Only 50¢ La Vega Wins First State Title!


Only 50¢ La Vega Wins First State Title!
We’re Your
Baris Express Now Open in Bellmead
Mary Mimera, who owns the popular Mary
and Mama Baris Pizzeria, at 904 N. Valley
Mills Drive, has opened a second location in
Bellmead. It is called Baris Express, Pizza &
Pasta, 3125 Bellmead Drive.
Her son Jimmy and daughter Dee operate it.
To save costs customers order their meal
at the counter. There are plenty of places to
sit down.
You can order by phone at 799-0088.
Hours are 11 to 10 daily and Sundays til
9 p. m. Closed on Mondays.
Hewitt New Library
Seeking for Friends
Hometown News
02• 12 •2016
Vol. 38, No. 7
Your Home-Owned, Hometown Community Newspaper
Serving McLennan County
La Vega Wins First State Title!
--- * ---
El Ballet Folklorico Holding Registation
El Ballet Folklorico Estellas De Waco is
taking registration for all who are interested in
joining the dance group. Registration will be
held at the South Waco Community Center,
2815 Speight, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. through
February 22nd.
Members need to be 7 years old or older
and may register for one of the three age
group, Small Group (7 to 10 yrs), Middle Group
( 11 to 15 yrs), or Older Group ( 16 yrs and up).
Practice will be held every Monday beginning March 7th.
--- * ---
Community Eye Screening for Children
The China Spring-Bosqueville Area Lions
club is hosting a Lions Kidsight USA Community Eye Screening for Children. The free
vision screening for school age children on
Saturday, February 20, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. at Journey Christian Community Church,
16095 Old China Spring Road.
No appointment is necessary
--- * ---
Second Annual Hot Chili Fest
On Saturday, February 27, Central Texas
chili makers can put their skills to the test at
the Second Annual HOT Chili Fest at Heritage
Square in Downtown Waco. Chili makers are
encouraged to put together a team for the
Chili Cook-off Contest. Teams can sign-up
now for $50 at All proceeds from the event will go to the Heart O’
Texas Fair & Rodeo Scholarship Fund.
Chili teams will be serving their best recipes on Saturday, February 27, from noon to
3:30 p.m. for a chance to win up to $1,600 in
cash and prizes. Teams will dish out a sample
to festival attendees who purchase an official
chili-tasting cup for $8 in advance and $10
day of the event. The winning team will receive $800 plus a victory trophy. Additionally,
there will be $400 awarded to the team that
wins People’s Choice and $400 awarded to
the team with the best showmanship.
In addition to the chili contest, there is a
margarita contest with $200 up for grabs to
first place and $100 for second place. Only
$20 to enter this contest at HOTChiliFest.
The event offers free kids activities and
live entertainment. There will also be a Poker
Run where individuals can buy a hand for $20.
The winner will receive $200 cash.
For more information about the Extraco
Events Center, visit ExtracoEventsCenter.
La Vega made history with its 33-31 State
championship win over
Argyle. The win is the first
football state championship in school history,
as well as Coach Willie
Williams first title win in
his 26 year career as
LaVega’s coach.
The Pirates had twice
been to the state title
game, in 1951 and 2008,
but lost by seven each
time. An extra point was
blocked but Parrish Cobb
was able to bring down
the Argyle defender to
preserve La Vega's 3331 lead.
The Eagles' final attempt was knocked down
well shy of the endzone,
giving La Vega its first
state championship in
The Pirates finish the
year 16-0.
Robinson Chamber
Annual Banquet
and Food Drive
LaVega Coach Willie Williams being interviewed by TV reporter after the game
against Argyle.. -- LAVEGA HIGH SCHOOL PHOTOS. More News and Photos Inside
CS Students Honored in All-State Band
The Association of Texas
Small School Bands announced the selection of
the 2016 ATSSB All-State
Band and China Spring
High School is proud of four
students that are included.
Aaron Blanton, Ben Phillips, Skyler Farney and Jordan Sundermann, all members of the China Spring
High School Band, were
selected as members of this
prestigious organization.
They were chosen for this
honor in competitive auditions held this year across
the state at region and area
More than 9,000 high
school band students from
across Texas auditioned in
twenty different regions for
Continued On Page 6
Pictured- (left to right): Aaron Blanton, Skyler Farney, Ben Phillips and Jordan
Sundermann. -- PHOTO BY PAM HYATT
Staff Writer
The Greater Robinson
Chamber of Commerce is
hosting the annual Chamber
Appreciation Banquet, on
Tuesday, March 1, at the Hilton, located at 113 University
Parks Drive, in Waco.
There will be a silent auction at 5:50 p.m. and a reception following at 6:00 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.
Door prizes will be offered.
The featured guest speaker will be Glenn Moore, the
Head Softball Coach at Baylor University.
Tickets are $35 a person,
before February 22, or if purchased after, the price will be
$45 per person. Tickets must
be purchased in advance. No
tickets will be available at the
door. Last day to purchase
tickets is February 25th. For
more information or to purchase tickets, visit
The chamber’s mission
statement, as stated on the
website, is to promote the
growth and development of
both the business and civic interest of the City of Robinson.
Linda Vaughn, President
of the Robinson Area Lions
Club also announces, “Our
club will also be having a food
drive and eyeglass recycling
event. We’ll also be doing
a vision screening at Miller
Bledsoe Center on Saturday,
February 27.”
