Contemporary Art Society Annual Report 1964-65
Contemporary Art Society Annual Report 1964-65
Contemporary Art Society Tate Gallery Millbank SW1 2 Prunella Clough 3 Roger Cook 5 Allen Jones 6 Eduardo Paolozzi 8 Victor Vasarely 9 Keith Vaughan Patron Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Executive Committee W h i t n e y Straight CBE M C DFC Chairman A n t h o n y Lousada Vice-Chairman Peter Meyer Honorary Treasurer G L Conran Honorary Secretary Sir Colin Anderson Raymond Mortimer CBE Eardley Knollys Eric N e w t o n CBE Sir J o h n Rothenstein CBE M r s Oliver Parker Dr Alistair Hunter Derek Hill Bryan Robertson OBE The Hon Michael Astor The Lord Croft Alan Bowness James M e l v i n M r s Elizabeth Heygate The Hon J o h n Sainsbury Dr Kenneth Marsh Pauline Vogelpoel M B E Organising Secretary July 1965 most difficult exhibition w e have ever attempted particularly in terms of organisation. W e were greatly honoured that Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret w a s present at this occasion and more than seven hundred of our members > period from 23rd J u n e , the date of our last A n n u a l General Meeting, until today as far as is y o u w i l l k n o w , our financial year ended on the 31 st December 1964. and their guests. I w o u l d like to thank and congratulate Burton, Ahrends and Koralek, the architects w h o s h o w e d such imagination and lal practice w e appoint t w o buyers each year. For the year ended December 1964 our originality in their installation of this fine exhibition, also the many people w h o so kindly helped us, in particular enstein and Dr Kenneth Marsh. They spent the allotted sum of £ 4 , 5 0 0 and b o u g h t thirty- the Pieter Stuyvesant Foundation w h o s e most generous grant of £2,000 made the w h o l e thing possible. 2 3 , 3 5 0 o r t h e current year were M r Eardley Knollys a n d M r Eric N e w t o n . M r N e w t o n w h o had people paid t o visit the exhibition and w e sold over 9,000 catalogues - as far as w e k n o w this is a record for any imittee since 1951 died in M a r c h . M r N e w t o n made a very great contribution t o the w o r l d exhibition of sculpture in recent years. i most delightful member of our Committee. W e shall all miss him very m u c h . M r Peter M o n as our second buyer for this year. id to our buyers, w e have b o u g h t w o r k s f r o m our exhibition "British Sculpture in the Our Architectural visits this year have proved interesting, w o r t h w h i l e , and w e l l supported. On March 27th w e were privileged to be able to visit the n e w Royal College of Physicians where M r Denys Lasdun, the architect, and Dr Bamford, the Treasurer of the College, met the members and answered their questions. The visit to the n e w Economist A n t h o n y Caro, A n t h o n y Hill, Bryan Kneale, M a r y Martin and Gillian Wise. The total cost Building on M a y 4th was also most interesting and w e are grateful indeed to Sir Geoffrey Crowther and all those :ed the W h i t w o r t h Gallery w i t h a grant of £ 1 4 0 t o w a r d s their purchase of a large Brian W a l l . concerned w i t h making both these visits possible. On M a y 1 st M r Turner kindly allowed members t o visit his most {,000 to the Tate Gallery towards the purchase of the magnificent Picasso, £ 2 7 0 towards / Barbara H e p w o r t h for the National Gallery of N e w Zealand, £ 1 0 0 to the Wellingborough interesting collection in Hyde Park Gardens M e w s . Gallery owners have been very kind to CAS members this year. W e are grateful to M r Eric Estorick, of the Grosvenor the n e w J o h n Piper W i n d o w , £ 7 5 to the City M useum and Art Gallery, Plymouth, as a Gallery, Miss Erica Brausen, of the Hanover Gallery, and M r Philip Granville, of the Lords Gallery, for most entertaining urchase of a Robert Medley. and interesting special evening v i e w i n g s of important exhibitions. w e have had a very busy t i m e in many ways. From J u l y 17th until August 8th w e were During the year w e accepted w i t h great regret the resignation of Mrs Parker w h o has been a very useful member of our lent the Arts Council's Galleries for an exhibition of our recent purchases and some of the Committee. Also Mr Raymond Mortimer w h o had at one time been a most illustrious Chairman. A/iddup Bequest. W e like t o arrange these exhibitions every t w o or three years to enable minate the w o r k s they w o u l d like to have f o r their o w n permanent collections. These o o d opportunity for members and the interested public t o see w h a t w e have bought. At an Extraordinary General Meeting held immediately before this meeting certain resolutions were passed w h i c h w i l l ensure that members of your Committee w i l l automatically retire in rotation in order of seniority. A n y members retiring in this w a y may be re-elected after one year. lution to Galleries w h i c h has totalled 135 since our last meeting, w e loan pictures on a ities, and many other institutions. The increase in demand during the last year has been At this meeting, therefore, w e must note w i t h regret the retirement by rotation of Sir Colin A n d e r s o n , w h o as our Chairman for many years has been so closely associated w i t h the w o r k of the Society. I w o u l d like, w i t h great respect, to thank Sir Colin on your behalf for his outstanding personal contribution. lening of the Recent Acquisitions Exhibition w e had a preview party for members and their ed the atmosphere of 4 St James's Square enormously. It w a s a most successful evening D the Arts Council. I have also to report w i t h much regret the retirement by rotation of Sir J o h n Rothenstein w h o has made an important contribution to the w o r k of the Society, and during his many years as Director of the Tate w a s a very sympathetic host. id their guests were invited to a special evening v i e w i n g of the M i r o Exhibition at the Tate arranged by Miss Pauline Vogelpoel and w a s successful. During the year M r Loraine Conran w h o was our very efficient Hon Secretary felt it necessary to resign f r o m this position due to the heavy calls on his time as Director of the Manchester City Art Gallery. M r J o h n Sainsbury has th October t o 1 st November w e had our first and most enjoyable trip to Cornwall. Fifty of kindly accepted this responsibility. >s in and around St. Ives. The Penwith Society arranged a delightful evening party at its e to v i e w w o r k s by its members. Barbara H e p w o r t h a l l o w e d us t o visit her studio where w e l e d to tea and were given the opportunity of seeing her w o n d e r f u l w o r k both in the studio and his w i f e also generously entertained members for drinks and picture v i e w i n g and the ouse at Zennor. Droved a great success and has led us t o hope that w e may be able t o organise other lat are interesting and not too inaccessible. w e gave an evening party in honour of the Peggy Guggenheim Exhibition w h i c h was much who were also thrilled t o have the opportunity of meeting the great Peggy Guggenheim in In accordance w i t h Article 33 w e co-opted Mr Norman Reid, the new Director of the Tate, to our Committee. Apart from receiving the benefit of M r Reid'swise advice, I feel sure that this w i l l help us t o maintain the very excellent relationship w h i c h has existed w i t h the Trustees of the Tate Gallery for so many years. Our grateful thanks are due to Miss Pauline Vogelpoel, M B E , for her splendid and efficient w o r k during this year of great activity, and also to her hard w o r k i n g Assistant, Mrs W r e n , w h o has spared no effort in our interests. As y o u w i l l learn from the Hon Treasurer's report our financial position is g o o d . However, your Committee is not satisfied w i t h the g r o w t h of membership, and I hope each member w i l l d o everything h e o r s h e c a n t o help us to expand and thereby extend our ability t o make an even greater c o n t r i b u t i o n to the development of Contemporary Art in this country. d the preview of our exhibition "British Sculpture in the Sixties". This was probably the 's Report July 1965 it s h o w s a deficit of £ 5 2 2 , but I am glad to say that this is more than counter-balanced by sdited direct t o the A c c u m u l a t e d Fund in the Balance Sheet. This arises f r o m the sale of lup's house, w h i c h I referred to in my report last year. ie, the various items d o not s h o w a great difference f r o m last year, except of course that w e al profit w h i c h w e made on our Exhibition. Our Subscriptions, I regret t o say, dropped for years. This is due t o a levelling o u t process f o l l o w i n g the introduction of the higher rate, in lually getting n e w members, some old ones are failing to renew their covenants w h e n s year the balance w i l l fall the other w a y . i to w h i c h I should d r a w your attention is the proceeds of our parties. For the first time I ing the sales of tickets and expenses, from w h i c h y o u w i l l see that the overall profit w a s ;t. This is much t o