak, but
uses a deck of plasticcoated images
to express his thoughts. He was the
one who sought her out, he was the
one who brought her up here, in a
journey rife with tension, a game of
seduction that will lead to definitive
Meanwhile, down below, the earth’s
crust is about to be rocked by one of
the most devastating earthquakes
in history.
A hypnotic writing style and a
rarified, metaphysical atmosphere,
bound up in waves of carnal, erotic
tension that takes shape in the
gallery of images that accompany
and complete the narrative.
Gianluigi Ricuperati was born in
1973 in Torino, where he lives.
He contributes to the culture
section of the Italian daily La
Repubblica and is a columnist
for Domus and GQ magazines.
His debut novel, Il mio impero è
nell’aria, was released in 2011.
French rights sold to Gallimard.
228 pages April 2013
Gian Mario Villalta
Alla fine di un’infanzia felice
At the End of a Happy Childhood
An unexpected package. A forgotten name.
For a few years now, Guido’s life
seems to be looking up. His work
for the publishing house Gemina,
which published his book on
mountain climbing, has been
largely successful, and today Guido
is a well-known and respected
editor. But one day he receives a
package from his childhood friend
Sergio, who had disappeared after a
dramatic episode the boys
experienced. His heart pounding,
Guido opens the package. It
contains a typed out account of their
old friendship – their first meeting,
their youthful days together, their
first cigarettes, riding motor
scooters in the countryside of Friuli,
frog hunting. All the way up to the
tragedy that marked the end of their
friendship: the accidental death of
Guido’s little brother, a boy with a
learning disability. Guido eagerly
reads on. Sergio writes that he has
been spying on and following Guido
for more than a year.
Could it really be true?
Gian Mario Villalta (born in 1959,
in Pordenone) is a novelist, literary
critic and poet, and he directs the
literary festival Pordenone legge.
He is the author of the novels Tuo
figlio (2004) and Vita della mia vita
(2006), which has been translated
by Gallimard in 2008.
literary fiction
269 pages March 2013
Mimmo Calopresti
I nostri padri
Our Fathers
Two families and their different destinies
It’s 1961: Emilio, a young tailor,
leaves his native village in the
South of Italy and emigrates to
Torino, where he works at the FIAT
assembly line. Two years later he is
joined by wife and children, among
whom is Mico, the main character of
this story. Meanwhile, the time has
come for Gianni, heir to the Agnelli
family fortune to give up his carefree
and flamboyant lifestyle and take
over the family business, FIAT.
The years go by. Emilio remains an
autoworker, Gianni remains at the
helm of FIAT.
Their children grow: Mico takes
part in the student uprisings of the
1970s and becomes a famous film
director; Edoardo, Gianni’s son,
is fragile, a life full of failure and
disappointment that eventually
leads him to suicide. Two very
different families and their parallel
tracks : the author magistrally
alternates episodes featuring
autobiographical details, actual
historical events and pure fiction,
depicting a great fresco, a gripping
tale full of emotion, a portrait of
fifty years of Italian history.
Mimmo Calopresti (born in
Polistena in 1955) is an Italian
director and writer. In 1996 he
directed his first feature film, La
seconda volta, which competed at
the Festival de Cannes.
literary fiction
228 pages April 2013
Titti Marrone
Il tessitore di vite
The Weaver of Lives
Five distant lives close to one another as fingers on a hand
A dinner party. Three women, two
men, all nearing the age of fifty. A
beautiful setting amid the greenery
of Campi Flegrei in Naples.
Massimo is an anthropologist.
Caterina splits her time between
taking care of her daughter, who
looks just like her and even makes
the same mistakes, her elderly
mother, and a desire for a lighter
Lia always wanted to be a news
reporter on the front lines, but
she’s forced to struggle to keep
her enthusiasm for a job that, in
reality, has become increasingly
less thrilling for her.
Miranda is dealing with the
unexpected pregnancy of her
teenage daughter. All are suffering
from a sort of affective insufficiency,
which is having a negative impact
when it comes to their relationships
with their significant others.
Riccardo, the host this evening,
provides the explanation they
need, and also knows the secret that
unites all five of them: they are all
children of the same mother who
abandoned them at birth.
How will Riccardo reveal this truth?
Does he have the right to upset the
lives of his friends ?
Titti Marrone, is a journalist
from Naples and was the editor of
the literary section of the Italian
daily “Il Mattino” for twelve years.
This is her first novel.
upmarket commercial fiction
262 pages January 2013
Luca Bianchini
Io che amo solo te
Loving you only
True love has no age: a tale about secret joys and long-awaited passions
Ninella is fifty years old and she’s
still in love with her first boyfriend,
don Mimì. Destiny separated them
twenty years ago but is about to
bring them back together for one
last dance : as a matter of fact,
Ninella’s daughter is about to marry
don Mimì’s son.
Their wedding will be the most
exciting and talked about of all times
in Polignano a Mare, a wonderful
and magical town on the seaside in
Puglia. But thanks to a sequence of
coup de theatre and to several funny
characters, the situation will soon
get out of hand. The bride’s sister
is desperate to lose her virginity
before her sister gets married; the
groom’s brother wants to announce
everybody that he’s gay and a crazy
make-up artist won’t let the bride
cry: does she really want to mess up
her perfect day?
A brilliant romantic comedy on how
unpredictable love can be: coming
back when you’re not expecting it,
changing all the rules of the game.
Luca Bianchini (born in Torino
in 1970) has published several
successful novels with Mondadori
Instant Love (2003). Ti seguo ogni
notte (2004), Se domani farà bel
tempo (2007) and Siamo solo amici
He also works as a journalist for
“Vanity Fair” and “Repubblica”
and anchors a radio broadcast
called “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”.
Rights sold to Berlin Verlag
(Germany) and Pegasus (Turkey).
Translation Rights with Kylee
Commercial fiction
552 pages May 2013
Diego Cugia
Tango alla fine del mondo
Tango at World’s End
A furiously paced family saga between sicily and argentina
Sicily, 1894. For his participation
in a farmers’ protest, Michele
Maggio is stripped off his farmland
overlooking the Mediterranean.
The treacherous boss Don Tano
Calò convinces Michele to use
his life savings to buy a farm in
Argentina, the “land of silver”. As
he and his wife Caterina, and their
twin daughters Diana and Olivia,
are about to set sail, they realize that
one ticket is missing.
Diana, the stronger willed of the
two girls, remains in Italy and soon
is locked in a cellar by Don Tano,
crazed with desire.
In Argentina the Maggio family
discovers that the pastures they
had been promised are nothing but
stinking swampland. Michele saves
the life of rich landowner Manuel
Flores, who rewards him with a
job. He also finds fatal attraction to
a mysterious woman, Doña Blanca,
met by night frequenting and
dancing the tango, the latest dance
craze. But when he discovers that
Dona Blanca is Manuel Flores’ wife,
once again the Maggio family finds
itself alone and desperate.
Diego Cugia, (Rome, 1953), a radio
scriptwriter, is the author of two
of the most popular Italian radio
programs, Jack Folla Alcatraz and
Jack, l’uomo della Folla, which have
also become best-selling books.
upmarket commercial fiction
160 pages November 2013
Ferzan Ozpetek
Rosso Istanbul
Red Istanbul
From the acclaimed film director a suprising, perhaps autobiographical,
story worthy of his best movies
One evening, an acclaimed Turkish
director, who has lived in Rome for
some years, abruptly takes a flight to
Istanbul, the city where he was born
and raised, and where his elderly
mother, a woman as demanding as
she is frail, lives.
His sudden return home triggers
a series of memories that long laid
dormant: aside from his charming
and elegant mother are his father,
who mysteriously disappeared for
ten years then just as inexplicably
reappeared, his spinster aunts, who
are thirsty for life and Martinis,
their young lovers, his brothers,
and even the faithful family cook
and her unforgettable lentil soup...
And a love, a lost love.
