February 2012 Edition - Athens State University


February 2012 Edition - Athens State University
Athens State University Student Newspaper
February 2012
Black History Month Program at ASU
Morgan Griffin-Morgan, Assistant Editor
On February 5, 2012, Athens State
hosted its annual Black History Month
Program. Senior Pastor Dusty McLemore
of Lindsay Lane Baptist Church was the
event’s key note speaker. Other participants were Antoyne Green, Athens State
President Bob Glenn, a poem by Lisa
Strong, a song by Calvin Drake, and
Pastor John Jude of Pleasant Grove
CP Church. Entertainment was provided by Le’Maseran Dance Company, the Sojourners singers from
Lindsay Lane Baptist Church, and
members of the 6th grade class of
Athens Intermediate School presented
a Wax Museum display. Sharon Carter,
Black History Month Chairperson, said,
“This year’s presentation [focused] on
culture and diversity and its impact on
our daily lives”. The program had a very
good turnout with over 100 people in
Photos submitted
by Guy McClure.
A Note From
Your Editors:
We’ve gone through a few changes
here at the Athenian office. For the
time being, it’s down to just Brianna
and Morgan. We will be looking for
another assistant editor starting in
Fall 2012.
We would like to upgrade our newspaper stands around campus, and
we need your help. Send us your
drawings/paintings that will help advertise the newspaper. Show us
your creativeness! We do ask that
you try to include that by reading the
Athenian, you can win a free gas
card and/or free movie tickets. We
will choose the top three and post
them on Blackboard. YOU will pick
the winner from those three. Submissions are due by March 19th and
Blackboard voting will be from
March 26th to April 6th. The winner
will have their submission on the
newsstands starting with the April
Thanks for reading!
Brianna N. Kiddie, Editor
Morgan Griffin-Morgan, Assistant
What’s Inside
Learning Center
Job Fair
“Family Values”
Students’ Corner
Fall 2011 Honors List
A wonderful place
near campus to learn
things from Pinterest
to cupcake
decorating classes to
ballroom dance
Mark your calendars for
February 22nd and April
19th. Job fairs at the Von
Braun Center and the
Sandridge Student
Center coming soon.
Dr. Mark Durm
revisits his thoughts
on family values in
From stories to
poems to beautiful
pictures, Athens
State students have
it all.
Students who made a
3.5 to 3.99 GPA are
on the Deans List,
and those who made
a 4.0 GPA are on the
Presidents List.
Pages 2 & 13
Pages 4 & 5
Page 8
Pages 11 & 12
Pages 6, 7, 16, 17,
18 & 19
February 20th is Hoodie-Hoo
Day. Legend has it that if you
run outside at noon and yell
“Hoodie-Hoo!” you’ll banish
winter. So gather your friends
and serve ice cream and pink
lemonade in celebration of the
coming spring. And don’t forget
to shout “Hoodie-Hoo!”
The Athenian
Brianna N. Kiddie
Assitant Editor
Morgan Griffin-Morgan
Guest Writers/Photographers
Wanda Campbell
Maria Coble
Adam Croan
Dr. Mark Durm
Chelsea Gireth
Brittany A. Hampton
Prof. Linda Hemingway
Bridget Kelley
Alex Lann
Andrea Owen Martin
Guy McClure
Gilbert Stark
Luana Waits
Tena Bullington
The Athenian is published with
funds from the Athens State University Student Activities fund and advertising revenue. It is distributed free
of charge to members of the faculty,
staff, and student body.
The staff of The Athenian follows the Associated Collegiate Press,
Model Code of Ethics for Collegiate
Journalists. The Athenian office is
located in the Sandridge Student Center, Room 215.
The Athenian welcomes letters
and columns from students, staff, faculty, administration and alumni. All submissions are subject to approval of the
editorial board and advisor. Submissions must be accompanied by a
name, address and phone number. The
editorial board reserves the right to edit
submissions for brevity, style, clarity
and liability.
Submissions should focus on the
issues rather than personalities. Proof
of identification may be required.
Submissions must be limited to 300400 words, and may be delivered via
mail, e-mail, or in person.
Views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of
the Athens State University Administration, faculty, or the student body at
Address correspondence or advertising inquiries to:
The Athenian
Attn: Editor
P.O. Box 235
Athens, AL 35611.
(256) 233-8238
Center for Lifelong Learning at
Athens State University
Wanda Campbell, Assistant Director
The Center for Lifelong Learning at
Athens State University is about to
celebrate its first anniversary in just a
couple of months. The Center, located
on the east side of the square at 121
South Marion Street, provides a wonderful location to sit and relax, take a
class, or buy a book or t-shirt.
The Athens Shop is a retail store that
has area school t-shirts and sweat
clothes. They also have books, some
costing only $1.99, and magazines.
And for those who forget their pencil,
there are some school and office supplies that will come in handy.
Also located in the building is Undergrounds Coffee Shop. Undergrounds Coffee Shop is a coffee shop
offering assorted specialty drinks and
muffins, cookies, and scones. We recommend stopping by to get your treat
and staying a while to enjoy the free
Wi-Fi. The Center has free laptops to
loan or you can bring your own laptop
or iPad.
The Center also is a community service and outreach organization tasked
with building alliances and creating collaborations between Athens State University and the Athens/Limestone
Communities. The Center has hosted
several events with Spirit of Athens,
Storytelling Festival, Athens/Limestone
Hospital, Art on the Square, and Ath-
ens/Limestone County Schools in an Family Science Night. Families can
effort to partner with the community. tour eight science stations led by ASU
elementary pre-service teachers. At the
Each quarter the Center offers a wide stations they will create a “passport” with
variety of classes and events. On Fri- follow-up activities designed to proday, February 24th, bring your lunch mote additional science conversations
as we discuss Pinterest, the hottest and learning at home. Activities for the
thing on the web. Deanna McNeill will night include: Balancing Butterflies,
introduce you to the virtual pinboard Disco Raisins, Frisky Fish, Lincoln
at the Center for Lifelong Learning Drops, Optical Illusions, Vertically
from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. The fee is only Challenged, Under Construction and
$5/person. There are fitness, home Yellow Submarine. Activities are deand garden, personal interest, and signed for second through fifth graders.
music classes for adults and children. The program is from 6:00 to 8:30 at
We offer yoga classes at lunch for the the CLL Mezzanine at 121 South
busy professional and in the morning Marion Street. The Fee is $5/person
for those who have mornings free. Our before February 23 and $10/person at
guitar, violin, and voice lessons are the door. If you want to be on the youth
taught by gifted local instructors. Our program mailing list you can call 256personal interest classes focus on ev- 233-8260. Summer camp catalogs are
erything from Caring for Older Adults expected to be out March 5.
to Bridge, Ballroom Dance and more.
New classes are offered each quarter.
During the summer there are camps The Winter 2012 catalog featured Writand classes that are designed especially ing with Fun and Profit, a course
for children. This spring and summer about the obstacles and opportunities
the Center will partner with the Hunts- for writers to get published taught by
ville Botanical Gardens to bring classes Kelly Kazek, local author and editor for
to Athens. Save the date – March T h e N e w s - C o u r i e r .