o fine a margin and in any event is largely due to the Far East trip. Other sir w a y , and this explains the increase in the price of tickets w h i c h w e instituted a f e w o w has caused some members concern. r allocation t o Buyers for the year w a s increased from £4,000 to £4,500 and, after including List of purchases for the year 1964 Contemporary Art Society Exhibitions Buyer 'Recent Acquisitions of the Contemporary Art Society' Arts Council Gallery, August 1 9 6 4 Sir J o h n Rothenstein Anthea Alley Edward Burra Camargo Diana C u m m i n g A n t h o n y Green Richard Hamilton Howard Hodgkin Allen J o n e s David Kossoff R o y d e Maistre JackSimcock Takis Keith Vaughan Sculpture 1 9 6 3 (brass) Storm in the J u n g l e , 1931 ( w a t e r - c o l o u r ) Sculpture ( w h i t e painted w o o d ) Portrait of Laetitia Yhap Lovemaking in Lissenden Gardens Interior Study (a) 1964 (collage and oil) Husband and w i f e , 1 9 6 3 Man-woman 1963 Riverside Building Site, No 2 , 1 9 5 1 The M a c h i n e S h o p Cottage and Figure, No 1 Electro Signals, No 1 Study for Laocoon g r o u p (4) Loans made by the Society to exhibitions Peter Blake Allen J o n e s Howard Hodgkin Howard Hodgkin David Hockney Peter Blake Frank Auerbach Roger Hilton various adjustments, the amount s h o w n in the accounts for expenditure on Works of Art n the record figure for 1963 but still something w e can be proud of. Buyer by about £ 2 0 0 to £2,753 but this is largely due to the non-recurring item of printing a n e w Dr Kenneth Marsh !119 on the Recent Acquisitions Exhibition. The cost of transporting and hanging our ierable but it is impossible for our subscribing galleries t o exercise a proper choice in our his expenditure is essential for us to carry on our prime purpose. 1964 resulted in our assets increasing by over £ 8 0 0 and £ 4 , 8 0 0 w o r t h of w o r t s of art, ibuted to museums t h r o u g h o u t the C o m m o n w e a l t h . In v i e w of our modest resources I am at this is n o t unsatisfactory. W. Barns-Graham L. Bontecou Prunella Clough Bernard Cohen Roger Cook B o b Crossley David Hall Francis Hewlett Derek Hyatt Allen Jones Michael Kidner Sonia Lawson Alexander Mackenzie Peter Oliver Eduardo Paolozzi Y v o n n e Poulton Barbara Robinson A n t o n i o Saura Sushila Singh JoeTilson Vasarely Keith Vaughan In the w i n d s eye Sixth stone 2 (print) District Line 1 9 6 4 No 2 , 3 and 4 (3 prints) Untitled No 5 Aggressive Blacks It's all over n o w (painted, welded steel) A h a b lying d r o w n e d under water 1964 Spring at L u l w o r t h Hermaphroditique head (print) Relief No 5, Reflected green and w h i t e , 1 9 6 2 / 3 J o u r n e y t h r o u g h M a r c h weather Relief painting ( M a r c h 1 9 6 4 ) Marsh morning Metallization of a dream (print) Painting in sands Water t o w e r Head (gouache) Landscape Fan (print) Planeterische Folklore No 3 (print) Landscape w i t h Figures The Lettermen (oil) The Third big bus (oil) Staff meeting (oil) Husband and w i f e (oil) A r t s C o u n c i l of N o r t h e r n I r e l a n d ' T h e N e w Image' Exhibition Marriage of styles, No 2 (oil) The Lettermen (oil) National M u s e u m of W a l e s , Exhibition 'Pick of the Pops' Maples Demolition (oil) M a r c h 1961 Staedische Kunstgalerie, Bochum, Germany E x h i b i t i o n of E n g l i s h C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t Contemporary Art Society Recent Acquisitions Basildon A r t s Festival Contemporary Art Society Recent Acquisitions Dickin M o o r e Exhibitions for s c h o o l s L o a n s to c o l l e g e s , f u r t h e r e d u c a t i o n g r o u p s , hospitals, e t c L o n d o n University, Department of Extra-mural studies L o n d o n University, Senate House London University, Queen Mary College London University, Royal Free Medical School International Nickel Company Architectural Association Institute of Directors, Medical Centre Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge Sheffield University, U n i o n of Students Middlesex Hospital Works presented to galleries during 1964 Aberdeen Edward M i d d l e d i t c h Eric Gill Winifred Nicholson Robert M c B r y d e Bath John Armstrong Sir William Orpen Batley Geoffrey Tibbie Ethelbert W h i t e Near M o n t e J a c q u e ( d r a w i n g ) T w o Nudes (drawing) Flowers in a pot (oil) Ruined House (water-colour) Psyche on the Styx (oil) Camden Crescent, Bath (drawing) The Salon (oil) The Farm ( w a t e r - c o l o u r ) Composition (gouache) Chapelain M i d y Michael A y r t o n A n t i g o n e (oil) T w o nudes in a boat (oil) Henry Tonks Leslie Hurry Dialectic (oil) The Farmyard (oil) D u n c a n Grant J o h n Bratby Jean (oil) Colchester Jura from Kilmory ( w a t e r - c o l o u r ) Norman A d a m s Indian dancer ( d r a w i n g ) Louis le Brocquy Coventry Landscape w i t h tank (oil) Prunella Clough Darlington Adrian Heath Composition (oil) John Minton Entombment (oil) Derby Eileen Agar Partners (oil) Doncaster Leslie Hurry The Verdant Princess (water-colour) Nude (oil) HenrykGotlib Nudes in a bedroom (oil) Tristram Hillier Dudley Forms, black, w h i t e and grey (oil) Alan Reynolds Dumfries Asher Bilu A n eye remote (oil) Dundee The man that lived in an egg (gouache) A l a n Davie Durham Prunella Clough Monotype Eastbourne Standing Figure 1 9 6 2 (oil) Keith Vaughan Eccles Industrial Landscape (oil) Prunella Clough Glasgow W i l l i a m Crozier Fallen man (oil) Nude ( d r a w i n g ) J a c o b Epstein G l a s g o w University Prunella Clough Monotype Harrogate Aegean Scene (oil) Robert Medley Hereford Tachiste (lithograph) Gillian Ayres Huddersfield The Sea, No 2 1 9 6 2 (oil) J o a n Eardley Hull Peter Blake The Lettermen (oil) Kendal Tambour (oil) Henry M u n d y Kettering Staff meeting ( o i l ) Howard Hodgkin Kings Lynn Poisson d'or (print) Ceri Richards Leamington Spa The Rocks, No 2, L o w tide (water-colour) J o h n Selway • Leeds Maples Demolition, Easton Road (oil) Frank Auerbach (Leeds Art Collections Fund) Norman Adams Head (oil) Leicester Projective painting in w h i t e and ochre (construction) Victor Pasmore Lincoln Lazzlo (collage) Gwyther Irwin Liverpool M a c h i n e Construction 1 9 6 3 (construction) M a t t Rugg Maidstone Winter Hadleigh No 3 (gouache) Derek Wilson Manchester (City Art Gallery) Shimmer, red, orange (oil) J a c k Smith (Rutherston Loan Scheme) Composition ( w a t e r - c o l o u r ) Terry Frost Manchester University (Whitworth Art Gallery) Single figure in a landscape (oil) Patrick Procktor Mansfield Still life w i t h chicken (oil) Peter Coker Merthyr Tydfil Martin Froy Standing figure (oil) Middlesbrough Horse Head 2 / 6 (bronze) Elizabeth Frink Newcastle Shangri-la 3 (oil and construction) Derek Hirst Newcastle University (Hatton Gallery) Untitled w h i t e painting 1961 (oil) Brett Whiteley Newport Carpet landscape (chalk) Keith N e w Northampton W h i t e and near blacks (oil) Trevor Bell Norwich Painting, black, w h i t e and b r o w n 1961 (oil) Sandra B l o w Oldham Gravy for the Navy, 1 9 6 3 (oil and construction) Peter Phillips Oxford (Ashmolean) D r a w i n g : Biblical subject Sir J a c o b Epstein Plymouth Henri Hayden Plage a Dielette 1962 (oil) Preston S c o o p (aluminium sculpture) Austin Wright Reading Stanley Spencer Self-portrait (oil) Rochdale Bees (lithograph) Gertrude Hermes Rugby Harold Cohen A l c i d e 1 9 6 2 (oil) Salford Nude w a s h i n g in a creek 1961 (oil) Arthur Boyd Scarborough Scarborough Harbour (water-colour) Henry Tonks Sheffield Tetes o v e r d e landscape (gouache) Karel A p p e l Southampton Composition (gouache) William Scott ICI Tanker (oil) Derek Guthrie Southend Seated Figure (bronze) Siegfried Charoux Stalybridge Felix Topolski The City ( o i l ) Kirkhallen farm (oil) George Bissill Gibraltar f r o m Gaucin (oil) Stephen Bone Stoke-on-Trent Idyll after Gilbert (oil) W R Sickert Sunderland Burnt penumbra (oil) Ian Stephenson Swansea Linear construction (brass and w o o d ) Kenneth M a r t i n Swindon Painting 1961 (oil) Charles H o w a r d Tate Gallery No 2 2 1 9 6 2 (oil) J o h n Hoyland Float 1961 (oil) Henry M u n d y Blue Ice (oil) W Barns-Graham Victoria and Albert Museum Red smoke ( d r a w i n g ) Otto Piene Enclumedescaracteres (collage) Kalinowski Blanco, rojo y negro (gouache) M Millares The Harvest Sir William Orpen Wakefield Three miners ( d r a w i n g ) Josef Herman Warrington Tree o f life (oil) Duncan Sandys Worksop William Hartwell Landscape (oil) Wolverhampton Grey streak (oil) Albert Irvin York Painting 1961 (oil) Roger Hilton Australia Adelaide Brett Whiteley Ballarat A n t h o n y Donaldson Untitled w h i t e painting 1962 (oil) Belle Starr (oil) List of pictures presented to the Society by the late Dr Harold Widdup D: Drawing C: Collage W: Water-colour Unless otherwise stated all w o r k s are oil paintings Norman Norman Bernard Eileen Moyens Achille John John John Maurice Maurice Michael Michael Michael Michael John John John W Keith A Roger John Jack Peter George George George George George George George George Sandra Jocelin Joselin Stephen Stephen Stephen E Martin