Room after room, the memories of
the Istanbul of his youth, with it’s
scent of lime trees, begins to take
shape. But as his past resurfaces,
so do the many loose ends he left
On the same Rome-Istanbul flight,
is an impeccable woman with her
husband and a couple of friends.
Theirs is a mix of business and
pleasure, celebrating an important
event. But something happens, and
their future changes direction.
Between coffee and hammam, loves
and betrayals, melancholy and
cheer, the director and the woman
will eventually meet. Just like in a
Ozpetek movie. Except maybe this
time, he is the protagonist himself.
Ferzan Ozpetek (born in 1959 in
Istanbul) is a Turkish-Italian film
director and writer, residing In
Among his immensely popular
films: Le fate ignoranti (His Secret
Life); La finestra di fronte (Facing
Windows), Saturno contro ( Saturn
in Opposition) and Mine vaganti
(Loose Cannons).
Commercial fiction
250 pages October 2013
Rocco Papaleo
Una piccola impresa meridionale
A small southern business
A funny and ironic tale that speaks of redemption and the South of Italy
Constantine was a priest in northern
Italy for over twenty years, but was
defrocked following an ill-fated
love affair. Now, he must return to
his small town in the south and face
his humiliation.
Waiting for him in that provincial
town is another scandal: his
sister has left her husband for a
mysterious lover.
To save his mother from shame,
Constantine isolates himself in a
crumbling, abandoned lighthouse
“away from the prying eyes that
watch my disgrace.” But that
dilapidated place soon becomes
the haven for his town’s lost souls
including an ex-prostitute, his
cuckolded brother in law, and a
maid who is hiding a big secret…
Amid laughter and ironic twists of
fate, each of the inhabitants will, by
virtue of their own imperfections,
become an asset in rebuilding the
lighthouse, and restoring their
sense of selves.
Rocco Papaleo (born in Basilcata
in 1958) is an actor, director
and musician. He directed the
independent film, Basilicata Coast
to Coast, which was a blockbuster
at the box office and won major
The film taken from this book soon
to be released.
Historical fiction
500 pages October 2013
Valerio Evangelisti
Il sole dell’avvenire
The Sun of a New Day
The first novel in a new historical trilogy on Italy
Valerio Evangelisti. The ambitious
aim is to tell the history of Italy,
from 1875 to 1950, through the
personal story of three families of
laborers and sharecroppers from
Romagna: the Verardi, the Minguzzi
and Zambelli, starting from the
founder Attilio Verardi, a former
The first volume, set in Emilia
Romagna, focuses on the agrarian
crisis, the large mass of day laborers,
the contrasts between Mazzinists,
anarchists and socialists, the
beginnings of cooperatives, and the
mass land reclamation movement
through to the Socialist party’s
entrance to parliament and the
birth of trade unions.
Evangelisti takes on a new challenge
in this original work of great
historical diligence. Maintaining
the integrity of the people’s history,
he creates a work depicting rural
life in a voice unlike any other. His
goal is not to glorify the past, but to
tell the story in all its complexity:
the history of the characters, with
all their contradictions, and the
history of the country and the labor
movement, in all its glory and
Valerio Evangelisti (born in 1952
in Bologna), historian, started in
1992 the publication of the series
of novel dedicated to the medieval
Inquisitor Eymerich – fantastic
and tolkeniesque – translated by
Rivages, Heyne, Grijalbo, Asa,
Conrad, Allfa, Znak, Mlada Fronta.
Besides the Eymerich saga, he
has published Antracite (2003),
Noi saremo tutto ( 2004) , Il collare
di fuoco (2006) , Il collare spezzato
(2007). He is the editor of the
famous website Carmilla:
Commercial fiction
360 pages January 2013
Gianfranco Manfredi
La freccia verde
The Green Arrow
An adventure novel with echoes to robin hood and ivanohe
1588. The ambitious young baron
Edwin Barley returns home after
taking part in the British defeat
of the Spanish Armada with his
inseparable companion Silence.
The peace they expect to find is far
to come. Edward’s father has been
taken in by the treacherous Grace
Flowers, a cruel and greedy women
who is suspected of practicing
witchcraft. With the help of a crew
of henchmen, she has forced all the
local farmers to sell her their lands.
Anyone who refused, like Silence’s
adoptive father, was barbarously
murdered. In vengeance, Silence
and Edwin massacre the assassins,
but they are forced to flee to Sion,
a tiny woodland community of free
men and women, far from the yoke
of the Law and social injustice.
There Edwin gets to know the wise
man Monk, the community’s leader,
and falls in love with beautiful Bidu.
But soon enough wicked Grace’s
unyielding powers catch up to
Gianfranco Manfredi (Senigallia,
1948) is a multitalent best known
for his work as a comics writer.
He has created such characters
as Gordon Link, Magico Vento, Volto
Nascosto and Shangai Devil. He has
written several novels, including
Il peggio deve venire, published by
erotic-historical novels
264 pages July 2013
Claudia Salvatori
La splendente regina della notte
The Shining Queen of the Night
The burning passion of Akhenaton and Nefertiti in the shade of pyramids
The fourteenth century B.C. As the
sun set on the great ancient Egyptian
civilization, a pharaoh whose gaze
was fixed upon the future took the
throne. A high priest who had been
initiated into the ancient mysteries,
Akhenaton sought to bestow on his
people the wisdom of Egypt and a
monotheistic vision of the world.
This handsome, enlightened and
charismatic king chose a woman
from outside the royal family for his
bride, Nefertiti - whose name meant
“the beauty has come”. She would be
elevated to a position equal to his
own, which had never been attained
by a queen in the ancient Egyptian
world. Their physical and spiritual
union became the personification
of the Divine, with its dual male
and female components, symbols
of the sun and the moon within a
single entity. They enjoyed years
of triumph together, followed by
terrible defeats that spelled the end
of their reign. A burning passion in
the great reign of Egypt in the shade
of the Pyramids.
Claudia Salvatori fond of ancient
and medieval history, is the author
of Il mago e l’imperatrice and Il sole
invincibile, two of the novels in the
series The Novel of Rome, directed by
Valerio Massimo Manfredi.
erotic-historical novels
300 pages July 2013
Laura Lorenza Sciolla
Mille baci, e ancora cento
Thousand Kisses, and Hundred More
The true story of Lesbia, muse of the Latin poet Catullo
During the upheaval that marked the
transition of Rome from Republic to
Empire in the first century B.C., an
impossible, tormented love
blossomed, brimming with passion
and romance, between the poet
Catullo and the beautiful Clodia,
a Roman noblewoman who in his
verses came to be known as Lesbia.
We are familiar with this impossible
love through the poetry of Catullo
and testimony provided by Cicero
but until now the only insight
regarding that relationship has
come from the male point of view.
So here at last is the voice of the
protagonist herself: a free, learned,
strong woman who challenged the
mores of her times and embraced
an unconventional lifestyle.
It is through her troubled
relationship with Catullo that
Lesbia discovers herself and the
profound meaning of femininity,
which eventually leads her to
embrace the extraordinary power
of love. All against the fascinating
historical background of ancient
Laura Lorenza Sciolla was born in
Torino, where she teaches literature
in high school. La coguara urbana
was her debut novel.
erotic-historical novels
252 pages July 2013
Tamara Ash
L’amor che non perdona
Unforgiving Love
The true story of the tragic love of Paolo and Francesca, portrayed in Dante’s Divine Comedy
Caterina reacts with a violent
emotional crisis when her boyfriend
proposes marriage. Indeed, for
centuries the women of her family
have been under a terrible curse,
which rears its ugly head the
moment they find true love.
Caterina seeks the protection of
her aunt Milena, who tells her the
true story of their ancient ancestor.
Francesca da Polenta was wedded
to the brave yet crippled Gianciotto
Malatesta. The marriage was a
political one but she then fell in love
with Giovanni’s younger brother,
Paolo and both were swept away
by their passion, until Giovanni
ultimately surprised them, killing
them both.
