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BENCHMARK REPORT Improvement of CARBON sequestration practices in agricultural and forestry sectors towards low-CArbon REgional energy patterns CARBON.CARE Foreword There is a considerable confusion as to what the term they are not exactly the same. Performance ‘benchmarking’ actually means. Often, benchmarking measurement or assessment could be defined as the is understood as a process of simply comparing initial work done to specify and gather data on the numerical different criteria that account for the performance of a organisations. However, if benchmarking is understood programme or service. Knowing the factors that are as a tool for improvement, it is more than just important in effectively performing a particular service comparing and ranking. It goes beyond the or function is the foundation of benchmarking practice. establishment of benchmarks, standards and norms, A benchmark is simply a standard of performance. The and investigates the practices that support the standard may be established by the organisation as a benchmarks. The philosophy of benchmarking is very goal or expected level of performance or for various well expressed as the practice of being humble other reasons. Benchmarks may also be established enough to admit that someone else is better at by looking outside the organisation. An important something, and being wise enough to learn how to element of the definition of benchmarking is best match and even surpass them at it. practice. Best practice, in the more traditional uses of Benchmarking is about finding out why there are benchmarking, is defined by Robert Camp as ‘those differences in performance and about learning from practices that please the customer most’. Thus it is others’ best practice. The concept of benchmarking argued that the goals of a benchmarking study should was pioneered by the Xerox Corporation to meet the be based on customer, needs, where the definition of Japanese competitive challenge of the 1970s.. For the customers is to be intended in general sense, internal purpose of this report, the first definition (by the (departments within an American Productivity and Quality Center) seems to be management levels, employees) the most appropriate one. Almost any process or (consumers, citizens, regulators, legislators, local and activity of an organisation is a candidate for national environmental groups, investors). In practice, benchmarking, such as: conducting a benchmarking study is immaterial if it is • work processes; not designed to meet a specific customer requirement. • products and services; The goal of benchmarking is basically to learn from • support functions; others’ best practice. It is an improvement tool. If used • organisational performance; properly, it leads to true, fundamental process • strategies. improvement, which, in turn, leads to bottom-line Often, the terms benchmarking and performance performance improvement. performance levels across assessment are used interchangeably, even though organisation, or higher external According to Robert Camp, often called the initiator of benchmarking exercise, it might not be possible (or not the ‘benchmarking wave’, the payback experienced in appropriate) to express all the benefits in financial benchmarking activities is generally 5 to 25 times the terms. Also, benefits like the creation of networks and investment. It has to be noted that, especially partnerships are difficult to quantify. These qualitative concerning environmental issue , costs and benefits aspects have to be taken into consideration when cannot always be expressed in quantitative terms. If assessing the usefulness of a benchmarking study in there are improvements in air quality as a result of a the environmental field. Index 1. INTRODUCTION TO CARBON EMISSION REDUCTION/REMOVAL ACTUAL STRATEGIES IN PRIMARY SECTOR 2. REGIONAL STRATEGIES 2.1.1 Province of Ferrara (Italy) 2.1.2 Province of Asturias (Spain) 2.1.3 Province of Goreniska (Slovenia) 3. THE CONCEPT OF BEST PRACTICE 3.1 A general approach 3.2 Criteria of selection 3.3 Fields of application 4. THE STAKEHOLDERS 5. POTENTIAL OR EXPECTED FEEDBACK 6. BEST PRACTICES FOR CCS&CS IN PRIMARY SECTOR: THE GOLD 6 7. CONCLUSIONS 1. INTRODUCTION TO CARBON EMISSION REDUCTION/REMOVAL ACTUAL STRATEGIES IN PRIMARY SECTOR From Kyoto to Copenhagen, the countries on our planet have systematically expressed the desire to reduce greenhouse gases emissions in order to mitigate the effects of climate change. In 1997, many states signed and adhered to a binding commitment in Kyoto, fully aware of some rather remarkable absences (United States, China and Australia) which threatened its real effectiveness. Since then, during various phases, European countries have cultivated the aspiration of becoming leaders on the world’s horizon to the point of deciding unilaterally in 2008 to develop and tackle a commitment to the ambitious 20-20-20 project by the year 2020: a 20% reduction in greenhouse gases emissions (in comparison with those in 1990), a 20% increase in energy efficiency and the attainment of the target of 20% renewable energy sources. There are many problematic aspects to this approach. Mitigation is mentioned, that is to say the control of emissions, and not adapting to climate changes. There is also the discussion of emissions interpreted as a direct result of combustion, ignoring the fact that energy is needed to produce goods and it really doesn’t matter much to global warming if these goods are produced on another part of the planet: it would be worthwhile adopting a more integrated vision, that is the Life Cycle Assessment. As far as the 20% mark is concerned, it will surely be insufficient to stop climate change, unless this measurement includes the great emitters themselves (today USA and China) and would be followed by other even more ambitious goals in years to come. Some heads of state have already declared that a 20% reduction cannot be attained without paying the price of a serious economical penalty: like a nemesis, the recession came along anyway, and certainly not due to 20-20-20 and the EU’s emissions have dropped 17.3% in comparison with 1990. The decrease registered in 2009 was remarkable as well: -6.9% in comparison with the previous year. The following map has been recently published by US EIA (Energy Information Administration), as a way for measuring a country’s economic growth based on CO2 production from energy consumption: Most scientists likely claim that if the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other so-called greenhouse gases continue to rise, the earth’s climate will become warmer. While relatively little is known about the likely costs and benefits of such warming, it seems clear that both depend critically on the rate at which warming occurs. The rate of future warming depends, in turn, on a number of poorly understood natural processes and on future emissions of greenhouse gases. Key climate processes (in particular, warming the deep ocean) involve long lags, and important greenhouse gases (in particular, CO2) remain in the atmosphere for many years after they are emitted. Accordingly, climate change analyses necessarily involve emissions forecasts spanning several decades and often a century or more. Projected impacts from climate change in different EU regions (Source: European Commission Agriculture and Rural Development, 2010) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 to inform international negotiations on climate change. Among the most visible of the IPCC’s activities there has been the generation of scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions extending to the year 2100. Emissions of CO2 caused by human activity are generally considered the most important single source of potential future warming. It has been estimated that roughly a third of the total emissions of carbon into the atmosphere since 1850 has resulted from land use change (and the remainder from fossil-fuel emissions). For example, in the 1990s, 6.4 billion tonnes of carbon alone per year was emitted to the atmosphere from industrial activities and approximately 2.2 billion per year was emitted from tropical deforestation. Because of this potentially important role in the climate change debate, the policymaking community is assessing how agriculture and forestry may enter into future climate policies. These come into play, either as domestic actions (e.g., emission offsets within a cap- and-trade system), or via mechanisms for achieving international commitments for emissions reductions (e.g., the Clean Development Mechanism). The total global contribution to greenhouse gases (GHG) emission by primary sector (agriculture and forestry combined) considering all direct and indirect emissions (including fossil fuel use in farm operations, the production of agrochemicals and the conversion of land to agriculture), is between 8.5 – 16.5 Pg CO2-eq, which represents between 17 and 32% of all global human-induced GHG emissions, including land use changes. Agriculture directly contributes between 5.1 and 6.1 Pg CO2-eq/yr (10–12%) to global emissions. These emissions are mainly in the form of methane (3.3 Pg CO2-eq/yr) and nitrous oxide (2.8 Pg CO2-eq/yr) whereas the direct net flux of carbon dioxide is quite small (0.04 Pg CO2-eq/yr). Sources of agricultural GHG On the other hand, as it is widely recognized, primary sector has also a significant climate change mitigation potential, which could change its position from the second largest emitter to a much smaller emitter or even a net sink. There are a wide range of mitigation options in the primary sector with an overall potential of 6-8 Pg CO2eq/yr. By far the greatest mitigation contribution originates from soil carbon sequestration (4-5 Pg CO2-eq/ yr) and from afforestation and reforestation activities (2-3 Pg CO2-eq/yr). The low carbon concentration in croplands means that there is a great potential to increase carbon content through beneficial management practices. The main three mitigation strategies are reforesting degraded lands, implementing sustainable agricultural practices on existing lands, and slowing tropical deforestation. These three strategies will be more effective when done in concert., in fact, improved agriculture practices will help to enable forest restoration, as improved practices and corresponding increases in agricultural yields will stabilize land-use change and reduce competition for use of lands more suited for forest cover. Similarly, improved agriculture practices will reduce pressure on the need to clear more land, usually at the expense of forests. Sustainably managed new forests will also reduce timber and fuelwood pressures on existing natural forest, possibly avoiding deforestation. Emission reductions to meet Kyoto Protocol requirements in Tg C eq/yr by 2010 are estimated at 634 for the United States, 176 for Western Europe, 137 for Japan, 72 for Canada and 34 for Australia. By 2020, the required reductions in Tg C eq/yr are estimated at 805 for the United States, 314 for western Europe, 150 for Japan, and 86 for Canada. Whereas these mandatory reductions apply only to countries listed under the Kyoto Protocol, there is an urgency for all the countries to identify strategies of reducing/offsetting CO2 emissions. Many land-based opportunities to increase carbon stocks or avoid carbon emissions exist. Where land uses have changed to become predominantly agricultural, restoration of the carbon content in cultivated organic soils has a high per area potential and represents the area of greatest mitigation potential in agriculture. The most prominent options for mitigation in agriculture emissions are: 〉 Cropland management (mitigation potential up to ~1.45 Pg CO2-eq/yr such as: - Avoiding leaving land bare: bare soil is prone to erosion and nutrient leaching and contains less carbon than the same field with vegetation. Important solutions are “catch” and “cover” crops, which cover the soil in between the actual crop or in fallow periods, respectively. - Using an appropriate amount of nitrogen fertiliser by avoiding applications in excess of immediate plant requirements, by applying it at the right time, and by placing it more precisely in the soil. Reducing the reliance on fertilisers by adopting cropping systems such as use of rotations with legume crops has a high mitigation potential. No burning of crop residues in the field. - Reducing tillage: No-till agriculture can increase carbon in the soil, but in industrial farming settings this maybe offset by increasing reliance on herbicides and machinery. However, for organic systems some preliminary study results showed that reduced tillage without the use of herbicides has positive benefits for carbon sequestration in the soil. 〉 Grazing land management (mitigation potential up to ~1.35 Pg CO2-eq/yr such as reducing razing intensity or reducing the frequency and intensity of fires (by active fire management). These measures typically lead to increased tree and shrub cover, resulting in a CO2 sink in both soil and biomass. 〉 Restoration of organic soils that are drained for crop production and restoration of degraded lands to increase carbon sinks (combined mitigation potential ~2.0 Pg CO2-eq/yr): avoid drainage of wetlands, carry out erosion control, add organic and nutrient amendments. 〉 Improved water management (~0.3 Pg CO2-eq/yr). 〉 Lower but still significant mitigation is possible with set-asides, land use change (e.g., conversion of cropland to grassland) and agro-forestry (~0.05 Pg CO2-eq/yr); as well as improved livestock and manure management (~0.25 Pg CO2-eq/yr). 〉 Increasing efficiency in the manufacturing of fertilisers can contribute significantly with a reduction of up to about ~0.2 Pg CO2-eq/yr. Improvements would be related to greater energy efficiency in ammonia production plants (29%), introduction of new nitrous oxide reduction technology (32%) and other general energy-saving measures in manufacturing (39%). Recent estimate (2007) gives a maximum global realistic mitigation potential from agriculture of 4.3 Pg CO2eq/yr: Global technical mitigation potential by 2030 of each agricultural management practice showing the impacts of each practice on each GHG For forests, carbon stocks can be increased and carbon emissions avoided by: (1) protecting secondary and other degraded forests to allow them to regenerate naturally; (2) restoring native forests through assisted and natural regeneration; (3) maintaining existing forest-carbon stocks and sink processes by avoiding deforestation; (4) establishing plantations on non-forested lands; and (5) managing forests sustainably to provide biomass energy. The total amount of carbon that could be sequestered by reforestation to create native forests over the ten-year period is 316 million tonnes on 3.5 million hectares of land. The greatest potential exists in countries of Latin America (56% of the total), followed by Asia (30% of the total) and Africa (14% of the total). Tropical deforestation causes an estimated 20% of worldwide anthropogenic carbon emissions. Forests and trees are important carbon sinks. Forests are an important component of the global carbon cycle because of the large amount of carbon stored in live and dead woody biomass as well as soil organic matter. Around 13 million hectares of forest were converted to other uses or lost through natural causes each year between 2000 and 2010 (FAO 2010). The world has an estimated 850 million hectares of degraded forests, which could potentially be restored and rehabilitated to bring back lost biodiversity and ecosystem services, and, at the same time, contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Forests contribute to mitigating climate change in two possible ways: by increasing or maintaining the carbon stock in forest biomass (afforestation/reforestation, avoided deforestation, or improving forest management practices) and in timber products (“stock effect”); and by replacing fuelwood with fossil-fuel and non-timber with timber products, the production of which is less energy and emissions intensive ("substitution effect"). Thus, the storage of carbon in forests and forest products has been proposed as an appropriate strategy for mitigating the effect of climate change. The carbon is also ultimately stored in the forest products. Forests and their carbon sequestration potential are affected by management practices, climate and the rise in atmospheric CO2. The growing evidence of the environmental, social and economic implications is making governments incorporate actions into their policies and programs. The first international commitment was the Kyoto Protocol to reduce emissions, further regulated a market for carbon credits. Unfortunately, it is not viable alternative to one of the way to mitigate climate change, such as sustainable forest management project, because forest products were excluded for Kyoto protocol. Trying to fill this gap new markets are emerging, the voluntary markets. The accumulation of biomass and carbon in forest stands may be increased through different management options. As examples, fire protection, pest control, increasing the length of time of rotation (harvest), regulation of tree densities, improvement of the nutrient state, selection of species and genotypes and use of biotechnology. The majority of these activities are expected to increases the carbon accumulation rate 0.3 to 0.7 Mg of C per hectares per year. Management practices that alter species composition, rotation lengths, the thinning regimes or that result in forest conservation increase in forest land and soil conservation can be used to increase carbon sequestration in forests. The connections between climate change concerns and the product value chain are perhaps more complex in the forest industry than in any other industry. The forests that supply the industry’s raw material remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and store the carbon not only in trees, but also below ground in soil and root systems. Better forest management has key role to play in dealing with climate change. On the one hand, changes in global climate are already stressing forests through higher mean annual temperatures, altered precipitation patterns and more frequent and extreme weather events. FAO and other experts have estimated that global carbon retention resulting from reduced deforestation, increased forest regrowth and more agro-forestry and plantations could make up for about 15 percent of carbon emissions from fossil fuels over the next 50 years. But, ond on the flip side of the coin, when destroyed or overharvested and burned, forests can become sources of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Destruction of forests adds almost six billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, and preventing this stored carbon from escaping is important for the carbon balance and vital in conserving the environment. Experts and policies stress a need to use more wood in long-lasting products to keep trapped carbon out of the atmosphere for longer periods of time. Harvested wood is a carbon sink also as wood used in construction or for furniture effectively stores carbon for centuries. Construction sector, based on energy wasteful materials (steel, concrete, brick, plastic, aluminium) is according to some statistics largest consumer of energy and therefore contributes also the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. Wooden house captures during its life-cycle 10 to 25 tonnes of carbon, together with wooden equipment & furniture, or 60 tones CO2. If Europe would increase share of newly constructed houses for 10%, it would decrease annual quantity of CO2 defined by Kyoto Agreement for 25%. Moreover, when wooden products wear out and can be no longer re-used recycled, it can be used in modern heating-energy plants for energy production. It is, however, more rational if we use remaining of wood processing and worn out wooden products for composites or for liquefying. Liquefied and modified wood can be of use as a raw material for all products which we now produce by fossil row materials. It is nowadays debated if the use of wood fuel instead of oil, coal and natural gas, can actually mitigate climate change. Although burning wood and biomass does release carbon dioxide into the air, if those fuels come from a sustainably-managed forest, those carbon releases can be offset by replanting. Indeed, if managed properly, forests can supply bioenergy virtually without contributing any greenhouse gas to the atmosphere. 