CF Newsletter - June 2013 - Crossfire Interchurch Singles Ministry


CF Newsletter - June 2013 - Crossfire Interchurch Singles Ministry
Interchurch Singles Ministry
Serving Harrisburg / Carlisle / Lancaster Areas
Newsletter – June/July 2013 – Volume 35, Issue 6
“Connecting single adults to God and each other in
authentic, Christ-Centered community”
CROSSFIRE’s ‘Chicken Man’
Inside This Issue
Calendar………………….…. 2
Small Groups………………. 2
Harrisburg Events……….... 3
Carlisle Events…………….. 6
Lancaster Events…………. 7
Pam Tillis Concert……..…. 9
Contact Crossfire
Mail: 430-A Colonial Road,
Harrisburg, PA 17109
Phone: 545-0005
Link-Line (Recorded Message
of Events): 545-0017
“Chickenman” is a radio series created in the 1960s that
spoofed comic book super heroes. But CROSSFIRE’s ‘Chicken
Man’ is a real superhero -- the superhero of chicken BBQ dinners
in Central Pennsylvania.
Galen Boyd of Lebanon estimates he’s prepared more than 1.5
million chickens in his 34 years of commercial cooking. “People
always ask me ‘How do you do it?’ He replies, “I don’t know. I just
do it.” That’s very NIKE.
Galen travels all over the region, cooking scrumptious poultry in
large quantities. He’ll be barbecuing birds for CROSSFIRE’s
fundraiser on Saturday, June 22nd at Full Gospel Church of God in
Camp Hill.
His most memorable chicken experience was years ago, cooking
for “The Donald.”
He made chicken BBQ for the opening of one of Donald Trump’s
properties in Atlantic City. “I did more than 870 chickens in 2
days,” he recalls vividly.
But Galen has something else to cluck about from that event.
“Donald Trump, Ivana Trump, and Marla Maples were all there,” he
says gleefully. “I got to meet all three.”
-------CROSSFIRE Singles Ministry is selling Galen Boyd’s BBQ dinners as a fundraiser for
the ministry on Saturday, June 22 , 10 AM to 2 PM at Full Gospel Church of God, 220 St.
John’s Church Road, Camp Hill. Dinners are $8.50 for a half-chicken, baked potato,
apple sauce and a roll. You can buy tickets in advance by calling 545-0005 or emailing
The Director’s Den
Face lifts are all the rage these days, so why shouldn’t the CROSSFIRE newsletter get one? We want to give
you more content, something more than a listing of events. So, we hope you like what you learned about
Galen Boyd in our first front page article.
Don’t worry. Your Event Calendar is still here. It’s on page 2 now. And all of your event listings are as they
were before. But, we’ll gradually add more news and features to the newsletter. Let us know what you think,
but please be gentle. We’re sensitive people.
Calendar – June/July 2013
 Under 40 Singles Small Group – Sundays biweekly at 6:00 PM June 9 & 23 and July 7 & 21 at CF Office
 Saturday, June 1 – Live Band Dance Event – St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 200 W. Orange St., Lititz – 7:00 PM
 Saturday, June 8 – Covered Dish Dinner/Dance, Carlisle Fish & Game, 1421 W. Trindle Road, Carlisle – 5:00 PM
 Sunday, June 9 – Zip Line at Refreshing Mountain, 455 Camp Road, Stevens – 3:00 PM
 Thursday, June 13 – Harrisburg Senators Baseball – Cowboy Monkey’s Night – Metro Bank Park – 6:30 PM
 Saturday, June 15 – Central Pennsylvania Food Bank, 3908 Corey Road, Harrisburg – 9:00 AM – Noon
 Saturday, June 15 – Dining Out – Peachtree Restaurant, 251 N. Progress Avenue, Harrisburg – 6:00 PM
 Saturday, June 15 – “Who Knew?” Tour in Lancaster Co. – Shady Maple, 1324 Main Street, East Earl – 9:00 AM
 Sunday, June 16 – Hike at Pinchot State Park – Meet at park at 2:30 PM or carpool from Cedar Cliff Mall 2:00 PM
 Thursday, June 20 – Community Night Dinner and Speaker – Salem United Methodist Church – 6;30 PM
 Saturday, June 22 – Chicken BBQ/Yard Sale – Full Gospel Church of God, 220 St. Johns Church Rd. – 10:00 AM
 Friday, June 28 – Summerfair Opening Parade, Ice Cream Social and Concert – 6:00 PM
 Saturday, June 29 – Grill and Games Night – Crossfire Office, 430-A Colonial Road, Harrisburg – 6:00 PM
 Thursday, July 4 – Independence Day Picnic – Lower Allen Community Park – 5:00 PM
 Friday, July 12 – At-Home Movie Night in Enola – 1 Hillcrest Road, Enola – 6:30 PM
 Saturday, July 13 – Tubing on Yellow Breeches – 1:00 PM and Dinner at Hoss’s Mechanicsburg 5:30 PM
 Wednesday, July 17 – Dining out on the Deck at Loxleys, 500 Centerville Road, Lancaster – 6:30 PM
 Sunday, July 21 – Biking on the Cornwall Rail Trail – Time to be announced.
