A Look at the New MP Transfer Case
A Look at the New MP Transfer Case
C M Y CM MY CY CMY K FOR THE TRANSMISSION REBUILDING INDUSTRY TM Hybrid Electrical Safety: Because Your Life May Depend on It! A Look at the New MP Transfer Case MAY/JUNE 2011 when there’s Sonnax SMART technology? Stronger PR Spring Large Ratio Boost Assembly 4L60E-LB1 Introducing the NEW Sonnax Line Pressure Booster Kits Part No. Unit Sonnax Hydraulic Booster Kits Many aftermarket “kits” for raising pressure can lock you into an unpleasant situation: too much pressure at idle and not enough at maximum pressures. There is a better way, because there’s a smarter way to get the results you want without the drawbacks: Sonnax line pressure booster kits! • Achieveshortershiftsandincreasedtorque capacitywithoutcreatinglow-speedharshness. • Improvedbandandclutchholdingcapacity forincreaseddurability. • Progressivepressureincreaseasdriving conditionsbecomemoredemanding. • Simpleandaffordabledrop-insolutionswithno specialtoolsorreamingrequired! 4R100-LB1 E4OD, 4R100 4L60E-LB1 4L60E-LB2 4L60-E, 4L65-E, 4L70-E* 4L60-E, 4L65-E, 4L70-E** 700R4-LB1 4L60 (700-R4), 200-4R 400-LB1 400 4L80E-LB1 4L80-E, 4L85-E 4T65E-LB1 4T65-E 350-LB1 350 4R70W-LB1 AODE, 4R70W, 4R75W Sonnax Electronic Booster Kits 44957-LB1 68RFE 44957-LB2 45/545RFE Increases in Line Pressure B A Sonnax is an Employee-Owned Company 1 Automatic Drive • P.O. Box 440 • Bellows Falls, VT 05101-0440 USA 800.843.2600 • 802.463.9722 • F: 802.463.4059 • www.sonnax.com Low Key A B Low OE Springs A Aftermarket “Kit” Springs B Sonnax Line Pressure Booster Kits EPC/Torque Signal Pressure High ©2011 Sonnax Industries, Inc. Sonnax PR springs are approximately 10% stronger than OE and more conservative than springs found in other aftermarket valve body kits. When combined with the progressive, demand-based pressure increase of larger boost valves in a Sonnax kit, you get the best of both worlds: a modest pressure increase at the low end, with a high-end pressure that is equal to or greater than that of other aftermarket “kit” springs. **Late-style pump Line Pressure How Sonnax PROGRESSIVE BOOST Works High *Early-style pump EARS G TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR THE TRANSMISSION REBUILDING INDUSTRY MAY/JUNE 2011 PHONE (805) 604-2000 FAX (805) 604-2006 Chief Executive Officer Managing Editor Technical Director Advertising Senior Designer Contributing Editors: Carl Mustari Thom Tschetter ATRA Technical Staff: Mike Brown Pete Huscher Mike Souza Director of Membership & IT Svc Seminars & Convention Manager Bookstore Manager Dennis Madden Rodger Bland Lance Wiggins Frank Pasley Jeanette Troub Steve Bodofsky David Skora Bill Brayton Steve Garrett Randall Schroeder Kelly Hilmer Vanessa Velasquez Shaun Velasquez The views expressed in this publication should not necessarily be interpreted as the official policy of the Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association (ATRA). Publication of product information or any advertising does not imply recommendation by ATRA. GEARS™, a publication of ATRA, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, is published for the betterment of the transmission industry and is distributed nine times per year. No part of this issue may be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher. Gears is distributed to members of the transmission industry in the United States, Canada, ATRA Members in Mexico & Europe, and related automotive industry firms and individually. Send changes of address to Gears in care of ATRA. Subscriptions are available by contacting Gears in care of ATRA. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume full liability for all content of advertisements printed and also assume full responsibility for any claims arising therefrom against the publisher. The publisher reserves the unqualified right to reject any advertising copy as it deems appropriate, with or without cause. Gears is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is distributed with the understanding the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance, is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought— from a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and Committee of Publishers. Gears also welcomes articles submitted by members of the industry. Gears considers all articles for publication that contribute positively to the welfare of the transmission industry, and reserves the right to edit all articles it publishes. If you would like to submit an article to Gears, include background information about the author and a telephone number where he/she may be reached. If you want submissions returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Editorial and Business Offices 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard CA 93030 Phone (805) 604-2000 Fax (805) 604-2006 www.gearsmagazine.com www.atra.com Publications Mail Agreement No. 40031403 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 6J5 Email: gears@atra.com Issue #157 Printed in U.S.A. Copyright ATRA 2011 A Look at the New MP Transfer Case Page 34 Hybrid Electrical Safety: Because Your Life May Depend on It! Page 4 Sticking Thermal Element Can Cause Thermal Failure Page 14 SPECIAL INTEREST & TECHNICAL 4 Hybrid Electrical Safety: Because Your Life May Depend on It! by Carl Mustari 8 When Electricity Goes Bad by David Skora 14 18 22 30 34 41 58 62 64 69 70 Sticking Thermal Element Can Cause Thermal Failure by Mike Souza TRANSTAR, The Mission Possible Force Technically Speaking: Allison... is that you? by Lance Wiggins Don t Be Undone By Your To-Do List by Thom Tschetter A Look at the New MP Transfer Case by Steve Garrett ATRA's Powertrain EXPO 2011, Las Vegas, NV FROM THE TECH DIRECTOR: It s All About Communication by Lance Wiggins Sometimes a Rebuild Isn t the Only Answer by Steve Bodofsky Keep Those Tranny s Rolling: A Lincoln with an Attitude by Pete Huscher MEMBERSHIP MATTERS: You Made the Call and ATRA Answered ATRA NEWS: Rapid Transmissions Gets Its Party On! Ads.FH10 Fri Apr 15 16:27:21 2011 Page 1 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K DEPARTMENTS 2 72 77 84 FROM THE CEO: Two Years Later… A Recipe For Success by Dennis Madden Powertrain Industry News Shoppers and Classified List of Advertisers On the Cover: TRANSTAR The Mission Possible Force Be Sure to Read The Feature story on page 18. Composite (Paid Advertisement) FROM THE CEO Two Years Later… A Recipe For Success T wo years ago, in the April 2009 edition of GEARS Magazine, we discussed the collapse of the automotive retail industry and the impact it would have on the transmission repair business. Back then, roughly 3000 dealerships across the country were expected to close. And once they had, we still couldn’t be sure if the industry had hit rock bottom and was on its way to recovery. On top of that, people were genuinely panicked over the shape of the economy and how it would impact their lives and their businesses. People weren’t buying new cars, but they weren’t fixing their broken cars either; we started to see a glut of broken cars parked in people’s driveways. As bad as things were, it seemed pretty clear that, at some point, people would be less apprehensive about having their cars fixed, and we’d see a rush of repairs headed to transmission shops across the country. And that’s exactly what happened. Over the last year or two, people who would otherwise have bought new cars were spending their money to have their cars fixed. This was a fantastic boost to 2 the auto repair business. But it came at a cost: the apathy of thinking that things were back to “normal”… that we could return to business as usual. It’s not. What you’re seeing, for the most part, is a huge hump in the cyclical nature of business. For the past two years we’ve been enjoying the side effects of the economic downturn, as people were forced to cut back on luxuries, such as new cars. So, two years later we’re beginning to see a recovery in new car sales. According to Automotive News (www. automotivenews.com), the 1st quarter of 2011 saw an increase of 13.6% in new car sales in North America as compared to 2010. This followed a similar increase over the previous year. What does that mean to you? If you haven’t been working on those community marketing programs we’ve talked about over the last few years, it’s time to get started. During the economic bust we learned that business owners who reach out to their community, in the form of public service, press releases, car care clinics (last month was National Car Care month), and similar activi- by Dennis Madden members.atra.com www.atra.com ties, were far more successful than those who relied on traditional marketing strategies. It wasn’t complicated: People were looking for a shop they could trust. Traditional marketing focuses on sales; community-based marketing is about people. It’s about you and who you are. It gives potential customers an opportunity to connect with you and helps you develop a level of trust with them. So how can you take advantage of community-based marketing? It’s actually not all that complicated. There are no special tricks or secret handshakes. The easiest way to begin is to put yourself out there and get involved. Start by joining your local chamber of commerce or businesspersons association. And don’t just pay the dues: Attend the meetings. Volunteer your services. Whether it’s putting up holiday lights or serving pancakes at the annual pancake breakfast, every person you meet is one more contact for you… and your business. Right now shops are still busy, and ATRA is working hard to keep them busy. But it starts with you: the shop owner. It’s about becoming involved with your community and building on a reputation of trust… becoming the go-to guy (or gal) when the chips are down. It’s about being their “friend in the business” when they’re in need of your services. We’ve been working to improve ATRA’s reputation and name recognition. That along with your effort to build trust among the people in your community is a recipe for success. GEARS May/June 2011 m Hybrid Electrical Safety: Because Your Life May Depend on It! W hen working on any hybrid vehicle, safety is of utmost importance. You need to be aware of the high voltage and take the necessary precautions. Before attempting any major repair work, make sure you’ve been trained in electrical hybrid vehicle safety, whether from a local college, tech school, dealership, or I-car safety classes. While working on these systems you should always wear class-zero rubber gloves rated to at least 1000 volts. Inspect those gloves completely before Figure 1 4 each use for any defects, such as small holes or tears. You should also wear leather gloves over the rubber gloves, to protect the rubber gloves from punctures (figure 1). You’ll need to wear these gloves until you’ve verified the hybrid system voltage is low or completely disabled. When not in use, it’s a good idea to store the gloves in a canvas bag with a ventilation hole in the bottom. by Carl Mustari The American Society for Testing and Materials has evolved into ASTM International. Its standards and ratings have been adopted for electrically insulated gloves. Vehicle manufacturers commonly recommend gloves with ASTM International’s Class 0 rating for work on hybrid vehicle high voltage circuits. This class 0 rating is the minimum required protection (1000V) for working on hybrids. OSHA requirements specify that high voltage gloves be inspected every six months by a qualified glove inspection laboratory. Some dealerships also rope off the vehicle being serviced to keep anyone else from entering the work bay during maintenance on hybrid cars. Once you’ve prepared to service the vehicle, you’re ready to approach the high voltage disconnect switch: • Rotate the switch from the lock position to the unlock position. • Pull the switch out and reset it to the shipping position (Ford Escape Hybrid example). • Wait 60 seconds to allow the capacitors in the inverter to discharge. These capacitors can be rated Figure 2 Figure 3 GEARS May/June 2011 E / 5-45RFE 500 311 311B 9 070 510 519 561 528 544 520 036 179 037 211 670 177 Whatever It Takes Does!!! 530 050 879 480 574 334B 337 862 334A 880 971 051 341 336 554 961 875 980 378 047 Input Shaft 507 777 120 Front Cover Plate Body 891 110 861 140 Stator Pump Parts 892* 150 130 778 Input Clutch Hub 571 232 220 570 Underdrive Hub 226 596 054 227* 234 883 482 O.Dr. Hub 480 690 331 330 884 968 568 121 978 865 Reverse Hub 235* 616 241 053 873 238 586 584 251 582 Input Planet Reverse Planet 760 895 429 317 897 4th Clutch 271 592 886 888 887 285 577 664 885* Low Roller Clutch Input Ring Gear 770 654 781 074 1-800-940-0197 • www.wittrans.com 950 Low / Reverse Housing 995-2 995-3 995 995-1 Park Pawl Assy. 761-4 Park Gear 926B M304317B 761 Case Parts 991 370 436 013 379 352 927 347 352 Case 420 846 991-4 926 Ext. Housing 370 438 101 644 583 244 612 247 058 996 557 558 2nd / 4th Retainer Reaction Planet 61 576 Reverse Clutch r. Clutch 144* 214 052 Input Clutch Retainer O.Dr. / Reverse Piston 740 342 540 746 740 741 154 114 9 Hybrid Electrical Safety around 450 volts and 125 amps each. There are three capacitors in the inverter. All high-voltage checkpoints must be tested with a Category III voltmeter rated at 1000 volts to verify the voltage has dissipated (figure 2). Never assume there’s no voltage in the system; always check with a knowngood Category III meter. Remember: even when the system is discharged, the 300-volt battery pack can provide lethal voltages. Hybrid Battery Information Hybrid batteries consist of 250 individual cells, similar in shape to a size D flashlight battery. Each individual battery cell is contained in a stainless steel case. Safety glasses must always be worn (figure 3). Each individual cell can create 1.3 volts. The cells are welded and wrapped together in groups of five to form a module. There are 50 modules in the battery pack. The total battery pack voltage potential is 300 volts DC. The batteries are Ni-MH (NickelMetal Hydride). The battery pack contains sealed batteries similar to the batteries used in radio controlled toys, laptop computers, and cell phones. The battery case is designed to be water resistant. The battery cells contain a base electrolyte — consisting of potassium hydroxide as the dominant active ingredient —absorbed in a special paper. The electrolyte won’t leak from the battery under most conditions; however, if the battery is crushed, it’s possible for small amounts of electrolyte to leak. If a wrecked hybrid vehicle comes into your shop, the vehicle’s safety systems should head off any potential safety issues. For example: Figure 4 6 1. The high voltage disconnect switch (previously discussed) should have disconnected automatically. 2. Manufacturers locate the battery pack where it’s least likely to be damaged: between the frame rails, ahead of the rear axle. 3. When the airbag deploys, it immediately cuts off power to the battery pack. Most emergency medical technicians (EMTs) have received training in how to deal with this. Basic steps for disabling the HV system include: 1. Make sure the ignition was turned off and the key removed. This is important because a full hybrid runs on its silent electric motor when stopped and may appear to be turned off. Backup options include removing the IGCT relay or the HV fuse under the hood. 2. Disconnect the 12-volt battery. 3. Wear 1000-volt, Class 0-rated insulated rubber gloves and follow any special instructions provided in the service manual for disabling the high voltage system (figure 4). Procedures may vary between vehicles and may include removing a service plug or removing a locking tab and flipping a switch. 4. Check orange cables for any current using a CAT III certified digital volt-ohmmeter (DVOM) (figure 5). Moving Hybrids in Service Bays The technicians shown (figure 6) have the hybrid vehicle on dollies to avoid charging the condensers in the inverter while pushing the car in and out of a service bay. Figure 5 Submersion If a hybrid vehicle was fully or partially submerged, disable the high voltage battery pack, SRS airbags, and gasoline fuel pump. When putting a hybrid vehicle back into service, check the insulation before activating high voltage circuits. You can use an insulation tester, often called a megaohmmeter, such as the Fluke 1587, to test the insulation. Acceptable resistance ratings should be over 1 million ohms. If insulation resistance is less than one million ohms, you’ll need to locate where insulation may be weak. Hoisting a Hybrid When hoisting or using a floor jack, pay attention to the lift points. Orange cables run under the vehicle just inside the frame rails on most hybrids. Sound Level Legislation Hybrid cars are quiet; so quiet you may not realize the vehicle is moving because you can’t hear anything. The federal government and a handful of states are considering legislation to set minimum sound levels for hybrid cars. In April, Representatives Edolphus Towns (D-NY) and Cliff Stearns (R-FL) introduced the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act of 2008. The bill proposes a two-year study to determine the best strategy for tackling safety concerns about hybrids among the visually impaired. Thanks to Cherokee Ford in Woodstock, GA for information on the 2011 Ford Fusion Hybrid. Figure 6 GEARS May/June 2011 When Electricity Goes Bad by David Skora Technical Director, Valve Body Pro Sometimes isolating an electrical problem is as simple as just looking around. T his article is about how important it is to troubleshoot the electrical devices used to shift today’s transmissions correctly. Now, don’t stop reading just because I mentioned electricity: We’re not going to talk about Ohm’s Law or try to get you to use fancy meters or oscilloscopes. There are plenty of magazine articles and textbooks that already cover this subject very well. What I notice is that a lot of guys who are new to this industry don’t start to learn about electricity until they run into a problem. I can’t blame them: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” But, in reality, the best time to learn about electrical circuits is by testing circuits that are good. That way you know how they’re supposed to work. The following examples that I’ve come across may help guide your own troubleshooting… when electricity goes bad. Let’s take a look at the basic, on8 Figure 1: Interior of handicapped driver’s van. off electrical circuit. Remember: these types of circuits involve a load device such as a light bulb, a fan, or a transmission solenoid. And they typically include a power source, a switch, and a ground, which make the device work. The textbook examples for a bad circuit include several scenarios such as an open or a short in the circuit or a continuity problem. In the real world, it usually comes down to the device or on-off switch is bad, there’s no power, or no ground. And while you could spend a lot of time and effort tracking down the specific problem, very often it’s not necessary. Let’s take a look at a few examples and you’ll see what I mean: A general repair shop next door had a customer with 1996 E250 van equipped with handicap lift and modified driver controls (figure 1). I noticed that the tech had been working on this van for a few days. One day after work he told me the story. The issue was that it wouldn’t pass the smog test because the check engine light was on. He started in the right direction: He recorded and cleared the code. During a test drive, he noticed that it drove fine until the check engine light came on; then it started shifting hard. He found GEARS May/June 2011 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K When Electricity Goes Bad the same VSS code in memory. He then verified that the battery, grounds, and fuses were all okay. He also found out from the customer that the dash and parking lights didn’t always work. At this point he pulled the dash to check the circuits at the PSOM (Programmable Speedometer Odometer Module). Since the power and ground circuits checked out, he assumed the PSOM must be bad. He installed a used dash from a salvage yard. The owner picked up the van and returned the next day with the same problem. The tech told me that the problem was erratic and seemed to be related to driving with the lights on. Sure enough, the wiring diagrams seemed to indicate a possible relationship between a common “joined in electrical lingo” voltage feed to the PSOM and the headlight switch. So at this point he installed a new headlight switch and new turn signal switch, and was seriously considering ordering a new dash assembly. I couldn’t help but feel compelled to help him — not just for his sake, but also because I wanted to see the handicapped owner get his van back. The wiring diagrams showed a relationship between fuse number 1 and fuse number 5 in the dash panel fusebox. Number one provided the battery feed to the PSOM, brake switch, turn signal switch, and ABS module. Fuse number 5 was an ignition feed to the transmission range sensor, turn signal switch, OD cancel switch, daytime running light module, and some other circuits. He decided that one of the switches was shorted, which caused a voltage drop before the PSOM. “WOW,” I said, “that’s amazing.” “Yeah,” he replied, “it would be, if I could find what’s doing it.” I offered to help him for a few minutes. He’d been showing me the wiring diagrams to support his theory. I noticed the headlight switch hanging 10 from under the dash. The first thing I did was check for battery voltage from fuse number 5 to the headlight switch. With the ignition off there was no voltage. When the ignition switch was on, there was only 8 volts. I think this is what had him confused. Clearly, a battery fuse circuit should always have voltage, whether the ignition is on or off. To be sure, I got similar results when I checked for voltage at the fuse side of the brake switch. Since he said he checked the fuse, I was getting suspicious of an open between the fuse and the circuits it fed. So I pulled out the number 5 fuse: Lo and behold, there was a broken terminal on the feed side of the fuse (figure 2). Figure 2: A broken terminal on the fuse feed side misled troubleshooting. Figure 3: Is this or isn’t this a real 1996 Volkswagen 2.0L engine? GEARS May/June 2011 When Electricity Goes Bad Unless a code sets for one of the sensors, a lot of techs seem to ignore the potential problems a bad sensor can create. He’d probed the fuse test sockets on top of the fuse and it tested good, and he hasn't seen the van back again. This next example involves a look at a 2000 VW Jetta that occasionally set a VAG 00652 slip code. The owner was told by the first shop that he needed a transmission because it was setting a slip code. The vehicle owner was skeptical: He wanted a second opinion from another transmission shop. The owner of the second shop told me the transmission worked perfectly until the computer system went into limp mode. As soon as they cleared the slip code, the transmission would drive and shift great. These symptoms didn’t seem to indicate the transmission needed to be rebuilt. Even though the TCM hadn’t set any other codes, we did a wiggle