The food drive will be
held at Brookshire Brother’s,
located at 406 N. Frontage
Road, in Lorena, on Friday,
February 26, from 4:00 p.m.7:00 p.m.
Page 2
A Great Place
to Grow
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Hilton-Waco | 113 University Parks Dr.
Silent Auction Preview 5:30 | Reception 6:00 | Dinner 6:30
Cash, Check or Credit Cards -MasterCard or Visa accepted for silent auction
Featured Guest Speaker
Glenn Moore
Head Softball Coach, Baylor University
In advance, $35 per person | After February 23, $45 per person
For Tickets visit:
Tickets must be purchased in advance.
Last day to purchase tickets is Feb. 25th, 2016
No tickets will be sold at the door
Silver Sponsors
Pecan Grove Funeral Home | Gentry Real Estate, Mike Sanders Assoc. Broker
Little Rockets Day Care | K-4 Construction | Coldwell Banker, Pam Tucker
Educators Credit Union | Hampton Inns & Suites, Waco South
Jack of All Trades | LaFiesta Restuarant & Cantina | Flat Creek Farms RV Resort
$250 cash -Robinson Chamber
$100 Brookshire Gift Card
Northern & Nye
14104 China Spring Hwy, China Spring, TX 76633 |
When I was a kid, one of
my favorite television shows
was Superman. More than
anything, I wanted to be like
Superman, so sometimes
I would take a towel or a
sheet and tie it around my
neck to look like a cape.
Then, I would run really
fast, like he did, and put my
hands straight out in front of
me, like he did, thinking that
I could jump up into the air
and fly, like he did. I did a
lot of running around out in
the driveway trying to make
that happen. Much to my
disappointment, however,
I always stayed grounded.
I think there is always
a part of us, even after we
become adults, that dreams
about being more than we
are; hence, our fascination
with all things super. We go
to movies about superheroes, we eat super-sized
meals, and we watch Super
Hometown News * February 12, 2016
Pastor Jane
Bowls. In our ways of thinking, to be super means to
be bigger, stronger, smarter,
and faster. We think that if
we could be bigger, stronger, smarter, and faster, then
everything about our lives
would be better. We often
dream, therefore, about
being super-things like professional athletes, famous
actors, or rock stars. Most
of the time, however, we end
up being something a little
more “down to earth.”
In his letter to the Philippian church, the apostle
Paul wrote about another
idea on how to make our
lives better, and it’s not
anything like being bigger or
stronger or smarter or faster.
He wrote, “Finally, brothers
and sisters, whatever is true,
whatever is noble, whatever
is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever
is admirable—if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy—
think about such things.” In
the next verse, he encouraged them to “practice these
things.” (See Philippians
I don’t know that it comes
entirely naturally to us to be
Want a VA Job? Bring a Broom
The online Daily Caller headline was a bit of a
shock: “Only VA Job Reserved Specifically For Vets:
But that was only the tip
of the iceberg. Additional
investigative articles from
the Daily Caller News Foundation [] had
even more disturbing facts.
The site has a comprehensive interactive chart that
shows the number of veterans versus non-veterans in
300 managerial positions.
The number of veterans out
of that 300: 50.
Here are a few examples
of executive positions:
Albany, N.Y.: 19 nonveterans, 2 veterans
Bedford, Mass.: 21 nonveterans, 8 veterans
Glendale, Colo.: 5 nonveterans, 0 veterans
Bronx, N.Y. 13 non-veterans, 1 veteran
Of the officials who run
Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers (with
titles like associate director,
nurse executive and chief
of staff), only 13 percent are
And why is this allowed
to happen? Because VA
employees have a union.
The union agreement that
says that any job will go
first to any qualified candidate within the facility. And
then there are the hiring
categories. One hefty position for coordinator is open
only to in-house employees.
Lower-paying jobs, involving
peer support, are open to
veterans, but only if they’ve
already been certified by the
government for the position.
Never mind, apparently,
the preference points that
veterans get when applying
for any government job.
Wandering through the
job listings at
is an eye-opener when it
comes to being a veteran
trying to get a job at the
VA. Some say that foreign
citizens can be hired if no
qualified American can be
found. Many are open only to
current employees of the VA.
So where does the janitor
come in? The Daily Caller
was right. Use only “veterans preference” as your
one search parameter, and
you get a long list of janitors.
They call it “housekeeping
© 2016 King Features
Synd., Inc.
America’s Seniors Going Hungry
City Of
Kenneth Brown, Mayor - John Carpenter, Councilman
Weldon Morgan, Councilman - Charleen Dowell, Councilwoman
Robert Siler, Councilman - Doloras Inge, Councilwoman
William Sterling, City Manager/Administrator
PO Box 68, Moody, TX 76557 - 254-853-2314
45 Years In Business
Local Family Owned and Operated
There are 9 million seniors who are at risk for hunger every day in America,
statistics show. If you're a
senior over age 60 and you
don't get enough to eat,
there are options.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP) can provide an average $126 each month to
go toward food. Check the
government section of your
phone book for the local office, or see www.fns.usda.
In some states, as part
of SNAP, you also might be
eligible for The Senior Farmers Markets Nutrition Program (SFMNP), which will
provide a coupon booklet
that can be used at farmers
markets to buy fresh fruit
and vegetables. Information
is available on the USDA.
gov website.
