Graduate School of Science and Technology Material Science and
Graduate School of Science and Technology Material Science and
Message from the Dean Graduate School of Science and Technology Tokai University Dr. Shigeru Yamaguchi Continuing in the spirit of the school’s founder Dr. Shigeyoshi Matsumae, Tokai University pursues the ideal of nurturing staff with a strong sense of purpose and a deep sense of humanity who will shape the future. While guaranteeing top quality education, the University’s main mission is for our research professors working in leading-edge and applied fields to not only maintain high levels of research but also train the upcoming generation of graduate students through their research activities. Until now, the University’s various faculties have taken a leading role in research by building up a large research staff and rich resources, and they have also carried out numerous government-sponsored research programs. Based on these achievements, the Graduate School of Science and Technology will create synergy effects in the wide area research activities to cultivate young graduate students who have started research career. To date, there has been a tendency to bring together the strength of many researchers by selecting people from within Tokai University with excellent research capability in science and technology. The aim is for those researchers to start a cycle of cultivation of new graduate student researchers that will eventually make a major contribution to Japanese science and technology related research. It goes without saying that this will require individuals with strong research ability, but another vital element is an international perspective in their research and the ability to mutually collaborate and integrate different areas of investigation. Even in the laser field, which is my own specialty, it is important to mutually cooperate not only on laser research but also in the research fields of electronics and material science. It is extremely difficult to lead the field as a global researcher without such reciprocal collaboration to bring out each person’s ingenuity. In our aim to be a global center of research and education, we intend to create a place for open staff cultivation and contribute to the wider society, for which we trust we can rely on your continuing cooperation and support. Physics and Mathematical Sciences Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physical and Mathematical Science Research on a new chemical laser Hyper-power laser that aims at space debris Topics:chemical laser, iodine laser, fluid dynamics Principal investigator: Prof. Masamori Endo Background and Motivation Chemical lasers are unique because the energy released by the chemical reactions directly pumps the gaseous media to the upper state. Because of this feature, they are highly scalable. On the other hand, solid-state lasers are encountered the “thermal problem” as they are scaled up to 100 kW range. Chemical oxygen-iodine laser is very promising high-power chemical laser. However it has a known drawback. Preparation of the reactant takes time and it cannot be operated instantly whenever needed. Originality AGIL (NCl3) Many research groups have sought for alternative chemical reactions that could pump iodine atom, and we succeeded in the operation of “All Gas-phase Iodine Laser” (AGIL) for the first time in 2009. The energy source of AGIL is trichloramine, which could be easily stored in the liquid phase and could be instantly evaporated to use as a laser fuel. It has the potential to overcome the COIL’s drawback and it is also scalable to megawatts as COIL does. H2 → H + H NCl3 + H → NCl2 + HCl NCl2 + H → NCl(1Δ) + HCl HI + H → H2 + I NCl(1Δ) + I → I* + NCl I* → I + h (1315nm) Impact and Perspective The key technology of our success is the sophisticated computer simulation (fluid dynamics and chemical reaction systems) technique we have developed. Chemical lasers used to be studied as weapons. However, our goal is the removal of “space debris”, the orbiting man-made objects that is potentially hazardous for future space developments. Therefore, our achievement attracted attention of the space development organizations such as JAXA. ◆Link: Published papers from the group ・ T. Masuda, T. Nakamura and M. Endo, “Characteristics of amine-based all-gas-phase iodine laser,” Appl. Phys. B 101 (2010), pp. 801-810. ・ T. Masuda, T. Nakamura and M. Endo, “An all-gas-phase amine based iodine laser using molecular iodine as atomic iodine donor,” Chem. Phys. Lett. 485, pp. 296-298, 2010. ・ M. Endo, “Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the All Gas-Phase Iodine Laser (AGIL),” Russian J. Phys. Chem. A 83, pp. 1-5, 2009. ◆Contact e-mai:endo at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physical and Mathematical Science Laser based highly sensitive trace material detection Breakthrough in photonics based environmental sensing Topics:Precision laser spectroscopy・Nonlinear optics Principal investigator: Prof. Shigeru Yamaguchi ① Collaborator: Associate Prof. Kazuyoku Tei ② Collaborator: PhD candidate Yasuhiro Kamba ③ ① ② ③ Background and Motivation The monitoring and detection of trace gases at the level of parts per billion (ppt~ppb) in diverse fields from urban, industrial, rural, biomedical and greenhouse-gas emission, to applications involving environmental monitoring of the work shop has been increasingly important in recent years. The development of new compact diode laser based sensors and their application to detect various trace gas species is one of the key issues to solve the problem. Originality A technique based on long path absorption spectroscopy, such as cavity ring-down spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy from ultraviolet to mid-infrared laser offers high speed, high precision, minimum interference by other trace gas species, potentially at low cost. Tunable midinfrared light (3-5 m) utilizing DifferenceFrequency Generation (DFG) is one of the most reliable methods for high precision laser absorption spectroscopy. Impact and Perspective In our proposed design, readily available laser pump sources are employed ensuring long life time operation of more than 10k hours. Only one pump source has to be exchanged or added to access different trace gas absorption ranges. Gas monitors for industrial pollutant measurements, gas leak monitor and/or toxic species detection must have high sensitivity with high reliability and little maintenance. Published papers from the group H.Ashizawa, S. Ohara, S. Yamaguchi, M. Takahashi, M.Endo, K.Nanri, T. Fujioka, and F. K. Tittel, Jpn. J. of Appl. Phys. Vol. 42 (2003) pp. 1263-1267 J. Sato, M. Kikukawa, S. Yamaguchi, M. Endo, K. Tei, K. Nanri, and T. Fujioka Appl. Phys. B Vol. 96 (2009) pp. 741–744 T.Yasuda, H.Nozue, T.Fujishiro, K.Tei, S.Yamaguchi Jpn. J. of Appl. Phys. Vol.49 (2010) 116 ◆Contact e-mai:shigeru at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physical and Mathematical Science Nature Views Conceptualized by Broadband Dynamics New analysis of dynamical fractals of multiscale networks of water molecules in complex and biological systems Topics: Water Structures・Dynamical Fractals・Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy spectroscopy・Nonlinear Principal investigator: Prof. Shinoptics Yagihara ① Water Sructure, Collaborator: Dynamical Prof. Naoki Fractal, Shinyashiki Broadband ② Dielectric Spectroscopy Collaborator: Associate Prof. Rio Kita ③ Collaborator: Prof. Minoru Fukuzaki ④ Water Sructure, Dynamical Fractal, Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy ① Background and Motivation ② ③ 真がは入りま ※ここに顔写真 す。 がは入ります。 ④ Structures and functions of various aqueous and biological materials should be explained from water behaviors. The interactions are hierarchically extended from local parts of water molecules to molecular aggregates and furthermore to larger scale of network structures. We develop methodologies of observation and analysis on multi-scale space and time in order to understand molecular mechanism of aqueous complex and biological systems, and suggest a new nature and life view. Originality Upper Left: MD simulates hydrogen bonding network (dotted lines) of water. Upper Right: Restricted water molecules on protein surface (Brown) [ref. 2] Lower: Various water structures in water-protein systems. We have developed our original broadband dielectric spectroscopy system (1mHz-50GHz) during these 30 years. Our system treating broadband behaviors in 17 decades of time/frequency of varieties of aqueous complex systems (complex liquids, glass, liquid crystals, polymers, gels, cement, biological molecules, cells, tissues, biological body) is rarely available and makes it possible to characterize and understand dynamical water structures in materials and body. Impact and Perspective Observation and analysis of broadband dynamics in aqueous complex and biological systems by broadband dielectric spectroscopy and complementary methods require new understandings and treatments of multi-scale interactions. These systems without any characteristic space and time scales have not been treated so far. However applications from the fundamental studies are available in extensive areas such as, medical care, pharmaceuticals, foods, devices, chemical products, civil engineering, and architectonics. A large benefit obtained there suggests various effective tools to analyze and evaluate complex materials including life systems. ◆Link:http:// Published papers and reviews from the group 1.N. Miura, S. Yagihara, and S. Mashimo, "Microwave Dielectric Properties of Solid and Liquid Foods Investigated by TDR", J. Food Sci., 68, 1396-1403 (2003) 2.T. Yokomizo, S. Yagihara, and J. Higo, "Rotational motions of solvent sitedipole field around a protein", Chem. Phys. Lett., 374, 453-458 (2003). 3.S. Yagihara, M. Asano, M. Kosuge, S. Tsubotani, D. Imoto, and N. Shinyashiki, "Dynamical behavior of unfreezable molecules restricted in a frozen matrix", J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 351, 2629-2634 (2005). 4.Y. Hayashi, N. Miura, N. Shinyashiki and S. Yagihara, “Free water content and monitoring of healing processes of skin burns studied by microwave dielectric spectroscopy in vivo”, Phys. Med. Biol. 50, 599-612 (2005). 5.S. Yagihara, M. Oyama, A. Inoue, M. Asano, S. Sudo, and N. Shinyashiki, “Dielectric relaxation measurement and analysis of restricted water structure in rice kernels“, Meas. Sci. Technol. Meas. Sci. Technol. 18, 983-990 (2007). 6.S. K. Kundu, S. Okudaira, M. Kosuge, N. Shinyashiki, and S. Yagihara," Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of a nematic liquid crystal in benzene", J. Chem. Phys. 129 (16), 164509-1-6 (2008). 7.S. K. Kundu, S. Okudaira, M. Kosuge, N. Shinyashiki, and S. Yagihara, "Phase Transition and Abnormal Behavior of a Nematic Liquid Crystal in Benzene" J. Phys. Chem. B, 113 (32), 11109-11114 (2009).2),65-69 (2009) ◆Contact e-mai:yagihara at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physics and Mathematical Sciences Quark distributions in hadrons and fragmentation functions Explore the internal structure of hadrons and nuclei Topics:Quarks, Hadrons, Nuclei Principal investigator: Prof. Wolfgang Bentz ① Collaborator: Prof. Anthony W. Thomas (Univ. of Adelaide) ② Collaborator: Dr. Ian C. Cloet (Univ. of Washington) ② ① ② Background and Motivation In electron scattering experiments, one can explore the momenta and spins of quarks in hadrons and nuclei. Protons and neutrons, the building blocks of nuclei, are hadrons and consist of quarks. Recent high energy accelerator experiments gave precise data on “quark distribution functions’’, which reflect the internal quark structure of hadrons and nuclei, and are exploring “quark fragmentation functions’’, which reflect the hadron production mechanisms. The aim of the present investigation is to analyze those data theoretically, and to predict new data which will be measured in future experiments. Probability (ratio to free nucleon) Results for distribution functions Momentum fraction of quark in nucleon Red line . . . Decrease of quark momentum inside the nucleus (comparison between theory and experiment) Originality Blue line . . . Decrease of quark spin inside the nucleus (theoretical prediction) Quark fragmentation in electron-nucleon scattering. In the experiment, the momentum distributions of produced pions are measured. pion photon electron Results for fragmentation functions Results for fragmentation functions Probability The originality of the present investigation is that we can describe the structure of nucleons in terms of quarks, and the structure of nuclei in terms of nucleons in the same framework. Because the nucleons inside the nucleus interact with each other, their internal structure is different from the free nucleon. This “medium effect’’ has been highlighted in recent accelerator experiments, and we perform the theoretical analyses of those data and predict new observables. Impact and Perspective Energy fraction carried byby pion Energy fraction carried The ultimate goal of our research is to understand the behavior of quarks in the nuclear medium, in particular their propagation and interactions. Our research has major impact on the following two subjects: (i) At the planned accelerator “Electron-Ion Collider (EIC)’’, the in-medium quark fragmentation functions will be measured, and we are able to make theoretical predictions. (ii) We are able to investigate whether in high density matter, like in the center of neutron stars, “quark matter’’ can exist as a stable phase, and whether very compact objects like “quark stars’’ exist in the universe. ◆Link: Black dashed line :Only 1 pion produced (calculation) Red Solid line : Many pions are produced (calculation) Blue dashed line : Experimental data Research papers from our group: Reassessment of the NuTeV determination of the weak mixing angle. W. Bentz, I.C. Cloet, J.T. Londergan, A.W. Thomas, Physics Letters B 693, p. 462 (2010). The NJL-jet model for quark fragmentation functions. T. Ito, W. Bentz, I.C. Cloet, A.W. Thomas, K. Yazaki, Physical Review D 80, p. 074008 (2009). ◆Contact e-mail:bentz at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physics and Mathematical Sciences Fusion burn control in tokamak and Helical reactors Safer reactor study Topics:Fusion energy,Tokamak,Helical Principal investigator: Osamu Mitarai Background and Motivation D-3He ST tokamak reactor cross sectional view So far we have studied DT reactors using the tokamak and helical systems. After 3.11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, we should more actively study the possibility of much safer fusion reactor. Based on our previous study on neutron-lean D-3He fusion reactors using the spherical tokamak, we now restarted the physics and engineering study on D-3He fusion reactors. Major radius: Divertor Coil R=5.6m Shaping Coil Minor radius: BL Vertical Coil BT 6 m a=3.4m ITER Plasma 12 m Magnetic field: 4.4T 18 m Plasma current: 94MA Originality 1 10 0 0.2 p 1 BETAT 0 4 (d) 2 145keV Electron 2 0 0 VLOOP -2 Pf (W) 1 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 4 t BETAP (c) 2 < > fash PF PF0 0 2 temperature: 3 0.1 Ion 0 4 FASH (b) Vloop (V) 50 Ti(0) (keV) 100 Ti(0) Te(0) 20 BV -4 2000 temperature: -2 -4 PSV PBV 1500 113keV PNV0 (e) 1000 S B Impact and Perspective 150 NE0 (a) 2 1020 BV(T) n(0) (m -3) 3 1020 P ,P (MW) A D-3He reactor study is not active yet in the world fusion community. A few example exists using sherical tokamak for D-3He fusion. Because this reactor needs a large plasma current together with other large plasma parameters. However, if we ramp up the plasma current using the vertical field, as proposed by author, it would be possible. Such experiments have been conducted in QUEST in Kyushu University as a collaboration program. This technique might open up the new possibility to achieve D-3He fusion reactor. IBS IP ICD PEXT 300 100 80 60 40 20 0 2 1020 (f) (g) ND0 NHE3 200 0 1.5 1020 1 1020 5 1019 100 0 200 400 600 Time (s) 800 Heating power: ICD(MA) 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 400 0 1000 300MW nD.nHe3(m -3) Ip (A) PEXT(MW) Basic proof of principle results has been published. But the more detailed, actual physics and engineering design using the small central solenoid would be desirable. It would be shown the feasibility of safer D-3He fusion reactor. This research leads to the DD fusion reactor without fuel depletion as a large scale power generation. Tritium extraction system from the plasma to improve the reactor safety would be examined. 