Frank John Adams Adams Adeney Agar Anderson Apeigo Armstrong Armstrong Armstrong Asselin Asselin Ayrton Ayrton Ayrton Ayrton Banting Banting Banting Barnes-Graham Baynes Beaudin Bezanes Bigge Bilbo Bishop Bissill Bissill Bissill Bissill Bissill Bissill Bissill Bissill Blow Bodley Bodley Bogart Bone Bone Bone Boszin Bradley Brangwyn Bratby Head W Arran Islands Still Life w i t h Flowers Collage Abstract, blue and black D Drawing Psyche on the Styx Abstract The Door T w o Girls Reading The River The Garden Rocks by the Coast Antigonie Lady Ellis Phantasy W h i t e Flowers Surrealist Blue Ice Trees in a Square Lovers Harlequinade Composition W o m a n on a Horse Street Landscape Kirkhallam Farm S n o w in Wiltshire The Miner Country Village Wiltshire Landscape W The Bridge Wiltshire Landscape Construction Arab T o w n Coronation Review Village d'Afrique Landscape in France Hospital Toledo Gibraltarfrom Gaucin The Bridge Spring has come The M e e t i n g Hands John John Gerald Gerald Horace Horace R Edward Rodney Rodney Francis Aldo Manolis Valerios Richard Thomas Mary Edmund Katharine Prunella Harold Peter Cecil Robert Charles John John Peter Georges Kenneth Raymond John William Charles Adrian Forbes Oscar Henri Robin J o h n Warren E Roy Robin Anthony Henry Jun Frank Frank Frank Bratby Bratby Brockhurst Brockhurst Brodsky Brodsky Buhler Burra Burn Burn Butterfield Cagliacci Calliyannis Caloutsis Carline Carr Cassat Ceria Chapelain-Midy Charlemagne Church Clough Cohen Coker Collins Colquhoun Conder Cooper Coplans Corviello Cotos Coutts Smith Coxon Crafton Crozier Cundali Daintrey Dalrymple Dalvis Danty Darwin Davis De Kermadec Delfau De Maistre Denny Devas De Waroquier Dobashi Dobson Dobson Dobson The Painter painting, Popperwell Jean D Head of a W o m a n D Head of a Girl Nude Nude Landscape W N e w s of the W o r l d Pastoral Y o u n g Girl W h i s k y Bottle The Stone Breaker Aegean Boat Element on Black W Evening Concert Low-tide S t u d y Ballet Dancer French Harbour Composition Back of a Nude W A n t h o n y in the Salon Industrial Landscape Painting December Still-life w i t h chicken Still-life, c o m i n g of Day Figures in Landscape W Fan A t the Seaside Composition M a u v e and Yellow Composition Blue and Red D Nude House in a Landscape W Composition Rome Landscape Beau Rivage D Composition L'eglise Nude on a Couch Study for Kneeling Nude Seated Nude Composition Still-life D Composition in Black The M o d e l Grand Canal Venice Composition Standing Nude Standing Nude Nude Ralph Rene R 0 R 0 R 0 RO RO Pierre Roy Turner George George Suzanne Jacob Jacob RS A Zeid Zeid Ian A Paul Don Vivian Vivian A Jean Elizabeth Roger Roger Roger G M M William Mark Mark Phelan Eric Eric Harold Frederick Henryk Henryk L Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan Stanley Stanley Anthony Raymond Dodd Durey Dunhill Dunlop Dunlop Dunlop Dunlop Dunlop Dumont Durant Ehrlich Ehrlich Eisendieck Epstein Epstein Eves Facery Fahr-el-Nissa Fahr-el-Nissa Fairweather Fasini Feiler Fink Forbes Forbes Fougeron Frelaut Frink Fry Fry Furse Gallibert Gamier Gamier Gear Gertler Gertler Gibb Gill Gill Gilman Gore Gotlib Gotlib Gottlieb Grant Grant Grant Grant Grimm Grimm Gross Guerrier D D D D W W Paysage Still-life Girl by flowers Farm in France Flowers on a Chair Seated Nude Y o u n g Girl River Scene Flowerpiece Edge of Air Field M o t h e r and Child The Village Y o u n g Girl Nude Biblical Subject Portrait of Stanley A u s t i n Nude Bathing Panel in colours Red Composition Peking Masques Reflections on a Square Landscape Figures in a Garden The Family Mother and Child Chapellede Meridec D Drawing M o n t Ventoux Drawing The A b b e y of Vezelay W Theatrical Design Provencal Landscape W Landscape W Bathers W Composition The Sanatorium D Nude T o w n in France T w o Nudes T w o Nudes Lake in the Hills Les Baux Nude Landscape Nudes at a Table Seated W o m a n The Farmyard Nude Prelude The Harbour The Port W Cafe des Glaces Boats in Harbour p Keith Keith Therese Morland Wyndham Sine Sine Jean Denis Anna Paul James Robert Ursula DS Robert Bernard Bernard Bernard Lord Colin Derek John John Willy Claude Diana C John John Tom Tom William Bertram Bertram Winifred Daniel Sir William Roland David Sandrow Mervyn R L R Vivian R Vivian R Vivian R Vivian Lemoine Leonard Leonard Lessore Lewis Lewis Loutreuril Lubarda Mackinnon Mackinnon Marchand Mathews Mayerson Maze McBey McBryde McCannell McColl Medley Meninsky Meninsky Meninsky Methuen Middleton Middleton Minton Minton Muccini Mucha Muncaster Murphy Murray Nash Nash Nash Nash Nejad Newcombe Nicholls Nicholls Nicholson O'Neill Orpen Oudet Paolucci Giorgio Parmeggiani Peake Pereire Pickard Pitchforth Pitchforth Pitchforth Pitchforth The Garden Table Nude (litho) Self-bush The Circus The Coast D Nude M a n Reading Conflict Chelsea Italian Landscape Seated Nude W Stacking Bottles Whistling W Nude Study W Concarneau Ruined House W Flight into Egypt W High Tide, Fenby A R P Stretcher Party Fruit Still-life W Bathers W Seated W o m a n D Camden Crescent, Bath Girl's Head Composition, green, red The e n t o m b m e n t Rocks by the Coast Hospital, Roma W Le Port w Pool of London w Nude Resting Shrimping, Dinard Pond and Trees w Landscape Deposition S w o r d of the Lord of Gidea Abstract w Island in the M o r n i n g The Waterfall w Panel for Queen Mary Flowers in Pots Lough Swilly The Harvest Y o u n g Girl Paludana Abstract Portrait D Decorative design Crocus M e d w a y at Rochester Landscape Nude M o d e l W The Bather William Francis Leonard Michael Sir W Pitchforth Pollitzer Pollitzer Potworoski Prassinos Proudfoot Pryde Ray RBN Rebeyrolle Rezvanni Richter Rinz Roberts Rose Rosoman Rothenstein Rothenstein Ralph Ralph R Kurt William William Elliott Y Michael Richard Rumney Rumney Schwabe Schwitters Scott Scott Seabrook Seguev Sevier Sickert R Vivian Sigmund Sigmund P James Man C H Davis < > W R WR WR WR WR F Lucien Charles Charles Matthew F N FN Ruskin Gilbert Stanley Humphrey Wilson P W J Rowland Rowland Rowland Rowland Jack Sickert Sickert Sickert Sickert Sickert Sieben Simon Sims Sims Smith Souza Souza Spear Spencer Spencer Spender Steer Steggles Suddaby Suddaby Suddaby Suddaby Tancredi Taylor W D D W W The Creek T o w n and Country Fantasia Girl putting on Stockings Landscape Italian T o w n Night Scene Composition Abstract Portrait Red Squares Cornish Port Paysage B o x i n g Match Figures on red background Chinese Girl in Landscape D J o h n Ward and J o h n Daly Snow T a c h i s t e o n silver Tachiste II W The Flight into Egypt Construction Nude and Still-life Eggs and Frying-pan Lake in a W o o d Gemeaux The Statue Portrait of Mrs. Van Burneu a n d child Still-life w i t h Huts Street at Night Hospital Nurse The Sick Doctor Idyll after Gilbert W Tachiste French Soldier Exultation Seated Child D Seated Girl Red Houses D T w o Nudes Nude Girl in Room Portrait of Artist's Wife Head of the Artist Still-life on a Table D Nude Landscape near Bath Landscape Village by Sea Suffolk Village W Yorkshire Moors Panel in colours, oil The Saint w i t h no name Ivor AR Geoffrey Joe Henry Henry Henry Felix H George John Septimus Fred Leon A A John Ethel Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan Evan Alan Ethelbert Ethelbert Ethelbert Ethelbert Frank Avray Scottie Edward Edward Christopher Richard Leon Thomas Thompson Tibbie Tilson Tonks Tonks Tonks Topolski Trotin Trygguadottir Trygguadottir Tuckwell Tunnard Tuzza Uhlman Underwood Vachon Vachon Verney Walker Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walters Walton Wha ChowYing White White White White Wilson Wilson Wolfe Wolfe Wood Wyndham Zack Zee D W C D W w w w D w D D White and Black The M o d e l The Salon Summer 1 9 5 9 T w o Nudes in a Boat Portrait of a Y o u n g Girl Scarborough Harbour The City Bords d e l a Marne Collage Composition The Fish-shop Angle Dutch Calligraphique The Lighthouse Male Nude La Ponche Le Port Y e l l o w Landscape Portrait of Y o u n g Girl Portrait of Y o u n g Girl The Ascentions Flowers in a Glass Washing Clothes Flowers in a Glass Flowers in a Pot People in a Park Bath night (on canvas) Landscape Sunflowers The Barmaid Poplars Red Object Arundel Park The Forest The Farm Landscape Configuration in Red Free Hand D r a w i n g Pond in a W o o d Cafe in M o r o c c o Seated Nude Nude The Street Caricature 15.15. 15.15. 10.10. 15.15. 3. 3. 0 0 0 0 0 D u d l e y : Art Gallery Dumfries :Gracefield Art Centre D u n d e e : M u s e u m and Fine Art Galleries D u n e d i n : Art Gallery D u r h a m : Bowes M u s e u m 2 1 . 0. 0 15.15. 0 5. 5. 0 Eastbourne: T o w n e r Art Gallery Eccles: M o n k s Hall M u s e u m The Electricity Council 2 1 . 0. 0 5. 5. 0 15.15.0 G l a s g o w : Art Galleries and M u s e u m G l a s g o w : University Art Collections Fund Gloucester: City Art Gallery 15.15. 15.15. 15.15. 50. 0. 2 1 . 0. 26. 5. Hamilton, O n t a r i o : A r t Gallery Harrogate C o r p o r a t i o n Art Gallery Hereford: M u s e u m and A r t Gallery Holt, Alfred a n d Co. The P. H . H o l t Trust H u d d e r s f i e l d : Public Library and Art Gallery H u l l : Ferens A r t Gallery 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.15. 