3 –Harvey Cotton to come talk about Also featured in the Home and Garplants and planting. The Gardens will den section is a group of sewing and
also co-sponsor a summer program crocheting courses. Another new
for kids. But summer camps are not course for winter was Understanding
the only programming for children. On Horse
February 23, the Center and the College of Education will co-sponsor Please see Learning Center on
page 13…
Important Dates
February 20th – March 9th – Qualify for 2012-2013
SGA Officers
March 12th – 16th – Spring Break
March 21st – April 5th – Vote for SGA Officers on
April 2nd – May 14th – Summer Registration
April 10th – Last day to withdraw from Spring term
April 24th – Tuesday Exams
April 25th – Wednesday Exams
April 26th – Tuesday/Thursday Exams, Thursday
April 27th – Friday Exams
April 30th – Monday/Wednesday Exams,
Monday Exams
May 1st – Tuesday/Thursday Exams
May 2nd – Monday/Wednesday Exams
May 7th – Grades due
May 12th – Spring graduation
May 21st – Summer semester begins
May 28th – University closed – State holiday
Campus News
PSI CHI: The Year in Review
Bridget Kelley, PSI CHI President
PSI CHI (The International Honor
Society in Psychology) had an eventful
year in 2011 and is anticipating what
2012 has in store! Our latest induction
ceremony was held on October 19,
2011. Congratulations to all of our new
inductees: Heather Anderson, Candace
Burnham, Lorie Crawley, Amanda
Dyar, Angela Foley, Suzanne Fuller,
Aeju Kim, Delinda Meherg, Kindra
Miller, Mildred Ploss, Georgia
Prescott, and Christina Williams. We
would each like to extend our thanks
to all of our friends, family, faculty, and
staff that came to support the induction
ceremony. It certainly wouldn’t have
been the same without you!
This organization has an amazing group
of students who have stayed extremely
busy in recent months. PSI CHI, with
the help of A.S.S.I.S.T., hosted the
2011 Graduate School Symposium at
Athens State on November 16, 2011.
We were fortunate to have 9 schools
attend the symposium: The University
of Alabama, Auburn University, Middle
Tennessee State University, University
of North Alabama, University of West
Alabama, University of Huntsville, Alabama A & M, Jacksonville State University, and Troy University. Representatives from each school did presentations for the school of Arts and Sciences, Business, and Education. We
also had sessions on the GMAT, GRE,
and MAT. Despite a quite rainy day,
we had a wonderful turnout. Estimates
neared 200 people, making this one of
the largest events ever held on campus!
worked tirelessly behind the scenes to
make it a success!
PSI CHI is very active on campus. You
may have seen our students at Preview
Day, the Leadership Conference, or at
At the Graduate School Symposium, Transfer Transition Day. We are curA.S.S.I.S.T. and PSI CHI members rently recruiting new members and
also collected canned and dry food would love to have you join us! Please
items at the registration tables to go to- contact Dr. Mark Durm at
ward Limestone County Churches In- Mark.Durm@athens.edu or Mrs. Jean
volved (LCCI). Each item brought to Martin at Jean.Martin@athens.edu
the symposium earned participants a about membership information. Have
chance to win over a thousand dollars a great semester!
in cash and prizes. Thank you to all of
our ASU faculty, staff, and students who
came by to support the symposium and
Photo submitted by Bridget Kelley.
October, 2011 PSI CHI induction — From left to right: Tanya Campbell
(Vice President), Christina Williams, Mildred Ploss (Secretary), Kindra
Miller, Candace Burnham, Georgia Prescott, Aeju Kim, Lorie Crawley,
Angela Foley, Heather Anderson, Delinda Meherg, Amanda Dyar, and
Bridget Kelley (President).”
Photo submitted by Bridget Kelley.
PSI CHI and A.S.S.I.S.T. members at the 2011 Grad School Symposium
Photo submitted by Bridget Kelley.
Registration for the 2011 Grad School Symposium
Photo submitted by Bridget Kelley.
2011 Graduate School Symposium
North Alabama Connection:
Professional Employment Day
February 22, 2012
Von Braun Center, South Hall Ballroom
All Majors
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama
American Cancer Society
Southern University Law Center
Personnel Board of Jefferson County²www.jobsquest.org
Yulista Management Services
Wal-Mart Distribution
Government and Law
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Coast Guard
Alabama State Personnel Dept.
Alabama Dept. of Corrections
Alabama Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources
Alabama Dept. of Environmental Management
Alabama Dept. of Transportation
Intergraph Corporation
Wise Metals Groups
Verizon Wireless
RJ Young Company
x Alabama Dept. of Human Resources
x American Cancer Society
Alabama State Department of Education ± www.alsde.edu
Athens City - www.acs-k12.org/
Auburn City - www.auburnschools.org/
Covington County ± www.cov.k12.al.us/
Decatur City - www.dcs.edu
Enterprise City Schools http://www.enterpriseschools.net/
Huntsville City Schools ± www.hsv.k12.al.us/
Madison City Schools ± madisoncity.k12.al.us
Morgan County Schools - www.morgank12.org/
Mountain Brook - www.mtnbrook.k12.al.us/
Pickens County - www.pickens.k12.al.us/
Randolph County - www.randolph.k12.al.us/
Tallapoosa County - www.tallapoosak12.org/
Tuscaloosa City - www.tuscaloosacityschools.com
Tuscaloosa County Schools ± www.tcss.net
Cartersville City Schools ± www.cartwesville.k12.ga.us
Christian County Schools ± http://christian.kyschools.us
Logan County ± www.logank12.ky.us
Warren County - www.warren.k12.ky.us/
Montgomery County Public Schools www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/
Marshall County - www.mcs.marshall.k12tn.net/
Maury County ± www.mauryk12.org
Shelby County - www.scsk12.org/
Education/Community Service Job Fair on
Thursday, April 19th, 2012 from 9 am – 11:30 am in the
Sandridge Student Center on the Athens State main campus.
Registrants will be announced closer to the date of the event.
To view the list of registrants: www.athens.edu/counseling/.
Reasons to attend Career Fairs
x Learn about career opportunities and research prospective employers
x Identify and/or create employment opportunities (intern/co-op, full-time positions)
x Sharpen job-hunting skills
x Network and meet hiring managers
x Land a job
Career Fair Preparation Tips
1. Research Companies in Advance
Review websites of companies you plan to visit.
Study the floor plan of the fair and map out the companies you will visit
2. Have a Well Written Resume
Take 20-50 copies of your resume to the fair.
Carry them in a Padfolio to keep resumes organized and ready
3. Know Your Job Interests and Qualifications
Be able to express your qualifications including strengths, academic preparation, related experiences, and skills
(i.e.: communication skills, technical, leadership).
Prepare a 30 second introduction that highlights what you can do, not what the prospective employer can do for you.
4. Appearance Counts
Demonstrate confidence: make eye contact, give a firm hand shake, and smile!
Dress professionally, Wear Business, Business Casual or Interview attire.
If available, visit your school Registration booth to sign-in and obtain a name tag.
5. Ask Questions, Listen, and Keep Notes
Find out what you can do to be considered, get more information, and arrange an interview or secure an on-site visit.
Make notes after each stop at the fair on the information you gain, especially follow-up and interview plans.
Pick up business cards and firm literature.
Write a follow-up note as soon as possible expressing interest and further research findings.