The stunning revelation: Milena is
in possession of Francesca’s diary,
which provides authentic testimony
to her immense and lustful love to
Paolo: a perturbing passion with
thousand shades of seductions.
Reading it, Caterina becomes
convinced to take courage and
challenge fate, whatever may lie in
store for her..
Tamara Ash lives and works in
Milano. With Mondadori she
published La Quarta Cantica (2010)
and La profezia di Michelangelo
379 pages May 2013
Luigi De Pascalis
La morte si muove nel buio
Death walks in the Dark
The first investigation of the sculptor benvenuto cellini
1527: Rome is invaded by the
imperial troops of Charles V, the
city is plundered by Spanish and
Landsknecht forces. Pope Clement
VII is forced to flee St. Peter’s. He
would end up paying huge sums for
his freedom. He assigned young
Benvenuto Cellini, goldsmith and
aspiring sculptor, to melt down the
gold in the treasury and turn it into
coins. After months under invasion,
a string of unsettling homicides
rocks the city. Sebastian Schertlin, a
Landsknecht colonel, and Cellini
are assigned by the pope to
investigate. Cellini, the rebel
artist, wants to do things his way
and follows two unusual clues.
The rivalry between Schertlin and
Cellini becomes an all-out contest
and when the pope’s gold is stolen,
Cellini is suspected of the crime and
has only three days to show what
really happened.
Luigi De Pascalis (born in Abruzzo
in 1943) lives in Rome and is the
author of a trilogy of historical
mysteries set in Rome in the 4th
century A.D.
168 pages April 2013
Stefano Brusadelli
I santi pericolosi
Dangerous Saints
An investigation through the darkest streets of Rome
The body of Orazio Toccacieli, an old
defrocked priest, is found floating
in the Tiber River.
Not long afterward, Arduino
Zavarone, a well-off shop keeper,
is murdered.
There doesn’t appear to be any
connection between the two
cases until inspector Antonino
Buonamore finds, in the home
of the former priest, a series of
newspaper clippings that deal with
violent deaths, and a strange list
of names which includes that of
When a third man is found hanged
to death, Inspector Buonamore is
taken off the case by a stubborn
superior. But the old melancholic,
hard-nosed police inspector
refuses to give up: during his
free time he continues his own
painstaking investigation with his
own slow and quiet methods, and
will stumble upon a conspiracy.
Stefano Brusadelli worked
as a reporter for the magazine
Panorama for many years. His
collection of stories Piccole atrocità
was published in 2010.
396 pages March 2013
Giuliano Pasini
Io sono lo straniero
I’m the Foreigner
Death has begun its harvest. but police commissioner serra is back
After a terrible winter, police
commissioner Roberto Serra is
forced to move to Veneto, where he’s
stationed in a little city clean and yet
tainted by a gloss of hypocrisy.
He opts for living in the hills outside
of town, where he rents a room
from the owner of a restaurant
where he can put to good use his
gastronomic and wine-tasting
expertise as sommelier. He seems
to have achieved a certain degree of
serenity, although he still relies on
antidepressants to keep from being
swallowed up by his own anguishwrought visions.
One day Roberto receives a visit
from an eccentric, desperate girl
who begs him to investigate the
disappearance of a young Slav
woman. Roberto soon discovers that
a slew of beautiful young immigrant
girls seem to have disappeared
Why haven’t the local authorities
been looking for them?
A bold and compelling thriller
where the scents of the local
vineyards is tightly woven with the
stench of fear and lies.
Giuliano Pasini (born 37 years
ago) lives in Veneto. In 2012 he
made his debut with Venti corpi
nella neve, which was hailed by the
most influential literary critic in
Italy in the pages of Corriere della
Sera: “The new star of the Italian
thriller is born!”.
women’s fiction
250 pages June 2013
Giovanna Bandini
Serial Lover
Even for a serial lover, true love is something serious...
Viola is pretty. Viola is a freelance
journalist. Viola learns all kinds of
different dance styles (Afro, Hiphop, Funky, Tango) at the trendiest
school in Rome. Viola wears the
right makeup and clothes. Viola
has a girlfriend she’s very much
attached to. Viola has a hole in her
At first the hole is invisible, but then
it grows, it’s “emptiness growing”
and filling up her entire existence,
to the point where Viola isolates
herself and stubbornly goes
“hunting for the wrong man”.
Her search leads her into a spiral
of encounters whose destructive
effects become increasingly
dangerous. But Viola won’t stop.
She’s a serial lover: cheerful on the
surface but unable to give herself up
to true nakedness, the authenticity
of the spirit that allows two people
to communicate...
It’s the encounter with the most
unlikely and unexpected man – a
neighbor, many years her senior
– that suddenly offers Viola a new
perspective where the serial lover
would have sworn was not “hunting
Giovanna Bandini, (born in
Rome in 1968) is a professor
and member of the Italian
archeological mission Tempio
Flavio in Leptis Magna.
Frassinelli published her novels
Nudo di ragazza and Giorni dispari.
Newton Compton published her
Lezioni d’amore and Il bacio della
women’s fiction
240 pages February 2013
Sara Lorenzini
45 mq. La misura di un sogno
45 sm. The Size of a Dream
Sometimes dream come true...
Neve has lived in Rome for ten
years. She has worked a thousand
different jobs, and lived in as many
different rented rooms.
She’s still desperately attached to
her ex-boyfriend, and to fill the
emotional gap buys cheap furniture
online for an imaginary apartment
she cannot even hope to afford,
and takes long drives aboard her
“melancholy machine” – her
nickname for her car, in which she
howls terribly sad love songs at the
top of her lungs as she drives...
But when her grandfather dies
in Molise, Neve goes back for the
funeral and discovers that her life
is about to change in a big way. The
adorable old man had put all his
money into a savings account in
Neve’s name, which he opened for
her on the day she was born. Now
Neve can buy the home she’s always
wanted. And many, many more
surprises await.
Sara Lorenzini (Rome, 1981),
has written subjects for cinema
and currently develops television
programs for teenagers. In 2010
she published her first novel with
Mondadori Diario semiserio di una
redattrice a progetto
Literary short novel
176 pages August 2013
Carmine Abate
Il bacio del pane
The Smell of Fresh Bread
A delicate tale of friendship and love set in the south threatened by mafia
On a sultry day in July, a group of
young men decide to go for a swim
by the waterfall in nearby Giglietto.
Piero is particularly excited— he
has felt strangely drawn to that
mysterious place since childhood.
The group, along with their
childhood friend, Laura, ride their
motorcycles from the hilltop town
of Spillace down to the valley floor.
When they arrive at an old,
dilapidated sawmill, Piero feels a
chill down his spine. He tells Laura
about what had happened a few
months earlier on Easter Monday:
he had come across a wild-looking
man. Seeing Piero, the man had
scrambled back into his hiding
place in the sawmill, muttering
in gibberish, and stuffed his
belongings into a duffel bag then
As the group of friends roughhouse
under the raging waters of the
waterfall, their fatigue from the trip
disappears. As does Piero’s memory
of that strange man. He never would
have imagined seeing that stranger
again, especially not in front of
Laura, with a dog at his feet and a
gun in his hands…
Carmine Abate was born in 1954
in Carfizzi, an Italian-Albanian
community in Calabria, Italy. He
emigrated to Germany at a young
age and then moved to Trentino,
northern Italy, where he currently
lives. His first book, a collection
of short stories, was published
in 1984. He has since published
numerous prize-winning novels,
among them La collina del vento
(2012 Premio Campiello).
His books have been translated
in France, Usa, Germany, The
Netherlands, Greece, Portugal,
Narrative non-fiction
168 pages October 2013
Fabio Genovesi
Tutti primi sul traguardo del mio cuore
They All Come First to my Heart
“The next time the Giro d’Italia comes around, I want to go with it”.
