August 2015 - The Foreign Correspondents` Club, Hong Kong | FCC
August 2015 - The Foreign Correspondents` Club, Hong Kong | FCC
MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS' CLUB, HONG KONG 2014-2015 ON 22 AUGUST 2015 AT 10 A.M. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT President (Chairman): Neil WESTERN First Vice President: Tara JOSEPH Second Vice President: Kevin Barry H Correspondent Governors Carsten SCHAEL EGAN I t) : ftll( l'\ Iv^. Keith BRADSHER Nicholas GENTLE Nan-Hie IN Juliana LIU Natasha KHAN eakerphone) Angie LAU (on speakerphone) ) Journalist Governors: Clifford BUDDLE ,4 't l_/ ._) v James GOULD Associate Governors Andrew CHWOROWSKY Christopher DILLON Apologies fur'.,. t Timotþ S HUXLEY Simon PzuTCHARD 2/ FDC Non-Members by invitation: Gilbert CHENG (GM) Hoi-Lo CHAN (HLC) Heledd WILLIAMS 1. ) MEETING CALLED TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10.03 a.m. 2. PRESENTATION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting held on l8 July 2015: Proposed by TH Seconded by FoT: JL, CD, SP, AC, CS,INH, TJ, KE Against: Abstain: KB, CB Unanimously Accepted NG 3. PRESIDENT'S REPORT NW reported: 1 l. Lease The lease has been renewed, NW outlined the details and confirmed the building was in the Grade 1 category. the terms and conditions on the Lease renewal offer letter dated 10 August 2015 from Government Property Agency for the premises being the Lower Basement, Middle Basement Upper Basement, Ground Floor, First Floor of No. 2 Lower Albert Road (Northern Portion), Hong Kong and the Adjacent Single Storey Structure and the plan are being tabled and are accepted by the Club IT WAS RESOLVED THAT AND THAT the Club authorised the affrxing of the Common Seal on the plan by the President and the Treasurer in the presence of the Secretary. Proposed by Seconded by SP NV/ Unanimously Accepted 2. EGM - 22 September The notice forms would be sent out during the forthcoming week. 3. MOFA lunch The date had been sent for 9 October and most Board members indicated that they 4. attend. ISD lunch The lunch available. 5. will will be held on 23 October and again most Board members indicated that they were Sick member NV/ reported the member was now out of hospital and had been moved into long-term care. There was a request f'or no visitors as the member was still extremely sick. 6. Member incident NW recounted the incident and reported that GC had now dealt with the resulting complaint. An apology letter had been sent and accepted, the matter is now settled. NV/ will write a letter regarding appropriate behaviour in the club. 7. IAPC meetins The meeting had been postponed until September and CS will attend it in Mongolia. It was resolved to approve the President's Report Proposed by AC Seconded by INH Unanimously Accepted 4. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE CONVENERS FINANCE 2 TH reported: Finance Committee meeting on 19 August 2015 Members attending: Tim Huxley (Convener), Neil Western, Anna Healy Fenton, Jake van der Kamp, Douglas Wong, Simon Pritchard, Wyng Chow Also attending: Gilbert Cheng, Hoi-Lo Chan, Alex Lee Apologies: Florence De Changy, Keith Bradsher, Carsten Schael, Tara Joseph, Andy Chworowsky, John Whitcomb, Elaine Pickering, I Meeting called to Order Treasurer called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m. 2. Financial Controller's Comments on Juty 2015 Financials: Revenue & Surplus - Juty 2015 Total revenue for the month of July was $2,733,452 which \ryas over below year by $31,410 and behind budget by 5219,147. Net deficit for the month of July was $689,565 against deficit of 598,665 resulting in an unfavourable variance of $90,900. This is partly on account of hot weather, including a typhoon, and closure of venue for repair & maintenance. Food & Beverage Cost Food costs for the month were $563,227 or 33Yo against sales, which were lYo lower than the budget. Beverage costs for the month were $363,389 or 36.lyo, which were l.9olo lower than budget. After Add-in wines take away & wine home delivery, the total cost will be 5373,770 or 36.39Yo. Revenue Cost Cost% Beverage Sales $1,006,044 $363,389 36.r2% V/ines take away s20,992 $ 10,3 81 49.45% V/ines home delivery $o $0 0.00% Total $1,027,036 s373,770 36.39o/" Other Income/Other Item Subscription income and Entrance fees respectively. for the month were $1,990,769 and $215,000 Catering Expenses and Administration Expenses Total catering expenses were over budget by $131,599; more catering salary due to casual staff require and extra headcount in kitchen; more maintenance due to maintenance on all our existing AC unit in main bar, main entrance, work room and kitchen; more food spoilage due to kitchen fridge malfunction. Total administration expenses were below budget by $36,871; Current month revenue - August 2015 F&B revenue budget for the month of August 2015 is 53,107,527. F&B revenue up to 17 August 2015 (Monday) was 51,604,612 which was above last year by $113,168 and behind budget by $99,515. 1 3. RMB fix deposit RMB $1 million hx deposit in China Construction Bank will be matured on 31 August 2015, it was suggested to convert it to HKD and retain in the HK$ saving account. 4. HRPA The budget for HRPA 20l5l20l6has been approved. The costing and budget for HRPA 20th anniversáry events still needs further discusiion in detail and it *ut ttot"d that any 20th anniversary events had to be funded from outside contributions' 5 Charity Ball It was noted that costs were cuffently within budget, although ticket sales were lower than at the comparable time last year. 6. Lease maintenance The government has renewed the lease; there is a to-do-list for the new lease. House Commi[tee hatl prcparcd a 'to do' list which would now be tcndcrcd. Oncc costings were obtained, a full budget would be presented to the Committee. It was acknowledged that utilising some of the Club's reserves was the best way to fund these renovations/improvements. 7 Funding Rent Increase The new lease would see an increase in the rent of lOpct with further rises every two years. In addition to this increase and bearing in mind that the FCC was currently running at a deficit as well as having continued inflationary pressures, the Committee would at a later stage, once the position regarding Silver Membership was known, undertake a review of future funding requirements and present a range of options to the Board. 8. The meeting was adjourned at 13.45 p.m. Discussions at BOG meeting: a great month with the Club being behind budget quite significantly due to the weather and closure of the venue due to maintenance. To counter the overall cumulative deficit, prices had been raised and new corporate members were being sought. TH reported that July hadn't been Catering expenses were over-budget due to extensive emergency maintenance work and spoilage costs as the refrigerators had broke down. There was a general consensus by the Board to approve the move of the China Construction Bank RMB$lmillion fix deposit into the HK$ savings account as it had matured on 31 August 2015. TH reported that the HRPA budget had been discussed and approved. A "To-Do" list had been created by the House Committee for the building maintenance work and costings would be estimated before inviting tenders. It had been acknowledged by the Finance Committee that the Club's reserves could be used now the lease had been approved. However, funding options still needed to be reviewed at a later stage in order to determine the Club's long-term financial health. (JG arrived at 10.13 am) KB referred to the refrigerators and TH drew the Board's attention to the To-Do list in the bundle. The kitchen would need a complete refurbishment requiring it to be closed for up to two weeks during }y'ray 2016. The audio-visual equipment would need to be replaced too. 4 It was resolved to accept the report of the Finance Committee Proposed by NG Seconded by CS Unanimously Accepted PROFESSIONAL KB reported: Minutes for Professional Committee Meeting, Mondav. 