Summer Staff - Jowonio School


Summer Staff - Jowonio School
July 2014
Volume 18, Issue 1
Director’s Report
Those of us in the education world have a calendar of June endings and September start-ups. We say goodbye to
the teachers who are moving on, as they finish school in Syracuse or decide to attend graduate school elsewhere
or move home or go on a grand adventure. We have been lucky to accompany many of our staff as they become
professionals and we are happy to support their growth. Every year brings new learning with the experiences of
each individual child and family, each group of students and every team. We are so fortunate that our staff
share a commitment to our inclusive vision, and that we hire people who are learners. Each person has their own
unique path forward, and our goal is to provide the support they need…with the models of the lead teacher and
other team members, the mentoring of the Support Teachers, the stimulation of our weekly inservice time, and
the opportunity to be independent and create a learning environment that is a realization of their own vision.
Jim Greenman suggests that we should “create a nest for children as they navigate the demands of growing up
and to make them believe that they can fly…” This is also what we hope to do for teachers, that they can create
an environment for children to thrive but also where they have ownership of the classroom and are happy with it.
When you tour Jowonio it is easy to see that each classroom has its own personality. That is a result of
the decisions teachers have made about the set-up of the physical space and the aesthetic arrangements in
the room;
a rich and exciting curriculum;
classroom routines, including how flexible they are and how responsive to children’s interests;
the expectations teachers have for children’s exploration and independence; and the dynamic relationships
among the children, between the children and adults, and among the particular adults (teachers, therapists and
Loris Malaguzzi, one of the founders of the Reggio Emilia approach, says
Dates to Remember
“A school with young children is an integral living organism, a place of
shared lives and relationships among many adults and many children.
School is construction in motion, continuously adjusting itself.” As we 7/1—8/11 Summer Program
are starting to plan for the new year (September 2014) we are think- 7/20
Ice Cream Social, Mama Pajama 2:00
ing about all these elements, including the new children and families
Jowonio Board Meeting, 11:30 a.m.
who will be joining us and the new staff we are hiring. We also realize,
Secret Garden Carnival
as we say goodbye to those moving on, that every person has left an 7/22
imprint at Jowonio. We have learned from each other and take that 7/27-7/28
with us into the future.
Hickory Hill Camping
Jowonio Annual GOLF Open
Last Day of Summer School
“You never really leave a place you love…
Labor Day—No School
Part of it you take with you, leaving a part of you behind.”
First Day Back for Staff
Student Orientation Visits
First Full Day of School
Page 2
Volume 18, Issue 1
Staff Changes
Jowonio offers a 6 week summer programming and staff may choose to work their same school year hours,
reduce their time or take the summer off. In addition we have a number of teachers who are moving or who
have found jobs in September in other schools. We will miss those who have been part of our program and
now are leaving us.
Morley Miller (Bunny Room) and Pam Richardson (Waterfall Room) are both moving south with their hus-
bands, Morley to Durham, North Carolina and Pam to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina; both have found teaching positions in the public schools. Page Rockwell (Ocean Room) is moving to Saratoga, N.Y. and Eileen Bruns
(Bernice Wright) will be teaching outside of Rochester. Jennifer Mckee-Martin will be subbing in the North
Syracuse School District. Kim Urqhart, one of our Speech-Language Therapists, has taken a position working in several gerontology programs. Glasza Pytlak (Bernice Wright Blue Room) and Leah Webster (Ocean
Room) are returning to school, Glasza in book-keeping and Leah in a graduate nutrition program. Jackie Taylor (Bunny Room) will be doing her student teaching for her Masters in Early Childhood Special Education.
Andrea Engelmann (Treehouse Room) is taking a leave to stay home with her mom for this next year. We
have had three staff retire as of this summer. Karen O’Neill-Covell (Bernice Wright Pre-K) who has been
the Jowonio teacher at BMW for three years, after she retired from the Syracuse City School District;
she is retiring a second time, to give her the flexibility to spend time with her new grandchildren. Pat
Linehan, Support Teacher and Evaluation Team Coordinator, is retiring after 29 years at Jowonio, to enjoy
her gorgeous gardens and do genealogy. After 24 years at Jowonio Karen Burns, Support Teacher and Universal Pre-K Coordinator, plans to continue to help us out with UPK, but have time to spend with her family
and friends.
