There is no experience more special than the Boca West Country
There is no experience more special than the Boca West Country
BocaWest [August/ Sep tember 2010] There is no experience more special than the Boca West Country Club! the [ shoppes] at boca west Labor Day Retail Sale New Markdowns Taken Golf & Tennis Apparel & Equipment Monday, September 6 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Palm Room 25-75 off % All Sales are Final [ presiden t’s Let t er] f r o m t h e d e s k o f J ay D i P i e t r o Dear Member, What a great Fourth of July celebration! We had nearly 1,700 in attendance and it was wonderful to see all of you and your family and friends having such a good time! Besides the day of the BBQ, it was great to see more than 320 members and guests enjoyed our Independence Day dinner dance on Friday, July 2. It was such a success, that we’re having another dinner dance during the Labor Day holiday weekend on Saturday, September 4! I hope that you’re able to attend! Every year I say, “Summer is the perfect time for you to relax”. Well, this year is no exception! Why don’t you clear your calendar and spend the day in your wonderful Spa? Two great specials are available for the months of August and September. Call today to make your appointments. And if you’re looking for that perfect gift…don’t forget that the Spa has gift certificates available for all of their services! Summer is also the time for your committee chairs, department heads and I to work on new amenities and programs to share with you during the upcoming season! In addition, I’m working closely with the food and beverage management team on developing exciting new menus. We look forward to sharing all of our ideas with you in the very near future. We’ve taken advantage of a new opportunity with Workaway International to recruit in the Philippines. Our Director of Human Resources, Barbara Crowley, and I have thoroughly researched the idea and we believe recruiting in Philippines will be another success! She’s traveled overseas to recruit in both South Africa and Philippines for our 2010/11 International staff. We’re also fortunate enough to have some returning staff from Romania, Ukraine, New Zealand and South Africa. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for permitting the CMAA Seminole Region Charity Golf Tournament to be held here this past June. This year’s fundraising resulted in nearly $430,000 for Palm Beach County’s Special Olympics and Toys for Tots as well as the SOS Children’s Village of Florida. We could not achieve such numbers without the ability to host such a large event, which can only be accommodated by Boca West Country Club. So again, on behalf of my committee, thank you. Membership renewal is just around the corner. If you have not received your package or have any questions, please contact the Membership department at 488-6934 and they will be happy to help in any way possible. Enjoy the remainder of your summer and remember my door is always open to your suggestions and comments. Sincerely, Jay DiPietro, CCM President and General Manager boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 3 BocaWest [ inside this issue 6/12 10 15 August/September 2010 ] 3 president’s letter Golf and 5 golf Tennis Fun Upcoming Tournaments & Events 8 fitness & aquatics 10 dining Celebrate 12 tennis at Your Club Labor Day and the High Holy Days 14 spa 16 calendar Get the Royal 18 activities Treatment 24 scene flash! The Spa at Boca West 26 boca west news 30 chairman’s letter Visit us on the Web and check out all the great features! If you have a question or concern, email us at BocaWest is published for its members by Boca West Country Club, Inc. Send correspondence to: Kathy E. Kohlhepp, Editor Boca West Country Club, P.O. Box 3070, Boca Raton, FL 33431-0970 • 488-6975 Design, Layout & Printing EG Communications group 954-958-0338 • Event photos by Visual Enterprises Cover photo by Martin Marinov Our preferred Real Estate company Call 989-2100 for all your Real Estate needs 4 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west >> >> [ golf] On Your Mark, Get Set, Let’s Play! >> boca bocawest west [[ August/September 2010 ] 5 gol f not es The Heat Is On! By Steve Siegel, Golf Committee Chairman Soaring temperatures and afternoon thunderstorms are the norm in South Florida during the summer and this year has been no different. Maintenance crews have been hard at work with our aerification program on all four courses. This process is vital to help the courses recover from the winter season. Course closings and a few rough spots on the courses can be expected. But as our course conditions tell us, it is well worth the small inconveniences. Thank you for your patience. Don’t forget we still have our Labor Day Event ahead of us; as well as the Men’s Challenge Cup, which is a Ryder Cup style format played on October 1 and 2. My final item this month is the upgrades that will be made to the driving range this summer. To eliminate the unsightly appearance created by tees scattered at each hitting area, bulk tees will no longer be available at each spot. Tees will always be available at the post starter and 1st tees of each course. Golfers should keep a couple in their pocket when going to practice. This will eliminate the millions, and I do mean millions, of tees left lying on the range tee each year. An awning will be installed over several hitting stalls to provide shade on the south tee. This end will also have new artificial turf installed and a landscape and paver project to beautify the area. 6 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west Junior Golf Camp Age 6 – 12 Limited to 12 students Snack and Drinks provided Includes t-shirt, DVD swing analysis and instructional booklet. Dates: August 9 – 13 and August 16 – 20 $255 Teen Golf Camp 13 to 17 year olds – Time: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Three day camp - $155 Five day camp - $255 Call for the Golf Shop for dates Advanced Players School 14 – 19 year olds- 15 hours of instruction6 students per school 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. $300 for the three day school Call the Golf Shop for dates. Instructors – Michael Meredith and Pam Elders Boca West Open results held on June 19 and 20 Barry Blazer and Judy Katten Men’s Division Champion – Barry Blazer (75) Runner-Up – Rich Licata (80) Net Winner – Leslie Seiff (68) Net Runner-Up – Bruce Robbins (69) Blue Tee Division Net Winner – Paul Zisser (71) Net Runner-Up – Walter Eidelkind (72) Ladies’ Division Champion – Judy Katten (87) Net Winner – Terry Kovacs (77) Memorial Day Tournament Results held on Sunday, May 30 Fazio II 1st place – 47 moc – Sy Shlomchik, Carl Goldberg, Bob Adler, Jack Howard 2nd place – 47 moc – Richard and Hannah Akawie – Richard and Jan Chavis 3rd place – 48 moc – Beverly Gold, Barbara Faller, Ann Dee Gruber, Judy Roif 4th place – 48 moc – Joel and Phyllis Weisman – Mark and Joan Haberman Longest Drive – Men Handicap 16 – 25: Peter Marks Handicap 26 and over: Richard Kirtz Longest Drive – Ladies Handicap 0 – 25: Deborah Kirtz Handicap 26 and over: Toby Bondy Dye IV 1st place – 48 – Dick and Honey Dickler – Harold and Paula Faske 2nd place – 49 moc – Howie and Eileen Garchik – Ron and Marcy Nevins 3rd place – 49 moc – Ed and Fern Rod – Phil and Jill Kupperman 4th place – 50 – James and Susan Ginzler – Bob and Sandy Kanin Longest Drive – Men Handicap 0 – 15: Jeff Sarfati Handicap 16 – 25: Joe Book Handicap 26 and over: Jerry Goldenberg Longest Drive – Ladies Handicap 0 – 25: Caryl Kasner Handicap 26 and over: Faith Book Congratulations to Marty Lambert – Winner of the Jet Blue Drawing! men’s challenge Cup October 1 and 2 Tee times begin at 9 a.m. – Two-day event Ryder Cup Format Blind draw for teams - $30 per person Entry deadline: Friday, September 24 Village Challenge First Round Match - Monday, November 1 Each Village must designate one contact person for this event Only two players per match represent each Village Players may change each match if the Village qualifies Match Dates: November 1, 3, 5 and 8 1 p.m. shotgun – Better Ball of partners Entry deadline: Monday, October 25 Welcome Back Tournament November 13 & 14 Best Ball of Foursome Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. ~ Shotgun at 8:15 a.m. Groups will be placed on Saturday or Sunday by blind draw $65 entry fee includes: breakfast, beverage cart and Welcome Back Banquet Dinner for both Saturday and Sunday participants will be held on Sunday, November 14 at 6 p.m. in the Hibiscus Dining Room Entry deadline: Friday, November 5 2010-2011 League Application Applications for all four leagues are available in the golf shop, locker rooms and