0 15.15. 0 3. 3. 0 Kettering Art Gallery Kimberley, South A f r i c a : William Humphreys Art Gallery Kings Lynn : Friends of the M u s e u m 15.15. 0 5. 5. 0 15.15. 0 3. 3. 0 15.15. 0 15.15.0 10. 0. 0 15.15. 0 31.10. 0 10.10. 0 4. 4. 0 5. 5. 0 Lake District Art Gallery Trust Leamington S p a : M u s e u m and Art Gallery Leeds: Temple Newsam House Leeds: Art Collections Fund Leicester: M u s e u m and Art Gallery Lincoln : Usher Art Gallery Lindsay: The Lindsay Trust L i v e r p o o l : The Walker Art Gallery L o n d o n , O n t a r i o : Public Library and M u s e u m London University: Department of Extra Mural Studies London University: Queen Mary College London University: Senate House 5. 5. 5. 5. 26. 5. 10.10. 2 1 . 0. 6. 6. 25. 0. 15.15. 2 1 . 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M a i d s t o n e : M u s e u m and Art Gallery M a i d s t o n e : M u s e u m Auxiliary Fund Manchester: Corporation Art Gallery Manchester: Rutherston Loan Collection Manchester: W h i t w o r t h Art Gallery M a n s f i e l d : M u s e u m and Art Gallery M e l b o u r n e : National Gallery of Australia Merthyr T y d f i l : Art Gallery and Museum M i d d l e s b r o u g h : A r t Gallery and Museum 15.15. 15.15. 15.15. 2 1 . 0. 15.15. 0 0 0 0 0 Nelson, N e w Zealand : Bishop Suter Art Gallery N e w a r k : M u s e u m and Art Gallery Newcastle on T y n e : T h e University, Hatton Gallery Newcastle on T y n e : The Laing Art Gallery N e w p o r t : M u s e u m and Art Gallery 15.15. 0 15.15. 0 25. 0. 0 N o r t h a m p t o n : Public Library a n d Art Gallery N o r w i c h : Public Library and A r t Gallery N o t t i n g h a m : Museum and Art Gallery 15.15. 0 31.10. 0 10.10. 0 O l d h a m : The M u n i c i p a l Art Gallery Ottawa : National Gallery of Canada Oxford : Ashmolean M u s e u m 15.15. 0 15.15. 0 15.15. 0 Perth : National Gallery of Western Australia Portsmouth : Art Gallery Preston : Harris Museum and Art Gallery 15.15. 5. 5. 15.15. 5. 5. 15.15. Reading : M u s e u m and Art Gallery R o c h d a l e : Art Gallery and M u s e u m R o t h e r h a m : M u s e u m a n d Art Gallery Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine R u g b y : Art Gallery and M u s e u m 0 0 0 0 0 15.15. 0 5. 5. 0 10. 0. 0 15.15. 0 15.15. 0 10.10. 0 26. 5. 0 15.15.0 15.15. 0 15.15. 0 31.10. 0 2 1 . 0. 0 15.15. 0 26. 5. 0 S a l f o r d : Royal M u s e u m and Art Gallery Saint Pancras: Libraries and Art Committee S c a r b o r o u g h : Art Gallery S c u n t h o r p e : Museum and Art Gallery S h e f f i e l d : Graves A r t Gallery Sheffield University: Union of Students S o u t h a m p t o n : Art Gallery Southend : Beecroft Art Gallery S t a l y b r i d g e : Astley Cheetham Art Gallery Stoke on T r e n t : M u s e u m and Art Gallery S u n d e r l a n d : M u s e u m a n d Art Gallery Swansea : G l y n Vivian A r t Gallery S w i n d o n : M u s e u m and Art Gallery S y d n e y : National Gallery of N e w South Wales 33. 0. 0 15.15. 0 T o r o n t o : Art Gallery T o r q u a y : Art Gallery 31.10. 0 10.10. 0 Victoria and Albert M u s e u m Victor Batte-Lay Trust: The Minories, Colchester 5. 5. 5. 5. 15.15. 15.15. 10.10. 15.15. W a k e f i e l d : City Art Gallery W a k e f i e l d : Permanent Art Fund W a r r i n g t o n : M u s e u m and Art Gallery W e l l i n g t o n : National Art Gallery W o r k s o p : A r t Gallery and M u s e u m W o l v e r h a m p t o n : Art Gallery and M u s e u m 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.15. 0 Y o r k : City Art Gallery Individual M e m b e r s * Denotes members w h o have signed a Deed of Covenant * Aarons, Leo Esq * Aarons, Mrs Leo Abbey, Major J R Abraham, Major G H F Abrahams, A Esq Abrahams, Mrs A Abrahams, A J Esq Abrahams, Mrs Henry Abrahams-Curiel, Mrs Absolom, F R Esq Absolom, Mrs F R Absolom, Miss Gay Abson,WWEsq * Acheson, MissS Ac worth. Miss A P Acworth, A W Esq CBE Adam, Dr Klaus-Peter " Adam, Peter Esq * Adam, Mrs Peter Adams, J o h n T K Esq " Adams, Mrs Patricia Adeane, P J Esq * Adeane, Sir Robert OBE Adler, O Esq Agar, Miss Eileen Agnew, Geoffrey Esq Ainley, Mrs J * Aldridge, Miss E Alexander, Eric Esq Alford, Philip Leonard Esq Alford, Mrs Algar, Mrs Mary Allen, Raymond S S Esq Allen, Robert Esq Allen, Mrs Robert Alley, Ronald Esq Allford, David Esq Allford, Mrs. David * Alport, E A Esq Altman, Dr M Alvensleben, Baron Werner Von Amies, Hardy Esq * Anderson, Sir Coiin Anderson, Miss D E Anderson, Sir Donald F Anderson, Miss H C Anderson, Mrs Jean * Anderson, Miss J L Anderson, The Lady Anderson, Lady M C * Anderson, Lady M I Anderson, Robert Esq Andreae, Mrs C C Angus, Miss M M Anker, Miss E Anrep, Miss Helen * Anson, Colin Esq Anstey, Richard Esq Anstruther, Ian Esq Anstruther, Mrs I Antal,Mrs F Appelbe, Ambrose Esq Appelbe, Mrs Ambrose Appleby, Miss Alison Appleby, Mrs M * Arbuthnot, Miss Helen Archdale, J Esq Archibald, James Esq Archibald, Mrs James * Arden, Mrs. Dorothy Ariel, B R Esq Armitage, Mrs Kenneth Arnold, E M Esq Arnold, Mrs Marie Ash, Mrs Ruth Aschan, Mrs M Asher, Miss Florence Ashley, Miss Sarah Ashton, Lady Aspinwall, J W F Esq Aspinwall, Mrs J W F Aspinwall, Miss S Assheton, Mrs John R Astor, The Hon M L Astor, The Hon Mrs M Astor, The Viscountess Asquith, Brian Esq Atfield, David Esq Atfield, Mrs David Atkin, Mrs Anita Atkins, D r W G Aukin, Charles Esq Austin, Henry Esq Austin-Smith, J M Esq Babrow, Miss Merle Bachmann, L P Esq Backus, Charles Esq Baddeley, Mrs J Baer, J M Esq Bagrit, Sir Leon Bagrit, Lady Bailey, Miss Mary Baker, Mrs J E M E H Baker, Mrs Pearl Baker, R W H Esq Balch, Mr Balch, Mrs Balfour, M D Esq Balfour, Mrs M D Balfour, Miss Nancy Balint, Mrs Michael Ball, Miss Julia Ball.MrsTM B a l l . T M Esq Ballantine, Miss Sheila Ballantyne, Miss Anne Bang, Per Esq Banks, Miss R G Banszky, Dr L Banwell, Dr J G Barber, R O Esq Barchard, Mrs Francis Barclay, Sir Colville Bareau, Mrs Paul Barefoot, J o h n Esq Barefoot, Mrs J o h n Baring, Evelyn B Esq Barker, Mrs Adrienne Barker, Mrs Naomi Barker, Mrs Palgrave Barker-Mill,Mrs E Barker-Mill, P Esq Barki, Miss Rosita Barkley, Mrs Hilda Barkley, Miss H Barlow, Sir Alan B t G C B KBE Barlow, Lady Barlow, Dr E D Barns-Graham, MissW Baron, Mrs Julia Barr, MrsTonde Barrett, A S D Esq Barrett, Mrs P R B Barrington Cooper, Dr Barrow, J o h n Esq Bartleet, A P Esq Barton, M r s C Guy Est! . J o h n H Esq Bridson, 0 Esq Brinsley Ford, R Esq Brinton, M r s M K Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd Brltcher, Bex Esq Broadbent, Mrs Mary Brookes, F T Esq Brockhurst, Mrs P W Brocklebank, Lady Grace 1rsCA Brocteky, Horace Esq Bromley Davsnport, Mrs Linens Brommelfe, H S Esq Brook, Mrs Helen Brown, fit Phillips Limited Brown, Miss A F Brown, Mrs J A Brown, James A Esq Brown, O G F Esq Browne, M A Esq Brown tow. Miss M Browse, Miss Lillian Bruce, Mtss Bruckmann, P Esq Bruckmann, Mrs P Srunner, Mrs J C Bryant, Mrs Joan Bfyant, Mrs Th el ma Bryson, J N Esq Buchanan, Mrs. Andrew Buckingham, Vicsor Esq Buckingham, Mrs Victor Buckman, Bernard Esq Buckman, Mrs. Bernard Bud, Mrs M Bulks ley- Johnson, Captain V Sulke ley-Johnson, MrsV Bull.GVEsq Bull, Mrs <3 V Buiiock, J o h n Esq Bullock, Mrs J o h n Bunney, J o h n Esq Burdon, G M Esq Burgess, Mrs R R A Burke, Mrs M St Lawrence Burke, Peter Esq Burland,CAEsq Burns, Francis Esq Burniston, Misse Burr, James Esq Burston, Neville Esq Burston, Mrs Neville Burt, Miss Betty Burt, !an Esq Burt, Mrs Ian Burton, Mrs Arnold Burton, A J Esq Burton, Miss G M Burton, Mrs Raymond Burton, Raymond Esq Burton, S H Esq Burton, M r s S H Bush, Or Brian Buss,J H L Esq Biiston, J G Esq Butler, The Hon Mrs Guy Butler, Miss Patricia M Butler, Reg Esq Butler, Mrs Reg Butlin, Martin Esq Buttsrwick, John Esq Buxton, Mrs M V Byf isld, I R D Esq Byng, Robert Esq Byron, Arthur Esq Byron, Mrs Arthur Caccia, Lady Anna Cahn, Heinz Esq Calicut, Robert Richard Esq Cameron, Major A Cameron, M r s A Cameron, Mrs Una C a m p b o l l T h e Hon Jamas Campbell,Ralph Esq Campbell,Mrs Ralph Campbell,William Esa Campbell-Orde, l a d y Campbell-Salmon, £ Esq Campion, M i s s M GOBS C a n t a b , P G Esq Caps!!, Miss P Capon, EG Esq Carew-Hunt, Major B G MBE TO Garlebach, A Esq Carlisle, Mrs Anne CarmichaeS, Miss Jans Carnegie, Andrew Esq Cam, Dr C G Caro, Mrs C G Carpenter, Mrs Phyllis Ella Carr, Mrs Marjorie Carr, Mrs R M Carr-Saunders, Sir Alexander Carswe!!, Miss Constance Carter, Anthony Esq Carter, Donald Esq Carter, John Esq CBE Carter, Mrs J o h n Carter, P B Esq Carter, Miss Peggy Canhey, Miss Bretta Carthy, J D Esq Casson, Sir Hugh Casson, Lady Castle, Mrs S Caileugh, J D H Esq Cecil, Lady David Cemlyn-Jones, Sir Wynne Chatkin, I Esq Chamberiin, MissL Chamberlin, Poweiiand Bon, Messrs Charoot, Miss M Champion, Mrs C L Champion, C L Esq BSc Chance, I 0 Esq Chance. M Esq Chancellor, R D Esq Chandler, W J Esq Chandos, The Rt Hon Viscount DSO M C Chaplin, Miss B A Chapman, Max Esq Chapman, R G Esq Chapman, Mrs R Charter's, Hon Guy Chase, Michael Esq Cheesbrough, J o h n Esq Cheesbrough, Mrs J C h e t