Support staff & Star Room
musicians Ben & Anita serenade
retirees Pat Linehan & Karen
Grace Frontale & Maryanne Scarfino chat with
Secret Garden colleagues,
Lisa Neville & Michelle
Retiree Karen Burns &
husband Mike
Retiree Pat Linehan
chats with Jowonio
founder Peter Knoblock & his wife, Kangaroo teacher Joy Casey
Bellevue Teacher
Friends & former
Jen Cappozzi with
teachers David Smukler
former teachers
& Elaine Mason
Carrie Bartkowiak
& Julie Forget
Former Parent Sue Lehr
with former Office Manager Maryanne Scarfino
& Niki Coller
Pam Richardson
appreciates her collage with Lakeisha
Rhyant, Kim Ensher
& Lori Lawless
Anita Freezman &
former front desk
staffer, Grace Frontale
Karen Burns, Pam
Johnson & Brenda
Cafarelli chat with
former parent &
friend Anne Winschel
Volume 18, Issue 1
Page 3
Summer Staff
We have hired staff for the summer and they include:
Natalie Fournier (off to McGill University in Montreal in the fall)
Mary Sheedy (participating in Teach for America in North Carolina)
Morgan Lawless (off to a graduate program at the University of Washington in August)
Meghan Cafarelli (returns to Ithaca College in September)
Kelly Czysz (starting the Early Childhood Special Ed program at SU);
Joanna Irvine (starting her Social Work Masters at SU)
Jenny Schafer (returning to her Occupational Therapy program at Keuka)
Stella Steiner (her elementary school in West Genesee); Student Teacher
Katie Mosher (SU Early Childhood Special Education, new baby)
Lisa Saile (teacher in Tully Elementary); Emma Sheedy (undergrad in Speech Pathology at Nazareth College); Stephanie Arnold (complete masters’ student teaching, move to New York City)
Laura Condon (complete Masters degree at SUNY Cortland and subbing in elementary schools)
Cassie Mastellar (return to us & continue her itinerant teaching, staying with us part-time in the
fall); Ananda Singh (completing her Masters at SU)
Meghan Lister, from Gebbie Clinic & North Carolina, joins our Speech Pathology team in Pooh
Corner; Meghan will be with us in the fall.
Jennifer Delaney, Physical Therapist, comes back to the Secret Garden team for a few days a
week this summer
We so appreciate the efforts of all these folks,
in addition to the many volunteers who have joined us.
This summer we have 18 high school and college volunteers and an additional 5 graduate students, doing student teaching (+) or taking a Psycho-educational Evaluation class (Stephanie Arnold+, Jacquelyn Berchel, Judy Curtain, Ramona Moreno, & Katie Mosher+). Of the volunteers, 10 are Jowonio graduates (see those with
*). The volunteers are: Isabela Budelmann, Olivia Budelmann*, Kiera Caesar, Helena Cory*, Kevin Denzak*,
Aaron Druger*, Lainey Foti*, Sophia Foti*, Almedina Grabovica, Gavin Grey, Matty Jackson*, Kegan Lance*,
Lexi Layhew, Dylan Polly*, Lauren Saletsky*, Julia Schayes*, Jesse Sgambati*, and Samar Yahya.
The Jowonio Golf Open
David Tyler
Preparations for the Jowonio Open is in full swing. The annual fundraising tournament will be held on Monday,
Aug. 4 at the Links at Erie Village in East Syracuse. Last year, the tournament raised several thousand dollars for the school, and this year we’re looking for an even stronger turnout.