online. All applicants for the Men’s Leagues (Monday and Friday) must have and maintain an up-to-date USGA handicap at Boca West, be an equity golf member and have attended the golf seminar. All applicants for the Ladies’ Leagues are based upon having a handicap index (23.6 for below for Wednesday league and 23.7 to 36.0 for the Thursday league). If you don’t know you index please call Heather Fick at 488-6912. boca bocawest west [[ August/September 2010 ] 7 U p c o m i n g To u r n a m e n t s & E ve n t s [ golf] Labor Day Event Sunday, September 5 7:30 a.m. breakfast – 8:15 a.m. shotgun – Best Ball format Entry deadline: Sunday, August 22 monday f i t n ess & aquat ics Tuesday Aerobics Super Sculpt 7:30 a.m. Colleen ] Wednesday Thursday Friday Total Body Sculpt 7:30 a.m. Jason / Nadine C Super Sculpt 7:30 a.m. Colleen Super Sculpt 7:30 a.m. Pam S. Zumba 8:30 a.m. Marcio Low Impact 8:30 a.m. Nadeen Super Sculpt 8:30 a.m. Marcio Cardio Burn 8:30 a.m. Colleen Stretch & Core 8:30 a.m. Colleen Total Body Sculpt 9:30 a.m. Maureen Cardio Latino 9:30 a.m. Marcio Chi Ball 9:30 a.m. Tatiana Cardio Kick 9:30 a.m. Nadine C. Intermediate Yoga** 10:30 a.m. Rosanne Yoga 10:30 a.m. Sally Yoga 10:30 a.m. Rosanne Yoga 10:30 a.m. Colleen Relaxation* 11:30 a.m. Sally Meditation* 11:30 a.m. Rosanne Relaxation* 11:30 a.m. Colleen Saturday Sunday Super Sculpt 8 a.m. Michele / Nadine C Low Impact 9 a.m. Michele / Nadine C Pump & Cardio 9 a.m. Julie / Amie Yoga 10:30 a.m. Janice Yoga 10:30 a.m. Tatiana Yoga 10:30 a.m. Elisa / Daphne Meditation* 11:30 a.m. Janice Meditation* 11:30 a.m. Tatiana Meditation* 11:30 a.m. Elisa / Daphne Water Aerobics ALL CLASSES ARE 55 MINUTES OR OTHERWISE NOTED. *RELAXATION and meditation CLASSes are 25 MINUTES **Intermediate Yoga Is An Hour-And-A-Half Class monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Splash Dance 8:35 a.m. Lydia Water Aerobics 8:35 a.m. Maureen Water Aerobics 8:35 a.m. Audrey AquaCore 8:35 a.m. Pam K. Splash Dance 8:35 a.m. Pam S. Hydro Power 9:35 a.m. Lydia Hydro Power 9:35 a.m. Maureen Hydro Power 9:35 a.m. Audrey Hydro Power 9:35 a.m. Pam K. Water Aerobics 10:35am Nadine C. Water Aerobics 10:35 a.m. Marcio Saturday Sunday Hydro Power 9:35 a.m. Marcio Hydro Power 9:15 a.m. Lydia Hydro Power 9:15 a.m. Ingrid / Julie Water Aerobics 10:35 a.m. Marcio Splash Dance 10:15 a.m. Lydia Water Aerobics 10:15 a.m. Ingrid / Julie Sunday ALL CLASSES ARE 55 MINUTES OR OTHERWISE NOTED movement studio A u g u s t/ S e p t e m b e r 2 010 c l a s s S c h e d u l e [ monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Private & Group Pilates & Yoga 6:30 - 8:25 a.m. By Appointment Group Cycle 7:30 a.m. Colleen Private & Group Pilates & Yoga 6:30-8:25 a.m. By Appointment Private & Group Pilates & Yoga 6:30 - 8:25 a.m. By Appointment Private & Group Pilates & Yoga 6:30 - 8:25 a.m. By Appointment Private & Group Pilates & Yoga 6:30 - 9 a.m. By Appointment Group Cycle 8:45 a.m. Amie MVe Pilates 8:45 a.m. Julie Group Cycle 8:45 a.m Jason/Nadine C. Group Cycle 8:45 a.m Esti Group Cycle 8:45 a.m Amie Private & Group Pilates & Yoga 10 a.m. -12:55 p.m. By Appointment Private & Group Pilates & Yoga By appointment Starting at 10 a.m. Private & Group Pilates & Yoga 10 a.m. -12:55 p.m. By Appointment Group Cycle Intro* 1 p.m. Jason MVe Pilates Intro* 1 p.m. Julie Private & Group Pilates & Yoga Starting at 1:30 p.m. Private & Group Pilates & Yoga Starting at 1:30 p.m. Group Cycle 9:15 a.m Giselle Private & Group Pilates & Yoga By Appointment Starting at 10 a.m. Private & Group Pilates & Yoga By Appointment Starting at 10 a.m. Private Pilates Equipment Training Sign up for a session with one of our certified Pilates Equipment Trainers and explore all that Pilates has to offer. Contact the Fitness Desk for pricing and to schedule an appointment. A Health History Questionaire MUST be filled out and approved before any sessions may be scheduled. WE STRONGLY SUGGEST TAKING AN INTRO CLASS BEFORE PARTICIPATING IN A GROUP CYCLE OR MVe CLASS ALL CLASSES ARE 55 MINUTES OR OTHERWISE NOTED Please contact your physician before starting any exercise program! For more information, please contact the Fitness Desk at 488-6944 or the Aquatics Center at 488-7802. 8 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west All classes and instructors subject to change. [ f i t n ess & aquat ics ] What makes workouts work? Muscles work in three different ways. Imagine a push Julie Ross come up off the floor into a full plank. When done correctly from of a up. Before you even think about the push up, you are in a plank Fitness Coordinator plank or push up is a very powerful exercise at any level. position. The body is in a straight line, hands are on the floor, and The work a muscle does is very important to main or gain strength the wrists, elbows and shoulders are lined up. You are up on the balls of your or endurance. Depending on the intensity of the work, it needs to be balanced out feet, your feet flexed reaching out through the heels all the way through the by an appropriate amount of rest. Muscles are built and torn apart, that is how top of the head. The legs are engaged and the back of the knees are reaching they grow stronger. Enzymes constantly break down old protein fibers in muscles up toward the ceiling. The neck is long, therefore the mid back is contracted and control the making of new ones. With exercise and an active lifestyle more and shoulder blades are drawing down into your back pockets. Abdominals are muscle is built than is broken down. A sedentary lifestyle or with aging and or engaged, and you should have a long straight line from your ears, shoulders, poor nutrition, more muscle is broken down than is built. The same can occur hips and knees. Only once you are aligned and you can feel the core work, then when the body doesn’t get the right amount of rest in between exercise sessions. progress into the push up. Your alignment does not change therefore, there The muscles are always at work building and breaking down, which is why rest is no stress on the back and lots of work for your middle core. is so important. Strength training is recommended three days a week or every Extension – As your lowering your body towards the floor, the muscles pull other day. This is because we never want to work the same muscles two days in and lengthen at the same time. a row. They are breaking down, but never get a chance to build up again, if they Isometric – Before you even start the exercise, you’re in the plank position. don’t get rest. If the muscles don’t get rest, they break down and never get Muscles are holding the load without changing the length. a chance to build up. Contraction – On the way up, muscles shorten as they pull. If one wants to strength train more often, workouts can be broken up. For A plank is the basis of a push up, that position should be very strong before example, on Day 1 do upper body and on Day 2 do lower body. Some may prefer a push up is attempted. The plank position is maintained through the entire to alternative strength training days with cardio days. The body doesn’t require movement. A great way to learn the plank is to begin with the knees on the a rest period with cardiovascular exercise as it does with strength training, it all floor, if the knees stay on the floor the tops of your feet should stay on the floor. depends on how many days and how much time per day one is willing to devote Once you feel comfortable doing a plank and a push up, then the knees can to their exercise. the [ salon] a t b o c a w e s t august & september salon SPECIALS Valid August-September 30, 2010. Substitutions not permitted. Women color Color Service $45, Regular $55 Summer Highlights 30% Off Coppola Keratin Treatment 30% Off Purchase three shampoo/blowdrys at regular price and receive the fourth one at 50% off Nails Shellac Soak Off Color Gel System Now Available — Two-week high shine without chipping, smudges, or peeling Special Price $28, Regular Price $35 Manicure And Pedicure $50 Regular Price $58 Any Gel/Acrylic Full Set $55 Regular $70 Pink And White Full Set $60 Regular $75 Any Fills 20% Off Purchase Three Manicures at full price And Receive The Fourth One Complimentary A Series Of Four Pedicures $135 Regular $156 Men Hair Cut $22, Regular $24 Temporary Color $25, Regular $35 Buy Three Manicures at full price and get the fourth one complimentary boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 9 [ Dining] R osh Hashanah Traditional Dinner Wednesday, September 8 5 p.m. – close in the Hibiscus Dining Room $36.95++ per adult $19.95++ per child (4 –12) Reservation Deadline: Wednesday, August 11 to be included in the assignment Dress Code: Gentlemen are required to wear long sleeved collared shirts, jackets optional Break the Fast Labor Day Celebration Monday, September 6 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Country Club Complimentary for Boca West Members Guest Charges: $29.95++ per adult and $17.95++ per child (4-12) Food & Beverage Reservation Hours Wednesday – Saturday from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Call 483-6300 or email anytime to Reservations are assigned two weeks in advance unless otherwise noted. 