Next Meeting 17 July 2012 @ 1930


Next Meeting 17 July 2012 @ 1930
Semper Fidelis
Please send your dues in when you receive the notice from
National. Our dues are $36.00/ year. Send this amount with
your renewal form to:
Detachment Paymaster
P.O. Box One
Ballwin, MO 63022
This newsletter and previous issues can be obtained from the Detachment Website.
Please contact the Editor to receive future issues electronically.
Anyone wishing to provide material for next month’s issue should have it to the editor
no later than the 1st week of the month of publication. If sent via mail, please note that
t is a newsletter submission should appear the subject line.
Next Meeting 17 July 2012 @ 1930
John Grgurich
July 2012
Volume VII – Issue 7
Trustee 1Yr:
James Grgurich
Sr. Vice-Commandant:
Lou Mataya
Trustee 2Yr:
Al Statler
Jr. Vice-Commandant:
Gerald Gerling
Trustee 3Yr:
Bernie Widdis Sr.
Pay master:
Larry Schwartz
Jr. Past Commandant
Carl Brown
Del Hoffarth
Public Information
Carl Brown
Judge Advocate:
Jim Brooks
Sgt at Arms:
Mike Cicchese
Bill Bragg
Meetings normally
3rd Tuesday of Every
1930 – 7:30 PM
Detachment Webpage
Pvt George Phillips Detachment
Marine Corps League
P.O. Box #1
Ballwin, MO 63022
Detachment Membership
As of 30 June 2012
Bernie Widdis Sr.
Carl E. Ramsey
Meetings normally
3rd Tuesday of Every
1915 – 7:15 PM
later went on to write future chapters in our Corps’
storied history, and served at the highest levels of
Later, while reading a local newspaper I came across
an article that caught my attention and which I
thought all of you back home might find enlightening
in view of our past and continuing involvement in
assisting all veterans, but especially other Marines.
Just recently (within the last couple of months) the
inaugural Big Sky Honor Flight of Montana departed
Billings Airport for Washington D.C. There were 97
veterans along with their sponsors and family and
friends who viewed the WW II memorial. The average
(yes, average) age of the veterans on this first flight
was 93. According to the article, there are still 200
As some of you may know I’m currently out-of-town
Montana veterans waiting to take an Honor Flight.
on a working vacation. This is my seventeenth
Since the population of this vast state is so sparse
summer to the same place in northwestern Montana, (look it up) the Big Sky Honor Flight program relies
with my efforts being dedicated toward the same
heavily on private donors to fund the flights. There
purpose. And while this trip is still about service to
just aren’t enough veterans’ service organizations to
others, it is a change of pace, and it affords some time bear the costs, but the response of the public is
to relax in a different environment.
encouraging and gratifying. On Sunday, after church, I
spoke with a WW II Marine who served with the 2nd
Free time in the evening (without television or other
Marine Division in the same outfit with my Dad. I first
electronic devices as distractions, i-phone excepted)
met this man seventeen years ago on my first trip
presents an opportunity to relax with a good book or
here, and although he and my Dad never knew each
two and catch up on some scarce reading time. I’ve
other, a chance meeting between him and me, halfjust finished one of those ‘good’ books, one that I
way across the continent, began a friendship born of
would recommend to all who find the history of our
common experience and purpose through memberCorps a worthy topic. And this book, coupled with a
ship in the finest fighting force the world has ever
newspaper article and a chance conversation with an
known. We are ‘brothers’. We are Marines! Fred now
older gentleman, are quite frankly, the reason we
awaits his turn on the next Big Sky Honor Flight.
exist—both as a distinct branch of the U.S. military,
and as a unique military service organization known
All of which made another chance meeting and
as the Marine Corps League.
conversation with a WW II Navy veteran all the more
fascinating. This weekend, in a random conversation
First the book: it is titled Miracle at Belleau Wood—
in Whitefish Montana, he revealed to me that his
The Birth of the Modern U.S. Marine Corps by Alan
father was a Belleau Wood Marine who had been
Axelrod, and it recounts the previous attempts toward
‘gassed’ and wounded and then bayoneted during
the dissolution of the Corps as a service branch, and
that campaign, and who had died from the residual
how the performance of the Marines in that theatre
effects of those wounds when my new acquaintance
of war secured the Marines a place in history and the
was only six years old. His own service was as a
Corps’ mission as an essential element in our nation’s
hospital corpsman during the Second World War. He
defense structure. It is a captivating ‘read’ replete
currently has a Marine grandson who has done
with some seldom-discussed historical facts. Belleau
multiple tours in Iraq and is (or was) in Afghanistan.
Wood is responsible in large part for the fact that we
Patriotism and military service seem to be a common
even have a Marine Corps today. Throughout this
thread in so many people’s lives. It seems we hand
book you will encounter names of individuals who
down a legacy of service along with the other genes
Commandant’s Message:
we pass along. This man, too, is awaiting the next
Honor Flight.