500 Published papers from the group [1] O MITARAI,in Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Fusion and Fusion Engineering," Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2009), Edited by A. Aasen and P. Olsson. [2] O MITARAI,et al. Plasma and Fusion Research:Volume 6, 1402003 (2011) ◆Contact e-mail:omitarai at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physics and Mathematical Sciences Differential Geometry The Geodesic Theory The cut locus of Finsler manifolds Finsler manifolds Principal investigator: Prof. Minoru Tanaka Background and Motivation In recent years, Finsler geometry has been focused. Finsler geometry is geometrization of the variational problem, which is a differential manifold porposed by Finsler. Originality I plan developed to introduce in the some geodesic techniques theory in Riemannian geometry to Finsler geometry. It is unique that we investigate the structure of Finsler manifolds by using the geodesic theory. Impact and Perspective I am interested in investigating the structure of the cut locus in Finsler manifolds which will help us understand the structure of Finsler manifolds. It is very worthy of determining the structure of the cut locus of Finsler manifolds. This is very difficult even in the case of Riemannian manifolds. Published papers from the group K.Kondo, M.Tanaka, Total curvature of model surfaces control topology of open manifolds with radial curvature bounded below.II, Trans.Amer,Math.Soc.vol.362(2010)pp.6293—6324. B.Bonnard,J-P. Caillau, R.Sinclair, M.Tanaka, Conjugate and cut loci of a two-sphere of revolution with application to optimal control,Ann.Inst.H.Poincare Anal.Non Lineaire,vol26(2009)pp.1081-1098 ◆Contact e-mail:m-tanaka at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physical and Mathematical Science Surface knots in 4-dimensinal space Research of surface knots using charts environmental sensing Topics:Surface knot・Chart Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. A. Shima Background and Motivation We research about surface knots in the 4-dimensional space. Our purpose is a classification of these knots. We consider the projection of the surface into the 3-dimensional space. In general, the projection has the intersection of surfaces. The intersection is a graph in the 3-dimensional space. Moreover we projects the graph into the plane. Then we have a chart. We research objects in the 4-dimensional space using graphs on the plane. Originality We have a very useful table of knots, i.e. a table of closed string in 3-dimensinal space. There is no table of surface knots in 4-dimensional space such a table of the 3-dimensinal case. We would like to make a table of surfaces in 4-dimensinal space. There are many charts representing the same surface. We would like to develop the method when two charts are same or not. Impact and Perspective A graph called a chart has only vertices of degree 1, 4 or 6. We have a surprise result that " a surface representing a chart with at most one vertex of degree 4 is the same surface representing a chart without vertices of degree 6 ". Almost charts need vertices of degree 4. In the future, we want to make a table about charts having a small number of vertices of degree 4 or 6. ※他に画像があれば(テクストボックス内)で挿入可能。 Published papers from the group ※テキストボックスのケイ線 Teruo Nagase Akiko Shima : Any chart削除可能。 with at most one crossing is a ribbon chart, Topology and its Applications 157 (2010), pp. 1703–1720 Teruo Nagase and Akiko Shima: On charts with two crossings I: There exist no NS-tangles in a minimal chart, J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Vol. 17 (2010), pp.217–241 ◆Contact e-mail:shima at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physical and Mathematical Science Surface knots in 4-dimensinal space Research of surface knots using charts environmental sensing Topics:Surface knot・Chart Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. A. Shima Background and Motivation We research about surface knots in the 4-dimensional space. Our purpose is a classification of these knots. We consider the projection of the surface into the 3-dimensional space. In general, the projection has the intersection of surfaces. The intersection is a graph in the 3-dimensional space. Moreover we projects the graph into the plane. Then we have a chart. We research objects in the 4-dimensional space using graphs on the plane. Originality We have a very useful table of knots, i.e. a table of closed string in 3-dimensinal space. There is no table of surface knots in 4-dimensional space such a table of the 3-dimensinal case. We would like to make a table of surfaces in 4-dimensinal space. There are many charts representing the same surface. We would like to develop the method when two charts are same or not. Impact and Perspective A graph called a chart has only vertices of degree 1, 4 or 6. We have a surprise result that " a surface representing a chart with at most one vertex of degree 4 is the same surface representing a chart without vertices of degree 6 ". Almost charts need vertices of degree 4. In the future, we want to make a table about charts having a small number of vertices of degree 4 or 6. ※他に画像があれば(テクストボックス内)で挿入可能。 Published papers from the group ※テキストボックスのケイ線 Teruo Nagase Akiko Shima : Any chart削除可能。 with at most one crossing is a ribbon chart, Topology and its Applications 157 (2010), pp. 1703–1720 Teruo Nagase and Akiko Shima: On charts with two crossings I: There exist no NS-tangles in a minimal chart, J. Math. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Vol. 17 (2010), pp.217–241 ◆Contact e-mail:shima at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physics and Mathematical Sciences Ising spin system with competitive interactions Phase transition and ground state spin structure of Ising spin system Key Words: Monte-Carlo simulation Principal investigator: Prof. Takashi Iwashita Background and Motivation ※研究風景や写真、研究に関する図等 On the various lattice structures with such triangular and honeycomb lattices and on the mixed spin system, the conditions of phase transition, ground state spin structure and the magnetic properties are investigated for the spin system with competitive many interactions. Originality By making Simulation, magnetic use the and of the Monte-Carlo phase transition, the thermal properties are investigated for the Ising or mixed Ising spin systems with large spin and anisotropy term. Especially, the temperature dependence of spin structure is examined visually. Impact and Perspective For the spin system and mixed spin system with large spin and anisotropy term, the simulation is very complicated in the case of co-existence of many interactions more than three different kind. New magnetic phases with interesting magnetic and thermal properties may be found for these systems. Published papers from the group T.Iwashita, K.Uragami ,Y.Muraoka, T.Kinoshita and T.Idogaki, J. Physics Vol. 200 (2010)101-104 T.Iwashita, K.Uragami, A.Simizu, A.Nagaki , T.Kasama and T.Idogaki, J.Magn.Magn. Mater. Vol. 310 (2007) 435-438 ◆Contact e-mail: tiwasita at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physics and Mathematical Sciences Disappearance of anti-matter in early universe Leptogenesis by neutrinos Topics:Neutrino mixing, Dirac/Majorana phase, CP violation Principal investigator: Prof. Masaki Yasue Background and Motivation Anti-matter always accompanies the same amount of matter. The plenty of anti-matter in the early universe should disappear in the present universe. How it has disappeared is a great puzzle and the most important research subject. To resolve the puzzle, it is promising to use “leptogenesis” induced by three families of neutrinos as members of leptons. We aim to theoretically explain their mysterious properties. Originality Neutrinos were believed to be massless and their masses have been detected in 1998. The Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism to kill anti-matter can then be applied to the lepton sector. Correlations of phases of complex neutrino masses play a crucial role to induce CP violation and are predicted in a modelindependent way to give a new framework to the leptogenesis. A true neutrino theory will show our correlations. Proposed Complex Neutrino Masses Calculated Cosmic Matter Ratio and Observed Region (WMAP Bound) Impact and Perspective Three families of massive neutrinos are mixed. Two phases called Dirac or Majorana phase are activated in the leptogenesis. Since 1-3 mixing angle (13) is not observed and is consistent with 13=0, Dirac phase becomes irrelevant. A general framework of a neutrino theory is proposed to predict 13=0 and its effect on the leptogenesis is numerically estimated. A specific model named “bi-pair mixing” is also proposed. Published papers from the group T. Baba and M. Yasue, Phys. Rev. D Vol.75 (2007) pp055001 1-14; Vol.77 (2008) pp075008 1-20; Prog. Theor. Phys. Vol.123 (2010) pp659-686. K. Yuda and M. Yasue, Phys. Lett. B Vol 693 (2010) pp571-574. T. Kitabayashi and M. Yasue, Phys. Lett. B Vol.696 (2011) pp478-481. Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physics and Mathematical Sciences Dynamics in Aqueous Systems Studied by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy Interactions and Cooperativity of Water and Various Materials from Liquid to Solid Topics:Water, Protein, Polymer, Dielectric Relaxation, Glass Transition. Principal investigator: Prof. Naoki Shinyashiki ① Collaborator: Prof. Shin Yagihara ② Collaborator: Associate Prof. Rio Kita ③ ① Background and Motivation ② ③ 真がは入りま ※ここに顔写真 ※ここに顔写真 す。 がは入ります。 がは入ります。 ※研究風景や写真、研究に関する図等 Dielectric relaxation processes of water have been observed by broadband dielectric spectroscopy (BDS) in frequency and temperature ranges of 1 Hz50 GHz and 80300K. We found two relaxation processes. One is related to the glass transition originated from the cooperative motion of water and solute molecules. Another is due to the local motion of water which has the intrinsic relaxation time of water. Originality Our BDS has extremely wide time window ranging 16.5 figures. It is the only method which makes us possible to see the molecular motion of macromolecule and water from liquid to solid simultaneously. Water is the most popular liquid on earth, but it shows various peculiar properties if compared to other liquids. The mechanisms of them have been made clear by understanding the dynamics of water. Impact and Perspective The properties of hydrated proteins, aqueous mixtures, and the mixtures of van der Waals liquids are similar, we transfer the theoretical understanding gained in the study of the simple last systems sequentially to the two other increasingly more complex aqueous systems. Our new findings have been extended to understanding of the properties of water in foods, bio tissues, artificial organs, and any other various materials including water. N. Shinyashiki, A. Spanoudaki, W. Yamamoto, E. Nambu, K. Yoneda, A. Kyritsis, P. Pissis, R. Kita, S. Yagihara, "Segmental Relaxation of Hydrophilic Poly (Vinyl Pyrrolidone) in Chloroform Studied by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy" Macromolecules, 44(7), 2140-2148(2011). N. Shinyashiki, M. Asano, M. Shimomura, S. Sudo, R. Kita, S. Yagihara, “Dynamics of polymer and glass transition in partially crystallized polymer solution studied by dielectric spectroscopy” J. Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 21, 1937-1946 (2010). N. Shinyashiki, M. Shinohara, Y. Iwata, T. Goto, M. Oyama, S. Suzuki, W. Yamamoto, S. Yagihara, T. Inoue, S. Oyaizu, S. Yamamoto, K. L. Ngai, S. Capaccioli, “The glass transition and dielectric secondary relaxation of fructose-water mixtures” J. Phys. Chem. B, 112 (48), 15470-15477 (2008). N. Shinyashiki, M. Shimomura, T. Ushiyama, T. Miyagawa, S. Yagihara, “Dynamics of Water in Partially Crystallized Polymer/Water Mixtures Studied by Dielectric Spectroscopy” J. Phys. Chem. B, 111(34), 10079-10087(2007). N. Shinyashiki, S. Sudo, S. Yagihara, A. Spanoudaki, A. Kyritsis, and P. Pissis, “Relaxation Processes of Water in the Liquid to Glassy States of Water Mixtures Studied by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 19(20) 205113 (2007). (12pp) N. Shinyashiki, D. Imoto, and S. Yagihara, “Broadband Dielectric Study of Dynamics of Polymer and Solvents in Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) / Normal Alcohol Mixtures”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 111(9), 2181-2187(2007). S. Capaccioli, K. L. Ngai, N. Shinyashiki, “The Johari-Goldstein -relaxation of water” J. Phys. Chem. B 111(28), 8197-8209(2007). N. Shinyashiki, R. J. Sengwa, S. Tsubotani, H. Nakamura, S. Sudo, and S. Yagihara “Broadband dielectric study on dynamics of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)- ethylene glycol oligomer blends” J. Phys. Chem. A, 110(15), 4953-4957(2006). ◆Contact e-mail:naoki-ko at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physics and Mathematical Sciences Origin of cosmic rays & cosmic non-thermal radiations High energy astrophysics probed by very high energy gamma rays Topics:gamma rays・cosmic rays・high energy astrophysics Principal investigator: Prof. NISHIJIMA, Kyoshi ① Collaborator: Lecturer KUSHIDA, Junko ② Background and Motivation The origin of cosmic rays has been one of the biggest mystery in astrophysics since their discovery 100 years ago. On the other hand, it becomes apparent that there occur various high energy phenomena beyond our imagination in the universe, and very high energy gamma rays are considered to be the key to unpuzzle not only the origin of cosmic rays but also the physical process which arise in such high energy astronomical objects. Originality We observe very high energy gamma rays from high energy astronomical objects such as active galactic nuclei(AGN), using the ground based imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope(IACT) with the world’s highest sensitivity, and study the mechanism of non-thermal radiation and particle acceleration in those objects. On the other hand, we develop a new photon detector for the focal plane camera of the future IACT whose sensitivity is one order of magnitude higher than the present ones. Cherennkov Telescope Array Impact and Perspective Using high sensitivity IACT, it is expected to be made major breakthrough in the high energy astrophysics. For example, from the observation of AGNs, the origin of high energy cosmic rays, physics of jet and central black hole, and the evolutionary history of the universe might be revealed. Furthermore, the impact would be made on the fundamental physics by such as the detection of gamma rays from dark matter and the verification of the Lorentz invariance. テキストボックスのケイ線 削除可能。 Published papers from the group CANGAROO-III Search for TeV Gamma Rays from two Clusters of Galaxies, R. Kiuchi, J. Kushida, K. Nishijima, et al., (CANGAROO Collaboration), Astrophys. J., 704, 240-246, 2009 CANGAROO-III Observations of the 2006 Outburst of PKS 2155-304, Y. Sakamoto, K. Nishijima, J. Kushida, et al. (CANGAROO Collaboration), Astrophys. J., 676, 113-121, 2008 Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー P h y s i c s a n d M a t h e m a t i c a l S c i e n c e s Quantum Field Theoretical Statistical Physics Eelctrons and Photons Principal investigator: Tadashi Toyoda Collaborator: Hideki Koizumi Collaborator: Maho Fujita Background and Motivation We investigate electromagnetic properties of electrons in metals and semiconductors using the methods of canonical quantum field theory, particularly the Ward-Takahashi finite-temperature relations and the generalized canonical commutation relations. Originality The theory of the finite-temperature generalized Ward-Takahashi relations was developed by Toyoda in 1987 on the basis of the canonical formulation of quantum field theory. Impact and Perspective We are now working on the physics of graphene, particularly its electromagnetic properties. Selected papers from the group: Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 24, 1923 (2010). Phys. Rev. Letters, Vol. 100, 036802 (2008). Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 76, 033416 (2007). Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 75, 033306 (2007). Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 71, 033313 (2005). Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 71, 205312 (2005). Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 70, 205117 (2004). Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 67, 075105 (2003). ◆Contact e-mail: toyoda at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physics and Mathematical Sciences Characterizations of polymer under temperature gradient Measurement of irreversible transport coefficient Topics:Ludwig-Soret effect, Soft materials, Interactions of molecules ※ここに顔 Principal investigator: Associate Prof. Rio Kita ① Collaborator: Prof. Naoki Shinyashiki ② Collaborator: Prof. Shin Yagihara ③ 写真が入り ます。 ① ② Background and Motivation We have carried out experiments studying the effects of the temperature gradient in various solutions. Here, the determination of the irreversible transport coefficient is rather difficult compared to the equilibrium condition, since the system shows a non-uniform spatial and temporal distribution of the constituents. The aim of this project is to contribute to the development of nonequilibrium thermodynamics by means of an original technique and systematic studies of the transport phenomena. ③ 顔写真がは入り ます。 