10 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west All Dairy Buffet Saturday, September 18 5 p.m. – close in the Hibiscus Dining Room $29.95++ per adult $17.95++ per child (4 –12) Buffet selections include: Nova and Lox, Matjes Herring, Pickled Salmon, Gravlox, Kippered Salmon, Gefilte Fish, White Fish and More. Reservation Deadline: Saturday, August 21 to be included in the assignment Dress Code: Gentlemen are required to wear long sleeved collared shirts, jackets optional Labor Day Sunday Brunch Buffet 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Hibiscus Dining Room Pamper your palate at our luncheon buffet featuring our Chef’s omelet and waffle station where everything is made to order your way. Specialty hot and cold items in addition to our Chef’s selection of house made soups, crisp vegetables, seasonal fruits, Boca West salads and assorted freshly baked rolls and breads. Dinner Dance With the doo wop sounds of Just Friends Saturday, September 4 • 5:30 p.m. – close, Hibiscus Dining Room Featuring our Hibiscus Buffet and a la carte menu priced from $19.95++ - $24.95++ Includes a complimentary glass of wine with dinner. Request by August 21 to be included in the assignment. Dress attire for Gentlemen: Long sleeved collar shirts and slacks R ecipe Cor ner Teriyaki Ribs By Roger Brock, Executive Chef Ingredients Two racks baby back ribs with backstrap off Braising Liquid: 16 oz Bullseye BBQ sauce 16 oz water 1.5 oz apple cider vinegar 1.5 oz honey 6 oz beer salt and pepper to taste. Rib Glaze: 6 oz oyster sauce 1 tsp chopped garlic 6 oz sugar .75 oz white vinegar pinch black pepper Season ribs with salt and pepper and grill over high heat for 1-2 minutes per side. Combine all ingredients for braising liquid and place in a deep pan large enough to accommodate ribs. Place ribs in pan and cover with braising liquid. Seal with plastic wrap and aluminum foil tightly. Place in oven at 300 degrees for approx 2 1/2 hours or until tender enough to fall off the bone. Allow ribs to cool to room temperature before removing from pan. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours to set up meat. Cut ribs into two bone pieces and glaze with Asian BBQ sauce. Reheat on grill over high heat turning often. Remove to plate and drizzle additional sauce on ribs. Prepare your favorite accompaniment to enjoy with your ribs. boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 11 [t ennis] At the Courts Memorial Day Round robin Check in Procedures • Prior to play, all Tennis Members may either go directly to their assigned courts, or check in at the Pro Shop • Members can call the confirmation line to find out on which court they are playing • Court postings are available in the parking lot by courts 18 & 19, O’Brien’s Court and at the Pro Shop • All members must check their Guests in at the Pro Shop prior to playing. • Non-Tennis Members must check in at the Pro Shop • Members wishing to play, who do not have a court reservation, must either call to check availability of courts or check in at the Pro Shop Ongoing Activities Men’s Pool Monday - Saturday Check in by 7:45 a.m. Play begins at 8 a.m. Women’s Pool Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Sign up by 5 p.m. the day before Play will be at 9 a.m. Be sure to tune in to watch the world’s best at the year’s final major. The U.S. Open begins August 30 and runs through September 12. 12 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west Held Saturday, May 29 Congratulations to our Memorial Day Round Robin Winners! 1st place: Frank Berthiaume, Shelly Danuff, Milton Boverman and Frank Visconi. 2nd Place: Shirly Laakso, Holly Lerner, Jerry Dunn and Robert Harris. Complimentary Clinic Saturday, August 7 at 10 a.m. Come join the teaching staff for this month’s complimentary tennis clinic. The focus of the clinic will be on the drop shot and lob. Please sign up in the pro shop. Space is limited. Ask the Pros This month we will answer one of the most common questions we are asked; Does my racket need to be re-strung? The answer is yes! You should have your racquet re-strung as many times per year as you play per week. For example, if you play four days a week you should get your racket restrung at least four times per year. However, you should re-string at least twice a year regardless. Of course there are exceptions depending on the type of player you are. Players who hit with more spin will need to re-string more often than those who tend to hit a flatter ball. Heat REMINDER Even beyond the summer months, remember to stay hydrated. Try to drink less coffee and soft drinks and more water! French Open Qualifying Results Men’s Final had Ryan Sweeting defeating Ryan Harrison in 4 sets. Women’s Final was another great match that went the distance with Christina McHale defeating Beatrice Capra. Ryan Sweeting Christina McHale Ryan Harrison Beatrice Capra Congratulations to John Isner (winner of the 2009 French Open Qualifying at Boca West) for his incredible 1st round victory at Wimbledon. At just over 11 hours match time, and spanning over 3 days, it was the longest match in the history of the sport. The final score was 6-4, 3-6, 6-7(7), 7-6(3), 70-68. boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 13 Skincare From the Eyes of a Skeptic The skin care industry dates back to They felt it was the times of the Ancient Egyptians. important that individuals keep up on their hygiene and appearances. This included the maintenance and care of their skin. This trend has made its way back into the everyday life of our society. Today, we still view personal hygiene as an essential part of our daily routine and many of us incorporate caring for our skin into this routine; we find it just as important as brushing our teeth. The popularity of this trend is just getting bigger and bigger by the minute. How many times in this last year have you heard from a friend or professional that they have just found the “latest and greatest” skin care product? Even if we, the consumer, are happy with a line that we are currently using, don’t we always want to know if there’s something better out there? Businesses have honed in on this skin care feeding frenzy and are doing what they can to come out with the most innovative products to keep us interested and buying. It is no surprise that the skin care industry is a multi-billion dollar business, bringing in more than 40 billion dollars a year; we are thirsty for everlasting youth and beauty and we will break our banks to get it. So, when there are thousands upon thousands of product lines to choose from, how do you choose one that is perfect for your skin? Better yet, how do you know what your skin needs… and then find the perfect line to offer those results? I’ll share with you about my journey in seeking those answers not only as a professional, but as a consumer as well. By Kate Munson Licensed Esthetician Before moving to Florida, I had the good fortune of working with top-notch product lines. I would go to spa conventions and be given dozens of products by big-name businesses, all in the hopes that I loved their product so much that we would sever the contract with the existing lines at the spa and carry theirs instead. I looked and found 14 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west nothing better than what we carried for that price. We not only offered powerful, resultdriven treatments, but offered at-home products that were result-driven, user friendly and cost-friendly. Never had I seen so much success with a line both professionally and as a day-to-day consumer. Needless to say, when I came to work at Boca West Country Club, I came with not only a strong skill set and experience with multiple lines, but a strong opinion about what I felt was “the best” all-around skin care line out on the market. I am a tough critic. With that said, I decided that it is in the best interest of the members that see me for services that I become my own experiment and experience for myself how my skin responds to the lines we carry at Boca West, in particular, [comfort zone]. The first line I experimented with is an organic, marine based product line called Spa Technologies. I knew my skin would like Spa Technologies