• Painting • Drawing • Multi-Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry
• Painting • Drawing • Multi-Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry
• Sculpture • Writing • Calligraphy • Photography • Living Space • Artist Discussion • Music • Clay • Dance • Kids • Painting • Drawing • Multi-Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry • Weaving • Ikebana • Cooking • Glass • Jewelry Art News! Call for Entries- White Bear Center for the Arts 2010 Member’s Exhibition Show Dates: Location: Registration deadline: Public Reception: November 21-December 18, 2010 Century College, West Campus, Theater Lobby Gallery Monday, November 15, 2010, 1:00 pm Friday, December 3, 2010 5:30-7:30 Eligibility: Open to all WBCA Members in good standing (as of November15, 2010). Limit: 1 piece per person. This is a non-juried exhibition, however subjects deemed not original to the artist will be disqualified from show. The mission of the White Bear Center for the Arts is to build creative and culturally rich communities in the White Bear area by providing arts experiences for children, adults, and families. BOARD of DIRECTORS Chair Roberta Johnson Co-Vice Chairs Robert Cuerden Neil Johnston Treasurer Jan Gillen Secretary Kyle Frederickson Members Entry Fee: $15.00 Media: Recent original drawings, paintings, fiber, hand-pulled prints, photography, and sculpture. For Registration form go to: www.whitebeararts.org or call White Bear Center for the Arts at 651-407-0597 Mary Gove Steve Harmon Alan Kantrud Mary Levins Kraig Thayer Rasmussen Dan Wachtler Linda Wall-Waddell Emeritus Director Sue Ahlcrona 2010 Member’s Show Reception and Holiday Party STAFF Friday, December 3, 5:30-7:30 Century College, West Campus, Theater Lobby Gallery FREE Please join us for a reception of Member’s Art, music, hot cider, yummies and lots of good cheer! Open to the public. RSVP appreciated: 651-407-0597 Suzi Hudson Executive Director Danielle Cézanne Education Director Andrew Vollbrecht Program Assistant Alyn Shannon-A very special Heart 4 Art The Board of Directors and Staff would like to recognize the very special gifts that Alyn Shannon, our communications coordinator, has shared with the White Bear Center for the Arts over the past 5 years. A very talented and generous artist, Alyn is credited for designing our vibrant logo and more recently, our beautiful catalog layout and design. While she was officially hired last year for all our graphic needs, she donates 100% of her work to the WBCA. Kim Bakken-Parr Office Assistant Alyn Shannon Communications Coordinator Locations An interactive map is located on our website www.WhiteBearArts.org Click on “Contact” in the navigation bar. Our hearts are inspired by her friendship, commitment, generosity and love for the White Bear Center for the Arts. Our thoughts are with Alyn and her family as she battles advanced stages of cancer. We dedicate this issue to Alyn. White Bear Center for the Arts (WBCA) Old Armory Building Corner of 4th Street & Cook Avenue 2228 Fourth Street White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Phone 651.407.0597 Margaux’s Table 4746 Washington Square White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Phone 651.387.7903 White Bear Sports Center 1328 Highway 96 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Phone 651.429.8571 Masonic Lodge 4923 Stewart Ave. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 White Bear Lake City Hall 4701 Highway 61 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Century College 4701 Highway 61 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Dear Friends, Inside! Dear Friends, As we enjoy our extended fall season and approach winter, we are reminded to prepare for the changes in weather that are to come. The White Bear Center for the Arts is also preparing for change with our winter catalog. An abundance of artistic opportunities are to be found inside that are sure to keep you inspired this season. With Thanksgiving fast approaching, we are thankful for you, our many students, friends, donors, sponsors and community members for your support through the year. We are thankful for the City which continues to provide the Center a warm home in the Armory. We are thankful for the many gifted and talented instructors and a dedicated and productive staff. We are especially thankful for our members like you, whose loyal support continues to recognize the importance of the arts. Art News IFC Locations IFC Letter from Board Chair Watercolor 2-3 Oil 4-5 Acrylic 4-7 Amazing Inkjet Options in Art 8 Monotype Prints 8 Flower & Delicate Specimen Prints 8 Drawing 9 Metal Enameling Through your support we are proud to offer over 500 high-quality art classes, nine weeks of summer youth art-camp, classes for over 3,600 elementary children and unique art events such as the Northern Lights Art Exhibition, WriteNow! High School Writing Contest and the upcoming Member’s Exhibition at Century College, opening November 21st. In the past 12 months your support inspired over 31,000 individuals through the arts! In November we begin our Year-End Giving / Membership Campaign. Individual/Family memberships are the single most important level of support for the White Bear Center for the Arts. If your membership is already current, please consider a gift membership or a Year-End contribution in honor of a loved one. Through your kind and generous contributions, the art center will continue its 43 year history offering valuable opportunities to develop the creative self. Together we continue to build a creative and culturally rich community. I want to extend a personal thank you to all who have made and will continue to make the art center a vibrant and creative community destination. Sincerely, Roberta Johnson 1 Jewelry 10 10-11 Glass Beads 11 Fused Glass 11 Metal Sculpture 11 Paper Bowls 12 Felting 12 Cooking 12 Artist Discussion 13 Photography 13 Writing 13-14 Clay 14 Adult Dance 15 Yoga 15 Kids and Family Fun Registration and Membership 15-16 IBC Board Chair, 2010 1 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 • Painting • Drawing • Multi-Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry • Weaving • Ikebana • Cooking • Glass • Jewelry ••• Intermediate-Advanced Watercolor Frank Zeller This class alternates between formal lessons and independent work. Each lesson includes a handout describing the steps and colors needed to finish the work. Critiques are given every Thursday morning for completed works. Demonstrations are presented following the methods described in the handout, prior to independent work. ✪ Visit www.WhiteBearArts.org for a supply list Frank Zeller Class ID: 101F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, December 2-16, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $52 Member/$70 Non-Member Class ID: 102F Date/Time: 4 Thursdays, January 6-27, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $69 Member/$92 Non-Member Frank Zeller Judith Blain Class ID: 103F Date/Time: 4 Thursdays, February 3-24, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $69 Member/$92 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Intermediate, Advanced Location: Masonic Lodge ✪ Sign up for all three months and save! $180 Member/$244 Non-Member ✪ Sign up for 2 consecutive classes instead of the whole month $45 Member/$60 Non-Member ••• Ongoing Watercolor (Acrylic in a watercolor manner welcome) Heidi E. Nelson Emphasizing the basics used to paint any watercolor painting, this class accommodates new and returning students with new subjects. This instructor has a proven record of success teaching students of all levels and abilities how to control and succeed with the somewhat temperamental medium of watercolor. It features step-by-step teacher demonstrations and works with a limited number of pigments to learn the characteristics of each, with lots of personal help from this award-winning instructor. Makeup classes available. ✪ Use instructor’s supplies (watercolor) for $5 or purchase own for $20 or use supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org. Monday Afternoon Watercolor Class ID: 111F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, January 10- 31, 1:00-3:00 PM Class ID: 112F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, February 7- 28, 1:00-3:00 PM Heidi E. Nelson watercolor Paint Thursday Night Watercolor Class ID: 113F Date/Time: 4 Thursdays, January 6-27, 6:45-8:45 PM Class ID: 114F Date/Time: 4 Thursdays, February 3-24, 6:45-8:45 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Beginner, Intermediate Prerequisite: Beginning watercolor or equivalent Tuition: $64 Member/$85 Non-Member Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for both classes and save! $123 Member/$165 Non-Member Many adult painting and drawing classes can be taken by teens. 