Foundation Day POGS
Foundation Day POGS
BUSINESS MAIL Bulk Pre-Sorted Third Class Mail Postage Paid at Quezon City Central Post Office Under Permit No. PS-503-03-NCR Valid Until December 31, 2014 Subject for Postal Inspection _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ VOLUME 37 NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 2014 _____________________________________________________ ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING • Wednesday, November 12, 2014 • 10:45 a.m. • Reception Hall, PICC All members have to vote on the proposed revised POGS Constitution and the extension of the POGS Corporate life POGS 68 Foundation Day th Ma. Socorro M. Solis, MD I PRO t was a Mystique Masquerade theme for the POGS 68th Foundation Day Celebration last July 6, 2014. Guests arrived in their best blue and silver attire and were provided with handheld masquerade masks. The assembly hall was transformed into an inviting and festive venue filled with blue and silver balloons, masks and silver icicle hangings reminiscent of the movie Frozen. The afternoon affair started with a Eucharistic celebration officiated by Fr. Larry Faraon. After dinner catered by Chef’s Quarter, the programme began with yours truly as the master of ceremonies. POGS President Dr. Ma. Carmen Quevedo gave the welcome address and later on was assisted by the Treasurer Dr. Benjamin Cuenca in giving recognition to the Past POGS Presidents and PBOG Chairs. Dr. Rainiero Abad, POGS President 1986 gave the response and POGS Vice President Dr. DitasDecena gave a toast to the Foundation. Dr. Felipe Estrella Jr. POGS President 1982 donated several books to the Foundation which were received by Dr. Quevedo and Dr. Cuenca. A plaque of recognition was awarded to Corazon Roque who recently retired as executive officer. Dr. Rosendo Roque received the plaque on Ms. Roque’s behalf with a short message. Entertainment was provided by POGS: Through The Years Rainerio S. Abad, MD POGS President, 1986 the Rule’s Band with the special participation of Dr. Adeline Sahagun on saxophone and Dr. Virgilio Castro’s daughter Dr. Anne Catherine Castro as soloist. Specially made to order polvoron cupcakes with POGS logo were distributed as giveaways during the affair. Guests went home with copies of their photobooth shots setup at the foyer of the assembly hall. POGS celebrates 68 years of continuing service and looks forward to more years to come. Happy Foundation Day! T his response is all about the mystique of history and heritage which surrounds the POGS. History is important as expressed in these statements by two important figures: “Ang hindimarunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makakarating sa paroroonan” (Jose Rizal) and “The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.” (Theodore Roosevelt) There is an Irish blessing which offers: “May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, the foresight to know where you’re going, and the insight to know when you’ve gone too far.” I will use the italicized key words as the framework for this presentation. For reference point, I will use the year 1988 since this was the year when the POGS building was inaugurated. Hindsight Hindsight refers to the history of the Society. This is equivalent to traditions which are beliefs or practices within a group or society, with symbolic meaning or significance. As pointed out by Harry Truman – “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still.” In the interest of brevity I will not enumerate in hindsight the significant events prior to 1988 because these are well documented in the coffee table book POGS at 50. 2 68 Foundation Day th Picture Gallery NCR POGS: Through The Years continued from page 1 Foresight To continue the Truman quote – “Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” This is seen in the various projects initiated by members/leaders of the Society: • Feb 2004 – Adolescent Health Issues and Perspectives (AHIP) Project • 2005 – Advances inLabor and Risk Management (A.L.A.R.M.) • 2005 – POGS Hymn “My Humble Hands” • Dec 2010 – Council for Residents’ Education Enhancement and Development (CREED) The different subspecialty and affiliate societies were formed under the leadership of our members: Region 3 Region 4 Region 9 • 1984 – Society of Gynecologic Oncologists of the Philippines (SGOP) • 1989 – Perinatal Association of the Philippines (PAP) • 1992 – Philippine Society of Climacteric Medicine (PSCM) • 1994 – Philippine Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (PSREI) • 1994 – Philippine Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (PSUOG) • 1995 – Philippine Society for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy (PSCPC) • 1996 – Philippine Society of Maternal and Fetal Medicine (PSMFM) • 2006 – Philippine Society for the Study of Trophoblastic Diseases (PSSTD) • 2008 - Philippine Society of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery (PSURPS) Looking at all these accomplishments, I feel confident in making the claim that Genius is in our DNA. As Arthur Koestler said – “The principal mark of genius is not perfection but originality, the opening of new frontiers.” Insight Finally, I implore this blessing for the present and future members of the Board of Directors – May you have the insight in your decisions for the POGS. Milwida Guevara had this advice: “Making choices (decisions) is not just about results. It is also about the process of building a consensus so that the problem, the objectives, and the alternatives are well understood. It is about building greater ownership of the problem by enabling participants to present their views and give the same opportunity to all the others. It is about encouraging open discussions and debates so that all the possible sides to an issue are appreciated. It is about developing the values of listening, being open, and welcoming alternatives thatare suggested by others.” Region 6 Region 10 Region 11 2 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.” (Prov 3:5-6) “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” (Prov 16:3) “Let us not only remember the past and its required sacrifice. Let us also remember that we are responsible to build a legacy for the generations which follow us.” (Thomas Manson) Constitutional Assembly SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH T T Welcome Remarks By Rowena M. Auxillos, MD “ here is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things”. Niccolo Machiavelli Seventy-one participants: the Board of Trustees, Past Presidents, Presidents of Subspecialty Societies, Regional Directors, Representatives from the Academe, Private and Government Sectors, the PBOG and the CREED. All came together last August 2-3, 2014 for the Constitutional Assembly at the Summit Ridge Hotel in Tagaytay City in response to the challenges confronting the Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (Foundation) these exigent times. In the entire history of the POGS, it has had two Constitutional Conventions, the last one held in 1991. That time, the POGS comprised of 990 members. 22 years later, this number almost quadrupled, currently boasting of 3,362 members. With the increase in the number of members, the relevance of the mother society comes to fore. Questions on its responsiveness to the needs of the members in the midst of turbulent times confronting the medical profession is also placed under a magnifying glass, with the onslaught of circulars from government regulatory bodies, specifically the BIR, the Philhealth and the DOH. In her inaugural address, the POGS President, Dr. Ma. Carmen Hernandez-Quevedo dared look into these questions. “The POGS is now 67 years old. Yes, we have gone so far, we have achieved so much and our founders’ legacy remains perpetually etched in the hearts and mind of the society’s members. The healthcare delivery system is dynamic and constantly evolving and changing. Let not our achievements be a reason to be complacent. Rather, let it be an impetus to the adaption to the changing times. While change connotes overhauling our processes, it should not equate to abandoning traditions. On the other hand, let us not equate traditions with virtues. The demands of times, the needs and concerns of the members should be foremost in our minds. The changes that need to be done should be in consonance and congruent to the varying times. Is our current constitution and by-laws responsive to the needs of our members? Should it be that the members be responsive to our by-laws? Presently, there are emerging characteristics of a highly-performing organization, the core of which are always the stakeholders--- the members and the clients they have vowed to serve. The greatest constant of modern times is adaptation if not transformation. Change consistently challenges traditional institutional practices and beliefs…..Re-building, metamorphosis and transformation need to be focused on…so as we may efficiently and effectively function with purpose and meaning. We need to address further these issues mainly because our existence as an organization is hinged closely to that of our members’ paramount and utmost welfare. If we want our organization to thrive and not merely survive, to achieve extraordinary results, then perhaps, we need to look closely into the possibility of reviewing and modifying, at least, the by-laws that govern our Society.” It is with these thoughts in mind that the POGS President created the Ad Hoc Committee for the Review of the POGS Constitution and By-Laws. Pursuant to the BOT resolution passed on May 8, 2014, “that the Ad Hoc Committee on Review of the Constitution and By-Laws was empowered to review the present POGS Constitution and By-Laws, assess and establish the needs, and based on its output to look into the merits of holding a constitutional convention”. On June 8, 2014, the Ad Hoc Committee on the Review of the POGS Constitution and By-Laws conducted an in-depth analysis of the POGS By-Laws and recommended to the BOT that a revision of the POGS Constitution and By-Laws is in order. It further recommended that the current POGS By-Laws be separated into a Constitution 4 Opening Remarks M By Lourdes Blanco-Capito, MD Task Force Chair, Constitutional Assembly adam President and members of the Board of Trustees, POGS past Presidents, Regional Directors, PBOG and CREED Chairs, Presidents of Specialty Societies, members of the Academe, public and private sector, and all here present. Good afternoon. We are today about to make a change in the history of the Society, with the proposed revision of the ByLaws of the Organization. The first Constitution was prepared by Dr. Constantino Manahan and Dr. Jose Villanueva, which was presented and ratified during the birth of POGS as a Society on July 6, 1946. The first Constitutional Convention was then held in 1978 under the Presidency of Dr. Jose Y. Alcid and was Chaired by Dr. Jose R. Relacion. It was during this convention that the constitution and by-laws were merged as one with no delineation between articles belonging to the constitution and those under the by-laws. The second Constitutional Convention was held in 1991, under the Presidency of Dr. Lilia P. Luna and Chaired by Dr. Jesus C. Tomacruz. Back then, the membership of POGS was only 979; It is now stands at its present count of 3,362, an almost four-fold increase since the constitution was last revised. I t is with this knowledge that the present administration deemed it timely to take a look at the Constitution, and ensure that it is updated to serve the purpose of its existence, in keeping with the progress and modernity of time, to better serve a Society that has grown to be a giant among medcal societies. The Adhoc Committee was then formed, and I am humbled to have been chosen to chair it; we were tasked to review the Constitution and make recommendations on the need to call for a constitutional assembly. After several lengthy sessions, the Committee submitted its