This is what once Fabio Genovesi
wrote in an essay as a child. Several
years later, he finally makes it: he
was asked by the leading Italian
daily “Corriere della Sera” to
cover the 2013 Tour of Italy, one of
cycling’s great events, with a daily
column - just like Dino Buzzati did
many years earlier.
But this is no ordinary tale of the
2013 Tour of Italy; indeed Genovesi
truly poetic and witty narrative
captures the visually stunning
backdrop from the blue water of
Amalfi to the start to the famous
Dolomite stage and the fervor
among the villagers who swarm
dusty streets to see, for a fleeting
moment, their heroes battling for
the coveted pink jersey through the
“velodrome of Italy”.
But he prefers pushing the race
into secondary importance; he was
hoping to dig up some wild story
or a pair of charming anecdotes,
but instead he’s overwhelmed by
an avalanche of terrific moments.
In the whirlwind of passion,
enthusiasm, fear, fatigue and hope
that is the Tour of Italy, a thousand
stories and a thousand destinies are
intertwined, giving life to a heroic
race that is as wacky as the nations
it runs through.
Fabio Genovesi (born in 1974 in
Forte dei Marmi) is the author
of the novel Esche vive (2011),
rights of which were sold in
Germany (Luebbe), Netherlands
(Signatuur), France (Fayard),
Spain (Espasa Calpe), Brasil
(Bertrand), Israel (Keter) and
US+UK (the Other Press).
He is a regular contributor to
“Vanity Fair” and to the book
supplement to “Corriere della
Sera” - that is, whenever he has
time off from his main activities:
fishing and cycling.
Literary short novel
168 pages February 2013
Antonio Moresco
La lucina
Light in the Distance
A light shines in the night
A man lives in perfect woodland
solitude, far from cities and towns,
in an old abandoned village. But his
isolation is plagued by a mystery.
Each night, at the same time, a light
appears along a flat stretch on the
crest of a hill facing his window.
What could it be? Another solitary
resident in another deserted
village? A forgotten streetlamp
still hooked up to the electric power
grid? Or a UFO, as a boy from a
nearby village thinks? One day the
man hikes to the place where
the light is and finds a boy living
alone there, who seems to belong
to another era, perhaps even from
another planet.
The man’s mind teems with new
questions. Is this boy real? Or
a mere hallucination? A ghost?
Antonio Moresco writes his own
special version of the Little Prince,
a moving reflection on the meaning
of the universe and life itself.
Antonio Moresco, (born in
Mantua in 1947) is an author of
freakish talent, it took him years
to complete the monumental and
heretic thousand page long Canti
del caos (2009) that established
him as the most solitary and
uncompromising Italian writer.
French rights sold to Verdier.
Literary short novel
160 pages April 2013
Margherita Oggero
Perduti tra le pagine
Lost in the Pages
A fairy tale of friendship and books
Schoolchildren attending the
Torino Book Fair. Among them,
two kids: Leo the Lion, and Bear,
whose name might not sound as
“ferocious” as his pal’s, but he’s just
as courageous.
While teachers and their parents
search for them among the crowds,
the kids go all out to elude them as
they discover a wealth of surprises
hidden in the books – even in the
books for grown-ups, even the ones
without pictures. To their great joy,
they learn that books, unlike adults,
are never in a rush; they don’t
change the subject when it comes
to discussing delicate situations;
they play with imagination; and
they always have the right words
for every emotion.
Margherita Oggero lives in Turin:
She has taught in almost all kind of
schools. In 2002 she published La
collega tatuata, the first in a series
of mysteries starring the school teacher Camilla Baudino, which
have become a highly successful
TV series.
A very special day, a real-life
fairy tale how the poetry of a page
can change the meaning of our
Among her foreign publishers:
Piper, Albin Michel, Ripol,
Presença, DVA.
152 pages April 2013
Alessandro Piperno
Pubblici infortuni
Public Injuries
A major author’s reflections on literature
Literature and life feed off each
other. The characters in the books
we love pay us visits in unexpected
ways and their problems suddenly
become our own.
Envy, jealousy, snobbery, shame,
the thirst for glory and the need
for solitude, extreme fragility and
boundless pride: in this collection
of essays, Alessandro Piperno
recounts and analyzes feelings,
vices and virtues which we all
share with our favorite characters
from modern works of fiction, and
very often with the authors of those
works themselves. From Proust to
Kafka, from Bellow to Nabokov,
Piperno shifts through life and
literature with a sharp eye and a
light touch.
A self-ironic book rife with
emotion, because literature and life
can never exist without each other.
Alessandro Piperno, (born in
1972 in Rome) is the author of the
celebrated bestsellers Con le peggiori
intenzioni (2005), Persecuzione
(2010) and Inseparabili (2012,
winner of the Premio Strega).
Among his foreign publishers:
Liana Levi, Contact, Lumen,
Fischer, Patakis, Corpus, Europa,
Presença, Alma Littera, People
Literature China.
Literary short novel
150 pages October 2013
Alessandro Schwed
La via del pavone
The peacock’s trail
An eccentric architect and his pursuit of a peacock across the rooftops of Rome.
Aureliano D’Ancona is an
agoraphobic architect in his fifties
who spends his days watching the
world through his binoculars. His
wife, Ionta, and his particularly
oppressive and domineering
mother-in-law, Nelly, govern
his simple life. Things change,
however, when recently widowed
Nelly decides to take her daughter
on vacation, entrusting Aureliano
with her beloved pet peacock.
She warns Aureliano to treat her
peacock like a son, but as soon as
the door closes behind them, the
peacock makes his escape across
the rooftops and into the city...
Thus begins Aureliano’s daring
and paradoxical chase through the
streets of Rome, but several bizarre
misadventures later, Aureliano
resigns: there’s no trace of the
Returning home, half dead and
thoroughly exhausted, he is
greeted by Riccardo, the son he
“accidentally” had with another
woman. Riccardo joins Aureliano
in his search and together they
find the errant bird, and a renewed
Alessandro Schwed (of
Jewish Italian and Hungarian
ancestry) in the seventies was a
writer and editor for the famous
satirical magazine “Il Male”
under the pseudonym Jiga Melik.
He is currently a contributor
to “Il Foglio” and several local
newspapers. In 2000 Mondadori
published his first work, La
scomparsa di Israele.
literary short novel
176 pages April 2013
Luigi Trucillo
Quello che ti dice il fuoco
What the Fire Tells You
The poisonous taste of jealousy
The main character of this novel is a
lucky man. Separated from his wife,
the father of a girl he loves tenderly,
he rediscovers passion with a
woman he meets while traveling.
His cushy job in the newspaper and
periodicals section at the library
allows him plenty of time. But at
work one day he comes across a
photo which – no doubt! – shows
the woman he is in love with on the
scene of a robbery which took place
in a city where she wasn’t supposed
to be.
From then on he is possessed by a
desperate longing to know the truth
about this woman, a chess expert. A
psychological duel ensues between
the two. In a vain attempt to escape
from his obsession with this
woman, he heads for the Greek
island of Samos, where he becomes
romantically involved with Johanna,
a doctor at the local hospital.
A destructive fire breaks out on the
island, forcing him to return back to
the trap he tried to flee from.
Luigi Trucillo (born in Neaples),
journalist, poet and writer, is the
author of the following novels:
Navicelle (1995), Carta mediterranea
(1997), Polveri (1998), Le amorose
(2004) and Lezione di tenebra
German rigths sold to Mareverlag
narrative non fiction
150 pages October 2013
Folco Quilici
Cani e cani
Dogs and more dogs
Funny stories about dogs, the world’s best adventure companions.
Slughy, the Italian greyhound who’s
afraid of stairs; Rio and Ras, fellow
childhood adventures; Medoro,
a half-breed that liked to hunt
small sharks in the reefs around
the Tuamotu atolls in the South
Pacific; the Springer spaniels Olivia
and Oliver, husband and wife. She
was lively and intelligent, he was a
little spacey and once got lost in the
streets of Rome, forcing his masters
to go on a long search for him.