w y n d , T W CEsq Chetwynd, M r s T W C Chilton, Miss F Cholmondeiey, Lady George Cholmondetey, Lady J o h n Choremi, Andre Esq Christie-Miller, W J Esq Christie-Miller, M r s W J Christopherson, J o h n Esq Christopherson, Mrs Anne E Clark, Colin Esq Clark, Sir Kenneth KCB Cisrk, Lady Clark, D r K J Clark, Mrs K J Clarke, Mrs A S Clarke, A S Esq Clarke, Gerald Esq Clarke, Louis C G Esq Clarke-Fort, Mrs FrancoiseV Clarkson, Mrs Georgina Clegg, Miss Helen Clements, Mrs E M B Clements, Dr E M 8 Clissoid, M i s s A J Cloake, M i s s J D Cioste. Mrs S B Clore, Charles Esq Cobharn, MissZ Cochrane, John P Esq Cockayne, Jeremy Esq Cockburn, D r H D Codling, Lady Coen, J Verney Esq Cohen, Dennis M Esq Cohen, Henry M Esq Cohen, Sir Herbert Bart OBE Cohen, Lady Cohen, Commander KCB CMG Cohen, MrsK Cohen, The Leonard Fund Cohen, Myer Esq Cohen, M S Esq Cole, D N Esq Colinvaux, R P Esq Colinvaux, Mrs Dorothy Collier.Dr J Collins, Cecil Esq Collins, Dennis Esq Collins, Mrs Dennis Collins, Mrs Georgette Collins, Miss Patricia Collins, Mrs P A Collins, Peter Esq Collins, Miss S P Collyns,MrsRC Coimoo, Timothy Esq Coiviiie, Mrs Muriel Colvin, Mrs Hugh Common, Mrs Enid Comninos, Mrs Michael Compton-Smith, Miss C Coniay, Miss Iris Conn, Victor W A Conran, Mrs J Conran, G L Esq Conybeare, Sir J J Cooke, Mrs E Cooper, Ivor Esq Cooper, Mrs Ivor Cooper, Terence Esq Coopman, Mrs Mira Copplestone, Mrs M Corbin, Thomas J Esq Corcoran, Gerald Esq Co rob, S Esq Corob, Mrs S Corrie, Mrs Janet Corvin, Miss Vera Cosh, Miss Mary Cosh, Miss M S Costs 11 o, Mrs Doreon Couper, J o h n Esq Couper, Mrs John Coutts-Milne, Mrs M Coveil, Mrs Helen Cowan, John Esq Cowan, Dr Michael Cowan, Mrs Michael Cowen, Mrs R S Cox, Cobden Esq Cox, Cobden Mrs Cox, Mrs M N Cozens, M i s s J Crabtree, J A Esq Crabtree, Thomas Esq Craps, Mrs E Crauforei Benson, Mrs R Craven, Mrs Edna Crawford and Balcarres, The Bt Hon, The Earl of Crawford, Sydney Esq Crawford, Mrs Sydney Cregan, Mrs J M Crichton-Stuart, Lady Col urn Critchley, Mrs Margaret CritialCMrsAM Crocker, Mrs J o h n Craft, The Lord Croft-Murray, Edward Esq Croil,Mrs Graham Croropton, Dr Rufus Crompton, Mrs Rufus Crooks, Miss Dorothy Crookshank, Miss Anne Crosby, T Esq Crosfield, M C Esq Crosland, P L Esq Crosiand, Mrs P L Crossley, Bob Esq Crossley, Mrs V Culme-Seymour, Sir Michael Bt Cunliffe, The Hon Mrs Geoffrey Cunliffe, Mrs Marcus Cuniiffe, Professor Marcus Cunningham, Mrs Karen Cusack, A Esq Cuseok, R V Esq OC Custerson, Conrad Esq Cuthbert, A D Esq Cuthbert, William M Esq Cutner, Maurice Esq Cutts, Mrs IE Cvitanovitch, F Esq Czarnowska, M r s ! re n a Dale, R A Esq Dale Roberts, J Esq Dalias-Smith, Peter Esq Dallas-Smith, Mrs Dal!ey,DrVM Daly, Mrs Elizabeth Damiano, C Esq Daniels, Miss B Darge, Ian Hamilton Esq D'Armour, Miss Louisa Darracott, T M Esq ARIBA DarrelS,HF£sq Darwin, Sir Robin CBE Datnow, A D Esq Davenport, Nicholas Esq Davenport, M r s N Davidson-Houston, Major A C Davies, MissG Davies, Mrs Meredith Davies, R W Esq Davies, Mrs Ruth Davies, T 0 Esq Davies, M r s T M " Davis, Dr Albert Davis, Mrs Albert Davis, Mrs Barbara ' Davis, Mrs ET Davis, Miss Joan L Davis, Robin Esq Dayys, Dr Michael Dawe, Mrs E G J Dawe, E G J Esq Daws, R N Esq Dawe, Mrs R N Dawson, Mrs Mary Dean, C M Esq " Deane, Miss Marjorie Dear, D Esq Dear, Mrs 0 Dearbergh, G F Esq Dearbergh, Mrs G Dearmer, Mrs G Dearmer, G Esq De Beer, Miss M L " Deeds, L Esq * Dehn, Roy A Esq Deighton, Mrs Elizabeth De Keyser, David Esq * De Keyser, i Esq OBE Dekk, M r s D o m t Deibanco, G Esq * DeLaWarr,TheRiHonEarlPCCBE De La Warr, The Countess Ds Maistre, Roy Esq CBE Dembeck, Richard Esq Denchfield, C P S Esq Denison, Mrs J o h n Denney, J A Esq Denny, Mrs E E Denny, Peter Esq De Palmer, Mrs da G DeQuetievilfe, H L Esq Desbrow, Mrs R * Deutsch, Andre Esq De Vers Hunt, Mrs J Dewhirst, D M Esq Diamond, A E J Esq Diamond, Mrs Nan Dickinson, Thorold Esq Dickinson, MrsThoroid * Dimsdaie, MissPricilla Dixon, F C Esq Dixon, Guy H Esq Dixon, W M Esq Dobson, Miss M Dodge, M r s A Doherty, Mrs J C Dolbey, Miss E M Donaldson, Mrs A H Dorf, Miss B Dormer, J o h n Esq Douglas, Basil Esq Dowdeswell,Arthur Grant t s q Dowdeswel I, Mrs Arthur Grant Downie, Mrs Dracoulis, George Esq Drage, Mrs S M Drage, S M Esq Drew, Miss Jane B " Drew, Miss Joanna Dreyfuss, Sylvain Esq . Drogheda, the Rt Hon Earl of Drogheda, Kathleen Countess of, CBE * Duckett, Basil Esq * Duckett, Mrs Marjorie Duckworth, Arthur Esq Duckworth, M r s A Dudley Short, Miss P "* Dugdale, Mrs Eric E * Duke, Mrs M Dunbar, Alexander Esq Duncan, J N V Esq Duncan, Miss M A R C A * Dundas, Miss Iva Dynltice, Lord Dun luce, Lady Dunn, H B Esq " Dunn, Mrs Stella Dunning, M i s s H Dunscombe Colt, Mrs Dupre, John Esq Durrant, MissG Dutton, Mrs Dutton, RalphS Esq Duveen, Mrs Phillis Dyett, D E Esq Dyson, M i s s J L Dyson, Mrs P M * Ealand, D r C T F Easson, Douglas Esq " Easterfisid, Thomas £ Esq * Easterfield, M r s T E Sasiwick-Field, J o h n Esq Eastwood, C G Esq Eberstadt, Mrs G * Eccles, Bt Hon Lord PC KCVO Eckett, Frederick Esq Edgar Bros (London) Lid Edgerlsy, J o h n T Esq Edington, Efdon Esq Edington, Mrs Eidon Edmonds, Michael Esq Edwards, K C Esq Edwards, Miss Maurean Edwards, Michael Esq Edwards, Ralph Esq Edwards, Mrs Ralph " Egerton, RobarSEsq " Egerton, Mrs R " Sgarton, S Esq Egon, Nicholas Esq Elder, Mr Elder, Mrs Elek, Paul Esq Elek, Mrs Paul Eley, Sir Geoffrey Eley, Lady G Ellis, MissG N * Ells.DG Esq * El is, Mrs D G Elsom, Cecil Esq Elsom, Mrs Cecil Elson,John Esq Eisy, Miss Mary Ely, J W Esq Emslie, Miss Rosalie * Ensing, MissE C Ensor, Miss Catherine Entwistle, Mrs * EpriLCJEsq Erskine, Hon Robert * Esher, The Viscount Estorick, E Esq Ethel!, Bernard Esq ' Etherington-Smith, Gordon Esq Eustace, Mrs Rowland Evans, Lady Evans, Co u fie nay Esq Evans, Frank Esq Evans, Mrs Frank Evans, Miss Lilian Evans, Mrs Lyn Evans. M 0 Esq Evans, Roger Esq 5 Giordani, Dr A Giordani, Dr Christine Givaudon, Edition Claude Glaisyer, Miss E B Glass, Miss M M Giasser, Moray J P Glazebrook, R M Esq G lenconner, Lady Goddard, Mrs G K Goddard, G K Esq Goddard, H Macrae Esq Goddard, Mrs Macrae Godin.WDEsq Godin, Mrs W D Godwin, Anthony Esq Godwin, Mrs Anthony Godwin, Keith Esq Goetz, Mrs Bertha Goff, Martyn Esq Gold, J B Esq Gold, Mrs J B Goldberg, P Esq Goldberg, Mrs P Goidberger, Dr Edmund Goldberger, Mrs E Goldfinger, Erno Esq DPLG LRIBA Goidfinger, Mrs E Goldie, Miss Mary Golding, MissS Goldman, Alfred Esq Goldman, Maurice Esq Goldrei, Mrs Irene Goldstatib, H Esq Goldstaub, Mrs N Goldsworth, J G Esq Goilan, Miss Julie Gollance, Mrs Beryl Gomme, E D Esq Gooddy, Dr William Goode, Mrs R Goodfellow, Miss S M Goodman, L Esq Gordon, Miss Helen J Gordon, Mrs D W Gordon, F R Esq Gordon, Lord AiasEair Gordon, Lady Gordon, Max Esq Gordon, Murray Esq Gordon, MrsTamara Gordon-Clark, N Esq Gordon-Clark, Mrs E Goslett, Miss D Gosling, N S Esq Gosling, M r s V E Goudge, Mrs Elizabeth Gould, Mrs Brenda Gould, Mrs Delia Gowing, Professor L Grabowski, M Esq Gracie, Mrs A L Graham Dixon, R Esq Graham Harrison, Francis Esq Grant A G Esq Grant, Miss J V Grant, M r s L W Grant-Goran, Miss E M Granville, Philip Esq Grasett, Lady Gratton Guinness, Mr Gration Guinness, Mrs Grau-cob, Find Esq Graucob, Mrs Find Gravenstede, C G Esq Grazebraok, MrsV G Greaves, Desmond P Esq " * * * * • * " * * * * * * " Greaves, Mrs Desmond P Greaves, Mrs Ernestine Grecas, M i s s L Green, Mrs Denis Green, Miss Janet Green, Peter M A Esq Green, Mrs Peter M A Greenburgh, R B Esq Greenburgh, Mrs R 8 Greene, David Esq Greens, Mrs David Greenhalgh, MissN F Gfeenhill,MissE Green lees, Kenneth Esq Greenlees, MrsK Greensmith, Mrs Barbara Gregory-Hood, Col A M H GresswelLP D Esq Grey, J o h n W Esq Grey-Edwards, H B R Esq Grey-Edwards, Mrs Grier, MissL CBE Grierson, Ronald Esq Grimshaw, Miss M B Gibbons-Grinling, Anthony Esq Gross, Anthony Esq Gross, F M Esq G rover, Mrs Reg ins Guest, Patrick Esq Guggenheim, Mrs Peter Guiton, Miss Shirley Gunary, Mrs Donald Gunary, George Esq Guppy, Nicholas Esq Guttman, Werner Esq G wynne, M r s P Gynne-Jones, A Esq DSG ARA Hadfield, J o h n Esq Hadingham, Ronald Esq Hadingham, Mrs Ronald Hagan, Mrs Anne Hagestadt, Mrs Louise Haigh, Mrs Anthony Hailes,TheLordPC Hale, Mrs E Halford, Mrs Stephanie Hall,Miss Annie Hall,Clifford Esq Hail, D r E T Hall,Mrs ET Hall, Mrs Robert Hallgarten, Mrs K Hamilton, Lady Rostrevor Hsmlyn, R Ashton- Esq Hamnwsiey, Mrs V Hampden, The Viscountess Hanger, MissYvette Haniey, Miss £ Hanna, Maurice E Esq Harding, Charles Esq Harbottie, G L Esq Hare, Miss Barbara Harewood, The Ear! of Harewood, The Countess of Hsrgreavss, Miss Sally Hargrsaves, Major Hargreaves, Mrs Hargreaves, Miss Joan Harlech, The Rt Hon Lord KG PC Harier, M r s M C Harling, Robert Esq Harling, Mrs Robert Harlow, Miss F F Harper, M r s W Harris, A Esq ; •; • ; ? , ; ; * : ; I I ; ; ; < • ! : ; : } ; * •'• ; ; ; '. : • ° : ; • ; ; \ ; • • • : * ; * ! * Harris, MrsA Harris, A D Esq Harris, Mrs A D Harris, B L Esq Harris. Mrs David Harris, Leslie Esq Hsrris, Mrs Lsslie Harris, L Esq Harris, Mrs L Harris, Miss PV Harrison, Miss Dorothy Harrison, K P Esq Harrisson, A C M