recommendations to the Board. A Task Force By Ma. Carmen Hernandez-Quevedo, MD POGS President o my dear past Presidents, Board of Trustees, Regional Directors, PBOG CHAIR, CREED Chair, Presidents of Specialty Societies, representatives of the academe and government sectors, colleagues, friends, a very pleasant good afternoon! Welcome to today’s constitutional assembly. I would like to thank you for accepting the appointments as members of the delegation for the revision of our POGS by-laws. You were particularly chosen since you are the core of the Society. In one time or another, you have significantly contributed to where we are now and your acceptance is confirmation of your continued support and dedication to the ideals of the Society. It has been 23 years ago since a similar assembly was convened. Undoubtedly, much has transpired and we have grown into a huge society with a membership of almost 3500. I guess this is the very purpose of why we are here, to assure that our Society continues to live up to its mission attuned to the changing times. Let this be an opportune time for us to put our heads, our hands and our hearts together as we embark on this great task. Let us also enjoy each other’s presence and feel the cool and rainy ambiance of Tagaytay. Let me share to you a text message I received a year ago which I kept all the while in my cellphone. “Change is the nature of life, but challenge is the way of life. All things in life are temporary. If they are going well, enjoy them, they won’t last forever. If they go wrong, don’t worry, they can’t last long either. What is nice about life is that each day is never like the other”. However, let us do what we have or need to do for we may never pass this way again. Mangandang hapon at kasing ganda po natin lahat ang araw! “I believe with conviction, that this assembly will truly represent the thoughts and opinions of the whole membership of our organization. Let us dissect the constitution and freely express our thoughts and opinions here and now; let us be united in our disagreements if that is ever possible; for come November, the whole body will have to just ratify or reject our creation” 4 3 Constitutional Assembly SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH continued from page 3 and By-Laws. These recommendations paved the way for the creation of the Task Force on Revision of the POGS ByLaws, chaired by the dynamic Past President Dr. LourdesBlanco-Capito. Subsequently, a Constitutional Assembly was held. The Task Force on the Revision of the POGS By-Laws withstood several grueling hours and poured sweat and tears (even raised voices) on the POGS By-Laws, ensuring that each and every article and section in the By-Laws would be responsive to the needs of the members not only in the present time but for years to come. Robert’s Rule of Order aptly states that “when an organization is brought into existence, the first by-laws should be simple and to the point and should include only what is necessary to begin functioning as an organization. As the organization grows and problems arise, the organization can amend the by-laws to meet its needs. Foreseeing all the problems that will arise or how the organization will develop is impossible. Therefore, members should periodically review their by-laws to see if their need changed. Reviewing the by-laws is an opportunity for members to be honest with themselves about whether the by-laws meet the organization’s current needs. However, over time an organization may make so many changes to the by-laws that a complete revision of the current by-laws is necessary.” TASK FORCE CHAIR Dr. Milagros T. Jocson Dr. Ma. Socoroo M. Solis Dr. Ronaldo R. Santos Dr. Elisa O. Tiu Dr. Lourdes Blanco-Capito ACADEME Dr. Gil S. Gonzalez Dr. Mario A. Bernardino Dr. Efren E. Domingo Dr. Enrico Gil C. Oblepias Dr. Jericho T. P. Luna Dr. Ruth V. Gutierrez 1. Separation of the current POGS BY-LAWS into: a. Constitution b. By-Laws 2. Increase in the number of Board of Trustees from eleven (11) to fifteen (15); 11 NCR, 2 Luzon, 1 Visayas, 1 Mindanao. 3. The Funds of the Society include donations and grants except those that are funded by international and nationaldevelopment agencies and societies for specific services and projects. continued from page 3 CHAIRS was then formed, retaining the ad Adhoc Committee as members, and expanded to constitute the Assembly present here today. PBOG - Dr. Ma. Lilibeth L. Sia Su CREED - Dr. Stella Marie L. Jose TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP In my review of the history of POGS, I discovered that the objectives of convening a convention has remained the same, as outlined by Dr. Tomacruz, which I present to you now: • Reaffirm and rearticulate the objectives of the Society; • Delineate the functions of Standing Committees to maximize efficiency; • Specify the mechanics and role of the Board of Trustees for innovative governance; • Stress our resolve to project the image of a Society caring of its members and cognizant of its responsibility for community service and health manpower development; • Encourage research and date collections; • Recognize and affirm the Society’s role as an active player in the global community of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Dr. Anna Victoria D. Dy-Echo Dr. Agnes S. Estrella Dr. Mila Z. Ibay Dr. Debby P. Songco Dr. May Anne V. Tanaquero PRIVATE Dr. Evelyn R. Lacson Dr. Ricardo R. Braganza Dr. Betha Fe N. Castillo Dr. Concepcion D. Rayel Dr. Lourdes B. Manlongat SUBSPECIALTY SOCIETIES PSCPC - Dr. Rey H. de los Reyes PSGE - Dr. Zoraida R. Umipig PSSTD - Dr. Filomena S. San Juan PSMFM - Dr. Gumersinda C. Javier PSUOG - Dr. Ramon T. Reyles GOVERNMENT Dr. Cynthia F. Tan Dr. Alejandro R. San Pedro REGIONAL DIRECTORS Dr. Ves C. Ramones Dr. Pressie P. Eclarin Dr. Ana Maria Carmen L. Zaballero Dr. Eleanor C. Chacon Dr. Violeta Ellen D. Abelita Dr. Ma. Virginia S. Abalos Dr. Helen Grace C. Roasa Dr. Ruvelinda Grace A. Uy Dr. Leah Louise V. Justiniano Dr. Helen Grace T. Santos Dr. Amy P. Estrella BOT Three major changes are proposed in the revised Constitution and By-Laws: Opening Remarks POGS Constitutional Assembly Dr. Ma. Carmen H. Quevedo Dr. Ditas Cristina D. Decena Dr. Christia S. Padolina Dr. Benjamin D. Cuenca Dr. Rowena M. Auxillos Dr. Virgilio B. Castro Dr. Bianca C. De Guia-Fuerte PAST PRESIDENTS 2013 - Raul M. Quillamor, MD 2012 - Rey H. de los Reyes, MD 2011 - Sylvia A. Carnero, MD 2009 - Lourdes B. Capito, MD 2008 - Ma. Corazon Zaida N. Gamilla, MD 2007 - Rogelio P. Mendiola, MD 2005 - Evelyn P. Palaypayon, MD 2003 - Lyra Ruth C. Chua, MD 2001 - Corazon T. Lim, MD 2000 - Bernardita B. Javier, MD 1999 - Ma. Trinidad R. Vera, MD 1993 - Rebecca M. Ramos, MD 1992 - Leonardo A. Almeda, MD 1991 - Lilia P. Luna, MD 1990 - Virgilio R. Oblepias, MD 1986 - Rainerio S. Abad, MD 1985 - Erlinda G. Germar, MD 1981 - Santiago A. del Rosario, MD I am greatly honored and at the same time awed by the task before me; Chairing an Assembly composed of some of the great minds and figures of the Society – Past Presidents, Regional Directors, PBOG and CREED Chairs, Presidents of Specialty Societies, Members of the Academe, Government, and the private sector is such a daunting task. be sent to each member of the Society sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Business Meeting instead of the thirty (30)days as duly stipulated in the current POGS-By-Laws. This is to ensure that all POGS members have more than enough time to review the proposed revisions. It is expected that the proposed Revised POGS Constitution and ByLaws will be ratified by majority of the POGS members during the Business Meeting come November Annual Convention. The Proposed Revised POGS Constitution and By-Laws shall I believe with conviction, that this Assembly will truly represent the thoughts and opinions of the whole membership of our organization. Let us dissect the Constitution and freely express our thoughts and opinions here and now; Let us be united in our disagreements if that is ever possible; For come November, the whole Body will have to just ratify or reject our creation. We have a truly frmidable, almost sacred task before us, and I hope that we will all rise to the challenge, stay for as long as we can, and be proud that we are playing a crucial role in this historical process. Thank you, and as they say in the Olympics, “Let the games begin!” 2014 POGS Annual Convention th and 68 Anniversary Celebration Theme: Women’s Health: What’s Best? Current Trends and Recommendations November 11 – 14, 2014 • Philippine International Convention Center • Sofitel Philippine Plaza Hotel By Mary Jocelyn Yu – Laygo, MD Convention Secretary Convention Reminders and Highlights • Deadline for pre-registration to the convention is on September 15, 2014 Members 65 years and above are entitled to free registration but are requested to signify their intention through the POGS Secretariat before September 15, 2014. 4 Fellows are exempted from paying registration fees if they: - Have been inducted as Fellow on or before November 2010 - Are in good standing and have settled their annual dues by June 30, 2014 - Signify their intention to attend in writing or by returning the registration slip • Evaluation Forms will be given to get feedbacks of the annual meeting as proposed by the Scientific Committee. Certificate of Attendance will be released upon presentation of the Feedback Evaluation Form. • Reminder : to bring your POGS membership ID during the convention. Lost ID has to be replaced a month before the convention at the POGS Office or on site with a fee of P500. • Deadline for submission of materials for publication in the souvenir program is September 12, 2014 • November 9, 2014 • Sunday: POGS Sportsfest “Push mo yan Teh! Coach mo yan Kuya” at the Meralco Gym Pasig City from 6:00 am to 12 Noon. Events for Senior Citizens will be available and competition for Mr. & Ms. POGS Sportsfest which is also open for senior citizens. • November 9, 2014 • Sunday, 1st Postgraduate Course of the Philippine Society for the Study of Trophoblastic Diseases at the Century Park Hotel Manila • November 11, 2014 • Tuesday, Philippine Society of Urogynecology & Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery (PSURPS) Pre-Congress Hands-on-Workshop “Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS): Evaluation & Repair of Perineal Lacerations” 7:30 am to 12:00 noon, Banquet Hall 2, PICC 5 FULL NAME Ramon D. Abanes, MD Maryll Morales-Abaño, MD Palmaida G. Datudacula-Abdullah, MD Audrey Harriette D. Agbuya, MD Eliza Blanche Santos-Alay-Ay, MD Aimee A. Alvarico, MD Natividad B. Go-Anat, MD Zarina R. Balagtas, MD Anabelle Bachoco-Balaoing, MD Rosemin De los Trinos-Balbido, MD Cecille Cabrera Balintong, MD Shahreza L. Baquiran, MD Rosemarie Garcia-Baquiring, MD Maria P. Patricia M. Benedicto, MD Jennifer D. Lampa-Cabrera, MD June Grace Baldoza-Cajucom, MD Kristine E. Callao, MD Ma. Rochelle V. Calleja, MD Ma. Adonna M. Castillo, MD Richelle Josie Judy V. Castro, MD Lily Rose S. De La Concepcion-Co, MD Rosalia Edelmina S. Cruz, MD Omega Fralix G. Cruz, MD Ma. Milagros M. Datu, MD Anna Philina Avelina R. David, MD Mailanie Grace T. De Cadiz, MD Melissa Lourdes De Quiros, MD May Ann Princess Del Moral, MD Michelle L. Desierto, MD Rachel Zosima M. Dollano, MD Connie Marie B. Domingo, MD Melia Razon F. Dulay, MD Adora Christine Felix, MD Maria Margarita O. Florentino, MD Mary Grace Lourde D.G. Flores, MD Khristie Lynn A. Fontanilla, MD Celeste Z. Francisco, MD Nerissa M. Gabriel, MD Rhodora Gerodias Gagwis, MD Marie Lou L. Gallego, MD Cherryl Erika C. Gammad, MD Rachel C. Kong-Garcia, MD Jenny U. Garcia-Sedillo, MD Ma. Isidora Margarita Y. Garcia, MD Yvonne D. Garin, MD Christine Love G. Gascon, MD Tawny Ann C. Gaspar, MD Katherine L. Ola-Gimao, MD Catherine T. Go, MD Charmaine B. Gomez, MD Emmylou M. Gonzales, MD Shiela Marie E. Gonzales, MD .Jennifer Olalia-Gonzales, MD Florely Joy Estrera- Gregorio, MD Raquel C. Groyon, MD