J1 Dc1 c1 1 c1 DT T ST DT / D Originality For aqueous solutions of polymers (DNAs, proteins, polysaccharides, and so on), the magnitude and the direction of their concentration gradient induced by a temperature gradient show an abnormal behavior. The results suggest that irreversible transport phenomena should be investigated with respect to the role of hydrogen bonds among segmental molecules and water molecules. The researches may lead to a deeper understanding of the functions and the structure formations of biopolymers. A temperature gradient induces a mass flux which establishes a concentration gradient in fluid mixtures. This behavior is called the Ludwig-Soret effect. Impact and Perspective The technique of determinations of the transport coefficient under the external field may clarify the role of molecular interactions among water molecules and biological molecules. It is necessary to continue the fundamental researches for this purpose. Moreover, some practical applications are expected in the fields of foods, cosmetics, materials science, molecularbiology, and so on by utilizing the effect of temperature gradient as the external field. ◆Link: Published papers from the group Y. Kishikawa, S. Wiegand, and R. Kita, “Temperature Dependence of Soret Coefficient in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Solutions of Pullulan”, Biomacromolecules 11, 740-747 (2010). R. Kita, P. Polyakov, and S. Wiegand, “Ludwig-Soret effect of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide): Temperature dependence study in monohydric alcohols”, Macromolecules 40, 1638-1642 (2007). R. Sugaya, B. A. Wolf, and R. Kita, “Thermal diffusion of dextran in aqueous solutions in the absence and the presence of urea”, Biomacromolecules 7, 435-440 (2006). ◆Contact e-mail: rkita at ※at = @ Information Science and Technology Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Physical and Mathematical Science Electronic Paper Realization of readable electronic medium Topics:Display, Paper, Ergonomics Principal investigator: Prof. Makoto Omodani Collaborator: Associate Prof. Shuichi Maeda Background and Motivation Paper • Readable • Easy handling • Less energy We have the general tendency to prefer reading on a paper than on an electronic display. Reasons of this tendency should be clarified systematically if we really want to realize a really readable electronic media. We know paper media have unavoidable week points: bulky and wasteful. These week points can be easily solved by electronic displays. The challenge for Electronic Paper (e-Paper) is to solve the conventional week points of electronic displays: readability and fatigue. Display • Rewritable • Less space • Less waste Electronic Paper Concept of Electronic Paper Originality It has not been clarified how the differences between paper and electronic media affect to readability, fatigue, and working efficiency. Advantageous properties should be adopted to e-Paper if we want to realize comfortable and convenient electronic media. We have been carried out quantitative evaluation of these effects. E-paper can be a platform IIcan canread read I can read everything! everything! everything! Novel Newspaper Impact and Perspective Journal We expect e-Paper will become the main media for every kind of readings hopefully in ten years. We hope our basic studies on readability must contribute to accelerate the popularization of e-Paper. Published papers from the group 1) J. Imai, M. Omodani; “Reasons why we prefer reading on paper rather than displays: studies for seeking paper-like readability on electronic paper”, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,52(5) ,051002-051002-5 (2008). pp. 90-94(2007). 2) R. Ishikawa, M Omodani: “Estimation of Rotation Behavior of Balls for a Twisting Ball Display by Mobility measurement”, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology vol.50,No.2(2006) ◆Contact e-mai:omodani at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Information Science and Technology Human-interface using media integration technology Hyper realistic information media environmental Image sensingwith Scent, Display, and Human Interface Topics:Senses, Principal investigator: Prof. Akira Tomono Background and Motivation Computer has been developed by treating symbol information expressed in the data structure based on binary logic. However, a human sensibility has other functions which are different from the logical information processing. Therefore, the technology which efficiently processes the human sensibility is important. We are challenging a research of a human interface which achieves a high presence by integrating sense of smell and sense of touch information in addition to audiovisual information. Characteristic evaluation of olfactory display using air-cannon. Originality Because an olfactory information directly influences a person's memory and feelings, large psychological effects of improving presence and recollecting memory are greatly expected when a scent is appropriately added to an image. Our research groups have developed a display which can space-and-timely control a scent. Also, we are interested in researching a sensing Multi-media display which can simultaneously emit a visual and a scent. Development of KANSEI multimedia display. KANSEI means feelings and emotions in Japanese. Impact and Perspective A scent can be presented to near an observer’s nose by using the same technique of an air cannon (Fig.1). It is possible to synchronize a visual image with a scent carried by airflow by creating small holes in a thin display and placing a blower behind the display (Fig.2). By doing so, a person can sense more realistic feelings about the image and feel as if there is a real object around the display (Fig.3). This technique can be applied to a sensory simulation game and digital signage in near future. ◆Link: Psychological evaluation of realistic sensation using Immersive VR System (HoloStageTM). Published papers from the group Akira Tomono, Koyori Kanda, Syunya Otake, IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines. Vol.128, No.12, pp.478-486 (2008) Akira Tomono, Syunya Otake, IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol. 130 / No. 4 / pp.668-675 (2010) Akira Tomono, Koyori Kanda, Keisuke Tomono, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol.J94-D, No.5, pp.803-813 (2011) ◆Contact e-mai:tomono at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology Information Science and Technology Usability inspection environment to design information More user friendly human interface Topics:qualitative and quantitative evaluation, novel user interfaces Principal investigator: Prof. Kiyoshi Nosu Background and Motivation ※ここに顔 写真が入り The info-communication technology has been ます。 developed very rapidly. In addition to the performance of individual elements, designing based upon usability evaluation is becoming important to realize safety, comfortable and convenient info-communication environment. The research provides a methodology to realize it. Eye ball movement measurement system for information media usability evaluation and analysis Originality Manifold Technique to measure and analyze user reactions to the information environment from psychology, cognitive science, biomechanics and ergonomics is employed to obtain reliable and effective design guidelines. The technique employees qualitative methods [(1) interview by the Evaluation Grid Method, (2) observation method] as well as quantitative methods [(1) questionnaire by the SD method, (2) bio-signal measurement] Impact and Perspective The manifold usability measurement combing qualitative and quantitative methods provides the design guidelines for the environments utilizing leading edge technology. It also realizes novel human interfaces using machine learning (AI) and image processing on facial expressions, eye-ball movement and other monitored items. Time sequential emotional estimation from a user’s face analysis for a novel human interface Published papers from the group A.Shigeta, T.Koike, K.Hamamamoto, K.Nosu,”Estimation of Users’ Subjective Difficulty of WEB Based English Listening Test,” IEEJ Transaction on Electronics, Information and Systems, 131, 4, pp.800-807, 2011 K. Nosu, Y.Yabuzaki, and K. Yamanaka, “Evaluation of baseball pitching form by ground reaction force measurement and video analysis,” Journal of Visualization, 12, .4, pp.293-294(2009) K.Nosu, A.Kanda and T.Koike, "Voice navigation in web-based learning materials – An investigation using eye tracking", IEICE Trans. Information and System, .90-D, 1, pp.1772-1778, (2007) Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Information Science and Technology Study on Virtual Reality Assisted Medical Ultrasonic diagnosis Topics:Virtual Reality, Medical Engineering, Augmented Reality Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Kazuhiko Hamamoto Background and Motivation Medical ultrasonic applied and diagnosis indispensable. is widely Currently, elastography has been developed. However, a distance between display and ultrasonic probe causes losing orientation of tissues and elasticity information cannot be displayed by haptic interface. Originality Position sensors are attached to the probe and micro display located in front of eye. A 3D ultrasonic image is displayed on the display. It is like “see through body”. Regarding elastography, not only haptic rendering algorithm but new haptic devices have been developed for virtual palpation. Impact and Perspective Now, a new virtual see through system is being developed. The system doesn’t require any position sensors and AR markers. Published papers from the group The developed haptic system can be used for not only palpation but immersive virtual environment. Because the system battery and actuator can be carried. with K.Hamamoto(Tokai Univ.) Investigation on Virtual Palpation System using Ultrasonic Elasticity Imaging Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 28th Annual Conference, pp.4873-4876 (2006.9) S.Kikuchi (Tokai U.), K.Hamamoto (Tokai U.) HAMA device - Haptic display for Immersive Virtual Environments Proceedings 2008 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, pp.453-458,(2008.10) ◆Contact e-mail:hama at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Information Science and Technology Neuroscientific Infomatics Finding the novel algorithms in the Brain Keywords: Neuroscience, Experimental Psychology Digital Signal Processing Principal investigator: Motoharu Takao, Ph.D. ※ここに顔 Background and Motivation 写真が入り ます。 I have pursued the studied on neural circuit of mammalian retina as a neuroscientist. Retinal circuit is an attractive biological model to understand the principles of complicated human brain functions. The new discoveries in my lab will give the clues to findings of novel algorithms for efficient information processing in computers. ※ 研究風景や写真、研究に関する図等 Originality So far, my colleagues and I have found some redundancy in retinal local circuits. The redundant information processing provides of visual robustness to mammalian visual system. We are learning these biological computer vision. systems to Slightly apply to redundant algorithms will enable visual images or motions to be processed more efficiently and robustly. Impact and Perspective Our goal is to create the information processing system which is so excellent as human brain. Published papers from the group J . Neurosc i . (2007 )27:6261-6267, CyberPsychol . Behav. (2009) 1 2 : 501-507; Chronobiol . Int . (2009) 2 6 : 1470-1477; Cel l Tissue Res. (2009) 338: 355-357 ◆Link: ◆Contact e-mail:takao at ※at = @ Electrical Engineering and Electronics Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Electrical Engineering and Electronics Study of charge trapping dielectric films for advanced nonvolatile memory devices Topics:LSI process, Nonvolatile memory, Insulating film Principal investigator: Prof. Kiyoteru Kobayashi Background and Motivation There has been a growing interest in the metal–oxide–nitride–oxide–silicon (MONOS) type memory device, primarily due to the increasing technological importance of this device in the next generation nonvolatile memories (NVMs). In the MONOS type device, electrons and holes are captured in point defects distributed in the charge tapping dielectric layer to store information. In order to achieve excellent memory characteristics in future NVMs, the origin and nature of the point defects in the charge tapping dielectric layer are crucial issues. Originality Silicon nitride films have received considerable attention as the primary candidate for the charge trapping dielectric layer in MONOS-type device. We have studied the properties of point defects in silicon nitride films. In recent studies, we have reported a key finding: the paramagnetic K0 defects in silicon nitride films act as generation centers of electron-hole pairs. In addition, we have developed a novel formation technology of the charge trapping dielectric layer that has superior memory properties. Impact and Perspective Controlling the properties of point defects (trap level, trap density, and capture cross section) in the charge trapping dielectric layer is the key to realize the excellent memory characteristics in future NVMs. Our study will contribute to the design of electrical characteristics in point defects and the formation of desired point defects in the charge trapping dielectric layer. ◆リンクページ: ESR derivative power absorption spectra obtained before and after exposing a silicon nitrider film to 4.9 eV UV illumination at room temperature. The intensity of the ESR signal substantially increased owing to the generation of the paramagnetic K0 centers. Current research interests: Advanced nonvolatile memory (NVM) technology Novel charge trap dielectric films for NVMs Modeling of charge trapping in dielectric thin films Modeling of dielectric degradation in thin insulating films for ULSIs Low temperature growth of thin dielectric films Published papers from the group: K. Kobayashi and K. Ishikawa, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 50 (2011) 031501. K. Kobayashi and T. Ide, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 49 (2010) 05FE02. K.. Kobayashi, H. Watanabe, K. Maekawa, K. Kashihara, T. Yamaguchi, K. Asai, and Y. Hirose, Micron, 41 (2010) 412. K. Kobayashi and T. Ide, Thin Solid Films, 518 (2010) 3305. K. Kobayashi, H. Yokoyama, and M. Endoh, Applied Surface Science, 254 (2008) 6222. ◆電子メール:kkbys at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Electrical Engineering and Electronics Development of light wave microphone Proposal of novel method hearing sound by light Topics:Laser measurement, sound, optical information processing Laser beam Principal investigator: Prof. Yoshito Sonoda Mirror Collimating lens Diode laser Beam splitter Lens& Detector Fig.2 Compact type Background and Motivation 信号回折光 signal light Diffracted 検出器 Photo detector Sound sauce 音源 Laser light レーザ光 A microphone has a history of development over one hundred years but the principle that a diaphragm is used as a sound sensor has not been changed. It has many limits and demerits in application as well known. The present research proposes a novel sound detection method with no diaphragm, which is based on wave-optical principle and can directly detect sound by a laser beam. (光ダイオード) レーザ光源 Laser 入射光学系 Incident optical system Voice Optical processing 受光光学系 system 信 号 処 理 部 Signal processing 音声 Speaker レーザビームマイクロホン のイメージ図 Reproduced sound Fig.1 Image of light wave microphone. Anechoic Box Diode Laser Laser Beam Originality Detector Optical bench Vibration Isolator Speaker (sound source) Fig.3 Experimental setup for fundamental study First Stage (~1998) 120 Feeling Limit 100 Second Stage (2000) 2×10-2 40 Background noise level in the experimental room 2×10-3 20 2×10-4 Audible Limit 0 10 2 4 6 8 0 10 2×10-5 2×10-6 2 4 6 8 0 0 10 2 4 6 8 0 1 0 00 ( Frequency(Hz) The basic theory and fundamental technique of the light wave microphone are nearly established and music sound of high intensity over 60dB could be reproduced by a home stereo. One of the present most important subjects is improvement of SN ratio for detection of a whispered conversation. If it is attained, the light wave microphone with no diaphragm would be effectively used in the wide fields relating to audio and ultrasonic waves with long wavelengths. 