casos pràctics del català i de l`anglès
casos pràctics del català i de l`anglès
Curs ICE-CLT: Recursos i estratègies per al tractament de la gramàtica a l’aula de Secundària, Barcelona 27 juny 2016 Explotant l'L1 per aprendre una L2: casos pràctics del català i de l’anglès Susanna Padrosa Trias EOI de Banyoles 1. Català i anglès: orígens 2. Fonètica i fonologia 1. 2. 3. 4. Consonants i vocals Estructura sil·làbica Relació entre grafia i pronunciació Trets suprasegmentals 1. Accent 2. Ritme 1. Català i anglès: orígens L’anglès: una llengua exòtica? English is an incredible language. It’s flexible and receptive. English is, in effect, a collection of other languages. About 60% of its vocabulary is Latin-based! English is an incredible language. I adore it! There’s a perfect word or expression for anything a person can imagine. For example, ‘adore’... It’s a splendid word” It transcends ‘love’. It contains respect, devotion, and a sense of eternity. Wow! Seligson et al (2015: unitat 1) Ho entenc bastant. paraules cognades / prefixos / sufixos • • • • → llatí Same script: ‘easy’ to read & write 58% of English is Latin-based About1/3 of 3000 most common words cognates Fewer than 10% of all cognates are ‘false’ Seligson (2016) DIFERÈNCIES Català: llengua romànica Anglès: llengua germànica Processos de formació de paraules: PREFIXACIÓ ANGLÈS CATALÀ extraterrestrial, extraordinary incomplete illegal impossible irregular international, interdepartmental, intercontinental misspell, mishear, misbehave, misunderstand extraterrestre, extraordinari incomplet il·legal impossible irregular internacional, interdepartamental, intercontinental {escriure / sentir / comportar-se / entendre} malament OVER- ‘too much’ overcharge, overrate overcook, overreact sobrevalorar, sobreestimar; {cuinar, reaccionar} excessivament RE- ‘again’ reconsider, redo, reread, rewrite unfair, unhappy, unreal, unpack, unscrew outdo, outperform, outnumber, outsell reconsiderar, refer, rellegir, reescriure injust, infeliç, irreal desempaquetar, descargolar sobrepassar, ser més; excedir en nombre, vendre més que PREFIX EXTRA- ‘beyond’ IN- ‘not’ INTER- ‘between’ MIS- ‘wrongly’ UN- ‘not, reverse’ OUT- ‘go beyond, be larger than’ Processos de formació de paraules: COMPOSICIÓ COMPOSTOS [NN]N [VN]N [NV]V ANGLÈS table leg clog dance book seller (productius) scarecrow pickpocket heal-all killjoy (no productius) colour-code computer-generate steam-clean (productius) CATALÀ cotxe escombra verd oliva tren hotel (productius) espantaocells cobrellit guarda-roba rentaplats (productius) camatrencar capgirar corsecar-se alatrencar (no productius) 2. Fonètica i fonologia 1. Consonants i vocals (Kelly 2004: 7) (IEC 1999) PODEM ANTICIPAR ERRORS? [t, d] Català: dental Anglès: alveolar [h] Català: fricatiu, glotal (ha, ha / ehem) Anglès: fricatiu, glotal [v] Català (no tots els dialectes) Anglès (bet/vet, bowels/vowels, bow/vow) [] Català ? // Espanyol (zapato) Anglès (think, bath) (day, dome) Català (a) cava (b) cada (c) lliga Anglès (a) about, obey, Bob is (b) today, body, I do, Ted is (c) ago /b, d, g/ → [b, d, g] / V_V (oclusives) Parells mínims: [] those they [d] doze day /b, d, g/ → [, , ] / V_V (aproximants) other lather udder ladder Català (a) (b) (c) (d) (d) adob verd càstig pes boig /b, d, g, z, / → [p, t, k, s, t] / _ # (ensordiment) Anglès (a) job (b) bad (bat) (c) bag (back) (d) bathe (e) save (safe) (f) peas (peace) (g) judge /b, d, g, , v, z, d ... / → [b, d, g, , v, z, d...] / _ # feet-feed, heard-hurt, peas-piece, heart-hard, loose-lose Català (a) pinta (b) tassa (c) coca