More and more senior
centers are providing food
programs. Ask about a Senior Grocery Program in
your state, or the local food
bank. The center also might
host a monthly luncheon,
or perhaps a weekly gettogether lunch. You'll make
contacts at any of these
events that can steer you to
other local food programs.
Contact the Council
on Aging (
branch in your state for a full
list of programs you can apply for. Or search online for
"senior hunger resources" in
your state.
If you were turned down
for food benefits, apply
again, especially if your
situation has changed in any
way. If Meals on Wheels in
GOT NEWS? Give Us A Call 754-3511
Jane Woodard
Lead Pastor
262 Illinois Avenue
in China Spring
Turn Right onto
Illinois Avenue off of
Bob Johnson Road
(Up the hill from China
Spring Elementary)
Whoever is thirsty,
let him come; and
whoever wishes,
let him take the
free gift of the
water of life.
your area isn't taking new
clients (many of them don't
have enough resources
nowadays), get put on the
waiting list anyway.
Contact churches in your
area to ask about senior
meal programs. Ask your
doctor for resources.
Remember: It's not only
OK to ask for help when you
need it, it's imperative. To
maintain your health, you
need proper nutrition.
© 2016 King Features
Synd., Inc.
these things, but if we really
want to be better than we
are - if we want to be super
- if we want our lives to be
better - if we want our world
to be a better place - then
these are most definitely the
things we need to put into
So here is my “super
thought” for the day. Our
world doesn’t need people
who keep running around
in circles trying to be bigger, stronger, smarter, and
faster. It needs people who
will find ways to be that
which is true, noble, right,
pure, lovely, admirable and
worthy of praise. This week,
when you put on your cape,
your uniform, your hat, or
your boots, practice these
things, and you will have a
“super” week.
(USPS #021-922)
2810 N. 19th Street
Waco, Texas 76708
Mailing Address;
Box 4241
Waco, TX 76708
Phone: 254-754-3511
Published Each Friday by HOT
Media LLC, doing business as
The Hometown News.
Periodicals postage paid
at Waco, Texas.
Steve Ray,
Beverly Hannon
Publisher Emeritus
Johnnie Bradshaw
Advertising Director
Rosemary Perkins
Office Manager
April Scott
Dedra Davis
Staff Writer
Daniel Leveritt,
Cecil Veselka
Send Address Changes To:
Hometown News
2816 N. 19th Street, Ste. C
Waco, Texas 76708
$25 -- McLennan County
$30 -- Other Texas Counties
$35 -- Out of State
Letters to the Editor should
not exceed 300 words. For
clarification or confirmation, letters should be
signed and include address
and daytime phone number. Only names will be run
with the letter. We reserve
the right to edit all letters.
We do not publish form
letters, letters written for
other publications or anonymous letters.
Copyright © 2016
Sunday Morning Worship - 8:30 and 11:00
Sunday Classes for All Ages at 9:45
Youth Group (Grades 7-12) - Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors / Like us on Facebook (China Spring UMC)
Hometown News * February 12, 2016
Page 3
Hewitt Public Library Set Opening Date, Seeks Friends
Staff Writer
The Hewitt Public Library
is in the last few months
of construction on the new
26,500 square-foot facility
being built. The library will
share space with the new
Hewitt City Hall, located at
100 Patriot Court, adjacent
to the Hewitt Public Safety
Facility, just off Hewitt Drive
and Ritchie Road. The building is scheduled for completion in April.
The Ground Breaking
ceremony was held, on a
rainy, Wednesday, March 18,
2015, on site where the new
$4.5 million joint city hall and
library facility will be built.
The design plans for the
library include community
space that the two institutions will share, including a
coffee bar, as well as separate reading and computer
spaces for children, teens
and adults, bathrooms and
meeting rooms that community groups can make use of.
The building will even house
an outdoor butterfly garden,
patio and an indoor pet zone.
The present library and
city hall are located at 100
Zuni, in Hewitt. The City Hall
has been housed at this location since 1991, when the
city of Hewitt purchased the
building. The building is now
currently for sale by the city.
Waynette Ditto, Library
Director said, “The FOHPL
has been waiting for the new
building for 30 years and
are excited that the dream
has become a reality. As
Library Director, I am looking
forward to the new meeting
spaces so that we can host
larger gatherings and bring
more people together. I like
to think of the Hewitt Public
Library as the living room
of the community. Our staff
The construction site of the new Hewitt Public Library. The new library will share space with Hewitt City Hall. -- DEDRA DAVIS
Public Library through fund
becoming a Friends Memis service driven and is the
FOHPL can become stronraising, volunteer work, and
ber. Depending on the level
ger and more active as we
public awareness.
that you join, you will have
“I have been planning the
move into a new building.”
The FOHPL are raising
access to exclusive premove for about six months
Ditto explains, “The
money for purchasing the
views, including a tour of the
by organizing the staff to be
Friends will conduct a come
tables, chairs, and desks for
new library facility, art recepresponsible for certain parts
and go membership drive on
the children’s area in the new
tions, and other pre- party
of the new library. I also
February 12, from 10:00 a.m.
library that will open in April
events. In the past, we have
have been in meetings with
to 12:00 p.m., in the library.
