the Program - Basic Course of Paediatric Echocardiography
the Program - Basic Course of Paediatric Echocardiography
Italian CME Accreditation L’evento ”Basic Course of Paediatric Echocardiography” è inserito nel programma di Educazione Continua in Medicina secondo i termini vigenti ed è parte del piano formativo 2016 di Intermeeting srl, Provider provvisorio riconosciuto da con il numero 102. L’evento n.102-149752 è riservato a 60 partecipanti ed ha ottenuto 13 crediti ecm. Discipline accreditate: Medico Chirurgo con specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione, Cardiologia, Cardiochirurgia, Ginecologia e Ostetricia, Pediatria, Radiodiagnostica; Infermiere, Infermiere Pediatrico, Tecnico Sanitario di Radiologia Medica Per ottenere i crediti formativi sarà necessario: • Partecipare nella misura del 100% ai lavori scientifici per i quali è stato richiesto l’accreditamento; • Compilare il plico ECM in tutte le sue parti (rispondendo correttamente almeno al 75% delle domande del questionario di valutazione dell’apprendimento); • Riconsegnare al termine dell’evento, presso la segreteria, tutta la documentazione debitamente compilata e firmata. Tutti i partecipanti, attenendosi alle attuali normative ministeriali (indipendentemente dai crediti e dalle discipline accreditate), sono tenuti a compilare e consegnare il materiale rilasciato dalla segreteria. Gli attestati ECM verranno spediti tramite posta ordinaria o posta elettronica certificata successivamente al Congresso a coloro i quali avranno ottemperato a tutte le regole summenzionate. EBAC CME Accreditation The event “Basic Course of Paediatric Echocardiography” has been accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology. The event “Basic Course of Paediatric Echocardiography” is accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology for 14 CME credits hours (Day 1: 5 credits - Day 2: 6 credits - Day 3: 3 credits). Each participant should claim only those hours of credit that have actually been spent in the educational activity. EBAC works according to the quality standards of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), which is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).” “In compliance with EBAC/EACCME guidelines, all speakers/ chairpersons participating in this program have disclosed or indicated potential conflicts of interest which might cause a bias in the presentations. The Organizing Committee/Course Director is responsible for ensuring that all potential conflicts of interest relevant to the event are declared to the audience prior to the CME activities”. Event Venue Aula Magna IRCCS Policlinico San Donato Piazza Edmondo Malan 1 20097 - San Donato Milanese, Milan, Italy Basic Course of Paediatric Echocardiography April 14th - April 16th 2016 Organizing Secretariat & Provider Francesca Pluchinotta Department of Pediatric Cardiology, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Milan Annalisa Angelini Cardiovascular Pathology, University of Padua, Italy Via N. Tommaseo, 63/B - 35131 Padova Tel. 049.8756380 - Fax. 049.8786871 Ornella Milanesi Department of Pediatric Cardiology, University of Padua, Italy WWW.INTERMEETING.ORG Emanuela Valsangiacomo Buechel Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Kinderspital Zurich, Switzerland For information visit or write to Faculty This Course is supported in a form of an unrestricted grant by Mario Carminati Department of Pediatric Cardiology, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Milan Guest Directors ® S.I.D.EM. S.p.A. – Prodotti Elettromedicali Course Directors Register at Event Venue Aula Magna - IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, San Donato Milanese, Milan, Italy Under the patronage of ASSOCIATION FOR EUROPEAN PAEDIATRIC AND CONGENITAL CARDIOLOGY Società Italiana di Cardiologia Pediatrica Annalisa Angelini, Padua, Italy Carmelo Arcidiacono, Milan, Italy Mario Baldi, Milan, Italy Tara Bharucha, Southampton, United Kingdom Claudio Bussadori, Milan, Italy Anna Cavigelli-Brunner, Zurich, Switzerland Joachim Eichhorn, Leverkusen, Germany Javier Fernandez Sarabia, Milan, Italy Alessandro Frigiola, Milan, Italy Katharina Hanseus, Lund, Sweden Eero Jokinen, Helsinki, Finland Ornella Milanesi, Padua, Italy Owen Miller, London, United Kingdom Francesca Pluchinotta, Milan, Italy Maria Giovanna Russo, Naples, Italy Antonio Saracino, Milan, Italy Emanuela Valsangiacomo