Chad Davis, OD
(256) 233-2393
Fall 2011 Honors List
Dean’s List: 3.5 to 3.99 GPA with
12 hours
Addison, AL
Flynn, Scott
Albertville, AL
Bailey, Rachel
Jones, Mirandasue
McReynolds, Robert
Scholl, Rachel
Altoona, AL
Bell, Alysia
Hartley, Kimberly
Smith, Laura
Anderson, AL
Fisher, Nikki
Smith, Whitney
Anniston, AL
Gregg, Annette
Hancock, Natalie
Davenport, Debra
Ham, Laci
Bridgeport, AL
Davis, Kasey
Hargrove, William
Denney, Carla
Drane, Emily
Hatton, Nikole
Taylor, Elizabeth
Earwood, Jessica
Heidtmann, Sarah
Calera, AL
Gardner, Alisha
Herrera, Joaquin
Smitherman, Nathan
Garth, Tracyne
Hughes, Matthew
Centre, AL
Greene, Jennifer
Joyce, Elizabeth
Shuster, Joy
Guthrie, Laura
Kilpatrick, Hannah
Cleveland, AL
Hall, Anna
Lee, Robbie
Going, Jessica
Justice, Kyle
Malone, John
Crossville, AL
Kapoor, Stacey
McClanahan, Candice
Reed, Katrina
Langley, Joseph
Milam, Whitney
Cullman, AL
McDaniel, Cedric
Moss, Kristen
Baker, Kayla
McDonald, Joseph
Nguyen, Hannah
Bates, Trenda
Miller, Matthew
Rose, Ryan
Burney, Katie
Millsap, Randi
Schrimsher, Emily
Dansby, Sarah
Moore, Grace
Smith, Cody
Foss, Megan
Moore, Kathleen
Smith, Erica
Harris, Kristy
Nance, Cecilia
Thomas, Justin
Lambert Joshua
Nichols, Hailey
Williams, Cynthia
Lambert, Sarah
Plunkett, Faith
Berry, AL
Laseter, Lindsey
Powell, Jeffery
Cordell, Corey
Mangum, Hailey
Smith, Jonathan
Bessemer, AL
Mcclusky, Janice
Steward, Eugenia
Jones, Tobias
Peebles, Laney
Swope, Tobosha
Birmingham, AL
Thompson, Jordan
Dora, AL
Adams, Kristin
Walker, Blinda
Campbell, Michael
Brown, Christina
Danville, AL
Dutton, AL
Jones, Crissandra
Fitzgerald, Alaina
Reed, Breck
Smith, Jason
Dawson, AL
Treece, Candice
Blountsville, AL
Harris, Bryant
Eldridge, AL
Coccellato, Brandi
Smith, Elbert
Smothers, Lendon
McCright, Misha
Decatur, AL
Elkmont, AL
Murphree, Kaitlin
Alberti, Mallory
Angus, Jordan
Boaz, AL
Banks, Jessie
Blankenship, Anna
Baird, Andrea
Bowman, Dustin
Boldin, Emily
Davis, Angie
Bryant, Camella
Lamb, Shaun
McCord, Laura
Burnham, Candace
Meadows, Morgan
Oglesby, Mary
Caldwell, Thomas
Payne, Laurie
Bremen, AL
Clark, Jason
Russell, Britney
Bishop, Kasey
Copeland, Kathryn
Estillfork, AL
Cates, Monica
Crow, Jillian
Prince, Hope
Gaston, Dustin
Arab, AL
Cannell, Rebecca
Dendy, Rachael
Fawcett, Amber
Garrett, Kellye
Guger, Courtney
Gutierrez, Mallory
Humphries, Manda
Mann, James
Mason, Amber
Mullins, Amanda
Pylant, Mary
Whisenant, Lori
Ardmore, AL
Atchley, Lauren
Athens, AL
Bolden, Miranda
Chapman, Stephanie
Colwell, Adam
Curnutt, Kelsey
Curnutt, Kristin
DeVaney, Benita
Easterling, Alexanderia
Fabacher, Geoffrey
Fall 2011 Honors List
Ethelsville, AL
Sweatman, Adam
Harvest, AL
Holland IV, John
Stennett, Joshua
Graysville, AL
Baldridge, Christopher
Holtcamp, Jessica
Eva, AL
Mckerley, Kristy
Burleson, Danielle
Jude, Meika
Bentley, Tyler
Guin, AL
Caldwell, Oddny
Lilly, Lindsey
Drinkard, Krista
Salter, Amy
Dunbar, Carmen
Martin, Paige
Frost, Jay
Guntersville, AL
Egnor, Ashton
Maske, Irsha
Weaver, William
Pannell, Erica
Houston, Kylie
Montgomery, Mary
Fackler, AL
Gurley, AL
Maggio, Samantha
Morris, Nora
Rowell, Chelsea
Ingram, Whitney
Ryan, Alyssa
Moye, Belinda
Falkville, AL
Hackelburg, AL
Taylor, Brandy
Phelps, Jerry
Ashley, Mandy
Clement, Brandon
Young, Corey
Poblete, Kelly
Hamilton, Sharon
Haleyville, AL
Hazel Green, AL
Robinson, Kara
Oden, Elizabeth
King, Cassy
Dainard, Melissa
Ruff, Taylor
Summerford, Shera
Steele, Patricia
Heflin, AL
Ryans, April
Flat Rock, AL
Hamilton, AL
Austin, Susan
Shrestha, Deepa
Holman, Layton
Cooper, Brittany
Higdon, AL
Spelce, Sara
Kesley, Angela
Miller, Lisa
Long, Kaitlyn
Strickland, Nicole
Florence, AL
Hanceville, AL
Holly Pond, AL
Strong, Lisa
Clemons, Mallory
Anderson, Sarah
Bailey, Dana
Weckwarth, Craig
Corum, George
Ballou, Christina
Blocker, Justin
West, Jeremy
Horton, Jimmy
Frankham, Lance
Carr, Paige
Whitaker, Stills
Jones, Kevin
Hall, Jasmine
Henderson, Zachary
White, Sylvia
Liles, Christopher
Key-Jewel, Elisabeth
Roberson, Jana
Wilson, Ashley
Peck, Ashley
Rothe, Carla
Horton, AL
Ider, AL
Peeples, Adriana
Sims, Marvis
Cornett, Kimberly
Hayes, Amanda
Smallwood, Stephen
Watson, Frederick
Houston, AL
Jasper, AL
Willett, Katie
Hartselle, AL
Woods, Jessy
Aaron, Ashley
Fort Payne, AL
Atkins, Lauren
Huntsville, AL
Bentley, Cythia
Campbell, Noime
Blackwood, Julie
Acharya, Arpan
Grace, Ashley
Davis, Kaci
Blevins, Kerry
Bragg, Emily
Martin, Leah
Owens, Janice
Burns, Cynthia
Budhathoki, Tripti
Mobley, Katie
Williams, Diana
Evans, Angela
Burke, Matthew
Joppa, AL
Fyffe, AL
Gillott, Garrett
Carter, Laurelyn
Henry, Shayla
Hancock, Vickie
Janek Franks
Cespedes, Fernando
Killen, AL
Maddox, Katrina
Meherg, Delinda
Collins, Justin
Fenn, Molly
McAllister, Carmela
Melson, Derek
Gamble, Ketonya
Greene, Sharla
Gardenale, AL
Meyer, Adam
Gibson, Ashley
Patterson, Kimberly
Ray, Kayla
Sharp, Christina
Gillroy, Shelby
Prescott, Georgia
Reed, Allyson
Story, Savannah
Grey, Ashley
Rook, Joy
Grant, AL
Suggs, Jamie
Grubb, April
Laceys Spring, AL
Phillips, Jeannie
Wray, Jacob
Gurley, Gregory
Frost, Christen
Rogers, Shallon
Hinson, Joseph
List continued on page sixteen…
Alabama’s ‘Family Values’: A Second Look
Dr. Mark Durm
A few years ago I wrote an article entitled “A Closer Look at Alabama’s
‘family values’”. I received many
comments about it. Today, let’s take a
second look. Please keep in mind that
I offer this not as criticism but as food
for critical thought.