test on the OSS (Output Speed Sensor). All of a sudden an OSS code set. A new OSS fixed the problem, and it cost a lot less than a complete transmission rebuild. Remember, just because there’s no a trouble code doesn’t mean electricity can’t go bad. Let’s take a short review of computer related troubleshooting: For a computer to control a transmission, it needs sensors to monitor the physical conditions the vehicle is under at every moment. Unless a code sets for one of the sensors, a lot of techs seem to ignore the potential problems a bad sensor can create. Remember, the speed sensors, temperature sensors, pressure sensors, engine load sensors, driver inputs (Tiptronics), and more supply vital information for the computer to control shift timing and shift feel. This final example illustrates what sort of extreme situations you may 12 Figure 4: View of the 18-pin engine connector just below the radiator hose clamp. come across. I was asked by a friend of a friend (always a bad sign) to fix a 1996 VW that seemed to be in limp mode. The complaint sounded like the transmission only drove forward in high gear and would back up okay in reverse. An initial check revealed several engine codes. It was hard to believe the engine would even start and run. Someone had wired the fuel pump to run all the time; otherwise the engine wouldn’t even start. Since the engine was able to run, his concern was getting the transmission to shift. As the story unfolded and I spent several hours diagnosing, troubleshooting, and testing circuits, I concluded that this was going to take a lot more time, money, and parts to fix than it was probably worth. Here’s why: The previous owner had replaced the engine with a used one (figure 3). My friend’s friend bought it this way and assumed some minor thing was causing the transmission not to shift right. The engine and transmission looked like they were all there and seemed to have the wiring connected to the usual sensors. In most typical situations with multiple codes, the logic is to solve the circuits which are setting the lowest number code first. One of the lowest codes present related to the ECM power circuits. This made sense, because someone had forced the fuel pump relay to work all the time. It should have taken only a few minutes to verify the ECM fuel pump relay control circuits were good. At first I wasn’t too concerned that none of the wiring diagrams matched the car’s wiring. “No big deal,” I thought, “it’s a Volkswagen.” To my amazement, I couldn’t find any wiring diagrams from any model or year Volkswagen that matched this car! To make a long story short, we finally realized that the engine had come from a 1995 Volkswagen. A few of the sensors (TPS, IAC, Idle Switch, wiring, etc.) were different between a 1995 and a 1996 VW. Since the 18-pin engine harness plugged right in the main wiring harness near the distributor (figure 4), both friends assumed it was going to work. It’s been over a year and, I as far as I know, the owner still hasn’t decided what to do. I hope these examples help illustrate that when it seems electricity has gone bad, fixing the problem may not require advanced diagnostic strategies. Sometimes you can make it right by using simple logic and knowing what it takes to make it good. GEARS May/June 2011 A higher level. That’s what you get with Ford gas engines and transmissions. A higher build level means you’re getting engine and transmission assemblies built to the exacting specifications of Ford Motor Company. So you not only get the quality build you expect in an assembly from Ford, but also one that’s built by using parts that keep it specific to year, make and model as well as emissions calibrations. Introducing the all-new 3-Year Unlimited-Mile Warranty – No Commercial Exceptions Ford gasoline engines and transmissions are covered by a three-year/unlimited-mile warranty.* All warranties are backed by Ford Motor Company. They’re also supported by more than 3,500 Ford and Lincoln Mercury Dealerships nationwide as well as at their originating place of service. Plus, unlike some competitors, the warranty is good for fleet vehicles. That means you get the same advantages and coverage for commercial use, no exceptions. For technical questions, contact the Powertrain Assistance Center at 1-800-392-7946 or visit FordParts.com. *See dealer for limited-warranty details. Remanufactured diesel engines are covered by a two-year/unlimited-mileage warranty. Sticking Thermal Element Can Cause Thermal Failure 4R / 5R55E / 5R55W / S/N Cooler Bypass System F ord’s 4R/5R55E and 5R55N/ W/S transmissions use a hydraulic cooler bypass system that can cause a system meltdown if the thermal element or fluid cooler bypass sleeve sticks. If the sleeve sticks part way it’ll restrict cooler flow and cause internal component damage; meanwhile it may not set any fluid temperature codes. Very often the fluid will be burnt and Figure 1 14 the overdrive planetary assembly completely destroyed. Blocking the thermal valve sleeve in the stroked position will prevent this from happening. Some aftermarket companies supply a block to keep the fluid cooler bypass stroked in the normal temperature position. Another way to accomplish this is to move the return spring to the opposite side of the sleeve. by Mike Souza members.atra.com www.atra.com This same problem may also cause intermittent lockup code P0741. The accompanying hydraulic diagrams show the function of the thermal element and sleeve: Figure 1 shows the thermal valve at rest (4/5R55E; orange) in the cold temperature position. In this position, the valve directs oil through the fluid cooler bypass sleeve (green), which allows the oil to flow to the cooler Figure 2 GEARS May/June 2011 GEARS May/June 2011 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 15 Sticking Thermal Element Can Cause Thermal Failure through both cooler lines at the same time. Since there’s no return, there’s no cooler flow. This helps the transmission reach normal temperature faster in colder climates. Figure 2 shows the transmission at normal temperature: The thermal element moves the fluid cooler bypass sleeve (extended pin), blocking off the oil being applied to the upper cooler line fitting. In this position, oil flows to the cooler through the lower cooler line and returns through the upper cooler line. Figure 2 shows the lockup converter flow in the released position at normal temperature. Figure 3 again shows oil flow to the cooler at normal temperature, but with the lockup converter flow in the applied position. If the sleeve gets stuck — completely or part way — it can restrict cooler flow in the converter clutch release pressure circuit. This can set DTC P0741. Placing the cooler bypass sleeve spring on the opposite side of the sleeve locks the sleeve in the normal temperature position, preventing a cooler flow problem. The diagrams for the 5R55W/S (figures 4, 5, and 6) and the 5R55N transmission (figures 7, 8, and 9) show cooler flow working the same way. The only difference is the thermal element, fluid cooler bypass sleeve, and converter clutch control valve lineup aren’t in the same bore. But blocking the fluid cooler bypass sleeve in the normal temperature position, such as by relocating the spring to the opposite side of the sleeve, will still keep the cooler flowing properly and prevent overheating problems. Figure 7 Figure 8 16 Figure 9 GEARS May/June 2011 GEARS_FINAL1.pdf 1 4/21/2011 10:09:08 PM C M Y CM MY CY MY K 18 GEARS May/June 2011 GEARS May/June 2011 19 GEARS_FINAL2.pdf 1 4/21/2011 10:15:14 PM C M Y CM MY CY MY K 20 GEARS May/June 2011 GEARS May/June 2011 21 Which Is More Important: How It Works or What’s Wrong With It? Technically Speaking I Allison… is that you? t’s Monday morning and as you’re walking up to your bay you see a late model GMC sitting there. “There’s an Allison transmission in that truck,” you might say to yourself. Then the question: “I wonder what’s wrong with it?” You find out later the complaint is no power. Before the test drive you perform a quick inspection, check for codes, and make sure the vehicle is ready to drive. It has multiple codes; you record them and clear them from memory. During the test drive the vehicle goes in limp mode. Back at the shop, five minutes later, you find the wiring harness pinched (figure 1). Two hours later the vehicle is fixed. Quick fixes like these are always great to learn about in seminars and training classes. But understanding how the transmission operates — and why the quick fix worked in the first place — is just as important. But sometimes this transmission can fool you, like give you a false Neutral. Let’s take a look at how and why the Allison goes into fails and what causes it. by Lance Wiggins members.atra.com www.atra.com Figure 1 Understanding a False Neutral If power is interrupted while the transmission is operating in reverse or neutral, the transmission defaults to or continues neutral operation. At that point you can turn the engine off and start it again: The shift selector will provide reverse, neutral, and drive capability regardless of the range it was in when the failure occurred. In this state, pressure control solenoid 1 — PCS1 or trim A solenoid — is de-energized, and allows the 3rd, 5th and reverse clutches to apply. If you move the selector valve into reverse, 22 Figure 2 GEARS May/June 2011 Which Is More Important: How It Works or What’s Wrong With It? Figure 3 main pressure is routed to the low and reverse clutch, allowing reverse operation. If you move the selector valve to drive, main pressure is routed to the 1-2-3-4 clutch, allowing 3rd gear operation. If the unit has no forward or reverse, or won’t move at all, follow these steps: • Set the parking brake. • Key off. • Disconnect the case connector at the transmission. • Using a fused jumper wire, connect terminal R (black/white) of the automatic transmission 20-way connector to a known good ground. • Start the engine and move the range selector to reverse — the transmission should engage reverse. • Move the range selector to drive — the transmission should engage 3rd gear. If reverse and 3rd gears are available in limp home mode, it may indicate an electrical failure. If only one or neither of the ranges work, it may indicate an internal hydraulic failure such as one of these conditions: • Failed clutch • Stuck valve • Solenoid failure • 1-2-3-4 clutch, 3rd, 5th and reverse clutch, and the low and reverse clutch Erratic Operation after Repair If you’re experiencing erratic transmission operation after a rebuild or a battery disconnect, it’s important to verify in which particular gears the erratic operation is occurring. Use a scan tool to determine these 24 Figure 4 shift sequences. If the shift timing between two gears isn’t met, the TCM will attempt to adapt the timing of that shift within the program specifications. The vehicle will need to be driven more, specifically performing that shift. Many times this will correct the condition. It’s possible to reset individual shifts without affecting the other shifts. Monitor the adaptive cells on the scan tool to determine if the adaptive strategies have been met. Always reset the TCM to base calibration and fast adapt for all shifts. This can be done in one step with fast learn. If you miss this step, the TCM adaptive values will be at their previous settings, set to slow adaptive mode. Under these conditions, it’ll take an unacceptably long time for the adaptive values to adjust for the new transmission. Checking the Pressure for Diagnostic Purposes Checking mainline pressure helps determine if a transmission failure is due to a mechanical or an electrical condition (figure 2). Caution: Keep the brakes applied at all times to prevent unexpected vehicle motion. Personal injury may result if the vehicle moves unexpectedly. • Engine off. • Remove the oil pressure tap plug. • Install the oil pressure gauge. All transmission fluid level and pressure checks must be made at normal operating temperatures 71-93ºC (160-200ºF). • Start the engine. • Check the transmission fluid level; adjust if necessary. • Use the scan tool to check the GEARS May/June 2011 engine RPM. • With the brakes applied, record the line pressure values with the engine at 600 RPM, in neutral and reverse. The transmission will be in converter mode: torque converter clutch not applied. • With the brakes applied, record the line pressure values with the engine at 2100 RPM in neutral. The transmission will be in converter mode: torque converter clutch not applied. • With the brakes applied, use your scan tool to check pressures in first through fifth gear ranges at 600 RPM. The transmission will be in converter mode: torque converter clutch not applied. • Compare the data recorded to the line pressure specifications (figures 3). • Engine off. • Disconnect the oil pressure gauge. • Install the oil pressure tap plug. Problems and Fixes Figure 5 We’ve covered the basics; now let’s cover the problems and fixes. Code P0842 (Transmission Fluid Pressure (TFP) Switch 1 Solenoid Circuit Low Voltage) Code P0847 (Transmission Fluid Pressure (TFP) Switch 2 Solenoid Circuit Low Voltage) DTC Code P0872 (Transmission Fluid Pressure (TFP) Switch 3 Solenoid Circuit Low Voltage) These codes can be caused by a fault in a clutch circuit, the valve body, a shift solenoid, or a faulty pressure switch circuit. These codes may be hard faults or intermittent codes. To verify whether a shift solenoid, shift valve, or clutch is at fault, swap shift solenoids C, D and E with one another. If the problem remains the same, look for a valve or clutch fault. If it changes, suspect the solenoid. With the valve body removed, you can air check each clutch (figure 4). A better way to test your light-duty automotive transmissions Mustang’s Universal Transmission Dyno - Smarter by Design. CALL 888-468-7826 MEMBER www.mustangae.com GEARS May/June 2011 WIRELESS TRANSMISSION CONTROL MODULES OID EN SOL S TER TES DY E BO VALV TERS S E T 25 Which Is More Important: How It Works or What’s Wrong With It? Always service the spin-on oil filter at regular intervals. Make sure the magnet is present at the top of the filter. Always make sure the valve body bolts are tightened evenly to 84-110 in-lbs. A burnishing tool is available through the aftermarket to smooth out any irregular marks in the bore for the E shift valve. If the E shift valve sticks in its bore, it usually affects 4th gear and sets code P0872. After you clear the code, the vehicle will shift normally: 1-2-3. Gear ratio error in 5th (P0735 2001-2005), or 6th (P0736 2006-on) before and after a rebuild can be caused by a damaged range fork in the transfer case, causing the transfer case to pop out of gear at freeway speeds (figures 5 and 6). Units affected are 2001-current K Series Chevy Silverado/GMC Sierra 2500HD/3500. Four wheel drive vehicles equipped with Allison transmissions use the vehicle speed sensor on the transfer case as an output speed sensor. When the transfer case goes into neutral, the computer sees the input RPM change as vehicle speed remains constant, so it thinks the transmission is slipping. One of the main causes for this failure is a lack of lubrication due to low fluid level. Over time, the pump assembly can wear a pinhole into the magnesium case and produce a small leak. GM has released an updated clip that resists wear from the pump into the case (figure 7). GM has also released an updated range fork and hub assembly to help with wear issues. Anaheim Gear of Anaheim, California recommends using GM Autotrak fluid for improved durability. • Autotrak Fluid P/N 12378508 • Range Fork P/N 12544310 (261 XHD) 12384964 (263 XHD) We’ve also found the snap ring groove in the rear case half for the output bearing is wearing out (figure 8). The magnesium case is too soft and the axial movement of the output shaft causes the snap ring groove to widen as much as 0.0200”. This excess clearance causes the entire shaft to walk back and forth, resulting in range fork wear, which can cause the transmission to shift into neutral at freeway speeds. 26 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 GEARS May/June 2011 , n e t g f n o o l o a s s e m o Every c y g o l o n h c s e e t g w n e a n h c y l e t e l p m o c . t s a g h n t i h t o d e w y a the w Leave it to Corteco® to introduce a new, easy way to install lip seals and bonded pistons that prevents damaging the seal. Introducing the Lip Wizard™, available exclusively in TransTec® transmission kits. This simple device installs lip seals and bonded pistons in almost any transmission. You no longer have to worry about tearing a lip seal or buying expensive installation tools that only work on specific transmissions. The Lip Wizard™ is flexible, versatile, reuseable and recyclable. Best of all, it’s absolutely free. You’ll find the new Lip Wizard™ installation tool inside virtually every TransTec® gasket and overhaul kit. Visit www.TransTec.com/ LipWizard for more information. A Division of Freudenberg-NOK New_Pkg_LipWizard_ad_final.indd 1 T: 419.499.2502 • F: 419.499.2804 • Milan, OH 1/25/11 11:31 AM Which Is More Important: How It Works or What’s Wrong With It? LCT 1000 applications may exhibit late shifts, no shifts, or a lack of power. This may be caused by the PTO switch indicating that the PTO is being commanded on. It may act very similar to a plugged fuel filter, and likely won’t set a DTC. The TCM is being commanded by the ECM to change the shift points for the transmission. The engine speed will typically be limited to 2000-3000 RPM (depending on calibration). You can monitor the PTO switch with a scan tool on most applications. If the PTO switch is activated or if the switch has failed, the ECM will limit engine RPM at all throttle openings. In addition, you may notice that turbo boost pressure, MAF, and fuel delivery commands indicate the engine isn’t under full load. When these conditions are met, the ECM will command the TCM to change the shift points, which can lead to the complaint. If the switch is off, check the switch and wiring with your scan tool or multimeter. Repair or replace the switch as necessary. The PTO switch on the 2001-06 applications is located right of center on the dash (figure 9). Many customers are installing PTO switches in vehicles that weren’t originally equipped with a PTO from the factory. Customers are using the PTO input to force the engine to idle up to speed after the engine warm up. The factory harness is in place up to connector C106, so the installation is fairly simple. PTO switch kits are available from several sources. This means this condition may occur even though the vehicle isn’t equipped with a PTO. LCT 1000 applications may exhibit any of these conditions: • Transmission won’t move forward or reverse (range inhibited). • Possible electrically related tent. shift solenoid, temperature sensor, or PSM DTCs. • Transmission will move forward and reverse but won’t shift. These conditions may be intermit- Inspect the main transmission harness; it may be pinched where the frame rail meets the body (at the body mounts). If the harness is pinched, repair the wiring and reroute it to prevent it from becoming pinched again. This problem is common on crew cab applications. Vehicles come and go. Knowing what it takes to fix them is like having the key to every room: all you have to do is turn the key. Until next time, remember: Understanding how the transmission operates is just as important as understanding why it’s acting up. Figure 9 28 GEARS May/June 2011 Just about the only vehicle we don’t make a transmission repair kit for. If it’s got wheels, chances are we have a transmission repair kit for it. A box, no, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t thinking outside of it. As a technological leader for over 30 years, we’re constantly striving to improve ourselves and grow our product line to give you the world’s largest and most reliable selection of transmission repair kits. Quantity plus quality From the latest makes and models to the oldest and everything in between, we have a solution to virtually every transmission repair problem. They’re guaranteed to work, too. All are cross-checked against OEM specs. All changes are noted and made. And we always use OE parts or better. Plus, with our huge inventory and state-of-the-art warehousing capabilities, we’ll deliver exactly what you need when and where you need it. www.transmissionkits.com Tech us out Precision also offers outstanding technical assistance and support, including our “state-of-the-part”, interactive website www.transmissionkits.com. It puts a wealth of valuable information right at your fingertips such as continually updated video seminars from leading transmission expert John Parmenter, question and answer forums, complete parts information and much more. So the next time you need a transmission repair kit, don’t get boxed into a corner. Draw from Precision International’s vast experience and product line. For more information, give us a call. The Problem Solvers. 14 Todd Court Extension, Yaphank, NY 11980 (631) 567-2000 • Fax (631) 567-2640 Toll Free: 800-872-6649 Florida Office: 6790 Hillsdale Point, Boynton Beach, FL 33437 (561) 734-2332 • Fax (561) 734-2375 E-mail: sales@transmissionkits.com www.transmissionkits.com NEW Precision International K73900GX Overhaul Kit JF011E applications. Banner and Master kits also available. 