2×10-1 Conversation 60 20 2 Music 80 200 Sound Pressure Pa 2000 140 ( ) Sound Pressure Level dB Limit by the 300Hz high-pass filter used in the experiment 160 -20 Impact and Perspective Input to home stereo Vibration Isolator ) The conventional optical method measuring high-frequency ultrasonic waves cannot be applied to detection of audible sounds with long wave-length. In the light wave microphone proposed in this study, ultra-weak diffraction light generated by a phase modulation by sound is focused as a diffraction pattern by using a Fourier optical system and it is transformed to an electrical signal by a photodiode. By these optical processing with no diaphragm, sound can be measured with non-contact and no-disturbance. Optical bench 2 4 00 2 00 10 6 8 Fig.4 Range of sound used in daily life and status of development. Published papers from the group T.Sakoda,Y.Sonoda,Measurement of Low-Frequency Ultrasonic Wave in Water Using an Acoustic Fiber Sensor, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol.53 (2006) pp.761-767. T.Sakoda, Y.Sonoda, Visualization of sound field with uniform phase distribution using laser beam microphone coupled with computerized tomography method, Acoustical Science and Technology, Vol.29 (2008) pp.295-299. Y.Nakazono, Y.Sonoda, Y.Ouchi, Y.Nasu, Near-field acoustic characteristics of screech jet exhausted from a nozzle with a hard reflecting plate, Journal of Visualization, Vol.11 (2008) pp.153-162. ◆Contact e-mail:shigeru at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Electrical and Electronics Engineering Aproach to EMI measures using lossy transmission line theory Topics: Distributed constant transmission line filter using thin resistive sheet Investigator: Prof. Tsuyoshi Ideguchi Background and Motivation In these days, the electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC) to reduce the unwanted generation of electromagnetic energy and to maintain correct operation of equipment in the presence of electromagnetic disturbances becomes important. Principle action for the EMC are quieting the sources of interference, making the coupling path between source and victim less efficient and making the potential victim systems less vulnerable. Here, transmission line on a printed board circuit becomes a main source and main victim. We paid our attention to a lossy transmission line theory and started a study to apply that characteristic to an anti-EMI measure. x 0.5m x0 (1)Effective power propagation 50Ω Line 2 50Ω E Model circuits for calculation Line 1 x δ x 50Ω 50Ω Resistance 100 times as line 1 Capacitance 10 times as line 1 + Plx (1) Inducing line Psx (2) Induced line 0.015 Is 100 j 0.01 0.005 0 Calculated results of effective power propagation 0.2 0.4 0.6 xj (3) Inducing line + Induced line Psx Plx Originality Network analyser OUTIN Bi-log antenna Thin resistive sheet Insulator Ground plane Conductor line for EUT Measurement setup for emitted EM field Ground plane for Chamber 3.8m 1.0m 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 -20 |S21| +AF (dB) Following new knowledges were obtained. (1)Propagation characteristics of effective power on two transmission liens. (2)The distributed constant transmission line filter using thin resistive sheet to reduce a propagating effective power on the line and to reduce an emission from the line.. (3)Clarification of balance-Unbalance effective power conversion characteristics of metallic pair lines from a low frequency to a high frequency. (4)Its application to a method for estimating equivalent ground plane. (2)Effect of thin resistive sheet -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 Conductor line with thin resistive sheet Measurement results for emitted EM field Conductor line only Frequency (MHz) Impact and Perspective As lower voltage drive of electronics devices and speedup of signals will be promoted, an electro magnetic interference will be increased in future. When signals more than GHz come to propagate a print board circuit, transmission lines on the PBC should be considered as distributed constant circuits. The knowledge and the measures mentioned above will become effective for these cases. ◆Link:http:// Published papers from the group T.Ideguchi, H.Koga and Y.Shimoshio, IEICE Trans.Commun. Vol.J-82-B, No.1, pp.184-187, January 1999. T.Ideguchi、H.Koga and Y.Shimoshio, IEICE Trans.Commun. Vol.E-83-B, No.3, pp.480-488,March 2000. T.Ideguchi, H.Koga and Y.Shimoshio, IEICE Trans.Commun.Vol.J84-B, No.7, pp.1386-1390, July 2001. A.sakai and T.Ideguchi, IEICE Trans. Commun. Vol.J87-B, No.8, pp.1111-1115, August 2004 T.Ideguchi and T.Naganawa, IEICE Trans.Commun., Vol.J89-B, No.11, pp.2151-2154, November2006 T.Ideguchi, Y.Takahashi and S.Ogata, IEICE Trans.Commun. Vol.J93-B, No.4, pp.725-729, April 2010. ◆Contact e-mail:tideguti at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Electrical Engineering and Electronics Low power analog-digital converter Bridge to the digital world from the real world Topics:Integrated Circuit・Circuit Design・IC layout designs Principal investigator: Prof. Kuniaki Fujimoto Background and Motivation An analog-digital converter (AD Converter) is a semiconductor device widely used to convert analog signals into digital signals. It is more desirable to reduce the power consumption of this devise, since it occupies a large proportion of power consumption of mobile electronics. Therefore, we would like to develop an analog-digital converter with low power consumption using the CMOS low-powered circuits. Fig.1 IC Layout Fig.2 Chip VIN VO1 Originality VO2 The CMOS circuits have good characteristics in that the layout area and power consumption is small compared to the operational amplifier and analog comparator. However, the CMOS circuits can detect only one voltage level. By shifting constant voltage using capacitors, it is possible to detect multi voltage levels using the CMOS circuits which otherwise can detect only one voltage level. We would like to develop an ultra low-powered AD converter using this technique. VO3 VO4 Fig.3 Simulation Result VIN VO1 VO2 VO3 Impact and Perspective Performance of the AD converter has a significant impact on our daily life, because it is incorporated into many personal electronic devices such as mobile phones and air conditioner.Our final goal is to develop an AD converter low-powered and fast enough to be used widely as parts of many cell phones. VO4 Fig.4 Experimental Result Published papers [1] Hirotoshi Sasak, Kuniaki Fujimoto, Hirofumi Sasak, Mitsutoshi Yahar, “A Dividing Ratio Changeable Digital PLL Using Multi-Phase Clock VCO Unaffected by Input Frequency Change, ” ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications, Vol.2(2011), No. 1, ,pp.125-130 [2] Hirotoshi Sasak, Takahiro Hirose, Kuniaki Fujimoto, Hirofumi Sasak, Mitsutoshi Yahara, “A Multi-Phase Clock Type Voltage Controlled Oscillator Used As Base Clock in Digital PLL,” ICIC Express Letters,Vol.4(2011), No.6(A), pp.2213-2218 ◆Contact e-mail:shigeru at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Electrical and Electronics Engineering Study of the sound signal of atmospheric pressure plasma using laser beam Development of the new measurement method using Fraunhofer effect Topics:light diffraction・sound wave・computed tomography Principal investigator: Prof. Toshiyuki Nakamiya Background and Motivation The atmospheric pressure plasma (APP) has an excellent feature that it’s possible to generate with a comparatively simple device. The applied research is widely advanced from gas phase reaction (ozone synthesis, removal of the environmental pollutant, etc.) to creation of new material (CNTs, DLC, etc.) and biomedical application. However, the details of APP are hardly understood. In this theme, we have aimed to visualize the intensity distribution of the sound signal, and to clarify the effectiveness of sound information. Fig.2. Top view of sound source and relation between the coordinates of ( x, y ) and ( x, y) . Originality Fig. 3. Experimental setup to detect the sound of discharge. t) 0.80 0.70 .u ni ity (arb In tens When the air molecule ionizes by the atmospheric pressure, it hardly understands how it becomes, and what it exist. The longevity of the ion and the radical are long in the low-pressure plasma and comparatively easy to detect. However, it is difficult in the atmospheric pressure. The clarification of the pressure wave caused by the partial discharge is somewhat reported. The phenomenon clarification of APP using sound signal is not found. 0.60 0.50 Impact and Perspective 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 -16 -12 -8 -4 y (m ) m The precise analysis of the sound signal in APP may be possible to get the physical quantity (the kind, the state, and the partial pressure of generated gas molecule) that cannot be easily measured by current methods. Then the low price equipment is expected that can measure the density of ozone in real time by accuracy. In addition, the phenomenon clarification of plasma wave motion and the blowing power of the plasma actuator (ionic wind) are planned. 4 0 4 -4 8 -8 12 -12 16 Fig. 4. Reconstructed distribution of supersonic wave of the sound transmitter in the plane. 8 0 mm 12 16 ) x( -16 Fig. 5. Reconstructed distribution of the discharge sound in the plane. Published papers from the group T. Nakamiya, 1, Y. Iwasaki, F. Mitsugi, R. Kozai, T. Ikegami, Y. Sonoda, and R. Tsuda, “Investigation of Electric Discharge Sound in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Using Optical Wave Microphone,” Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 14 (1), 63-70, 2011. T. Nakamiya, F. Mitsugi, S. Suyama, T. Ikegami, K. Ebihara, Y. Sonoda,Y. Iwasaki, S. Aoqui, H. D. Stryczewska, and J. Pawlat, “Acoustic Spectra Characteristics of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma using Optical Wave Microphone, ” PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY (Electrical Review), 1/2011, 249-253, 2011. ◆Contact e-mail:nakamiya at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Electrical Engineering and Electronics Experimental Studies of Electrical Discharge in Seawater Electrical Discharge on Water Surface under Spark Discharge Topics:spark discharge, water surface discharge, lightning on sea Investigator: Nur Shahida Midi Supervisor: Ryu-ichiro Ohyama ① ② ※ここに顔 ※ここに顔 写真がは入 写真がは入 ります。 ります。 ① Background and Motivation ② Impulse high voltage, V Needle electrode Electrical discharges on water surface had been investigated for the interest of lightning discharges that occurred on the surface of rivers, lakes and seas. Furthermore, objects such as offshore wind turbines are exposed to the hazards of lightning discharge on sea surface due to their height of over 100 meters and location in isolated areas. This research aims to investigate the discharge phenomenon occurred when lightning strike on seawater surface. Originality 5 20 15 40 9 130 590 8 40 40 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 To oscilloscope Acrylic sheet Current probe To oscilloscope Electrode system To investigate discharge phenomenon occurred when lightning strike on seawater surface, an electrode system was developed as an imitation of sea condition. Impulse high voltage is applied to the point electrode to produce an imitation of lightning phenomenon on sea surface. From there, the characteristics of discharge on water surface were investigated. Besides that, discharge current occurred due to water surface discharge is measured. Also, electric field on water surface and under water is also observed in this experiment. Discharge condition on tap water Impact and Perspective From the experiments, we had observed that even under the same input voltage, tap water and saline solution (seawater) show different mode of discharge condition. The condition is different in term of existence of sprouting leader only on tap water surface. This results in different mode of discharge current distribution of the two solutions. A point measurement using a measurement probe on water surface and under water should be able to produce a precise observation of discharge current and electric field on water surface and also under water. Discharge condition on saline solution Published papers from the group N.S. Midi, and R. Ohyama, “Distribution of Discharge Current in Stratified Seawater under Impulse Discharges,” 2010 Annual Report IEEE Conf. on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, vol. 2, pp.640-643. N.S. Midi and R. Ohyama, “Experiment of Discharge Current over Water Surface and Under Water by Spark Discharge,” Digest 2011 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan National Convention, vol. 1, p.80. N.S. Midi, and R. Ohyama, “Distribution of Discharge Current in Stratified Seawater under Impulse Discharges,” 2011 IEEE Conf. on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, (accepted) Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Electrical and Electronics Engineering Highly Efficient and High Performance Networking A Study on Low Power Consumption Ad Hoc Network in emergency Topics:Ad hoc network, Power saving system Principal investigator: Hiroshi Ishii (Professor) Background and Motivation Keeping communication ability in case of disaster such as the Tohoku Earthquake is a very important and crucial issue. In disasters, essential network information is lacking and power infrastructure support communication network may be out of order. Hence, this research will clarify how to configure the network in the situation of power and information lacking just after the disaster Originality Our research makes the most of ad hoc network enabling battery driven multi-hop communication without network infrastructure. Original contributions are algorithms achieving: 1)Discovery (asylum, hospital), 2)Distribution of information (emergency broadcasting), 3) Secure communication ad needed, and 4) Keeping performance of communication. Impact and Perspective Our research "Ultra Low Power Data-Driven Networking System" is sponsored by Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST), JST (Japan Sciene and Technology Agency). So far, four algorithms above are verified their effectiveness and the consumed power will be probably reduced to 1/10 of the present systems. Through patents and papers, the research is giving important impacts to the society. Effective info. discovery Published papers from the group - Keisuke Utsu, Hiroaki Nishikawa, and Hiroshi Ishii, “Broadcast Video Streaming by Load-aware Flooding over Ad Hoc Networks achieving Reduction of Traffic and Power Consumption”, the 2011 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA’11) , Jul. 2011 - Keisuke Utsu, Hiroshi Ishii, “Load-aware Flooding over Ad Hoc Networks enabling High Message Reachability and Traffic,” The 5th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU 2010), pp.164-165, Apr. 2010 ◆Link: ◆Contact e-mail:ishii164 at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Electrical Engineering and Electronics Bipolar plate coated with electrically conductive CNT/PTFE composite film for fuel cell Topics:Carbon nanotube (CNT), Fuel cell Electrically conductive anticorrosion coating Principal investigator: Prof. Yoshiyuki SHOW Background and Motivation (a) Powder CNT Fuel cell is one of candidate clean energy sources, because of environmentally-friend and high efficient energy conversion. In this study, electrically conductive composite film consisting of carbon nanotube (CNT) and fluorocarbon resin (PTFE) was formed and was coated on bipolar plates of a fuel cell in order to prevent corrosion of bipolar plate surface and to increase the power generation efficiency. (b) CNT dispersion Fig. 1. (a) The fluid made by mixing the powdered CNT into the PTFE dispersion as a reference. (a) The fluid made from dispersions of the CNT and the PTFE. The CNT was well-dispersed in the PTFE dispersion. Originality Voltage (V) The dispersion fluid and the composite film consisting of CNT and PTFE were formed for anticorrosion coating of bipolar plate for a fuel cell. CNT is hardly dispersed in water, because it has cohesive property. In this study, the dispersion fluid of CNT and PTFE was successfully formed by addition of cellulose dispersion. Moreover, composite film with electrical conduction and chemical stability was formed by using this dispersion fluid. 0.8 0.6 Coated 0.4 Bare 0.2 3.0 Power (W) Coated Impact and Perspective The fuel cell using the bipolar plates coated with this anticorrosion film was fabricated and was characterized. The fuel cell using bare stainless steel bipolar plates showed maximum electric power of 1.7W. When the anticorrosion film was coated, the maximum power was increased up to 2.7W. This result indicates this anticorrosion coating is a promising process to increase output power of fuel cells 2.0 Bare 1.0 0 0 2 4 6 8 Current (A) 10 Fig. 2 The dependence of the current on the voltage and the electrical power generated by fuel cells. ◆Contact e-mail:show at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Electrical Engineering and Electronics Research on oxide-semiconductor devices Functional metal-oxide thin film technologies Topics:phase transition oxide, reactive sputtering Principal investigator: Prof. Kunio Okimura Collaborator: Collaborator: Background and Motivation Developments of various electronic materials and devices support continuous progress of advanced technologies. In this laboratory, functionalities of metal oxide, such as vanadium dioxide, are investigated with aims of realizing next generation electronic devices based on oxide semiconductors. We developed fabrication method such as new sputtering technology in order to achieve characteristic thin film deposition. Reactive Sputtreing Setup (→) ICP-assisted sputtering (↓) Originality We have reactive sputtering setup in the laboratory, which are served for deposition of oxide thin films. ICP-assisted sputtering method in which energetic ions assist low temperature film deposition is a powerful tool for development of new devices. Electronic properties are also important parameters for realizing electronic devices. R-T characteristics of VO2(↑) (←)Planer device using VO2 Impact and Perspective Vanadium oxide is known to be an oxide which shows metal-insulator transition (MIT) phenomenon against temperature. The realization of the MIT triggered by electric field and light irradiation pushed this oxide towards potential candidate for electronic fast switching device. We mainly study to fabricate VO2 and to achieve vertically aligned switching device. ◆Link: Published papers from the group Y. Nihei, Y. Sasakawa and K. Okimura:Advantages of Inductively Coupled Plasma -Assisted Sputtering for Preparation of Stoichiometric VO2 films with Metal-Insulator Transition, Thin Solid Films, Vol.516, pp.3572 -3576 (2008). K.Okimura, Nurul Ezreena, Y. Sasakawa and J.Sakai:Electric Field-Induced Multi-Step Resistance Switching Phenomena in a Planer VO2 / c-Al2O3 Structure, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.48, No.6, 065003 (6pages) (2009). K. Okimura, J. Sakai, and S. Ramanathan:In-situ X-ray diffraction studies on epitaxial VO2 films grown on c-Al2O3 during thermally induced insulator-metal