01 direct - Wieland Dental


01 direct - Wieland Dental
Trends and informationen from the world of dental technology
IDS 2009
A new look in the best
tradition: WIELAND sets
the trend with a new stand.
Pages 4 - 5
July 2009
Milling dental frameworks
and models: Back to the
future with CAD / CAM.
Pages 6 - 7
Digitalization and CAD / CAM-aided fabrication of dental prosthetics
bring a new dimension to dentistry. You can be at the forefront of
this development with a system that is tailored to laboratory use. The
ZENOTEC T1 from WIELAND enables you to produce crowns, bridges
and models of complete dental arches fully automatically in just a
few minutes using high-speed milling strategies. Items are milled to
the highest technical standard from advanced ZENO disc materials.
Features include:
Five axes processed simultaneously in the seven-axis milling unit
Full arch models and individual abutments
Storage magazine for up to 30 blanks for more than 1,000 units
Integrated tool checking and changing
Fully automated milling around the clock
Discover your new future now with ZENOTEC T1 from WIELAND –
partner to laboratories.
IDS 2009 live
WIELAND shines at the world’s
leading dental fair
......................................... Pages 4-5
Milling dental frameworks and
models: Back to the future with
WIELAND – focused on the future –
and right by your side
......................................... Pages 6-7
Forging ahead with networkbased targeted development
Interview with Dr. Holger von Both,
Head of R & D
Dear reader,
“Looking to the future, developing new ideas, implementing solutions and winning
......................................... Pages 8-9
over customers.” We had promised to present these aspects of Wieland at the IDS in
New ZENO materials
Cologne – and as the dental lab’s partner, we have kept our word.
Adding a touch of finesse with
Even before the IDS we kept you up to date about future-oriented WIELAND topics such
as digitalization, automation and the integration of CAD / CAM processes. By developing
a system that is right for the lab, our goal was to make it possible for both medium-sized
operations and practice-based labs to combine dental expertise with leading edge manufacturing technology to create a truly competitive package.
ZENO ZrBridge (transluzent) and
ZENO Color Zr
.............................................. Page 9
Forward-looking cooperation
Frank comments on the cooperation
with i-mes and 3Shape
Then at the fair, the time had finally come. With the world premiere of the ZENOTEC T1
............................................ Page 10
CAD / CAM milling system, the new WIELAND stand featured one of the main high-
Perfect aesthetics with ZIROX
lights of the IDS. To our great satisfaction, many of you then took the opportunity to
Master Dental Technician Girinis
obtain first-hand information about digital design, milling units and milling products for
looks to nature when working
crowns and bridges as well as implant abutments and models of dies and dental arches.
with veneering ceramics.
The resonance was fantastic and shows us that we are on the right track in our endeav-
............................................ Page 11
ours to forge a successful future with you in a spirit of cooperation.
Many guests from home and abroad sought information not only about the ZENOTEC
T1 but also about the new ZENO materials, the wide range of ceramics, new WIELAND
alloys and AGC electroforming – in other words for our efficient services as a system
supplier. For this reason, we would also like to take this opportunity here to invite you to
visit our website, where the latest brochures and product information covering all areas
of dental technology are published. And as we look back, it is equally important that in
addition to the technical discussions at the IDS, there was also time to devote to the
more social aspects of our partnership. For this, too, we extend our thanks.
Most sincerely.
Your WIELAND General Managers
Oliver Völlinger
Reinhold Brommer
Issue 01/2009
Publisher: WIELAND Dental +Technik GmbH & Co. KG,
Dental Sales and Marketing, Schwenninger Straße 13,
75279 Pforzheim, Germany. Email: info@wielandinternational.com, telephone: +49 72 31 / 37 05-0.
Editorial team: Diana Cierniak (responsible), Jens
Reichenbach, Holger von Both, Sven Hellmich, Haristos
Girinis. General Managers: Oliver Völlinger, Reinhold
Brommer; Commercial Register Mannheim HRA
503662. General partner: WIELAND VerwaltungsGmbH, Commercial Register Mannheim HRB 503168.
Legal note: WIELAND Dental + Technik assumes no
liability for claims arising from or in connection with
this newsletter. All rights reserved. Content and layout, including all texts, images, graphics, files etc. are
copyright and subject to intellectual property rights and
other commercial rights. No transfer, modification,
exploitation or other use in any form whatsoever, in
particular the use in other media, is permitted without
the prior consent of WIELAND Dental +Technik.