209-PRE-097 L: 7.375x10.125 T: 8.125x10.875 B: 8.375x11.125 4C K73900GX Overhaul Kit Don’t Be Undone By Your “To-Do” List by Thom Tschetter members.atra.com www.atra.com T here are few things that bring as much pleasure or sense of accomplishment as crossing something off your “To-Do” list. It simply feels good to complete just about any task that was worthy of your list. In fact, it feels so good that it can become addictive. Most successful people use a To-Do list in one form or another, and they wouldn’t consider giving it up. When you think about it, time management programs, day planners, and schedulers are little more than To-Do lists. Some are more sophisticated and include things like prioritizing, progress tracking, and so on, but in the final analysis they’re just a fancy way of keeping track of the things you have to do. As usual, I’m up to challenging traditions and questioning what we might call “conventional wisdom.” If you’ve ever seen the musical Fiddler on the Roof, you know how deep-rooted traditions can block change. But regardless of how much we say we resist change, let’s face it: For the most part, change is good. In fact, we love change. We rearrange furniture, modify colors, buy new and improved products, update our wardrobes, get new cars, and yes, we even elect our leaders because they promise change. A To-Do list is generally all about change; it’s a list of things you want to fix or improve in your life. So how can a To-Do list block change? Many of us can become so focused on accomplishing what’s on our To-Do lists that we miss out on opportunities to improve our businesses, our processes, and the 30 quality of our lives. I’ve observed many shop owners who are so busy working on their To-Do lists that they don’t look up long enough to consider new ideas or opportunities, or to set time aside for setting goals and developing plans for accomplishing them. In short, marking things off their To-Do lists becomes their goal, and they get their sense of accomplishment from crossing the things off the list instead of improving their businesses. I believe there are some fundamental flaws in how we’ve traditionally used To-Do lists. The lists themselves can become so overwhelming that we resist anything new because it’ll result in adding to our already unmanageable lists. So let’s take a look at how we might improve things by changing how we use To-Do lists. First, let’s assume that your To-Do list is only made up of things that are truly important enough to justify being on YOUR list. If you have no criteria for determining what deserves to be on YOUR list, add “create the criteria” to YOUR list right now. You should always consider whether something deserves to be on YOUR list. For many of you, this one step will shrink the size of YOUR list and make it easier to take the next steps. Note the use of the word “YOUR” in the previous paragraph. Implicit in the word YOUR is the concept of ownership. These are tasks that you own, or, in other words, only you can or should do. What about all the things that don’t meet the criteria to be on YOUR list, but still need to get done? Chances are those things can go on a new list. GEARS May/June 2011 CT-GearsMag7FinalUpdate-2'11:Layout 4 2/10/11 8:12 AM Page 1 WANT NEW REVENUE FOR YOUR BUSINESS? Dad… I Did It! I win the Bet! 4 New Distributors! I bet my dad I could have four new distributors in 2010. I won the bet! I can now announce #4! Certified Transmission is proud to welcome The Blumenthal Companies in Oklahoma City, OK to the Certified family of distributors. The Certified Transmission Program is unique, designed exclusively for for transmission professionals, and for professional auto & truck repair shops looking to increase capacity, sales and profits. More than just another reman unit, Certified transmissions are installed by professionals who build and test them and by professionals throughout North America. ■ An exclusive protected territory ■ A no-fault, nationwide warranty even on carryout units ■ 200 of your fastest moving transmissions in stock ■ 5,000 more transmissions and transfer cases just a phone call away ■ A program allowing you to pay for them after you sell them ■ Reduce or EVEN ELIMINATE Parts and Rebuild Costs ■ Turn your lifts over 2 or 3 times per day Peter and Amanda Fink Certified Transmission ■ Free use of the copyrighted proprietary Certified Transmission Vehicle Specific Lookup ID system Show Me The Cars Call Jim Slimp at 800-544-7520 ext.171 Join the Network of Success Akron, OH Waterloo Transmission Baltimore/ Washington DC Glen Burnie Transmission Boston, MA Metro Transmission Distributors Inc Des Moines, IA All Drive Transmission Dubuque, IA Precision Transmission Framingham, MA Bonded Transmission Ft. Dodge, IA Certified Transmission Iowa Kalona, IA Kalona Auto Kansas City, MO Certified Transmission Kansas City Kieler, WI Shift Point Transmission Trans Works Transmissions Madison, WI Minneapolis, MN Tri Star Engine & Transmission Manhattan, KS Stagg Hill Transmissions Oklahoma City, OK The Blumenthal Companies Omaha, NE Certified Transmission Nebraska Philadelphia, PA Metro RMP Phoenix, AZ Tri-City Transmissions Prescott, AZ Certified Transmission of Prescott Quad Cities IA/IL Snider's West Rapid City, SD Logan's Transmission Salt Lake City, UT Freeway Transmission San Diego, CA Metro Certified Transmission of So. Cal Scottsbluff, NE Wilburn's Transmissions Inc. Sioux Falls, SD J & M Transmission Tulsa, OK Eddie's Transmissions Youngstown, OH/ Tri -State Redlich Transmission 800-824-6689 410-766-8500 800-891-5508 800-247-1499 563-585-0270 508-872-1119 800-362-2189 800-728-3098 800-544-7520 608-568-3054 608-742-5136 800-322-5859 785-539-2900 888-236-4800 800-544-7520 800-257-7418 866-946-3307 928-778-2231 563-391-7534 800-579-1742 800-354-5920 888-374-8383 308-635-1212 800-504-2050 918-272-6683 330-758-555 “The Blumenthal Companies have been in business since 1949. Since my grandfather I.H. Blumenthal started our companies we have specialized in all things related to the drive train, engines, clutches, differentials, manual and automatic transmissions. Grandad always looked for the finest companies to partner with. My father, I.H. “Dunnie” Blumenthal Jr. said ‘Kevin, I want you to get us Certified Transmission!” Kevin Blumenthal President Blumenthal Companies PARTNERSHIP PRODUCTIVITY PROFITABILITY www.certifiedtransmission.com Don’t Be Undone By Your “To-Do” List Let’s call the new list “Things to Delegate.” Again, if you haven’t created any criteria for determining what you can delegate, add that to YOUR list right now. We don’t have the time or space to deal completely with how to delegate effectively, but Theodore Roosevelt put it this way: “The best executive is the one who has enough sense to pick good people to do what he wants done, and enough self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.” Here is a simple “…ATE”-step approach to help you delegate: • StimulATE — Present what you want them to do and why to do it. • EducATE — Explain how to do it. • DemonstrATE — Show them how you want it done. • SimulATE — Give them a chance to try to do it. • EvaluATE — Provide feedback on how they did and correction as needed. • CongratulATE — Because what gets rewarded gets repeated. Many times, the things on the lists are game changers. Once completed and implemented, game changers fundamentally affect what is done or the way things are done. They often eliminate the need to continue doing certain things, as well as clearly illuminating the things that you need to start doing and the things you need to keep doing. This creates the need for another small group of lists: the Stop-Doing list, the Start-Doing list, and the Keep-Doing list. Here’s a simple example of how this all works together. Let’s assume you’ve decided to add brake repair to your menu of services in your transmission shop. Here’s how you might use these examples to manage the changes: Create a comprehensive list of all the things that need to be done to prepare for and implement this new service package. Examples would include: • purchase equipment • hire or train techs • establish supplier relationships • adjust how you schedule appointments …and more. 32 Determine which of the things on this list must be done by you and put them on YOUR To-Do list. Maybe you’re the only one to make the equipment purchases, but your manager will take care of the staffing needs. You might have the manager gather a list of potential suppliers, but you’ll negotiate the pricing and terms. Determine who will do each of the remaining steps using the “…ATE”step delegation process. Decide what needs to go on the Start-Doing list. One example would be to start inspecting brakes as part of every diagnostic service. Decide what goes on the KeepDoing list. For instance, you’ll need to keep using your established diagnostic and sales procedures to make sure your customers receive the same level of satisfaction as they’ve come to expect from you. Your Stop-Doing list will certainly include, “stop referring brake work to the brake specialist up the street.” While this seems to go without saying, don’t assume anything. I know a shop owner who always had one of his clean-up guys vacuum customers’ cars and clean the windows inside and out. When a new car wash opened up across the street, he decided to start having all the customers’ cars washed. The car wash did a great job, including vacuuming the cars and cleaning all the windows inside and out. And, as you most likely already guessed, his clean up guy continued to vacuum the cars and wash the windows. The key point is that the traditional To-Do list can become both overwhelming and addictive, yielding unintended results and stunting creativity and innovation. But by applying some simple principles, you can manage the process instead of doing it all yourself. And by the way, share some of those feelings of accomplishment with your team… they’ll enjoy crossing things off their lists, too. Thom Tschetter has served our industry for three decades as a management and sales educator. He owned a chain of award-winning auto centers in Washington State for over 25 years. In 1996 his business was honored as the No. 1 small business in the state, and ranked in the top 10 nationally. He also volunteers on the board of directors for the Auto Repair Good Guys Foundation, a non-profit foundation, which provides consumer education and guidance, charitable car repairs, and scholarships to automotive vo-techs in Arizona. Thom is always eager to help our industry. You can contact him by phone at (480) 773-3131 or e-mail to coachthom@gmail.com. GEARS May/June 2011 New from BorgWarner! Resistance is futile. New from BorgWarner: Part No. 50155 Replacement EPC Solenoid Fits Ford/Mazda transmissions 4R44E/4R55E/5R44E/5R55E Derived from a proven “force motor” design used in millions of transmissions, BorgWarner’s EPC replacement solenoid greatly reduces your risk of stuck spool valve conditions associated with our competitor’s “direct acting” design. The internal moving parts of BorgWarner’s solenoid core are made of hardened steel for incredible durability, and the hydraulic section is made of precision machined aluminum, anodized to resist wear and contamination, with a filtered inlet and outlet for added protection. BorgWarner carries a full line of ready to ship OEM quality clutch plates, transmission bands, one-way clutches, and electronic transmission solenoids that are 100% guaranteed to fit your rebuilds. BorgWarner Inc. Transmission Systems 1350 N. Greenbriar Dr. Unit B Addison, IL 60101 (630) 261-9980 www.borgwarner.com Over time, normal transmission wear adds contaminates to transmission fluid, which may cause the spool valve movement of our competitor’s OE design to become sluggish and output pressures imprecise, resulting in poor shifts, slippage, and high line pressure problems. By contrast, BorgWarner’s larger internal spool valve is moved with hydraulic force, developing more than THREE TIMES THE FORCE of the OE design to plow through debris to meter oil flow properly. Calibrated to ensure smooth and durable operation, and verified by extensive field testing, BorgWarner’s EPC solenoid is the unbeatable choice for robust performance against transmission fluid contamination. Call your authorized distributor today and ask for genuine OEM quality solenoids from the global leader in automatic transmission technology... BorgWarner, Inc. feel good about driving A Look at the New MP Transfer Case I f you’ve had the opportunity to look under a new 4WD truck lately, you’ve probably noticed something new: The transfer case looks a little different than those you’ve become used to working with for the last decade or so. Starting with the 2007 model year, General Motors introduced a series of new transfer case designs to replace the New Venture Gear units they used in the past. Built by Magna Powertrain (MP), the new units are available in three different models: • Manual Shift (RPO NQG; models 1222/1225/1226) • Electric Shift (RPO NQF; models 1625/1626) • Auto (RPO NQH; models 3023/3024) Several models are available for each application, including the 1222/1225 and 1226 manually shifted units, the 1625/1626 electrically shifted units, and the 3023 and 3024 auto/ active transfer case models (figure 1). All models use DEXRON VI fluid. The models features are shown in the accompanying chart. (Chart 1) There are several differences between the transfer cases beyond the control system. Some are minor while others will create major parts interchange problems if you try and install the incorrect parts for the unit you’re working on. To identify the transfer case, check the tag or stampings on the case (figure 2). As you can see from the chart, there are nine different transfer cases just for GM applications. So what’s so different about these units? Well, in a nutshell, the construction of the units is similar to the NV design transfer cases you’ve worked on 34 for years, but the internal operation of the shift mechanism is quite different. The MP units use a new design shift motor. In addition, this new design shift motor requires a learn process after replacement, for the control module to learn its position properly. MP T Case Operation by Steve Garrett members.atra.com www.atra.com 1626, MP 3023 and MP 3024 use these operational modes: • 2 High • 4 High • Auto (MP 3023, MP 3024) • 4 Low — 2.68:1 • Neutral The MP series electronic transfer First we’ll look at how these units operate: • (RPO NQF) MP 1625/MP 1626 • (RPO NQH) MP 3023, MP3024 Like other electric shift GM transfer cases, the MP 1625 MP Figure 1 Model RPO Trans MP 1222 Light Duty MP 1222 Light Duty MP 1225 Heavy Duty Input Shaft Splines Output Shaft Splines NQG 4L60E 27T 32T NQG 6L80 32T 32T NQG 6L90 29T MP 1226 Super Duty NQG 6L90 LCT 1000 MP 1625 Heavy Duty NQF MP 1626 Super Duty MP 3023 Light Duty MP 3023 Light Duty MP 3024 Heavy Duty Chain Size Planet App 3 Pinion ½ Ton 3 Pinion ½ Ton 31T 7/16– 1.25 7/16– 1.25 7/16– 1.5 5 Pinion ¾ Ton 29T 31T 7/16– 1.5 5 Pinion ¾ Ton 1 Ton 6L90 29T 31T 5 Pinion ¾ Ton NQF 6L90 LCT 1000 7/16– 1.5 29T 31T 7/16– 1.5 5 Pinion ¾ Ton 1 Ton NQH 4L60E 27T 32T 3 Pinion ½ Ton NQH 2ML70 32T 32T 3 Pinion ½ Ton NQH 6L90 29T 31T 7/16– 1.25 7/16– 1.25 7/16– 1.5 5 Pinion ¾ Ton CHART 1 GEARS May/June 2011 Hard parts…need one? Need 100? Can’t find what you’re looking for? Just Ask! Based in Columbus, Ohio, G-Cor Automotive Corp. proudly houses the largest inventory of used automatic transmission hard parts in the USA! With an organized processing center of 90,000 square feet, and 100,000 square feet of inventoried import and domestic hard parts, we’re confident we can meet your need. Just ask! When it comes to quality our parts speak for themselves. Our machine shop staff takes pride in their attention to detail. Our sales team is knowledgeable and experienced. And our service won’t be beat! • Huge selection of good used automatic transmission hard parts • Warehouse Price and Private Label programs available • Rebuilder pricing for quality used hard parts • After-market and O.E.M. new hard parts • Export Sales Program available 1.877.888.5160 fax 614.444.5165 G-CorAutomotive.com gcor-just-ask-full.indd 1 11/29/10 10:26 PM A Look at the New MP Transfer Case Figure 2 • Key on • A/T shifter in neutral • VSS less than 3 MPH (5 km/h) • Move the switch into (or out of) the 4 Low position To select neutral position for towing purposes: • Key on • A/T shifter in neutral • VSS less than 3 MPH (5 km/h) • Transfer case in 2 High position • Rotate the switch clockwise past the 4WD Low position and hold it in that position for 10 seconds. The red neutral lamp will light. Auto Transfer Case Operation (RPO NQH) MP 3023, MP3024 Figure 3 cases are “shift on the fly” units. To select 2 High, Auto, or 4 High range, simply rotate the switch to the desired position. The transfer case will only shift into or out of 4WD Low under these conditions: 36 The MP 3023 and MP 3024 transfer cases include these components: • Transfer Case Shift Control Switch • Transfer Case 2WD, 4WD Incremental Sensor • Transfer Case Actuator Drive Motor • Transfer Case Shaft Position Sensor Transfer Case Motor Lock Transfer Case Control Module Vehicle Speed Sensor Service 4X4 Indicator Transfer Case Shift Control Switch The rotary switch (located in the dash) varies the voltage drop to the Transfer Case Control Module (TCCM) based on the switch’s position. The TCCM provides a 5-volt reference signal to the switch. As you rotate the switch, the resistance varies within the switch input circuit, creating different signal voltage values at the TCCM. The TCCM monitors the signal voltage to determine which range to select. Approximate TCCM voltage input will read: • 2WD — 2 Volts • Auto — 4.4 Volts • 4 High — 3.0 Volts • 4 Low — 1.5 Volts • • • • • Transfer Case 2WD/4WD Incremental Sensor The incremental sensor is mounted on the transfer case shift motor. The sensor is a variable position, Hall Effect sensor that creates a signal the TCCM uses to determine the actual range position the motor is moving toward. The TCCM sends an 8-volt reference signal to the sensor (5-volt on Dodge applications). The sensor indicates the changing position for the GEARS May/June 2011 * The motor direction will register CW while shifting up in range: 2WD to Auto to 4 High to 4 Low. Once the shift is completed, the motor position will read CCW. ** The impulse voltage will vary based on sensor movement. It isn’t uncommon to have the voltage read 0.75V, then change to 4.2V; or the opposite may occur, depending on the exact position of the motor. In other words, when shifting the transfer case, you’ll see the value change without your input. This is due to the linkage varying just a fraction of a degree or so from the last commanded shift into that range. Figure 4 transfer case motor in degrees (0.15º increments) of movement. The sensor pulls the signal voltage low (0.75 volts), or allows it to go high (4.2 volts) as the motor rotates. Sensor operation can be confusing, because the transfer case position doesn’t necessarily represent a specific voltage value. You can monitor the sensor voltage and degrees of movement with your scan tool. Typical values will be (chart 2): Transfer Case Shaft Position Sensor (Rotational Sensor) The rotational sensor is mounted into the back of the transfer case near the Incremental Incremental Incremental Incremental Command Incremental Sensor Sensor Sensor Direction Sensor Voltage Sensor Impulse** Direction 2WD 37º 0.75V 7.5V 0.75V or 4.2V CCW Auto 102º 0.75V 7.5V CW* 4 High 127º 0.75V 7.5V 4 Low –77º 4.20V 7.5V 0.75V or 4.2V 0.75V or 4.2V 0.75 or 4.2V CW* CW CHART 2 D O YO U WA N T T O G E T I N T H E HIGH PERFORMANCE REBUILDING BUSINESS?? motor assembly (figures 3 & 4). On some applications, the sensor may be described as the Transfer Case 2/4 Wheel Drive Actuator Position Sensor. No matter the name, the operation is the same: The TCCM sends a 5-volt reference signal to the sensor. The TCCM also provides the ground for the sensor. As the shift shaft rotates, the sensor sends a signal voltage to the TCCM which varies with the position of the shaft. This value represents the actual position of the shift shaft. Typical scan voltage values are (chart 3): Command Sensor Degrees Sensor Signal Voltage 2wd 37º 3.0V Auto 102º 3.6V ** 4 High 125º 4.0V 4 Low -77º 1.8V CHART 3 ** Voltage varies with clutch command. Transfer Case Motor The transfer case motor is a permanent magnet, PWM, bidirectional unit, currently manufactured by Bosch (Daewoo on 2011 applications; figure 5). The TCCM controls the drivers for the motor A and motor B circuits. The motor current varies depending on the command, and to meet the clutch slip requirements in Auto Mode: If you have questions, We have "Proven to work" answers! The kind of answers that can save you time, headaches and most important money! Transmission Specialties carries a complete line of street and high performance torque converter kits as well as individual components. Contact us today to get started. 610-485-9110 • Fax 610-485-9356 • www.transmission-specialties.com GEARS May/June 2011 37 A Look at the New MP Transfer Case Figure 6 Figure 5 • From 0-15 amps • Current limited to 30 amps • Motor resistance 14-20 ohms Unlike the previous design NVG transfer case motors, the new design actually rotates the shift shaft either clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW). This moves the actuator cam to apply or release the clutch. As the actuator cam rotates, the balls located between the levers are forced up the ramps built into the levers. This forces the levers to move apart, applying pressure to the clutch. Increasing the clutch apply pressure reduces clutch slip, which, in turn, increases the torque applied to the front driveshaft (figures 6 and 7). After replacing the transfer case motor, you must perform a transfer case motor learn process with a scan tool. Transfer Case Motor Brake NQH applications use a brake assembly to control the position of the transfer case motor armature. The brake is mounted within the transfer case motor assembly, and is controlled electronically by the TCCM. The TCCM controls the ground for the brake assembly. The brake is deenergized (motor locked) during 2wd, 4 High and 4 Low ranges. In Auto range, the brake is energized (motor unlocked) if the motor requires movement. Typical scan values will read (chart 4): ** The voltage (current flow) for the brake circuit will vary depending 38 Command Motor Brake Voltage Feedback 2 WD 7.5 Volts Auto 0.5 V ** 4 High 7.5 V 4 Low 7.5 V CHART 4 on the commanded position. The 0.5 volts listed in the chart is based on the vehicle being stationary with no wheel slip. As the TCCM changes the clamp load, you may see the voltage change. The brake can cycle in as little as 20ms from fully locked to fully unlocked. This action balances the commanded position for the motor with its actual position, so the motor doesn’t need to stay energized all the time in Auto range. Replacing and Reprogramming the TCCM Both the NQH and NQF transfer case applications will require programming if the TCCM is replaced or if an updated calibration is released. The process is the same as for other GM modules and carries the same procedures and precautions as you’ve used in the past with GM modules. NQH, NQF Transfer Case Clutch Reset Procedure One additional service area is the need for the TCCM to relearn the transfer case clutch. You can perform this process with a scan tool. If a scan tool isn’t available, you can use the vehicle’s electronics. You must perform the clutch relearn process after any of these situations: • The transfer case was replaced. • The TCCM was replaced or reprogrammed. • The transfer case was rebuilt or internal repairs were performed. Clutch reset with a scan tool: • Key on, engine off. • Access the Special Functions menu with your scan tool. • Select Clutch Reset Procedure (Motor Learn Procedure). When the Clutch Reset Procedure is initiated, you should hear the motor engage, indicating a successful learn procedure. Clutch reset without a scan tool: • Key set to accessory. • Switch into the 2 High mode. • Turn the switch clockwise past 4 Low into the neutral request mode and hold it for 30 seconds. You should hear a noise from the motor, indicating a successful learn procedure. As you can see, the new MP family of transfer cases isn’t something you should be afraid to tackle when one comes your way. Next time we’ll look at some of the common problems you may see with these new units. Until then, remember: The only limits are, as always, those of vision. GEARS May/June 2011 Brand New Member Price $40.00 Non-Member Price $45.00 U250 Rebuild Procedures CALL NOW 800-428-8489 order on web www.atrabookstore.com ATRA’s Powertrain Expo Trade Show co-hosted with http://members.atra.com October 27 - 31 Las Vegas, NV ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming with APRA on the floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You get all the technical and management expertise that ATRA consistently provides, plus the showcasing of new parts from APRA members. Learn the latest industry trends, network with tons of potential new partners and do it in an exciting environment! Hotel Accommodations s a L gas Ve October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 thursday, october 27 2:00pm - 6:00pm Management Seminars 3:00pm - 6:00pm Technical Seminars 3:00pm - 6:00pm Attendee Registration The Importance of Processes & Procedures in a Crisis - Martin Brooks (Christschurch, New Zealand) Transformational Thinking - Dennis Madden & Rodger Bland (ATRA) You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. The Quick Fixes You Need Right Now - Lance Wiggins & Randall Schroeder (ATRA) friday, 28 is Why?october Not only schedule at a glance ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming with APRA on the floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You get all the technical and management expertise that ATRA consistently proYes You Can!