before I began using it. I worked with and loved a line very similar to it in the past; an easy sell for me. After experimenting with the product for a few months, my skin and I came to the same conclusion. We both agree that Spa Technologies is a deliciously wonderful product line with which any skin type would happily have a love affair. Nevertheless, I want something just a little more “active” for my skin that will still allow me to fall in love with it. I want a -Frank Sinatra-meets-Arnold Schwarzenegger product that would sing my skin into shape. At The Spa at Boca West, we also feature [comfort zone], an Italian based skin care line that is dedicated to mixing science and nature, experience and results. Sounds just like what I’m looking for. I have heard of [comfort zone] before, but was always skeptical about how well their product really works. I did find an immediate love for the chrono-reverser treatment by [comfort zone] that we offer here at the spa. It is a revitalizing and refining treatment that has offered nothing but positive results to those I’ve performed it on. So, my next quest was to see if [comfort zone] offers at home products to meet to my standards. With biased reservation, I began my experiment with two of their result driven moisturizers. >>For more information, [ spa ] My focus products of choice: Action sublime cream SPF 12: This amazing day time moisturizer is designed to reduce the appearance of fine lines, aid in hydration and diminish the thick, rough texture our skin forms over time. Containing retinol, soy protein and hyaluronic acid, this little gem of a moisturizer is offering to whip my skin into shape. Renight cream: Oprah voted this rich, nourishing night cream the best night cream for women 50 and over. Focusing on dehydrated, stressed and depleted skin, this light weight night cream is destined to restore my skin’s vitality. Infused with artic cloudberry, hyaluronic acid and orange peel wax, this cream is delicious for even the most sensitive skins. My results: I’ve noticed more firmness to my skin, diminishing hyperpigmentation and smoothing of expression lines. In addition to finding physical results, I’m in love with the smell and feel of this line! [comfort zone] has follow through with their word by offering an innovative, result-driven product that has reformed my skin while sweeping me away through sensorial experiences to another world filled with peace and harmony. As for the cost of these products, here at Boca West Country Club, the spa sells these products at 20% below suggested retail price. How can you beat that? As most of you know, The Spa at Boca West offers treatments and a level of service that exceeds even the most reputable spas in the nation. But you should all find comfort in knowing that we do, in fact, offer at home care that will exceed your expectations. I invite you to not only experience our exceptional services, but also walk away with an assurance that any product your Aesthetician recommends for your skin will be right for you and worth it. Take it from a skeptic. the As a rule of thumb, a basic, everyday skin care routine is to cleanse, tone and then moisturize. I followed this simple rule, with the addition of exfoliating two times a week, to see how my skin responded. It is important to note that any skin care product used on a regular basis takes at least two weeks to a month to begin to show results. at boca west August Spa Special Summer Sampler 25 minute Body Scrub 25 minute Swedish or Sports Massage 25 minute Tranquility Express Facial Regular price $145 Special price $115 Valid for purchase from August 1 - 31 only Services must be taken on the same day Substitutions are not permitted September Spa Specials massage for royalty Indulge as if you were royalty in our luxurious, Old World Suite while two therapists perform a synchronized Swedish Massage. With hands flowing over your body like the ocean, you lose track of time and space. You experience deep relaxation as you surrender to the symphony of healing and pleasure, created by four hands working together for a totally unique experience. (50 minutes) Regular price $140 Special price $110 Experience the essence of mind, body and spirit rituals rooted in Asian and European traditions. Experience a ritual in the month of September and receive a 20% discount. Valid for purchase from September 1- 30 only Substitutions are not permitted. ple ase call t he Sp a at 488-7880. boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 15 [august 2010] Sunday Deli Night Sunday Brunch Buffet 1 Deli Night Sunday Brunch Buffet 8 Deli Night Sunday Brunch Buffet 15 BocaWest Monday Tuesday Open Card Play 2 Junior Golf Camp 9 Junior Golf Camp 16 3 Junior Golf Camp 10 Junior Golf Camp 17 Deli Night Sunday Brunch Buffet 22 4 Junior Golf Camp Open Card Play 11 Junior Golf Camp Open Card Play 18 Open Card Play 23 24 30 31 Deli Night Sunday Brunch Buffet 29 Wednesday 16 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west 25 Thursday Friday Duplicate Bridge 5 Duplicate Bridge Junior Golf Camp 12 Duplicate Bridge Junior Golf Camp 19 Saturday Complimentary Tennis Clinic 6 7 Junior Golf Camp 13 14 Junior Golf Camp 20 21 27 28 Duplicate Bridge 26 [ sep tember 2010] Sunday BocaWest Monday Tuesday Wednesday Open Card Play 1 Deli Night Labor Day Golf Event Sunday Brunch Buffet Labor Day Labor Day Celebration Labor Day Master Class 5 6 Open Card Play Rosh Hashanah Traditional Dinner 7 Deli Night Sunday Brunch Buffet 12 Open Card Play 13 14 19 Deli Night Sunday Brunch Buffet 19 15 Open Card Play 20 21 Deli Night Sunday Brunch Buffet 26 8 22 Open Card Play 27 18 29 Thursday Friday Saturday Duplicate Bridge 2 3 4 10 11 Duplicate Bridge 9 Duplicate Bridge Break the Fast All Dairy Buffet 16 17 18 24 25 Duplicate Bridge 23 Duplicate Bridge 30 boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 17 [ac t i v i t ies] Boca West & Celebrity Cruises Presents 14 Night South America Cruise On Board The Celebrity Infinity Join us as we explore South America beginning March 13, 2011 Ports Include Valparaiso, Chile ~ La Serena (Coquimbo), Chile ~ Arica, Chile ~ Lima, Peru ~ Manta, Ecuador ~ Panama Canal (Cruising) ~ Cristobal Pier, Panama ~ Cartagena, Colombia ~ Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Bonus Extras Round trip deluxe motor coach transfers from the Club to the airport, $50 shipboard or spa credit per cabin, private cocktail party with hot and cold canapes All Prices Include: Trip Cancellation Insurance For Cruise -Plus-Air And Airport To Ship Transfers STATEROOM WITH VERANDA 2A $3395 PP DBL CONCIERGE STATEROOM WITH VERANDA C3 $3621 PP DBL SKY SUITE $5778 PP DBL A WORD ABOUT AIRFARES For those guests who want to fly in business class and pay with either American Express points, or miles or cash/check/ credit card, please contact Scott Grody at 702-5533 and he will be happy to assist you with your airlines reservations. DEPOSITS and FINAL PAYMENTS A deposit of $900 per stateroom is due to confirm your space. Final payment will be due on November 15. Payments are non-refundable if canceled after January 5, but are protected by included insurance if cancellation is due to a medical reason. Join Boca West as we set sail on Norwegian Cruise Line’s Newest Ship THE NORWEGIAN EPIC 14 Night Western & Eastern Caribbean Cruise Norwegian Cruise Line’s 153,000-ton 4,200-passenger Norwegian Epic, will debut in summer 2010 as the largest, trendiest and most innovative new design ever built by NCL. Moreover, the ship will usher in some of the most revolutionary new concepts in all of cruise travel. departing January 29, 2011 from Miami Ports Include Costa Maya, Roatan, Cozumel, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, Nassau Epic offerings include: The Blue Man Group. The ship will welcome the group as part of its entertainment offerings, Cirque Dreams and Dinner, a combination alternative restaurant and show is set to feature a one-ring, red-andwhite-striped big top — and a very active wait staff, Epic Casino, NCL’s largest at 13,000 square feet; the Ice Bar, kept at a constant 17 degrees; the Manhattan Room, featuring big-band music, Salsa dancing and romantic dinners; the POSH Beach Club, a private area with pool, waterfall, Balinese-style beds for lounging and private cabanas; Spice H2O, an sun deck, outdoor movie theater and nightclub; Fat Cats blues and jazz club; and Headliners Comedy Club, housing Improv Troupe The Second City. $2348 per person based on D.O.