2 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 • Sculpture • Writing • Calligraphy • Photography • Living Space • Artist Discussion • Music • Clay • Dance • Kids ••• ••• Loose & Free Watercolor Color Theory for the Painter Lisa Fertig Learn to use watercolor in exciting ways with demonstrations, individual instruction and class critiques. Great for all levels from beginner to intermediate. A variety of subject matters will be explored with focus on seeing value, shapes and building the painting using interesting edges and textures. Demonstrations will help guide you through the process. Gain confidence and have fun in this supportive class. Optional material fee is payable to instructor at class if you wish to keep the lesson plans. ✪ Visit www.WhiteBearArts.org for a supply list. Class ID: 105F Date/Time: 3 Mondays, December 6-20, 2:30-5:00 PM Lisa Fertig Class ID: 108F Date/Time: 3 Mondays, December 6-20, 6:30-9:00 PM Tuition: $60 Member/$80 Non-Member Class ID: 106F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, January 10-31, 2:30-5:00 PM Heidi E. Nelson Join this one night class and learn about color mixing, pigments, what they are and their limitations; the way colors affect one another; what terms such as chroma, value and analogous really mean. This class is offered to artists who want a better understanding of color or to review what they already know. Beginners welcome. ✪ Use instructor’s supplies (watercolor) for $2 or purchase own for $20 or use supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org. Class ID: 117F Date/Time: Thursday, January 6, 3:15-5:00 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Beginner Prerequisite: Interest in learning Tuition: $16 Member/$21 Non-Member Location: WBCA Class ID: 109F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, January 10-31, 6:30-9:00 PM Tuition: $80 Member/$106 Non-Member Lisa Fertig Class ID: 107F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, February 7-28, 2:30-5:00 PM ••• Class ID: 110F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, February 7-28, 6:30-9:00 PM Tuition: $80 Member/$106 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for all three months and save! $210 Member/$282 Non-Member Heidi E. Nelson ••• Beginning Watercolor Heidi E. Nelson A watercolor class that starts at the beginning and teaches you to understand how to control this medium where happy mistakes are so prevalent. This series of classes will focus on basic skills used to build any painting. Instruction will consist of demonstrations, practice, then application painting, working with a limited number of pigments so students learn the characteristics of each. ✪ Use instructor’s supplies (watercolor) for $5 or purchase own for $20 or use supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org Class ID: 115F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, January 10- 31, 3:15-5:15 PM Heidi E. Nelson Color Theory Application in Watercolor This instructor will help take your art to the next level when you learn the nuances of color interactions. Students will learn how to create paintings using complex colors rather than color straight from the tube. This award-winning artist will show students how to mix a plethora of browns to make a rich fall wetland scene and how to use shadow colors to “key” the saved whites. ✪ Supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org. Class ID: 118F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, January 13-27, 3:15-5:00 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Intermediate to Advanced Prerequisite: Beginning Watercolor Tuition: $42 Member/$56 Non-Member Location: WBCA Class ID: 116F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, February 7- 28, 3:15-5:15 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 12+, Beginner Tuition: $64 Member/$85 Non-Member Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for both classes and save! $123 Member/$165 Non-Member 3 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 • Painting • Drawing • Multi-Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry • Weaving • Ikebana • Cooking • Glass • Jewelry ••• ••• Oil/Acrylic Painting Beginning and Continuing Oil Painting Frank Zeller Oil painting is for everyone! This class is for the intermediate to advanced artist. All students will start with the basics of color, shape and value and will learn various oil painting techniques taught through curriculum, working from still-life, photographs and videos of international painters. Frank Zeller has been in art education for over thirty years and encourages a casual environment that promotes learning. ✪ Visit www.WhiteBearArts.org for a supply list. Frank Zeller acrylic Oil Class ID: 201F Date/Time: 3 Tuesdays, December 7-21, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $52 Member/$69 Non-Member Class ID: 202F Date/Time: 3 Tuesdays, January 11-25, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $52 Member/$69 Non-Member Class ID: 203F Date/Time: 4 Tuesdays, February 1-22, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $69 Member/$92 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner to Advanced Location: Masonic Lodge ✪ Sign up for all three months and save! $163 Member/$220 Non-Member ✪ Sign up for two consecutive classes in one month: $45 Member/$60 Non-Member ••• Introduction to Oil Painting - Give It a Try! Ann Tristani Learn the basics of oil painting in this workshop. No worries, just use materials provided by the instructor and give it a try! We will work together from the very beginning. Students will learn how to lay out paint on a palette and progress together to a simple finished painting. Demos, one-on-one assistance, loads of insight and enthusiasm are what you can expect from an experienced instructor whose passion and love of painting will help students find their inner artist. Ann Tristani Ann Tristani This oil painting class combines all levels of oil painting as well as providing help with the basics. Each month will begin working on a new painting together as a class, painting along with the instructor as she shares insights and advice. For the more advanced painter, feel free to bring in your own projects and receive one-on-one advice. December Class ID: 204F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, December 2-16, 1:00-3:15 PM Class ID: 205F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, December 2-16, 3:30-5:45 PM Class ID: 206F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, December 2-16, 6:30-8:45 PM Tuition: $54 Member/$72 Non-Member January Class ID: 207F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, January 13-27, 1:00-3:15 PM Class ID: 208F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, January 13-27, 3:30-5:45 PM Class ID: 209F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, January 13-27, 6:30-8:45 PM Tuition: $54 Member/$72 Non-Member February Class ID: 210F Date/Time: 4 Thursdays, February 3-24, 1:00-3:15 PM Class ID: 211F Date/Time: 4 Thursdays, February 3-24, 3:30-5:45 PM Class ID: 212F Date/Time: 4 Thursdays, February 3-24, 6:30-8:45 PM Tuition: $72 Member/$96 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Beginner, Intermediate Material fee: $20 payable to instructor or use supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org. + $1 for handouts Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for all three classes for $170 Member/$230 Non-Member Class ID: 217F Date/Time: Saturday, February 5, 12:15-4:15 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Beginner Tuition: $32 Member/$42 Non-Member Material fee: $5 payable to instructor for all materials Location: WBCA Ann Tristani 4 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 • Sculpture • Writing • Calligraphy • Photography • Living Space • Artist Discussion • Music • Clay • Dance • Kids ••• Alla Prima Floral Oil