DMU 60 / 160 P / FD and DMC 60 / 160 U / FD duoBLOCK®
DMU 60 / 160 P / FD and DMC 60 / 160 U / FD duoBLOCK® Universal milling machines for 5-sided / 5-axis machining DMU 60 / 160 P duoBLOCK® DMU 60 / 160 FD duoBLOCK® DMC 60 / 160 U duoBLOCK® DMC 60 / 160 FD duoBLOCK® DMU 60 / 160 P / FD and DMC 60 / 160 U / FD duoBLOCK® Applications and Parts Machine and Technology Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series 3rd generation duoBLOCK®: 20 % more flexibility with 5-axis machining. The 5-axis machines in the highly stable duoBLOCK® design allow maximum precision with highest dynamics. In addition to drilling and milling, turning operations can be carried out with the FD machines in the same setup. The duoBLOCK® of the 3rd generation, with larger traverse paths and a higher table load, provides the foundation for this. The pallet changer of the DMC machines allows setup during production for maximum productivity. 02 Aerospace 1: Compressor plate 2: Integral component 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 Tool and mould making Mechanical engineering Energy technology 3: Mould insert 4: Segment for a tyre mould 5: Pinion cage 6: Tool turret 7: Pelton blade 8: Impeller Automotive / Fluid 9: Crank housing 10: Hydraulic component 9 10 03 Please note: The results of machining and performance trials given in this catalogue are examples. The results may vary slightly due to the site conditions and cutting conditions. DMU / DMC duoBLOCK®: Simple and high-tech work pieces manufactured to the highest precision. Workpiece illustrated: HP compressor housing / Aerospace. Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê Concept Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series 3rd generation compact duoBLOCK® – high stability and consistent long-term precision. ++ B-axis as standard equipment ++ Reduced dynamic mass means higher dynamics and lower energy use ++ Longer Y-axis results in a larger work space 04 ++ Optimised machine design supports heavier workpiece weights ++ Cooling in all 5 axes delivers the greatest precision Development of the duoBLOCK®: maximum rigidity for the highest, constant precision with continuous further development of the machine design. Classic travelling column >> large leverage Raised guideways >> reduced leverage Tiered guideways >> optimised leverage Highlights of the duoBLOCK® design ++ FEM-optimised, patented duoBLOCK® construction results in maximum rigidity for consistent long-term precision ++ High static mass and low dynamic mass of the moving components in GGG60 mean high machine dynamics ++ Three X-axis guideways provide consistent rigidity over the entire travel ++ Larger cube-shaped work space facilitates use of large fixtures for multiple component clamping or larger component machining ++ Inherently rigid machine bed allows 3-point support and crane hook machine design enables simple installation ++ SK50 / HSK-A100 Cooling in all linear axes as standard delivers consistent long-term precision ++ Cooling of all ball screw drives ++ Cooling of Y-axis drives* 05 ++ Cooling of the B-axis and of the spindle ++ Cooling via active cooling units * 160: X / Y / Z duoBLOCK® ++ 50 % less dynamic mass ++ 100 % more static mass == High dynamics and stability == Lower energy use duoBLOCK® >> no leverage ++ Consistent rigidity over the entire travel ++ Thermosymmetrical design == Consistent long-term precision Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê Work Area Control Technology duoBLOCK® – the standard for accessibility, large cube-shaped working volume and unrestricted crane loading from above. 1: Crane loading from above for workpieces up to 4,000 kg 2 – 3: Pallet changer for workpieces up to 3,500 kg, large access door allows optimal accessibility to the working area and setup station Technical Data 06 1 2 3 DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series 3rd generation duoBLOCK® – even larger working area with better accessibility. 5 07 6 4: Large cube-shaped working envelope and consistent precision even at the extremities of the axis travels by virtue of 3 guideways in the X-axis 5: Steep (30 °) 1-piece covers for efficient chip clearance 6: Fast chip removal to the rear 4 Highlights ++ Unrestricted crane loading from above the table centre for DMU machines and over the pallet centre for DMC machines (setup station) ++ Optimal accessibility to the large working area and setup station via the large access door allows fast and ergonomic setting and changeover ++ Larger working area facilitates use of large multi-clamps or large component machining ++ Steep covers and cabin angles provide optimal chip flow ++ 1-piece cover in the area of chip clearance ++ Fast chip removal to the rear Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê DMU P: 5-axis machines without pallet changer Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series DMU duoBLOCK® – largest cube-shaped working volume and smallest footprint. 08 ++ Standard equipment includes B-axis for 5-axis simultaneous machining ++ Space-saving chip removal to the rear ++ Larger working area with Y-axis travel up to 250 mm longer ++ Optimised duoBLOCK® construction provides greater maximum load The duoBLOCK® Series modular design with B-axis as standard. Smaller building blocks – two guideways in the X-axis (Size: 60) Larger building blocks – three guideways in the X-axis (Size 160) B-axis A-axis B-axis 5X torqueMASTER® – B-axis with a drive Tables 09 Rotary table Milling / Turning table Pallet table Pallet changer DMU 60 P duoBLOCK® DMU 160 P duoBLOCK® Travel X / Y / Z mm 600 / 700 / 600 1,600 / 1,250 / 1,100 Table size mm ø 630 1,500 × 1,250 Maximum table load kg 700 4,000 Workpiece measurements mm 1,530 1,675 850 850 Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê DMC U: 5-axis machines with pallet changer Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series DMC U duoBLOCK® – fast pallet changer for maximum productivity. 