“Family values” should concern the entire family and the treatment of each
individual in that family from birth to
death. Therefore, let us start with infancy. What has more value than an
infant? Over thirty-six percent of children in Alabama are born out of wedlock (the national average is 35.7%)
and one child in 10 is born with low
birth weight, ranking Alabama third in
that category. Moreover, the state of
Alabama is sixth in the nation in infant
mortality rate. We rank very low in
the care we give our youngest citizens,
even starting with nutrition when they
are just a fetus.
As the Alabama child grows older, the
care we give him/her ranks in the lowest in the nation.
We are seventh in the nation when it
comes to the percentage of households
headed by a single mother. Again, what
values are we passing on to our young
As the Alabama child grows into its
teen years, life doesn’t get much better, especially for the young lady. Our
state ranks ninth in the nation when it
comes to the teenage birth rate. Again,
what happened to the values of which
we are so proud?
As the Alabamian grows into adulthood, he or she is faced with the reality that we are fourth in the nation in
the divorce rate, seventh in poverty
rate, ninth in receiving public aid, and
ninth in accepting food stamps.
Furthermore, the value we place on
payment of personal debt cannot be
praised. Believe it or not, Alabama
ranks fourth in the nation in the personal
bankruptcy rate.
reduce teen pregnancy. We should
search new ways to improve the life of
the Alabama adult, to help the family
stay intact, and to make us more accountable financially.
As we age in Alabama, the treatment
we receive as senior citizens is not admirable. We rank tenth in the nation in
the percentage of our senior citizens living in poverty and sadly, we are third in
the nation in the age-adjusted death rate.
(Age-adjusted rates eliminate the distorting effects of the aging of the population.)
If I may paraphrase the novelist Ayn
Rand, we may ignore reality, but we
can never ignore the consequences of
reality. Therefore, let us no longer ignore our real values, but let us work
together to improve them.
(This information was taken from
“State Rankings” 17th edition, and is
edited by Kathleen and Scott Morgan
In my opinion, people holding govern- and published by Morgan Quitno
mental positions in Alabama and our Press.)
church leadership should seek ways to
Mark Durm is a professor of psycholimprove our family values.
ogy at Athens State University.
They should address issues of how to
improve infant care, how to lift the Alabama child out of poverty, and how to
AKD: New Organization on Campus
Submitted by Bridget Kelley, AKD Vice President
I am pleased to announce that we have
a new organization on campus! ALPHA
KAPPA DELTA (AKD) is the International Sociology Honor Society. AKD
is an organization that promotes scholarship in the study and research of sociology and social problems. AKD also
seeks social and intellectual activities
and awareness that will hopefully lead
to improvement in the human condition.
lations to the charter members: Ashley
Wilhoite (President), Bridget Kelley
(Vice President), Christina Williams
(Secretary), and Tiffany Gadberry
AKD is open to Sociology majors or
minors. Members must have completed
at least four sociology courses (12
hours) at Athens State and be in the
top 35% of their graduating class. For
The Rho Chapter here at Athens State an application or more information,
University (ASU) held its’ first induc- please contact Dr. James Gadberry at
tion on December, 2 2011. Congratu- James.Gadberry@athens.edu.
Photo submitted by Bridget Kelley.
AKD induction photo from left to right: Tiffany Gadberry,
Ashley Wilhoite, Dr. James Gadberry, Bridget Kelley, and
Christina Williams.
216 Market Street * Athens, Alabama 35611
Campus News
Wesley Fellowship: A Great Place to Learn More
About Missions and the Bible
Submitted by Alex Lann
Do you enjoy missions? Are you
interested in being part of a fun Bible
study? Well, Wesley Fellowship is the
place for YOU. We have food, fun
times, and fellowship. This semester we
are excited about our new Bible study,
“A Passion for Dating” by Rob Eagar.
We are going to explore what Christ
says about finding a Christian partner.
Wesley Fellowship has also had the
privilege to play host to two visiting
college groups working with Habitat for
Humanity in January.
If missions are your passion, come and
join our Wesley group for our minimissions. This spring we plan on
working with Big House, providing new
swimsuits and towels to foster children
in Alabama, playing bingo at a local
assisted living facility, and working with
Habitat’s Women’s Build. Still not sure
about Wesley or have a class on
Tuesday nights? Join us for our Social
Saturdays. We will be planning fun
activities to get to know those who
can’t make it on Tuesdays. Want to
learn more about Wesley Fellowship?
Bassham, director). Or better yet, join
us Tuesdays at 7pm in the student
Photos submitted by
Sherri Bassham.
One Gift Card Up for Grabs!
Who owned the Schloss
(Castle) Neuschwannstein?
Where was Katherine
Kapudjija mentioned in the
3) When is the job fair that will
be in the Sandridge Student
What two days does the
Wesley Fellowship group meet on?
First Student with
Correct Answers Wins a
Free Gas Gift Card from
Jiffy Mart!
Campus Happenings
Ms. Merry Christmas
Tanya Campbell was chosen to represent Athens State as Ms. Merry Christmas during the holiday
season. A senior and Psychology major, Tanya is a
member A.S.S.I.S.T. and Psi Chi. She loves volunteering and helping others. After graduating from
Athens State, she plans to attend graduate school to
study clinical child psychology that specializes with
abused and neglected children. Congratulations,
Tanya, for being Athens State Ms. Merry Christmas.
Photo by Brianna N. Kiddie.
Jr. Class President
Sr. Class President
Paige Carr
Teresa Garner
Photo by Tena Bullington.
Photo by Morgan Griffin-Morgan.
Paige Carr was chosen by the students of Athens State
University to be Junior Class President of 2011-2012. She is a
transfer student from Wallace State Community College. Paige is
studying Elementary Education and is also the Student Government
Association’s Secretary. Congratulations to Paige for being elected
Junior Class President.
Teresa Garner was chosen by her peers to be Senior Class
President of 2011-2012. She is a Special Education major with a
collaborative in Secondary Education. Teresa transferred from
Wallace State Community College and currently maintains a 4.0
GPA. At Athens State, Teresa is an Athenian Ambassador and a
member of the Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society, the Council for
Exceptional Children, and the Student Alabama Education Association. Congratulations, Teresa, for being elected Senior Class
Congratulations to
Mr. ASU Stephen Embry and
Ms. ASU Lauren Baker.
A reception in their honor will be on
Friday, March 23, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
Students’ Corner
Bella, an adopted retired racing Greyhound, taking in some golden
rays of the setting sun.
Photo taken by Luana Waits.
Gloomy Days
The Apple
A poem
by Brittany A. Hampton
A poem
by Charity Bailey
When we feel like we are spiraling
I had in my hand an apple red and
Holding our head up becomes
As a wholesome snack it could not
be beat
and our heart beat slows to a cold
But upon the tree was a fresh green
Tears are dried up, fears seem to fade
all while we begin to cave.
And I knew that apple could make
me undone
Hand held out, reaching for a
warming touch, yet still it looks as if
there’s no luck.
I imagined the juice
Sounds of laughter are lost in the
past, with dark clouds blocking our
futures path.
How sweet it would taste
And how the meat
Would fill my empty space
I climbed the fence to get to the tree
The dimming light that once glowed
bright, now dwindles into the darkest
Knowing that it did not belong to me
I picked the apple with obvious glee
We all keep looking forth
hoping that someone will relight our
Schloss (Castle) Neuschwannstein in Germany, that belonged to King
Ludwig II.
Knowing that it did not belong to me
And when I bit it
A friend once said all men fall hard
but it’s that strangers hand that helps
them back up again.