* Oceanfront Balcony Stateroom, $75 shipboard credit per stateroom, Private Cocktail Party, One Specialty Dinner included at the Asian Restaurant, Trip Cancellation Insurance, Roundtrip transportation between club and port. 18 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west DEPOSITS and FINAL PAYMENTS $400 deposit per cabin required when reserving. Balance will be due November 1, 2010. Payments are non-refundable if canceled after November 15, but are protected by included insurance if cancellation is due to a medical reason. *Additional Cabin Categories are available upon request based on availability. Single Price is $4572. To reserve your space for either cruise, please submit a request in writing to the Activities office. Email: or fax: 483-9521. Cabins are available on a first come basis. Call the Activities department at 488-6936 if you have any questions. [ac t i v i t ies] SINGLES events H ouse & Ac t i v i t ie s Fo rum By Dr. Arthur Brovender, House & Activities Chairman I’m very excited to announce that this season we have acquired a new bridge teacher. His name is Barnet Shenkin who is originally from Scotland. He is a world-class bridge player who has devised a new method of teaching using visual aids. I think you will be impressed. He will be teaching both intermediate and advanced lessons. Linda Green, one of our bridge directors, will be teaching the beginner’s bridge lessons. I am hoping to learn the game myself. Plan to celebrate the High Holy Days at your Club. The Rosh Hashanah dinner will be held on Wednesday, September 8 and a wonderful Yom Kippur – Break the Fast All Dairy Buffet will be available on Saturday, September 18. Information for both of these holiday dinners appear in this issue. Don’t forget that the deadline for reservation requests for the 2010/2011 Entertainment Lineup is Thursday, August 12. There are five Broadway shows at the Broward Center for the Performing Arts (Young Frankenstein, Burn the Floor, Rock of Ages, Les Miserables and West Side Story) along with the ever popular Miami City Ballet at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach. All shows include your ticket, round trip transportation and gratuity. Boca West Singles Singles Night in Onyx will begin on Monday, November 1 and run through the end of March. 7 - 9 p.m., $10 per person. Includes: One Beverage, Light Hors d’ouerves and entertainment. Singles Interclub Events Interclub Singles Social Tuesday, November 9 from 6 - 9 p.m. at the Polo Club. $30 per person. Request by October 25. Save the date! Interclub Singles at Boca West will be held on Monday, December 20 from 6 - 9 p.m. THE 92nd STREET Y COMES TO BOCA WEST! You’ll be pleased to know that we will be having these world-class lectures on live video during the upcoming season. Stay tuned for more details in our next issue. Las Vegas Night on Saturday, November 20 is sure to be a sellout! Get your reservations in early. A lot of great prizes, food and casino games. I hope you are having a wonderful summer. An interesting fact … DID YOU KNOW that Boca West served over 25,000 lbs. of Pastrami and Corned Beef last year? And we all know that it is the best! Living Room Entertainment Join us f rom 6 : 30 – 10 : 30 p.m . Friday, September 10 - Marc Cooper Trio Saturday, September 11 - Skip Frances Friday, September 17 - Chris Autore Friday, September 24 - Greg and Rachel Saturday, September 25 – Larry Brendler boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 19 [ac t i v i t ies] Activities Reservation and Cancellation Policy - To be included in the lottery (if warranted), reservations and cancellations for all activities must be submitted in writing by the REQUEST BY date. You may email to, fax to 483.9521 or stop by the office to fill out a form. 2011 Book Talks LAS VEGAS NIGHT with Sandra Rosencrans Celebrate the start of the season at our Las Vegas Night on Saturday, November 20 in the Country Club. Casino doors open at 6:30 p.m. Try your luck at blackjack, roulette, baccarat, crap tables, Texas Hold 'Em and slot machines! There will be professional dealers and croupiers spinning the wheels and rolling the dice all night long. Join us for a night to remember! The price per person is $85, which includes dinner, open bar and $5,000 worth of gambling chips! Reservations required in writing to the Activities department no later than Friday, October 8. Guests may be invited, based on availability, beginning Monday, October 11. Reservations are guaranteed and may not be canceled unless a wait list is produced. Any questions, please call the Activities department at 488-6936. Reservations will not be accepted over the phone. Reservation forms available in the Club Services office and online. You may fax your completed form to 483-9521. Dress Code: long sleeve collared shirts required, jackets preferred. Flu Shots Friday, December 17 Times are from 10:40 a.m. - 2:20 p.m., every 10 minutes. If your requested time is not available, you will be given the next available time slot. Please submit your requests no later than November 1. Confirmations will be **Members who have Medicare Part B as Mature Driving their Primary Insurance, or one of the Wednesday, November 3 mailed prior to the December 17 date. following: Medicare PFFS Plans, Aetna, and Thursday, November 4 Universal, Humana and Avmed, the cost 9 a.m.-12 p.m. in Veranda of the vaccine will be billed to the Card Room A- $25 per person insurance on behalf of the patient. You Members must attend both days of the MUST bring your insurance card with course in order to get the completion you at the time of vaccination. All others certificate. Upon completion, you will will be charged $25. receive a certificate to present to your insurance company for a discount. 20 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west Mondays at 10 a.m. in the Palm Room in the Country Club. $90 for the series ~ No single admissions Join us for a series of three lecture/ discussions on the best in contemporary fiction. Each session will include extensive background material on the author’s life and literary development as well as intensive discussion of the book. Please visit for more information. January 3 ~ The Lake Shore Limited by Sue Miller The personal “baggage” of four connected narrators who examine their lives and gain insights as they analyze a play about the crash of a train, “The Lake Shore Limited”. February 7 ~ The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman A novel told in linked stories about the private lives of the reporters, editors and executives at an international Englishlanguage newspaper as they struggle to keep their publication– and themselves– a float. An alternately hilarious and heartwrenching first novel. March 7 ~ The Solitude Of Primary Numbers by Paolo Giordano A riveting story of two damaged people and their effort to connect, by the youngest writer ever to win Italy’s most prestigious award for fiction. An international best-seller. Request by: Monday, November 8 Cancel by: Monday, December 6 A lottery may be warranted if the number of requests exceeds the number of spaces available. Canasta Lessons with Barbie Tannenholz [ac t i v i t ies] $125 for 5 Lessons Classes are held 5 consecutive days from 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. in Card Room A in the Country Club Please choose the week you would like to attend: November 8-12 Request by September 8 Cancel by October 8 December 6-10 Request by October 6 Cancel by November 6 January 10-14 Request by November 10 Cancel by December 10 February 7-11 Request by December 7 Cancel by January 7 March 7-11 Request by January 7 Cancel by February 7 No single admissions. Class size is limited. A lottery may be warranted. Requests and cancellations must be submitted in writing. card room news Duplicate Bridge Thursday evenings - 7:15 p.m., Card Room A & B in the Country Club, $8 per person Duplicate Bridge at St. Andrews Tuesday evenings - 7 p.m., $8 per person Sign up with Activities the Friday prior. C A RD ROOM GUEST P OLIC Y now - October 2010 Mah Jongg Classes Members may bring up to three (3) guests per day for card play during the day any day except Monday or Saturday. with Marilyn Weston Members may bring up to three (3) guests per day for card play during the evening $125 for 5 Lessons any day except Wednesday or Thursday. Classes held 9:30-11:30 a.m. in Veranda Card Room B in the Golf Club Please Choose the Session you would like to attend: One guest is permitted for Duplicate Bridge on Thursday evenings. Session 1: November 15, 22, 29 December 6, 13 Request by September 15 Cancel by October 15 Session 2: January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Request by November 3 Cancel by December 3 Session 3: February 7, 14, 21, 28 March 7 Request by December 7 Cancel by January 7 No single admissions. Class size is limited. A lottery may be warranted. Requests and