Esq Harrower, Mrs Sylvia Harston, Lady Ruth Hart, Albert Esq HartRevGHV Hart, Louis Albert Esq Hartford, David Esq Hartley, L P Esq Hartzell,H E Esq Hartzell,MrsH E Harvey, G R Esq Harvey Evers, D Esq Harvey Evers, Mrs D Harwood, Mrs Janet Harwood, Miss Lucy Hasweil.MajorAJ DALS Haut, F J G Esq Haut Mrs F J G Hawcroft, Francis W Esq Hawkes, Miss Holly Hawkins, Mrs Hayter, Sir William Hayter, Lady Hayward, Miss C M Hayward, John Esq CBE Headlam-Morley, K Esq Heath, Adrian Esq Heather, Miss M Beaton, Mrs Joan Hecht, Alfred Esq Henderson, A Esq Henderson, MrsA Henderson, Miss Anne Henderson, Brian Esq Henderson, Mrs Brian Henderson, W B Esq Hendy, Sir Philip Heneage, Mrs J W Henrlon, F H K Esq Henry, M i s s J M Hepworth, Mrs J B Hepwortb, J B Esq Herapath, S D E s q Herbert, Lady Herbert, MrsCicsly Herbert, Gerald A J Esq Herbert, J o h n S Esq Herbert, Lionel Francis Esq Hereford, W R Esq Hermes, Miss G Herrmann, W Esq Herrmann, M r s W Hett, S A Esq Hewer, Prof T Hewer, M r s T Hewitt, Keith M Esq Hewlett, Mrs D M B Hewlett, Roy Esq Heygate, Mrs Elizabeth Heygate, Sir J o h n 8 t Heyman, MrsW Hickling, Mrs A N Hignett, R A Esq Hignsit, Mrs R A H i l l , A D Esq Hill, Mrs Charles Hill,Geoffrey Esq Hill, Mrs Geoffrey HilLMissPA Hille of London Ltd Hiiiiard, John Esq Hills, Miss Margaret Hiliyard, Mrs Him, George Esq Hindis, Mrs Hitchcock, Mrs Muriel Hitchens, Ivon Esq Hoare, Sir Frederick Hoars, G Esq Hoare, Jeff Esq Hobart, Peter Esq Hobson, Miss Valerie Hodgeson, Mrs Mary Hodds, B W G E s q Hodgkin, Eliot Esq Hodgkin, Mrs E Hodgson, Julian Esq Hodgson, Mrs Hodin, D r J P H o f , M a x Esq FSIA Hoff, Mrs Ruth Hoff ner, Charles Esq Hoffner, Mrs Charles Hogben, C Esq Holrien, Mrs D Holdsworth, Mrs G Hole, Mrs J o h n Holland, Mrs Theodore Holt, Eric Esq Holt, G P Esq Hony, Miss M Hooberman, Ben Esq Hooper, M i s s D M Hooton, Miss Esmee Hope. The Rt Hon Lord J o h n M P Hope Wallace. M i s s J CBE Hopman, Miss L Horitz, J o h n Esq Hornby, Lady Hornby, Sir Antony Hornby Steer, W R Esq Home, Alistair Esq Horns, Mrs Alistair Horns, Miss J i l l Horner, Miss Jocelyn Horovitz, Mrs L Horrocks, Lady Nancy Horwell.A R Esq Horwell,MrsAR Hosegood, H Dougias Esq Hosegood, Mrs H Douglas Howard, L t - C d r A G Howard, Mrs A G Howard, Charles Esq Howard, Mrs Charles Howard, Robin J S Esq Howard, Stanley J o h n Esq Howison, M r s O EN Howgate, Mrs A n n Howkins, Mrs Shirley Hubbard, M r s J Hudson Davies, A Esq OBE Hughes, Mrs Graham Hughes, Graham Esq Hughes, Miss Nora Hughes, Mrs Peter Hughes, William Esq Huizinga, Mrs Hulse, Lady Hulton, Sir Edward Huston, J W E s q Hulton,PHEsq * Hummel, Mrs S A * Hummel,SAEsq Hunt, Mrs Herman Hunter, Alastair Esq MO FRCP Hunter, Miss E Huntington, Mrs L W Huntley, G B Esq Hurry, M r s J Hussey, Mrs M * Hutchens, J K Esq * Hutchens, M r s J K Hutchinson, Mrs L F S Hutchinson, William D Esq Hutton, Clarke Esq Hutton, Mrs Clarke Hyde, Mrs Robert Hyde-Smith, Michael Esq Hyde-Smith, Mrs Michael Hyslop, A C Esq ' Ignatieff, Mrs G lllingworth, DrR Inchbald, Mrs Jacqueline Inchbald, M Esq inglefield, G S Esq Ingram, T L Esq Ingram, M r s E T J inskip, J M Esq Inwood, Norman Esq Irving, M r s A V Irwin, D G Esq Ivens, Mrs Edgar Ivens, Edgar Esq Ivey, Mrs Jessie Margaret s Jack, Miss M Jackson, Mrs D A Jackson, E F Esq J a c k s o n , T H Esq J3GQD, A M * s * * * " Jones, Bryn Esq Jones, Dr Francis Avery Jones, Mrs Geoffrey Jones, Miss R H Hackett Jones, Mrs Humphrey Jones, Miss K N C Jones, Sir Lawrence Jones, Mrs Mary Jones, Philip Esq Jones, M r s W Richmond Jonzen, Mrs K Joseph, J Esq * Joseph, M r s S C Jowe!l,Mrsr Juda, M r s A Juda, H P Esq Julius, Mrs Muriel 5 " * * Esq Jacob, Mrs J o h n Jacobs, Mrs Phyllis A Jacobs, Mrs Sophie J a c o m b - H o o d , Miss Gillian Jacques, Mrs. R M Jaffe,Sam Esq Jaffe, Mrs Sam Jago, Thomas Esq Jago, M r s T James, Mrs Evan James, Evan Esq James, Louis Esq James,The Lady Ursula Jamieson, Lady Janson, Wilfrid Esq Jaray, M r s L Jarnsr, Mrs E Jenks, Mrs Patricia Jerram, Mrs H M Jesse!, The Lord Jessop, Miss K H John, Mrs Augustus Johns, Ivor Esq Johnson, Miss Grace Johnson, M M Esq Johnson, Ronald Esq Johnson, T L Esq Johnston, M r s V Johnston, Miss Elizabeth Johnston, Miss Eva G Johnston, N Esq Johnston, Mrs N Johnstone, William Esq OBE Joiitffe, M i s s M " * * Kaplan, E and G Ltd Kapp, Miss Helen Karmel, Mrs David Kasket, Mrs E Kasrom Ltd Katz, Norman Esq Katz, Mrs Norman Katzeneilenbogen, J Esq Kaizenellenbogen, M r s J Kauffmann, Mrs E Kay, Major E 0 Keay, Miss Anne Keating, Geoffrey Esq Xebbell, Miss Anita Kebbsil.MrsTRD Kebball,TRDEsq Keene, Mrs Beryl Keir,MrsCaza!et-CBE Keir, Mrs G Kali,D F Esq Kemp, A Esq Kemp, M r s A KendalLFFEsq Kennedy, Mrs J o h n Kennedy, W J Esq Kennetf, Victor Esq Kennett, Mrs £ A Kessell.Miss Mary Kestenbaum, R Esq Kestanbaum, Mrs R Killery, Mrs M 1 Kerman, Mrs B Kidei. Mrs Rachel Kii martin, T Esq Kiff, Miss M i King, Graham Esq King, Mrs Graham King, M r s V Kings-mil!, Mrs D i Kinross, Lord Kinsley, D A Esq Kinsman, A H 1 Esq Kirkpatrick, Miss B J Kirsopp, Mrs Katharine Klein, Miss Sylvia Klein wort, Mrs C Kneale, Bryan Esq Kneebone, Peter Esq Knight, Esmond Esq Knoedier and Co Knoliys, Eardiey Esq Knott, Miss Joan Knottenbelt, H Esq Knowland,VHIEsq Knowland, Mrs V H 1 Knowles, Justin Esq Knowles, Mrs Justin Knox, D B Esq Marks, Mrs JessisMarr, Mrs Dinora Marsdsn, Mr Marsden, Mrs Marsden, Miss Stella Marsh, Dr Kenneth Marsh, Mrs Kenneth Marsh, Roff Esq FR1BA Marshall, E W Esq Marsham, Mrs Morris Martin, F l t - U H Martin, Mrs O S Martin, W A Esq Martyn, Mrs Anne Marx, S S Esq Marx, M r s S S Mason, Bateson Esq Mason, Mrs Mary Massada, Mrs lone Massey, Mrs Virginia Parsons Massingberd-Mundy, Miss A Massingham, M r s J E Masson, Lady Jean Matchett, Mrs John Mathew, Robert Esq Mathias, Mrs Ludmila Matthews, Peter Esq Matthews, T S Esq Matthews, Lady Vera Maude, Mrs E W Maude. E W Esq Maurice, Miss J Mautrter, J Esq Mayor, F H Esq Meade, M r s C J G Meagher, Miss R Medlicott. E S D Esq Melchett, The Lady Melland, Brian Esq Mellior-Smith, M r s M M Melvin, James Esq Melvin, John Esq Metaxa, Mrs A Metcalf.John Esq Metcalf, Mrs J o h n Meyer, Mrs Fleur Cowles Meyer, Mrs G Meyer, DrH H Meyer, Peter Esq Meyer, Mrs Peter Meyerhoff, Richard Esq Meynell.Miss Rosemary Meyrick, M i s s J Michael, Lt-Co! Louis OBE Middleton, Mrs Millard, Lionel Esq Miller, Mrs A Miller, David Esq Miller-Jones, K Esq Miller-Jones, Michael Esq Miller-Jones, The Hon Mrs Mills, Mrs Esms Mills, J o h n Esq Mills, Mrs J o h n Millward, Alfred Esq Mines, MrsK Mines, Kenneth Esq Mines, Miss Mintz, M Esq Mitchell, Mrs Ann Mitchell,Miss E M Mitchell,GAEsq Mitchell, Mrs Jane MrtcheII,WSEsq Mock, J Y Esq Moir, David Esq Moire!, Mrs Rita Moffat, Mrs Curtis Molesworth, Mrs Moiio,MrsEC Mollo, E Esq Molony, P J Esq Molony.MrsPJ Molony, Will Esq Moncur, Miss B Monson,The Lord M on son, Lady Montagu, The Hon A Montagu, The Lady Elizabeth Moon, Keith Esq Moon, Mrs Keith Moore, Dickin Esq Moore, Henry E s q C H Moore, Mrs P Moore, R H Esq Moors Crosthwaits. Sir P Moorehaad, David Esq Moorhead, Mrs M H Moran, Peter Esq Morand, S Esq Moray, Countess of Mordaunt, Mrs Charles More, Julian Esq More, Mrs Julian Moresby, Mrs Beatrice Morison, P H Esq Moriand, Mrs Dorothy Morley, M r s J R Morny,C Esq Morphet. D I Esq Morres, E M Esq Morris, Mrs A G Morris, Clive Esq Morris, Dr David Morris, Miss Morrison, Mrs H Morrison, H Esq Morrison, Simon Esq Mortimer, Mrs M C Mortimer, Raymond Esq C B E Morton, J o h n Esq Morton, Mrs J o h n Morton-Williams, M i s s J Moser, Charles Esq Mostyn-Owen, William Esq M o t t , T o m Esq Mount, Miss F Mountford, Mrs D S Moyne, RtHon Lord Muende, MissToni Muilafy,Terence Esq Mullaly, Mrs Terence Muller, MrsM N Mullins, Mrs E G Munns, D M Esq Murdoch, Miss Elizabeth Murphy, Miss K M Murphy, Capt M C Lester Murphy, Mrs M C Lester Murray, Charles Esq Murray, Mrs Margaret Murray, R H Esq Murray. Mrs R H Morris, Sir William Stuart KBE C B Musgrave, Victor Esq Muspratt, Mrs Muszynski.LTEsq R B A Mac Alpine, Mrs Maedonald, Miss Anne Macfarlane, J E Craig Esq Macfarlane, Miss R H Mackay, Miss E Mackechnie, R G S Esq Mackenzie, G L W Esq Mackenzie, Mrs Katharine M " Mackenzie, Sir Robert * Mackenzie, Lady Mackenzie, Dr Stephen Mackintosh, Mrs Hugh Mackintosh, James Esq Maclaren,AAEsq Maclean, Mrs Loudon Macleod, Mrs Douglas Mac Tavish, B E P Esq Mac Quitty, William Esq McAlistar, Mrs Ronald McCallin, Mrs Joan McCallum, Ian Esq McClaughry, MrsA McCormack, Miss M McCoy, Mrs Carolina McCrirrick, Miss Sheila McCrory, Miss M McCulloch, Mrs Laurita McCulloch, M C Esq McDsrmott, Desmond Esq McDermott, MrsM McDonald, Miss G M McDonald, J Esq * McDouall.Robin Esq M c D o u g a l i . B J M Esq McKenzie, Mrs N McKinley, Mrs Hazel McLaren, Mrs S McLeod, Miss M McLeod, Lady Susan * McNeil I-Moss, G Esq McNeill-Moss, Mrs G McNeillReid, A J Esq McRoberts, N Esq McWilliam, F E Esq Naar, Mrs S E Nacht, Andrew Esq Nadin, Mrs M Naftalin, D r J E Nakamura, M i s s J Nalscz, Mrs H Nan Kivell,Rex de C Esq Napper, Mrs Charles Nathan, Jerrofd S Esq Naydler, Merton Esq Naydler, Mrs Elizabeth Naylor, E J R Esq Naylor, MrsE J