These and many other dogs have
accompanied Folco Quilici in his
long, adventurous life of travel and
Folco tells the “great stories of
friendship, or rather: of love”
between him and his dogs.
Laying against his feet as he
writes these memoirs are the
faithful Poplar and Lentil: the two
dachshunds that are his newest
Folco Quilici (Ferrara, 1930) is a
highly acclaimed traveler, writer,
and film director. The books from
his travels in Africa and the Pacific
inspired several of the most famous
documentaries since the sixties.
Among his books, published by
Mondadori, are Cacciatori di navi
(1986, translated in the US, where
it also became a film), Cielo verde
(1987), Naufraghi (1988), Alta
Profondità (1999), L’abisso di Hatutu
(2001), Mare rosso (2002), I serpenti
di Melqart (2003), Tobruk 1940
(2004), La Fenice del BajKal (2005),
Sì, viaggiare (con Corrado Ruggieri,
2006), I miei mari, Libeccio (2008),
La dogana del vento (2011).
non fiction
150 pages October 2013
Andrea Bocelli
Pavarotti’s voice returns in the words of Bocelli.
Luciano Pavarotti was one of the
great voices of the opera world. His
death in 2007 has orphaned the
countless opera fans who followed
him throughout his career, and the
millions of fans who have discovered
him later in his performances with
the three tenors with Carreras and
If Pavarotti has a successor, it is
most certainly Bocelli. The Tuscan
master has inherited the legacy of
Big Luciano bringing the intimacy
of theater singing to concert crowds
with unforgettable songs like Con
te partirò.
In this book, Bocelli describes their
bond, their deep friendship, the
great tenor’s ability to be a diviner
of talent. An introduction to the
private Pavarotti, away from the
stage and still very much alive in the
memories of many who loved him.
Andrea Bocelli Tuscan, with a
degree in Law, is perhaps the most
surprising musical phenomenon
in recent years. Since 1993,
Bocelli has climbed to the top of
the international record charts.
His five albums - “Il mare calmo
della sera” (1994); “Bocelli”
(1995); “Viaggio italiano” (1996),
“Romanza” (1997) e “Sogno”
(1999) - have sold more than
twenty million copies worldwide.
non fiction
144 pages January 2013
Stefano Bollani
Parliamo di musica
Let’s talk about music
Music explained by the most talented and beloved Italian jazz pianist
Stefano Bollani tells us of the
beauty of music in a way that is as
entertaining as it is enlightening.
“The idea that music can only be
understood if one understands
its cultural background is often
an excuse for the lazy, or a badge
of honor for those who believe
themselves to be in the know.
Having the tools to enjoy music
does not mean knowing about
harmony, or the era in which a
piece was written, nor the cultural
background of the composer, but
rather, it requires we recognize
what we have inside ourselves that
This book is a fascinating musical
journey from the Beatles to Frank
Zappa, from Bill Evans to Giacomo
Puccini, from Frank Sinatra to
Chopin for us to discover that it
is a hidden path dentrole our own
perceptions. Because “in music as
in life, the real performance is to
Stefano Bollani made his debut at
age 15. Since then, he has recorded
hundreds of records and performed
concerts worldwide, from the Town
Hall in New York, to La Scala in
216 pages April 2013
Niccolò Campriani
Ricordati di dimenticare la paura
Remember to Forget Fear
A well-written sports memoir by the 2012 olympic gold medalist in shooting
Far more than a superb memoir
about the highest level of sport,
this book describes Campriani’s
personal story with brio and
unvarnished candor.
On the most important day of
his life, at the 2008 Olympics in
Beijing, just as he is about to clutch
that which he has always dreamed
of – Olympic gold – he discovers
an unforeseen and unbeatable
adversary: the fear of the last shot.
The one that’s decisive.
To master his block, Niccolò leaves
Italy and seeks refuge in the United
States. It’s the start of an interior
journey as well, four years of study,
training to come to the realization
that “between gun sights and the
target there’s also fear”. A genuine
Bildungsroman, darkly funny yet also
anguished and soulful and a vivid
portrait of the internal battle faced
in some measure by every athlete.
Niccolò Campriani (born in
Florence in 1987) is currently
attending a master’s program
in materials engineering at the
University of Sheffield. At the
2012 Olympics he won the gold
medal in the men’s 50 meter rifle
3 positions and silver in the men’s
10 meter air rifle.
200 pages October 2013
Josefa Idem
Partiamo dalla fine
Let’s Start from the End
A poignant lesson by a legendary athlete.
Josefa Idem, the West Germanborn Italian golden girl of sprint
canoeing, had the world on her
feet at the 2008 Olympic Games
in Beijing as she entered an
unforgettable battle for the Gold,
the fate of which was determined
by a mere difference of four
thousandths of a second.
Now retired after more than
thirty years of paddling, her
newest pursuit is to inspire a new
generation to pursue their dreams
as passionately as she had done in
her training. Recalling the turning
points of her career, Idem shares
the important lessons that led
her to success. Luck does not just
happen. In order to win, to improve,
to take off - the key is knowing this:
talent is only the beginning. You
have to row your canoe faster and
longer, through fatigue and fears,
and turn your weaknesses and
opponents into positive energy in
order to succeed at your dreams.
And most important of all, never
underestimate failures but simply
accept them like precious medals:
failures and challenges can make
you incredibly strong.
Josefa Idem (born in 1964 in
Goch, West Germany) began
canoeing at the age of eleven.
She has participated in the most
Olympic games of any athlete
(eight total, from the Los Angeles
Games in 1984 to the London
Games in 2012, representing
Germany in two, and Italy in six).
She has won thirty-eight medals
throughout her career.
non fiction
115 pages February 2013
Michele Dalai
Contro il tiqui-taca
Againts tiqui-taca passing style
An ironic pamphlet against the Barcelona f.c.’s passing style
“Barcelona is boring!”. This
provocative attack against the
supposedly world’s best and most
politically correct soccer team
in the world might be seen as
blasphemous. And yet the more
you repeat it, you’ll soon realize that
you are not alone in thinking how
unbearable the team actually is.
The author dismantles the
stereotypes regarding the team’s
ethical superiority and its microuniverse, beginning with its
megalomaniac motto “More than a
club”. He warns against the risk of
overzealous fanaticism of the team’s
supporters and reveals the dark side
of the “greatest team of all times”.
The Barca’s artists are seen more
or less well trained circus animals
forced into conditioned reflexes
like Pavlov’s dogs. And if you are not
with the program – then you go out!
Like Mourinho and Ibrahimovic ,
kicked out of Barcelona like a
foreign object.
Michele Dalai (born in Milano in
1973), a professional journalist,
hosts the TV show Football
Hooligans. HIs debut novel Le più
spettacolari cadute della mia vita
will soon be released by RMH in
140 pages April 2013
Andrea Pirlo
Penso quindi gioco
I think therefore I play
The silent leader of Italian football in his own words for the first time
The autobiography of Andrea
Pirlo, Italy’s World Cup champion
footballer and now with Juventus
F.C., praised on the international
stage for his touch, control,
dribbling, incredible vision,
inventive play and his accurate
passing ability. Fellow players
on the Italian team gave him the
nickname “the architect” , because
his long passes frequently set up
goal-scoring opportunities for the
Italy national football team.
In 2013 Pirlo was ranked as the
fifth best footballer in Europe by
In this brilliant autobiography,
Pirlo provides for the first time
intriguing details and insight into
his acclaimed career, including
his time with Milan F.C.. “ Pirlo is
a silent leader. He speaks with his
feet” this is what Marcello Lippi
said of him and in this surprising
biography Pirlo for the first time
discloses the intelligence which
drives the most famous feet in the
international football.
Andrea Pirlo was born in 1979 in
Brescia. In 1995, at the age of 16,
he made his debut for Brescia . He
then played three years for Inter
F.C. and the Milan, before signing
with Juventus. He is considered one
of the strongest and best footballers
in international football.
