Happy Holidays - Please note the BNC policy re: "Guests"


Happy Holidays - Please note the BNC policy re: "Guests"
volume XXXIII issue IV
Tribute to
Gershwin &
December 8th
Deerfield Hilton
Sunday, December 11th
Steinway Piano Gallery
See Page 9
Boca Raton Chapter
Friday, January 13th
South County
Civic Center
See Page 4
Kick off
the New Year
on Wheels
Tribute to
Marion Levin
See Page 4
In Tarpon Springs
& St. Petersburg!
Boca West Country Club
Saturday & Sunday
Monday, February 13th
Jan 21 & 22
See Page 5
& Author
Wednesday, March 21st
Boca West Country Club
See Page 5
See Page 7
brandeis governing board 2011–2012
boca raton chapter
Carol Benjamin
Vice Presidents
Online Media
Sandy Kravitz
Mailing List & Snowbirds
Ellie Mero
Joan Schreiber
Special Events
committee chairperson
Prospective Membership
New Member Applications
New Member Coffees
Associate Members
Membership Integration
& Retention
Bulletin Delivery Problems
options for giving
Book Fund
Book Store
Bulletin Editior
Chapter Information Officer
Community Service
997-6372 • Cell 302-3008
Dear Members,
620-0173 (damira3@bellsouth.net)
477-0268 (4ellie@comcast.net)
451-8498 • Cell: 302-7196
Fran Ritter
451-9721 (tex262@aol.com)
Ruth Kirschner
Carole Agud
561-969-2221 (carolej2@gmail.com)
Marlene Gart
496-4050 (mgart1@msn.com)
Ellen Sade
496-1828 (ellensad@aol.com)
Arlyne Sternburg 637-1885 (asternburg@yahoo.com)
Minda Storch 750-4606 (msmindamouse@aol.com)
This year our chapter is dedicating
the proceeds of many of our
special events to a new $3 million
campaign, “Sustaining the Mind: Scientific Research and
Scholarships,” which will establish an endowed fund for
neuroscience and neurodegenerative disease research and
scholarships for students in the sciences.
In less than 75 years, one quarter of the world will be
more than 65 years of age. Many will be afflicted with
conditions that “catch up” with us as we age – Alzheimer’s,
Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s – debilitating diseases that
Brandeis researchers are racing to conquer.
Marilyn Rosenthal
Phyllis Robins 470-4887 (phyllsrobins@yahoo.com)
Selma Nutinsky
637-7727 (rxizzy@bellsouth.net)
Brandeis University scientists are working to discover
the underpinnings of brain-related disorders and to address
such questions as: How are brains constructed? How is brain
health maintained during adult life? What happens during
normal aging or disease to impair brain functions?
Elaine Skorka
498-0799 (essews@aol.com)
Charlotte Preskill 451-0511 (chardick@bellsouth.net)
Sydell Jurman
620-2500 (sljboca@bellsouth.net)
Fran Ritter
451-9721 (tex262@aol.com)
Barbara Rosenberg496-1882 (agrnmtnman@aol.com)
Roz Chafetz
451-0493 (rozlen8100@aol.com)
Maxine Greenfield (Chair)
Joan Schreiber
451-8498 • Cell 302-7196
Renee Teitelbaum
Harriet Lenowitz
Whether you attend a luncheon, put a message in a tribute
book, go on a trip to the Dali museum, attend a lunch and
learn, or make a special gift/donation to the campaign, know
that you are providing financial aid to worthy, talented
young people and supporting leading edge scientific
Molly Seiden
995-0477 (molroy1@bellsouth.net)
Florence Feltzin
241-0766 (affeltz@aol.com)
Harriet Shapiro
477-1189 (hss125@aol.com)
Anne Nathanson (JARC)
Connie Greenberg330-7025 (connig18@bellsouth.net)
Florence Gellman (Hospice)
Lucille Weisbein 883-6990 (rlweisbein@yahoo.com)
Carole Steinberg
Rachel Tanowitz 338-7816(rachtano@comcast.net)
To learn more about the neurological disease research at
Brandeis, come to the University on Wheels on January 13,
2012 when Brandeis Professor Melissa Kosinski-Collins
will visit us to discuss “How is it that our brains function
perfectly for six or seven decades and then suddenly begin
to self-destruct? “ (see pg 4) I’ll see you there!
