ОСТЕН е основан на 1 јануари 1945. Тој е препознатлив бренд во областа на уметноста, креативната мисла и слободното творештво. Како голем почитувач на уметноста, од 1969 година преку Светската галерија на карикатури, а подоцна и преку Светската галерија на цртеж, ОСТЕН создава простор за уметниците ширум светот. Амбасадорите на ОСТЕН и наградените автори на 40.Светска галерија на цртеж во 2012 поднесоа иницијатива која Советот на ОСТЕН ја прифати и донесе одлука за формирање МУЗЕЈ НА ЦРТЕЖ, прв ваков евидентиран музеј во светот. Документираната збирка од повеќе од 5000 уметнчки предмети е најголемото достигнување на ОСТЕН уметност на хартија. *Во оваа публикација се евидентирани 4419 уметнички дела од 1294 автори од 66 држави. Мице ЈАНКУЛОВСКИ, директор на ОСТЕН OSTEN was founded on January 1, 1945. Today, OSTEN is a well-known brand in the fields of art, creative thought and free artistic creation. As a great art admirer and passionate art collector, from 1969 through the World Gallery of Cartoons, and later with the World Gallery of Drawing, OSTEN makes room for artists all over the world. The ambassadors of OSTEN and the awarded artists on the 40th World Gallery of Drawing in 2012 submitted an initiative for establishment of a MUSEUM of DRAWING that OSTEN Council adopted and preceded a Resolution for the foundation of the first of Museum of Drawing in the world. The register of more than 5000 artworks is the greatest achievement of OSTEN art on paper. *This publication contains 4419 art works of 1294 artists from 66 countries. Mice JANKULOVSKI, Director of OSTEN 3 Идејата за создавањето на ОСТЕН Музејот на цртеж за мене е многу возбудлива, поради посебното значење на делата создадени на хартија. Делото на хартија, без разлика дали се работи за цртежот како уметничко дело или за скицата како фаза во процесот на создавањето друго дело, е формата преку која ние дознаваме како размислувал уметникот. Финалното дело е резултат на креативен процес, но скицата, цртежот, тие ни даваат увид во тоа како размислувал уметникот во текот на креативниот процес. Ова е особено важно денес, во дигиталната ера на 21-от век, за да не се изгуби трагата за процесот и начинот на кој се креираат идеите. Токму за тоа сведочат делата на хартија, пред сè цртежот. ОСТЕН ова многу добро го знае и затоа својот фокус го насочува кон цртежот. Уште поголемо значење има ОСТЕН Музејот на цртеж, зашто е единствен музеј во светот посветен исклучиво на цртежот. Секако, музеите имаат свои оддели за цртеж, но ОСТЕН Музејот на цртеж е единствен. Многу, многу возбудлива идеја на која очигледно уметниците реагираат навистина добро, зашто бројот на уметниците и делата во Музејот на цртежот постојано расте. Ник ТАУ, претседател на Собранието на амбасадорите на ОСТЕН програмски менаџер во Интернационалната фондација за музика и уметност, САД The idea for establishment of OSTEN Museum of Drawing is very exciting for me, because of the significance of the works created on paper. A work of art on paper, whether it is a drawing as a work of art, or a sketch as a phase in the process of creation of another work of art, is a form that gives us insight into artists’ thought process. The final work of art is a result of a creative process, but the sketch, the drawing, they provide an insight into an artist’s creative process. This is especially important today, in the digital era of the 21 century, when the process trace can be easily lost and the way ideas are created. The works of art on paper are witnesses of this process, the drawingprimarily. OSTEN knows this very well and thus focuses on the drawing. The OSTEN Museum of Drawing has even greater importance, because it is the unique museum in the world dedicated exclusively to the