Ann Tristani Alla Prima means ‘all at once’. Students will create a complete painting from a floral still life. Class will begin with a demo and instruction will continue throughout the day as we progress together to a finished painting. Students will have a beautiful finished painting ready to be framed! Bring a lunch. ✪ Visit www.WhiteBearArts.org for a supply list Class ID: 216F Date/Time: Saturday, January 15, 9:30 AM-4:00 PM Age/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Tuition: $52 Member/$70 Non-Member WBCA Location: Ann Tristani ••• Oil Open Studio with Direction Ann Tristani This class is for students that want to paint their own subject matter but would like some direction. Bring in your painting or start a new one and receive instruction to grow in your skills and improve your technique. Take advantage of this instructor’s experience and enthusiasm as she encourages you to bring your painting to the next level! ✪ Visit www.WhiteBearArts.org for a supply list Class ID: 213F Date/Time: 3 Wednesdays, December 1-15, 1:00-3:15 PM Tuition: $54 Member/$72 Non-Member Ann Tristani Class ID: 214F Date/Time: 3 Wednesdays, January 12-26, 1:00-3:15 PM Tuition: $54 Member/$72 Non-Member Class ID: 215F Date/Time: 4 Wednesdays, February 2-23, 1:00-3:15 PM Tuition: $72 Member/$96 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for all 3 classes and save! $170 Member/$230 Non-Member ••• Just Do It A class to inspire oil or acrylic painters Mary Jo Van Dell (Formerly known as Mary Jo Pittman) This class is designed to help students overcome the fear of painting, to get the beginner started, and to advance the intermediate student. Each participant will work individually and receive instructions suited to their skill level. This class will encourage development of the student’s personal style at their own speed. Valuable skills in getting a drawing on the canvas, painting techniques, color mixing and composition will be taught to students in a manner that they can understand and at a level they will be able to achieve in class and at home. Students are invited to work on a piece already in progress or to bring a blank canvas and a photo to start something new. ✪ Visit www.WhiteBearArts.org for a supply list Ann Tristani Class ID: 218F Date/Time: Saturday, December 11, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Class ID: 219F Date/Time: Saturday, January 22, 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Tuition: $56 Member/$75 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Location: WBCA Mary Jo Van Dell 5 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 • Painting • Drawing • Mixed Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry • Weaving • Ikebana • Cooking • Glass • Jewelry ••• The Art of Awareness Susan Hartzell Vannelli Take a little time out your busy schedule and wake up your creative heart! Students will develop a new way of thinking about their artistic abilities. This instructor will share lots of creative, unique, inspired and energetic ideas which will help each student discover what paintings are hiding inside their hearts using acrylic paints on canvas. These classes will help people unleash their creativity and artistic potential! The goal is to build students’ artistic skills and confidence, explore their own artistic expression, and provide a safe, non-judgmental place to “play with art”. No experience necessary! Class ID: 228F Date/Time: Monday, December 6, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Class ID: 229F Date/Time: Wednesday, December 8, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $30 Member/$40 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate Material fee: $20 payable to instructor, continental breakfast provided! Location: WBCA ••• Acrylic Basics and Beyond Heidi E. Nelson This class will teach you the basics of this versatile paint medium and then move on to a variety of approaches from glazing to pallet knife textures using a variety of gels and mediums. This award-winning instructor teaches in a methodical way with step-by-step demonstrations while sparking your creativity with different ways of painting designed to develop a “vocabulary” of techniques to build on. There will be lots of personal help and the lessons will start simple enough to assure success. Makeup classes available. ✪ Instructor will have canvases for sale $1 to $2. Use instructor’s supplies for $10 plus canvases or use supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org. Class ID: 220F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, January 10- 31, 6:45-8:45 PM Class ID: 221F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, February 7- 28, 6:45-8:45 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 14+, Beginner and Beyond Tuition: $64 Member/$85 Non-Member Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for both months and save! $123 Member/$165 Non-Member Bonnie Cutts ••• Acrylic Collage and Gel Transfer Bonnie Cutts Learn how to use acrylic paints, gels, and mediums to create several interesting collage elements to work with in your artwork. Experience the step-by-step process for making gel skins, work with prepared transparent skins made from a photocopy image and gel and learn about direct image transfers into wet acrylic materials. Use these elements while working on a whimsical self portrait and other fanciful images during class. Make use ofstencils with gels and molding pastes on the collages for raised textural surfaces. An explanation of the new Golden Digital Mixed Media will be presented as well. All paints, gels and mediums provided. Open to all levels of painting experience. Bring to class: favorite synthetic brushes, a small towel, a water container, paper palettes, rags, a bag lunch and a sense of adventure. Class ID: 236F Date/Time: Saturday, January 29, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 16+, All Levels Tuition: $70 Member/$93 Non-Member Material Fees: $10 payable to instructor Location: WBCA ••• Introduction to Silk Painting Anne Dahlstrom Learn the art of applying dye to silk, a very exciting and diverse medium. Information about the tools, techniques and processes will be presented. This class will focus on forming designs with water-based resist which acts as a barrier for the dye, keeping the color within the outlined areas. Using resist and Jacquard dyes, each student will create and complete a finished painting, ready to take home at the end of class Class ID: 238F Date/Time: Tuesday, February 22, 1:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens, All Levels Tuition: $24 Member/$32 Non-Member Material Fee: $6 Location: WBCA Heidi Nelson 6 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 Anne Dahlstrom • Sculpture • Writing • Calligraphy • Photography • Living Space • Artist Discussion • Music • Clay • Dance • Kids ••• Flower Power with Acrylics Lisa Fertig This class will help you develop and expand your creativity using acrylic paint. Learn about design and color principles while building skills and confidence. Explore a variety of painting techniques with the brush and other tools while we simplify the shapes in a beautiful floral arrangement. Supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org or use instructor’s supplies for $20. Lisa Fertig Class ID: 222F Date/Time: 3 Tuesdays, December 7-21, 10:00 AM-12:30 PM Class ID: 260F Date/Time: 3 Tuesdays, December 7-21, 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Class ID: 223F Date/Time: 3 Tuesdays, December 7-21, 6:30-9:00 PM Tuition: $60 Member/$80 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate Location: WBCA ••• Landscapes on the Edge with Acrylics Lisa Fertig This class will help you develop and expand your creativity using acrylic paint. Learn about design and color principles while building skills and confidence. Explore a variety of painting techniques with the brush and other tools while developing a landscape painting. Supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org or use instructor’s supplies for $20. Class ID: 224F Date/Time: 3 Tuesdays, January 11-25, 10:00 AM-12:30 PM Lisa Fertig Class ID: 261F Date/Time: 3 Tuesdays, January 11-25, 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Class ID: 225F Date/Time: 3 Tuesdays, January 11-25, 6:30-9:00 PM Age/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate Tuition: $60 Member/$80 Non-Member Location: WBCA ••• Abstracting with Acrylics Lisa Fertig Students will explore our visual language of form, color and line to create a composition in a relaxed atmosphere. The instructor will teach a variety of painting techniques with the brush and other tools. All levels of experience welcome. Supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org or use instructor’s supplies for $25. Class ID: 226F Date/Time: 4 Tuesdays, February 1-22, 10:00 AM-12:30 PM Class ID: 262F Date/Time: 4 Tuesdays, February 1-22, 2:00 PM-4:30 PM Lisa Fertig Class ID: 227F Date/Time: 4 Tuesdays, February 1-22, 6:30-9:00 PM Tuition: $80 Member/$106 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Beginner, Intermediate Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for all three classes with Lisa Fertig and save! $190 Member/$256 Non-Member 7 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 • Painting • Drawing • Multi-Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry • Weaving • Ikebana • Cooking • Glass • Jewelry Nature Printing ••• Play With Art ••• Watercolor-Drawing-Pastel-Acrylic Susan Hartzell Vannelli Students will experience the beauty of watercolor as it magically explodes on the paper, smudge and smoosh pastels, develop a new way of drawing what they see, and discover what paintings are hiding inside their hearts using acrylic paints on canvas. The goal is to build your artistic skills and confidence, explore your own artistic expression, and provide a safe, non-judgmental place for everyone to “play with art”. No experience necessary. Come ready to get messy! Mondays Class ID: 232F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, January 10-31, 9:30-11:45 AM Tuition: $81 Member/$108 Non-Member Class ID: 233F Date/Time: 4 Mondays, February 7-28, 9:30-11:45 AM Tuition: $81 Member/$108 Non-Member ✪ Sign up for both classes and save! $157 Member/$211 Non-Member Wednesdays Class ID: 234F Date/Time: 3 Wednesdays, January 12-26, 9:30-11:45 AM Tuition: $61 Member/$81 Non-Member Class ID: 235F Date/Time: 4 Wednesdays, February 2-23, 9:30-11:45 AM Tuition: $81 Member/$108 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, All Levels Material fee: $20 payable to instructor Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for both classes and save! $137 Member/$184 Non-Member ••• Amazing Inkjet Options in Art Bonnie Cutts New Digital Grounds allow you to print images on a variety of porous and non-porous surfaces which you can run through an inkjet printer. Sound amazing? It is! In this class students will cover working with a variety of surfaces run through an inkjet printer and explore ideas for incorporating these printed images into collages and mixed media artwork. Students can be creative with wonderful combinations of acrylic materials in unique applications and incorporate their drawings or photos onto canvas for all sorts of bold personal statements. This workshop is a great way to generate new ideas for the adventurous painter, photographer, or mixed media artist wishing to learn new techniques for their artwork. ✪ Bring to class: 2 or 3 drawings or photos no larger than 5” x 7” to print, any material you may want to collage onto your canvas, favorite paint brushes, palette knife, water container, rags and a lunch. Class ID: 237F Date/Time: Wednesday, February 9, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 16+, All Levels Tuition: $70 Member/$93 Non-Member Material Fees: $10 payable to instructor Location: WBCA 8 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 Nature Printing— Monotypes from Leaves Sue Filbin If you’re suffering from cabin fever and your future doesn’t include a warm destination, join us to be reminded of nature’s beauty as we make captivating prints of leaves. This is the art class for people who love color, pattern, and surprising results (but who may not be able to draw). We will create prints suitable for note cards, books, collage, and framing. Class ID: 239F Date/Time: Saturday, February 12, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 12+, Parent/Child Tuition: $30 Member/$40 Non-Member Material fee: $5 payable to instructor in addition to simple supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org Location: WBCA ••• Printing Flowers and Delicate Specimens Sue Filbin If you’ve wondered how to preserve the image of some flowers, evergreens, and herbs, we will explore an alternative to photography and botanical illustration. By applying oil paints with a dauber, we will capture great detail and create subtle color variations as we print flowers and other delicate specimens. We will create prints suitable for note cards, books, collage, and framing. Clean-up is with vegetable oil; no solvents are used. Class ID: 240F Date/Time: Saturday, February 12, 1:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 12+, Parent/Child Tuition: $30 Member/$40 Non-Member Material fee: $5 payable to instructor in addition to simple supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for both classes and save! $55 Member/$75 Non-Member • Sculpture • Writing • Calligraphy • Photography • Living Space • Artist Discussion • Music • Clay • Dance • Kids ••• ••• Open Studio Life Drawing Open Studio Heidi E. Nelson Open to all media and levels of expertise, this class is designed for students wanting to work on art of their own in a structured environment with the instructor available for consultation and will feature live demonstrations of lessons for those interested. Makeup classes available from this instructor. Class ID: 230F Date/Time: 4 Thursdays, January 6-27, 1:00-3:00 PM Class ID: 231F Date/Time: 4 Thursdays, February 3-24, 1:00-3:00 PM Tuition: $64 Member/$85 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Intermediate Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for both classes and save! $123 Member/$165 Non-Member ••• No Fear Figure Drawing Heidi E. Nelson Drawing from a live model is the best way to learn to draw. Class will start with several easy exercises and types of drawing that are big shape oriented, so it is not all just detailed realism. All drawing levels are welcome and previous students are encouraged to join. This instructor is methodical, gives lots of hand outs and does many demonstrations. Makeup classes available. Use instructor’s supplies for $2, better paper available for $1. Supply list available at www.WhiteBearArts.org . Land-Markers This open studio offers drawing with live models. Artists work at their own pace using their favorite medium. Sessions begin with a half dozen 2-minute poses followed by a series of 10-15 minute poses. Land-Markers is a nonprofit group that has been in operation for over 20 years. Class ID: 241F Date/Time: 10 Thursdays, December 2-February 17, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM Group will not meet December 23 & 30 Age/Level: Adults, All Levels Tuition: $40 Member Model Fee: $60 model fee payable to Land-Markers Location: WBCA drawing Class ID: 242F Date/Time: 4 Thursdays, February 3-24, 3:30-5:00 PM Age/Level: Adult, Teen 14+, Beginner Prerequisite: Beginning drawing or equivalent Tuition: $48 Member/$64 Non-Member Model/Handout fee: $22 payable to instructor Location: WBCA Heidi E. Nelson Sue Filbin began printing botanical specimens in 2001 while studying with master nature printer, Sonja Larsen. During that time, Sue has learned to appreciate plants and the unexpected beauty that can easily be created with color and pattern by using both water-soluble and oil-based media. Sue is a member of the Nature Printing Society and the Colleagues of Calligraphy, and works as a graphic designer. 