Rights sold to Backpage Press
(UK+US), Wyd.SQN (Poland )
and China South Book Cluture
Media (P.R. China)
non fiction
168 pages November 2013
Luciano De Crescenzo
Gesu’ è nato a Napol’
Jesus was born in Neaple
A Neapolitan Pastoral
With his signature wit and with
his charm, Luciano De Crescenzo,
who enchanted million of readers
describing the more unusual and
human face of the Greek myths
and of history’s greatest figures,
this time faces one of the holiest
symbol of Christmas : “il presepe”,
the crib, the scene of Nativity ,
very popular in Neaples from the
poorest suburbs to the aristocratic
villas. He makes us discover the lay
origing of this myth, that became
an important part of the Catholic
tradition, quoting the Virgil’s
Ecloghe up to Casa Cupiello by
Eduardo De Filippo.
He also describes all the characters
one by one, up to the moment in
which the small shepherds will
quarrel, discuss, make gossip all
together, just like in one of the
Neapolitan “basso” ....
Luciano De Crescenzo (Naples,
1928), an engineer at IBM for
twenty years, made his writing
debut in 1977 with “Thus Spoke
Bellavista.” Since then, he has
published over 30 books which have
been translated into 19 languages.
He is also a director, actor, and
non fiction
180 pages October 2012
Alfonso Signorini
Amore, folle amore
Love, crazy love
Passion, luxury, torment. An extraordinary love story brought back into the spotlight
They met at dance party: she, the
most courted girl in Alabama
and he, a young officer. Between
them is born an all-consuming
and tormented love from the very
beginning. A love so legendary
it makes the couple of Zelda and
Francis Scott Fitzgerald an integral
part of the “roaring Twenties” myth.
They are beautiful, successful, and
bound by a strong passion. But
theirs is a story that always borders
on insanity. Between Heaven and
Hell. Furious arguments, jealousies,
and malice alternate with moments
of complete happiness, sweetness,
and tenderness.
It’s a passion that consumes them,
destroys them, pushing Zelda to
madness and Francis to alcoholism.
Yet the two still search for each
other, hate each other, and love
each other for a lifetime, for like his
Gatsby, Fitzgerald “believes in the
green light” and the two continue to
“beat on, boats against the current,
borne back ceaselessly into the
In Love, Crazy Love, Alfonso
Signorini transforms one of the
most romantic and tumultuous love
stories of all time into a captivating
popular novel.
Alfonso Signorini is the editor of
the weekly magazine “Chi” , the
leading Italian gossip magazine.
With Mondadori, he has published
the novelized biographies of the
three great icons of our age: Troppo
fiera, troppo fragile. Il romanzo della
Callas (2007), Chanel. Una vita da
favola (2009) and Marilyn. Vivere e
morire d’amore (2010).
Among his foreign publishers:
Record, Rocher,
Psichogios, Weltbild Polska,
Ripol, Dom Quixote, Narodna
Knijga, Humanitas.
non fiction
180 pages February 2013
Gianluca Nicoletti
Una notte ho sognato che parlavi
One Night I Dreamed You Were Talking
How i began being the father of my autistic son
Tommy was such a good, quiet little
three-year-old boy that when the
neuropsychiatrist told Gianluca
that his son was “more attracted
to objects than to people,” the
boy’s father wasn’t in the least
taken aback. With the onset of
the boy’s adolescence, family life
suddenly changed. The boy turned
into a giant, grew strong and was
sometimes uncontrollable, his
sexual urges came rushing to the
fore. And Gianluca, by now over
fifty, realized the important role he
played in his son’s life. Despite all the
difficulties, this made him happy.
These pages do not tell of coastto-coast motorcycle adventures in
America spiritually enlightening or
of shamanic encounters. Instead,
there’s the simplicity of rides on a
tandem bike around Rome, plus the
family’s acrobatics in their attempts
to organize work, school, doctor’s
visits and urgent sexuality, and
much more.
A bitter-sweet memoir; an
immensely powerful book.
Gianluca Nicoletti journalist,
currently hosts “Melog”, aired
on Radio24 and is a frequent
contributor to the daily “La Stampa”.
non fiction
250 pages October 2013
Aldo Cazzullo
Basta piangere!
Stop your crying!
Stories from a time when Italians did not complain
The newer generations of Italians
are in crisis; the economic
hardships and resulting insecurity
seem to have dashed their hopes for
the future.
The depression is real, as is the
current stagnation, but it is not the
first crisis to sweep the country.
It is well known that we Italians
have a short-term memory, but we
should recall other periods that we
have overcome, including the postwar period throughout the fifties,
and the oil crisis and double-digit
inflation in the eighties.
They were different times, true.
Different times with different
problems and different solutions.
But there were lessons to be learned
from them, and those are the focus
of Aldo Cazzulo’s new work.
Our parents and grandparents grew
up in a time before smartphones
and color televisions, and yet they
succeeded in driving our country’s
growth. Their determination,
ingenuity, and belief in the future
and the value of their own hard work
empowered them to raise a country
from its knees and grow it into one
of the major powers in the worldand they did it without complaining.
Aldo Cazzullo, a journalist and
a writer, is a columnist for the
“Corriere della Sera.” He is the
author of numerous monographs,
among which: I ragazzi di Via Po
(1997), I grandi vecchi (2006) ,
L’Italia de noantri (2009) , Viva
l’Italia! (2010, a bestseller with
100,000 copies) . In 2011 he
published his first novel La mia
anima è ovunque tu sia.
non fiction
370 pages March 2013
Piergiorgio Odifreddi
Abbasso Euclide!
Forget About Euclid!
The third volume in Odifreddi’s personal history of geometry
In this new book Piergiorgio
Odifreddi, after having investigated
ancient and modern geometry in
the previous two volumes of his
trylogy, engages the contemporary
research in the field.
Starting with an invective against
Euclides, too much identified
with the classic geometry, the so
called Euclidean geoemetry, but
not at all reflecting the modern
and contemporary ones. And then
talking about the theories at the
basis of the ‘800’s geometry: fourth
dimension, topology, fractals, the
finished geometries.
He faithfully follows his method
of illustrating geometry through
arts and ends this fascinating
adventures with an appendix
dedicated to show what geometry
did for art in the course of the
centuries , and viceversa.
With his usual light and witty
approach, Odifreddi succeeds in the
difficult task of making it accessible
to his audience that, thanks to his
mediation, can understand one of
the highest abstractions of human
intellect and again transforms one
of the worst school nightmares for
pupils of every generation into an
attractive journey, full of surprised
and curiosities
Piergiorgio Odifreddi (born in
1950) studied mathematics in
Italy, the US, and the USSR. He
taught logic at the University of
Turin and at Cornell University. He
contributes to the “la Repubblica,”
“L’Espresso” and “Le Scienze.”
With Mondadori, he has published
Matematico e impertinente (2007),
Il Club dei matematici solitari del prof.
Odifreddi (2009), Hai vinto, Galileo!
( 2009) , C’è spazio per tutti (2010)
and I solidi ignoti ( 2011).
non fiction
137 pages March 2013
Umberto Veronesi
La dieta del digiuno
The fasting diet
Loosing weight in order to prevent diseases by reducing calories.
Umberto Veronesi is an oncologist
internationally known for his
contributions on prevention and
treatment of cancer. A convinced
vegetarian, he is actively engaged
in promoting a healthier style of
life with more sports, no smoking,
healthy food and in limited quantity.
Veronesi is conviced that a correct
and well balanced diet may prevent
from important pathologies, such
as: cancer, diabetes, heart attacks.
In this book he stress how
important is to re-think the way we
eat: of primary importance it must
be a well balanced and varied diet,
which limits fats and meats, always
include fresh fruit and vegetables
and progressively reduces portions
and calories.
He features the guideline of a
healthy alimentation and suggest
his personal diet to loose weight.
Umberto Veronesi (born in 1925
in Milan) is an Italian oncologist
internationally known throughout
a career spanning over fifty years.