transition, J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 107, 063503 (5pages) (2010). K. Okimura and Y. Suzuki:Epitaxial Growth of V2O3 Thin Films on c-Al2O3 in Reactive Sputtering and Its Transformation to VO 2 Films by Post-annealing, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.50, No.6, 065803 (5pages) (2011). ◆Contact e-mail:okifn at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Electrical and Electronics Engineering Advanced eco electric vehicle Development of ultra high efficiency electric vehicle Topics: Solar car・Electric vehicle・Fuel cell vehicle Principal investigator: Prof. Hideki Kimura ① Background and Motivation The new generation cars that run by using a variety of renewable energy sources are necessary to against the oil depletion and global warming. We develop the energy conservation electric vehicle by using the clean energy such as the solar array, fuel cell and the battery. Originality 96-97% Solar car “2009 Tokai Challenger” efficiency brushless DC motors applied iron based amorphous have been developed. The light weight and low aerodynamic drag body realized by carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) by using 3D CAD and CFD. Impact and Perspective The solar car “Tokai Challenger” developed for “World Solar Challenge 2009” and “South Fuel cell vehicle “Faraday’s Magic 2” African Solar Challenge 2010” has become a winner of the race. The fuel-cell vehicle “Faraday’s Magic 2” was also winner of the Published papers from the group “World Econo Move”. Next solar car is developing just now. ◆Link: ◆Contact e-mail:nondisclosure Material Science and Chemistry Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Material Science and Technology Materials Research for Advanced Science and Technology Breakthrough for safety life Topics:Materials for Aerospace. Principal investigator: Prof. Yoshitake Nishi ① Collaborator: Associate Prof. Mitsuo Iwase ② Collaborator: Assistant Prof. Michel Faudree ③ ① ③ ② Background and Motivation The bird strike accidental fall occurred on the Hudson river of A320-airbus of US AIRWAYS (2009, January, 16th). To prevent the bird strike, Electron Beam Irradiation (EBI), which enhances the stiffness, fracture strain and tensile strength of carbon fiber, was performed. EBI also enhances the Charpy impact value , which is 2.4 times larger than that before HLEBI (58 kJ/m2) at mid point fracture probability. EBI remarkably raises the bending strength and fracture strain of CFRP. Originality 15 Compressive stress σ (kPa) The originality concerns concepts of EBI effects on mechanical properties of Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRP), which are foreseen to play an important role as structural materials for their high fracture stress and lightweight (aeronautic applications). The results of a strengthening effect and a significant increase of fracture stress of irradiated FRP will be expected. 0Mrad 150Mrad 120° C/C 10 CF CF 5 0 0.0 (The NIKKEI WEEKLY, 2005,Feb21st、 日経産業新聞 2005/1/17) 0.1 0.2 Compressive strain ε 0.3 C/C Impact and Perspective < Academic Record (1977-2010March)>: Paper (Journal with formal referees and Impact factor) = 284 (242), Conference Proceedings (International conference) > 217 (>110), Review: 13, Book: 7, Patent: 32 (47th in Japan University 2009), Prize: 31, News paper reported: 16, Invited lecture (International): 37(20), and Chairman of International Conf. (Co-chair): 3 (2). ①The C/C composites developed by ACROSS exhibits the spring function at 2000℃. ② However, the weak spring force is serious problem, as shown in the coil stress strain curve in Fig. ③ To reinforce the spring force, HLEBI has been performed. It enhances the spring constant. The linear ss relationship is obtained. Spring constant k (N/mm) Effects of EB irradiation on spring constant of C/C composite coil, Y. Nishi, N. Uchida, A. Kimura, A. Mizutani, K. Oguri, A. Tonegawa, J. Materials Science, 38 (2003) 2215 -2218. DB 20 180° Vacant site DB 15 10 Ã 0.15 5 0 100 200 300 Irradiation dose (Mrad) Published papers from the group 1:High fracture resistance of carbon fiber treated by electron beam irradiation, J. Materials Research,16(6)(2001)1632-1635. 2:Effect of peening on structure and volume in a liquid-quenched Pd0.835Si0.165 glass, Phys.Rev.B.37 (1988)2855-2860. 3:Solid-Liquid interfacial energy of Ni40Pd40P20 alloy glass, Phys.Rev.B,34(1986)1792-1794. 電子線照射し、絶縁性を示す Y 系超伝導体試料における Tc の回 復過程と高 Tc 処理の可能 性を示唆した。この基礎研究は英国ケンブリッジ大学で開発した ジョセフソン素子開発の 研究に引用。Effect of aging on Tc of YBa2Cu3O7-y irradiated electron beam, J.Appl.Phys.70(1991)367-371. 傷が付き難く、赤外線の透過率が高いことによりガン手術に効果 Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Material Science and Technology Preparation of cathode materials for a lithium-ion battery using environmentally benign methods Toward High performance Cathode Materials Topics:Lithium Ion Secondary Battery, Cathode materials, Powder Preparation Principal investigator: Prof. keiichi Katayama ① Collaborator: Associate Prof. Masashi Higuchi ② ※ここに顔写真 ① Background and Motivation ② がは入ります。 The interest in lithium-ion batteries in large-scale power source applications such as electric vehicles (EVs) has been significantly increased in recent years. Important factors with regard to the use of these batteries are low cost, environmental safety, good cyclability and a high specific capacity. Manganese-based lithium metal oxides and lithium iron phosphates were considered to be promising cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries 電子レンジを利用したマイクロ波合成装置の写真 Originality Impact and Perspective High-performance cathode materials for lithium-ion secondary batteries are requisite in various fields, and have been synthesized using several methods. Especially, environmental friendly powder preparation methods such as a microwave heating method and a solvothermal synthesis method have been found to be useful for producing cathode materials. Final goal of the present work is to produce cathode materials for for electric vehicles application. Lets study to accomplish this goal and our day will come! Demonstration of Microwave Synthesis for preparing cathode materials. 4.4 3.4 4.2 3.2 4.0 3.0 3.8 2.8 マイクロ波合成 3.6 市販品 3.4 Voltage:3.4~2.4V Rate:C/6 Voltage / V Voltage vs. Li/Li+/V Environmental-friendly powder synthesis methods such as a microwave heating one and solvothermal synthesis one have been used for preparing lihtium ion secondary batteries' cathod materials. Those methods produced minute powders suitable for cathodes materials efficiently and quickly, and their electrochemical properties of the powders such as LiMn2O4 and LiFePO4 were far better than those of commercially available ones. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Specific Capacity/mAhg-1 Initial Discharge Curves of LiMn2O4 prepared using Microwave Synthesis and commercially available one. 2.6 2.4 0 x1 = 0.30 x1 = 0.15 x1 = 0 25 50 75 100 125 Specific capacity / mAhg-1 Initial Discharge Curves of Li4-2XNi3XMn5-XO12 prepared using Molten Salt Synthsis. Published papers from the group M. Higuchi, K. Suzuki, K.Katayama, T. Nakamura, A. Kagohashi, A. Kinoshita, H. Suzuki, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 445(2010) pp. 113-116 T. Kishiki, M.Higuchi, T.Asaka, Y.Azuma, K.Katayama, Key Engineering materials Vol. 421(2009) pp. 235-238 T. Kishiki, M.Higuchi, T.Asaka, Y.Azuma, K.Katayama, Key Engineering materials Vol. 388(2008) pp. 281-284 K. Katayama, J. the Soc. of Inorg. Materials, Japan Vol. 15(2007) pp. 42-49 Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Material Science and Technology Chemistry of Selenium and Protein Folding Organic Chemistry Approaches to Biological Problems in Life Science Topics: Selenium, Organic Synthesis, Proteins, Molecular Simulation Principal investigator: Prof. Michio Iwaoka Background and Motivation To elucidate biological problems from the viewpoint of organic chemistry, we are studying on (1) model reaction systems of selenium-containing enzymes, (2) the principle of protein folding, (3) synthesis and applications of seleno amino acids, and (4) development of a new protein force field. In our laboratory, we approach intriguing biological phenomena from the both sides of experiment and theory. Originality Selenium is a unique element, which has low chemical potentials of oxidation and reduction. Taking advantage of this feature, we succeeded in carrying out new organic and biological reactions. We further developed a new protein force field on the basis of single amino acid potentials (SAAP). Impact and Perspective The new reactions for the synthesis of selenocysteine and selenopeptides developed in our laboratory will be applied to the design of new selenium antioxidants. The research on the mechanism of protein folding will have impacts on elucidation of protein misfolding diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Published papers from the group S. Yoshida, et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 2125–2128. K. Arai, K. Dedachi, M. Iwaoka, Chem. Eur. J., 2011, 17, 481–485. K. Arai, F. Kumakura, M. Iwaoka, Biochemistry, 2010, 49, 10535–10542. M. Iwaoka, et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 2010, 83, 935–941. F. Kumakura, et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2010, 440–445. M. Iwaoka, et al., J. Comput. Chem., 2009, 30, 2039–2055. M. Iwaoka, et al., J. Biochem., 2008, 144, 121–130. ◆Contact e-mail:miwaoka at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Material Science and Technology Synthetic study of highly functional polymer Functional polymers for environmental protection and biocompatible materials Topics:Separation membrane・Biocompatible material・High performance polymer Principal investigator: Prof. Yu Nagase Background and Motivation Separation technique using polymer membranes has been focused in much attention as an energy-saving technology. We have developed novel membrane materials which established the efficient removal of toxic organic compounds or carbon dioxide from the environment. In addition, the highly biocompatible and durable polymer materials have been investigated for the medical use. Several new polymers have been created by our research cycles of (1) molecular designs, (2) syntheses and (3) evaluations. Originality R The obtained membrane material, which consisted of polydimethylsiloxane graft copolyimide, exhibited the high selectivity for organic components, and the very thin films of m size could be prepared. Then, the introduction of phosphorylcholine (PC) group into polyamides and polyurethanes has been achieved by preparing novel monomers containing PC unit, to develop the highly biocompatible and mechanically strong polymer materials. We have confirmed the efficiency of our designed and synthesized polymers. H2N R O O R NH2 CH2 OCH2 CH2CH2 H2 N CH3 CH3 Si O Si C4H9 CH3 R O CO NH2 O x CH3 O y P OCH2CH2 N+(CH3)3 PC diamine (R = H or CH 3, m = 1 or 3) HOCH2 CH2O OCH2CH2 OH NH2 CH2 CH2O m O- O R O O C O CH2 CH2O PDMS macromonomer (R = H or CH3 ) H2N R O O CH2 CH2CH2 CH3 CH3 Si O Si C4H9 CH3 C O CH2 CH2O P OCH2CH2 N+(CH3)3 O- O PC diol x CH3 PEO/PDMS macromonomer (R = H or CH 3) CH=CH2 R H2N O O N Impact and Perspective CO CH2 CH2O O Our membrane materials could efficiently remove the toxic organic components, such as benzene and dichloromethane, from the dilute aqueous solutions. It is expected that this membrane would be useful for the waste water treatment in the industry. On the other hand, the mechanical properties of our biocompatible polymers could be controlled by changing the main chain components according to any demands of medical applications, for example, artificial bone, joint, lung, heart and blood tube. N NH2 y N CH3 PEO macromonomer N R INC monomers Original Monomers in Nagase Lab. Published papers from the group Y. Nagase, T. Ando and C. M. Yun, “Syntheses of siloxane-grafted aromatic polymers and the application to pervaporation membrane” Reactive & Functional Polymers Vol. 67 (2007) pp. 1252-1263 Y. Nagase, M. Oku, Y. Iwasaki and K. Ishihara, “Preparations of aromatic diamine monomers and copolyamides containing phosphorylcholine moiety and the biocompatibility of copolyamides” Polymer Journal Vol. 39 (2007) pp. 712-721 Y. Nagase, S. Nakajima, M. Oku, Y. Iwasaki and K. Ishihara, “Synthesis and properties of segmented poly(urethane-urea)s containing phosphorylcholine moiety in the side-chain”, Polymer Journal, Vol. 40 (2008) pp. 1149–1156 ◆Contact e-mail:yunagase at ※at = @ X X R Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Material Science and Technology Geochemical evaluation of volcanic activity Mitigation of volcanic hazard through capacity building in global scale Topics:Magma, Gas, Volcanic lake, hot spring water Principal investigator: Prof. Takeshi OHBA Background and Motivation Volcanic activity is one of the aspects of earth evolution. We have benefited from volcanoes and suffered by the disaster. Many people are living around active volcanoes. The accurate evaluation of volcanic activity is necessary. In this study, we focus on the geochemical monitoring for active volcanoes. Volcanic lakes are the noticeable target for the monitoring because they accumulate magmatic volatile in lake water. Lake Nyos is a rare case where CO2 gas is dissolved in deep lake water. The mechanism is one of the objects of research. Originality Field experiment to detect a back scattered Raman light emitted Although the seismic observation is the principal player in volcanic study, geochemical observation is recently drawing attention. The volatile substance emitted from magma is transported to surface as fumarolic gas, hot spring water and volcanic lake water. The chemical composition changes in response to the volcanic activity, for example, CO2/H2O ratio of fumarolic gas increase before or during volcanic unrest. The Mg/Cl of acidic lake water increases sharply prior to the unrest. from the irradiated volcanic gas Impact and Perspective One downside of geochemical observation is the sampling and analysis based on manual operation. A preliminary study to detect chemical components in fumarolic gas and lake water is carried out by use of laser emission. One important aim of volcanology is the mitigation of hazard. Developing countries are requesting the international cooperation in volcanic monitoring. We are accepting foreign students in the countries to build their capacity in terms of sustainable monitoring research. On the rim of Lake Nyos crater, Cameroon Ohba, T., Y. Daita, T. Sawa, N. Taira and Y. Kakuage, Bull. Volcanol., 73 (2011) p457-469. Ohba, T., K. Nogami, J. Hirabayashi, T. Sawa, K. Kazahaya, N. Morikawa and M. Ohwada, Annals Geophysics, 54 (2011) p187-197. Ohba, T., J. Hirabayashi, K. Nogami, M. Kusakabe and M. Yoshida. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 175 (2008) 120-132. ◆Contact e-mail:takeshi_ohba at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Material Science and Technology High performance superconductors and its applications Advanced superconducting wires and tapes for magnets Topics:MgB2 superconductor, YBCO current leads, critical current Principal investigator: Prof. Yutaka Yamada Background and Motivation Superconductivity is a key technology of 21st century in the fields of transportation as MAGLEV train, energy as transmission cable and SMES, medicine as MRI, and information & communication as advanced computer. We have been conducting research and development into high-temperature oxide superconducting materials and metallic MgB2 superconductor for their practical applications. MgB2 wire Originality Superconducting Magnet MAGLEV: JR Tokai It is not easy for high temperature oxide such as Y-based and Bi-based superconductors and MgB2 to form wires and tapes because of their hard and brittle properties. We have been developing the original processes of hot pressing and diffusion process to obtain dense and oriented structures. The former is to press MgB2 core during heat treatment, and the latter is a mutual diffusion process synthesized through Mg tube and Boron powder at lower temperature than melting point of Mg. Impact and Perspective Y-based: YBCO current leads with large transport current and small heat leakage have been promising for conventional and cryogen-free superconducting magnets. MgB2 thin wires sheathed with stainless steel have been developed in original level sensor for liquid hydrogen which is essential in hydrogen society near future Published papers from the group Y. Yamada, Y. Ishii, S. Sakai, K. Shiohara, K. Tachikawa, Y. Aoki, A. Kaneko, T. Koizumi, H. Tamura and T. Mito, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Vol. 21 (2011) pp. 1054 - 1057. Y. Yamada, K. Shiohara, S. Sakai, Y. Ishii, K. Tachikawa, T. Koizumi, Y. Aoki and T. Hasegawa, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Vol. 20 (2010) pp.1714-1717. Y. Yamada, M. Nakatsuka, A. Nitta, K. Tachikawa and H. Kumakura, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Vol.17 (2007) pp. 2911-2914. ◆Contact e-mail:yyamaday at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Material Science and Technology High-performance electronic materials and novel synthesis Electronic properties of inorganic materials Topics: Electronic materials, Nano-technologies, Quantum structures Principal investigator: Prof. Masafumi Chiba Background and Motivation How do we best utilize resources and materials? This is a question directed not only to our country but also to