Buechel, Zurich, Switzerland SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM THURSDAY, APRIL 14TH 2016 13.30 - 13.50 13.50 - 14.00 Welcome address M. Carminati A. Frigiola 14.00 - 14.20 Physics of ultrasound F. Pluchinotta 14.20 - 14.40 M-Mode and Two dimensions echocardiography A. Saracino 14.40 - 15.00 Pulsed and continuous wave Doppler K. Hanseus 15.00 - 15.20 How to set the echo machine: equipment, probes and optimisation of images acquisition C. Arcidiacono 15.40 - 16.00 16.00 - 16.20 Echocardiography in the neonate T. Bharucha 17.20 - 17.40 Ultrasound in Critical Intensive Care Unit: why, what, and who? A. Cavigelli-Brunner 17.40 - 18.00 Basic concept of advanced imaging: TDI, strain and strain rate C. Bussadori 10.30 - 11.00 Anomalies of the systemic and pulmonary venous return J. Eichhorn 11.00 - 11.30 The AV-valves O. Milanesi 11.30 - 12.00 Left to right shunts J. Eichhorn 09.00 - 09.25 Conotruncal malformations O. Miller 18.00 - 18.30 Questions and discussion: Take home messages 12.00 - 12.30 Right heart obstructions T. Bharucha 09.25 - 09.50 Single ventricle E. Jokinen 12.30 - 13.00 Left heart obstructions E. Jokinen 09.50 - 10.15 18.30 - 19.00 Master lecture: Echocardiography in Interventional Procedures: 2D, 3D and beyond M. Baldi 13.00 - 13.30 Questions and discussion: Take home messages Disorder of laterality E. Valsangiacomo 10.15 - 10.30 13.30 - 14.30 Box Lunch - Jeopardy! - clinical cases quiz competition - No CME credits A. Saracino, E. Valsangiacomo Questions and discussion: Take home messages Panel 10.30 - 10.50 Coffee Break 10.50 - 12.00 Cases demonstration C. Arcidiacono, A. Saracino, J. Fernandez Sarabia 12.00 - 12.30 Mock examination O.Miller 12.30 - 13.00 Course conclusion F. Pluchinotta, E. Valsangiacomo, O. Milanesi Registration BASIC APPLICATIONS OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC IMAGING AND TECHNICAL ASPECTS Chairmen: O. Milanesi, E. Jokinen 15.20 - 15.40 17.00 - 17.20 Echocardiographic quantification, measurements and pitfalls O. Miller Questions and discussion: Take home messages Coffee Break ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION OF THE NORMAL AND PATHOLOGIC HEART Chairmen: M.G. Russo, E. Jokinenn 16.20 - 16.40 The segmental sequential approach in echocardiography A. Cavigelli-Brunner 16.40 - 17.00 Echocardiography in a normal heart: minimum data set K. Hanseus FRIDAY, APRIL 15 TH 2016 MORNING LECTURE Chairman: A. Saracino 08.30 - 09.00 Pathophysiology of congenital heart disease M.G. Russo SPECIMENS DEMONSTRATION Chairman: T. Bharucha 09.00 - 09.30 The normal heart/sequential analysis A. Angelini 09.30 - 10.00 Anatomo/pathologic correlation with echocardiography: what we see in the different echo projections A. Angelini 10.00 - 10.30 Coffee Break SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO THE ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC DIAGNOSIS OF CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE WITH ANATOMIC DEMONSTRATION Chairmen: O. Milanesi, E. Jokinen SPECIMENS DEMONSTRATION Chairman: F. Pluchinotta 14.30 - 16.00 Morphology of major congenital heart defect A. Angelini 16.00 - 16.30 Coffee Break 16.30 - 18.00 HANDS-ON SESSION - No CME credits Participants will be actively involved in doing themself echocardiography in volunteers patients with normal heart or simple congenital heart disease (such as bicuspid aortic valve and atrial septal defect) under the supervision of one of the faculty members. C. Arcidiacono, C. Bussadori, J. Fernandez Sarabia, O. Milanesi, O. Miller, A. Saracino SATURDAY, APRIL 16TH 2016 ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY IN CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE - GOING COMPLEX Chairmen: O. Milanesi, K. Hanseus COURSE DESCRIPTION Echocardiography is the basic instrument, after clinical examination, in the hands of every paediatric cardiologist. It provides fundamental information on the anatomy, physiology and function of the normal and malformed heart. This course offers a unique overview of paediatric echocardiography from the basic technical aspects of how to set up the echo machine to the systematic approach of imaging the normal heart and an overview of all the most common congenital heart disease. The concepts are completed by echo-morphology correlations with anatomical specimens presentations. Beside projections of typical cases, the course offers also hands-on sessions in paediatric echocardiography.