2016. Your contribution is tax
hosted author luncheons
city staff to coordinate the
We will have cookies and
and dinners, wine tastings,
move of larger items such as
punch while signing up new
Ditto urges the public
art exhibits, Dog Days of
furniture and heavy boxes.
members and renewing othto help the library reach
Summer, Book Boogie 5K
The library will be closed for
ers, as well as passing out
the goal of providing new
Fun Run, and a book sale,
approximately two weeks
information regarding new
furniture for the children by
to name a few.”
to move and get everything
member benefits. We are a
donating to the campaign at
Ditto finishes by urging,
ready for the grand opening.”
non-profit organization.”
look forward to seeThe grand opening cele“Membership in the
at our membership
bration is scheduled for April
Friends is very affordable,
It is an online fundraiser
14, at 10:00 a.m. But before
beginning at $10 per year for
to make donating easy. All
“We would also like to
the doors to the new building
an individual all the way up to
contributions are tax deinvite
everyone to go “like”
open, the library is hosting
$1000.00 for a life memberductible. All donations will
Facebook page to
two fundraiser campaigns to
ship. There is no pressure to
help purchase the children’s
of library haphelp purchase the children’s
do anything beyond paying
furniture in the new library.
furniture, along with the anyour dues, but if you’d like to
Traci Villa, Membership
nual Friends of the Hewitt
volunteer, there are a lot of
Drive Coordinator and LiDitto explains another
Public Library membership
opportunities available and
brary Clerk, said, “ I am
to help the library, bedrive.
it’s a great way to meet other
looking forward to the memsides
joining the Friends
The Friends of the Hewitt
people who value the library
bership drive and signing
and the Go Fund Me
Public Library was created
as much as you do.”
up new members with fun
by local Hewitt citizens to asShe further explains,
creative ideas so that the
“The public can purchase
sist and promote the Hewitt
“There are also benefits in
State Game: A Night to Remember
By Ashley Whitlock, Yearbook Editor, LaVega
An experience I will never forget was
photographing the state game for La Vega
vs. Argyle was an amazing, once in a lifetime
experience. I received a press box and field/
stadium pass which allowed me to access all
different types of areas for great shots. Being
on the field and experiencing up close the
hard work and struggle the football players,
coaches, and cheerleaders went through and
being able to capture those moments was a
remarkable experience. Having access to
the press box gave me the ability to get high
quality photos, meet new people in the media
industry, and of course get free food which
is always great. But all too soon there were
only fifteen minutes left on the clock, and it
was time for me to run back down to the field
alongside the coaches and players to photograph the last scoring moments that won us
the state game. When the last touchdown was
made the fans went wild, then players, school
officials, coaches, and the press stormed the
field. This moment was probably the best I
have ever had the opportunity to photograph.
Capturing all the happy tears, hugs, and joy
in everyone was truly a great feeling that I will
remember forever.
Attending and photographing the state
banquet was definitely a night to remember,
the entire event was highly sophisticated from
the people to the location (Baylor Bears Club).
They began the night by serving all the guests
with delicious extravagant meals and desserts. Then went on to recognize the football
players, coaches, boosters, and sponsors
that made going to state possible. The audi-
ence and I also had the amazing opportunity
to hear a few words from the La Vega High
School alumni Dave Campbell who spoke
on his experience with La Vega High School
football. Next we continued the night by hearing from the La Vega ISD superintendent, Dr.
Shields and the head football coach for the
pirates, Coach Williams. As the night came to
an end, we all went to Baylor McLane Stadium
and watched the last 20 minutes of the state
game against Argyle. It was the perfect ending to the banquet honoring the efforts of our
players, coaches, and school.
Go LaVega Pirates!!!
a piece of furniture off wish
board in the library. We have
a campaign set up called
“Help Build Our Wings to
Fly”. A display is set up in
the library that allows you
to purchase a chair, stool,
IPad stand, felt board, or a
flat panel cart. Select the
piece off the board and place
it in our butterfly area to fill it
up. Once you purchase an
item, your name will go on
a permanent plaque to be
displayed in the Children’s
Area of the new library.”
As stated on the website,
the mission of the Hewitt
Public Library is to provide an environment where
lifelong habits of learning,
self-improvement and selfexpression are encouraged
and where patrons can meet
their educational, informational and recreational needs
for all ages in a variety of formats. The Hewitt Public Library supports early literacy
and children’s programming
and reaches thousands of
children every year.
In carrying out the mission, the library hosts dozens
of programs throughout the
year, including story time for
pre-school children, school
aged children’s programs,
teen groups, culinary groups,
and other programs to educate the community, per the
The library hours are
Monday through Thursday,
9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., Fridays
from 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.,
and Saturday from 9:30 a.m.
- 3:00 p.m.
For more information on
the new building, to donate
or join the FOHPL, please
visit **& or donate to the Go
Fund Me account https:// .
Cory Priest is a Republican candidate for McLennan
County Commissioner of Precinct 1. Cory is a lifelong
businessman who understands the importance of
conservative and innovative leadership at the local
level. With a degree in Agricultural Economics from
Texas A&M University, Cory has spent his career
ensuring the financial health of large organizations.
Cory moved to McLennan County in 1997 after he and a
partner purchased the Box Ranch in Spring Valley to
enlarge his cattle business. In 2003, Cory partnered in
starting JoCo Builders, a local residential construction
company. He sold the Box Ranch in 2008 and moved just east of Lorena where he currently operates his
cattle business.
