The Angmering School Weekly News Week 36
The Angmering School Weekly News Week 36
The Angmering School Weekly News This is our weekly newsletter for parents, students and friends of the school. We want to give you news about what is happening in school, exciting things, future events and things we would like to see happen. Issue Date: Week 36 24 June 2016 ROCK CHALLENGE 2016 We competed at the Rock Challenge Southern Area Open Final on Tuesday 21st June and were lucky enough to gain 5th place. The standard at the final was exceptionally high and our Rock Challenge team performed brilliantly, despite having a technical hitch at the beginning with the soundtrack. Our students demonstrated high levels of professionalism, maintaining their focus throughout and truly showcasing the incredible talent we have at the school. We managed to win 11 awards including ‘Best Choreography’ and ‘Best Drama Skills’, as well as awards for each member of our technical team including ‘Best Stage Crew’, ‘Best Lighting’ and ‘Best Video Direction’. We couldn’t be prouder of all of our students, they were a real credit to us and we are already thinking ahead to next year! I would like to take the opportunity to thank Miss Martin, Miss Pratt, Mr Jenner, Mrs Fullman and Ryan Pellett for all their support with the competition. Mrs Hodson-Prior Link to the story in the Gazette: http:// news/local/multiple-prizes-for-theangmering-school-1-7447865 Security and Safety of the School Site Outside School Hours In recent weeks there have been a number of incidents that have caused me to review our approach to the security of the school site outside the school day. I need to remind everyone that the school grounds are private property and that they should not be used as a cut through from one side of the village to the other, for playing games or walking dogs. In the past few weeks there have been a number of occasions when young people have been on the school site during the night. There has been damage done and there was one serious accident. We have reported these incidents to the police and helped them identify the people involved. The police have already taken action regarding one incident. In this case, there has been a formal Community Resolution with compensation to the school. The young people involved have apologised to me and the school, with the main person telling me that he knows that he should not have been on the school grounds and that his actions were totally wrong. He understands that any similar actions would lead to an even more serious response from the school and the police. Mr Brixey BBC Reporting with John Young Year 6 students from our locality schools joined our Year 7 and Year 8 students for a brilliant day learning about how English is used outside of school. The students had lots of fun becoming journalists for the day and using different pieces of equipment. It was lovely to see how many students started the day feeling shy, but by the end everyone wanted to volunteer to take part. School Games Finals On Thursday 23rd June, The Angmering School took two teams , a boccia and NAK team, to represent the Southern Area, to the school games at the K2. The boccia team Josh Jones, Sam Elliott and Louis Saunders played incredibly well winning all their group games securing their place in the semifinals. The NAK team of Freya Mckenna and Lucy King played well winning 3 games, drawing one and losing one on their route to the semi final. The boccia team won their semi final comfortably after a slow start. It was a very tense final as the team went 3-0 down but they bounced back and scored 4 in the last end to take home gold. The NAK team also won their semi and played their best in their final channelling their opponents all the way to win the match 2-1. Overall it was an amazing day for Angmering and the Southern Area in the School Games. Thanks to the staff who took us and good luck to all those competing in next week’s final, bring home some more medals. Report by Louis Saunders 9MM You are cordially invited to attend the Art and D&T Exhibition at Angmering School on Tuesday 28th June 2016 The Exhibition will be open from 6pm to 8pm with an official address at 6.30pm Students work from all Art and D&T subject areas will be displayed Food and refreshments prepared by our Food Technology students will be available London to Paris Fundraising Event for the LNC Charitable Trust Monday 20th June was the inaugural London to Paris endeavour. We started small with only 38 students taking part. The students chose their sport, from Pro II, cycling, running, wheelchair racing or swimming, then buddied up with a member of staff. The aim was to complete the 206 miles from one of the London to Paris cycle routes. The students (and staff) pushed themselves to the limit. In the pool a total of 11 miles were achieved, a massive achievement considering you need to swim 3 lengths of the hydro pool to make just 25m, so to reach a mile a mammoth 192 lengths needing to be swam - an epic feat. All the swimmers made personal bests in their number of lengths and should be really proud of themselves. On to the track (well indoor track as it was raining very heavily) with all performers, either running or in wheelchairs, competing valiantly. 27 laps were needed for a mile and the students and staff paced themselves beautifully to ensure that the greatest distances possible were covered. In total 106 miles were covered on the track. Finally the cyclists with again a strong event on the recumbent bikes meaning the students and staff racked up huge miles and went over the predicted final score. We were aiming for 206 and we finished with an outstanding 224 miles! A huge thanks to Mrs Searle for her excellent planning and organisation of the day. In addition to the great day it was lovely to have Beckie Saunders, a Trustee of the LNC Charitable Trust, join us for the day and show her support. A massive thanks to all those who took part and helped us raise much needed money: The total will be announced as soon as the money has been collected. Students: Orla Ingle, Frannie Charles, Tom Callaghan, Daisy Lilleystone, Freya McKenner, Sam Elliott, Josh Jones, Nathan