™ - Bob Cooper (Elite Worldwide, Inc) vides, plus the showcasing of new parts from APRA members. 8:00am - 3:00pm 8:00am - 9:00am Management Seminars 9:00am - 12:00pm Technical Seminars 9:00am - 10:00am Technical Seminars 10:00am - 11:00am Technical Seminars 11:00am - 12:00pm Management Seminars 1:00pm - 5:00pm Technical Seminars 1:00pm - 2:30pm Technical Seminars 2:45pm - 4:15pm Technical Seminars 4:30pm - 6:00pm Attendee Registration ATRA Member Meeting A Shop’s Guide to Cost Savings, the Green & Safe Way - Carl Mustari (Chattahoochee Tech College) Focusing on What You Need to Fix Transmissions TODAY - Dave Skora (Valve Body Pros) CAN BUS: A Simplistic But Intuitive View - Bill Henney (Bluereach Automation & Control Ltd) Street Smart - Mike Brown (ATRA) Diagnostic Breakdowns - Sean Boyle (Southern Illinois University) Servicing & Repairing Chrysler Transmissions A to Z - Alan McAvory (Chrysler Midwest Business Center) Success or Struggle? You Decide! - Maylan Newton (ESi) The Four Gears in Online Marketing - Danny Sanchez (Autoshop Solutions) Electro-Hydraulic & Mechatronic Control - Bob Warnke (Sonnax) LCT 1000 Problems & Updates - Steve Garrett (ATRA) What Are You Doing to Reduce Comebacks? - Bill Brayton (ATRA) Vital Voltage Drop Tests You Should Know - Dan Marinucci (Communique) Is It The Torque Converter or the Transmission? - Joe Rivera (ProTorque) Ford Powertrain-Fixing It Right the First Time - Stevie LaVallee (TEST Research) Learn the latest industry trends, network with tons of potential new partners and do it in an exciting environment! saturday, october 29 Hotel Accommodations 8:00am - 3:00pm Management Seminars 9:00am - 12:00pm Technical Seminars 9:00am - 10:30am Technical Seminars 10:30am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 2:00pm 2:00pm - 5:00pm 5:00pm - 7:00pm s a L gas Ve Attendee Registration Creating a Customer...For Free! - Scott Harris (Mustang Marketing) Step Into the Thinking Room - Coach Ron Tunic (CRT Broadcasting) Real World Problems & Corrections - John Parmenter (Precision International) Hybrid Service & Repair for Transmission Techs - Jack Rosebro (Perfect Sky) 4EAT, Phase II, 4AT or 5AT Which Is It? - Mike Souza (ATRA) Chrysler CVT & Product Line Tests and Reviews - Randall Schroeder (ATRA) ATRA Luncheon Trade Show Cocktail Reception sunday, october 30 8:00am - 10:00am 9:00am - 2:00pm Management Seminars 9:00am - 12:00pm Technical Seminars 9:00am - 10:30am Technical Seminars 10:30am - 12:00pm 12:00pm - 5:00pm Supplier Meeting & 2012 Exhibitor Booth Drawing Attendee Registration Green Eggs & Ham Power Breakfast - Scott Johnson Round Table Q&A - What’s Working Management Team Supplier Showcase: Sonnax Supplier Showcase: Auto Research Design Supplier Showcase: Mustang Dyno Trade Show monday, october 31 9:00am - 1:00pm 9:00am - 2:00pm Attendee Registration Trade Show October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 thursday | seminars ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo 3:00pm - 6:00pm Management Seminars You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. thursday Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming with APRA on the floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You october 27 get all the technical and management expertise that ATRA consistently proThe Importance of Processes and Procedures in a Crisis Martin Brooks (Christschurch, New Zealand) Last February, Martin’s two transmission shops were hit by a major earthquake. He’ll explain how having well defined 2:00pm - 6:00pm vides, plus the showcasing of new parts from APRA members. processes and procedures helped with a quick recovery Attendee Registration while other businesses struggled. And, while you may never Learn the latest industry trends, network with tons ofearthquake, potential new experience a major you’ll see partners how having clear processes and procedures in place can be your lifeline and do- it6:00pm in an exciting environment! 3:00pm during times of crisis. Technical & Management Seminars Creating a Customer...For Free! Dennis Madden & Rodger Bland (ATRA) Hotel Accommodations Transformational Thinking: A Look Back… A Look Ahead 44 It’s been 5 years since we first started to examine what makes one shop successful while others struggle. Every step of the way added a new piece to the puzzle, until we got a clear view of the picture. The difference, it seems, is all in your head. At this year’s Management Seminar Program, we’ll focus on you. We’ll look at how you view your business, and the need to transform your thought processes to redefine what it takes to build a successful transmission repair business. ATRA’s Dennis Madden and Rodger Bland will help you examine the different ways that your thought processes can influence your shop’s success or failure. You’ll see how transforming your thinking to alter your attitude toward your business can have a dramatic effect on how your customers view you and your shop. Most importantly, you’ll discover the value of building your customers’ trust, and how that trust can help eliminate the stumbling blocks that so many shops face when dealing with potential customers. s a L gas Ve 3:00pm - 6:00pm Technical Seminars The Quick Fixes to “Get the Customer Out the Door” Lance Wiggins & Randall Schroeder (ATRA) The latest fixes and quick tips to help you get the customer out the door as soon as you get back to the shop. This program will have the latest transmission failures and the repairs based on the past year of ATRA HotLine calls. October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 ATRA’s Powertrain Expo AT po seminarsExpo | friday ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain 9:00am - 12:00pm friday in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming with APRA on the floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You october 28 get all the technical and management expertise that ATRA consistently pro- Management Seminars You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. Yes You Can!™ Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo Bob Cooper (Elite Worldwide, Inc) When it comes to building a more profitable, successful shop, Bob Cooper says… “Yes you can!” He was one of the first vides, to predictplus vehicle leasing programs, theof trend in parts the showcasing new auto maintenance, and the dealers aggressively targeting the service and repair business. He also accurately Learn the latest industry trends, network predicted many shops would take on additional service and it inmany antrend-setting excitingmarketing environment! lines, and he’s do brought and sales techniques to our industry. Join us, and not only will Bob shares his vision of the future with you, but you will have the rare opportunity during each Q&A session to find the answers you have been looking for that will take you and your shop right to the top. This is what you will learn at this powerful, interactive session: • What the future of the auto repair industry holds for you • What the new car dealers are doing and why • How to find and hire the stars during these changing times • How to best market to today’s savvy consumer • Benchmarks of the top shops in America • How to drive up sales, profits and the value of your shop from APRA members. 8:00am - 3:00pm Attendee Registration with tons of potential new partners 8:00am - 9:00am ATRA Member Meeting 9:00am - 12:00pm Technical & Management Seminars s a L gas Ve 1:00pm - 5:00pm Management Seminars 1:00pm - 6:00pm Technical Seminars 3:00pm - 5:00pm 1:00pm - 3:00pm Management Seminars Hotel Accommodations Success or Struggle? You Decide! Maylan Newton (ESi) How do you see the world? Believe it or not, how you perceive your business has a lot to do with your success… or lack of it. In this seminar, Maylan defines and categorizes some of the most common personality types and attitudes in today’s shop owners, and shows how those attitudes can shape their business success, or, in some cases, sabotage their career goals. And he discusses ways you can reinvent your attitudes to help support yourself in the future. ATRA’s Powertrain Expo Management Seminars The Four Gears in Online Marketing Danny Sanchez (Autoshop Solutions) There’s no question consumers are looking to the internet for services. But when they Google phrases like transmission repair, are they going to find your shop? And will they call when they see your web site? Danny Sanchez, a 23-year automotive veteran, AMI instructor, and president of Autoshop Solutions, will help you understand the Four Gears of online marketing. From web site design, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM or PPC), 25-29: to social media marketing, DannyOctober will detail the important$105 $169 factors and key indicatorsOctober to help you 30 build-aNov strong1: presence and draw more customers. Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 45 friday | seminars2011 (cont’d fromPowertrain pg 5) ATRA’s Expo Technical Seminars You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. friday Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming with APRA on the floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You october 28 get all the technical and management expertise that ATRA consistently pro- 9:00am - 10:00am A Shop’s Guide to Cost Savings, the Green and Safe Way Carl Mustari (Chattahoochee Tech College) (cont’d from pg 5) In these lean times, Carl will present guidance to shop manways to members. reduce cost through efficient use of envides, plus the showcasing of new partsagers fromonAPRA ergy, waste oil heaters, shop lighting, recycling waste, filters, 8:00am - 3:00pm etc. Also included is an overview of shop safety Learn theRegistration latest industry trends, networkbatteries, with tons of potential new partners Attendee with an emphasis on how shops can save their resources so and do it in an exciting environment! that their overhead can be reduced...the GREEN way. 8:00am - 9:00am ATRA Member Meeting 9:00am - 12:00pm Technical & Management Seminars 1:00pm - 5:00pm Management Seminars 1:00pm - 6:00pm Technical Seminars Focusing on What You Need to Fix Transmissions TODAY Dave Skora (Valve Body Pros) Dave understands the frustrations technicians face everyday. If you want help solving problems quickly without a lot of theory or time-wasting tests, this may be the seminar for you. s a L gas Ve 10:00am - 11:00am Technical Seminars Street Smart: Is It Really a Transmission Problem? Mike Brown (ATRA) Hotel Accommodations Before you make a decision to remove the transmission, make sure it’s NOT the transmission. 46 CAN BUS: A Simplistic But Intuitive View Bill Henney (Bluereach Automation & Control Ltd) ATRA will be providing power extension cords in designated rows in each seminar room for those attendees that plan on bringing their laptops. These spaces are limited so please plan to arrive early. A simple to understand look at why we need the CAN system and how it affects us in the transmission industry. After this session, you will be able to confidently work on CAN enabled vehicles. We will also look at the principal of the Lepellitier model. October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 ATRA’s Powertrain Expo po seminarsExpo | friday ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain 11:00am - 12:00pm they impact your repairs on this unit. Parts interchangeability is becoming an issue with this unit and we will explore the interchange issues regarding the updated parts. Technical Seminars You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. Diagnostic Breakdowns Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo Sean Boyle (Southern Illinois University) in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming 4:15pm with floor show to give 2:45pm you two- tradeshows under one roof. You Money and timeAPRA aren’t theon onlythe things lost when a repair Technical Seminars comes back is lostand as well. get- customer all theconfidence technical management expertise that ATRA consistently pro• Learn effective diagnostic strategies Whatfrom Are You Doing to Reduce Comebacks? vides, plus the showcasing of new parts APRA members. • Determine the root-cause of failures Bill Brayton (ATRA) • • Learn how to approach no-code diagnostics This seminar/discussion forum will bring techniques and Learn latest industry network with tons of potential new partners Learn howthe to avoid diagnostic failurestrends, and procedures used by top builders/owners in the industry to misdirection and do it in an exciting environment!reduce comebacks in their shops. This seminar will look at late model transmission problem areas and methods used to solve these problems whether Servicing & Repairing Chrysler Transmissions it is with a product or a procedure that the technicians creA to Z ated to solve his/her particular issue. Alan McAvory (Chrysler Midwest Business Center) s a L gas Ve This presentation includes an update on current Chrysler Automatic Transmission application, diagnostic, service and repair procedures. An overview on how to access to Chrsyler Service information, interpretation of Scan Tool data and Flash Programing procedures: • Application and Identification • Service Information and Maintenance • Accessing Chrysler Service & Parts Information • Diagnosis & Repair • Scan Tool Information • DTC Event Data • Flash Programming • Electrical Connector Repairs Hotel Accommodations 1:00pm - 2:30pm Technical Seminars Electro-Hydraulic & Mechatronic Control Bob Warnke (Sonnax) Common problems and methods for diagnosis: •AISIN 6 speeds •AISIN 55-50/51 •ZF 6 HP/Ford 6R60 •722.6 / NAG1 / 722.9 •Chrysler 545RFE •Ford 6R140 •Ford 5R110 •GM 6L80E / 6T40E LCT 1000 Problems & Updates Steve Garrett (ATRA) We will take a look at the problems you commonly face with the LCT 1000. How do you diagnose them and how do you repair them. In addition, we look at the “MAJOR” product changes for the 2010-2011 model years and how Vital Voltage Drop Tests You Should Know Dan Marinucci (Communiqué) First, Dan covers the basics of voltage drop testing. Then he applies that knowledge to solving some common electrical problems technicians encounter. Both experienced and inexperienced techs will appreciate the practical tips presented here! • Theory of voltage drop • Practical applications of voltage drop • Problem solving with voltage drop • Typical voltage drop values • Money-making tips on this technique 4:30pm - 6:00pm Technical Seminars Is It the Torque Converter or the Transmission? Joe Rivera (ProTorque) Joe takes you through a journey of problems that can easily be fixed. This seminar will cover the most common problems associated with the torque converter and how to repair it. October 25-29: $105 30First - Nov Ford Powertrain -- FixingOctober It Right The Time 1: $169 Stevie LaVallee (TEST Research) Mention ATRA to get discounted Stevie will be covering late model Ford transmissions includrate before October 6, 2011 ing the newer six speeds and the increasingly popular CVT. Vegas Hilton Learn the principles of operation, systematicLas diagnostic routines,3000 repair tips, and the importance using flash Paradise Rd, Las ofVegas, NV 89109 reprogramming strategy revisions in the repair process. Phone: (800) 635-7711 saturday | seminars ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo You need to be at ATRA’s saturday Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming with APRA on the floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You october 29 get all the technical and management expertise that ATRA consistently pro9:00am - 12:00pm 2011 Powertrain Expo. Management Seminars Creating a Customer...For Free Scott Harris (Mustang Marketing) 7:00am - 9:00am vides, plus the showcasing of new parts Chapter President’s Meeting Learn the latest industry trends, network and do- it3:00pm in an exciting environment! 8:00am Attendee Registration 9:00am - 12:00pm Technical & Management Seminars 1:00pm - 2:00pm ATRA Luncheon 2:00pm - 5:00pm Trade Show Open Hotel Accommodations 5:00pm - 7:00pm Cocktail Reception 48 Our Guarantee To You: We’re so confident of your complete satisfaction of our Technical & Management seminars, we’ll guarantee it in writing: If, for any reason, you aren’t 100% satisfied with the information and material you’ve received; we will refund your entire registration fees! We’ve discovered through the What’s Working study that one of the most successful ways of generating new customfrom APRA members. ers is by increasing your shop’s involvement in the community. Part of that means making sure the community knows abouttons that involvement! with of potential new partners Scott Harris, is the owner and president of Mustang Marketing a full service marketing company specializing in taking their clients right to the top with proven marketing and public relation strategies. In fact, Mustang Marketing is the same company ATRA used to brand the ATRA logo and website to the motoring public. How’s that working? To date, ATRA is the most viewed website in our entire industry!* In this seminar attendees will learn how to create and distribute press releases that not only inform, but promote your company’s true concern for the community it serves. Whether it’s an upcoming car care clinic, local fund raiser, or other event supporting your community – getting the word out in a targeted fashion is a win-win for both your shop and the event it’s supporting – and the best part is, done right, most if not all of the promotion is absolutely free! – So make sure to pencil in this special bonus seminar at this year’s expo. s a L gas Ve Step Into The Thinking Room Coach Ron Tunic (CRT Broadcasting) Join Coach Ron for an inspiring session designed to help you think like a leader, and more importantly, how to think for yourself. Learn to think the right way and you’ll make better choices. Make better choices and you’ll see better opportunities. Learn how to think and you will gain strength, self-confidence and the ability to lead. If you’re ready to take the leadership role in your own life, then you’re ready for the Thinking Room! October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 ATRA’s Powertrain Expo AT po seminars | saturday ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo 9:00am - 10:30am You need Technical Seminars to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming Real World Problems & Corrections John Parmenter (Precision International) with APRA on the floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You Get those cars fixed and back to the customer… fast! get all the technical and management expertise that ATRA consistently proThat’s always your goal, and this class will help you do vides, plusthethe just that. John will cover fixes, showcasing R&R tips and tricks,ofasnew well parts from APRA members. as pertinent items you never want to overlook during the rebuildingLearn process. the latest industry trends, network with tons of potential new partners and do it in an exciting environment! Hybrid Service & Repair for Transmission Techs Jack Rosebro (Perfect Sky) When servicing or repairing a hybrid transaxle or transmission, when do you need to disable a hybrid’s high-voltage system, and how do you do it? How do you determine that the system is safe to work on? How do you know that a hybrid transaxle performance issue is not cause by the vehicle’s battery pack or inverter? We’ll discuss those issues as well as the more common hybrid transaxle faults that technicians are seeing in the field. 10:30am - 12:00pm Technical Seminars 4EAT, Phase II, 4AT or 5AT Whis Is It? Mike Souza (ATRA) s a L gas Ve Hotel Accommodations A look at the changes the 4 speed transmission has gone through along with the introduction of the 5AT 5 speed. The similarities between both the 4 speed and 5 speed transmission. Chrysler CVT & Product Line Tests and Reviews Randall Schroeder (ATRA) This class will delve into the Chrysler CVT: all the “things you need to know” when repairing and testing these increasingly common units. Along with the CVT information, you’ll learn how to deal with problems and fixes for the TE/AE, RE and RFE families of transmissions, followed by a questionand-answer session. ATRA’s Powertrain Expo October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 49 sunday | seminars ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo You need to be at ATRA’s sunday Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming with APRA on the floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You october 31 get all the technical and management expertise that ATRA consistently pro9:00am - 12:00pm 2011 Powertrain Expo. Management Seminars Green Eggs & Ham Power Breakfast with Scott Johnson 8:00am - 10:00am vides, plus the showcasing of new parts Supplier Meeting & Exhibitor Booth Drawing Learn the latest industry trends, network and do it in an exciting environment! 