All of this brings us to the second reason why we
exist. For without a Marine Corps there would be no
Marine Corps League. One is dependent upon the
other. So get curious about our organization and find
out why you feel about it as you do. Find out why we
exist. Ask for a copy of our Detachment By-laws. Get
involved. Read this and future newsletters and keep
abreast of our coming activities, functions, and
events. True, there is much to do, yet much to be
gained in the service of others.
Best wishes from “Big Sky” country and I’ll see you in
a few short weeks.
Semper Fi
John (J.M. Grgurich)
Chaplain’s Corner:
Lord give us a break. You can give us more summer in
August and September, but we can sure do with a
break now. We have one member out of the hospital
but in therapy. Del Hoffarth has had a really rough
time. Frank Kekeisen, Harry Hope, Al Staler, Bill
Holcomb and many others are apparently doing okay.
We would like all of the members to attend the
activities July 14th at the George Phillips ceremonies in
Senior Vice-Commandant:
God Bless America
Semper Fidelis
Bill Bragg
Note by the editor:
Pvt George Phillips
(above) was born
July 14, 1926.
Marines ,
I hope you had a great 4th of July despite of the
extreme heat. If you read this before 14 July,
remember the memorial service for our namesake. I
hope to see you there. If not I'm sure we had a good
turn-out and an enjoyable lunch. Keep cool and—
Semper Fi
Lou Mataya
Jr. Vice-Commandant
Semper Fidelis
Jerry Gerling
I will like to thank all
who stepped up to
help us with Pvt
George Phillips Birthday celebration. Lew
and myself appreciate
the willing help off all
who helped. Those
made a difficult job
easy and enjoyable. 4
Thanks again.
Detachment Calendar
July 2012
10 – Staff Meeting – 1900 Post#208
14 – Pvt George Phillips Birthday– 1000 Labadie
17 – Auxiliary Meeting – 1900 Post#208
17 – Membership Meeting – 1930 Post #208
29 – Washington Town and Country Parade– 1530
August 2012
12-18 – National Convention – Mobile, Alabama
14 – Staff Meeting – 1900 Post#208
21 – Auxiliary Meeting – 1900 Post#208
21 – Membership Meeting – 1930 Post #208
25 – Detachment Fund Raiser BBQ
September 2012
11 – Staff Meeting – 1900 Post#208
18 – Auxiliary Meeting – 1900 Post#208
18 – Membership Meeting – 1930 Post #208
28 – Smoke & Fire Setup– Wildwood Center
29-30 – Smoke & Fire– Wildwood Center – 0930
Funeral Contact Information (Repeat)
If you should answer the call to guard the streets
of heaven, your brother Marines want to know
best how to honor you. Please provide the
detachment with an emergency contact name,
and contact phone number, and if possible an
emergency email. Until you hear otherwise mail it
to the detachment P.O. Box on the newsletter
front page, or hand it in at the meeting to Mike
Gollon. See his article and form on the last page.
Happy Independence Day!
I hope that all of you survived the weeks of 100+
degree weather. The ladies of the Auxiliary have been
hard at work making neck coolers as a means to
combat the onerous heat. We plan to sell these neck
coolers as a summer fund raiser. We also plan to
make extras to send to our troops in Afghanistan.
Please let us know if you are interested in buying one.
They are great for golfing, watching the grandkids
soccer games (or for the kids to wear while in the
game) and working in the yard. They are very compact
and store easily when not in use. While I know that
Pvt George Phillips Memorial Event.
July is not the time to think about warming up, I
Lou Mataya and Jerry Gerling are co-chairmen of the
should mention that these handy wraps can also be
Pvt George Phillips Birthday celebration in Labadie,
used as neck warmers when the weather turns cold.
MO at 10:00, Saturday, July 14. (Pvt Phillips Medal of
July marks the birthday of our Detachment namesake. Honor Citation will appear later in this newsletter.)
I hope to see a good turnout for the annual ceremony Luncheon will follow at the Hawthorne, Inn. (636)
in Labadie, where we honor Private George Phillips for 451-0004, 123 Front St, Labadie, MO 63055.
his heroic sacrifice for our country. And don’t forget
Hawthorne Inn Menu for luncheon following event:
the luncheon afterward. It’s a great time to mingle
Fettucine Christopher. Chicken, roasted red peppers,
with fellow members and maybe get to know some
broccoli, and mushrooms in a garlic cheese sauce.
new ones!