10 ++ Optimised pallet changer location results in a smaller footprint ++ NC axis changer technology leads to shorter pallet change times ++ Sturdy construction and the inherently rigid machine bed allows heavy workpiece weights ++ duoBLOCK® design provides optimal accessibility to the working area and setup station ++ Tool magazine technology in high-volume serial production allows short chip-to-chip times down to 3.7 sec. 1 2 1: Faster and more space-saving pallet changer for setup of workpieces up to 3,500 kg during production 2: Vertical chain magazine with a fast cam-controlled double gripper for short chip-to-chip-times of down to 3.7 seconds (available for size 160) 11 DMC 60 U duoBLOCK® DMC 160 U duoBLOCK® Travel X / Y / Z mm 600 / 700 / 600 1,600 / 1,400 / 1,100 Pallet size mm ø 630 × 500 1,250 × 1,000 Maximum table load kg 600 3,500 Pallet change time sec. 9.5 22 Workpiece measurements mm 1,400 1,295 850 630 Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê FD Technology: DMU FD / DMC FD Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series DMU FD and DMC FD duoBLOCK® – maximum productivity with complete machining on one machine. Over 16 years of FD 1,000 machines installed worldwide – 80 % with pallet changers Travel X / Y / Z DMU / DMC 60 FD DMU / DMC 160 FD 600 / 700 / 600 1,600 / 1,400 / 1,100 mm Milling / turning table rpm 1,200 400 Table / pallet size mm ø 700 / 630 ø 1,500 / 1,400 600 / 500 4,000 / 3,000 9.5 22 kg sec. Max. workpiece measurements mm 1,530 / 1,400 700 (630) 1,640 (1,240) Maximum table load Pallet change time 850 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1: Vertical turning with A- and B-axis 2: Horizontal turning with A- and B-axis 3: Tilted turning with A- and B-axis* 4: Measurement of turning tools* 5: Measurement of milling tools* 6: Measuring cycles for in-process workpiece measurement* 7: Use of multi-station tools (up to nine cutting edges) 8: Grinding package Mill-turn cycles for all requirements ++ Exclusive mill-turn cycles, only at DECKEL MAHO ++ Measurement cycles for (laser) measuring sensors: calibrate the measuring sensor in the working area, measure recesses etc.* Standard mill-turn cycles ++ Grooving, undercutting, chip removal, thread cutting etc. ++ Milling and turning tool measurement ++ Detect, control and monitor imbalances ++ Store, display and transmit measurement data ++ Deployment of long tools into the workpiece* ++ Alternating speed to dampen vibration during machining* ++ Use of multi-station tools (up to nine cutters)* * optional Grinding technology integration* ++ Grinding cycles for internal, external and face grinding ++ Universal dressing unit in the working area ++ Grinding package with machine modifications, e. g. additional wipers for protecting ball screws and scales from dust ingress ++ Sensors for assisting programmed wheel approach and retraction * optional 9 10 11 12 9: Box jaws 10: Manual integrated power chuck 11: Hydraulic integrated power chuck 12: Mill / turn machining of a compressor housing Highlights mill-turning (FD) ++ Complete machining: milling and turning in one operation on one machine ++ Elimination of a second setup means time savings and higher precision ++ Multiple operations on a single machine mean lower investment costs and smaller space requirements ++ Elimination of idle time and processing steps mean faster machining with fewer logistical costs, which translates into lower cost per part and higher precision Standard equipment: 5-axis milling and turning in one operation ++ FD drives with Direct Drive technology – up to 1,200 rpm, power to 69 kW, torque up to 7,300 Nm, max. table load 4,000 kg ++ Oil mist separator and laminated glass security viewing window Options ++ Box jaw arrangements provide a simple and inexpensive solution for clamping parts for turning on the DMU / DMC 160 FD; pallet preparation on the DMU / DMC 160 FD comes as standard ++ Integrated manual power chuck for simple centric clamping and short setup times starting with DMU / DMC 60 FD ++ Integrated hydraulic power chuck for efficient and precise clamping (exterior and interior) and programmable clamping pressure starting with DMU / DMC 60 FD Over 16 Years of Turn-Mill Technology DMU FD- / DMC FD-machines – the complete machining process Milling Turning Drilling Tapping Setup Reclamping Milling Turning Drilling Tapping Unclamping Complete machining process: 1 machine 4 processing steps 300 % greater productivity Conventional machining process: 3 machines 10 processing steps Machine 1 Single-purpose machines – conventional machining process Setup Reclamping Turning Turning Milling Drilling Tapping Setup Setup Reclamping Machine 1 1 2 Milling Drilling Tapping Setup Fine turning Machine 2 3 4 5 6 Unclamping Machine 3 7 8 9 10 Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê 5-axis machining Control Technology Technical Data 1 The essence of 5-axis machining – high stability by machining at the intersection of multiple axes Maximum rigidity via 45 ° B-axis kinematics ++ For 100 mm tool lengths, no torque on the B-axis for any swivel angle Encoder Bearing High precision through 100 ++ High-resolution encoder directly on the bearing ++ Little force exerted through the 45 ° B-axis kinematics M = 0 Nm 100 2 DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series DMU / DMC duoBLOCK® – 5-axis milling of the highest order. ++ Patented B-axis as standard, NC-controlled swivelling milling head with high stability and precision by machining at the intersection of multiple axes ++ High-precision NC rotary table, with angle encoders ++ Space-saving and fast turning pallet changer off-line setup during machining on DMC machines 5-axis simultaneous machining (options) ++ NC-controlled A-axis for machining negative angles up to –30 ° 17 ++ 5X torqueMASTER , NC-controlled B-axis with gear-driven spindle for 5-axis simultaneous machining with up to 1,100 Nm ® ++ Customised solutions, such as an indexing head A-axis 60 B-axis Gear-driven B-axis Milling / Turning Pallet changer – – 160 3 1 – 2: NC-controlled B-axis swivelling milling head for simultaneous 5-axis milling with high precision by machining at the intersection of multiple axes 3: Indexing head and B-axis as customised solution in toolmaking, for example 4: NC-controlled A-axis – for simultaneous 5-axis milling with negative angles up to –30 ° –30 / +100 ° 4 Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê 5-axis machining Control Technology Technical Data 1: 5X torqueMASTER® – B-axis with a drive of up to 1,100 Nm torque 2: Pump end housing made from GGG60 3: Cylinder head for a ship’s diesel engine made from GGG50 4: Fan disc made from Ti 6Al 4V (Titanium) 5: Landing gear beam made from Ti 6Al 4V (Titanium) 18 1 2 3 4 5 DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series 5X torqueMASTER® – B-axis with a drive torque of up to 1,100 Nm. The 5X torqueMASTER® is ideal for machining difficult to clamp materials, large diameter drilling (solid material), and deployment of side milling cutters and form tools. 