donor list - IPPF - International Planned Parenthood
donor list - IPPF - International Planned Parenthood
IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Our Supporters The International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region expresses our deepest gratitude and acknowledges our supporters—individuals, corporations, foundations, governments as well as nongovernmental organizations and multilateral agencies. Thanks to your generosity and commitment to sexual and reproductive health and rights, we provided nearly 33 million services and helped secure 36 policies that promote sexual and reproductive rights. Government Partners* The Government of Australia The Government of China The Government of Denmark The Government of Finland The Government of Germany The Government of Japan The Government of The Netherlands The Government of New Zealand The Government of Norway The Government of South Korea The Government of Spain The Government of Sweden The Government of Switzerland The Government of Thailand The Government of the United Kingdom *A ll grants from governments are made to the IPPF Central Office based in London and are granted based on criteria established by the IPPF Central and Regional Offices. Special Projects Abundance Foundation** Anonymous Friend*** Population Council The Government of Denmark*** The Government of Germany The Government of Ireland The Government of the Netherlands*** The Government of United Kingdom The Flora Family Foundation** The Ford Foundation*** The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation*** The United States Agency for International Development The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation*** ** IPPF/WHR serves as the Secretariat for the Haiti Adolescent Girls Network (HAGN). Funds from these donors are earmarked specifically for this initiative. ***In addition to supporting IPPF/WHR specific activities, these donors are also supporting the High-Level Task Force for ICPD, a separate entity housed within IPPF/WHR. Donors in 2012 1 Foundations American Jewish World Service Anonymous Friends (2) Erik E. and Edith H. Bergstrom Foundation The Ford Foundation The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation The Libra Foundation The Liz Claiborne and Art Ortenberg Foundation The Overbrook Foundation The Summit Foundation The Wildflower Foundation The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation WestWind Foundation IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Rosa Cisneros Society IPPF/WHR honors the exceptional commitment of visionary individuals who have created a lasting legacy by providing for IPPF/WHR in their wills, trusts, retirement plans, charitable gift annuities, life insurance policies, and other planned giving options. Anne C. Bush Susan Davis Adelaide B. Adams* Miriam Jay Wurts Andrus* Earl Appel* Barbara June Armstrong* Lyndon and Betty Babcock* Florence A. and Fritz M. Bachem Henry Savage, III Baker Sylvia E. Barr* Carmen Barroso Sara Betty Berenson* Ellen M. BerrierBerrier Fred Bersson* Holly Beye* Corinne Blum* Shirley Bogs* Ada-Marie Bowers* Shirley F. Bowring* Laurie Brandt Jane Braus John C. Broemmelsiek* Betty Dabney Brown Mary Lord Brown Peter G. Brown Trudy Brown Marion Brown* Ella Poe Burling* Cynthia and Robert B.P. Burns Frank Burritt* Erica Byrne Helen M. Callbeck* Dorothy Lane Campbell Rita Castellano* Betty M. Castle* Donors in 2012 Anonymous Friend, in memory of Charles W. Chig and Evelyn E. Varner Constance E. Christensen* Dorothy K. Cinquemani Jeannette H. Clegg* Medora C. Coar* Margaret Hill Collins* Robert D. Collins* Unitrust of Marjorie Cooke and Nancy Downey Dorothy W. Crockett* Norma H. Davis Rufus Day, Jr.* Don Dietz Syblia and A. G. Dinaburg* Charles K. Dodge* Pearle P.Dopp* Mary C. Drazy* Mary Hilda Ebert* Maria Eddison* Stuart Edwards Gwendolyn E. Edwards* Alfred D. Egendorf* Frances M. Egloff Barbara Trent Eisendrath* Hamilton Emmons* Julie A. Evans* Robert Felheim Barbara G. Fell Blanche W. Ferris* Barbara Parsons Ferry* Patrick Fischer* Sarah Fleming Sam F.Fogleman Dorothy B. Ford* Margaret Z. Ford* 2 Sally Fox Ramona Fradon Robert Lewis Freeland* Laurie Friedman Helen A. Ganschow* Gary M. Geoghegan Barbara K. Girdler* Ralph Gluck* Rebecca Goodman Jane Graves Martha V. Green Gary Green* JanetGreenfield* Helen M. Hacker* Roxana S. Hammond* Ruth E. Hanold* Jack and Kay Hansma Charitable Trust* Molly Perkins Hauck Mervyn L. Hecht* Theodore J. Hess* Patience Holt Hite* Ethel B. Hoefler* Inge Humbert* Sally Hunter* Elizabeth C. Hurd Alexander R. and Marjorie H. Imlay* Marjean A. Ingalls David Inglis* Micharl Z. Irvin* Marjorie S. Isaac* Peggy Jackson* Stella A. Jacobs, Estate of Rose Jacobs* Isabel M. Jessen* Mildred P. Johansson* Frank D. and Phyllis J. Jonas* Judith Jones* For details contact Tracy Malloy-Curtis, Planned Giving Officer, at 212 214 0260 or IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities IPPF/WHR Circle of Choice Donations received in 2012 Besides our dedicated staff and 40 Member Associations on the ground that provide quality sexual and reproductive health services, the IPPF/WHR family includes these committed and generous donors listed below. We are deeply grateful for your support. Ambassadors $100,000+ Jerry and Diane Cunningham Benefactors $25,000 to $99,000 America’s Charities/Combined Federal Campaign Janet V. Andrews and Robert R. Andrews Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation David Husch Alan K. and Cledith M. Jennings Foundation Microsoft Giving Campaign Network For Good Alan and Katherine Stroock Fund Patrons $10,000 to $24,999 Lee Adams Adobe Systems Incorporated Arntz Family Foundation Beth and Steve Bangert Leslie and George Biddle William and Phoebe Biggs Alexander Bomstein Daniel and Estrellita Brodsky Annette and Ian Cumming Doppelt Family Foundation Gordon and Caroline Dow EcoTrust Google Matching Gift Foundation Priscilla and John Huppler Kathleen Knepper Gerald P. Langlykke Dr. Maryparke E. Manning and Dr. James A. Manning Mazar Family Charitable Foundation Trust John Meier Natembea Foundation Donors in 2012 H. Neal Parker Plumeria Family Foundation Milton and Jeanne Saier Ruth Sherer The Philip and Lynn Straus Foundation, Inc. Partners $5,000 to $9,999 Heinz and Margaret Aeschbach Marian and Don Aikman Suzanne E. Allen Diana Barco Beyond our Borders/The Women’s Foundation of Colorado Jay and Jane Braus T. Wister Brown Patrick Campbell David and Marilyn Chelimer The Coleman Charitable Fund William and Lucia Dailey Shaun and Linda Deola Mark DeSmet Paul Dooley E.O.S Foundation Richard and Kristen Friedman Gualala Fund Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Hoyt, Jr. William and Suzanne Joiner Ralph and Marjorie Koldinger Steven C. Leuthold Family Foundation Karen Macko Francis and Christine Martin Family Foundation Tertia Moore The Namaste Foundation Abraham and Cynthia Ofer Anne Pierson 4 Stuart Porteous Caroline and Roger Purves, from the Estate of Caroline Ragsdale Peter and Elizabeth Riemer Dr. Robert K. Robbins and Ms. Astrid Caldas David and Terry Sue Rubin Rainer K. Sachs Jeannette and Alexander Sanger William J. and Sally R. Siegel Foundation James S. Sligar and Diana M. Sattelberger Smith Family Legacy Foundation Diana L. Strassmann and Jeff A. Smisek Tides Foundation Willa Warren Gretchen Whitaker Associates $2,500 to $4,999 Dominque Allen Susan W. Almy Elisabeth and Russell Beckstead Willard Brown Robert E. Brown and Margaret B. Brown Andrea Cohen Matthew Cooper John Deharpporte Ranae DeSantis The Philip Devon Family Foundation The Dickler Family Foundation Walter and Ursula Eberspacher Lester Embree Thomas Evans Barbara G. Fell FirstGiving The Glickenhaus Foundation Terry E. Grant Garret Gruener and Amy Slater Family Fund IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Dr. Graham Hamilton John Hirschi IPAS Samita Jacobs Judith Jesiolowski and Dave Thompson Helgi Jobe Randall C. Jones Erica and A. Blair Jones Sidney J. Kass The Kris Ellie Charitable Fund Albert and Flora Leisenring Madeline and Richard Lenski Ralph Lillie Deborah Lynch Josephine Mahon Scott and Terry McKenzie David Milner James Starr Moore Memorial Foundation Pack Foundation Richard G. Parker and Vagner de Almeida James and Kristine Rollinson Simple Actions Family Foundation Romaine Solbert George and Helene Strauss Barbara S. Sullivan Edwin and Dorothy Sved Third and Oak Corp. R. Murray and Shirley Thomas Laney Thornton Foundation Arlene Wang and James Carria Jennifer Weiford Jo Lynne Whiting Katharine Winthrop-Hagen Timothy and Starleen Wood World Service Meditation Group Fund for Humanity Burleigh Wyman and Heidi Wells Jerrold M. Yos Supporters $1,000 to $2,499 Melissa Aaron Mary Elizabeth Abeles AIG Matching Grants Program John J. and Margaret R. H. Albright Ameriprise Financial Richard Anderson and Lynn M. Hansen Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Kent P. Bach Dr. Julia P. Bailey Arthur and Debra Bakal J.F. and Leslie Baken Hancock and Julia Banning Vijaya Bapat Donors in 2012 Philip and Daniele Barach Family Foundation Jean T. Barolet Bruce and Nannette Bassett Ann Bauer and Steven Woodbury Joy W. Becher Susan C. Bee David R. Benedik Bennett/Malloy Fund George and Sharon Bertsch Naiff and Jessica Bethoney Robert Billstein Nanette Blair William and Patricia Blanton Hannah Blum Jeremiah and Margot Bogert Louisa Bonnie Hugh Brady Ruth Bremner James Brennan Clemens and Marjorie Bribitzer Mrs. Walter F. Brissenden Marvis and Howard Brodke Brookwood Betty Dabney Brown Fund of The Community Foundation of Louisville Peter G. Brown The E. Bryce and Harriet Alpern Foundation Ralph Burnham Jane Bush The Ettie H. and Gerard R. Butters Fund The Calabi Fund Diego Candida Katherine and Michael Carney Yu Chang Kathleen Cheevers Sally Chess Chevron Humankind Chisholm Trail Communities Foundation Dr. and Mrs. David L. Chittenden Dennis Clark Coastal Community Foundation Andrea Cochran Janet Conn and Michael Debelak Diana Conway Eric Cornell and Celeste Landry Mary and Paul Cosper Fund of the Peninsula Community Foundation Peter Craig Regina Crawford John and Louise Crissman Karen Sambold Dana Mary Jane Dean 5 The Charles Delmar Foundation Chris Diehl Katherine Dienes Ronald and Susan Diner Philanthropic Fund Dole Family Foundation The Donor Choice Foundation Felicity Drukey Lucinda Dudley Joan Dunbar and William Starbuck Bernice and Bernice Durand Marlene Y. Ebert Lisa Esherick Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation Richard Espenscheid Dennis Esposito Robert Everett Rosemary Faulkner Seth and Alison Scott Ferguson David R. Field Richard Fine Andrew and Betsy Fippinger Doris Foster Foundation Ellen Fox Freddie Mac Workplace Giving Campaign Mary Free Andrew L. Frey Ruthellen Fried Gisela and Jeff Friedman John Fries Richard Fuchs Marie Lee Gaillard Peter G. Warren and Sandra L. Galejs Laird Gasan Robert and Paula Gerdes Betsy Gillaspy and Charles Zalinski Robert Gillespie Give With Liberty Ruth and Jack Glantz Family Foundation Penelope Goodfriend Suzan R. Goodman Edwin and Donna Gookin Lorraine Goyette Harry W. Green Joan and Roger Grimm Neil and Elizabeth Groundwater Charles and Candace Haber Robert Haegele Gary Haith Belle L. Halpern The Halverson Foundation Holly Handler-Axtell and Keith Axtell Jack and Kay Hansma Charitable Trust IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Richard Henry and Kathryn Hood Harjes Foundation Daniel and Zara Harris Mary Beth Hastings and Howards Wilkins Lenore Hecht Foundation Paul D. Heideman Helen Helson Richard Henderson Nancy R. Hendricks Marijan and Barbara Herjanic Carl Hess and Tracy Pirnack Susan Heyman Dale Hillard Judith Randal Hines The Richard R. Howe Foundation Evan Husted John and Janet Irwin Annand Jagesar Mon Whea Jeng Marjorie L. Jennings Joel F. Jensen Katharine H. Johnson Denis F. Johnston Dawn A. Jones Elisabeth Jones Judy Judd JustGive Jane Kahan Rita and Henry Kaplan Henry W. Keyes The Keyes-Sulat Family Fund Hugh and Urling Kingery The Kingfisher Fund Dorothea Klein Lesley Knowles Carolyn and Tom Kulog Lasky Charitable Lead Trust Jean Lave Dr. Jean L. Le Renard David and Nancy Lemons Douglas Liebhafsky and Wendy Gimbel Ben Littauer and Kathy Kerby Dorothy Lockspeiser Robert and Robin Lofquist Henry D. Lord Cynthia Lord Anthony R. Lorts Mary Lunt Ellen Mantalica MacDonald Randolph Ross and Cynthia Mahoney Marvin K. Malek Curtis and Kathleen Marble Kevin Markman Donors in 2012 Hermine and Sumner Marshall Peter Hamlin and Zelda Mason Alexis and John McCammon Charles A. McCarthy Matthew McClain Jude E. McElroy James P. McGuire Neal McKinney John and Carol Ann Meininger Purple Lady/Barbara J. Meislin Fund Merck Partnership for Giving Middlecott Foundation Michael A. Milczarek Robert and Catherine Miller Kristi Miller Lee W. Miller Robert Mills and Judith Kleen Aaron and Elizabeth Morrill Mary Morrow H. Stuart and Elizabeth Muench Fred Murphy William and Ann Naftel National Instruments Jeffrey and Jane Nelson Dr. Bonnie A. New Peter Newman and Kathy Lang Ohls/Pollack Charitable