10 Ausust 2015. Board members: Neil Western, Nan-Hie In, Keith Bradsher Other Committee members: Eric Wishart Invitees: Zarina Banu, Gilbert Cheng, Clement Li, Hilda Wang Minutes of the 8 July 2015 meeting - Approved Speaker Issues/ Pronosed Speakers: Event Review/Host Confirmation DATE August SPEAKER HOST Mon. Aug.24lttnch Xu Sitao, Chief Economist, China and Partner of Deloitte Topic:"China's Economic Dream: Is Reform still Possible?" KB/TJ Mon. Aug.3l lunch Tom Grundy, founder of Hong Kong Free Press Starting a News Website from Scratch: Trials, Traumas and Triumphs NHI/TJ Tues. Sept. 8 lunch Alastair Campbell, author "Winners and how they succeed" NW Wed. Sept. 9lunch Andy Rothman, Investment Strategist, Matthews Asia Topic: "After the Fall: The Path Forward for China's Stock Market and Economy" KB Tues. Sept. 15 5p.m.- 6:30 p.m. Paul Schult, Book Promotion Thurs. Sept. 17 lunch Eric Fish, author Topic on China's disillusioned youth ) September Mon. Sept. 21 lunch (tbd) - Verandah Nw/KB David Webb, talk on Personal Privacy Ordinance 5 Wed. Sept. 30lunch Kerry Brown Director, China Studies Centre, and Professor of Chinese Politics, University of Sydney Associate Fellow, Chatham House, London Topic: Game of Thrones: How to V/in and Lose at Politics in Xi Jinping's PRC NW Adriana Varejao, artist NHI/ZB October Thurs. Oct. 8 dinner (tbd) November Mon. Nov.2lunch Professor Naoyaki Agawa Talk on Japan's National Security Policy Upcoming Events Proposed SpeakersÆvents: October I Dinner - Suggested speaker: Artist Adriana Varejão's (b. 1964, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). She is one of the leading female artists working in Brazil today, whose diverse practice explores themes of colonialism, miscegenation and anthropology through a variety of media including painting, sculpture and photography. l) - Approved by Committee with NHI/ZB to host. 2) NW suggests: an evening panel talk on this year of crowdfunding and journalism. Aside Hong Kong Free Press, now there is a new crowdtinding campaign for Factwire, an investigative news agency that strives to be the Hong Kong equivalent of AFP or Reuters. Founded by ex-TVB journalist Ng Jiu Yung, Factwire aims to raise HK$3 million by the end of August through Fringe Backer; the campaign has already raised around HK$l million. - NW will continue to review. 3) Asian Human Rights Commission video maker Josefina Bergsten proposed as speaker. -NHI to review the proposal. Anv Other Business NHI raised issue mooted by other BOG members to try shorter format lunches. Many people can't take a two hour break from work to attend the club's luncheons. One solution to offer another shorter format such as a one-hour lunch talk. Meal-wise, only sandwiches (or other quick-bite suggestions) would be served, which would reduce the workload for the kitchen and also help this event be shorter than the usual. It could be called a "FCC's sandwich lunch talk". KB expressed concerns about cramming into I hour, noted length is only 1.15 mins as few people come at 12.30pm. 1) - Committee decided that starting from I October 2015, unless otherwise advised, there will no longer be a private cocktail session with the speaker before the lunch. Speakers will be advised to arrive at 12245 p.m. instead of L2:30 p.m. 6 - Committee also decided to try the "sandwich lunch talk" format where sandwiches and drinks are served instead of a hot lunch. These proposed events will start at I p.m, with the actual talk commencing at 1:10 p.m. Club administration will refer this proposal to the F&B committee for costing. 2) NH noted feedback from reporters at the Nicola Sturgeon breakfast talk of malfunctioning. GW noted speakers to be upgraded once lease negotiations completed. 3) Committee clarihed that for Verandah book events, while only club members can do the bookinø the venue fee will depend on whether the main author is a club member or not. 4) NW advised that there is no obstacle for the Club to do a fundraiser for the Club's sponsored Human Rights Press Awards. 5) Date of the next meeting confirmed for 12:30 p.m, Monday, 7 September, 2015. Discussions at the BOG KB referred to the upcoming events and explained that the Club lunches sometimes went for too long. A couple of options had been proposed: l) to omit the 12:30 p.m. -12:45 p.m. section after I October, which would reduce the lunch to 75 minutes; 2) to reduce the lunches to 60 minutes and serve sandwiches. It had been referred to the F&B Committee to examine costing, but food costs weren't the issue, whereas staffing and room costs were. AC suggested the chef could provide less labour-intensive food options and the Board discussed briefly. Regarding the Nicola Sturgeon event, it was disappointing that members couldn't listen to her in the Main Bar due to the poor sound system which needed updating. KB formally requested it be upgraded and AC confirmed it was already on the To-Do list. NW reported the Nicola Sturgeon event had been very successful in terms of hnance too. It was resolved to accept the report of the Professional Committee Proposed by TH Seconded by SP Unanimously Accepted PRESS FREEDOM Discussions at the BOG meeting NW reported that a HRPA fundraising sub-committee had been set up and would meet in the next few weeks, it was hoped that fundraising efforts would minimise the Club's financial input. It was resolved to award the tender for the organisation of the 20th annual HRPA to Joyce Lau Writing and Editing on the basis of this company's tender document. Proposed by TH Seconded by INH Unanimously Acccptetl 7 TH asked whether there was committee discussion regarding the HRPA's structure of the event. NW confirmed that the committee had agreed in principle to a proposal to hold the HRPA at the Maritime Museum next year. It would have a larger space; there was sponsorship for the catering and a mobile exhibition in order to celebrate the 20th anniversary. It was resolved to accept the report of the Press Freedom Committee Seconded by NG Proposed by TJ Unanimously Accepted MEMBERSHIP SP reported: Membership Committee Meeting On Monday, 17 August 2015 at 12:30 p.m. Also attending: Simon Pritchard, Nan-Hie In, Douglas Wong, Tim Huxley, Wyng Chow and Marilyn Hood Gilbert Cheng, Joanne Chung and Carman Chung Apologies: Neil Western and James Gould Members attending 1. Resignations, Absent Member Applications & Reactivations There were 4 Absent Member applications, 7 resignations and no reactivation for the month of July 2015. 