Anglès (a) pen (b) time (c) cat (≠ spend) (≠ stake) (≠ skate) /p, t, k/ → [ph, t h, k h] / $ _ V (aspiració) (Kelly 2004: 5) (IEC 1999) Diferències → llargada de les vocals en anglès /i:/ - // peel - pill feel - fill leek - lick deep - dip scene, seen - sin /u:/ - // fool pool Luke shoed - full - pull - look - should → // // /:/ vocals no presents en català hand, ham, bad, mad, match, stamp jump, run, duck, blood, flood first, third, skirt, learn, word, world //- // - /:/ tan – ton – turn bad - bud - bird // - /:/ - // luck – lark - lock duck – dark - dock bucks – barks – box //- // bat – but pan – pun dad - dud lack – luck hat - hut /:/ - /:/ purse – pass heard – hard firm – farm burn – barn Firework by Katy Perry There are 4 misspelt words. Can you correct them? Do you ever fill already varied dip? Six fit under screams, but no one seems to hear a thing Do you know that there's still a chance for you 'Cause there's a spark in you? Do you ever FEEL already BURIED DEEP? Six FEET under screams, but no one seems to hear a thing Do you know that there's still a chance for you 'Cause there's a spark in you? 2. Fonètica i fonologia 2. Estructura sil·làbica Japonès CV Espanyol C2-0 V C1-0 prado / pardo Català C2-0 V C3-0 V ona, únic, teatre CV tema, pena, recta CCV tro, prat, precs, tracte VC VCC VCCC acte, premsa parc, arc, èxtasi marcs, discs, bruscs // camps p → Anglès C3-0 V C4-0 V CV CCV CCCV /aɪ/ eye /peɪ/ pay /preɪ/ pray /spreɪ/ spray VC VCC VCCC VCCCC /eɪm/ aim, /waɪd/ wide /eɪmz/ aims, /wɪtθ/ width, /eɪmd/aimed /ækts/ acts, /wɪtθs/widths /teksts/ texts, /twelfθs/ twelfths Català // + sp-, st-, sk-, spr-, scr-... (sport, study, skate, smile, ...) Reducció de grups consonàntics CATALÀ <-mp/b> ANGLÈS camp – camperol tomb – tombar, tombarella /m/ comb /m/ combing /mb/ combination plumb climb plumbing climbing, climber ambition ambiguity CATALÀ <-nc/g> ANGLÈS banc – banquet, bancal sang - sanguini fang – fangós, enfangat // sing bang long enough ring us // singer banger longing /g/ finger anger hungry stinging nettle anguish !!!!! long, strong young [] → younger [] 2. Fonètica i fonologia 3. Relació entre grafia i pronunciació Com es pronuncia <ea>? team, guinea, leather, Sean, vengeance, great, idea, wearing team guinea leather Sean vengeance great idea wearing /i:/ /i/ /e/ /:/ // // // // Com pronuncieu la vocal de … ? truth boot blue soup flew juice sleuth shoe tomb /u:/ PHONETICS POEM I take it you already know Of tough and bough and cough and dough? Others may stumble but not you On hiccough, thorough, slough and through. Well done! And now you wish perhaps, To learn of less familiar traps? Beware of heard, a dreadful word That looks like beard and sounds like bird. And dead, it's said like bed, not beadfor goodness' sake don't call it 'deed'! Watch out for meat and great and threat (they rhyme with suite and straight and debt). ... {a/ough} Com pronuncieu bring, catch i think en passat? /brɔːt/ - /kɔːt/ - /θɔːt/ 1._________ /lɑːf/ verb to smile while making sounds with your voice that show you think sth is funny or you are happy. 2.___________ /ɪˈnʌf/ adj. sufficient 3. _________ /drɑːft/ noun a flow of cool air in a room 4. _________ /draʊt/ noun a long period of time where there is little or no rain 5. _________ /θruː/ prep. from one end or side of sth to the other 6. _________ /ɔːlˈðəʊ/ conj. despite the fact that 7. _________ /rʌf/ adj. 1 not smooth, 2 not exact, 3 violent 8. _________ /tʌf/ adj. 1 difficult, 2 strict / firm 3 strong 9. _________ /ˈdəʊ.nʌt/ noun a small cake made of fried dough, usually in the shape of a ring, and filled with jam. 10. _________ /kɒf/ noun, verb to force out air suddenly and noisily through your throat, for example when you have a cold 11. _________ /plaʊ/ noun, verb a piece of farming equipment pulled by a tractor used for digging and turning over soil. 12. _________ /ˈθʌr.