the whole world. We need to search for new materials using nanotechnology and take a strategic approach in exploring their acceptance, influence, and future in different fields. Owing to the shortage of rare earth minerals, we focus on the development of substitute materials and scientifically examine the possibility of technological innovation and development. Transparency conductive thin film. Originality We are developing new functional films without the use of rare and expensive elements. For example, we aim to create transparent conductive materials and further improve their characteristics. While conventionally available materials used were oxides with rare metals, we are trying to discover new materials with elements for which we do not have to be concerned about the exhaustion of resources. Furthermore, the synthesis of these materials can also be an interesting subject of study. Newly liquid phase deposition apparatus. Impact and Perspective Our goal is to devise new film-forming technological alternatives to the conventional vapor-phase and liquid-phase techniques. We have so far succeeded in developing new quantum hybrid materials with different types of ions uniquely using magnesium hydroxide as the base frame. It would be possible to develop a desired function if we could calculate the molecular orbit energy from the state of the ion in each lattice point and handle it freely. DOS of Mg-OH 45 model clusters. Published papers from the group - M. Chiba, M. Higashi, H. Kiyota, M. Maizono, and T. Kuji: Suppl. Proc. of the Minerals, Matals and Materials Society, 3, 605 (2011). - H. Kiyota, M. Higashi, M. Chiba, and T. Kurosu: Proc. of the Material Research Society 2010 Fall Meeting, 1282, a05-33 (2011). - M. Higashi, H. Kiyota, T. Kurosu1, and M. Chiba: Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50, 061502 (2011). ◆Contact e-mail:carl at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Material Science and Technology Studies on the Synthesis of Amino Acids and Peptides Labeled with Stable Isotopes Topics:Stable isotope labeling, Amino acid, Peptide, Structural analysis Principal investigator: Makoto OBA Background and Motivation Stable isotope-labeled compounds are widely used as a non-radioactive tracer in chemical, biological and environmental processes. In particular, labeled amino acids are useful for stereochemical studies on the enzymatic reactions and for determining the 3D solution structure of peptides and proteins by NMR spectroscopy. In addition, such amino acids are paid attention in medicinal chemistry because some of them show biological activity. Originality In the light of above background, we have recently been engaged in the stereoselective synthesis of amino acids regioand stereoselectively labeled with stable isotopes such as D, 13C, and 15N. The selective replacement of one of diastereotopic hydrogens and methyl groups with deuterium atoms is the most important technique for the NMR structural analysis. 1H NMR spectra of labeled prolines and leucines, prepared in our laboratory, for the first time, are shown in Figure 1. and 2. Figure 1. 400 MHz 1H NMR Spectra of Deuterated Prolines Impact and Perspective The obtained labeled amino acids facilitate the stereospecific assignments for the diastereotopic proton signals, which are indispensable for the precise structural analysis. Using the assigned signals as an analytical probe, we can determine the 3D solution structure of amino acids and small peptides through spin-spin couplings and NOEs. For larger peptides and proteins, selective 13C labeling is useful to extract interesting signals by a 2D NMR technique such as HSQC. Figure 2. 400 MHz 1H NMR Spectra of Labeled Leucines Published papers from the group 1) M. Oba, K. Tanaka, K. Nishiyama, W. Ando, J. Org. Chem. 2011, 76, 4173–4177; 2) M. Oba, T. Kondo, K. Tanaka, S. Koguchi, K. Nishiyama, J. Organomet. Chem. 2011, 696, 982-985; 3) M. Oba, Y. Okada, M. Endo, K. Tanaka, K. Nishiyama, S. Shimada, W. Ando, Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 10680-10686; 4) Y. Okada, M. Oba, A. Arai, K. Tanaka, K. Nishiyama, W. Ando, Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 383-385; 5) M. Oba, Y. Okada, K. Nishiyama, W. Ando, Org Lett. 2009, 11, 1879-1881. ◆Link:http:// ◆Contact e-mail:moba at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Material Science and Technology Advanced Nanoceramics Nanoceramics by nano-size grain boundary Topics:Nanoceramics, Nanocomposites Principal investigator: Prof. Jun-ichi Matsushita Background and Motivation We are researching about nanoceramics and nanocomposites in order to pull out properties which ceramic materials have, such as "electrical conductivity", a "thermal resistance", "adsorbent, "fluorescence", or "bio-activity", to the maximum extent. Our research about the composition and evaluation of highly efficient nanoceramics which controlled a crystal grain, grain boundary phases, etc. by the nano-size order is performed. ②Research journals ①Preparation for sintered body Originality Our researches about nanoceramics for new creation of highly efficient are following: (1) The environmental material field: Development of the highly efficient photocatalyst material (joint research (partially) with Tohoku University, Japan) (2) The biomechanical material field: Development of apatite bioceramics for dental material (3) Energy material field: Development of boride nonoceramics for excellent thermal neutron ③The samples of the Vickers hardness at high temperature capturing (partial joint research with Korea Atomic ④High temperature hardness tester Energy Research Institute, Korea) ⑤TEM photograph of the microstructure of the sample Reference: The Ceramic Society of Japan, “New Research Cluster” Impact and Perspective Published papers from the group The motto of our laboratory is "possibility of a success with a big pile of a small result." Let's do the fundamental R&D about excellent nanoceramics for which everybody was waiting eagerly together with us, and hold a success! 1. "Sintering and Mechanical Properties of Chromium Boride-Chromium Carbide Composites", Materials Science Forum, 534-536, 1077-1080 (2007). 2. "Oxidation Behavior of Tantalum Boride Ceramics", Solid State Penomena, 124-126, 819-822 (2007). 3. "Preparation of Si infiltrated SiB6-TiB2 composites", Journal of Ceramic Processing Research. 11, 1-5 (2010). ◆Contact e-mail:jmatsu at ※at = @ Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Control of transportation electromagnetic levitation of flexible steel plate Hybrid magnetic levitation system using permanent magnet Topics:Electromagnetic levitation・Permanent magnet・Genetic algorithm Principal investigator: Prof. Yasuo Oshinoya ① Collaborator: Assistant Prof. Shinya Hasegawa ② Collaborator: Graduate Student Takayoshi Narita ③ ① ② ③ Background and Motivation Magnetic levitation technology becomes familiar to us, for example practical use of MAGLEV. Generally, thin steel plates are conveyed while in contact with rollers (Fig.1). This leads to deterioration in the quality of the plate surface, such as flaws and peeling of the plated layer. To solve this problem, we proposed a hybrid magnetic levitation control system for a thin steel plate using the magnetic force (Fig.2). (Fig.1) Manufacturing process of the steel plate controller Gap sensor x Originality Electromagnet z The system suppresses the deflection of the flexible steel plate, when installing a permanent magnet where the attractive force of the electromagnet is hard to reach. It is practically impossible to search for the optimal position of the permanent magnets by experiment because the number of combinations of search patterns is huge. Therefore, the optimal position is sought using a genetic algorithm (Fig.3). y Permanent magnet Steel plate (30mm×30mm×15mm) (800mm×600mm× 0.18mm, 0.24mm , 0.27mm) (Fig.2) Hybrid magnetic levitation system Impact and Perspective Currently, we are examining about the magnetic levitation stability of the steel plate in stationary condition. In the future, we will consider that change the distance between the surface of each permanent magnet and the thin steel plate, and install a magnet of different strength. In addition, we will search for an optimal placement in transportation condition. Moreover, we aim to search for an optimal placement which uses the attractive force of the electromagnet as little as possible and energy saving. ◆Link: (Fig.3) Optimal placement of permanent magnet using genetic algorithm Published papers from the group T. Narita, Y. Oshinoya, and S. Hasegawa,International Power Electronics Conference-Sapporo2010,(2010-6),CD-ROM. T. Narita, Y. Oshinoya, and S. Hasegawa,16th International Conference on Electrical Engineering,(2010), CD-ROM. T. Narita, Y. Oshinoya, S. Hasegawa and H.Kasuya, Proc. Schl. Eng. Tokai Univ., Ser. E 35, (2010), 41-46. ◆Contact e-mail:ossy at ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics A study on riding comfort in a small electric vehicle Optimal design of ride comfort using psychology and physiology information by an active seat suspension Topics:Small electric vehicle・Active seat suspension・Riding comfort Principal investigator: Prof. Yasuo Oshinoya ① Collaborator: Assistant Prof. Shinya Hasegawa ② Collaborator: Graduate Student Hideaki Kato ③ ※ここに顔 ※ここに顔 ※ここに顔 写真が入り 写真が入り 写真が入り ます。 ます。 ます。 ① ② ③ Background and Motivation It has become important to pursue comfort, automatic control and many more amenities for future vehicles, until you do not realize you are actually driving. Therefore, it is necessary to develop intelligent vehicles using advanced information technologies. A small electric vehicle (Fig.1), which is becoming high in demand are used to conduct a research to develop a high performance vehicle that can help create a comfortable daily life. (Fig.1) Small electric vehicle Originality Driving a small vehicle into the narrow and the unpaved road is easy, but riding comfort deteriorates because of the great influence of vibration. In this study group, we propose an active seat suspension (Fig.2) to control this vibration, using a voice coil motor that is small and easy to install. Moreover, riding comfort is evaluated (Fig.3) by measuring psychology and physiology information such as the heartbeat fluctuations, to offer a comfortable ride. (Fig.2) Active seat suspension Impact and Perspective A person's feelings are measured to optimize riding comfort because it is ruled greatly by the passenger's feelings (psychological condition). This has to reflect in the regulating system of vehicles. By forecasting the feature and sense of an individual, and the preferences of riding comfort using the driver's biological reaction, we aim to realize a vehicle that offers better riding comfort. (Fig.3)Experimental scenery and heart rate variability measuring device Published papers from the group H. Kato, Y. Oshinoya, S. Hasegawa, H. Kasuya, Proc. Schl. Eng. Tokai Univ., Ser. E 35, (2010), 47-51. H. Kato, Y. Oshinoya, S. Hasegawa, H. Kasuya, Proc. Schl. Eng. Tokai Univ., Ser. E 35, (2010), 53-57. ◆Link: ◆Contact e-mail:ossy at ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics 研究テーマ サブタイトル Topics: Principal investigator: Associate Prpf. Kazuyoshi Tsuchiya Background and Motivation A typical diabetic patient needs to make between 5 and 7 painful measurements of glucose concentrations each day in order to stabilize their blood sugar level system. In this study, a new microneedle production technique to produce a painless microneedle the same size as a mosquito's labium, which is almost sucking blood painlessly, is proposed. Originality A titanium microneedle the same size as a female mosquito's labium was produced by the sputter deposition method. The Ti was deposited onto a very small diameter wire, which was rotated by a motor in the chamber, and the wire material was removed by a wet etching process. The technique can produce any materials microtube, size and shape as well. Impact and Perspective The technique can also deposit PZT film on the titanium microtube, therefore we propose a new type of valve-less micropump, which consists of piezoelectric rings located at equal intervals on the tube and the waves in a tube fully filled liquid becomes a progressive wave with an elliptic motion to Published papers from the group Kazuyoshi TSUCHIYA et. al. Precision Engineering Vol34(2010) 461-466 Kazuyoshi TSUCHIYA et. al. J. of Appl. Phy. Vol.103 (2008) 114701-1-9 Kazuyoshi TSUCHIYA et. al. Biomed. Microdevices Vol.7 No.4 (2005) 347-353 transport the liquid in the tube. Moreover, if practical use to the micro needle for the medical treatment ◆Contact e-mail:tsuxhiya at with the highest hurdle can be achieved by the restriction of Pharmaceutical Affairs Act etc., and the offer of the extra fine tube to a wide industrial field ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Recognition and navigation of autonomous mobile robots under an unknown environment Flexible decision-making and optimal trajectory planning Topics:autonomous robots, obstacle avoidance, sensor fusion, trajectory planning Principal investigator: Yoshio Yamamoto Background and Motivation As a recent advancement of robot technology is expanding its applications to our daily life, a robot is expected to operate under a variety of circumstances, indoors or outdoors, while handling interactions with humans or other robots. Moreover, the robot needs to possess a flexibility to deal with unexpected scenarios. As a benchmark, we participate “Tsukuba Challenge” to test our robot system against different conditions. Originality For a symbiotic relationship between humans and robots, not only intelligence but also reliability and safety issues become very important. While a robot is expected to determine its own location and state based on a variety of sensors, it also needs to be able to gracefully handle unforeseen situations. Our goal is to establish a control and planning scheme for providing mobile robots with such high reliability. safety measures. Impact and Perspective Look-ahead control method employed in this study can provide a robot with a smooth trajectory as well as high mobility. Addition of an intelligent navigation scheme to it will enable to build a friendly, reliable robot for humans. This idea can be extended to a multi-robot system or robot-human system which can deal with a more difficult task that cannot be done otherwise. ◆Link: Published papers from the group A. I. Cahyadi, P. Nugroho, Y. Yamamoto, “Hybrid Design of Passive Mobile Robot Teleoperation System”, ECTI Transaction EEC, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 232 – 238, 2010. Y-C. Chang, Y. Yamamoto, “Path Planning of Wheeled Mobile Robot with Simultaneous Free Space Locating Capability”, Intelligent Service Robotics, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 9-22, 2009. Y-C. Chang, Y. Yamamoto, “On-line Path Planning Strategy Integrated with Collision and Dead-lock Avoidance Schemes for Wheeled Mobile Robot in Indoor Environments”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.35, No.5, pp. 421-434, 2008. A. I. Cahyadi, Y. Yamamoto, “Teleoperated 3-DOF Micromanipulation System with Force Feedback Capability: Design and Experiments”, Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol.35, No.4, pp. 337-346, 2008. Contact e-mail:yoshio at ※ at = @ フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Graduate School of Science and Technology Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Development of new detection methods for VOCs and active oxygen QCM sensors for volatile organic compounds(VOCs) and active oxygen Topics : QCM (Quartz crystal microbalance ), VOC sensor, active oxygen sensor Principal investigator: Prof. Satoru IWAMORI Background and Motivation Highly sensitive detection technologies for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and active oxygen are required. The use of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) is one such method. In this Lab., a simple and high sensitive monitoring technologies for VOC gas and active oxygen have been developed. A QCM sensor for active oxygen detection Originality developed by this research group Organic thin films prepared by an r.f. sputtering and spin coating were deposited onto the QCM electrode. These thin films indicate characteristic adsorption properties for the VOCs and chemical reactions with the active oxygen, respectively. Impact and Perspective Published papers from the group We have developed a new sensor for active oxygen detection based on the QCM. This sensor can be applied for various industries, i.e., sterilization process in medical devices. For example, ・ S.Iwamori, R.Sugimoto, K.Osada, M.Kurata, H.Matsumoto, K.Noda, “Gas adsorption performance of organic thin films prepared by plasma-assisted vacuum evaporation with polyimide precursors”, Sensors & Materials, Vol.22, No.7, pp.347-356, (2010.10) ・S.Iwamori, T.Tanabe, S.Yano, K.Noda, “Adsorption properties of fluorocarbon thin films prepared by physical vapor deposition methods” Surface & Coatings Technology, Vol.204, pp.2803-2807, (2010.05) ・S.Iwamori, S.Yano, R.Sugimoto, A.Uemura, H.Matsumoto, K.Noda, “Adsorption properties of thin films prepared by r.f. sputtering with a BPDA-PDA polyimide target”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.49, 04, DK-18-1~5, (2010.04) ・ H.Matsumoto, M.Matsuoka, K.Yoshino, T.Iwasaki, S.Kinoshita, K.Noda, S.Iwamori,” Monitoring