9 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 • Painting • Drawing • Multi-Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry • Paper • Ikebana • Cooking • Glass • Jewelry ••• ••• Precious Metal Clay (PMC) - A New Art Medium Maedeup (Korean knotting) Kim Bakken-Parr Becky Meverden Learn the basics of working with Precious Metal Clay and how easy it is to design and create beautiful fine silver jewelry. This clay is comprised of fine silver particles suspended in an organic binder. It can be rolled, folded, shaped and carved. In this class students will design and create a one of a kind piece and learn how to set stones. After drying and kiln firing the pieces are polished and a patina can be applied. Each piece is 99.9% pure silver. No experience is required for this class. All tools are provided, bring a bag lunch. Class ID: 401F Date/Times: Saturday, January 15, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Age/Level: Adult, Teens, Beginners and Beyond Tuition: $48 Member/$64 Non-Member Material Fee: $40 payable to the instructor Location: WBCA ••• Fine Silver and Fused Glass Kim Bakken-Parr Learn how easy it is to design and create beautiful fine silver jewelry using glass cabachons and Precious Metal Clay. After drying and kiln firing, the pieces are polished and a patina can be applied. Each piece is 99.9% pure silver. All equipment and materials are provided for this class. Students may bring glass cabachons from home to incorporate into their designs if they prefer. No experience is required for this class. Bring a bag lunch. Class ID: 402F Date/Times: Saturday, February 26, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Age/Level: Adult, Teens, Beginners and Beyond Tuition: $48 Member/$64 Non-Member Material Fee: $45 payable to the instructor Location: WBCA jewelry ••• Metal Enameling Jennifer Wolcott Glass on metal has been prized in jewelry forever, from the Etruscans to Tiffany eggs and contemporary work. It’s easier than you think. In this class students will learn to clean the copper and apply counter enamels and face enamels. They will try several different metals such as brass and steel and different materials including under glaze pencils and silver foil. Students will also learn how to run the kiln. Class ID: 407F Date/Time: Saturday, January 8, 9:30 AM-4:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 16+, Beginner and Beyond Tuition: $70 Member/$93 Non-Member Material fee: $30 payable to instructor Location: WBCA 10 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 Maedeup uses cording to create simple to elaborate knots that can be used in jewelry, accessories, home décor or just about anything you can imagine. This instructor lived in South Korea for two years learning this ancient art. In these classes, students will be learning four of the most basic maedeup knots: hapjong, dorae, saengjjok, and garakji. Each class can be taken independently of the other. Students will complete a bracelet during the class. No experience necessary. Becky is also the author of “Elegant Knotted Jewelry — Techniques and Projects Using Maedeup.” This is her 9th book and she has also appeared regularly on HGTV’s “The Carol Duvall Show”. Hapjong Class ID: 403F Date/Time: Saturday, December 18, 9:30-11:30 AM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 16+, Beginner Tuition: $16 Member/$21 Non-Member Material fee: $10 payable to instructor Location: WBCA Dorae Class ID: 404F Date/Time: Wednesday, January 12, 1:30-3:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 16+, Beginner Tuition: $16 Member/$21 Non-Member Material fee: $10 payable to instructor Location: WBCA Bring to class (Hapjong and Dorae): Ruler, small sharp pair of scissors, two sets of jewelry needle nose pliers (optional) Saengjjok (Ginger Knot) Class ID: 405F Date/Time: Wednesday, February 9, 1:30-3:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 16+, Beginner Tuition: $16 Member/$21 Non-Member Material fee: $5 payable to instructor Location: WBCA Garakji (Ring Knot) Class ID: 406F Date/Time: Wednesday, February 16, 1:30-3:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 16+, Beginner Tuition: $16 Member/$21 Non-Member Material fee: $5 payable to instructor Location: WBCA Bring to class (Saengjjok and Garaki): Awl, (instructor will also have awls available for $5.00) small sharp pair of scissors • Sculpture • Writing • Calligraphy • Photography • Living Space • Artist Discussion • Music • Clay • Dance • Kids ••• ••• Making Glass Beads with a Torch Create Functional Art and Sculptures for your Home (Lampworking) Jennifer Wolcott In Victorian England women made glass beads over a spirit lamp as a cottage industry and called it lampworking. This class will use very hot torches and do it for fun. Students will be able to melt glass and bend it to their will. Make stringers and twisties, and polka dots then build bubbles and flowers into glass beads. This is a half day introductory workshop. Stay for the afternoon to learn more techniques like bubbles and flowers and silver foil. Class ID: 408F Date/Time: Sunday, January 9, 11:00 AM-2:00 PM Age/Level: Adult, Teen, Beginners and Beyond Tuition: $35 Member/$47 Non-Member Material fee: $15 payable to instructor Location: WBCA Glass More Lampworking Techniques Class ID: 409F Date/Time: Sunday, January 9, 3:00-6:00 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 16+, Beginner and Beyond Tuition: $35 Member/$47 Non-Member Material fee: $15 payable to instructor Location: WBCA ••• Fused Glass Plate Liz Marson Learn glass fusing and slumping techniques by creating a 7” round plate. This is a one-of-a-kind piece of art. This beautiful plate will be microwave, dishwasher and food safe to use. Glass cutting is not mandatory but it can help. Class ID: 412F Date/Time: Saturday, February 5, 9:00-11:30 AM Age/Level: Adults, Teens, 16+, Beginner and Beyond Tuition: $36 Member/$48 Non-Member Material fee: $20 payable to instructor Location: WBCA ••• Bronze Pendant or Charms for Christmas Kim Bakken-Parr Students will be able to make a one of a kind personalized Christmas gift for their friends or family, or an original piece of jewelry for themselves with bronze clay. The clay can be stamped with a design or put your best friend's name on it. After the piece is dried, it is fired in a kiln where the clay burns away leaving a beautiful bronze charm that can be made into a pendant, bracelet or put on a key chain. No experience is required for this class. All tools and supplies are provided. Class ID: 709F Date/Times: 2 Sundays, December 5, 1:00-4:00 PM December 12, 1:00-2:30 PM Age/Level: Adult, Teens Ages 12+/ Beginners & Beyond Tuition: $44 Member/$59 Non-Member Material Fee: $10 payable to instructor Location: WBCA Estela De Paola de Lerma Have you dreamed with designing your own artistic furniture, or designing a unique sculpture for your garden or back yard? This class will provide students with knowledge and tools needed to create the project of their dreams, and acquire impressive skills. Whether it is a table or a contemporary sculpture, the results will be amazing! Join this class and unleash the artist within. Students will be introduced to basic welding and metal building methods needed to create three dimensional objects. The course is divided in two phases. Bring a notebook and pencil from home. Phase I: Two classes during which students will be exposed and learned the basics of oxyacetylene welding, cutting, and brazing. Phase II: Students will learn the basics of MIG welding. Both welding techniques will be focused in creating functional art objects or sculptures. The use of supplemental methods such as grinding and plasma cutting is taught in this class. Projects: Students will be able to choose to create 1) a small table 2) a lamp or 3) a candle holder built out of sheet metal (mild steel) or 4) sculpture for indoors or outdoors. Any middle size three dimensional art projects not described in this course can be discussed and created in class upon instructor's approval and guidance. Finishing methods such as patina, and different types of paint used on metal will be discussed. If desired, objects can be sandblasted for a more accurate finish. Sandblasting fees vary according to the price of the piece. Instructor will provide information on where students can take their piece to be sandblasted. Class ID: 410F Date/Time: 4 Saturdays, January 22 & 29, February 5 & 12, 1:00-3:30 PM Age/Level: Adults 18+, Beginner Tuition: $220 Member/$293 Non-Member Material fee: $60 maximum depending on project chosen and quantity of sheet metal used. Fees paid to instructor will cover sheet metal, grinding wheels, cutting tips and welding tips. Location: Century College Maximum: 8 students Dress code: Welding gloves and safety goggles used for oxyacetylene welding are available. Students may also bring their own. Clothing: Cotton long sleeve shirt, cotton pants, leather boots. Hair in a pony tail if long, or covered with a cotton hat. Optional Materials: Students may bring any metal found objects to be incorporated in their projects. 