D I R E C T O R Y Americano Enterprises
D I R E C T O R Y Americano Enterprises
DIRECTORY 1964-65 Chrome Windows & Glass Moldings Consoles & Parts Dash Rubber Weatherstrip Kits Plastic Electrical Wiring Clips & Fasteners Miscellaneous Sheetmetal Interior Interior Kits Other Interior Items page page page page page page page page page page page page page page page page 10 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 25 26 28 30 41 47 53 49 Americano Enterprises CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 EMBLEMS & CHROME Air Cleaner Assembly Americano Enterprises Air Cleaner Emblem 65 Z16 Malibu SS 396 (05 018) ea. (012432)set Ash Tray Rear 1964 - 1967 Conv w/ bezel (06418) ea. Bezels only (01211) pr. HT / Sedan (04640) pr. Also fits GTO, LeManns, & Tempest 05018 06418 Air Cleaner Wing Nut Chrome OE Style (09858) ea. 04640 09858 Air Cleaner 65 L79 Top, Base, & Element (012119)set Top (012120)ea. Base Black (012121)ea. Antenna Assembly Front AM/FM (06709) ea. Rear AM (works for FM but not correct) 64 Right w/ cable (01347) ea. Left (01342) ea. 65 Right w/ cable (014045)ea. Left (014044)ea. Antenna Masts AM w/nut Rear Antenna Nut 64 65 Bucket Seat Pivot Chrome Cap 64-65 (05823) pr. (01321) ea. (045) ea. BUMPERS Front 64 65 (Driver Quality) Chevelle & El Camino (012423) ea (012276) ea. 012423 012276 Rear Chevelle & El Camino 64 (012424) ea. 65 (012275) ea. 012424 (01286) ea. (0261) ea. 012275 0261 Bumper Bolts 7/16" x 1 1/4" 10 pk (07240) set ea. Arm Rest Bases See Interior Section 07240 10 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Americano Enterprises Coat Hooks 64-66 (01612) pr. Conv Rear Arm Rest Courtesy Light Bezel (014734)ea. Lens (014735)ea. "383" 01612 (09996) ea. 09996 014734 64-73 GTO, 64-70 Cutlass (0979) pr. Conv. Latch Hook & Yoke Kit 65-72 "A" Body w/instructions (0) kit Conv. Sunvisor Support Brackets 65 (016522) pr. Also fits GTO, LeManns, & Tempest DOOR SILL PLATES These fit all the A-Body cars including Chevelle, El Camino, GTO, Lemans, Tempest,and Skylark. Orig. Style USA (02226) pr. Repo (04572) pr. Custom w/o Ribs (05350) pr. "502" (08384) ea. 08384 Fender Flags 64-67 Cross Flags Repo (02762) pr. 016522 Conv Top Latches 64 Left USA (05134) ea. 64Right USA (05133) ea. (011570) pr. 64 Repro (016535) pr. 02226 Fender Emblems “283” (04030) ea. 02762 “Turbo Jet 396” 65 USA Taiwan (02206) pr. (05126) pr. 04030 05134 02206 “327”GM Repo (02833) ea. (05483) ea. Conv. Top Latch Handles 64 (06875) pr. Front Fender Script 64 “Chevelle” Front Fender Vee 64 (0245) ea. (02228) pr. 05483 06875 “350” Repo (03309) ea. 02228 Conv. Top Latch Knuckles 65 CVL,GTO,Cutlass(03698) pr. 03309 03698 “230” 65 (054) ea. GRILLES 1964 (03676) ea. 03676 Conv. Top Hooks CVL, GTO, Cutlass 65 (02768) ea. 1965 (0268) ea. 054 0268 02768 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 11 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Grille Kits 1964 Grille, 1 pr. Headlight Bezels, 1 pr. Headlight Eyebrows, Upper Grille Mldg., Lower Grille Mldg, H/L Retaining Rings (07670) kit 1965 Grille, Headlight Bezels, Headlight Eyebrows, Grille Plastic, Headlight Bezel Lower Mldg, H/L Retaining Rings (015770)kit GrillePlastic 65 (0269) ea. Headlight Bezels 64 (06483) pr. Americano Enterprises Door Handle Buttons(03527) pr. (050) (05808) set (05809) set (014731)set 03527 HORN BUTTONS & ASSEMBLIES Standard Wheel 64 (07265) ea. 65 (02217) ea. Interior Door Handle 64 CVL SS & GTO (013353)ea. 65 GMCVL,GTO (0280) ea. 65 (015371)ea. 07265 Wood Wheel 64 65 pr. 050 Headlamp Retaining Ring 4 Light System GM (0950) ea. 4 Light System Repo Set/4 (013427)set Better Quality (015919)ea. 02217 013353 06483 65 Hood Letter Kit CVL & ELCAM 64 65 USA Made Overseas (03010) ea. (03837) ea. 0280 Vent Window Handles 64-65 All incl El Cam Repro w/pins (012562)pr. GM Right (0221) ea. Left (0220) ea. Vent Window Pins (011726) ea. 03010 03837 MIRRORS Door Mirror w/Hdw. & Bowtie Repro (09994) ea. USA (02087) ea. 0950 These fit all the GM cars including Chevy, Pontiac, Olds, & Buick. HANDLES Exterior 1964 - 1965 Chevelle w/Handles, Buttons, Gaskets 2 dr. frt USA (02399) set Repro (07581) set 4 dr rear (011116)set 1964 - 1965 GTO Front (05261) set Window Crank 64CVL>O (03853) ea. 64 300 series (02526) ea. 65CVL>O (0279) ea. Repro (015185)ea. 09994 03853 02087 0279 Convex Right Side Only USA (016712)ea. 02399 12 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Park Brake Trim (05361)ea. Inside Rear View Mirror Not a Day / Night 8" (01638) ea. Day/Night 8" (64-7GTO) (04695) ea. 10" correct style (0835) ea. TailgateEmblem 64-65ElCamino (05573) ea. 05361 05573 04695 REAR1/4EMBLEMS 64 "Malibu" (05832) pr. 0835 Mirror Bracket Screws (Inside Chrome) Bolts Mirror to Bracket (0510) ea. 05832 "Malibu SS" Inside Rear View Mirror Bracket HT (06467) ea. (02717) pr. 02227 02717 "El Camino" 0510 Tailgate Handle w/Washer(02227)ea. (05023) pr. ____________________ 65 "Malibu" (05019) pr. "Malibu SS" (03518) pr. 06467 Round Glass Mirror Replacement Kit 63-72 (01611) set Pedal Pad Trim Brake & Clutch Pedal Trim (05484) ea. 05484 "El Camino" (05024) pr. Sunvisor Brackets 65 Chevelle HT/Sedan & 64-65 GTO, &Cutlass (0251) ea. Screws (need 2 sets) (014611)set Tailgate Letter Kit 64-65ElCamino (02207) set For Picture See Trunk Letter Kit Tail Light Bezel 64 El Camino & Cvl Wagon (014975)pr. Tail Light Housings 65 El Camino & Cvl Wagon (014976)pr. Tilt Release 64-66 (04895) ea. TrunkEmblem 64 “SS” (02964) ea. 02964 65 “Malibu SS” (05833) ea. 05833 GTOBrake/ClutchTrim 64-72 (04595) ea. GTO Auto Brake Trim 64-72 (04596) ea. Gas Pedal Trim Deluxe 64-67 (04209) ea. “Malibu SS 396” (05017) ea. 0251 Trunk Letter Kit 64-65 (02207) set also 64-66 El Camino Tailgate 014611 04209 mailto:info@americano.se Trunk Emblem Plastic 64 web: www.americano.se (03156) ea. 13 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Turn Signal Lever 64-66 w/o tilt w/tilt Wheel Cover Inserts 64SS (02793) ea. (04431) ea. Americano Enterprises (04903) ea. 02793 04431 VALVECOVERS BB Chrome w/ Drippers Dished (01645) pr. Non-Dished (01643) pr. w/o Drippers (055) pr. BB Gasket Kit w/access. (02846) kit BB Bolts & Retainers(05680) set 04903 65 "Std" (04905) ea. 04905 WINDOWS & GLASS GLASS Please specify if HT/Conv Clear or Tinted Door Right (012931)ea. Left (012927)ea. FrontWindshield (012948)ea. Rear Windshield (012944)ea. VentWindow Right (012939)ea. Left (012938)ea. Wheel 3 bar spinner for Wire Wheels 64-66 ea. Set/4 (02702) set 01645 02702 01643 SB Chrome Painted Orange (02126)pr. (06692) pr. 06692 02126 14 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises MOLDINGS Bed Mldgs El Camino 64-67 Rear Top of Bed Corner Right (009) ea. Left (010) ea. (02560) pr. Eyebrows 64 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 64SS Reproduction (012818)pr. Right (0029) ea. Left (0030) ea. (05004) pr. 012818 05004 65 SS & El Camino w/clips Reproduction (09838) pr. 65 4 pc (048) set pictured below Right Left (0273) ea. (0274) ea. 048 Rocker Mldg End Caps 64 SS Front (02902) pr. Rear (02901) pr. 02560 Grille Mldg. 64 Upper Lower Rear Top of Tailgate Mldg. w/clips (0018) ea. Clips Only (0017) set Top Side Bed Rails w/clips (041) ea. Cab Bed Bldgs (03677) ea. (06439) ea. 02902 HeadlightMldg.Lower 65 Lower repro (013234)pr. 013234 02901 HoodLipMldg. 64 Repo 65 Repo Kit Top Left Right Side Right Left Rocker Mldg Ext. on the Rear 1/4 64SS (04178) pr. (03055) ea. 04178 03055 (014500)kit (014764)ea. (014765)ea. (014766)ea. (014767)ea. HoodSpear 65 HoodWindsplit 64 Conv.PinchweldMldg64-65 3 pc (017095)set Drip Rail Mldgs. ElCamino Chevelle HT. (09330) ea. 09330 (07616) pr. see note below There are two styles on these mldgs. Please measure your rear mldg. to determine which was used on your car. Long Rear Mldg 16 1/2" Chevelle 64-65 6 pcs. (04518) set 04518 (015158)ea. (08659) ea. Peak Mldgs. 64SS 6pc set w/clips (013232)set Rear 1/4 Peak Mldg. Front Right (05397) ea. Left (01328) ea. 1/4 Window Verticle Chrome HT 64-65Chevelle>O(09653)pr. Trunk Mldgs. made in USA 64 Upper w/clips (02457) ea. Lower w/clips (02459) ea. 65 Upper w/clips (03325) ea. Lower w/clips (02987) ea. Center Upper (02531) ea. Center Lower (02532) ea. Please check clearance of the outer reproduction clips after installing. Trunk "C" Cove Mldgs (around taillights) 64 (07892) pr. 65 (02534) pr. (Order 1/4 Verticle Seals # 05366) Rocker Mdgs. 64 Malibu & El Cam. Reproduction (012817)pr. Right (0036) ea. Left (0035) ea. 07892 012817 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 15 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Wheel Well Mldgs. 64 Chevelle (015013)set El Camino,wagon (015014)set Front Chevelle & El Camino Right (02658) ea. Left (02659) ea. Rear Chevelle Right (02660) ea. Left (02661) ea. Americano Enterprises CONSOLE & PARTS Console Lens 64-65Rear (001) Console Slider Auto 03253 Shift Ball w/muncie 4 Spd Chrome (02006)ea. White w/o Console (013629)ea. ea. 013629 02660 64 Rear El Camino & Wagon Left (02639) ea. Right (02662) ea. 65 Chevelle (015015)set El Camino (015016)set Front Chevelle & El Camino Right (04492) ea. Left (04493) ea. Rear Chevelle Right (04494) ea. Left (04495) ea. Rear El Camino Right (02656) ea. Left (02657) ea. (03253) ea. 001 Shift Boot 64-65 4 spd upper w/Console (04588) ea. 64-67 4spd w/Console Lower & 64-66 w/o console (0234) ea. Console Mounting Bracket Auto 2 pc w/mounting hardware 64-65 (014831)set 4 spd 3 pc w/mounting hardware (014832)set 0234 On the 1964 El Camino, you must decide if using the Rocker Mldgs before purchasing the Wheel Well Mldgs. If NOT using the rocker mldgs you must use the 1965 Wheel Opening Mldgs. Shift Boot Ring w/Console 64-67 & 64-66 w/o Console (02535) ea. 014832 NEW GTO 64-65 Wheel Opening Mldgs Set/4 (015807)s t 02535 WindowRevealMldgs Front Chevelle, GTO HT & 64-67 El Camino 5 pc. set (07721) set Chevelle, GTO Conv. 5 pc. set (015461)set 015461 Rear Chevelle HT (015799)set Sedan (015798)set El Camino Set /4(06537) set Upper Side Right (016) ea. Left (014) ea. Lower Right (015) ea. Left (013) ea. SHIFTERASSEMBLY (complete includes handle, ball,linkage and body) 64-66 Original Munci Style Bucket (06037) ea. Bench Seat (03902) ea. Top014832 Console Shift Indicator Lens 64-65 SS w/powerglide (01351)ea. Console Indicator Decal (covers lens) 3 Speed Turbo (04485) ea. 4 Speed Auto (04486) ea. 06037 04486 Console Shift Release Knob Auto (05113) ea. 13.95 Shift Gate 05113 16 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 (02007) ea. 02007 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Americano Enterprises Shift Handle 4 spd Munci - stock Bucket (03921) ea. Bench (02013) ea. Hurst - looks like stock bolts to Hurst Buckets - use shift ball # 02006 w/ this handle(04787) ea. Bench (09694) ea. GLOVE BOX PLATE 64 “Malibu SS” (028) DASH ea. 028 Brake Release Handle Correct with Arrow (04623) ea. Replacement (0503) ea. “Malibu” (027) ea. 027 04623 “ElCamino” (033) ea. 02013 033 04787 65 “Malibu” 0503 03921 Cigarette Lighter 64 w/ element 65 w/element Housing 64-65 (051) 051 (04589)ea. (011886)ea. “Malibu SS” (052) ea. (014350)ea. 052 Shift Hump 4 Spd w/ Console or w/o Console (03522) ea. 011886 03522 Shift Linkage ea. DASHBEZELS 64 w/o AC w/AC 65 w/o AC w/AC “ElCamino” (09572) ea. (09571) ea. (07639) ea. (09573) ea. (053) ea. 053 Headlight Switch Retaining Nut (holds switch in dash)(015329)ea. (02031) ea. 07639 Heater Box 65 SB & BB w/o AC (06244) ea. 02031 Shifter 64-67 Auto (015646)ea. DASH KNOBS Headlampw/Shaft 64 06244 (011128)ea. 011128 015646 Radio 64 Ignition Switch Bezel Nut 64 (0172) ea. 65 (05679) ea. 65 Correct Style (011930)ea. (09647) ea. FOR DASH PAD SEE INTERIOR SECTION _________________________________ mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 0172 05679 17 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Speedometer Lens 64-65 w/gauges (013935)ea. w/warning lights(013936)ea. Americano Enterprises RUBBER A-Arm Bumpers 64-65 upper lower Switches See "Electrical" Section Temperature Control Knob Black (05131)4 pcs. Chrome (03512)4 pcs. Door Bumpers also fits GTO (05877) set (01259) ea. (0243) ea. 01259 05877 0243 Glove Box Bumpers 64-72 Hood Bumpers Front (01393) pr. (012144)pr. 05131 03512 A-Arm Dust Seals 64-65 w/staples Chevelle & El Camino (06349) pr. 64-66GTO,Lemans (016366)pr. Air Cleaner Lid Seal (cut to fit) TISSUEDISPENSER 64-65 (05153) ea. 012144 Hood Side Bumpers 64 (04322) set (03432)ea. 04322 Arm Rest Pads See Interior Section 65 Axle Bumper - Rear (08148) set (012804) ea. 05153 08148 Vent Pull Knob 7/8" Black 012804 (05120) pr. 05120 Wiring Harness - Dash Harness See "Wiring" Section BODYBUMPERKITS 64 (03080) set 65 (03081) set Includes: Frt. & Side Hood, Door, Trunk, & Glove Box Bumpers. Hood to Fender Bumpers 64-67 GTO, Lemans, Grand Prix (05498) set License Panel Bumpers (04238) set Seat Back Bumpers 64 Bucket Seat (02342) set 65 Oval (0948) ea. 65 Round (01428)pr. 02342 03080 0948 Other Body Bumpers Ash Tray Bumpers 64-69 (08888) pr. Clutch & Brake Bumper (0682) ea. 0682 18 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 01428 Trunk Lid Bumpers (09531) pr. 09531 Americano Enterprises BODY TO FRAME CUSHIONS HT, Sedan, El Camino 12 cushions w/hdw (02332) set Conv. & GTO 14 cushions w/hdw (0260) set Clutch Rod