drawing. Museums in the world have, of course, Drawing Departments, but the OSTEN Museum of Drawing is unique. Again, this is very, very exciting idea that appeals to artists, because the number of artists and works of art in the Museum is constantly growing. Nick THAW, President of the Assembly of the Ambassadors of OSTEN Program manager at International Music and Art Foundation, USA Несомнено, ОСТЕН е феномен во културниот календар на европскaтa и на светскaтa визуелна уметност. Тoj е основач на првиот Mузеј на цртеж и промотор на идејата за негување на уметноста на хартија. Извонредната и разновидната колекција на ОСТЕН се состои од дела на автори кои припаѓаат на различни генерации, стилови и правци. Одличната професионална организација и мултилатералното искуство при реализацијата на Светската галерија на цртеж, Биеналето на цртеж, Биеналето на наградени автори и Програмата за престој на уметници „Златен Остен“ го прават ОСТЕН уникатен мецена на уметници и колекционер на уметнички дела. Голема заслуга на оваа своевидна институција е промовирањето на балканската уметност и нејзиното вклучување во европските и во светските естетски процеси. Имајќи го сето ова предвид, слободно можам да кажам дека ОСТЕН придонесува за збогатување на светското културно наследсво на многу импресивен начин за културната јавност. Венцеслав АНТОНОВ, амбасадор на ОСТЕН директор на Меѓународното графичко биенале Варна, Бугарија OSTEN is undoubtedly a phenomenon in the cultural calendar of the European and World visual art. OSTEN is the founder of the first Museum of Drawing and a promoter of the idea for cultivation of art on paper. The extraordinary and versatile collection of OSTEN consists of art works of artists that belong to various generations, styles and genres. The excellent professional organization and multilateral experience demonstrated during the realization of the World Gallery of Drawing, the Biennale of Drawing, Biennale of Awarded Artists and the Artist Residency Program “Golden Osten”, make OSTEN a unique Maecenas of artists and collector of art works. This institution plays a significant role in promoting Balkan art and its inclusion in European and World aesthetic processes. With all this in mind, I can say that OSTEN contributes to enrichment of the world cultural heritage in a very impressive way for the cultural audience. Ventseslav ANTONOV, Ambassador of OSTEN Director of the International Graphics Biennial Varna, Bulgaria 4 Има таму некаде, покрај Вардар, еден голем, загадочен ковчег, каде што се наталожени триесетгодишни сништа, како материјализирана духовност олицетворена во делата на оние кои му се приближиле на универзумот. Во тие слоеви се кријат чудесни линии, блескави бои и шарени тотеми. Во нив е насобрана енергијата на творците и љубовта на собирачот кој своите отсонувани соништа посветено ги чува и ги дополнува со нови содржини. Тука се чува промислена посветеност создадена со енергија извлечена од сржта на битието кое ги препознава универзалните вредности, но и духовноста на индивидуата (творецот) која ја вградува во темелите на универзалното спознавање. Овде сонот трае колку и самиот живот. Овде се испреплетени соништата и идеите на Рембрант, Пикасо, Дали, Де Кунинг, Дадо, Кристо, Мазев, до Марина Абрамовиќ. Овде материјалното и духовното се проникнати во една нераскинлива нишка, цврста како судбинска врска и тенка како жиците на виолината. Собирачот (колекционерот) овде е растргнат помеѓу сонот и реалноста, духовното и материјалното, помеѓу потребата тоа да биде само негова чувана тајна или, пак, таа космичност на собраното да го сподели со другите. Ова за него станува слатка опиеност, не како апстрактен поим, туку како сопствена вистина. А дилемата останува и трае. Имав