19 5X torqueMASTER® ++ Patented B-Axis, NC-controlled swivelling milling head as a B-axis for simultaneous 5-axis milling with the highest stability by machining at the intersection of multiple axes ++ SK50 / HSK-A100 tool holders ++ B-axis drive using planetary gear ++ Continuous positioning over the entire swivel range ++ Very rigid milling head with good damping due to the swivel plane below 45 ° ++ Maximum cutting data can be used in any direction and swivel position ++ Gear-driven spindle with up to 1,100 Nm of torque and max. 32 kW 5X torqueMASTER® Speed Power / Torque 6,300 rpm 32 kW / 1,100 Nm available option Machine DMU 160 P / FD DMC 160 U / FD Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê Innovation Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series Innovative down to the smallest detail. The new, innovative wheel magazine provides the highest flexibility and productivity due to the fact that it can be retooled during machining and non-productive time and thanks to its compactness and small footprint. With short tool access times down to 5.6 seconds with 243 tools, the preselected tool can be switched into the spindle within 0.5 seconds, even during short machining processes. Highlights ++ Retooling during machining and non-productive time (two wheels or more) ++ The most compact magazine on the market ++ Up to 243 tool pockets, maximum access time of 5.6 seconds ++ Patented design ++ Extremely short tool-changing time of just 0.5 second ++ Safe retention thanks to the toolholder ++ No disassembly required before transportation, up to 123 tools (SK40) for size 60 20 How the wheel magazine works 1 1 The selected tool is on wheel 2 2 Free path (three empty pockets) for the shuttle on wheel 1 by turning the wheels 3 The shuttle (double gripper) travels to the selected tool, lift to release the tool from the holder, the shuttle travels to the spindle 4 The tool is exchanged / replaced and the double gripper returns SK40 / HSK-A63 Number of wheels 1 Number of tools 2 40 63 DMU 60 P / FD DMC 60 U / FD – standard, 123 3 183 243 – optional 21 2 Maximised tool dimensions and tool magazine configurations for size 60 SK40 / CAT 40 / HSK-A63 Tool holder SK40 (HSK-A63)* Magazine type / max. pockets 3 mm ø 80 // length 450 Measurements (free adjacent pockets) mm ø 120 // length 450 Boring bar measurements mm ø 280 × 160 // length 450 Max. tool weight kg 15 Maximum torque Nm 25 Chip-to-chip time (HSK) sec. 4.0 * FD only with HSK-A tool holder 4 243 pockets Measurements (occupied adjacent pockets) Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê Tool Handling Control Technology Technical Data 1 – 2: Vertical chain magazine for up to 120 tools (SK40 / HSK-A63) and maximum tool length of 650 mm 3: Rapid cam-controlled double gripper for short chip-to-chip times (3.7 seconds with HSK-A63) 22 1 2 3 DMU 160 P / FD and DMC 160 U / FD duoBLOCK® Tool handling: chain magazine. DMU: maximum tool dimensions and tool magazine configurations for machines without a pallet changer Tool holder DMU 160 P / FD duoBLOCK® DMU 160 P / FD duoBLOCK® SK40 (HSK-A63) SK50 (HSK-A100) Magazine type / max. pockets 120 pockets 120 pockets Measurements (occupied adjacent pockets) mm ø 80 / length 650 ø 110 / length 650 Measurements (free adjacent pockets) mm ø 120 / length 650 ø 160 / length 350 (400) ø 200 / length 650 Boring bar measurements mm ø 280 × 160 / length 350 (400) ø 400 × 280 / length 400 (470) Max. tool weight kg 15 30 Breakdown torque Nm 25 70 Chip-to-chip time (HSK) sec. 4.7 4.8 Tool holder DMU 160 P DMU 160 P DMU 160 FD SK40 / CAT 40 / HSK-A63 SK50 / CAT 50 / HSK-A100 HSK-A63 Vertical chain, 60 pockets Vertical chain, 120 pockets standard, optional DMC: maximum tool dimensions and tool magazine configurations for machines with a pallet changer Tool holder DMC 160 U / FD duoBLOCK® DMC 160 U / FD duoBLOCK® SK40 (HSK-A63) SK50 (HSK-A100) Magazine type / max. pockets 480 pockets 480 pockets Measurements (occupied adjacent pockets) mm ø 80 / length 650 ø 80 / length 650 Measurements (free adjacent pockets) mm ø 120 / length 650 ø 160 / length 350 (400) ø 120 / length 650 ø 160 / length 350 (400) Boring bar measurements mm ø 280 × 160 / length 350 (400) ø 400 × 200 / length 650 ø 400 × 280 / length 400 (470) Max. tool weight kg 15 30 Breakdown torque Nm 25 70 Chip-to-chip time (HSK) sec. 4.7 4.8 Tool holder DMC 160 U DMC 160 U DMC 160 FD SK40 / CAT 40 / HSK-A63 SK50 / CAT 50 / HSK-A100 HSK-A100 – – – – Vertical chain, 60 pockets Vertical chain, 120 pockets Vertical chain, 180 / 240 pockets Vertical double chain, 180 / 240 pockets Vertical double chain, 360 / 480 pockets standard, optional – 23 Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê Spindle Array Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series Largest and most modern spindle range. Motor spindle SK40 / HSK-A63* Motor spindle HSK-A63 Motor spindle SK40 / HSK-A63* 12,000 rpm / 28 kW / 121 Nm 12,000 rpm / 35 kW / 111 Nm 18,000 rpm / 35 kW / 119 Nm 19 kW 100% 121 Nm 40% 8 5 82 Nm 100% 35 kW 40% 24 kW 100% 160 111 Nm 40% 80 0.9 0.5 12,000 6,000 3,000 750 1,500 375 12 Motor spindle HSK-A63 Motor spindle SK40 / HSK-A63* / SK50* / HSK-A100* 24,000 rpm / 26 kW / 85 Nm 10,000 rpm / 44 kW / 288 Nm 400 1.6 1 10 85 Nm 40% 5 60 Nm 100% 18,000 24,000 12,000 6,300 2,500 1,000 400 1 160 8 63 2 Speed (rpm) 20 25 200 160 187 Nm 100% 100 63 40 10 5 0.6 10,000 50 40 25 20 16 10 8 5 3.15 2 32 kW 100% 288 Nm 40% 1,600 19 kW 100% 125 44 kW 40% 630 1,000 20 5 10 Power (kW) 40 26 kW 40% 315 Speed (rpm) 20 680 Torque (Nm) 4,000 Power (kW) 8 85 Nm 100% 0.6 5 5 Speed (rpm) 12,000 6,300 4,000 2,000 20 Speed (rpm) 0.2 20 25 kW 100% 119 Nm 40% 20 24 Torque (Nm) 35 kW 40% 1.9 20 0.6 125 80 3.8 10 5 15 7.5 77 Nm 100% 40 2.5 1.25 31.5 12.5 630 500 315 30 320 Power (kW) 40 35 14,000 250 125 80 20 14 Torque (Nm) * optional 18,000 31.5 28 kW 40% 315 Power (kW) 15,000 500 Torque (Nm) 2,000 Power (kW) Speed (rpm) 20 Torque (Nm) Motor spindle SK50 / HSK-A100* Gear-driven spindle SK50 / HSK-A100* 12,000 rpm / 52 kW / 430 Nm 6,300 rpm / 32 kW / 1,100 Nm Torque (Nm) Power (kW) 1,000 500 430 Nm 40% 250 300 Nm 100% 52 kW 40% 50 42 kW 100% 20 10 100 Torque (Nm) 1,000 630 400 250 160 Power (kW) 1,100 Nm 40% 32 kW 40% 32 25 20 12.5 750 Nm 100% 25 kW 100% 5 5 6,300 3,150 2,000 0.6 800 Speed (rpm) 6,300 12,000 2,500 1,000 500 200 100 50 Speed (rpm) 20 0.9 1,250 1 5 500 10 3.15 25 250 2 50 25 20 50 Aerospace spindles Motor spindle HSK-A100 Motor spindle HSK-A63 15,000 rpm / 100 kW / 179 Nm 30,000 rpm / 85 kW / 40 Nm 25 kW 100% 119 Nm 40% 125 85 Nm 100% 5 4 50 20 2 10 5 50 40 Nm 40% 20 32 Nm 100% 2 10 0.6 5 Speed (rpm) 12,000 15,000 5,340 2,000 20 Speed (rpm) 20 200 0.6 5 68 kW 100% 630 10 Power (kW) 100 80 85 kW 40% 40 35 kW 40% 630 500 315 Torque (Nm) 30,000 Power (kW) 100 80 22,000 Torque (Nm) * optional DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series Largest and most modern spindle range. DMU P / DMC U machines: spindle range Speed // Toolholder Power, torque (40 / 100 % DC) // Run-up time 12,000 rpm // SK40 / HSK-A63* 28 / 19 kW, 121 / 82 Nm // 0 – 12,000 rpm: 2.0 sec. DMU 60 P DMC 60 U DMU 160 P DMC 160 U Standard Standard 18,000 rpm // SK40 / HSK-A63* 35 / 25 kW, 119 / 85 Nm // 0 – 18,000 rpm: 2.2 sec. 24,000 rpm // HSK-A63 26 / 19 kW, 85 / 60 Nm // 0 – 24,000 rpm: 3.5 sec. Special option 10,000 rpm // SK40 / HSK-A63* / SK50* / HSK-A100* 44 / 32 kW, 288 / 187 Nm // 0 – 10,000 rpm: 3.5 sec. – 12,000 rpm // SK50 / HSK-A100* 44 / 32 kW, 288 / 187 Nm // 0 – 12,000 rpm: 6.0 sec. – 12,000 rpm // SK40 / HSK-A100* 52 / 42 kW, 430 / 300 Nm // 0 – 12,000 rpm: 4.5 sec. – 6,300 rpm // SK50 / HSK-A100* 32 / 25 kW, 1,100 / 750 Nm // 0 – 6,300 rpm: 3.0 sec. – Aerospace spindles 15,000 rpm // HSK-A100 100 / 80 kW, 179 / 143 Nm // 0 – 15,000 rpm: 1.3 sec. – Special option 30,000 rpm // HSK-A63 85 / 68 kW, 40 / 32 Nm // 0 – 30,000 rpm: 2.8 sec. – Special option DMU 60 FD DMC 60 FD DMU 160 FD DMC 160 FD Standard – optionally available, * optional FD – mill-turn machines: spindle range Speed // Toolholder Power, torque (40 / 100 % DC) // Run-up time 12,000 rpm // HSK-A63 35 / 24 kW, 111 / 77 Nm // 0 – 12,000 rpm: 2.0 sec. 18,000 rpm // SK40 / HSK-A63* 35 / 24 kW, 111 / 77 Nm // 0 – 18,000 rpm: 2.2 sec. – 10,000 rpm // HSK-A100 44 / 32 kW, 288 / 187 Nm // 0 – 10,000 rpm: 3.5 sec. – 12,000 rpm // HSK-A100 52 / 42 kW, 430 / 300 Nm // 0 – 12,000 rpm: 4.5 sec. – 6,300 rpm // HSK-A100 32 / 25 kW, 1,100 / 750 Nm // 0 – 8,000 rpm: 3.0 sec. – optionally available, * optional Standard 1 2 3 1: Compact filtration system with 500 l, metal band filter and internal coolant supply 40 bar 2: Tool breakage detection during cutting (mechanical) 3: HSK tool taper cleaning (mechanical) 4: Control cabinet construction according to the Automotive Standard 5: Maintenance-friendly Fluidbox 4 5 DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series Safe and efficient production, easy and fast maintenance. Machines in the duoBLOCK® series allow safe and efficient production due to their comprehensive process-optimising features. Specially optimised coolant and production packages as well as expansion options are available for automated production. With regard to maintenance and service, the 3rd duoBLOCK® generation will impress you with easily accessible maintenance doors and control cabinets, clear equipment identification and the service-friendly Fluidbox. Optimal process safety Chip removal and cooling units ++ Internal coolant supply at 40 bar through the spindle, chip conveyor, Rotoclear in the standard version DMU: Compact coolant tank 500 l, metal band filter DMC: Coolant tank 980 l, paper band filter ++ Production package with internal coolant supply up to 80 bar (option) ++ Coolant temperature control (option) Measuring and testing (options) ++ Mechanical tool breakage control during cutting ++ Tool measurement and tool breakage detection by laser ++ Infrared measuring probe Maintenance and service ++ Large and easily accessible service and control cabinet doors ++ Individual cable identification drawing in the control cabinet ++ Maintenance-friendly Fluidbox (lubrication, hydraulics and pneumatics) ++ Colour-coded cables of different types Options for automation ++ Multi-channel clamping hydraulics through the table centre up to 240 bar ++ Motor-driven fixturing area with automatic doors ++ Rotary magazine for up to 12 pallets in the system ++ Individual automation interfaces for workpiece and pallet handling systems Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê Application Examples Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series High performance milling, drilling and tapping. 1 2 3 Motor spindle 12,000 rpm / 28 kW / 121 Nm* 1 Performance milling 2 Performance drilling 3 Tapping Steel (Ck45) Material work piece Steel (Ck45) Steel (Ck45) Material removal rate 224 cm3/min 205 cm3/min – Tool Face mill D = 80 (6 cutting) Indexable insert drill D = 44 Tap M20 Spindle speed 995 rpm (Vc = 250 m/min) 905 rpm (Vc = 125 m/min) 240 rpm (Vc = 15 m/min) Feed 1,492 mm/min (Fz = 0.25 mm) 135 mm/min (Fz = 0.15 mm) 597 mm/min (Fz = 2.5 mm) Depth / width of cut 2.5 / 60 mm 70 mm / – –/– Thread depth – – 20 mm * comparable values for the 12,000 rpm (29 kW, 130 Nm) and 24,000 rpm (26 kW, 85 Nm) motor spindle Motor spindle 18,000 rpm / 35 kW / 130 Nm 1 Performance milling 2 Performance drilling 3 Tapping Material work piece Steel (Ck45) Steel (Ck45) Steel (Ck45) Material removal rate 242 cm³/min 214 cm3/min – Tool Face mill D = 80 (6 cutting) Indexable insert drill D = 44 Tap M24 Spindle speed 995 rpm (Vc = 250 m/min) 905 rpm (Vc = 125 m/min) 80 rpm (Vc = 6 m/min) Feed 1,611 mm/min (Fz = 0.27 mm) 141 mm/min (Fz = 0.16 mm) 240 mm/min (Fz = 3.0 mm) Depth / width of cut 2.5 / 60 mm 70 mm – Thread depth – – 20 mm 29 4 5 6 Motor spindle 10,000 rpm / 44 kW / 288 Nm 4 Performance milling 5 Performance drilling 6 Tapping Steel (Ck45) Material work piece Steel (Ck45) Steel (Ck45) Material removal rate 812 cm3/min 708 cm3/min – Tool Face mill D = 100 (7 cutting) Indexable insert drill D = 70 Tap M30 Spindle speed 1,255 rpm (Vc = 394 m/min) 1,023 rpm (Vc = 225 m/min) 106 rpm (Vc = 10 m/min) Feed 2,900 mm/min (Fz = 0.33 mm) 186 mm/min (Fz = 0.18 mm) 371 mm/min (Fz = 3.5 mm) Depth / width of cut 3.5 / 80 mm – / 100 mm –/– Thread depth – – 30 mm Motor spindle 12,000 rpm / 52 kW / 430 Nm 4 Performance milling 5 Performance drilling 6 Tapping Material work piece Steel (Ck45) Steel (Ck45) Steel (Ck45) Material removal rate 1,000 cm3/min 830 cm3/min – Tool Face mill D = 160 (9 cutting) Indexable insert drill D = 80 Tap M42 Spindle speed 1,000 rpm (Vc = 500 m/min) 900 rpm (Vc = 225 m/min) 46 rpm (Vc = 6 m/min) Feed 1,800 mm/min (Fz = 0.2 mm) 165 mm/min (Fz = 0.183 mm) 207 mm/min (Fz = 4.5 mm) Depth / width of cut 4.5 / 120 mm 120 mm / – –/– Thread depth – – 40 mm Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê Application Examples Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series High performance milling, drilling and tapping. 