Charisse G. Pascual-Guerrero, MD Lorelie V. Guevarra, MD Ruby Ann B. Guevarra, MD Cristina G. Querimit-Habacon, MD Ainon T. Hairane, MD Maureen Reyes-Higoy, MD Sherry Ann Wee-Holaysan, MD Jenny Lynn E. Idea, MD Ma. Victoria Espinosa-Jarata, MD Emmylou DR. Jocson, MD Sheryll Mae Y. Kua, MD Catherine Chua-Lapastora, MD Mildred Barredo-Llanto, MD Ma. Paz Christina M. Lobrin, MD Maria Sirikit Moral-Macatangay, MD Helen V. Madamba, MD Jennifer Obiles-Madera, MD Asnairah C. Magangcong, MD Angelito D.L. Magno, MD Sherry Silva-Mamasig, MD Myleen Guillermo-Manzano, MD Sharon Marie G. Marcial, MD Nadia Veronica Madrazo-Mariano, MD Mary Rose D. Mateo, MD Donna Belle Stoney Magpantay-Matibag, MD Jeanette R. Mendoza, MD Eiselle Alfonso-Meneses, MD Adele Marie S. Muntuerto-Monicit, MD Jacqueline Galang-Musñgi, MD Soraya M. Muti, MD Antonette Jordan- Napoles, MD Wendy R. Nicanor, MD Anna Katrina Gerodias-Osorio, MD Suzette S. Aquino, MD Rasnaifah D. Batugan - Pundato MD Jaclyn Cheryl Kate Lee-Rabo, MD Shelley I. Bacus-Ramos, MD Jenny C. Reaport, MD Darlene T. Revelo, MD Ivy Karen B. Romero, MD Analyn E. Sanchez, MD Mee B. Silao, MD Maria Rosario G. Silverio, MD Anna Katrina I. Sobritchea, MD Maria Jenina M. Soyao, MD Ivy Joy B. Sueno, MD Leilani Go-Suva, MD Carlos Benedict A. Tan, MD Eileen Grace F. Tancinco, MD Pinky G. Tangonan, MD Alfie Tidy L. Tayo, MD Evelyn M. Camantiles-Tello, MD Criseline D. Tolentino, MD Aileen P. Tomboc, MD Marbee Pherenice Torrizo, MD Jacqueline V. Tuazon, MD Cristina Bea-Tumbokon, MD Eleyneth L. Ilagan- Valencia, MD Rose Joy C. David-Vallega, MD Christie Gwen G. Varona, MD Ria Veronica Carino-Victoria, MD Minette T. Yap, MD Rhodora Ann Francisco-Yap, MD Olivia Kristina Habaña-Zorilla, MD NEW FELLOWS REGION REG-5 NCR REG-10 NCR NCR REG-11 NCR NCR REG-6 NCR NCR REG-2 NCR NCR REG-3 NCR REG-11 REG-6 REG-4 REG-5 NCR REG-3 NCR NCR REG-3 NCR NCR REG-4 NCR NCR NCR REG-1 NCR NCR NCR REG-10 NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR REG-9 NCR NCR REG-1 REG-6 NCR REG-4 NCR REG-11 REG-11 REG-4 REG-3 REG-1 NCR NCR REG-3 REG-3 NCR REG-7 NCR REG-7 REG-4 REG-1 NCR REG-6 REG-6 REG-4 NCR REG-4 NCR NCR REG-10 NCR NCR REG-4 REG-1 NCR REG-3 REG-4 REG-4 NCR REG-7 NCR REG-10 REG-11 NCR NCR REG-11 REG-10 NCR REG-11 NCR REG-10 REG-3 REG-4 REG-6 NCR NCR NCR REG-11 NCR REG-10 NCR REG-4 REG-6 REG-1 REG-2 NCR REG-7 NCR NCR NCR REG-6 REG-7 REG-4 NCR REG-7 NCR FIRST ENDORSER Sirikit D. Zafra, MD Marietta S. Sapaula, MD Salamah P. Carim, MD Evelyn P. Palaypayon, MD Corazon M.Quesada, MD Louella Jeanne A. Lao, MD Magdalena C. Casuela, MD Arabella Q. Servas, MD Ma. Sisa B. Fernandez, MD Florante P. Gonzaga, MD Maria Elsa Espino Aquino, MD Grace Marie M. Marcos, MD Elizabeth King Supelana, MD Cherish Marie B. Songco, MD Rosemarie Queenie M. Ramos, MD Genevieve Marie P. De Vera, MD Glynda Postrero Capoy, MD Dyan Valerie Bionat-Chua, MD Ma. Ruzena D. Opulencia, MD Cristet Bigornia Sales, MD Caroline L. Ty, MD Ana Maria C. Malabanan, MD Ma. Regale Noemi O. Sotto, MD Enrico Gil C. Oblepias, MD Concepcion Garcia Pantig, MD Delfin A. Tan, MD Genara A. Manuel Limson, MD Ramon M. Gonzalez, MD Maria Lu D. Andal, MD Emmanuel L. Dagala, MD Ma. Luisa S. Acu, MD Teresita Pilando Agbanlog, MD Maribel P. Lopez, MD Lisa Teresa P. Jabson, MD Melissa De Lumen Amosco, MD Reynaldo Imbang Chu, MD Manuel, Jr. M. Ramos, MD Arlene R. Dominguez, MD Norberto Jim G. Agad, MD Carmencita S. Solidum, MD Evelyn P. Palaypayon, MD Suzette Sebastian Montuno, MD Lynn A. Ramirez-Amurao, MD DElfin A. Tan, MD Teresita Pilando Agbanlog, MD Ma.Gemma Victoria P. Trasporto, MD Enrico Gil C. Oblepias, MD Odette DC. Cariño-Sinay, MD Irene Yuchongtian Sy, MD Veronica Mallari Deniega, MD Amelia A. Vega, MD Maria Monina V. Briones, MD Irene Capati Manalastas, MD Maria Constancia Celina C. Ferraris, MD Rosa Niñez Balce Velante-Nierva, MD Ma. Victoria Valmonte Torres, MD Jeanette Cabigting Samonte, MD Christian Joanna B. Rey-Matias, MD Jean S. Go-Du, MD Belinda Noval Pañares, MD Ma. Victoria Valmonte Torres, MD Gladys L. Simon Pelicano, MD Floriza Crisostomo Salvador, MD Richard Ronald B. Cacho, MD Blesilda Rosario Peroña, MD Mariter Villacorte Mendoza, MD Ruth Jink L. Aposaga, MD Ernesto, Jr. S. Naval, MD Ma. Victoria D.L. Rey Hipolito, MD Cynthia B. De Leon, MD Pherdes Escalona Galbo, MD Victoria Sy Fernando, MD Dayres D. Relliquette, MD Elizabeth E. Espino-Strebel, MD Elizabeth F. Felipe, MD Jennifer F. Austria, MD Yvonne Toquero Soriano, MD Elizabeth F. Felipe, MD Rowena J. Labao, MD Rinna Ritchie Alday Atienza, MD Conrado P. Crisostomo, MD Maria Estrella Y. Flores, MD Belinda Noval Pañares, MD Ella Marie Paladio Gaspar, MD Mary Ann E. Ratag, MD Gloria Ancheta Redoble, MD Nora Ignacio Silao, MD Barbara Ann B. Coma, MD Jocelyn P. Saludares-Cadayona, MD Salamah A. Pandapatan-Carim, MD Marivic Tan Vera Cruz, MD Constancia Wilhelmina Torres-Solis, MD Maria Eleanor N. Bizares, MD Maria Eleanor N. Bizares, MD Suzette Sebastian Montuno, MD Ma. Ruzena D. Opulencia, MD Maria Geraldine Lorenzo Gubatina, MD Elmer Reyes Santos, MD Elizabeth Crispino Israel, MD Leah A. De Ocampo, MD Ruth Sampiano-Reginaldo, MD Ramon M. Gonzalez, MD Maria Joeva D. Yap, MD Louisito T. Masangkay, MD Ma. Lilibeth R. Manguera, MD Gay Margaret Lopez Lavalle, MD Teresita Pilando Agbanlog, MD Grace Marie M. Marcos, MD Anita Matilda F. Poblete, MD Evelyn Cabrera Tam, MD Zeny Maquilan Malilay, MD Vladimir P. Samonte, MD Evangelina Cruz Duran, MD Evelyn R. Lacson, MD Asuncion Del Prado-Tremedal, MD Maria Cresencia R. Gacoba, MD Zeny Maquilan Malilay, MD Tabetha Saceda Galindo, MD Walfrido Wenceslao Sumpaico, MD SECOND ENDORSER Eleanor C. Chacon, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Leah Louise V. Justiniano, MD Abigail Castro, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Helen Grace T. Santos, MD Carmelita P. Recto, MD Vanessa F. Santos, MD Ma. Suzette Correa Miclat, MD Ma. Cecilia G. Vicencio, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Claire G. Gonzalez, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Raul M. Quillamor, MD Pressie Pascual Eclarin, MD Ma. Theresa M. Vergara, MD Helen Grace T. Santos, MD Luz Fugoso Altarejos, MD Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD Eleanor C. Chacon, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Pressie Pascual Eclarin, MD Elsie Inostro Callos, MD Carolina Paula C. Martin, MD Eileen Co Sy, MD Menefrida Sison Reyes, MD Santiago A. del Rosario, MD Ma. Corazon Zaida N. Gamilla, MD Albert B. Arreza, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Rogelio P. Mendiola, MD Maria Lorena L. Santos, MD Ma. Cecilia G. Vicencio, MD Susan P. Lazaga, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Sarah B. Pingol, MD LTC. Eugenia E. Mendoza Amy P. Estrella, MD Helen Grace T. Santos, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Abigail Elsie de Guzman-Castro, MD Ma. Gay M. Gonzales, MD Manuel S. Manabat, MD MEnefrida Sison Reyes, MD Maria Lorena L. Santos, MD Mariter Villacorte Mendoza, MD Carolina Paula C. Martin, MD Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD Marivic Tan-Vera Cruz, MD Rosemarie F. Buenaventura, MD Helen Grace T. Santos, MD Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD Eileen Co Sy, MD Ruth Judith Gay V. Cristobal, MD Delfin A. Tan, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Agnes Magana Gaddi, MD Agnes Magana Gaddi, MD Delfin A. Tan, MD Maria Virginia S. Abalos, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Maria Virginia S. Abalos, MD Soledad Chu Crisostomo, MD Aurora Lopez Valdez, MD Ma. Cecilia G. Vicencio, MD Violeta Ellen D. Abelita, MD Gay Margaret Lopez Lavalle, MD Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD Rosendo R. Roque, M.D. Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD Belinda Noval Pañares, MD Elizabeth S. Go, MD Sarah B. Pingol, MD Manuel S. Manabat, MD Rainerio S. Abad, MD Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD Aurora Lopez Valdez, MD Delfin A. Tan, MD Pilar Lagman-Dy, MD Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD Soledad Chu Crisostomo, MD Rogelio P. Mendiola, MD Maria Virginia S. Abalos, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Sarah B. Pingol, MD Nurlinda Pañgilan Arumpac, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Manuel S. Manabat, MD Agnes Rana Resurreccion, MD Leah Louise V. Justiniano, MD Elizabeth S. Go, MD Helen Grace T. Santos, MD Delfin A. Tan, MD Sarah B. Pingol, MD Eileen Co Sy, MD Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD Violeta Ellen D. Abelita, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Amy P. Estrella, MD Luz Fugoso Altarejos, MD Helen Grace T. Santos, MD Ma. Corazon Zaida N. Gamilla, MD Sarah B. Pingol, MD Ma. Theresa M. Vergara, MD Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD Violeta Ellen D. Abelita, MD Maria Lorena L. Santos, MD Claire G. Gonzalez, MD Ma.Trinidad Reyes Vera, MD Maria Virginia S. Abalos, MD Elizabeth S. Go, MD Sylvia Ramirez Calingo, MD Leilani C. Coloma, MD Luz Fugoso Altarejos, MD Maria Virginia S. Abalos, MD Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD Elizabeth S. Go, MD Ma. Asuncion Hipolita B. Libre, MD Susan P. Lazaga, MD 2014 POGS Annual Convention and 68th Anniversary Celebration Theme: Women’s Health: What’s Best? Current Trends and Recommendations continued from page 4 • November 11, 2014 • Tuesday - Registration booth open from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm - Opening Ceremonies & Welcome Reception “It’s POGS Time” (with the Baldomero Roxas Memorial Lecture, Awards and Induction of Diplomates) 5:00 pm at the Sofitel Philippine Plaza Ballroom • November 12, 2014 • Wednesday - Registration booth open from 6:00 am – 11 am and 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm - Cutting of ribbon and ceremonial opening of exhibits 7:00 am at Forums 1,2,3 beside PICC - Plenary Lectures 8:00 am – 11 am at PICC Reception Hall - Annual Business Meeting 11:00 am – 2:00 pm at the PICC Reception Hall - Simultaneous Sessions 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at PICC Meeting Rooms 2,3,4,5,6 - Fellowship Night “Retro Magic” with Louie Reyes of New Minstrels and 8 Trac Band 6:00 pm at Sofitel Philippine Plaza Ballroom • November 13, 2014 • Thursday - Registration booth open from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm - Election for the Board of Trustees 7:00 am – 2:00 pm at PICC Leader’s Hall - Plenary Lectures 8:00 am – 11:00 am at PICC Reception Hall - Simultaneous Industry-sponsored Luncheon Symposia 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm at PICC Meeting Rooms - Simultaneous Sessions 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at PICC Meeting Rooms • November 14, 2014 Friday - Registration booth closed - Plenary Lectures 8:00 am – 11:00 am at PICC Summit Hall C and D - Simultaneous Industry-sponsored Luncheon Symposia 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm at PICC Meeting Rooms - Simultaneous Sessions 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at PICC Meeting Rooms - Closing Ceremonies (Induction of Fellows and Induction of Incoming Officers) 5:00 pm at Sofitel Phillippine Plaza Ballroom 5 I t took some time before I could sit down and write this article. I guess this will have to go directly to the printing press. Much has transpired since the last Newsletter was published. There has been a circus of events and a roller coaster of emotions such that I was lost for words when it was time for me to write about it. W e are more than halfway through the year and a lot has been happening and still needs to be done. We just celebrated the Society’s 68th Foundation Day with the theme Mystique Masquerade with the members decked out in serene blue and vibrant silver. In two years’ time, we will be celebrating our Platinum (70th) anniversary, another milestone to look forward to. Last August 2-3, 2014 the Consti“We just tutional Assembly was convened celebrated following the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee to review the