R Neilsen, Philip Esq Nelke, Mrs Nessier, Walter H Esq Nettlaton, Gordon Esq Nevendu Mont, M Esq F R S A Neville, Mrs Pauline Newbury, G Esq Newby, £ Esq Newby, Miss M Newick, Miss Rosemary Newmark, M r s J Newnam, L Caselton Esq Newton, Dudley Esq * Newton, Mrs Erica * Newton, John M Esq * Newton, Mrs John M Nickalls,GO Esq Nico!l,J S Esq Nicolson, Mrs Annabel Nightingale, H W Esq Nisson, G M Esq Nisson, MrsG M Nixon, Julian C Esq Norris. Christopher Esq Morris, K R Esq Norris, Mrs K R Norton, Lady Norton, £ Lucy Esq Notman, John Robertson Esq Nowell-Smith, Simon Esq Ogden, Mrs E M Ogden, Mrs R D * Ogden, R David Esq Ogilvie, W D Esq Ogle, R J Esq O'Hana, J Esq Oldfield, Lady Elisabeth O'Neill, Anthony Esq Oplatek, Mrs N * Oppe, MissArmide * Oppenheim, Sir Duncan Oppenheim, M i s s S J Oppenheimer, Mrs P F Oppenheimer, P F Esq Orde, Mrs Cuthbert Orde, Cuthbert Esq Ormerad, R 5 Esq Ormond, Mrs E C Ormsby, Miss Elizabeth Osborne, J o h n L Esq * Osman, Louis Esq Osman, W A Esq ° Owen, Mrs F * ' s Padova, Mrs Page, Mrs Tom Pain, Mrs Nasta Pain, Richard H Esq Paine, Miss Ula Palmer, The Hon A N Palmer, Michael T B Esq Panting, Mrs Anthony Pappworth, Mrs Jean Pappworth, Dr M H Parker, C G Esq Parker, Mrs Charles * Parker, Charles T Esq Parker, Mrs Oliver Parker, Miss V M Parkin. B T Esq Parmiter, G de C Esq Parmiter, Mrs G d e C Parr, Mrs M Parry, Mrs 8 B Parsons, Mr Parsons, Mrs Peterson, T W E s q Paton, EG Esq Patterson, Miss D M Pattinson, G P Esq Pattrlck,MrsM Pawls, J o h n Esq Pawluk,MrsV Payne, Mrs L Peakin, G Esq Pearce, J A C Esq Pearce, O D Esq Paarce, Miss SteMa Mary Pears, Peter Esq Pearsoa Miss Patricia Pease, M r s T D D Pegg, 8 T Esq ' * * 5 * Pemberton, Reece Esq * Penbefthy, P P C Esq * Penberthy, Mrs Penny, A J R Esq Penney, Mrs M E Penrose, M i s s F E * * * * * " * * * * ° * Penrose, Roland Esq Peppereil,J C Esq Peralman, J Esq Permewan, M r s S Ps3ers,AD£sq Peters, H G W Esq Peters, Mrs Vera Phemister, D r J C Philip, N P Esq Phillip, Miss Anne Susan Phtlipps,The Hon Banning Philipps, Mrs Percy Phillips, Ian Esq Phillips, P L Esq Phillips, Mrs Phyllis Phillips, Mrs R D Phillips, Rodney G Esq Phipps, Mrs Dorothy M Cailender Pick,SydneyJ Pickard, Mrs Cynthia Picker, S Esq Pidgeon, Miss Monica Pierce, Miss Ethel Piercy, W E K E s q Piercy, Mrs W E K Pilkington, Miss Margaret Pilkington, R G Esq Pilkington, Mrs R G Pinch in, MrsE Pi nek heard, John Esq Pinckheard, Mrs John Pinkney, Mrs N M Pitfield, Mrs Norma Pitman, Mrs Clare Pitman, Mrs Hugo Piatt, H E A E s q Platts, Mrs B Plymouth, The Earl of Podolsky, Mrs C Poland, L t - C d r R B Poliakoff, Arthur Esq Pollak, F Esq Pollard, Mrs Pollock, MrsVenetia Pollock, P S Esq Ponsonby, G J Esq Ponsonby, Mrs Pool, Miss E M Pops, D F D Esq Poplak, Dudley Esq Posey, E J Esq Potter, Mrs Mary Poupart, Mrs B Power, Alan Esq Power, Mrs A Power, E J Esq Power, Mrs I C Prager, Mrs P E Preston, B P H Esq Preston, Kerrison Esq Preston, Mrs Preston, Mrs M P Price, Mrs L Prica, D L H £ 3 q Friday, C B Esq Friday, Mrs C B Pritchard,JCEsq Pritehard, U - C o l Richard C Proctor, Sir Dennis KCB Proctor, Lady Pro w e r, Mrs Dora Prynne, J H Esq Pugh.WIEsq Purvss, A M Esq Putnam, Erie Esq Pye, MissBrenda Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother Tha Treasurer to Her Majesty * ' * * * * * * * Rabinovitch, MrsC Radcliffe,The Rt Hon Viscount GBE ( Radcliffe, M r s R A C Radin, Mrs M Radin, Murray Esq Radin, Mrs M Raikes, Mrs G Raikes, J C Esq Raikes, M r s J C Rake, Dr John S Rakocki, Basil I Esq Rampton, A Esq Ramsay, M D Esq Ramsay, Lady Patricia Randal I. MrsG Raphael, Mrs Diana Raphael, Mrs Nancy Rea, Mrs Peter Res, Peter Esq Recanati, Mrs P Redman, Miss Marjorie Redwood-White, 0 J Esq Redwood-White, Mrs M Reed, Vernon T Esq Ress, Mrs June Edna Regsndanz, Mrs Elsa Reid, Mrs Graham Reid, Graham Esq Reid, Norman Esq Reilly, Paul Esq Reilly, Mrs Paul Reiss, Francis Eric Esq Rentf!e,T£sq Rennie, H M Esq Rennie, MrsV M Renoir, L A Esq Renton, Mrs R K D Retailack,TEsq Revai, D r A Reynish, Mrs M P Reynolds, Alan Esq Reynolds, Mrs Alan Reynolds, Graham Esq Reyntiens, Patrick Esq Reyntiens, Mrs Patrick Rhodes, Mrs E Rhodes, Miss Patricia Richards, J M Esq Richards, John Esq Richards, MrsM A Richardson, Mrs Eileen Richardson, Miss K R O B E RA Richardson, Mrs Marjorie Richardson, Mrs S Richter, Mrs S Ridge, Desmond Esq Ridge way, T G Esq Riley, Mrs Margaret Ripszam, Mrs Ripszam, H Esq Ritson, MrsCiaire Riviere, A O B Esq Riviere, Mrs A O B Rivlin, D r S Robbtns, Lord Robbins, Lady Roberts, A S Esq Robertson, Mrs Alice Robertson, Bryan Esq OBE Robertson, E M L Esq Robertson, Mrs E M L Robertson, Mrs ES Robertson, Mrs Marion Edna Sheiton, Stanhope Esq Shenkman, Mrs H Shepherd, Douglas Esq Shepherd, Mrs Douglas Sheridan, Mrs Pamela Sherratt, Mrs D A Sherrier, Julian Esq Shine, S Esq Shiu, Karmau Esq Shone, Sir Robert C8E Shrive, Miss Margaret Shulman, Miiton Esq Sidgwick, Miss A n n Sieff, S M Esq Sieff, J E Esq Sieff, Mrs J E Sieff, Michael D Esq Sieff, Mrs M D Siitzer, Mrs M S Silver, C J Esq Silver, Henry Esq Sifverblatt, R M Esq Silverblatt, Mrs R M Simmons, Miss Rosemary Simon, A P W Esq Simon, M r s A P W Simon, G Esq Simon, Mrs G Simon, Oliver S L Esq Simon, Mrs R M Simon, R M Esq Simond, Mrs M A Simons. Miss H Simpson, Dr S t Sinclair, Miss Catharine Sinclair, Henry Esq Sinclair, Mrs Henry Sinclair.JFEsq Sinclair, Mrs J F Sirot, Mrs Anna Sitwell, Francis Esq Skinner, F Esq Skottowe, P F Esq Skrine, I B Esq Slater, Mrs Oiga Slesinger, Mrs Lilian Smale, M i s s C Smallpiece, Dr Victoria Smith, Miss Abel Smith, Basil W Smith, Barry Esq Smith, MrsGrethe Smith, The Hon James OBE Smith, Mrs Phyllis Smith, R D Esq Smith, Mrs W F Smith, N L Hamilton- Esq Smith, A J Hugh Esq Snipper, Mrs L Snipper, M Esq Snow, Mrs Julian Snowman, Kenneth Esq Soames, Mrs Sober, P Esq Solomon, D J Esq Solomon, MrsD J Solomon, Mrs Ethel Somervell, R Esq Somervell, Mrs Robert Somerviiie, Mrs Lilian Sommer, Dudley Esq Sommer, Mrs Dudley Sonnenberg, B Esq Sonneborn, E P Esq Sonrseborn, R P J Esq Sonnis, Mrs I * * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * Sorsbie, M Esq Southali,Eric P Esq Southam, Mrs Mona Southam, Robert Esq Spalding, Miss Anno Speelman, Mrs E Speeiman, E Esq Speke, Mrs R L Spence, Miss Susan Spencer, Charles S Esq Spencer, E J Esq Spencer, Mrs Julie Speriinger, D r T Spicer, Mrs P Spindler, Julian Esq Spira, Mrs J J Spivack, H Esq Sprigge. Miss Elizabeth Spry, MrsB Sputz, Mrs F Stafford, Capt J Stainforth, Miss S Stainthorpe, Miss A Stamier, David Esq Stanley, Miss Caryl Starritt, M i s s M J StAubynTheHonJ St Aubyn Moore, M Esq Si Aubyn Moore, Mrs Stead, Keith Esq Stead, Mrs K C Stead, Peter Esq Steel,Richard Esq Steen, S N Esq Steen, Mrs S N Steiner, K H L Esq Steiner, MrsK H L Stemann, Mrs P E Stenson, M r s J Stephen, Douglas and Partners Stern, Mrs Ellen D Stern, Miss E S Stern, Mrs Lilly T Stewart-Murrie, Sir William Still, CharlssAEsq Stirling, Mrs D A Stockdale, M i s s A L Stoltenhoff, H W Esq Stoltenhoff, Mrs R Stone, Mrs D Stone, Jonathan Esq Stone, Peter Esq Stopford, MrsV Storey, M H W Esq Stowell, R E Esq Straight, Whitney Esq C B E MC D F C Stratford, MissG A Strathcona, Lady Diana Strauss, M r s G R Strauss, Julius Strauss, K Esq Strauss, K S Esq Straussier, N Esq Straussler, Mrs N Street M r s W G Strickland, Dr Paul Stross, Mrs Norman Strudwick, Philip Esq Stubbing, Tony Esq Sturges, Lady Sturgis, Miss E B Sturt A N Esq Sturton, Herbert J C Esq Suckling, MrsW Suckling, W Esq Suddards, Roger W Sullivan, Mrs O A Summers, S M Esq Sutherland, Miss H Sutherland, R M G Esq Sutherland, DrT W * Sutton, Denys Esq Sutton, Ivan Esq Sutton, Mrs I Sutton, J R Esq Sutton, Dr R H P Sutton, Mrs S M Swann, Mrs H B Swithinbank, Dr John Sykes, Brig A C C B E DSO Syfcas, Lady N Sylvester, David t s q Symes, Miss Mary Symons. Dr Cecil Symons, Mrs Cecil * Talbot-Rice, O M Esq Talbot-Rice, D Esq * Tandy, John Esq Tanner, H F Esq Tapp, Norman Esq Tapp, Mrs Norman Tarling, N D Esq Tarran, Major J o h n Tate, Mrs Patricia Tatlock Miller, Harry Esq * Tattersall.WDEsq Taylor, Mrs Elizabeth Taylor, G L Esq Taylor, Gordon Esq * Taylor, R H R Esq Teece, A H Esq Tennant, Trevor Esq Thieman, H R Esq Thomas, Madame 1 Thomas, Miss Jean * Thompson, Arthur Esq * Thompson, Mrs F M Thompson, Mrs Harry * Thompson, Miss Joyce Thompson, Mrs S M Thomson, M r s L M Thomson, Miss Sophie * Thomson, Stuart Esq Thomson, Mrs S Thornton, J C Esq Thornton, M r s J C Thornton-Firkin, M r s J Thorpe, Miss Kate Thursfiald. Mrs G R Thurso, The Rt Hon Viscount KT PC Thurston, C C D Esq Thwaites, Mrs Mollis Tlilac, Mrs Marion J Tillman, Mrs Malka Tisdall, Hans Esq * Todd, Miss Frances A Tollenaar, Miss Norah " Tomalin, H R Esq * Tomalrn, Mrs H R Tooth, Anthony Esq * Tooth, Dudley Esq * Tooth,MrsD Tooth, Guy Esq Tooth, N Esq Towers, G L Esq Townsend, Mrs Helen Townsend, William Esq Towsey, Mrs Tracey, L H Esq Travers-Smith, Miss Dorothea s ' Tree, Michael Esq Trenchard-Cox, Sir George C B E Troughton, John Esq Tubbs, D S Esq Tubbs, M r s D B Tucker, Geoffrey Esq Tucker, Mrs Isabella Tully.MrsCR Tunnard, P H Esq Turnell.Martin Esq Turnell, Mrs