30 1 2 3 Gear-driven spindle 8,000 rpm / 28 kW / 727 Nm 1 Performance milling 2 Performance drilling 3 Tapping Steel (Ck45) Material work piece Steel (Ck45) Steel (Ck45) Material removal rate 570 cm3/min 422 cm3/min – Tool Face mill D = 125 (10 cutting) Indexable insert drill D = 80 Tap M42 Spindle speed 400 rpm (Vc = 160 m/min) 400 rpm (Vc = 100 m/min) 46 rpm (Vc = 6 m/min) Feed 1,140 mm/min (Fz = 0.29 mm) 207 mm/min (Fz = 4.5 mm) 207 mm/min (Fz = 4.5 mm) Depth / width of cut 5.0 / 100 mm 80 mm / – –/– Thread depth – – 40 mm Gear-driven spindle 6,300 rpm / 32 kW / 1,100 Nm 1 Performance milling 2 Performance drilling 3 Tapping Material work piece Steel (Ck45) Steel (Ck45) Steel (Ck45) Material removal rate 695 cm3/min 472 cm3/min – Tool Face mill D = 160 (12 cutting) Indexable insert drill D = 100 Tap M48 Spindle speed 268 rpm (Vc = 135 m/min) 400 rpm (Vc = 125 m/min) 100 rpm (Vc = 15 m/min) Feed 965 mm/min (Fz = 0.3 mm) 60 mm/min (Fz = 0.15 mm) 500 mm/min (Fz = 5.0 mm) Depth / width of cut 6.0 / 120 mm 100 mm – Thread depth – – 50 mm DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series Milling / turning: DMU / DMC 60 / 160 FD duoBLOCK® performance turning. DMU / DMC 60 FD – 37 kW power / 1,000 Nm torque 1,200* rpm max. speed / 3,300 Nm holding torque Material Ck45 Material removal rate 405 cm3/min Depth of cut 4.5 mm Feed 0.45 mm / revolution Cutting diameter 500 mm Cutting speed 200 m/min Speed 127 rpm 31 DMU / DMC 160 FD – 69 kW power / 7,300 Nm torque 400* rpm max. speed / 13,500 Nm holding torque Material Ck45 Material removal rate 1,440 cm3/min Depth of cut 12 mm Feed 0.6 mm / revolution Cutting diameter 900 mm Cutting speed 200 m/min Speed 71 rpm * specification for DC 10 min, cooling of the bearing is required Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê Application Examples Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series Spindles for special materials and applications // Example applications. Aerospace spindle – cutting of aluminium up to 13 l/min Power milling with a 15,000 rpm motor spindle (179 Nm, 100 kW) Material workpiece AlMgSi Material removal rate 13,650 cm³/min Tool Face mill D = 80 (5 cutting edges) Spindle speed 8,000 rpm (Vc = 2,009 m/min) Feed 19,500 mm/min (Fz = 0.49 mm) Depth / width of cut 10.0 / 70 mm 32 5X torqueMASTER® – cutting of titanium Power milling with an 8,000 rpm gear-driven spindle (727 Nm, 28 kW) Material workpiece Titanium – Ti 6Al 4V Material removal rate 349 cm³/min Tool Porcupine cutter D = 50 (4 cutting edges) Spindle speed 363 rpm (Vc = 60 m/min) Feed 203 mm/min (Fz = 0.14 mm) Depth / width of cut 43.0 / 40 mm Performance milling with 6,300 motor spindle (1,100 Nm, 32 kW) Material work piece Titanium – Ti 6Al 4V Material removal rate 516 cm³/min Tool Porcupine cutter D = 80 (4 cutting edges) Spindle speed 239 rpm (Vc = 60 m/min) Feed 172 mm/min (Fz = 0.18 mm) Depth / width of cut 60.0 / 50 mm Angle head for internal machining of notches, holes, etc. ++ Simple exchange directly via the standard tool magazine ++ Available for all tool interfaces, including SK40, HSK-A63, SK50, HSK-A100 ++ Maximum stability provided by torque supports ++ Swivel range depends on whether tool is fixed or adjustable ++ Internal coolant supply is tool-dependent U-axis for contouring and turning ++ Simple exchange directly via the standard tool magazine ++ Deployment of the U-axis via actuator system ++ Programming and control as full NC axis ++ Ideal for machining grooves, contours and deep reliefs ++ Max. 22 mm travel for SK40 / CAT 40 / HSK-A63 ++ Max. 50 mm travel for SK50 / CAT 50 / HSK-A100 33 Finishing of a segment for a tyre mould Complete machining on a DMU 60 P duoBLOCK® Industry Mould making Material 40CrMnMo7 Tool Ball nose mill ø 6 mm Spindle / power / torque 18,000 rpm / 35 kW / 119 Nm Machining focus: 5-axis simultaneous machining with an NC-controlled B-axis and NC rotary table; surface finish Ra < 0.2 µm – use of a multiple fixture Finishing of a titanium landing gear beam Complete machining on DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK® Industry Aerospace Material Titanium – Ti 6Al 4V Tool Ball nose mill ø 12 mm Spindle / power / torque 6,300 rpm / 32 kW / 1,100 Nm Machining focus: heavy roughing with 1,100 Nm in 5-axis operation; finishing by 5-axis simultaneous machining; complete machining in two operations Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê Automation êê Customized Solutions Control Technology Technical Data DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series duoBLOCK® – the foundation for individual automation solutions. Workpiece handling Machines with and without pallet changers Pallet handling Machines without pallet changers RS5: 5-fold multi-pallet APC (7 pallets in the system)* – – RS10: 10-fold multi-pallet APC (12 pallets in the system)* – – Flexible pallet systems (linear multi-pallet) – – – – Pallet handling Machines with pallet changers Solutions for Automation Articulating arm robot Portal loaders Upgrades / Peripheral equipment Central tool magazine Washing 34 Deburring Measurement Workpiece labelling * DMC 160 U / FD with RS4 multi-pallet APC (6 pallets in the system) 1 1: Manufacturing system with three machining centres, dual-storey linear storage with 52 pockets and central tool magazine with 400 pockets, 24,000 rpm HSC pick-up spindle 2: Manufacturing cell for hydraulic components 3: RS5 rotary storage 3 2 1 2 3 4 1: Thin-walled lightweight Zerodur structures 2: Si-Quarz pump housing 3: Silicon nitride camera housing 4: Silicon carbide mounting plate Working principle – flexible ULTRASONIC integration via HSK ULTRASONIC advantages ++ Reduced process forces for excellent surface finishes (Ra < 0.2 µm), minimised microcracks in the material, longer tool life ++ Up to 2 times higher removal rates compared to conventional grinding ++ Self-sharpening of the cutting edge with micro-fragments in the diamond grains ++ Optimised particle flushing in the active zone max. 18,000 rpm max. 8,000 rpm HSK-A63 HSK-A100 Max. milling speed rpm 24,000 10,000 Max. ULTRASONIC speed rpm 18,000 8,000 ER 20 H7 shrink ER 20 H7 shrink Tool interface easySONIC-Control (automatic ULTRASONIC frequency recognition) option DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series ULTRASONIC – unrivalled material range and milling on one machine. The latest generation of ULTRASONIC HSK actuator systems combines ULTRASONIC hard machining of advanced materials (example: lightweight structures made of Zerodur, stamping tools made of hard metal, wear parts made of ceramic for the pump, textile and valve industries) with conventional 5-axis milling based on a HSK-A63 / -A100 interface. Here, the conventional tool rotation is inductively overlaid with an additional ULTRASONIC oscillation in the axial direction. 