Mark Machlis Monte Zwang
Mark Machlis Monte Zwang
3/19/2009 Building a Better Business Plan – From the Sparkle in Your Eye through the Terrible Two's Mark Machlis Monte Zwang HONEY, I WANT TO HAVE A BUSINESS. 1 3/19/2009 BUSINESS PLANNING MARKET RESEARCH 2 3/19/2009 FIRST, SOME BASICS MANAGING MONEY BEGINS WITH UNDERSTANDING A SIMPLE CONCEPT . MONEY IN. MONEY OUT. SOMETHING LEFT. A BUDGET….. Identifies Operational Issues That Require Planning Forecasts Future Cash Needs Allows You to Monitor and Adjust Your Plan In Real Time Helps You Identify and Evaluate Financial Options. Keeps You On Track 3 3/19/2009 WHERE’S THE CASH? $’s IN SPA SALES WORKING CAPITAL $’s OUT PRE-OPENING GROSS MARGIN $’s INDIRECT COST $’s DIRECT COST $’s IN OPERATIONS DEBT SERVICE $’S YOU GET TO KEEP NET PROFIT BUILD A PRE-OPENING BUDGET 4 3/19/2009 BUILD AN OPERATING BUDGET 5 3/19/2009 TESTING, GROWTH, BOUNDARIES Financial 9-1-1 This market is unforgiving. You are operating without a safety net. Going forward without a working budget is not going to provide the targets you need to operate. 6 3/19/2009 THE 6 NUMBERS YOU NEED TO KNOW Breakeven Sales Labor Cost Gross Profit Margin Overhead Expenses Net Profit Debt Service BUDGET SALES BUDGET SALES 12 MONTHS OUT 12 MONTHS OUT Work Completed, Product Delivered, Money Earned - Documented with Sales Receipt, Invoice Categories – Services. Product Seasonality Number of Services vs. Capacity, Occupancy 7 3/19/2009 DIRECT COSTS; MONEY OUT COSTS THAT DIRECTLY RELATE TO SALES: Direct Labor Subcontractor (1099) Payments Front Desk Labor Payroll Taxes Employee Benefits Back Bar, Operating Supplies Inventory Purchase Largest expenses on your Income Statement. Should be no more than 60 – 65 % of Sales. 8 3/19/2009 DIRECT COSTS – LABOR COST What is your labor cost? Evaluate your compensation plan – It absolutely cannot exceed 42% of your service and product sales. Are tools in place to monitor them? 9 3/19/2009 GROSS MARGIN – PROFIT MARGIN Is there at least a 30% to 40% margin in your business? 10 3/19/2009 INDIRECT COSTS; MONEY OUT Costs that do not fluctuate with sales: Indirect Costs (Overhead Expenses) Occur Every Month Rent Utilities Insurance Office supplies Repairs and Maintenance Advertising & Promotion Professional Fees Should not be more than 35% of Sales 11 3/19/2009 W ORKING CAPITAL - AM I PROFITABLE? M ONEY IN: SALES (COLLECTIONS) (Minus) M ONEY OUT: DIRECT COSTS Equals GROSS M ARGIN (Minus) M ONEY OUT: INDIRECT COST Equals WORKING CAPITAL (BEFORE DEBT SERVICE) (NET PROFIT , FEASIBILITY) WORKING CAPITAL (B EFORE DEBT SERVICE) Plus B EGINNING CASH POSITION - (TOTAL OF ALL A CCOUNTS) (Minus) MONEY OUT: DEBT S ERVICE Equals WORKING CAPITAL AFTER DEBT SERVICE (THIS IS WHAT YOU GET TO KEEP.) 12 3/19/2009 DEALING WITH DEBT Debt is… Accounts Payable, Notes, Loans, Credit Cards, Leases, Lines of Credit Evaluate Debt Separately from Business Operations. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. Any contract, lease, bank note, equipment lease and credit card payment can be re-negotiated 13 3/19/2009 BREAKEVEN IS VITAL If you don’t know what it is, you can’t hit it USING THE BUDGET AS A TOOL UNDERSTAND WHERE YOU ARE FINANCIALLY LOOK AT ALL OPTIONS HONESTLY. BRING THE PIECES OF THE PUZZLE INTO BALANCE ADJUST THE BUDGET TO THE REALITY OF YOUR SITUATION 14 3/19/2009 MONEY, MONEY, WHO HAS THE MONEY? 15 3/19/2009 THIS IS WHAT MY SPA WILL LOOK LIKE ASSEMBLING THE BUSINESS PLAN PAGE 1 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 VISION STATEMENT: NARRATIVE OF YOUR DREAM BIOS RENDERING BUDGET BUDGET PERSONAL FINANCIAL DATA FLOOR PLAN PREOPENING OPERATING BUDGET PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 10 BUDGET MARKET RESEARCH MARKET RESEARCH LOCATION ANALYSIS SUMMARY COMPARABLE OPERATIONS UNIQUE SELLING QUALITIES LEASE ACQUISITION VALUATION SUMMARY OF DEBT AND ROI VISUAL 16 3/19/2009 BANK IT, BUILD IT, OPEN IT THE TUCKMAN MODEL 2. Storming 3. Norming All the developmental stages of a business are an integral part of the planning process Know the stages and they will serve you Respect for the stages improves reaction 1. Forming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning 17 3/19/2009 TOUGH LOVE: THE DOLLAR HEART MANAGING THE TERRIBLE TWOS TIMELY REVIEWS SAYING “NO”! 18 3/19/2009 Blue sheet YOUR EXIT IS PART OF INITIAL PLANNING 19 3/19/2009 Monte Zwang 206.963.1017 Mark Machlis 801.860.7658 We would be happy to speak with you anytime. 20
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