11 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 • Painting • Drawing • Multi-Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry • Weaving • Paper • Cooking • Glass • Jewelry ••• Exquisite Paper Bowls Kathleen Felsheim Create stunning paper bowls with amazing strength using papier-mâché techniques. Multiple layers of glue and paper harden to give the bowls strength. These exquisite bowls can be used as decorative objects or containers. ✪Visit www.WhiteBearArts.org for a supply list. Class ID: 411F Date/Time: 2 Sundays, February 6 & 13, 1:00-3:00 PM Age/Level: Adults, Beginner and Beyond Tuition: $32 Member/$43 Non-Member Location: WBCA ••• Goosebumps Felted Scarf Leslie Granbeck Create a cozy wool scarf with lots of fun texture. No knitting or sewing required; use soft fibers and a special wool base to create the perfect “chill chaser” for winter. $25 materials fee includes all fibers and is payable to instructor. Bring from home: 2 old hand towels, 1 old bath towel, sharp scissors, plastic bag to carry home wet items Optional: apron (waterproof or cloth) Class ID: 414E Date/Time: Wednesday, January 19, 10:00 AM-2:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, All Levels Tuition: $36 Member/$48 Non-Member Material fee: $25 payable to instructor includes all fibers Location: WBCA ••• Felted Tote Bag Leslie Granbeck Kathleen Felsheim fiber Learn the art of traditional wet felt making. No knitting required, create a seamless felted tote bag from colorful wool fibers. This sturdy tote is perfect for carrying books, a laptop and other necessities. $30 materials fee includes fibers and supplies for bag, and is payable to instructor day of class. A variety of handle options are available for additional fee, or you may provide your own. Bring from home: Sharp scissors, 2-3 old hand towels,1 old bath towel, piece of cotton fabric (sheeting, flour sack dish towel or similar) at least 15” X 15”, plastic bag to carry home wet items Optional: apron (waterproof or cloth) and lunch or a snack Class ID: 414F Date/Time: Saturday, February 19, 10:00 AM-4:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, All Levels Tuition: $52 Member/$69 Non-Member Material fee: $30 payable to instructor includes all fibers and supplies Location: WBCA 12 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 Cooking Photo - Paul Dols / Courtesy of White Bear Press ••• Stocks and Soups Peggy Doran Peggy Doran from Margaux’s Table in downtown White Bear Lake will teach students how to make 3 different types of rich stock and then show students how to finish a soup quickly. Bring an apron to class. Class ID: 307F Date/Time: Tuesday, January 25, 6:30-8:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, 21+, All Levels Tuition: $50 Member/$67 Non-Member Location: Margaux’s Table ••• Bread Making Peggy Doran Peggy Doran from Margaux’s Table in downtown White Bear Lake will teach students how to make a classic slow rise French country loaf of bread as well as a baguette and focaccia from one recipe. Bring an apron to class. Class ID: 308F Date/Time: Tuesday, February 22, 6:30-8:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, 21+, All Levels Tuition: $50 Member/$67 Non-Member Location: Margaux’s Table Students that take the bread making class with Peggy may want to check out the outdoor bread baking oven at United Methodist Church in White Bear Lake the first Saturday of the month from 2:00-5:00 PM • Sculpture • Writing • Calligraphy • Photography • Living • Artist Discussion • Music • Clay • Dance • Kids ••• ••• Artists Discussion and Critique Everyday Writing by the Numbers Neil Johnston Mary Jane LaVigne The Artists Discussion is a critique class designed for the working artist, beginning artists or people who just enjoy art. Each session includes a structured art critique of 2D/3D media art works and a discussion of related art topics. We will discuss 5-6 works of art at each session. Everyone is encouraged to bring art to be discussed, but it is not required. This class is FREE and open for drop-ins, but please call 651.407.0597 and confirm your space in case of scheduling changes or cancellations. Remember kits with numbered pictures and a matching paint set? Anyone might give oil a try with one of those. If only writing were that easy. Well, it can be. Maybe you’ve got a letter to the editor you’re burning to write, or story in your desk drawer awaiting revision. Or would you just like to tackle the next thank you note with less trepidation? A few tried and true techniques make it easier. This class is open to all levels of experience. When it comes to getting words on a page, we all end up struggling in the same muck. Don’t worry, you won’t be forced to color inside the lines. Class ID: 501F Date/Time: Tuesday, December 21, 7:00-9:00 PM Class ID: 502F Date/Time: Tuesday, January 18, 7:00-9:00 PM FREE Class ID: 503F Date/Time: Tuesday, February 15, 7:00-9:00 PM Age/Level: Adults, All Levels Tuition: FREE Location: White Bear City Hall Class ID: 505F Date/Time: 4 Tuesdays, January 25-February 15, 10:00-11:30 AM Age/Level: Adults, All Level Tuition: $48 Member/$64 Non-Member Material fee: $3 copy fee payable to the instructor Location: WBCA Bio: Mary Jane LaVigne has written for Minnesota Monthly, The Great American History Theater and A View from the Loft. A 2009 - 2010 winner of the Loft Mentor Series in Creative Non-fiction, she lives in Birchwood Village. ••• Defining and Refining Your Process Alison Bergblom-Johnson ••• Photography 1, 2, 3 Bob Cuerden The objective of this course is improving your photographic skills. Session 1: Basics of camera operations Composition of image Understanding & using photography jargon Session 2: Review & critique of assignments Developing creativity in images and camera Tips & tricks Session 3: Review & critique of assignments Travel photography Managing your digital images Dress to take images outdoors and review work, weather permitting. "Should I write every day?" is a process question. Process is about how words get on the page and then how words are refined. The class will look at the work of Julia Cameron (author of The Artist's Way) and Natalie Goldberg (author of Writing Down the Bones). Students will also learn about how successful writers have made their process their own. Students will have the opportunity to come up with a process mission statement of their own and will have a chance to begin creating their own process and process journal. Class ID: 506F Date/Time: Saturday, December 4, 12:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, All Levels Tuition: $32 Member/$38 Non-Member Material fee: $3 copy fee payable to the instructor Location: WBCA Class ID: 504F Date/Time: 3 Wednesdays, February 9-23, 6:00-9:00 PM Age/Level: Adults, Beginner with experience, Intermediate Prerequisite: Students must know how to operate their own cameras Tuition: $72 Member/$96 Non-Member Material fee: $4 payable to the instructor Location: WBCA Students interested in photography may be interested in Amazing Inkjet Options in Art with Bonnie Cutts. Bob Cuerden 13 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 • Painting • Drawing • Multi-Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry • Paper • Ikebana • Cooking • Glass • Jewelry ••• Winter as Literary Subject Alison Bergblom-Johnson Spend half a Winter’s day reading and writing about Winter. Be prepared for ice, cold and snow, at least the imaginary kind. The class will read from Annie Proulx's The Shipping News, Kerstin Ekman's Blackwater, Willa Cather's My Antonia, and from Rick Bass's Where the Sea Used to Be. These are diverse texts all set in Winter. Students will craft their own brief tale set in Winter. Class ID: 507F Date/Time: Wednesday, January 26, 12:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, All Levels Tuition: $32 Member/$38 Non-Member Material fee: $3 copy fee payable to the instructor Location: WBCA ••• Stealing from Poetry's Toolbox: A Creative Nonfiction course Alison Bergblom-Johnson Creative nonfiction is often described as borrowing techniques from fiction for nonfiction. Scene, plot and character are all good examples of these. This workshop will be about using poetic techniques in nonfiction. Examples include voice and image, though there are