2. REGIONAL STRATEGIES 2.1.1. Province of Ferrara (Italy) The Province of Ferrara, located in the north east of th Emilia Romagna Region, close to Veneto and Lombardia, has a territory of 2.632 Km2 for 351.452 inhabitants (ref. 2005). Enterprises are principally devoted to services and agriculture, with more than 8.000 of farms for 180.000 ha of UAA (Source: ISTAT 5°Censimento Generale Agricoltura). The local agricultural production is principally concentrated on cereals (around 65%) and orchard and vegetables (around 20%), The Province of Ferrara has recently subscribed the European Covenant of Mayors, assuming the responsibility to draw up and approve a Local Plan of Actions for Sustainability. The initiative, launched by Eu Commission in 2008, provided the commitment to reduce the GHG emissions through specific measures at local level, in terms of investments in renewable energies, improvements in energy efficiency, application of best practices for a functional use of energy resources. It is coherent with the fact that the Province of Ferrara has ever been particularly interested to assume a real own responsibility in reaching the general goal to guide the local growing awareness for climate protection. Starting from the base, the idea is to obtain the goal through a list of actions, in accordance with other local actors, in order to try to give room to the ambitious vision of creating a real partnership between public and private sector. In fact, the Province has been recently involved in another EU project on similar topics (as LACRe, Local Alliance for Climate Responsibility - LIFE07ENV/IT/000357, now concluded; or ITACA, Innovative Transport Approach in Cities and metropolitan Areas - Programme Interreg IVC Inter-Power). As a strategy, the private entrepreneurs (farmers, in our case) should become more aware of the fact that there are a thousand ways to save energy, to use it more efficiently and thus in a more advantageous way, economically speaking, through such measures as management improvements or resources optimization. From its side, the local public administration could become a dependable partner for farmers that are socially responsible or wish to become so, as it can provide decisive support to the realization of excellent actions. Viceversa, farmers could become partners of the local administration and contribute to the creation of joint projects and the attainment of common goals. From a sort of such a social responsibility agreement viewpoint, local administrations have taken the role of a promoter of: → a new developmental model for the territory inspired by the principles of sustainability and therefore of the adoption of innovative policies as well as a unifier of various social players → opportunities for the territorial actors to come together face to face and discuss issues on a local level. One final essential element in the creation of a new local roundtable between farmers and the territory – through a multi-stakeholder approach – is the existence of shared values to take action to mitigate climate change. In this way, such a local low carbon economy based could go beyond the traditional relationships between public administrations and local economy, searching for new, innovative routes that could facilitate an active collaboration between public organizations and farmers, generating an experience of the “virtuous circle” in order to attain complex goals, such as those related to climate protection. Departing from a provincial territorial level, the final aim of this strategy will be to join to the general regional effort of creating a “waterfall effect” in the diffusion of a culture of social responsibility, through the promotion of an environmental context that is more safeguarded and liveable, therefore more sustainable. 2.1.2. Province of Asturias (Spain) The Principality of Asturias is located in the North-West of the Iberian Peninsula, it has a surface of 10.604 km2, and is bordered to the North by 334 km of coastline, bathed by the Cantabrian Sea (Figure 1). Asturias possesses 1,085,289 inhabitants, with an average population density of 102.3 inhabitants per km2. The region is divided in 78 municipalities, and the central metropolitan area accounts for 80 % of the population with the largest cities and towns. The main characteristic of the economic structure of Asturias is the importance of the industrial sector that represents 21.67 % of the activity: agro-food, metal, chemical and mining are the main sectors with Figure 1: Map of Asturias location. presence in Asturias. Services represent 62.6 % and have shown a very strong upward trend in the past decade. Construction accounts 13.87 % and the primary sector 1.87 %. According to the National Forest Inventory III, about 72% of the one million hectares that has the Principality of Asturias is declared as forest land use (Figure 2) and nearly 64% belong to private owners. However, in recent decades the rural areas have been abandoned, and the Asturian forest sector has suffered a negative and positive impacts. On one hand, a negative impact has happened because the forestland abandonment. And on the other hand, a positive effect due to the increment of forest biomass in the forests. Forest land 72% Others land use 9% Agriculture 19 % Figure 2: Relative distribution of land use in Asturias. In Asturias, the most important forest income comes mainly from Eucalyptus, pine and chestnut wood (Figure 3). From the first two species there is almost 500.000 m3 of timber per year. However, there are challenges to incorporating into the traditional silviculture practices new concepts, such as Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Certification. These new action improve the quality of forest production chain, from preparation land to wood selling to the final consumers. Forests Grassland Crops Industrial areas Figure 3: Forests distribution in Asturias. 2.1.3. Province of Goreniska (Slovenia) Gorenjska region is located in the North-West of Slovenia with 2137 km2 of territory and around 200,000 inhabitants. This predominantly mountainous region in the Slovene Alps, with only some of flat and fertile land in the central part and in river valleys in the north and west, has a large proportion of less favoured areas for agriculture. The climate is transitional alpine-continental with cold snowy winters, and mild and not very dry summers. Almost 60% of the territory is covered by quality forest, while grassland and pastures prevail in the arable land. Due to a great diversity of well-preserved nature, around 45% of the region is within the Natura 2000 nature conservation network (of which major share are forsts). In economic aspect, Gorenjska was once known as the strongest industrial region in Slovenia, but after since 1990 service sector has prevailed. Industry (35% of all employees) includes a high number of SMEs, and some medium-sized and highly technological companies of steel, metal and wooden products, electronic machinery and appliances. Agriculture, important also for the preservation of the typical landscape, is dominated by dairy cattle breeding, forestry and small-scale production of honey, potatoes, meat and fruits. Due to the attractive nature of the Alpine mountains and lakes, tourism is one of the key economic sectors with high share of foreign visitors. It is important to notice, that Gorenjska as such is not a ‘’real’’ region as Slovenia has not yet established a regional administrative level inbetween local communities and state administration. Therefor there are no regional policies, regional legislation and regional strategies/programs for Gorenjska region alone, at least legaly binded ones. So far, as one of 8 Slovene historical regions, Gorenjska exists only as a developmental and statistical region. One of the consequences of this is that most of data concerning energy, both consumption and production, are compiled only at national or local community level, and not also at regional level. There are, however, a joint regional development plan and 2 sub-regional rural development plans which comprise all of Gorenjska rural areas. All of these documents were designed for a period of 2007-2013 by special regional or local development councils with a participation of all concerned local communitues and other relevant public/private regional actors. Gorenjska has also number of semi-independent regional branches of important national organizations like Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry, Chamber for Craft and Small Entreprenourship and Slovene Forestry Service. Established within IEE program at the initiative of Municipality of Kranj, Gorenjska has from 2009 on also a Local Energy Agency for Gorenjska. For all above listed reasons, national policies, programs and instruments are those who have the most important role and impact, while regional and community developmental plans are so far just (volunteer) operational plans aimed to achive EU/national requirements on regional level. Map 1: Location of Gorenjska region in Europe and within Slovenia Map 2: Topography of Gorenjska region Wood as an important natural resource has in Gorenjska always contibuted signicitantly to the development of industry and economy as whole, particularly in rural areas. As wood is the most energy saving row material, forests and permanently incorporated CO2 are important factor contributing to carbon sink and therefor contribution to effective use of energy and cleaner environment. Due to increased energy consumption, both in industry, households and transport, as well as CO2 emissions from only partly sustainable agriculture, emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases has been increasing rapidly on Gorenjska regional level. Partial shift to renewables (biomass and hydropower energy) and well as affords for more efficient use of energy has been so far ‘’defeated’’ by rapid growth of energy consumption. There are in general 3 major sectors interlinking regional energy, forests&forestry&wood and carbon C&C: • Forests contribute significantly to CO2 sink and capture, but the capacity of this contribution depends on the forest management, t.i. on the quality and quantity of level of forest works in regional private&public forests; • Potential and actual use of local wooden biomass from forest and wood processing industry/craft for public/private local consumers which partly contribute to decrease of regional CO2 emission, and also to local economy; • Use of local wood in construction industry and for other products, which contribute to minimizing regional CO2 emissions by capturing CO2 in wooden products, by lower energy needs for wood products production processes, and by (potential) final use of such products when worned-out for energy production. As such production and use of local wooden products greatly contribute to local economy, less impact to the environment and indirectly to more intensive forest management. General overview shows that Gorenjska region has rich forest resources, appropratie skills (along with educational institutions), (partly) infrastructure and long tradition of sustainable forest management, wooden products production/consumption and (mainly domestic) heating by wooden biomass. In spite of that, most of the energy is not CO2 sustainable and is imported from other regions. The fragmentation of private forests has resulted in a lower intensity of works in these forests, while the decline of the wood processing industry has followed a reduction in the overall use of regional wooden products. All this has resulted in a lack of wood waste for biomass heating, too. More of these problems and challenges will be presented in sections A to C on the following pages. A. Sustainable forest management in Gorenjska and forest carbon sink Gorenjska region forests are today managed trough the guidance of two regional branches of Slovene Forestry service (OE Bled and OE Kranj) which cover more then 143 000 ha are forests (almost 68,5% of total territory). Wood stock on this territory varies from 284 to almost 330 m3/ha. Annual growth rate is 6,5 m3/ha of which around 4m3 or even 4,8m3 would be possible to exploit. The total annual potential cut in Gorenjska forests is 570.000 m3, but much less is in fact realized. Among many vital functions of these forests for economy, society and nature/environment (wooden and nonwooden products, ecological stability, habitats for plants/animals, water/soil protection, social/recreation/touristic function, protection against radical natural events), production of important share of oxygen as an outcome of proccesses based on equally important storage of CO2 is probably the most important. All these functions, including production of O2 and storage of CO2, can be fulfilled to the optimum extent only by forests which are healthy, preserved (sound) and biodiversely rich. In comparison to forest in the majority of other European countries, forest in Slovenia are generaly better preserved and have higher diversity of natural structures. Such a situation is a result of planned and attentive, t.i. sustainable or co-natural management of forests in the past (especially after 1945). Forest management in Slovenia has been based on natural reviving and small-scale moderate interventions, and such actions have contributed to a significant reinforcement and revitalization of Slovene forest in last 60 years. It was mainly thanks to good work of public Forestry Service, based on domestically developed approches, that management of foresty is multifunctional and sounded with principles of environment and nature protection. Success was a combination of delaration and actualy management of wood and wood processing industry as a strategic national sector, and organizational and bussiness integrity of entire cycle between forest management and wood processing industry. Additional favorable factor was also a total absence of foreign business competition, smaller number of other competitive materials, and state strategic support (also by subsidies). One of the consequence of such forest policy was also significant afforestization of Slovene territory after 1945, which became even faster after 1991. As a result of that, forests today cover some 60% of Slovenia (the share which was only at 43% a century ago), and this trend has been slowing down only in recent years. Slovenia is now at the third place in Europe by the share of foresty of the total territory, just after Sweden and Finland. Main types of forests are beech, fir-beech and spruce-beech, and beech-oak forests. Thanks to such improvements in past years, forest represent for Slovenia a very important factor for carbon sink which is taken into account Kioto Agreement requirements. Slovene forests bind annualy up to 5 Mt of CO2, of which some 1,32 Mt CO2 are counted in for Kioto goals for CO2 emission reduction. As such sink allow Slovenia to avoid in buying emission coupons in aborad or to take expencive meaures in other sectors within Slovenia, it brings an ''income'' of 15 to 20 million EUR. Apart of that, accumulation of another 3,68 Mt CO2 remains »unrecognized«. Situation in forest management in Slovenia and Gorenjska region has been, however, deterioriating since 1991. After a wide-scale denationalization of agriculture and forest land after 1991, private owners now own some ¾ of all forests, while state and local communities own the rest of forests. In 1990, just before the return of nationalized forest begun, Slovenia had 62,4% of private and 37,6% of public forests. It is expected that after finalization of denationalization some 80% of forests will be privatelly owned, around 15% in the state ownership, while other will be be owned by local communities, Catholic church and rural cooperatives. It is also expected, and has partly already happened, that number of non-active and ‘’foreign’’ rural owners has and will further increase, while some bigger and large private forest estate has been created. Such a ownership structure will place Slovenia (and also Gorenjska) in the same group with Norway and Austria, which have together with Portugal smallest share of public forests in Europe. All of already listed countries, together with France, have more than 3/4 of private forests. On the other side the share of