35 Applications and Parts Machine and Technology êê Technology Cycles Control Technology Technical Data Exclusive, optionally available DMG MORI technology cycles STANDARD MPC – Machine SGS – Spindle Protection Control Growth Sensor Protecting machines with an emergency shut-off function Improved precision by measuring spindle displacement Vibration sensors on the milling spindle Emergency shut-off with teach function Process monitoring by means of a bar graph 36 Milling spindle bearing diagnostics Measurement of the axial displacement of the rotor compared to the stator in real time The control system compensates for the actual displacement Grinding Machining with the highest surface precision Grinding on a universal milling machine For internal, external and face grinding ATC – Application Tuning Cycle Process optimisation at the push of a button Process-oriented feeddrive tuning Truing cycles for truing the grinding wheel Minimised machining time with maximised component quality, even taking into account the workpiece weight 3D quickSET® L measuring sensor package Interpolation turning Multi-tool Quick and easy for the highest precision Enhanced measuring options with the L measuring sensor Save time by efficiently using tools Toolkit for checking and correcting the kinematic precision of four- and five-axis machine configurations Measurement of pockets and grooves Machining of faces and recesses without a turn-mill table All head variants and all table axes Measurement in hard-to-reach areas Measurement of individual points Package with manual and automatic calibration The machining process takes place in a circular movement around and inside the workpiece The spindle is perpendicular to the direction of movement Several „sister tools” on one toolholder Save tool-change time and magazine pockets 1 2 3 1: Turning 2: Tapping 3: Gear hobbing with standard tools DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series Gear production – complete machining. DMG MORI gearMILL® software – the software package for various gear production operations 37 Highlights of the DMG MORI gearMILL® gearing software Highlights ++ Complete machining on one machine for reduced overall investment and floor space requirements: ++ Calculation of the tooth geometry of spur gears straight and helical gear teeth, double helical gears (herringbone), couplings ++ Calculation of the tooth geometry of bevel spur gears with straight or helical gear teeth, spiral gears, shaft angle equal to or not equal to 90 °, with and without offset (hypoid gear) 1 Turning 2 Drilling 3 Gear hobbing ++ Calculation of the tooth geometry of worms and worm wheels, ZA flank profile, ZN flank profile, ZI flank profile ++ Soft and hard machining ++ Generation of individual contact patterns ++ Attainable gear quality Bevel spur gear DIN ≤ 5 Spur gear DIN ≤ 6 (depending on the pitch circle diameter) ++ Individual tooth flank and profile modifications ++ Generation of four- and five-axis milling paths ++ Generator for 3D measurement data ++ Machine simulation ++ Quality control on the CNC milling machine with output protocol ++ Custom training concept with technology transfer Applications and Parts Machine and Technology Control Technology Technical Data 38 DMG MORI Energy Saving DMG MORI Virtual Machine DMG MORI Netservice Intelligent technology saves up to 20 % of energy costs over the entire life cycle of your DMG MORI machine tool. Unique – your DMG MORI machine 1 : 1 with the PC Green light for your machine as standard equipment ++ Efficient production start-up following optimal preparation ++ Immediate analysis and technical support for your DMG MORI machine ++ Real-time display of cycle time using PLC integration ++ Considerable increase in machine availability ++ Complete availability of all cycles and NC functions ++ Reduced service, personnel and travel costs ++ High reliability using collision detection and working area verification ++ Faster, bidirectional data exchange DMG MORI AUTOshutdown: Intelligent standby control system to avoid unnecessary energy use during idle times. DMG MORI GREENmode: Increased process speed and energy savings using intelligent feed control. ++ Authentic machine model with exact working area representation ++ Up to 80 % reduction of set-up and retooling times ++ High data security using ISDN or Internet VPN access Operate 4.5 on SIEMENS 840D solutionline ++ Highly simplified interactive programming with identical “look and feel” for turning and milling ++ SINUMERIK Operate new user interface ++ ATC, 3D quickSET® ++ Powerful processor (1.85 GHz) and controller, 1 GB RAM ++ Short block processing time of approx. 2.5 ms ++ Look-ahead function for 99 blocks ++ Graphical simulation of the machining process with plan view, triple-window display and 3D display; synchronised display during the machining process HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 ++ Unique, highly detailed 3D simulation display ++ New optimised TNC user interface ++ HSCI – HEIDENHAIN Serial Controller Interface ++ Rapid program generation with plain-text programming ++ CollisionMonitoring (DCM) ++ ATC, 3D quickSET® ++ Powerful processor (Intel i7-3, two cores) ++ New optimised ADP movement guide for improved surface quality and quicker machining (block processing time of just 0.5 ms) ++ 3D machining, optional 3D tool correction via the surface normal vector ++ MDynamics, optional optimisation of surface quality and speed for smoothing surface transitions Control Technology DMG MORI ERGOline® Control – high-end CNCs for reliable processes and maximum precision. Intelligent control systems are indispensable when it comes to converting engineering performance into maximum process efficiency, applying the highest precision to the component and providing optimal user-friendliness. DECKEL MAHO relies on the quality of the global market leaders SIEMENS and HEIDENHAIN and improves their output holistically with its own software solutions such as DMG MORI Virtual Machine and the DMG MORI process chain. 39 Applications and Parts Machine and Technology Control Technology Technical Data êê Floor Plans DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series Floor Plans DMU 60 P / FD duoBLOCK® DMU 160 P / FD duoBLOCK® Side view Side view 3,809 3,554 transport height 3,058 2,768 transport height 2,200 5,683 3,759 6,654 DMU 160 P duoBLOCK® Top view with a chain magazine 60 pockets 6,134 5,802 3,984 transport width without magazine Footprint 47.7 m2 7,774 DMU 160 FD duoBLOCK® Top view with a chain magazine 60 pockets 7,774 605 1,150 6,356 3,948 transport width without magazine Footprint 49.4 m2 5,802 40 DMC 60 U / FD duoBLOCK® DMC 160 U / FD duoBLOCK® Side view Side view 2,200 3,969 3,714 transport height 2,908 3,056 2,715 2,610 transport height 1,600 4,111 DMC 160 U duoBLOCK® 41 Top view with a chain magazine 60 pockets 6,134 5,346 3,949 transport width without magazine Footprint 56.2 m2 9,170 DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK® Top view with a chain magazine 60 pockets 9,170 605 1,150 6,356 5,802 3,949 transport width without magazine Footprint 58.2 m2 Applications and Parts Machine and Technology Control