others. We'll look at the creative nonfiction of a diverse set of writers such as Mark Doty, Nick Flynn, Mary McCarthy, and Joan Didion. From the readings the class will mine examples of these techniques used in the real world. Come prepared to write. Class ID: 508F Date/Time: Sunday, February 20, 12:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, All Levels Tuition: $32 Member/$38 Non-Member Material fee: $3 copy fee payable to the instructor Location: WBCA Bio: Alison Bergblom-Johnson has read her work at the Walker Art Center, 7th Street Entry of First Avenue, Tellabration 2009, and at Patrick’s Cabaret. She has also been a resident at the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center with support from the Jerome Foundation. She is working on Alison Failure, a memoir about female family members who experienced and sometimes died of mental illness. ••• Tuesday Evening Clay Kristin Pavelka This evening studio is designed for students who have never worked with clay as well as experienced potters. The informal atmosphere allows for individual exploration and experimentation with clay, whether on the wheel or by hand building. A variety of techniques for surface treatment and glazing will be covered. Class ID: 301F Date/Time: 3 Tuesdays, December 7-21, 6:30-8:30 PM Tuition: $65 Member/$85 Non-Member Class ID: 302F Date/Time: 3 Tuesdays, January 11-25, 6:30-8:30 PM Tuition: $65 Member/$85 Non-Member Class ID: 303F Date/Time: 4 Tuesdays, February 1-22, 6:30-8:30 PM Tuition: $85 Member/$112 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Teens 15+, All Levels Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for all three months and save! $205 Member/$272 Non-Member ••• Friday Clay ••• Intermediate Writing J. Michael Blumer Do you have a book inside you and can’t get it out? If you have a story or just an idea, learn how to express it in writing. You’ll learn professional tips, and receive critical yet useful reviews. Whether you haven’t started, are half-done, or your manuscript is complete, come share, learn, polish, and edit with others like you. This three-part workshop focuses on developing your own style using dialogue, setting, characterization and plot. Class ID: 509F Date/Time: 3 Wednesdays, January 12-26, 6:30-8:30 PM Age/Level: Adults, Teens 15+, Beginner, Intermediate Tuition: $48 Member/$64 Non-Member Location: WBC “Just wanted to let you know that my poem, “The City”, will appear in the 2011 Saint Paul Almanac. I’m even getting paid. I do believe Mike Blumer’s writing class encouraged me to submit more of my poems to different poetry contests.” Virginia 14 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 Sally Brown Enjoy a morning of clay! Each class begins with a short demonstration followed by working on clay projects: throwing on the wheel, hand building, tiles, sculptures, etc. All levels are welcome. Class ID: 304F Date/Time: 3 Fridays, December 3-17, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $65 Member/$85 Non-Member Class ID: 305F Date/Time: 4 Fridays, January 7-28, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $85 Member/$112 Non-Member Class ID: 306F Date/Time: 4 Fridays, February 4-25, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM Tuition: $85 Member/$112 Non-Member Age/Level: Adults, Teens 15+, All Levels Location: WBCA ✪ Sign up for all three months and save! $225 Member/$299 Non-Member • Sculpture • Writing • Calligraphy • Photography • Yoga • Artist Discussion • Music • Clay • Dance • Kids ••• All-Levels Yoga with Shaila: No Music. No Mirrors. Just Yoga Shaila Cunningham KIDSKIDS KIDS School of Ballet These ballet classes with instructor JAN CHAMBERLIN are taught as an art form without competition. Classes have a 12 students maximum so every child is guaranteed individual attention. Students may enter creative movement and beginning ballet classes mid-session (pro-rated). Ballet l must be started sometime in September. Call for sibling discount and payment options. ••• All-levels class is perfect if you’re new to yoga or have only known yoga as “group exercise.” Class will include deep tissue and assisted stretching, asana including a variety of inversions, numerous yoga breathing techniques and final relaxation. Yoga is presented as “meditation in motion” without music and mirrors to distract you. Meditative yoga is proven to boost the immune system and improve mood. Instructor Shaila Cunningham is certified from Kripalu in MA, a school with lineage back to India. She first began her practice while living in Asia and incorporates elements of zen and qi gong. Instruction is highly individualized for different body types and goals. Instructor also has experience with golfers, tennis players as well as therapeutic yoga for a variety of conditions from MS, CFS, FM, digestive issues and cancer. Please bring a sticky mat; there are a few to borrow. Please call or email the WBCA with any questions for the instructor about health issues, content questions, etc. Pre-registration required. We are unable to offer drop-ins at this time, but may do so once class is established. Class ID: 908F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, December 2-16, 9:00-10:15 AM Class ID: 909F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, January 13-27, 9:00-10:15 AM Class ID: 910F Date/Time: 3 Thursdays, February 3-24, 9:00-10:15 AM No class February 10 Age/Level: Adults, Teens, All Levels Tuition: $39 Member/$52 Non-Member Location: WBCA GYM ✪ Sign up for all three classes and save! $107 Member/$146 ••• Adult Ballet Jan Chamberlin Come and experience the joy of dancing while improving your balance, flexibility, strength and grace. Each class includes a barre warm-up followed by centre and traveling steps. Beginners through intermediate will enjoy this fun class. Class ID: 907F Date/Time: 8 Mondays, January 3- March 7, 7:15-8:15 PM No classes January 17, February 21 Age/Level: Adults, Teens 16+, Beginner and Beyond Tuition: $88 Member/$117 Non-Member Location: WBCA Gym Preschool Creative Movement Children will begin to experience the joy of dance. They will be introduced to basic movements— jumping, walking, and skipping as well as music and rhythm while being encouraged to use their imaginations. Session l Class ID: 901F Date/Time: 6 Thursdays, January 13- February 24, 10:30-11:00 AM No class February 10 Tuition: $48 Member/$64 Non-Member Age/Level: Ages 3-5, Beginners Location: WBCA Gym ••• Beginning Ballet for Kindergarten and First Grade These classes offer students a first experience with dance training. Focus is on correct posture, body awareness, coordination and musicality. Students are encouraged to express themselves through movement while learning the elementary ballet positions and movements. As this class has both a creative and technical component, students may take this class many times, yet always encounter a new curriculum. Class ID: 902F Date/Time: 12 Mondays, January 24-April 25, 5:15-6:00 PM No classes February 21, March 14 Age/Level: Ages 5-6, Beginners Tuition: $108 Member/$144 Non-Member Location: WBCA Gym ••• Ballet 1 This class will teach the fundamentals of classical ballet while encouraging each dancer to express herself artistically and musically. Classes are designed to develop grace and strength, improve flexibility and coordination and encourage artistic expression through a free and joyous flow of movement. Class ID: 903F Date/Time: 16 Mondays, January 3, 2010-May 9, 2011, 6:00-7:00 PM No Classes January 17, February 21, March 14 Age/Level: Ages 7+, Beginners Tuition: $160 Member/$213 Non-Member, tuition may be paid quarterly Location: WBCA Gym Ballet l Dress Code: : pink tights, leotard, ballet slippers, hair pulled back from face into a ponytail or bun. Simple dance skirt optional. 