Boot 64-67 Retaining Ring CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Cowl Panel to Firewall Sponge Seal ( By Wipers ) (06485) pr. (03489) ea. (05252) ea. 06485 03489 Cowl Panel Sides to Grille Seal (06484) pr. Door Jamb “U” Seal 64-65 HT or Conv. 02332 (04927) pr. 05252 04927 Frame Mount Repair Kit 14 pcs (014795)set CONVERTIBLEWEATHERSTRIP Conv. Header Seal w/no ends (03362) ea. Conv. Pillar Post Seals(03592)pr. 014795 03592 Breather Hose (crankcase) 65-72 BB (1" - 2 7/8") (04618) ea. DOORWEATHERSTRIP HT/Conv (02410) pr. Sedan 2 dr (05553) pr. El Camino (04656) pr. 2 dr. Wagon (04458) pr. 4 dr Sedan/Wag Front (04191) pr. Rear (05724) pr. Conv. 1/4 Drain Seal (04672) pr. 02410 04672 04618 Firewall Wiring Gutter By-Pass Hose 65 BB w/clamps Conv. Roof Rail Weatherstrip w/header seal 7 pcs (03611)set (05909) ea. (03428) ea. 03428 05909 Clutch Fork Boot 64-75GM 03611 (0223) ea. Conv. Top Mounting Grommet (09535) ea. GROMMETS Floor Pan Plugs 5/8" (016440)ea. 7/8" (016439)ea. 1" (016438)ea. Speedometer Cable Grommet (02680) ea. 0223 09535 02680 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 19 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Voltage Regulator Grommet (04352) ea. 04352 PAINT GASKET KITS Chevelle 64 65 ElCamino 64 65 Americano Enterprises PEDAL PADS Brake & Clutch Pads (0941) ea. GTO Std (04614) ea. (03589) ea. (03553) ea. (05492) ea. (05637) ea. 0941 Heater Core to Firewall Seal(04073)ea. Brake Pedal Pads Auto GTO 04073 03589 Heater Seal Kit w/o AC w/AC Heater Hose one w/GM Marking 5/8" & 3/4" w/o GM (03793) set (038) set (04603) pr. (03806) pr. (04602) ea. (04615) ea. 04602 OTHERGASKETS Antenna Gaskets 65 (0370) ea. Backup Lens Gasket 64 (03588) set 65 (03437) set Door Handle & Lock Gaskets (03545) set Gas Pedal Replacement Plastic fts Chevelle, Impala, GTO, LeMans, & Tempest (011603)ea. GMDeluxe (0281) ea. Repro Deluxe (016746)ea. 04603 03545 Hood to Cowl Seal 64-65Chevelle,GTO (03822) ea. Master Cylinder to Firewall Seal (01365) ea. 01365 PCVHose (02385) ea. 02385 011603 License Light Lens Gasket (0232) ea. Mirror Gasket Std Door Mirror(03366) ea. Remote (07215) ea. Park Brake Pad "Park" Embossed (0244) ea. 03366 Park Light Lens Gaskets 64 (02811) pr. 65 (03437) pr. Tail Light Gaskets Chevelle 64 w/Backup Set/4 (03588) set 65 (013964)pr. ElCamino64 (0699) set 65 (02803) pr. 0244 Power Window Wire Boots(08660)pr. 1/4WINDOWVERTICLESEALS 64-65HT (05366) pr. 64-65 Conv. w/metal inserts (04309) pr. 013964 Tail Light Housing Gaskets 64 4 pc. set (09804) set Tail Light to Body Seal 64-65 El Camino & Wagon (014977)pr. 20 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 05366 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Americano Enterprises RADIATORHOSES Spring Anti-Squeak Pads top of rear spring (012392)pr. 03337 012392 Upper 64-65 283/327 (03337) ea. 65 327/350 HP L79 (010059)ea. 65 327/350 HP W/AC (010060)ea. Steering Column Seal Sponge 64-67 (03590) ea. (03759) ea. Lower 283/327 (04194) ea. 64-66 283 w/AC & 327 and 65 327/350 w/L79 or AC (010045)ea. 64-67 SB Std Trans (03615) ea. 010045 Radiator Overflow Hose (03779) ea. Radiator Core Support Bushings w/hdw 65 (02331) set WINDOWFELTKITS Replacement Style 64 Conv. (09059) set HT (09058) set 2 dr Sedan (09060) set 4 dr Sedan (09061) set El Camino (09063) set 65 Conv. (09065) set HT (09064) set 2 dr Sedan (09066) set 4 dr Sedan (09067) set El Camino (09068) set 64-65 Wagon Tailgate(09062)set 03590 Tailgate Hinge Escutcheon 64-67 El Cam & Wgn (05537) pr. Tailgate Weatherstrip Seal 64-67 (08397) ea. Authentic Style 64HT (06310) set Conv. (04537) set El Cam & 2dr Wagon 4pc. (08832) set 65 Conv (03025) set HT (016543)set El Camino 4 pc (07936) set 4 dr Sedan (0155) set 64-67 Wagon Tailgate (015419)set TRUNKWEATHERSTRIP (02407) ea. 02407 02331 Includes all A-Body Chevelle, GTO, Cutlass, and Monte Carlo. Rear Body To Bumper Seal 64-65 (05159) ea. Rocker Panel Plugs (04959) pr. 04959 Vent Window Seals 64-65 HT/Conv (03301) pr. 64-65 Chevelle Sedan & El Camino, also includes 64-65 GTO, & 66-67 Cutlass 2 dr Sedan (03302) pr. ROOFRAILWEATHERSTRIP HT 2 dr includes Chevelle, GTO, LeMans (02411) pr. 03301 Window Glass Run Channel HT/Conv. (05996) pr. fits CVL,GTO, & Cutlass El Camino & Sedan (03348) pr. Windshield Washer Jar to Pump Hose Kit (0037) set Wiper Motor Gasket 64-65 (012582)ea. Windshield Drive Shaft Seal Cap w/single speed wiper (06005) ea. 02411 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 21 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Americano Enterprises WEATHERSTRIP KITS 1964-65 Chevelle 2 dr Conv 1964-65 Chevelle 2 dr HT 3 pc Door, Roofrail, Trunk (014670) kit 1964 Chevelle 2 dr HT 5 pc Door, Roofrail, Trunk, 1/4 verticle seals & fuzzies w/ replacement fuzzies (014671) kit w/ authentic fuzzies (014672) kit 1965 Chevelle 2 dr HT 5 pc Door, Roofrail, Trunk, 1/4 verticle seals & fuzzies w/ replacement fuzzies (014673) kit w/ authentic fuzzies (014674) kit 1964 Chevelle 2 dr HT 7 pc Door, Roofrail, Trunk, 1/4 verticle seals, fuzzies, door jamb U seals & body bumpers w/ replacement fuzzies (014675) kit w/ authentic fuzzies (014676) kit 1965 Chevelle 2 dr HT 7 pc Door, Roofrail, Trunk, 1/4 verticle seals, fuzzies, door jamb U seals & body bumpers w/ replacement fuzzies (014677) kit w/ authentic fuzzies (014678) kit 3 pc Door, Roofrail w/header, Trunk (014661) kit 1964 Chevelle 2 dr Conv 5 pc Door, Roofrail w/header, Trunk, 1/4 verticle seals & Fuzzies w/ replacement fuzzies (014662) kit w/ authentic fuzzies (014663) kit 1965 Chevelle 2 dr Conv 5 pc Door, Roofrail w/header, Trunk, 1/4 verticle seals & Fuzzies w/ replacement fuzzies (014664) kit w/ authentic fuzzies (014665) kit 1964 Chevelle 2 dr Conv 7 pc Door, Roofrail w/header, Trunk, 1/4 verticle seals & Fuzzies, Door Jamb U seals & Body Bumper Kit w/ replacement fuzzies (014666) kit w/ authentic fuzzies (014667) kit 1965 Chevelle 2 dr Conv 7 pc Door, Roofrail w/header, Trunk, 1/4 verticle seals & Fuzzies, Door Jamb U seals & Body Bumper Kit w/ replacement fuzzies (014668) kit w/ authentic fuzzies (014669) kit Soff Seal Brand Weatherstrip is only one of over 130 suppliers that we stock. Why call the manufacture of all these brands when you can get it all right here, at one place, one shipping and one great service.Call Americano Enterprises at +46-13125622 22 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises PLASTICS Back-up Light Lens 64 Chevelle CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Dome Light & Courtesy Light Parts Conv. Rear Armrest Courtesy Light Lens (014735)ea. Bezel (014734)ea. Park Light Lens 64 (03404) pr. 03404 (09361) pr. 65 (04713) pr. 014734 04713 09361 El Camino Left Right Dome Light Lens 64-67 (0939) ea. 64- 67 El Camino(042) ea. Rear Light Reflector 64 will fit 64-65El Camino but not correct (04644) ea. (0031) ea. (0032) ea. 04644 0939 031 Remote Mirror Pivot Plate(04898) ea. 65 Chevelle, El Camino & Wagon (06581) pr. 042 06581 04898 CancelCam "C" Guide (04912)ea. Dome Light Bezel 64-67 (02018) ea. 64-67ElCamino (008) ea. Speedometer Lens 64-65 w/gauges (013935)ea. w/warning lights(013936)ea. 02018 04912 Steering Column Cover 64-67 Chevelle, GTO, & Cutlass (03941) ea. 08 Cancel Cam Center w/tilt w/o tilt (04427) ea. (06825) ea. 03941 GrillePlastic 65 License Light Lens 64-65 (0269) ea. (0231) ea. Tail Light Lens 64 Chevelle w/correct optics in lens (03329) pr. 04427 03329 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 23 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Tail lens 64ElCamino Left (03131) ea. Right (03132) ea. Americano Enterprises Trunk Emb. Plastic 64 (03156) ea. Vent Pull Knob 7/8" Black (05120) pr. 0214 03131 & 03132 05120 65 Chevelle w/Chrome (06550) pr. w/out Chrome (04249) pr. 06550 Windshield Trim See " Interior" Section Wheel Cover Emblem 64SS 65Bowtie Windlace End Caps HTBlk (03517) pr. Conv Blk (05838) pr. (these also fit 64-65 GTO ) (04903) ea. (04905) ea. 04903 03517 04905 04249 65 El Camino Tail Lens(0275) pr. Windshield Trim for Interior (Plastic) See "Other Interior Items" 05838 0275 64 El Camino & Wagon Tail light bezel reflector inserts (014974)pr. 65 El Camino & Chevelle Wagon Inner Tail Light Lens(08762)pr. 08762 24 The windlace end caps come in black only as does the window trim. You must paint with interior paint to match your color interior. Windshield Washer Jar & Cap w/Screen Bracket for above Screen only Cap Only (0215) ea. (0214) ea. (07927) ea. (0217) ea. 0215 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises ELECTRICAL Back-up Light Assembly 64 (07583) 65 & 67 Cvl & El Cam (02840) ea. pr. CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Dome & Console Lens Bulb (04333) ea. 04333 Ignition Switch 64 (02050) ea. 65 Original limited (02109) ea. 65 replacement (016219)ea. Door Jamb Dome Switch (0224) ea. 0224 02050 Glove Box Light Assembly (06204) ea. 02840 Junction Block Backup Light Switch Assembly See "Wiring" Section Brake Light Switch w/o cruise (06198) ea. 06198 06204 License Light Assembly w/ socket 64-65 (013803)ea. (0174) ea. Headlamp Switch 64-65 (0250) ea. 013803 0174 0250 Breaker 30 Amp For Conv. Tops & Power Window Circuits not correct style (02105) ea. correct style (014787) ea. Horn Relay Neutral Safety Switch Auto 65 on the floor (09672) ea. (01291) ea. 09672 Neutral Safety & Backup Switch 64-65 Auto on column(01195)ea. 01291 02105 014787 Convertible Top Switch 64-66 (013717)ea. (See Power Tailgate for picture) DimmerSwitch 64-75 (03602) ea. Horns Original Style (right on the money) w/bracket Hi & Low (013966)pr. Replacements Hi Horn (01006) ea. Low Horn (01008) ea. Better Replacement also GTO, Cutlass Hi Horn (012773)ea. Low Horn (012774)ea. 01195 Park Light Assembly 64 LH/RH 012571 65 Right Left 03602 (012571)ea. (01135)ea. (01139)ea. (0973) pr. 013966 0973 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 25 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Americano Enterprises Power Tailgate Window Switch (013717)ea. WIRING Air Conditioning Harness 64 (016802)ea. 65 (08743) ea. A/C Power Feed Wire 65-67 (horn relay to A/C Harness Fuse) (07750) ea. 013717 0236 PowerWindowSwitches 2 Button (08550) ea. 4 Button (04684) ea. Single (03121) ea. Alternator Conversion Kit 64-72 Ext. to Int. Regulator (06873) ea. 03121 08550 013515 06484 Underhood Replacement Light Assembly (06821) ea. Power Window Assemblies 64-65HT (015821)set 64-65 Conv. (015821)set Tach 64-65 Back-up Light Switch Assembly w/manual trans.w/wire to firewall conn. 4 spd floor shift 64 (07302) ea. 65 (01726) ea. Back-up Light Switch Extension Harness 64 manual (07271) ea. 65 manual (08688) ea. This is dash to firewall connection BATTERY CABLES (Spring Ring Style) (09515) ea. 06821 09515 Turn Signal Flasher (08259) ea. Wiper Switch 64-65 (1 speed) (08841) ea. Cvl & El Cam 2 spd (05243) ea. 08259 Positive 64 6 cyl (06952) ea. 64V-8 (06953) ea. 65 283 (06955) ea. 65 V-8 327 & 396 & 65 w/HD Battery (06956) ea. 65 6 cyl (06954) ea. 64-65 other applications ea. Turn Signal Switch Please check for stamping on the back side of your switch. These are not interchangeable (Cancel Cam "C" attached to these switches) 05243 64-66 BPC w/o tilt (0235) ea. Guide w/o tilt (0236) ea. w/tilt (013515)ea. 0235 26 Negative 64 6 cyl (06895) ea. 64 V-8 (06896) ea. 65 6 cyl (06897) ea. 65 V-8 (06848) ea. 65 V-8 SB & BB w/HD Bat (06899) ea. 64-65 other applications ea. Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises Clock Harness 64-65 dash (011984)ea. Console Harness 64 auto 64-65manual 65 auto (013462)ea. (016803)ea. (08534) ea. Courtesy Light Harness under dash 64-65 (08912) kit Dash Harness Check year, console, gauges 64 w/gauges (016854)ea. 64 w/warning lights (016853)ea. 65 w/gauges (013570)ea. 65 w/warning lights (016855)ea. CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 FRONTLIGHTHARNESS Check for Year, Gauges or warning lights With Alt. check for internal regulator 64 w/warning lights (016860)ea. 64 Chevelle & El Camino w/gauges (08177) ea. 65 w/warning lights (016862)ea. 65 w/gauges (08514) ea. Front Light Extension for P.B. 64 (016863)ea. 65 (016864)ea. Ground Wire for Instrument Cluster or Voltage Regulator 64-67 (015219)ea. Glove Box Light Assembly(06204)ea. Dome Light Harness (specify year) 64 2 dr HT (016856)ea. 2 & 4 dr Sedan (016857)ea. ElCamino (016858)ea. 65 2 dr HT (016859)ea. 06204 Dome Light Socket w/ Wire Ends (06607) ea. ENGINEHARNESS Need info Year, motor, gauges, HEI ?? Ground Straps 6 cyl (011747) kit V-8 (07711) kit Braided Engine Ground incl./hdw & inst. Conv. w/Back-up (0994) ea. ElCamino w/Back up Lights (016869)ea. w/o Backup Lights (016870)ea. 65 HT/Sdn w/Back up Lights (016871)ea. w/o Back up Lights (016872)ea. Wagon w/Backup Lights (016873)ea. Conv. w/bu lights (08665) ea. Spark Plug Wire Set state with or w/o AC 6 Cyl Coded (07763) set 8 Cyl Coded (07762) set Speaker Wire 64 Rear Seat 65 Frt & Rear 65 Single Rear (016874)ea. (014996)ea. (07719) ea. Tach Harness 64 Dash 65 Dash (016875)ea. (016876)ea. Temperature Sender Unit Wire Repair Kit w/insulation 64-72 (08682) kit ground straps 08682 64CVL&ElCamV8, w/gauges (08176) ea. 64 w/warning Lights (014257)ea. 65 Chevelle, El Cam, SB V8 w/gauges (013569)ea. 65 Chevelle & El Cam V8, SB & 66 Chevelle & El Cam V8, SB w/warning (08174) ea. Power Accessory Lead Wire 64 (016866)ea. Power Feed Wire Horn Relay to A/C Harness Fuse 65 (07750) ea. Power Conv. Top Harness 64 (016865)ea. 65-67 (016867)ea. Tilt Column Adapter Harness (03137) ea. REARBODYLIGHTHARNESS 03137 08174 64 HT/Sdn w/Back up Lights (016222)ea. w/o Back up Lights (015589)ea. Wagon w/Backup Lights (016868)ea. w/o backup lights or power tailgate (09798) ea. mailto:info@americano.se Wiper Harness 64 Single (016881) ea. 64 2 Speedw/washer (09991) ea. 65 Single or 2 Speed (013100)ea. web: www.americano.se 27 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 CLIPS & FASTENERS Bumper Bolts Set/10 Americano Enterprises Door Hinge Screws UpperSet/12 (07240) set (06741) set 06741 TRIM SCREW KITS 07240 Exterior 65 (26 pc) (06281) set 64-65ElCamino (09538) set Wheel Well Mldg. Screw Kit (20 pc) (01741) set Interior 64-65HT (68 pc) (04782) set 64-65 Conv. (015422)set 64-65ElCamino(45pc) (04062) set A Arm Seal Staples (015112)pk Arm Rest Base Screws (02360)set LowerSet/12 (06742) set By Pass Hose Clamps 65 & up BB (013035)ea. 06742 Conv. Top Boot Clips 16 pc. (002) ea. set Door Panel Clips (05879) ea. 05879 02360 Door Panel Trim Screws set/10 (016604)set Set of 6 Door Sill Plate Screw Set 10 pc. Body Mount Bolt Kit 64-67 CVL.,ElCam,Wagon(08714)kit Conv. kit (03320) set Conv. Top Rear Chrome Mldg Clip ea. 16 pc (03718) set 03320 Firewall Pad Retainers 08714 (05406) ea. 05406 Body Shims 6mm 10 pc (016150)set Brake Cable Clip (08914) ea. Frame Mount Repair Kit 14 pcs (014795)set Cowl Tag Rivets (05969) pr. 08914 Brake Line Retainers Orig Style Front 28 05969 (02999) set Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Americano Enterprises Front End Sheetmetal Fastener Kit (03342) ea. Headlamp Adjuster Set (03248)set Rocker Mldg Retainers(0967)ea. 0967 03248 Repro 8.5 " Hood Adjusting Bolts Fuel Line Clips 5/16" (02767) pr. (016836)ea. Sunvisor Bracket Screws need 2 set per car (014611)set 014611 02767 (05450) ea. Hood Hinge Bolts 8 pc 05450 3/8" x 1/4' Push in 5 pc set (016292)s t Gas Tank Strap Bolts (02134) set Grille Rivets Pkg of 15 (07964) set Nut & Bolt with Rivet Head for Original look and Adjustment ease. (016391)set Tailgate Mldg. Clip Kit (017) set Lens Screws 1" (014853)ea. 1 1/4" (014854)ea. Licenxe Plate Nut (White Plastic) (014252)pr. Mirror Bracket Screws (Inside,Chrome) Bolts Mirror to Bracket (0510) ea. Voltage Regulator Screw Grommet (07845) ea. (04352) ea. 0510 07845 Mirror Hardware Kit (for Outside Door Mirror (06151) ea. Oil Pan Battery Cable Clip(016912)ea. 07964 Rocker Mldg Clips (0290) ea. Also used on GTO, LeManns & Tempest 04352 6 pc set (3 Grommets, 3 Screws (016576)set 0290 Wheel Lugs Nuts Studs (05871) ea. (011777)set 011777 Wheel Well Mldg Screw Kit (01741) set mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 29 Americano Enterprises CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Brackets Windshield Clip Retainer (screw) MISCELLANEOUS Alternator 65 Upper BB (04625) ea. Set of 10 w/drill bit (011528)set Upper SB (012756)ea. Lower BB (02026) ea. 64-68SBLowerw/PS(08150) ea. Accelerator Rod w/Swivel 65BB (07127) ea. 011528 04625 Air Cleaner Flame Arrestor Screen 65 (04281) ea. Window Reveal Molding Clips Front (03242) set Rear (03243) set 012756 04281 Antenna Lead Wire - Rear 64 (03419) ea. Battery Bolt 64-65 5/16" x 8" Battery Tray 64-65 Wiper Motor Screws Original Style (013218)set 02026 (01402) ea. (013713)ea. Alternator Brace Upper SB (013957)ea. 013218 013713 Wiper Motor Grommet & Screw Set (020) set Battery Tray Retainer 64-65 65 Clamp Bolt 020 Wire Retainers 2 prong (05881) ea. 2 prong (Set/6) (07767) set Bumper Brackets 64 Front 4 pc. 65 Front 4 pc. Rear 5 pcs. (016299)set (012829)set (012673)set 012829 (01334) ea. (02139) ea. (01404) ea. 01334 012673 07767 30 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Brake Proportioning valve Adjustable (012832)ea. BRAKEPARTS (see back of book for disc brake conversion kits) Brake Booster - power brakes Delco Moraine (012434)ea. Coil Bracket Zinc Plate 012781 012832 012433 Brake Release Handle Correct with Arrow (04623) ea. Replacement (0503) ea. 04623 0503 _____________________ PARKBRAKECABLE KIT 64-67 w/ powerglide or manual tran Steel (015748)set Stainless (015750)set these include the front, intermediate, & rear cables, connectors, large hook, equalizer, cable clips, etc. We DO NOT carry these in stock, but we can get in 2 to 3 days. Park Brake Cables Chevelle Only Front (X T400) (012161)ea. Intermediate T400 (012810)ea. Manual/T350 (012228)ea. Rear (XT400) (05771) ea. Cable Connector (012009)ea. Brake & Clutch Pedal Assemblies "Misc" Section - Clutch Parts Backing Plates Disk Brake 64-72 Frt (013941)pr. Rear (016804)pr. 012009 Equalizer Carb. Linkage Bushing CLUTCH PARTS Bell Crank Z-Bar SB BB (02065) ea. (07083) ea. 02065 Z-Bar Plastic Washers (06707) ea. Felt Bellcrank Seals (05670) pr. Bell Crank Frame Brkt 64-67 Chevelle>O(05705) ea. (014254)ea. (02242) ea. (012781)ea. 05705 Clutch & Brake Pedal Plastic Bushing (07555) pr. 013941 02242 07555 Drum Brake 9" Rear 65-72 Right (015818)ea. Left (016834)ea Brake Cable Equalizer with center cable (014254) ea. Carb. Return Spring Bracket w/Front bolt hole on manifold(04626) ea. Choke Coil Cover (014307)ea. 014254 014307 Brake Cable Hook Large T-350 & Manual Trans (012812)ea. Small (2 per car) (012814)ea. mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 31 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Clutch & Brake Pedal Assembly (013915)kit Americano Enterprises CONVERTIBLE PARTS Conv. Side Rail Rebuild Kit 64-65 all "A" body, 18 pc w/instructions 1 side set Conv. Top Motor Cover (005) ea. Felt Bellcrank Seals (05670) pr. Fork Adjusting Rod Male (06041) ea. Fork Push Rod Female 013915 (06040) ea. 005 06040 Clutch Push Rod Clip Upper, also Auto Shift Rod Clip (010167)ea. Conv. Top Pump Orig Style (03938) ea. (use Dextron III Fluid) Frame Side Pivot Stud(05336)ea. 010167 05336 Clutch Push Rod Nut(07099) ea. Clutch Return Fork BB & SB (00242) ea. Rod Pedal to Z-Bar thur firewall (06768) ea. 03938 06768 0242 Retainer Spring Clip for Z-Bar (05316) ea. Door Alignment Wedges 65 Conv. (04190) set (also fits 65-66 GTO,& 65 LeMans) 1964-65 Conversion Kit Clutch Return Spring(02712) set 64-67 Chevelle & GTO 02712 Clutch Fork Mounting Stud (010234)ea. 010234 Cross Shaft Return Spring Bracket that mounts on the firewall (09868) ea. Clutch Ball ( Engine Side) (05315) ea. 05315 32 (From Auto to Std) SB (016705)kit BB (015722)kit 2-(0941) Brake /Clutch Pads 1-(013915) Clutch & Brake PedalAssem. 1-(07083) Z Bar BB 1-(05705) Clutch Bellcrank Frame Bracket 3-(06707) Z Bar Plastic Washers 1-(07099) Clutch Push Rod Nut 1-(05315) Engine Side Clutch Ball 1-(05336) Frame Side Pivot Ball Stud 1-(06041) Fork Adjustment Rod 1-(06040) Fork Push Rod 1-(06788) Upper Pedal to Z Bar Rod 1-(02712) Clutch Return Spring Set 1-(05316) Z Bar Retainer Clip (07555) Clutch Pedal Plastic Bushing 3-(010167) Clips for ends of Rod (05670) Felt Bell Crank Seals 1-(0682) Clutch/Brake Arm Bumpers 1-(0242) Clutch Return Fork 1-(0223) Clutch Boot Fork 1-(03489) Clutch Rod Boot 1-(05252) Clutch Rod Boot Retainer 04190 Hydraulic Lift Cylinder (03949) ea. 03949 Hose Set (Clear) Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 (03956) set Americano Enterprises Crossmember Mounts Turbo 400, 4 spd, & 350 (03225) ea. 03225 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Door Hinge Pin & Bushings Kit This includes 4 Pins & 8 Bushings 2 dr. w 2 3/4" Pins (04423) set Pins 2 3/4" (0695) ea. Bushings (05880) ea. Oversize Bush. (01280) ea. DOORHINGES&PARTS Door Hinge 64-65 Upper Right/Left (016509)ea. Lower Right (012075) ea. Left (012076) ea. Exhaust Manifold Bolts & Washers SB64-66 (01164) set 01164 04423 (These fit 64-67 Chevelle, GTO, Lemans, &Tempest) Door Hinge Rebuilt Kit (05215) kit FANBELT State Year, Motor, AC, & High Amp Generator for Generator Belts. 012075 05215 Door Hinge Screws UpperSet/12 (06741) set Door Latch 64-65 Chevelle & 66-67 GTO Right (014609)ea. Left (014610)ea. 06741 014609 LowerSet/12 (06742) set Door Striker GM Replacement (0372) ea. Original Style Reproduction (012154)ea. 06742 012154 Door Hinge Spring Lower 65 (012688)ea. (also fits GTO, LeMans, & Tempest) Air Conditioning Belt 64SB ea. 65SB (01815) ea. BB 396 (014023)ea. Generator Belt 1964 SB w/o AC ea. SB w/AC w/o PS (01841) ea. SB w/AC w/PS (01869) ea. SB w/ 62 Amp Gen. w/AC (015223)ea. 1965 SB (01871) ea. SB w/ 62 Amp Gen ea. BB 1965 (05045) ea. Power Steering Belt 64SB ea. 65SB (01863) ea. Fan Shroud 64-65 SB metal (013888)ea. Exhaust Manifold Bolt Lock SB (03481) set 012688 03481 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 013888 33 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Firewall Clutch Boot Retainer Ring (05252) ea. Americano Enterprises Gas Tank Strainer 3/8" 5/16" Gas Tank 64-67 CVL Made in USA w/Neck (06554) ea. (0945) ea. (03798) ea. 05252 0945 06554 Frame Mount Repair Kit 14 pcs (014795)kit Gas Tank Strap Bolts Gas Tank (02134) set El Camino & Wagon w/Neck (09908) ea. 014795 GAS TANK & PARTS Gas Cap non vented 02134 09908 Floor & Trunk Pan Metal Drain Plugs Notched (02172) ea. Not Notched (02162) ea. Gas Tank Insulator Chevelle & GTO (05587) ea. Gas Tank Sender w/ gasket & strainer PLEASE test before installing. Can not return after contact with gas. 64 Chevelle & El Camino 5/16" line (014310)ea. 3/8" line (014311)ea. 65 Chevelle & El Camino 5/16" (0252) ea. 3/8" (011922)ea. (0241) ea. Gas Tank Straps w/insulation Chevelle, GTO, LeManns, & Tempest (0254) pr. El Cam & Wagon(08969)pr. 0254 08969 0241 GloveBoxLiner 64-65 w/ ac w/o ac 0252 Gas Pedals See Gas Pedals in Rubber Section Gas Pedal Studs (02832) pr. (07371) ea. (02584) ea. 02584 02832 Gas Pedal Rod Support 64-67 011922 (05123) ea. Gas Tank Sender Parts Float LockingCam HEADLIGHT "T3" 4 Headlight system (012704)set (06545) ea. (0364) ea. 05123 06545 0364 Unit to Tank Gasket (0200) ea. 34 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 012704 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Americano Enterprises Headlight Mounting Bucket w/ chrome ring (one set does 1 car) (013216)set Heat Riser SB 1 3/4" 2 1/4" Exhaust Hood Latch Support 65 (03228) ea. (0191) ea. (015396)ea. 015396 013216 0974 HORNS See "Electrical" Heat Shields Bolts to Manifold, Protects Wires 64-65 SB Spark Plug (01718) set Heater Box 65 SB & BB w/o AC (06244) ea. License Plate Bracket 65 2pc (013111)ea. 01718 013111 06244 Heater Blower Motor w/o AC 64-72 (016409)ea. Hood Hinges 64 Repro (also fits 64-67 GTO) Left (01011) ea. Right (01013) ea. LINES See Note At End of Section State std., Power, HT/Sedan/Conv/SS 01013 016409 Heater Core w/o AC (01737) ea. Heater & Radiator Hose Clamps 64-65 (03040) set 65-67 All Tower Type(02959)set 65 & up By Pass Hose Clamps (013035)pr. 65 GM Left Right (0309) ea. (0310) ea. 0310 65 Repo Left Right (08803) ea. (08804) ea. 03040 08804 02959 Hood Hinge Bolts 8 pc (016391)set Hood Hinge Springs Fits Chevelle,GTO, LeManns, & Tempest(0938) ea. 0938 Heater Hose Clamp on Inner Fender (03804) ea. 03804 Hood Insulation 64 65 Hood Latch 65 mailto:info@americano.se (07373) ea. (07374) ea. (015912)ea. Brake Line kit 64-65 Stainless 6 pc set Steel 6 pc. set Front Brake Line 3 pc. Stainless set Steel set Front to Rear Need Body Style Stainless 64-65 ea. Steel 64-65 ea. Rear Axel Lines 2 pc. Stainless pr. Steel pr. Fuel Lines State Model, 5/16" or 3/8" Tank to Pump Stainless ea. Steel ea. Carb to Pump Engine Size w/HP rating Stainless ea. Steel ea. Fuel Return Line 1/4" Stainless ea. Steel ea. Tran. Cooler Lines P.G. Stainless ea. Steel ea. Rubber Flex Line Front Drum (012661)ea. Rear FH-17 ea. **Please Note We DO NOT stock the lines. They are all special ordered and have to be prepaid. Therefore they cannot be returned. The lines generally take 1 week to receive. There is an additional charge for the shipping. web: www.americano.se 35 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Door & Trunk Orig Later LOCKS Locks are available with the Original Style Key or with the Later Style Key Americano Enterprises GloveboxTrunk&Door Orig (07426) set Later (07425) set Glovebox 64-65Orig (02043) ea. Later (05624) ea. 62-65GTOOrig (02108) ea. Later (02152) ea. Glovebox&Trunk 64-65Later (07423) set Orig (05317) set 63-65 GTO & 63 Cutlass Later (05085) set Trunk 64-65 Chevelle & 63-65 GTO Orig (02141) ea. 64-66 Later w/GM key (0159) ea. 64-66 w/shaft,non GM (02148) set 62-67GTOLater (02475) ea. (03318) set (02150) set Original Style Key 03318 Later Style Door Locks 64-65 Chevelle Orig & 62-66 GTO (02284) pr. Later (02283) pr. 02284 Door Lock Pawl Right Left (014828)ea. (014829)ea. Door & Ignition 64 Octagon (06088) set Orig (03315) set 65 Chevelle & 62-65 GTO Orig (02145) set Ignition 64 Orig Octagon 65 Orig Octagon (02116) ea. (0171) ea. (02100) ea. (05187) ea. 02148 0171 02100 Ignition, Door, Trunk 64 Orig (07427) set 65 Orig (07428) set Ignition, Door, Glove, Trunk Have the advantage of one key to carry for your car. This set includes the clip and gaskets as well as keyed locks. 