Book Author
Micki Schner
241-0041 (mschner@aol.com)
Fern Jacoby
392-1658 (ferneej@gmail.com)
Music, music, music
Pat Knapp
998-7784 (plikesflowers@aol.com)
Marcia London 998-8676 (mlondon3@yahoo.com)
Julia Banner
Teddie Hanophy 954-978-1877 (hanomom@aol.com)
Susan Munter
208-1632 (hmunter@hotmail.com)
Ellen Rinde
451-0062 (etr123@bellsouth.net)
Facilitator Coordinator
Natalie Mandelblatt 368-5672 (nat2066@gmail.com)
summer study groups
Pat Knapp
See Above
Marcia London
See Above
Minda Storch
See Above
Elaine Skorka
See Above
Cherie Stewart
Couples Club
Susan Munter
See Above
Men’s Club
Norman Schimelman
Carol Benjamin
Mission Statement
Brandeis National Committee is dedicated to providing
philanthropic support to Brandeis University, a distinguished
liberal arts and research university founded by the American
Jewish community. Its membership is connected to the
University through fundraising and through activities that
reflect the values on which the University was founded:
academic excellence, social justice, non-sectarianism and
service to the community.
study group newS
Our Study Group Are In Full Swing!
Be sure to review your study guide
for both past and new - this season exciting presentations.
Join us for some very special programs
that we have planned for you.
Please keep this notice handy
and watch future bulletins for the
12/5: The first of seven films followed
by discussions, presented by Norm
Heischober at a new, spacious venue.
details and reservation forms.
Thursday, December 8
Region Symposium
12/9: Randy Del Lago is back with a
very different series of four presentations,
the first three of which concern the “true
stories” behind fairy tale classics, and the
fourth a “bonus” musical.
Sunday, December 11
Music! Music! Music!
Sunday, January 8
Music! Music! Music!
12/19: You won’t want to miss Jerry
Cooke’s first of two evening lectures on
Emerging China and its impact on the
world, specifically on the United States.
Friday, January 13
University on Wheels
Saturday & Sunday, January 21 & 22
Trip to St. Petersburg
12/21: Ready for some laughter in
today’s troubled times? Join us for lunch
with Joyce Saltman who will make us
laugh, even at ourselves.
Sunday, January 29
Music! Music! Music!
Monday, January 30
Breakfast with Brandeis
Sunday, February 5
Music! Music! Music!
Arlyne, Minda and Ellen
Monday, February 13
Options for Giving Tribute Luncheon
honoring Marion Levin
Sunday, March 4
Music! Music! Music!
Study Group Cancellation
Wednesday, March 14
Art Tour and Lunch
Due to speaker illness we are cancelling
Study Group #5 Jews in American Theater
scheduled for March 6. For a refund please
call Arlyne at 637-1885 or Ellen at 496-1828
or you may apply your payment to another
study group.
Wednesday, March 21
Book and Author Event
Monday, March 26
Breakfast with Brandeis
Saturday, March 31
Music! Music! Music!
Cancelled January 3
A Taste of Poetry
Sunday, April 15
Music! Music! Music!
Brandeis National Committee Florida Region 2011 Symposium
Citizens in Turmoil- The Future of Our Country
December 8, 2011 • 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM • Deerfield Hilton, Deerfield Beach
Dynamic Speakers from the League of Women Voters and the ACLU • $38pp including Lunch
Breakout Session Discussion Topics:
Please send your reservation (by November 21st), along with
• The First Amendment-How Nasty Are We Free to Be?
a check made out to BNC for $38 per person, to:
Kahn, 7295 Lombard Street, Boynton Beach, FL 33472.
• What It Means to Be an American Citizen
• Why Hasn’t a Woman Been Elected American President? Name_______________________________________
For more information and if you are interested in staying overnight
at the Hilton, contact Sally Hyman (561-639-2209) or Ronnie Gerstein
Phone # ____________________________________
Note: All presentations and discussions will be apolitical.
Florida Region - East Coast
Brandeis National Committtee
Citrus and Florida are synonymous!