9:00am - 2:00pm Attendee Registration 9:00am - 12:00pm Technical & Management Seminars 12:00pm - 5:00pm Trade Show Open 4:00pm - 5:00pm ATRA Longtimers’ Meeting Hotel Accommodations 9:00am - 10:30am Technical Seminars Round Table Q&A What’s Working Management Team s a L gas Ve Supplier Showcase: Sonnax Supplier Showcase: Auto Research & Design 50 Whether your customers are on a train, in a plane, under a box, or with a fox, you can bet they do not want to buy a from APRA members. new transmission simply because that’s what you have to sell. In this tons early morning breakfast seminar, will explain the with of potential new Scott partners differences between a commodity-based business and a service-oriented one. And you’ll learn how critical it is to discover the needs of your customers, and how to address those needs. Come in early and join us for breakfast; no green eggs or ham… guaranteed! Immediately after the breakfast seminar, stick around for a round table discussion covering the concepts we’ve been discussing over the last few days. This Q&A will be hosted by a few of our esteemed seminar trainers, and we’ll have several shop owners on hand who’ve turned their businesses around by transforming their attitudes and rethinking the way they approach their customers. This is your chance to chime in and clarify the notions you’ve been learning, and turn them into a new beginning for your business… and your future. Don’t miss it! L 10:30am - 12:00pm Technical Seminars Supplier Showcase: Mustang Dyno October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 ATRA’s Powertrain Expo AT A.I.M. Auto Suppliers Limited BPS Cores, Inc. Car-Part.com D&V Electronics Ltd. D&W Diesel, Inc. DCM Tech, Corp. Dixie Electric Ltd DS USA Ltd. DuBois Marketing Inc. Green Global Parts, Inc. Guspro, Inc. ATRA’s Powertrain Expo Management Feedback Systems, Inc. Mustang Advanced Engineering NATPRO Northland Transmission Inc. Oklahoma Transmission Supply, Inc. (OTS) Omega Machine & Tool, Inc. Power Pusher by Nu*Star, Inc. Precision International Precision of New Hampton/Hot Flush ProfitBoost Software, LLC Raybestos Powertrain Rostra Precision Controls, Inc. Seal Aftermarket Products Slauson Transmission Parts Smart Blend Synthetics By Life Automotive Products Sonnax STK Transmission Parts Co., LTD SuperFlow Technologies Group Superior Transmission Parts, Inc. TRANSBRITE / Allen Woods & Assocates Transmission Digest Transmission Rebuilders Network Int’l (TRNi) Transmission Rebuilders Network Worldwide (TRNW) Transmission Specialties, Inc. Transtar Industries TransTec by Corteco Valeo Transmissions Valve Body Pro VBX-Valve Body Xpress Whatever-It-Takes Transmission International Automotive Trading, Inc. J&N Auto Electric Knopf Automotive LLC LR Miller Company, Inc. Lewis Tool & Die, Inc. LKQ Corporation Lock-N-Stitch Inc. Phoenix Automotive Cores ProDiesel Quality Equipment Sales Rand Premium Electronics RCP, Inc. exhibit hours 2:00pm - 5:00pm Saturday 12:00pm - 5:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 2:00pm Monday co-hosted with Rebuilders Automotive Supply Company Regitar U.S.A., Inc. Romaine Electric Corporation Shenzhen Meridian Parts Company STC Automotive, Inc. Taditel U.S., Inc The Recycler Core Company Inc. Wagner Alternators & Supplies, Inc. W Alglobal - Wetherill Associates Inc. Xiamen Sunny General Machinery & Electrical Co, Ltd Zerust Corrosion Products 51 exhibitors po A & Reds Transmission Parts Adapt-A-Case Alto Products Corporation Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants ATRA Automotive Research & Design, LLC Autoshop Solutions, Inc. BorgWarner Central Valve Bodies Chrysler-Mopar Dacco, Inc. Demandforce, Inc. Educational Seminars Institute (ESi) Equipment Manufacturing Corp. ETE Reman EVT Parts Exedy Friction Technics Ford Customer Service Division G Cor Automotive Gandrud Parts Center GEARS Magazine General Motors GFX Corp. G-Tec Inc. Hayden Automotive HGM Electronics/PML Inc. Jasper Engines & Transmissions JDS Worldwide Corp. KRS International Kuhle Lintex Auto Parts Co., LTD Lubegard by International Lubricants, Inc. special events 2011 Powertrain Expo ATRA’s sunday, 10/30 8:00am - 9:00am friday, 10/28 8:00am - 9:00am You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. Industry ATRA Member Meeting Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas this year,Supplier but we willMeeting be teaming As a Supplier, your needs are different from those You’ve heard it before: ATRA is your Association. with APRA on the floor show to give you two under of tradeshows shop owners. You know one it androof. so doYou we. That’s And the Member Meeting is your opportunity to getvoice all the technical expertise ATRA why we’rethat holding our consistently first ever IndustryproSupplier give to your opinions. and This ismanagement the one time Meeting, before the Exhibitor Booth Drawing. every yearplus thatthe the ATRA Board and meet from vides, showcasing ofstaff newall parts APRAright members. We want to hear your thoughts and learn how we together in a forum with its Members to learn what can better the supply of our industry. you wantthe from latest ATRA. It’sindustry your opportunity help with Learn trends, tonetwork tons of serve potential newside partners Drop by, enjoy a continental breakfast on us, and shape miss out: Whether you’re and ATRA’s do it future. in anDon’t exciting environment! let’s discuss how we can address your needs. a Member or planning on becoming one, make plans to join us at this year’s Member Meeting. saturday, 10/29 1:00pm - 2:00pm ATRA Luncheon sunday, 10/30 9:00am - 10:00am s a L gas Ve Hotel Accommodations After an intense morning of seminars, it’s time to sit down to a sumptuous luncheon, courtesy of ATRA. This is your first real chance to rub elbows and break bread with friends, old and new. Of course, this is more than just a meal: It’s your chance to enjoy entertainment, discuss what you’ve been learning, and recharge your batteries as you prepare to “shift gears” for an afternoon exploring new products and services on the Expo show floor. 2012 Exhibitor Booth Drawing Immediately following the Industry Supplier Meeting, stay for the Booth Drawing and reserve your spot for the 2012 Expo to be held at Bally’s in Las Vegas. Once again, sharing space with APRA and leading into Industry Week. saturday, 10/29 5:00pm - 7:00pm Cocktail Reception For many, Expo doesn’t really kick into high gear until the annual Cocktail Reception, as always, hosted by Transtar Industries. Live music, an open bar, and a wide selection of tasty hors d’oeuvres are the backdrop for an evening of fun and revelry, catching up with old friends, and meeting new ones. It’s the industry networking event of the year! 52 October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 ATRA’s Powertrain Expo AT You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. registration options po ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo What Works Best For You? Why? Not only is CATRA Expo in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming nce ferehosting Complete -oSnun., Oct. 30 with APRA 27 floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You Oct.the Thurs., on you will attendee e Conference and get Asalla Cthe technical management expertise that ATRA consistently proomplet agement l technical & man al to ss ce ay ac rd Satunew have vides, plus the showcasing parts from APRA members. h Sunday, the of s, Thursday throug seminars coffee break ktail Reception, Luncheon & Coc ade Show & Monday Trtrends, LearnSathe latest network , Sundayindustry l turday ning the Technica ai nt co rs de in b n, m io ra iss m og pr ad minar and do itointinpran s, Technical seenvironment! utexciting to in o di Au rp . ls, we ia Po t worksheet mater en em ag an e M nc d re CD an e Confe d to all Complet CDs will be maile Ex the po. attendees after with tons of potential new partners Oct. 27 - 31 Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas Hilton s a L gas Ve ManagTeechnical or Thurs., O ment Confere ct. 27 - S nce u n Attend e ., O c t. 30 ither the T echn semin Hotel Accommodations ical or M ars Thu anageme Luncheon rsday through Sun nt day, the & Cockta Saturday il Recepti Saturday, on, coffe Sunday eb admission , and bin & Monday Trade reaks, ders con Powerpo taining th Show int printou e Technic ts , Tec CD or M anageme hnical seminar pro al nt worksh eet mate gram rials. Trade Show Pass Sat., Oct. 29 - Mon., Oct. 31 Your Trade Show Pass will give you access to three full days in the exhibit hall and two shows under one roof! ATRA & APRA have joined forces once again to bring you more than 100 exhibitors! ATRA’s Powertrain Expo October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 53 frequently asked2011 questions Powertrain Expo ATRA’s what if i want to attend more than one seminar in a session? can i register at the door? You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. Yes. The following are the dates and times for On-Site There will be audio tapes available for all of the seminar Registration: sessions. All complete conference registrants will receive a free Thursday, October 27: 2pm 6pm audio CD will bebut mailed at the of the Expo. Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas thiswhich year, we willendbe teaming Friday, October 28: 8am - 3pm 29: floor 8amshow - 3pmto give you two tradeshows under one roof. You withSaturday, APRAOctober on the Sunday, October 30: 9am - 2pm 4 Easy Ways to Register October 31: 9am 1pm getMonday, all the technical and- management expertise that ATRA consistently pro- (800) 428-8489 or (805) 604-2000 Call: vides, plus the showcasing of new parts from APRA members. www.powertrainexpo.com Online: what are the hotel rates? Send Reg form (805) 988-6761 ATRA has negotiated a $105 per night room rate for the bytons fax: of potential new partners Learn the latest industry trends, network with nights of October 25 - 29 and $169 per night for the nights of ATRA Powertrain Expo Registration October 30 - it November The cut-off dates for these special Send Reg form 2400 Latigo Ave and do in an 1.exciting environment! by mail: rates is October 6. To make your reservations please call the Oxnard, CA 93030 hotel directly at (800) 635-7711 and mention ATRA. does ATRA make hotel reservations or is it included in the cost of registration? Registration Information Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Seating is limited by room size. Seminars start promptly at their scheduled time. Arrive All attendees make their own hotel accommodations directly with early to be sure of good seating, and to meet with instructors the Las Vegas Hilton by calling (800) 635-7711. Mention ATRA and other seminar attendees. Recording is not permitted. to receive your discount room rate. Room reservations are not included with your conference registration. s a L gas Ve What’s Included Complete Conference: admission to all technical & management seminars Thursday through Sunday, Saturday The early registration cut-off date at the discount price is Luncheon & Cocktail Reception, coffee breaks, Saturday, 9/16/11. The late registration cut-off date is 10/14/11. Any Sunday & Monday Trade Show admission, binders containing registrations made after 10/14/11 will need to be done on-site the Technical Powerpoint printouts, Technical seminar program at the event. CD and Management worksheet materials. Audio CDs will be mailed to all Complete Conference attendees after the Expo. did you receive my registration? am i registered? Technical or Management Conference: admission to Your confirmation will automatically be mailed to you immediately either the Technical or Management seminars Thursday through after your registration is processed. Please contact ATRA at Sunday, Saturday Luncheon & Cocktail Reception, coffee (800) 428-8489 if you have not received your confirmation. breaks, Saturday, Sunday & Monday Trade Show admission, and binders containing the Technical Powerpoint printouts, Technical seminar program CD or Management worksheet materials. does my guest need to register? Trade Show: admission to the trade show only Yes, everyone attending the seminars or trade show must have an official badge and registration - except babies in strollers. Spouses and children of conference registrants may be eligible Cancellation Policy to receive free trade show access. Please call for details. All cancellation requests must be made in writing and mailed Hotel Accommodations what are the registration cut-off dates for Expo? to: ATRA’s Powertrain Expo Registration, 2400 Latigo Ave, Oxnard, CA 93030 or FAX to (805) 988-6761. Cancellations October 25-29: received before September 16, 2011 will be subject to$105 a 5% cancellation fee. Cancellations received between September October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Yes, you can switch the name on one or more of your 17, 2011 and October 14, 2011 will be subject to a 15% registrations up to 10 days before the event at no charge. Any Mention ATRA to get discounted changes made within 10 days of the event will be charged $10 cancellation fee. Cancellations received after October 14, to abefore 25% cancellation fee. 6, 2011 rate October each. Call (800) 428-8489 with any changes you’d like to make. 2011 will be subject There will be no exceptions to this policy. can i change one of my paid registrations from one person to another? 54 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 ATRA’s Powertrain Expo po ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo Registration Form October 27th - 31st, 2011 Las Vegas, NV You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo. Company Name ATRA Account Number Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming with APRA on the floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You Address get all the technical and management expertise that ATRA consistently proCity State Zip vides, plus the showcasing of new parts from APRA members. Contact Person: (will receive all correspondence) Country Learn the latest industry trends, network with tons of potential new partners Fax No. and do it in an exciting environment! ( ) ) Area Code Phone No. ( Email Address TO REGISTER: Call toll free 1-800-428-8489 or FAX this completed form to 805-988-6761 CONFERENCES Badges will be issued from this list. Use a separate sheet for additional registrations.* PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY s a L gas Ve (Includes Luncheon and Trade Show) Complete Conference Technical Other Categories Trade Management Show Luncheon NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ £ £ £ £ £ NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ £ £ £ £ £ NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ £ £ £ £ £ NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ £ £ £ £ £ NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ £ £ £ £ £ Every 5th Conference attendee is free! Call ATRA for details Discount for current ATRA Members only. Join today and enjoy the member discount right away! Before Sept. 16th Non Mem Member Non Mem ALL ON-SITE $ 395 $ 495 $ 445 $ 545 $ 595 _____ 345 445 395 495 545 $____________ _____ 10 10 10 10 30 $____________ _____ 45 45 45 45 65 $____________ TOTAL $____________ Qty Complete Conference Registrant* _____ Technical or Management Conference* Trade Show Extra Luncheon Ticket Hotel Accommodations REGISTRATION FEES (Included with Complete, Tech & Management Conferences) Member Sept. 17th - Oct. 14th *Conference Registrants may receive Trade Show Passes for spouse and/or children by contacting ATRA Registration at 1-800-428-8489. I do not wish to receive any advertising or promotional material from Exhibitors. SUBTOTAL $____________ October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 PAYMENT INFORMATION ATRA to get discounted * Check enclosed payable and mail to: ATRA, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030 CheckMention # ___________________ Charge to: * MasterCard * Visa * AMEX * Discover rate before October 6, 2011 Card Number __________________________________________________________ Expiration Date Security Code Las Vegas Hilton Print Name on Card ___________________________________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________________ 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 ATRA’s 2011 Powertrain Expo Powertrain Expo &Powertrain Big RExpo. Show You need to be at ATRA’s 2011 Why? Not only is ATRA hosting Expo in Vegas this year, but we will be teaming with APRA on the floor show to give you two tradeshows under one roof. You get all the technical and management expertise that ATRA consistently proOffici a l Kick vides, plus from APRA members. O Yourparts Trade 100the showcasing of new ff to I Over r y ndust Show Pass gives t ry s u Learn the latest industry trends, network with tons of potential new partners W Ind e e s exciting environment! k! niean you admission andodo itain p S E m MA & C eir h t A g to 2 shows A n PEX s iti hows exhib roducts i m under 1 roof! m p ediat latest vices! ely r f e o s llow! & s a Together L Again! s Hotel Accommodations a g Ve Trade Show Dates October 29 - 31 Las Vegas Hilton Las Vegas, NV October 25-29: $105 October 30 - Nov 1: $169 Mention ATRA to get discounted rate before October 6, 2011 Las Vegas Hilton 3000 Paradise Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: (800) 635-7711 SUPPLIER MEMBER FROM THE TECH DIRECTOR It’s All About Communication I was sitting at the kitchen counter a few weeks ago, talking to my brother about his 2004 F150. We needed to replace the clutch fluid: His truck has 260,000+ miles on it and the fluid looked like chocolate milk. As we were talking, my 16-year- 58 old daughter Paige was sitting with us. Suddenly she started giggling hysterically. When I asked what was so funny, she replied, “You guys are talking a totally different language. I have no idea what you’re saying.” I chuckled, and explained what we by Lance Wiggins members.atra.com www.atra.com were talking about: What the clutch is, how it works, what the fluid does, and why it needed to be replaced. I found myself explaining the repair in very simple terms, and it worked. She understood what we were going to do and it made sense to her. GEARS May/June 2011 One of the services we’ve been offering lately at ATRA has been to answer consumer questions. We get about 60 emails a month through the ATRA.com web site. Imagine how this would have played out if the situation were a little different: Instead of my daughter listening to a conversation about my brother’s truck, supposed she’d been a customer asking about her car. The customer’s already stressed because her car has a problem. Add to that the difficulty in asking a stranger for help. And now she’s fighting to understand an explanation laced with jargon and tech-speak. Some customers would head straight for the door. And who could blame them? There’s a saying that goes, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS.” It’s a funny line, and in some situations it might even be a good strategy. But not when you’re dealing with a customer who’s come to your shop with a problem. There it’s just bad business. Remember, the customer’s concerns go deeper than just “what’s wrong,” or even whether you know how to fix it. They’re also concerned with whether you’re being honest with them and giving them a fair price for work they really need. This can be especially true with women who’ve never dealt with you or your shop before. They’re often uneasy about the reputation of auto mechanics: GEARS May/June 2011 Slauson Transmission Parts Making Hard Parts … Simple Our Hard Parts Expertise saves you time, money and headaches. We can do everything the BIG BOYS can – and then some! Because, when it comes to Hard Parts we literally Wrote the Book. In fact, you probably have a Slauson Book in your shop right now ... and so do most other parts suppliers. Not only that, but we were the first to create a digital catalog and ordering system, again setting the industry standard for Hard Parts identification. U s e d, New a n d Re b u i l t H a rd Pa r t s S o f t Pa r t s El e c t r i c a l Co m p o n e n t s & Fl y wh e e l s Th e 2 011 Slauson Book av a i l a b l e n ow Order Online 24/7 at www.slauson.com a t S l a u s o n.c o m Phone Hours: 7:00 am to 5:00 pm/ PST Call (800) 421-5580 • Local (310) 768-2099 FAX ( 310) 768-8298 • Se habla Español! … ask about custom catalogs for your business 59 It’s All About Communication “They’ll sell you whatever they want because they figure we won’t know the difference.” By using big words and industry jargon, you’re just reinforcing their fears. The key is learning to speak to the customer; not at her… or him. You have to reach out to her on her level, and make sure she’s comfortable with your explanation. That connection is essential for helping develop the trust that’s a critical part of the equation that defines customer service. One of the services we’ve been offering lately at ATRA has been to answer consumer questions. We get about 60 emails a month through the ATRA.com web site. Sometimes those questions are very technical. But most of the time, they’re asking us to verify what they’ve been told, because they’re experiencing a trust issue with a shop or technician. My job is to answer those questions as clearly as I can. Very often that means breaking my explanations down into simple terms and concepts. Words and abbreviations that we take for granted — like TPS or EGR — have no real meaning to the consumer. So I have to explain those concepts in simpler terms. And I have to relate those systems to the problem they’re having, so they know why it could affect their car’s operation. At the same time, I always point them toward a nearby ATRA Member shop to help them through the specific conditions. That way, if there’s additional service necessary, we can help them work through the problem and come up with a solution that’ll satisfy the consumer. The object isn’t just to fix their cars; it’s also to make sure they’re comfortable with the solutions. And most importantly, we want to make sure they feel good about having contacted ATRA and brought their cars to an ATRA Member shop. Since we began offering this program, I’ve received over 300 response emails from consumers who’ve had their cars fixed, and 60 are planning to refer ATRA and the ATRA Member shop to their friends. It’s an important step toward building ATRA’s reputation as the name to trust for transmission service and repair. But it’s not something we can do alone. You need to do your part by remembering a key element of consumer trust is all about communication. GEARS May/June 2011 DRIVING Customers TO YOU ATRA.com ATRA.comhas hasbecome becomethe themost mostvisited visited ATRA.com ATRA.com has has become become the the most most visited visited ATRA.com ATRA.com has has become become the the most most visited visited Web Web site site in in the the transmission transmission industry. industry. ATRA.com ATRA.com has has become become the themost most visited visited Web Web site site in in the the transmission transmission industry. industry. Web Web site site in in the the transmission transmission industry. industry. Thousands Thousands ofofin new new customers customers have havebeen beenusing using ATRA’s ATRA’s Web Web site site in the the transmission transmission industry. industry. Thousands Thousands of of new new customers customers have have been been using using ATRA’s ATRA’s Thousands Thousands of of new new customers customers have have been been using using ATRA’s ATRA’s Web Web site sitetotofind transmission transmission repair repair shops shops in intheir their area. area. Thousands Thousands offind ofnew new customers customers have havebeen been using using ATRA’s ATRA’s Web Web site site to to find find transmission transmission repair repair shops shops in in their their area. area. Web Web site site to to find find transmission transmission repair repair shops shops in in their their area. area. Web Website sitetotofind findtransmission transmissionrepair repairshops shopsinintheir theirarea. area. is is your your shop shop one one of of them? them? is is your your shop shop one one of of them? them? is is your your shop shop one one of of them? them? is is your your shop shop one one of of them? them? It can It can be. be. Being Being anan ATRA ATRA member member means means ATRA ATRA Your YourWeb Website siteis isananessential essentialtool toolto toget get will will place aBeing link aBeing link toan to your your Web Web sitesite onmeans