2. New Membership Applications 'We currently have 233 applications on hand this month and the number of active members with subscription fee charged is 2,196 as of I I August 2015- 3. New Members Considering the possible membership movements including absentees and resignations, the Committee recommended to accept a total of 13 new applications including (5) Correspondent applicants, (3) Joumalist applicants and (5) Associate applicants. There are (2) replacement applications under Corporate membership. received for Correspondent membership. Based on the business information provided, he is currently working as an intem. A discussion took place as to whether an intern should be granted full membership as they may not remain in the profession, and if a special longer-term temporary membership could be given. The Committee suggested forwarding this to the Constitutional Committee Meeting for further 3.1 New application discussion. 3.2 New application received for Correspondent membership. Having considered his business background, his job nature is research and analysis. The Committee suggested to further check into his job nature and the organisations he works for. His application will be referred to next month in September 2015. 8 3.3 New application received for Correspondent membership. The Committee suggested that further checks be made into how long his contract is. His application will be reassessed at the September 2015 meeting. 3.4 New application received for Correspondent membership. The Committee's opinion is that a member cannot sign both columns as introducer and seconder on the same application form. The Committee has given her preliminary approval on the proviso that the introducer assists in getting another seconder signature. 3.5 New application received for Journalist membership. Having considered her business background and her job role, the Committee suggested she apply for Associate Membership under normal procedures. 3.6 New application received for Journalist membership. He did not provide any articles to support his application written within the last three months. Having considered his business background, he does not qualify as a C or J member, the Committee suggested he apply for Associate Membership under normal procedures. 3.7 New application received for Journalist membership. Having considered his business background, he does not qualiff as a C or J member, the Committee suggested he apply for Associate Membership under normal procedures. 3.8 Reviewed Correspondent application presented in July 2015 and March 2015, he is a freelancer. Considering his business background, he does not qualify as a C or J member and it was suggested he should apply for Associate Membership under normal procedures. Letter sent to the applicant explaining the case, he replied with comment and withdraws his application. 3.9 Reviewed application received for Joumalist Member. Considering his business background and his job role, the Committee suggested he apply for Associate Membership to be listed as prioritized consideration. He confirmed his acceptance of applying for Associate Membership. His application has been placed on the Associate list and will be considered at the next Membership Sub-Committee Meeting. 3.10 Reviewed Journalist application presented in April 2015. She is a Freelance Joumalist and only writes one article every month, the Committee suggested she should apply for Associate Membership under normal procedures. She requested the Committee to re-assess her Journalist application and new articles in June 2015 were provided. She subsequently confirmed her acceptance of applying for Associate Membership and her application will be considered at the next Membership Sub-Committee Meeting. 4. Report on Special Promotion For Correspondent and Journalist Membership In total, 4I2 members have joined as either correspondent or journalist members since August 2010, while 299 of them remain as active members. There is a 73 percent retention rate of members approved since the special promotion was launched, which reflects a good promotional effort and incentive. 25 percent of them (103 members) have resigned or become absent members, in which 48 of them have permanently resigned. To sum up, the current promotional price has achieved the objective of retaining most of our C&J members during the past 4 years. A report of the reasons for resignation and the joining period before resignation were presented. 9 5. Review of Membership Status Change by Finance Committee No members' account have been suspended in August 2015 as the posting date will be on August 2015 at 3:00 p.m. 6. Suspension Record (August 2014 - July 2015) The Committee reviewed the suspension record for the past suspended member, Jl1700, who was posted 3 times within the past 12 months. A reminder letter will be sent out and a direct debit account is required to be set up. 7 Absent Membership Status Change Report Totally 45 members have visiting the Club as an absent member for the month of July 2015. Three members have been charged the monthly subscription fee during the visiting days is over two weeks. In July, no member has been reactivated to Active member since the new procedures imposed in 27 April 2015. 8. Guest Membership for Reciprocal Club An update with all reciprocal clubs will be carried out about the usage of reciprocal club members: l7 According to the Club's By-Laws l8 (c): "reciprocal club membership card and provide a document to identìfu themselves os an active member of the reciprocal club to be granted visìtor status, for a period not exceeding two weeks and renewable not more than three times during any one visit, ie up to a maximum of no more than six weeks per colendar year." 9. Applications for Change of Membership Category 9.1 Application received from C8314 to change her membership category from Correspondent to Associate. The Committee recommended accepting her application. g.2 Queried verbally by C9103, as to him changing his membership category from Correspondent to Associate as he changed job in August 2015. His application will be considered in the membership committee meeting upon receipt of his written application. 10. Application for Silver Membership 10.1 J4564joined the club in February 1986 and he is now 65 years old. He has been an active member for 25 years and 3 months. The Committee recommended accepting his application to be a Silver Joumalist member. 10.2 A4821joined the club in August 1987 and he is now 65 years old. He has been an active member for 27 years and 11 months. The Committee recommended accepting his application to be a Silver Associate member. the club in December 1989 and he is now 69 years old. He has been an active member for 25 years and 7 months. The Committee recommended accepting his application to be a Silver Associate member. 10.3 45315 joined 10.4 A5739joined the club in November 1991 and he is now 65 years old. He has been an active member lor 23 years and 8 months. The Committee recommended accepting his application to be a Silver Associate member. the club in May 1995 and he is now 67 yearc old. He has been an active member for 20 years and 2 months. The Committee recommended accepting his application 10.5 C64lSjoined l0 to be a Silver Correspondent member. 10.6 A2415 joined the club in July 1977 and he is now 69 years old. He has been an active member for 37 years and 11 months. His request for a refund of the monthly fees he has paid since turning 65 was rejected. The Committee however accepts his application to become a Silver Associate member. 