Along with his business interests, Cory has volunteered on many committees and boards including the
HOT Fair and Rodeo, the McLennan County Junior Livestock Committee, Spring Valley Water Supply,
and the Texas Livestock Marketing Association. Cory has also served in several capacities at Harris Creek
Baptist Church and First Baptist Church Woodway.
Cory and his wife, Patti, have been married for twenty-four years. They have two sons and a daughter.
Laramie is a recent graduate from Texas Tech University. Dakota graduated from Robinson High School
and now attends Texas A&M University. Steelie is a junior at Lorena High School.
The primary election on March 1st is about the future of McLennan County. We are beginning a new era
of growth and visibility. The transformation of Baylor into a world class educational and athletic
University, the national stardom of the “Fixer Upper,” the transformation of downtown Waco and the
Brazos River are just a few of the major signposts in McLennan County’s expansion. We also boast
numerous other features leading to the success of our community, such as a thriving healthcare
industry, a formidable industrial base, a low cost of living, great school districts, great retail and
entertainment venues, and prime location in the Heart of
Texas on Interstate 35, the central growth corridor in the U.S.
With such tremendous positioning and opportunity for
growth we must elect true conservative leaders. Our current
Commissioner, in his own budget, has outspent his
Republican colleagues by $4.1 million over the last four years.
We literally cannot afford the current status quo.
Cory is aggressive, proactive, and decisive. He looks forward
to serving the people of McLennan County.
For More Information on Cory Priest Please go to:
Buy One Dozen Cookies Get the Second Dozen
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Offer Exires Feb. 27th, 2016
Political Ad paid for by Texans for Cory Priest
Page 4
Hometown News * February 12, 2016
Order by phone
New in Bellmead
Baris Express
3125 Bellmead Drive,
Bellmead, TX 76705
Phone 799-0088
Best Pizza I ever had: Customer
Hours: 11 to 10 daily; Sunday 9 p. m.
Closed Monday
Welcome all LaVega Students, Faculty
and L3 employees.
We Salute the
LaVega Pirates
Toni Watson, operator
3501 Bellmead Drive • Bellmead, TX 76705
Call 799-1233 for orders to go.
VICTORY PARADE. Members of La Vega Pirates football get a ride on fire truck in the ceremonial parade held by the City of Bellmead
on January 21, 2016 celebrating the team’s first State Championship win. -- PHOTOS COURTESY/JAN SKRABANEK, LAVEGA HS.
Players are only as Good as their Leaders
Copy Editor, LaVega HS
I recently sat down with
Don Hyde, the head defensive
coach for the La Vega football
team, and I see how the Pirates
had such a great chance of winning state. It was from the constant support and motivation
that all their coaches provided.
Not only do they cheer on their
players but they recognize and
applaud the commitment and
effort every single one of their
players puts forth. “Commitment”, Hyde said, “is what
keeps the team going through
every game, every practice
all season long”. Yet at every
game they played the doubt of
losing still existed.
So the team and coaches
did everything they could to
prepare and make sure that
there was very little room for
doubt on the field. However
in the last quarter of the state
game there was doubt from
everyone watching, that the
La Vega team may go home
without the state title. The back
and forth switch of who was
in the lead really took a toll on
everyone especially the team
and coaches. Nevertheless the
players pulled through with
the encouragement of their
coaches and cheers from their
La Vega family and took home
the state title where it forever
will be remembered as the day
the Pirates won state.
Pirates 2015
From Sam’s Club Waco
From Sam’s Club Waco
Proudly Serving Our Community for 30 Years
Proudly Serving Our Community for 30 Years
MCLANE STADIUM. Monday, January 25th. Left to
right are: Sharon Shields,
LaVega Supt., Coach Willie
Williams, Dave Campbell,
LaVega High School Grad;
and Tom Stanton, representing Bernard Rapoport
Joins all Bellmead and LaVega Fans
On the Pirates’ Winning Year!
(254) 799-6655
901 N. Loop 340
Waco, TX 76705
OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 11 :00 - 9:30 PM.
David Gonzalez
Sandi Rains
Robin Fegette
Thanks LaVega ISD
for assisting
us in
this special edition.
Hometown News
Bo Thomas,
City Manager
3015 Bellmead Drive
Bellmead, TX. 76705
Hometown News * February 12, 2016
Page 5
First Central is
dedicated to
one goal,
State Champions!
3100 Bellmead Dr.
Federally Insured NCUA
TEAM CAPTAINS AT THE STATE PLAYOFF. Left to right: Jordan Rivera, Brandon Benson, Anthony Davis and Parrish Cobb. -- PHOTOS COURTESY/JAN SKRABANEK, LAVEGA HIGH SCHOOL.
The Road to State
By Jamun Guilford, Staff Writer and Varsity Football Player
When we won the 4A Division 1 State Championship, the
feeling was unforgettable. It did not feel real. Our reaction as
a team when we won state was priceless. We had worked so
hard all year and it finally paid off when we won our last game
which was the state championship. Seeing Coach Williams’
speechless reaction to us winning state was incredible. When
we were interviewed after the game he said we deserved
this because we had been working toward a state title since
last year when we had lost in the first round of the playoffs
to Fischer Canyon Lake. This year however was a different
story because we blew them out in the first round. The game
coverage going into the game was unbelievable. We had news
crews and media at our practices and school almost every
day. The game coverage at the state game was astonishing.