 Saturday, July 27 – Games Night at Crossfire Office – 6:00 PM
 Saturday, July 27 – Dinner at Hoss’s, Carlisle 5:00 PM and Mini Golf at Carlisle Sports Emporium 6:30 PM
 Saturday, July 27 – Who Knew Tour in Ephrata – Ten Thousand Villages and the Ephrata Cloister 11:30 AM
Small Group for Younger Singles (with child care
Sundays at 6pm biweekly at CF Office – June 9 and 23 and July 7 and 21
(June dates are CORRECT. Bi-weekly meetings are shifting by one week in June)
Meeting biweekly at 6pm at the Crossfire office, this group is for men and women under age 40.
This group discusses the challenges of living as devoted Christians in our American culture.
They also host some social events specifically for younger singles. Child care is provided
during the group meetings. Cost of the group is a suggested donation of $3/week to support
Crossfire. Register by email to or contact Janee at
Social Events for Younger Singles Small Group
June 7 – First Friday Lancaster – Contact Maribel
Saturday June 29 – Creation Festival – Contact Janee –
Crossfire-Harrisburg/West Shore Events
Please register by calling 545 -0005 or send an em ail to .
Harrisburg Senators Baseball - (“Cowboy Monkeys” Night)
Thursday, June 13, 6:30 PM
Metro Bank Park, City Island
Enjoy professional baseball with Crossfire friends as the Harrisburg Senators
host the Richmond Flying Squirrels, featuring special entertainment with the
Cowboy Monkeys. See monkeys riding dogs and herding goats! Meet at the
ballpark entrance at 6:30 PM to get tickets together. Game time is 7:00 PM.
Call Tony to register at 561-1023 or call Crossfire at 545-0005 or email at
FOOD BANK Service Project
Saturday, June 15, 9 AM – NOON
Central PA Food Bank, 3908 Corey Road, Harrisburg
Crossfire Singles do their part to serve the community by volunteering
to help prepare and pack materials for the Central Pennsylvania Food
Bank. We need 15 or more people, so sign up early for this service
project by calling Barb at 732-4423, or the Crossfire office at 5450005. MAKE A DAY OF IT WITH A DINNER OUT LATER THE SAME
DAY (see next item). Directions: From I-83, take the Union Deposit exit. Go
west to the first intersection and turn left onto Briarsdale Road. Go to the 2
the right, Corey Rd., and turn right. Food bank is on the right.
DINING OUT at Peachtree Restaurant
Saturday, June 15, 6:00 PM
251 N. Progress Avenue, Harrisburg
Enjoy a relaxing dinner out with Crossfire friends (especially after
the FOOD BANK service project in the morning). Average cost of
meals ranges from $12 to $20. Register with your hosts Elsie at 5455399 or Barb at 732-4423. Directions: From I-81, take the Progress
Avenue exit, turn right and head south on Progress Avenue about 1 mile.
The Peachtree is on the left in a small strip mall.
Event fees do not cover our operating expenses, so we count on your
additional donations to maintain a thriving ministry. Crossfire is a 501(c)3
non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible. Send donations to:
CROSSFIRE at 430-A Colonial Road, Harrisburg, PA 17109.