среќа на пријател да видам дел од тој ковчег со богатство. Останав маѓепсан и мошне горд што сопственикот на тоа богатство, посветен и верен на својата мисија, го убедив да го сподели со пријателите својот „заветен ковчег“ како визуелна радост. Богатството, ако е заклучено, станува имагинација. А ова е вистинска средба со универзумот. Оваа колекција е вистинско чудо, исткаено од волја, љубов и посветеност. Чудо настанато во „Остен“, покрај Вардар. Павле ПЕЈОВИЌ, амбасадор на ОСТЕН директор на Народниот музеј на Црна Гора | Somewhere, along the River Vardar, there is a large, mysterious chest, a keeper of thirty year old neatly folded dreams, like materialized spirituality embodied in the works of those who are one with the universe. Those folded dreams are home to miraculous lines, sparkling colors and patterned totems. They hold the energy of the creators and the love of the collector who keeps his accomplished dreams and enriches them with new content. Here is the place for treasuring visionary dedication created with energy extracted from the essence of being; one that recognizes true values, but also the spirituality of the individual (the creator) which he entrenches in the cornerstones of universal cognizance. Here, the dream lasts as life itself. Here, the dreams and ideas of Rembrandt, Picasso, Dalí De Kooning, Dado,Kristo, Mazev, Marina Abramović are entwined. Here, the material and the spiritual are entangled in an indivisible thread, strong as fate and delicate as strings of a violin. The collector is torn apart between dream and reality, the spiritual and the material, between the urge to keep the experience as his well-kept secret, or to share this cosmology of the collected with others. The collector is sweetly inebriated, not just in a manner of speaking, but as his own utter truth. And the dilemma remains and persists. I had the luck of being a friend, and thus to see a part of this treasure chest. I remained in awe and very proud that I have persuaded the owner of the treasure, dedicated and true to his mission, to share with his friends his “Ark of the Covenant” as visual joy. The treasure, if locked, becomes an imagination. And this is a genuine encounter with cosmos. This collection is a miracle, woven of will, love and dedication. A miracle conceived in “OSTEN”, along the River Vardar. Pavle PEJOVIC, Ambassador of OSTEN Director of the National Museum of Montenegro 5 World Gallery of Drawing - AWARDED ARTISTS (details) Ventseslav ANTONOV [1942] Bulgaria ARINA [1961] Russia / United Kingdom Stefan BERGER [1960] Sweden Atanas BOTEV [1973] Macedonia Nikolaj BUZOV [1960] Bulgaria Paolo CIAMPINI [1941] Italy Bozidar DAMJANOVSKI [1947] Macedonia Robert DANDAROV [1959] USA Marc FRISING [1960] Luxembourg World Gallery of Drawing - AWARDED ARTISTS (details) Alla GEORGIEVA [1957] Bulgaria Agata GERTCHEN [1985] Poland Mulyo GUNARSO [1979] Indonesia Stefan HADZI NIKOLOV [1955] Macedonia Peter HEYDECK [1941] Germany Trajce JANCEVSKI [1928] Macedonia Mice JANKULOVSKI, Macedonia Sol KJOK [1968] Norway Tijana KOJIC [1987] Serbia Marina ABRAMOVIC [1946] Montenegro / USA Spirit Cooking, 1997. Instalation of hand blown crystal jug and framed drawing. Drawing 26,3x21,2cm. Jug h 23,5cm 9 10 Marina ABRAMOVIC [1946] Montenegro / USA Marina ABRAMOVIC [1946] Montenegro / USA Untitled 1997. Drawing, mixed media, signed, 23x21cm Untitled. Drawing, mixed media, signed, 28,7х21,2cm Valerio ADAMI [1935] Italy Valerio ADAMI [1935] Italy Between us two. Lithograph, hand signed, 136/150, 65x47,2cm The turtle of Saint Giorgio. Lithograph, hand signed, 74/150, 77x54cm 11 Pierre ALECHINSKY [1927] Belgium Pierre ALECHINSKY [1927] Belgium Untitled. Graphics, etching, hand signed 6/99, 44,5x31,5cm 12 