11. Reinstatement of Membership A6699 became debtor in 15 April2009 but paid all his dues by cheque on 30 April 2009. His application for reinstatement was approved at that time with a request to complete a Direct Debit Form. Letter sent on 22 June 2009 but no response until July 2015. He has again requesting to be reinstated and he submitted a Direct Debit Form on2l July 2015. The Committee recommends accepting his application on the proviso that he pays the fee for Absent Membership of HK$2,000 and his membership within 45 days from the date we send out the letter. In future the expiration date should include any reinstatement letter. 12. Induction Ceremonies No Induction Ceremony in August 2015 l2.l Jl 1869 joined the Club in May 2015 as a Joumalist member. He requested to collect the official membership card without attending the Induction Ceremony due to him having to work in the evenings. The Committee accepted his request. 13. New Membership Category Following a request from a Board Member the Committee discussed if a new membership category be formed to offer to "special" people. The Committee rejected this suggestion and suggested that the better way to deal with such cases would be to propose Honorary membership. 14. MembershipDirectory Membership Marketing Executive, who edited the last printed directory, will be fui"thered with Communications Committee Meeting. It is further discussed at the next meeting. 15. Deceased Member Anthony Measor passed away on 28 July 2015. Letter sent to spouse on 28 July 2015 and she has become an Honorary member on 31 July 2015. As of 31 July 2015, there is no outstanding amount in his accounts. 16. Date of Next Membership Committee Meeting The next Membership Committee Meeting is scheduled on Monday,14 September 2015 at 12:30 p.m. Discussions at BOG meeting: SP outlined the membership list, gave backgrounds and explained the procedure for approving members. He reported that six silver members had been accepted this month and the silver membership issue was briefly discussed. SP explained how the committee reviewed each application with much discussion for transparency. The Board discussed the application forms and their criteria which are fact-based. ll It was resolved to accept the new members as follows on pages 53-55 13 new applications including (5) Correspondent applicants, (3) Journalist applicants and (5) Associate applicants. There are (2) replacement applications under Corporate membership. Proposed by Seconded by CD TH Unanimously Accepted It was resolved to accept the report of the Membership Committee Proposed by KE Seconded by CS Ilnanimously Accepted HOUSE CS reported Minutes of House Committee Meeting l8 August 2015 Members Present: Carsten Schael (CS), Nick Gentle (NG), Tim Huxley (TH), Robin Howes (RH), Walter Kent (WK), Viswa Nathan O-rN), Rod Whalley (RW) Also Present: Gilbert Cheng (GC), Joanne Chung (JC), Allen Youngblood (AY) Proceedings 1. TH called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. 2. No apologies for absence had been received. 3. Minutcs of thc last meeting and minutes of the "To Do List" sub-committee held on August were accepted. 4. Bert's Matters: 12 advised the upcoming schedule and GC commented that booking for the Saturday, 29 August performance were about 25 people. AY confirmed that arrangements for the New Year's Eve party were now finalised. AY 5. Quiz Night- GC reported Quiz Nights continue to be popular and it was agreed that prices would be maintained at last year's levels for the upcoming season. A new flyer was approved. 6. Member's Complaint. A complaint received from a Member via a Member of the BOG with respect to the fluctuating quality of the sound on the Verandah during the Nicola Sturgeon breakfast was discussed. The sound system in the MDR was part of the 'To Do' list and would be attended in the short term. 7. Health Club: No issues regarding Health Club were reported. t2 8. Building, maintenance and facilities. Scaffolding outside Hughes Room would remain until work completed on water proohng the affected area. Exact time of removal would depend on work being completed in dry weather. The temporary repair on the walk-in fridge had been completed, but replacement was part of the kitchen renovation planned for next year. The "To Do" list for 201512016 was discussed and GC conhrmed that he had initiated the immediate items raised at the Sub-committee meeting, although none of these require major capital expenditure at this stage. RH confirmed that he would be approaching a Quantity Surveyor to put together a tender for the anticipated work. As per the sub-Committee meeting, the major item of renovating the kitchen was planned for May 2016. Projector upgrade. Four submissions from suppliers had been received but at vastly differing prices and there was a variation in the equipment being proposed by each supplier. It was agreed that we would request the suppliers to quote on two specific options of equipment so that we were comparing 'apples with apples'. The priority was to get the sound system in the MDR sorted and replacing the systems on the first floor would be done when minimum disruption could be achieved. 9. StaffMatters Breastfeeding - a proposed message to members was presented regarding the issue of breastfeeding in the Club in view of recent litigation being brought against restaurants. Some concern was raised regarding the Club's willingness to provide storage of breast milk in the 'WK event of contamination. was asked to investigate what the policy was in the American Club as that was likely to be a good template. Incident report - a report was provided regarding an incident on 6 August where a member objected to two guests who were non-members being asked to sit at a table other than the Club table. The member in question has asked the staff to bend the rules and had sought to lodge a complaint with the GM and other staff, who were unavailable. It was agreed that the Committee would recommend to the Board that the Club Secretary write a letter to the Member concerned and at the same time point out that the Club table is not a work station. TH would draft the suggested letter. 10. AOB Souvenir items: A Member had commented on the low stock of merchandise available for sale, particularly wine glasses. GC pointed out that the Club wine glass supplier had requested that as a substantial discount was given to the Club, the supplier did not wish glasses to be sold retail. After discussion, it was agreed that GC would investigate securing a supplier who would be able to provide glasses for sale as souvenirs. Reciprocal Clubs- an updated list of Reciprocal Clubs and their contact details had been prepared with revised contact details where applicable. Three Clubs, the Brisbane Polo Club, the Victorian Club and the Overseas Press Club of Cambodia had failed to respond. Magazines - a Member had requested that we again subscribe to Private Eye, given the large number of British members aged 50+. A review of magazines provided in the Club was undertaken and it was agreed that two copies of Private Eye would be provided, whilst the number of copies of Time magazine would be reduced to one and an additional copy of the New Statesman be subscribed to. l3 HKAPA- the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts had asked to utilize our social media and other communication tools to promote their production of La Soiree in exchange for some tickets. It was agreed that as part of an effort to be seen to be promoting local arts, the HKAPA would be permitted to leave some flyers on the offrce counter. Glass Recycling- the GM advised that we had been asked to complete a questionnaire on recycling glass and this would be completed. It was noted that due to limited storage space, we would continue with our regular refuse collection system. Next meeting: the next meeting is scheduled for l5 September. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at7:20 p.m. House To-Do-List Sub-committee Meetins on 12 Ausust 2015 Members attending: Tim Huxley, Carsten Schael, Robin Howes, Walter Kent, Viswa Nathan, Rod Whalley Nick Gentle Apologies: Also attending: Gilbert Cheng, Joanne Chung, Chef George l. Special Thanks To Staff On the recent news of the club's lease renewal offer by the GPA, the Subcommittee members expressed their appreciation for all the members of staffwho were involved in following the matter closely, namely Gilbert Cheng and Hoi-Lo Chan. 2. Sequencing Work Projects Staff presented a colour-coded priority list for consideration by the sub-committee. The following items were discussed: 2.1. Expanding Electricity Supply - GC raised the issue thatat certain times the electricity consumption in the club peaks and the existing switch cannot supply enough power to meet demand. Subcommittee members suggested to estimate current and future growth in power consumption and ask Hong Kong Electric to upgrade supply accordingly. At the same time, as some air-conditioning units, kitchen equipment and lighting fixtures are to be replaced and upgraded with more energy effrcient units, electricity savings are expected. Staff was asked to contact Hong Kong Electric to get more information about a possible supply upgrade. 2.2. Kitchen Renovation & Upgrade - A very essential and complex project that requires a significant lead time and careful scheduling. GC reported that an old broken drainpipe was just lined with a glass fibre sock to fix a waste water leakage but all the waste water pipes had to be replaced in the coming year. This would require a complete closure of the kitchen which will be used for a complete renovation and upgrade. The Subcommittee decided to start looking for a kitchen designer to oversee the planning and contracting work with the aim to start the work in May 2016. RH will prepare a shortlist of names. 2.3. Main Bar Ceiling - The air-conditioning units and ducting, plus wiring behind the ceiling panels need to be checked. Lighting f,rxtures will be replaced with more energy efficient types. These works should take place in summer 2016, after the kitchen renovation. 2.4. Main Dining Room & Verandah Upgrade - Some board members would like the MDR to be refreshed. The possibility of changing or removing the stage is limited by the airconditioning units currently installed underneath. This will require fuither investigation. t4 2.5. Audio Visual Equipment Upgrades - It was resolved to now undertake the upgrades of the digital projectors and hire an audio engineer to upgrade the audio systems in the MDR. The speakers in the Bunker might have to be replaced as well. The Main Bar sound system will follow during the summer of 2016 when the ceiling works are being carried out. 2.6. StaffAmenities Area - Due to the unfavourable property market conditions it is currently not possible to acquire an external space for staff nearby. However Subcommittee members still consider this a priority and will continue to watch for opportunities to improve staff amenities. 2.7. Internet Capacity - The continued increase of wireless devices might require increase in bandwidth. 2.8. another Staffwill follow up for pricing options. POS System - The system replacement can go ahead now. 2.9. GYM Equipment - Subcommittee members agreed that future replacement equipment should be leased and not purchased. J. Work Proj ects Supervision 4. The Sub-committee members consider to tender a number of improvement works to a project manager for handling. Discussions at the BOG meetine: CS drew the Board's attention to the To-Do list and outlined the main items. A project manager would probably be appointed and the tendering process would start once a surveyor had evaluated the work needed. CS reported that the quiz night would be at the same price when the new season starts. Three reciprocal clubs may be removed from the list and KE advised that the Victoria Club had closed, the Brisbane Polo Club is about to close. KE also suggested that a representative from the Overseas Press Club of Cambodia could be contacted by office staff as he was in Hong Kong presently; to ask whether the club was operating or not. As previous official efforts to contact the reciprocal clubs had already been met with no response, CS said their listings would be removed anyway. The Board briefly discussed the storage of breast milk and JL suggested a waiver form could be signed. The Govemment was now undertaking a survey on recycling and the Club had to hll in a questionnaire, the Board discussed the recycling issue briefly. The use of the Club table was discussed. It was resolved to accept the report of the House Committee Proposed by JL Seconded by SP Unanimously Accepted (AL joined the meeting on speakerphone at l0:48 a.m.) F&B (note: Includes WINE) AC reported: l5 Food and Beverage Committee Meeting on the 16 Juty 2015 Co-convenors: Juliana Beaurain, Chester Grucza Adrian Peirse Mp,,rn""þ,e",r"s""""aj"tp¡d"i"ng: Liu & Andy Chworowsky, Cammy Yiu, Anthony ['"ÇÇ""M¿nagem,c"nl: Gilbert Cheng, Chef George Cheng, Alex Lee, Joanne Chung, Clement Lee 1. Last month's minutes approved. 2. Wine Sub Committee a. See Separate Report b. Argentina Promotion discussed. 3. Upcoming promotions and events. a. Burgers! Done on 18 July. b. Nicola sturgeon Breakfast should prove popular. c. d. e. 4. Wines of the month (July and August) are Roses. Italian Cuisine promotion in early August. ln general, consensus was that more coordination with Wine promotions would be wise Kudos, Brickbats, and Suggestions a. Croissants should be dropped if they cause so much consternation. b. Request to see NY Style Cheesecake back. c. Praise and request that Japanese Pork Chop Curry make it to the main menu. d. Multiple Complaints about stale bread from multiple members for quite a while now. Supply as well as handling will be examined. e. Praise for the Club for the handling of several events even though a pen was lost...but then was found. f. High praise for Albert handling conflicting requests by sports fans. g. High praise for Jay. and admonishment to not lose her. h. Complaint that pastries were raw inside on multiple occasions. i. Suggestion that instead of price increases, we should raise the corporate membership j. fee. Request for more vegetarian dishes. List will be compiled of all the choices and all the things that can be made vegetarian with a simple substitution. k. Praise from Ms. Lee for event she hosted. l. Praise and thanks from the Cramptons for the outside catering job for them. m. Template letters were reviewed. 5. Equipment a. Major malfunction of freezer and chiller at the same time led to losses of product and reduction in menu offerings. b. c. Revenue on track. \ù/arning from Finance committee that another price hike looms. 6. Financials a. Variances within acceptable ranges 7. Incident a. Contretemps with a long time member who rudely refused to move from a reserved table...whatever the circumstances, the rudeness to staff is of concern. 