You can become a PassPort supporter of this ministry by calling our office or
sending an email to PassPort members donate at least
$25/month and receive free entry to all picnics, dances and community nights
3 mail.
and receive a free monthly newsletter by
street on
Hike at Pinchot State Park
Sunday, June 16, 2:30 PM
Join us for a 4-mile hike at Pinchot State Park.
Easy terra in but wear appropriate footwear for
possible muddy conditions. Bring your own
bottled water. Craig Zindler is your host. Register
with him at 671-9603. Meet at the park at 2:30 PM
at the Conewago Day Use Area parking lot along
Alpine Rd. OR CARPOOL: Meet at the Cedar Cliff
Mall parking lot near the McDonald's at Rt. 83 and
Carlisle Road, Camp Hill at 2:00 PM to carpool to
CHICKEN BBQ & YARD SALE - Crossfire Fundraiser
Saturday, June 22, 10 AM – 2 PM
Full Gospel Church of God, 220
St. John’s Church Rd, Camp Hill
Yummy food & great deals! Crossfire will
sell Chicken BBQ dinners to the public in
conjunction with Full Gospel COG’s Yard
Sale. Tell all of your family, neighbors,
friends, and strangers! Dinners will cost
$8.50. Pass the word and make this fundraiser a big success! ALSO, we’ll need VOLUNTEERS
to help with the big sale. CALL or EMAIL the Crossfire office EARLY so we know how to plan.
545-0005 or Directions from Harrisburg: Route 581 West, take Exit 4, branch right on the ramp
onto Central Blvd. Turn right at the stop sign onto Trindle Road. Go to the traffic light and turn right onto St. John’s Church
Road. Church is on the left. Directions from Carlisle: From I-81 North, take exit 59 onto Route 581 East. Take exit 3 to
Route 11 (Carlisle Pike). Turn left onto Carlisle Pike and stay left. Go about 1 mile to St. John’s Church Road, turn right.
Church is on the right.
Saturday, June 29, 6:00 PM
CROSSFIRE Office, 430-A Colonial Road, Harrisburg
We’ll fire up the grill on the patio at the Crossfire office. We’ll provide the
meat…you bring a side dish…and we’ll have a
great cookout! After the meal, let the games
begin! Register for this one so we know how
much food to have on hand. And a DONATION to
CROSSFIRE is suggested.
Please register for upcoming events via the website
or by calling 545-0005 and leaving a message, including your
name and the event name, or email to
4th of July Picnic
Thursday, July 4, Noon – 5:00 PM
Lower Allen Community Park - Lower Pavilion
4075 Lisburn Road, Mechanicsburg
Let’s celebrate Independence Day together! Bring games,
sports equipment, and a side dish to share. CROSSFIRE
provides the hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, iced tea, paper
goods and utensils. AND we promise to remember to bring the
cheese this time!  Cost is $7.00 plus a side dish to share
(children under 12 are FREE).
PLEASE REGISTER BY MONDAY, JULY 1st. Call or email the
CROSSFIRE office at 545-0005 or
At-Home Movie Night in Enola
Friday, July 12, 6:30 PM
1 Hillcrest Rd, Enola
Barb Edwards will host up to 16 people for 2 movies shown at the same
time in different rooms. Bring movie-style snacks or beverages to share
and be prepared to vote on a movie choice. A $3.00 donation to
Crossfire is suggested.
Tubing on the Yellow Breeches Creek and
Dinner at Hoss’s
61 Gettysburg Pike, Mechanicsburg
Saturday, July 13
Tubing at 1:00 PM / Dinner at 5:30 PM
We will meet at the covered bridge at Messiah College and go
inner-tubing from there to Bowmansdale, then carpool back to
pick-up our vehicles. Cost will be $3 donation per inner tube
(we have a limited number) or bring your own inner tube.
Please register by Monday July 8th so we can have inner
tubes available and ready. Come dressed to float in the creek.
Bring towels and a change of clothing. Afterward, we’ll go to dinner at Hoss’s, Mechanicsburg (just
off Rt. 15 at the Bowmansdale/Mechanicsburg exit). You are welcome to meet us there for dinner at
5:30 PM if you’re not going tubing.
Games Night at CROSSFIRE Office
Saturday, July 27, 6:00 PM
430-A Colonial Road, Harrisburg
It’s the OLYMPICS of board games! Okay, maybe not, but it’s
FUN! Bring a snack, dessert, or beverage to share and enjoy
the fellowship, fun, and friendly competition. No need to
register. A $3.00 donation to CROSSFIRE is recommended.
