- South Area Business Association
- South Area Business Association
South Area Business Association SABA Prsrt Std US Postage Paid Wausau WI Permit # 3 "Your Business Helping Hand Since 1959" P O Box 253 Schofield WI 54476-0253 News Mission Statement Business members working together to promote and encourage community growth through networking, education and service. Newsletter of the South Area Business Association 2011 SABA Board of Directors Mark Borowicz (President) NTC - 803-1121 borowicz@ntc.edu Ark Rhowmine (Vice President) Grubb & Ellis/Pfefferle - 355-6060 arkr@gepwi.com Please send in your membership dues by December 31 Connie Frieders (Secretary) Brokaw Credit Union - 359-7012 cmf@brokawcu.com Tracy Engman (Treasurer) Intercity State Bank - 359-4231 tracye@intercitystatebank.com Sue Kersemeier (Past-President/Director) K-tech Kleening - 355-1369 suek@k-techkleening.com Margie Hackbarth (Director) Aspirus Wausau Hospital - 847-2345 marjorieh@aspirus.org Dan Mortensen (Director) People’s State Bank - 847-4013 dmortensen@psbwi.com A Message from the President... I have to say that I really enjoyed our last luncheon meeting with the students from DC Everest and Career Day. I’m in the education field at NTC and always find it refreshing to hear about the dreams and aspirations of young people and the types of careers they are exploring. Special thanks go out to all our business members for providing such a great learning experience for the students. Nothing can prepare you for a career better than spending some time in that profession or “trying it on”. Based on the comments from the students, they all truly enjoyed the experience and learned a lot about their interested career. We are very fortunate to have Mary Krueger join us as our guest speaker for the November luncheon. Several changes are occurring in health care and I’m very interested in learning how Mary and her staff at St. Clare’s approach leading in a culture of change. One of my favorite leadership quotes is from Mahatma Gandhi; “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Our community is filled with leaders that lead by example, drive, passion and the desire to make the world, and the South Area, a better place. Remember to please share your events, achievements and community involvement in our “Member News & Events”. It’s free to use to promote your events, but please keep the messages to 50 words. We’re now on Facebook so become a fan and follow our activities and monthly topics. Make it a great day ! Mark Borowicz South Area Business Association President Todd Sopata (Director) Wausau Buyers’ Guide - 842-4424 ext 21119 tsopata@jcpgroup.com Scott Wegner, CPA (Director) Wipfli LLP - 843-7413 swegner@wipfli.com Support Briana Hutman SABA Office Administrator admin@southareabusiness.com 355-1255 Dawn Mittlesteadt Graphic Designer/Newsletter 2nd Nature Creations LLC - 359-3287 dawnm@2ndnaturecreations.com Andy Scott Webmaster Virtual Vision Become a fan and follow SABA activities! printing & mailing of this newsletter provided by 359-3737 or 355-0321 November, 2011 P O Box 253 • Schofield, WI 54476 • 355-1255 • www.southareabusiness.com November Business Luncheon featuring Mary Krueger—President, Ministry Saint Clare’s Hospital Tuesday, November 8, 2011 • 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. St Clare’s Hospital (use entrance three) $10 includes tax, beverage & tip Please make checks payable to South Area Business Association (SABA) Mary joined Ministry Saint Clare’s Hospital in December, 2003. Prior to that, she spent 26 years at Marshfield Clinic, most recently as Division Administrator. She also previously served as Director of Performance Improvement, Assistant Director of Marshfield Operations, Manager of Marshfield Cancer Center, Oncology Nurse Clinician of the Chemotherapy Unit, and Staff Nurse. Building on her foundation as an oncology nurse, Mary has been a leader in women’s health programming, including the development of a mobile mammography screening unit, earning her the “Champion in Women’s Health” Award from the Wisconsin Women’s Health Foundation in 2005. In 2007, Mary was named winner of the prestigious Athena Award for her work in mentoring and opening doors for women in executive leadership positions. Mary earned an Associate Degree in nursing from North Central Technical Institute (now North Central Technical College), and a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing from Mount Scenario College in Ladysmith. She also earned a Masters degree in administrative medicine at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. “I’ve seen and experienced every side of the management of health care – from the perspective of a nurse, manager, director and administrator,” said Mary. “Saint Clare’s offers a set of exciting challenges – the creation of a new hospital, a new environment, a new facility of caring.” Mary will be giving us an update on St Clare’s/Ministry Health now that the roots are planted and will also discuss her leadership styles and skills. PLEASEP RSV Please call or e-mail your reservation by Saturday, November 5. 