privately owned forests is less then 1/4 in following countries: Bulgaria, Czech, Romania, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland. Most of other conteries have balanced shares of private and public (state) forest. One of main charateristics of privately owned forest in Slovenia and Gorenjska is land fragmentation, mainly due the specific system of land inheritance. As a consequence average size of private forest estate is currently 2,5 ha, which in further divided in even smaller and unconnected lots. Slovenia has enormous high number of 314.000 (!!) forest owners, and even 470.000 if co-owners are included. That is charateristic also for Gorenjska, along with the fact that small individual properties are often further fragmented in more of distanted (sometimes not even in the same community). Small and fragmented forest estates make optimal use of forests potentials in these forests, as well as development planning and expert work, much more difficult and demanding. Based on the date from 2010, the main charateristic for private forests is low explotation level of their production potential althought it has been slightly increasing in most recent years. Total annual cut in all forests (public+private) reached 3,37 milion m3 (60 % of them coniferous) which represented around 64 % of maximum possible cut defined by forest management plans. Maximum possible cut defined by National Forestry Program could be 75% of annual growth or around 5 500 000 m3. Quality of Slovene forests is most endangered by natural weather disasters (wind, snow, sleet) and especially in last years bark beetles and other pests. If demaged trees after such events are not restored, mainly due to lack of forest works by private owners, this can damage quality of large forest areas for years, even decades. It is likely to go on like this in years to come, due to National Forestry Program goal to acummulate 25% of annual growth and due to international climate change obligations of Slovenia. But even in this case the curve of the forest work intensity will have to turn up, otherwise substential share of economical and environmental potentials of forests will be lost. Furher increase of wood stock in forests is not so sustainable as the problem of forest overaging can appair, which can couse decrease in forest growth and deteriorate immunity of forst. This can increase possibilities for catastrophic events (fires, pests), which release substantial emissions of acummulated CO2 in a very short time. Due to acummulation of the annual growth instead of cut, the stock growth is continuing. To cope with all these problems, Slovene forest and rural development policies has a set of financial and nonfinancial measures which support and promote sustainable forest management of private owners; these include: • financing and cofinancing (subsidies) of forest works planned by distric FM plans (renewal, maintainance and protection of forests), • coofinancing of investments dedicated to forest management (forest roads, forest machinery) included in 4 measures of Slovene Rural Development Plan 2007-2013 and • expert advisory and consultation services of public Forest Service to owners. Advisory and motivation services are especially important to activate small, often demotivated forest estate owners, but implementation of works in these forests is part of wide public interest to maintain and develop their functions. Negative balance between annual growth in forest&potential annual cut, and eventual cut shows relatively weakly exploited potentials of Sloveven forest which has two main reasons and consequences, respectively. First of all, forest owners finf it better to have unrealized production in a form of uncutted trees then bed explotation level measured in a added value units, and (2) bed performance of potential annual cut means also less opportunities to direct developmen of forest in a direction that would allow optimum explotation of of production potentials of certain growing sites (e.g. problem of delayed thinning and too much of thick trees). All of these factors effect vitallity of forest and capacity to capture CO2. It is obvious that such small properties with little economical potential and a large number of new, urban land inactive owners is a strong negative factor for appropriate, sufficient and multifunctional sustainable management of forests. Just financial subsidies proved to be insufficient measure to cope with all of problems linked to forest management. One of the main problems of forest management in Slovenia and Gorenjska region has been also weakening of the expert support to private forest owners. Gorenjska region forests are today managed trough the guidance of two regional branches of Slovene Forestry service (OE Bled and OE Kranj) which are further divided into 23 and 29 forest districts, respectively. Each of this districts has his own district forest expert which acts as a most important expert support, motivator and guidance for forest owners, especially small private ones. After the 1993 reform of public forest, all Forestry Service branches lost ''gozdna gospodarstva'' (forest management units) as their direct operational unit for implementation of forest works mainly in public, but also in private forests. These most profitable units were privatized and often bought by private entreprenours. The consultation units have remaind public (and in public interest) but are weak regarding the number of stuff (eg. district foresters), due to lack of finances and additional burdens of new ''paper'' taks (preparing different elaborates, permits, application for subsides for private owners, …). All these factors significantly infringed their direct services for private forest owners who needed after 1991 even more of expert support due to new economical, social, political and environmental situation (market economy, new demans by nature protection, multifunctional rural economy…). Othe the other side work with new group of forest owners, mainly as a ''product'' of denationalization after 1991, remainded big and almost untouched challenge. It is charateristic for owners from this group total loss of motivation for management of forests; many of them don't even know location, size and situation in their forests. Changes in the ownership structures after 2nd World War coused that Slovene populations is less and less dependent on forest, and also during denationalization forests were in large share returned to non-farming landowners. Forest properties are not owned by state or owners living on the work with forest resources. Such ownership is, however not problematic by itself. Non-farming forest property is in average smaller then the one owned by farmers, and non-farming owners are as well not much dependend on the economical expolotation of this forest. On the other side potentials in the non-faming cathegory of forest owners are relatively big as most of fragmented properties are located in lowland areas where production condition for wood are more favorable as well as terraing for forest management, comparing to larger estates located in less accesable areas. As previouslly described such ownership structure is one of main reasons for low explotation level of Slovene/Gorenjska forests. It is therefore no surprise that forestry has represented in the period 2001-2009 only 0,3% of national GDP, with added value per employed person rising only slightly. But changing of the ownership structure is a long-term process, and real challenge for forest experts, especially district foresters, is to activate those forest owners which have less favorable conditions to carry on active forest management, but can by appropriate approaches and measures for increasing social capital achieve significant positive progress. Active or activated forest owners are also coolaborators of district forsters in promoting expert basis for forest management works. Foresters threfore need to take more active approach towards traditional and especially ''new'' forest owners (see the problem of Forest Service on the page 12). Solution can be also in networking within forst owners assocciations, joint marketing/selling of wood and woode certification. B. Wooden biomass in Gorenjska regiona as a local renewable energy resource Energy consumption in Gorenjska region largely depends on climate conditions. According to statistics of Slovene Agency for Environment heating days vary from 225 days in central lowland of Gorenjska up to 294 days in Alpine valleys. As previously stated, Gorenjska region has no sufficient regional energy resources, both renewable and nonrenewable, except partly exploited potential of hydropower on Alpine river (mainly Sava river) and streams, and wooden biomass coming directly or indirectly from 60% of territory covered by forests. Biomass heating is certanly big and important potential for Gorenjska region; according to statistics of Slovene Foretsry Service share of forest in Gorenjska vary from 50% to even 80% of territory. According to methodlogy of the same service for suitability of certan communitues for explotation of wooden biomass, some are listed among unsuitable (communities in region’s lowlands along Sava river – communities of Jesenice, Lesce, Radovljica, Kranj, Šenčur, Cerklje) while other are partly or very suitable (communities of Bohinjska Bistrica, Bled, Železniki, Gorenja vas - Poljane,Tržič, Kranjska gora). Low potential for further explotation of wooden biomass in low-lands is further minimized by well developed natural gas network. In general it is possible to say that Gorenjska region has large and unexploited potential for wooden biomass energy, but mostly limited to the hilly areas of the region, due to high share of forests areas with high potential for explotation of wooden biomass. Current suppy of heating energy is therefore based on three major energy resources: heating oil, wood and natural gas. Share of renewables in overall energy consumption was 10,8 % in 2009, among which wooden biomass prevails with 53% and hydropower with some 38%. Almost 2/3 of energ produced from RE is spent for heating and the rest for electricity production. For wooden biomass this share is even much bigger as some 95 % of energy of wooden biomass is used for heating, but current technology is largely obsolete with low level of efficency. As prices of extra light heating oil has been increased in last decade, number of individual wooden biomass installations have been steadily growning. It is expected, however, that need and consumption for non-renewable energy to further rise in next decade, and to happened the same with emissions of CO2 unless a major shift will be introduced. Important aspect of such scenario is also a drain of financial resources out of the region for imported energy resources, as energy represent third largest cost in any product or service. For that reason, and due to pressure of EU legislation on energy and CO2 emissions, some changes are required. It is questionable, however, if all regional plans and especially operational activities go in the right/most effective directions Slovenia set up by the Resolution on National energy program (2004) a range of goals aimed to increase share of renewable energies RE)( in energy consumption. As a member of EU, country has to follow new goals agreed within Climate-energy pact of EU for promoting REs. Goal of Slovene in this aspect is to reach 25% share of RE by 2020. In year 2007 an Operative program for use of wooden biomass as energy resource (2007 – 2013) was adopted, focusing on the use of wooden waste. To fully implement program, some 201 millions EUR would be needed, from which 67 millions should be non-reimbursable funds (grants). Ministry for Environment and Space prepared already in 2002 a Program for energy use of wooden biomass for 2002-2004. Program planned to build in next 10 years 50 municipality remote control systems for biomass heating, 100 industrial heating systems and 5000 small individual private heating installations. Total subventions to support these investments are estimated to 53 millions EUR. In order to eliminate legislation, institutional and procedural obstacles for wider use of wooden biomass, Slovene Public Agency for Ef prepared and implemented (by funds of Global Fund for Environment) in 2002-2005 a wide and comprehensive project ‘’Eliminating obstacles for increased use of wooden biomass as energy resource’’. Action plan for Renewable energies in Slovenia (2010) has a very important part of content dedicated to wooden biomass, especially among: 1. Programs for promoting use of renewables for heating and cooling (out of 6 programs 3 are dedicated to support investments in heating by wooden biomass, while 2 are dedicated to support it by awareness-rising, promotion and expert consulting) 2. Special measures within the Plan – these plans were created exclusively and only for supporting use of wooden biomass energy (also to support increase quantities of available biomass and it’s supply) Operational Program for energy use of wooden biomass in Slovenia for 2007-2013 (wooden biomass is the only renewable source of energy to have such special operational program !!) Slovene Environmental Public Fund as a main provider of public financial support for public/private investments in renewables has 2 of it’s measures targeted on installing municipal and individual private heating system (trough favourable credits or non-refundable money) Slovene Rural development program 2007-2013 provides non-refundable subventions both for use of wooden biomass on farms for own consumption, as well to produce heath as a profitable commercial activity on farms to support sustainable development of rural areas. Share of non-refundable funds is up to 70% of investment. Development documents at the regional level partly followed national directions. Regional development plan for Gorenjska 2007-2013 has underlined in the section INFRASTRUCTURE, ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION IN SPACE SETTLEMENT (and in the sub-section Investment demanding construction of municipal environmental and electro-energetic infrastructure according to the EU requirements) that significantly increased consumption of electrical energy will require very high investments to strengthen electro distribution network, eg. to ensure sufficient energy supply of the Jože Pučnik Airport area which is planned to grow into vast logistic-business area by 2020. Another sub-measure of the same section, Improvement of energy efficiency, states that energy efficient use of energy will be a must due to growing prices of energy and environmental burdens of fossil fuels. According to the program it is therefore very important for Gorenjska to be included into affords for efficient use of energy in industry, public buildings and in households as well. In the sector of industry main measure for increased energy efficiency is and will be co-generation of electricity and heating energy. Energy efficiency can be improved also by decreasing energy consumption, both by improved heating protection-insulation of buildings which would contribute to minimizing consumption of energy for heating or by replacement of energy inefficient technologies by more modern and efficient ones. On the production side, section AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT plans within the sub-measure ‘’Forest – Source of income and energy’’ a better use of forests and wood, respectively, as one of rare regional natural resources. It recognizes fact, that wood in the rural areas of Gorenjska is traditionally an important row material for wood processing industry, as well as one of key sources of renewable energies. Facts as preservation of tradition, sustainable forest management, socio-economic importance and energy self-sufficiency prove it’s importance. Gaining, processing and usage of wood for energy purposes offer also new opportunities for income on farms and new jobs in rural areas. Gorenjska has already seen an increased interest for modern use of wood in energy purposes with some forestagriculture cooperatives, individual enterprise and owners of bigger forest estates more and more orienting into this sector. When in the period 2002 – 2006 Ministry of Space and Environment, project GEF (Global Environment Fund) and ECO fund jointly financed 8 big remote control systems for biomass heating, none of them in Gorenjska region. As it was said, the whole region has so far only two bigger remote control systems for biomass heating, DOLB Predvor and DOLB Železniki. Some other, as those presented in Best practice section, are much smaller in size, but very interesting from the aspect of business model and contribution to the local economy. As one fo reasons for low number of systems of remote heating is also undeveloped biomass logistic. Ownership structure marked by property fragmentation, lack of ambitious and systematic policy which would support and promote use of wooden ‘’waste’’ from forests, closing down of big wood processing plants (except 2, Jelovica and Lip Bled) as a source for energy waste for energy purposes and current dominance of heating by fossily energy, couse big potentials of wooden biomass to be unexploited. Economic efficency of wooden biomass is relatively low due to complicated logistic coused by forest property fragmentation and partly inadequate infrastructure for forest works (forest roads, forest cableway). In 2007 a regional partnership ‘’Regional biologistic’’ with 15 major regional forestry actors implemented a study which showed economic efficency of wooden chips use depending on 3 different types of biomass collecting. With a price situation in 2008, study outlined that only harvesting by using forest cableways and with wooden chips partly prepared already trough regular forest proccessing works give biomass competitive to fossil fuels. Price of wooden chips half prepared already as a result of regular forest ‘’cleaning’’, was calculated to be on the edge of cost efficency, while the third way (chips from wood cutted for purpose of wood-processing, but in reality not used for such purpose) proved not to be economic at the current fossil fuel level (in 2008). Positive perspectives for wooden biomass energy are driven by growing prices of fossile fuels, which has grown for some 30% since the study was done. Analysis of the stat of art and potentials to develop renewables in Gorenjska region has shown