Society’s the Constitution that it was in68th Foundation deed time to institute changes to Day . . . In two address the needs of the growing society. Members of the Assemyears’ time, bly consisted of Past Presidents, we will be Presidents of Subspecialty Sociecelebrating ties, representatives from PBOG, CREED, Academe, Private and Govour Platinum ernment Sectors who all worked (70th) hard to craft a constitution which anniversary, will be presented to the members during the Annual Business Meetanother ing. Copies of the constitution will milestone to be sent months in advance so you look forward can study it well. Your presence is extremely important during this to”. business meeting where you will ratify or reject the constitution as revised. Likewise, it is imperative that you vote to continue the corporate life of POGS since this is expiring in 2015. Updates will be posted on the POGS website and facebook page So please like our facebook page. Our POGS website is undergoing a facelift and we hope the changes will please our members. We congratulate the new set of POGS Diplomates and Fellows to be inducted this November and we welcome you into our society. POGS will surely benefit from young blood with new ideas and still full of energy as we face bigger challenges. The third quarter of the year started with the joyous celebration of the Society’s 68th Foundation Day held last July 6. The theme “Mystique” was very appropriate for the occasion. Everyone was excited to come in their blue and silver attires. There was that air of mystery, since most weren’t aware of what was really going to happen during that day with many inquiring as to the meaning of the theme. Anyway, everyone and notably the Past Presidents and PBOG Chairs enjoyed the photobooth wearing their colourful masks and getting an instant copy of their pictures. Just like in previous Foundation day celebrations, this was one real good time for reunion and bonding, reminiscing how the society was 68 years ago and how it has grown to what it is now. The Foundation Day is a time to recognize our predecessors, those who have unselfishly given their time and continue to significantly contribute to the Society’s progress. The event was marked by a Eucharistic celebration, a sumptuous dinner, fine music, words of wisdom from a Past President, tokens of appreciation and most especially the joyful camaraderie. Needless to say, everybody went home with a smile on their face with another occasion to remember and definitely something to look forward to in the future. In August 2-3, 2014 at the Summit Ridge Hotel, Tagaytay, 64 prominent POGS members convened for the purpose of revising the POGS Constitution and By-Laws. In attendance were 18 Past Presidents, 11 Board of Trustees, 12 Regional Directors, 5 Subspecialty Presidents, PBOG and CREED Chairs, 11 representatives from the Academe, Private and Government Sectors and 5 hardworking members of the technical working group to document the proceedings of the assembly. It can be recalled that in 1991, a Constitutional Convention was held whose ultimate goal was to make a constitution that would be relevant and responsive to the needs of the society. Last December 11, 2103, during the joint meeting of the 2013 and 2014 Board of Trustees, the President-Elect pondered over the various issues and concerns that have arisen during the daily affairs of the Society. In 2014, in the subsequent meetings of the BOT, the idea came about that it may be timely to review the Constitution and By-Laws to address these issues and concerns which have emanated since the last Constitutional Convention, 23 years ago. The needs of this large, almost 3,500 membership was given full consideration. Thus, an Adhoc committee was created to review the Constitution and By-Laws, assess and establish the needs, and based on its output to look into the merits of holding another Constitutional Convention. After conducting an in-depth analysis, careful and thorough study, the ad hoc committee recommended its revision to the BOT; thus the creation of the Task Force on Revision to include the original members of the ad hoc committee. The members of the Task Force comprised the delegation of the Constitutional Assembly. The output of the assembly was a product of 2 days of discussions, deliberations, debates and arguments. It was truly an intelligent encounter, long and tiring, but definitely fruitful and productive. This was full evidence of the unselfish commitment and untiring efforts of all the delegates, particularly that of our dear Past Presidents who significantly shared their words of wisdom. The final draft of the revised Constitution and By-Laws will be sent by mail to all the members this coming September to give ample time to read and understand the revisions that have been made and eventually for ratification during the Business Meeting in the Annual Convention on November 12, 2014. Committee on Newsletter, Public Information and Foundation Day 2014 Ma. Socorro M. Solis, MD P.R.O. and Chairman & Editor-in-Chief Rosa P. Capinpin, MD • Leilani ChavezColoma, MD • Ma. Margarita Leticia D. Gellaco, MD • Anna Lynn A. Matignas, MD Cleofe B. Medina, MD Members 6 Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society Foundation Inc. (POGS) Another important item to be taken up during the Business Meeting, aside from the ratification of the Constitution, is the renewal of the Corporate Life of the Society which will expire in 2016. Likewise, approval of the membership is needed for the increase in the number of Board of Trustees from 11 to 15, to include Regional Representation. These three (3) issues (i.e. ratification of the Constitution, extension of the Society’s Corporate Life and addition of BOT members) have to be voted upon when we meet in November. For this very reason, I enjoin all members to attend the Annual Business Meeting and be a part of these important decisions for our beloved Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society. There have been a number of national as well domestic issues that the Board has faced in the previous months and a detailed narration might not be practical at this point. Rest assured, that the BOT whom you have voted upon remains strong and persistent in meeting with these challenges and responsibilities that go with the position. “The final draft of the revised Constitution and By-Laws will be sent by mail to all the members this coming September to give ample time to read and understand the revisions that have been made and eventually for ratification during the Business Meeting in the Annual Convention on November 12, 2014 . . . . Another important item to be taken up during the Business Meeting, aside from the ratification of the Constitution, is the renewal of the Corporate Life of the Society which will expire in 2016. Likewise, approval of the membership is needed for the increase in the number of Board of Trustees from 11 to 15, to include Regional Representation. These three (3) issues (i.e. ratification of the Constitution, extension of the Society’s Corporate Life and addition of BOT members) have to be voted upon when we meet in November. CREED Matters T POGSLYMPICS 2014: he second Training of Trainers was successfully held last July 26, 2014. It was attended by chairmen and training officers of 92 hospitals accredited for training. The meeting was presided by Dr. Stella Marie L. Jose, the current Chair for CREED. Dr. Stella Marie L. Jose lectured on Clinical Teaching Skills. Dr. Efren J. Domingo discussed the Role of Consultants/ Chairs/ Training Officers in Enhancing Research Skills among Residents’ in Evidence Based-Medicine and Dr. Jacinto Blas V. Mantaring gave a concise lecture on Critical Appraisals of Journals. Dr. Jose Maria C. Avila lectured on How to Detect Plagiarism. It was defined as the act of presenting another’s work as your own. Some reasons why students/residents plagiarize is because they lack research skills, lack time, have careless notetaking and are confused on how to cite their resources. Finally, he showed several Plagiarism checkers such as Viper, Plagiarism checker and Cross Check. I am enjoining all my colleagues in POGS to guide our residents by strictly adhering to ethical work and citing references as needed. Gearing up for the Mutual Reciprocity Act of Asia (MRA), Dr. Zoraida R. Umipig, President of Philippine Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy, was given the opportunity to present their recommendations for the incorporation of endoscopy in the residency training program during the CREED meeting. The CREED manual which is almost five (5) years in the making is finally out. This will be used to guide the chairs and the training officers in the residency training program. Kindly take note that some of the recommendations written there are one notch higher than those required by PBOG. Last August 2-3, 2014 in Tagaytay, together with 19 Past Presidents, 2 Chairs, 11 Regional Directors and the 2014 BOT, we embarked on improving the constitution to make it MORE responsive to changing times. Just like other bigger organizations like AOFOG and PMA, POGS President Dr. Maricar Quevedo saw it fit to ‘revisit’ our constitution. Among other things, major changes include the following: separating the Constitution and the By-Laws. (Presently our constitution is a hodgepodge combination.); from the current eleven (11) board of Trustees, there is a proposal to increase the number to fifteen (15) with four slots allotted to increase regional representation. On November 12, Wednesday, during the business meeting, we will all cast our votes to decide on these vital issues. We will start the business meeting promptly after the last scientific session on the first day of our convention. We will ask all active members to stay at Reception Hall, PICC. After the president has presented the SEC proposal and constitution and By-Laws, we will vote YES or NO to these issues and cast them in the same venue. • Approval of the proposed changes in the constitution and ByLaws. 2014 is a pivotal year. The corporate life of POGS is expiring in 2016. This year, we will cast our votes EXTENDING the corporate life of POGS. The BOT has already made the resolution favoring the extension of our corporate life. We need a majority vote to ratify this resolution. ere we are again... seems that time really flies fast. It’s been a year since the last POGSLYMPICS and once again the Committee on Sports would like to invite you to our POGSLYMPICS 2014: Push mo yan, teh!. This will be held on November 9, 2014 at the MERALCO ORANGE GYM, Meralco compound, Ortigas Center. We promise you a half-day of fun, camaraderie and sportsmanship as we witness 6 cluster groups competing with one another in the spirit of friendship. If you enjoyed last year’s POGSLYMPICS, this year will be better. We will be choosing our Muse and Escort, which our senior members (by senior we mean 60 years old and above and of good standing in POGS) will compete in. There will be the usual events like the minute to win it, hula hoop relay race, fug of war, 3 on 3 all-girls basketball game and the much awaited cheer dance competition. Cash prizes and trophies will be given to the winners of the cheer dance competition. There will be raffle prizes too.... Guidelines for the activity will be sent to your respective clusters before the event day. So in behalf of this year’s sports committee, I am inviting all of you to come and share this day with us.... See you on November 9! I am calling upon all members to exercise our right and vote during the business meeting. • Approval for the extension of the corporate life of POGS. Duty as active member of POGS H We’re almost in the last quarter of the year and activity in POGS is at its peak. I’d like to personally thank Ms. Ida Alano for being our acting executive officer from March 1 to Sep- By Marinella Agnes G. Abat, MD tember 30, 2014. I’d like to thank Ida for sharing her time, talent and expertise. You’re presence helped us thru the critical period of transition when you went on board last March one. I learned from you and the rest of the secretariat too on a different management style. Godspeed to you when you go to Canada. An ‘old timer’ Imelda Malubag will be officially the acting executive officer of POGS by September 1. To our members, the POGS Secretariat staff is here to serve you. For any issues and concerns kindly e-mail me at 2014 NEW DIPLOMATES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. ACOSTA, Karen A. ADAN, Christine Mae P. SAMONTE ALAMO, Ma. Carla ALBITO, Gody Magnolia S. ALDE, Rezelyn R. ALINSUNURIN, Alma Rose Y. ALVARINA, Chicanee M. ARREZA, Efrie Sheila L. ATENCIO, Marjorie S. NAVA-AUTO, Alona L. BADILLO, Jaimie B. BAGUE, Carole I. BARBERO, Brenda A. VALLEDOR-BERCES JRA, Ely B. BORJA, Mariliese Maria Luisa Esperanza L. BRAZAL, Dinah Marion A. BALTAZAR-BUAQUIÑA, Ann Carmel P. CABALLES, Daisy May S. CURATO-CABIGON, Michelle Anne C. CABRERA, Penelope G. CAÑIZARES, Bella Emiko B. CANSENAJE, Daisy A. MARASIGAN-CASTELL, Maria May M. CASTRO, Lilibeth A. CASTRO Anne Catherine A. CHUA, Olivia Jane C. CUADRA, Cristina R. JAVIER-CURA, Lloren DALMACIO, Marie L. de CASTRO, Romalyn P. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. DECLARADOR, Christine V. DE JESUS, Emaleen Sheila V. DE LA FUENTE, Jaydee Anne E. DELEÑA, Mary Ann C. DE MATA, Christine Denisse A. DE PERALTA, Krisanne G. DE VERA, Leah D. DELA CRUZ, Ana Lee S. DELA CRUZ, Carla L. DELA ROSA, Kim S. DOMINGO, Mary Eleanor B. DURBAN, Claudine Carmel A. ABEL-DY, Ana Loraine D. MARIANO-ENRIQUE, Klarisa A. ESCLETO, Herlyn B. CALLO-FERMANTEZ, Joanne M. FLORES, Joan Claire S. FUERTES, Flordelesa C. GALANG, Karizza Claire E. GALLITO, Zedrix I. NEVADO-GAMMAD, Mariel S. GAMO, Eugene Amor R. GARCIA, Jeannet A. GELLIDO, Yvette Lindsy P. GISBERT, Suzette Marie Frances A. GONZALEZ, Imee D. SEROJE-GONZALES, Mylah R. GONZALES, Xyreen DM. GUTIERREZ, Aurora A. TAUB-HERNANDO, Donnabelle R. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. HERNANDO, Mona Liza E. HUGO, Lovella G. GUINTO-ILARDE, Cherry Lou JAVIER, Joycee E. JULKIPLI, Jehana M. ROSUELO-KATIGBAC, Naida LAGAYA, Fedeliza C. LASCUNA, Chiara Mae O. LATAP, Ronald R. LIANKO, Rona Joy B. LIRAZAN, Ryan Joseph B. LUCIDO, Marie Carmela Y. OCAMPO-LUZUNG, Jaymee A. MADLANG-AWA, Hazel DP. HERRERA-MAGHUYOP, Rominia Bernardine M. MAGPALE, Shiela T. MANALOTO, Russell C. MARAMBA, Ma. Liza R. MASANGCAY, Gina G. MAYBAY, Caryl S. MEDINA, Cheryl A. SANTIAGO-MILLARES, Sheryl MONTECLARO, Mylene. M.I. MONSANTO, Iris R. MORALES, Donna Marie M. NGO, Analyn T. OLANDA, Yvonne Y SANTOS-PABLO, Romina TOMESA-PAHANG, Heidie PALMA, Michelle Dominica V. 91. PANGAN, Annalyn S. 92. PESA, Maria Vilma G. 93. REVECHO, Niña Patricia G. 94. REYES, Consuelo D. 95. RIVERA, Mary Ann D. 96. ROY, Armi Angela L. 97. SALES, Fritzie Aurea J. 98. SALONGA, Lorelie 99. SALVADOR, Chandra B. 100. LEE-SALVADOR, Rhea Stephanie C. 101. SALVAÑA, Carmina France R. 102. SAMONTE, Kathleen Gizelle J. 103. SAN LUIS, Mary Grace U. 104. SANTIAGO, Andrea 105. SANTIAGO, Ma. Cristine M. 106. SANTOS, Ma. Sheryl Lyle M. 107. AIROSO-SANTOS, Zenaida S. 108. SORIANO, Rowena C. 109. SUAREZ, Maria Nanette G. 110. SY, Ann Leslie C. 111. TINGKAHAN, Jojo Y. 112. TIONGSON, Sarah Mylene G. 113. TY, Ann Ann T. 114. TY, Maricel V. 115. VALLES, Desiree Anne R. 116. VELOSO, Limavel Ann M. 117. VILLARUEL, Karyl B. 118. YAESO, Ma. Hope Joy B. 7 By Jocelyn M. Zamora-Mariano, MD, FPOGS, FSGOP I have been putting off the invitation to attend the ALARM Course. For one, I can not stay overnight because there are still my school kids I have to assist with their performance tasks (assignments). Number two, I have asked myself at times, do I really have to? I have been teaching for quite awhile, I felt I was sufficient. So when the ALARM secretariat said there were still available slots for August 15-17, 2014, I signed up having been invited as a member of CREED. The three-day ALARM Course changed my impression. I rode with my co-CREED member and former Microbiology teacher, Dr. Au Llanera on the way to Acewater Spa and Hotel Suites where the three-day course was held. It was like PBB’S Bahayni Kuya, hindi pwedeng lumabas. We were late, a bit. When we entered the lecture room, there were just four of us who were over 45 years old in the room. The rest were all yuppies, some fresh from their oral examinations and I bet you, they were loaded. They will certainly shame us in the written exams. This got me alarmed. There were familiar faces in the room. The Course Faculty were all known personalities of POGS-former mentors, fellow faculty members in UST, my colleagues in SGOP, and my previous buddies in PBOG. This got me alarmed, too. I was now having jitters as a student once again. One of my co-participants approached me and said, “Lecturer po ba kayo, Doctora?” When I said I was not, and I was there as a participant like she was, I saw her look of disbelief. I was trying to read her mind; probably she was thinking why would a more than 45 year-old like me still be attending this. “Kaya pa kaya ng “thunders” na ito?”, she probably mused. Dr. Rowena Auxillos was firm with her rules – promptness was foremost. The faculty started on time with their lectures sticking to the time allotted, no fuss, just direct to the point kind of lectures as SOGC would want it. She was strict with the attendance, she did spot checking. Every lecture was listened to attentively; can’t be caught sleeping because Dr. Cherrie Solis was there to document everything. EVERYTHING. After listening to 15 lectures at the end of the day, I felt my neurons complaining, having to imbibe too much for one day. I went home that night going through the course manual for the second time (the first was this morning as I was trying to keep up with the lecturers. The manual was just a beautiful prop on my table for a week). That night, I tried to go back to what we had that morning because after tomorrow would be the dreaded Day 3 – EXAM Day. Oh, we weren’t worried about Day 3. No, not a bit. We just didn’t want to receive a letter several weeks after the course that we have a reserved seat for the next ALARM Course should we fail the written exam and the OSCE. The WRITTEN EXAM and the OSCE!!! I am at a stage where I was making exams and manning the OSCE in my hospital, now here I am with the course manual on the table trying to absorb what these black printed letters are trying to tell me. My fifteen-year old daughter who was studying for her quarterly exams the next day asked what I was doing. I said “I’m studying.” She asked what I was studying for. I told her it was for ALARM, Then she quipped, “Then why are you sleeping?” Well, as “ Indeed, when I was asked to give my insights of the Course, I could not have been prouder of myself, proud to have gone through this challenge and survived it. The experience was humbling. Humbling in a way, because it made me realize there is much more that I have to refine with what I know. I owe it to my students and to my trainees that I impart to them the knowledge of how things are correctly and should be done. ” a student once again, there are just some habits that are hard to break, like more sleeping time than reading time. Day 2 was more intense because after the lectures in the morning came the workshop in the afternoon. It was fun going through the mnemonics, practicing on the mannequins, in between pica-pica of mixed nuts and chips at the Dystocia and EFM stations. Being more than 45 yearolds, my partner, Dr. Llanera and I were always asked to go first in the practice demonstrations for several reasons: 1. The younger ones were being polite and respectful of their elders, 2. They wanted to hear us mumble errors probably, and laugh at how our degenerating neurons are getting into us, or 3. They were probably saying, if the oldies can, then we can, too. I was amazed at how Dr. Solis demonstrated breech extraction, annotating everything in just one sentence like she didn’t breathe all. My goodness! I think the only punctuation mark she knew was a period after she blurted the procedure from “Call for help” to “Document”. I knew the different maneuvers for shoulder dystocia but to be able to demonstrate this in front of my teacher, Dr. Ruth Gutierrez, made my heart pound fast. I have always been a good, educable student and resident, I certainly don’t want to fail her now. The night before the exams I tried to study some more but the bed was beckoning me to warm her, and so I did. Alas! The thoughts of tomorrow’s exam haunted my dreams. The mannequins, the partographs, the VACUUM, and the forceps filled my night thoughts. The next day, my husband was asking why I was quiet the whole time we were driving back to the hotel. I hushed him and told him to leave me in my silence less I forget what the “D” is in the forceps mnemonics. We were given our questionnaires and answer sheets exactly at 8:05 am of Day 3, after the morning prayers. As the first 5 students were called to go to the OSCE room, I looked at my questionnaire and I heaved a sigh. This is probably how my students feel during their exams. It was a 200-item exam and I had more blanks than answers on my paper. Whew! When numbers 11,12,14,15, and 16 were called, I stopped answering my test questions and reviewed quietly the procedures for the OSCE. My head was really spinning, temples throbbing, Dr. Luwee Coloma probably sensed a tinge of panic enveloping me, she asked me, ”Would you like some coffee or tea?” I shook my head. At that moment, I felt even a gulp of water would flush down all that I have memorized out of my brain. Then 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 were called. We sat in line and waited to which station we were assigned to. I got shoulder dystocia first. To my surprise, what I thought was a panic mode switched on inside me, I enumerated the ALARM calmly, just as how I was teaching the Junior Interns in Operative Obstetrics. I was careful with my words, less I add another term in Dr. Lourdes Capito’s ALARM “blooper-bulary”. I felt I nailed it. I did not. I forgot to do an Episiotomy. I had my mistakes, this and that, in the other stations as well. It was more nerve-wracking because the facilitators were not saying anything during the entire time the participants were blabbering. Of course, in the breech station, not only did the facilitators listened, the participant’s return demo was documented. After the fifth station, I felt I was relieved but I had to finish the written exam. Darn! Can’t wait to guess my answer for number 200. Indeed, when I was asked to give my insights of the Course, I could not have been prouder of myself, proud to have gone through this challenge and survived it. The experience was humbling. Humbling in a way, because it made me realize there is much more that I have to refine with what I know. I owe it to my students and to my trainees that I impart to them the knowledge of how things are correctly and should be done. When I was secretary of PBOG, I was looking at a way how things/procedures can be standardized for all the residents to adapt. This is probably one of the answers to my musings. As a member of CREED now, we envision our group to go around and show the residents in the different training institutions how the required procedures are supposed to be done in a manner that is acceptable and uniform - standard for everybody. The responsibility that is handed to me as part of the Committee challenges me to come up with ways on how to help our trainees equip themselves with the correct and proper skills and knowledge that will help them be competent obstetricians and gynecologists. During the last day, I came prepared to face my exams – physically. I wore my tiger-inspired blouse and even had my tiger-eye-cum-pearls accessories to give me the feel of the Growling Tiger ready to face the written and OSCE. At least, when I fail, I still looked nice and growling tiger-confident. However, though my OOTD (outfit of the day) helped boost the tiger confidence, the ALARM Course made me more confident in going back to teach my students, train my residents and to preach and demonstrate standardized procedures when we go around in the different training institutions. 