Crossfire-Carlisle Events
Please register by calling 545 -0005 or send an em ail to .
Covered Dish DINNER & DANCE
Saturday, June 8, Dinner 5 PM Dancing 7-10 PM
Carlisle Fish & Game, 1421 W. Trindle Rd,
Everyone looks forward to the annual Dinner & Dance at
the Carlisle Fish & Game! BRING A COVERED DISH.
CASSEROLE!  Suggestions: Meat dishes, chicken,
casseroles, lasagna, baked ziti, macaroni & cheese, bat
wings, vegetable dishes, salad, cold cuts and rolls,
appetizers, fruit, desserts, etc. Remember, it’s dinner!
DO NOT BRING SNACKS. COST is $10, plus your covered
dish. If you do not bring a covered dish, COST is $14.
Dinner will be served from 5:00 to 6:30 PM, then dancing from 7:00 to 10:00 PM with DJ Ben
Barber. You’re welcome to bring a lawn chair to enjoy dinner outdoors.
Directions: From I-81 South, take the High Street exit at Carlisle, turn left onto route 641 (W. Trindle Rd.). Go about
3 miles to Fish & Game on the right. From the West Shore, go west on Trindle Rd. (Route 641). When you cross the
bridge over the PA Turnpike, it’s just over 3 miles to Fish & Game on your left.
Summerfair Opening Parade, Ice Cream Social, and
Friday, June 28, 6:00 PM
On the Square in Carlisle
The Carlisle Summerfair opening ceremonies are from 6:30
– 7:00 PM on the square, followed by the parade at 7:00
PM, and the Ice Cream Social at 8:00 PM. The concert is
also on the square from 8:00-10:00 PM with the band Cheap
Sneakers. Arrive early (no later than 6:00 PM) and meet
hosts Penny & Sharon in front of the band stage on the
square. Bring a chair to set up at the stage for the concert.
It’s all FREE, but they will accept donations during the Ice Cream Social. PLEASE REGISTER.
Dining Out & Mini-Golf
Saturday, July 27, 5:00PM Dinner / 6:30 PM Mini-Golf
Meet in front of Hoss’s Steak and Sea House, 1151 Harrisburg Pike,
Carlisle for dinner no later than 5:00 PM. (Dinners can range from $11 $30). After dinner, it’s on to the Carlisle Sports Emporium for miniature
golf at 29 South Middlesex Road, Carlisle. If you’re not going to dinner,
me et at the Sports Emporium at 6:30 PM in front of the barn-like building,
on the porch. This is a great event to kids! Miniature golf is $7 per
person for one course or $11 for both courses. Linda is your host. IT’S
RESERVATIONS. Contact the CROSSFIRE office at 545-0005 Or email
Crossfire-Lancaster County Events
Please register by calling 545 -0005 or send an em ail to .
Saturday, June 1st, 7:00-10:00 PM
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church - 200 W. Orange Street, Lititz
Crossfire Singles Ministry launches its first major dance event in
Lancaster County for Christian singles. The popular Rock ‘n’ Roll
Time Machine takes the stage with their covers of oldies and classic
rock from the ‘50s to the ‘80s. Get ready for a dance party! Cost is
$12 and bring a snack or drink to share. Crossfire will provide other
food, plates, cups, etc. For planning purposes, call your host Kathy
to let her know you’ll be there – 468-7582. Come out to support this
first-time event and we’ll keep ‘em coming!
ZIP LINE ADVENTURE & Dinner Afterward
Sunday, June 9th, 3:00 PM
Refreshing Mountain, 455 Camp Road, Stevens, PA
A Zip Line Canopy Tour is a series of cables and platforms high
in the trees that take you on an exhilarating tour through forests
and wildlife. The Challenge Adventure Course features 5 zip
lines and 9 Challenging Adventure elements (climb across a
cargo net, balance across the “wobbly log”, swing the “Monkey
Vines”), all 35-45 feet in the air! OR, you can skip the challenges
and walk across the 70-foot “cat walk” bridge. The cost is $49 IN ADVANCE.