that 2/3 of housing buildings in communities with already prepared Local Energy Concept (LEC) are heated by extra light heating oil. Share of housing buildings heated by wooden biomass is around 25%, but the fact is that most of these boilers are 15 and more years old and will need to be replaced. Rural development Program, within the Regional development program for Gorenjska (2007-2013), underlines importance of forests and wooden biomass for economy of rural, especially hilly areas. Among joint regional topics, which are defined by 4 regional measures, is also measure: Forest, woode and energy: Biomass collection centres and boilers/remote systems. As wood as an energy resource has a large importance for promoting sustainable forest management, Regiona development plan directs it’s support to the support of plants/boilers, remote control system and logistics for use of wood and biomass, respectively, for energy purposes. These projects should attract some 5,56 million EUR of national and EU funds, while the total value of these projects (together with private funfs) is expected to be 14,07 million EUR Program of infrastructural, environmental and spatial development of Gorenjska within the above mentioned Program plans projects for renewable energy use and energy efficiency with anticipated co-financing by 13,75 million EUR from national and EU fund, while the total value of these projects (together with private funfs) is expected to be 128,46 million EUR. It anticipates construction of number of bigger systems, namely in Jesenice, Železniki (Češnjica-Log), gradual development of such system in Jezersko and support to numerous smaller private and public systems for biomass heating. Main problem of Slovenia – and of Gorenjska region – is operationalization of all the listed programs and policies adopted. It has adopted sufficient legislation concerning sustainable energy which follows binding EU legislation on this matter. Analyses noticed that unfortunately renewable energies play rather marginal role in the main regional development document – Regional development program for Gorenjska 2007 – 2013, and in development documents of individual local communities in the region, eg. (a.) Strategic development document of Kranjska gora community, b.) Rural development program for communities of Gorenja vas – Poljane, Škofja Loka, Železniki and Žiri in the 2007 - 2013. Local Energy Concept (LEC) are in the communities which have already adopted such document, only strategic document addressing energy efficiency and use of renewables. It is possible to say, based on a analyse of local and regional development documents, that decision-making actors at regional and local leve in practice don’t take in account renewables as one of key factors of development strategies. For above mentioned reasons, in spite of subventions for co-generation by using biomass and with exception of some bigger towns, remote control systems for biomass heating has not been fully used and recognized as important energy solution, while exisiting systems use only limited quantaties of energy wood. Main obstacles for faster introduction of remote control systems for biomass heating has been, according to the draft of Program for sustainable development of of wood added value chain (prepared by Government Office for Climate Changes) following: • Complicated business and administrative procedures for implementation of remote control system for biomass heating and purchasing of such heating, • Lack of investors and capital, • Uncertatnty about biomass supply (both quality and quantity). It was suggested in the same draft that solutions could be enabling of those providers, which are strong in terms of capital and professional competencess, for implementation of remote control systems of biomass heating and energy wood supply. Such actors could be existing public energy companies (eg. Petrol, Energetika Ljubljana) or existing public (municipal) utilitity companies. State and public institutions could support development of such providers by: • Recognizing remote control systems using wooden biomass for heating as priority in legislation and policies concerning public companies, energy sector and climate changes, • Adopting legislation concerning public service companies in such manner that would foster investments in this sector (public-private partnerships, transfer of infrastructure into capital stock of municipal companies), • Actively cooperating with communities in the preparation and implementation of projects for remote control systems for heating by offering them guidance, training and expert assistance. It is worth noticing and taking into account certain environmental and social weaknesses of wooden biomass. It’s burning produce very fine and solid particles (soot) which pollutes air, as well some other harmful substances. Energy plants also employee less people if compard with number of employees in wood-processing industry. In the light of that, burning of wooden biomass might be an alternative to unsustainable energy resources but only if we burn wooden waste and remainings which cannot be anymore processed in some other product. C. Local wood as a CO2 and regional development positive construction material Construction sector, based on energy wasteful materials (steel, concrete, brick, plastic, aluminium) is as everywhere in developed countries, also in Slovenia one of the largest consumer of energy and therefore contributes also the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions (See the Introductionary chapter). Solution is a use of wooden products which, troughout it’s life-cycle, store around 2 tonnes of CO2 per m3. Wood is of all materials also the least energy consumptive and it is renewable. Wooden house, together with all interior equipment, captures during its life-cycle around 60 tones CO2. We can find many examples in the world where appropriately constructed wooden buildings reached age of even 700 years. Wood and wooden constructions/products are, if appropriately treated trough processing, also the healthiest or healthier material for human health and well-being then majority of other materials. As the only natural material it provides the most developed and most pleasant living environment, especially because of living climate. Slovenia and Gorenjska has with 60% of territory covered by forest and some 4m3 of annual wooden stock growth/person a vast potential to develop production based on the use of domestic material and leaving added value and jobs for domestic actors. Out of annual growth in forests (4m3/person), only 0,2m3 for products as priority is still given to other unsustainable and imported materials. Increased use of local wood would bring following benefits for Gorenjska region sustainable economy: • Renewable, natural and domestic material would be used instead of unsustainable ones; • Wood processing industry is a labour intensive and brings therefor number of new jobs. In comparison to existing 15.000 jobs there are estimations that this numbers could be for another 30.000 person. • Production of products based on domestic wood can contribute to the self-sufficiency of Gorenjska region and Slovenia on these products; • Increased wood processing would help to increase demand for wood and consequently for more intensive forest management (in private forests); • Increased quantaties of wood waste as a side product would be available at better price for energy purposes; For all above mentioned reasons experts urged that wood-proccessing companies should be focused on production of wooden products with high added value and not just timber export. To support such development state should stimualte increase purchase of domestrically produced wooden products. In view of many burning wood for energy purposes also couse more damage then benefits, so processing wood into wooden products which contribute ten-fold and more both to the reduction of green-house gas emissions and to the added value of wood, is much better option. Slovene and Gorenjska wood-processing industry,respectively, has been, in spite of rich resources, long tradition of both use and produce wooden products, and a high number of skilled people in all processing phases, facing huge problems and decline after 1991. Many succesfull wood-processing companies (Liko Vrhnika, Kli Logatec, Javor Pivka, saw in Trzič-Gorenjska) went bankrupt due to bad business management, coruptive managers and uneffective or bed instruments of forestry/economy policies. Most severe problems which this wood-processing sector has been facing, are: • Unfavorable general economical climate; • Poor development in the sector; • Divided, fragmented and insufficently connected production chain; • Low market reputation (image); • Sources of wood; • Problems with skilled staff and relations between institutions of knowledge and companies; • Partly poor technological equipment; • Unsuitable positioning of sector withing state policies in the past. In spite of all the listed wood processing and carpentry, respectively, is still the only Slovene industry with (potentially) rich resources of local row material, favorable geographical dispersion, technologically relatively well equiped processing plants and well branched market for it’s products. As an illustration of misssed opportunities is the fact that in Austria 10 times more people lives on wood processing as in Slovenia. State there offers significant stimulations and support for wood processing and recommends that at least 20 % of all houses should be built of (local) wood. Measures listed in the Table 1 have been identified in order to improve situation in the sector and fully use it’s potential for development, and consequently for CO2 capture: Table 1: Measure for improvement of situation in Slovene wood processing industry N. 1 2 Group of measures Improvement of general economical environment New marketing approaches&new selling channels 3 Optimizing and capital netwroking of production chains 4 Introduction of new technologies, new products and services, and marketing paradigms considering sustainable development and use of topmost design 5 Active state policy on all levels of wood usage 6 Promotion of use of wood on all levels of society 7 Strenghtening links between companies and institutions of knowledge Goal(s) • Improvement of general economical environment • To increase sell of products with high added value • Creation of innovative and market interesting trade brands ● To network the entire sector, increase collaboration and reach optimal added value in each part and entire forest-wood production chain • To increase sell of products and services based on wood in all of it’s manifestation forms • To increase volume of wood processed in Slovenia • To increase share of timber processed in moder processing plants • To start introducing substance and energy biorafineries based on lignocellulose materials • To accept wood as a row material of national importance and wood-processing industry as a strategic sector • To proclaim and accept wood as an strategic and prestigous row material • Increase investments in research and development Dr. Pohleve as one of leading experts for wooden constructions and promotor of the use of Slovene wood has estimated that if potential would be better used, Slovenia could even sell CO2 coupons. The first step should be done by the state promotion of wooden products trough with state’s public procurement policy and by building most prominent state/public building in wood If state would regulate use of wooden products, eg. wooden frames for kindergartens, schools and all ministries, domestic producers could with increased work ensure additional employments, wooden products would capture CO2, and use of domestic raw material would keep money in the country. It was also urged by many experts and institutions that Centres for wood-processing should be established on forest-rich areas (among suggestes areas also Mežaklja and Pokljuka platous in Gorenjska region). An example of such policy is Steymark region in Austria where some 30 of such centres were established, while first such Centre was created in Trnovska platou area near Nova Gorica (western Slovenia) in 2011. Ecological indiference is obvious especially with big investments in the construction sector in housing where the leding goal of investors is to makismize profit no matter of burdens for environment and of quality of living in such buildings. Such situation is a consequence of no interventions from state institutions as environmental burdens are not sanctioned by additional ecological taxeswhich would restore a balanca between use of energy wasteful and environmental unfriendky construction materials on once, and use of natural, ecological and for living friendly materials as wood (Dujič, 2011). There have been many exampels of unecological construction projects in past years, where entire neighbourhoods and all types of housing units were constructed by pretressed concrete. Such constructions are aside of harmful environmental often also unhealthy living environment for their residents. Investments in energy efficient technologies and renewable materials as it is also wood should be given absolute priority, if not even directed by the law. The target of Slovenia for next few years should be to increase use of wooden product at the level of at least 1m3/person; In Austria as a country with much smaller annual growth in forests the target is to reach a consumption of 1,2m3 of wood/person by 2020. Shift to bigger use of wood for products and constructions would save much more energy as we can get by burning wood. (Pohleven, 2009). State council and Slovene forest-wood technological platoform assambled following concrete tasks to reduce problems of forestry, wood-processing and paper industry sector and full use potentials of forests and wood of Slovenia (it was addressed to the state and relevant ministries): 1. Wood should be declared as national strategic good/row material for production of wooden products with high added value. 2. Forestry and wood-processing industry should be from the point of view of national economy development and benefits defined as one of most important sectors for which strategic management should be established, taking into account interdisciplinarity (similar as it was done for touristic sector). Strategic management on the government level would ensure optimal use of wood and simultaniously respecting principles of sustainable development; 3. Strenghtening use and sell of wooden products with added value in Slovenia and abroad (all types of processed wood and wooden products) and limit sell of unprocessed wood and excessive use of qualitative wood for heating energy. Main source for energy has to be wooden waste feom wood processing and less value types of wood and bushes. 4. To elaborate strategy for setting up interconnected process-chain of processing (from forest to products), which would take in account geographical dispersion of forests, central location for primary processing (paring, sawing, drying…) with capacity of around 500.000 m3 and regional centres for secundary processing (windows, furniture, doors, building face systems, houses, public buildings, sculptures…);. 5. Centres for wood processing should be established on forest-rich areas which would, connected with a central plant for primary processing, link production, processing and selling of products and energy use of wooden waste from processing and of worn out wooden products. Within above mentioned centres expert support should be organized for introduction of new technologoes of wood processing. 6. Develop appropriate education systems on all levels which would enure skilled personnel for entire forestwood processing sector. Communication of the knowledge from this sector should start already within kindergarten education and then continue trough entire education cycle. 7. In rural areas promotional expert service should be organized in order to support and direct forest production and wood processing; For work of such service education program should be formed with know-how from forestry and carpentry for training experts for both sector and for production of celluloses. 