University On
Wheels, 2012
Superb oranges and grapefruits are now
ripe for picking. Chanukah orders should
be received by December 11th.
Friday, January 13, 2012 9:00 AM to Noon
South County Civic Ctr, Jog Road, Delray Beach
$18 (includes continental breakfast)
Speaker: Melissa Kosinski-Collins, PhD., Associate
Professor of Biology, Brandeis University
“When Good Proteins Go Bad:
An introduction to neurological disease research
at Brandeis University”
How is it that our brain functions perfectly for 59 years (or 65 years?
Or 70 years?) and then suddenly begins to self destruct at an alarming
Professor Kosinski-Collins will introduce you to the molecules in our
brain with no known function other than to cause the destruction of
memory. She will also explain how a protein’s degeneration leads to such
debilitating diseases as autism, Lou Gehrig’s, and Parkinson’s. And she
will talk about current ongoing studies at Brandeis and possible future
therapies for disease treatment.
Please send reservations (by January 7) to Selma Nutinsky, 13859B Via
Aurora, Delray Beach, FL 33484
University On Wheels 2012
Christmas orders December 14th.
Cherie Stewart • 8879 Windtree Street
Boca RATON, FL 33496-5049
1 Tray
20 Jumbo
2 Trays
3 Trays
If you are interested in charging your puchase or have questions,
please call me at 479-3841.
Address ______________________________Apt. __________________
State __________________________________Zip _________________
Day Phone__________________________________________________
Name(s) ________________________________________
Phone __________________________________________
Add $9.99 per package for shipping and handling.
Gift #
Chapter ________________________________________
70H Sampler
1H 1 Tray
20H Jumbo
2H 2 Trays
Send to ___________________________________________
Street ________________________Apt. ________________
Recipient’s Phone No. ________________________________
Sign Gift Card_______________________________________
Ship by________________________________________________(Date)
Please Check one: p Mixed pAll Oranges p All Grapefruit
Total Due $ _________________
Charge card # _______________________________________________
Expiration Date _____________________________________________
p Visa
p Mastercard
p Discover
p American Express
# Attending ________
Enclosed is my check (made out to BNC) for
$ ____________@ $18 per person
2012 Book & Author Luncheon
Wednesday, March 21st 9:30 a.m.
Boca West Country Club
Pete Hamill (Snow in August, Tabloid City)
Andre Dubus III
(The House of Sand and Fog, Townie)
Hillary Jordan (Mudbound, When she Woke)
Thane Rosenbaum
(Second-hand Smoke, Golems of Gotham)
Julia Glass (Three Junes, The Widower’s Tale)
2012 Book & Author Luncheon
Name _____________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
Proceeds of this event will be donated in
Memory of Audrey Bernstein to
Scholarship and Library Technology.
Only reservations from Brandeis members will be accepted
until January 1, 2012.
After January 1, reservations will be open to the community.
$80 General Admission and Luncheon
$100 Preferred seating
$250 Seated with Authors, Program Recognition
Seating information: Call Sandy Kravitz at 561-620-0173
Questions? Micki Schner 561-241-0041Fern Jacoby 561-392-1658
Phone _____________________________________________
Seat me with________________________________________
Check payable to BNC and mail to:
Sandy Kravitz
7546 La Paz Blvd. #102
Boca Raton, FL 33433
Kick off the New Year with a trip to . . .
January 21st and 22nd, 2012
We’re spending some time in Tarpon Springs and St.
Petersburg - January 21st and 22nd, 2012 -We’ll Visit
the Newly Renovated and Exciting Dali Museum &
the nearby Holocaust Museum. Enjoy a boat ride with
sponge diving demonstration, dinner and a show at the
Columbia Restaurant, full American breakfast, Holiday
Inn accommodation and luxury coach travel.
According to a recent article in the Palm Beach Daily
News,”Beginning in 2012 many of the Dali artworks are
expected to go out on loan to Europe for a tour that may
last for much of the next year. Though the museum isn’t
saying which ones precisely, some of the marquee Dali
artworks will be among them.” So Sign Up Now and
Don’t Miss the Opportunity to see these GREAT WORKS
of ART.
$289 per person • $50 single supplement
$50 represents your tax deductible donation to Brandeis University’s
fund raising campaign: Sustaining the Mind: Scientific Research and
For additional information please call:
Marlene Gart 561-496-4050 or
Carol Agud 561-369-3463
Make Your Reservation Today!