355-1255 or admin@southareabusiness.com Don’t forget to bring your business cards!!! You’re Invited to the South Area Business Association Holiday Luncheon, Tuesday, December 13, 2011. 12:00 - 1:00pm. Enjoy the sounds of the season with entertainment provided by the D C Everest Song Spinners, plus bring a non-perishable food item to benefit the Salvation Army. New location - Grand Lodge at Cedar Creek Three Board of Directors Positions Open January, 2011 holds a new year for the SABA, and with that, three board positions need to be filled from those board members who have served their terms. Please take a look below to meet the nominees and cast your vote by emailing Briana at admin@southareabusiness.com. Meet the 2012 SABA Board of Directors Nominees Tammy Pestka is a Senior Consultant working at WPS Health Insurance. As a new SABA member, she is interested in becoming more involved with the Association and would like to be considered for a Board position in 2012. Tammy is currently in her third year as a School Board member for the Wittenberg-Birnamwood School District, two of those three years serving as Clerk. She is the current President of the Wausau West Side Business Association; term expiring the end of February 2012. Prior to that she served as Vice President and membership chair. In conjunction with the WWSBA, she served as an at large member of Central Wausau Progress. She currently serves as an Ambassador for the Wausau Region Chamber of Commerce and is actively involved in ribbon cuttings, monthly meetings and networking events. Tammy feels her experience would be an asset to the SABA Board as she is always looking for ways to be more involved in whatever she can to help make a difference in the community. Kristeen Carne has been in sales and marketing for the last 14 years in the grocery broker field and senior housing industry. Over the last year she has been working in operations management at Birchwood Highlands and enjoys the new challenges in the operations side of the industry. Kristeen has served as the President of the Wisconsin Rapids Business and Professional Women Council, has been a civil board member to the Portage County Commission on Aging and enjoys the civic duties that come with each position. Given our current economy, Kristeen feels now more than ever is the perfect time to promote local business and support the entire community. She believes that her skills in sales, marketing and operations would be of value to the organization and she looks forward to serving along you all. Scott Hovden is a Financial Services Representative at MetLife. His experience in organizations is supported by over 35 years of experience as a business owner, entrepreneur and community activist. His experience in organizations and boards of directors include past president of the D.C. Everest Optimist Club, member of the Greenheck Center raising steering committee, several professional boards and designations in the credit and collection industry. He has also served on the Wausau Daily Herald business round table advisory group. He is an adjunct instructor at NCTC in business administration and holds an MBA. Nominate a SABA Member for “Citizen/Business of the Year” In an effort to support and honor successful small businesses, we welcome your nomination of the 2011 Citizen/Business of the Year award. This will be presented at our Annual Dinner in January. Please indicate your choice for this award by emailing the information to Briana at admin@southareabusiness.com or calling 355-1255. Make sure you include who is making the nomination and your company. Nominations are due by November 25. Criteria to be used in the selection process: continued growth and economic health, dedication to customer service and community service and leadership. Featured Business of the Month everestherald.com Celebrating 5 Years Serving the Communities within the DC Everest School District Editorial | amy ryan and 715-845-0773 adVErtiSiNG | Michele Bastian and 715-845-0629 