64 Orig (06758) set 65 Orig (07430) set 02141 Lock Pawl Retainer (012156)ea. 012156 06758 Trunk Lock Latch (04488) ea. 02145 04488 03315 Ignition,Door,Glove 64ElCamino (016838)set 65ElCamino (016840)set 36 Trunk Lock Shaft (02101) ea. (also fits 65-67 GTO) 07430 Mirror Bracket & Gasket (06151) ea. Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises Motor Frame Mounts 64-67SB BB (64-72GTOonly 64-68 SB CHEVELLE 1964-1965 (04624) ea. (08165) pr. (07769) pr. (016290)pr. 07022 04624 08165 P.S. Pump Cradle 65 BB 08345 Power Steering Reservoir 65BB (012792)ea. (08013) ea. 012792 07769 Motor Mounts 64-7 283-327 (016312)ea. Oil Filler Cap V-8 Push on Style Black (02637) ea. Chrome (013310)ea. 08013 Power Steering Reservoir Cap 65 1st Design (014317)ea. 2nd Design (014155)ea. P.S. Cradle Bracket Lower 65 SB (08873) ea. 02637 013310 014155 08873 Power Steering Return Line & Hose Kit 64-65SB (014062)kit Oil Filler Tube w/return Spring Bracket (012590)ea. P.S. Reservoir Pump Bracket 65 (06586) ea. 014062 012590 06586 Oil Pan BB (015165)ea. Power Steering Pulley 65-68 w/Deep Groove BB (08344) ea. 65-68 BB P.S. Crank Pulley (07022) ea. Crankshaft Pulley w/ 3 Groove w/Special Hi-Pro & P.S. BB65-68 (08345) ea. Park Brake Cable Kit See Misc Brake Parts POWERSTEERINGPARTS P.S. Adjust. Bracket 65 BB (01435) ea. RADIATORS State Auto or Std Trans & w/ AC These are the high efficiency copper/brass rads and will be drop shipped from the manufacturer 64-65 SB auto w/o AC HD (016995)ea. 64-65 SB auto w/o AC Desert Cooler (016996)ea. Radiator Cap - Original Style 15lb. 65 & up Dimpled (013293)ea. Solid (013294)ea. 013293 013294 01435 08344 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 37 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Americano Enterprises SHIFTERASSEMBLY (complete includes handle, ball,linkage and body) Radiator Support to Frame Bracket (02979) pr. Smog Pump white Fan V8 02979 Rear End Cover 12 Bolt 65 Gasket 013568 Original Munci Style Bucket (06037) ea. Bench Seat (03902) ea. Shifter Parts Shift Gate (02007) ea. (012638)ea. (016540)ea. (013568)ea. 012638 Spare Tire “J” Bolt (0947) ea. 0947 Spare Tire"J" Bolt Mount 64-65 (013706)ea. 02007 013706 Reservoir Bottle w/Label & Cap Shifter Handles Munci stock Bench (02013) ea. Bucket (03921) ea Hurst (looks like stock but bolts to Hurst) Bench (09694) ea. Bucket (04787) ea. (06149)ea. Spare Tire Wingnut (02524) ea. 02524 Spark Plug Wire Looms (Girdles) 65-75SB (095) set 06149 02013 w/ Cap, & Bracket (07777) ea. 095 03921 07777 09694 Bracket Cap Label64-65 (016546)ea. (0237) ea. (012147)ea. 04787 Shift Linkage Steering Column Bearing Lower 64-66 (0781) ea. (02031) ea. 0781 02031 012147 Steering Wheel 2 Spoke Woodgrain 64-66 Accessory(09584) ea. Steering Wheel Kit 64-66 Accessory Woodgrain Wheel, Hub, & Contacts (016822)kit 015646 Steering Wheel Coupler or "Rag Joint" Kit ( located between the gear box & steering shaft, this is often worn out or torn) Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 64-72 Original Style (08396) kit Shifter 64-67 Auto 38 (015646)ea. Americano Enterprises Steering Wheel Hub for Wood Wheel 64-66 (02033) ea. Use Contact Kit (04480) w/this hub CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 OTHERSUSPENSIONPARTS Control Arms Upper (w/shafts, bushings, & ball joints) Left (014229)ea. Right (014230)ea. Lower (w/bushings, & ball joints) Left (014231)ea Right (014232)ea. Lower Bare (015558)pr. Control Arm Bushings Front Lower Round 64-66 (016537)pr. Control Arm (Rear) Bolt Kit (016982)kit Idler Arm 65-67 (09794) ea. 09794 02033 Drag Link Assy 65-67 Contact Kit (012046)ea. 014229 (04480) kit 012046 Tie Rods End Sleeves (08671) pr. Inner Tie Rod Ends (08670) pr. Outer Tie Rod Ends (09793) pr. 04480 014232 Suspension Kit 64-65 Chevelle, El Camino, GTO, & Cutlass (02452)kit Includes: 2 Upper Ball Joints 2 Lower Ball Joints Tie Rods 2 Outer & Inner Ends Control Arm bushings 4 Upper 4 Lower 2 Sway Bar Link Kits 2 Sway Bar Bar Bushing Please measure diameter of swaybar for correct swaybar bushings. Ball Joints 64-72Upper Lower 08670 (012348)ea. (012349)ea. PitmanArm 64-67 Manual Steering (013911)ea. Power Steering(013909)ea. 012348 013909 Control Arm Bushings 64-65 Front (need 4 ) (04650) ea. 65 Rear (set of 8) (03774) set 03774 Rear Axel Block (015910)ea. Rear Control Arms (Boxed) Lower (014938)pr. Shocks Spiral non numbered Rear mono leaf (015537) ea. 013350 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 39 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Sway Bar Front 1 1/4" Rear 1" Sway Bar Link Set Shield 65-68 (015556)ea. (014233)ea. (014375)ea. Americano Enterprises (08368) ea. Vent Pull Cable w/bracket 65Lug (012797)ea. Wheel 08368 Kickdown Rod Lower w/Swivels 64-72 (06778) ea. 014375 Sway Bar Shims 64-72 Stud Set/5 Lug nuts Lug nut wrench (011777) set (05871) ea. (014494)ea. 011777 (012240)st/4 06778 012240 Transmission Shifter Arm mounts to P/G for floor shifter (09686) ea. Window Crank Inside Washer SEEPLASTICSECTION Window Roller (Door Window) 64-65Cvl also El Camino(03239)ea. Tailgate Hinge Escutcheon (05537)pr. 03239 09686 Transmission Shifter Rod floor shift w/powerglide 64-65 (013952)ea. 05537 Tailgate Hinge Rebuild Kits 2 pins & 2 bushings (013725)kit 013952 Transmission Parts Back up Switch Kit Munci 4 spd Includes: Bracket, 1 rod w/ 2 clips, shield & 2 mntg. bolts (014857)kit Trunk Lid Latch 64-72 (04488) ea. 09673 Windshield Washer Pump Repair Kit (04036) ea. 04488 TrunkMat 64-65 Rubber (05926) ea. Crowsfoot Design 014857 Back-up Switch Parts Bracket 64-68 Windshield Washer Pump 64-72 (09673) ea. Valve Cover Grommets SB (04622) pr. Valve Cover Screws & Washers 64 SB (Like Orig) (01973) set (0240) ea. 04036 Windshield Washer Nozzels (06339)pr. 0240 01973 Lever Rod (04228) ea. 04228 40 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 06339 CHEVELLE 1964 - 1965 Americano Enterprises FENDERREPAIRPANELS 11"x13"L Left Disc Check stock (01524) Right Disc Check stock (01528) SHEETMETAL Bed Front Lift Panel Support Divider Panel w/cut outs (015142) (015143) ea. ea. ea. set 01528 015142 Floor Braces - Ends Only 64-72 Chevelle, GTO, Cutlass Front Right (09661) ea. Left (09660) ea. Right CA9085 ea. Left CA9084 ea. 015143 09660 DOORSHELL 64-65 Right (016515) ea. Left (016514) ea. DOOR SKIN (for El Camino cut out notches) Left EDP (08798) ea. Right EDP (08799) ea. (011145) pr. Center Right Left (CA9087) ea. (CA9086) ea. CA9087 Floor Braces - Full Length Front 64-72 Chevelle, GTO, Cutlass (03623) 08798 Fender Braces Front (010050) pr. ea. Center Brace 64-69 Chevelle, GTO, Cutlass (03622) ea. 010050 FENDERS 65 Right Left (016302) (016301) ea. ea. pr. Fender Inner 65 Right Left (015444) (015443) ea. ea. pr. Rear Chevelle & El Camino (013470) ea. 015443 *Truck Freight mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 41 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Americano Enterprises Sheetmetal parts are susceptible to slight damage due to the nature of the product and the method of shipment. No credit will be issued for sheetmetal that has small pecks, dings, scratches or other minor flaws. Any body panel (either reproduction or factory original) requires minor body work when installed for a show quality finish. (Copied permission from Goodmark Ind.) What is EDP Coated On many of the sheetmetal panels there will be EDP listed. This stands for ElectroDeposit Primer. This coating is an electronically charged primer that protects parts from dust and corrosion. Parts with an EDP coating are tested for 500 hours under a salt spray solution to check for corrosion. The only surface preparation required is scuffing up the surface for better paint adhesion. No stripping is required. The parts are protected from rust as long as the EDP coat remains under the paint. All Goodmark Industries exclusive sheetmetal items are EDP coated. (Copied with permission from Goodmark Industries.) Any questions or descriptions on any of our sheetmetal, please call. We will be glad to talk to you or your body shop, directly. PLEASE STATE WHEN ORDERING DRIVERS SIDE (LEFT) PASSENGER SIDE (RIGHT) 42 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Americano Enterprises FLOORPANS COMPLETE Chevelle&ElCamino 1964-1967 Floor and Rear Seat Pan (015539)ea. Now available Complete w/Braces 77 1/4" L x 60 1/2" W (016193)ea. Reproduction - Goodmark 30" x 72" Fits Chevelle, El Camino, GTO, & Cutlass Right (09965) ea. * Left (09964) ea. * * * 09965 & 09964 Floor Pan - 1/4 Sections Front Chevelle, El Camino, & GTO Right CA3486 Left CA3485 ea. ea. USA Made 27" x 61" Chevelle & El Camino Right CA1099 ea. Left CA1098 ea. Ship Fed Ex one to a box CA3486 Rear Chevelle El Camino, & GTO Right CA3488 Left CA3487 ea. ea. CA3487 *Truck Freight mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 43 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Toe Boards Chevelle & El Camino Left (09880) Right (09881) Americano Enterprises Replacement 1/4 Panels 2 dr 29" x 85" Left (09619) ea. * Right (09620) ea. * These are the complete side of the car. From door to back and make the top break about 1" over toward the trunk. They fold into the door jamb but do not include the door jamb, sail panel or go into the trunk. Fits all 2 dr. ea. ea. 09880&09881 Under Rear Seat Floor Pan 30" x 23" Right (010032) Left (010031) 09619 ea. ea. 010032 & 010031 Under Rear Seat Pan 1 pc. Gas Tank Straps w/insulation 64-77Chevelle 64-67 El Camino & Wagon (015826) (0254) (08969) 1/4 REPAIR PANELS Wheel Flair - Rear 13"x 34"L also fits El Camino Right Disc Check stock (03663) ea. Left (03662) ea. ea. 03663 pr. pr. 0254 Grille Stiffener or Reinforcement Bar 1965 (upper grille plate) (014323) Lower Rear 8"x 29"L Right Left (03667) (03660) ea. ea. ea. 03660 014323 HOOD 65 w/Mldg Holes (015823) ea. (015606) (015607) ea. ea. RADIATORSUPPORT 65 (014619) ea. 1/4 PANELS Full 1/4 Panel w/sails Left Right * * Rad Support Bracket (02979) Repair Bracket Weld on-Not Orig. pr. 015606 02979 *Truck Freight 44 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Americano Enterprises Rear Window to Trunk Panel 2 dr HT USA Made CA7536 Overseas EDP w/inner support (08764) TRUNK FLOOR PANS Overseas Center Right Left 3 pc set 7 pc set ea. ea. (010225) (010227) (010226) (010228) (010229) ea. ea. ea. set set CA7536 08764 010229 Rear Window Rust Repair 64-67 El Camino 61" L x 5" W (05746) ea. 05746 ROCKERS 64-67 Original Style Rockers 2Dr Right Left (013897) (013908) ea. ea. USAMade Center 21" x 39" Right 24" x 37" Left 24" x 37" Trunk Pan Set 3 pc (016744) (012485) set 7 pc - 3 Trunk Pans & all four Trunk Braces (012486) set Rocker Panel Repairs 2 dr 50" Left (09745) ea. 50" Right (09744) ea. 2 dr ext 71" Left (010129) ea. 71" Right (09751) ea. 4 dr 71" Left (010131) ea. 71" Right (010130) ea. Inner Rocker Panel 64-67 "A" Body (not El Camino or Wagons) Right (015830) ea. Left (015829) ea. Roof Inner Brace kit 64-65 HT CA6151 ea. CA6152 ea. CA6150 ea. 012485 TRUNKFLOOR Complete Measures 58" Deep, 47" Wide at Rear Seat, and 65.75" at Outside Edge Too New for picture (015796) ea. * GTO Trunk Floor Pans 64-67 Rt (012891) ea. Center (012892) ea. Left (012893) ea. kit Shift Hump 64-66 Chevelle & GTO 4 Spd w/o Console & 64-67 Chevelle w Console (03522) ea. 03522 Tailgate Skin El Camino EDP with holes (010269) ea. TRUNK FLOOR BRACES 64-67 EDP Frame Side Brace CVL, GTO, Cutlass USA Made Right (09610) Left (09611) 010269 ea. ea. *Truck Freight mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 45 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Overseas Right Left (03234) (03233) Americano Enterprises Trunk Verticle Filler Panel to 1/4 (Chevelle only) Right (012795) ea. Left (012796) ea. ea. ea. Long Brace - Gas Tank Brace (2 required per car) USA (03236) ea. 012795&96 03236 Overseas (08837) Wheelhouses Rear Outer Right CVL & El Cam Left CVL ea. 08837 (08421) (08420) (011160) ea. ea. pr. modify as necessary for conv. Trunk & Gas Tank Strap Support (NOT CHEVELLE) fits Buick,Old, Pont, 2 per car(016006) ea. 016006 Trunk Cross Rail Brace 64-65 (gas tank straps hook into this at front) (015440) ea. Rear Inner Right Left 015440 Trunk & Floor Pan Metal Drain Plugs Notched (02172) Not Notched (02162) ea. ea. *Truck Freight 02172 46 02162 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 (012778)ea. 99.00 (012779)ea. 99.00 Americano Enterprises INTERIOR SEAT COVERS ALLVINYL SEATCOVERS 1964 These covers are made with vertically designed dielectric seat inserts like original. The medallion is sealed in all rear and bench seats. Please state color code from below. SS Bucket Frt/HT (09248) set SS Bucket Frt/Conv (09249) set Bench Frt/HT (09250) set Bench Frt/Conv. (09251) set Front Bucket (09244) pr. Front Bench (09245) ea. Rear HT (09246) ea. Rear Conv. (09247) ea. 1964 Colors Available S55 Black, S50 Aqua, S56 Lt.Blue,S58 Lt Fawn, S64 Red, S65 Saddle, S69 white CHEVELLE 1964-1965 1965 Sewn horizonal inserts some accented with two-tones accentuate these covers. Please state color code from below. SS Bucket Frt/HT (09264) set SS Bucket Frt/Conv (09265) set Bench Frt/HT (09266) set Bench Frt/Conv. (09267) set Front Buckets (09260) pr. Front Bench (09261) ea. Rear HT (09262) ea. Rear Conv. (09263) ea. 1965 Colors Available M10 Black, M02 Aqua, M02/M04 two Tone Aqua, M12 Lt. Blue, M12/M15 two Tone Blue, M22 Fawn, M22/S57 two Tone Fawn, M30 Red, M30/M33 two Tone Red, M35 Lt Saddle, & M37/M10 two Tone White & Black. DOOR PANELS (SPK) The Following Door Panels are all on new cardboard, Don't forget to order new fasteners with your door panels. Colors are the same as the Seatcovers, Please give the color code when ordering. 