8. Main Bar closure l6 a. Starting 25luly,6:00 p.m. until Monday,27 July, 7:00 a.m i. Necessary for deep cleaning. ii. All other areas of the club, business usual. 9. New legible wine "chalk' board almost there, but much better in that one can actually read what the wines are. 10. Cammy Yiu was invited, and she has accepted, to join the F&B Committee. Food and Beverage Committee Meeting on the 20 August 2015 M,e"mþ""e""rs"aftsn"ding: Co-convenors: E"ÇÇ,"M"¿n"agcm"cnl: JulianaLiu & Andy Chworowsky, V/alter Kent, Nan-Hie In Gilbert Cheng, Chef George Cheng, Alex Lee, Joanne Chung, Clement Lee 1. Last month's minutes approved. 2- Wine Sub Committee See Separate Report 3. New menus approved (Chilean, Mid-Autumn Festival) 4. Discussion of Oktoberfest Band found, hoping to bring down price 5. Afternoon tea set approved 6. New baked goods approved 7. Complaint about expensive rose wine for home delivery (V/ine sub-committee will look into) 8. Debate over taste of 'proper' Caesar salad 9. New wine size approved Wine Committee Meeting on 4 August 2015 Members attending: Cammy Yiu, Juliana Liu, Anthony Beaurain, Philip Nourse, Adrian Peirse, Robin Howes, Nan-Hie In, Walter Kent, Marcel Thurau, Cathy Yang, Joel Leduc, Chester Grucza Apologies: ZebBckert FCC Staff Attending: Gilbert Cheng, Alex Lee, Clement By Invitation: Agenda - 6:30 p.m. - start Review of pricing structure for - beers and spirits Beers - by the RH, WK, AB & MT Spirits - by NHI & WK PN proposal on wine pricing - discussion to continue RH follow up on arranging a tasting in Macau Tasting and sampling of craft beers 17 1 Review of Minutes from last meeting - 13 July 2015 1.1. Minutes approved. 1.2. Review of WOM - Rose: doing well, will remain WOM for August. The two top selling rose will be included in the main wine menu. 2 Review of Recent Events / Tastings No events in the last 2 months. 3 Review of Wine and Beverages Sales 3.1. New Correspondents'and Publisher's choice are now on offer. 3.2. House champagne: samples to be tasted 1 September, top 6 will be WOM for September, the top seller will commence as our FCC House champagne in October 3.2 Review of pricing structure and product offering for: Beers - by the RH, WK, AB & MT Review is in progress, will report back next committee meeting on new beers, beers to be culled and a proposal for an Oktoberfest event. Spirits - by NHI, AP & WK - Review is in progress, to report back next committee meeting 3.3. New House Cocktails. Juliana reports that she has tasted all, and these are good to go Lychee Martini, Hendricks Gin Martini and Mojito on offer. \iline & Beverages Events Schedule July & August WOM -Rose 28 October, Wednesday - Basile Guibert of Mas de Daumas Gassac from Languedoc, France Wine. Host: AP. Standby Host: CG 1 December 2015, Tuesday - Marchesi Lamberto Frescobaldi Italian Wine Dinner Host: PN. Standby Host: AB l8 5 Other Business 5.1. PN proposal on wine pricing: Committee has decided to confirm the following changes to the glass volumes for wines by the glass to start 1 September 2015: o "Glass": 150 ml (5 glasses per 750 ml bottle) o "Member's Glass" :250 ml (3 glasses per 750 ml bottle) - this new size adopted for the following rational: Price for the new Member's Glass size will be calculated accordingly. 5.2. RII will follow up on arranging a tasting in Macau. Date TBA 5.3. Committee members to follow up on proposals for wine & beverage events 1. Beerfest - RH, WK, AB & MT 2. Argentina wine dinner - JL 3. German wines workshop- CY 4. Chilean wines event - CY 5.4. Template invitation letters prepared by CY, to wine distributors, have been sent by Gilbert, to supply sample / price lists, to over 100* distributors. Samples sought for: o o o FCC House (Conespondent Choice) Champagne - new Champagne to be introduced October 2015 Correspondent Choice Red & White and Publisher Choice Red & White for 20162017 - to be introduced June lJuly 2016. Premium wines. 5.5. Craft beer sample from two distributors tasted. Products were well received by committee. Further review of what we can do to promote more / better / different beer in progress. Respond to distributors to thank them and inform them accordingly - by CY 5.6. Premium Wines - Product sourcing and short-listing will be undertaken by JL & ZE 5.7. Committee offers congratulations to Cathy for passing her WSET level 2, and thanks her for wonderful contribution these past two years especially with hosting and organizing events. V/e wished Cathy the very best as she returns to Manila for a new posting. Schedule for meetings, sample delivery, tasting and WOM DetaiI Date Tasting July & Aug 2015 24-24 Aug 2015 Tues - 1 Sept 2015 Rose Champagne sample delivery to FCC Committee Meeting Champagne ber 2015 Sept2015 ,8-22 15-22 Sept 2015 Tues - 6 Oct Wed - 28 2015 Oct2015 \üine Of Month Champagne Premium wines samples delivery to FCC Correspondents chorce wines samples delivery to FCC - Round I Committee Meeting Premium wines / Correspondents choice- Round 1 Wine dinner -Basile Guibert of Mas de Daumas Gassac from l9 Languedoc, France'Wine. Host: Adrian. Standby Host: Chester - 4 Nov 2015 Committee Meeting 23-27 Nov 2015 Publishers choice wrnes samples delivery to FCC - Round 1 Tues-1Dec2015 V/ine Dinner - Marchesi Lamberto Frescobaldi Italian Host: Phil. Standby Host: Tony Wed - 2Dec20l5 Committee Meeting 28-31Dec 2015 Correspondents chotce wines samples delivery to FCC - Round 2 Tues-5Jan2016 Committoe Meeting German wines workshop Publishers choiceRound I Corresponclents choice- Round 2 TBA Jan 2016 25-30 Jan2016 Tues - 2Feb2016 Publishers choice wines samples delivery to FCC - Round 2 Committee Meeting Publishers choiceRound 2 Feb 2016 - 2 N[¿r 2016 Committee Meeting March 2016 V/ine Social: to short-list Correspondents choice top 3 red & 3 white to be V/OM for April Tues-5Apr2016 Committee Meeting TBA April2016 Wine Social: to short-list Publishers choice - top 3 red & 3 white to be WOM t'or May 20r6 - 3 May 2016 & Publishers choice - Committee Meeting ,l|/ay 2016 June / July 2016 Correspondents choice - top 3 red 3 white top3red&3white New Correspondent & lPublishers choice introduced Discussions at BOG meeting: JL reported a number of new menus had been approved which would be promoted via social media once the Club's social media strategy was up-and-running. 20 The Board discussed the plans for Oktoberfest. An afternoon tea set would be introduced and it was agreed there was an expensive rose wine on the home delivery list. The new wine sizing had been approved and INH explained the measurements. It was recommended that the membership be advised of the different sizing and prices by being provided with table signs or similar. The beer sub-committee is meeting regularly and at the next meeting CD will review recent decisions and putting things into place. JL invited Board members to attend the beer sub-committee and CS said he would. It was resolved to accept the report of the F&B committee Proposed by KB Seconded by TH Unanimously Accepted CONSTITUTIONAL KE reported: Constitutional Committee Minutes ,) Date 17 August 2015 Time 7 p.m. Present: Neil Western, Nick Gentle, Cliff Buddle, Doug Wong, Chaired by Kevin Egan 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m 2. There were no apologies for absences. 