8 I am not keen of no. 18 being an ALARMER with the certificate of proficiency saying so (my written exam was terrible), but the A.L.A.R.M certainly got the alarmed A.L.A.R.M-ed! I’m glad I did it. Region I Chapter By Aurora L. Valdez, MD Regional Director SIRIB P OGS Region 1 Chapter joined in the celebration of the Foundation Anniversary of POGS with its SIRIB Contest held at Hotel Ariana, Bauan, La Union on July 6, 2014. It is an interhospital quiz show among the different training hospitals in the region. These were comprised of 5 teams. Each team is composed of OB-GYN residents one from each year level. Questions from general OB-GYN practice and the different sub-specialties were answered. The team Baguio General Hospital & Medical Center (GHMC) emerged as the Champions stealing the trophy from the defending champion Ilocos Training and Regional Medical My Center (ITRMC). Mariano Marcos Memorial Hospital & Medical Center (MMMHMC) won second place and ITRMC won 3rd place. All those around who are not contestants answered quietly. The Regional Director, Dr Aurora Valdez and the other past presidents acted as judges in case questions arose. COBRA IRONMAN 2014 Experience By Rex M. Poblete, MD T here is a time and there is a place where I encounter an intimidating emotion – FEAR… But I learn to embrace it. The possibility brings me to the here and now. Swimming 1.9 kms on choppy waters more than 100 feet deep, biking 90 kms as fast as I can on unfamiliar roads, and running 21 kms in scorching mid-day heat. There are things that I can buy but this one I have to earn. 5:00 a.m. Mactan Island Cebu and I was with 2,600 athletes with 2,600 different reasons for doing this race. But the place was deafeningly quiet. Long conversation would be not with the other 2,600 athletes but with my inner self. For many it would be the toughest day of their lives. The horn blew and off we went! The 1.9 km swim was tough but I actually enjoyed it. Had a decent time finishing ahead of a lot of athletes in my age group. The 90 km bike was tough and dangerous with a few ending up in the hospital for various reasons. Got off the bike in one piece and profusely thanked the Lord for it. Last year I had a flat tire which made it more difficult. Region 1 Continuing Medical Education T he Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (Foundation) Region I Chapter had their Annual CME Activity at Golden Pine Hotel, Legarda Road, Baguio City last August 3, 2014. Despite the heavy rainfall and zero visibility, our speakers and participants arrived safely to the venue. It was a successful event well attended by the chapter members and OB-GYN residents. Speakers were headed by Dr. Ramon Gonzales, Dr. Joseph Olivar, Dr. Stephanie Fay Cagayan, Dr. Rommel Dueñas, Dr. Mary Judith Clemente, and Dr. Sybil Lizzane Bravo sponsored by Multicare. We all have learned what is new and relearned what was known in the field of OB-GYN. A comprehensive experience indeed for the POGS Region I Chapter. The POGS Region 1 Chapter received a Certificate of Recognition from the Philippine Red Cross in grateful recognition of the unselfish support to the Voluntary Blood Donation Program last July 25, 2014 in City of San Fernando La Union. It was handed by the Secretary- General of Philippine Red Cross, Mrs. Gwendolyn T. Pang to Dr. Aurora L. Valdez, Regional Director of POGS Region 1 Chapter. Now came the hard part of running a half marathon on tired legs and scorching heat! Ran a good 10 kms but I developed blisters on my left foot. I was tired and in pain. Demons start whispering things and I went through every single emotion. Now it’s time. All the hard work, all the time sacrificed away from my family for training boils down to 11 painful kms. I needed to hurt to the next level and dig down to a place inside me that I rarely go to. I clenched my fist, said a short prayer and off I went! My kids had written me letters to take with me to THE RACE and I carried them with me during the bike and run leg. My wife was waiting for me at the finish line. Not finishing strong was not an option. The finish line became the greatest place on earth. There was a price to pay for feeling pure joy. I crossed the finish line and it’s the most joyful pain I’ve ever felt! In a few minutes I would be a family man and an obstetrician-gynecologist again; but for now I am an Ironman! 9 Amai Pakpak: An Outreach of Firsts By Sol Veronica E. Bagaipo, MD Chairperson, Community Outreach POGS Northern Mindanao Chapter The venue: Amai Pakpak Medical Center, Maawi City, Province of Lanao del Sur In between cases: Seated Dr. Roque in an awe inspiring time for vaginal L-R Dr. Destura &Dr. Bomtol hysterectomy ; Back : Dr. Pandapatan Ultrasound service: Dr. Mel Carbajal Prenatal care with our most senior member Dr. Saavedra VIA with POGS 10 president Dr. Dinah Abella and organizers. Added to this are the cultural differences and belief systems. Yet above all these apprehensions, the local community of Marawi received a fair share of POGS commitment to service. In return, they educated us all in conquering barriers in culture, beliefs, and biases. Lake Lanao with POGS National & Region 10 community outreach committee. (Thanks to Dr. Jingle Santos for the photo.) J une 20 and 21, 2014. Two days. Plenty of firsts. POGS Region 10 has had several community outreach activities for the past years in various locations, all of them accessible, and all of them have some scenic views to visit and unwind, from the province of Bukidnon, to the beautiful island of Camiguin, and to the relaxing Gingoog Bay in Misamis Oriental. POGS 10 also served more than its share of surgeries, prenatal care, and reproductive health lectures and services, most, if not all, from the marginalized sector of the society in Cagayan de Oro City and its neighbouring towns. But this year, POGS 10 just concluded a milestone in its community outreach. A community outreach of many firsts. First time to have the venue in Muslim Mindanao. While just adjacent to one of Region 10’s bustling cities, Iligan City, Marawi City is definitely a challenge to consider as a venue. With the many unsavoury reports regarding this particular area, the security of this place posed a great concern to many members So what are the other firsts? This was the first time to have all-male-surgeons as representative of the POGS national. The team was headed by Dr. Rosendo Roque. With him were Dr. BJ Cuenca, our national treasurer, Dr. Ronaldo Santos, and Dr. Rodante Galiza. Also with them was Dr. Daud Kristianto, chief resident of Dr. Cuenca. This was the first time to have the founder of AHIP, Dr. Roque, talk about his pet program during a community outreach in Region 10. This was the first time that the whole hospital was truly and wonderfully supportive of the outreach by not only providing for the venue but for providing for our meals, lodging, transportation and entertainment. It made the committee’s job a walk in the park! POGS Region 10 is immensely grateful for the wonderful support of Amai Pakpak Medical Center Chief of Hospital, Dr. Amer Saber. The chance to see the magnificent Lake Lanao after sunrise is definitely a first for most of us, visitors and locals included. Considered as a life source for many, Lake Lanao is so huge you will mistake it for an ocean, while the sleeping lady serenely lies behind, sometimes blanketed in fog. The first time awed us all. There will be definitely be a time for seconds. POGS Cebu Chapter 35th Foundation Day Anniversary T By Ma. Victoria Tan, MD he Cebu Chapter of POGS celebrated its 35th Foundation Day with a Postgraduate Course entitled “Updates in OB-GYN Issues” last July 30, 2014 at the Grand Ball- room of Casino Espanol. The well-attended Anniversary celebration had 312 registrants who listened through interesting lectures by renowned POGS members considered authorities on their respective topics. The activity culminated in a fellowship night that honored the past chapter presidents including founding president, Dr. Suga Sotto-Yuvienco. The attendees also enjoyed a night of fun and camaraderie with dancing and lots of 10 prizes raffled off to the members. Post Typhoon Glenda .... Post Graduate Course .... By Eleanor C. Chacon, MD Regional Director R egion V, Bicol was again devastated with a super typhoon Glenda last July 16. It brought massive destruction bringing down even century old trees, toppling and cutting electric poles and destroying houses. There was total blackout in the region. Although there was no significant number of lives lost, a viral feeling of fear, uncertainty, helplessnes and depression gripped the Bicolanos. Our chapter was confronted with a situation on whether to push through or postpone the 10th Local Postgraduate course scheduled July 18 ,2014 , barely two days post typhoon Glenda in Naga City, Camarines Sur. After exchanging calls, text messages and opinions we decided to proceed with the original schedule. Our local postgraduate course started ten years ago on July 2005 in Legaspi. It was conceptualized by then President Dr. Amy Rivera and local POGS officers. The aim was to conduct lectures on topics of various interests in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The end beneficiaries then were not only practicing OBstetricians but also general practitioners, nurses and midwives. Attendance was overwhelming and there was a clamor for similar future activities. Since then it has been our chapter’s yearly commitment to hold a postgraduate course. It provides updates on commonly encountered cases in the hospitals, clinics, birthing centers and rural health units. Our chapter had it accredited with PMACME Commission with 40 CME units. Similar to National POGS Midyear Convention the venue is rotated yearly in different provinces 1. Camarines Sur 2. Camarines Norte 3. Albay 4. Sorsogon 5. Masbate 6. Catanduanes. This year host was Camarines Sur held in Avenue Plaza Hotel in Naga City, The theme was “The Baby is now a Lady”. Headed by the abled and dynamic leadership of Dr. Ana Sy, our incumbent Vice President and the selfless support of all the officers and members, the activity was a success, post typhoon Glenda. Our modest expectation of less than fifty (50) attendees turned out to be 265 participants plus more than a half of our regular chapter members attended. Typhoon Glenda did not deter delegates from attending. They came from different parts of Bicol as far as Sorsogon, Legaspi and Daet. The participants’ enthusiasm for knowledge, updates and braving the risks of travelling truly inspired our chapter to be more dedicated with our commitment. Indeed, not even a strong typhoon like Glenda and future typhoons can dampen the spirit of our Chapter and the Bicolanos. Philippine Society of Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, Inc. By Regina Paz Tan-Espiritu, MD T his year, the Philippine Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (PSREI) is celebrating its 20th year in existence. 