Fund Edward and Eunice Ordman The O’Riordan Darcy Family Fund Stephanie Parmely Anita K. Pearson Kenneth Peterson and Simona McCray Patricia C. Phillips J. Phinne Mary Catherine Phinney Joy Phoenix Arnold and Ann Pickar Linda Pierce Rebeca Plank Richard Plano and Kathy Yeager Cheryl Pochapin Charlotte Poloncsik David Porteous and Vicky Smith Ruth F. Potter Michael and Susan Powell Carole M. Presnick Ronald and Nancy Ryan Proesel Raju Rajan Lyle Ramshaw Austin and Kristin Ratner Christopher and Alexis Reed David N. Regen Timothy and Susan Reichard 6 William and Marilyn Reiss Richard G. Rockefeller Rockefeller Matching Gift Foundation John and Susan Lavery Rodgers Dora Freedman Levit Fund for People Christine Rose Marcy Rosewater and Mark Gibian Eileen Rowe Ruth Russell Ralph D. Samuelson Juliette J. Schick Naomi Schiff Myers Harold Schmitz Michael and Noreen Scofield The Sentinel Fund William Shanks Leslie Shen Julianne L. Shoemaker Rose Shure Eric and Sara Simon Samantha E. Skove Stephen Smith Christopher Smith and Gail Gorlitz John H. Snyder Eugene and Peggy Somoza John W. Sowles Ann Sowlles Gregg Spieler Spruce Fund David and Ann St. Germain Michael Stekoll and Deborah Hansen Pauline and Rollin Sturgeon John Sutter Dr. Lois M. Sutton Jonathan F. Tait Dr. and Mrs. Lee M. Talbot Paul Taylor David and Margaret Thouless Kent Thurber Adriane and Art Travis Truist-Altruism, Connected Helen M. Tryon Ramu Tummala Vanguard Joseph Vivari Josh Wallach Kent and Mary Alice Warner Cynthia Wayburn Sylvia Weaver Steve Weisbart Anthony Wexler Glen and Nancy Whitney Robert W. and Elizabeth S. Wilson Fund IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Edward Witten Steven R. Woodbury Gerald Groner and Lisa Yntema YourCause Vance Zavela and Jean Schiro-Zavela David Ziemann Zuckerman-Kanner Gift Fund Friends $500 to $999 James A. Attwood and Leslie K. Williams Daniel and Susan Paulien Douglas and Deborah Zlatin Thomas and Paulette Groves Alan and Marsha Ingber Suzanne Shenk and Scottt Siegal Carol and Robert Bauer James and Pamela Porter Michael and Susan Nash Don and Sarah Moore Edward and Margaret Sliva Jane and Jeremy Knowles Smith and Eva Powell Victoria Saab and Craig Groves John and Sally States Daniel Rose and Ellen Pinson Rosalind and Robert Abernathy Heman and Patricia Adams Joel W. Ager Alchemy Foundation Richard Allen Leslie Allison William and Doris Altman Valerie L. Amerkhail Philip Anderson Randy S. Anglen Joshua and Elyse Arnow George P. Astie Peter Athearn Myrna and Alan Baker Bank of America Matching Gift Program Linda Barbour Jean H. Barid Carmen and Derli Barroso Edwin and Janet Bartholomew Mary Bauer Alan Beasley Ann Bein Henrietta and Henrietta Bente Trisanne Berger Cinda Berry Fred Berry Georgia Biesterveld Big Cat Foundation Donors in 2012 Sharon Boatright Elspeth G. Bobbs Boeing Employee’s Community Fund Richard and Catherine Bolczak Dr. Jean S. Bolen Sharon Bolles and Nando Raynolds Doris Bouwensch The Valerie Brackett and Nikolas Monoyios Charitable Fund Bristol-Myers Squibb Employee Giving Program Harry Brodie Arthur Brown Bruce Ford Brown Charitable Trust Josiah H. Brown Rebecca Brown Thomas W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. Buell Wayne and Cynthia Bullaughey Richard D. Burger Edmund Burkett Roger Burnell Jerry Busch Susan Okie Bush Mary Alicia Callahan Ethalilnda K. S. Cannon David Carlton Nancy Carrel Ronald and Judith Carter John Chamberlain JPMorganChase Matching Gift Program Chia Chia Zou Cheng Kyung-Ok Cho Andrew Christensen Judith Ciani Robert and Jane Clark Brian Clark and Rachel Merz John Coakley Robert Cobb Anne and Dan Cohen Marion Cohen David Colden Elizabeth Cole JoAnn B. Conard Jonathan Coopersmith Stephen W. Craig Dan and Sidnie Crawford Charlotte Cressey John and Clara Dale Patricia Daly Ronald B. David Paul and Joan Lauterbur Eileen M. Degen 7 Kate Delacorte Martha Delaney and Scott Russell Giles L. Desbrow Vicente Diaz Don and Ellen Dollar Trust Robert Duffy Katherine Durant Allyn Ebens Peelen Claire Eberwein Lydia and William Edison Donald Edwards Louise M. Eichelberger David and Sonja Ellis Frank Ellis Marjorie Engel Madlyn H. Evans Kate S. Ezra Mr. and Mrs. C. Lansing Fair Karen A. Ferguson Rolfe and Margaret Finn Kathy Fischer Deborah Fisher Stuart Fisher Floyd Construction, Inc. Kathy Fogarty Robert H. Folz Howard and Sally Fox Laurie Frankel David Frankfurter Mio Fredland Donald and Lucrecia Freebairn Elizabeth Friedland Jane Galvan Edgar Gasteiger Gary and Pamela Gates Owen and Marianne Davis GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program Stephen Gelardi Dedre Gentner Meredith George Sandra Gerbing Margaret Ginsburg Wayne Glaser Floyd A. Glenn III Nancy Goldberg Andrea Goldensohn Mollie Goodman Marie Gookin Paul Gordon and Patricia Kernighan Shari Gore Gregg Martin Gorrin Gertrude Grant The Greenberg Foundation IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities David J. Griffiths William Guensche Eleanor Gural Henry and Suzanne Gwiazda David J. Hagquist Janet Hahn Donald and Margaret Hall John Hancock Jane B. Hart Edward and Evamaria Hawkins Larry Heiller Grace Heitsch Walter L. Hemphill John Hering Peter King and Lesley Higgins Dorothy Hines Judith Hoffman Robert Holmgren and Anita Spertus Samuel and Lyn Hopper Mary Howard Judy Howard and J. David Soltman Roger and Carolyn Howe Robert Hunter Gordon and Melissa Huther Louise Hytken Dyke J. Van Mark Jackson Ivy Jacobson Patricia Joanides Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Sylvester Johnson Theodore Johnson Everett N. Jones Wilma and Carl Jordan Judith Joy Peter and Elyse Jung Jon Kannegaard & Patricia Sandoval Karliner-Thaler Fund Dorothy L. Kasch Mike Keary Dennis and Joanne Keith Steven Keleti Marion Kellogg Barbara L. King Mark and Wendy Knudsen Anne D. Koch Louisa Koch Gael Kurath Todd and Dara La Porte Charlotte Landis Richard and Joyce Lashof Bernice K. Lasker Leigh Lasley Donors in 2012 Karen Lavine and Donald Kilpatrick Richard Leask and Barbara Means Milton and Lois Lehman Margaret Lemaster John Levendusky Anne Lewis Alan and Pamela Linov Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Lonac Lois H. Love Carl and Sheree Clark Lovell Stewart Macaulay Mary Lee MacDonald John and Kristin Macomber Roger Marchese Tim and Sherri Maret Terry Marsh Michael Marshall Linda Matthew Robert and Carolyn Mattoon Fund Rebecca Mautner Paul R. McClenon Cynthia McClintock Downs and Irene McCloskey Elizabeth McConaughy Karen McDonald Mike McGee Kian McKellar Tessa McRae Dawn Meekhof Joseph and Bea Mego Sarah Mellen Virigina S. Meloney The Max Minsky and Florence Minsky Goldstein Family Foundation Inc. Heather Miyagi Erin Moilanen James Montanaro and Marcia Tugendhat Ricardo Moran Ruth Morton Sara Moser Susan Muller Constance Murray Paul Nannig and Susan Fisher James Neal Donna Neal Phillip and Karin Nelson Kathy Neumann Peter L. Neumeier Charles Nevill George S. Newell Martha Newell Laura C. Newmark Richard A. Noble 8 Virginia Nyhart Mary J. O’Briant William O’Connor David O’Donahoe and Diane Pienta Timothy Olson Vivian and Paul Olum Foundation Scott Osborne Jeremiah and Alicia Ostriker Jill Otto Charles Palmer Carolyn Papke Rebecca J. Parsons Kathryn Paschke Reverend Edgar C. Peara Lois A. Pettinger Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program PG&E Corporation Bill and Marianne Phillips Ellen S. Pizer Herbert and Roberta Platt Jean and Henry Pollak Foundation, Inc. Robert Porter Claire Pott Frances Rachel Steven Rathfon Habib Rathle Razoo Foundation Bayard Rea Joan and Robert Rechnitz Philanthropic Fund Mary Ann Rehnke Paula Remmel Glenn and Joyce Reynolds William and Ines Rhoads Patricia Riddle William Ritter Ed and Deborah Roach John and Ingrid Robechek Charitable Fund Janice Rodgers Suzanne Rodriguez Michael Roe Lena Rotenberg Marie Ruby Judith Russell Paul Ryan Deborah Saeger and Christopher McKeachie William Sanderlin Robert Sanders James E. Scheuermann Isidore Schiller Sidney and Clarine Schmukler Pamela Schneider Evelyn Schneirsohn IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Philip Schoene and Amy Bolton Schwab Charitable Fund Alvin and Dorothy Schwartz Foundation Renata M. and Jack P. Schwebel Philanthropic Fund Robert and Elizabeth Scott Christopher Senn Linda S. Serna Jay P. Shapiro Carleton Shay Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Shepard The Shepard Gusfield Family Fund Lorin Sheppard James Sheridan Linda Siecke Robert Silsbee Elisabeth Simon Patricia Simpson Dawn Smith Jennifer Smith Priscilla Smith Warren Smith Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur L. Smith Peter Spendelow and Jill Schatz Joyce Stahmann The Starfish Foundation Mary Steele Thomas W. Steinburn Suzanne S. Stensaas Ian Stockdale Frances Storey Charles R. Stout Thomas M. Straus Evelyn Swenson Nitsan Tal Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor, Jr. Pamela Tennant Clifford and Mary Terry Bonita Teymouri William C. Theimer Sarah Thomas June M. Thomasson Beverley Thompson Mark Thompson ThreeBees Fund J. Throgmorton Alison Tinsley Brian Tinsley David Toft William Towle Dr. and Mrs. Arun K. Trikha Mark Troll and Lalita Ramakrishnan Connie Turner Donors in 2012 United Way California Capital Region Marjolein Van Der Meulen David Vaughn Elizabeth J. Verbeck and Charlie Garcia Rudi Volti Joseph Walton Henry L. Abrons and Li-Hsia Wang William and Elizabeth Watts Herman and Lillian Weiner Stephen and Eleanor Weinstein Robert and Elizabeth Weinstock Wellington Management Company Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign James R. Williams Stephen Winston Wittmann Cardinal Fund Barbara Wood Marion Woodfield and Marc Weinberg Gordon R. Wright Craig R. Wulf and Diana Warmann Helen Wyatt Soon-Young Yoon Robert and Joyce Zaitlin Flavia Zaro Robin Ziegler Kurt Zoner Backer $250 to $499 Tim Aaronson James W. Adams Elizabeth M. Adkins Sally M. Adler Leif A. Ahrens Ellen P. Aisenbrey Ruth G. Alden Anne B. Allen Stephen Alpert Robert Alworth Horacio Amarilho Ruth D. Ammlung Clifford E. Anderson Brenda J. Anding Pamela Andrews Luc Anselin Earl Appel Debra Applin Marcia C. Arem Marian Arens Rosemary Armstrong Lois W. Arntzen Samuel Aronson Mary L. Auth Raymond Ayoub 9 Virginia Baker Ann Baker George and Harriet Baldwin Rita Banewicz Sally E. Barbour Ronald Barger and Rebecca Garbett Nancy Barnes Tina Barnet Tricia Barr Keith D. Barton Alan and Patricia Bass Lawrence S. Bazel Allen and Martha Page Beach Isabel H. Beck Reinier Beeuwkes Donald Beisswenger Judy Bell Raymond E. Bellamy Marvin L. Bellin Ellen S. Belson Brian and Joyce Bender Debbie Benner Alton A. Berg Bradly and Ramona Berg Pearl S. Berg Doris E. Berger Kent Bergh Debra B. Bergoffen Bernard Berner Susan G. Best Rose S. Bethe Mary R. Bewig Jean and James Biek Diane Bigler David and Anne Bingham Joseph L. Blair Blair-Weisfeld Fund John H. Blake Clara Bleak Viola M. Blount Ruth Boehm Nanette M. Bohren Ann Boisclair Nathaniel J. Borgen Sylvia and Wendon Boris Megan Boudreau Michael F. Bowers Catherine S. Boyan Stephan A. Boyd Gloria Boyer Lyman B. Brainerd Laurie Brandt Tali Bray IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Vivian A. Bregman Gregory J. Brigance Ethel S. Brody Seth Brown W. R. and Mary Brown Joanne E. Bruggemann Jessica Buckles and Jack Rouston Stephen Bullock George E. Bunce C. S. Burgees Frida Burling Dyke and Gail Burson Daniel Butler Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Caldwell Calvert Social Investment Foundation John Calwell Francine Campbell Jeanne Campbell Mark M. Canfield Suzanne Carder Loretta Carey Paul F. Carlton Gerhard A. Caroll Linda Carraway Michael L. Carson Emily A. Carter Alice S. Cary Daniel Case Kelly Castagnaro Courtney B. Cazden Charles Cerf John Chapin Jean B. Chapman Whitney Chen Laura Chenel Lynn G. Chiapella Mr. & Mrs. Rory and Michele Childers Jack Christensen E. Ann Christian David N. Church Daniel Ciprari and Kristen Wood Charles and Nancy Cladel Richard and Joann Clark David and Susan Cleveland Harriet G. Cogger Barbara R. Cohen Sarah J. Coletti Marie Collamore John and Sheila Compton Catharine A. Conley Kathleen P. Conlon Stanton and Joan Cook Joan Cooke Donors in 2012 Marilyn F. Cornwell Julie Coronado Kimberly Corp Richard Corry Bruce Coston Laurie R. Coyle Paul and Barbara Crandall Wilfred M. Crispin Robert Crowley Aimee Cunningham Cecile Currier Kathryn Dagestino Paul W. Daisey Ronald E. Daley Charlotte Houston-Dallett Jean Daniels Carol Daniels and Dick Jacker Helen Darrow Sheila Das Steven Datlof and Diane Harrison Gary David Charles and Constance Dayton Lawrence De Graaf Lenore Dean Thomas A. Dean Elizabeth Ann Dejarnatt Edith Demmert David Demnitz and Elizabeth Herbert Margaret M. Denison Walter Denley Marie C. Desjardin Barbara M. Diamond Mary Dimperio Dorothy Dodge Mary M. Doll Alan P. Donaldson Carey W. Donaldson Judith Donnelly Donald L. Donohugh Tom Dorance and Karin Frey James and Mary Downton Carol Drake Elizabeth Dreben and Hillel Chiel Jana Drgonova Kenneth Duckett Jeffrey Dugal Donna Duke Ben C. Dunlap Kenneth Dupuy Carol Dutton Janet B. Eaton