Spaghetti and Meatballs. Hearty meat sauce with
Please remember to bring your canned goods and
handmade meatballs. $8.95 (with baked cheese add
non-perishable food items to the next meeting. All
donations are delivered to food banks in our
community. Food banks especially need dry cereal in Chicken Christine. Lightly breaded, charbroiled
the summertime when children are out of school. This chicken breast topped with broccoli and melted
provel cheese in a white lemon butter sauce with
is a good example of how a little help can go a long
fresh mushrooms. $11.95
way in helping someone less fortunate. Thanks to
Tilapia Florentine. Parmesan breaded and grilled,
those of you who remember every month to
served over fresh spinach topped with tomato and
contribute. We appreciate your gifts.
pepper relish. $11.95
Marissa Grgurich
Past President, MCLA
Marine Corps Humor from Lyle McFarlin
A former marine took a job as a high school teacher.
Just before the school year started, he injured
His back, and was required to wear a plaster cast on
his upper body. Fortunately, the cast fit under
His shirt and wasn't noticeable. On the first day of
class, he found himself assigned to the toughest
Students in the school. The smart punks, having
already heard the new teacher was a former marine,
Were leery of him and he knew they would be testing
his discipline in the classroom. Walking confidently
into the rowdy classroom, the new teacher opened
the window wide and sat down at his desk. When a
strong breeze made his tie flap, he picked up a
stapler, and stapled the tie to his chest.......There was
dead silence.....He had no trouble with discipline the
rest of the year.
Carl Brown
Al Statler
Candids from last meeting.
John Lee
Jerry Gerling
Frank Kekeisen
Al Baldwin
Del Hoffarth
Bill Biddle
Don Aird receives Dept of MO
Associate of the Year Award
from John Grgurich
Gail Bickerton,
Auxiliary President
Greater Saint Louis Honor Flight, June 26.
More Candids from June Meeting.
Del Hoffarth, John Grgurich, Jim Brooks, Larry
Schwartz, Bill Bragg
Center is Gary Keesling; 2nd from right is Jerry Kisner
Carl Ramsey
newsletter, editor
Detachment member Harry Hope on right, chairperson,
Greater Saint Louis Honor Flight
Medal of Honor citation
The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the MEDAL OF HONOR posthumously to
for service as set forth in the following CITATION:
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while
serving with Second Battalion, Twenty-eight Marines, Fifth Marine Division, in action against enemy
Japanese forces during the seizure of Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands, on 14 March 1945. Standing the foxhole watch while other members of his squad rested after a night of bitter hand grenade fighting against
infiltrating Japanese troops, Private Phillips was the only member of his unit alerted when an enemy hand
grenade was tossed into their midst. Instantly shouting a warning, he unhesitatingly threw himself on the
deadly missile, absorbing the shattering violence of the exploding charge in his own body and protecting his
comrades from serious injury. Stouthearted and indomitable, Private Phillips willingly yielded his own life
that his fellow Marines might carry on the relentless battle against a fanatic enemy and his superb valor and
unfaltering spirit of self-sacrifice in the face of certain death reflect the highest credit upon himself and
upon the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
References for the above Pvt George Phillips material in Wikipedia
This article incorporates public domain material from websites or
documents of the United States Marine Corps.
"Private George Phillips, USMC". Who's Who in Marine Corps History. History Division, United States
Marine Corps. Retrieved 2007-10-11.
"Pvt George Phillips, Medal of Honor, 1945, 2/28/4, Iwo Jima (Medal of Honor citation)". Marines
Awarded the Medal of Honor. United States Marine Corps. Archived from the original on 2007-0220.
Charlene is Larry Schwartz’s daughter.
Below is Larry’s full page convention
ad for the detachment.
18 July 1918: The 4th Brigade of Marines began an attack near
Soissons, France, as part of a three-division counterattack
This Month in Marine History. against the Germans. In the first two days of battle, the brigade
sustained 1,972 casualties.
24 July 1944: The V Amphibious Corps, commanded by Major
General Harry Schmidt, landed on Tinian, in the Mariana Islands.
4 July 1801: President Thomas Jefferson reviewed the Marines,
The following morning, the 2d and 4th Marine Divisions began a
led by the Commandant of the Marine Corps, LtCol William W.
Burrows and the Marine Band, on the White House grounds. The shoulder-to-shoulder southward sweep of the island. Organized
enemy resistance faded within a week, and on 1 August, MajGen
smartly uniformed Marines performed drills and fired various
Schmidt declared the island secure.
salutes in observance of the new nation's 25th anniversary.
26 July 1947: The National Security Act of 1947 became
6 July 1990: One of the oldest and most versatile attack aircraft
in Marine Corps history, the A-4 Skyhawk, retired from the Corps' effective, reaffirming the status of the Marine Corps as a
separate military service within the Department of the Navy. The
active aviation structure after over 30 years of service. The last
Act Provided for Fleet Marine Forces, and confirmed the Corps'
two Skyhawks from MAG-32 flew their initial flight from Cherry
mission of seizing and defending advanced bases, as well as land
Point to NAS Patuxent River on this date.
operation incident to naval campaigns.