And the juices ran sweet
Just release that poison,
In glorious triumph I took a seat
push out that gloom,
And basked in the glory
for one day a stranger will reach out
their hand for you.
Of having what I should not
I smiled and moaned and
And was only a little worried
That guilt I felt naught
Photo taken by Gilbert Stark.
A poem
by Adam Croan
If I get wrapped up in all they have to
I would be lost in words,
Instead I filter their meaningless talk
with common sense,
What a dirty filter,
If I didn’t have the paper to write this
Sunflower melting craft.
By Chelsea Gireth.
Like an open wound with no gauze,
This is:
Life without poetry,
What does it mean to me?
Define life without words,
Express emotion without Webster,
That would be a tragedy,
Who really cares what anyone thinks
of me,
is silence tranquility?
Thanks to everyone who sent in their work
for this edition! We received many
submissions, and look forward to seeing
more for the edition in April.
Students’ Corner
Writing for the
It’s a New Semester Now
A Short Story
by Maria Coble
I struggle with the skill of letting go. And
it’s something I really need to learn as a
future teacher. Each year my class may
bond and then fall apart. Never again
will there be that same group of students
at that same time.
And every time a play is over, the
characters die.
I went back today, to the parlor in
Founders were we rehearsed each
week. So much laughter echoes just
on the edge of my ear but it is gone. It
doesn’t exist anymore. I could tell you
where we each sat. What the blond
girl said when she faced me on the
couch. How Mr. S’s deep voice
echoed. The way Dr. Elmore threw his
head back to laugh.
It’s all gone, voided, existing only in the
fading memories of those present at the
time. The class won’t exist again.
Someday (though we won’t) we could
collect the same people again and line
them up to talk but even if we did it in
the same room, it wouldn’t be the same.
Classes are fragile. Groups die so
And I need to look ahead rather than
back, for looking back won’t recreate
the past. But it was here! I was Felicity
and I’ve never gotten to be that name
Those were golden nights. So many
people who liked to read and talk about
and do the same activities as me.
Dramatic Production class seemed so
full of possibility and promise. It seemed
like good things were ahead whenever
we were together and now … now
we’re not.
I started back to school and there’s
nothing else I can act here. The
character of “Steve” has left never again
to dance in pink PJ pants.
It’s over. I think there is a bond in shared
laughter, more than most things we can
share. And most of us had two classes
on the same day each week. Our minds
met in a way that doesn’t just happen
with everyone you get to know.
of new people meeting up in the
Chapel, perhaps rehearsing in the other
room we used to use. But the parlor is
quiet. I cannot reenter the wardrobe
of time and find the same students
waiting for me on the other side. Time
will change me and them and someday
And if they didn’t, who did they remake they won’t remember the name of the
play we practiced so many times or
themselves to be?
how we laughed at the way the girl said,
Are we all just names and faces to be “Ding-bat!” or the invisible little fridge
replaced each semester? How long do we opened every night.
our professor’s remember us? Or do
they remember us at all? Do we blur The props are tossed aside and empty,
together over the years? A fatality of many are riff-raff in my home reminding
busyness and always more students to only me of what was. Was. Past tense.
As an English major, I should mind my
tenses and leave the past behind.
I was here. I mattered. I loved, I Present tense is more alive and
cared, I thought. They clapped. I interesting. Past is passive. It will never
laughed at their originality. Something live again.
existed that felt like more than a class
… and yet, time has shown, just a class But somewhere, out there, in different
classrooms and homes, their stories
after all.
continue on.
I was the weird girl who carried the cold
pizza home. I’m the one who is not
good at goodbyes. But there is never
a good good-bye to say. I can’t wish A poem
my classmates all the best for I am by Charity Bailey
selfish and I wanted to keep learning
The sweetest smile I see
more of their stories. I wanted to know
how things turn out. Did J. find what
When I look upon the face
he was looking for? Does S. get to help
people the way she wanted to? Are
That resembles me
the true actors finding ways to act again
once more?
The biggest heart I sense
learn about their lives like I did others.
And I know, in time, I will let them go
yet again, another crop that I wonder
about but…the story ends there. What
did they become? Did they make it?
Did their dreams come true?
Or did they move on…and it is over?
Is this a fault in me, this unwillingness to
let go of the past? Does it mean I care
or that I am selfish? Perhaps I will
never know.
When my arms are around
I remember how we would move the
furniture together, to set up the scenes.
And here the chairs and tables sit in the
parlor, back where we placed it for the
last time. The scene is the same but the
people are gone. I thought seeing the
parlor again would help me realize our
class is over. But perhaps seeing it only
makes me want it more.
When I hug her at night
Life is full of unanswered questions.
And I ‘d like to think the future is full of
people who I will get to see more of
their story but in reality, life is full of more
goodbyes. Most of us will graduate
The more I go to classes on campus, separately. Some of us won’t graduate
the more halls echo with memories of at all. And each student’s story will go
what was. I feel more connected to continue, with scenes and moments full
the Athens campus now but also more of drama like the plays we practiced.
But now all I feel is the echo of their
aware of my goodbyes.
absence in this room.
The first day back, I know I will bond
and wonder about my new classmates There are footsteps above my head.
in my new classes. I know in time I might Founders Hall creaks with the footsteps
A gift heaven sent
A love I feel like I’ve never known
And her hair I comb
The eyes so blue
A poem
by Maria Coble
I am a swan,
Stepping awkwardly
Through the weeds in my brain
In search of a bit of bread,
A morsel to nourish my story,
Something solid to build details on.
A swan,
Skimming on the surface of life
Observing the water
Not yet diving deep,
My movement seems effortless
But beneath,
Paddling like crazy.
Moving, moving the water
Seeking, always seeking
That well of inspiration.
A swan:
Diving deep
Immersing myself.
Darting fast,
Chasing the muse of fish.
He’ll get away!
Must go deeper,
Deep into the mud of memory
Seeking through the weeds of life
For that lively one,
To capture as my own.
What will I catch today?
Feel me with joy
Just as they did when she was so
Fear fills me
As she grows each day
Will I be the mommy she needs me
to be?
There is no love
More pure and true
A swan
Soaring on creativity when it blows.
Swooping in metaphor,
Fighting against the winds of emotion
Typing through the rain of tears
Far above my problems.
Perspective when removed
The paper of sky giving me distance,
Flying on the wings of words,
Soon I must land
But oh, the ride!
Than the love I have in my heart
For you.
A writer:
A swan.
Campus News
Learning Center
Continued from page 2
new book, Keeping the Faith, as
well as our Cake Decorating Certificate and new art classes. We will
also feature several new Online Career
Training programs. There is something
for everyone at the Center for Lifelong
Learning where learning is a life time of
The Spring 2012 catalog will be out fun.
around March 5. The catalog will feature summer programs for kids, Ser- If you don’t see your class offered or if
vant Leadership for future leaders, you want to teach a class, contact
author Wayne Flynt’s discussion of his
The instructor is Jim Swanner, local
horse whisperer and radio personality.
New classes are introduced based on
demand from the community or when
teachers come forward with new class
Wanda Campbell at 256-233-8260 or
wanda.campbell@athens.edu. We are
currently looking for math tutors,
stained glass instructor, and plumbing,
electric or auto repair for the novice.
have used the spaces to hold trainings
and meetings. There is a preferred list
of caterers if you want to provide lunch
with your event. Call Dr. Diane Sauers
at 256-233-8260 or you can email
diane.sauers@athens.edu for more information about using the spaces.