Marilee Eaves Gloria Eddie 10 Jeanne Egasse Edith Ehrenreich Richard Eisen and Joy Markowitz Mary Eitzman Janet H. Ellis Paul F. Endres Alberta J. Espie Najaria Esty Terence and Ann Esvelt Helen Etkin Susan A. Evans Louise P. Ewing Michele Fabrega Harlow Farmer Joyce Farr Robert J. Fassbender Don Feathers Lisa M. Ferro Bryan Feuer Emily Filling John and Stacey Finley Genevieve Firestone Lee Fitzgerald Robert L. Foester John D. Fogarty Barbara Johnson Foote John Foster Conrad J. Fowler Judith Fox William R. Franklin Hugo Franzen Leonore W. Freehling Rebeca L. Frenkel Ruthellen Fried Chris Frolking and Ms. Margaret Nulsen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fryer Horace M. Gaims Kent Gallagher Robert J. Gallati Jordi Gallego Claudia Ganz Lynnel Garabedian Sheryl P. Gardner Renata Gasperi Dr. and Mrs. Charles Gaston Steve Gates and Julie Fox Leslie Gaunt Joan D. Dukik-Gayoso Barbara Geiger and Wayne Katon Carol Gerard Margaret Gilbert Marcella GilmoreI and Edward Muehl Beverly Giordano and Adolph Bushell IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Judith Glaser Eli Glatstein Charlene M. Gliniecki Elizabeth Goering Emery Goff Martin Goldberg Dan Goldmann Elena Goldstein Alison K. Gomez Bernard and Beverly Goode Luana G. Goodwin Eve M. Gorman Debora Granneman Troy Gras Jane E. Graves Edward C. Gray Mr. and Mrs. L. Daniel Gray Donald J. Green Judith Strupp Green Berton Greenberg Gary N. Greenberg and Marcia R. Gottfried Sue S. Grieff Paul Grifo Christine A. Gritzmacher David and Catherine Gross Michael P. Gross Amelia R. Guise Donald R. Gunderson Lloyd H. Guptill Barbara Gurtler Kurt and Barbara Guter Natalie Z. Haar Haddie Hadachek Diana L. Haldin Andrew and Katherine Hall John Hall Nicholas Hall Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand I. Halperin Daniel P. Halvorsen Hilary Hamlin Mary S. Hanlan Lynne C. Hannen Vivien W. Hanson W.P. Harbour Mary A. Hardy Marcella S. Hardy Gerald Harp and Celine Pinet David J. Harris Sandra S. Harris William and Barbara Harris Alan Haubenstock Roger and Margaret Haug Cosmo L. Haun Donors in 2012 Daniel Hawkins and Carolyn Moss Oscar Hawksley Carlyle P. Hedrick James and Barbara Heffron Diane Heimlich Rebecca Heisler Julia J. Henderson Elizabeth Henke Harvey and Emily Herman Jenifer M. Hermann Lois C. Herrmann Alexandra Herz Judith Herzfeld Anne E. Higgins Barbara C. Hill Karen Hill and Sheldon Rosen Karl and Laura Hinrichs David Hochner Christopher and Elizabeth Hofflin Jane Holland Willam R. Holman Gerda Holmstrom Katharine Houghton Martha S. Housholder Douglas Hovde Marjorie Howard Jones Margaret Howie Raymond Huey and Linda Bennet Vicki Huff and Eric Boerwinkle Tana P. Hunter Richard C. Hyde Richard Hyland Robert Ing Ann M. Ingolia Lorna B. Isenberg Carol B. Jackman Edith Jackson and Thomas Richardson Margaret H. Jackson Eva E. Jacobs Helene Jacobs Miriam E. Jencks Jeffrey Arthur Jens Kris D. Jensen Gonzalo Jimenez Edward and Cathy Johnson Soeren Johnson Elizabeth Joiner Martha H. Jones Reese and Margaret Jones Susan Jones and David Wright Patricia Joralemon Belinda M. Juran and Evan Schapiro Janice M. Juraska 11 Dr. and Mrs. Norman M. Kaplan Catherine Kashanski and Eric Sorenson Sherman Kassof Wayne Katon and Bobbi Geiger Elizabeth Katznelson Rick Kaufman and Donna Fleming Keiter Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Keller Charles J. Kelley Nora Kelly William and Charlotte Kennedy Patricia Kenschaft Catherine Kent Roger Ketcham Michael K. Kettle Deirdre D. Kieckhefer Paul M. Killough Monica Kinberg Jeanette A. King Thomas King Barbara Kingsolver John and Ruth Kistler Alice A. Kleinhans Judith Klinman Lisa Klopfer Peter S. Klosterman Sandra Kolb Branden Kornell and Simona Gokhin Ray L. Kramer Jan J. Kratky Mary Kriegshauser Mary Krueger Edwin B. Kurtz Jean E. Kyle Christopher A. Kyle John E. Laing Madeleine Lamarre Eldred Lamb Janet M. Lambert Gloria LaMont Lenore Lampert Otto and Ruth Landman Jeremy Landman Judith Lang and Lynton Land Byron J. Lapham Susan Larson Shirley Lavell Randy Law Jennifer L. Lawlace Susan Leboff and Bruce Weiner Jean Lecuyer Nora Lee Patricia Leef IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Robert Leefe Susan Z. Leff Audrey J. Lenk Dorothy Leonard and Walter Swap Douglas P. Lerner Susan Levine Ronald M. Levinson Joshua Sarah Levy Virginia S. Lew Haideh N. Lightfoot Rowan Lindley Eric Liner Jeffrey K. Lines Nina J. Link Morton Lippmann Peggy Lipschutz Edna Litten Elliot and Lenore Zug Lobel Marie K. Lobre Julie A. Long Marcena W. Love Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lowery Judith Loy Marsha Luce William and Julie Lupatkin Jennifer Lyman Mary S. Lyman Jean MacDonald Susan MacFarlan Barbara Machtey and Joseph Hashmall Christopher J. Madden Diane Maguire Jack and Jody Manischewitz Michele and Steven Marantz Karen Marder Rhonda Marker and William Pittock Joann M. Marsh Fredricka C. Martin Marcelo and Linda Martinez Diane Marton Roger D. Mason Donna Masoner Stephen Mather Jean V. Matthews Nancy C. Maze Georgia Mc Rae Eris McCarthy Anne McDonnell Josefina F. McDonough Charles McDuffie Ian McEwen Michael and Agnes McGaha Lyn McGuire Donors in 2012 Maureen McKenzie Peter McKnight Laurel McLauglin Dean S. McMurry Lyle G. McNeile Linda S. McPherson William and Bonnie Melchior Hannah Melnicoe Jennifer Meresman Marion Mettler Mr. and Mrs. John L. Meulemans Margery Meyer Paulette and Richard Meyer Margaret Milem Elaine Miller Virginia Mistry Howard Mitnick Ann Mohbacher Daniel N. Mohler Barbara Mohr Oliver C. Moles Giancarlo Moneti Pamela Monfried Joan Mooney Kristin A. Moore Susan R. Moore Keith and Diana Morabito James N. Morgan Lucien Morin Andrew Morrill Bruce Morse Peter and Gail Mott Fred and Mary Munson Anne Murphy Alyce R. Myatt Wilma Myer Marysa Navarro Lois M. Naylor Julie A. Nelson David Newman and Dierdre Steinberg Caroline Niemira Dorit L. Noether Dawn L. Nordgren Ardyth A. Norem Victoria Nourafchan Gloria Nudelman Roger and Joyce Nusbaum Debora O’Brien John P. Oconnell J. Kevin and Maryanne Olsen Suzanne Oparil Gordon and Elizabeth Orians Gail Osherenko 12 T. Andreas Ostenso Virginia Palacios Jesse Palmer Laura Parsons Vicki S. Pate Daniel and Claudia Pearce Gary and Evelyn Peelle Cheryl I. Perazzoli Anne S. Perrote Gregory Pfluger and Connie McElrone E. Ann Philippi Richard and Alice Pierson Robert R. Pionke Daniel L. Pittman Margo Pizzo Mari Plagge and Charles Rabkin Pamela Pletcher and Robert French Richard Pokorny and Ellen Wehrle Kathryn Polich Chris Polonchek Leslie F. Pomerantz James Pomeroy T. D. Poole Stephen Popkin Donnal Poppe Laurence M. Porter Susan and Kenneth Powell Brian E. Powers Gerald Powley Maynard and Andrea Powning Richard and Laura Pratt David J. Pritchard James H. Proctor Anne E. Pusey Siegfried P. Rabie Lauren Rader James J. Ramage Anne Randolph Richard and Sue Redman Michael Redmond Regelson Charitable Gift Fund Grace F. Reindle Ellen Reiser Mary Ann Reiss Ann E. Reitz David H. Reynolds Nancy J. Rice Stephen Richards Susan B. Richardson Marsha Richins John and Susan Richmond Megan Rickert Marie W. Ridder IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Suzanne Riess Mary K. Riley Roberto and Barbara Rios Lois Riskin William P. Ritchie C. Todd Rittenhouse Maria Jose Rivas Joe B. Roberts Larry and Maria Roberts Eleanor I. Robertson Virginia Rocen John S. Roe Constance Rogers Mark F. Roller Robert E. Ronus Tobias W. Rosenblatt Carl Rosenfeld Jean A. Rosenfeld Warner A. Rosenthal Richard L. Roth Don and Ann Rothblatt Sharyn Rothstein Janice L. Roudebush June Rounds Richard Rubenstein Marcia G. Rucker Julius Rudel Christopher Runco Lorrena Salazar Matthew Sands Devang and Anamika Savani Karen P. Schaefer Carl and Kathleen Scheiman Stephanie Schmelz Cecelia Schmieder and Jonathan Clapp Christy Schmitt Glenn and Mary Schnadt Joseph C. Schoenberg Ann Schonberger Rosalind Schoof Peter and M. Gwyneth Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. John Schullinger Eliszabeth M. Schulte Peter C. Schulze Phillip Schuman Judy Schutza Leslie Schwartz Katherine Scott J.D. Seals Robert M. Sedgwick Rex Seeley Ashley A. Sells Marianne E. Selph Donors in 2012 Jerome Shaffer Benson Shapiro Kiki Shappell Christopher Shaull Vance Shaw Gloria Shaw Hamilton Marcia C. Shearer Rachel Sheinkin Ann M. Sherman Eric and Carolyn Shettle Fumiko Shido Mary H. Shortridge Norma Shylanski David Siegmund Anne Sigrid Anderson and Stephen Allen Peter and Marcia Sill Henry and Jessica Simpson Carra Sims Rosalind Singer Patricia B. Skidmore Mr. and Mrs. A. Homer Skinner Cynthia W. Slosson Joan Smith Charitable Fund Laura W. Smith Lincoln Smith M. B. Smith Tylee S. Smith Martha Smolen R. Stepehn and Sandra Soule Caroline Spangler Nicole and John Speer Richard Speizman and Faith Horowitz Helen Spiro Jean C. Stanfield William and Diane Steen Eva L. Steger Shelah Stein Michael Steiner Steven and Jean Henigson Elizabeth W. Stewart Catharine Stimpson Robert and Nancy Stocker Ann and Don Stormzand Toni Strassler Dr. and Mrs. Paul U. Straus Zelda Street Lois M. Sturm Tom Sullivan and Catherine Bonnard Pavur Sundaresan Shaam and Rhoda Sundhar Robert J. Swanger Anne D. Taft Julie C. Tan 13 Betsy Taylor Kathryn N. Taylor Mary Tedrow Marc Temin Irene Temple Robert Temple Dagny I. Tennyson John W. Terborgh William E. Thibodeaux Marjorie Thomas Martin and Nancy Thomas George A. Thompson Richard and Penny Thurer Peter M. Tiersma Mr. and Mrs. Harleigh V.S. Tingley Thomas N. Tinley Marjorie Topkins Joe Toyoshima Marlene Tufts Carrington Tutwiler Frances A. Underhill Unitarian Universalist Church of Bowling Green Dona Upson Celestine Van Dorpe Warren R. Van Tongeren Joanna Vandenberg Robert A. Vanderkamp Letty Vanderlinden Leslie Varkonyi Joseph R. Verfaillie Phil Villers Michael R. Vivian Charles Vogt Volker M. Vogt Cornelia Von Allmen Paul E. Von Kuster Miriam Voran Lisa C. Wahle Herbert A. Wainer Pamela Walker Billy C. Wallace Maxine Wallin Harry Walters and Gail Schatz Robert and Judith Ward Marvin Warren Selden Wasson J. Dix and Barbara Wayman Catherine Weaver Ellen L. Webster Barbara Weiffenbach Michael Wellman Richard D. Werner IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Maureen S. Wesolowski Henry R. West Barbara Westergaard Florie K. Wezelman Carolyn M. White Ellen J. White Wayne G. Whitmore Linda Whitney Beverly and David Wickstrom Leslie A. Wieman Steven R. Wiesenberger Leslie Wilcox Barbara C. Williams Louise Boyer-Williams Raymond C. Williams Sarah M. Williams Christa Williford L. Jane Wilson Kathrin Winkler Eugene P. Wise Jan M. Wiste Frederic G. Withington Andrea Wolper Mariel L. Wolter James K. Wong Anne Wood and Terrence Mace Rachel Woodard Raymond Worley Elizabeth C. Wright Pamela Wrigley Robert Wurtz Edith Wyss Jean H. Yngve Jo E. Young Sam W. Young Jacqueline Yount Laurie A. Zastrow Donald B. Zobel Fans $100 to $249 Grover Abel Mildred Abelson Janet S. Abernathy Catha A. Abrahams Peter L. Abramowitsch Brenda Abrams Judith P. Ackerman Basil Acock John A. Acree Dario R. Adames Caroline N. V. Adams Margaret C. Adams Susan L. Adams Donors in 2012 Julian P. Adamson Katherine Adelson Susan Adleman Carole S. Adler Ingrid C. Koch-Adler Susan S. Adler Celeste Adrian Wilton J. Aebersold John L. Afton Elizabeth C. Ahern Ahimsa Charitable Gift Fund Sonja Aikens Sheila B. Ainbinder Perla G. Akin Sheri Alber Susan Alberts Douglas Albro Peter and Susan Alden Olga S. Alderson John Aldridge Carolyn Alexander John I. Alexander Lesley J. Alexander Nancy L. Alexis Nicholas C. Alfieri Linda Alfredson Tamara Alibeckoff R. Russell Allbery Ann T. Allen Betty Allen David L. Allen Francine Falk-Allen and Richard Falk Geraldine C. Allen Gracia Allen Kristen R. Allen Robert and Mary Allen Sam Allenberg Shelley J. Allison Esther Lee Alpern Kenneth Alpern Aria Alpert David Altman Elena A. Alvarez Fernando Alvarez Nilda Alverio Gabriele Alverson Susan Alvord Anne J. Ambler Linda Ammerman Phillip R. Amos Susan D. Amussen Kathryn M. Anastos Barbara Andersen 14 Andrea L. Anderson Barrie Anderson Frederick Anderson Jeanne Anderson Jill Anderson Lloyd and Pauline Anderson Marjorie J. Anderson Renate M. Anderson Richard J. Anderson Virginia Anderson David J. Andre Steve Andreas Kenneth J. Andrews Michael Andrews and Phymien Meach Siddika Angle Robert H. Anschuetz Jane B. Anthony Suzanne Antisdel John Antrobus Doris Applebaum Nancy G. Appling Edward Aptaker Gordon Archibald Nidia Arguedas Areta Arlen Katherine Arndt and Duane Schultz Verna Arnest Walter Arnstein John and Beverly Arthur Cheryl S. Asa Bernice Ash Jerome W. Ash Patricia C. Ashbrook Carolyn R. Cahill-Asher Karen Asher Laura L. Asher Robert F. Ashman Mary Ashmead David and Sarah Aslakson Barbara Assadi Dolores E. Astill Christine Consaul Atkinson and Thomas Pool David I. Atkinson Jeffery Atwater Joanne Aubrey Susan J. Auerhan Lea R. Augustine Roy E. Ault Anita Austin Marilyn A. Austin Richard S. Austin Margaret G. Auth IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Jonathan S. Avery Carol Axelrod Blake Axelson Rebecca T. Ayres Alexander D. Babich Jerald Bachman Megan Backes Edward and Martha Bacon Daniel and Janet Bagby David D. Bahr Brenda J. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. George W. Baird, Jr. Walter and Marilyn Baird Bill R. Baker Billl Baker Carol A. Baker Catherine Baker Joyce V. Baker Lynne R. Baker M. Steven Baker Martha V. Baker Priscilla E. Baker Winifred Baker Lori W. Balaban Kimberly Baldon Margaret M. Baldrige Richard Baldwin Charles Ball Daniel Balmer and Michelle Sang Scott M. Baltic Elena Balzac Ronald and Johanna Balzer Michael and Elizabeth Bamberger Carolyn F. Banas Brenda B. Baney Steven J. Banilower Elizabeth S. Banks Aaron D. Bannett Diane M. Banning Florence Barad Lee F. Barash Barbash Family Fund William Barber James Bardeen Claire B. Barger Judith E. Barlow Sibylle J. Barlow Dennis Barnes Gregory A. Barnes Joel L. Barnett Bruce W. Barnhart Ruth Barolsky Eugene Barrack Donors in 2012 Barbara H. Barratt Stephen and Judith Barrett Timothy Barrett and Jodie Plumert C. Minor Barringer Belinda K. Barrington Elizabeth A. Barron Daniel J. Barry Richard H. Barsanti Amanda Bartel Lloyd Bartholomew Jane C. Bartrum Betty Baruch Suzanne L. Barzee Edith M. Bass Jeff Bass Miriam Bassuk Philip Bastedo Dudley B. Batchelor J. Gordon Bateman Martin Bates Mark and Marjorie Bauer Mary L. Baum Matthew and Marion Baum Lawrence Bauman Beverly Baxter William T. Baxter Ruth Beach Laura Beale Toy Nancy Beals J. Taylor and Kathryn Beard Sarah Beard Malcom Beauvais Nancy C. Bechtolt Fran Beck Kay Beck David D. Becker Jill Becker Katrina H. Becker Michael Beckman Dorothy Beers Doris Begen Dana Behar Carey A. Behel Rebecca Behrendt Stefanie Bekenstein Earl and Arlene Bell Jane Bell Robin Bello Gregory Bellow Jayne Belnap Michael F. Bemis Lyla Bendsen Heather Benedict 15 Helen Benedict Robert S. Benjamin Brad Bennett and Barbara Schwartz Peter Bennett Ruth Bennett Sylvana Bennett Stephen J. Benton Christine Berardo and Robert Markowitz Mitchell Berg and Leni Klaimitz Calvin and Susan Bergdahl Catherine Bergel Doris Bergen and Joel Fink Barbara Berger Bya D. Berger Karl H. Bergey Elizabeth M. Berggren Richard G. Berggren Caroline H. Bergh Alex and Annette Bergins Elizabeth Beringer Marina Berio Marjorie Berk Mary C. Berkley Barbara Berko and Joel Deitz Ari Berkowitz Riva Berleant Anne Berlin Arlene Berman Bruce Berman Phyllis A. Bernard William Bernhardt David W. Berning Dieter G. Berninger Betty I. Bernstein Arel and Ellen Berrier Morris J. Berson Carla Bertelson John A. Bertsche Sat Sansar Singh Best Rosemary D. Bevan Bruce H. Beveridge Barbara S. Beverley Susan Bexton Martin G. Bialer David T. Bianco Ira Bibbero Klaus Bibl Robert M. Bick Janet R. Bickal Barbara Bicknell Frances B. Bicknell Robert E. Bickner Jeannine Bienn IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Arnold and Caroline Birenbaum James G. Birney Margaret C. Bisberg Donna Bischoff Mary Bise Evelyn Bishop M. O. Blaauw Alan Black Evan E. Black Karen L. Black Linda C. Black Nathalie V. Black Sophie Black Frances N. Blackmond Ellen A. Blais Elizabeth S. Blake Margaret L. Blake Priscilla Blakemore Richard and D. Elizabeth Blakney Kelly Blanchard Emily Blanck and Daniel Weiss Albert Blank Robert D. Blank Elizabeth A. Blassingham Jonathan G. Blattmachr Lea K. Bleyman Robert Blickensderfer Karen Blitz-Shabbir Renee Bloch Peggy S. Block Barbara A. Bloom Geoffrey and Mary Bloom Lawrence Blum Thomas Blumenthal Bruce C. Boardman Anita Boddie Elizabeth R. Bodine Pauline D. Boehm Diana Boernstein Gerald W. Boese David Bogart John S. Bogel Jo Ann Bohna Alfred G. Boissevain John and Carolyn Boitnott Charles M. Boldon Kathryn A. Bollhoefer Merry J. Bolt Bruce Bolter Eileen Bond Elisabeth S. Bondy Cristobal Bonifaz Beatriz Bonnet Donors in 2012 Michele R. Bonnett Benjamin H. Bonnlander Marcia Z. Bookstein Penny S. Boone Jane K. Boorstein Larry C. Booth Carol Boram and Micahel Bradshaw Hays David and Patricia Borchert Kenneth Borelli Jeannette Borovicka James and Janice Borrow Deborah Weinberg Bort Harriet B. Borton Roger and Meredith Boshes John W. Bossung Sarah Boswell Paul K. Bothmann Marion R. Bottorff Paul Boudreau Hara Ann Bouganim Erika Bourguignon Henry Bowden Wiley Bowen Mary B. Bowers Phoebe H. Bowers Barbara Bowles Barry J. Bowman Kristi Bowman Bettina Boxall Ken Boyce Patrick W. Boyd James E. Boyden Gail Boyle Michael and Leslin Boyer Robin Boyer Jane Lee Boynton Peter Boysen Nancy J. Boyson Elizabeth Brackett Mark Bradford Susan Bradley - Quaranta Caroline F. Brady Michael Brady Myra Brahms Robert and Arlene Braithwaite Mark H. Brakke Darrell N. Braman Barbara Bramble E J Branscomb Ellison Branstrom Warren H. Braren Clinton T. Brass Thomas Breckenridge 16 James L. Breedlove Elaina M. Breen Todd Breitbart Clair and Janis Brewer Wallace and Eileen S. Brians Mary E. Bridegam Lucile Bridges Kathryn A. Brien Christine Brigagliano Betsy Brigham and F. Brett Engstrom Peter Briglia and Joan Miller Megan P. Brill Virginia M. Brill Leslie Brisman Hoke Brissenden Harriet B. Brittain Mitchell Broadbent Kerry and Stephanie Broadhurst Susan W. Brobeck Herman Brockman Patricia L. Brockman Robert Brode Barbara C. Brodie Pamela Brodie Mary Broida Thomas R. Broker Angela Brooks Charlotte A. Brooks James R. Brooks Robert Brooks Shirley A. Brosch Donald and Mary Brown Ella L. Brown Frieda S. Brown Hilton U. Brown Howard H. Brown John Brown Katherine E. Brown Larry Brown Lawrence G. Brown Linda G. Brown Marina Brown Mary Brown Marysue Brown Patricia A. Brown Robert and Marcia Brown Sharyn Brown William H. Brown Ann E. Browne Beverly A. Browne Carol H. Browner Carl N. Brownsberger Margot L. Brubaker IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Nancy H. Brubaker Robert R. Brubaker Robert J. Bruce Harriet B. Bryan Phillip A. Bryan Ernest A. Bryant Carole Bryce Karen Buchanan Wachs Ingrid Bucher Ryan Buchner Janet Buchwald Mr. and Mrs. Donald R Buckey Lois Eby-Budbill Joan E. Budd Eugene Buder Priscilla Bull Alan Bunin Frank N. Bunker Dale Buralli and Joanne Bernardi Karen Burchard Ellen J. Burcroff Charles and Marion Burger Stephen P. Burger Patricia M. Burgevin James A. Burke Patricia Burke David G. Burks Cameron H. Burley Patricia Burnet Donald R. Burnett Carol A. Burns Darden H. Burns William Burnside Jean Busboso Carol A. Busby Rhonda Busby Helga Busemann Mary Buss and Ronald Simons Julian and Fay Bussgang David and Marcia Butchart Caroline Butler David Butler David Butler Kathleen Butler Shirley D. Byers Ardis I. Bynum Phyllis Cadwallader Robert L. Cady Leo Cafferty David and Consuelo Calabro Loretta Calcaterra Beatrice T. Caldwell Susan H. Caldwell Donors in 2012 Elizabeth S. Calfee John A. Calhoun Rebecca Calley Nancy Camburn Norma Cameron Sally Cameron Nancy A. Camp Michael E. Campana Audrey Campbell J. Tood Campi Catherine L. Canham Emily A. Canine Daniel S. Caplan Douglas Cardwell Kathryn L. Carleton Frances S. Carlin Charles Carll Frederick J. Carlson Paul and Jean Carlson Marvin A. Carlson Alexa Carole Tommi Carosella and Walter Stone James R. Carpenter Judith T. Carpenter Marguerite M. Carpenter Josephine L. Carpignano Ruth Carrington Thomas N. Carruthers Catherine L. Carter Mae R. Carter Ursula Casanova and David Berliner Leticia Casebourn Lynda Casper Joan Cassman and Michael Duncheon Patricia Castalia Barry I. Castleman Donald N. Castro Mary Cather Judith B. Cattell Margaret A. Cattey Melissa K. Cavaghan Madeline H. Caviness Trish A. Caywood Laura Cean Wilson Vera Cecchi Dorothy Cecil Theodore J. Century Peter Ceperley Paul V. Chaffee George Chait Ventura Y. Chalom Thomas Chamberlin Albert E. Champney 17 Marguerite Chandler and Richmond Shreve Lorna Chang Post Alexander and Patricia Chao Elizabeth J. Chapple Donald F. Charles Robert J. Charnoff Scott D. Chasalow Anna K. Johnson-Chase Michael Chaves Hazel Cheilek Beatrice A. Chen Vicki E. Chessin Betty P. Chessin Robert Chiarito Dawn Chin-Quee Peter Chiswick Eric Chivian John Christens Christensen Family Foundation Carol Christensen James R. Christensen Lloyd F. Christensen Nancy R. Christensen Connie Christiansen Paula Chronister Janine Chupa and Robert Knab Patricia Church Winston G. Churchill Peter Ciccarelli Judith E. Cirillo Jayne S. Clare Barbara Clark Barbara G. Clark Hugh Clark James Clark Karen Clark Patricia P. Clark Paul Clark Seth Clark and Linda Novick Tom Clark Lynn Clarke Cathleen Clay Don Clay Karen and Thomas Cleary Barbara Clegern Frederick W. Clegg Robert and Lucinda Clement John H. Cleveland William and Louise Cleveland James and Linda Clever Joan Cliff Geraldine J. Clifford Jo Clifton IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Jeanne M. Clinton Warren Close Patricia B. Close David H. Cluxton Camilla Cobb John B. Cobb William J. Cobb Jane C. Cocalis Alfred and Joyce Cochran Kathryn Cochrane Thomas Cochrane Jane S. Coe Alfred Cohen Elizabeth A. Cohen Ellen V. Cohen Harvey M. Cohen Hilary Cohen Jayne P. Cohen Jonathan R. Cohen Lawrence Cohen Melvin Cohen Peter L. Cohen Alma Cohn Cathy Cohn Edwin J. Cohn Fern D. Cohn Susan Cole Susi Colin Devorah Colker Cornelia Collier Laurie C. Collins Martin Collins Richard A. Cone Sally S. Cone Nita Congress Richard L. Conklin Robert and Lisa Conley Robert Connamacher Laura Connolly John Anthony Connor Cheryl Conrad Bonnie C. Conroy Alvin and Merry Converse Jess and Karen Cook Susanne Cook Tamara Cook John and Peggy Cooley Mildred E. Cooley Robert L. Coope James R. Cooper Janice Cooper Frances Copeland Susan Copeland Donors in 2012 James L. Copenheaver Carol Copp Carol M. Corbett Douglas and Rosemary Corbin Richard A. Corcoran Nita G. Corinblit Mary L. Corley Elizabeth Corliss Steven H. Cornell Ferdinando Cortese Christine Cottrell Laura Cotts Jean Covell Kristin Hahn-Cover Shu-Chin H. Covick Donald J. Cowan Karen Cowgill Eveleth C. Cowles Elizabeth Cox and Greg Steele J. Cox Sue Cox Mary M. Crabb Paula L. Craig Dwight Cramer Eleanor J. Crandall Edward B. Crane Hall Crannell Susan Creal-Bracy Ronald Creamer Lewis G. Creary Elberta R. Crebassa Richard C. Creeggan Rita Cregg Nancy Creveling Bruce B. Criley Ray Crittenden Carolyn Crockett and Bob Brooks Ken Croft Giles B. Cropsey Eleanor M. Crosfield Sally M. Cross Alan Crossley Anastasla Crosswhite Henry Crotwell William J. Crouch Laura J. Crow Dwight D. Crowder Lassie M. Crowder R. Dougal Crowe Patrick Crowley Patricia Crown Robert Crull Elaine Culbert 18 T. Patrick Culbert Carol Ann Culpepper Sara Culver Jessica Curtis Esther D. Curtwright Stephen E. Cvinar Michael Cynamon Seth Dabney and Deborah Chessin Gislin Dagnelie Alice Dahle Katherine Dahlin Peter Dahlstrom Allen H. Dailey Dorothy A. Dale Madeline M. Dale Helen M. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. D’Amato Anne H. Damon Peter Danbury Ronnie Dane John W. Dang Christopher P. Daniel Ellen Daniell Judy Daniels Scott and Elizabeth Danielson Diane Dansereau Lucas M. Dargan Richard L. Darst Edward E. Daub Ingrid C. Daubechies Frank T. Dauer Martha Daugherty Gary E. David Ronald David Dolores Davidson Jacqueline Davidson Judith Davidson Kenneth Davidson Susan D. Davie Jeanne M. Davies Ann Davies Dolly L. Davis Donald D. Davis Elizabeth Davis Elizabeth Davis Helen Davis Henry P. Davis Pamela J. Davis Terry Davis Ruth E. Davison Barbara Day Donald M. Day Nancy De Vierno IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities James and Mary Deacon Willard A. Deal Elizabeth Dean Charles H. Debrovner David F. Delaney Virginia C. Dell Sylvia Dellas and Joy Dellas Robert B. Demaine Anne Demuth Barbara Denman Laura S. Denman Frank S. Denton Dana Desjardins Thierry Desmaris Irwin and Verda Deutscher John D. Dewey Nikhilesh Dholakia Janet Di Marco Charlotte Diamond Christopher and Dana Diamond John R. Dice Tamra F. Dickerson Emma Dickey Sheila Dickison Martha C. Dickman Robert E. Diebold Paul Diefenbach Heida Diefenderfer Richard A. Dienstbier Margaret Dieter Irving M. Dietz Lana Digangi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Diggelman Rocky and Gigi Digiacomo Rose R. Dill Richard M. Dillion Janet Dimarco Anita K. Dinerstein Christine Distefano M Susan Ditzler Michael C. Dix Charles R. Dixon Morris S. Dixon Jr. David S. Dobkin Frances Dodd Tilman E. Dodd Vivian Dodds William E. Dodds Jan C. Dolan Maria Helena Dolan Chas Don and Neita Geilker Anne Donchin Dan Donham Donors in 2012 John D. Donnell Jeremiah J. Donovan Edward Doody Donald E. Dorn Sonal Doshi Minna Doskow Virginia D. Doster Sue Doster Harry A. Douthit Elaine Dow Vesta S. Downer Kathy C. Doyle Helen Drakeley Richard Dresser David L. Dresser Robert K. Dreyfus Phyllis Dreyfuss Calin Drimbarean Alfred Driscoll Maryellen Driscoll Phoebe Driscoll Mary Drobnack John W. Dubendorff Patricia A. Dubois Glenn Ducote Ann Duffett Anne E. Duffey Kathleen Duffy David A. Dugoff Paul and Janet Duke John A. Dulik Leah J. Duling Don E. Dumond Richard Duncan Mike Dungan Wolcott B. Dunham Robert and Virginia Dunlap Veronica Dunlap Wallace H. Dunlap Susan P. Dunning John and Brooke Durland David Durning Joan Durst Rebecca Dwan Wilson Dysart Cynthia Dzendzel Helga Y. Eaddy Sabrina A. Eagan Eelizabeth R. Eames Ralph Earles Marge Earthlife Marcia P. Easterling David C. Eaton 19 Joseph Eaton Roland Eavey