1964 (2 dr Sedan Front same as HT) Front/HT Rear (09257) set Front/Conv. Rear (09258) set Fronts Only (09252) pr. Rears HT Only (09254) pr. Rears Conv. Only (09256) pr. 09252 Note Emblem Embossed on Door Panel 1965 2 dr Sedan Front same as HT Front /HT Rear (09273) set Front/Conv.Rear (09274) set Fronts Only (09268) pr. Rear HT Only (09270) pr. Rear Conv. only (09272) pr. 1965 Chevelle SS Interior __________________ 4 Dr Sedan & Wagon Seat Covers 1964 Bench Front (014950)ea. Rear Sdn (014951)ea. Wagon (014952)ea. 3rd Seat (014953)ea. Sedan Set (015648)set Wagon Set (015649)set 1965 Bench Front (014960)ea. Rear Sdn (014956)ea. Wagon (014957)ea. Sedan Set (015650)set Wagon Set (015651)set 4 Door Sedan & Wagon Door Panels 1964 Front Rear 1965 Front Rrear 1964 Chevelle SS Interior (014954)pr. (014955)pr. (015652)set (014958)pr. (014959)pr. (015653)set 014960 014954 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 47 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 PRE-ASSEMBLED DOOR PANELS 1964 Front/HT Rear Front/Conv. Rear Front only Rear HT (09259) set (012468) set (09253) pr. (09255) pr. 1965 Front/HT Rear Front/Conv. Rear Front only Rear HT (09275) set (012469) set (09269) pr. (09271) pr. These have the Door Panel Chrome attached. Americano Enterprises HEADLINERS 64 HT Star Pattern (09453) ea. 64-65 HT, Perf (09277) ea. HT, Basketweave (09276) ea. HT, Regent (016899)ea. 64-65 2 Door Sedan Basketweave (016900)ea. ElCamino Basketweave (09278) ea. Perforated (09279) ea. HT Headliners Include Rear Side Panels Already Covered on new Cardboard, Ready to Install. Regent Headliner Bows 64-65 Chevelle 2 dr HT(07898)set 64-67 El Camino 3 bow (09679) set Headliner Installation Tool (013422)ea. Deluxe Plus Headliner Include Headliner, Covered Sail Panels, & Sunvisors. 64 Star (016325)set 64-65 BW, Perf., Regent (016326)set State Color & Material Sail Panel Cardboards Chevelle (09434) pr. ElCamino (09440) pr. Sail Panels Covered with Material Chevelle (09442) pr. ElCamino (09448) pr. Star Pattern Colors Available: White, Black, Lt. Blue, Aqua, Saddle. Star Pattern Star B/W Colors Available: White, Black, Brt. Red, Dk. Red, Lt Blue, Brt. Blue, Dk Blue, Aqua. Basketweave Perf Colors Available: White, Black, Dk Red, Dk Blue, Saddle, Dk Green, Sandlewood, Buckskin, Teal. 013422 Headliner Mldgs - Wagon Side 4 pcs (014937)set CARPET Carpet-Molded 80/20 Loop Black (014108)set 4 spd w/o console (014106)set Colors (014109)set 4 spd w/o console (014107)set Two piece carpet complete with Insulation on Back and Heel Pad These fit all A-Body Cars Available Black, Med Blue, Brite Blue, Turq., Dk Green, Brown, Lt. Saddle, Dk Saddle, Red, Lt. Blue, Grey, & Maroon. Vinyl Floor Covering Sound Deadening Under Carpet Fit all A-body (06727) kit Perforated 48 (016902)ea. Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Americano Enterprises Arm Rest Pad Colors & Numbers:Molded Style 64 COLOR Front # Rear # Price Black (04436) (05296) pr. Lt. Blue (05026) (08242) pr. White (016408) (06509) pr. Red (02375) pr. Aqua (02373) (0992) pr. Fawn (02377) (08346) pr. Saddle (013130) pr. Rear # Price Arm Rest Bases 64-67 Chevelle,ElCamino(frt), 65 COLOR Front# Black (08525) (05028) pr. GTO,LeManns,Tempest,Cutlass Lt Blue (06804) (01199) pr. Front (02382) pr. White (09656) (09657) pr. Rear (02960) pr. Red (05027) (02379) pr. Lt Aqua (06805) (01198) pr. Fawn pr. OTHER INTERIOR ITEMS 02382 Ash Tray Rear 1964 - 1967 Conv w/ bezel (06418) ea. Bezels only (01211) pr. HT / Sedan (04640) pr. Also fits GTO, LeManns, & Tempest 02960 Six Pieces include 3 Side Panels & 3 Sewn Wheel Hump Covers (2 cover rear wheels, 1 covers spare tire storage compartment. Coat Hooks 64-66Chevelle 64-73GTO 04640 014734 Bucket Seat Brackets (Weld to Floor) Chevelle,ElCamino,GTO,LeManns,& 04436 (01612) pr. (0979) pr. CONVERTIBLE Arm Rest 1/4 Courtesy Light Rear Lens (014735)ea. Bezel (014734)ea. 06418 Arm Rest Ash Tray CVL, GTO, Cutlass (04640) pr. Arm Rest Pads Front Molded Black 64 (04436) pr. 65 (08525) pr. CARGO AREA COVERS + Side Panels 64 Wagon 6 pc in Seville Vinyl Specify Color (015669)set 65 Wagon 6 pc in Madrid Vinyl Specify Color (015670)set Tempest 64-72 (043) pr. Rear Molded Black 64 (05296) pr. 65 (05028) pr. 05296 Arm Rests & Piston Covers Rear- Sheetmetal 64-67 Lower Arm Rest Right (013165)ea. Left (013166)ea. 64-67 Upper Piston Panel Manual Top Right (013171)ea. Left (013172)ea. Power Top 043 Left (013174)ea. For Colors see the chart following. The Padded style used mainly with the GTO mailto:info@americano.se 05823 web: www.americano.se 49 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Rear Arm Rest Covers CONV pr. 64 Conv Black (010695) Aqua (010694) Lt .Blue (010696) Lt. Fawn (010697) Red (010698) Saddle (010699) White (010700) 65 Conv Black (010703) Aqua (010701) 2 Tone Aqua (010702) Lt. Blue (010704) 2 Tone Blue (010705) Brt. Blue (010706) Bronze (010707) Fawn (010708) Red (010709) Lt. Saddle (010710) White (010711) 2 Tone Blk & White (010712) 2 Tone White & Aqua (010713) Gold (010714) Conv. Top Boot Bag Americano Enterprises (015594)ea. 015594 Door Lock Knobs Chrome (01214) pr. Colors (07722) pr. Colors Available: Med Red, Med Blue, Off white, Med Brown, Light Saddle Conv. Top Boot Clips Chevelle & GTO 16 pc (002) set 01214 002 Conv. Top Motor Cover 64-67 (005) 01448 Door & Window Crank Washer Fits all GM (Plastic Washer) (01030) ea. (010479)ea. 01030 Conv. Tops White (07181) ea. Black (07180) ea. includes Plastic Window & Pads Door Panel Springs (behind handles)All GM Set/3 for one door (07902) set Conv. Tack Strip Front 5 ft (09844) ea. Rear 6 ft (09845) ea. Conv Tack Strip Channel 64-65 ea. Conv. Top Boot - 64 w/o clips ea. Black (010757) Aqua (010755) Dk. Aqua (010756) Lt .Blue (010758) Lt. Fawn (010759) Red (010760) Saddle (010761) White (010762) Conv. Top Boot - 65 w/o clips ea. Black (010764) Aqua (010763) Lt. Blue (010765) Bronze (010766) Red (010767) Lt. Saddle (010768) White (010769) 50 (01448) pr. ea. 005 Conv. Top Well Door Lock Ferrules DashPad 64-65 Black (05760) ea. Dash Pad Overlay 64-65 (01715) ea. 07902 Door Panel Chrome 64-65 Better Quality Front (02575) pr. Front & Rear HT (02574) set Door Panel Clips Set/12 ea. (05879) set 05879 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Americano Enterprises Door Panel Retainer Molding - Chrome CVL, GTO, Skylark, Cutlass 64-67 Front (012037)set HT Rear (012038)set Conv. Rear (012039)set Door Panel Water Shields - Mylar 64-67 HT set /4 (013510)set 64-67 Conv set/4 (016389)set Firewall Pad Chevelle, El Camino, & GTO w/Retainers (04604) ea. Package Tray End Trim Rear (010965) pr. Seatbelt: Bucket Lap Belt w/Brackets Fits Rt/Lf (010018)ea. 010965 Package Tray Rear Window ea. 2dr HT Chevelle Black (010384) (010383) Aqua Fawn (010385) Dk. Blue (010386) Lt. Blue (010387) Red (010388) Saddle (010389) Also have GTO in stock 010018 Seatbelt Buckle Covers Black Plastic 65-69 w/Fisher Insert (04267)ea. 04267 Firewall Pad Retainers (05406) ea. Seat Belt Emblem for the original deluxe chrome seat belt cover 64 (012543)pr. 05406 FloorMats SEE REAR SECTION “Those Little Extras” FORADDITIONALSTYLES Original Style 64 Style w/White Bowtie Black (05446) set Red (05447) set Blue (05448) set 65 Black (06378) set Blue (06379) set Red (06380) set Kick Panels 65 Plastic w/AC only (011931)pr. Kick Panel Insulation (013929)pr. Package Tray Insulation Rear Window (07153) ea. Rear Seat to Trunk Cardboard (07324) ea. Insulation (07325) ea. 07324 Rear Seat Trim Panel Conv. ea. (Vinyl covered board behind rear seat) 1964 Aqua (010454) Black (010455) Lt. Blue (010456) Lt. Fawn (010457) Red (010458) Saddle (010459) White (010460) 1965 Aqua (010461) Black (010462) Lt. Blue (010463) Brt. Blue (010464) Bronze (010465) Fawn (010466) Red (010467) Saddle (010468) White (010469) Gold (010470) mailto:info@americano.se 012543 Seat Adjustment Knobs 64 Bucket Seats (02350) ea. 65CVL&ElCamino (04151) ea. Also used 64-65 GTO 02350 04151 Seat Cover Installation Kit(02993)ea. web: www.americano.se 02993 51 CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Heavy Duty Hog Ring Pliers (013304)ea. 013304 SEAT FRAME ASSEMBLY Right (014144)ea. Left (014145)ea. Americano Enterprises SPRINGS: Seat Springs Bottom Side Support Bucket 2 Springs(03498) set Bench 2 per seat(011115)set Seat Back Spring Assy(07043)ea. Seat Bottom Spring Assy w/ side supports Bucket seat 64-65Chevelle (07040) ea. 64-65GTO (07039) ea. Sunvisors 64 Star Pattern 64-65 Basketweave Perf. Surrey 64 Conv Vinyl 65 Conv Vinyl Black Color (015714)pr. (011050)pr. (011051)pr. (011052)pr. (011053)pr. (014772)pr. (011054)pr. HT 07039 Conv Seat Retainers Rear 1964 - 1972 4 pc kit (015775)set Sunvisor Sleeves & Grommets (03352) set 014145 015775 Seat Track Assembly 64 - 72 Right 2 pc. Left 2pc. SEATFOAMS&SPRINGS BENCH 64-67 A-Body 2 molded back rest cushions, 1 molded bottom cushion (012613)set Shipping on above is $35.00 64-67 Rear 2 dr HT (015338)set Underseat Wire Channel Cover 64-67 (016237)ea. 012565 012819 BUCKETS 1 Bucket 2 pc. sets 64-65 Chevelle, Cutlass & Skylark (016752)set 64GTO,62GrandPrix (07060) set 62-63-65GTO,63-65GrandPrix (016752)set 07053 52 03352 (012565)set (012567)set Windshield Trim Interior Front Upper 2 dr HT & Sedan 64-67 fits Chevelle, El Camino & GTO (04283) ea. Steering Column Covers 64-67 At Floor (03941) ea. 03941 Storage Compartment Trim Panels 64-67ElCamino (08392) pr. 08392 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Rear 2 dr HT 7 pcs (04785) set 3 pcs (010220)set Corners Lower (also fits Cutlass) (08850) pr. Upper (also fits GTO) (02198) pr. 2 & 4 dr Sedan 3 pc (010219)set Center Cap 2 & 4 dr Sedan Upper (also fits Cutlass & 66-67 Tempest) (06725) ea. Lower (also fits 65-66 Full Size Pontiac, & 66-67 GTO) ea. CHEVELLE 1964-1965 Americano Enterprises El Camino 6 pc (05912) set Center Cap ea. 2 dr Wagon Side Window 4 pc (06390) set INTERIOR KITS HT Kit Includes Seatcovers Front & Rear Door Panels Front & Rear Carpet * Headliner w/ Sailpanels Package Tray 04785 64 HT w/Buckets 64 HT w/Bench 65 HT w/Buckets 65 HT w/Bench 010219 06390 Also Available 64-65 GTO rear HT 7 pc set set (015642) (015682) (015680) (015684) kit kit kit kit CONV Kit Includes Seatcovers Front & Rear Front & Rear Door Panels Carpet * Conv. Top w/ Pads Conv. Well Conv. Boot (clips additional) Rear Seat Trim Panel Rear Arm Rest & Piston Covers Windlace End Caps (also fit 64-65 GTO ) HT Black (03517) pr. Conv Blk (05838) pr. 64 Conv w/Buckets 64 Conv w/Bench 65 Conv w/Buckets 65 Conv w/Bench (015654) (015683) (015681) (015685) kit kit kit kit Conv. Top Price is for White, For Black deduct 03517 To add Preassembled Door Panels 64 HT add 65 HT add 64 Conv. add 65 Conv. add To add Sunvisors HT add Conv add 05838 Windlace Vinyl Snap on style State Yardage & Color(015267)yd To add to 64 Star Headliner add *All 64-67 4 Speed Cars w/o Console use Carpet # 014107 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 53 INDEX Americano Enterprises Accelerator Rod w/Swivel 30 Air Cleaner Assembly 10 Air Conditioning Harness 26 Alternator Brackets 30 Alternator Conversion Kit 26 Antenna Assembly 10 Arm Rest Bases 49 Arm Rest Pads 49 Ash Tray 10 DASH KNOBS 17 Dash Pad 50 Dimmer Switch 25 Dome Lamp Lens 23 Dome Lens Bezel 23 DOOR HINGES & PARTS 33 Door Jamb Dome Switch 25 Door Jamb “U” Seal 19 Door Lock Knobs 50 Door Panel Chrome 50 Door Panel Retainer Molding 51 Door Panel Water Shields 51 DOOR SILL PLATES 11 Door Skin 41 DOOR WEATHERSTRIP 19 Drip Rail Mouldings 15 B E Back-up Lamp Assembly 25 Back-up Light Lens 23 BODY BUMPER KITS 18 BODY TO FRAME CUSHIONS 19 BRAKE PARTS 31 Bucket Seat Pivot Chrome Cap 10 Bumper Bolts 10 Bumper Bolts Set 28 Bumper Brackets 30 BUMPERS 10 ELECTRICAL 25 EMBLEMS & CHROME 10 ENGINE HARNESS 27 Chevelle A F C CARPET 48 Cigarette Lighter Assembly 17 CLIPS & FASTENERS 28 Clock Harness 27 CLUTCH PARTS 31 Clutch Fork Boot 19 Clutch Rod Boot 19 Coat Hooks 11 Console Harness 27 CONSOLE PARTS 16 Conv Top Latches 11 Conv. Top Boot 50 Conv. Top Hooks 11 Conv. Top Latch Handles 11 Conv. Top Latch Knuckles 11 Conv. Top Switch Bezel 11 Conv. Top Well 50 Conv. Tops 50 CONVERTIBLE PARTS 32 Convertible Top Switch 25 CONVERTIBLE WEATHERSTRIP 19 Courtesy Light Harness under dash 27 Crossmember Mounts 33 D DASH BEZELS 17 Dash Harness 27 54 FAN BELT 33 Fan Shroud 33 Fender Braces 41 Fender Emblems 11 Fender Flags 11 Firewall Pad w/Retainers 51 Firewall Wiring Gutter 19 Floor Braces 41 FLOOR PANS 43 G GAS TANK & PARTS 34 GLASS 14 GLOVE BOX PLATE 17 Glove Box Light Assembly 27 Glove Box Liner 34 GRILLE 11 Grille Kits 12 Grille Plastic 12, 23 Ground Straps 27 H Headlamp Retaining Ring 12 Headlamp Switch 25 HEADLIGHT 34 Headlight Bezels 12 Headlight Eyebrows 15 HEADLINERS 48 Heater Box 17, 35 Heater Hose 20 Heater Seal Kit 20 Hood Hinges 35 Hood Insulation 35 Hood Letter Kit 12 Hood Lip Mldg 15 Hood to Cowl Seal 20 Hood Windsplit 15 HORN BUTTONS & ASSEMBLIES 12 Horn Relay 25 Horns 25 I Ignition Switch 25 Ignition Switch Bezel