Please complete this form and together with your
check payable to BNC send to:
Marlene Gart, 7735 Monarch Ct., Delray Beach, FL 33446
(561) 496-4050
Address ____________________________________________
Phone _____________________________________________
Email ______________________________________________
# Attending ________ Amount Enclosed
Community Service
Boca Helping Hands
Bingo at JARC
Needs your help.
Children based food programs, job mentoring,
food preparation and serving and so much more.
(Jewish Association for Residential Care)
JARC offers a uniquely rewarding
volunteer opportunity. Our involvement
makes a meaningful difference in the
lives of the developmentally challenged
adults (residents of JARC homes) who are
delighted to have us share some of our
time with them–playing Bingo and visiting.
There is no doubt we get back more than
we give.
If you would like to be added to the list of
volunteers (we visit with all our residents at
JARC Headquarters once a month for about
an hour and a half), please contact one of us
at the numbers listed below!
For more information and to learn more
attend a seminar at the Center.
Call Joan at Volunteer Services at
417-0915 for further information or
Call Connie Greenberg at 330-7025
All New and Old Members
If you have never attended a coffee, we
want you! There is so much to learn about
our organization in general and our chapter
in particular. We would love the opportunity
to spend some time with you over a cup of
coffee and a piece of pastry. We want to get
to know you better… and we want you to know
us better.
If you are interested (and we hope you are!)
please call chairperson:
Sydell Jurman at 620-2500
Anne Nathanson 988-9625
(Call After November 14th)
Homes Needed to Host
“New Members’ Coffees”!!
We Are Planning New
Member Coffees throughout
The Year. If your home or
apartment can seat at least
20 people please contact
Chairperson: Sydell Jurman
at 620-2500. We will provide
refreshments, paper goods,
etc. if you can provide the space. We also want to
have membership meetings in each community.
Please call if you can offer your home for these
Needs volunteers to read books for
impaired students at FAU in Boca Raton.
Their seminars for volunteers are at the
FAU Campus
For information call
Ron Wudarsky at (561) 297-4442
Men’s Club
Couples Group
Share your life experiences and interests – politics,
sports, current events – and make new and
stimulating friends in our informal, open agenda
men’s discussion groups.
The couples clubs are alive and well.
Meetings take place on a rotating
basis in members’ homes.
First meeting is Sunday Dec. 18 at 10:00 am
at 6250 Brava Way, Boca Raton.
Call Susan Munter (561)208-1632 for information
We meet at 10:00 am on the second Saturday of
each month. For further information, call Norman
Schimelman at 561-738-1890.
Note: In order to participate in this group your
Chapter dues of $60 and the Men’s Club dues of
$15 must be paid.
Brandeis National Committee Boca Raton Chapter
Invites You to a
Luncheon and Entertainment Program
Honoring Marion Levin
Monday, February 13, 2012 at 11:30 AM
Boca West Country Club, Glades Road, Boca Raton - $65.00
A member of the Brandeis community since 1969, Marion has served as mentor and inspiration to
thousands of members. Whether it’s traveling throughout the U.S. to help organize chapter book sales to
support the libraries or serving as a Chapter President, Florida Region President or President’s
Councilor (a position she currently holds), Marion always has a smile and an encouraging word for everyone. Please join us as we honor her successful accomplishments and dedication.
Marion has asked that proceeds benefit neurodegenerative disease research at Brandeis University
If you also wish to dedicate a message to Marion which will be printed in a “Tribute Book”
you may do so by indicating below:
p Full Page $250 p One Half Page $175 p One-Quarter Page $100 p One Eighth Page $50 p One Line $18
Name: _____________________________________________________Tel:__________________________Chapter:__________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Include me for the following (check one) p Tribute Book Ad and Lunch Reservations
(see above) p Lunch Reservations Only p Tribute Book Ad only
Please seat me with ______________________________________________________________________________
Please enter _________________________reservations for the Tribute to Luncheon @ $65. pp. TOTAL ___________
Please place one ad in the tribute Book for
__________ __________
Please make check payable to BNC and mail to Selma Nutinsky, 13859B Via Aurora, Delray Beach, FL 33484
along with your journal ad. Call Fran Ritter at (561) 451-9721 or Dottie Pierce at 561-852-9720 with any
questions. Please respond by January 7, 2012 for luncheon and ads.