The scramble format is a lot of fun and keeps things moving, and the tournament is followed by a great dinner put on by the folks at Traditions. There are plenty of prizes, as well as the opportunity to find great
deals on a host of items at the silent auction and raffle.
There are plenty of spots still available for both players and sponsors. Anyone with an interest can email me
at Please put “Jowonio Open” in the subject line so I make sure to open and respond as quickly as possible.
Page 4
Volume 18, Issue 1
Friends of Jowonio
Play “Fore” a Cause!
Captain & Crew Golf Tournament
Leave your mark on
our new front
to benefit Jowonio School
sidewalk !
Monday, August 4th
$100 Level
Shotgun Start 12:00 pm
One 8x8 personalized brick,
framed by 4 blank bricks
$200 Level
16”x12” personalized
retaining wall cap framed by
blank bricks
Order forms
available at the Front Desk
or contact
The Links at Erie Village
18 holes of golf
Includes lunch & dinner
Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin & Putting Contests
50/50 Raffle—Raffle Prizes
$125 per person ~ $400 per foursome
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Phone 445.4010 ext. 201
For information, a registration packet or to donate an item to our
Start thinking about
what you would like to
say and how you will
leave your mark at
raffle, please contact Kristen Antonacci at
315-445.4010 ext 201
2014 Friends Flowers & All That Jazz
We raised over $47,000 this year!
Winner of the Signature Raffle Stickley 2014
Collector Edition Tree of Life Book Stand was Tina Taggart
Winner of the Gift Card Raffles:
Wegmans $500 Mary Handley
Target $250 Mary Handley
Mobil $250 Angela Orlandella
Door Prize Mobil $50 Julie Crosby
Page 5
Volume 18, Issue 1
Thoughts About Jowonio Upon Retirement —Karen Burns
I started at Jowonio as a parent when my son Colin, not quite three, started in the Bunny Room. Yes, there
was a bunny room way back in 1987. It didn’t take me long to recognize the warm, supportive, and rich environment that Jowonio provided for Colin (especially since I did hang out at school for the first few weeks
that he was there). I too felt supported within the school, given the openness to parents, weekly home visits
that were part the half day program, and the collaboration that I felt working with Colin’s teachers and
I jumped into parent group offerings, helped out in Colin’s classrooms, served on the board, and even worked
on Jowonio’s 20th Anniversary Conference. I valued the commitment to inclusion that was integral to the
school and that was evident in the classrooms and school as a whole, and how each child was appreciated for
his or her unique gifts. It was such a caring community. I guess that I was hooked, because when Colin
moved on to kindergarten, I quickly accepted a part-time support teacher position that was offered and
have worked at Jowonio for 24 years.
Over those years I have only had my initial impressions reinforced. The rich, warm and supportive environment continues because best practices are sought out and integrated into the school, while maintaining the
core value of the social emotional growth of the children. Cutting edge innovations to provide learning support for children continue to be incorporated so that every child is included, learning and growing. And that
caring community that I felt as a parent, continued to be evident as I worked with so many talented and
knowledgeable colleagues to provide the best for children and their families.
It has been a privilege to be part of the lives of the many wonderful children and their families, and work
with such caring and dedicated colleagues. There are so many things that Jowonio has meant to me, but
chief among them are how important community is, how each individual has gifts and talents, and how important it is to work for what we value.
It’s hard to think about leaving Jowonio, but the time seems right – mostly. I will however ease into retirement by continuing with one small aspect of my role, so “I’ll see you around.”
“Children need somewhere to be and belong to, somewhere with familiar
people and objects made substantial with the wright of meaningful past experiences of love, learning, laughter and care.”
—J. Greenman
Friends Flowers & All That Jazz
What’s Happening at Jowonio
Page 8
Volume 18, Issue 1
Grants - Summer 2013—Summer 2014
Jennifer Kelley
Assistive Technology Lending Library
We would like to thank the Allyn Foundation for their grant of $13,000.00 and the Boeheim Foundation for
their grant of $10,000.00 in support of our Assistive Technology Lending Library. The library has supported
many of our families this year, (2013-14) giving them the opportunity to explore with various equipment prior
to purchase. Some of the equipment that was used from the library was iPads with various communication applications, switches used for communication, floor tables, weighted blankets, time timers, and switch toys. Parents reported “increased communication and access to communication at school and home”, “easier transitions” , and an “..increase in independent play” thru the use of switch toys. Of the families that used the library, 60% of them ended of purchasing similar products they were lending.