15 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 • Painting • Drawing • Multi-Media • Collage • Fiber • Basketry • Paper • Ikebana • Cooking • Glass • Jewelry KIDSKIDS Sunday Afternoons These Sunday afternoon series of classes with Cassandra Monson are for the whole family to take together! All ages are welcome (students ages 3 to 100) but students under 7 must be accompanied by a parent. Come ready to learn, make a mess and most of all have fun! * Pay for the first child, half price for the second. All classes are taught by Cassandra Monson ••• Draw, Paint and Build Amazing Ornaments Make your own ornaments! Learn how to sculpt, build and glue together solid long lasting 3D ornaments. We’ll also draw & paint detailed ornaments. These amazing ornaments are great for the tree, to hang on the wall or give as gifts! Class ID: 703F Date/Time: Sunday, December 5, 1:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: All Ages, All Levels, Under 7 must be accompanied by a parent Tuition: $24 Member/$30 Non-Member, 1st child Material fee: $4 per person, pay to instructor Location: WBCA ••• Handmade Holiday Gifts Make your own holiday gifts! In just a few short hours you’ll make framed artwork, amazing magnets, jewelry, hand bound books, beautiful cards and much, much more... Class ID: 704F Date/Time: Sunday, December 12, 1:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: All Ages, All Levels, Under 7 must be accompanied by a parent Tuition: $24 Member/$30 Non-Member, 1st child Material fee: $6 per person, pay to instructor Location: WBCA ••• Draw & Paint Winter Animals Burrr. In this chilly winter class you will build polar bear clay sculptures, and make a wearable wolf mask! Then you’ll learn how to draw snow bunnies on textured sandpaper! Class ID: 705F Date/Time: Sunday, January 16, 1:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: All Ages, All Levels, Under 7 must be accompanied by a parent Tuition: $24 Member/$30 Non-Member, 1st child Material fee: $4 per person, pay to instructor Location: WBCA ••• Handmade Valentine’s Gifts Show those around you that you love them by gifting beautiful art! You will build heart baskets and print a set of 30 heart cards! You’ll also have tons of time to draw, paint and build one-of-a-kind gifts! Class ID: 707F Date/Time: Sunday, February 13, 1:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: All Ages, All Levels, Under 7 must be accompanied by a parent Tuition: $24 Member/$30 Non-Member, 1st child Material fee: $4 per person, pay to instructor Location: WBCA ••• Penguin Art & Sculpture! Learn all about the amazing Antarctic Penguins! Build a clay penguin and an ice sculpture for it to live in. Then learn how to draw and paint all types of penguins! Class ID: 708F Date/Time: Sunday, February 27, 1:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: All Ages, All Levels, Under 7 must be accompanied by a parent Tuition: $24 Member/$30 Non-Member, 1st child Material fee: $4 per person, pay to instructor Location: WBCA Afterschool Art Classes ••• Expressionist Self Portraits Leslie Granbeck Learn about facial proportion, symmetry, and contour lines while making self portraits in different mediums. In the first session we will explore wire sculpting and single-line drawing based on the wire work of Alexander Calder. In the second session we will create a portrait using a cut-papercollage technique pioneered by Henri Matisse. Both lessons will focus on developing your own creativity while creating self portraits which express how we feel rather than exactly how we look. Class ID: 701F Date/Times: 2 Tuesdays, January 18 & 25, 4:00-5:30 PM Age/Level: Kids, Ages 6 to 12 Tuition: $27 Member/$38 Non-Member Location: WBCA ••• ••• Printmaking Workshop Picasso Art: Learn from the master! Leslie Granbeck Be inspired by the artwork of Pablo Picasso! We’ll make funky drawings, paintings and collages – after studying images of Picasso’s artwork. Class ID: 706F Date/Time: Sunday, January 23, 1:30-4:30 PM Age/Level: All Ages, All Levels, Under 7 must be accompanied by a parent Tuition: $24 Member/$30 Non-Member, 1st child Material fee: $4 per person, pay to instructor Location: WBCA Learn fun techniques for producing multiple prints of your artwork. In session one, we will "etch" Styrofoam print plates, ink our plates, and pull multiple prints of several designs. In session twowe will make our own print block "stamps" and print from found objects. We will complete severaldifferent prints in each class. Class ID: 702F Date/Times: 2 Tuesdays, February 1 & 8, 4:00-5:30 PM Age/Level: Kids, Ages 6 to 14 Tuition: $29 Member/$40 Non-Member Location: WBCA 16 www.WhiteBearArts.org • 651.407.0597 ••• ••• Class capacity is limited and classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Early registration helps us reduce class cancellations. Registrations require payment at least one week prior to the first class. Late registrations will be taken if space permits. Confirmations are not sent to students. If a class must be canceled, a full refund will be issued. Student tuitions cover direct costs of instructors and supplies, while memberships and other contributions help cover critical operating expenses. Membership Information* Register Early HOW TO REGISTER: Mail the completed form below with your check or VISA/MasterCard/Discover information or fax us at 651.429.1569. You can also register over the phone by calling 651.407.0597. ABSENTEE POLICY: Tuition is not pro-rated or refunded for missed classes. Credits or refunds will not be issued for cancellations less than five days before a class and a $5 clerical fee will be charged. MEMBERSHIP: WBCA membership is open to anyone and everyone. Discounts on classes will go into effect immediately upon receiving membership payment. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Call 651.407.0597 for details. TAX ADVANTAGE: All or a portion of class fees for children and youth age five and up may qualify for a MN state tax deduction. Contact your tax accountant for details. MEMBERS RECEIVE A 25% DISCOUNT on all classes and workshops, invitations to our special events, news and updates by mail, and reduced fees on member art shows. Look for our Members FREE classes. Your tax-deductible contribution helps support our many programs, and all gifts, great and small are appreciated! Memberships are valid for one year. First time students may deduct a one-time 15% from their tuition fee. Individual/Household $50 Senior 62+ $30 Student with ID $30 Corporate Memberships are also available, please request information. Does your employer provide matching gifts? We are an eligible nonprofit! Leave a legacy for your community. Include the WBCA in your estate plan. Call Suzi Hudson, Executive Director at 651.407.0597. www.WhiteBearArts.org www.WhiteBearArts.org www.WhiteBearArts.org www.WhiteBearArts.org Registration and Membership Form* Adult Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________ (We do not rent, sell or trade personal information.) Circle One: Current Member Class ID# New Member Non-Member Class Title Student Name and Birthdate (if under 18) Tuition ______________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ $ ______________ ______________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ $ ______________ ______________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ $ ______________ ______________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ $ ______________ I am a first time student (deduct 15% from total class fees) $ ______________ *YES! I want to become a member (Membership levels are listed above) $ ______________ *Please Renew my Membership (levels are listed above) $ ______________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ______________ Please charge my credit card: ❍ Visa ❍ Mastercard ❍ Discover #________________________________________ Exp. Date: ________ Security Code: ________ Name on Account: _______________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________ Please mail or fax this form with payment to: White Bear Center for the Arts, 2228 Fourth Street, White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Phone: 651.407.0597 Fax: 651.429.1569 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 58 Wilernie, MN 2228 Fourth Street White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Phone: 651.407.0597 Fax: 651.429.1569 Winter 2010 www.WhiteBearArts.org Sign Up for a Mission Trip to Haiti! maybe it’s time to think outside yourself... Deliver clean water, distribute food, visit orphans, comfort sick and dying babies, visit Grace Village, Expect a change of attitude! • Go on a Missions Trip visit www.healinghaiti.org or www.healinghaiti.blogspot.org • Make a donation at www.healinghaiti.org • Volunteer Call 651.426.7200 www.HealingHaiti.org Healing Haiti 2629 South Shore Blvd., White Bear Lake, MN 55110
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