cancellations must be submitted in writing. A non-member (non-resident) may be a guest of the Club no more than six (6) times per membership year: October 1 - September 30. Equity members, lessees and non-member residents of Boca West are not eligible to be day guests or houseguests. Card Room availability is based on the building being open. Card playing is not permitted in the living room of the Country Club or in the breezeway in the Golf Club. Members must play with their guests at all times. Tables may not be reserved. Cell phones may not be used in the card rooms. Dr e ss Code Pol icy Daytime Evening - after 5 p.m. Men: Slacks, shorts, polo shirts Men: Slacks, shirts (no t-shirts) Women: Slacks, shorts, skirts, blouses Women: Slacks, blouses, skirts, dress shorts and designer jeans Hats are permitted to be worn by women only. boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 21 Presidents and Their First Ladies Tuesday, January 25 7:30 p.m. in the Cypress Room followed by a Dessert Reception, $20 per person William Howard Taft and his wife (Helen) Nellie. Presented by William and Sue Wills The desire to be First Lady was something in Helen's heart since she was a young girl and the desire to be Chief Justice was always in Bill's heart. As rarely occurs in life, both got what they desired. Bill Taft's marvelous personality and his unique relationship with Theodore Roosevelt highlight the reading. We think that Big Bill Taft was the nicest man to hold the office of the Presidency. Will Rogers said of him: “Its great to be great, but it’s greater to be human”. Request by: Friday, December 10 Cancel by: Friday, January 7 Ballroom & Latin Dance Classes For Beginner Adults with Deirdre Radler Wednesday evenings from 7 – 8 p.m. in the Aerobics Studio $90 per person for six weeks Session 1: December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, January 5 Request by Wednesday, November 10 Cancel by Friday, November 19 Session 2: January 12, 19, 26 February 2, 9, 16 Request by Wednesday, December 22 Cancel by Friday, December 31 Session 3: February 23, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Request by Thursday, February 3 Cancel by Friday, February 11) Learn the most popular dances for social events, parties and weddings. Cha Cha, Foxtrot, Swing, Rumba, Salsa. No partner needed! Singles and couples welcome. Complimentary Food and Beverage Tour Join our F&B Controller, JoAnna Schillaci, for this back-of-the-house tour of our food and beverage and culinary operations. Plan to meet in the Country Club lobby at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, November 10. 22 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west [ac t i v i t ies] 2010/2011 Complimentary Lecture Lineup These lectures will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Cypress Room. Lottery will be held one month prior to each lecture. Cancellation date is 24 hours in advance. Crime Prevention Presented by: Metro Crime Prevention of Florida Tuesday, November 10 It’s easy to try to ignore the facts, but, whether we like it or not, the reality of crime affects us all. Whatever the crime – a purse snatched, a home burglarized, a car stolen, or a shopper mugged – crime touches two victims. One is the person who suffers the loss or injury, and the other is the community. Neighbor’s retreat behind locked doors, merchants become increasingly anxious, and streets empty at night. In our fear, we either deny the reality, complain that someone ought to do something about crime, or become increasingly isolated from one another. In each of these cases, we do nothing more than increase our vulnerability to the criminals. The Metro Crime Prevention of Florida Safety Programs are designed to help people learn to be proactive against crime and take simple precautions that will enhance their personal safety. Finding Humor in the News Presented by: Frank Cerabino Tuesday, December 7 Frank Cerabino, a news columnist for the Palm Beach Post for the past 20 years, discusses the light side of newsgathering, and how beyond all the doom and gloom of the daily events, there's a treasury of human folly worth exploring. Cerabino has chronicled the foibles of the rich and famous of Palm Beach as well as the area's colorful politicians and condo warriors. His humorous commentary has won the Society of Professional Journalist's "Green Eyeshade Award" six times, and has spilled over into two series of comic novels, Shady Palms and Pelican Park, which were serialized in the newspaper and later published in paperback. The Marx Brothers Presented by: Heather Coltman Tuesday January 11 How did four nice little boys called Julius, Adolph, Leonard and Herbert grow up into the Marx Brothers? Perhaps because they never really were nice little boys! From their early days in vaudeville, through their success on Broadway and in Hollywood, enjoy the hilarious antics, inimitable musicianship and great anecdotes about the Marx Brothers. Movie clips from Cocoanuts, Duck Soup, A Night at the Opera and more will be shown. Iran, Turkey, and Fundamentalist Islam Presented by: Eli Kavon Tuesday, February 8 Eli Kavon is a yeshiva-educated, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Columbia University, where he studied Comparative Religion and History. In the world after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the civilization of the West must learn how to fight the forces of extremists in the realm of Islam. The future of the West is at stake in this battle against those who call for "jihad" against democracy and for holy war against the basic rights we all value as Americans. Eli Kavon will explore these issues in a provocative and important presentation. 4th Annual Sports Night Round Table Tuesday, March 8 Join us for the 4th Annual Complimentary Sports Night Round Table Discussion. More details to be announced soon! Bargain Shopping with Paulette! Wednesday, November 10 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Join us for a day of shopping at Consignment and Antique Shops in Lantana, West Palm Beach, and Palm Beach with Paulette Cooper Noble, author of Bargain Shopping in Palm Beach County 199 Consignment, Thrift & Vintage Shops $69 per person Price includes: tour guide, transportation, all gratuities, personal copy of Bargain Shopping in Palm Beach County and three course lunch at the lovely Café L’Europe Request by: October 1, Cancel by: October 20 [ac t i v i t ies] 2010-2011 Entertainment Theater Lineup Request in writing to the Activities Department no later than August 12. Reservation forms available in the Club Service office and online. Each membership may request two tickets per show. No cancellations. MCB Program I- Kravis Center, November 19 - $85 Features the Company Premiere of Jerome Robbins’ Fanfare – a tribute to Queen Elizabeth II, with its premiere having taken place on the night of her coronation in 1953. It is an enchantingly bright and goofy take on Benjamin Britten’s “Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra.” Also on this program are two George Balanchine pieces, which include the sensual Bugaku and the lively Western Symphony. Rock of Ages- Broward Center December 30 - $97 Mel Brooks - Young Frankinstein, Broward Center - October 7 - $99 The classic Mel Brooks movie is ALIVE... and it’s headed here! You’ll have a monstrously good time at this spectacular new production, winner of the 2008 Outer Critics Circle Award. Don’t miss the sensational cast delivering all your favorite moments from the classic film, plus brand-new show-stopping numbers for the stage, including “Transylvania Mania,” “He Vas My Boyfriend” and “Puttin’ on the Ritz.” This wickedly inspired re-imagining of the Frankenstein legend follows bright young Dr. Frankenstein as he attempts to create a monster--but not without scary and hilarious complications. The brains behind the laughter is mad genius and three- time Tony® winner Mel Brooks himself--who wrote the music and lyrics and co-wrote the book- along with his record-breaking team from The Producers: five-time Tony-winning director and choreographer Susan Stroman and three-time Tony-winning writer, Thomas Meehan. Burn The Floor - Broward Center November 18 - $95 From Harlem's hot nights at The Savoy, where dances such as the Lindy, Foxtrot and Charleston were born, to the Latin Quarter where the Cha-Cha, Rumba and Salsa steamed up the stage, Burn the Floor takes audiences on a journey through the passionate drama of dance. The elegance of the Viennese Waltz, the exuberance of the Jive, the intensity of the Paso Doble - audiences will experience them all, as well as the Tango, Samba, Mambo, Quickstep, and Swing. It’s Ballroom dance with a sexy 