We are grateful to the Allyn Foundation and the Boeheim Foundation for the ability to provide such innovative
technology for our families, giving them the opportunity to try these expensive products prior to spending
their dollars to purchase them. The Boeheim Foundation grant also provided our Assistive Technology Team
the opportunity to expand their knowledge in technology by enabling some of the grant dollars to be used to
attend a related conference on assistive technology.
The Target Foundation gave us a grant of $2,500.00 which has supported our “Reading Together is Fun”
program throughout this school year. This grant has provided 20 of our families, with over 200 books being
given out to these families. It also enabled us to hold the winter event with “Mama Pajama’s”, who provided us
with an interactive music concert and storytime. We plan to hold another event on July 20 th with Mama Pajama’s for all the school, in conjunction with our school Ice Cream Social. Thank you again Target!
Key Bank Foundation
The Key Bank Foundation gave Jowonio a grant of $4,500.00 in support of our “Assistive Technology for
Children with Special Needs” project. This provided several of our families with communication technology
that they would normally not be able to purchase on their own. Most of this technology was in the form of
iPads, communication applications for iPads, and cases for the iPads. Our Assistive Technology team has been
available to support our families in this process of learning how to use this technology and support the child in
the communication process.
Shineman Foundation
The Shineman Foundation donated $1,000.00 towards our Science Collaboration Project as we work to expand the science in our school curriculum. This money will be used to collaborate with the various resources in
our community e.g. The Rosamond Gifford Zoo’s Zoo to You Program in order to create more science opportunities for our children for the 2014-15 school year. Thank you!!
John Ben Snow Foundation
We would like to thank the John Ben Snow Foundation for their generous donation of $10,000 in support of
our Community Sidewalk. This sidewalk will be installed in the front of the school and will enhance the safety
of the children and families of the school. We so appreciate the Foundation’s support as it makes creating this
sidewalk for the school a reality! Jowonio’s Walk of Fame fundraiser, which is the sale of bricks for the sidewalk, is an effort to also raise funds for the Community Sidewalk. Please see Kristen Antonacci if you wish to
“leave you mark” on the sidewalk of Jowonio.
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Volume 18, Issue 1
Grant for our Afterschool Program
Niki Coller
In April of 2014, the Jowonio Afterschool Program was awarded a mini grant from the Onondaga County
Health Department. The County Health Department was offering money to programs that work with young
children to buy equipment that encourages and promotes healthy nutrition and physical activity.
The Health Department selected our proposal and we were able to get the full amount offered which consisted of $500.00. The money was used to purchase gross motor equipment; we bought a bowling ball game,
six scooters, directional markers for an obstacle course, a spoon and egg game to focus on balance skills, and
three sets of stilts.
In response to how we would promote healthy diets, we bought a terrarium to start a vegetable garden, a
glass root farm container where the children can watch roots grow down in the soil, and a blender to make
healthy snacks from our vegetables. We also have a healthy food magnet game that encourages conversations about eating healthy foods.
Board Notes
David Tyler
President, Jowonio School Board
With summer upon us, one might think that the schedule for the Jowonio School Board would slow down a
little, but this year that hasn’t been the case. Recently, the school was notified that Interfaith Works, our
long-time second floor tenant, will be moving to a new location this fall. This presents a variety of challenges
and opportunities for the school that we are beginning to work through.
The challenge is that the loss of our tenant leaves a significant hole in the budget of Friends of Jowonio,
which owns the building, and therefore could have a financial impact on the school. But the space could also
provide a wonderful opportunity for expansion of Jowonio’s program.