Nut 17 J Junction Block 25 K Kick Panels 51 L License Lamp Lens 23 License Light Assebmly 25 License Light Assembly 25 LOCKS 36 M MIRRORS 12 MISCELLANEOUS 30 MOLDINGS 15 Motor Frame Mounts 37 N Neutral Safety Switch 25 O OTHER ITEMS 49 INTERIOR P PAINT GASKET KITS 20 PARK BRAKE CABLE KIT 31, 37 Park Lamp Lens 23 Park Light Assembly 25 PCV Hose 20 Peak Moldings 15 PEDAL PADS 20 Pedal Pad Trim 13 PLASTICS 23 POWER STEERING PARTS 37 Power Window Assemblies 26 Power Window Switches 26 Q 1/4 WINDOW VERTICLE SEALS 20 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 INDEX Americano Enterprises R Rad Hose 21 Rad Support Bracket 44 Radiator Cap 37 Radiator Core Support Bushings 21 RADIATORS 37 REAR 1/4 EMBLEMS 13 Rear Body To Bumper Seal 21 Rear End Cover 38 Rear Seat to Trunk Cardboard 51 Rear Window to Trunk Panel 45 REPAIR PANELS 45 Reservoir Bottle 38 ROCKER MLDGS 15 Rockers 45 Roof Rail Weatherstrip 21 RUBBER 18 S Seat Adjustment Knobs 51 SEAT COVERS 47 SEAT FOAMS 52 Seat Springs 52 Seat Track Assembly 52 Seatbelt 51 Seatbelt Buckle Covers 51 SHEETMETAL 41 Shift Hump 45 Shifters 16, 38 Shocks 39 Spark Plug Wire Set 27 Speedometer Cable Grommet 19 Speedometer Lens 18, 23 Steering Column Cover 23 Steering Column Covers 52 Steering Wheel Hub 39 Sunvisor Brackets 13 Sunvisors 52 Suspension Kit 39 Suspension Parts 39 Trunk "C" Cove Mldgs 15 Trunk Emblem 13 Trunk Emblem Plastic 13 TRUNK FLOOR PANS 45 Trunk Letter Kit 13 Trunk Mat 40 TRUNK MLDGS 15 Turn Signal Lever 14 Turn Signal Switch 26 U Underhood Replacement Light Assembly 26 V VALVE COVERS 14 Vent Pull Cable 40 Vent Pull Knob 18, 24 Vent Window Handles 12 Vent Window Seals 21 W Weatherstrip Kits 22 WHEEL OPENING MLDGS 15 Wheelhouses 46 Windlace End Caps 24, 53 Window Crank 14 Window Fuzzie 21 Window Glass Run Channel 21 Window Reveal Mldgs 16 Window Roller 40 Windshield Trim : Interior 24, 52 Windshield Washer Jar 24 Windshield Washer Pump 40 Wiper Harness: 27 Wiper Switch 26 Wire Wheel 3 bar spinner 14 WIRING 26 T Tach 26 Tach Harness 27 Tail Lamp Lens 23 Tail Light Gaskets 20 Tailgate Emblem 13 Tailgate Hinge Escutcheon 21 Tailgate Letter Kit 13 Tailgate Skin 45 Tailgate Weatherstrip Seal 21 Temperature Control Knob 13 Tilt Release 13 TISSUE DISPENSER 18 Transmission Parts 40 TRIM SCREW KITS 28 TRUNK BRACES 45 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 55 DIAGRAM OF CONVERTIBLE WEATHERSTRIPING AVAILABLE FOR MOST CARS 1 TRUNK WEATHERSTRIP 1 PC ON DECK LID 2 QUARTER WINDOW SEAL REAR 1/4 TO DOOR WINDOW 3 WINDOW FUZZIE KIT 8 PC KIT INNER & OUTER 4 DOOR WEATHERSTRIP 2 PCS AROUND DOORS 5 HOOD TO COWL SEAL ON COWL SEALS TO HOOD 6 CONVERT. HEADER SEAL WINDSHIELD TO TOP 7-8 CONVERTIBLE TOP WEATHERSTRIP KIT ATTACHES TO CONV. ROOF 9 PILLAR POST W/S ON WINDSHIELD PILLAR TO DOOR SEAL 230 10. WINDOW /GLASS CHANNEL RUN SEAL VENT TO DOOR GLASS 11. DOOR JAMB U-SEAL UNDER 1/4 WINDOW 12-13. BODY BUMPER KIT CONTAINS: DOOR, SIDE HOOD, FRONT HOOD, TRUNK, GLOVE BOX BUMPERS ALSO AVAILABLE: VENT WINDOW SEALS VENT WINDOW TO FRAME DOOR "J" SEALS SEAL AROUND DOOR HINGE Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises WEATHERSTRIPING DIAGRAM DIAGRAM OF HT / SEDAN WEATHERSTRIPING AVAILABLE FOR MOST CARS E 1. TRUNK WEATHERSTRIP 1 PC ON DECK LID 7. WINDOW /GLASS CHANNEL RUN SEALS VENT TO DOOR GLASS 2. QUARTER WINDOW SEAL REAR 1/4 TO DOOR WINDOW 8. DOOR JAMB U-SEAL UNDER 1/4 WINDOW 3. WINDOW FUZZIE KIT 8 PC KIT INNER & OUTER ALSO AVAILABLE: 4. ROOFRAIL WEATHER STRIP DOOR GLASS SEALS AGAINST ATTACHED TO ROOF BODY BUMPER KIT CONTAINS: DOOR, SIDE HOOD, FRONT HOOD, TRUNK,GLOVE BOX BUMPERS 5. DOOR WEATHERSTRIP 2 PCS AROUND DOORS VENT WINDOW SEALS VENT WINDOW TO FRAME 6. HOOD TO COWL SEAL ON COWL SEALS TO HOOD DOOR "J" SEALS SEAL AROUND DOOR HINGE mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 231 BOOKS Americano Enterprises ASSEMBLY MANUALS THIS IS A "MUST HAVE" BOOK FOR PUTTING YOUR CAR BACK TOGETHER Pass 1955 THUR 1970 (015109) ea. Chevelle 1964 THUR 1972 (015108) ea. Monte Carlo 1970,1971,1972 (015108) ea. Camaro 1967, THUR 1980 (015110) ea. Nova 1962 THUR 1972 (015111) ea. Truck 1947-1954 (04668) ea. Truck 1955-1959 (04199) ea. Truck 1960-1966 (04241) ea. Truck 1967-1972 (03238) ea. FACTS BOOKS (03576) Chevelle: 1964,1966,1967,1968,1969 ElCamino: 1964,1965,1966,1967,1968,1969,1970,1971 Camaro: 1967,1968,1969 Nova : 1964,1966,1967,1968,1969 ea. SHOP MANUALS 1949-1954 Pass (010199) ea. 1955 Pass (01057) ea. 1956 Pass Supplement (06649) ea. 1957 Pass (01123) ea. 1958 Pass (06647) ea. 1959-1960 Pass (06648) ea. 1961 Pass (01250) ea. 1962 Supplement (01277) ea. 1963 Supplement (05567) ea. 1964 Supplement 1964 Chevelle 1965 Impala, Chevelle, Nova (01331) (011918) (010034) ea. ea. ea. 1966 Impala, Chevelle, Nova (09668) 1967 Impala, Chevelle, Nova, Camaro(011976) ea. ea. 1968 Impala, Chevelle, Nova, Camaro(011977) 1969 Impala, Chevelle, Nova, Camaro(011591) ea. ea. 1970 Impala, Chevelle,Nova, Camaro(012350) ea. BOOKS Americano Enterprises IDENTIFICATION BOOKS Chevrolet By The Numbers 55-59 (04189) 60-64 (03458) 65-69 (03227) 70-75 (03229) ID Numbers 50-59 Cars & Parts Book 718 pg 572 B/W Pictures (05574) Owners Manuals Camaro Nova Chevelle Monte Carlo Pass Truck El Camino 67-76 62-76 64-76 70-76 55-76 47-76 64-76 (013148) (013149) (013150) (013151) (013152) (013146) (013147) ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ID Numbers 60-69 Cars & Parts Book 443 pg 757 B/W Pictures (04534) 60-79 Cars & Parts Book 350 pg 876 B/W Pictures (04535) Camaro SS & Z-28 67-93 Cars & Parts Book 220 pg 192 B/W Pictures (05222) Chevelle 64-84 Cars & Parts Book 265pg 96 B/W Pictures (03027) Chevy Truck 46-72 Cars & Parts Book 229pg 156 B/W Pictures (04538) Corvette Cars & Parts Book 214pg 198 B/W Pictures (03026) ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. Wiring Diagram (please state year) 67-69 RS Camaro Console, Gauge, & Headlight (06909) ea. Pass Car 55-64 (06150) ea. Nova 62-74 (012232) ea. Camaro 67-74 (013371) ea. Chevelle 64-74 (012784) ea. Truck 47-74 (012961) ea. mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 233 BOOKS Americano Enterprises OTHER BOOKS Conv. Top Manual 55-68 Avail State Year 55 (013892) 56 (09765) 57 (09766) 58 (12527) 59 (013891) 60 (013890) 61 (013893) 62 (011534) 63 (011535) 64 (01316) 65 (09670) 66 (09669) 67 (01420) 68 (014022) American Salvage Yard Treasure (03028) ea. Bowties of the Fifties 256pg 350 B/W (06232)ea. Camaro Restoration Guide 288pg 300 B/W Pictures (07658) Camaro Factory Papers Book (013226) Chevelle Restoration Guide 64-72 240pg 423 B/W Pictures (07657) Chevelle Collectors Library (012664) 012664 03028 ea. ea. ea. ea. 07657 Chevrolet Imp & SS 58-72 140 pg 180 B/W Pictures (0493) Chevelle & SS Muscle Portfolio (0505) Chevrolet 50-59 (0506) Chevrolet Pickups 180 pg 175 Color Pictures 75 B/W Pictures Chevy Truck Illustrated Buyers Guide (07656) Chevy V-8 Engine Casting # 55-93 212 pg 141 B/W Pictures (04536) ea. ea. ea. 09765 ea. El Camino 59-82 Photofacts Book 112 pg 125 Color Illustrations(09556) ea. How to Restore Your Collector Car 288 pg 300 Color Pictures (0524) ea. ea. 011534 ea. 09556 04536 ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. 0524 013226 Muscle Car Color History Muscle Car Price Guide History of Yenco (the man, the machine, the ledgend) (016914) ea. Rebuilding the Small Block Video Book (015638) ea. Small Block Manual How to Rebuild (015637) ea. Small Block Parts Interchange Manual(015617) ea. (012767) ea. (09796) ea. 09796 Pictorial History of Chevrolet 58-60 (010218)ea. Small Block Rebuild (How To Build on a Budget) (0998) ea. Ultimate Muscle Car Price Guide (09796) ea. Standard Catalog of Camaro 1967-2002 (013226) ea. 234 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS VALVE COVERS BIG BLOCK VALVE COVERS “396” “427” “454” Chrome Dished w/Drippers (01645)pr. Chrome Straight w/Drippers (01643) pr. 109.00 Available w/o Drippers (055) pr. Americano Enterprises SMALL BLOCK VALVE COVERS "327" 1962-66 Chrome (02126)pr. Choke Coil Cover (014307)ea. 014307 Orange Painted w/Metal Decal (06692)pr. Cowl Tag Rivets 55-72 (05969)pr. 05969 Dome Light Bulbs (07034)ea. Dome Light & Some Console Light Wiring Ends (06607)ea. Valve Cover Decal Metal 327 62-65 (04605)pr. 01645 04605 Valve Cover Grommets 62-72 SB (04622)pr. 67-72 BB (04617)pr. Valve Cover Spark Plug Wire Retainers 67-74 BB (085) set 67-74 SM BL (095) set Door Edge "Peep" Mirror 3" Diameter (04479)ea. 4" Diameter (04478)ea. 085 01643 Door Jamb Embossed Decal "Mark of Excellence" 67 "GM"Aqua(07113)ea. 68 & UpBlue (013539)ea. Correct Style for Camaro & Nova BB Dished w/Drippers (013332) ea. Dress-up Kit for BB (02846)kit Includes: correct “silver” cork valve cover gaskets, Hold-down bolts & tri-angular retainers, set/4 plastic ignition wire holders, oil filler cap, pair rubber valve cover grommets & valve cover decal “ Tonawanda #1 Team”. 095 07113 MISCELLEANOUS Air Cleaner Wing Nut Chrome OE Style (09858)ea. Door Panel Clips set/12(05879)set 09858 Blue Dots (Glass)(Please check to see if legal in your state) (09903)pr. Brake Cable Equalizer (014254)ea. 05879 014254 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 235 Americano Enterprises Door Panel Plastic Clip Retainer set/12 (08649)set THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS 69-74 Nova & 69 Camaro Style (09997)pr. Flame Arrestor Screen 67-72 (04281)ea. 09997 08649 04281 70-74 Style white slanted (09998)pr. EMBLEMS Other Engine # available, check w/car model for original engine # 502 64-7 Style chrome (08384)ea. 09998 427 69-74 Nova Style (011793) pr. 454 Red Stick-on (02367)pr. Fuel Line Clips 5/16" (05450)ea. 3/8 x 1/4 Push in 5 pc set (016292)set 05450 69-74 Nova Style (011794) pr. 08384 68 Camaro Style (08385)pr. 08385 70-75 Camaro Style(08386)pr. Exhaust Clamp 2 1/2" Cad Plated (07117)ea. Exhaust Manifold Bolts 57-66 Pass (01164)set 68-73 BB All (05232)set 29.95 Gas Pedal Pivot Bushing 55-72 (except 58) (08597)ea. Generator Tags 55-62 "Delco" set of three (For Starter, Generator, Distributor) (07897)set 08386 69-74 Nova & 69 Camaro Style (08387)pr. 07897 01164 08387 70-74 Style white slanted (08388)pr. 08388 Exhaust Manifold Bolt Lock 57-63 SB (04979)set 58-65 BB (01959)set 65-67 BB (08558)set Headlight Adjusting Plastic Nuts (09633)ea. Headliner Installation Tool (013422)ea. 68 Nova, Chevelle & Full Size Marker Bezel Front w/502 (010000)pr. 013422 04979 383 64-7 Style chrome (09996)ea. 09996 Headlight Retainer Rings 2 Light System GM (0949) ea. Repro (016545)ea. 4 Light System GM(0950) ea. Repro St/4 (013427)st. Exhaust Manifold Washers 55-91 Full Size (01971)set 0949 68 Camaro Style (09999)pr. 09999 Fan Belts for 55-57, Impala, Nova, Chevelle, & Camaro CALL Heater Hose Clamp on Inner Fender (03804)ea. 236 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS Hood Adjusting Bolts (02767)pr. Americano Enterprises Reservoir Bottle w/Label & Cap (06149)ea. w/Cap& Bracket (07777)ea. Self Threading Nuts 3/16" (07768)set NEW 02767 Engine ID Numbers are now available These are diecast metal, chrome plated, and painted in Red, Black, or White. The numbers are self stick and are #2 thur #9 and 0. These are approx. 1 3/8" long by 5/8" tall. Key Cover for GM car 69 up For easy Identification Set of two ea. 05755 Black 05751 Red 05758 Gray Shoulder Belt & Retainer Cover Set 69-72 (013006)set/4 License Plate Nut (White Plastic) (014252)pr. Lug Nut 7/16" x 20 (05871)ea. Wheel Studs55-72 (011777)st/5 Wrench (Jack Handle) (014494)ea. Master Cylinder Covers: Chrome Most Cars W/Drum 2 3/8" (01125)ea. Reservoir Bottle Bracket(016546)ea. 016546 01125 013006 Seat Cover Instalation Kit (02993)kit Reservoir Bottle Caps(0237) ea. Reservoir Bottle Labels 62-63 A(012146)ea 64-65 B(012147)ea. 66-up C(012148)ea. 02993 67-80 W/Disc Brakes 3 x 5 bail (0991) ea. Hog Ring Pliers - Heavy Duty (013304)ea. A 0991 Oil Pan Battery Cable Clip (016912)ea. Rear End Posi Plug 10 & 12 Bolt 3/4 " 68-up (016047)ea. 1" 65-67 (016048)ea. Rear End Posi Tag 3/4 " (016046)ea. 1" (016045)ea. Rear End Pumpkin Gasket 55-64 10 bolt (0921) ea. 65 up 12 bolt (016540)ea. Hog Rings Approx 25 B (05405)pk. Valve Cover Screws & Washers 55-64 All SB (like Original) (01973)set 01973 C Reservoir Bottle Bracket(016546)ea. mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 237 Americano Enterprises THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS Seat Belt Universal Lap Belt SEATBELTS Black w/Pushbutton 1 person Voltage Regulator Grommet (04352)ea. Voltage Regulator Screw(07845)ea. Black w/Hdw (05696)ea. Med Blue w/o hdw (06190)ea. Maroon w/o hdw (05697) ea. Tan w/o hdw (01782) ea. Seat Belts Std. Interior (Lap Belts) 55-57 Green (03788)ea. 55-56 Turq (016285)ea. 57 Turq (016286)ea. 64-66 Impala & Chevelle Bucket Seat Belts w/brackets (010018)ea. Seat Belts - Retractable 68-72 Chevelle, Impala, & 68 Nova 68 Right (010016) ea. 68 Left (010017) ea. 04352 6 pc set (3 grommets, 3 screws) (016576)set Window Crank/Door Handle Plastic Washer (01030)ea. Springs (07902)set 05696 06190 010016 01030 Wire Retainers: 2 prong Black 1 prong white 1 prong black Z-Bar Retainer Spring Wider 60 style Universal with Chrome Lift -up Clasp ea. 07902 1967-69 Camaro w/ Std. Interior (013317)ea. (05881)ea. (06474)ea. (016257)ea. (05316)ea. 06617 Black (06617) DkGreen(014026) Green (014025) Ivory (014027) Silver (014028) Gray (014029) Dk Blue (014030) Blue (014031) Maroon (014032) Red (014033) Dk Brown (014034) Brown (014035) Tan (014036) Turq. (014037) Lt Blue (014038) White (014039) Orange (014040) Brt Red (014049) NOSTALGIA Headlamp 1/2 Moons Flat Style 2 Light System 7 1/2"(06223)pr. 4 Light System 4 3/4"(03854) pr. Retractable Seat Belt 3 Point Universal Push Button Center Black (015747)ea. 03854 Raised Style 4 Light System 2 pr per car Seatbelt Buckle Cover Black Plastic 68-72 w/GM Insert (04268)ea. 67-69 w/Fisher Body Insert (04267)ea. (06591)ea. Seat Belt Emblem 65-69 Fisher Coach(013206)pr. 06591 238 Seat Belt Hardware Mounting Kit 55-59 Pass (05800)kit Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS PAINTS SEE OUR SELECTION OF PAINTS Americano Enterprises Trunk Spatter Paint Detail that trunk with the O.E. look. This is not a waterbase and does not need clear coated. 