© WIELAND Dental +Technik
Page 3
IDS 2009 – Once again WIEL
WIELAND set the trend with its new stand at the fair in Cologne. Visitors from
all over the world could see the promised difference even from a distance:
WIELAND’s role as a leading and innovative partner of dental labs was
evident in the bright, open, welcoming and highly professional display.
What is it about a stand at the IDS that
makes it into a major meeting point for
dental technicians and practitioners? The
latest ideas and solutions, a winning formula, a comprehensive range of services
and a convincing display. This is precisely
what was to be witnessed at the new
WIELAND stand, the perfect embodiment
of these ideals.
Those who visited the stand were able to
experience this renewed vital spirit at
Our new stand at the fair: designed and built to reflect the latest
insights into events and fairs.
WIELAND: a company with a clear vision
of the future of dental technology, a trade
fair team driven by the latest innovations,
an ambience that reflects the spirit of cooperation with you, WIELAND’s partners
in labs and dental practices, and a new
resolve to face the challenges brought
Page 4
Issue 01/2009
AND makes a difference
about by economic factors and structural change with the
greatest of determination. Those who could not attend really
did miss something, but there are many ways to catch up.
For example, the trade press has frequently reported on WIELAND
and on our stand in its articles and features on the IDS. In these
reports, the focus is, of course, mainly on the world premiere of
our new ZENOTEC T1 milling system, which played a key role at
A perfect display of technology, equipment and materials.
the IDS as an embodiment of the fair’s main theme, the use of
CAD / CAM systems in the fabrication of dental restorations.
You can share in a wealth of emotional and personal impressions
of the WIELAND stand right now by checking out the photo gallery on the WIELAND website. In the section headed “News” you
will find plenty of photos for each day of the fair as well as of the
fabulous WIELAND party in the “Alter Wartesaal”: spontaneous
The staff of WIELAND, the laboratory’s partner, showed great
professionalism and commitment in presenting products and
advising customers and enquirers.
snapshots and images that capture the mood, lasting impressions of an unforgettable experience.
All in all, IDS 2009 was another internationally successful event
for WIELAND with highly promising results from a business point
of view, an opportunity to enhance our company’s image and
of course numerous personal contacts. We are already looking
forward to returning to Cologne in 2011.
Issue 01/2009
About 1,000 guests attended WIELAND’s IDS Party
in the “Alter Wartesaal” and danced the night away.
Page 5
Fully automated process
models – with the ZENOTEC
Future-proof, productive and economical, WIELAND paves the way for the introduction of the
fully automatic fabrication of dental restorations in the practitioner’s lab and in medium-sized
dental labs using the new ZENOTEC T1 CAD/CAM milling system. This enables you to make not
only crowns, bridges and implant abutments but for the first time ever, even full-arch models.
ZENOTEC T1 is a completely new devel-
to the needs of the laboratory. The sys-
newly developed materials. The milling unit
opment into which WIELAND’s expertise
tem is compatible with all modern scan-
is fitted with a storage magazine (stack) for
and the results of in-depth world-wide
ner technologies: intraoral, impression
up to 30 ZENO Discs in ceramic, PMMA
customer surveys have been incorporated.
and model scanners. In designing this
or wax, from each of which up to 40
This has enabled us to fulfil to the letter
system, tools and milling strategies were
restorations can be made, depending
your requirements for a milling system
specially tailored to cater for the require-
on the indications. By scanning in the
based on innovative CAD / CAM technol-
ments of dental applications.
digital signature of the discs, the system
ogy with an intelligent control system
always knows where which materials are
that is easy to use and operated via a
The ZENOTEC T1 mills your work from
located in the stack. The ZENOTEC CAM
touch-screen display and ideally suited
ZENO Discs made from familiar and
4.0 software also records the use each
“All over the world, dental labs work hard day in, day out. But what happens at night?”
With ZENOTEC T1 automation from WIELAND, you can now once again enjoy untroubled sleep. Simply select the
programme, launch the system and go home! Next day, the work is done. And to give you peace of mind in financial
matters, too, WIELAND has developed the ideal financing and repayment plans for labs of various sizes. You can rely on
your WIELAND customer care team to help you select the plan that is right for you.