Karen Eble Dickler Stephen R. Ede Judith Edelman Howard Edelstein Frank A. Edmonson Tammy Edmonson Diane M. Edmundson Shirley Edwards William F. Ehlers Arthur J. Ehlmann Richard H. Ehmer Margaret C. Ehrhardt Kay T. Eichenhofer Kevin G. Eichhorn Hanna Eichwald Hans Eide Olivia Eielson Barbara Eikenberry Stephen A. Eipper and Shari L. Weldon Rebecca S. Eisenberg Margaret M. Eisendrath Karen Eisenman Einar B. Ekren Fadya El Rayess Harold Elden Susan Eleuterio Wayne and Merrie Elisens Laurine A. Elkins-Marlow Patricia L. Elkis Mary L. Ellenberger Judith M. Elliot Donald Elliott Elyse Elliott Carol L. Ellis Sally A. Ellis Sue-Anne Ellis Mary L. Elmendorf Robert L. Elworth Eugene E. Elzufon Suzanne U. Emerson Lin Emery Mary E. Emler Herbert Enderton Harvey Eneman Rebecca and Jefrey Engel Mary L. Enlow James E. Enterkin Edward Epstein Jan Epstein Marsha Ann Epstein Nancy Erb IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Eric and Judith Erdheim Victoria A. Erhart Glen W. Erickson John R. Erickson Roger Erickson Victoria Erickson Barbara Erling L. Gillespie Erskine Josefina Martinez-Eskenasy Loren J. Espeland Joanne Esposito Garth F. Essig Alexandra M. Estey Dale W. Evans John Evans Le Roy Evans Lynn Evans Mary V. Evans Stepheng Evans Melisa Converse Ewing Cheryl A. Ewy Richard Eynon Carol Faget Judith Fain Virgil F. Fairbanks Carol S. Fairchild Jan B. Fairservis Dorothy A. Fallows Rita Falls Mook Lan Fan Frances B. Fanger Charese Fannin Virginia Fansher Beatrice L. Johnstone Farber Charlotte Fardelmann Josephine Farewell Krista Farey Pauline Farmer Jay S. Farness Lori A. Farnsworth Christophe Farrar H. Kimball Faulkner John Fayant Esther Feigenbaum John P. Feisley Elizabeth N. Felbeck Elaine Feldman Raymond and Nancy Feldman Alan R. Feller Lois Carroll Feller Gidon Felsen Paul Feltman Peter Fenner Donors in 2012 Anne T. Feraru Yanga Fernandez and Sonia Stephens H. Lane Ferree Louise G. Ferrell Mark B. Ferrenz Ray Ferrier Philip Ferro Renee W. Fertig George Fesko Anne N. Fetherman Ronald R. Fett Victoria L. Fetter Margot Fetz Mark and Elizabeth Feuer Richard Feuer Faye E. Field Liz Field Raymond Fields Joshua Fierer William and Denise Finard Calvin and Amy Finch Vivian Findlay Bette Fineman Janet R. Fink Ruth Finkelstein Arthur L. Finn T. John Finsaas Adam B. Fischer Alfred G. Fischer Loyd and Marie Fischer Robert W. Fischer Beth Fisher Charles and Leah Fisher David L. Fisher Mary A. Fisher Connie Fishman and Jeffrey Fagan Sara L. Fitch Archie L. Fitzkee Roberto and Roberta Flachier D Anthony Flanders Stuart Flashman Esther Flashner Elizabeth Flavin and Paul Grekin Maralyn W. Fleming Michael Fleming D. S. Floyd Charlotte K. Flynn Joni Flynn M. Margaret Fogel Sheldon Fogelman Mary C. Foley Sandra Folzer Thomas Foo 20 Thomas C. Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Russell Forbess Anna M. Forbis Benjamin Forcey Diane Fordney Cress Forester Catherine R. Forman Raymond Fornes Jan L. Forney Karen L. Forrer Robert Forrest Terry Forrest Barbara L. Forster Henry W. Foster Jane B. Foster Ronald D. Foster Wayne E. Fountain Anthony Fouracre and Martha Okie-Fouracre Marion L. Fowler Marjorie R. Fowler David T. Fox Harry L. Fox Laura A. Fox Christine Fox Johnston Denice Fractious Gerarda Hayhurst-France Charles and Barabara Francis J. Daniel Francis Celeste Frank Edith Frankel Stephen D. Franklin Dorothy L. Frantz Arvonne S. Fraser Beth Fraser Karin Frazer Clotine R. Frear David Fredericks Richard and Michele Freed Cathy Freeman Gerald and Barbara Freeman Jean M. Freedman Roger Freeman Wade A. Freeman Perrin and Rita De Sales French Jo Freudenheim Esther E. Frey John W. Frey Mark W. Frey Joan B. Friedberg Catherine Friedman David I. Friedman Kristin W. Friedman Martin B. Friedman IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Richard Friedman Robert M. Friedman Stuart Friedman Jane Friehling Dianne Fristrom Mitchel Fromm Carolyn R. Fromuth Rosalie Fruchter Robert P. Fruehsamer Barbara Fryburg Joanne Frye and Ronald Tebbe Terrance Fuller Dorothy J. Fulton Sarah E. Funk Dorothy L. Furgerson Patricia L. Furtado Edward and Grace Furukawa James Gabbard and Yana Zimmerman Beverly Gabel Grace Gabrielsen John and Linda Gaffin George Z. Gaines Emily Gallagher Gary and Faye Gallagher Nancy Galloway Judy Gamble Debra Gamble Elisheva Gamse Charlotte Gans Ulrich Ganz Gladys Garabedian Lorraine Garafalo Robert M. Garavel Alan Garbutt Frederick Gardner Gertrude Garfield Christine Garhart Mary H. Garner Sallyann Garner Mary L. Garnett Susan Garratt Joel Garrelick Virginia Garrison John and Marilyn Gary Cloma Gates David M. Gates Robert T. Gates Stephanie Gates John M. Gault Helene D. Gay John Gay Alan T. Gaylord Arlee Geary Donors in 2012 Robert C. Gebhardt Roger C. Geddes Bertram B. Geeslin Asya Geisberg Charles Geisel Bernard A. Gelb Barbara S. Geller Daniel George Holly Gerberding Ann Gerhardt Leo Gertsenshteyn Janet Gerwin Jory Gessow Naomi Getty Dario Giacomoni Luciano Giampa Hugh D. Gibson Jonathan Gibson and Eliza Mabry Phillip S. Gibson Stella B. Gibson Dann F. Giddens Dale H. Gieringer Kim C. Giese Janet S. Gilbert John A. Gilbert Peter A. Gilbert Robert I. Gilbert Robert Gilberti Phoebe R. Gilchrist Robert T. Gilhuly Mary R. Gillespie Charles and Janet Gillies Mary J. Gilliom Roberta Gillis George Gilson Amy P. Ginsburg Emojean Girard Joan S. Gittens Mandy Gittler Carol Gittler Harry Givelber Mark Glago Robin Glantz and Anthony Ciccone Filson and Shirley Glanz Bradley M. Glass Esther W. Glass Mark Glasser Vera L. Glassman Ralph E. Glauert Theo Glenn Daniel Glicklich Charles and Margaret Glock James R. Gloeckner 21 Patricia T. Glowa Park Gloyd Kialynn Glubrecht Joseph W. Goerner Carol Gold Lewis Gold Philip J. Gold Ann M. Goldberg Marcy Golden Rachel Golden Helen B. Goldman Neil and Kathleen Goldman Judith A. Goldring Robert P. Goldsmith Ronald H. Goldstein Freya Goldstein Elizabeth Gollub Steven Gompertz Marjorie C. Gongwer Teresa Gonya Linda W. Good Carol Goodenow Barbara Goodman Grace K. Goodman Oscar B. Goodman Richard Goodman Elaine Good-Mosconi Beverly J. Goodwin George Gorajski Andrew Gordon Bernice Gordon Carol E. Gordon Michael Gordon Paula M. Gorlitz Catherine Gorman Ms. and Mr. Nadia Gorman Ann Goslin Libby Goss Chuck and Charlotte Gosselink Stephen L. Gould William E. Gould Virginia Gove Lavergne Gozdziak William Grabin David W. Grace Theodore J. Gradman Dinah E. Graham Gene O. Graham Sally Graham William L. Grams Janice Grant Mary J. Gray Peggy L. Gray IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Catherine Green Lois Green Robert Green Daniel Greenbaum and Deborah Cramer Cheryl Greenberg Renita Greenberg Virginia Greenblatt Phyllis A. Greenbough Harlan M. Greene Emily R. Greenspan Lowell Greenwood Richard L. Greer Louise Gregg Nina Gregg and Douglas A. Gamble James F. Gregory and Maryann H. Gregory Philip Greider John M. Gresham Edward and Mary L. Grevatt Linda G. Griffin Elizabeth Griffiths Cathy Grigsby Michael E. Grijalva Betty A. Groden John T. Groendyke Roberta G. Gropper Barbara Gross Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Grossman Claude M. Groven Earl S. Grubb Frank and Janet Gruber Lynne Guenther Kenneth Guenzi J. Martin Guilfoyle Louise Guion Jane F. Guise Virginia Guitar Melba C. Gulick Robert E. Guliford Lois E. Gullerud Ann Gumbinner Beth Gumina Ann T. Gundry Albert R. Gurney Karin Gustafson Lewis B. Gustafson Marilyn Gustman Janet Guthrie Richard Guttmacher David Guzzetta and Carolyn Auker Raymond Gwinn Norman Haas David Haase and Esther Schwalb Sandra Hackman Donors in 2012 Shirley K. Haddad Justine S. Hadeler Suzette M. Haile Paul V. Hainsworth Robert A. Hajny Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Hale Reuben J. Hale David G. Hales Mary V. Stieb-Hales Peter C. Haley James Hall Lyle V. Hall Natalie N. Hall Richard and Prudence Hall Patricia Halpin Patricia Halsey Karl C. Halupka Florence E. Halverson William Halverstadt Steven P. Hamburg Janice E. Hamilton Barbara A. Hamlin Christopher and Marie Hamlin Earl S. Hamlin Michael Hamm Ruth F. Hammett Frederick Hammond Mary E. Handel Lisa A. Hane Charlotte Hanes Hedda L. Haning Montagu and Marcia Hankin Laura Hanks Bruce Hann James D. Hanna Chris Hansen K. Eric Hansen Mary C. Hansen Ann H. Hanson Linda Hanson and Jonathan Wallach Robert F. Hanson Susan M. Hapka Azra Haque Carmel Hara Carolyn D. Harder Lucy A. Harber L. B. Hardesty William Harding Marilyn S. Hargrove Marsha S. Harman Marjorie Harmon Paul Harms Harriet P. Harper 22 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harper W. Edward Harper Kim Harpham Charlotte P. Harrell Leigh E. Harrington Peter Harriott Grace K. Harris Janet L. Harris Joyce Harris Leslie A. Harris Margaret Harris Mary M. Harris Joanne K. Harrison Kathleen Harrold Connie Hart Michael L. Hart J. B. Hartle David W. Hartley Erika L. Hartman Ruth Hartmann Daryl Hartshorne Helen Harvey Beatrice M. Harwood Richard C. Haskell John Hasling Judy Hasnas Barbara S. Hass Juliette Hassan Howard Hassman Christie W. Hastings Patti M. Hastreiter Richard D. Hatch Susan Hatfield Jeanette Hathaway Laura Haule Kathleen Haun William Hauser Kathryn M. Hauswald Glenn and Karen Haverlock Robert and Rachel Haviland Dirk F. Havlak Sue Hawes Oscar Hawksley Robert D. Hawthorn Ann Marie Hay Kate Hayden Elizabeth W. Hayes Libby Hayes Rosemary H. Hayes Troy D. Hayes Monique P. Hea Lynne S. Heacock Mary K. Headington IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Janet Healey Richard W. Healy John and Kathryn Heaney Carol Heard and Thomas Hewitt Janet E. Heath Antony and Janet Heatwole Rowena Heckert Chrstine Hedges and Thomas Whittier Arnold M. Hedlund Wayne Hedman Sylvia E. Heerens Bruce Heflinger Christopher J. Heigham Anona Heimbigner Harried G. Heineman Daniel Heintz William J. Heintzelman Dennis Heinzig and Iona McMillan Shirley C. Hellenbrand James L. Helman Wendy Helms Dennis O. Helmuth Barbara B. Hemmingsen Karen Henderson Marcia H. Henderson Margaret A. Henderson Michael Henderson Kathlyn T. Hendricks Shirley P. Hendrix Elayne R. Hengler David S. Henkel Richard Hennings Alfred and Dorothy Henriksen Richard and Barbara Henry Susan Henry Deirdre M. Hensen Francis Herbert Bruce B. Herman J. William Hernandez Margery Herrington Andra James Herriott Edith Herron Jean A. Herron Marjorie C. Hertz Charles and Barbara Herz Sue Hessel Elizabeth Hetherington Eliza R. Hewat Thomas and Renata Hewett Mary W. Hewlett Steven Heyman Elizabeth Heyn Ann Heywood Donors in 2012 John R. Hibbing Edward Hickey H. H. Hickok Arthur N. Hicks Cornelius A. Hieber Linda Hiebert Patricia L. Higgins Michaael Higgins Grant Hildebrand Elizabeth Hill Lee H. Hill Patricia P. Hill Michael P. Hilty Greg Hinchliffe Thomas and Arline Hinckley Jurg K. Hinderling Carl Hinton Linda L. Hirsch Morris Hirsch Winifred W. Hirsch Frances D. Hirschel Derek and Lori Hirst Charles Hitchcock and Deborah Snyder Linda Hite W. Carroll Hixon Laurel Hixson Olive C. Hobbs Charles Hober Fred and Iris Hoblit Susan Hochberg Elizabeth W. Hodder Marlene L. Hodgdon Penelope W. Hoeltzel Bruce Hoffman George Hoffman George Hoffman and Jennifer Parke Linda Hofmann Rodney L. Hoffman Roger S. Hoffman Ralph Hofmeister William Hogan Jerome and Barbara Hoganson Elaine L. Hohmann Wim Hol Christopher and Rhoda Holabird Joellen Holcombe Kenneth R. Holdeman Cynthia M. Holden Doris B. Holleb Edith Holleman Joanne M. Hollingworth Carol Hollis Frederick W. Hollman 23 Julie Holm Charles M. Holmes Henry Holst Dorothy A. Holtzman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Holub Robert H. Holzworth Judy Honig William C. Hoock Elizabeth C. Hood Earl L. Hoover Erna Hoover Richard Hoover Susan Hoover Jean G. Hopkins James A. Hopson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hord Linda P. Horky Janice Horn Joan Horn Barbara F. Hornady Robert H. Horowitz Lucy Horwitz Richard A. Horvitz Joan D. Hosley John F. Hosner Maxine W. Houck Philip A. Houck Maaret K. Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Dudley W. Houghton Kathy House John Houser William B. Houston Joseph T. Howard George F. Howard Jed L. Howard Carol Howe Charles Howe William Howe Frank J. Howell John B. Howell Trudi G. Howell Christopher J. Howes Barbara Howie Paul D. Howland Sally E. Howlett Nebojsa Hrmic Peter Hsu Peter Hsu Jennifer R. Hubbard William Hubbard Earl Hubbs John Huber Sharon Huber-Plano IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Wilbert N. Hubin John Huddelston Christine Huddle Judith Hudgens Barbara Hudman Elizabeth Hudson John F. Hudspeth H. Huebner Karl and Sally Hufbauer George Hufford Bettina Hughes Duncan and Stephanie Hughes Elizabeth R. Hughes Martha S. Hughes Franklin Hull Marian Hull Susan Hull Lois Hulsey Juan C. Humbert Ray C. Hummel Carol Hunter Thomas A. Hunter Kathrine L. Hunting Charles E. Huntington Janet Huntington Janet K. Hurd Margery A. Hurst Rudolph Hurwich Paul W. Husted Althea Huston Rachel Kahn-Hut C R Hutcheson H. R. Hutchinson Marilyn B. Hutchinson Douglas Hutton George A. Hyams Eric J. Hyman Toby R. Hyman Philip Ide Hugh H. Iltis Jane and Michael Imber Joseph K. Indenbaum Laura S. Ingersoll William L. Ingerson Elizabeth H. Ingram Susumu Inoue Hans Inpijn Andrew Irving Joseph P. Irwin Ward J. Irwin Kathleen Isaacs Ellen S. Isaly William Isecke Donors in 2012 Maria Isenberg Ellen Jacobsen-Isserman Karen E. Ivy Alan W. J. Burns Vivian Jackson Ernest and Gloria Jacobs Walter and Susan Jacobs Elaine Jacobson Eric Jacobson Harvey and Dolly Jacobson Karin Jacobson and Robert Seeman Sidney Jacobson Andrea Jacoby Marc Jacoby Richard H. Jacoby Emile Jacques Nancy Jacques Richard Jagacinski Shilpa Jain Kenneth and Priscilla Jamieson Elizabeth Janeway Nina P. Janopaul David Jared Curt W. Jarva Michelle E. Jarvie Kathryn E. Jarvis Merlyn and Elizabeth Javens Miriam W. Javitch Steven Jawetz Myrna Jenkins Sarah S. Jenkins Louise Jensen Ned Jensen Vesta Jenson Diab Jerius Wendy K. Jerome Steven A. Jervis Mike Jewett John S. Jockusch David H. Johns Anne H. Johnson Beth F. Johnson Doug Johnson Herbert E. Johnson James E. Johnson Jillian M. Johnson Julie L. Johnson Kenneth W. Johnson Lyndia Johnson Marilyn P. Johnson Marshall Johnson Robert N. Johnson Sara Johnson 24 Virginia F. Johnson Samuel and Ann Johson Ann R. Jones Ann-Kailani Jones Gloria B. Jones Greg Jones L. P. Jones Norman G. Jones Paula M. Jones James S. Jordan Roberta Jorik Nicholas and Kathryn Jospe Floyd L. Judd J. Terrill Judd Deborah E. Jude J. Richard and Carolyn Judson Bruce Julian Rene L. Julien Jean H. Jung Nancy Kader William Kadish and Marie Hobart Jeanne E. Kaeding Lorraine A. Kaimal Claire Kalberer Nathan Kalichman Jean Kaliner Martin and Judith Kaliski Bernard Kalvelage Claire L. Kamp Garry Kampen Adrienne Kandel and Marc Vayssieres Lynne K. Kane Lloyd and Susan Kannenberg Richard E. Kanner Benita J. Kaplan Benjamin and Miriam Kaplan Eugene H. Kaplan Jane Ruth Kaplan Jeffrey Kaplan Lucille N. Kaplan Muriel Kaplan Stephen D. Kaplan Andrea B. Karls Sara Karp Sands Geraldine Karpel Margaret Kary David T. Karzon Sepideh Kashani Helen Kass Loreta M. Kass Patricia Kates and Henry Brady Wendy Kates Dolores Katz IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Lillian D. Katz George Kaufer Anne Kauffman Barbara S. Kaufman Barbara Kaufman Shakti P. Kaur-Khaisa Mark Kavouksorian Susan Kaya Carl Kaysen and Ruth Butler R. Wynn Kearney Jane D. Keating Arlene W. Keaton Kathryn G. Keck Sandra B. Kehne Peter A. Kehoe Marjorie C. Keith Marie Kellogg David and Barbara Kelly James and Marilyn Kelly Kathleen S. Kelly Paul S. Kelly David H. Kelsey Peter Kenagy and Tina Springer Barbara E. Kenemuth Dori Kenneally Jim Kennel Jeannette P. Kent Katharine B. Kent James H. Kerlen Elton Kessel Beth Kevles Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Kevles Larry Keyes Elizabeth J. Keys Shirley E. Kiefer Arthur L. Kimball Barbara Kimpel Eileen M. Kindig Jane W. King Muriel J. King Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kingsley Carol A. Kinney Kate P. Kirby Martha Kirby Grace M. Kirchner Connie Kissinger Harold and Naomi Kistin Valerie Kitchens John Kittross Magrita F. Klassen David L. Kleiber Claire S. Klein Frances Klein Donors in 2012 Noreen M. Klein Stephen Klein Nina Klein Ron J. Kleinman David D. Kliewer Laurence G. Kline Lee Klinger and Jo Zettler Kay Klumb Anne T. Kmieck Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Knauss Mary F. Knight Joanna Knobler Lesley Knowles Linda Knowles Linda Knowlton Peter Kohnke Molly Kohnstamm S. L. Kohrman Sally T. Kokot George Kolbenschlag Amanda Konradi Maxine Koop Donna C. Kornfield William Kornfeld Yvonne Kornrich Ruth Korte Stanley Korwin Emily F. Korzenik Ann Kouatly Karen Kovacik Roberta Kraft Phyllis Krag Ruth Kram Clifford and Patricia Kramer Frederick F. Kramer Doborah Krasnow Thomas D. Kraus Elliot Krefetz Paul R. Krehbiel Mary B. Kreider Peter Krekovic James and Pam Kremer Lawrence and Margaret Kremer Mary Kremser Pamela R. Kressmann Suzanne Krill Claire Kristofeo Ellen B. Kritzman Robin Krivanek Duane and Mary Alyce Krohnke Robert Kropf Dawn Kruger Carl Krumhardt 25 Belle Krumholz James Kucza Carol Kugler Nicholas and Beth Kuhn Bharath Kumar James and Leslea Kunz Joanne G. Kunz Stephen and Cynthia Kunz Faith F. Kuppers Robert Kurshan Evan M. Kurtz Robert Kurucz Akira and Emiko Kusukawa Douglas W. Kutz Albert and Sonia Kutzin Diane A. Kyle Gail V. L. Wolflick Betty La Duke John and Linda La Grange Oliver La Plant Alice La Rosa Alyce La Violette Alice K. Labay James D. Labor George E. Lackey Judith Ladd Lucy B. Lafleche Richard J. Laforge Kathie Lagerblad Luis Lainer Philip M. Lally Jack Lalor Judith Lamb Vivian S. Lamb Louise Lamphere Mary C. Lancaster Carroll Land Betty Landesman Elizabeth S. Landis David and Sandra Lange Mary Langlois Lauren Langman D. Bruce Langmuir Kathryn Langston Lewsi Lankford and Krista Stearns Ann Lanning Mark Lanoux Robert Lanz and Marcia Oliveira Rebekah S. Laplante Barbara D. Larsen Anne L. Larson Brian Larson and Laurie Albright Louise E. Larson IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities William Lasalle Elizabeth L. Lassar Nancy B. Lassen Betsy H. Laties Betty S. Latner James Lau Anne Laufman Henry R. Laughlin Marie Laursen Charles and Estella Lauter Marian Lauterbach Gail Lauzzana Erin Lavelle Murray L. Laver Gilbert W. Lawall Donna Lawless Adam H. Lawrence Barbara S. Lawrence Donald Lawrence Mark and Karen Lawrence Robert and Linda Lawrence Robert Lawrence Barbara Lawrie Robert Lawton Eleanor C. Laxdall Ross Laybourn K. D. Leash J. William and Rosella Leasure Margaret L. Leavitt Adrianne Lebensbaum Carol Leber Floyd and Bonnie Lebouton Thomas A. Lechner Thomas Ledig Dorotha B. Ledman Mary Lee Pauline S. Lee Sally Lee Caroline L. Legette S. Hunter Leggitt Christina Lego Louise Legouis Fred Lehman Jack Lehman Vida Lehmann Ruth Lehrer Richad and Sara Leibold Donald R. Leich Barbara Leighton and William Dowling Laura Lein Mary A. Leiner Milton Leitenberg Peggy Lekich Donors in 2012 Susan Lentz Barbara Leon Donald L. Leonard Donald W. Leonard Edwin D. Leonard Helene D. Leonard Olive Leonard Russell Leopard Virginia W. Leonard Carla Lerman Lawrence S. and Narcinda R. Lerner Lionel Lerner Bret Leslie and Karen R. Stern Gay I. Leslie James H. Leslie Delbert L. Lessor Janice W. Letson Elizabeth M. Leven Joshua Levenberg Ilene Levenson J. B. Leventhal Mike Leverich Marc Levesque and Susan Porter Lorna R. Levi Alice Levin Carolyn Levin Jason Levin Mark Levin Susanna Levin Adam E. Levine Bernard and Lory Levinger Joe Levinger Michael E. Leviton Aaron W. Levy Melvin J. Levy Robert S. Levy Stuart Levy Edwin and Mary Ann Lewis Mary H. Lewis Robert G. Lewis Ruth Z. Lewis Peter M. Licht Susan M. Licht Elinor Lichtman Roy E. Licklider Lee Liddle David J. Lidke Alicia F. Lieberman Marc F. Lieberman Michael Lieberman Alma U. Liebman Jeffrey Liebman Fima Lifshitz 26 Joyce and Lawrence Light Ruth M. Lijtmaer Allen Lilleberg June Lincoln Detlev Lindae Sue Lindau Harley J. Lindberg Janet L. Lindeman Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lindeman Brenda Lindemann Louise Lindenmeyr Kathryn Lindquist James and Susan Lindsay Amy D. Lindsay June F. Lindsey Ray Lindsey Richard Line David W. Link Pete Lins Marcia Lipsenthal Donna D. Lisanti Adelay M. Liss James Little Chris J. Littlefield Roberta H. Littlefield Cecily Littleton Suzanne Llewellyn Susan M. Lloyd William Locke Reta G. Lockert Dorothy H. Lockhart Frank Loduca Ruthie Loeffelbein Mary M. Loew Matthew S. Loewenstein Candace Lofrumento Yvonne M. Logan Paul H. Lois Paul and Laurie Lokar Rowena Long Helen Longino Bill Longman Richard C. Lonsdale Melanie W. Loo Walter Loo Robin U. Loomis Pamela Lopes Eileen Lorber Harriet Lord Judith L. Lotz Sandra Loucks and Alvin Burstein Louise Love Stephanie Low IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Ellen D. Lowe Roger and Anita Lowen Lois R. Lowenberg Mr. and Mrs. William Lowenthal Valerie R. Lownes Margaret Lowry L. Alan Lowry Pamela L. Lubeck Laura L. Lubin Paul A. Lucas Rita Ludlum Elsa M. Luker Harvey and Lillian Luksenburg James W. Lund Sandra S. Lund Barbara C. Lusk Mr. and Mrs. George F. Luthringer Aurolyn Luykx Kristina M. Lybecker Joanna Lynch Kevin J. Lynch Kristin K. Lynch Susan Lyons Rosemary Lyons Robert Mabbs Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Mac Laughlin Alicia R. Macarthur Thomas MacAulay Zoe MacAulay Janet M. Maccallum Jeff MacDonald Leanne Hull MacDougall Susan Machtinger John H. Mack Jonathan J. MacQuitty Linda Macy Robert Madalinski Barbara Mader Sally A. Madrid Ginnie Madsen Marcos and Janet Maestre Catherine S. Magee Laura R. Magzis Susanne Maier Robert L. Major Kathleen Malasky Barbara N. Malatesta Deborah Malcarne Sarah Malcolm Jeffrey Maletta Wendie Malick Marilyn J. Malina Robert T. Mall Donors in 2012 Joan Skewes-Cox Malone Kevin Malone Brian Maloy Dorothy E. Mancusi Maxine Manjos Elizabeth A. Mann Roger Mann Carol Manning Edward A. Manuel Jefferson Mar Darlene A. Marashlian Carol Marburger Marya B. Margolis Maria Marinkovic Scott and Pam Markham Carole Markus Jennifer Marler Deborah Marlewski Nancy S. Marling Thomas Marlowe Gordon R. Marnie Rozetta M. Marple Donald and Mary Marquardt Robert Marquette Linda Marschall Ellen R. Marsh James M. Marsh Jim Marsh Adrienne Martain David Marshall Ellen R. Marshall Ellen M. Martens Casper Martin Janet D. Martin Linda J. Martin Marjorie Martin Perry S. Martin Richard W. Martin Robyn Martin Susan Martin Thomas J. Martin Thomas Martin and Cynthia Phillips Albert Marx and Jeanie Marx Barbara S. Marx Deborah J. Marx Mary Marzian Frederic Masback William Mashburn Howard F. Mason Robert A. Mason G. Sealy Massingill Boyd and Betty Mast Joyce Mast 27 Lorraine Masten Stephen J. Mather Donald and Joan Mathews John and Deborah Mathias Byrne and Oystein Mathisen Donald and Judy Mathre Jose A. Matta Claire Matthews Ramona Matthews Benedict Maulbect Dorothy P. Mauser Robert and Maryann Maxwell Shelagh M. Maxwell Ernest Mayer Jeanne Mayer Richard B. Mayer Diane B. Mayerfeld Eleanor Mayfield John R. Maynard Sylvia Maynard Bruce Mazlish Richard A. Mazzini Terrence and Elizabeth Mc Closkey Stephen McAdam Julianne McAdam Marian Holland McAllister Ann McC. Scott Norma J. McCallan Linda K. McCarley Maureen W. McCarthy Alice B. McCauley Jacqueline G. McCauley Mary L. McChesney Priscilla P. McChesney Karen McClain and Roger Mackensen Elizabeth Mcclard Jean Mcclellan Dorothy McClure Bryan McCollom Lavonne McCombie Evelyn McConnaughey Drew Mccormick John P. Mccormick Phebe Perry McCosker Barbara J. McCray Anita McCrea Joan H. McCulloch Wallace H. McCurdy Carl McDaniel Ann McDermott Patrice McDermott Holly McDonald Landon B. McDonald IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities McDonald Family Charitable Fund Peggy McDonald Peter and Josefina McDonough G. Douglas McDowell Meta McDowell Karin McEhatton Rex Mcgehee Kathleen L. McGilvrey Alice McGrath David McGrath James W. McGrath Blair J. McGroarty Brenda McHugh Patricia McHugh Daily Mchugher Jeffrey McInness and Todd Loden Laura McIntosh Nadia McIntosh Neil W. McIntosh Nancy McIntyre Trudi McKamey Lauris McKee David M. Mckeown Andrew McKibben Mercedes McKiernan John S. Mckillop Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McLean John and Mia McLeod McMaster - Carr Supply Company Steven McMaster and Kathy Brock David McMullin Gary Mcmurray Ronald W. McNamara Richard K. Meade Jill L. Meadows Neva Meek John Meinert Isa K. Meksin John C. Melin Carl M. Melina Richard Melloh David Mellor and Camille Thompson Julie E. Melton Margaret Meltz Ruth H. Melville Thomas Menaker Bethany Mendenhall Gloria Mendez Claire Menyuk Helen Merck Caroline R. Merriam Dorothy Merrill Judith Merrill Donors in 2012 Richard L. Merritt Joyce L. Mers Donald Mershon Elizabeth Mertens Carolyn Mervis and John Pani Deborah Mesce Frederick Meservey Anne Messer Judith Messinger Thomas and Debra Metcalf C. F. Meyer Fred S. Meyer John S. Meyer Richard F. Meyer Rita Meyers George R. Meyers Beatrice Meyerson Audrey F. Mezowe Joseph Miccio Ann Michael James E. Michaelson Barbara Michalak Daniel Michalak Elizabeth Midgley Katherine A. Mikals Sue Milburn Frncesca Militeau Marilyn S. Milkman Deborah A. Milkowski Carol N. Miller Helene Miller James H. Miller Joyce Miller Judith B. Miller Kathy S. Miller Miriam T. Miller Nina K. Miller Patricia Miller Richard Miller Robert and Linda Miller Robert Miller Robert W. Miller Stanley J. Miller Steven D. Miller Steven P. Miller Susan Miller Victor J. Miller William A. Miller Theresa L. Millin Elise A. Mills Marianne D. Mills Miriam V. Mills Robert C. Mills 28 W. Joseph Mills John and Robin Milne Judith Milone David L. Mineau Sara Minehart Jaclyn Miner John Mink John A. Minkler Paul Minnis and Patricia Gilman James and Ingegorg Minton Susy Mintzer James A. Mischke Daniel K. Mitchell Hazel I. Mitchell James E. Mitchell Lila J. Mitchell Mark Mitchell and Rajamannar Shefali Jean M. Miyashiro Walter and Mary Mizell Jean B. Mobley Lawrence E. Modisett Gertrude Moffat Karen Moffat Justin M. Mog Ute Moll Rose Molnar and Edward Angel Anne D. Monahan Keith Monley Michael J. Monnin Michael Monroe Micahel J. Montague Eugene N. Monte Ann Montgomery Ann Montgomery William Montgomery Wayne Montoya