on ATRA.com, ATRA.com, It can It place can be. be. an ATRA ATRA member member means ATRA ATRA It can It can be. be. Being Being anan ATRA ATRA member member means means ATRA ATRA where where customers customers can can use use the the local local search search will will place aBeing link aBeing link toan to your your Web Web sitesite onmeans on ATRA.com, ATRA.com, It can It place can be. be. an ATRA ATRA member member means ATRA ATRA will will place place afind link afind link toshops to your your Web Web site site onon ATRA.com, ATRA.com, feature feature to to shops in in their their area. area. This This tool tool is is where where customers customers can can use use the the local local search search will will place place a link a link to to your your Web Web site site on on ATRA.com, ATRA.com, where where customers customers can can use use the the local local search search beginning beginning tofind to appear appear inin in top top search search results results for feature feature tocustomers to find shops shops in their their area. area. This This tool tool isfor is where where customers can can use use the the local local search search feature feature to to find find shops shops in in their their area. area. This This tool tool is is transmission transmission repair repair on on Google. Google. This This means means beginning beginning tofind to appear appear inin in top top search search results results for feature feature to to find shops shops in their their area. area. This This tool tool isfor is beginning beginning to to appear appear in in toptop search search results results forfor people people looking looking for for shops shops in in search search engines engines transmission transmission repair repair on Google. Google. This This means means beginning beginning to to appear appear inon in top top search search results results forfor transmission transmission repair repair on on Google. Google. This This means means are are being being directed directed to to ATRA’s ATRA’s Web Web site site and and people people looking looking forforshops in insearch search engines engines transmission transmission repair repair onshops onGoogle. Google. This This means means people people looking lookingforforshops shopsin insearch searchengines engines ATRA ATRA members. members. are arebeing being directed directed toshops toATRA’s ATRA’s Web Website site and and people people looking looking forforshops in insearch search engines engines are arebeing beingdirected directedto toATRA’s ATRA’sWeb Website siteand and ATRA ATRA members. members. are are being being directed directedto toATRA’s ATRA’sWeb Website siteand and ATRA ATRA members. members. The The page page views views have have doubled doubled since since thethe launch launch ATRA ATRA members. members. of of ATRA’s ATRA’s local local search search feature. feature. That’s That’s potential potential The The page page views views have have doubled doubled since since the the launch launch The The page page views views have have doubled doubled since since the the launch launch business you you cannot cannot even even begin begin toThat’s to gain gain strictly strictly of business of ATRA’s ATRA’s local local search search feature. feature. That’s potential potential The The page page views views have have doubled doubled since since the the launch launch of of ATRA’s ATRA’s local local search search feature. feature. That’s That’s potential potential from from word-of-mouth word-of-mouth referrals. referrals. business business you you cannot cannot even even begin begin toThat’s to gain gain strictly strictly of of ATRA’s ATRA’s local local search search feature. feature. That’s potential potential business business you you cannot cannot even even begin begin to to gain gain strictly strictly from from word-of-mouth word-of-mouth referrals. referrals. business business you you cannot cannot even even begin begin to to gain gain strictly strictly from from word-of-mouth word-of-mouth referrals. referrals. from from word-of-mouth word-of-mouth referrals. referrals. transmissions transmissions in in need of repair repair into into your your Your YourWeb Website site isneed isanof anessential essential tool tool toshop. toshop. get get Your Your Web Web site site is is an an essential essential tool tool to to get get Now Now it can it can bebe even even more more powerful. powerful. Join Join ATRA ATRA transmissions transmissions in in need of repair repair into into your your Your YourWeb Website site isneed isanof anessential essential tool tool toshop. toshop. get get transmissions transmissions in in need need of of repair repair into into your your shop. shop. today today and and start start reaping reaping the the benefits benefits of of ATRA’s ATRA’s Now Now it can it can bebe even more more powerful. powerful. Join Join ATRA ATRA transmissions transmissions ineven in need need of of repair repair into into your your shop. shop. Now Now it can it can be be even even more more powerful. powerful. Join Join ATRA ATRA Web Web presence. presence. today today start reaping reaping the the benefits benefits ofJoin of ATRA’s ATRA’s Now Now itand can itand can bestart be even even more more powerful. powerful. Join ATRA ATRA today today and and start start reaping reaping thethe benefits benefits of of ATRA’s ATRA’s Web Web presence. presence. today today and and start start reaping reaping thethe benefits benefits of of ATRA’s ATRA’s Web Web presence. presence. Visit Visitmembers.ATRA.com members.ATRA.com Web Web presence. presence. or or call call 805 805- -660044- -22000000 Visit Visit members.ATRA.com members.ATRA.com Visit Visitmembers.ATRA.com members.ATRA.com orVisit orcall call 805 805- -660044- -22000000 Visit members.ATRA.com members.ATRA.com ororcall call805 805- -660044- -22000000 ororcall call805 805- -660044- -22000000 ATRA.com ATRA.com ATRA.com ATRA.com ATRA.com ATRA.com ATRA.com ATRA.com AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS REBUILDERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS REBUILDERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS REBUILDERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS REBUILDERS ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION Sometimes a Rebuild Isn’t the Only Answer by Steve Bodofsky members.atra.com www.atra.com F or years the answer was fairly simple… and pretty much the same in every transmission shop across the country. If the transmission is broken, you had one choice: rebuild it. Simple, right? Maybe not. In fact, today, a number of shops are proving that the “rebuild only” business model isn’t the only way to run a successful transmission shop. For years now, ATRA’s CEO Dennis Madden has stressed the importance of discovering and addressing your customers’ needs. It’s a legitimate consideration, and one that’s easy to forget about when confronted with the dollar signs for a transmission rebuild. Keep in mind that one of those needs often involves cost. Sure, the customer’s transmission is broken or worn out; he has to get it fixed if he’s going to put his car back on the road. But if he can’t scrape together the $3500 to pay for a full rebuild, nothing you can say or do is going to change that. The rebuild-only mentality began in a different era. Back then a rebuild would cost maybe $300 or $400 — a lot of money in those days, but there wasn’t much you could save and still provide a respectable repair. Once you had the transmission on the bench you were committed to the bulk of the job. The parts were only a few bucks, so skipping a clutch pack wasn’t going to save anything. Used transmissions? They were a crapshoot, because cars didn’t get 62 pieced out until they had a lot of miles on them. And remans hadn’t become a viable solution… yet. Today a lot has changed in the transmission business (seriously, is there any way I can get paid for every time I say that?) Today, $3000 for a rebuild may mean the customer got lucky! But those changes have created a number of viable options for you and your customers… options that make it possible for you to help meet their financial needs, while still allowing you to earn a reasonable profit. Those options include remans, targeted repairs, and even used units. Think that’s just giving up? Or giving in? I talked to a couple shop owners who are taking advantage of those options and are enjoying record sales because of them. Six years ago, Glen Burnie Transmissions in Maryland was just scraping by, according to shop owner Mark Schwartzman. They had over 50 employees, including nine rebuilders. Then Mark transformed his way of thinking: He started by becoming a regional distributor for Certified Transmission. Today Glen Burnie has 18 employees and no rebuilders. And last year they did nearly $6 million in business! A fluke? This year he’s on track to beat those sales by about 2%. Between 15-18% of those sales are “carryout” units; transmissions bought by other shops or individuals to install themselves. The bulk of his business is selling remans and used transmissions. He has a fulltime outside sales person, Kimberly Hepburn, who introduces other shops to their product line and services. Used transmissions? How can that be profitable? Funny thing about that: While our business was changing, so was the insurance industry. And today, many cars are totaled simply because the airbags deployed. Which means there are a lot of used transmissions available with only 10 to 20 thousand miles on them — just broken in. What’s more, some of those transmissions are available for just a couple hundred dollars. So Glen Burnie’s technicians can install a used unit for anywhere from $1200 to $1700 and still make just as much as they would have with a rebuild. And the customer saves $1000 or more on the job. As Mark explains, “I’ve already spent the money for advertising to bring the customers in the door. It makes no sense to let them walk out just because they can’t afford a $3000 repair… not when I can offer them a lower-cost alternative, and still make a good profit.” The salvage yard offers Mark a 6-month, 6000-mile warranty on its used units, and allows him to extend the warranty for just a few bucks more. Of course, not every transmission can be purchased used. Some are known to have too many problems; others cost too much to be profitable, when they’re available at all. And mileage matters: On one car, 20–30,000 miles is about the limit for accepting a used transmission. On othGEARS May/June 2011 ers, 60–70,000 is still fine, as long as the oil looks clean and the price is reasonable. This is where experience comes in: You have to know which transmissions are worth trying and which aren’t a good risk. Take a look through your records for the last few years. Does the unit tend to fail around 80,000 miles? Then you won’t want to install anything with much more than 20,000 miles. But if the average mileage for a failure tends to be closer to a quarter million miles, 60,000 miles is barely a drop in the bucket. Of course, Mark is an extreme case. He’s completely transformed his business model from the standard transmission repair shop. But Glen Burnie Transmissions isn’t the only shop that’s offering its customers alternatives to the high price of rebuilds. Dave Riccio of Tri-City Transmission is doing it, too (see the profile on Tri-City in the January/February 2011 issue of GEARS). And Dave has added another service alternative to the mix: targeted repair. Sure, every transmission shop will replace a solenoid or a valve body without selling a full rebuild. But once the unit reaches the bench, most shops insist on going the rebuild route. This is where Dave differs. “We’ll sometimes install just a torque converter in a car with 90,000 miles. Some shop owners think I’m crazy for doing that. But if the converter is the only problem and the customer really can’t afford a rebuild, why not? We make a buck on the job and the customer gets his car back on the road.” Another place where Tri-City can sometimes save its customers money is on front-wheel drive units, where the differential is quiet and working okay. In that case they might agree to leave the differential alone, and not run the case through the parts washer. The customer saves a few hundred dollars on the job, and still gets a transmission that works like it just had a complete rebuild. A big difference with today’s transmissions is parts cost. Twenty years ago the clutches in a transmission might have cost only five or ten bucks; there was no savings in rebuilding one drum and not the others. But the clutches in today’s transmissions can easily cost a few hundred dollars. So if the customer’s up against it, and one or two clutch packs are okay, there really may be a benefit in rebuilding just the drums that are bad and leaving the rest alone. Tri-City also offers used transmissions when they’re available and are a reasonable alternative. But they go a step further: They open the unit and check the clutches. Then they replace the filter and the outside seals, and fill it with new oil. That way they’re fairly confident that the used transmission won’t leak, and will hold up for a reasonable amount of time. One of the most critical considerations when offering the customer a lower-cost alternative is communication. Dave makes sure the customer understands that he isn’t getting a rebuilt transmission, and that the job may involve a bit of risk. And Dave offers to share that risk with the customer. With used transmissions or targeted repairs, Dave offers a limited, one-year, 12,000-mile warranty. The warranty is only good at Tri-City: He doesn’t offer the Golden Rule Warranty, and there’s no outside coverage, except in special cases. And the warranty is 50-50: Both Dave and the customer GEARS May/June 2011 accept half the risk. If the job cost $1600, and the transmission fails while it’s under the warranty, Dave credits the customer $800 toward the price of a rebuild. As Dave sees it, he made money on the repair, so if he has to cut into his profit on a rebuild to keep the customer happy, it’s worth it. And since his rebuilders went through the unit, he knows his risk is limited. How limited? Over the last year, only one transmission had to come back for a warranty rebuild after a targeted repair. Not a bad average. In addition to explaining the process to the customer, Dave has a special warranty form, which explains the service that was performed and the limits of the warranty. So the customer should be well informed about the repair he paid for, and the coverage he’s receiving. That’s important, because, left to their own devices, customers will remember that their transmission got fixed and that they paid $1600 for it — still a lot of money to them. The nuances of the repair and the difference between a targeted repair and a rebuild can slip away over time. That’s why it’s critical to spend the time to explain the differences, and clarify those differences on the repair order and the warranty. Sure, it’s nice to sell a full rebuild. And in some cases a custom rebuild is still the best option for the customer. But sometimes the customers’ needs won’t allow it; they just don’t have the money. That’s okay; today’s changes in the market have created the conditions to provide a new series of options to address those needs… options that can still provide you with a substantial profit… if you’re willing to embrace them. The One-Stop Source For High Performance Drivetrain Components The trusted leader in high performance drivetrain components since 1968. We offer a full selection of high quality drivetrain components, many of which are our own American-made, proprietary designs. • • • • • • • • Torque Converters Speedometer Gears Flexplates Shifters ATF Fluids Gauges Electronics Rebuild Kits • • • • • • Valve Bodies Bands Pumps Drums Sprags Fluid Pans And Much More! Rebuilder Accounts Wanted – Call Ondra Terry 8222b 1.888.776.9824 • tciauto.com 63 Keep Those Trannys Rolling A Lincoln with an Attitude O ur story begins with a call to the ATRA Technical Hotline from a technician named Kyle. Kyle said he was working on “a Lincoln with an attitude.” The car in question was a 2003 Lincoln LS equipped with a 3.0L engine, and a 5R55N transmission with harsh shifts at times (Figure 1). According to Kyle, the owner of the vehicle said he’d been having drivability problems for the past few months: erratic engine idle, “Check Engine” light flashing occasionally, engine surge while driving, and of course, harsh shifting. The customer had taken his car to a couple local shops to check the driveability issues. After checking the computer system and replacing several sensors, such as the mass airflow sensor, TPS, and MAP, he was referred to Kyle to have the transmission operation checked. 64 by Pete Huscher members.atra.com www.atra.com Kyle took the vehicle to his local Ford/Lincoln dealership where they reprogrammed the PCM with the latest update. On the way back to the shop the transmission continued to have the occasional harsh shift. Harsh Shifts Verified Kyle drove the car and immediately felt the harsh shifts. He returned to the shop, connected his scan tool, and checked for codes; there weren’t any. Then Kyle installed his pressure gauge on the line pressure tap for the PCA and PCSB (pressure control solenoids A and B) circuits and headed out for another test drive. During this test drive, PCS pressure would climb to over 220 PSI at the same time the harsh shifts were taking place. The Lincoln had a pressure problem. at the PCS solenoid, to see whether the computer was commanding high pressure. Kyle connected his voltmeter to the PCS circuit (figure 2), close to the PCM (figure 3), and headed out for another test drive. During the test drive, PCS circuit amperage would drop just before PCS pressure started to rise to 220 PSI (Figure 4). This indicated the computer was actually commanding high line pressure. With the computer commanding high PCS pressure, it was time to take a look at the computer system. Checking PCS Solenoid Command Checking the Computer System The next step was to check voltage Ford has issued several techniGEARS May/June 2011 Figure 1 cal bulletins related to programming issues and updates to this PCM, to correct pressure control issues. So I recommended having the PCM reprogrammed with the latest update before spending hours checking PCM inputs, and powers and grounds. Kyle took the vehicle to his local Figure 2 Ford/Lincoln dealership where they reprogrammed the PCM with the latest update. On the way back to the shop the transmission continued to have the occasional harsh shift. So, when he got back to the shop, Kyle connected his scan tool and started checking the PCM inputs. The scan tool showed the inputs were all within specifications, which suggested a faulty PCM. But, as I explained to Kyle, the Lincoln PCM Figure 3 GEARS May/June 2011 65 A Lincoln with an Attitude tions. Then we took another look at the PCM powers and grounds — also all within specifications. All indications pointed to a faulty PCM (Figure 5). Replacing the Powertrain Control Module Figure 4 goes for about $1000; not something you throw in without being sure. I recommended checking each individual input and every power and ground to the PCM before condemning it. Kyle pulled out his meter and started checking each input to the PCM. All were within specifications. Then he checked the PCM powers and grounds; they were also within specification. With the inputs, powers, and grounds within specifications, Kyle was fairly confident that he was dealing with a faulty PCM, but he was still hesitant to throw a $1000 PCM at the vehicle. So I went over the inputs with him. They were all within specifica- Kyle contacted his local Ford/ Lincoln dealership to order a new PCM. They told him the PCM was on backorder, and it would take about six weeks to arrive. So he called me back and asked me to try to help him find a rebuilt PCM. I explained that there was a reason the PCM was on backorder: Ford was having problems with this unit, and a used or rebuilt PCM may come with the same problems. I recommended against installing a used or rebuilt PCM, and suggested waiting for the new PCM to arrive. Kyle agreed. After the new PCM arrived, Kyle installed it, and then took the vehicle to his local Ford/Lincoln dealership to have it programmed for the vehicle, based on the VIN and security system codes. Go electronic... CSII is the solution to installing a modern powertrain into your street rod, nostalgia car, muscle car, race car or heavy truck. Kit Kit comes comes complete complete with with hardware hardware & & instruction instruction manual manual for for quick quick and and easy easy installation. installation. LCD LCD programming programming display display included. included. Generates Generates trouble trouble codes codes & & live live data data stream. stream. Shift Shift points points and and pressure pressure adjustable, adjustable, self self calibrating calibrating AccuLink AccuLink TPS. TPS. 66 GEARS May/June 2011 Figure 5 GEARS May/June 2011 67 A Lincoln with an Attitude The Crew at Seven Oaks Transmission L to R: Lawrence Kruk, Garett DeGrave, Bob De Grave, Brian Fischer, Jim Doe, Maverick (Magic) Williams, Kyle DeGrave Success is at Hand GEARSMagazine.com Where the Industry Gathers GEARSmagazine.com adds more past issues to site. Tired of rummaging through past issues of GEARS for a certain article or topic – can’t remember which issue it was in or if you even have it anymore? We hear you! • Now you can search past issues of GEARS (back to October 2008) with more issues being added every month – it’s easy and Free • Complete article search by author, keywords or publication date Plus…. • Looking for parts or service? We’ve got you covered here too with the all new GEARS Online Buyers Guide • Search by specific category for quick website links to the suppliers of our industry. Coming Soon – Look for our new blog features and iPowertrian News – updated and timely news and products that will keep you and your shop on top of our ever changing industry. With the freshly programmed PCM in the vehicle, Kyle was ready to take the car for a test drive to recheck transmission operation. The transmission operated perfectly. The shifts were on time and smooth, each and every time. Kyle has driven the vehicle several times since replacing the PCM, and the transmission always shifts perfectly. In Closing If you run in to a problem vehicle, and you suspect a possible computer problem (PCM/TCM/BCM, etc.), be sure to take the time to check the inputs, powers, and grounds to the computer before replacing it. Remember, by performing a thorough diagnosis, you, too, can tame your vehicle’s attitude, and keep those trannies rolling. GEARSMAGAZINE.com – The Industry’s Information Site GEARS FOR THE TRANSMISSION REBUILDING INDUSTRY 68 TM GEARS May/June 2011 MEMBERSHIP MATTERS You Made the Call and ATRA Answered: You Made the Call and ATRA Answered: 3-Year Golden Rule Warranty for All Units You hear it everywhere: It’s your country… it’s your government… it’s your planet. But when it comes down to it, someone else always seems to be calling the shots… and too often the results aren’t what