The Center is also a lovely place to host
any number of events. There are sev- For more information about the Center
eral options in the building for small and call us at 256-233-8260 or email
large group meetings. Local businesses CLL@athens.edu. And check out our
web site – www.athens.edu/CLL.
Photo submitted by Wanda Campbell.
Cupcake Decorating class at the
Photo submitted by Wanda Campbell.
The Center for Lifelong Learning on Athens Square
One pair of
tickets available
to the first
student with the
correct answer.
The Woman in Black, starring
Daniel Radcliffe, is based on a
novel written by whom and when
was it originally published?
Heath Chittam, RPh
Chandler Willingham, RPh
Garry Boggus, RPh
Campus News
Looking For a Few Good Men (And Women)
Andrea Owen Martin
Secretary for Development and Alumni Affairs
So….I know that many of you have
yet to think about anything past this
week’s assignments, your next major
test and/or possibly final exams in April.
I am the queen of procrastination, so I
understand that thinking about how you
will serve your University next year is
the absolute last thing on your mind.
However, in the Office of Alumni Affairs
we must plan a year in advance to stay
ahead of the game, and are excited to
announce that we will begin looking for
a few good men and women to fulfill
the roles of Athenians Ambassadors for
the 2012-2013 school year. We want
to find a few dedicated, enthusiastic and
supportive students to serve their
Here are a few of the particulars about
what it means to be an Athenian
The Athenian
Ambassadors are the official hosts and
hostesses for Athens State University,
and serve as the face of the University
on-campus and within the greater
Athens State community. Members
serve as university representatives, greet
distinguished guests and assist with
campus and Alumni events such as the
Fiddlers Convention, Golf Classic, and
Concert Lecture Series events. The
Athenian Ambassadors are required to
attend two meetings a month and
remain in contact with the advisor
through weekly emails. The Alumni
Association provides both the formal
and informal uniforms that will be worn
by the Athenians at various events.
While each Athenian is able to keep the
informal uniform, the formal uniform
must be returned at the end of each year
of service. There are a few mandatory
events all Athenians are asked to attend,
including the Athenian Ambassador
Workshop at the beginning of each
service year. The rest of the events are
on a volunteer basis, but everyone is
expected to pull their own weight. The
Athenian Ambassadors are committed
to building relationships with members
of the Athens State University Alumni
recommendation. The applications for
Athenian Ambassadors are available
online now, and can be found on the
Athenian Ambassador page through the
Alumni Affairs portion of the University
website. The Applications will be
tentatively due on Friday, August 31,
2012, with interviews tentatively
scheduled for the following Friday,
September 7, 2012. If you have any
questions, comments, or concerns,
please feel free to contact me (the
advisor) at andrea.martin@athens.edu
or by phone at 256-233-8185. Good
How can you become at Athenian luck in the current school year, and I
Ambassador you ask? Well, Athenians look forward to meeting the newest
are chosen through an interview and members of the Athenian Ambassador
application process in fall and serve family in the coming months!
thru the academic year (fall and spring).
They are chosen based on character,
appearance, personality and letter of
The Accounting Club: Tour of United Launch Alliance
Professor Linda Hemingway
The Accounting Club participated in a
plant tour of the United Launch Alliance (ULA) on January 19, 2012. Living in the Rocket City it seems only
natural that we would visit a “Rocket”
Plant. Visiting the plant was not easy
though. Everyone who wanted to visit
had to have an original birth certificate
or passport and a government issued
picture identification. One of the participants had to take a trip to the bank
to get their birth certificate from their
safety deposit box, but all the effort was
well worth it.
carrying a Wideband Global
SATCOM-4 satellite for the United
States Air Force was launched from
Cape Canaveral. Jim Sponnick, ULA
VP, said “The WGS-4 satellite will provide important capabilities to soldiers,
sailors, airmen and marines protecting
our freedoms around the world.”
After walking through this massive facility and seeing how the thin skins of
these rockets are machined and assembled, we gathered with the workers on the floor in front of a massive
screen in the middle of the facility and
After passing through all the security watched a live feed from Cape
points, the plant’s management gave us
some of the history of ULA. ULA is a
joint venture between Lockheed Martin and The Boeing Company. The plant
that we visited in Decatur, Alabama,
was a cotton field five years ago, and it
is now a manufacturing facility for the
Delta and Atlas rockets. One of the
reasons the site was chosen is the availability of river transportation with access to the Gulf of Mexico. This gives
easy access to the two launch sites
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station,
Florida and Vandenberg Air Force
Base, California. ULA primary provides launch services to various
branches of the United States Govern- Photo submitted by Professor Linda Hemingway.
ment such as NASA, U. S. Air Force
Professor Hemingway, Cindy Burns,
and The Department of Defense. The
and Brooke Johnson at the entrance
night of our tour, a ULA Delta IV
of United Launch Alliance.
Canaveral as the ULA’s Delta IV
rocket was launched. It was awe inspiring to know that the rocket we saw
being launched was made here, in the
plant where we were standing. It gave
us chills as we watch the rocket roar
into space. All of us in the Accounting
club are proud to call the “Rocket City”
home, and delighted ULA chose to
build their rocket production facilities
here in Alabama.
Campus News
Live United
Bridget Kelley
Have you ever seen those students
around campus or in town wearing red
shirts that say “Live United”? Chances
are you have because this group is one
of the most active on campus. We are
also known as Athens State Students
Involved in Social Togetherness
(A.S.S.I.S.T.), and we enjoy doing a
variety of activities on and off campus
to make an impact in the lives of others.
our area. Kids to Love is a program
that helps meet the needs for foster children while they wait for their “forever
homes”. Our wonderful ASU staff
helped us to make a huge impact in the
lives of 5 special children. Their entire
wish lists were covered with purchases
from socks, shoes, underwear, and
clothing to skateboards, bicycles, helmets, DVD’s, games and so much
more. Thank you to each of you who
did your part in making the world a
One of our recent projects was to work
brighter place for those precious chilwith the Marines and the Athens-Limedren!
stone County United Way in the annual
Toys for Tots toy drive. Many of our You may have also seen the ASU Stustudents volunteered several days at the dent United Way group collecting nonUnited Way office to help register for perishable food items. A.S.S.I.S.T had
Toys for Tots. Students also spent many the opportunity to help PSI CHI host
hours packing and distributing the toys the 2011 Graduate School Symposium
to our wonderful community. Of in November. Students collected
course, we’ve also had students at Pre- canned food and cash donations at the
view Day, Transfer Transition Day, and symposium and at the faculty and staff
other on campus events.
luncheon in December. Thanks to our
faculty, staff, and students, A.S.S.I.S.T.
Another way this club chose to make a
was able to collect over $500.00 in
difference was to donate gifts at ChristNovember and December. Your cash
mas to the Kids to Love Program in
and food donations allowed us to donate over 1,000 non-perishable food
items to Limestone County Churches
Involved (LCCI) in December alone.
Thank you so much to all of you who
made a difference in the lives of so
A.S.S.I.S.T. will soon be working with
Habitat for Humanity to rebuild two
homes that were irreparably damaged
in the April 27, 2011 tornado(s). We
would love to have you join us! Contact Dr. Mark Durm at
Mark.Durm@athens.edu for more information about this organization and
to find out how you can make a difference on campus and in our community.
Photo submitted by Bridget Kelley.
A.S.S.I.S.T. and PSI CHI members at
Transfer Transition Day.