Composition-Ateliers in Marais. Graphics, etching, hand signed 4/99, 44,5x31,5cm Pierre ALECHINSKY [1927] Belgium Untitled, 1977. Graphics, hand signed 65/100, 65,5x47,5cm 13 Jiri ANDERLE [1936] Czech Republic Comedy of art – King and Clown, 1985. Graphics, hand signed, dated E/A, 96x65cm 14 Karel APPEL [1921-2006]Netherlands Sitting in a landscape. Graphics, hand signed 115/160, 54,5x75cm Karel APPEL [1921-2006]Netherlands Apple. Gouache on greeting card. Signed inside, 12x44 cm 15 Armand PIERRE FERNANDEY ARMAN [1928-2005] France Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, 119/150, 76x56cm 16 Jean ARP [1886-1966] France Composition. Lithograph, hand signed, 74,8x56cm 17 18 ATILA [1931-1987] Hungary / France ATILA [1931-1987] Hungary / France Aurora Borealis and unknown, 1975. Painting, aquarelle on chiffon paper, signed, 90x60cm Untitled, 1979. Painting, aquarelle on chiffon paper, signed, 90x60cm ATILA [1931-1987] Hungary / France ATILA [1931-1987] Hungary / France Untitled, 1975. Drawing, aquarelle on chiffon paper, signed and dated, 63x90cm. Untitled, 1979. Painting, aquarelle on chiffon paper, signed, 90x62cm Mersad BERBER [1940-2012] Bosnia and Herzegovina Untitled. Drawing, mixed media on paper, 40x30cm Enrico BAJ [1924-2003] Italy The little General, 1982. Graphics, hand signed, edition 1000, 42x30cm Mersad BERBER [1940-2012] Bosnia and Herzegovina Hans BELLMER [1902-1975] Germany Untitled. Painting, collage, mixed media on cardboard, 62x30,5cm Untitled. Etching, hand signed, 95/100, 65x50cm 19 Joseph BEUYS [1921-1986] Germany Pressure 2, 1971. Etching with sulfur, hand signed, 78/202, 80x57cm 20 Max BILL [1908-1994] Switzerland 3x12 color pieces, 1985. Lithograph, hand signed, 38x28cm 21 Georges BRAQUE [1882-1963] France Marine night, 1962. Lithograph, hand signed, 342/400, 49,5x72,2cm 22 Georges BRAQUE [1882-1963] France Bouquet of flowers in aquarelle. Lithograph, hand signed, H.C., 64,6x49,3cm 23 Georges BRAQUE [1882-1963] France, Bottle. Lithography, hand signed, 45,7х30cm 24 Adolf BORN [1930] Czech Republic, Test flight. Drawing, aquarelle, 45x66cm Bruno BRUNI [1935] Italy, Hugging. Lithograph, hand signed, edition 150, 70x96cm 25 26 Paul BURY [1929] Belgium JAMES BROWN [1951] USA Five strokes in circle I, 1972. Lithograph, hand signed, edition 75, 90x63,5cm Brown on brawn, 1989. Lithograph, hand signed, edition 23, 67,5x49cm Bernard BUFFET [1928-1999] France, Still life with irons, 1955. Graphics, hand signed, 55,5x76cm 27 28 Anka BURIC [1956] Montenegro Alexander CALDER [1989-1976] USA Look 1, 2012. Drawing, pastel, 100x70cm Tree, 1971. Color lithograph, hand signed, 57,5x44cm Alexander CALDER [1989-1976] USA Albi, 1971. Graphics, lithography, hand signed, 79,5x59,5cm 29 30 Giuseppe CAPOGROSSI [1900-1972] Italy Giuseppe CAPOGROSSI [1900-1972] Italy Opal No.10, 1971. Lithograph, hand signed, 17/80, 76x56cm Nuremberg, 1971. Lithograph, hand signed, 47/110, 79x56cm Gligor CEMERSKI [1940] Macedonia Precinct of my origin, 1986. Painting, oil on canvas, 165x221cm 31 Hannah COLINS [1956] United Kingdom Sunflowers. Photography, hand signed, edition 50, 70x88,5cm Antonio CALDERARA [1903-1978] Italy To be 3, 1972. Serigraph, hand signed, 11/60, 30x30cm 32 Baldaccini CESAR [1921-1998] France, Untitled, 1992. Color graphics on vellum, signed, 77x58cm 33 Giorgio DE CHIRICO [1888-1978] Italy, Study of the hands, 1940. Drawing, signed and dated, 13,5x21cm 34 Marc CHAGALL [1887-1985] France Giorgio DE CHIRICO [1888-1978] Italy Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, p.d’a., 70x50cm Untitled, 1936. Graphics, hand signed, 21/30, 42x29,5cm 35 36 Eduardo CHILLIDA [1924-2002] Spain Antoni CLAVE [1913-2005] Spain Composition, 1973. Lithograph, 60x44cm Composition. Lithograph, hand