He is the Scientific Director
of IEO, European Insitute of
Oncology in Milan,
non fiction
120 pages March 2013
Massimo Franco
La crisi dell’impero Vaticano
The Crisis of the Vatican Empire
Why the catholic church has become the new global accused
Scandals, internal struggles for
power, leaks by the so-called
“crows” and the challenge of a world
changing too quickly. This book
helps readers understand one of the
most tormented periods of
transition in the history of the
Catholic Church.
The epochal decision to resign as
Pope has not only closed Benedict
XVI’s pontificate but showed an
unprecedented identity crisis
which forced the Church, “guide
for life” par excellence, to the
awkward position of having to
explain and confess its own “sins”
and convince the public opinion
that it is reforming and will
change behaviour. The Church is
perceived by adversaries as the
“second Kremlin”, doomed to the
same ruin that marked the fall of
the Soviet Empire. Massimo Franco
analyzes the deep-seated causes and
the implications of the Church’s
Massimo Franco (Rome, 1954)
writes a daily column for Corriere
della Sera. He is also the author
of Imperi paralleli. Vaticano e
Stati Unit. Due secoli di alleanza e
conflitto (2005; published in the
United States by Doubleday in
2009) and Andreotti. La vita di un
uomo politico, la storia di un’epoca
non fiction
285 pages October 2013
Andrea Riccardi
La sorpresa di Papa Francesco
The Surprising Pope Francis
The Catholic Church’s current crisis and it’s future.
From Buenos Aires to Saint
Peter’s: the journey of a Pope who
is changing the Church and wants
to change the world.
The evening of March 13, 2013
marked the day the Catholic Church
breathed new life as it appointed
Cardinal Bergoglio, Archbishop of
Buenos Aires, the new Pope. Francis
is expected to be highly innovative,
a fact which is hinted at by his papal
name itself, which has never been
adopted in the Church’s 2000-year
history. His humble words and
simple disposition have endeared
him to believers and non-believers
alike. His bearing is not that of the
leader of a hierarchial institution,
but rather, that of a bishop who
wants to walk with his people: “I
would like a church that is poor and
for the poor.”
Andrea Riccardi, historian and
founder of the Community of
Sant’Egidio, reflects on the early
months of Francis’ tenure, pointing
out that the Pope’s biggest challenge
will not be providing a miraculous
solution to the Church’s everyday
problems, nor establishing
sweeping reforms, but being the
gentle believer capable of reviving
the Spirit in the hearts of men,
creating, little by little, a better
Andrea Riccardi (born 1950
in Rome) is Professor of
Contemporary History at the
University of Roma III and is
the founder of the Community
of Sant’Egidio. He has served as
the Minister for International
Cooperation in the Monti Cabinet.
He is the author of several books,
among them Il secolo del martirio
(published in 2000 by Mondadori,
widely translated abroad).
non fiction
216 pages October 2013
Nicola Gratteri - Antonio Nicaso
Acqua santissima
The connections between Mafia and the Holy Church
The processions held to celebrate
the mob march from the hills to
the Polsi sanctuary in the heart
of Aspromonte, Calabria. Among
them are priests who lie to protect
the worst criminals, and bishops
who tolerate and forgive them.
This edition tells the history of the
Church, punctuated by a few heroic
priests who, in spite of threats and
attacks, still found the strength to
resist corruption.
Since the nineteenth century, men
of the ‘Ndrangheta have benefited
from the Church’s silence and
indifference. It wasn’t until the
fifties of the twentieth century that
the first complaints appeared, the
first pastoral letters calling the
‘Ndrangheta “a fatal cancer.” Since
then, Calabria has been home to
extraordinary churchmen like
Archbishop Giuseppe Agostino,
who announced he would deny the
sacraments to the ‘Ndrangheta, but
went unheeded.
Nicola Gratteri and Giovanni Nicaso
reconstruct this long and shameful
agreement between the mob bosses
and the men of the Church, telling
the stories of the many priests
and bishops who have accepted
the rule of the ‘ndrangheta, and
the few who had the courage to
raise their voices and denounce
the criminal organization that
has often modeled their rituals
on liturgical ceremonies of the
Catholic tradition.
Nicola Gratteri is the leading
prosecutor in the fight against the
Antonio Nicaso a renowned
organizations, is one of the
world’s leading experts on the
Both of them received threats.
Gratteri lives under police
protection since 1989. Nicaso
lives in Canada since 1990.
They co-authored Fratelli di
sangue, La malapianta, La mafia
fa schifo, Dire e non dire.
Among their foreign publishers:
Debate, Lebowski, L’Espress
245 pages March 2013
Giovanni Tizian
La nostra guerra non è mai finita
Our Unending War
A crushing memoir: part cri-de-coeur, part economic analysis, part history
“The flames that devour Grandpa
Ciccio’s furniture factory and the
murder of my father. Crimes left
unsolved. Why go on living in a land
that paid back our unconditional
love with utter ruthlessness? We
were forced to get out. Modena
gave us a warm welcome as I tried
to forget the past. I did so for long
while, until I was twenty and asked
my mother to guide me back in
the painful exercise of memory. I
wanted to know everything about
the night of the murder of my father.
After that, it was a new life for me.
Meanwhile, the ‘ndrangheta had
beaten us to Emilia, where they were
already expanding. After having
robbed me of my childhood, they
wanted to take away my present,
my freedom, my life. I rewound
the tape of my memories, I sorted
through thirty years of my family’s
history and that of the modernday ‘ndrangheta. With the aim of
recounting a war that’s dragged on
for three generations, with no end
in sight.”
Giovanni Tizian born in Reggio
Calabria in 1982, writes for
L’Espresso and is a frequent
contributor to la Repubblica. His
first investigative reports have
appeared in Gazzetta di Modena.
He has been under police protection
24/7 since 2011.
non fiction
276 pages March 2013
Pietro Citati
Il Don Chisciotte
Don Quixote
An elegantly written journey around don quixote
Pietro Citati clears the fog that has
forever covered Don Quixote, a book
that continuously plays with names,
events and plot twists, dissembling
and multiplying them to an extent
which makes almost impossible to
distinguish reality from illusion.
Citati’s book, as ever, is not merely
a historical account; he happily
delves into the highly complex and
phantasmagoric story of Don
Quixote and of his author, who
claimed to be not the father of the
work, but the “stepfather”, or rather,
one of many “stepfathers”. Thanks
to the author’s narrative skills, a vast
and illuminating fresco is painted
starting from the literary sources:
on the one hand the manuscripts
in the archives of LaMancha and on
the other, the “Story of Don Quixote
de La Mancha” by the Arab Cide
Hamete Benengeli, whom Miguel
de Cervantes claims to have met by
Pietro Citati is Italy’s most
respected literary critic
contributing regularly to “Corriere
della Sera”. His critical works are a
mixture of academic analysis and
fictional exploration. They have
covered the life and works of great
authors such as Proust, Tolstoj,
Kafka, Goethe and Leopardi.
Among his foreign publishers:
Gallimart, Acantillado, Piper,
non fiction
192 pages April 2013
Marco Santagata
Guida all’inferno
A Guide to Dante’s Inferno
The novel of dante’s journey to the hell
One of the most reputed Dante’s
experts tells in the form of a novel
Dante’s journey to the Hell.
Inferno is the best-known canto of
the Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri’s
14th century monumental epic
poem, with some unforgettable
characters including Ulysses, Paolo
and Francesca, and Count Ugolino.
Despite the work’s renown, there
has not been enough
attention given to explaining the
historical context and allegory
behind Dante’s jouney through the
nine concentric circles of Hell.
The Guide to Dante’s Inferno is
an affordable and fascinating
guide featuring the most indepht and provides historical and
literary insight for an intelligent
understanding of the complexities
that shaped the great artist.