3. The last minutes were accepted with the addition of the matter raised by Nick Gentle that it was agreed at the last meeting that the firewall related to the club website should be removed and the committee so recommended to the BOG. 4. The fact and terms of the proposed new lease were duly noted. 5. The discussion pieces in "The Correspondent" on electoral reform were likewise duly noted. 6. There were no housekeeping matters arising in respect of the upcoming EGM 7. It was noted that the complaint by a member would need to stay "on hold" as he was required to return to Sydney for some fuither medical treatment in the near future. 8. Under "any other business" an email from Simon Pritchard on behalf of the Membership Committee was received and discussed. The email is attached for reference. After considerable discussion it was resolved to offer the opinion that the sort of "temporary membership" being suggested was simply unavailable under the Articles of Association. 2l was suggested that the relevant intern might consider either taking advantage of the "Temporary Membership" referred to in the Club's By-laws or consider applying for full It Correspondent or Journalist membership ($2,000 or $1,000) and pay his $250 per month whilst his was in Hong Kong then allow his membership to lapse and resign - a total hnancial burden" of either $3,500 or $2,500. 9. The date of next meeting was fixed for 14 September 2015. 10. The meeting adjourned at7:46 p.m. Discussions at the BOG meetins: KE referred to the member complaint that would be put on hold. There had been a lengthy committee discussion regarding providing membership for an intern for six months and it had been suggested that the proposed intern should consider applying for temporary membership or C&J membership. SP explained the background to the proposal and how graduates do intemships. It was resolved to accept the report of the Constitutional Committee Proposed by TH Seconded by AC Unanimously Accepted WALL CS reported: Wall Committee Meeting on 13 August 2015 Members attending: Jim Gould, Carsten Schael, Bob Davis, Robin Moyer Gilbert Cheng, Becky Gaunt, Nic Gaunt, Cammy Yiu, Joyce Lau Apologies: Also attending: Joanne Chung 1 Current Exhibition "Lee Fook Chee's Hong Kong, Photographers from the 1950s", by Edward Stokes. The opening was well attended and many positive comments were received. Sadly, images are currently not for sale. 2. UpcomingExhibitions 2.1 SEP - Bob Davis Retrospective - a collection of "eclectic images" from mainland China. 2.2. OCT - Arthur Hacker's "Life and Work". CS will present a selection of images at the next meeting. 2.3. NOV - Ryan Pyle. JC reported that Ryan Pyle cannot be in HK for the exhibition. 2.4.DEC - Basil Pao "Black &,Light" 2.5. JAN -2}-Year Retrospective of HRPA Winners. 2.6. FEB - Dominic Nahr, tbc 2.7. MAR - Leong Ka Tai "Cuba". 2.8. APR - J. P. Laffont - "Photographer's Paradise: Turbulent America". RM following up with Eliane Laffont. 2.9. MAY - Optional Ryan Pyle 22 3. ExhibitionProposals 3.1. Doug Menuez - "Personalities November exhibition. 4. Any Other Busrness 4.1. RM reported thatXyzaCruzBacani has recently received a Missouri Workshop Fellowship. 4.2- The club was given a silver drinking cup by the Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at her recent visit. The Board requested to have this mounted and displayed at the Main Bar. 4.3. Hany Harrison has gifted his published cartoon about the Charlie Hebdo Massacre to the club. It will be framed and displayed at the Main Bar. 4.4. Catherine Kamow's signed exhibition print was received. 4.5. A member commented that the caption of the 'Sutherland House Urinal View' print was incorrectly using the American spelling of a the book title the "Honourable Schoolboy" by John le Carré. This will be corrected. 5. Date for Next Meeting Thursday, 13 August 2015 at6:30 p.m of Silicon Valley". RM will follow up for a possible Discussions at the BOG meeting: CS reported a very good response regarding the current exhibition with its opening well-attended. Unfortunately, no photographs were for sale due to copyright issues. Mr Lee Fook Chee's daughter had been at the Club and Mr Stokes had given her a tour of the exhibition. The November exhibition would be exchanged for another as the exhibitor can't come and would prefer to attend next year instead. Xyza Cruz Bacani had recently received a Missouri Workshop Fellowship which was good news showing that her career is going from strength to strength. The silver drinking cup given by Nicola Sturgeon would be mounted and displayed in the Main Bar. A cartoon about the Charlie Hebdo Massacre by Harry Harrison had also been gifted to the Club and would be framed and displayed. It was resolved to accept the report from the'Wall Committee Proposed by KE Seconded by CB Unanimously Accepted ÇOMVIIALIÇATIONS (includes Archive ) JL reported: FCC Communications Committee Minutes Tuesday, 1l August - 1:00 p.m. In Attendance: Co-Conveners: Angie Lau and Natasha Khan Nan-Hie In Terry Duckham Paul Bayfield Laurence Witherington Absent: ZJ Co-Convener: Juliana Liu Jonathan Hopfner Blessing Waung Joyce Lau Owen Fung Bv Invítatíon: Gilbert Cheng Joanne Chung Roy Tam Felix Chan a Communications Report: FC reported that July was a quiet month for events, with only two events shot and edited. However, quite notable was our Malaysia speaker: Wong Chen, "Missing Plane, Missing Billions: Malaysia in Crisis and the Politics of Hope" that within days broke viewing records To date: 104,000 clicks on this video: Viewers have appetite for discussion and content on Malaysi's political landscape and shared FCC link via social media (Twitter, Facebook), boosting click rates. o Upcoming Sept/ Oct. Issue: -Coverage of Malaysia Airlines MH370. -Interesting piece about Evelyn Vy'augh, Scoop and his time in N. Africa a Social Media Strategy: As communicated in detail to the board via email from NK and LK, we are getting ready to ramp up on SM activity. One of the things discussed was to collate members' Twitter accounts JC has created a consent form in which members can input their accounts and engage with FCC online. Board to be updated with strategy at September meeting. Potential Online sales of FCC Merchandise This possibility to be investigated as the website is redesigned. NHI will raise merchandizing range with the House Committee with suggestion to have a more modern and gender-friendly range of produces. TD suggested to also include the sale of books and FCC titles. o Member Area: Considering the best arrangement for a secure members area on the website. The idea is for members to be able to change their account information, personal details etc. Marilyn Hood, from FCC Membership/Marketing to be engaged for input. Website Re-design Process: Awaiting board approval on22 August meeting. o Professional Committee & Speaker Events: VIDEO Cost concerns had been expressed by ProfCom over costs ofvideo-taping all speakers. Concern is that the quality will be poor if staff press go and leave the camera unattended during the event. Next meeting TBD 24 Discussions at BOG meetins: JL reported that July had been a quiet month apart from a couple of events shown as videos, such as the Malaysian speaker on "Missing Plane, Missing Billions: Malaysia in Crisis and the Politics of Hope" which had resulted in more than 100,000 clicks already. A social media strategy would be rolled out very soon and