21st century edge. In 1987 on the Sunset Strip, a small town girl met a big city rocker and in LA’s most famous rock club, they fell in love to the greatest songs of the 80s. It’s ROCK OF AGES, an arena-rock love story told through the mind-blowing, face-melting hits of JOURNEY, NIGHT RANGER, STYX, REO SPEEDWAGON, PAT BENATAR, TWISTED SISTER, POISON, ASIA, WHITESNAKE and many more. Don’t miss this awesomely good time about dreaming big, playing loud and partying on! Les Miserables- Broward Center January 20 - $99 Cameron Mackintosh presents a brand new 25th anniversary production of Boublil & Schönberg’s legendary musical, LES MISÉRABLES, with glorious new staging and spectacular reimagined scenery inspired by the paintings of Victor Hugo. This new production has already been acclaimed by critics, fans and new audiences and is breaking box office records wherever it goes. Based on Victor Hugo’s classic novel, LES MISÉRABLES is an epic and uplifting story about the survival of the human spirit. The magnificent score of LES MISÉRABLES includes the classic songs “I Dreamed a Dream,” “On My Own,” “Stars,” “Bring Him Home,” “Do You Hear the People Sing?,” “One Day More,” “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables,” “Master Of The House” and many more. MCB Program II - Kravis Center January 28 - $85 Will highlight the Company Premiere of Twyla Tharp’s Baker’s Dozen, where she flings a dozen dancers onto the stage – hustling, spinning, shimmying, yet romantically inclined – to the irresistible stride piano of the immortal Willie “The Lion” Smith. Also appearing are Balanchine’s dramatic La Sonnambula and Balanchine’s exceptional Stravinsky Violin Concerto. West Side Story - Broward Center February 17 - $99 More than fifty years ago one musical changed theater forever. Now it’s back on Broadway mesmerizing audiences once again. From the first note to the final breath, WEST SIDE STORY soars as the greatest love story of all time. Directed by its two-time Tony Award-winning librettist Arthur Laurents, WEST SIDE STORY remains as powerful, poignant and timely as ever. The new Broadway cast album of WEST SIDE STORY recently won the 2010 Grammy Award for Best Musical Show Album. The Bernstein and Sondheim score is considered to be one of Broadway’s finest and features such classics of the American musical theatre as “Something's Coming,” “Tonight,” “America,” “I Feel Pretty” and “Somewhere.” MCB Program III - Kravis Center March 4 - $85 Spotlights Paul Taylor’s Promethean Fire – a work that has been suggested to be Taylor’s response to 911. Set to Leopold Stokowski’s magnificent orchestral transcriptions of Bach, it has been hailed everywhere as a masterpiece. The program also includes Balanchine’s high spirited Scotch Symphony and Tharp’s jazzy Nine Sinatra Songs. MCB Program IV – Kravis Center April 1 - $85 Is the Company Premiere of John Cranko’s acclaimed full-evening version of the world’s most famous love story, Romeo and Juliet. According to The New York Times, this is arguably the best dance treatment of Prokofiev’s celebrated score. An unforgettable ballet. boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 23 [ scene Memorial Day 24 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west flash ! ] Celebration May 31 boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 25 [ know?] did you Each month we will fill you in on some interesting facts that you may or may not know. I want to bring to your attention what we as members really have at Boca West As you know we are the #1 Country Club in Florida and the #1 Residential Country Club in the Country. We as members are the true “ambassadors” of the Club. We should continually be promoting this fabulous active lifestyle to our family and friends. Share with them our commitment to offering a member friendly Club with such an active lifestyle in a true traditional Club environment. Within the 1,400-acres we call home we have 54 communities. With home pricing at such affordable rates now is the time to spread the word. By Ed Moskowitz, Advertising/ Marketing & Communications and Membership Chairman No other Club in the area can boast as we can. Just think we have no need for food and beverage minimums and have never had an assessment. And no other Clubs allow all their members to play golf and tennis on a year round basis! Here’s just a brief sampling of our amenities: Four Championship Golf Courses Two Arnold Palmer One Pete Dye One Jim Fazio Multi-purpose Fitness Center State of the Art Exercise and Cardio Equipment Aerobic Classes and Personal Trainers Physical Therapy 33 Har-Tru Tennis Courts Two of which are Lighted Six Dining Venues The Steakhouse Grill Room and Deli My Pi Restaurant Splash Pool Bar Mr. D’s Hibiscus Dining Room Expansive Sports Center The sanctuary of our SPA Sprawling free-form Pool Children’s Recreational Area And to mention a few of our superb Activities; Bridge Art Tours Fishing Tours Concerts Tanglewood at Boca West Cabarets Lectures Spectacular Holiday Celebrations Carnival There is no experience in the world more special than the Boca West Country Club experience! Bring them for a visit and they too will desire to live here … enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. 26 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west BOCA WEST CANCER RESEARCH UNIT [ ch a r i t ies & Orga ni zat ions JEWISH FEDERATION of south PALM BEACH COUNTY ] Opening Breakfast Meeting S A VE T H E D A TE Movie Preview performing Mostly Broadway 6:30 p.m. Dessert Reception at Boca West Country Club David Burnham recently performed “A Tribute to the Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber” during the 2010 Palm Beach Pops season. Detailed invitation forthcoming! with Guest Speaker and Boutique Monday, November 8 Contact Marcia Meyers at 4836705 or Sylvia Ravitz at 482-2719 at the Mizner Theater Screen Critic’s Lecture and Lunch Friday, November 12 Contact Eileen Stempel at 4832493 or Myra Jacobson at 487-5156 Sunday, December 12 An Evening with David Burnham For additional information, visit, call 852-3129 or email S A VE T H E D A TE Thursday, December 2 – Guided Tour of Art Basel in Miami Monday, December 13 – Golf and Tennis Annual Tournament For 13 years the halls of the Golf Club have echoed with song on Tuesday afternoons as the Boca West Chorus rehearsed its repertoire of show tunes and other wellloved classics. The 14th season will begin on Tuesday, October 19, and promises to be filled once again with the joy of making music and the satisfaction of brightening the lives of area residents. The Chorus, under the professional guidance of Joan Gallo, Music Director, is welcoming new members for the coming season. The requirements are: the ability to carry a tune (no special voice training required), membership in the Boca West Country Club, THE BOCA WEST CHORUS Sings Its Way Into Its 14th Season and a willingness to commit to regular Tuesday afternoon rehearsals, as well as some Sunday afternoon engagements at skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. Ability to read music, while desirable, is not mandatory. “The pleasure we bring to the frailest members of the community is one of the most heartwarming aspects of being in the Chorus,” says Cheryl Schulman, President. “The residents of the homes that we visit delight in singing along with us, and always beg us to come back again.” Rehearsals are fun, and many new friendships have been formed through the shared experience of singing. The Chorus season runs from late October through the end of March. If you are interested in joining us this season, please be in touch with one of the following members: Cheryl Shulman, President Linda Moskin, Vice President Madeline Berman, Membership Any of them will be glad to answer your questions. We look forward to welcoming many of you as we start a season filled with the joy of music. boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 27 BocaWestNew [ boc a w est Sunshine Committee Your friends and neighbors at Boca West would appreciate knowing important happenings. Please call 488-7819 with a detailed message about illness, death, milestone birthdays or anniversaries. This line is open 24 hours a day. ] Welcomes New Members New Members May 1 – June 30, 2010 #3311Gloria Altman and Carlton T. Howard 6815 Willow Wood Dr., #4063 Hometown: Boca Raton/Ft. Myers, FL Ombudsman Committee Lee Allen, chairman Do you have any problems that need solving or questions that need answering regarding our Club? Please submit them in writing and leave them at the Executive Office. Our committee will take up your issues or suggestions with the appropriate committee. #3282 Cindy Brown 20069 Boca West