For the past several weeks, many of us have pondered the next step. Should we simply look for a new tenant
to occupy the space? Should we create two additional classrooms following Jowonio’s existing education
model? Should we reach out to other agencies to utilize the space for therapeutic services or programs? Or
are there other community needs that could be filled within our building?
After multiple committee meetings discussing the possibilities, in early July we held a brainstorming session
to review the space and consider the possibilities. Following that meeting, we appeared to be leaning toward
expanding Jowonio’s program to fulfill other community needs, rather than simply bringing in a new tenant or
expanding the existing structure into two additional classrooms.
A lot of work remains as we refine the concept and consider funding mechanisms, but we are moving in a
positive direction. Anyone who is interested in helping with the process is welcome. Please reach out to either Ellen Barnes at the school, or me at
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget
what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou
Page 10
Volume 18, Issue 1
Family Support Events
Have a safe, happy, healthy summer!
Hickory Hill
The Family Support Team is proud to announce
that our Hickory Hill camping trip over the weekend of June 13-15 was so much fun! Through the wonderful
grant from OPWDD we were able to support seven families to go to Hickory Hill Wellness GIFTS Retreat in
Bath, New York. Over the past years we have supported families to try it out to see if it is something that
their family might enjoy. Given the number of alumni families that make it an annual tradition, we are convinced that people really enjoy it! We will be hosting another retreat through Jowonio and OPWDD scheduled for July 25-27. The spaces are currently full, but look again to go next year; we send out flyers in January to reserve space.
Medicaid Waiver and Eligibility Workshop
We are hosted our annual workshop to assist with OPWDD Waiver Eligibility. If you weren’t able to attend
this workshop no worries, our Family Support Team is ready to assist with the eligibility process at anytime.
If fact, we have a grant for this purpose and we work very closely with the eligibility clinic. So stop by or
call Emily Vercelloni or Melissa Hyman. We have everything you need right here at Jowonio to assist! We
have even streamlined the paperwork so that it is easy!
Jowonio Dads’ Night Out at the Chiefs Game
Just for Dads you have a school event that you must attend!! The Family Support Team in is hosting its annual Dads’ Night Out for fathers of children with special needs on July 21 from 7:00 on… Please come meet
other fathers and enjoy an evening out. We will have alumni fathers to host the evening on the Sky Deck of
Chief’s Stadium, great food will be served with a cash bar. This evening is funded through OPWDD.
Ice Cream Social and Mama Pajama
All are welcome to join us for a fun summer outing on July 20 starting at 2:00 on the Playground, weather
permitting! We will move to the community room if the weather does not cooperate. Brought to you by the
Reading Together is Fun Grant.
Jowonio Respite Evening at My Gym
Look for the flyers to be out soon. We will schedule another Respite Evening before the end of summer!
We are always available and happy to support anytime. Feel free to stop by the office or call Melissa or
Emily with questions concerns or just to chat.
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Volume 18, Issue 1
Jowonio Paperwork for Fall
If your child is going to be enrolled at Jowonio for the 2013-2014 school year, be sure to return your registration packet to Connie in the office as soon as possible. In order for your son or daughter to enter school,
we must have a physical form, indicating that your child has had a physical within 12 moths of the September
start date and that immunizations are current (unless you have an approved exemption). So, if needed, make
an appointment for a “well child” visit with your pediatrician or family physician over the summer. Our packet of materials also includes permission forms, the tuition contract and scholarship application, and information about your child that will useful to the classroom staff. Call us at 445-4010 if you have questions
regarding the forms.
Tuition & Financial Aid
Jowonio has a sliding scale for tuition for typical students, based on family income and the length of day and
number of days your child is attending. The tuition for children with full Individual Education Plans is paid by
the county of residence and the state of New York. Early morning and afterschool hours incur additional
costs. Jowonio has a scholarship fund supported by United Way designated donations and other money
raised by various fundraising efforts (such as our Annual Appeal; the Friends, Flowers and All That jazz
event in May; the Golf Tournament in August). When a family cannot afford the tuition on the sliding scale,
they may apply for the scholarship. Children age 4 who reside in the city of Syracuse are eligible for a Universal Pre-K subsidy.