We played on national TV, and we even had commercial
breaks. It felt like I was actually playing in the NFL. After we
won state, the UIL gave plaques to the offensive and defensive
players of the game. Additionally, they gave the whole team
and coaches a gold medal, state t-shirt, and a state hat. We
also ordered state rings to always remind us of the long journey we took and of the victories we accomplished. After we
won state, the team celebrated it by going to Golden Corral.
Afterwards, our hometown of Bellmead hosted a parade, pep
rally, and banquet for the team. Overall, it was a fun exciting
time on the road to state.
We Salute the
LaVega Pirates
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Page 6
Hometown News *February 12, 2016
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BOSQUEVILLE HS POWERLIFTING TEAM MEMBERS. L to R: Tyler Flowers, Drew Roberts, Brittany Carter, Lacy Leboeuf. -BOSQUEVILLE HS PHOTO.
8836 Mars Drive Hewitt, TX 76643
Bosqueville Powerlifting Team do well at Reicher Invitational Meet Tom's Burgers
​ he Bosqueville High School powerlifting teams competed
in the Reicher Invitational on Saturday, February 6. T
​ he meet
consisted of 20 girls teams and 19 boys teams from schools
ranging from 2A to the 6A level. Lacy Leboeuf, junior, set personal records in the Squat (350 lbs.) and Bench Press (175
lbs.). Her total of 865 pounds was just enough as she beat
the second place finisher, Ellie Hair, from College Station, by
five pounds to win first place. In the three meets Bosqueville
has competed in this year, Lacy has won first in her weight
class all three times. Brittany Carter, junior, came home with
the second place medal in her weight class as she posted a
770 lb. total. This was Carter’s third silver medal of the year.
Also competing well for Bosqueville were Presley Cowan,
Roselie Cruz, Chloe Reinke, and Summer Howard and all
set personal records at the meet as the girls team finished
in sixth place overall.
The boys team was led by first place finisher Drew Roberts. Roberts, a junior, won his third gold medal of the year
in the 181 lb. weight class as he set personal records in the
squat (440 lbs.), bench press (300 lbs.) and deadlift (450
lbs.). Roberts’ 1,190 lb. total beat Belton High School lifter
Alex Aaron by 20 pounds. Tyler Flowers, sophomore, won
the third place medal for the super heavy weight class with
a total of 1,380 lbs. Flowers has brought home a gold, silver
and bronze in the three meets he’s competed in this year.
The boys team finished in ninth place at the meet.
Both the boys and girls teams will compete at the West
High School Invitational on Saturday, February 20.
CS Students Honored in All-State Band
Continued from Page 1
a place in their respective all-region bands. The top chairs
in each region advanced to one of the area auditions held
the second week of January across the state and only 290
of these 2,020 students were selected for all-state honors.
All four students selected for the All-State are under the
direction of Pam Hyatt, Director of Bands at China Spring
Independent School District, and are members of the China
Spring Wind Ensemble, as well as the CSHS Marching Band.
Hyatt is a member of the Association of Texas Small School
Bands, a 1000-member group of band directors in class 1A,
2A, 3A, and 4A high schools in Texas.
Hyatt proudly stated, “We are very fortunate to have such
talented students in our organization. These students are
great examples of hard work and dedication and are very
worthy of this prestigious honor. It is because of students
like Aaron, Ben, Skyler, and Jordan that our band program
continues to progress to new heights each year. We are extremely proud of them and their accomplishments.”
Phillip’s will perform in the prestigious band for the third
year. His other interests at school include cross country, tennis, president of the National Honors Society, co-president of
Cougars in Action, Student Council, and Cougars for Change.
He is also active in church activities at Harris Creek Baptist
Church and enjoys spending time with his friends and family,
as well. He is the son of Miles and Kristi Phillips.
Blanton, son of Yvette Boatman, is now in his third year
to perform as a member of the ATSSB All-State Band, as
well. He is also active in church activities at the Methodist
Church of Abbott. His hobbies include practicing trombone
and hanging out with his friends.
Farney will perform for the first time as a member of the
ATSSB All-State Band. His other interests at school include
choir. Son of Christopher and Melissa Farney, he is also active
in church activities at St. Louis Catholic Church and enjoys
all forms of music in his spare time.
Sundermann, daughter of Craig and Jennifer Sundermann,
is performing for the first time as a member of the ATSSB AllState Band. She enjoys spending time with family and friends
and watching the TV show The Bachelor as well.
ATSSB, created in 1991, is a musical organization
dedicated to promoting and encouraging participation in and
maintaining the interests of small school bands in the state of
Texas for educational services. Membership is limited to band
directors and assistant directors in those high schools which
the University Interscholastic League classifies as AAAA or
below, or middle schools feeding into such high schools, per
the AATSSB website. ATSSB is headquartered in Houston,
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Hometown News * February 12, 2016
Page 7
(Los Centros de Votación del Condado de McLennnan)
To the registered voters of the County of McLennan, Texas:
(A los votantes registrados del Condado de McLennan, Texas:)
Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., March 1, 2016,
for voting in the McLennan County Democratic and Republican Parties’ Joint Primary Election to elect Presidential
Electors, Members of Congress, Members of the Legislature, and state, district, county and precinct officers.