of Surface Treatment Effects on Sputter-Coated Organic Film under Atomic Oxygen and Ultraviolet Irradiation”, Chemistry Letters, Vol.39, No.2, pp.102-103, (2009.12) ◆Contact e-mail:iwamori at ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Improvement of mechanical properties of organic thin films Studies for organic thin films with several tens nanometer coating thickness Topics: sputtering, vacuum evaporation, spin coating, organic thin films Principal investigator: Prof. Satoru IWAMORI Background and Motivation Organic thin films deposited onto metal, inorganic and polymer substrates by an r.f. sputtering, vacuum evaporation and spin coating were evaluated to enhance their mechanical, adhesion and tribological properties. Originality Organic thin films prepared by physical vapor deposition (PVD), e.g., r.f. sputtering and Plasma enhanced vacuum polymerization apparatus plasma-enhanced vacuum evaporation, have designed and produced by Iwamori lab. different characteristics from pristine materials. In this Lab., growth mechanisms of Published papers from the group these organic thin films were investigated. For example, Impact and Perspective In this Lab., new evaluation technologies for mechanical properties of thin films in a microscopic region were developed. In addition, a new evaporation apparatus for coating of functional organic thin films was designed and produced. ・上村彰宏,田部智也,岩森暁、 「ポリイミドをターゲットとした高周波ス パッタ膜の成膜条件が薄膜に与える影響」 電気学会論文誌 A (基礎・材料・ 共通部門誌) Vol.130. No.2, pp.147-154,(2010.02) ・S.Iwamori, N.Hasegawa, A.Uemura, T.Tanabe, I.Nishiyama, “Friction and adhesion properties of fluorocarbon polymer thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering”, Vacuum, 84, pp.592-596, (2009.12). ・A.Uemura, K. Kezuka, S.Iwamori, I.Nishiyama, “Effects of substrate temperature on the surface of polymer thin films prepared by R.F. sputtering with a polyimide target”, Vacuum, 84, pp.607-611, (2009.12) ・S.Iwamori, M. Mizoguchi, I. Nishiyama, “Adhesion and mechanical properties of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) -poly(vinyl alcohol) composite thin films prepared by spin coating method”,Polyimides and Other High Temperature Polymers,Vol.5, pp.285-292,(2009.05) ・S.Iwamori,“ Adhesion and friction properties of fluorocarbon polymer thin films coated onto metal substrates ” , Key Engineering Materials, Vol.384, pp.311-320, (2008.09) ・岩森暁,毛塚和哉,上村彰宏, 「スパッタフッ素樹脂薄膜の分子構造と摩 擦・摩耗特性」、材料、Vol.57. No.6,pp.611-616,(2008.06) ・岩森暁,北拓也, 「ゴム基板上に形成したポリテトラフルオロエチレン真 空蒸着膜の摩擦特性と密着性」,日本機械学会誌論文集 C 編、74 巻 739 号, pp.717-723,(2008.03) ◆Contact e-mail:iwamori at ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Metal, inorganic and organic thin films deposited onto a plastic film substrate Functional material thin films deposited onto a polyester film substrate prepared by PVD methods Topics : plastic film substrate, physical vapor deposition (PVD), sputtering, vacuum evaporation Principal investigator: Prof. Satoru IWAMORI Background and Motivation Properties of plastic film substrate are improved due to the metal, inorganic and organic thin film coatings prepared by physical vapor deposition (PVD) methods. Originality Tin (Sn) + zinc (Zn) alloy thin films deposited on the polyester (PET) film Vacuum forming properties of tin–zinc thin films substrate by co-evaporation indicate an deposited on polyester film substrate excellent tensile property. Any micro-crack (Optical micrographs of Sn (upper section) and Sn+Zn cannot be found at the surface of Sn+Zn (lower section) thin films before (A) and after (B) the alloy thin film. vacuum forming test. Any micro-crack cannot be found at the surface of the Sn+Zn alloy thin film.) Iwamori, et al., Vacuum, 84 (2009) 581. Impact and Perspective Properties of polyester film substrate were enhanced by ・Metal thin film coating:Excellent tensile properties (Sn+Zn alloy) ・Inorganic thin film coating:Improvement of gas barrier properties (silicon oxynitride) ・Organic thin film coating:Antireflection properties (fluorocarbon) Published papers from the group For example, ・S. Iwamori, Y. Nagai, S. Seino, M. Kobayashi, K. Noda, “Optical properties of fluorocarbon thin films deposited onto transparent film substrate by r.f. sputtering”, ISSP2011 Proceedings (2011.07) • S.Iwamori, T.Kita, S.Saitoh, S.Yano, K.Kaminoda, S.Ohnishi,K.Suzuki , ” Adhesion and vacuum forming properties of tin–zinc thin films deposited on polyester film substrate”, Vacuum, Vol.84, pp.581-586, (2009.12) •北拓也,斉藤翔,岩森暁,「ポリエステルフィルム上に成膜した金属蒸着 膜の引張特性と密着性」 ,真空,Vol.51, No.3,pp.205-207, (2008.03) ・S.Iwamori, Y.Gotoh K.Moorthi, “Characterization of silicon oxynitride gas barrier films”, Vacuum, Vol.68, pp.113-117, (2003.10) ・S.Iwamori, Y.Gotoh, K.Moorthi, “Silicon oxide gas barrier films deposited by reactive sputtering”, Surface and Coatings Technology Vol.166, pp.24-30, (2003.03) ◆Contact e-mail:iwamori at ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Measurement of cortical bone strain distribution by image correlation techniques and from fracture toughness Topics: Image correlation techniques・Cortical bone・Fracture toughness Principal investigator: Prof. Hisao Kikugawa Background and Motivation It is necessary to evaluate crack initiation and propagation after fracture because this process may be different in the case of injured bone tissues. In this study, we attempted to analyze the strain distribution on bone tissue surface by using image correlation techniques in order to elucidate the relationship between microscopic bone damage and strain distribution. Originality Preparation of specimens from bovine femur. This technique uses digital images taken before and after deformation, permitting a relatively simple and inexpensive measurement of strain distribution on the surface of a material. optical system magnification By changing the settings, can be an arbitrary achieved. This technique is thought to be effective for the measurement of biological tissue strain; however, it has rarely been applied to address such issues. Typical load-displacement curve and typical prefailure damage. Impact and Perspective A strain analysis performed using image correlation techniques allowed the visualization of the increased strain at the forward end of the slit of the specimens. Published papers from the group H.Kikugawa, T.Asaka, M.Miyake:Mater.Trans., Vol.48,No.6(2007),1417. M. Kuninori, H.Kikugawa,T.Asaka,H.Kasuya :Mater.Trans., Vol.50,No.2(2009),309. H. Yamaguchi.,H.Kikugawa,T.Asaka,H.Kasuya :Mater.Trans., Vol.52,No.5(2011),1026. ◆Contact e-mail:kiku at Vol.50,No.2(2009),309 ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Optimum Design of Fluid Film Bearing Based on Lubrication Theory Keywords: Optimum design, Fluid film bearing, Robust design Researcher: Prof. Hiromu Hashimoto ① Co-researcher: Associate Prof. Masayuki Ochiai② Co-researcher: Doctoral student Yuta Sunami③ ① Hashimoto, H. ② Ochiai, M. ③ Sunami, Y. Background and Motivation The fluid film bearings include oil film bearings and air film bearings. Furthermore, air film bearings are an effective way to improve the problems related to Green-IT. However, its low viscosity leads to low load and low stiffness of bearings. The research aims in improving these problems by finding new bearing designs. Originality New bearing designs had been discovered through the application of a mathematical programming approach. It has been experimentally proven that by using the abovementioned method, in comparison with a conventional bearing, new design has about 5-10 times higher dynamic stiffness. (i) Groove geometry (a) Optimized bearing (ii) Groove geometry (ii) Pressure distribution (b) Spiral grooved bearing Fig. Groove geometry and pressure distribution of optimized bearing and spiral grooved bearing Micorometer Hydrostatic air bearing Ceramic ball bearing Impact and Perspective Currently, the aim is to eventually introduce air bearings for HDD spindle motors. Apart from that, a combination of robust design and optimum design; robust optimum design, applied to bearing design allows the manufacturing of bearings under strict environmental conditions and bearing tolerances. ◆Link: (ii) Pressure distribution Eddy curent proximity probe Test bearing High frequency motor Rotor Fig. Test rig for gas film thrust bearings 研究グループからの論文 1) Hashimoto, H., Tribology Transactions STLE, Vol. 40, No. 2(1997), 283. 2) Hashimoto, H. and Ochiai, M., Journal of Tribology ASME, Vol. 130, No. 3(2008), 031101. 3) Ibrahim, M. D., Namba, T., Ochiai, M. and Hashimoto, H., Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing JSME, Vol. 4, No. 1(2010), 70. ◆Contact Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics A Study on Web Handling Technology Keywords: Roll-to-roll, Micro-grooved roller Researcher: Prof. Hiromu Hashimoto ① Co-researcher: Toshimitsu Kanda (LINTEC Corporation)② Co-researcher: Ryo Morikawa (FUJI KIKAI KOGYO Co., LTD.)③ ① Hashimoto, H. ② Toshimitsu, K. ③ Ryo, M. Background and Motivation Groove [mm] The trend of web usage for lithium ion batteries and solar panel for green and renewable energy has caught many attention recently. These products use roll-to-roll method for mass production which requires high precision of web handling technology. Hence, the prediction and prevention of errors during manufacturing is a necessity to obtain high precision and stable web handling technology. Fig. Micro-grooved roller W Web bg Originality hg Due to the high speed of transportation of web, air enters between roller and web which creates difficulties transportation them efficiently. Therefore, to prevent web slippage, the micro-grooved roller was introduced. Through the optimization of micro-grooves dimensions, the transportation speed improvement was aimed and verified experimentally. h Sg b ng : Number of groove Micro-grooved roller Fig. Concept of equivalent web spacing for circumferentially micro-grooved roller Web Optical censor (LDV) Road cell Impact and Perspective By introducing concave roller and micro-grooved roller, the wrinkles had been proven preventable during transportation. Furthermore, a more complicated and high precision of web handling technology is aimed with the application of optimization of dimensions of micro grooved roller and concave roller. ◆Link: heq Driving motor Tension control roller Test roller Driving roller Speed controller Tension unit Fig. Overview of test rig 研究グループからの論文 1) Shinji Hikita and Hiromu Hashimoto, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol. 4, p. 226-23. 2) Hiromu Hashimoto, Puttha JEENKOUR and Mongkol MONGKOLWONGROJN, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design Systems, and Manufacturing, Vol. 4, p. 214~225. ◆Contact Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Active/Passive Hybrid Mechanism Artificial finger using double planetary gear system Topics:Artificial finger, Double planetary gear system, Back-drivability, Inherently safe Principal investigator: Koichi Koganezawa Background and Motivation abduct./adduct. Inherently safe is a crucial requirement for robots working in a daily environment co-existing with human in near future. It requires “compliance” to the environment that the robots will physically contact. It also requires a synergic motion of multiple joints without much relying on sensory feedback in a complex control system. The study aims to develop mechanisms that meet the inherently safe requirement mentioned above. compound four-bar links Link 4 Link 5 axis Link 1 Link 3 DIP joint Double planetary gear system Link 2 PIP joint MP joint Artificial finger using DPGS Originality ・We developed a finger mechanism consisting of a planetary gear system that amalgamate an active driving and a passive driving, which provides synergy motion of the three joints of a finger and the back-drivability. ・ We developed the “Double Planetary Gear System (DPGS) that enables a finger adduction/abduction. 1 2 3 4 Impact and Perspective Thanks to the properties of the developed mechanisms mentioned above, they will gain a wide range of application fields, such as a usage in a personal care robot in home, hospital or rehabilitative facilities. Now we are developing a hand with multiple fingers and hand prosthesis that is light weight and all-in-one arrangement of parts. Opening the screw-cap by two fingers Published papers from the group ・K. Koganezawa, Back-drivable and Inherently Safe Mechanism for Artificial Finger, Robotics Science and Systems, V, The MIT Press, to be appeared,2011. ・Y. Ishizuka and K. Koganezawa,A new mechanism of an artificial finger using double planetary gear system,Journal of the Japan Robot Society,Vol.26, No.5, pp. 699-710, 2008, in Japanese. ◆Contact e-mail:kogane at ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Space Propulsion with Laser-Electric Accelerator Highspeed Plasma Generation with High-Power Density Plasma Topics:Space propulsion, Laser induced plasma, Accelerator Principal investigator: Hideyuki Horisawa Background and Motivation Propellant tape Currently, there are urgent requirements for microthrusters under rapid evolution of micro spacecraft. Laser-electric hybrid acceleration, in which laser induced plasma from solid target is further accelerated by electrical means, can give high-power density to the plasma and can induce highspeed plasma beams. Since the system can be compact, simple, and robust, fundamental studies on utilization for spacecraft are being conducted. Accel. electrode B j + + + + - - Laser Fig.1 Laser-electric hybrid acceleration thruster: (a) Laser-electromagnetic acceleration hybrid mode, (b) Laser-electrostatic hybrid acceleration mode. Originality In conventional acceleration mechanism, it has been impossible to combine electrostatic and electromagnetic accelerations in one thruster. However, our system in this study enables this combination. As a novel plasma source, not only for spacecraft applications, but this system can further be applied to material processing in industry. It is significantly important that this can be one of new seeds for both academic and engineering interests. Rotation stage Magnet (dumper) Counter weight Thruster A pair of strings Calibration electrode Displacement sensor Fig.2 Very-low thrust measurement system (photo schematic). and 8000 7000 Isp [sec] 6000 Impact and Perspective Since this system enables low thrust / high specific impulse mode to high thrust / low specific impulse mode, a compact and lightweight thruster system with high robustness can be achieved. It is further expected that this system enables flexible operations to unexpected disturbance to spacecraft on orbit, additional tasks for altitude or attitude controls, etc. These can be the ultimate tasks for micro spacecraft with formation flight operations. 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 Charge energy [J] 8.0 10.0 Fig.3 Typical high-specific-impulse characteristics. Published papers from the group H. Horisawa, Y. Sasaki, T. Shinohara, I. Funaki, Trans. JSASS Space Tech. Jpn Vol.8 (2010) Pb_33. C. Phipps, H. Horisawa, et al., J. Propulsion & Power Vol.26 (2010) p609. H. Horisawa, F. Sawada, S. Hagiwara, I. Funaki, Vacuum Vol.85 (2010) p.574. S. Sumida, H. Horisawa, I. Funaki, Trans. JSASS Space Tech. Jpn Vol.7 (2009) Pb_159. T. Ono, Y. Uchida, H. Horisawa, I. Funaki, Vacuum Vol.83 (2008) p213. ◆Contact e-mail:horisawa at ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Elucidation of Breathing Flows in Respiratory Tract Application of Fluid Dynamics to Living Body Topics: Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinus, Nasal Conchae, Respiratory Flows Principal investigator: Associate Prof. Yoko Takakura ① Collaborator: Prof. Masahiro Iida ② Collaborator: Assistant Prof. Teruhisa Takeo Collaborator: Research Associate Taku Atsumi Background and Motivation ※ここに顔 ① ※ここに顔 写真が入り 写真が入り ② ます。 Model of Upper ます。 Respiratory Tract (an example) and Computational Results In the respiratory system the nasal cavity with paranasal sinuses has functions of ventilations, drainage, olfactory sense. However, the roles of paranasal sinuses and nasal conchae are not made clear. The aim of the researches here is to clarify the effects of paranasal sinuses, shapes of nasal cavities, and shapes of tracheas to the breathing flows by in vitro experiments and numerical computations. Originality The roles of paranasal sinuses have not been made clear. Further, about the effects of shapes of nasal conchae and tracheas to the breathing flows nothing definite are known. These phenomena in the living bodies are simulated by in vitro experiments and numerical computations, and comprehended from the viewpoint of the fluid dynamics. The findings are turned to use in treatments by operations. Experimental scenery Impact and Perspective The activities are increasing to clarify the flow phenomena in living bodies through collaboration between medical doctors and fluid dynamists. Also our research group has obtained the findings that inspiration and expiration has different influence to the olfactory sense, since each dominant flow passes through a different way within a nasal cavity. Because of the new fields, there exists pleasure in setting up aims. Published papers from the group Suzuki, C., Takakura, Y., Atsumi, T., Takeo, T., Iida, M., Saito, K., “Numerical simulation of flows in models of nasal cavities with paranasal sinuses,” Annual Meeting 2011, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, September 2011 (to appear). Takakura, Y., et al., “Characteristics of Stents for Pipe Flows with an Aneurysmal Model,” Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Series B1, Vol. 74, 737, pp.16-24, January 2008. ◆Contact e-mail:takakura at ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Oscillation of Flows about a Supersonic Parachute Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Experimental Fluid Dynamics (EFD) Topics: Parachute, Oscillatory Flows, High-accuracy Numerical Computation Principal investigator: Associate Prof. Yoko Takakura Collaborator: Ptof. Toshiharu Mizukaki ① ② ※ここに顔 ※ここに顔 写真が入り 写真が入り ① Background and Motivation ② ます。 