Technology Technical Data êê DMU P / FD duoBLOCK® DMU P / FD duoBLOCK® Series Technical Data Machine type DMU 60 P duoBLOCK® Work area X / Y / Z-axis travels mm 600 × 700 × 600 Spindle centre to pallet clearance Milling head horizontal mm 50 – 650 Milling head vertical mm 150 – 750 Milling head horizontal mm –150 up to 550 Milling head vertical mm –250 up to 450 NC rotary table rpm 40 Milling / turning table (milling / turning) rpm – Table size mm ø 630 Max. table load kg Spindle nose to pallet clearance Table / clamping surface / workpieces NC-controlled swivelling milling head (B-axis) 42 700 standard Swivel range (0 = vert. / 180 = horiz.) degrees Rapid traverse and feed rate rpm –30 / +180 30 5-axis options – NC-controlled swivelling milling head (A-axis) Swivel range (0 = vert. / –90 = horiz.) degrees Rapid traverse and feed rate rpm – 5X torqueMASTER® – NC-controlled B-axis with a gear-driven spindle Swivel range (0 = vert. / 180 = horiz.) degrees Rapid traverse and feed rate rpm Main drive Integrated motor spindle SK40 rpm 12,000 Integrated motor spindle HSK-A63 rpm – Integrated motor spindle HSK-A100 rpm Power (40 / 100 % DC) kW 28 / 19 Torque (40 / 100 % DC) Nm 121 / 82 – Tool changer SK40 Tool interface Tool magazine pockets 40 / wheel Linear axes (X / Y / Z) Feed / rapid traverse m/min Acceleration m/s2 Feed force kN 60 6/6/5 10 Machine data Space requirement of the basic machine incl. a chip conveyor without internal coolant supply approx. m2 Machine height (standard machine) mm Machine weight kg Controls DMG MORI ERGOline® Control with a 19" screen optional, – not available – 2,768 10,600 DMU 160 P duoBLOCK® DMU 60 FD duoBLOCK® DMU 160 FD duoBLOCK® 1,600 × 1,250 × 1,100 600 × 700 × 600 1,600 × 1,250 × 1,100 50 – 1,150 20 – 620 15 – 1,115 150 – 1,250 120 – 720 115 – 1,215 –200 up to 1,050 –150 up to 550 –200 up to 1,050 –300 up to 950 –250 up to 450 –300 up to 950 15 – – – 50 / 1,200 20 / 400 ø 1,500 × 1,250 ø 700 ø 1,500 4,000 600 4,000 standard standard standard –30 / +180 –30 / +180 –30 / +180 30 30 30 – –120 / +10 –120 / +10 25 25 – –30 / +180 –30 / +180 23 23 12,000 – – 12,000 – – – – 10,000 28 / 19 29 / 19 44 / 32 121 / 82 130 / 87 288 / 187 SK40 SK40 HSK-A100 60 / chain 40 / wheel 60 / chain 60 60 60 5/4/5 6/6/5 6/4/5 15 / 15 / 10 10 15 / 15 / 10 46.9 – 46.9 3,782 3,058 3,782 35,000 12,000 35,000 DMU P: SIEMENS 840D solutionline, HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 DMU FD: SIEMENS 840D solutionline FD 43 Applications and Parts Machine and Technology Control Technology Technical Data êê DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series Technical Data Machine type DMC 60 U duoBLOCK® Work area X / Y / Z-axis travels mm 600 × 700 × 600 Spindle centre to pallet clearance Milling head horizontal mm 20 – 620 Milling head vertical mm 120 – 720 Milling head horizontal mm –150 up to 550 Milling head vertical mm –250 up to 450 NC rotary table rpm 40 Milling / turning table (milling / turning) rpm – Table size mm ø 630 × 500 Max. table load kg Spindle nose to pallet clearance Table / clamping surface / workpieces NC-controlled swivelling milling head (B-axis) 44 600 standard Swivel range (0 = vert. / 180 = horiz.) degrees Rapid traverse and feed rate rpm –30 / +180 30 5-axis options NC-controlled swivelling milling head (A-axis) – Swivel range (0 = vert. / –90 = horiz.) degrees Rapid traverse and feed rate rpm 5X torqueMASTER® – NC-controlled B-axis with a gear-driven spindle – Swivel range (0 = vert. / 180 = horiz.) degrees Rapid traverse and feed rate rpm Main drive Integrated motor spindle SK40 rpm 12,000 Integrated motor spindle HSK-A63 rpm – Integrated motor spindle HSK-A100 rpm Power (40 / 100 % DC) kW 28 / 19 Torque (40 / 100 % DC) Nm 121 / 82 – Tool changer Tool interface Tool magazine SK40 pockets 63 / wheel Linear axes (X / Y / Z) Feed / rapid traverse m/min Acceleration m/s2 Feed force kN 60 6/6/5 10 Machine data Space requirement of the basic machine incl. a chip conveyor without internal coolant supply approx. m2 Machine height (standard machine) mm Machine weight kg Controls DMG MORI ERGOline® Control with a 19" screen optional, – not available – 2,715 12,000 DMC 160 U duoBLOCK® DMC 60 FD duoBLOCK® DMC 160 FD duoBLOCK® 1,600 × 1,400 × 1,100 600 × 700 × 600 1,600 × 1,400 × 1,100 50 – 1,150 20 – 620 10 – 1,110 150 – 1,250 120 – 720 110 – 1,210 –200 up to 1,050 –150 up to 550 –200 up to 1,050 –300 up to 950 –250 up to 450 –300 up to 950 15 – – – 50 / 1,200 20 / 400 ø 1,250 × 1,000 ø 630 ø 1,400 3,000 500 3,000 standard standard standard –30 / +180 –30 / +180 –30 / +180 30 30 30 – –120 / +10 –120 / +10 25 25 – –30 / +180 –30 / +180 23 23 12,000 – – – 12,000 – – – 10,000 28 / 19 29 / 19 44 / 32 121 / 82 130 / 87 288 / 187 SK40 SK40 HSK-A100 60 / chain 63 / wheel 60 / chain 60 60 60 5/4/5 6/6/5 6/4/5 15 / 15 / 10 10 15 / 15 / 10 55.3 – 55.3 3,942 3,056 3,942 43,000 12,000 43,000 DMC U: SIEMENS 840D solutionline, HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 DMC FD: SIEMENS 840D solutionline FD 45 Applications and Parts Machine and Technology Control Technology Technical Data êê Options DMU P / FD and DMC U / FD duoBLOCK® Series Options Machine Type Options Table options Clamping hydraulics 2 / 4 for the work table and set-up area RS7 / RS12 multi-pallet APC, incl. 5 / 10 additional pallets (only for DMC machines) Toolholder HSK-A63 / BT 40 / CAT 40 (HSK with the milling / turning machines, FD, standard version) HSK-A100 / BT 50 / CAT 50 (HSK with the milling / turning machines, FD, standard version) Automation / measuring / monitoring 3D quickSET® Infrared measuring probe: HEIDENHAIN TS 640 / Renishaw PP60 (OMP 60) Tool measurement in the working area Mfg. Blum Laser NT-Hybrid Tool magazine has built-in mechanical tool breakage monitor Combination tool measuring in the working area, laser system for milling tools, 3D-caliper for turning tools 4-colour signal lamp Coolant / chip removal 46 Production package cooling unit 500 litres, fabric tape filter, internal coolant supply 40 bar Production package cooling unit 600 litres, paper band filter, internal coolant supply 40 bar Production package cooling unit 980 litres, paper band filter, internal coolant supply 40 bar (standard equipment with DMC machines / for DMU only with 80 bar through-spindle coolant) Prod. package cooling unit 980 litres, paper band filter, int. coolant supply 40 / 80 bar, (2 pressure stages) Temperature control for the internal coolant supply unit 980 litres Spray gun with a pump 1 bar / 40 l/min External minimum quantity lubrication with the spindle centre positioned over the jets Oil and emulsion-mist separator Cooling unit air-blast through the spindle