14 oz aerosol cans. WEATHERSTRIP ADHESIVE 5 oz. Super 3M Adhesive for bonding all types of weatherstrip and all types of gaskets to metal. (05481)ea. Gray with White Specks 61-66 (03268)ea. Black with Aqua Specks 67-73 (03267)ea. RALLEY WHEEL PAINT Argent Silver 12 oz.(03764) ea. Engine Paint VHT For the best color match - 16 oz aerosol can. 1. Chevy Orange (02732) ea. 2. GM - Chevy Blue(02598) ea. 3. Chevy V-8 Blue (02991) ea. 4. Chevy Red 55-56 (05526) ea. 03764 Trunk Spatter Clear Top Coat (016284)ea. 02732 Chassis Black Semi-Gloss Black (012068)ea. Cast Iron Paint (04519)ea. For that O.E. look on steering boxes, leaf springs, hood hinges and other parts 12 oz aerosol can. ea. VINYL DYE Spray the interior vinyl for more color and life. 7.69 oz aerosol can. Black for all Years and Models. Many colors have been discontinued Please Call RALLEY WHEEL 69-70 SS INSERT GRAY (03765) ea. SPRAY ADHESIVE SUPER (06028) ea. 16.25 oz aerosol can great for hood insulation, vinyl tops. 3M SPRAY ADHESIVE GENERAL (05782)ea. 16.25 oz aerosol can used for headliners and interior vinyls. 3M Cast Iron Paint (04196)ea. Hi-Temp Paint - 1200 degrees 04196 mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 239 Americano Enterprises LICENSE PLATES Heartbeat of America ea. Chevrolet : on Pink 016375 on White 016376 on Black 016399 Nova on Blk 013239 Impala on Blk 013238 Bel Air on Blk 016377 Chevelle on Blk 013520 Monte Carlo on Blk 016279 Chevy Truck on Blk 016402 Chevy Van 016404 Camaro on Blk 016270 Yesterday Chevrolet on Blk 016369 THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS "SS" Black w/white Lettering (013237)ea. Z-28 Red "Z" on Black (014021)ea. Black Letters on White Background HERS (016400)ea. HIS (016401)ea. BOWTIE Pink on Black (016374)ea. Blue on Black (014948) ea. Gold on Black (016268) ea. CHEVY TOUGH Bulldog (016275) ea. CHEVY TOUGH Blue & Silver ea. BAD Bowtie Script (016277) ea. Rock Solid Bowtie (016248) ea. Bowtie w/Flames (016269) ea. Bowtie w/ Nova (015473) ea. WHEEL COVERS & CENTERS Chevrolet Motor Division Wheel Centers CMD (02851)ea. set/4 Disc Center (0376) 0376 02851 Base Cap - Ralley Wheel Centers back only GM set/4 (0959) set Repro set/4 (016547)set LICENSE PLATE FRAMES 1955- 1972 "Chevrolet" (02786)ea. 1964 - 1972 "Chevelle" (012951)ea. 1962 - 1979 "Nova" (05892)ea. 1967 - 1992 "Camaro" (06666)ea. Please Give Year, Model. 0959 Base Cap Assemblies Set/4 includes Base,Center & Screws Disc Brake (08435)set CMD (08436)set The Heartbeat of Yesterday's Nova (013240)ea. Impala (013238)ea. Chevelle (013520)ea. El Camino (016405)ea. Camaro (016267)ea. Monte Carlo (016280)ea. USA 1 Plates: ea. White Background & Gold Black Background & Silver See America First (013236) ea. White w/blue print " Putting you first in a big way(013517) ea White w/Bowtie (016276)ea. Black Background & Silver "Today's Chevrolet (015474) ea USA-1 in Red, White & Blue w/stars/stripes (013519) ea. Tonawanda #1 (016274) ea. Camaro Script Lettering on Blk (016371) ea. Camaro Block Lettering Silver on Blk (016404) ea. Chevelle Block Lettering on Blk (016271) ea. Monte Carlo Script on Black (016278) ea. 240 Hubcaps (Dogdish) Chrome w/painted details used on 66 Chevelle (015101)set 015101 Hubcap 67 Camaro 14" w/factory correct Bowtie (016846)ea. Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS Hubcaps (Dogdish) chrome w/painted details used on 67 Nova, Camaro, and Chevelle (015102)set Americano Enterprises Blue Bowtie Center Cap Reproduction (02845) ea. (09570) set Insert Sticker Only (02861) ea. Trim Rings Original Style 69-70 Chevelle Nova, & Camaro SS 14x7 (04800) set 04800 02845 015102 High Hat Ralley Cap Centers ea. (013805)4/ Hubcaps (Dogdish) used on 68-69 Camaro, and 68-70 Chevelle & Nova (015311)set 013805 CHEVY RALLEY WHEELS “SFI” APPROVED (7 sizes available) 14"x 6" 14"x 7" 15"x 5" 15"x 6" 15"x 7" 15"x 8" 15"x 10" (07714) (07716) (07615) (07713) (07715) (07717) (02546) ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. Back side setting on the 15x 7,8,10 is 4 1/2" 015311 “Z-28” Center Caps GM 79-81 ea. (0920) 4/ Hubcaps Flat Cap or Taxi Cap w/Center Bowtie set/4 (0960) set 0920 “Z-28” Center Caps 77-78 4/ (0969) ea. 0960 "SS" Center Caps 69-72 Chevelle, 69 Camaro, 69-72 Nova Reproduction ea. (04822) set Retainers for "SS" Caps (0650) ea. set 04822 Insert Sticker "SS" (0550) 4/ Repro "SS 396" (02181) 4/ Repro "SS 454" (05629) 4/ 0650 CHEVY MAGNUM SS WHEELS "SFI" APPROVED 5 Spoke Grey and Black SS Wheels offered as an option. Made in USA. Powder coated grey. Original 14 x 7 (011525) ea. 15 x 7 (011526)ea. 0969 Screws for Base Cap Centers Set/16 (03041) set Trim Rings Ralley Sizes Available Set/4 14 x 6 (06430) set 14 x 7 (05640) set 15 x 7 (05641) set 15 x 8 (03877) set Trim Rings 5 Spoke Wheel 70-81 Camaro Z-28, 71-72 Chevelle set/4 (013567)set mailto:info@americano.se Wheel Masking Kit 69-70 SS Chevelle, Nova, Camaro, & 70-81 Z (05421)kit web: www.americano.se 241 Americano Enterprises THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS Rubber Reproduction 1961-64 Impala Style front full side to side mat with pair of rear mats. Black (09980) set FLOOR MATS Rubber Replacement Original Style Replacements w/white Inset 59-60 Gray (012061) set Blue (012062) set Black (012060) set Red (015433) set Tan (015434) set not original will work with Chevy crest used on 55 thur 60 Blue (02565)set/4 Black (02564)set/4 Turquoise (02737)set/4 Red (03873)set/4 Copper (06249)set/4 Green (06248)set/4 09980 Colors Available: Red, Lt Blue, Med Blue, Dk Blue, Fawn, & Dk Green. (These are being advertised as 63-72 but this pattern was not used after 1964. With modifications (cutting) they can be put in other Models) Rubber Reproduction of the1967-72 Style with the Bowtie Emblem. Black (01806) set Red (01507) Blue (06017) 02737 Rubber Reproduction of the 1961-64 Style Floor Mat with the White Bowtie in the Circle Black 61-64 (05446) set/4 Red 61-62 (012258)set/4 Red 63-64 (05447) set/4 Blue 61-64 (05448) set/4 Rubber Mats with Carpet Inserts & Script NOVA Set/4 Red limited supply (06354) Blue limited supply (05357) CHEVELLE Set/4 Black (0156) Red (02180) Blue (04137) EL CAMINO pr. Red (0157) Med Blue (010057) Black (02998) BEL AIR Set/4 Black (05003) Blue (01329) CREST Set/4 Black (04877) Blue (0211) Red (012675) HATS Baseball Style Hat with Luttys Chevy Logo on NEW LOGO FLOOR MATS 05448 Rubber Reproduction of the 1965-66 Style Floor Mat with the Bowtie Set/4 Black (06378) set Red (06380) set Blue (06379) set CHEVELLE (015516)st/4 EL CAMINO st/4 CAMARO (015578)st/4 Z/28 st/4 NOVA (015519)st/4 SS st/4 CHEVY BOWTIE SILVER (015955)st/4 ALSO RED BLUE st/4 CROSSFLAGS 61 Impala Style st/4 CROSSFLAGS 64 Style (015975)st/4 CORVETTE st/4 CARPET FLOOR MATS WITH MANY CHOICES OF LOGOS FOR YOUR CAR 242 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises Genuine Chevy Bowtie Bear Chevy Bowtie Poker Cards Pack (016621) Red, White, Blue, Pink (012333) ea. Call for colors available today pk 016621 Cookie Cutter Chevy Bowtie Made of Stainless ea. Fuzzie Dice Aprox. 3 1/2" square in Blue, Black, Red, & White (02188) pr. mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 243 RADIOS Americano Enterprises USA - 1 ADDITIONAL FEATURES (013198) ea. * Auto Reverse Cassette * Pre-sets (12 AM- 18 FM) * Best Station Memory * Seek & Scan Tuning * Pre-set Scan * Radio Intercept * 200 Watts * 4 Channel RCA Pre-outs * Digital Clock * Electronic Tuner & volume * Front & Rear Fader *w/dual RCA outlets & imports for ipod, mp3, dvd, satelite, etc. USA-630 ADDITIONAL FEATURES (013202) ea. *AM-FM stereo - NO cassette *CD changer control *240 watts (4x60) *bass & treble - 4 way fader * electronic seek & scan tuning *Pre Sets (18 FM & 12 AM) * USB Flash Drive Player * Digital Clock * NO Cassette *w/dual RCA outlets & imports for ipod, mp3, dvd, satelite, etc. *10 disc changer optional - all functions of the CD changer controlled from radio pushbuttons no external controls or FM modulation required! USA -1 USA - 2 ADDITIONAL FEATURES (013199) ea. * Electronic Tuner * Music Search * Presets (12 AM-18 FM) * 200 Watts (4x50) * Pre-set Scan * Seek & Scan * Dynamic Noise Reduction * Metal Tape * Separate Bass & Treble Control * Front & Rear Fader * Electronic Tuner & volume * Digital Clock *w/dual RCA outlets & imports for ipod, mp3, dvd, satelite, etc. *NO CASSETTE USA-6 CAMARO 67-68 (016433), 69-77 (016434), 78-81 (016435) NOVA 62-65 (016424), 66-67 (016425), 68-76 (016426), 77-79 (016427) CHEVELLE 64 (016428), 65 (016429), 66-67 (016430), 68 (016431), 69-72 (016432) PASS 53-54 (016411), 55 (016412), 56 (016413), 57 (016414) IMPALA 58 (016415), 59-60 (016416), 61-62 (016417), 63-64 (016418), 65 (016419), 66 (016420), 67-68 (016421), 69 (016422), 70-72 (016423) USA-2 USA-5 ADDITIONAL FEATURES (013201) ea. *Auto Reverse Cassette * Preset (12AM - 18 FM) * Pre-set Scan * Seek & Scan * 240 Watts (4x60) * Metal Tape * Electronic Tuner / volume * Digital Clock *w/dual RCA outlets & imports for ipod, mp3, dvd, satelite, etc. * CD Changer Controller buttons on radio will control all functions of the optional 10 disc CD changer Check out the Kit Price for the Radio and CD Changer. Radios are available for the following cars Camaro 1967-1981 Full Size 1953-1984 (55-57 only available in USA-1 -2 -5 -6) (1961 & 1962 only available in USA-2 -6) Nova 1962-1976 Monte Carlo 1970-1985 Chevelle 1964-1985 El Camino 1964-1985 Cutlass 1967-1981 GTO 1964-1967 with 10.00 surcharge1968-1972 Firebird 1967-1968 1970-1981 Truck 1947-1953 1955-1959 1960-1963 (available only in USA- 2 -6 ) Vans USA-5 Get your 10 CD Disc Changer with your choice of these radios USA #5 Radio Combination set USA #630 Radio Combination set (Use with Secret Audio, USA-5 or USA-630. Horizontal or verticle installation. Demen. 11 -3/8"(w) x 2-7/8" (h) x 5 -1/2" (d) 244 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 1964- 1986 1978- 1986 Americano Enterprises SECRET AUDIO SOUND Secretaudio is a three piece hidden audio system that offers great flexibility for mounting in any type of vehicle. The main receiver/amplifier unit is usually hidden under the seat, or behind the dash. A 12ft cord from the unit plugs into a LCD display. The small dimensions of the LCD display offer unlimited mounting options. The LCD display can be mounted in the glove box, ash tray, sun visor, console or ? included with the system are a flush mount bezel for console or dash mounting. The third piece to this system is the wireless remote control. The secretaudio SS model remote is a ‘RF (radio frequency) remote. With the RF remote you do not have to be in direct line with the display. In fact, you can use the RF remote from up to 40 feet away, and control all functions of the system and even the optional 10 disc changer. The Secretaudio system works exclusivley with the custom autosound cd changers. Other brands of changer will not work with this system. This is a 200 Watt AM/FM CD Controller with USB MP3 Flash Drive Player DUAL FRONT SPEAKERS (Most years & models available) purchased w/ Radio ea. ea. purchased w/o Radio DUAL FRONT SPEAKERS FIT UNDER THE DASH IN THE ORIGINAL SPEAKER PLACEMENT. THEY FEATURE LARGE COBALT FERRITE MAGNETS, FOAM BASES, AND HIGH FREQUENCY RESPONSE THAT HANDLE 30 WATTS. THESE ASSEMBLIES ARE PRE-WIRED TO PLUG IN INSTANTLY TO THE RADIO. THE BASE PLATES ARE MADE OF DURON WITH CO AXIAL SPEAKERS RIVETED IN PLACE AND CLOTH COVERED. THESE ARE ALSO IDEAL AS REAR PACKAGE TRAY SPEAKERS. STATE WITH OR W/O AIR. UPGRADE to 140 watt Dual Voicecoil ea. SECRET AUDIO SS (09365) ea. SECRET AUDIO SS WITH 10 CD CHANGER 02865 REAR SPEAKERS 6" X 9"SPEAKERS Dual Cone 150 watt (03922) pr. 03922 KICK PANEL SPEAKERS MADE FOR YOUR CAR OR TRUCK INCLUDES 55-56-57,59-60,61-62,63,64-72 Chevelle (w/wo ac), 67-68 Camaro (w/wo ac), 62-72 Nova & Truck 55-59, 60-66, 67-72, 73-79 All available w/80 Watts pr. Up grade to 120 Watts pr. 09364 09365 All Radios have a manufacturer warranty for two years. USA 1 -2 - 5 & 630 include Auxiliary Audio Inputs allowing connections to I-Pods, MP3, Satellite, DVD, etc. mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 245 DISC BRAKE KITS Americano Enterprises CAMARO Disc Brake Conversion Kits 14 " WHEELS These kits feature a proprietary rotor and bracket set that allow you to use stock 14" drum