ə/ adj. with great attention to detail. AJUDA: enough, tough. thorough, laugh, draught, cough, drought, plough, through, doughnut, rough, although 1. /lɑːf/ 2. /ɪˈnʌf/ 3. /drɑːft/ 4. /draʊt/ 5. /θruː/ 6. /ɔːlˈðəʊ/ 7. /rʌf/ 8. /tʌf/ 9. /ˈdəʊ.nʌt/ 10. /kɒf/ 11. /plaʊ/ 12. /ˈθʌr.ə/ laugh enough draught drought through although rough tough doughnut cough plough thorough Patrons grafia- pronunciació? Com es pronuncia la <th>? those, ruthless, brother, theology, thyme [], [], [t] [] the, that, them, those, these [] [] bath, both, think, threat, healthy, ruthless bother, brother, wither; bathe, loathe, wreathe [] [t] theorem, theology, monolith, sympathy Anthony, Thames, Thailand, Thomas, thyme <ch> [], [t], [k], [d] [t] chain, chew, witch achieve, touch, rich, chair [] champagne, brochure, machine [k] technique, Christmas, choir, chaos, hierarchy [d] spinach, sandwich, Norwich, Greenwich Com es pronuncien aquests mots? biter - bitter holy – holly bony – bonny coma – comma title – tittle later – latter diner – dinner navy – navvy cuter- cutter Consonant doble → vocal curta 2. Fonètica i fonologia 4. Trets suprasegmentals 1. Accent 1) Síl·labes inaccentuades -Reducció vocàlica //, // , // CATALÀ: mestre, històric, educar ANGLÈS: teacher, historic, educate -Desaparició vocàlica CATALÀ: berenar, caramel, veritat, taronja ANGLÈS: interesting /ˈɪn.trəs.tɪŋ/, chocolate /ˈtʃɒk.lət/ -Consonant sil·làbica CATALÀ: dialectal (mallorquí, menorquí) ANGLÈS: mountain /ˈmaʊ, bottle /ˈbɒt.əl/ 2) Accent en paraules simples ANGLÈS A group of students who frequented the Wayside Café, met there to stage a protest meeting. Police suspected some of the young rebels who frequently went there to protest about the subject of grants. A recent increase had been rejected, and so far little progress has been made. When the police raided the café, the meeting was being conducted in perfect order, but soon insults were heard and some arrests were made. The young suspects were escorted to the police station and subjected to questioning. The subject of increasing the grants had to be put off. (Finch & Ortiz 1982: 173) Parelles de noms i verbs Sense canvi d’accent experiment /ɪkˈsper.ɪ.mənt/N/V complement /ˈkɒm.plɪ.ment/N/V contact /ˈkɒn.tækt/N/V Canvi d’accent increase /ˈɪn.kriːs/N insult /ˈɪn.sʌlt/N import /ˈɪm.pɔːt/N /ɪnˈkriːs/V /ɪnˈsʌlt/V /ɪmˈpɔːt/V Canvi d’accent + qualitat de la vocal protest /ˈprəʊ.test/N /prəˈtest/V suspect /ˈsʌs.pekt/N /səˈspekt/V rebel /ˈreb.əl/N /rɪˈbel/V subject /ˈsʌb.dʒekt/N /səbˈdʒekt/V conduct /ˈkɒn.dʌkt/N /kənˈdʌkt/V progress /ˈprəʊ.ɡres/ N /prəˈɡres/V conflict /ˈkɒn.flɪkt/N /kənˈflɪkt/V record /ˈrek.ɔːd/N /rɪˈkɔːd/V object /ˈɒb.dʒɪkt/N /əbˈdʒekt/V accent /ˈæk.sənt/N /əkˈsent/V CATALÀ pèl-pel, Marià-Maria, déu-deu, té-te, nét-net ESPANYOL callé-calle, inglés-ingles, sábana-sabana 3) Accent en paraules complexes CATALÀ Regla de desaccentuació de domini de mot A) bo - bonet (-et) sufixos que atrauen l’accent B) calor - calòric (-ic) sufix àton que provoca procés de reaccentuació C) ràpid – ràpidament sufix neutre ANGLÈS A) Sufixos accentuats -eer: mountaineer, engineer, profiteer -esque: picturesque, Romanesque -ette: cigarette, usherette, statuette -ese: Chinese, Sudanese, Portuguese -ee: employee, refugee, absentee -aire: millionaire, affair, questionnaire