centre Options controls TNC 640 Application Tuning Cycle ATC Electronic hand wheel TNC 640 Control cabinet for the load station tool magazine 2. processor card with Windows 2000 Options SIEMENS 840D solutionline Electronic hand wheel SIEMENS 840D Control panel for tool magazine loading station 3D-operation, 3D-tool correction with the surface-normal vector TRANSMIT Lateral surface transformation (milling of cylindrical paths) CompCad compressor function for high-speed machining General options Shatterproof safety glass for the viewing window Operating mode 4 (process supervision in production) Package for increased precision optional, – not available DMU 60 P dB (DMC 60 U dB) DMU 160 P dB (DMC 160 U dB) DMU 60 FD dB (DMC 60 FD dB) DMU 160 FD dB (DMC 160 FD dB) (DMU on request) (RS6) – (RS6) standard – – standard – – – – standard – – – – standard – standard – standard standard standard – – – – – – – – standard standard – 47 Headquarters Europe Germany: DMG MORI Deutschland Riedwiesenstraße 19 D-71229 Leonberg Tel.: +49 (0) 71 52 / 90 90 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 71 52 / 90 90 - 20 00 Service Hotline: +49 (0) 180 5 49 00 22 DMG MORI Austria Oberes Ried 11 A-6833 Klaus Tel.: +43 (0) 55 23 / 69 141 - 0 Fax: +43 (0) 55 23 / 69 141 - 100 Service Hotline: +43 (0) 17 95 / 76 109 DMG MORI Hungary Vegyész u. 17 – 25 · B. Building H-1116 Budapest Tel.: +36 1 430 16 14 Fax: +36 1 430 16 15 Service Hotline: +36 1 777 90 57 _ Stockerau Josef-Jessernigg-Straße 16 A-2000 Stockerau Tel.: +43 (0) 55 23 / 69 141 - 0 Fax: +43 (0) 55 23 / 69 141 - 100 DMG MORI Ibérica Pol. Ind. Els Pinetons Avda. Torre Mateu 2 – 8 · Nave 1 E-08291 Ripollet · Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 586 30 86 Fax: +34 93 586 30 91 Service Hotline: +34 91 - 2 75 43 22 Europe: DMG MORI Europe Sulzer-Allee 70 CH-8404 Winterthur Tel.: +41 (0) 58 / 611 5000 Fax: +41 (0) 58 / 611 5001 Service Hotline: +41 (0) 446 545 670 Asia: DMG MORI Japan 2-3-23 Shiomi Koto-ku, Tokyo JP-135-0052, Japan Tel.: +81 3 - 6758 - 5900 Fax: +81 3 - 6758 - 5919 America: DMG MORI USA 2400 Huntington Blvd. Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 Tel.: +1 (847) 593 - 5400 Fax: +1 (847) 593 - 5433 DMG MORI Benelux _ Netherlands Wageningselaan 48 NL-3903 LA Veenendaal Tel.: +31 (0) 318 - 55 76 - 11 Fax: +31 (0) 318 - 52 44 - 29 Service Hotline: +31 (0) 202 00 81 83 _ Belgium Hermesstraat 4B B-1930 Zaventem Tel.: +32 (0) 2 / 7 12 10 - 90 Fax: +32 (0) 2 / 7 12 10 - 99 Service Hotline: +32 (0) 2 / 2 200 62 - 52 DMG MORI Czech Kaštanová 8 · CZ-620 00 Brno Tel.: +420 545 426 311 Fax: +420 545 426 310 Service Hotline: +420 239 000 561 _ Planá Chýnovská 535 CZ-39111 Planá nad Lužnicí Tel.: +420 381 406 914 Fax: +420 381 406 915 _ Slovakia Brnianska 2 SK-91105 Trenčín Tel.: +421 326 494 824 DMG MORI France Parc du Moulin · 1 Rue du Noyer B.P. 19326 Roissy-en-France F-95705 Roissy CDG Cedex Tel.: +33 (0) 1 / 39 94 68 00 Fax: +33 (0) 1 / 39 94 68 58 Service Hotline: +33 (0) 8 10 90 20 20 _ Lyon Parc des Lumières 1205 Rue Nicéphore Niepce F-69800 Saint-Priest Tel.: +33 (0) 4 / 78 90 95 95 Fax: +33 (0) 4 / 78 90 60 00 _ Toulouse Futuropolis Bat. 2 · 2 Rue Maryse Hilsz F-31500 Toulouse Tel.: +33 (0) 5 / 34 25 29 95 Fax: +33 (0) 5 / 61 20 89 19 _ Haute-Savoie Espace Scionzier · 520 avenue des Lacs F-74950 Scionzier Tel.: +33 (0) 4 / 50 96 41 62 Fax: +33 (0) 4 / 50 96 41 30 _ Madrid C / Alcañiz 23 · E-28042 Madrid Tel.: +34 91 66 99 865 Fax: +34 91 66 93 834 _ San Sebastián Edificio Igaraburu Pokopandegi 11, Oficina 014 E-20018 San Sebastián Tel.: +34 943 100 233 Fax: +34 943 226 929 Service Hotline: +34 91 - 2 75 43 22 DMG MORI Italia Via G. Donizetti 138 I-24030 Brembate di Sopra (BG) Tel.: +39 035 62 28 201 Fax: +39 035 62 28 210 Service Hotline: 199 177 811 _ Milano Via Riccardo Lombardi 10 I-20153 Milano (MI) Tel.: +39 02 48 94 921 Fax: +39 02 48 91 44 48 _ Padova Via E. Fermi 7 · I-35030 Veggiano (PD) Tel.: +39 049 900 66 11 Fax: +39 049 900 66 99 DMG MORI Middle East Jebel Ali Free Zone · JAFZA Towers Lob 18, Office 2403, P.O. Box 262 607 Dubai, U.A.E. Tel.: +971 - 4 - 88 65 740 Fax: +971 - 4 - 88 65 741 DMG MORI Polska ul. Fabryczna 7 · PL-63-300 Pleszew Tel.: +48 (0) 62 / 7428 000 Fax: +48 (0) 62 / 7428 114 Service Hotline: +48 (0) 62 / 7428 285 DMG MORI Romania DN 65B, KM. 4 + 471 RO-110180 Pitesti Tel.: +40 248 610 408 Fax: +40 248 610 409 DMG MORI Russia ul. Novohohlovskaya 23 / 1 RU-109 052 Moscow Tel.: +7 495 225 49 60 Fax: +7 495 225 49 61 Service Hotline: +7 495 912 50 09 _ Jekaterinburg ul. Sofi Kowalewskoj 4, litera Z RUS-620049 Jekaterinburg Tel.: +7 343 379 04 73 Fax: +7 343 379 04 74 DMG MORI Europe AG Sulzer-Allee 70, CH-8404 Winterthur Tel.: +41 (0) 58 / 611 5000, Fax: +41 (0) 58 / 611 5001, _ St. Petersburg pr. Obuhovskoy Oborony 271, litera A RUS-192012 St. Petersburg Tel.: +7 812 313 80 71 Fax: +7 812 313 80 71 DMG MORI Scandinavia _ DMG MORI Finland & Baltics Jasperintie 310 FI-33960 Pirkkala Tel.: +358 10 271 4450 Service Hotline: +358 10 271 4460 _ DMG MORI Sweden E A Rosengrens gata 5 SE-421 31 Västra Frölunda Tel.: +46 (0) 771 364 6674 Fax: +46 (0) 31 476 351 Service Hotline: +46 (0) 771 365 724 _ DMG MORI Denmark Robert Jacobsens Vej 60, DK-2300 København S Tel.: +45 70 21 11 11 Fax: +45 49 17 77 00 Service Hotline: +45 70 21 11 12 _ Norway Bergsli Metallmaskiner AS Bedriftsveien 64 NO-3735 Skien Tel.: +47 35 50 35 00 Fax: +47 35 50 35 70 DMG MORI Schweiz Sulzer-Allee 70 CH-8404 Winterthur Tel.: +41 (0) 58 / 611 5000 Fax: +41 (0) 58 / 611 5001 Service Direct Line: +41 (0) 58 / 611 5555 Service Hotline: +41 (0) 446 545 670 DMG MORI South East Europe Ag. Georgiou 5 – Patriarchiko Pylaias, Cosmos Offices, PO 60233 GR-57001 Thessaloniki Tel.: +30 2310 474486 Fax: +30 2310 474487 DMG MORI Turkey Ferhatpaşa Mah. Gazipaşa Cad. No: 11 TR-34885 Ataşehir · İstanbul Tel.: +90 216 471 66 36 Fax: +90 216 471 80 30 Service Hotline: +90 216 47 16 636 DMG MORI UK 4030 Siskin Parkway East Middlemarch Business Park Coventry CV3 4PE · GB Tel.: +44 (0) 2476 516 120 Fax: +44 (0) 2476 516 136 Service Direct Line: +44 (0) 2476 516 130 Service Hotline: +44 (0) 20 30241514 DMG MORI Africa Representative WIN-TECH Machinery & Tooling 90 El Thawra Street El Golf Area Heliopolise 11341 Cairo, Egypt Tel.: +202 2 690 36 08 Fax: +202 2 690 36 09 PRO.D6653_0715UK PRO.Dxxxx_xxxxUK Subject Subjecttotomodification. modification.Technical Technicalupdate updaterights rightsreserved. reserved.The Themachines machinesdepicted depictedhere heremay mayinclude includesome someoptions, options,equipment equipmentand andCNC CNCalternatives. alternatives. Always close by!
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