The “Who Knew?” Tour at Shady Maple
Saturday, June 15th, 9:00 AM
129 Toddy Drive, East Earl, PA
The third in our series of our tours in Lancaster County
features food, shopping, and
something cheesy! Start the day
with breakfast at Shady Maple
Smorgasbord (about $12). Meet your host Chris in the lobby at 9:00
AM. Then, enjoy some free time in the gift shop, grocery and goods
stores in the complex. After that, a short 5-minute drive to
September Farm, a family farm with handcrafted farmstead awardwinning natural cheeses. View the cheese-making shop and enjoy
samples at no cost. Register ahead with Chris at 575-3483. Directions: From Lancaster, take Rt. 30 to the
New Holland Pike (Rt. 23). Go east on Rt. 23 about 14 miles, turn right on Springville Rd. (Rt. 897). Go a short distance to
Toddy Drive on the right.
“SIN CITIES” Community Night Dinner & Speaker
Thursday, June 20, 6:00 PM
Salem United Methodist Church, 140 N. Penn
Street, Manheim
Get the latest information on the search for
Sodom and Gomorrah! Walter Pasedag with
Associates for Biblical Research in Akron will share
the latest fascinating discoveries about the hunt for
these ancient, ill-fated cities in the Bible. Enjoy
fellowship and dinner at 6:30 PM featuring a chicken
and veggie dish, dessert, and tea or water. Walter
will speak at 7:00 PM. Cost is $10. All food provided.
No need to bring anything. Register with Lisa at 201-0323. Directions: From Rt. 283, take the exit to Rt.
772 (Mt. Joy Rd) and go east on 772 to Manheim (the road becomes W. High Street when you enter the town). Turn left
onto N. Penn Street.
Dining Out on the Deck at Loxley’s
Wednesday, July 17, 6:30 PM
Loxley’s Restaurant at Heritage Hotel
500 Centerville Road, Lancaster
Imagine dining in the most impressive tree house ever built. There really
is a tree growing through the center of the room. Register for a dining
experience by calling Lisa at 201-0323.
Biking on the Cornwall Rail Trail
Sunday, July 21
Time and details to follow. Register with Lisa at 201-0323.
“Who Knew?” Tour in Ephrata
Saturday, July 27, 11:30 AM
In this fourth in a series of town tours in Lancaster, meet for lunch at 11:30 AM
at Ten Thousand Villages, then tour the Ephrata Cloister. Register with
Kathy at 468-7582.
Pam Tillis in Concert
One Night Only at Gretna Theatre
Saturday, June 8, 7:30 PM
You MUST make your reservations BEFORE June 6th
Pay the night of the concert
CALL KATHY at 468-7582 to reserve your seats!
Two-time Grammy Award winner! CMA Female Vocalist of the Year winner!
Broadway star in "Smokey Joe’s Café!" Recording Artist Pam Tillis has been a
formidable force in country music since her first single hit the charts in 1990.
She has racked up 14 Top Five hits including six that hit #1, and has sold over
6 million records. Now Pam Tillis brings her style and glamour to an acoustic
evening to benefit Gretna Theatre for one night only!
430-A Colonial Road, Harrisburg, PA
From West Shore, via Rt. 81 North - exit at Progress Avenue, at light
go straight thru 1.5 miles on Valley Road. Turn left into church
parking lot (CrossPoint United Methodist), just before coming to light
at Colonial Road. You may have to drive around the back of the
church to our upper parking lot area.
From Rt. 581/83 - Take Rt. 83 North to Jonestown Road Exit, follow
right lane to light at Colonial Road (next to Colonial Diner), go
through light, along west side of Colonial Park Mall to third light, turn
left on Crums Mill Road and immediate left into the CrossPoint UM
Church parking lot. CROSSFIRE OFFICE is at rear of upper parking
lot in the ranch house (annex).
Subscribing to our Newsletter
The monthly newsletter by mail costs $15.00 per
year. To subscribe you may contact the office. You
may also download a free copy from our website.
In addition, you can receive a free weekly e-mail
highlighting events for the next two weeks. Send a
request to or sign up on the website.
June - July 2013 at CROSSFIRE
Dining Out
Community Nights
Games Nights
BBQ/Yard Sale
“Who Knew” Tour
Non-Profit Org.
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CROSSFIRE Singles Ministry
430-A Colonial Road
Harrisburg, PA 17109-1537