brake wheels. They bolt on stock drum brake spindles without modification. Part # FSC5514 67-69 Standard Disc Conversion Kit Part # FSC5614 67-69 Power Disc Conversion Kit The Most Complete Kits in the Industry These Kits Require 15" or Larger Wheels, or 14" Disc Brake Wheels All Front Conversion Kits Include: +Rotors + Backing Plates* +Spindles +Flex Hoses +Bearings +Flex Hose Clips +Grease Seals +Banjo Bolts +Spindle Gasket +Steering Arm Bolts +Dust Caps +Master Cylinder +Castle Nuts +Combination Valve +Washers +Valve Bracket +Cotter Pins +Valve Hardware +Caliper Brackets +Vacumn Hose +NEW Calipers +Brake Switch Pigtail +Organic Pads +Pedal Rod Extension *(not included w/2" drop option) Front Disc Conversion Part No. Year Description AFXDC02C 67-69 F Body Power, Complete Front Disc Conversion AFXSD02C 67-69 F Body Std, Complete Front Disc Conversion Recommended Booster 11" 4 Wheel Disc Conversion Part No. Year Description AFXDC42C 67-69 F Body Power, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion AFXSD42C 67-69 F Body Std, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion Rear Disc Conversion Part No. Year All Rear Conversions Include: +79 Firebird Rotors +NEW Loaded Calipers +Brackets & Spacers +Hardware +Flex Hoses +E-Brake Cables Description AFXRD01 67-69 F Body 10 & 12 Bolt w/o Staggered Shocks* AFXRD05 67-69 F Body 10 & 12 Bolt w/ Staggered Shocks* *( Verify axel flange measurements for these kits) PRE-BENT BRAKE LINE KITS Put the finishing touch on your disc conversion with a pre-bent line set. This kit includes everything you need to plumb your new disc brake system from front to back. These special prices are available only with the purchase of a complete disc brake conversion kit. Upgrade front hoses to braided stainless and get the rear upgrade free. Specify year and model when ordering. +Front Brake Line Kit + Front to Rear Line +Rear Axel Lines +Rear Flex Hose +Clip Set AFXOM - OM Line Kit AFXSS - Stainless Steel Line Kit FHSS - Front Braided Stainless Hose Upgrade w/Free Rear Upgrade 246 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises DISC BRAKE KITS CHEVELLE & EL CAMINO Disc Brake Conversion Kits 14 " WHEELS These kits feature a proprietary rotor and bracket set that allow you to use stock 14" drum brake wheels. They bolt on stock drum brake spindles without modification. Part # AFXSD14 64-72 Standard Disc Conversion Kit Part # AFXDC14 64-72 Power Disc Conversion Kit The Most Complete Kits in the Industry All Front Conversion Kits Include: These Kits Require 15" or Larger Wheels, or 14" Disc Brake Wheels Front Disc Conversion Part No. Year Recommended Booster: 64-66 9" 67-72 11" Description AFXDC01C 64-72 A Body Power, Complete Front Disc Conversion AFXSD01C 64-72 A Body Std, Complete Front Disc Conversion All Rear Conversions Include: +79 Firebird Rotors +NEW Loaded Calipers +Brackets & Spacers 4 Wheel Disc Conversion Part No. Year +Rotors + Backing Plates* +Spindles +Flex Hoses +Bearings +Flex Hose Clips +Grease Seals +Banjo Bolts +Spindle Gasket +Steering Arm Bolts +Dust Caps +Master Cylinder +Castle Nuts +Combination Valve +Washers +Valve Bracket +Cotter Pins +Valve Hardware +Caliper Brackets +Vacumn Hose +NEW Calipers +Brake Switch Pigtail +Organic Pads +Pedal Rod Extension *(not included w/2" drop option) Description +Hardware +Flex Hoses +E-Brake Cables AFXDC41C 64-72 A Body Power, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion AFXSD41C 64-72 A Body Std, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion Rear Disc Conversion Part No. Year AFXRD01 64-77 A Body Description 10 & !2 Bolt W/O Staggered Shocks* *( Verify Axle flange measurements for this kit) PRE-BENT BRAKE LINE KITS Put the finishing touch on your disc conversion with a pre-bent line set. This kit includes everything you need to plumb your new disc brake system from front to back. These special prices are available only with the purchase of a complete disc brake conversion kit. Upgrade front hoses to braided stainless and get the rear upgrade free. Specify year and model when ordering. +Front Brake Line Kit + Front to Rear Line +Rear Axel Lines +Rear Flex Hose +Clip Set AFXOM - OM Line Kit AFXSS - Stainless Steel Line Kit FHSS - Front Braided Stainless Hose Upgrade w/Free Rear Upgrade mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 247 DISC BRAKE KITS NOVA Americano Enterprises Disc Brake Conversion Kits 14 " WHEELS These kits feature a proprietary rotor and bracket set that allow you to use stock 14" drum brake wheels. They bolt on stock drum brake spindles without modification. Part # AFXSD14 62-74 Standard Disc Conversion Kit Part # AFXDC14 62-74 Power Disc Conversion Kit The Most Complete Kits in the Industry All Front Conversion Kits Include: +Rotors + Backing Plates* +Spindles +Flex Hoses +Bearings +Flex Hose Clips +Grease Seals +Banjo Bolts +Spindle Gasket +Steering Arm Bolts +Dust Caps +Master Cylinder +Castle Nuts +Combination Valve +Washers +Valve Bracket +Cotter Pins +Valve Hardware +Caliper Brackets +Vacumn Hose +NEW Calipers +Brake Switch Pigtail +Organic Pads +Pedal Rod Extension *(not included w/2" drop option) These Kits Require 15" or Larger Wheels, or 14" Disc Brake Wheels Front Disc Conversion Part No. Year Description AFXDC03C 62-67 X Body Power, Complete Front Disc Conversion** AFXDC04C 68-74 X Body Power, Complete Front Disc Conversion AFXSD03C 62-67 X Body Std, Complete Front Disc Conversion AFXSD04C 68-74 X Body Std, Complete Front Disc Conversion 4 Wheel Disc Conversion Part No. Year Description AFXDC43C 62-67 X Body Power, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion** AFXDC44C 68-74 X Body Power, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion AFXSD43C 62-67 X Body Std, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion AFXSD44C 68-74 X Body Std, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion Recommended Booster: 62-67 9" 68-74 11" All Rear Conversions Include: +79 Firebird Rotors +NEW Loaded Calipers +Brackets & Spacers +Hardware +Flex Hoses +E-Brake Cables Rear Disc Conversion Part No. Year Description AFXRD01N 62-67 X Body10 & 12 Bolt w/o Stagggered Shocks 1 pc rr Cable * AFXRD01 64-79 X Body10 & 12 Bolt w/o Stagggered Shocks 2 pc rr Cable * AFXRD05 64-79 X Body10 & 12 Bolt w/ Staggered Shocks 2 pc rr Cable * *(Verify Axel Flange Measurements for these Kits) **( This kit requires a 3 stud booster) PRE-BENT BRAKE LINE KITS Put the finishing touch on your disc conversion with a pre-bent line set. This kit includes everything you need to plumb your new disc brake system from front to back. These special prices are available only with the purchase of a complete disc brake conversion kit. Upgrade front hoses to braided stainless and get the rear upgrade free. Specify year and model when ordering. +Front Brake Line Kit + Front to Rear Line +Rear Axel Lines +Rear Flex Hose +Clip Set AFXOM - OM Line Kit AFXSS - Stainless Steel Line Kit FHSS - Front Braided Stainless Hose Upgrade w/Free Rear Upgrade 248 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises 55-56-57 CHEVY DISC BRAKE KITS Disc Brake Conversion Kits 14 " WHEELS These kits feature a proprietary rotor and bracket set that allow you to use stock 14" drum brake wheels. They bolt on stock drum brake spindles without modification. Part # FSC5514 67-69 Standard Disc Conversion Kit Part # FSC5614 67-69 Power Disc Conversion Kit The Most Complete Kits in the Industry All Front Conversion Kits Include: These Kits Require 15" or Larger Wheels, or 14" Disc Brake Wheels Year FSC55DCC 55-57 Power, FSC55SDC 55-57 Std, Description All Rear Conversions Include: Complete Front Disc Conversion Complete Front Disc Conversion +79 Firebird Rotors +NEW Loaded Calipers +Brackets & Spacers 4 Wheel Disc Conversion Part No. Year +Flex Hoses +Flex Hose Clips +Banjo Bolts +Steering Arm Bolts +Master Cylinder +Combination Valve +Valve Bracket +Valve Hardware +Vacumn Hose +Brake Switch Pigtail +Pedal Rod Extension Recommended Booster: 8" Dual Slimline Front Disc Conversion Part No. +Rotors +Bearings +Grease Seals +Spindle Gasket +Dust Caps +Castle Nuts +Washers +Cotter Pins +Caliper Brackets +NEW Calipers +Organic Pads +Hardware +Flex Hoses +E-Brake Cables Description FSC554DC 55-57 Power, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion * FSC554SD 55-57 Std, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion * Rear Disc Conversion Part No. Year Description FSCRD01 55-57 Factory Rear w/ Drop Put Axels * AFXRD01 55-57 10 & 12 Bolt w/o Staggered Shocks * *( Verify axel flange measurements for these kits) PRE-BENT BRAKE LINE KITS Put the finishing touch on your disc conversion with a pre-bent line set. This kit includes everything you need to plumb your new disc brake system from front to back. These special prices are available only with the purchase of a complete disc brake conversion kit. Upgrade front hoses to braided stainless and get the rear upgrade free. Specify year and model when ordering. +Front Brake Line Kit + Front to Rear Line +Rear Axel Lines +Rear Flex Hose +Clip Set AFXOM - OM Line Kit AFXSS - Stainless Steel Line Kit FHSS - Front Braided Stainless Hose Upgrade w/Free Rear Upgrade mailto:info@americano.se web: www.americano.se 249 DISC BRAKE KITS Americano Enterprises 58 - 64 CHEVY FULL SIZE Disc Brake Conversion Kits 14 " WHEELS These kits feature a proprietary rotor and bracket set that allow you to use stock 14" drum brake wheels. They bolt on stock drum brake spindles without modification. Part # FSC5514 58 - 64 Standard Disc Conversion Kit Part # FSC5614 58 - 64 Power Disc Conversion Kit The Most Complete Kits in the Industry These Kits Require 15" or Larger Wheels, or 14" Disc Brake Wheels Front Disc Conversion Part No. Year Description FSC58DCC 58-64 Power, Complete Front Disc Conversion FSC58SDC 58-64 Std, Complete Front Disc Conversion 4 Wheel Disc Conversion Part No. Year Description FSC584DC 58-64 Power, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion* FSC584SD 58-64 Std, Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion* All Front Conversion Kits Include: +Rotors +Bearings +Grease Seals +Spindle Gasket +Dust Caps +Castle Nuts +Washers +Cotter Pins +Caliper Brackets +NEW Calipers Pigtail +Organic Pads +Flex Hoses +Flex Hose Clips +Banjo Bolts +Steering Arm Bolts +Master Cylinder +Combination Valve +Valve Bracket +Valve Hardware +Vacumn Hose +Brake Switch +Pedal Rod Extension Recommended Booster 58-64 9" All Rear Conversions Include: +79 Firebird Rotors +NEW Loaded Calipers +Brackets & Spacers +Hardware +Flex Hoses +E-Brake Cables Rear Disc Conversion Part No. Year Description FSCRD01 58-64 Factory Rear w/ Drop Put Axels * AFXRD01 58-64 10 & 12 Bolt w/o Staggered Shocks * *( Verify axel flange measurements for these kits) PRE-BENT BRAKE LINE KITS Put the finishing touch on your disc conversion with a pre-bent line set. This kit includes everything you need to plumb your new disc brake system from front to back. These special prices are available only with the purchase of a complete disc brake conversion kit. Upgrade front hoses to braided stainless and get the rear upgrade free. Specify year and model when ordering. +Front Brake Line Kit + Front to Rear Line +Rear Axel Lines +Rear Flex Hose +Clip Set AFXOM - OM Line Kit AFXSS - Stainless Steel Line Kit FHSS - Front Braided Stainless Hose Upgrade w/Free Rear Upgrade 250 Phone: +46-13125622 / Fax: +46-13127035 Americano Enterprises DISC BRAKE KITS 65 - 68 CHEVY FULL SIZE Disc Brake Conversion Kits The Most Complete Kits in the Industry These Kits Require 15" or Larger Wheels, or 14" Disc Brake Wheels Front Disc Conversion Part No. Year FSC65DCC 65-68 Power, FSC65SDC 65-68 Std, Description Complete Front Disc Conversion Complete Front Disc Conversion 4 Wheel Disc Conversion Part No. Year FSC654DC FSC654SD 65-68 Power, 65-68 Std, Description Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion Complete 4 Wheel Disc Conversion All Front Conversion Kits Include: +Rotors +Bearings +Grease Seals +Spindle Gasket +Dust Caps +Castle Nuts +Washers +Cotter Pins +Caliper Bracket +NEW Calipers +Organic Pads +Flex Hoses +Flex Hose Clips +Banjo Bolts +Steering Arm Bolts +Master Cylinder +Combination Valve +Valve Bracket +Valve Hardware +Vacumn Hose +Brake Switch Pigtail +Pedal Rod Extension Recommended Booster: 65 -Up 9" All Rear Conversions Include: +79 Firebird Rotors +NEW Loaded Calipers +Brackets & Spacers +Hardware +Flex Hoses +E-Brake Cables Rear Disc Conversion Part No. FSCRD01 AFXRD01 Year Description 65-68 Factory Rear w/ Drop Put Axels * 65-68 10 & 12 Bolt w/o Staggered Shocks* *( Verify axel flange measurements for these kits) PRE-BENT BRAKE LINE KITS Put the finishing touch on your disc conversion with a pre-bent line set. This kit includes everything you need to plumb your new disc brake system from front to back. These special prices are available only with the purchase of a complete disc brake conversion kit. Upgrade front hoses to braided stainless and get the rear upgrade free. Specify year and model when ordering. +Front Brake Line Kit + Front to Rear Line +Rear Axel Lines +Rear Flex Hose +Clip Set AFXOM - OM Line Kit AFXSS - Stainless Steel Line Kit
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