8. Support activities of centres for creative industries (design) trough which research-developmnet project for production of products with added value has been implemented. This would enable industry to reach higher competitivness on domestic and especialy on foreign markets; 9. Establishment of National institute for carpentry (NIC), which would enable higher development of new technologies taking into account protection of environment and products, and faster transfer of know-how into practical production. This would represent expert support to a wood-processing industry and helps financing researches; 10. To build first energy self-sufficient ecological centre in Europe, t.i. wood-processing centre which would be supplied exclusively from renewable energy resources and use excessive energy for supplying neighbouring settlements; 11. Systematic certification of intermediate and final products and services according to their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and on environment in general in their entire life-cycle as wooden products use less of energy comparing to other materials. Introduction of green ecological (with environmental, green-house effect) labels could help that wooden products would count as a Slovene contribution to the deminishing emissions of green-house gases (Kyoto Agreement); 12. Supporting use of wood in construction, processing industry, agriculture and energy sector according of the principle of ''gradual use'': good wood for products, bad wood for processing adn celluloses, wooden ''waste'' for energy; 13. Promoting use of wood in construction of road and railway infrastructure (eg. obligatory wooden anti-noise fence), which would help, except anti-noise protection, additionaly increase environmental effect of CO2 storage in wood; 14. Introduce obligatory use of natural materials (min. 25%) in construction sector, and introduction of additional ecological taxes if such obligatory share is not fulfilled; 15. State and public institutions should be constructed and equiped by Slovene wooden products which would ensure consumption and pomotion of (Slovene) wooden products; 16. Introduce ecological taxes for environmentally unacceptable products and subvention when natural materials are used, respectively. The same principle should be used in the case of energy wastefull and energy efficent products, respectively. Here assesment should take in account both grey energy (which is need for manufactoring of product) as well as operational energy (energy need for the use of energy ); 17. Introduction of taxes based on environmental requests for diminishing emissions of greenhouse gases where products with higher share of wood would enjoy lower environmental taxes. Further measure could be exemption from taxes for employees in existing wood-processing companies which would free finances for technological investments; 18. Slovene strategy for economy crisis exit 2010-2013 should be supplemented by measures to support woodprocessing industry which brings multiple benefits. As one of first measures aimed at fostering development of wood-processing industry, a Decree on green public procurements was adopted by Slovene Government in December 2011. Estimated value of public procurements has been around 13% (in 2007), what gives to the public sector a potential to be one of major actors in diminishing impact of development activities on environment, decrease energy, water and other row materials consumption, ensure preservation of natural resources and biodiversity and combating od climate changes. By purchasing environmentally friendly products and services public administration directly influence development of new priducts, technologies and innovations, creating of ‘’green’’ market and rising of competitiveness. EU Commission suggested in its reports a political goal that after 2010 in average 50% of all public procurements in member states should be ‘’green’’. EU Commission issued in 2009 a guide-book to help member countries to introduce criteria for green procurement into practice. Among 10 mentioned group of products/sectors are also: • Construction sector and buildings (which take info account integrity of constructions and reconstructions in the phases of planning, construction/reconstruction and demolition of buildings and use of material and energy during all of these phases. Aspects of material and energy effectivnes applies also for the period of building operating and therefor include also all energy conumptive systems and devices, and also for purchased or rented buildings); • Electric energy; Slovenia adopted an Action plan for green procurements whose declared principle aim is, by fostering implementation of green public procurement, to: • diminish negative impact on environment • improve the effectivness of the the public money use • support the development and innovations of environmentally friendly products • support devising new environmentaly friendly products • promote new environmental technologies and CO2 free economy • offer a good example to other business actors and consumers Among important principles which shouldbe taken into account during implementation of green public procurement is a principle of cost estimation of entire life-cyxle of a product/service (Life Cycle Costing - LCC). At the achieving above mentioned goals, so called rolling approach will be used, taking into account awareness of public sector and development of Slovene market for environmentally less burdering products and services. Common goal for selected products/services is, that by 2012 50% of all public procuremennts should be environmentally acceptable. Slovene decree on green public procurements requires that projecting public buildings should include at least 30% of volume share of wood and wooden substances. Slovene target is to reach (by 2012) in construction sector and building a 30 % share of all green procurements, while for electricity and furniture shares should be 100% and 50%, respectively. Suggested criteria for above listed groups of products and service include following environmental aspects: • use of energy and energy efficiency rabo energije in energetsko učinkovitost; • use of natural resources (renewable and non-renewable, biodegradable products); • use of hazardous substances (chemicals); • emissions of substances in environmental medias (air, water, soil); • quantity of waste produces, recycling and reuse of renewable resources . To fully and correctly implement this decree and take benefits of it’s potential advantages, following tasks need to be fulfilled: • To educate and train implemetors of public procurement, • Set up a dialog between public clients and companies as providers to inform them about plans on green public procurement, so they could respond to the business opportunities that such policy offers them Slovene Forestry&Wood technological platform is planning to organize in 2012 a set of education events for all actors involved, mainly from public administration and communities, as well as for arhitects, planners, constructors, carpenters and general/specialized medias. 3. THE CONCEPT OF BEST PRACTICE 3.1. A general approach There is no universal definition of a best practice, but there are common characteristics which make a practice the best. Best practices are often exemplary behaviors modeled into processes. Conceptually, best practices are ethical, legal, fair, replicable, and applicable to anyone within an organization; therefore, they are “Good Practices“. However, they are not only “Good Practices”. They are “Best Practices” because their implementation aims at improving an organization’s performance through additional accountability, compliance, transparency and risk control. When defined, a best practice is known as a technique, method, process, activity or incentive which has proven to be most effective in providing a certain outcome. In order to survive the volatile market conditions and the tough competition dominating it, organizations from all industries have started adopting the best practices of their respective fields. Basically, any best practice is implemented in order to improve the quality of the services an organization offers. A best practice can focus on different aspects of the production or the development process. Once implemented, it will improve organizations’ customer satisfaction rates, therefore adding to companies’ popularity and public appeal. The concept of best practices is a method that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. 3.2. Criteria of selection Agricultural and forestlands can play a key role as part of a comprehensive strategy to slow the accumulation of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Much of the public discussion about using these lands as part of an overall strategy to address climate change results from the beliefs that forest and agriculture land-use and management options will be relatively low cost, and that biomass can play an important role in reducing the use of fossil fuels. In the near term, these lands can be managed to increase the quantity of carbon stored in soils and plant matter, thereby reducing net emissions of the primary greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. In many cases the changes in land-use management that increase carbon storage provide multiple benefits—such as erosion control, water quality protection, and improved wildlife habitat—that by themselves justify the new practices. Over longer time horizons, agricultural and forestlands can produce biomass-based substitutes for fossil fuels, thereby further reducing emissions. This report derives from the examination of a wide array of ways in which forest and agricultural lands can be managed to store or “sequester” carbon and reduce net emissions. A range of policies and programs that would promote this objective have been analyzed. The results of this analysis suggest that, by carefully designing and implementing a large-scale forest and agricultural carbon sequestration strategy, it could be substantially possible reduce its net carbon dioxide emissions. A successful strategy is likely to encompass a variety of initiatives at the national, state, and local levels, and to involve both government and private parties. No single approach will suffice. Much of the infrastructure needed to increase carbon sequestration on agricultural and forestlands is already in place. To capitalize on sequestration opportunities, we will need to address the full range of practices available for conserving existing carbon stocks and for promoting additional carbon uptake and storage on forest, crop, and grazing lands. A successful strategy will also need to be responsive to the different types of land and landowners involved, to draw on the existing network of organizations, and include a variety of policy tools. On public lands, for example, government agencies, personnel, and resources can be directly deployed to pursue sequestration goals. According to IPCC best practices guidelines for A.F.O.L.U. (Agriculture, Forest and Other Land Use) of 2003 and 2006, a best practice should observe the subsequent criteria: • Transparent: data source, definitions, methodologies and assumptions should be clearly described. • Complete: all land areas within a country should be included with increases in some areas balanced by decreases in others where this occurs in reality, and should recognise subsets of land used for estimation and reporting according to definitions agreed in the Marrakesh Accords for Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. • Internally consistent: capable of representing management and land-use change consistently over time, without being unduly affected either by artificial discontinuities in time series data or by effects due to interference of sampling data with rotational or cyclical patterns of land use. • Accurate: capable of representing carbon stock changes and greenhouse gas emissions and removals and the relations between these and land use and land-use changes. • Comparable between countries 3.3. Fields of application The accumulation of CO2 and other GHG in the atmosphere due to deforestation, fossil fuel combustion and other human activities may have begun to change the global climate. The response and feedback of to projected global change are expected to be profound. Forest and agriculture systems play a prominent role in the global C cycle. Forest contain an estimanted 66% of the terrestrial above-ground C and approximately 45% of the terrestrial soil C. In addition global forest account for approximately 90% of the annual C flux between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems. Application of forest management practices on only 500-800 Mha in 12-15 key nations could potentially sequester or conserve 1-2 Pg C annually. Agricultural systems also play a significant role in the global C cycle. Agroecosystems contain about 12% of the world's terrestrial soil C, and conservation of this pool is essential to sustained crop productivity and decreasing CO2 emissions. Some agricultural practices have been shown to increase soil C content by increasing C sequestration and/or reducing the loss of C to the atmosphere. Practices such as reduced tillage, crop residue incorporation, field application of manure and sludge, and rotations using cover crops or leguminous crop store more C in soil systems than conventional agronomic technology. For example, slowing soil degradation by impeding desertification could conserve 0.5 to 1.5 Pg terrestrial C annually using current infrastructure and technology. As it is already described in other parts of the present report, this is the general context of the climate protection actions for primary sector. Even if of general inspiration to the worldwide above mentioned approach, t he field of application of the CARBON.CARE identified best practices cannot obviously be declined otherwise that at local level, as to assure to be effective for the stakeholders. 4. THE STAKEHOLDERS There are many different actors who can develop the creation of a roundtable for climate protection and low carbon economy and there are just as many different methods of organization and financing that govern it. Aside from the specifics of the single experiences, partners involved could be split up into 3 categories: ‣ Promoters ‣ Facilitators ‣ Members Promoters are the actors in the socio-economic-political and cultural system that conceive the process and act as engines for the start-up of the partnership. They can be a group of Institutions, University and/or Research Centres together with Public Adminitration, depending upon strength and resources available. In any case, their task is to start up the process, aggregate other actors that can offer the maximum added value and define the roundtable’s general goals. Facilitators are all those who can contribute directly to the success of the roundtable by providing technical support, know-how or resources. Possible facilitators are: Chambers of Commerce, Banking and Credit Institutes and local farmer associations. An important role is played by organizations that aid and bring businesses and economic operators together, such as business and professional associations, professional rosters and Chambers of Commerce. It is also opportune that there be members among the facilitators capable of verifying and guaranteeing the transparency and honesty of the process, such as exponents from the academic and research world, experts of environmental and energy issues. More specifically, the presence of third parties is important in the approval phase of the plan of action, monitoring and assessment of results. The members are the actors who are more directly involved in the process. They are the true protagonists of the partnership and with their commitment; they contribute concretely to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of eco-efficiency of local economy. Members could be single companies or farmers or even an individual person that feel the responsibility for proposing a new participated model towards a sustainable low carbon economy. The implementation of measures in Asturian forest for mitigating the effect of climate change must involve variety of actors, it means forest-dependent people, such as civil society, forestry owners trough the local forestry associations, research institutions, regional government, policy-makers and private sector (first, second and third transformation companies). Best forest management practices and forest buffer strips are potential tools that forestry owners can use to reach this goal. It is important to note that the group of silviculturists, an essential part of the timber business, is a group of twenty companies in the region that work forests to ensure the raw material for the other subsectors. 5. POTENTIAL OR EXPECTED FEEDBACK Generally, survey results show that carbon dioxide capture and storage and carbon sequestration are largely unknown to the general public, and there is significant confusion over which environmental issue the technology is intended to address. The environment is not a top priority for the public, and global warming is not the top environmental concern, even for those concerned about the environment. Public opinion and public acceptance of climate change-mitigation technologies is important because global climate change is an extraordinarily complex problem without a clear scientific or political solution. Proposed solutions to global climate change involve costs to society and sacrifices by the public. Ways to address climate change usually include technological leaps in energy production, more expensive energy sources, energy efficiency measures, and lifestyle changes to consume less energy. The costs and uncertainties of global climate change make it difficult to garner political support. Policymakers not only have to decide how to address the scientific and technical uncertainties of global climate change but they also have to decide how to respond to public uncertainty and skepticism about the need for action. Frequently, policymakers in the government and the energy industry are able to make decisions about research allocation and facility placement without much public attention. Farmers usually have been characterized as having a deep economic orientation toward farming because they are strictly dependent on the land for their livelihood However, they are in close contact with the land on a daily basis, so they could enhance their perception as environmentally concerned and responsible. The expected results of our actions will be a general improvement of awareness and concern for environmental problems associated with primary sector, agriculture and forestry, starting from local level towards wider scenarios. In general, society has a limited knowledge of climate change, and this issue is not considering a priority. People also recognize their limited understanding of the issue. However, the participation of Provinces in CARBON.CARE project will give the region and its municipalities the opportunity of identify good practices in agricultural and forestry sector, with secondary effects probably also in others sectors like energy or public procurement in order to reduce emissions and design awareness raising campaigns to address and involve people in the active climate protection. Sustainable and low carbon development has to become a key question in the regional strategies. The expected results of our project will provide knowledge and awareness for climate change problems related to primary sector. 6. BEST PRACTICES FOR CCS&CS IN PRIMARY SECTOR: THE GOLD 6 According to the discussion during the kick-off meeting of CARBON.CARE project (May 2011, Ferrara), a group of potentially interesting best practices were identified in the field of agriculture and forestry sectors respectively. A general shared form to describe a best practice and the related activities has been used. As a summary, the gold 6 are reported below, and declined on the basis of the Region of development: 1- Cropland precision practices and techniques. Includes crop rotation, soil management, efficient fertilizer/nutrient use, including manure, and chemical application 2- Bioenergy/biofuel substitution. Includes on-farm use; replacing Province of Ferrara (Italy) fossil fuels or deriving bioenergy from land-use feedstocks (renewable energy, as biogas), and on-farm energy efficiency/conservation. 