signed, edition 100, 58x47cm Robert COMBAS [1957] France James COIGNARD [1925-2008] France Untitled, 1982. Drawing, pen, signed, 20x15cm Greetings card yellow 93. Etching, hand signed, 95/99, 18x28cm Lynn CHADWICK [1914-2003] United Kingdom, Two seated figures. Lithograph, hand signed, P. A., 76,5x56cm 37 38 CHRISTO [1935] USA Wrapped tree, 1970. Graphics, silkscreen, hand signed, edition 150, 62x83cm 39 CHRISTO [1935] USA Monument-wrapped 42390 cubic feet enpaquetage, Minneapolis 1966, 1968. Graphics, silkscreen, hand signed 20/100, 54,5x69,5cm CHRISTO [1935] USA Monument-wrapped, 1968. Graphics, silkscreen, hand signed, E.A., 54,5x69,5cm 40 CHRISTO [1935] USA, The Gates - 2002. Color lithograph, hand signed, 59x50cm 41 Joze CIUHA [1924] Slovenia Untitled, 2009. Painting, acrylic on canvas, 170x340cm 42 Guillaume CORNEILLE [1922-2010] Netherlands The fish, 1998. Lithograph, hand signed, edition 150, 42x33cm 43 44 Gustave COURBET [1819-1877] France Landscape. Drawing in pencil, monogrammed, 23x30cm 45 46 Lovis CORINTH [1858-1925] Germany Othon COUBINE [1883-1969] Czech Republic From the cycle: The lovers of Zeus, 1920. Color lithograph on јapanese paper, hand signed, 42x33cm Pergola. Drawing, watercolor and pencil, signed, 31x23cm Karl FRED DAHMEN [1971-1981] Germany Allan D’ARCANGELO [1930-1998] USA Characters In space, 1979. Etching with embossing, hand signed, 3/75, 78x60cm Untitled, 1979.Graphics, hand signed, 143/175, 86,5x66,5cm 47 Miodrag DJURIC DADO [1933-2010] Montenegro / France Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, 24/75, 48x66cm Miodrag DJURIC DADO [1933-2010] Montenegro / France Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, 17/75, 48x66cm 48 Miodrag DJURIC DADO [1933-2010] Montenegro / France Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, 24/75, 66x48cm Miodrag DJURIC DADO [1933-2010] Montenegro / France A Margaritte, 1976. Graphics, hand signed, H.C., 50,5x65,5cm Miodrag DJURIC DADO [1933-2010] Montenegro / France Untitled. Drawing, mixed media, signed, 78,5x118,5cm Salvador DALI [1904-1989] Spain Untitled. Drawing with pencil, signed, 10,5x21,5cm Salvador DALI [1904-1989] Spain Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, 149/300, 55x75cm 50 Salvador DALI [1904-1989] Spain Sculpture, bronze, height 16 cm 51 Eugene DELACROIX [1798-1863] France, Women standing and lying - 1830. Drawing, crayon, signed, 18,4x28,5cm 52 53 Piero DORAZIO [1927-2005] Italy, Untitled, 1976. Lithograph, hand signed, 64x84cm 54 Otto DIX [1891-1969] Germany Raoul DUFY [1877-1953] France Untitled. Drawing, pencil on tracing paper, 53x43cm Portrait of Karl J. Burchart, 1961. Lithograph, hand signed, 10/150, 66x51cm 55 Sonia DELAUNAY TERK [1885-1979] France Terrifying jojo. Color lithograph, hand signed, 76,5x57cm 56 Sonia DELAUNAY TERK [1885-1979] France Toys. Color lithograph, hand signed, 65,6x50cm Max ERNST [1891-1976] Germany, Untitled. Graphics, etching, hand signed, 24x19cm 58 Max ERNST [1891-1976] Germany, Untitled. Graphics, etching, hand signed, H.C., 24x19cm 59 Nissan ENGEL [1931] Israel Gudmundur GUDMUNDSSON ERRO [1932] Icelan Cristal-E, 1988. Etching and aquatint, hand signed, 45/50, 48x41cm Untitled, 2001.Graphics, hand signed, XI/LX, 99x55cm 60 Gunter FRUHTRUNK [1923-1982] Germany Geometric composition-black/white/green/red/blue, 1969. Lithograph, hand signed, 99/125, 68x93cm 61 62 Leonor FINI [1908-1996] Argentina Edouard GOERG [1893-1969] Australia Portrait, 1974.Color etching, hand signed, edition 199, 41,5x25cm The bride. Drawing, ink, signed, 19x16,5cm Klaus FUSSMANN [1938] Germany Ernst FUCHS [1930] Austria Still life, 1977. Etching, hand signed, 38/60, 38x28cm Christ, 2012. Drawing, pastel, 48x34cm Rupprecht GEIGER [1908-2009] Germany