2014 began with a lot of activities to commemorate this very important milestone. PSREI started the year with various educational outreach activities in several regions as part of its commitment to Continuing Medical Education. The first lecture series was held in Cagayan de Oro last February 22-23, 2014. Other CME lecture series were held in Baguio last May 11 and Davao last September 5. Last March 9, 2014, PSREI organized its first ever Endometriosis run, the “Million Women March for Endometriosis, Philippine Leg” at Camp Aguinaldo. This was part of a worldwide simultaneous event promoting endometriosis awareness and PSREI sponsored the Philippine Leg of the run. We thank everyone who participated in this very meaningful endeavor. On May 19, 2014, the society held its 13th Midyear convention at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Ortigas. The theme was “ENDOMETRIOSIS: New Challenges From Basic Science to the Clinics.” A detailed discussion was presented on the pathophysiology of endometriosis, diagnostic tools, and updates on management protocols as well as controversies and challenges in endometriosis. Experts in reproductive medicine and oncology gave lectures on these topics. Lastly, PSREI is also inviting everyone to join this year’s annual convention which will be held in the EDSA Shangri-La on October 8-10. The scientific committee led by PSREI’s dynamic past president, Dr. Lilia P. Luna, has come up with pertinent topics that will appeal to general OB-GYN physicians and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility specialists. A number of local and foreign experts have been invited to share their knowledge on these topics. International speakers are: Prof. Teraporn Vutyanavich from Thailand, Prof. Thomas Romer from Germany, and Prof. Ernest Hung Yu Ng from Hong Kong. During the annual convention, Dr. Florante Gonzaga will deliver his keynote lecture as founding president of PSREI. There will also be an ART Symposium on the last day of the convention. PSREI will hold its Grand Fellowship Night commemorating 20 years of the society, and will pay special tribute to all it’s past presidents. Everyone is warmly invited to attend this memorable event. PSREI is reaching out to all obstetrician-gynecologists to take part in its line-up of activities for this momentous year... REGION 1 Perinatal Mortality Conference and Interhospital Research Contest P OGS Region 1 Chapter had the Perinatal Mortality Conference held at Luna Hotel, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur last May 18, 2014 with many members in attendance. In the same occasion Dr. Walfrido W. Sumpaico spoke also on “Dydrogesterone in Immunomodulation” and Dr. Ditas Cristina Decena spoke on “No Compromises in Nutrition During Pregnancy.” Last June 08, 2014, we also conducted the Interhospital Research contest in Java Hotel, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte. Judges during the contest are our young and dedicated fellows from Manila; Dr. Lylah Reyes, Dr. Joanne Aguinaldo and Dr. Doris Benavides. On July 06, 2014, the 2nd Interhospital Research was held at Max’s Restaurant. On the same day on the occasion of the foundation anniversary of POGS, SIRIB Contest, an interhospital contest among OB-Gyne residents was also conducted. POGS Region 1 Chapter Perinatal Mortality Conference PSREI Outreach Lectures Interhospital Research Contest 11 Philippine Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine by Leah Socorro N. Rivera, MD 2014 PSMFM MIDYEAR CONVENTION The 4th PSMFM Midyear Conventionwas held last April 9, 2014 (Wednesday) at the Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria with a theme: Meet the Experts in Ultrasound Diagnosis. We were lucky to have Dr. Pranav Pandya, the Director and Clinical Lead of Fetal Medicine at UCLH &Chair of Fetal Anomaly Screening Programme (FASP) who talked about congenital heart dieases, chromosomal abnormalities and noninvasive prenatal testing. The 6th examination for the fellows in training in the Scientific Literature Club was given immediately after the Fellows’ Forum conducted by Dr. Joselito Santiago. sional Regulation Commission, Manila in line with the Anniversary of PRC. • Almost 65 patients were served. 37 ultrasound 28 paps smear 6th PSUOG/5th PSMFM CME OUTREACH PGC The 6th PSUOG/5th PSMFM CME Outreach PGC in collaboration with Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society - Southern Tagalog Chapter (POGS-STC) & Lucena Women’s Ultrasound Center (LWUC) was held last May 17, 2014 at Queen Margarette Hotel, Diversion Road, Lucena City Lucena, Quezon. The distinguished speakers were Dr. Mario Bernardino, Dr. Ma. Luisa Acu, Dr. Ninez Nierva, Dr. Mila Ibay, Dr. Lucia Tiangco and Dr. Joselito Santiago. PSMFM-MENARINI CME DINNER SYMPOSIUM The Joint PSMFM-Menarini CME Dinner Symposium was held last April 28, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Quezon City with a theme: “IN FOCUS: Progesterone & Preterm Birth Prevention”. We were lucky to have Professor Gian Carlo Di Renzo as our foreign speaker. NEW SET OF COMMISSION ON AUDIT It is with regret that Dr. Virginia De Jesus has resigned from her position as the chair of the Commission on Audit. The new set of of Committee of Audit who will serve for three (3) years are: 1. Ma. Lourdes Otayza- CHAIR 2. Emerson Tan- member 3. Edeliza E. Amorin Dr. Amorin ranked the 4th highest in the no. of votes during the COA election held during the 3rd Midyear Convention last July 5, 2013 at the Crowne Plaza Galleria Manila. She will take her oath on Nov. 30, 2014 during the Fellowship Night of the PSMFM Annual Convention and will serve from 2015-2018. Drs. Otayza and Tan will serve from 2014-2016. BIRTH DEFECTS REGISTRY UPDATES The Committee on Birth Defects Registry headed by Dr. Brenda Zamoraheld their 3rd Meeting last May 23, 2014 at the Alba’s Restaurant. The BDR Form was finalized and will be used by all MFM training institution for data collection starting June, 2014. 3rd FELLOWS’ FORUM & SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE CLUB RESEARCH WORKSHOP The PSMFM sponsored a Research Workshop for Trainors and Trainees of the five Accredited Perinatology Fellowship Training Institutions. This was spearheaded by the PSMFM Research Committee with the objective of enhancing the knowledge of the participants on relevant clinical research issues. The 3rd quarter (11th) Fellows’ Forum was held last June 4, 2014 at The Medical City, presented and discussed “Varicella in Pregnancy” by Dr. Pauline Chua. We were fortunate to have good attendance from the different participating hospitals (PGH, UST, MCU, TMC and PCMC) who actively participated in the discussion. The 7th examination for the fellows in training in the Scientific Literature Club was given immediately after the Fellows’ Forum conducted by Dr. Joselito Santiago. It was a 2-day workshop, held last May 6 at The Medical City and May 9 at UST Hospital. The sessions were facilitated by Dr. Ronaldo Santos. The participants’ understanding on research was reinforced on how to use GRADEPRO in doing a Meta-analysis. By the end of the workshop, the fellows were encouraged to submit their Gradepro on PROM research questions and these were critiqued by Dr. Ronald Santos. TMC ACCREDITATION ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL The Administration Manual is the sole authoritative source of official administrative policies, procedures, guidelines and forms of the Society. • This will help ensure compliance with those policies ,procedures and regulations. • It can provide valuable assistance for the incoming and current Fellow Members of the Society • It can increase productivity by reducing time spent in asking and answering questions. • It will ensure that policies and procedures will be preserved after key member/s of the Board and/or personnel leave. ****Each member were be given a final soft copy. Please make sure that your email ad in the office is updated. The Medical City was visited for re-accreditation for its fellowship training in Maternal Fetal Medicine last May 23, 2014. The accreditors were Dr. Ma. Victoria V. Torres, Dr. Ramon T. Reyles and headed by Dr. Ma. Luisa Acu. Unionbank U-BIZ on line payment at PSMFM-PERKIN ELMER CME DINNER SYMPOSIUM The Joint PSMFM-Perkin Elmer CME Dinner Symposium was held last June 16, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria, Quezon City with a topic: “Management of pre-eclampsia through the trimesters. LIVE WEBCAST - Prof. Kypros Nicolaides. Schedule of Incoming Activities: September 17, 2014 (Wednesday) 10:00am-12:00nn 4th (12th) Quarterly Fellows’ Forum, (8th) Scientific Literature Club (PCMC) November 15, 2014 (Saturday) 8:00am-3:00pm 3rd Interesting & Research Paper Contest (TMC) November 19, 2014 (Wednesday) 10:00am-12:00nn 5th (13th) Quarterly Fellows’ Forum, (9th) Scientific Literature Club (MCU) 2nd FELLOWS’ FORUM & SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE CLUB The 2nd quarter (10th) Fellows’ Forum was held last April 11, 2014 at USTH, presented and discussed “Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Pregnancy” by Dr. Jacqueline P. Pedroso. 12 We were fortunate to have good attendance from the different participating hospitals (PGH, UST, MCU, TMC and PCMC) who actively participated in the discussion. 4th PSMFM-PSUOG JOINT COMMUNITY OUTREACH PROGRAM The Philippine Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Inc. with the Philippine Society of Ultrasound in OB-GYN in collaboration with Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society had its 4th Community Outreach/ In-house Ultrasound Mission last June 19, 2014 at the Profes- November 30,2014 (Sunday) 8:00am-5:00pm 16thAnnual Convention Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria We are pleased to announce our PSMFM Website! Log on to ! PENTAMED Celebrates 25 year th By Susan P. Lazaga, MD, FPOGS President, PENTAMED 2014 and Chairman, VRPMC Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology The Board Members during the ribbon-cutting C elebrating its 25th year of existence during this Year of the Horse- a most fitting symbol of dynamism and relentless energy – PENTAMED has moved on to meet the challenges in providing the best residency training among its member hospitals. The past 25 years has been a continuing effort of all member hospitals to strengthen the implementation of our core values: P - Professionalism, E – Excellence, N – Nationalism, T – Teamwork, A – Altruism As such, PENTAMED has produced competent and compassionate Obstetrician-Gynecologists who are now leaders, mentors and successful practitioners in their chosen field. The PENTAMED Group of Hospitals has now widened its horizons. From its original five member hospitals namely the Cardinal Santos Medical Center (CSMC), Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital (OLLH), San Juan Medical Center (SJMC), The Medical City (TMC) and the Victor R. Potenciano Medical Center (VRPMC), it has welcomed Ospital ng Makati (OsMak) and Rizal Medical Center (RMC) into its ranks. In celebration of this momentous year, the Organizing Committee (VRPMC Dept. Of Obstetrics & Gynecology), in concurrence with the PENTAMED Board of Directors, decided to hold the 21st Annual Postgraduate Course in Obstetrics & Gynecology entitled “2014: A MILESTONE OF EXCELLENCE FOR PENTAMED” at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel last June 2-3, 2014. Topics were aimed at providing knowledge and updates on common issues in the field of Perinatology, Ultrasound, Reproductive Endocrinology, Urogynecology, Gynecologic Oncology, Menopause and Infectious Diseases. Other topics of interest in Medical Ethics, Medicolegal Concerns and Investing Basics & Retirement Options for Physicians were also discussed. “Coming together is a BEGINNING, Keeping together is PROGRESS, Moving together is SUCCESS”... Inspiring words of Henry Ford, founder of Ford Industries including Ford Motors. Words of wisdom that aptly describe PENTAMED. cy Training programs in their respective institutions. Dr. Pareja honoured us with her presence and response. Posthumous awards and recognitions were given to Dr. Genato (represented by daughter Dr. Margarita Genato), Dr. Fuentes (represented by his wife Dr. Judy Fuentes), and Dr. De Guzman (represented by Dr. Jocelyn Beloy, Dept Chair of OLLH). Our heartfelt appreciation and thanks to the hardworking and dedicated members of the Organizing Committee of VRPMC Dept of OB-Gyn, to the VRPMC Administration, to our friends in the pharmaceutical industry and to our non-pharma friends who have given us their full and unwavering support for this affair. And to God Almighty, thank you for the blessings and for making all things possible. PENTAMED