(Notifíquese por la presente que los casillas electorales citadas se abrirán desde las 7 a.m. hasta las 7 p.m. el 1 de
marzo de 2016 para votar en las elección primarias combinadas para el Condado McLennan Partidos Demócrata
y Republicano para elegir Electors Presidenciales, Miembros del Congreso, Miembros de la Legislatura, y oficiales
del estado, distrito, condado y del precinto.)
See attached List
(Véase la lista adjunta)
Early Voting by personal appearance will be conducted each weekday at:
(La votación adelantada en persona se llevara a cabo todos los dias laborables en:)
Main Early Voting Site:
(Lugar principal de votación adelantada:)
McLennan County Elections Administration Office
Records Building
214 North Fomth Street, Suite 300
Waco, Texas 76701
Branch Early Voting Site:
(Lugar auxiliary de votación adelantada)
Robinson Community Center
106 W. Lyndale
Robinson, TX 76706
First Assembly of God Church
6701 Bosque Blvd.
Waco, Texas 76710
Waco Multi-Purpose Community Center
1020 Elm St.
Waco, Texas 76704
Brazos Meadows Baptist Church
625 S. Hewitt Dr.
Hewitt, Texas 76643
The dates and times of Early Voting are:
(Los dias y horas de votación adelantada son:)
February 16, 2016
(16 de febrero, 2016)
February 17, 2016
(17 de febrero, 2016)
February 18, 2016
(18 de febrero, 2016)
February 19, 2016
(19 de febrero, 2016)
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday (sabado) (sabado)
Sunday (domingo)
February 20, 2016
(20 de febrero, 2016)
February 21, 2016
(21 de febrero, 2016)
7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
February 22, 2016
(22 de febrero, 2016)
February 16, 2016
(23 de febrero, 2016)
February 24, 2016
(24 de febrero, 2016)
February 25, 2016
(25 de febrero, 2016)
February 26, 2016
(26 de febrero, 2016)
7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Notice is hereby given that China
Spring Independent School
District intends to examine
alternatives to its present food
service program. All interested
parties must attend a Pre-proposal
Conference and District Tour on
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at
2:00 p.m. at China Spring ISD
administration building, 6301
Sylvia St , Waco, Texas 76708.
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
No offer of intent should be
construed from this legal notice
that China Spring Independent
School District intends to enter
into a contract with any party for
alternative food service unless, in
the sole opinion of District, it is in
the District’s best interest to do so.
7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
All costs involved in submitting
alternatives to China Spring
Independent School District’s
current food service program shall
be borne in full by the interested
party and should be kept to a
minimum. A copy of the Request
for Proposal can be obtained by
Joe Kucera
Assistant Superintendent
China Spring ISD
Administration Building
6301 Sylvia St
Waco, Texas 76708
(254) 836-1115
Applications for ballot by mail should be mailed to:
(Las solicitudes para boletas de votacón adelantada por correo deberán enviarse a:)
Kathy E. Van Wolfe
McLennan County Elections Administrator
P.O. Box 2450
Waco, Texas 76703-2450
Applications for ballot by mail must be received no later than the close of business on February 19, 2016:
(Las solicitudes para boletas de votación adelantada por correo deberán recibirse para el fin de las horas de
negocio el 19 de febrero 2016:)
Issued this the 19th, day of November, 2015.
(Emitada el día 19th de noviembre, 2015.)
China Spring Independent
School District reserves the
right to accept any proposal which
it deems most favorable to the
interest of the District and to reject
any or all proposals or any portion
of any proposal submitted which,
in the District’s opinion, is not in
the best interest of the District.
Mary Duty, Chair
Ralph Patterson, Chair
McLennan County Democratic Party
McLennan County Republican Party
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
2/12, 2/19
To Place A Classified Ad
Or A Legal Notice
Call Rosemary at 254-754-3511
Serious inquiries only.
Poster is very rare.
Interested parties may
call 512-803-0229
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surrounding areas. For
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The City of Beverly Hills is now accepting Proposals for one Street Dept.
Vehicle. Specifications may be obtained from the street department at 3418
Memorial Dr, Beverly Hills, TX 76711. Proposals should be addressed
to Street Supervisor Todd Childers, City of Beverly Hills, 3418 Memorial
Drive, Beverly Hills, TX 76711 or by email
The Proposals must be clearly Marked ‘PROPOSAL – STREET VEHICLE
Proposals should be received by 2:00 p.m. February 18, 2016. Proposals
received after this time will not be accepted. The City Council will meet at a
regular scheduled council meeting on March 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm concerning
Street Vehicle Proposals. The City of Beverly Hills reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Angel Flores
City Secretary
2/5, 2/12
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A gracious Lamb can learn
more about a problem-filled situation than one who is
openly suspicious of what could be happening. A friend
might offer some well-directed advice.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Getting adjusted to an
unexpected change might be difficult for the Bovine who
prefers things to go according to plan. But help could
come from a most welcome source.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) This could be a good
time to get a head start on those career-related plans.
The sooner you check out the pluses and minuses, the
sooner you can act on your information.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) A personal situation you
thought would no longer present a problem suddenly
could produce some surprises. Try to sort things out with
the help of trusted colleagues.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) An upcoming move holds
both anticipation and anxiety for Leos and Leonas who
have some big decisions to make. Advice is plentiful,
but it’s up to you to decide which way you want to go.