members' Twitter accounts needed to be collated so volunteers were being sought. The Board discussed the use of the Twitter account; JL and AL (on speakerphone) said their committee was very committed to getting social media set up and establishing protocol in order to provide a template for future committees. JL reported that the committee had looked into the potential online sales of FCC merchandise, the work needed to package and send was being ascertained, to which the office was being liaised with regarding the practical elements. The committee had also discussed how to improve online security. (NKjoined on speakerphone at I I : I I a.m.) NK referred to her email in the Board bundle and the Board reviewed the Correspondent magazine's mock-up on screen and the proposal documents submitted by BlueCurrent. The Board discussed the costs, the development team and type of platform used. It was resolved to accept the proposal from BlueCurrent to initiate the upgrade of the website on the basis of this company's tender document. Proposed by TH Seconded by CD Unanimously Accepted JL advised that a website sub-committee had been set up and invited Board members to join. AC suggested a Club calendar could be shared on Google+ or similar. The Board agreed to put out a tender for a new video vendor. It was resolved to accept the report of the Communications Committee Proposed by NG Seconded by CB Unanimously Accepted (NK and AL ended the speakerphone connection and left the meeting at I 1:20 a.m.) CHAzuTY BALL AC reported: FCC Charity Ball2015 Minutes 8 Date of meeting: 10 August, 2015 Attendees: By Invitation Atrdy Chworowsky & Chris Dillon (Co-convenor), Celia Garcia and Jane Overton, Boots Moyer, Mark Overton Jennifer Lee, MireyaGarcia, Yamilette MCano and Nicole Wan(Maya), 25 Elly Yip (PLK), Julia Li and Dominic (Design), Richard Newburn (LGS Asia), Magdalena Klim and Natalia Scott(FR) Alex Lee and Hoi Lo FCC staff: Further Action Responsible Task Booking Committee member Gregory/Dave/ Maya Events/ Dom Promotion a o . o o o o 'I'rucks Dom / Gregory o FR Maggie/ Natalia . o o o o Spread the words to friends and contacts to promote the ball and book tables AGS can spread the news in their Newsletter Solar will have the poster promoting the ball Will set up a Facebook page for he update information of the ball Dom create a A3 poster with stand to place at the FCC reception PLK already has the banner outside PLK and the ebanner on website Committee suggested that HKCEC should place a poster at HKCEC Dom got the quotation of the sticker of HK$9,000 each truck 32 items for Silent auction FR will combine the prizes of FCC to package for silent auction FR has already booked the system for live pledge FR suggested to bring an artpiece from London worth approximately HK$95,000, FR will send the details to Dave Silent Auction booklet printing deadline is in midSeptember Auctioneer Dave/ FR/ Andy Production Mireya/Dom/ Julia o Booked Susie as the Auctioneer o Booked Andrew Work for the pledging o 1 backdrop for the photo backdrop at the entrance o I backdrop for the Alumni backdrop near the raffle sales area O Raffle tickets Hoi Lo a sales a o ¡ o Wine DavelAndy/ Nicole o a Registration system Hoi LolFCC a a Auction prizes Gregory a Julia & Dom will design the backdrops Government arrange 2 Saturdays for raffle ticket selling on street The spot will be at New World Tower, Central with 3 street staff Raffle tickets are ready by 16 August 2015 Committee suggested that FCC board of Governor should sell some raffle tickets FR can send volunteers to distribute A5 flyers to promote the ball Nicole will be the one who responsible for the logistics of wine for the event Dave or Andy should go with Nicole and check the wine at Crown Wine Cellar Hoi Lo has liaise with Boris and fixed the welcome message with the table no. after check-in FCC Operation staff will be trained for using the system and the IPads Gregory will deliver the part of the auction items to 26 Sponsors dinner Band's ticket Rundown Boots/ Dave flight Alex/ Boots/ Gilbert Mireya o o o o O o Band Andy/ Boots/ Security Dave LGS Asia Sponsors Mireya Next meeting is on Monday p.m. a o o a l't HKCEC Already booked FCC Boots and Dave will follow up the guest list Boots start to purchase the flight tickets for the band Boots will send the invoice o Gilbert Mireya will prepare the rundown for the ball program Rob Stewart's daughter will sing 2 songs within 2:3Omins Andy will receive the band member at 1 p.m. at the aimort Martin has already checked the band rider More information needed for any special requirement Rob Stewart's daughter CD will be the table prizes Septembe1 14 September and Tuesday, 29 September,2}l5 at 12:30 Discussions at the BOG meetins: HLC reported 887 tickets had been sold encompassing 495 aheady paid and392 who had expressed an interest by signing the form to which monies were be awaited or processed. AC reported as ticket sales were down compared with last year, PR and marketing companies would be contacted and other advertising means pursued. The logistics sponsors will be putting a poster on side of their lorries and a banner will go up at Solas on Wyndham Street. AC also reported that there would be more frequent meetings in the run-up to the Ball and the PLK bookings were anticipated. There was a short discussion regarding auction prizes. TH explained that the agreement for the Charity Ball was that the Board would recommend the Treasurer to advance HK$1.5 million due to low ticket sales, which were calculated to be approximately 50Yo down from the same time last year. He explained the budget, expenditure and revenue figures, citing different factors for the downturn in ticket sales. The Board discussed the loan. It was resolved to increasing the unsecured loan for the Charity Ball to HK$1.5 million if it is needed Proposed by TH Seconded by KB FoT: NG, JG, JL, CD, SP, AC, CS, TJ, KE Against Abstain: INH Motion carried AC advised that the next Ball meeting would be on 1 September and Board members were welcome to attend. He confirmed that the Ball would be held on 10 October. The general public were also welcome to attend the Ball, it wasn't just for members and the Board continued to discuss ticket sales to potential corporate clients and advertising. JL asked whether the band would be prepared to take part in a telephone interview and AC confirmed they would do so individually. he could anange are already slated to do an interview too. if JL emailed him. He said that SCMP 27 CD reported that as a marketing initiative, ticket sales were going live on Ticketflap which would also help to make a difference. He explained that Ticketflap took a 4o/o credit card processing fee and HK$10 per ticket from the consumer. It would make it easier for the front office and extra donations could also be made against the ticket price. It was resolved to accept the report of the Charity Ball Committee Proposed by TH Seconded by CD Unanimously accepted 5. ANY OTHER BUSINESS TH reminded Board members that passports were needed for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. 6. DATE OF NEXT MEETING AND ADJOURNMENT It was resolved to adjourn the meeting Proposed by and reconvene on 19 September 2015 at 10 a.m. KB Seconded by AC Unanimously Accepted The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m. Consont ¡ Ììv the Aulhorized SiSttctlurc i9SrP 2ü15 28