Dan M. Moody Elizabeth R. Moog Elizabeth Mooney Mildred Mooney Barbara J. Moore Colleen F. Moore Colleen Moore Douglas A. Moore Frances C. Moore James A. Moore John Moore Lillian H. Moore Melva R. Moore Patricia Moore Shirley C. Moore Theresa L. Moore Willow Moore IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Debra Moorman Kathleen A. Moran and John L. Young Deborah L. Morawski Rashelle Morcom Janet Mordecai James J. Morehead Michael Morency Josafat Moreno Georgia Morgan Marion M. Morgan Mary Ann Morgan Robert and Wendy Morgan Stuart Mork William T. Morkill Steven Morley L. Leotus Morrison Lydia A. Morrison Margaret Morrison William E. Morrison James O. Morse Mary V. Morse Jack Morton Daniel M. Moscow Donald l. Moseley Catherine Mosher Holly L. Mosher Francine Moskovitz H. Eliot B. Moss Nina Mosser Marjorie Motch Barbara C. Moulton Scott B. Mouw David W. Moyar Richard A. Moyle Jeffrey Mudrakoff Christine R. Mueller Lou Ann Mueller Sara J. Muender John S. Muenter Frances Muir Jeffery Muir Dorothy R. Muise Michael G. Mullen Wendy Mullen Jennifer L. Mullendore Bonnie M. Mulligann James R. Mullin Victor and June Mullins Barbara B. Munford Elizabeth P. Munson Christie G. Murata Mummau J. Muriel Carol S. Murray Donors in 2012 Rahma Mustapha Connie F. Mutel Dane Myers Maxine L. Myers Thomas Myers Nancy Nachman Julia Nagle Hilda Namm Abby S. Nash Harold A. Nash Harold Nash Ali and Carol Nasr Daniel and Joanne Nathans Malvina Nathanson Mairina Natsis Thomas and Emily Nawalinski Nancy Neff Edith D. Neimark Andrew P. Nelson Frances M. Nelson Joanna Nelson LeRoy E. Nelson Richard Nelson Scott and Jean Nelson Theresa M. Nelson Warren and Arlyn Nelson Stanley and Adella Nemer Ron Nemirow Nancy Neuerburg Robert G. Neuhauser Joanne Neumann Steven Neumeister Helen F. Neville Alice Newell Kerry Newkirk Andrew and Sandra Newman Gretchen M. Newman Robert Newman Dede Newport Nell Newsom Susan Nicholls Garry and Margaret Nichols Betty J. Nicholson Mark C. Nicholson Robert D. Nicholson Mark Nickerson Ralph Nielsen Kenneth and Emily Nietering Rocjard Niewiarowski Sian Nimkoff Lisa Nissenbaum Larry and Marilyn Niven Paul Nixon and Esther Shaffer 29 Bill Noble Gilbert Noble Ann M. Nord Dolores Nord William and Dolores Nord Richard A. Nordahl Barbara N. Nordman Joan Norman Minette E. Norman Paula Norman Jeffrey Norris Gerald Norton Karl K. Norton Mary Beth Norton Philip Norvell Wendell and Suasan Norvell Nancy L. Nowlin-Finch Dorothy Noyes and Michael Krippendore Frederick Nunes Rahsaan Nurullah Frances C. Nyce Dorothy M. Nye Thomas E. Nyquist Colin G. Oatley Sarah I. O’Brien Linda Ochsenbein Dorothy H. Odell Marlene O’Dell Marge O’Derberg Carolyn O’Donnell Mary E. O’Donnell Beth L. O’Donohoe Carolyn Oehler Timothy Oey Doug Offenhartz John and Katrina Ogilvy Alice S. Oglesby Gerald and Diana Ogren Genevieve P. O’Hara Jesse Okie and Mary Harrington Ray Okonski and Suzanne Sloat Mason and Sara Olcott Richard J. Olcott Joan V. Oliner Jock Olney Lorain S. Olsen John Olson Neal R. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olson Robert T. Olson Teresa O’Mara Jeanne O’Melia Thomas O’neil IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Naoma O’neill Joachim and Anneliese Opitz Gerald Orcholski John H. O’Reilly Robert Ormiston Michael Ormsbee Joan Orner Elizabeth A. Orr Alison Orr-Andrawes Nicholas Orrick Nancy Orshefsky Michael Ort and Nancy Riggs Neal and Celia Ortenberg Joan H. Osborn Oliver S. Osborn Jennifer J. Osborne Jane O’Shaughnessy Peggy S. Osher James Osterhaus Rebecca Ostertag Saul and Elizabeth Ostrow Bette Oswell Ellen K. Otani Teunis J. Ott Harry Otterman Ellen Ottler Lucie B. Overfelt Jeannie Owen Jan Owings Edith Oxfeld Fernando A. P. Cavalcanti Gordon and Elizabeth Packard Michael D. Packard The David and Lucile Packard Foundation Stephanie Padilla Mary Page Susan C. Page Lavonne M. Painter Lisa Painter Robert and Marie-Louise Pallansch Donald and Virginia Palmer Thomas Palmer Janet Palmquist Nigel Paneth and Ellen Pollak Thomas E. Pansky Judith Papachristou Ioanis Papavassiliu Ken Paradox Carol A. Park Cynthia Parke Augustin H. Parker D. Williams Parker L. Allen Parker Donors in 2012 Ursula H. Parke Suzannah Parker Robert E. Parks Jerome Parks Bruce Parlette Elizabeth W. Parnes Carolyn Parr Roberta Parry Bobbye S. Parsons Ruta Paskevicius Elizabeth Pasto-Crosby Gradylene Pate Nathan Pate Mary E. Pattee John Patton Charles W. Paul Rachel K. Paull Henry and Sarah Paulson Diana Paulson Nathan and Ruth Paven Jennifer Pavlik Mary Paxton Suzanne Payette Kathryn A. Paynter Elizabeth S. Paynter Payu Productions Thomas Payzant David E. Peach Helen Pearlman S. E. Pease Scott Peer William Peet Marjorie C. Peik Susan Peimer Dan Pellegrom Eileen Pelton La Verne Pemberton Linda Perez Mr. and Mrs. Luis E. Perez Benedetti Bob Perkins Richard and Cynthia Perkins Jonathan and Bette Perlman Mildred Perlow Marcia Perman Udo Pernisz Clare Perry Lauralyn Person Lynn Persson Jane Peter Susan Peters Catherine Peters Kamins Barbara M. Peterson Elizabeth S. Peterson 30 John H. Peterson Kenneth Peterson Nancy J. Peterson Paul G. Peterson Robin Peterson Landon Petrie and Nancy Schwab Mary Petrosky Ralph H. Petrucci Robert and KarenPetry Catherine Pew Hugo M. Pfaltz Han Phan Anthony Phillips Marianne T. Phillips John M. Philp Ralph E. Phinney Stephen and Margaret Piatek Lynne P. Pickens Margot Pickett Patricia R. Pickford Andrew F. Pierce Kenneth Pierce Ruth I. Pierce Stephen and Janace Pierce Harold R. Piety Edith R. Pike Richard E. Pillmore Ann T. Pincus Joseph Pinnick Patricia Pint Jeanne Pinto Carolyn Piper Ruth Pite Marilyn and Norman Pitt Joel C. Pittard Karen G. Pitts Lauren Plante Halina and Thomas Platt Harold Platt Robert S.V. Platten Vera Pless George C. Pliszka Joel and Gretchen Plotkin Robert Plunkett Dinko Podrug Richard W. Pogue Gertrude Pojman Joel I. Polin Gerald A. Pollack Peter R. Pomeroy Timothy F. Pomykata Angela Popko Sally Popper IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Gerri S. Popper Leslie Porosoff Fred R. Porta Jerry Porter Steven and JoAnn Potashnick Robert B. Potter Dorothy Poulsen John Powel Anne Powell Sallie Powell Wendy Powell Heloise Power Renate Powers Beth Prager Arthur Prange Gabriele M. Prater Mary C. Pratt Charlotte D. Preece David J. Preefer Katherine Preston Lynn Preston Karl H. Pribram Barbara J. Price Mr. and Mrs. Edward Prince Susannah F. Prindle Mechthilde Prinz Alan Pritchett Carla Procaskey Earl Prochaska Virginia Proctor Purple Paisley Quilters Virginia Purrington Snell and Alicia R. Putney Cynthia Putz-Yang Jaq A. Quanbeck Joyce Quayle Charles R. Quick William J. Quinn Barbara L. Quint Maryjane H. Raabe Larry Rabideau Robert Rabinoff Ingeborg S. Radel Gary A. Rafiq Wilfrid Rall Virginia Ralston Carolyn Ramsey Elaine Ramsey Manmohan V. Ranadive Deborah Rand Kenneth and Colleen Rand Paul F. Randel Katherine Randolph Donors in 2012 Alex Rangel Rosemary Raphael Uttara A. Rasmussen Eric J. Ratner Walter B. Rau Peter and Helen Raudenbush Joseph L. Rauh Meena Ravella Rebecca Rawls Cheryl Ray Gregg Raymond and Jamien Jacobs Laura T. Raynolds Barbara C. Rayson Donald W. Rea Bruce Rector Keven Reed Lester J. Reed Richard J. Reeder Jerry D. Rees Max and Susan Reese Marilyn L. Reeves Sarah H. Reeves Linda Refer Susan R. Reich Dorothy Reichardt Susan Reinhart Elaine M. Reinstein Frank Reis Louise Reisberg David B. Reister M. Reidun Reitan Leola I. Rempel Donald Renelle Jeane Renick Heidi Renteria Ernest and Jeanne Reock Shirley Reseck Richard J. Responte Kristen Reynolds Valerie A. Reynolds Joseph M. Rezits Tina Rhea Neil Ricci and Evelyn Jones Neil J. Rice Robert H. Rice Kathleen Richard J. Scott Richards Lindsay Richards William C. Richards Anita Richardson Reta Richardson Tom R. Richardson Laurose Richter 31 Michael A. Richter Roland E. Richter Valerie Richter Daria Rickett Peter A. Ridings Foundation Betsy Rieffenberger William L. Riffel Roger Riffenburgh Michael L. Rifkind Paula Riggert Robert and Carmen Riggs Almeda C. Riley Margaret E. Rink Jovana Rios Susan S. Ripley Derly Rivera James C. Rivers Evelyn K. Robb Karen Robbins Marsha L. Roberson Betty Roberts Cameron F. Roberts Clayton and Anne Roberts Frank P. Robertson Jane K. Roberts Marie E. Roberts Martha Robertson Shepherd K. Roberts Stephanie J. Robiner Bernard and Marcialyn Robinowitz Michael R. Robins Brian Robinson and Barbara Carroll Elizabeth Robinson Iona Robinson Jan Rocek Stephen and Judith Rock Taylor Rockwell Barry Rockwell Judith Roderick Lynne Rodriguez Barbara N. Roecker Barbara Rogachefsky Ferdinand J. Rogel Evelyn C. Rogers Patsy Rogers Sarah Rogers Lorraine K. Rogers Claire E. Rogger Harold E. Rohlik Ivan C. Rokos Alan Roll Bill Roman Katherine G. Rompf IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Heather Roney Anne F. Roos Patricia A. Rorabaugh Raul Rosado David M. Rose Marilyn Rose William Alfred Rose Catherine J. Rosekrans Fred Rosen Judith Rosen Nancy L. Rosen Ruth Rosen Noel R. Rosenbaum Herbert Rosenbaum Jeffrey Rosenberg Robert L. Rosenberg Vivian Rosenberg Judith Rosenberger Judy F. Rosenblith Robert W. Rosene Clare S. Rosenfield Richard Rosenfield Carla Z. Rosenlicht Martin F. Rosenman Amy J. Rosenthal Andrew Rosenthal Anton B. Rosenthal Alan Rosenus Phyllis Rosenzweig Judah Rosner Dolores Rosoff H. Stewart Ross Karen Ross Kenneth W. Ross Robert E. Ross William W. Rossiter John W. Rossitter Bernard Roth William and Joan Roth O. Fred Rothchild Paul Rothenberg Edna I. Rothermel Joseph Rothstein Deborah S. Rounds J. Rouse Kathleen B. Roush Rosalind J. Route Julia Routson Lynne D. Rovin Susan M. Rowan John A. Rowe Melanie Rowland Constance Royden Donors in 2012 Audrey M. Rubin George and Susan Rudnicki David Rudovsky Dean W. Rudoy Nancy Rudzki Jane Ruehle Wesley L. Rumble R.W. Rumsey Jeanne Runner Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Ruscetti J. Rusciolelli Sidney Russak Charles L. Russell and Margaret A. Read L. Michael and Lynn Russell Barbara Russo David Rusterholz Robert Ryan Mike Ryan Cynthia Saalfield Lee D. Saathoff Nancy Sackman William E. Sacra John P. Sadinski Anita Sadun Robin Saffery Sarah Safford Mina Sagheb Robin Sahner Emma L. Sailors Carole Salman Louise P. Saltzman Jean Salvatore Jane Salyards Henry C. Sammis Robert J. Sampson Robert M. Samuels Norman Samuelson Albert B. Sanders Donald E. Sanderson Barbara T. Sandford Bernice R. Sandler Linda Sandlin Cicely Sandmyer James Sanford Ellen Sangermano Katherin Santiago Rina Saperstein and Jeffrey Davis Shira Saperstein Jonathan and Margaret Saphier Peter G. Sarafian Lawrence Sarbaugh Ann Sargent Frank Sargent 32 Douglas and Karen Sargent Nancy Sarno Robert R. Sarver Scott and Kathryn Sattler Peter Sauer B. David Saunders Barry Saver Cynthia Sawtell Hans and Margrit Saxer Barbara Saxon Mary L. Sayler Wynn and Elizabeth Sayman Sara P. Scattergood Lynn Scattolini Janet Schachter Deborah Schade Marilyn Schaedla Alan C. Schaffer Elizabeth L. Schaefer Anne J. Schagen Karen Schall Thomas Scharffenberger and C. Victoria Simonds Robert Scharlau Julie Schatz David G. Schatz P. B. Schechter Janet Scheevel Barbara G. Scheibel Richard P. Scheines Barbara A. Schell Jeffrey L. Schenck Sharon Schenck Renee L. Schiffrin Carol A. Schira Peggy L. Schlegel Beverly Schlesinger William Schlesinger and Steve Volk Dan H. Schlitt Marilyn J. Schlosser Sandra J. Schlub Daniel Schmeltzer and Virginia Brock Jay and Barbara Schmidt Sara I. Schmidt James M. Schmoock Carol Schneider Debra Schneider Lawrence Schneider Leonard Schneider Mary-Jane Schneider Rose Schneier Frederick W. Schnieder Chistina E. Schoen IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Tamara Schoenbaum Lavinia Schoene Cindy Schoenecker Gerald S. Schoepflin Susan Schoephoester William B. Scholten Edmond Schonberg Paul Schoomer Susan E. Schrader Ernst J. Schrader, Jr. David and Cynthia Schraer Diana Schramm Valeria B. Schroeter La Cinda Schubert Philipp and Sally Schuessler Curtis Schultz Donald and Hope Schultz Susan Schultz Wesley N. Schulze Antonia Schuman Donald Schuman Michael K. Schutz Mary Schutzius Schwab and Donegan Gift Fund Adina B. Schwartz Anna Schwartz Debbie Schwartz Elias Schwartz Herman Schwartz Janet H. Schwartz Kathy Schwartz Linda R. Schwartz Martin Schwartz William and Sharon Schwarze Stuart Schwarzschild Douglas Schwegel Duncan Schweitzer Sharon E. Sclabassi James Scott John Scott Marilyn C. Scott Philip Scott Michael Scriven Gerda Seaman Christina Sears David W. Sears Gregory Searson Joann T. Seaver Suzanne Seay Pamela W. Sebastian Wilbur See Joan Seeberger Donald Seemann and Gail Greenwood Donors in 2012 Martin and Rosie Harlow Segal Jan Seiler Francoise Seillier Charles Seim Edwin A. Seipp Jodye I. Selco Sean Sell Sheila R. Selover Norma J. Semeyn Trina Semoile Robert R. Senger Mark P. Senior William Serafin Susan Severin Mark and DoloresSevertson John R. Seydel Doris E. Shadinger Anne T. Shafer Mark Shaffer Leslie Shahi Jana Shaker and Mark Chappell Robert Shakman Martha Shannon Rona Shamoon Julie Shaperman David B. Shapiro Judith Shapiro June Shapiro Marjorie and Joseph Shapiro Michael Shapiro Elizabeth A. Shapland