7 July 1941: The 1st Marine Aircraft Wing was activated at
28 July 1918: Brigadier General John A. Lejeune assumed
Quantico, Virginia. Within a year of activation, the Wing would
command of the 2d Division, U.S. Army in France, and remained
participate in the Marine Corps offensive at Guadalcanal. That
bitter campaign would be the first in a series of legendary battles in that capacity until August 1919 when the unit was
demobilized. He was the first Marine officer to hold an Army
in which the Wing would add luster to its reputation. The
1stMAW would earn five Presidential Unit Citations for gallantry divisional command, and following the Armistice, he led his
division in the march into Germany
in campaigns spanning World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.
11 July 1798: President John Adams approved "An Act for
Establishing and Organizing a Marine Corps", and it became law. What did you look like in the war Marine (or
The following day, the President appointed William Ward
associate member).
Burrows the Major Commandant of the new Corps. In August,
Just for Fun: what did you look like during your service days? Cold War
Major Burrows opened his headquarters in Philadelphia, at that
counts as a real war. Send us some pictures. For this month we had
time still the capital of the new nation.
some takers.
14 July 1993: The USS IWO JIMA was decommissioned after over
30 years of service in a ceremony at Norfolk Naval Base, Virginia.
The ship was named for the World War II battle during which
three Marine divisions ousted 20,000 entrenched Japanese
troops. The Iwo Jima was commissioned 26 August 1961, and it
was the first ship specifically designed as an amphibious assault
ship from the keel up.
Left: Larry
Schwartz, Boot
Camp, 1957.
Right: Don Aird,
summer 1970, “We
were busy with the
Ashau Valley and
Ripcord.” Don, how
did you get lost on
the way to the
Marine Corps
July Birthday Scroll
Lloyd Hansen
Dennis Henson
Louis Mataya
James Naumann Jr
George Casey
Harry Hope*
John Kellerman
Charles Penn
Ron Sansone
Tome Welker
James Jacobs*
Marine MOH awards for actions in July
LtCol Harold W. Bauer, May10, 1942-Nov 14, 1942*
Orderly Sgt Christopher Nugent, Jun 15, Jul 30, 1863
Cpl John O. Dahlgren, Jun 20-Jul 16, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt Harry Fisher, Jun 20-Jul 16, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)* 1st Posthumous USMC MOH
Pvt Martin Hunt, Jun 20-Jul 16, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Sgt Edward A. Walker, Jun 20-Jul 16, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt Frank A. Young, Jun 20-Jul 16, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt France Silva, Jun 28-Aug 17, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt Harry L. MacNeal, Jul 3, 1898
Cpl Joseph A. Glowin, Jul 3, 1916
1st Sgt Roswell Winans, Jul 3, 1916
SSgt William E. Shuck, Jr, Jul 3, 1952
PFC Melvin E. Newlin, Jul 4, 1967*
PFC Harold C. Agerholm, Jul 7, 1944
Sgt Grant F. Timmerman, Jul 8, 1944*
1st Lt Frank S. Reasoner, Jul 12, 1965*
Hospital Apprentice Robert M. Stanely, Jul 12, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Sgt John M. Adams, Jul 13, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Cpl Henry C. Adriance, Jul 13, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt James M. Cooney, Jul 13, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Sgt Alexander J. Foley, Jul 13, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt Clarence E. Mathias, Jul 13, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Sgt Clarence E. Sutton Jul 13, 1900, (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt Erwin J. Boydston, Jul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt William L. Carr, Jul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt Louis R. Gaiennie, Jul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt William C. Horton, Jul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt Albert Moore, Jul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Drummer John A. MurphyJul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt William H. Murray, Jul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt Herbert I. Preston, Jul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt David J. Scannell, Jul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt Oscar J. Upham, Jul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Pvt William A. Zion, Jul 21-Aug 17, 1900 (Boxer Reb.)
Capt Robert J. Modrzejweski, Jul 15-18, 1966
Sgt Louis Cukela, Jul 18, 1918
Sgt Matej Kocak, Jul 18, 1918*
SSgt John J. McGinty, Jul 18, 1966
John H. Bach, Pharmacist’s Mate 1st Class, Jul 19, Oct 5, 1918
PFC Luther Skaggs, Jr, Jul 21-22, 1944
PFC Leonard F. Mason, Jul 22, 1944
LCpl Richard A. Pitman, Jul 24, 1966
Capt Louis B. Wilson, Jr, Jul 25-26, 1944 (later CMC)
SSgt Ambrosio Guillen, Jul 25, 1953*
Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class, Wayne M. Caron, Jul 28, 1968*
Pvt Joseph W. Ozbourn, Jul 30, 1944*