Fall 2011 Honors List
Continued from page seven…
Speer, Caroline
Trahan, Riana
Russellville, AL
Spinks, Jerrid
Young, Brooke
Flanagan, Corey
Sykes, Sara
Oakman, AL
Nichols, Jessica
Walker, Christopher
Davidson, Millie
Timmons, Lesley
Warner, Courtney
Oneonta, AL
Saraland, AL
Wright, Maxwell
Bender, Brent
McCrory, Ryan
Young, Danae
Haynes, Melanie
Scottsboro, AL
Meridianville, AL
King, Gavin
Allen, Robert
Bell, Erin
Owens Cross Roads, AL
Alley, Katelin
Campbell, Tanya
Dunseith, Kathleen
Edwards, Allison
Davis, Jeremy
McCutcheon, Jessica
Freeman, Kimberly
Montgomery, AL
Parrish, AL
Johnson, Robert
Fredrickson, Norma
Morrow, DeLesia
Thomas, Asia
Moulton, AL
Pelham, AL
Section, AL
Garrett, Sarah
Dunn, Markus
Callahan, Elizabeth
Montgomery, Amy
Phil Campbell, AL
McClure, Kayla
Oliver, Michelle
Lacey, Kevin
Sheffield, AL
Patterson, Clayton
Pruitt, Courtney
Williams, Somer
Smith, Emilee
Stehno, Talina
Somerville, AL
Tyler, Jonathan
Pisgah, AL
Brenley, Anissa
Wilhoite, Ashley
Beasley, Amanda
Day, Hannah
Mount Hope, AL
Roberts, Haley
Spruce Pine, AL
Campbell, Shena
Quinton, AL
Harris, Griffin
Sutton, Katlyn
Odom, Melanie
Hodge, Whitney
Muscle Shoals, AL
Rainsville, AL
Stevenson, AL
Graham, Jason
Andrews, Ashton
Walker, Audrey
Keelon, Anna
Black, Kristen
Sylvania, AL
Tanner, Katherine
Brown, Robin
Clifton, Cathy
Nauvoo, AL
Hoge, Matthew
Jackson, Ashley
McCollum, April
Maness, Melody
Tanner, AL
Woods, Jessica
Pruitt, Laura
Demler, Kerry
New Hope, AL
Wilbanks, Alicia
Toney, AL
League, Ryan
Wilson, Whitney
Nelson, Christopher
New Market, AL
Rogersville, AL
Oden, Kristen
Ezell, Lynzee
Crumbley, Logan
Trussville, AL
Fitch, Candice
Herston, Trey
Washburn, Lindsey
Gennick, Wesley
Lovell, Bailey
Tuscaloosa, AL
Hawkins, Erica
Rager, Holly
Hensley, Samuel
North, Brian
Shelton, Lauren
Tuscumbia, AL
Pierce, Michael
Stockton, Ashley
Farris, Karen
Tenvooren Damon
Weir, Jessica
Walker, Jacob
Gray, Christopher
Leeds, AL
DeRocher, Amanda
Lester, AL
Ploss, Mildred
Lexington, AL
Vaughn, Jalinda
Madison, AL
Abejon, Danica
Barbee, Meredith
Brummer, Margaret
Crump, Keith
Edmiston, Brandi
Elrod, Austin
Freeman, Adriana
Freeman, Dustin
Gibson, John
Hampton, John
Hatfield, Brandy
Holdmeyer, Joey
Hunter, Randy
Johnson, Mary Brooke
Keller, John
Knowles, Thomas
Lapietra, Stephanie
Lowrey, Kaitlin
Lumley, Timothy
Madden, Lindsay
McDonald, Courtney
Meshensky, Joanna
Mullins, Joseph
Nelson, Brooke
Norwood, Cynthia
Ory, Jason
Payne, Clairissa
Paynter, Barbara
Reynolds, Roy
Richardson, Rachel
Sakyi-Addo, Ruby
Sill, Mary
Smith, Rachel
Fall 2011 Honors List
Valley Head, AL
Lewisburg, TN
Murray, Andrew
Ball, Erica
Lawton, Jennifer
Farrugia, Michael
Padilla, Kathleen
Bryan, Linsey
Vinemont, AL
Taft, TN
Roper, Jamie
Calloway, Jennifer
Berryhill, Emily
Mitchell, Lucretia
Shero, Alan
Duke, Sara
Steele, Christy
Westpoint, TN
Strain, Jessica
Elam, Kalen
Warrior, AL
Franklin, Channing
Tankersley, Britney
Folds, Virginia
Tompkins, Lacey
Kee, Angela
VanderWal, Sharon
Key, Chase
Wallace, Shaneka
Lumley, Brandi
Walts, Jennie
Morris, Cydney
Wright, Titus
Mortensen, Heather
Auburn, AL
Owen, Stacie
Hudson, Jonathon
Perry, Twila
Bankston, AL
Poss, Kellie
Poole, April
Schuman, Briana
Birmingham, AL
Strong, Courtney
Holt, Jessica
Weaver, Tiffany
Blountsville, AL
Danville, AL
Statham, Rickey
Garner, Teresa
Boaz, AL
Decatur, AL
Amos, Ashley
Birchfield, Hannah
Jones, Benjie
Boston, Matthew
Kennedy, Melissa
Cagle, George
Seay, Tina
Denson, Meghan
Bremen, AL
Grillo, Marjorie
Price, Heather
Harpe, Jacob
Bryant, AL
Jett, Anna
Jordan, Angela
Lawrence, Whitney
Carbon Hill, AL
Mcginnis, Katie
Sawyer, Brooke
Smith, Mashon
Crane Hill, AL
Standridge, Alexandria
Hines, Emily
Terry, Sunee
Kemble, Kathryn
Waits, Luana
Uhrig, Ashley
Wesseling, Sarah
Crossville, AL
Double Springs, AL
Black, Courtney
Winters, Jonathan
Bruce, Tina
Elkmont, AL
Davis, Nancy
Clines, Amy
England, Zacary
McElyea, Jessica
Cullman, AL
Usery, Susanna
Lecroy, Ashley
Lee, Danica
Pate, Patricia
President’s List: 4.0 GPA with 12
Addison, AL
Wedowee, AL
Carden, Kayla
Langley, William
Albertville, AL
Winfield, AL
Beck, Brittany
Rhodes, Derek
Coe, Raven
Woodville, AL
Knight, Daniel
Barron, Heather
Pruitt, Dorthy
Hastings, NaTaya
Anderson, AL
McKee, Joshua
Stewart, Charles
Osmer, Deana
Arab, AL
Colorado Springs, CO
Denton, Andrew
Meredith, Diana
Dunn, Veronica
Columbus, GA
Parker, Adrienne
Ma, Xiao
Thompson, Casey
Ashville, NC
Wallace, Jamie
Combs, Kelly
Arley, AL
Grand Forks, ND
Calloway, Shannon
Carl, Ashley
Athens, AL
Elora, TN
Allen, Terry
Hunt, Charles
Bledsoe, Natasha
Ethridge, TN
Brackeen, Emily
Henson, Brian
Brennan, Sherri
Fayetteville, TN
Bryant, Anna
Jean, Robert
Casteel, Sandra
Pepper, Marlayna
Crum, Kayla
Flintville, TN
Foley, Angela
Johnson, Ethan
Franks, Elizabeth
Stephens, Adrianna
Grubb, Garrett
Kelso, TN
Holladay, Kim
Campbell, Kathryn
Kelley, Bridget
Leoma, TN
Lard-Malone, Jennifer
Scott, Kayla
Moore, Matthew
Anderson, Aaron
Morrow, William