B) Sufixos que afecten l’accent de la paraula -ion: observation, variation, combination, derivation, inhibition, prohibition -ic: atomic, scenic, economic, climatic -ity: variety, nationality, reality, majority -gy: biology, technology -(i)al: biological, technological, referential, essential sufixos → alternances vocàliques i consonàntiques / extreme – extremity serene – serenity concede – concession procede – procession C) Sufixos neutres -able: questionable, reasonable, comfortable -er: painter, farmer, driver -dom: kingdom, freedom -hood: childhood, motherhood, priesthood -ful: careful, wonderful, colourful, helpful -less: childless, colourless, tasteless -ness: selfishness, whiteness, happiness -en: widen, blacken, whiten shorten, loosen 2. Fonètica i fonologia 4. Trets suprasegmentals 2. Ritme CATALÀ: llengua de compàs sil·làbic (syllabletimed language) ‘En ‘Pe’re ‘ba’lla. (5 síl·labes) ‘En ‘Pe’re ‘vol ‘ba’llar ‘sem’pre. (8 síl·labes) ANGLÈS: llengua de compàs accentual (stresstimed language) ‘Peter ‘Peter ‘Peter ‘Peter ‘Peter ‘smokes will ‘smoke would have ‘smoked would like to ‘smoke would have liked to ‘smoke Conseqüències: • Estructura síl·làbica més o menys complexa (anglès / català) Com a conseqüència de perdre les vocals, hi ha més grups consonàntics: clapped, robbed, chocolate … •Més o menys reducció (vocals àtones) de les síl·labes inaccentuades (anglès / català) o Formes fortes i formes febles de les categories funcionals (1)a. I can do it /kən/ b. I can’t do it /kæn/ (2) a. 522 /tu:/ b. five to two /tə/ Strong form Weak form am /æm/ /əm/ and /ænd/ /ənd/ /ən/ at /æt/ /ət/ can /kæn/ /kən/ for /fɔːr/ /fər/ from /frɒm/ /frəm/ have /hæv/ /həv/ /əv/ of /ɒv/ /əv/ to /tuː/ /tʊ/ /tə/ was /wɒz/ /wəz/ were /wɜːr/ /wər/ CONTEXTOS – formes fortes •Funció contrastiva It’s not to Bill, it’s from Bill. (He wants to visit Canada. He’s from Italy.) •Posició final sintàctica What are you looking at? (Shall we meet at three?) He’s taller than I am. (I’m your neighbour) _______________ love by Roxette It _______________ love but it's over now. It _______________ good but I lost it somehow. It _______________ love but it's over now. From the moment we touched, 'til the time had run out. It must have been love by Roxette It MUST HAVE BEEN love but it's over now. It MUST HAVE BEEN good but I lost it somehow. It MUST HAVE BEEN love but it's over now. From the moment we touched, 'til the time had run out. oEscurçament de vocals quan hi ha síl·labes inaccentuades que segueixen sheep – shepard break – breakfast game – gamble know – knowledge holy – holiday five – fifty, fifteen wise – wisdom wild - wilderness Bibliografia orientativa • Finch, D. F. & Ortiz Lira, H. 1982. A Course in English Phonetics for Spanish Speakers. London: Heinemann. • Gràcia, Ll., Cabré, M. T., Varela, S. & Azkarate, M. 2000. Configuración morfológica y estructura argumental: léxico y diccionario. Zarautz (Guipúzcoa): Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua. • Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). 1999. Aplicació al català dels principis de transcripció de l’associació fonètica internacional. Barcelona: IEC, Secció Filològica. • Kelly, G. 2004. How to Teach Pronunciation. UK: Pearson. • O’Connor, J.D. 1980. Better English Pronunciation. Cambridge: CUP. • Padrosa Trias, S. 2010. Complex Word-Formation and the MorphologySyntax Interface, PhD dissertation, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. • Seligson, P 2016. “Advantaging Spanish-speaking learners”. Conferència a la EOI de Girona, Girona. Moltes gràcies!