Variation Circle – orange and yellow, 1968. Graphics, silkscreen with pencil, hand signed, 48,5x34,5cm Jaume GENOVART [1941-1994] Spain View of Atlantis, 1985. color ithograph, hand signed, 21/100, 65x49,5cm Henri GOETZ [1909-1989] France Untitled. Etching, hand signed, 29/80, 20x28cm Josep GUINOVART [1927-2007] Spain Composition, 1976. Lithograph, hand signed, edition 75, 76x56cm 63 Villibrord HAAS [1936] Germany, Mesosoic, 1991. Etching, hand signed, 43x68cm . Vladimir GEORGIEVSKI [1942] Macedonia Passiot on Don Quixote, 2000. Painting, oil on paper glued on canvas, 185x1450cm (detail) 64 Claude GARAGE [1929] France Two people, 1986. Etching, hand signed, edition 50, 63,5x80cm Joan HERNANDES PIJUAN [1931-2005] Spain Composition, 2000. Etching, hand signed, 11/50, 56,5x76cm Zlatko GLAMOTCHAK [1957] Montenegro / France In the Pit 1. Drawing, charcoal and crayon on craft paper, 120x80cm 65 Hans HARTUNG [1904-1989] Germnay, L-12-1974, 1974. Lithograph, hand signed, 75x105cm 66 Hans HARTUNG [1904-1989] Germnay, L-47-1973, 1973. Lithograph, hand signed, 75x105cm 67 Richard HAMILTON [1922-2011] United Kingdom, Kent State. Graphics, hand signed, edition 5000, 73x102cm 68 Alfred HRDLICKA [1928-2009] Austria Erich HECKEL [1883-1970] Germany Landscape, 1965. Graphics, woodcut, hand signed, 32,5x22cm Dramatic scene. Lithograph, hand signed, edition 60, 48,5x63cm 69 Paul JENKINS [1923-2012] USA Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, 53x68cm 70 Robert INDIANA [1928] USA Horst JANSSEN [1929-1995] Germany The book of love poem-pelvic and bright, 1996. Serigraph with embossing, hand signed, 45/200, 60,5x51cm Hermann Laatzen’s replacement, 1967. Graphics, zincography, hand signed, 44,5x63,5cm Asger JORN [1914-1973] Denmark Story of the expensive bread, 1972. Lithograph, hand signed, 57x77,5cm 71 Bela KADAR [1877-1956] Hungary A man and a horse. Drawing, ink and brush, signed, 21x30cm Bela KADAR [1877-1956] Hungary A horseman and two ladies. Drawing, ink and brush, signed, 21x30cm 72 Vitaly KOMAR [1943] USA, Alex lived, Alex lives, Alex mill live, 2012. Drawing, signed, 60x110cm Dragan KARADZIC [1950] Montenegro, A letter, 2012. Drawing, mixed media, signed 56x76cm 73 Paul KLEE [1879-1940] Switzerland, Street Scene, 1930. Drawing, mixed media, signed, 30x20cm 74 El LISSITZKY [1890-1941] Russia, Harlequin. Drawing, aquarelle, 21x17cm 75 Oskar KOKOSCHKA [1886-1980] Austria Oskar KOKOSCHKA [1886-1980] Austria Untitled, 1952. Drawing, pencil in color, signed, 24, 8x17,7cm 76 Scenography for Comenius from 1557, 1976. Lithograph, hand signed, 50x65cm OSKAR KOKOSCHKA [1886-1980] Austria Untitled, 1949. Drawing, pencil in color, signed, 21,3х28см 77 Villem DE KOONING [1904-1997] Netherlands, To Rosaline. Painting, oil on paper (newspaper), signed, 58x37cm 78 Kathe KOLLWITZ [1867-1945] Germany Dimitar KONDOVSKI [1927-1993] Macedonia Self portrait, 1893. Etching, aquatint, version II, 38x24,5cm Untitled. Painting, mixed media on panel, 56x45cm 79 Wifredo LAM [1902-1982] Cuba Composition. Lithograph, hand signed, 38x28cm 80 Andre LANSKOY [1902-1976] Russia Markus LUPERTZ [1941] Germany Composition. Lithograph, hand signed, 65,5x50,5cm Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, edition 100, 60x79,5cm 81 Roy LIHTENSTAIN [1923-1997] USA Roy LIHTENSTAIN [1923-1997] USA Sinking Sun, 1964. Offset graphics, hand signed, 41x41cm Untitled. Offset graphics, hand signed, 41x36cm Sol LEWITT [1928] USA Cubes, 1984. Drawing in felt pen on postcard, 10,5x14,8cm 82 Lazar LICENOSKI [1901-1964] Macedonia Maximilien LUCE [1858-1941] France Vase with flowers. Painting, oil on canvas, 45x40cm Study of a dog. Drawing, charcoal, signed, 13x19cm Richard LINDNER [1901-1978] Germany Bengt LINDSTROM [1925-2008] Sweden