Williams, Melissa
List continued on page eighteen…
Fall 2011 Honors List
Falkville, AL
Guntersville, AL
Davis, Catenia
Lanting, Sheri
Alford, Brandon
Brumbeloe, Kaylaura
Jernigan, Rachel
Ledbetter, Andrew
Crow, Amy
Shelton, Jeffrey
Jorgensen, Cynthia
Lindsey, Heather
Kinney, Rebekah
Smith, Christy
Rodarte, Kristin
Long, Carlos
Vest, James
Gurley, AL
Snow, Heather
Lurvey, Melissa
Fayette, AL
Sadler, Emily
Thomas, Stephanie
Newberry, Donald
Evans, Jesse
Hackleburg, AL
Tipton, Rebecca
Renz, Danielle
Flat Rock, AL
George, Garret
Hazel Green, AL
Roland, Abbygail
Barton, Alexandra
Haleyville, AL
Bullock, Lydia
Roop, Kiya
Inman, Lisa
Lawson, Kandise
Campbell, Christophe
Selvidge, Sidney
Morgan, Sherry
Miller, Ronnie
Darwin, Kimberly
Smith, Ashlan
Florence, AL
Rowe, Lauren
Lanier, Jason
Stinnett, Travis
Behel, Shelia
Hammondville, AL
Mullen, Michelle
Townsley, Elizabeth
Black, Lindsey
Rackard, Cheryl
Thune, Stacey
Young, John
Cole, Dusty
Hanceville, AL
Walker, Lauren
Ider, AL
Glover, Dane
Bauer, Briana
Holly Pond, AL
Hawes, Susan
Hamm, Martha
Duke, Marka
Chambers, Stephanie
Jasper, AL
Johnson, Brooke
Harper, Sarah
Pannell, Leigh
Bradford, Mollie
Oakley, Eric
Kritner, Amy
Horton, AL
Chapman, Rachel
Rogers, Jennifer
Laseter, Amy
Shelton, Tina
Jones, Kara
Waide, Misty
Malcom, Chastity
Southland, Susie
Miller, Ansley
Whitehead, Hannah
Reed, Katy
Huntsville, AL
Sherer, Amy
Fort Payne, AL
Searcy, Kimberly
Benson, David
Joppa, AL
Abernathy, Tammothy
Hartselle, AL
Boyd, Vanessa
Key, Amanda
Wilding, Allison
Bailey, William
Brady, Elizabeth
Killen, AL
Fyffe, AL
Clark, Carrington
Chenoweth, Cassie
Baize, Richard
Coronado, Alex
Coggin, Shannon
Coble, Maria
McHargue, Matthew
Martin, Bradley
Crump, Rhonda
Cohick, Thomas
Laceys Spring, AL
Normal, Elizabeth
Eddy, Micah
Evans, Miri-Ellen
Shadrina, Taya
Gardendale, AL
Harbin, Amanda
Farr, Ashley
Locust Fork, AL
Capps, Brittany
Harvel, Jerry
Gipson, Gretchen
Cornwell, Brandon
Geraldine, AL
Henderson, Jessica
Glidewell, Magan
Totten, Brandy
Satterfield, Alicia
Irvin, Wendy
Hall, Robert
Lynn, AL
Grant, AL
Langham, Debbra
Hester, Asia
Pendley, Molly
Hopkins, Lennie
Morris, Lori
Holland, Vanessa
Madison, AL
Keel, Alysha
Patterson, Candice
Holm, Megan
Beeman, Janine
Phillips, Michael
Umphrey, Patricia
Ingegneri, Lee
Byford, Jeffrey
Greenville, AL
Welch, Randall
Johnson, Joseph
Coffman, Amanda
Bozeman, Mary
White, Teresa
Kapudjija, Katherine
Cortes, Christina
Guin, AL
Harvest, AL
Keller, Adam
Cunningham, Tracy
Perry, Tiffany
Davis, Amanda
King, Gerald
Edwards, Sarita
Fall 2011 Honors List
Fields, Sarah
New Hope, AL
Swaim, Erica
Dyer, Kathy
Gireth, Chelsea
Montero, John
Williams, Margaret
Gilbreath, Sabrina
Good, Christine
Pinkerton, Jennifer
Somerville, AL
Kraft, Ashley
Ingram, Kelly
New Market, AL
Hodson, Timothy
Taylor, Keisha
Kim, Aeju
Crowder, Sharon
Hood, Steve
Wren, Maria
Knox, Julianne
Sharp, Travis
Kirby, Amy
Warrior, AL
Lowry, Daphne
Oneonta, AL
Sylvania, AL
Kelley, Kayla
McLaughlin, Lance
Henley, Constance
Williams, Tammy
Killough, Vanna
McNally, Maria
Owens Cross Roads, AL
Tanner, AL
Shaver, Caleb
Mitchell, Tanja
Moore, Sophia
Murphy, Christopher
West, Brandon
Moudy, Jason
Phil Campbell, AL
Toney, AL
Winfield, AL
Green, Joyce
Guin, Amy
Jolley, Victor
Key, DeeAnna
Mazur, Kristi
Woodville, AL
Strong, Ryne
Vernon, Sarah
Williams, Walter
Ardmore, TN
Town Creek, AL
Plunkett, Rebekah
Fleming, Kaitlyn
Elora, TN
Townley, AL
Stinnett, Emily
Aderhold, Lora
Fayetteville, TN
Trafford, AL
Edging, Stephanie
Bairrow, Delane
Shelton, Kecia
Trinity, AL
Tate, Cecilia
Bracken, Elizabeth
Goodspring, TN
Hogeland, Lynn
Schultz, Jeffrey
Lanier, Rachel
Prospect, TN
Wallace, Rodney
Brown, Patricia
Tuscaloosa, AL
Pulaski, TN
Beasley, Dale
Griffin-Morgan, Morgan
Lawson, Haley
Hibdon, Todd
Tuscumbia, AL
Saint Joseph, TN
Lowery, Lauren
Bottoms, Thomas
McAbee, Catherine
Taft, TN
Moreland, Amy
Booth, Charlene
Robbins, Jennifer
Long, Tracy
Singleton, Malcolm
Winchester, TN
Union Grove, AL
Smith, Elizabeth
Murphy, John
Carden, Jennifer
Reed, Heather
Newman, Brenda
Princeton, AL
Owens, William
Absher, Whitney
Russell, Nedjra
Rainsville, AL
Sams, Kendal
McCurdy, Brandon
Schroeder, Nicole
Rogersville, AL
Silvey, Katie
Burns, Jennifer
Sloan, Kimberly
Embry, Stephen
Smith, Jason
Newton, Daphne
Stone, Ryan
Russellville, AL
Turner, Mandy
Campbell, Brittne
Vincent, Kathryn
Clingan, Nicole
Meridianville, AL
Massey, Dana
Avans, Ashley
Tverberg, Meagan
Collie, Kimberly
Wynn, Jennifer
Collier, Rebekka
Scottsboro, AL
Hamilton, Laura
Gilliam, Zachary
Miller, Alanna
Godfrey, Misty
Morris, AL
Majors, Mary
McCombs, Jesslyn
Matthews, Farrah
Moulton, AL
Williams, Christina
Borden, Amanda
Wiser, Rebekah
Frederick, Briana
Section, AL
Muscle Shoals, AL
Cornelison, Tiffany
Martin, Sarah
Guffey, Pamela
McIntosh, Ian
Selma, AL
Willis, Mallory
Stockton, Kristy
Donovan-Boothman, Aleshia
Nauvoo, AL
Vinemont, AL
Sheffield, AL
Townley, Ashley
Briggs, Cassie
Robnett, Christie
Corley, Amber