3- Forest management. Includes harvest for long-term wood products; reduced impact logging; certified sustainable forestry; thinning/release; fertilization and pruning 4- Structural characterization of local wood (Castanea sativa Mill.) for its use in construction Principality of Asturias (Spain) 5- Energy effective buildings from Gorenjska regional wood 6- Local public-private cooperation for heating by local wooden Gorenijska Region (Slovenia) biomass Best practice n°1 Title of the best practice Cropland precision practices and techniques. Includes crop rotation, soil management, efficient fertilizer/nutrient use, including manure, and chemical application Location where the BP was developed Province of Ferrara Field of application the best practice Please thick the relevant box Description of the best practice activities Please provide also links to the relevant internet websites local bodies public utilities industry & SMEs sector agriculture forestry The main activities are briefly outlined in the title of this best practice, and they are addressed on the following areas: -crop rotation. For enhanced crop production and efficient resource use, a cropping system can be a mixture of cash crops and nitrogenfixing legumes (the so-called companion cover crops). In such integrated cropping systems, cash and cover crops are rotated so that the following crops take up nutrients left by the the previous crops, and both contribute to plant residue-based soil nutrients. -soil management. It is referred to techniques to maintain soil structure and conditions that contribute to high yields and good returns on inputs while having minimal adverse environmental impacts. Soil management techniques vary from conventional tillage to minimum tillage to no-tillage systems. Water and irrigation management is another aspect of the general soil management, and refers to practices for planning, developing, distributing and optimally utilizing water resources. Water is a precious and basic component of agriculture and protecting water supplies guarantees profitable farm operations. It means right time application of the right amount of irrigation water to the crops. Irrigation scheduling can be based on water budget calculation, observation of plant water stress, or measurement of soil water status to answer two essential questions: when to irrigate and how much to irrigate. -efficient fertilizer/nutrient use, including manure. Nutrient management and planning means the application of precise amounts of nutrients to the soil according to the crop nutrients requirements to prevent the contamination of surface and ground water bodies. This also involves the use various organic source of nutrients, e.g. organic manure amendments, the wise use of which is considered environmentally friendly, while improves physical and hydrological soil properties. -chemical application. Pesticides are an important input for many cropping systems. If mishandles and misused they can be toxic to people and animals that come in contact with them, at risk. Because a Description of the best practice innovative and demonstrative approach – added value Coherence of the best practice with the local policy framework and with the national / regional legislation Description of the best practice background Actors involved in the best practice development Principal stakeholders that could benefit from the CCS&CS application Source of potential financing of the best practice Transferability of the best practice safe and effective ecosystem is important for environment protection and our safety, pesticides should be bought in small quantities, stored in a secured area, and disposed in accordance with state and local regulations. Farmers should avoid unnecessary application, overspray and drift, and maintain application equipment in working condition, and calibrate the equipment frequently to ensure recommended quantity are applied without waste. All the above mentioned activities go towards the achievement of a balance between crop production and environmental protection, through the application of an holistic management approach, where all the aspects of crop production should be revised from the perspective of environmental sustainability. Agriculture cannot be considered in isolation of other resources uses. Rather it needs to be considered from a long-term system perspective and, importantly, within a broader resource use context. Such an integrates approach is perfectly aligned with the measures introduced by national/regional/local bodies in order to protect the environment and manage the natural resources more sustainably. Successful crop production requires an understanding of the basics of agriculture including management principles for soils, water, nutrients, crop residues, pests, and tillage systems. But requires also a growing concern about the consequences of intensive agricultural production on natural resources (soil, air, water), as to develop effective and practical solutions to minimize or prevent the environmental impacts. Development holistic management practices and implementing sustainable best practices in agricultural areas require the concerted intentions of concerned growers, with a wide support from local bodies and regulatory agencies. Reaching a sustainable model for agriculture could be a value added approach firstly for local farmers, but also for all the people who live in rural areas or use agricultural products. EU funding (explain which) national / government funding regional funding venture funds private investment other (explain which) The effect of change in resource use and management practices in agriculture is frequently incremental and cumulative, taking a long time to be apparent. While community and institutional attitudes and understanding on natural resource management are constantly evolving, there remains considerable lack of access to information and inadequate understanding of the long term effect of agricultural activities on the environment. Starting the use of a best practices approach at the beginning by few farmers could then generate a wider and wider diffusion to the other, up to become a “normal” behaviour. Of course, a driving force to obtain this ambitious result could be some forms of incentives or supporting actions by the regional/local bodies. Best practice n° 2 Title of the best practice Bioenergy/biofuel substitution. Includes on-farm use; replacing fossil fuels or deriving bioenergy from land-use feedstocks (renewable energy, as biogas), and on-farm energy efficiency/conservation. Location where the BP was developed Province of Ferrara Field of application the best practice Description of the best practice activities local bodies public utilities industry & SMEs sector agriculture forestry Possible activities to be evaluated to assess the potential of the application of this BP in agricultural local context, may be: -restoring formerly marginal land Certain crops, such as switchgrass, may even restore productivity of marginal land. While production may be less profitable, examples of small-scale biofuel projects, demonstrate the potential for local energy provision. Nevertheless, crop and location specific challenges and concerns exist, especially regarding possible yields, required inputs and side-effects on water and biodiversity. While large potential areas have been suggested for both degraded and abandoned land, more research seems necessary to clarify the realistic production potentials, and to provide guidance for land management, in particular to balance the environmental costs and benefits of any land conversion against natural regeneration. -use of waste and production residues Energy recovery from waste and residues can save significant GHG emissions without requiring additional land. Specifically, besides municipal organic waste, also residues from agriculture (both crop production and animal husbandry) provide a significant energy potential which is still largely unused. Further research is necessary to determine the proper balance of residues that should remain on the field or in the forest to maintain soil fertility and soil carbon content, and the amount that can be removed for energy, as well as with regard to nutrient recycling after energy recovery. Increase energy and material productivity in transport, industry and households Global resources do not allow simply shifting from fossil resources to biomass while maintaining the current patterns of consumption. Instead, the level of consumption needs to be significantly reduced for biofuels to be able to substitute for relevant portions of fossil fuel use. For that to occur, resource efficiency in terms of services provided per unit of primary material, energy and land will need to be drastically increased. Description of the best practice innovative and demonstrative approach – added value Coherence of the best practice with the local policy framework and with the national / regional legislation Description of the best practice background Actors involved in the best practice development Principal stakeholders that could benefit from the CCS&CS application Source of potential financing of the best practice Transferability of the best practice Significant options for future progress go beyond the optimisation of biofuel production. An integrated view of supplying both materials and energy for enhanced service provision for households and industry will lead to wider potentials and allow better choices to increase sustainability of resource use. Improved systems technologies will enhance overall resource efficiency, while more effective management instruments can adjust the demand for biofuels to sustainable levels. Future development of global agricultural yields will determine the degree to which demand for food and non-food biomass can be supplied from existing cultivated land. Life-cycle-assessments (LCA) of biofuels show a wide range of net greenhouse gas savings compared to fossil fuels. This mainly depends on the feedstock and conversion technology, but also on other factors, including methodological assumptions. Climate change, together with an increasing demand for energy, volatile oil prices, and energy poverty have led to a search for alternative sources of energy that would be economically efficient, socially equitable, and environmentally sound. Biofuels is one of the option that has raised the most public and private interest. Encouraged by research indicating that biofuels could provide substantial energy while mitigating climate change, our national governments have supported production aimed at increasing biofuel use. However, concern has been growing about negative implications of growing biomass for biofuel production. Current biofuels are often made from feedstock crops that also serve as food. Hence, there is a potential risk for competition between food and fuel, and consequences on food prices as a result. The best alternative seems to be biofuels obtained by waste biomass, from industry and agriculture. This BP development requires the concerted intentions of concerned growers, with a wide support from local bodies and regulatory agencies. To deal with these issues, several initiatives have to be started also by governments, industry players and civil society to develop criteria for sustainable production of biofuels and to change negative concerns about this topic. Reaching a sustainable model for agriculture could be a value added approach firstly for local farmers, but also for all the people who live in rural areas or use agricultural products. EU funding (explain which) national / government funding regional funding venture funds private investment other (explain which) The recent increase of oil prices has affected various production facilities. Policies have stimulated biofuel demand by setting targets and blending quotas, and have aided development by establishing support mechanisms (such as subsidies and tax exemptions). The future potential of biofuels to contribute to energy supply is largely contingent on the ability to increase yields on existing farmlands or to add values to agricultural waste to be proficiently used as raw material for biofuels. Best practice n°3 Title of the best practice Forest management. Includes harvest for long-term wood products; reduced impact logging; certified sustainable forestry; thinning/release; fertilization and pruning Location where the BP was developed Asturias (Spain) Field of application the best practice Please thick the relevant box local bodies public utilities industry & SMEs sector agriculture X forestry Harvest for long-term wood products: forest management practices that maintain and increase forest area, reduce natural disturbances in the forest, improve forest conditions, and ensure the appropriate and timely transfer of carbon into wood products lead to increasing overall carbon storage, thereby reducing carbon in the atmosphere. With the new silvicuture assesment the Description of the best practice activities Reduced impact logging: these techniques are design to minimize the environmental impact of timber extraction on forest, and their implementation will bring benefits for the forest ecosystem. Damage to the surrounding forest and the forest ecosystem can be tremendously reduced by adopting certain reduced-impact logging practices including: 1) directional tree felling to inflict the smallest impact on the surrounding forest; 2) establishing stream buffer zones and watershed protection areas; 3) using improved technologies to reduce damage to the soil caused by log extraction; 4) careful planning to prevent excess roads; 5) reducing wood waste for cut areas (anywhere from 25-50 percent of the wood from a given cleared patch is wasted); 6) limiting the gradient of roads to prevent excess erosion. Certified sustainable forestry: Certification has emerged as a market mechanism for monitoring and promoting sustainable management practices in various resource-based industries, including agriculture and forestry. Forest certification is a process that involves an independent third-party certifying that a particular forest is managed in accordance with agreed standards on a sustainable basis, and that any timber from it has been produced in accordance with best practice forest management and environmental standards. There are two forest certification schemes operating in Asturias - the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) scheme and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PECF). To date around 17,600 hectares of forests in Asturias are certified under PECF. Thinning/release: Commercial thinning is the most widely used method of concentrating site resources onto plantation trees. Thinning stands to extract pulpwood or other products can pay many benefits. Thinning brings immediate monetary returns, allows each remaining tree to grow faster, and saves site resources that would have been lost through tree mortality, improves crop tree survival and reduces some types of pest risks to the stand. Fertilization and pruning: the application of precise amounts of nutrients is used at the beginning of the plantations according to the seedling nutrients requirements to prevent contamination. Pruning is a technique used to improve growth trees and wood quality and it is apply during the rotation period of the stand. Description of the best practice innovative and demonstrative approach – added value Coherence of the best practice with the local policy framework and with the national / regional legislation Description of the best practice background Actors involved in the best practice development Principal stakeholders that could benefit from the CCS&CS application Source of potential financing of the best practice Transferability of the best practice All these activities contribute to improve forest management and consequently can increase the carbon stocks in forests and wood products. Also, they go towards the achievement of a balance between forest production and environmental protection, through sustainable forestry management. The concept of best practices was first introduced in response to the Spain low “Ley de Montes (Ley 43/2003) and the regional low “Ley de Montes y Ordenación Forestal del Principado de Asturias (3/2004). The activities related to best practices in forest management are included in the national and regional lows. The increase in demand for wood requires an understanding of forests and their products and ecosystem services. In recent years, much attention has been focused on enviromental impact on forests but carbon accounting for harvested wood products in national greenhouse gas inventories is a new option. Forestry companies and regional goverment. Forestry owners, local people who live in the region and forestry companies that could have new products to offer in the forest market. EU funding (explain which) x national / government funding x regional funding venture funds x private investment other (explain which) Assistance is available to forestry owners through the local forestry associations for enhancing the overall environmental quality of their properties. Best forest management practices and forest buffer strips are potential tools that forestry owners can use to reach this goal. The biggest drawback to the new harvesting methods is the great management expense, because more supervision, planning, and training are required and fewer trees can be removed, reducing output and income. Nonetheless, it seems clear that it will have to made to establish new forest management for long-term benefits. The big question is whether it is in the economic interest of timber operators to adopt these methods without prodding from government agencies or specific market demand for "greener" products. Best practice n°4 Title of the best practice Structural characterization of local wood (Castanea sativa Mill.) for its use in construction Location where the BP was developed Asturias (Spain) Field of application the best practice Please thick the relevant box local bodies public utilities X industry & SMEs sector agriculture X forestry Timber has been used in construction for centuries, but steel and concrete are the most usual materials currently used. Nowadays, timber is taking importance because of its known structural aptitude and sustainable exploitation, without the energetically expensive process for the fabrication of steel and concrete. In addition, the employment of local timber enhances the market and the possibilities for local industries. Description of the best practice activities However, the employment of timber in construction