I would like to make a donation of _________________, no ad is necessary:
My Ad is to read as follows (Please print and use additional page if necessary):
Music Lovers
We’ve added Two concerts for your enjoyment making a total of 7 Virtuoso concerts
at Steinway Piano Gallery 7940 N. Federal Hwy, Boca Raton on the east side of Federal between Yamato and Linton
on Sundays at 5 p.m. (Doors open at 4:30) Except for Jose Menor who will play on Saturday, March 31 at 5:00 p.m.
Call Pat Knapp for information/reservations at 561-998-7784.
Member price: $20, Guest price $25. (except special $15 price for Maria Lyapkova)
Sunday, Jan. 29, 5 pm – Maria Lyapkova, pianist plays Bach, Beethoven, Debussy and Schumann. Maria
began studying piano at age 5 with her mother and then with renowned artists in Russia. Collaborating
with instrumentalists and singers, she became a prize winner of the Maria Yudina Chamber Music
Competition in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2007. Recent performances include solo recitals and chamber
concerts in the U.S. Special price: Members and Guests $15.00
Sunday, March 4, 5 pm – Jazz Concert featuring Robert Prester, pianist with bass and drums. Robert is a
performer, composer and arranger. Having performed in Canada, France, Spain, Greece and Italy, his keyboard
playing aired on an episode of MTV’s “Real World” and at Opus 118, the music school in the feature film “The
Music of the Heart” with Meryl Streep. His newest composition premiered in Mexico and was performed at
the National Galley in Washington, D.C. Robert will play some jazz standards and original jazz compositions.
Members $20 Guests $25.00
Registration Form
Circle concerts for which you are registering. Include this form with your check made
payable to BNC. Mail to: Pat Knapp, 3945 Redondo Court, Boca Raton, FL 33487,
Jan 29 Members
$15 All Tickets $_______________ $ ____________
II March 4 $20 Members $25 Guests$_______________ $ ____________
Please include phone number & e-mail address so we can notify
you of any changes or cancellations.
Florida Address:
City:_____________________________________________________________________ State:______________ Zip:_______________
Brandeis Book Store
Boca Hampton Plaza (Facing Lyons Rd.)
9060 Kimberly Blvd., Suite 47, Boca Raton
Monday thru Saturday
9:30 am - 5:00 pm • Tel 852-2650
Friends of
Life Members
If you know of a Life Member who has not
been receiving the Bulletin, please call
Joan Schreiber at 451-8498 with that
person’s name, address and phone number.
Wonders of the
Brandeis Book Store”
“This book store is filled with every imaginary treasure. The women who run
the store are wonderful, brilliant and engaging.” – a devoted customer, Mia Plotaker
The Brandeis Used Book Store of Boca Raton was opened in 1995. Run entirely
by Brandeis volunteers, it is operated by four Brandeis National Committee
chapters – Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Trails and Pompano Beach. Audrey Bernstein, a former president of the Boca Raton chapter, was a founder and manager
and very dedicated to this project. Now it is operated by Molly Seiden.
The volunteers, some of who have done so for over twelve years, come to the
store once or twice a week and are truly “book people,” ready to help customers find exactly the kind of book they might enjoy. Many teachers bring their
students to buy their school books and grandparents love to treat grandchildren
with special books of their choice. Books that are not sold have been given to
retirement homes, prisons and needy children.
You may bring in your books to the store to donate them, or, if you call, someone from the Brandeis Book Store will come to your house and pick up donations. Come and Visit!
The book store is located in the Boca Hampton Center on Lyons Road between
Glades and Yamato. Open Monday - Saturday 9:30am to 5:00 pm (561) 852-3650.
Chairman Pat Knapp 998-7784
All Performances at: Steinway Piano Gallery, 7940 N. Federal Highway, Boca Raton.
On East side of Federal between Yamato and Linton.