Martin Turner, Miss A Turner, A F C Esq Turner, MrsCathrine Turquet, M r s C Twentyman, A R Esq Twenty man, J A Esq Twiston-Davies, J H Esq Tyrell-Lewis, Miss D Tyrwhitt, Mrs Ursula Uniacke, Mrs Barbara Ury, Mrs H Van den Bergh, Mrs J Van den Sergh, J Esq Van den Bergh, S Esq Van den Bergh, Mrs S Vaughan, D r J P Vaughan, M r s J P Vaughan, Keith Esq CB£ Vaughan-Morgan, Sir John M P Vaughan-Morgan, Lady Veal, Miss H R Venables, i Roger Esq Vernon, Brian Esq Vernon, Mrs Briars Vernon, Edmund J Esq Verschoyle, Mrs Moyra Vincent, Mrs P Vinden, Miss Nicola Vogelpoel, Mrs Y Vousden, Miss M E Voysey, G S Esq Waddington Galleries, The Waddington, Leslie Esq Waddington, MrsV Waddington, Victor Esq Waddoup, Mrs Wagstaff, Mrs A M Wait, Miss Virginia Wakefield, Peter L H Esq Wakefield, Mrs P L H Wakeman Long, Francis Esq Wakeman Long, Mrs E M Walber, R D Esq Walford, R G Esq Walker, Miss Heather Wslker, R J 8 Esq Wallis, M r s K A Wallis, MrsP M Walsh, Mrs E Walter, Miss A Walthall, Miss Daphna Wsiton, Major G M Warburg, Mrs George Warburg, George Esq Warburg, Mrs L Warburton Bell.Anthony Esq Ward, Alan Esq Ward, Mrs E Ward, Mrs H E Ward-Jackson, P W Esq Ware.WEEsq Warner, Oliver Esq * Warwick, R D Esq Watson, C S Esq Watson, Mrs Mary Watson, Mrs M E B Watson, Miss Nora Watt, Miss Elizabeth Watt, M J Esq Watt Mrs Maurice Watts, Mrs E H Wauchope, John Esq Wauchope, Mrs John Weaire, R F Esq Webster, Mrs D Webster, T B L Esq Webster, Mrs T B L Wedefl.EGEsq Weddup, MrsV M Weidenfeld, Georga Esq Weil, Mrs Hanna Weinberg, Mrs Sandra Welby Fisher, Mrs Gloria Wells, Mrs Lilian * Welsford,MissR(Vi * Wentworth, John M Esq * Wentworth,MrsJ M " Wertheim, Mrs W e s t Lady Whelen, MissM Wheeler Booth, M Esq Whineray, B B Esq White, Miss Helen Whfte, Lt-Col Peter White, Mrs Peter White, Mrs Robert 0 * White, S D Esq * White, Mrs S D Whitehead, Miss Mavis Whitehead, Sir Rowland Bt Whiteley, Mrs Beryl Whiteley, Mrs ER Whiteley, Peter Esq Whiteisy, Lady Angela * Whitley, Lady Whyte, L L Esq Whyte, Mrs Eve Widdicombe, D Esq Widdicombe, Mrs Wilberforce, Richard Esq Wilby,JAEsq Wiiby,WSEsq * Wild, Hans Esq Wild, Ronald Sykes Esq Wilkins, M H F Esq Wilkinson, Mrs M D Wilkinson, D r V A WillettMlssS * Williams, Charles Esq * Williams, Mrs Charles Williams, Mr Chester Williams, Mrs Chester Williams, Mrs D Williams, D R H Esq Williams, Mrs Jolan Williams, Miss M M Williams, Mrs Nancy Williams, DrT R Williamson, Miss Elizabeth Willis, Mrs Victor Wilmot, Lord of Seirnaston Thei R t Hon PCJP Wilson, Mrs Audrey L Wilson, Mrs Wilson, Miss Vivienne Wilson, Frank A Esq Wilson, Mrs Paula Wilson, T M Esq * * * a * * * * * * * Wilson, MrsT M Wimbush, MrsV M Wimperis, Miss E D A Winand, Mrs F M Winend, Francis M S Esq Windsor, Alan Esq Winch, Brian Esq Wingate, MrsB Winham, Mrs Francis Winkler, Dr John Winn, Godfrey Esq Winner, George J Esq Wisdom, Mrs 1 Withers, Mrs Noel Witt John Esq Wittmanu, Mrs Ernest Wix, Miss Ethel Rose Wizard. A R Esq Wizard, Mrs A R Wolfe, Edward Esq Wolff, Eric Esq Wolff, DrWalther Wolff, Mrs WFriedei Wood, J F Esq Wood, Kenneth Esq W o o d , Mrs Kenneth W o o d , Roger Esq Woodall.Miss Mary C B E Woodcock, Tyson Esq Woodcock, Mrs Tyson Woodeson, J o h n Esq Woodhead, Dr Barbara Woods,WLEsq Woolf,MissS Worboys, Sir Walter J Worms, F S Esq Worms, Mrs F S Worsdell, Guy Esq Worsley, L EF Esq Wrigglesworth, lan W Esq Wright, Mrs Adela W r i g h t Basil Esq Wright, Mrs G K Wyllie, Mrs Diana Wyllis.TREsq Wynn, Dr Marianne * Vablon, Ralph C Esq * Yablon, M r s R C Yardley, Miss Margaret * Yates, Miss Joan Yeoman, MrsAntonia Yeoman, J R H Esq Young, Miss Diana Young, Mrs Jane Young, Miss M G Young, N Esq Youngday, Miss Brigid Younger, J M Esq Younger, Hon Mrs Kenneth Youngman, Mrs L Yudkin, Mrs Cicely Yudkin, M r s J 5 Zwemmer, D A Esq Zuschlag, Wiihelm Esq Zwingii, M r s L T h e C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t S o c i e t y B a l a n c e S h e e t 31 D e c e m b e r 1 9 6 4 a r e n d e d 31 D e c e m b e r 1 9 6 4 1083 6,319 £ s. Subscriptions ( i n c l u d i n g estimated refund of Income Tax o n Deeds of Covenant) 5. 5 19. 4 . 7 £ 6,275. s. d. 3 7,626 1,751 L e s s Deficit per Revenue A c c o u n t 2 0 0 . 0. 0 330 Interest on Investments and Deposit A c c o u n t s (Gross) 275. 3. 1 Hire of Pictun 1,142 British Paintings in the Sixties Exhibition 1,751 Deficit for year £ 5. Bequests and Donations •""240 — 1963 Accumulated Fund Balance at 1 January, 1 9 6 4 150 9,592 Saie of Tickets for Visits and Parties 20,292. 2. 9 3 5 2 Less Expenses 20,035.11. 53. d. 256.11. 150. 0. 2 0 6 £9,932 522.18. 0 6. 2,197 522.18. 0 £7,679.17. 6 £ s. Creditors and Accrued Expenses (including Unspent A l l o c a t i o n for purchase of Pictures £738.18.6) d. 1 986 2,564. 8. £ s. d. Current Assets investments at cost £ 2 , 0 0 0 . 0. 0 Hertfordshire County Council 5 4 % Stock 1 9 6 5 £ 1 , 2 0 0 . 0. 0 Swansea 3£% Redeemable Stock 1 9 6 0 / 7 0 1,543 £1,600. 1972 4,523 ( M a r k e t Value £ 4 , 5 6 0 - 1 9 6 3 £4,710) 1,824 500 C a s h at Bank O n Current A c c o u n t O n Deposit A c c o u n t 3 0. £ s. d. 1,994. 3. 0 985.14. 0 1,543. 8. 0 4,523. 5. 0 3,797. 9. 20.18. 3 2 0 N e w Zealand 6% Stock 4 6 N o t e : No value has been included in the Balance Sheet for Pictures, etc., purchased by or presented t o the Society and temporarily retained pending presentation t o Art Galleries, etc. 797. 3,000. 9. 0. C a s h in H a n d Debtors and Prepaid Expenses Members of the C o m m i t s 611 Outstanding Subscriptions and estimated Income Tax recoverable o n Subscriptions 470. 352 Sundry 8. 229.18. 700. £9,041.18.10 £7,812 1963 1,994 6,477.10. 5,615 W h i t n e y Straight Peter Meyer 79.17. 1 A d d Legacy less expenses ( 1 9 6 3 260(less) includes estate duty on Pictures) 1,385. 4 . 8 8 d. 5,615. 4 . 5,092. 5,875 s. £7,812 6. 5 £9,041.18.10 R e p o r t of t h e A u d i t o r s t o t h e M e m b e r s of t h e C o n t e m p o r a r y A r t S o c i e t y W e have examined the foregoing Balance Sheet and Revenue A c c o u n t and have obtained all the information and explanations w h i c h w e considered necessary. In our opinion proper books of account have been kept by the Society and the Balance Sheet and Revenue A c c o u n t , w h i c h are in agreement t h e r e w i t h , c o m p l y w i t h the Companies Act, 1 9 4 8 , a n d respectively give a true and fair v i e w of t h e state of the Society's affairs at 31 December, 1 9 6 4 , and of the deficit for the year ended on that date. Chesterfield House 2 6 / 2 8 Fenchurch Street 31st M a y 1 9 6 5 London EC3 Gerard van de Linde & Son Chartered A c c o u n t a n t s Please don't throw this form away help us to double our membership in 1966 by using it to enrol a new member. Designed by Gordon House Printed in England byTillotsons Bolton Ltd. The advantages of signing a Banker's Order Deed of Covenant Foryou You do not have to send your subscription each year - your bank does it for I y o u . Y o u d o not risk failing to get invitations to parties because your subscription is overdue. For u s We get your subscription promptly w h i c h may avoid our paying overdraft charges. W e save the time, trouble and expense of sending y o u a reminder. What is a Deed of Covenant ? It is only a formal promise to pay y o u r subscription for the next seven years. But it means w e can get back almost as much again in tax f r o m the Government. P l e a s e c o m p l e t e b o t h if y o u h a v e n o t a l r e a d y d o n e s o of hereby covenant w i t h the Honorary Treasurer of the Contemporary Art Society, that I w i l l during the term of seven years from or during my life (whichever period shall be shorter) pay to the said Society each year such a sum as w i l l after deduction of Income Tax at the current rate amount t o the sum of f r o m my general f u n d of taxed income so that I shall receive no personal or private benefit f r o m the said annual payments. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Order to Bankers Contemporary Art Society day of one thousand nine hundred and sixty Date Bankers S i g n e d , s e a l e d a n d d e l i v e r e d by t h e a b o v e - n a m e d in t h e p r e s e n c e of Branch Name Please place to the credit of The Contemporary Art Society at Coutts and Co. 4 4 0 Strand, W C 2 on receipt of this order and o n the same date in each year the sum of Address Occupation Signature Name Address Signature Occupation Name Clearly w r i t t e n in capitals and stating whether Mr, Mrs or Miss Address This order should be sent to the Organising Secretary C A S The Tate Gallery London SW1 Signature :
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March 25 - Pontiac Public Library
Diamond Broker.. Ernest MarP r o f . C l e n n o n K i n g , b u t we destill f e e l t h a t f o r g e t t i n g t h e
T A L L A H A S S E E , Fla. — C o n - shall. P l a c e m e n t C o u n s e l...
Contemporary Art Society Annual Report 1968-69
Newcastle University: Hatton Gallery: Prunella Clough/District Line
Newport: Roger Cook/R5, 1964/Oil
Northampton: Barbara Robinson/Water Tower/Oil
Norwich: Keith Vaughan/Group of tall fig...