To arrange what your payments are and when they will be made, talk with Connie at the front desk. We do
not bill you. Payments can be made with cash, check, or credit card. If the annual tuition is paid at the beginning of the year, we offer a 2% discount; tuition paid in two lump sums (September and January) receives
a 1% discount. When a family has more than one student attending, the tuition for the second child is at a
10% discount. Jowonio operates on a tight budget, so timely receipt of your payment allows us to meet our
expenses. We urge you to keep your tuition up to date. If your payment must be delayed for any reason,
please talk with us so that we can together develop a plan for payment. We pass on to families the cost of
any bank charges incurred if a check is returned for insufficient funds. We also expect that children will be
picked up at the agreed-upon time; a fee will be charged if late pick-up occurs more than once. If your
schedule is not working, we may be able to help you make different arrangements.
Neighbors Make the Difference
Jennifer Kelley
On May 14, 2014 our local Key Bank again came to
Jowonio for their annual Neighbors Make the Difference Day. This entailed approximately six of our
Nottingham Branch Key Bank staff taking their afternoon assisting us in outdoor spring clean up, preparing
some of our gardens for planting, and weeding and
spreading mulch. We so appreciate Key Bank choosing
us for the past several years and for their commitment to Jowonio and the community! It has made a difference!
Summer Calendar
Summer School Dates—July 1—July 11
Please consider designating Jowonio as a recipient for your United Way
contributions. You have to write in Jowonio School on the line provided
on your donor card. We use the United Way dollars for our Scholarship
Fund. Last year we received more than $12,000 for this fund through
individual write-in designations! With your help through United Way, our
Scholarship Fund can continue to grow and support more children who
otherwise could not afford to attend Jowonio.
Last Call for Report Card
Every year we ask parents to take a few minutes to complete a survey about their experience at Jowonio
this year. We are eager to have your feedback and suggestions as we try to stay current with best practices in early education as well as meet the needs of our students and families. In addition the data is helpful
when we apply for funds through foundations and governmental programs. You can respond on a paper copy
but we also have the questions on Survey Monkey. You can go to the link on our website ( or
type in the Survey Monkey link Thank you for
taking the time to do this!
Thank Yous
We couldn’t do it without you! This year Board members and parents (including the PTG: Parent Teacher
Group) put in so much time planning events and supporting the classrooms. This includes presenting a phenomenal feast for our Staff Appreciation Luncheon…underwriting the cost of the food and decorations,
sharing delicious food from their own kitchen, and setting up and cleaning up. We are grateful to all of you
who took the time to help, especially Tara Gillen, Kris Bogart, and Betsy Porter.
In the past Friends of Jowonio had a full-time and a part-time staff member to support the school’s fundraising. We found we could not support those costs. So this year our major fundraising events (Friends,
Flowers and the Golf Tournament) have been planned and carried out by Board members and parent and
staff volunteers. It is an amazing amount of work to make these happen! They were enjoyable and also
raised money for Jowonio. We can’t thank everyone enough. Our love and gratitude to Friends, Flowers
Event Chairs Jen Rubin and Kelly Wichman and fellow Board members Jen Abdella, Dave Beach, Gary Clark,
Dean DiPilato, Melissa Hidek, Talina Jones, Jennifer Kelley, Sal Massa, Katie May, Carolyn Mayer, Andy Milstein, Jeff Rubin, Lori Saile, Tricia Sherwood, Tina Taggart, and Dave Tyler. Jowonio friends Amy Bodow,
Elizabeth Rabozzi and Jean Whipple also played a significant role. Carolyn Mayer, whose children both attended Jowonio, is going off the Board and we will miss her very much! The upcoming Golf Tournament is
being chaired by Dave Tyler and Joe Lore. If you would like to help and/or play golf on August 4 th, please