looks forward to the next 25 years with a continuing exuberance and untiring effort for excellence in our residency training programs to be able to render the best care to our patients. The delegates Aside from the scientific lectures, the other highlight of the two-day affair was the Fellowship Night with the theme “Luau Night” held at the Garden Ballroom of EDSA Shangrila. The night of fun, camaraderie, music, dancing, and prizes was hosted by celebrity Mr. Jojo Alejar. All mem- The Organizing Committee ber hospitals rendered their Hawaiian dance renditions performed by Consultants & Residents. The “Luau Star of the Night” was Dr. Esther Ongkeko, the choice of judges from our sponsor. The Pentamed Founders The second day lunch program was dedicated in honouring our founders DR. VICENTE X. GENATO, DR. JUAN FUENTES, DR. RODOLFO DE GUZMAN and DR. MILDRED PAREJA, who in 1989 came together with their ideals in jointly upgrading the Residen- 13 ANNOUNCEMENTS LOCAL CONFERENCES PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF CERVICAL PATHOLOGY AND COLPOSCOPY 2014 Postgraduate Course in Colposcopy October 24, 2014, 8:00 am Sacred Heart Medical Center PHILIPPINE SOCIETY OF MATERNAL FETAL MEDICINE, INC. 16th Annual Convention “Moving in Sync: Collaborations in MFM” November 30, 2014 Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria PHILIPPINE SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF TROPHOBLASTIC DISEASES 1st Postgraduate Course November 10, 2014 • Century Park Hotel PHILIPPINE SOCIETY FOR UROGYNECOLOGY & RECONSTRUCTIVE PELVIC SURGERY Pre-Congress Hands-on Workshop “Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS): Evaluation & Repair of Perineal Lacerations” November 11, 2014, Banquet Hall 2, PICC 7:30 am to 12:00nn INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AUSTRALASIAN SOCIETY FOR ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE Warm Greetings! 44th Annual Scientific Meeting 2014 October 17-19, 2014 • Melbourne, Australia INTERNATIONAL CONTINENCE SOCIETY (ICS 2014) 44th Annual Meeting October 20-24, 2014 • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and second day of the plenaries at the Reception Hall and with the support of a professional technical group. Save the Date. Its November 11-14, 2014 for our Annual Convention and 68th Anniversary Celebration at the PICC and SOFITEL! The theme is: Women’s Health: What’s Best? Current Trends and Recommendations. Despite the many challenges and difficulties, the 2014 Organizing Committee has crafted a formidable scientific program with 6 international speakers tapped with the current FIGO President Prof. Sabaratnam Arulkumaran. A pioneering satellite feed of Prof. Kypros Nicolaides on First Trimester Prediction of Preeclampsia is scheduled on November 13. We have also improved our sessions by scheduling the first See You! Ditas Cristina D. Decena, MD, FPOGS, MPH Vice-President & Overall Chair, Organizing Committee 2014 POGS Annual Convention and 68th Anniversary Celebration Women’s Health: What’s best? Current Trends and Recommendations International Speakers Prof. Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, MD Prof. Howard Carp, MD Prof. Ian Stewart Fraser, MD A Kurian Joseph, MD Prof. James N. Martin, Jr., MD Prof. Kypros Nicolaides, MD DAY 1 – WEDNESDAY, 12 NOVEMBER 2014 AM PM PLENARY SESSION I SIMULTANEOUS SESSIONS Reception Hall Dealing with Difficult Reproductive Conditions PSMFM MR 2 & 3 Cesarean Section Blanca C. de Guia-Fuerte, MD Co-chair: Amy P. Estrella, MD Co-chair: Chair: Chair: 08:00 Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Diagnostic Workup 14:00 08:30 Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Management 14:30 09:00 New Criteria for diagnosis of diminished ovarian reserve 15:00 09:30 Fertility Preservation in Cancer Patients 15:30 Rowena M. Auxillos, MD Ana Ma. Carmen L. Zaballero, MD MR 4 SGOP Oncology Chair: MR 5 Milagros T. Jocson, MD Helen Grace Te-Santos, MD PSGE MR 6 Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery Ma. Socorro M. Solis, MD Co-chair: Ves C. Ramones, MD Co-chair: Evolving Trends in Cesarean Section AUB in the perimenarcheal and perimenopausal women Updates in the management and diagnosis of GTD Role of Transvaginal Hydrolaparoscopy in Reproductive Medicine Shall the Zhang Protocol replace the Friedman’s Curve of Labor? Is there still a role for tubal surgery in the era of ART? CIN Management in Special Populations Cervical priming and endometrial preparation prior to hysteroscopy Non-reassuring Fetal Heart Rate pattern: When to deliver? Choosing the best progestogen for luteal phase support Indications and Technique of Retrograde Hysterectomy German C. Tan Cardoso II, MD Myomectomy for Symptomatic Myoma: Different Strokes for Different Folks VBAC: Current Status Metformin in pregnant women with PCOS Endometrial Hyperplasia in the Young Laparoscopy for benign ovarian masses: tips and tricks Improving implantation in ART Treatment Algorithm for Borderline Ovarian Tumors Can endoscopy improve pregnancy rates among infertile patients? Walfrido W. Sumpaico, MD Howard Carp, MD PSREI Gynecological Endocrinology Chair: Ian Stewart Fraser, MD Chair: Rogelio P. Mendiola, MD Aurora L. Valdez, MD Co-chair: Filomena S. San Juan, MD Marlyn T. Dee, MD INTERNATIONAL GYNECOLOGIC CANCER SOCIETY (IGCS) 2014 15th Biennial Meeting November 8-11, 2014 • Melbourne, Australia Howard Carp, MD Gender and Sex Specific Medicine 2014 November 10-12, 2014 • Tel Aviv, Israel Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, MD CONTROVERSIES IN GYNECOLOGY, INFERTILITY & ULTRASOUND (COGI) November 20-22, 2014 • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Prudence A. Aquino, MD Rudie Frederick B. Mendiola, MD Delfin A. Tan, MD Carmencita B. Tongco, MD Eileen M. Manalo, MD Madonna Victoria C. Domingo, MD 10:00 FIGO President’s Lecture 16:00 The Clinical Trials: How to translate to clinical practice? External Cephalic Version Ernesto S. Uichanco, MD Leonardo A. Almeda, MD Ma. Lilibeth L. Sia Su, MD Virgilio M. Novero, Jr., MD POGS Annual Business Meeting PLENARY SESSION II PSMFM MR 2 & 3 Doppler Velocimetry Virgilio B. Castro, MD Co-chair: Mila Z. Ibay, MD Pressie P. Eclarin, MD Co-chair: Joyceline Noemi I. Silao, MD Chair: 08:00 Preeclampsia: The Philippine Situation Gumersinda C. Javier, MD 08:15 ACOG report by the Task Force in Hypertension in Pregnancy: Classification and diagnosis James N. Martin, MD Chair: Screening for Domestic Violence: Are we doing it? Uterine artery doppler: Prediction of preclinical preeclampsia and IUGR Health Care for the Lesbian Population Revisiting colpocleisis: To do or not to do? Fetal arterial vessel doppler (cerebroplacental ratio) In severely preterm IUGR fetuses Sterilization of Women with Impaired Autonomy Recurrence after prolapse surgery: Prediction, prevention & management options Fetal venous doppler: Is this the ‘dead end’? Panel Discussion Sexuality in the Golden Years December 9-13, 2014 • San Antonio, Texas Inadvertently missed out in the last issue name of Dr. Antoinette U. Añonuevo, MD, Member, Committee on Nationwide Statistics Darleen S. Estuart, MD Microscopic Hematuria in the Menopause: Evaluation and Management MR 8 POGS GOT Talent 1 Internationally presented Research Paper Chair: Lylah D. Reyes, MD Doris R. Benavides, MD Co-chair: Susan P. Nagtalon, MD Judith M. Sison, MD Lucia B. Tiangco, MD 15:00 Christia S. Padolina, MD Angelita R. Teotico, MD 15:30 10:30 Chronic hypertension in Pregnancy and Superimposed Preeclampsia 11:00 Milestones in HELLP Syndrome Diagnosis and Management Ronaldo R. Santos, MD Violeta Ellen D. Abelita, MD Lennette Chan-Cruz, MD Co-chair: Leah Louise V. Justiniano, MD Chair: Jennifer Marie B. Jose, MD 14:30 10:00 Management of Preterm Preeclampsia Walfrido W. Sumpaico, MD Chair: PSURPS MR 5 Updates in Urogynecology Understanding the basics of doppler velocimetry Ma. Victoria V. Torres, MD Ramon M. Gonzalez, MD James N. Martin, MD POGS RH Committee MR 4 Upscaling Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Co-chair: 14:00 Kypros Nicolaides, MD 09:30 Prevention of Preeclampsia: What really works? SIMULTANEOUS SESSIONS PM Reception Hall Preeclampsia 2014 Updates Leah Socorro N. Rivera, MD Almira J. Amin-Ong, MD Case Study: Doppler in IUGR Ma. Cristina P. Crisologo, MD Choice of surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI): An evidence-based approach Maria Teresa C. Luna, MD Moderator: Marilyn D. Ruaro, MD 16:00 James N. Martin, MD (SABCS 2014) Zoraida R. Umipig, MD DAY 2 – THURSDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 2014 AM 12:00 - 13:30 37th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium Maria Lora C. Tupas, MD Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, MD 09:00 First Trimester Prediction of Preeclampsia The 6th Asia Pacific Congress on Jocelyn Z. Mariano, MD Maria Jesusa Banal-Silao, MD 11:00 - 14:00 7th International Congress for Maria Antonia E. Habana, MD Ruth Villanueva-Gutierrez, MD Speakers: Lyra Ruth C. Chua, MD June P. Lopez, MD Ed Gatchalian, MD Overactive Bladder (OAB): Diagnosis and effective treatment strategies (including BOTOX Therapy) Lisa T. Prodigalidad-Jabson, MD Simultaneous Industry-sponsored Luncheon Symposia DAY 3 – FRIDAY, 14 NOVEMBER 2014 AM PLENARY SESSION III Chair: SIMULTANEOUS SESSIONS PM Summit Hall C and D Endometriosis and Ovarian Cancer PSUOG MR 2 & 3 Ultrasound Made Easy Rey H. de los Reyes, MD Ruvelinda Grace A. Uy, MD Chair: Co-chair: Elisa O. Tiu, MD Eleanor C. Chacon, MD Co-chair: Angela S. Aguilar, MD 14:00 08:30 Best Recommendations for Medical Management of Endometriosis 09:30 IOTA’s simple rules to diagnose ovarian cancer 14:30 Abigail Elsie DG Castro, MD 10:30 Is there a role for prophylactic salpingectomy to prevent ovarian cancer? Chair: Evelyn P. Palaypayon, MD Helen Grace C. Roasa, MD Raul M. Quillamor, MD Ricardo R. Braganza, MD Co-chair: The first trimester ultrasound according to the ISUOG Guidelines Current directions in menopause therapy HIV Screening: Should it be routine? The follicles and stripes in normal and abnormal cycles (Antral follicle count and folliculogram) Addressing the perimenopausal concerns of breast cancer survivors Should we remove or retain the ovaries at the time of perimenopausal hysterectomy How does ultrasound help the hysteroscopic surgeon? Why is Osteoporosis Screening Suboptimal for Young Premenopausal Women Revisiting the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist Hot flashes and cardiovascular health Minilap Assisted Abdominal and Vaginal Hysterectomy Nelinda Catherine P. Pangilinan, MD Ma. Corazon Zaida N. Gamilla, MD Ricardo M. Manalastas, Jr, MD Lilia Pagtakhan-Luna, MD Ma. Virginia S. Abalos, MD Kurian Joseph, MD Sylvia de las Alas-Carnero, MD 15:30 Can deep infiltrating endometriosis be predicted by ultrasound? Lyra Ruth Clemente-Chua, MD Benjamin D. Cuenca, MD 11:00 Future of OB-GYN practice Ma. Carmen Hernandez-Quevedo, MD and Ditas Cristina D. Decena, MD 12:00 - 13:30 Chair: Regina Rosario P. Vitriolo, MD 15:00 10:00 Tumor Markers in Ovarian Cancer Rommel Z. Dueñas, MD MR 5 Preventing Complications in OB GYN Surgery Ramon T. Reyles, MD Ian Stewart Fraser, MD 09:00 Pelvic Endometriosis Surgery – Are we doing too much too soon? PSCM MR 4 Special Concerns of the Menopausal Patient Co-chair: 08:00 The “OMA” for the Infertile Woman Kurian Joseph, MD 14 Please try to come early since sessions will start on time and so you could get the recent updates in the HOT topics in Obstetrics and Gynecology. It will not all be mental work but we also promise a different Welcome/Fellowship Night to culminate all our activities. So, let’s have FUN TOGETHER and do the TRENDING! Simultaneous Industry-sponsored Luncheon Symposia Lourdes Blanco-Capito, MD Franklin P. Atencio, MD MR 8 POGS GOT Talent 2 (Video demo on Surgical techniques, Ultrasound procedures, etc.) Chair: Franklin P. Atencio, MD Co-chair: German C. Tan Cardoso II, MD
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