Page 6
Issue 01/2009
for making dentures and
T1 system from WIELAND
disc is put to and can calculate for you
the restorations, for the range of indica-
the most efficient way to re-exploit the
tions covered and efficient use in daily
materials. This enables you to make over
lab work, is the ability to make complete
1,000 units fully automatically – round
dental arches. For this purpose, you can
the clock.
now obtain WIELAND ZENO Discs in
high-performance plastic materials with
And thanks to its high milling speed based
on the unique WIELAND five-axis simultaneous motion and high tool speeds of
up to 100,000 rpm which drive the tools
with great precision and with a minimum
of wear, the ZENOTEC T1 is also extremely
which you can make accurate models of
a quadrant or an entire arch in just a few
minutes. This means that you can dispense with the tiresome and error-prone
Digital design of dental restorations
process of taking an impression, sending it
by post and casting a model step by step.
economical. It takes less than 8 minutes
to make a ZrO2 coping and less than 25
Find out more about ZENOTEC T1 today:
min. to make a three-unit ZrO2 bridge. Of
via the Internet or by simply requesting a
particular importance for the precision of
Fully automated nesting for maximum efficiency
Tool and blank can be selected via touch-screen
High-speed CAD / CAM milling
Issue 01/2009
Page 7
IN Person
Forging ahead with networkbased targeted development
Dr. Holger von Both, Head of R & D at WIELAND, on the
development of innovative and comprehensive technologies
and WIELAND’s policy of continuous quality improvement.
Digitalisation is driving progress in the
lab to carry on turning out its production
production of dental restorations by leaps
jobs at an affordable rate in the long
and bounds. This is a necessary develop-
term. We spoke to Holger von Both about
ment because computer-added manufac-
the development of this ideal type of
turing will not only enable patients to be
laboratory-oriented system.
treated faster and more economically, it
will also keep the manufacturing process
How would you characterise the ideal
How can WIELAND channel its exper-
in the country. WIELAND’s high-tech lead
manufacturing system for a dental
tise and innovative ability into the
in terms of dental technology is therefore
lab now and in the future?
development of such systems?
helping to ensure that dentures with the
First of all, it is a matter of carrying out
WIELAND has been at home in the dental
label ‘made in Germany’ remain compet-
the production jobs in accordance with
lab for many decades. We have a long
itive. However, some experts are already
the clinical indications in a way that fulfils
track record of improving and optimising
taking the view that traditional dental
certain requirements in terms of preci-
and the fabrication of dental restorations
labs are going to lose out as a result of
sion, speed, quality and unit cost. This
from our technological and industrial
ever closer cooperation between dental
can be assessed in financial terms and it
perspective. In our research labs we are
practitioners and industrial manufacturers.
is therefore easy for all lab operators to
constantly simulating the processes and
working on their modernisation. Nowadays the focus is on the interaction between diagnostic, design and manufacturing software (CAD/CAM), efficient
milling strategies and processing technologies as well as tool and material
development. From a point of view of
dental technology, our task is to define
the requirements for models, frameworks
and the prosthetic finish on ceramics or
precious metals. WIELAND has its own
development facilities and a network of
partners whose development capabilities
contribute additional competence and
WIELAND, on the other hand, recognises
make a comparison. But we must also
that true expertise in terms of dental
take into account those factors which
technology is to be found in the lab, but
make a crucial difference: How easy, fast
this means a lab that must be in a position
and error-free can the system be imple-
to make models, crowns and bridges on
mented, understood and operated in the
In this respect, what’s the differ-
the basis of digital files by incorporating
shortest possible time? How future-ready
ence between WIELAND and other
full automation and thereby remaining
is it? How will it keep its value? And
competitive. The challenge lies in devel-
how comprehensive and transparent is
The main difference is the fact that we
oping systems which are right for the lab,
the system? All these are questions we
are not only a supplier but actively en-
which are simple, fast, have a low-main-
address when we are developing new
gaged in research and development. And
tenance requirement and can enable a
systems at WIELAND.
also that we carry out this work together
Page 8
effectiveness to the implementation of
systematically integrated solutions in matters of hardware, software and materials.
Issue 01/2009
IN Person
with our partners and in the interests
We develop solutions which equip our
of our customers in dental labs. Unlike
customers for the future, such as the new
others, we do not seek to weaken the
ZENOTEC T1 CAD / CAM milling system,
position of the labs through digitalisa-
which we have brought to market in
tion and automation but to consciously
record time. This system was developed
strengthen their position. And what is
on the basis of a perfectly integrated net-
more, we do not think in terms of iso-
work of dental know-how, mechanical
lated steps but always with a view
engineering and automation, software
to complete solutions which also delivers
engineering, toolmaking and materials
the right materials for innovative tech-
development. And the result precisely
fulfils the requirements described, absolutely perfect for laboratory use in terms
What results can you look back on
of size, performance and capital invest-
when you think of the projects of
ment, as easy to install and as intuitive to
recent years?
use as an office printer, unprecedented
in its speed and precision, quiet in opera-
Continuous improvement
processes – new ZENO materials
Meaningful product names such as ZENO ZrBridge / ZENO
ZrCrown and a translucent framework material make it even
easier in future to fulfil the increasingly stringent quality
requirements of clinical practice.