Kenneth and Martha Sharp John R. Sharpe Ruth Sharringan Edwin Shealy Linda W. Sheehan Joan P. Shepard Annabelle W. Shepherd Haynes Sheppard Katherine A. Sher Linda C. Sherer Rozalyn Sherman Sulochana G. Sherman Harry and Charity Sherrington Karen Sherwood W. Cullen and Phoebe Sherwood Steven and Janet Shields Pamela Shields Esther C. Shimazu Gary A. Shimel Susan Shimer Wayne and Debra Shimp William and Alison Shipman 33 Hunter Shirley Shirley R. Shivers Andrew J. Shookhoff Andrew Shores Walton Shreeve Donald and Carol Shrenk Otis H. Shuart William Shubert Gordon Shull Uldi Shvern David Sices Joseph W. Sidell Bette Sidlo Stan F. Siefer A. Martha Sievers Rubens Sigelmann Scott Sillett Frank J. Silovsky Carol E. Silva and Cully Judd Daniel Silver Charles Silverberg Sue E. Silverberg Bonnie Silverman Joseph Silverman Judith Silverman Robert E. Silverman Marie H. Simmons Ruth B. Simon Jerry and Sandy Simon Whitney M. Simonds Mr. and Mrs. David Simons Margaret Simonsen Sara Simont Richards Simpson Frank W. Sinden Donna Sinetar Adolf Singer William M. Singer Geraldine E. Sinnard Norman J. Sissman Megan S. Skinner Charles Skinner Linda Skory Chris Skowlund J. A. Slack Ruth Slater Susan Slater Dennis Slaughter Charles Sloan Jeffrey A. Sloan Maxine G. Slone Eric Slud Douglas A. Smallwood IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Edith Smart Raymond C. Smead Joan E. Smiles Barbara Smith Brian Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Smith Christine Smith David R. Smith Edward A. Smith Elizabeth Smith Frederick Smith Glenn R. Smith Gregory and Joanne Smith Huron Smith J H. Smith Jean Smith Jerry J. Smith John Kent Smith Katherine Smith Kathleen Smith Kathryn A. Smith Lee M. Smith Marjorie Smith Ned P. Smith Nicholas H. Smith Norton Smith Paul Smith Phyllis Smith Samuel G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Smith Susan Smith Virginia H. Smith Shirlee J. Smolin Richard Smolowe A. Leon Smothers Diane Snell Karin Snodgrass D. Carole Snow Edna P. Snow Janet L. Snyder John L. Snyder Kevin L. Snyder Nikki Soich Hilda Weyl Sokol Judith Solarz Solarz Claudia Sole Hugo H. Soll Warren H. Solomon Eva A. Sommaripa Frank Sommer Sally W. Sommer Craig L. Sommers Steven R. Sommers Donors in 2012 Gail E. Sonenshein Charles and Jane Sonenshein Mary M. Sontag Dale A. Sorensen David and Carole Soskis Charles H. Southwick Robert Sowers Wesley E. Sowers Connie Spangenberg Jane Spaulding Don Speck Janet Spence Gayle Spencer Shane Spencer Louisa C. Spencer Stuart W. Speyer Laurie Spiegel Robert Spiegelman Eugene Spitler Harriet Spitz Joanne and Carlton Spooner Anne Sprecher Bruce Spring David B. Spring George C. Spring Cyrus W. Spurlino James M. Squire Mildred St. John Margaret K. St.Clair Robert and Mary Ellen Stachnik Stephen M. Stack Frieda A. Stahl Ann M. Staiger Martha R. Stampfer Sylvia Stanat Jean C. Stanbury Robert Stanich and Jeanne Schleh Linda W. Stansfield Chrisitne Stanton Gordon Stanton Oscar Stanton Edith Starr Jane A. Starr Sarah J. Staubus Robert N. Stearns Robert E. Stebbins Susan Smith-Stedman H. Ellsworth Steele Kelly P. Steele Diane Steen and Paul Dwyer Frederick and Mary Ann Stehr Daniel and Michelle Stein Dena Stein 34 Bruce Steinback Oscar O. Steinbronn Dorothy Steiner Peter Steiner Harvey B. Steinhaus Marion P. Steininger Johanna Stek Sarah Stempfel Nancy Stepanek Cheri Stephenson Craig H. Stephan Elizabeth Stephenson Harold Stephens Kay Stephens Pamela Stephens Sam R. Stephens Sara Stephenson Joan E. Sterling Arthur Stern David Stern Eve Stern Judith M. Stern Leo Stern Sail Sternberg Virginia Sterns Martin H. Sternstein Virginia Stetser Elaine Stevens Richard S. Stevens Richard S. Stevens Sally L. Stevens Margaret R. Stevenson Myron Steves Deborah D. Stewart Sarah B. Stewart David W. Stickell Christine Stidley and Edward Bedrick Keith Stobie William H. Stockard Verena Stocker Robert P. Stockman Susan F. Stoddart Barbara L. Stokely Ann R. Stokes Christopher A. Stokes Henry and Suzanne Stolar Roger Stoll Lorrie Stonacek Daniel G. Stone Dianne Stone Emily Stone Jacqueline I. Stone Jeffrey and Lynn Stone IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Reagan Stone Gregory S. Stoner Timothy and Shelly Storbeck Clarence Edward Storck Eileen Storey Claudia Stoscheck Roger K. Straight Faith Strailey Muriel Strand Richard and Megumi Strathmann John and Elizabeth Stratton Richard Stratton Alan J. Strauss Joan Strawn John W. Street Eugene Streicher Alan Stringer Margaret Strong William Strong M. J. Strouse Linda P. Stryker Todd Stuart Margaret W. Stubbs M. L. Stueck Jeffrey Z. Stutz Frederick J. Styles Ruth Sugerman Dorothy P. Sullivan Robert F. Sullivan Sandra Sullivan Joel F. Summerhill Karen A. Summers James A. Sundberg Albert Susor Zena S. Susser Shirley J. Sutton Bo Svensson Benjamin and Emily Swan Mr. and Mrs. John Swanson Todd K. Swanson Parick H. Swearingen Robert D. Sweet Robert V. Sweet Charles and Nancy Sweetman Karen M. Swenson Dorothy L. Swerdlove Gustavus F. Swift David C. Swinehart Sharon Swinford David W. Swor Victor Symis Lynn Szallar Daniel and Sandra Szymanski Donors in 2012 Mary V. T. Cattan Patricia K. Takken Amy Talanker Edna M. Talbot Donna L. Talbott Lee A. Talley Shanti S. Tangri Mary-Mae Tanimoto Deborah Tannen Norman C. Tanner John Tanner Christina Tapia David Tapscott Jennifer Tarlow Lillian Tartamella Betsy Tatlock Suzanne F. Taunt Morton Tavel Barbara Taylor Betty C. Taylor Delia Taylor Gregg W. Taylor Jennifer Taylor John B. Taylor John-Stephen Taylor Judith G. Taylor Kathleen Taylor Melvin Taylor Timothy Taylor Bradley Taylor and Jennie Leslie Eunice Teague Ruth H. Teays Joseph Tedford Diana Tedtmann Lynne I. Teich Shirley S. Teitsworth Alexandra E. Teitz Cynthia Telingator Ellen D. Teller Mary S. Temperley John J. Templeton Neil H. Tender Gail Tennant Barbara A. Tennison Morton Tenzer Lewis and Barbara Terman The Janklow Family Patricia Theisen Phyllis B. Thelen Kathryn L. Theobald William A. Therivel Barbara Thomas C. Gomer Thomas 35 Carroll A. Thomas David B. Thomas Deane S. Thomas Gareth and Valerie Thomas Janet Hollenbach Thomas Laurie W. Thomas Roger W. Thomas Susanna M. Thomas Brenda G. Thompson David R. Thompson Ian Thompson Inga E. Thompson James S. Thompson Marion Thompson Mitchell Thompson Peter K. Thompson Philip P. Thompson Ruth Thompson Steven N. Thompson Louise O. Thoms Cynthia Thomsen Fred Thorlin Dorothea R. Thorne Neal Thorpe Marilyn Threlkeld William Thur Jessica Peterson Tierney Patricia E. Till Catherine Tilley Samuel Tirer Frances Tittmann Jill S. Titus Ron Titus Liong B. Tjoa Harriet B. Todd Karen Todd Kathleen G. Todd Marcia Toepfer Dmitry Tokarev Helen E. Tolbert James R. Tolle Adelle Tomash Paul F. Torrence Jane Torres Vicken Totten Margaret Towers Alan C. Townsend Susan Townsend Richard E. Tracy Lane N. Tracy Wolfgang Tretter John and Glennah Trochet Mike Trollinger IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Frances Trott Eugene A. Troxell Susan Trucksess Stuart Trugman and Antoinette Taylor Emanuel Tsantes Samson Tu Marilyn Tuck Betsy Tucker Bridget Tucker Hazel Tulecke and William Houston Nancy C. Tune I Jean Turnbull Katherine Turner Linda L. Turner Noel Turner Verniece Turner Dale Tussing Dean F. Tuthill F.A Tybout Camille Tylden Susan Tyler John W. Tyznik Barry Ulman Robert Underhill Elizabeth L. Unger Victor H. Unger James E. Urban Ronald A. Urquhart Margaret Usdansky Linda A. Vachon Jo Valens Helen Valentine Sallie W. Van Arsdale Gerard J. Van Deene Cornelia van der Ziel Jennifer Van Dyck Mary C. Van Evera William and Patricia Van Melle Marianne Van Pelt Willem Van Pelt Jeanne Van Til Elizabeth Van Zonneveld Minnie R. Vance Robert Vandenbosch Karen A. Vandervorgh Karen S. Vanhooft Carolyn N. Vann Vanschravendijk Mary Vanthull William P. Vargo Suparna Vashisht Carolyn Vaughn Peter Vennewitz Donors in 2012 Lori A. Verbrugge Sten H. Vermund Margarett Vernon Seeske D. Versluys Jeanne R. Vertefeuille Leandra Vicci Esther V. Vicente John R. Vig Susan Vinicor Carl G. Vinson Mary B. Virre Debra S. Vivari Clifford Voegeli Karla J. Vogt Paul and Josephine Voigt Susan Z. Volentine Sarah S. Volkert Wendy Volkmann Ruth S. Von Ahlefeldt Thomas W. Von Geldern Nikolaus Vonessen Swati Vora Patricia R. Voss Sally R. Votta John Voulgaris Frances K. Wagner Paul J. Wagner Philip Wagner Rosalie E. Wahl Naomi Wain Walter Wakefield Earl W. Wakelee Elisabeth Waldburger Ellen L. Walker Jon C. Walker Sidney A. Walker Michael L. Wall Sandra L. Wallace Phebe Wallace Bertha Wallbrunn John H. Walter Frederick Walton Marianne Wampler Mitchell Wangh Evelyn K. Wantland Irene Wapnir Alyce F. Ward Suzanne Ward Ruth Wardlaw Robert H. Ware Marilyn and Scott Warner Mary C. Warren Nancy L. Warren 36 Roxanne Warren Stephen Warren Nancy Washburn Nancy C. Washburn Ted Wassam Elizabeth Waterman Erica W. Waterman M. Joyce Waters Norma Watkins and Robert Cizek Carol A. Watson Elizabeth B. Wauchope Ziva L. Wear Sarah Weaver Shane Webb and Karrie Ann Fadroski Marilyn J. Weber Eric Wedel Jill Weese and Steven Vincent Bo Wei Faith Ann Weidner Julie M. Weikel Monique Weil Joan Weimer Ricki D. Weinberger Marilyn Weinstein Wendy Weinstein Henry S. Weinstock Joyce Weir Susan C. Weir Karin A. Weiss Lisa L. Weiss Renee Weiss Barbara Weisz Margaret R. Weitkamp Kathryn Wekselman Renee S. Welch Victoria Welch Nancy Welfer Margaret Welke Peggy O. Weller Andrea Wellman Laura B. Wells Laura Wells Ralph Wells Anne J. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Leland M. Welsh Stephen K. Welsh Dorothy E. Wendler Gertrude and Robert Wendt Judith Wenker Thurman Wenzl Robert R. Werner Kay Werremeyer Joan C. West IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Donald G. Westlake William P. Wewer Ginia D. Wexler Natalie Wexler Thomas Wheadon Robert and Lois Whealey Eric and Nancy Wheelan David Wheeler Matthew Wheeler Stephen Wheeler Donna C. Whelan William M. Whipple Donald Whitcomb and Janet Johnson Harry E. White Julia T. White Louise White and Lucio Chiaraviglio Martine White Richard and Emily White William I. White Janet E. Whitehead Philip Whitford Ina Y. Whitlock Ruth Whitney Betty J. Whitson Lyn Johnson-Whitter Andeers Wiberg J. Albert Wiberley Alan Wichlei Jeanne A. Widgery William S. Widnall Ralph and Kathleen Wiegandt John A. Wielde Michael Wiemeyer Thomas E. Wiener Margaret R. Wiest Sandra Wigen Constance I. Wiggins Suzanne Wight Sharon M. Wilbert Henry B. Wilbur Marguerite Wilbur Norman Wilde Richard H. Wilde Richard Wilde Minna S. Wiley Joan Wilkes Frank S. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Willey Anne Williams Charlotte Williams James C. Williams Judith I. Williams Lance Williams Donors in 2012 Russell Williams Steve Williams Steve R. Williams T. Walley Williams III Barbara Williamson Jacqueline L. Williamson Valerie Williamson Henry and Deborah Willis Adela S. Wilmerding Deborah Wilson Evelyn J. Wilson Joan R. Wilson Joanne Wilson David and Martha Wilson Mary L. Wilson Thomas Wilson William E. Wilson Maria Winchell Anne Winchester Jeralynn T. Winder Shirley Wine Patricia Winer Brenda Winnewisser John Winslow Thomas and Margery Winter Ruth B. Winter John and Margaret Wise Richard Wisniewski Sally G. Witt Gary M. Witteman Beatrice Wittenberg Jane Wittgraf Elisa Wiygul Robert Wochinger Barbara J. Wolcott Jocelyn Jerry-Wolcott Arthur Wolfcale Edward Wolfe Jeffrey Wolfe Judy Wolfe Jessica A. Wolff Joseph Wolff Stuart Wolff Marian G. Wolfson Joel and Evelyn Wolfson Ruth F. Wolstoncroft Carol Wolter Sheldon and Rosemary Wong Jonathan A. Woodbridge Susannah Woodcock Daniel R. Woodhead Kent Woodry Geraldine H. Woods 37 Patricia Woollcoot Frank E. Woolley John Woolley Patricia L. Woolsey Wendy Wootton David and Linda Workman Arthur Wouk Monica Wozow Ruth A. Wray Dorothy M. Wright Gladys S. Wright Jack and B Elizabeth Wright Barbara Wrightson Roger I. Wykes Robert L. Wyler Robert J. Wyman Nancy Wysocki Roberta Wysong George A. Yabroudy Laurence and Diane Yamagata Carol E. Carpenter-Yaman Cynthia Yandell Joan Yaqub Jeffery L. Yarne Dr. and Mrs. Robert Yarrish Ruth and Michael Yarrow Dale and Marjorie Yasueda Sabina E. Yates Edward R. Yeager Sharon E. Yenter Laurie Yntema Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Yondorf Duke Yost Mark Youdall Barbara J. Young Carolyn Young M. Crawford Young Marilyn P. Young Mary Young Melissa Young William R. Young Ellen Youngelson J. David and Geiger L Yount George Yourke Alexander and Marguerite Zabriskie Wayne Zafft Michael and Nancy Zajano Virginia Zapp Robert and Katy Zappala Marilyn Zatz E. An Zen Douglas Ziegler Margaret Zierdt IPPF/WHR From choice, a world of possibilities Gloria L. Zimmer Helena H. Zimmerman Laura Zimmerman Leda E. Zimmerman Margot Zimmerman Edward Zimowski Frank Zindler Barbara B. Zlotowski Robert G. Zobal Steven Zuckerman Phyllis K. Zumach Aetna Foundation, Inc. Allison C. Morrill Activism Fund Jennifer Marler ©International Planned Parenthood Federation/ Western Hemisphere Region Donors in 2012 125 Maiden Lane, 9th Fl. New York, NY 10038-4730 T: 212 248 6400 F: 212 248 4221 38 E:
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