Doors Open at 4:30 PM - Concert at 5:00 PM
Tickets: $20.00 Per Concert – Guests: $25.00 Per Concert
I. Musical Tribute to George Gershwin and Leonard Bernstein
Al Guastafeste, Piano • Sunday, December 11, 5:00 PM • Tickets: $20.00 – Guests: $25.00
A Century of great American music for Broadway. Movies. Opera and the Concert Hall with selections that include
“West Side Story” and “Rhapsody in Blue.”
Al has performed before audiences throughout the United States and the Far East. He has been a pianist/conductor for
Marilyn Monroe, Florence Henderson, Kaye Starr,Johnny Johnston, Frank Fontaine and Allen and Rossi. Program: Music by
George Gershwin & Leonard Bernstein
II. Great Performances
Tao Lin, Piano • Sunday, January 8, 5:00 PM • Tickets: $20.00 – Guests: $25.00
Tao Lin’s appearances in Asia, North America and Europe have brought unanimous critical accolades and praise for
his subtle, intimate pianism and brilliant technique. A versatile musician, he is equally at home as a soloist, recitalist and
chamber musician.
He is currently Professor of Collaborative Piano at the Conservatory of Music at Lynn University. Most recently Tao Lin has
been named a Steinway Artist by Steinway and Son. Program: to be announced
III. Virtuoso Violin
Daniel Andai, Violin•Tao Lin, Piano • Sunday, February 5, 5:00 PM • Tickets: $20.00 – Guests: $25.00
Daniel Andai - Soloist, Chamber/Orchestral musician and recording artist - has performed in many concert halls
including Carnegie Hall, Sydney Opera House,Vienna Konzerthause and Lincoln Center where he has performed with the
New York Philharmonic.
In 2008 he was selected as the new Concertmaster of the Miami Symphony Orchestra and is Professor of Violin at New
World School of the Arts.
Program: An afternoon of sonatas and other favorites...from Grand/Sonatas to “Popular Works” and more!
IV. Passionate Piano
Jose Menor, Piano Saturday, March 31, 5:00 PM Tickets: $20.00 – Guests: $25.00
At age 15, Jose Menor performed at Carnegie Hall as First Prize Winner of the World Piano Competition in Cinn. Ohio - and has won many
other competitions as well.
Mr. Menor is a member of several Chamber Music Groups and has been soloist in many international festivals. in England, Germany, Chili and
Spain. Program: Music by Ravel, Granados and more.
V. Great Performances - 2 Piano - 4 Hands
Tao Lin, Piano•Catherine Lan, Piano • Sunday, April 15, 5:00 PM • Tickets: $20.00 – Guests: $25.00
Catherine Lanhas received her Doctorate of Musical Arts degree in Performance from University of Miiami. She has been a soloist with
Vancouver, Edmonton, and University of Miami Frost Symphonies amongst many others, and has performed extensively in Asia and North
America. She is currently on faculty at University of Miami.
For Tao Lin “Bio” see II. above. Program: to be announced
Registration Form
Circle concerts for which you are registering. Include this form with your check made payable to BNC.
Mail to: Pat Knapp, 3945 Redondo Court, Boca Raton, FL 33487, Telephone 998-7784
Fee: $20 Each Concert
Guests $25.00 each concert
*Special Price 5 Concert Series $90 - Members
*Special Price 5 Concert Series $110 - Guests
I Musical Tribute - Gershwin & Bernstein $_______________ $ ____________
IIGreat Performances$_______________ $ ____________
IIIVirtuoso Violin
$_______________ $ ____________
IVPassionate Piano
$_______________ $_____________
VGreat Performances - 2 Pianos
$_______________ $_____________
Total $_____________________________
Please include phone number & e-mail address so we can notify you of any changes or cancellations.
Florida Address:
City:_____________________________________________________________________ State:______________ Zip:_______________
Proceeds to support “Sustaining the Mind: Scientific Research and Scholarships”
Options for GivinG
Learned research journal
Learned Research Journal funds subscriptions to research journals
that are the main source of scholarly communication in a broad
range of fields. Current research is published in journals long before
it appears in textbooks, making journals the first line of information.
categories $35.00 and above:
Renee Teitelbaum • 994-3750 • Monday - Friday
3533 N.W. Clubside Circle • Boca Raton, FL 33496
Email: reneeschuchmann@aol.com
Learned Research Journal…………………………… $35
LRJ Folio……………………………………………… $55
Book Collections……………………… $100, $500, $3000
Judaica Book Collection…………………………… $100
Please add $1.75 for postage
For 24 Hour Phone Service
(with credit card, Visa or Mastercard):
Mention Boca Raton Chapter.
book fund levels of giving!