ます。 Feedback Phenomena by Vortex Shedding and Pressure waves When a space probe is made land on a planetary with the atmosphere such as Mars, deceleration by parachutes is considered, but the aerodynamic characteristics are not well known. The supersonic flows about a parachute oscillate by the interaction between shock waves and vortices. The aim of the researches here is to clarify the oscillatory flow phenomena through high-accuracy numerical computations and experiments. Originality The mechanism for oscillatory flows based on the interaction between vortex generation and shock waves has not been made clear. The series of researches aim to capture the generation process mainly by high-accuracy numerical methods and to clarify the mechanism. Interaction of vortices near edge of 凹 body to generate pressure waves Impact and Perspective On the 2D concave body we have reported the followings: 1) pressure waves by initial disturbance reflect at the body and propagate upstream; 2) the pressure waves interact with the bow shock wave to shed vortices downstream; 3) the vortices interact with the flow field near the edge of the body to yield the pressure waves propagating upstream; and 2) and 3) are repeated. The aim is to capture the 3D phenomena and to construct a theory. Published papers from the group Takakura, Y., et al., “On the Flow Fields around a Concave Body in Supersonic Flows,” Proc. 41th Fluid Dyn. Conf., Japan society for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, 2008 June. Takakura,Y., “Direct-Expansion Forms of ADER Schemes for Conservation Laws and Their Verifications,'' Journal of Computational Physics, Elsevier, Volume 219, issue 2, pp. 855-878, 2006. ◆Contact e-mail:takakura at ※ at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics and Astronautics Incompressible Flows about Vehicles Experimental Fluid Dynamics (EFD) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Topics:Optimized Shape, Aerodynamic Devices, Circular Cylinder, Critical Flows Principal investigator: Associate Prof. Yoko Takakura ※ここに顔 Background and Motivation 写真が入り Requirements from ecology such as fuel efficiency, exhaust control of CO2, reduction of noise, cross-wind stability are subjects imposed on recent vehicles. Thus the drag reduction is sought by use of shape optimizations and aerodynamic flow devices. ます。 Effects of Aerodynamic-Flow Devices Spats Strakes Deflectors • Each device has the effect to reduce drag • Combination of appropriate strakes and deflectors decreased CD best Originality Because flows about vehicles depend not only on upper-surface flows but also on flows between the lower surface and the ground, their interference are simulated with the moving belt in the wind-tunnel experiments. Investigation of the critical flows about a circular cylinder and numerical simulations are also carried out, flow phenomena are synthetically comprehended, and the reduction of drag and noise are sought. Circular Cylinder Flows with Simultaneous Multipoint Pressure Measurements: Characteristics of Critical Flows Circular Cylinder Model Pressure Drag Coef. Time History of Pressure Lift Coef. Test Section in WT Oscillation with high frequency U=10m/s Re=1.42×105 Impact and Perspective U=15m/s Re=2.14×105 U=20m/s Combination of various aerodynamic devices and optimization of their shapes can bring the drag reduction greatly. Through the cause and factors are pursued from aerodynamic consideration, design toward further reduction are made possible. Strouhal Number Undulation with low frequency Amplitude: largest No Undulation laminar separation with vortex shedding Amplitude: Undulation: becomes smaller begins to appear Re=2.86×105 Amplitude: Undulation: becomes smaller remarkable U=25m/s Re=3.57×105: critical state wind leans to alternate directions U=30m/s Re=4.29×105 Amplitude: No Undulation: becomes smaller Published papers from the group Yonemitsu, R., Takakura, Y., and Takagi, M., “Improvements of Aerodynamic Characteristics in Notchback Cars by Rear Spoilers,” Proc. Schl. Eng. Tokai Univ., Vol. 50, No. 2, (2010), pp.123-130. Takakura, Y., Watanabe, S., and Takagi, M., “Unsteady Flows around a Circular Cylinder with Simultaneous Multipoint Measurements of Pressure,” Proceedings of 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization, Niigata, Japan, (2011), ASV11-99-68. ◆Contact e-mail: takakura at ※ at = @ Architecture and Civil Engineering Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Structural Engineering Coastal protection and mitigation against natural disasters, wave power generations, and disposal methods of beach wreckage Topics: tsunami disasters, wave damage, damage prediction, pressure elements, wave power generation, beach wreckage Principal investigator: Yoshimichi Yamamoto (professor) Background and Motivation Many coasts in Japan have suffered damage by big waves every year and by tsunami every decade. If their damage can be estimated beforehand, we can take countermeasures in order to prevent or mitigate their damage. Because the securing of safe self-supplied energy is very important, I started the research of wave power generation which makes this possible. Because a lot of wreckage and waste are drifting ashore to many coasts, I continue the research of inexpensive disposal methods of such beach wreckage. A sample of relation between inundation depths and threshold widths of a reinforced concrete pillar. (White circles are non-destructive cases, black circles are destructive cases. The Pillar height is 3m, the pillar interval is 5m. Double reinforcement section, Ratio of reinforcement section area to total section area is 0.0365.) Originality Water depth change (m) -2.0 -1.0 Height(m) 0.0 1.0 - 2 - 1 .5 - 1 - 0 .5 0 0 .5 1 I proposed a method to handily evaluate the building damage of wide areas due to tsunami by considering main member sizes, methods which predict the inundation and the topographical change due to tsunami by light calculation load, and a method of predicting the suck-out destruction of dykes and seawalls by big waves. As for the wave power generation, I am proceeding with research which uses pressure elements. As for the beach wreckage, I developed cheap foul odor control methods of the beach litter, and am proceeding with the development of road blocks built of this waste material. 1 .5 何もし 650 2.0 2 Uncontrolled ない 酵素 600 Enzyme 550 -15m -3m -1m 0m 1m 5m 3000倍 450 2000 times 400 臭 気 350 の 強 300 さ 250 3000 times -5m Odor strength -10m 1000倍 1000 times 500 5000倍 EM菌 Effective MO 1000倍 1000 times 3000倍 2000 times 200 5000倍 150 3000 times 100 Sell powder 末 50 1000 times 貝殻粉 1000倍 3000倍 0 14 14日後 8日後 5日後 3 5 8 (day) 3日後 1 1日後 3m Impact and Perspective 0時 0 2000 times 5000倍 3000 times NN The new building damage appraisal method and the new inundation simulation method enable tsunami damage prediction with high accuracy under a moderate work burden. Heavy erosion and scour arose on many coasts in a lot of past big tsunamis. The new methods of predicting topographical change are effective in evaluating such erosion and scour. The new method of distinguishing the suck-out destruction by big waves is also useful in examining disaster prevention plans. Wave power generation is important as a safe energy supporting method, and inexpensive disposal methods are also important to keep beautiful coasts. Odor elimination by spraying the diluted solution of enzymes, effective microorganisms, and shell powder against the foul odor of uncontrolled Calculated water depth change topographical change after 90minutes 90minutes after Tsunami inputting. seaweed. 0 100 200 300 400 m Example of published papers: 1) Y. Yamamoto, H. Takanashi, S. Hettiarachchi, S. Samarawickrama: Verification of the destruction mechanism of structures in Sri Lanka and Thailand due to the Indian Ocean tsunami, Coastal Engineering Journal, Vol.48-2, pp.117-145, 2006. 2) Y. Yamamoto・K. Nariyoshi・Vu Thanh Ca: Improvement of Prediction Methods of Coastal Scour and Erosion due to Tsunami Back-flow, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.B2-65, No.1, pp.511-515, 2009. (in Japanese) 3) Y. Yamamoto・K. Nariyoshi・R. Higa: Damage Limitation of A Coastal Dike and A Seawall, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.B3, be scheduled for publication, 2011. ◆Contact e-mail:yo-yamamo at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Structural Engineering Non-linear Dynamic Response Analysis of Bridge crossing Earthquake Fault Rupture Plane Derivation of the Equation of Motion considering Inertial Force and Relative Displacements Topics:Equation of Motion, Non-linear Dynamic Analysis, Fault Movements Principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Tomohiro Nakano Background and Motivation The effect of acceleration is of great importance for evaluating the damage of structures caused by earthquake faults. On condition that fault displacement affects the bridge, we formulated the equation of motion for bridge structure under inertial force and the relative displacements of support points of the bridge and developed a special algorithm to solve this equation. Originality The numerical simulation method above mentioned for bridges, subjected to both inertial force and relative displacements of support points, can predict seismic performance and damage level of bridges under fault displacements. Impact and Perspective According to analytical results, we can conclude that the effect of inertial force will influence the damage level of an bridges enormously; hence we have to consider not only relative displacement but also the consequence of a fault-generated acceleration. Published papers from the group Non-linear Dynamic Response Analysis of Bridge crossing Earthquake Fault Rupture Plane, T.Nakano and Y.Ohta, The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, DVD ◆Link: ◆Contact e-mail:tom_nakano at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Structural Engineering Mechanism and prevention of bridge cable corrosion Improvement of durability of inflastractures Topics:Suspension bridge cables, Corrosion, Dehumidification Principal investigator: Prof. Shunichi Nakamura Background and Motivation Cable is a key element of suspension bridges and its breakage may lead to collapse of the whole bridge. There are old suspension bridges in USA and many broken wires have been found. Suspension bridges in Japan are relatively new but cable corrosion has been found on several suspension bridges. I have been involved in this research project from the initial stage and found the mechanism of corrosion and developed a new corrosion prevention method using dry air to dehumidify the cable inside. Innoshima Bridge Honsyu-Shikoku Bridge Completed in 1983 Span Length 770m Cable corrosion (Black parts) came out six years after completion. Originality As conventional corrosion prevention method is complex, nobody had been successful in clarify the corrosion mechanism. With installing sensors in actual and model cables the corrosion mechanism is estimated and confirmed. Our findings are highly evaluated and awarded the best paper prizes by the international and domestic academic organization. The dehumidification system was first introduced to the cables in the world and a purely original technology. Impact and Perspective Cables are used not only for suspension bridges but also cable-stayed and Nielsen bridges. These types of bridges also suffer from cable corrosion. The repetitive loads acting on these bridges are larger than suspension bridges and, therefore, fatigue should be considered. This fatigue under corrosion environment is now being tackled, and if it is successfully solved, my research achievement is more widely applied to actual structures. Inlet and outlet Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Kobe of dry air Completed in 1988 World longest bridge with a span of 1991m Dehumidification system was first intruded to the cables in the world Published papers from the group Shunichi Nakamura, Keita Suzumura: Hydrogen embrittlement and corrosion fatigue of bridge wires, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier, Vol.65, Issue 2, 269-277, 2009.2. Keita Suzumura and Shun-ichi Nakamura: Environmental factors affecting cable corrosion, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol.16, No.1, 1-7, 2004.1. ◆Contact e-mail:snakamu at ※at = @ Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Structural Engineering Estimation of Long-Term Settlement and Secondary Compression of Clayey Soft Ground Topics:one-dimensional consolidation, plane strain, secondary compression Principal investigator: Prof. Motohiro Sugiyama Background and Motivation An urban area has developed on the soft alluvial ground in the low land. A prediction of deformation and subsidence behavior of soft foundation is the most important issue, and many estimation methods based on one-dimensional consolidation theory were proposed. In this study, the model which can evaluate subsidence behavior in consideration of secondary compression examines, and it is proposed. 間隙比 e 等間隙比速度線 e0 A点:載荷前 F点:1日後 I 点:一次圧密終了時 S点:二次圧密途中 * Cc A (e 0) ei I ( ei ) Cc e S ( es ) ef F ( ef ) σ σ0 σ 圧密圧力 ( log scale ) Volumetric strain ( % ) Originality There are two ideas about when secondary compression starts. However, it can’t make sure of this phenomenon by an experiment. The secondary compression model which supposed that secondary compression occurred from primary consolidation is proposed. The proposed model is expanded to multidimensional consolidation problem, and consolidation behavior of plane strain condition is estimated. 0 p = 78.5 - 157.0 kPa Calculated Primary consolidation υp= 4.38 2 4 y/H= 0 6 8 t90= 20 min Observed 1 day H= 0.968 cm vf = 8.77 10 10-1 100 101 Cc= 1.06 102 103 104 Time ( min ) Impact and Perspective We already suggest the secondary compression model that can reproduce the subsidence behavior of the laboratory test. The constants that are necessary for this model can decide a parameter only from one-dimensional consolidation test. The expansion to the hyperspace is not easy, but tries it because it is an important theme. Published papers from the group H. SHIRAKO, M. SUGIYAMA, A. TONOSAKI and M.AKAISHI: Secondary Compression Behavior in Standard Consolidation Tests, Proc. Schl. Eng. Tokai Univ., Ser. E,31 (2006), pp.27-32. ◆Contact e-mail:sugi at ※at = @ Marine Science and Technology Graduate School of Science and Technology フォトニクス分析の新たなブレークスルー Marine Science and Technology Multi-parameter monitoring system for geoengineering A new integrated monitoring approach Topics:Geomechanics, Geoengineering Principal investigator: Prof. Ömer Aydan ① Collaborator: Prof. Hisataka Tano ② Collaborator: Assoc. Prof. Naohiko Tokashiki ③ ① Background and Motivation ② ③ The stability problems in geoengineering are sometimes encountered and they may result in casualties as well as economic losses. When rock starts to fail, the stored mechanical energy in rock tends to transform itself into different forms of energy. Therefore, monitoring of variations of multi-parameters (i.e. electrical potential, resistivity, magnetic field, heat release) in addition to common parameters may be used for the assessment of the stability of geoengineering structures. Originality A real time multi-parameter monitoring system developed involve electric potential (EP) variations, acoustic emissions (AE), rock temperature (RT), temperature and humidity of the structures in addition to the measurements of displacements and loads on support members. It incorporates four fundamental elements of integrated geoengineering monitoring such as 1) monitoring techniques 2) theory-analysis; 3) Experiments and investigations and 4) experiences and interpretation methods. Applications of the system to real geoengineering structures Impact and Perspective The multi-parameter integrated monitoring system developed in this research is expected to be usefull for engineers in geoengineering applications such in assessing long-term performance of geoengineering structures, severe stability problems in deep high-level waste disposal projects, underground caverns and tunnels, high slope cuts, and mountains. It may be also usefull for scientists involved with predicting natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. ◆Link: Published papers from the group Ö. Aydan, M.,Daido, H. Tano, N. Tokashiki, K. Ohkubo. A real-time multi-parameter monitoring system for assessing the stability of tunnels during excavation. ITA Conference, Istanbul, 2005, 1253-1259 Ö. Aydan, N.Tokashiki, T. Ito, T. Akagi, R Ulusay, A. Bilgin. An experimental study on the electrical potential of non-piezoelectric geomaterials during fracturing and sliding. 9th ISRM Congress, South Africa, 2003, 73-78 ◆Contact