“White steel” is a thing of the past. From mid 2009 you can use WIELAND zirconium
oxide in one of the new shades that are similar in appearance to natural dentition:
ZENO ZrBridge (translucent) combines maximum stability with an excellent fit and a translucence that is unique for a zirconium oxide. This
gives you a choice. You can either opt for maximum aesthetic quality
tion and thanks to the large-capacity
stack and automatic tool change, suitable
for 24-hour continuous operation. We
analysed the potential for streamlining
the manufacturing process from the
point of view of the lab, and thanks to
new technologies and material developments have been able to integrate model
making into the CAD / CAM process for
the very first time.
The new colouring solutions for ZENOCrown+
and ZENOBridge also open up new possibilities for the lab by virtue of their short
processing times and customisable shades.
I could go on to list further innovations, but
that would simply take up too much time.
through veneering or overpressing or choose to use it to create fully
anatomic restorations. In order to ensure fast and gentle milling, the
How can customers contact you per-
blanks are supplied partly sintered.
sonally to receive further information
or if there are problems to be solved?
With ZENO Color Zr we recently introduced a new technique for staining milled
I am always very interested to hear from
framework structures prior to sintering: as ready to use colouring solutions in all16
and advise our customers personally. This
shades of the classical shade guide. Here, too, the range of WIELAND system pro-
is why I am regularly to be found on site
ducts features pioneering technical advances as part of the continuous improvement
in labs and dental practices and also at-
process. For example, the range of applications has not only been extended to both
tend trade fairs and conferences and am
ZENO ZrBridge and ZrCrown+ materials, but above all, the waiting time for the colouring
present at certain training sessions. In
process has been virtually
addition I will, of course, answer any
eliminated. It now takes
queries addressed to my email address:
only 15 seconds instead of
the previous 30 minutes.
Herr von Both, thank you for your
Test it for yourself!
time and your comments.
Issue 01/2009
Page 9
IN Brief
Speaking frankly: business matters in
For the benefit of its customers, WIELAND is continuing its strategic cooperation with
i-mes and 3Shape on the dental market.
product management team are responsible for fast-response service on phone
and access via Netviewer to the software
of scanners and milling machines. On-site
service for the ZENO milling machines is
coordinated by WIELAND in Pforzheim on
behalf of its service partner. To be quite
frank, there are also financial reasons for
the planned dissolution of the joint undertaking, since the expense entailed has
an effect on the price of the product. And
it is and always has been WIELAND’s goal
to promote good customer relations by
offering market-oriented and competitive
2. WIELAND and 3Shape continue
their powerful partnership in the development and sales of impression
In field of dental technology, WIELAND
is not only known as 3Shape’s distribution partner, but also as an active partner
Oliver Völlinger and Reinhold Brommer, General Managers of WIELAND, give the low- down
in software development. 3Shape therefore seeks to continue its worldwide
In this section we keep you informed
WIELAND i-mes. The aim and purpose
coop-eration with WIELAND as a power-
about important developments in our
was to combine know-how from the
ful distribution partner. For example, the
company as they occur. There are cur-
worlds of dental technology with ex-
new 3Shape D700 has been added to
rently two key points to which we
pertise in mechanical engineering. This
our product portfolio. Here, it joins the
attach great importance:
concept was supported by the strong
existing dedicated 3Shape CAD scan-
commitment to customer service shown
ners for labs and dental clinics, the ZENO
by both companies.
Scan S100 (available since 2008) and the
1. Cooperation between WIELAND
and i-mes on future customer service
ZENO Scan S50.
for ZENO milling machines
After three years of successful symbiosis,
WIELAND und i-mes had joined forces to
the WIELAND i-mes company has now
launch the ZENO CAD / CAM project in
fulfilled its purpose. The two companies
time for IDS 2005. Since both companies
of WIELAND and i-mes can now focus
had served different target groups up
on their respective strengths. WIELAND
to that point, a way had to be found to
continues to operate first and second
establish a joint presence on the dental
level support through the ZENOTEC hot-
market. This therefore led to the found-
line. In simple terms, this means that the
ing in July 2005 of the joint undertaking,
WIELAND applications specialists and
Page 10
The D700 looks just the same as the D640 but
scans much faster and is to be available as an
impression scanner from the end of 2009.