you’d hoped for. Well, when we say ATRA is your Association, we really mean it. In a recent Membership Survey, we asked what you’d like ATRA to do for you. The results were overwhelming: extend the 3-year Golden Rule Warranty to cover all transmissions, regardless of manufacturer or age. So that’s exactly what we did. ATRA already offered Members a 3-year warranty, but only for GM, Ford, and Chrysler, and only on transmissions that were less than 10 years old. Effective immediately, ATRA Members can now offer a full 3-year Golden Rule Warranty on all make and model transmissions, regardless of age. The new 3-year warranty takes its place along side ATRA’s already familiar 1and 2-year warranties. Which means you can now complete toe-to-toe with the warranties being offered by reman companies. “This is a terrific example of how ATRA is supposed to work,” explains ATRA CEO Dennis Madden. “When there’s something that our Members need — something that can help them be more competitive and more profitable — it’s our job to make that happen. And that’s exactly what we’ve done with the new, 3-year Golden Rule Warranty.” As with other Golden Rule Warranties, the transmission must be rebuilt to ATRA’s minimum requirement, and usage standards still apply. To begin offering these new, 3-year GEARS May/June 2011 warranties, contact ATRA’s Member Services and request the new Golden Rule Warranty forms. These forms no longer limit the 3-year warranty to GM, Ford, or Chrysler transmissions; nor are they restricted to transmissions less than 10 years old. For more details, visit ATRA’s web site http://members.atra. com. The new 3-year Golden Rule Warranty: One more way that we’re proving every day that ATRA really is your Association. ATRA’s Ron Brattin Brings SEO to ATRA Members’ Web Sites There’s little doubt that the internet is quickly replacing the Yellow Pages when consumers shop for services. So it should come as no surprise that ATRA is working to help its Members take full advantage of internet marketing. One of the most important considerations for your internet presence is SEO: Search Engine Optimization. SEO determines your placement in search engines, such as Google and Yahoo: The higher your placement, the more effective your internet marketing will be. ATRA’s Ron Brattin recently earned his certificate in Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing through Web CEO: a leader in internet marketing strategies. “Ron put a lot of effort into this certification, and we’re really proud of the work he’s accomplished,” says ATRA CEO Dennis Madden. “The results from his optimization techniques are impressive: we’re seeing instant leaps in search engine placement.” Using exclusive analytical software, Ron examines your site and Ron Brattin tweaks keywords and content to help you achieve the highest ranking possible. Higher ranking is a lot like placement in the Yellow Pages: That’s why you’ll find so many companies with names such as “AAAA Transmissions”; not very creative, but it got them placed ahead of everyone else. And higher placement equals more calls. Naturally ATRA’s SEO service is available exclusively to ATRA Members. If your site is hosted through ATRA, Ron can make the tweaks directly, to improve your site’s ranking immediately. Not hosted through ATRA? That’s okay: Ron can still evaluate your site and make recommendations. To take advantage of ATRA’s SEO service, call Ron at 1-805-604-2020. Make sure you have your site URL and passwords available for him to access your site. SEO is the next step to help you market your shop, and it’s just one more way that ATRA is here to help make your shop more competitive… and more profitable. 69 Rapid Transmissions Gets Its Party On! by Dennis Madden members.atra.com www.atra.com Y ou just acquired a few longtime transmission shops in the area and want to let the town know. What do you do? Well, if you’re Rapid Transmission in the San Diego area, you throw a Grand Reopening Bash, and invite the whole town! Rapid Transmissions has been in operation for over 40 years. It was recently acquired by Jim Alexander, and he relocated two of its stores to newer, larger accommodations. So they wanted to reach out and introduce the community to the new owner and new stores with an open house get-together. They called all their suppliers and asked them to get involved: Transtar supplied the food; Natpro set up a booth with examples of old and new technology; Southland Clutch brought their performance clutches. The San Diego Mustang Club was in attendance and brought their show cars, along with a local motorcycle club that brought 20-25 bikes. Mark Raines, operations director for Rapid Transmissions, explained: “It gave us a chance to get together with a lot of the people from the area and show them who we are and what we have to offer.” Deon Olmos from ATRA’s Member Services department came by with the “ATRA Blimp,” lent a hand, and spoke to folks about the benefits of dealing with an ATRA Member shop. “Deon was a huge help in making our event a success,” claims Mike. 70 So how did things go? “The response was fantastic,” says Mike. “We planned for 150 people, and over GEARS May/June 2011 200 showed up. Jim had to relight the grill and cook up more food!” We’ve been saying for years that the best way to get your name out there is through community involvement. And what a terrific way for Rapid Trans to make its mark in the neighborhood. Letter From a Consumer... Dear Mr. Wiggins, I want to express our deepest gratitude for your help and the services of ATRA. As you know from our conversation, my wife and I were on a long distance vacation with our boat in tow when our transmission when out in Placerville Ca. We had never been to Placerville, let alone know of anyone there to help us with such a problem. Thankfully, we found your company through a friend and with one phone call had a referral to one of your certified shops in close GEARS May/June 2011 distance to the hotel we landed at. Once we made contact with J&C Automotive, their professionalism put us right at ease. They provided safe storage for our boat and had the ball rolling on the transmission right away. They are exactly the people and the type of shop you want to deal with at a time like that. Although my wife and I had an extended vacation in Placerville, we were able to enjoy the area and not stress about our vehicle or who was working on it. Thank you for your help, thanks ATRA for the service, and thanks to J&C Automotive for being part of your group. Your phone numbers will travel with us from now on! Sincerely, Stephen Doiron Santa Barbara, CA 71 POWER INDUSTRY NEWS Mazda FN4A-EL (4F27E), FS5A-EL POWERTRAIN INDUSTRY NEWS GM 6L80E, 6L90E Kits with Pistons from Precision Precision International is pleased to announce the availability of overhaul kits with pistons (P/N KP33900J) for two GM transmissions: 6L80E: (MYC) 2006-09 Cadillac STS-V, XLR-V (4.4L), XLR (4.6L), Escalade/ESV/EXT (6.2L), XLR (4.6L), Corvette (6.0L,6.2L), GMC Sierra Denali, Yukon Denali /XL Denali (6.2L), Pontiac G8 GT (6.0L), Hummer H2/SUT (6.2). 6L90E: (MYD) 2007-09 Chevy Silverado HD, Suburban, GMC Sierra HD, Yukon XL (6.0L). Master and banner kits are also available: PI# KP3300J series is sold with and without pistons. For more information, visit Precision on line at www.TransmissionKits.com. Dodge Takes the Win with a Goerend Trans! © 2010 Congratulations to Aron Nick and his team on winning the 1st Superstock Quick 16 Diesel Drag Race in Bradenton, Florida, February 26, 2011. Aron’s truck was equipped with a Dodge 6.7L, and a 48RE Goerend transmission. He registered a time of 10.90 seconds. 72 GEARS does not endorse new products but makes this new information Reverseavailable Bonded Piston to readers. If you have a new product, please email the press release information with applicable digital photo or drawing to fpasley@atra.com or send by mail to GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030. Mazda has revised the reverse bonded piston for the transmission. Technical Bulletin Also congratulations to Ashley Transtar’s representatives are very TransTec® item number B81789 (OE # FN11-19-5H0A) was Black of Black’s Diesel of Adairsvill, dedicated exceptional serdesign to on providing the clutch apply surface. (Illustration 1) The ap one piece surface. (Illustration Georgia (www.blacksdiesel.com), with vice.continuous, For further details on Honda and 2) This change Mazda FN4A-EL (4F27E), FS5A-EL (FNR5) is considered a window frame which creates mor Acura units or any driveline kit design or coma 5.9L Cummins diesel andReverse a GoerendBonded Piston the clutch plates, achieving a uniform clamping load acr ponent, customers should contact their 48RE transmission, who scored a surface. Transtar representative or call (855) 4th place finish with a time of 11.47 The new window frame design will retro fit and can be u TRANSTAR. seconds. Mazda has revised the reverse bonded piston for the FN4A-EL/FS5A-EL previously notched design for both applications. Both transmission. teams are proud to run Mazda FN4A-EL (4F27E) Goerend transmissions in their Dodge When ordering part number B81789 you will receive the n ® was a notched is depleted onoriginally the (FNR5) old design. and FS5A-EL trucks. TransTec item number B81789 (OE # FN11-19-5H0A) design on the clutch apply surface. (Illustration 1) The apply surface is now a Visit Goerend’s web site at www. continuous, one piece surface. (Illustration 2) This change produces a part that goerend.com to viewa their is considered windowextensive frame design which creates more contact area with the clutch plates, achieving a uniform clamping load across the clutch plate testing equipment. Or call Goerend surface. Transmission at 563 778 2719. Shipping worldwide.The new window frame design will retro fit and can be used in place of the previously notched design for both applications. Transtar Industries, Inc. When ordering part number B81789 you will receive theIllustration new design as stock 1 is the Premier Provider is depleted on the old design. Early Style B81789 of Honda and Acura Units I Late Transtar Industries, Inc., the premier provider of world-class driveline solutions, is also the leading supplier of OE-quality Honda and Acura transmission units to the automotive aftermarket. Illustration 1 Illustration 2 Earlymay Style B81789 Late Style B81789 “Honda units be difficult to find in the Aftermarket today. At 11617 State Route 13 • Milan, Ohio 44846 • T: 419-499-2502 • F: 419-499-2 Transtar, we have coverage of the vast Reverse Bonded Piston © 2010 Freudenberg-NOK majority of the Honda and Acura total Mazda has revised the reverse offering,” said Jim Berry, Transtar’s bonded piston for the FN4A-EL/FS5AVice President of Marketing. “Transtar’s EL transmission. extensive inventory allows these units TransTec® item B81789 (OE FN11to be shipped next day to virtually every 19-5H0A) was originally a notched market in the United States. Whether design on the clutch apply surface. The of Freudenberg-NOK you rebuild, repair, or replace, Transtar apply surface is nowAaDivision continuous, one11617 Route 13 • Milan, Ohio 44846 • T: 419-499-2502 • F: 419-499-2804 • www.TransTec.com has solutions forState every customer.” piece surface. Freudenberg-NOK “Uncommon units can be parThis change produces a part that 11/8/10 ticularly challenging to transmisis considered a window-frame design, sion rebuilders,” says Mark Russell, which creates more contact area with Director, Complete Transmission the clutch plates, achieving a uniform Solutions at Transtar. “We offer soluclamping load across the clutch plate tions for those hard-to-build units, like surface. Hondas and Acuras. We have what our The new window frame design customers need, at a great value.” will retrofit and can be used in place of Remanufactured in the U.S. to the previously notched design for both the original OE specifications, every applications. Transtar Complete Transmission Unit is When ordering part number fully tested using state-of-the-art equipB81789 you will receive the new design ment and is backed by the Transtar Seal as stock is depleted on the old design. of Quality. Units are updated with the For more, visit TransTec on line at latest pieces and fittings and Transtar’s www.TransTec.com. 36-month/100,000 mile premium warranty. GEARS May/June 2011 Mike Davidson Joins Elite as Business Development Coach Elite Worldwide has announced that Mike Davidson, an award-winning shop owner, has joined the company as its newest business development coach. In his new role, Davidson will use his years of experience as a shop owner in Little Rock, Arkansas, and the information he’s attained while serving on numerous industry boards and panels, to help shop owners throughout the U.S. build more profitable businesses. In addition to owning and operating one of the most successful auto repair shops in the U.S., Davidson is a graduate of the Automotive Management Institute, was the recipient of Arkansas’s NAPA Technician of the Year Award for seven consecutive years, and is a winner of the coveted Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics. Davidson has an affinity for helping others, and currently does so by providing viewers with car care tips in local CBS segments. “Elite is always looking for business development coaches who not only have a history of success as shop owners, but who have a genuine commitment to ethics as well. For an individual like Mike Davidson to join our team, who not only runs one of top shops in the country, but who has won the Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics, is an absolute honor,” said Bob Cooper, president of Elite Worldwide. Visit Elite Worldwide on line at www.EliteWorldwideStore.com, or call, toll free, at 1-800-204-3548. the PCS to do one of two things: 1. Send more AFL feed pressure to the balance side, resulting in higher line pressures. This sets codes and makes line pressure unstable when trying to elevate AFL pressures. Or… 2. Leak so badly that it won’t regulate anything, causing line pressure to elevate to the point of damaging components. Either way, the leak creates a vicious cycle as it tries to compensate for itself. To correct this, Superior offers its K098 AFL valve fix. This newly designed AFL valve-and-spring combo, along with a simple cup plug, will stop the leak. And since the valve’s “Superior” design spreads the load across the entire rear casting, it’s a long term, Simple Solution™, sure to stop wear and leaks in their tracks. Figure 1. Showing O.E. Design and Common Leak Area. (sets Code 1811) This is Why they set the Code 1811 Superior’s New 4T65E AFL Valve Fix for Code P1811 Here’s what happens: Low pressure from the AFL signal/balance oil leaks from valve bore wear at the small end of the balance side of the valve bore in the channel plate casting. This wear causes low AFL balance pressure, which is becoming common in 4T65E units and is the main cause for code P1811. When balance pressure leaks out the end of the valve/bore it doesn’t keep enough AFL balance oil against the AFL valve’s spring load. This causes GEARS May/June 2011 Figure 2. Showing Superior’s Innovative Proprietary Design. The valve kit is quick and easy to install without purchasing extra tools, reamers, or costly replacement valves and sleeves. For more information or to locate your closest distributor, visit www. superiortransmission.com. Lockup Converter for Non-Lockup Transmissions, by Dacco re and Make su t check ou Direct drive performance with the drivability and efficency of a lock-up converter #4115 in Booth • Applications for circle track, street performance, and restoration. • Patented lock-up converter for C6, THM 350/400, and Powerglide hydraulic transmissions. • Improves torque and fuel efficiencies with multi-clutch technology. • Greater selection of available stall speeds. • Lower inertia than stock converters. DROP IN!! No transmission modifications or calibration required! • Improves transmission durability due to less slip and lower transmission temperature. Alma Products and Dacco have developed a drop-in lockup torque converter for any non-lockup transmission (THM-350 and 400, Powerglide, 727, 904, C-4, C-6). The unit requires no modifications to hydraulics, hardware, or wiring. Simply swap it the old non-lockup unit to the new one. It’s available in a 10” diameter, and stall speeds range from 1800-5000 RPM. Industrial testing has yielded 15% improvement in fuel economy. In development for 3 years, it’s perfect for oval track and street/strip muscle cars. The result is better fuel economy, more efficiency (more power to the wheels), lower transmission temperatures, and decreased crank thrust. In the past, a high stall torque converter would have been too busy for street applications. This new unit allows a high stall for better acceleration and 100% cruising efficiency with lockup. It gives the car owner the option of numerically increasing axle ratio because of a locked converter, which means better acceleration and fuel economy. Lockup is a feature that will give automatic cars the same MPH in racing as stick shift cars. The converter is fully balanced and has bearings at every interface. 73 POWER INDUSTRY NEWS The engineer that patented the design (Pat #7770703) worked for Chrysler Powertrain engineering for 18 years. Production starts June 1, 2011. For more information contact Dacco Transmission Parts 866-6451452, or visit www.daccoinc.com. Lista International Will Exhibit Its Technician at Eastec 2011 Lista International Corporation will feature its Technician Series toolboxes at EASTEC 2011, May 17-19 at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts, booth 5423. Lista International’s Technician Series toolboxes are the largest capacity, most durable boxes on the market, at an affordable price. Proudly made in the USA, they feature a rugged design backed by a limited lifetime warranty. They come in five gloss, powder-coated colors, with two-tone color schemes available. All drawers are full extension with a 440-pound capacity. Drawers come standard with a mesh liner and include a divider and bin tool organization starter kit in the top drawer. Other drawers can be equipped with a variety of divider options. Technician Series toolboxes are available in a choice of four styles: single bank, double bank, triple bank and two-bay. This enormous selection of footprints and drawer sizes means there’s a toolbox configuration to meet every need. Worktops transform the toolbox cabinet top into a productive work area. Toolboxes come standard with protective ribbed rubber mat, and are available with optional tops of stainless steel over wood core, stainless steel cover, or butcher block. The toolboxes feature base options ranging from mobile casters, to fixed74 fork truck bases, to stationary raised bases with leveling. Visit Lista’s new web site devoted to technician toolboxes at www. ListaBox.com. ...Also from Lista International Redesigned Workbench System Lista International Corporation announces its newly redesigned automotive workbench system. Specially designed for automotive service and repair, Lista’s automotive storage and workbench solutions can be easily configured to suit specific needs without custom cost. Lista automotive service bay solutions include storage cabinets, toolboxes, workbenches, and mobile carts. Tough, industrial-grade construction and materials are engineered to stand up to hard use and still look great, while giving technicians quick and easy access to tools, parts, and supplies. num pans from TCI turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. A black powdercoated finish and the ability to hold a larger fluid supply increases heat dissipation, dropping internal transmission temperature by 20º to 30º, extending transmission life. These pans are built from aircraftquality aluminum and feature added fins for improved cooling, while a magnetic drainplug keeps loose metal from being circulated through the transmission. A unique, O-ringed (where applicable) sealing surface protects against leaks. Pans include magnetic drainplugs, a 1/8” NPT port machined directly into the pan, new stainless steel hardware, and Allen wrenches. For more information on MaxCool™ pans or to see other great TCI® high performance drivetrain components, visit www.tciauto.com, or call toll free at 888-776-9824. JDS Worldwide of Miami to Open in New Location! Rather than being limited to offthe-shelf products, Lista offers versatile, customized solutions that optimize the efficiency and productivity of service operations. The company customizes high-density storage and timesaving workspace solutions to bring consistent appearance, efficiency, and space usage to every cubic inch of available space in a dealership. For more information, visit Lista on line at www.listaintl.com. TCI® Max-Cool™ Deep Aluminum Pans Premium cast, high-quality Max-Cool™ deep alumi- After 20 years of experience and knowledge of the industry gave way to the creation of JDS Worldwide in 2004, a surge of consumer loyalty and confidence has allowed JDS Worldwide to once again expand to meet the demands that its customers have come to expect. JDS Worldwide will be moving to a new location in the heart of the commercial district of Miami. With a new warehouse providing more than twice its previous capacity, JDS is poised to provide better access to both its existing customers and new clients. “Our new location is an excellent venue, which will allow for a larger inventory, giving our customers greater access to our products and our company,” said Joe De Santino, president of JDS Worldwide. “As both our GEARS May/June 2011 international and domestic client bases continue to grow, we found that, to continue to deliver the level of quality and performance our customers have come to expect, this relocation was a necessity.” For more information please visit www.jdsworlwide.com. JASPER Offers Remanufactured GM 6-Speed Transmissions rected. • Dynamometer testing of domestic automatic transmissions simulates in-vehicle operation to assure trouble-free product results. • An available Premium Service Plan offers customers even greater value. Each transmission is covered by JASPER’s 3-year/100,000 mile nationwide transferable parts and labor warranty. Full warranty disclosure is available on our web site or upon request. For more information on the GM 6L80/90E and JASPER’s complete line of remanufactured transmissions, please call 800-827-7455, or log onto www.jasperengines.com. Precision Introduces JF011E Overhaul Kit Jasper Engines & Transmissions, the nation’s leader in remanufactured products, has added the GM 6L80 and 6L90E 6-speed transmissions to its remanufactured lineup, and are available for these 2007-2009 vehicles: • Chevrolet Yukon Denali, Avalanche and Suburban • GMC Sierra Denali • Cadillac Escalade • Chevrolet/GMC C/K 15003500 pickups These transmissions are unique in that the transmission control module (TCM) is inside the transmission. “These control modules are vehicle identification number (VIN) specific and must be reprogrammed accordingly,” says James Corbin, JASPER quality systems and new product development manager. “JASPER will ship