Marilyn was here, 1970. Graphics, lithography, hand signed 12/150, 42x31 cm Composition. Painting, acrylic and collage, 13,5x21cm 83 Ljuba POPOVIC LJUBA [1934] Serbia, The taming of Victoria, 1975. Painting, oil on canvas, 81x65cm 84 Vladimir MAKUC [1925] Slovenia, Birds 1, 2009, Drawing, color pencil, signed and dated lower in the middle, 30x21cm 85 Andre MASSON [1896-1987] France, Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, 56/60, 77x57cm 86 Andre MASSON [1896-1987] France, Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, 43/50, 65x50cm 87 Albert MARQUET [1875-1947] France, Untitled, 1929. Drawing, aquarelle, 29x38,5cm 88 Henri MATISSE [1869-1954] France ,L’Espagnole. Graphics made by Jacques Villon, color aquatint, hand signed, 69/200, 50x36cm 89 Roberto MATTA [1911-2002] Chile Do you not see the death that combats him, 1970. Lithograph, hand signed, edition 99, 57,5x78,5cm Roberto MATTA [1911-2002] Chile Down fell the rain, and through the gullies came, 1970. Lithograph, hand signed, edition 99, 57,5x78,5cm 90 Roberto MATTA [1911-2002] Chile, Untitled. Drawing, pastel, 41x52cm 91 92 Nikola MARTINOSKI [1903-1973] Macedonia Nikola MARTINOSKI [1903-1973] Macedonia Gipsy woman with baby. Drawing, pastel, 43x31,5cm Gipsy woman with baby, 1968. Drawing, pastel, 67x48,5cm Petar MAZEV [1927-1993] Macedonia Untitled, 1984. Painting, oil on canvas, 75x65cm Petar MAZEV [1927-1993] Macedonia Untitled, 1984. Drawing, mixed media, 70x100cm 93 Joan MIRO [1893-1983] Spain The Night, the Bear (from the cycle ‘Ubu Roi’) 1966. Color lithograph, hand signed, H.C, 42x65cm Joan MIRO [1893-1983] Spain Bourgelas and His Mother (from the cycle ‘Ubu Roi’) 1966. Color lithograph, hand signed, H.C., 42x65cm 94 Joan MIRO [1893-1983] Spain The Return Trip (from the cycle 'Ubu Roi') 1966. Color lithograph, hand signed, H.C., 42x65cm Joan MIRO [1893-1983] Spain The Slumber of Ubu’s Father (from the cycle ‘Ubu Roi’) 1966. Color lithograph, hand signed, H.C., 42x65cm 95 96 97 Joan MIRO [1893-1983] Spain, The Nobles at the Door (from the cycle ‘Ubu Roi’) 1966. Color lithograph, hand signed, H.C, 42x65cm Henry MOORE [1898-1986] United Kingdom , Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, 49/180, 49,5x36,5cm 98 Henry MOORE [1898-1986] United Kingdom , Untitled. Drawing, signed, 45,5x60cm 99 Francois MORELLET [1926] France Two frames of rafters-negative. Lithograph, hand signed, 62x62cm Edo MURTIC [1921-2005] Bosnia and Herzegovina, Untitled, 1963. Graphics, hand signed, 48x68cm 100 Edvard MUNCH [1863-1944] Norway, Andreas Schwarz, 1906. Graphics, dry point, hand signed, 49,5x34,8cm 101 Alphonse MUCHA [1860-1939] Czech Republic Man kneeling with clasped hands, 1929. Drawing, pastel, signed, 31x23cm 102 Alphonse MUCHA [1860-1939] Czech Republic Untitled. Drawing in pencil, signed, 28x24cm 103 Zoran ANTONIO MUSIC [1909-2005] Italy, Landscape, 1959. Drawing, pastel and crayon, signed, 17x20,5cm 104 Zoran ANTONIO MUSIC [1909-2005] Italy, Composition, 1980. Drawing, watercolor, signed and dated, 23x31cm 105 Vangel NAUMOVSKI [1922-2006] Macedonia The Tree Days in May, 1979. Painting, tempera on paper glued on canvas, 71x145,5cm Leroy NEIMANN [1921-2012] USA Olympic Gymnast. Serigraphy, hand signed and denoted with A.O., 60x104cm 106 Ben NICHOLSON [1894-1982] United Kingdom Abstract, 1934. Woodcut on paper, hand signed, 35x45cm 107 Dennis OPENHEIM [1938-2011] USA Max PAPART [1911-1994] France Study for: Upper cut-Foam-Eood-Books, 1998. Color lithography, hand signed, edition 150, 93x104,5cm Italian lady. Etching with mixed media, hand signed, edition 75, 50,8x66cm 108 Robin PAGE [1932] United Kingdom ORLAN [1947] France Untitled, 1973. Lithograph, hand signed, 78/100, 93,5x51cm Refiguration-Selfhybridation