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Someone from a
previous project could provide valuable guidance on how
to handle a current problem, especially where it might
involve a legal matter.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A business situation presents some unexpected complications. But rather
than try to handle them all at once, it would be best to
deal with them one at a time.
SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You just might
get what you want, despite the odds against it. In any
event, be sure to thank all those people involved who
believed in you and went to bat for you.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Before
you even hint at an accusation, remember that you’ll
have to prove what you say. So be sure you have what
you need to back up your comments.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A romantic
situation takes an unexpected turn that favors some Sea
Goats, but causes others to reassess how they’ve been
handling the relationship.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A surprise
turn of events could unsettle the Water Bearer. But it also
might help open up an entirely different way of working
out an important matter.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A smoothly running
operation could bump up against an obstacle. This is
where your ability to assess situations and make adjustments can restore things to normal.
BORN THIS WEEK: Your kindness is legendary, and so
is your strong sense of responsibility.
© 2015 King Features Syndicate, Inc.
Page 8
Hometown News *February 12, 2016
Congratulation to the 2015 China Spring High School Football
Players,Coaches and Team Staff for a Successful Season!
The China Spring High School
Cheer Booster Club
Presents the
Hi, I’m Sydney Dumas and I am the daughter David Dumas
and Melanie Simmons. This is my senior year and my 4th year
as a China Spring Varsity Cheerleader and I serve as Captain.
I am a member of CIA (Cougars In Action), FCCLA and FCA.
I also enjoy being a member of the yearbook staff, running
track and being involved in debate.
Hello, my name is Blakeley Lincoln. This is my senior year and
my 4th year as a China Spring Varsity Cheerleader and I serve
as Captain. I am the daughter of James Lincoln and Mindy &
Bobby Martin. I have one sister, Raegan, who is in 5th grade. I
enjoy being very active in school and am involved in Cougars
for Change, PALs, CIA (Cougars In Action) and Student Council. I was named the 2015 Homecoming Queen. I enjoy being
a cheer coach for the China Spring Youth Athletic Association.
Hi! My name is Hannah White and I am a senior and this is my first
year as a China Spring Varsity Cheerleader. I am the daughter of
John and Cindy White. I enjoy running track. I played both volleyball
and basketball prior to becoming a cheerleader.
Front Row, Left to Right: Ava White, Sydney Dumas- Captain, Blakeley Lincoln - Captain, Teyha
Cleveland; Back Row, Left to Right: Jasmine Hull, Hannah White, Bella Galvan, Lydia Pardun
Left to Right: Ella Galyean, Ashley Coffman, Kamryn Brister, Keely Patterson,
Grace McGaugh, Alexis Hesterman, Hanna Tucker, Kierstin Cruz
Thank you to our 2015-2016 Platinum Sponsors
2490 Storage
Acre Wood Dental
Ad Spectations
Air Net, LLC
Award Specialties
Bentwood Realty, LLC
Boss Well Testing
Central Texas Iron Works, Inc.
Collins & Team Orthodontics
Daniel Baird Electric
First Shot Painting
Freddy’s Glass
Fulbright Winiford
M&M Cabling Solutions Inc.
Marker’s Edge Makerspace
Moon Nails
MVP Batting Cages
Patrick’s China Spring Cleaners
Pointwest Bank
Premier ER Plus
Premier Metalworks, LLC
Sherwin Williams
Shilling Excavation
Shipley Donuts
Southwest Sports Medicine
Specialty Restoration of Texas, Inc.
T & G Chemical & Supply
Talbert Construction
Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild
Texas Built Roofing
Thank you to our 2015-2016 Gold Sponsors
Bar None Ag Supply Company Inc.
Because of You
Boen Plumbing, Inc.
Brazos Braces
Chinaberries Learning Center
Cougar Cuts
David & Susan Williams
De’Ja Do Hair Salon
Diamond Athletics
Edward Jones – Matthew S. Dollar, CFP, AAMS
Extraco Events Center
First National Bank of Central Texas
Gardner Cattle Company
GENCO Federal Credit Union
Haigood Automotive
Heart of Texas Cheer & Dance
Texas Farm Bureau Insurance –
Bubba Galvan, Agent
Texas Farm Bureau Insurance –
Tim Prefume, Agent
Towner’s Custom Air
Tucker Hall
Unique Machine Shop Inc.
Valvoline Express Care
Wilbur-Ellis Company
Hope Therapy
JNB Construction LTD
Kerr Refuse Service
Rock Creek Welding and Designs
Saddle Creek Dental
Sellers Pump Company
Valley Mills Feed & Hardware
Waco Orthopedic Clinic
Thank you to our 2015-2016 Silver Sponsors
All Sugar’d Up Andrew Bailey Air Conditioning LLC Bosque Valley Family Dental, Inc Central Texas Dental Care China Spring Dance Academy China Spring Fitness Center China Spring Lube & Service
Dewitt Contracting LLC First National Bank of McGregor George Cruz HCAA, LLC Heart of the Brazos Oral & Facial Surgery, PA Jump-n-Place Kirkpatrick and Witt Luikart’s Foreign Car Clinic
Meador Auto Sales Inc. Michael Lynn Builders, LLC Ramsgate Veterinary Clinic Redfish Partners, LLC Schronk Automotive Spraytopia Tee’s Golf The Alford Company Tusa Wholesale