these units already programmed per the vehicle VIN from the factory.” Every JASPER remanufactured transmission is subjected to strict, highquality processes: • Disassembly, meticulous inspection, and cleaning of components. • All new and remanufactured parts are carefully inspected for correct tolerances to assure dependability. • JASPER’s research and product development ensures inherent OEM design problems are corGEARS May/June 2011 Precision International has introduced overhaul kits for JF011E transmissions. This unit is a belt-driven CVT for medium FWD vehicles, applicable for up to 2.5 liter class vehicles. Part number 73900GX covers years 2007-2010 used in: • Jeep Compass, Patriot • Dodge Caliber • Nissan Serena, Bluebird Sylphy, Dualis • Nissan Altima, Maxima, Lafesta, X-Trail (2.5L) • Nissan Rogue, Sentra • Renault Koleos • Suzuki Kizashi, Landy • Mitsubishi Outlander, Delica D5 • Mitsubishi Galant Fortis, RVR. Master and Banner kits are also available. For more information, visit www. transmissionkits.com. Midwest Hard Parts Now Selling Wholesale Midwest Hard Parts, Inc. has provided top quality transmission hard parts to transmission shops for over 10 years. They’re proud to announce the opening of a wholesale division. Their goal is to offer the same top quality parts to suppliers and transmission parts stores at reduced prices, to allow for the supplier and store to make a reasonable markup and still be able to offer their customers a fair market price. Per customer request, MHPI offers custom packing and labeling. They guarantee 100% blind shipping using plain boxes and going as far as to cut their name off the shipping label. Whether it’s foreign or domestic, MHPI prides itself on stocking hardto-find parts. So leave the hard, greasy work of teardown to them, and buy a clean, ready-to-put-on-the-shelf part. Contact Midwest Hard Parts at 1-877-799.4783 and request a copy of their Frequently Sold Parts price sheet. Mustang Introduces New Universal Transmission Dyno. Mustang’s latest product innovation for automotive transmission repair and remanufacturing professionals is MAE-LDU-40, a universal transmission dynamometer that represents the most advanced, next-generation dynamometer for testing light-duty automatic passenger car and light truck inline and transverse transmissions. Mustang designed the new system to specifically address the short-com75 POWER INDUSTRY NEWS ings of the standard transmission dynos found in the market today. The result is a transmission dynamometer that is more easily adaptable, more accurate, more user-friendly, with a more flexible software and data acquisition package, and most importantly, is more sensible from an economic standpoint. The new LDU-40 universal transmission dynamometer is a quantum leap forward from the outdated systems that once upon a time were considered state-of-the-art. Take your transmission testing to an unprecedented level of accuracy, efficiency and usability. Forget the hassles of using custom mounting plates and spacers to get a torque converter fitted just right. Mount and test transmissions faster and easier than ever before with a universal system so flexible, you can change setup configurations in a matter of minutes, with a single operator. Universal Hardware The MAE-LDU-40 dynamometer is by far the most easily adaptable test system on the market. Test a wide variety domestic and foreign rearwheel transmissions without the need to purchase countless custom mounting plates. Our patented Universal Adapter Plate virtually eliminate the need to have expensive custom plates for each transmission you need to test – saving you both time and money and simplifying your testing operations. Mustang’s system easily adjusts to fit any torque converter without the need for complicated spacers and bushing combinations, making it easier to center and mount more transmissions faster. Our rotating head stock also allows you to easily adapt and configure the test stand to test front wheel drive transverse transmissions, including Honda and Mitsubishi, and longitudinal 42LE transmissions such as the Chrysler A606. Our use of U-joint drive shafts simplifies set up and dramatically minimizes the chance of damaging rear seals due to misalignment issues. More Accurate Test Results The LDU-40 achieves the highest level of accuracy in the industry thanks to its high quality electronics package. Cradle-mounted PAUs and preci76 sion strain-gauge-type load cells on each output PAU provide continuous feedback to the control loop, allowing for more precise load control and more accurate testing results. A 30-tooth speed encoder ensures a higher resolution speed signal, and therefore a more accurate gear ratio calculation. The LDU-40 also includes Mustang’s Transmission Control Module, The MAE-TCM, standard with every unit. The MAE-TCM gives you the ability to test a transmission using the correct frequency and duty cycle, which ensures that the transmissions are being tested exactly as they perform in a vehicle. All this results in a more accurate dynamometer, so you can test with more confidence. TransTec Introduces Pistons in Kits for GM 6L45/50, 6L80, 6L90 Corteco now offers overhaul kits with pistons for General Motors 6L45/50, 6L80 and 6L90 applications. TransTec® brand kits 2509, 2565 and 2566 are on the shelf ready to be shipped to you today. The following pistons will be included in the new kits: Application 1-2-3-4 Clutch Bonded Balance Piston 4-5-6 Clutch Bonded Balance Piston 4-5-6 Clutch Bonded Apply Piston 2-6 Clutch Bonded Apply Piston Low/Reverse Bonded Apply Clutch Piston You can still order kits without pistons. Those items are 2523 (6L45/50), 2508 (6L80) and 2530 (6L90). Contact your customer service representative to place an order today. For more information, visit TransTec on line at www.TransTec. com. TransTec Introduces Aisin TR60-SN/VW O9D TransTec is pleased to announce the availability of TransTec® overhaul kit 2554, which covers the rear wheel drive, 6-speed Aisin Warner TR60-SN transmission. This unit is most commonly used in the Volkswagen Touareg. The kit includes genuine front and rear NOK oil seals along with exclusive New Produ Quantum™ brand teflon sealing ringsAnnouncem and premium TransTec® branded valve body paper. Aisin TR60-SN/ VW O9D Featured Components We are pleased to announce the availability of TransTec overhaul kit 2554. Kit Part Number Description 2554 covers the rear wheel drive six speed Aisin Warner TR60-SN transmission. ® B33423 Molded rubber pan gasket This unit is most commonly used in the Volkswagen Touareg This kit has genuine front and rear NOK oil seals along with exclusive Quantum™ brand teflon sealing rings and premium TransTec® branded valve body paper. B37169 Front seal B37170 Components ExtensionFeatured & adapter TransTec seal housing Description 3542 ® Number Sealing ringMolded kit rubber pan gasket B37169 Front seal B33423 B37170 Extension & adapter housing seal 3542 Sealing ring kit Kit number 2554 is in stock and available for immediate delivery. Kit number 2554 is in stock and available for immediate delivery For more information, visit TransTec on line at www.TransTec. com. TransTec Introduces Jatco JF011E / Nissan RE0F10A Kits A Division of Freudenbe 11617 State Route 13 • Milan, Ohio 44846 • T: 419-499-2502 • F: 419-499-2804 • www.TransTec.com © 2011 Freudenberg-NOK New Product TransTec is pleased to announce Announcemen the availability of TransTec® overhaul kit 2557, which includes all necesJATCO JF011E / NISSAN RE0F10A sary sealing components to rebuild the We are pleased to announce the availability of TransTec overhaul kit 2557. necessary sealing components to rebuild the 2006-UP JF011E / RE0F10A 2006-upAll JF011E/RE0F10A transmistransmission are included. sion. ® Featured Components P/N Description 2557 Overhaul2557kit Year B29002 Right axle sealLeft axle seal B29724 Right axle seal 06-up06-UP B29724 Left axle seal B36523 Converter hub seal 06-up06-UP Featured Components Item Number B29002 B37134 3544 Description Overhaul kit 06-up06-UP Year 06-UP 06-UP Duraprene pan gasket Sealing ring kit 06-UP B37134 Converter hub seal 06-up B36523 Duraprene pan gasket 06-up 3544 Sealing ring kit 06-up TransTec® kit 2557 is in stock and available for immediate shipment. TransTec® kit 2557 is in stock and available for immediate shipment. © 2011 Freudenberg-NOK For more information, visit TransTec on line at www.TransTec. com. A Division of Freudenberg-NOK 11617 State Route 13 • Milan, Ohio 44846 • T: 419-499-2502 • F: 419-499-2804 • www.TransTec.com GEARS May/June 2011 NPA 2 SHOPPER CLASSIFIED ADS Automatic * Standard Transfer Case Parts Hard Parts * 1946-2010 * Soft Parts ERIKSSON INDUSTRIES Division of Wentworth Engineering 1-800-388-4418 Authorized Parts Distributor •Remanufactured Units * DYNO TESTED* •5HP30, 5HP24, 5HP19, 5HP18, 4HP24, 4HP22, 4HP18, 4HP14 •Specializing in SAAB 900/9000 5SP, as well as T-37 A/T 800-835-1007 ~ Se Habla Espanol Quality Parts * Excellent Service Fair Prices •1 YEAR UNLIMITED MILE WTY• • Hard Parts: NEW / USED / REMANUFACTURED Soft Parts / Friction Kits / Steel Kits / Repair Manuals • Lifetime Fluids / Rebuild Kits / Valvebody Kits 1-800-388-4418 Fax: (860) 395-0047 Visit our web site www. areds.com www.erikssonindustries.com 146B Elm St., Old Saybrook, CT 06475 **COMPUTERS** Transmission Control Module ECM & TCM Mitsubishi-Honda-Hyundai-GEO Kia-Mazda-Nissan-Suzuki-Toyota BOSCH ECM GM - Ford - Chrysler - Dodge Next Day Air Shipping Available One Year Warranty Best Customer Service! Ford *GM * Chrysler off vehicle ECM reprogramming available Heated Cooler Line Flusher 800-725-6499 417-725-6400 Transmission Dyno/CV Tester 888-217-4072 Autocomp Technologies, Inc. 8515 N. Freeway, Houston, Texas GEARS May/June 2011 www.g-tec.com 77 SHOPPER CLASSIFIED ADS GEARS Shopper advertising costs $325.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed elsewhere in the magazine and are charged at comparable rates. Check or money order must accompany all orders. For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call (805) 604-2000. Equipment Manufacturing Corp. BMW Mercedes-Benz Audi Remanufactured to Perfection Hundreds of Transmissions in-stock. Immediate installation available. 2 year unlimited warranty. Dyno-tested. Remanufactured torque converter included. Toll free 800 - 372 - TRANS 888-833-9000 1331 Rollins Road • Burlingame, CA 94010 tel 650 - 348 - 3990 fax 650 - 348 - 3019 www.equipmentmanufacturing.com D R I V E L I N E ONE SOLUTION ONE SOURCE •COMPLETE UNITS OR TRANSFER CASE PARTS •NEW AND REBUILT TRANSMISSIONS •OVER 1,000 AXLES IN STOCK •REBUILD KITS IN STOCK •UPS DAILY •DAILY DELIVERIES TO YOUR DOOR •STANDARD, EXTENDED & LIFETIME WARRANTY OPTIONS www.partsbyweller.com (800) 822-2375 RatioTek™ Valve Body Kits Easy to Install - Low Cost - Great Results -- Kits At Part Suppliers Now -- RT-4L60E Fix Code 1870 Fast Adjust 1-2 shift firmness without removing VB. RT-E4OD/4R AAEQ Gears Ad 1-4 pg 031209:1-17 AAEQ Gears Ad 3/12/09 CORES We’ve Got Yours! With over 150,000 transmission, engine, and internal part cores on the shelf, we have the cores you need – ready to ship today! Las Vegas, NV Chicago, IL 800.426.8771 800.826.7403 702.649.7776 773.624.6111 702.649.6777 FAX 773.624.6660 FAX Find vintage cores on *Memory Lane* aamidwestcores.com 78 2:31 PM Kit fits E40D and 4R100 Page 1 3 High Tech Regulator Valves. Adjust shift firmness. RT-4L60E-HD RT-700R4 RT-700R4-HD RT-AX4S RT-4F50N RT-A750E RT-A750E-HD RT-A761E RT-A761E-HD RT-4ATAXLE RT-4ATAXLE-HD Also 5th Edition Ratiotek software now shipping!! www.ratiotek.com 626-968-2754 GEARS May/June 2011 WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Fix it in less than fifteen minutes with one of our easy to use kits. Standard Transmissions Transfer Cases New & Used Parts Rebuilt Units *ONE CALL DOES IT ALL* No machine shop required. CALL Northland Transmission Inc. Phone: 715-458-2617 BRIAN OR ALBERT 866-571-GEAR Fax: 715-458-2611 4 3 2 7 www.servobore.com INSTA-CLEAN PARTS WASHERS INSTA-CLEAN 800-331-6405 PARTS WASHERS INSTA-CLEAN PARTS WASHERS INSTA-CLEAN www.instaclean.com 800-331-6405 INSTA-CLEAN PARTS WASHERS Our quality used hard parts are priced to help you retain more profit All parts are cleaned and inspected We Ship Anywhere PARTS WASHERS GEARS NEED QUALITY CONVERTERS? For The transmission Rebuilding Industry This could be your ad! call (805) 604-2000 and find out how! GEARS May/June 2011 HARD PARTS FOR Domestic and Foreign AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS TORQUE CONVERTERS TRANSFER CASES WE HAVE OVER 500,000 PARTS IN STOCK CALL 602-971-0477 getithardparts.com WE SHIP UPS DAILY Overhaul System! ® Call for a free catalog 877-298-5003 www.atiracing.com 6747 Whitestone Road • Baltimore, MD 21207 79 SHOPPER CLASSIFIED ADS GEARS Shopper advertising costs $325.00 for a one time insertion ad, (2 1/4 X 3) 2.25 X 3. Larger ads can be placed elsewhere in the magazine and are charged at comparable rates. Check or money order must accompany all orders. For information on Shopper advertising in GEARS, contact GEARS, 2400 Latigo Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030, or call (805) 604-2000. &(''&'#")"$& )'($"##% !(,$$!' CD4E Double Drum & ZF5HP24 "A" Drum ONE PIECE SOLID STEEL WELD % !(,$$!'#"$& &(&)& &(&)& &$ )"$& ' (+++&#'$$!$" )&" #'$)&*, )(,"& #"& #(+ ()%($ %)'& %)"%' &#'$$! "& # #' +++&#'$$!$"$&%&('#%& # +++(&#'" '' $#%&(' #$$&$)&%&('+'&' We take your cores and machine you a stronger drum. Never worry about the snap ring failing again. Pro Trans Parts Right Parts, Right Price, Right Time Contact us for details: 630.521.1700 phone 630.521.8890 fax 877.PRO.TRAN Matt@ProTransmissionParts.com Best! Expect the Quality Remanufactured Torque Converters Distributorships Available Visit our website: www.cvcconverters.com 800.727.4461 80 GEARS May/June 2011 WE STOCK VT25E,6L80E,6R60E,5R110W USED & REBUILT PARTS We offer a complete machine shop for ALL of your rebuilding needs! • • • • USED, NEW AND REBUILT FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC RETAIL AND WHOLESALE ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! 800-461-5396 Rostra Performance Class linear solenoids outperform and cost less than their OE counterparts! To find out more visit: * Complete Remanufactured* *Individually Tested* *SONNAX Updates* * 1 YR Warranty* *Tech Support* *Family Owned & Operated* *Nationwide Shipping* *N NOW OFFERING *SONNAX Updated Pumps* (877) 337 - 4681 Transmission.com GEARS May/June 2011 www.reamman.com 81 SHOPPER CLASSIFIED May/June 2011 GEARS classified advertising cost $95.00 for up to 50 words for a one time insertion. ATRA members are eligible to receive up to three (3) FREE classified advertisements in GEARS annually (per 9 issues). Members wishing to place ads once their three FREE ads have been placed may do so at the cost listed above. Ads exceeding the maximum word count will cost $1.50 for each additional word (not including phone number and address). SALES SEMINAR #1 Aisin SL Solenoid Tool Set Complete with custom carrying case. SAVE TIME and Money Quickly disassemble & assemble solenoids For the following 5 and 6 speed units: AW55‐50 TF60 (09G, 09M, 09K) TR60 (09D) TF80 (AF40‐6) Exclusively Available from S.A.P. Call 1‐800‐582‐2760 * Fax 954‐364‐2401 Email SAPCustomerservice@TTK‐Bryco.com ■ Transmission Sales ■ Transmission Shop Advertising ■ Transmission Shop Management Register: TSM.webex.com BUSINESS FOR SALE: Colorado Springs Automotive/Transmission Shop For Sale In business 25 plus years. Large commercial referral base, excellent reputation and name recognition. Well trained certified staff in place. Includes Real Estate. Owner retiring. Adjusted Profit $84,000+ Charlie Jones, FBB, Ltd., 800-395-7653, www.fbb.com. BUSINESS FOR SALE: California – You need to take a look at this one! 40 years of excellent business transmission & general automotive service. Same great location, central California, this is not your ordinary shop. Large building with latest equipment, owner ready to retire. Contact (209) 6027250. ATRA Mbr HELP WANTED: Experienced Technicians, Rebuilders, R &R, Diagnostic Technicians and Service Writers. Minimum of three years experience references a must and work history and certifications. Top pay, medical insurance, paid vacation and a 5 day work week. Located in the center of the Texas Hill Country. Please e-mail resume to a1m@classic.net or mail to Personnel Dept., P. O. Box 2339, Kerrville, Tx. ATRA Mbr 78029-2339. 82 Bosch Pushbelts CVT belts & Luk CVT chains Contact: info@pushbelt.com +31 13 521 7448 HELP WANTED: Technical Director - Transmission remanufacturer is in need of an experienced technical expert to lead its remanufacturing operations in remanufacturing standards and quality control processes. This position requires vast experience in late model automatic transmissions, excellent communication skills (verbal and written), leadership abilities, and a drive for high quality products in a production environment. Excellent compensation package, based on experience. Full benefits and relocation allowance. Please email your resume to b4everreal@aol.com. HELP WANTED: Would you like to join the team of a growing transmission shop in Northern NJ? We are seeking rebuilders, installers, and outside sales help for a 5 day work week. Please forward your work experience and history along with salary requirements to fixintrannys@gmail.com. All replies kept confidential. ATRA Mbr #35199 HELP WANTED: Portland, OR – Torque Converter Rebuilder – Must have a minimum of three years experience in all phases of converter, rebuilding, spline replacement, clutch bonding, hub replacement, final assembly and general machine skills. Must be clean cut and have good references. Pay DOE, benefits include vacation, holidays and medical. For more information please call Dave at Portland Torque (800) 640-0970 or email: dave@portlandtorque.com.ATRA Mbr HELP WANTED: Regional Sales People – Large Midwest remanufacturer of automatic transmission components in need of aggressive sales people. Sales Territory includes the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Central and Southwest regions. Product lines include remanufactured torque converters, hard parts both used and remanufactured and new and complete transmissions. Knowledge in our product lines a must. All applicants held in the strictest confidence. Send resume to: jshawaluk@remanindustries.com. ATRA Mbr HELP WANTED: Transmission shop looking for Sales Manger, Rebuilders and R&R Techs. Contact: (805) 2361114. GEARS May/June 2011 2011 ATRA Technical Seminars LOCATIONS 5/14/11 Denver, CO 5/21/11 Des Moines, IA 6/4/11 Vancouver, BC 8/13/11 Albuquerque, NM 8/20/11 Cincinnati, OH 9/10/11 Atlanta, GA 9/17/11 Billings, MT 10/1/11 Chicago, IL 10/8/11 Portland, OR 11/5/11 Baltimore, MD TRANSMISSION OVERVIEW GM: LCT 1000 4L60/65/70E 4T65E 4L30E 6L80 4L65E 4L80E 4T40/45E CHRYSLER: 41TE 545RFE 45RFE 42RLE 42-46RE IMPORT: RE5R05A All Hondas AW55-50SN FORD: AWF 21B 6F50 AX4N 5R55N/W/S Register Today! Registration Costs: Prepaid, preregistered ATRA members $149 Prepaid, preregistered non-ATRA members $189 On-site registration $220 One free registration with every four paid. Check http://members.atra.com for more dates and locations to come! 800.428.8489 • http://members.atra.com Subscribe Today! Grab Your GEARS Now! X I want my very own subscription to the next 9 issues of GEARS. Name___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City_____________________________________________________ State_____________________________ Zip___________________ Phone___________________________________________________ Signature________________________________________________ Please enclose check or money order in U.S. funds and send to: GEARS • 2400 LATIGO AVENUE • OXNARD, CALIFORNIA 93030 or call: (805)604-2000 U.S. $30 ~ Canada $45 ~ Other Areas $65 GEARS May/June 2011 83 ADVERTISERS Name Page A.T.R.A...........................................................................40, 61 http://members.atra.com BorgWarner Automotive....................................................... 33 www.borgwarner.com Certified Transmission.......................................................... 31 www.certifiedtransmissions.com Dacco Transmission Parts................................................... 11 www.daccoinc.com ETE Reman.......................................................................... 17 www.enginetrans.com EVT Parts............................................................................. 57 www.evtparts.com Florida Torque Converter Corp............................................. 67 www.floridatorqueconverters.com Ford Customer Service Division........................................... 13 www.fordparts.com G-Cor Automotive Corp........................................................ 35 www.g-corautomotive.com GEARS Magazine ............................................................... 68 www.gearsmagazine.com H G M Auto Electronics Inc.................................................. 66 www.compushift.com Jasper Engines & Transmissions....................................... IBC www.jasperengines.com Kuhle.................................................................................... 66 www.kuhleus.com Life Automotive Products Inc.................................................. 7 www.smartblend.com Lubegard® By International Lubricants, Inc..................... OBC www.lubegard.com 2011 CALENDAR 84 Name Page Mustang Advanced Engineering.......................................... 25 www.mustangdyne.com Precision European Inc..............................................Rider, 83 www.PEIus.com Precision International.......................................................... 29 www.transmissionkits.com Raybestos Powertrain............................................................ 3 www.raybestospowertrain.com Seal Aftermarket Products................................................... 39 www.sealaftermarketproducts.com Slauson Transmission Parts................................................. 59 www.slauson.com Sonnax Industries............................................................... IFC www.sonnax.com SuperFlow Technologies Group........................................... 67 www.superflow.com Superior Transmission Parts................................................ 23 www.superior-transmission.com TCI Automotive..................................................................... 63 www.tciauto.com Transmission Specialties...................................................... 37 www.transmission-specialties.com Transtar Industries, Inc........................................................... 9 www.transtar1.com TransTec By CORTECO....................................................... 27 www.transtec.com VBX - ValveBody Xpress, Inc............................................... 36 www.valvebodyxpress.com Whatever It Takes Transmission Parts, Inc............................ 5 www.wittrans.com 2011 ATRA Supplier Members Reserve your free table top display for the ATRA 2011 technical seminar series today! Call (805) 604-2018 See ATRA Seminar Schedule page 83. GEARS May/June 2011 C M Y CM MY CY MY K
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