Brandeis Art Cards............................................ $4./$1400
Brandeis Card................................................... $5.00 each
or 6/$25.00
New Louis D. Brandeis Tribute Card.......................$10.00
Chai (Life) Tribute Card...........................................$18.00
For bulk mailing please call Harriet Lenowitz
To have Book Fund Donations mailed on your behalf or to order
your own supply of notes and tribute cards,
please contact:
Harriet Lenowitz • 487-2628 • Monday - Friday
10961 Lakemore Lane, Boca Raton, FL 33498
Mail check made payable to BNC. Include the complete
names, addresses of Donors, Recipients, and Occasion.
Please print clearly.
in MEMORY of donor
Audrey Bernstein
Audrey Bernstein Ralph Arronson
BNC Boca Chapter
Brentwood Book Club
BNC Boca Chapter
in MEMORY of donor
Audrey Bernstein
Audrey Bernstein
Selma Lieberman
Charlotte Brodie
Marion Levin
Elaine and Irv Skorka
Thank you to the many others who
made donations in memory of
Audrey Bernstein
Cele Axelrod
Estelle Beacher
Dorothy Bergantino
Judy Bodner
Ilse and Max Botie
Gloria Brody
Jay Coral
Esther Budgar
Flo Feltzin
Janice Fineman
Judy and Allan Glaser
Dr. Helen Greene
Maxine Greenfield
Honey Grossbardt
Cynthia and Jay Hassan
Sondra Homer-Warner
Ruth Kirschner
Judy and Mort Kitograd
Marcia Levens
Harriett and Sidney Lenowitz
Louise Licht
Beatrice Margulies
Ellie Mero
Barbara Miller
Carol Mitchel
Ada Nogee
Selma Nutinsky
Carol Ofstein
Shirley Papish
Gigi Paleias
Charlotte and Richard Preskill
Sylvia and San Ringel
Arleen Roberts
Barbara Rosenberg
Joan Roude
Ellen Sade
Rosalind Schacknow
Joan Schreiber
Judith Scher
Arlene Sternberg
Marcia Stoller
Sue and Irwin Suna
Lee Temkin
Harriet Weinfeld
Minna Weiss
in MEMORY of donor
Selma Lieberman
Morton Kurzban
Ralph Aronson
Remember Your Loved Ones
At Holiday Time!
Here is an opportunity to honor your loved ones by
purchasing a Learned Journal ($35.00) or a
Research Journal Folio ($55.00) in their honor
or memory.
You can show, thru Brandeis, your desire to
advance education and research with this meaningful
Please call Renee Teitelbaum - 561- 994-3750
-10 -
Jackie Dembart
Stuart and Jackie Dembart
Flo & Alex Feltzin
Welcome New Members . . . .
Sky Albert
Barbara Antico
Jane Auerbach
Irene Bialo
Marilyn Brown
Myra Cantor
Ruth Delman
Barbara Downey
Nancy Dvorkin
Eileen Feldman
Sybil Fleming
Ronnie Gafah
Marion Halpern
Joan Haberman
Marilyn Hertzberg
Bette & Phillip Howard
Barbara Janower
Beth & Seymour Kirshner
Rita Koenigsberg
new Member Application
Talk to your friends, neighbors and relatives. Tell them
about the advantage of membership in BNC. Ask them to
fill out a New Membership Application. Make copies if more
are needed.
Mattie Kraus
Ann Marcus
Helen Marshall
Linda Nadolny-Cogan
Linda Platkin
Vicki Price
Phyllis Rogovin
Bonny Rosen
Judy Satzberg
Selma Schepps
Phyllis Schieber
Estelle Schwartz
Marilyn Seidman
Sharlene Slutsky
Sandra Stone
Bernice Strauss
Marilyn Spitzer
Nanci Tuck
Eileen Winkler
Name ______________________________________________________
Florida Address______________________________________________
City, State, Zip_______________________________________________
Tele #______________________________________________________
Renew Membership!