tammy obermeier 715-845-0772 laura Spulak 715-845-0754 WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A 2012 “FEATURED BUSINESS OF THE MONTH”? It’s easy and affordable and a great opportunity to advertise to our over 200 members. Visit www.southareabusiness.com and select “Business of the Month” to learn more. Member News & Events Saturday, November 5 - Wisconsin Celiac and Food Allergy Expo Gain knowledge, research and resources while providing opportunities for families with food allergies to bond. This is an expo for the general public, food industry and health professionals. Educational sessions include Anaphylaxis Training, Be Free of Allergies, and Nutrition and Digestive Health. • The Patriot Center • 10am-4pm • For more info contact Jennifer Knauf 715-298-4060. Saturday, November 5 - Jay’s Jam-a-Thon Tournament Weston Lanes • 2-person scotch doubles tournament • 100% of all proceeds benefit the Jason Elliott Memorial Scholarship Fund & The Weston Lanes Youth Program • $32 per team by November 1 & $40 per team at the door. Wednesday, November 9 - United Way RSVP Coffee Hour Find out about the hundreds of volunteer opportunities available in our community. Each month will feature a different area of volunteering. • The Neighbors’ Place • 9:30-10:30am Friday & Saturday, November 11 & 12 - The “Park” Antique Show & Sale The show features 35 professional dealers with Victorian, Deco, Country, Native American, retro and Primitive Antiques & Collectables plus crystal and china repair on site. A $50 gift certificate will be given away • Admission: $4 (good all days) and under 16 FREE. Marathon Park’s East Gate Hall Tuesday-Thursday, November 15-17 - Junion Photography Promotion for Children’s Miracle Network Junion Photography in Schofield is offering parents a free fifteen minute portrait session and 10” traditional portrait ($395 value) with their $100 contribution to Children’s Miracle Network. Interested parents can book their photo session by calling Junion Photography at 715-355-1228. Ongoing thru November 13 - Birds in Art Always Free Admission. Closed Mondays and Holidays. • Woodson Art Museum ABR was just named to the 2011 Best of Staffing Talent ListBest of Staffing is a competition for staffing firms to see who truly provides exceptional talent service. This prestigious award distinguishes staffing firms who outperformed the industry’s satisfaction benchmark by nearly 50%. Visit us on Linked In, Facebook and our employer web site abrstaffing.com. Cedar Creek Dental WI, formally known as Dental Associates of Cedar Creek, recently celebrated its thirtieth anniversary. Dentists David Barr, Ross Dreger and Jason Doering provide a full range of comprehensive dental care. Services include: Family Preventative, Sedation Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Sleep Apnea Treatment and Implant Dentistry Does your business have news or events to share? Does your business have an email distribution list for press releases, etc.? We want to help you raise awareness of your news and events. Send your updates to admin@southareabusiness.com before the 15th of the month for the next month’s newsletter. This is a free service to SABA members. To keep the page manageable and fair, please limit your message to no more than 50 words per item. Annual Career Day Event The South Area Business Association held the annual D.C. Everest Career Day with the Marketing and Business & Technology Department students on Tuesday, October 11. Thirty-one students shadowed at community businesses including: Allied Health, Anderson Photography, Birchwood Highlands, Brainard Funeral Home, Cedar Creek Dental, Dale’s Weston Lanes, Everest Herald, KinderCare, K-tech Kleening, Mountain Bay Elementary, Nicole’s Boutique, People’s State Bank, Rennes Group, Rothschild Police Department, State College of Beauty Culture, Weston Fire Department, and Everest Metro Police Department. Business sponsors met with students to explore business and marketing operations and share their experience. The South Area Business Association has been working with students at D. C. Everest to help them evaluate their career pathways for a number of years. Students were treated to a luncheon at Dale’s Weston Lanes, had a chance to network with business owners and to speak about how the learning in the classroom has connections to their career interests.
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- South Area Business Association
Brenda Zimmermann Thorpe (Vice President)
NTC – 715-803-1426
Scott Wegner, CPA (Secretary)
Wipfli LLP