Issue 01/2009
Perfect aesthetics with ZIROX
In the opinion of Haristos Girinis, the secret of success when making aesthetically first-class
dentures, in particular implant-borne restorations, is to be found in a carefully balanced system
incorporating zirconium oxide and matching veneering ceramics.
Zirconium oxide has been experienc-
oxide has become extremely important,
ing constant growth for years because
if not indispensable for implantology,
dental technicians from all over the world
both for aesthetic reasons and because
appreciate how easy it is to work with and
of its unrestricted biocompatibility. In
value the clearly excellent results achieved
this context, and irrespective of the rela-
when making frameworks from this ma-
tive merits of any particular manufac-
zirconium oxide and a veneering ceramic
as a very advanced process in terms of
quality, which however requires a little
extra touch in order to meet the highest aesthetic requirements. The aesthetic
standards he sets for the ceramic system of framework material and veneering ceramic are always based on nature
and the ultimate achievement in dental
restorations: creating a single anterior
tooth in a natural-looking shade design.
In his opinion, teeth with a high brightness factor can currently be made from
zirconium oxide ceramics with a high degree of reproducibility. It is still currently
a major challenge to build up layers on
single teeth with a high degree of colour saturation, but a challenge which
he is delighted to take up by using WIELAND ZENO Zr as framework material,
the matching colouring solution from
the ZENO Color Zr range and the ZIROX
veneering ceramic. Products which are
perfectly matched to each other give
WIELAND a significant advantage with
ZIROX, which in addition to providing
high-quality results also guarantees the
proverbial perfect shade matching for all
terial. Dentists, too, value the strength
turer, Girinis regards the combination of
X-type ceramics.
Dental masterpieces modelled on nature
in perfect shades and with a high degree
of reproducibility: e.g. with ZENO ZrBridge
(translucent) and ZIROX.
Implant-borne multi
unit bridges in zirconium
oxide, veneered with ZIROX.
and biocompatibility of this framework
material. The masterful processing of this
all-ceramic material and its veneering to
A wealth of experience
aesthetic perfection can be constantly
Master Dental Technician Haristos Girinis
improved through professional exchange
Master Dental Technician Haristos Girinis has been using WIELAND
of experience amongst colleagues. Mas-
brand-name products, mainly X-type veneering ceramics, since the
ter Dental Technician Haristos Girinis
year 2000. His keen sense of aesthetics, applications know-how
there-fore reports here on his experience
and his willingness to pass on the knowledge and skills he has
in using zirconium oxide and veneering
acquired to other colleagues, has led to an in-depth cooperation
ceramics from WIELAND.
with WIELAND. For example, he has been involved in the capacity
of an external consultant contributing expertise to the develop-
At the moment, zirconium oxide accounts
ment of the REFLEX veneering ceramic for CoCr alloys. By continuously sharing
for about 30 percent of all restorations
expertise and experience with the WIELAND product management team and the
currently being made by Girinis, and this
development staff of WIELAND Dental Ceramics, Girinis is playing an active part in
number is on the increase. For implant-
the ongoing development of ZIROX, ALLUX and HITEX.
borne dentures in particular, zirconium
Issue 01/2009
Page 11
As a major supplier of dental system solutions, WIELAND embodies both tradition and
progress in matters of dental products and technology. Since our company was founded in
1871, we have stayed true to our corporate philosophy of combining tradition, innovation
and quality with the best in customer care. Today, our core competencies and key strengths
lie in the forward-looking integration of technologies and materials for dental prosthetics.
This ensures that patients can trust in the quality of their dentures, and our partners in dental
practices and laboratories can continue with confidence on the path to digitalisation and
greater competitiveness.
WIELAND offers a wide range of products and services from CAD / CAM technologies and
dental alloys to veneering ceramics and electroforming. Thanks to our worldwide presence
and international network of regional branches and local agencies, WIELAND is never far
away, and your contact person can always be located via the Internet.
WIELAND Dental + Technik GmbH & Co. KG
Schwenninger Straße 13, 75179 Pforzheim, Germany
Fon +49 72 31 / 37 05 - 0, Fax +49 72 31 / 35 79 59
Wieland Dental Systems Inc.
22 Shelter Rock Lane, USA-Danbury CT 06810
Fon +1 203-791-8620 (866), Fax +1 203-791-9631