Pay your dues for 2011- 2012
Annual Membership $60 • Gold Membership $85,
Platinum Membership $125 • Couples Membership $100
(Open to any couple significant other or family
member residing at the same address.)
Please send check payable to BNC and mail to:
Brandeis National Committee
P.O. Box 549110, Mailstop 132, Waltham, MA 02454-9110
or to pay by credit card, please call
Debbie Labarge at 781-736-7588
Out of State Address__________________________________________
Tele #___________________Date arriving in FL _______Date leaving FL ______
New Membership Dues: Fiscal year July 1, 2011 to June 30th, 2012
____Annual: $60 ____Gold: $85 ____Platinum: $125 ____Couples: $100
Please make check (write new member) payable to BNC and mail to:
Charlotte Preskill, 11185 Sangria Ct., Boca Raton, FL 33498
Delivery Problems
If you (or someone you know) have not received a
Bulletin, please call Joan Schreiber 451-8498
Attention: boca chapter snowbird members
If you want uninterrupted mailing of the Boca Raton Chapter Bulletin,
please complete the coupon below and mail immediately to:
Ellie Mero
22821 Windsor Wood Ct., Boca Raton, FL 33433
E-mail: 4ellie@comcast.net
q I am a member of Boca Raton BNC
Bulletins are mailed bulk mail and are not forwarded by the Post Office
Please Do Not Call the Bulletin Editor!
Attention associate members
To Members of Other Chapters who receive our mailing our year runs
from July 1 thru June 30. Your membership expired on June 30, 2011.
If you wish to continue your mailing uninterrupted, please send your check
for $20.00 payable to BNC to: Roz Chafetz
8100 Sweetbriar Way • Boca Raton, FL 33496 • 451-0493
Please make check payable to BNC
Florida AddressApt.
Florida AddressApt.
Florida Phone #
Florida Phone #
Summer AddressApt.
Summer AddressApt.
Summer Phone #
Date leaving Florida
Date Returning
Summer Phone #
Date leaving Florida
I am a member of __________________________________________
Please notify us each year to change your address both on departing the area and returning.
Date Returning
Please notify us each year to change your address both on departing the area and returning.
Brandeis University
Brandeis National Committee
Boca Raton Chapter
U.S. Postage
West Palm Bch, FL
Permit No. 4403
P.O. Box 810924
Boca Raton, Florida 33481-0924
Study Group Program & Calendar of Events December 2011
BCC - Boca Community Center
BG - Brighton Gardens
DCC - Duncan Conf Center
DG - Delray Grande
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
LU - Lynn University
SCCC - South County Civic Center
STA - St. Andrews’ North
STG - Steinway
TE - Temple Emeth
TAS - Temple Anshai Shalom
VM - Villa Mare
VC - Veranda Club
Revolutions int the
Middle East
1:30 PM SCCC
Our Views News
2:00 PM VC
Writer’s Connection
Eccentric Genius
10:00 AM BG
1:30 PM TE
Joy of Opera
1:30 pm STA
Watson Washington
7:30pm SCCC
Film Forum
1:30 PM DCC
Women Talk
1:30 PM VC
Lunch n’ Learn
11:00 AM
Arthur Jaffe Library at FAU
FL Region
8:30 AM Deerfield Hilton
It’s Hoax Folks
1:30 PM SCCC
Monsters in Closet
1:00 PM TAS
Short Stories
Writer’s Connection
Music! Music!
5:00 PM STG
10:00 AM BG
Current Literature
1:30 PM VM
Men & Women Passion
1:30 PM SCCC
Great Books
1:30 PM BCC
Great Books
10:00 AM BCC
1:30 PM VC
Film Forum
1:30 PM DCC
Prime Time Crime
1:30 PM SCCC
Lost Art of Novella
1:30 PM SCCC
181920212223 24
Women Talk
1:30 PM VC
Writer’s Connection
10:00 AM BG
Emerging China
7:00 PM SCCC
Contemporary Problems
Facing the Modern Jew
1:30 PM SCCC
Writer’s Connection
10:00 AM BG
Best Medicine
Lunch n’ Learn
11:00 AM SCCC
Facing Judaism
1:30 PM SCCC