Dr., #3005 Hometown: New York, NY #3393Eli and Judy Cohen 19801 Boca West Dr., #4052 Hometown: Montreal, Canada #3325Sybil Fleming 19697 Boca West Dr., 4184 Hometown: Montreal, Canada #3407Elaine Fox 19490 Sawgrass Dr., #1802 482-5660 Hometown: Lake Worth, FL #3392 Lothar and Ute Lahrssen 6757 Woodbridge Dr., #104 477-2598 Hometown: Caracas, Venezuela #3320Theodore and Natalie Meisel 1531 Bridgewood Dr. Hometown: Forest Hills, NY #3299Blas and Cristina Rodriguez 7671 Lakeside Blvd., #G16-3 479-1958 Hometown: Caracas, Venezuela #3335Edward and Nancy Shogan 19751 Boca West Dr., #4111 Hometown: Jericho, NY #3629 Dr. David Silver and Lorraine Levy 19953 Trevi Way, #F-3-L Hometown: Hampstead, Quebec #3426Barbara Solomon 6815 Willow Wood Dr., #4054 Hometown: Hypoluxo, FL #3306 Aubrey and Sally Ann Strul 20320 Fairway Oaks Dr., #362 451-8802 Hometown: Delray Beach, FL 28 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west New Homes May 1 – June 30, 2010 #3530 Leigha Castelo 19848 Planters Blvd., #132B 702-4507 #4839 James and Judith Gordon 7496 Mahogany Bend Pl., #22 218-8550 #3553Martin Kaplan 7754 Lakeside Blvd., #476 487-1340 #3602 Kenneth and Irma Marcus 7768 Lakeside Blvd., #576 451-4020 #3427Romero and Renata Ramacieri 502 Bridgewood Ct. 483-7471 #3415 Abbas and Ellie Zand 19527 Island Court Dr., #42 487-6135 Club Services Office Hours of Operation Accounting, Activities, Communications & Membership Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Closed @ VIP Services Program RIDE A WAVE Waverunner & Boat Rentals 843-4404 10% off MEDJETASSIST BASKETS Mrs B’s Baskets 750-1213 15% discount DECOR COMPANY Daniel Events 393-1432 Hospital of Choice Air Medical Evacuation and Travel Assistance 800-527-7478 or Special rate by mentioning Boca West PRESCRIPTION/VISION CARD Receive discount on prescription drugs. $20 annual fee. Contact Activities for application form. Available to equity members only. RESTAURANTS FLOWERS Boca Raton Florist 301 S. Federal Hwy 395-1943 15% discount Ristorante Sapori 367-9779 - 15% off entire check for lunch or dinner Shorty’s Bar-B-Q 954-596-2448 - 20% off food & beverage TRANSPORTATION HOTELS Hilton Suites Embassy Suites Marriott Boca Center Renaissance Hotel Boca Raton Wyndham Garden Hotel Contact Activities at 488-6936. A Corporate Rate Limo Please call 24 hours in advance 866-546-6390. Contact Activities at 488-6936. I m p o r t a n t P h o n e N u m be r s Club Reception 488-6990 Fax Number 451-0127 Catering 488-6994 Fax Number 488-6978 Club Services Accounting 488-6985 Activities 488-6936 Communications 488-6975 Membership 488-6934 Fax Number 483-9521 Executive Offices Jay DiPietro, Pres. & GM 488-6937 Harvey Krauser, Chairman 488-6905 Dining Grill Room, Deli & The Steakhouse 488-6965 Hibiscus Dining Room 488-6984 Splash Pool Bar 488-7814 Onyx Lounge 488-7807 Restaurant 488-7805 Reservations Line 483-6300 Cancellation Line 483-0681 Reservations Fax Number 488-7824 Reservations Confirmations 488-7823 Fitness Center 488-6944 PB Institute of Sports Med 488-7882 Golf Club Registration/Information 488-6924 Tee Time Reservations 488-5660 Tee Time Fax Number 488-6995 Tee Time Cancellations 483-6390 Tee Time Confirmations 488-6988 Bag Storage 488-6951 Lessons & Driving Range 488-6957 Locker Room, Women’s 488-6940 Card Room, Women’s 488-6941 Locker Room, Men’s 488-6942 Card Room, Men’s 488-6949 Golf Course Maintenance 488-6900 Pool Check-in/Aquatics 488-7802 Retail Shop Golf Club 488-6960 Sports Center (Tennis) 488-7885 Spa Appointments Only 488-7800 Reception Desk 488-7880 The Salon at Boca West 488-7820 Tennis Registration/Reservations 488-6996 Reservations Fax Number 488-7897 Court Time Cancellations 482-1650 Court Time Confirmations 482-2262 BW Master Assn. 488-1598 BW Master Assn. Security 483-9229 Guest Admittance 483-5505 24 Hr Voice Guest Registration 483-7026 BW Homeowners Association 487-1728 Fax Number 487-8274 Lang Realty 989-2100 Police Emergencies (24 hrs.) 911 Security Emergencies (24 hrs.) 483-9229 Sunshine Committee 488-7819 Village Store 451-9500 Village Store Fax Number 451-9507 Website address: Email address: Please remember to dial area code (561) boca west [ August/September 2010 ] 29 [ ch a ir m a n’s Let t er] fr om t he d e sk o f har v e y k r auser As I did in my last article, I am going behind the scenes and introducing you to some of our department heads who are part of what makes Jay DiPietro’s staff so outstanding. Barbara Crowley is the director of Human Resources and has been with us for 24 years. While still in high school, she worked at Boca Lago Country Club for Jay and occasionally while in college. When JD was hired by Arvida to run Boca West, aware that she was such a great worker, he decided to hire her after she graduated college. After working in the personnel department for a while, Jay realized that she was extremely analytical and a person who has the ability to evaluate people very well. He determined that she would be the best person to take charge and set up a whole new department. A major reason we have such a fine group of employees working here is a result of her ability. She knows just what kind of people are needed to serve our members and is quite capable of finding them. She also is involved with any personnel problems that may occur. them into the country when we need them. Then, it’s making arrangements for living quarters here in Boca plus being aware of personalities in order to determine who rooms with whom. Once they arrive an in-depth training program is set into motion our terminology for some of the names of foods are so different than what they call the same item in their country that it takes a while for new employees to become familiar with our menu items. That is why you are asked to be extremely patient the first few weeks they are working here. Barbara and her staff now work out trips for these employees so they can experience American life. They have the chance to go to Disney, Universal Studios, Busch Gardens and their favorite spot – Key West. In addition, when they first arrive there are scheduled evening trips to local cities including South Beach, Ft. Lauderdale and City Place in West Palm Beach. Barbara is one of seven children. She and her brothers and sisters were brought up in New Jersey and moved to Florida when she was in her senior year in High School. Barbara has a MIS Degree (management information system) from Indiana University in Pennsylvania. We now have about 800 employees during season. Since we have a problem keeping local employees, she has to travel to other countries to interview candidates for positions here. Usually she will take two other Boca West Barbara Crowley employees with her to do the interviewing. Traveling is quite a grind. It takes 24 to 30 hours to get to South Africa. This year she is also going to interview people from the Philippines which means the trip will take even longer than the one to South Africa. While working at Boca West she met her (now) husband, Terry Crowley, who was a Food & Beverage Manager. They have been married for 18 years. Her entire family is very involved in lacrosse where her 11 and 13-year old sons are on teams. Both boys were in championship games for their divisions in June. Her husband is a coach and also trains lacrosse players. When she first went to South Africa it was necessary to have someone with her who knew the country. They made sure they went to the places where they could meet top quality people who were interested in working in America. Being familiar with the educational system also helped them meet prospective employees who had performed well at school and had good work ethics. After going there for so many years she now has become a pro at it. I know you will all agree with me that we are very fortunate to have her as our Human Resource Director. Once the employees are interviewed and hired, there is the concern that the U.S. Immigration will allow us to bring 30 [ August/September 2010 ] boca west Speaking with Barbara you can tell she loves working here. She said “it’s like my extended family and there’s always some new challenge to handle, like hiring additional employees when we opened the new sports building”. Don’t you just love being here at Boca West, I do! Harvey Krauser Harvey Krauser, Chairman Board of Governors Mother’s Day Champagne Brunch Held May 9 presorted FIRST CLASS mail U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOCA RATON, FL PERMIT NO. 159 P.O. Box 3070 • Boca Raton, FL 33431-0970 A Member of the Platinum Clubs: © America’s ✩✩✩✩✩ Private Clubs Tanglewood at Boca West held April 7 MARK YOUR CALENDAR for next year! A p r i l 6 , 2 011
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