Santagata infectious enthusiasm is
of invaluable benefit to novices and
experts, inspiring the discovery (or
re-discovery) of the Divine Comedy
Marco Santagata (born in 1947),
Professor of Italian Literature at
the University of Pisa, is one of
the leading authorities of Italian
classical lyric poetry, specializing in
the works of Dante Alghieri and
Francesco Petrarca. In 2012
he successfully published the
biography Dante. The novel of his
life, soon to be translated into
English by Harvard U.P.
non fiction
180 pages October 2013
Federico Rampini
Stories from new global banditism
The economic crisis is still gripping
the country five years after the
collapse of Lehman Brothers as we
struggle to find a way out. We have
entered a recession and the fault has
in turn been attributed to the U.S.
mortgage market - the subprime
loans - financial deregulation, and
the enormous weight of public debt.
Many have wondered what caused
the crisis, but few people have
wondered exactly who caused it.
“The bankers,” Rampini says, “are
the greatest thieves of our era.”
The crisis is a direct consequence
of their perverse behavior, the high
risks they have undertaken, certain
of their impunity.
The public is paying for their
mistakes, while the responsible
go unpunished.Federico Rampini,
presents these bankers, what they
did, and how they managed to
escape any punishment for their
reckless acts.
Federico Rampini, Repubblica’s
New York correspondent, was
previously a correspondent in Paris,
Brussels, San Francisco and Beijing,
and has taught at the universities
in Berkeley and Shanghai, and the
Masters program at Bocconi. He
is the author of numerous essays.
Published by Mondadori are Il secolo
cinese (2005), L’impero di Cindia
(2007), L’ombra di Mao (2007),
La speranza indiana (2008), Slow
Economy(2009), Occidente estremo
(2010), Alla mia Sinistra (2011).
Just released
La via maestra (The Master Plan)
the first interview to Giorgio Napolitano,
President of Italy, by Federico Rampini.
non fiction
408 pages November 2013
Bruno Vespa
Sale, zucchero e caffè
Sugar, salt and coffee
The Italy I Have Experienced: from Grandma Aida to the Third Republic
After a series of successful books
examining historical and political
issues, Bruno Vespa returns this
year with a work that looks at an
important part of Italy’s modern
history from an autobiographical
perspective that is both insightful
and illuminating.
From the nightly raids in his
beloved Grandma Aida’s Latvia,
to his early childhood in Aquila
during Italy’s reconstruction, from
his apprenticeship at the local daily,
Tempo (where he covered sports
including tennis and rugby), to his
career launching win at the 1968
national radio host contest, Vespa
recounts the events that led him
to become one of the most astute
political commentators on air.
Sugar, Salt, And Coffee is a rich
personal and political history that
takes place within the context of a
modernizing Italy, including talks
with both the world’s elite and
common man alike, revealing the
course of history and its effect on
Italy’s culture.
Bruno Vespa was born in 1944
in L’Aquila. Since 1996 his TV
program “Porta a porta” has been
the most watched talk show on
politics and current events. With
Mondadori he has published a long
list of important essays, giving his
numerous readers means to better
understand contemporary Italy’s
delicate political and financial
non fiction
187 pages Septemberh 2013
Laura Grandi - Stefano Tettamanti
A capotavola
Sitting at the Head of the table
Stories of cooks, master chefs and gourmets
Master chefs are not an invention
of modern television networks, but
rather have existed since antiquity.
Famous drinks and dishes (from
Bechamel sauce to Beef Wellington,
Chateaubriand to tournedos
Rossini, Bellinis to Martinis) bear
the names of people who mastered
the art of cooking, but did you know
that some of the most famous dishes
were invented by people who had
never been in the kitchen before?
In this book, Laura Grandi and
Stefano Tettamanti tell the real
stories of some of history’s most
famous culinary artists, as well as
the stories of lesser-known but
equally influential chefs, revealing
the stories behind their famed
dishes and drinks. Among those
featured are culinary artists of
mythical proportions like Escoffier
Auguste, Luigi Carnacina, and
Arthur Guiness, and even some
unexpected chefs like U.S. President
Jefferson and Winston Churchill
Laura Grandi and Stefano
Tettamanti are colleagues at the
literary agency Grandi & Associati.
Their other Mondadori titles
include Il calendario del laico (1998)
and Il sillabario goloso (2012).
non fiction
160 pages October 2013
Chiara Ferragni
The blonde salad
Tips and tricks from the trendiest Italian fashion-blogger
Chiara Ferragni, creator of
“The Blonde Salad”, Italy’s most
celebrated fashion blog, gives you
a book of tips, tricks and advice for
looking your best in every occasion.
Chiara has quickly become a
mainstay of Italian street style,
inspiring women worldwide to take
on fashion’s looks by explaining that
dressing well should not be treated
like an obstacle, it’s an open road to
feeling your best.
In her highly anticipated book,
she teaches you how to dress for
school, a first date, a job interview,
a wedding, and even special
occasions like the red carpet! All
this and much more in a fashion
manual that is written in a friendly
and helpful voice, accompanied by
photos from Chiara’s celebrated
fashion blog. The perfect book for
anyone who wants to learn how to
look their best.
Chiara Ferragni (born in Cremona
in 1988) is currently a law student at
Bocconi University. She began her
blog in October 2009 and has been
at the forefront of fashion blogs ever
since. New York Magazine called her
“One of the biggest breakout streetstyle stars of the year.”
200 pages January 2014
200 pages September 2013
Davide Oldani
New book
Alessandra Spisni
Fatto in casa
Home made
Entering the world of “grande cuisine”
Tips, tricks and secret recipes
from traditional Italian cuisine
A new journey in company of the
master chef Davide Oldani, owner
of the celebrated Michelin-starred
restaurant D’O in the outskirts of
Milan. Throughout his career he
had the great fortune to meet the
greatest cooks, such as Marchesi,
Ducasse, Roux and Hermé. In his
new book Oldani delves into the
philosophical underpinnings of
his “pop” cuisine, grande cuisine
made more popular and accessibile
to a broader public and expands
the concept to contemporary fine
A very talented cook known for
her participation in Italy’s wildly
popular competitive TV cooking
show, “La prova del cuoco,”
Alessandra Spisni, brings to your
table her favorite family recipes
which have been handed down
from mother to daughter for
A graduate of the world-renowned
“Vecchia Scuola Bolognese”,
Alessandra is an exemplar of
traditional Italian cuisine.
260 pages October 2013
200 pages October 2013
Antonella Clerici
Tutti a tavola
Alessandro Borghese
Tu come lo fai?
Come and get it!
How Do You Make It?
The new cookbook from
the “mistress of cooking”
A closer encounter with the new star
of TV cooking shows
The new book by Antonella Clerici,
joined by chefs Sergio Barzetti and
Ambra Romani, is all about the
pleasure of cooking and sharing the
very best recipes with family and
friends. A new collection of recipes
that are infused with Antonella’s
expertise and skill gleaned from
her years in Italy’s competitive TV
cooking show, “La prova del cuoco”,
where she brought her philosophy
of simple and easy cooking into
Italian homes. Here even more
culinary inspiration with a variety
of tasteful dishes: do not miss a
single bite!
Tradition versus modernity: recipes
from every woman’s favorite cook,
Alessandro Borghese, the soonto-be host of the Italian edition of
“Junior Masterchef” on Sky Tv.
Delightful, handsome, and everhelpful, Alessandro presents
traditional Italian recipes done with
a modern twist. In this book, he
shares tips, entertaining personal
anecdotes, and even a few secrets to
make dinner even more enjoyable,
like what music to play and which
wine to pair with each dish.
Art director: Giacomo Callo Progetto grafico Gianni Camusso
Foreign Rights Manager
Emanuela Canali
via Mondadori,1
20090 Segrate-Milano
tel. +39.02.7542.3167
fax +39.02.7542.3047
Foreign Rights Assistant
Nadia Colombo
via Mondadori,1
20090 Segrate-Milano
tel. +39.02.7542.2384
fax +39.02.7542.3047