needs a normative support, and only a few wood species are regulated for this purpose. The European normative indicates characterization methodologies and requirements for this regulation. Chestnut timber is not yet included as construction material, although the great economic and historical importance in our region of this species. This practice can be resumed in the characterization of chestnut timber from Asturias, promoting the employment of this wood. Description of the best practice innovative and demonstrative approach – added value In Spain, especially in the North of the country, chestnut tree has a great cultural and social importance, but its wood is not included as construction material in the Spanish or European normative. The knowledge of chestnut timber physical and mechanical properties and their inclusion in the current regulations represent an important progress in the enhancement of this species. The multifunctional of chestnut, especially the timber exploitation, needs to be potentiated in order to maximize the environmental and economic benefits with a sustainable development. Development of local species reduces the economic and environmental transport costs. Coherence of the best practice with the local policy framework and with the national / regional legislation The increasing claim for sustainable materials, such as timber, is a corroborated fact in actual market. In Asturias, chestnut timber is required for the industry. Now, an important local company trades with correctly classified chestnut timber due to the characterization performed in this region. Despite its importance in this region, the Spanish and European normative about structural timber do not include the chestnut timber. For this normative inclusion, the local characterization needs to be expanded to a national scope, with different provenances. Spanish standard inclusion will be started in 2011 and the process for the inclusion in European normative will be made in 2012. This best practice development is needed because of the nonpresence of chestnut timber in the national and European regulations and the market claim for this material. Description of the best practice background The impact of chestnut timber characterization on first transformation market implies better economic possibilities for the industries involved. The chestnut market enhancement results in a development of forest management, with consequently economic and environmental effects. In addition, the excellent mechanical chestnut timber properties and its natural durability make an optimal construction material with a minimal application of chemistry treatments. • Actors involved in the best practice development • • • Principal stakeholders that could benefit from the CCS&CS application • • CETEMAS, Forest and Wood Technology Research Centre, founded in 2009, that invests in research and development projects that are vital to the expansion and innovation of forest and wood product-based industries. Public Administration (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Consejería de Educación y Ciencia del Principado de Asturias) Design companies in timber structures, engineers and architects. First, second and third transformation industries, with market improvement because of the enhancement of important and local species. Research organisms, with the development of methodologies and new research objectives about chestnut timber. Forestry owners and public administration, with the increasing importance of good silviculture and forest management practices derived from the enhancement of the chestnut products market. Source of potential financing of the best practice Transferability of the best practice EU funding (explain which) X national / government funding regional funding venture funds private investment other (explain which) In Spain, only four conifer species (pines) and one deciduous species (Eucalyptus) are contained in the current normative. Similar characterization projects can be carried out in other regions with the same methodology, using other potential timber species not regulated. And also, this kind of project could be develop in other European region. Enhancement of the timber as a structural material concerns all the production value chain, from the tree up to the final product, with an improvement in the environmental effect derived from sustainable and optimized forest management. Best practice form nº 5 Title of the best practice Energy effective buildings from Gorenjska regional wood Location where the BP was developed Gorenjska region Field of application the best practice Please thick the relevant box Description of the best practice activities X local bodies X public utilities X industry & SMEs sector agriculture X forestry Wooden buildings with low energy consumption are combination of traditional forms of constructing/arhitecture in Gorenjska region with a modern technological achivements and innovative design. Such a construction patterns are important for Gorenjska as a region with large stocks of high quality forests and no or little other energy resources. These types of constructions contribute twice to a low carbon economy. Furthermore they (potentially) respect cultural identity of the region and, if using local wood, keep financial resources within the region. There are around 8-10 companies of different sizes which are in Gorenjska region occupied with own production and construction of very diverse types of wooden buildings (prefab houses, houses of massive wood, skeletal houses). They all offer low energy option, and most of them also buildings in energy passive construction and by using regional wood. Description of the best practice innovative and demonstrative approach – added value Example of such company is Jelovica House, a division within Jelovica Company. Following it’s bussines vision, it is now a leading company in constructing wooden, energy-efficient buildings such as kindergartens, tourist villas, family and school buildings for various target groups and of different sizes. Another possibilty is a ‘’wooden’’ energy restoration of already existing buildings. Innovations and environmentally friendly products of Jelovica have been awarded with several Slovene and EU prizes for energy efficiency. Community of Preddvor decided in 2011 to investment is such a wooden, low-energy kindergarten by Jelovica House. That was no surprise as Preddvor in general has been for more than a decade aimed to become an energy sustainable community. Achieving this goal included the installation of a remote control system for biomass heating (in 2002) for all inhabitants of the community, using wood from the region. The kindergarten of Preddvor will consist of 7 playing rooms, a sports room, a multi-purpose room, administration rooms and a utility. The total surface of the kindergarten amounts to 1,400m2. The exterior appearance of the building is a combination of a façade plaster and larch wood, with 3-layer larch windows. The kindergarten will be built with Jelovica Termo Plus construction system which ensures low-energy construction within B2 energy class, i.e. annual energy consumption of 25–35 kWh/m2 of useful surface. It will be heated with biomass from the existing boiler house in Preddvor. The timber for construction comes from the Gorenjska region and from elswhere in Slovenia. Solutions developed for wooden energy houses offer a large set of various advantages which partly vary depending on the type of construction (skeletal, massive, prefab). Basic advantages are high quality of both construction and living environment (‘’breathing’’ house), and low energy consumption. Low energy consumption/CO2 emissions in the production and decomposition phases for components of such house, and the same in it’s operating phase of the house, make it as one of most succesful CCS&CS product. All these advantages are due to charateristics of such building: diffusion-openess, structural strenght, fire resistence, thermal conductivity, ''breathing'' of materials and finally degradabilty of materials used at the end of life-cycle. Savings in costs for heating applies to the fact that pleasent feeling of living in wooden building is achived already at the temperature of 18 - 20⁰C, while in brick-built house only at the temperature at 22 - 24⁰C. 1 ⁰C lower room temperature brings 56% savings of the costs for heating. CO2 balance of wood is equal to zero and posititve, respectively, as wood can emit only the quantity of CO2 which was presviously absorbed, save from the air and used to produce oxygen. Primary energy needed for production of wooden construction materials, eg. fiber board made of soft wood is 12 x smaller as the energy for polystyrene (fibers from soft wood 70kWh/m3, polystyrene 870kWh/m3). Products as polystyrene, steel, aluminium,… produce CO2 already in the production phase. Wood is furthermore a material which is very easy for re-us or recycling. With all these charateristics, kindergarten in Preddvor will not only complite affords of Preddvor to become energy sustainable community; as a public education institution with high number of people experiencing it's advantages ''from first hand'', knowledge, recognition of advantages and awarness rising for energy/CO2 minimizing will be effectivelly diffused and promoted among large number of people of all generations. Coherence of the best practice with the local policy framework and with the national / regional legislation Gorenjska region is officially not a ‘’true’’ region due to the fact, that Slovenia has not been yet divided into administrative regions; these exist only as statistical and developmental regions. For that reason, main policy framework with all relevant legislation is not regional, but national on. Energy efficient in constructing, renovating in interior equipment are one of main goals of all Slovene legislation linked to sustainable energy policy and climate policy, especially after 1995: a.) In the National Energy Program (2004) energy efficency both in production and operating of different products and services was defined as one of main areas of interventions. b.) Slovene Operational Program for decreasing of Green-house emissions in 2003 declared, by coordinating key instruments with National Energy Law and in order to reach Kioto Agreement, support to increase energy efficency in industry, buildings and in living environment goals, as one of it's main meaures. c.) National action program for Energy Efficency for period 2008-2016 includes number of financial support masures within the cathegory “Energy efficent renovation and sustainable building construction” for households and terciar sector (public sector, craft, service sector). These law and programs has reflected in Operational program for development of environmental and transport infrastructure 2007–2013 (OPROPI), financed substantialy by Cohesion Fund. It is a implementation document of National Energy Program. Program contains among several priority tasks also ''Sustainable Energy'' as one of principle one. Goal of this task is to remove numerous obstacles which limit more substantial investments into energy efficency and renewables. This task has 3 major investment areas, among which one is »Energy renovation and sustainable constructing in public sector«. Based on all of above mentioned documents and on upgraded EU legislation (Directive on Energy efficency of building - Directive 2010/31/EU)), new supplemented National Energy Law was passed in 2011. One of biggest novelty is a request for preparation and implementation od action plan for increasing number of buildings with zelo or very low consumption of primary energy and emissions of CO2 (eg. passive houses), with special focus on public sector. Energy identity card regulations were upgraded, and this card is now requested also for all building bigger then 250 m2, if they are used by public institutions. Law brings in new regulation defining energy efficency and use of renewable resources in public sector, eg. stricter request for energy efficeny and renewable in public sector and obligatory energy assesment. None of these documents have, however, included explicitly indication to the wooden constructed buildings as best combination of energy Description of the best practice background Actors involved in the best practice development efficency and using of sustainable local materials. This will be done by Decree on Green public procurement which is expected to be introduced in December 2011. Decree will regulate mandatory 30 % share of wood to be used in constructing or renovating public buildings and their interior equipment (furniture). Wood used by constructors will must be produced legally and certified (as well as wood for paper). Gorenjska region, as Slovenia in general, faces problems with growing pressure on environment (mainly focused on increase of CO2 emissions and amounts of of low-degradable waste), increasing costs for consumption of imported materials, deterioration or stagnation in economy in rural areas, and loss of cultural identity due to ‘’imported’’ patterns and materials used for buildings in rural areas. All this was mainly caused by the growth in constructing sector, especially until 2008. On the other side high wooden stock in forests, especially privately owned ones, is continuing to grow due to good quality of forests and work of public Forest service advisors. Big share of this wood is of high quality. Slovenia has also a very long tradition of high-quality products of wood-processing industry&craft as wooden houses, furniture, small items for private use…which is due to centuries of use also a part of Gorenjska cultural identity. But after 1990 especially big woodprocessing companies largely decreased or even bankrupted due to bad business management and insufficient adjustments to new global trends in construction &interior equipment and furniture. Some most ambitious regional companies (eg. Jelovica House), however, have remained and increased their business, achieving recognition and success on most competitive global markets. High amounts of regional wood, environmental pressures of CO2 and waste, and general economic problems have now again increased interest of private and public actors to work together for increase of low energy constructions from local/regional wood. All these policy and business commitments aim at minimizing CO2 impact and waste production, supporting sustainable (rural) development, and preserving cultural identity. Wooden products, such as furniture, houses or other infrastructure store large amounts of CO2, and help to avoid harmful impacts of manufacturing based on unsustainable materials. Such building are energy effective (do decrease costs and CO2footprint), offers healthy environment (trend of ‘’nature for health’’) and support cultural identity and economy by using local natural resources (wood). - Regional SMEs (Jelovica, Plevel, Gaj Les, Lumnar…) with their business interest to offer to private and public clients energy efficient and environmental friendly buildings. Such constructions are now even requested by EU/Slovene legislation, supported by subsidies and partly motivated by stronger ‘’green’’ awareness and trends. - Local communities and public institutions (schools…) as owners/managers/investors in constructing and managing of public buildings. Such example is Community of Preddvor. Such constructions are now even requested by EU/Slovene legislation, supported by subsidies and partly motivated by stronger ‘’green’’ awareness and trends. - Private house owners/investors with their housing plans and interest to maximize quality of living and minimize energy costs - - Principal stakeholders that could benefit from the CCS&CS application - Source of potential financing of the best practice Transferability of the best practice Forest owners and local wood processing industry – new trends, legal requests and financial supports for wooden low energy building increased opportunities for both groups, but their power and functioning is not yet well balanced and coordinated. While already high quality of regional wood is getting even better, and after a big drop in harvesting in private forests also quantity is increasing, link between forest owners and wood processing industry is still week. All of bigger units of wood processing into intermediate products, which existed before 1990, are now closed down due to economical, technological and political reason. At the moment there are no big saws for intermediate wood products in the whole region. Large share or even majority of raw wood is exported to big saws out of region or even out of Slovenia (Italy, Austria), and then back as intermediate wood products which decrease financial and environmental benefits. That is the situation also with a wood for above mentioned wooden houses. Architects and interior designers – Typical architecture in Gorenjska regiona has traditionally used high share of wood in constructing and in interior equipment/furniture. Unfortunately trends after 1945 were note very favourable for these patterns as they were often perceived as backwarded, ‘’peasant’’ in socialistic (industrial) society. All these started slowly to change after 1990, and now many involved companies have their own architects who respect wood as constructing material. Many of these and other ‘’external’’ architects are now highly motived and active in develop and promote wide range of advantages of wood as natural material (good insulation, healthy living spaces, aesthetic…). In long-term, such motivation and know-how has to be more widely included in the curriculum of relevant education institutions and programs at all levels (university, trainings of architect associations or craft chamber… Local communities and public institutions (schools, kindergartens, homes for seniors, hospitals…) State®ional and other public actors responsible for buildings in public interest, eg. Hospitals, schools,…. (responsible also to cover costs for their construction, renovation and operating) Local and regional SMEs in the wood-processing industry Local and regional SMEs involved in designing, building and managing buildings Forest owners Private house owners X EU funding (explain which) X national / government funding regional funding X venture funds X private investment other (explain which) Both good, as well as some weak points of above described best practice are useful and can be transferred to any other Slovene or European region rich in wood. Low-energy constructions made of local wood can bring a range of positive CCS&CS impacts on environment, economy and a quality of living, but following conditions need to be fulfilled: 1. Sufficient &sustainable management of local forests 2. State or forest owners and companies motivated and equipped to cut down in nature sensitive way 3. Well situated and operating wood processing industry for 1st phase of wood processing (intermediate wood products) 4. Well operating and sustainability oriented regional/national industry for second phase of wood processing (production of houses, furniture…) 5. Motivated and stimulated market and consumers to decide for/use more of wooden products 6. Public institutions and instruments that supports development of wooden construction sector (eg. by support to technology development or to business development of companies) and their use both with supporting instruments and by direct consumption Best practice form nº 6 Title of the best practice Local public-private cooperation for heating by local wooden biomass Location where the BP was developed Gorenjska region Field of application the best practice X local bodies X public utilities X industry & SMEs sector agriculture X forestry Rapid development of techologies of installations for wooden biomass heating in last decade enables bigger consumption units to be heated by one centralized installation in a very efficent (up to 98%), easy and environmentaly friendly way. Such biomass heating systems are most effective if consumers are close to each other, t.i. distribution network is as concentrated as possible in order to minimize energy losses. Optimal option for minimizing CO2 emissions is that also wood and processed wooden biomass, respectively, originate as close to it’s final consumers as possible. Three examples of this best practice presents all the elements that such best practice should have: Description of the best practice activities 1. Community of Preddvor - Installation of big municipality remote control systems for biomass heating in Gorenjska region has started in Community of Preddvor (in 2002); more than a decade this community has aimed to become an energy sustainable community. In spite of many technological and organizational problems, this system is now used for all inhabitants of villages Preddvor, Hrib and Potoče. System provides heating for private houses with some 1200 residents, as well as for number of public and private business buildings, using wood from local forests and wood-processing plants. 