Freeman, David Prothero, Logan Woodason, Chloe Parvin- Harvey, Tom Wormleighton, Matt Kill, Noah Damario, Ben Pearce, Vincent Doilente, Gabby Phillips, Courtney Ralston, Lucy King, Damaris Lindsay, Kyle Love, Jennifer Lynch, Abby Grima, Louis Saunders, Dan Hanson, Brad Conway, Pete Langton, Jamie Chappell, Lara Parvin, Shauni Robey, Alex Barnard, Lucie Hanks, Courtney Charman, Leo Arnold, Matt Belsey and Zoe Ferrigno. Staff: Mrs Searle, Mrs Short, Miss Speight, Miss Waterman, Mrs Newell, Mrs Crowther, Mirs Mitchell, Mrs Wyatt, Mrs Scammell, Mr Banister- Weir, Mr Glasspool, Mr Buttifant, Mr Rakdoune, Miss Martin, Ms Hampton, Mrs Tonks, Mrs Nicholls, Mr Andrews and Mrs Cornell. Report and Organiser: Miss Natalie Webb International Hockey at Lee Valley On Monday 13th June we travelled to Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre to watch some international hockey in the last tournament before Rio. We got there eventually to see GBR beat Korea 4-1. It was a great game with our men showing some great skill and tenacity. During the Australia V Germany game the heavens opened but we were undeterred and they repaid our dedication by giving us some great hockey to watch. Despite the weather trying to put us off the students were keen to watch the last game of the day, which again showed what lots of dedication, hard work and teamwork can look like! It was a long day with the students behaving brilliantly and they were a credit to the school. Hopefully the students now feel inspired ahead of the new season in September!! If you fancy joining the action come and join us afterschool on Wednesdays Archie Blake 7BC Silver Certificate Jamie Samuel Paige Chappell _ 7JN Gold Certificate Crockford 7JN Gold Certificate Evans 7JN Gold Certificate Sirena Mia Frost Stevens 7RW Platinum Certificate 7AM Platinum Certificate Grace Aleisha Clavering 7TW Diamond Certificate Richards 7MN Diamond Certificate Abigail Grevett Joshua Ciaran Billy Shauna Rob Ross Sophia Jack Schofield 10RA Bronze Certificate McCaughan 10SC Bronze Certificate Styles 10SL Bronze Certificate Attwater Belcher Fuller Hunt Osborne 10WT 10RA 10PN 10CN 10WT Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate Silver Certificate 7RW Double Diamond Certificate Well done Abigail for your Double Diamond Award! Some months ago one of our staff had their email account hacked. This was by the technique known as "phishing". We reported the incident to the Information Commissioner's Office. We have no evidence that any data has been misused but they have asked that we inform those for whom there may have been an issue. The staff member's emails did contain confidential information relating to some students concerning behaviour and family situation, and staff about sickness and professional conduct. We do not believe that access to this information is likely to give rise to concern. We reviewed our email protocols and Acceptable Use of IT Policy. Guidance has been updated and shared with users of the school systems. If you have any concerns about this or any other IT or Information related issue please contact Marc Ginnaw, our IT Manager and Data Controller, via Well done to Mr and Mrs Lynch, parents of Jennifer Lynch 9RL. They have been awarded the Prime Minister's daily Points of Light Award for the work they have done in setting up the charity for the condition that affects Jennifer. For full details about this please go to the Points of Light website https:// Put these dates in your diary and come along and support the students! Prom Parking Be prepared! On Prom night, Friday 1 July, there will be no parking in Greenwood Drive at all. If you would like to come to school to watch Y11 arrive, you can park in the school car park but you will need to be here between 6.00pm – 6.30pm otherwise you will not be allowed in and you will be unable to leave until after 7.00pm when all the students have gone into the hall. Please keep behind the barriers and on the grass on the roundabout when waiting to allow the cars and students space to arrive and to prevent injuries. Thank you. Fireworks on Prom Night There will be a 5 minute firework display from 10.55pm – 11.00pm on Prom night. Apologies to our neighbours for any inconvenience. We hope you will enjoy the display with us. Can you solve this week’s problem? End of a Prime A list is made of every digit that is the units digit of at least one prime number. How many digits appear in the list? Last week’s problem Doubly Symmetric What is the smallest number of additional lines that must be shaded so that this figure has at least one line of symmetry and rotational symmetry of order 2? Last week’s solution DIARY DATES 2015/2016 June 28 Art, DT Exhibition Open Evening 68pm 29 Art, DT Exhibition Open Day 9-5pm 29 LNC Y6 Induction Day 29 & 30 Sixth Form Induction Please note we will be reverting to the non exam day timings on Monday 27 June instead of Tuesday 28 June as stated in the planners. July 1 2 5 6 7 18 11-15 12 20 22 Y11 Prom 7-11pm 10am -11.00am Nearly New Uniform Shop Open Staff Day 5 Year 6 Induction Day at Angmering and parents evening 6pm – 7.30pm Sports Presentation Evening 6pm – 8pm 6-7.30pm Evening of Celebration Y12 Work Experience Week Science Fair Y7 & Y8 5.30 - 7.30pm Y7 Inter Tutor Dance Comp Term Ends heliolatry noun Sun worship Archaeologists believe that the members of the ancient civilization practiced heliolatry because each temple faced east, toward the rising sun. Etymology The first half of heliolatry derives from hēlios, the Greek word for "sun." In Greek mythology, Hēlios was the god of the sun, imagined as "driving" the sun as a chariot across the sky. From hēlios we also get the word helium, referring to the very light gas that is used in balloons and airships, and heliocentric, meaning "having or relating to the sun as center," as in "a heliocentric orbit." The suffix -latry, meaning "worship," derives via Late Latin and French from the Greek latreia, and can be found in such words as bardolatry ("worship of Shakespeare") and zoolatry ("animal worship"). A person who worships the sun is called aheliolater. Foreign translations: French: heliolatry German: heliolatry Spanish: heliolatry Swedish: heliolatry