2. Lom Primary School - In 2008, a modern biomass heating installation was completed in the Lom Primary School (the Municipality of Tržič). It replaced an obsolete oil based heating installation which consumed annually around 11,000 litres of heating oil and released 30 tons of CO2. However, the new installation is not only environmentally friendly; thanks to wood biomass coming from the nearby forests, it also contributes to local rural economy. Wooden biomass is provided by Gaj Les Co., situated in Potarje village just few kilometres away; this biomass originates partly from forest management of local forests, while the other part is a wooden ‘’waste’’ from wood processing (Gaj Les Co. is specialized for production of wooden houses and cottages, pellets and other costume-made wooden products). As the previous oil storage tank was no longer needed, a dressing-room for pupils was arranged on its previous location. Community saves now some 6% of cost for heating compering to previous expenditures. 70% of co-financing for biomass mill used to produce ‘’fuel’ for Lom School by Gaj Les Co was ensured by Slovene Program for Rural development 2007-2013. Potentially weaker point of this practice is management of all phases in school heating. After a decision to change oil for wood, concession agreement was signed between Community of Tržič and Electro Gorenjska Co., which has been for decades main regional company for electricity distribution. A decade ago, in order to use new business opportunities, company started to invest in renewable energy (particularly for solar power-plants). Focus on certain types of renewables depends largely on priorities of actual company management, and by change of head management also interest for certain renewable can shift or even disappear. Such uncertainty weakens control and motivation towards Lom heating installation which can negatively affect continuously efficiency and improvements in operating of the system. 3. Biomasa Trstenik Co. was established in 2007 after Jože Uranič from Hribar Farm decided to quit traditional cattle breeding and to orient completely to forestry and biomass heating production. Farm and now the biomass heating company is located in a village of Trstenik (502 m; Municipality of Kranj) on the slopes of Kamnisko-Savinjske Alps which are completely covered by forest up to altitude of 15001700. Hrib Farm and Biomasa Trstenik, respectively, installed biomass heating installation on the location of previous cattle barn, storage tank for warm water, all automatic devices and silo for wooden biomass. Gradually they set up hot water system with three branches with total length of 550 metres. For implementation of all investment they also candidate and successfully obtained 30% of costs from Slovene Rural Development Program 2007-2013. This system now provides heating for 9 private houses, local church, parson’s house and Home of Salesians (there were also talks with local community for heating kindergarten and civil parish).With all consumers they agreed on 15 years contract for heating during the winter season. Annual consumption is around 400 m3 of wooden biomass of lower quality. Almost all wood originates from forests belonging to Hribar Farm, while part is obtained from neighbouring farmers-forest owners trough annual forest cleaning. So far farmers gave this wood for free as they were satisfied that someone else took care that forest are properly and regularly maintained and managed. Satisfaction is also on the side of consumers as heating costs for them are now considerably lower as with heating oil. Description of the best practice innovative and demonstrative approach – added value Coherence of the best practice with the local policy framework and with the national / regional legislation All individual cases of this good practice show that local forests and wood processing plants of Gorenjska region can provide important quantities of wooden biomass to produce renewable energy with positive effects for environment (lower CO2 emissions) and local economy. However, elements of technology, motivation and management are of crucial importance for their success and long-term positive impact. All of described examples of best practice not only use renewable energy resources, but also a local one to avoid transport CO2 and keep money for ‘’fuel’’ in the local area/region. What is more, they also use the most cost effective and environmental ethic forms of biomass, t.i. less valuable wooden waste, while highquality wood is used for constructing, furniture… Important impact of such approach in ensuring wooden biomass used is increase of motivation to implement sustainable forest management (cleaning, selective woodcutting…) and better use all parts of wood brought into wood processing plants. With additional income it provides not only economy and environmental benefits trough business of heating, but also financial motivation for forest management and development of wood processing industry. Wooden biomass used in schools is also a strong demonstration and promotional tool for renewable energies, and affords to introduce them in public institutions proves dedication of state authorities and public sector for CCS&CS and sustainable rural development. Public funds available for renewable energy from wooden biomass also enhance motivation of private investors. Gorenjska region is officially not a ‘’real’’ region due to the fact, that Slovenia has not been yet divided into administrative regions; these exist only as statistical and developmental regions. For that reason, main policy framework with all relevant legislation is not regional, but national on. Use of renawable energies has been one of main goals of all Slovene legislation linked to sustainable energy policy and climate policy, especially after 1995. Among these sources wooden biomass has special position due to 60% of Slovene territory covered by forests. Ministry for Environment and Space prepared already in 2002 a Program for energy use of wooden biomass for 2002-2004. Program planned to build in next 10 years 50 municipality remote control systems for biomass heating, 100 industrial heating systems and 5000 small individual private heating installations. Total subventions to support these investments are estimated to 53 millions EUR. In order to eliminate legislation, institutional and procedural obstacles for wider use of wooden biomass, Slovene Public Agency for Ef prepared and implemented (by funds of Global Fund for Environment) in 2002-2005 a wide and comprehensive project ‘’Eliminating obstacles for increased use of wooden biomass as energy resource’’. Most important laws regulating, guiding and promoting use of wooden biomass in Slovenia are: a.) The National Energy Program (2004); b.) Slovene Operational Program for decreasing of Green-house emissions adopted in 2003, coordinated by key instruments of National Energy Law in order to reach Kioto Agreement; c.) These law and programs has reflected in Operational program for development of environmental and transport infrastructure 2007–2013 (OPROPI), financed substantialy by Cohesion Fund. It is a Description of the best practice background implementation document of National Energy Program. Program contains among several priority tasks also ''Sustainable Energy'' as one of principle one. Goal of this task is to remove numerous obstacles which limit more substantial investments into energy efficency and renewables. This task has 3 major investment areas, among which one is »Innovative measures for local energy supply«. d.) Action plan for Renewable energies in Slovenia (2010); Goals of Slovene energy policy, for achieving of which this plan is setting up instruments and supporting, are to ensure 25% share of renewable energies by 2020, t.i. to double their share from 2010 by 2020. Renewable are also to become one of priorities of economic development, and their share should further increase also after 2020 (at least until 2020). Very important part of Plan’s content is dedicated to wooden biomass, especially among: 1. Programs for promoting use of renewables for heating and cooling (out of 6 programs 3 are dedicated to support investments in heating by wooden biomass, while 2 are dedicated to support it by awarenessrising, promotion and expert consulting) 2. Special measures within the Plan – these plans were created exclusively and only for supporting use of wooden biomass energy (also to support increase quantities of available biomass and it’s supply) e.) Operational Program for energy use of wooden biomass in Slovenia for 2007-2013 (wooden biomass is the only renewable source of energy to have such special operational program !!) f.) Slovene Environmental Public Fund as a main provider of public financial support for public/private investments in renewables has 2 of it’s measures targeted on installing municipal and individual private heating system (trough favourable credits or non-refundable money) g.) Slovene Rural development program 2007-2013 provides nonrefundable subventions both for use of wooden biomass on farms for own consumption, as well to produce heath as a profitable commercial activity on farms to support sustainable development of rural areas. Share of non-refundable funds is up to 70% of investment. Use of wood as energy source is mentioned in National Law on Forests (1993) and National program for Forests in 2007. As already mentioned, Gorenjska has no regional legislation, but energy from wooden biomass is frequently mentioned in regional development documents: Regional development plan for Gorenjska 2007-2013 (as a guide-book for big regional projects and investments) and Rural action plan 2007-13 (as a base for LEADER projects) Use of wooden biomass in heating has been tradionally important in Gorenjska region, especially for private home owners. The pressure of environmenatl impacts and increasing costs of nonrenewable (fossils) fuels, and search for new development opportunities for stagnating rural areas has increased motivation to . Strong factors are also improved biomass heating technologies which ensures high efficency, and obligations of Slovenia within EU to increasing share of renewable energies with lower CO2 emissions. Slovenia has no other important (renewable) energy resources except wood which could be substatially increased in the future. Rivers, where numerous hydro-power plants were constructed in the past, have limited potential for the future due to natural condistions and nature protection regulations. It is therefor no surprise, that Slovenia has prepared many projects and programs to support use of wooden biomass, and substantial financial respurces are available for it’s promotion and implementation. Actors involved in the best practice development - Local and regional SMEs involved in planning, installing, supplying and managing heating installations (Elektro Gorenjska, Gaj Les, Roblek Farm, Preddvor Energetika..) - Local communities and public institutions responsible for operating and financing of heating systems (Community of Preddvor, Community of Trzic, Primary school of Trzic-Lom) - Private residents and owners of commercial/business premises in Preddvor and Trstenik villages which are heated by joint heating installation, mostly with lower cots - Private forest owners around Preddvor, Lom and Trstenik villages who obtained additional income by providing heating or at least ensured themselves free forest management; - Slovene Program for Rural development 2007-2013 which ensured co-financing for biomass mill used to produce ‘’fuel’ for Lom School by Gaj Les Co., and biomass heating installations in Trstenik village (Biomasa Trstenik Co.) Regional SMEs involved in planning, installing, supplying and managing heating installations - Local communities, state authorities/organizations and public institutions responsible for operating and financing of heating systems ( communities, ministries, schools, hospitals) - Private residents and owners of commercial/business/craft premises in which could be heated by joint heating installation - Private (small and big) forest owners in Gorenjska region Principal stakeholders that could benefit from the CCS&CS application Source of potential financing of the best practice Transferability of the best practice X EU funding (explain which) X national / government funding regional funding X venture funds X private investment other (explain which) Although described best practice in one or another form is already in practice in many regions of EU, especially Scandinavia, Austria and Germany, Slovene examples are still very interesting and useful to transfer them into partner region and elsewhere in Europe. Main preconditions which need to be fulfilled for such transferability are: a.) Legislation and policy documents which requires from public actors that share of renewables has to be increased, b.) Legislation and policy documents which allow installing&operating of such heating installations&systems; c.) private and public financial support instruments (special funds, non-refundable public money, …) to support heating systems and all ‘’supporting’’ activities (forest management, wooden biomass production…), especially for financially weaker private investors; d.) Organizational models, political will and cooperation culture for installing, operating and supplying of heating installations&systems e.) Sufficient territory covered by quality trees and sufficient quantity of wood stock, sustainably managed and exploited (woodcutting). For all this, also forestry supporting infrastructure is needed (forests roads, forest service advisors, trainings for forest owners, financial help for forest equipment…) f.) Existing and successful wood processing industry/craft providing wooden biomass as a side product 7. CONCLUSIONS This report addressed the use of benchmarking as a management tool in the context of municipal and local community actions towards sustainability management. It is motivated by the growing interest at the European policy-making level to stimulate the use of sustainability management tools and exchange of best practices among local authorities. This is seen to be important because local authority actions play a vital role in responding to the challenges of enhancing the state of the environment not only in policy-making, but also in the provision of services and in the planning process. Local communities therefore need to be aware of their own sustainability performance levels and should be able to engage in exchange of best practices to respond to these challenges. This has been promoted through a number of actions at the policy level. The increased use of sustainability management tools and the exchange of information between communities are stressed in several documents issued by the European Commission or city networks. Tools such as quality and environmental management, performance measurement, or activity-based costing are increasingly used by local authorities to increase their efficiency concerning environmental services. Furthermore, cooperation between communities through networks is increasing. These actions can be seen in the context of sharing experience and learning from each other. Benchmarking could be considered in this context as the ‘magic tool’ to foster healthy competition between communities and lead to improvements. Sustainable management of resources offer multiple opportunities to reduce GHGs, counteract global warming and mitigate climate change. In order to reduce trade-offs among food security, climate change and ecosystem degradation, productive and sustainable assessment of primary sector is crucial. The system-oriented and participative concept of agriculture and forestry, combined with new sustainable technologies, could offer greatly needed solutions in the face of climate change.