no.3, 1999. Graphics, photo print, hand signed, 40x26,2cm Pavle PEJOVIC [1950] Montenegro Sculpture from the cycle Long anticipation, 2001. Bronze, 26x12x15cm 109 Dimitar AVRAMOVSKI PANDILOV [1898-1963] Macedonia, The street in old Skopje, 1959. Painting, oil on canvas, 65x64cm 110 Dimitar AVRAMOVSKI PANDILOV [1898-1963] Macedonia Dimitar AVRAMOVSKI PANDILOV [1898-1963] Macedonia St.Pantelejmon, 1945. Drawing, pencil, signed, 42x53cm Act, 1958. Drawing, ink, signed, 30x40cm Dimitar AVRAMOVSKI PANDILOV [1898-1963] Macedonia Dimitar AVRAMOVSKI PANDILOV [1898-1963] Macedonia Urban motif, 1950. Drawing, mixed media, signed, 65x53cm Kaneo, 1950. Drawing, pencil, signed, 49x39cm 111 A.R. PENCK [1939] Germany, Two heads (blue). Drawing, crayon, signed, 36x48,5cm Wolfgang PETRICK [1939] Germany, Heads, 1971. Color lithograph, hand signed, 61/100, 65,6x50cm 112 A.R. PENCK [1939] Germany, Community labor gap-TPT. Shoe-Shoe, 1974. Painting, acrylic, collage and objects on canvas, 50x76,5cm 113 Ordan PETLEVSKI [1930-1997] Macedonia Ordan PETLEVSKI [1930-1997] Macedonia Untitled, 1964. Drawing, ink, 70x48cm Untitled, 1970. Drawing, tempera, 16,5x11,5cm Ordan PETLEVSKI [1930-1997] Macedonia, Untitled, 1963. Drawing, ink, 38x65cm 114 Camille PISSARRO [1830-1903] France Skidders in Rouen, 1893. Drawing, pencil and ink, signed, 22,9x36,8cm 115 Pablo PICASSO Hen, 1954. Sculpture, white ceramic bowl, hand painted, stamped 116 [1881-1973] Spain / France Madoura Plein Feu and Edition Picasso, edition 500, 18x8,7х13cm 117 Pablo PICASSO [1881-1973] Spain / France, Erotic scene, 1968. Drawing, ink, signed, 30,3x21,2cm 118 Pablo PICASSO [1881-1973] Spain / France Drawing on the first page of “The Posters of Picasso” book, 1969. Color pencil, signed, 35,6х25,7cm 119 120 Pablo PICASSO [1881-1973] Spain / France Pablo PICASSO [1881-1973] Spain / France Cavalier and a horse, 1968. Teracotta plaque, hand painted, edition 100, 22x22cm Picador, 1952. White ceramic plate, hand painted, stamped Madoura Plein Feu and Edition Picasso, edition 150, diameter 20,5cm Pablo PICASSO [1881-1973] Spain / France Pablo PICASSO [1881-1973] Spain / France Fish, 1952. Ceramics, hand painted, stamped Madoura Plein Feu and Edition Picasso, 15/100, 21,5x8x13cm Black Headband, 1963. Terracotta pitcher, hand painted, stamped Madoura Plein Feu and Edition Picasso, 45/300, 17x8x26cm Pablo PICASSO [1881-1973] Spain / France Pablo PICASSO [1881-1973] Spain / France Head of a woman, 1946. Lithograph, hand signed, 48x33cm Harlequin and boy, 1946. Lithograph, hand signed, 48x33cm Pablo PICASSO [1881-1973] Spain / France Pablo PICASSO [1881-1973] Spain / France Table in front of window, 1946. Lithograph, hand signed, 48,5x33cm Study for a Student of Medicine, 1907. Lithograph, hand signed, 48,5x33cm 121 Jean PONS, France Composition, 1950. Drawing, gouache on paper mounted on canvas, signed, 31x41cm Otto PIENE [1928] Germany Ballet of lights, 1972. Serigraphy, hand signed, 98x67,5cm 122 Joan PONC, Spain Eduard PIGNON [1905-1993] France Oracle. Lithograph, hand signed, 12/75, 50x50cm Figure, 1971. Lithograph, hand signed, IX/XX, 50x70,5cm Mario PRASSINOS [1916-1985] France Composition. Drawing, mixed media, signed, 16,5x23,5cm 123 Dimitrij PRIGOV [1940-2007] Russia Dynamic of the God-1, 1993. Color lithography, hand signed, 79x62cm 124 Jean POUGNY [1894-1956] Russia Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, 203/220, 61x47cm Lothar QUINTE [1912-2000] Germany Fritz RUOF [1906-1986] Germany Turquoise moon, 1970. Lithography, hand signed, edition 80, 65x65cm Geometrical composition, 1972. Color serigraphy, hand signed, 236/250. 65x50cm 125 Hermenszoon VAN RIJN REMBRANDT [1606-1669] Netherlands Jan Uytenbogaert, Preacher of the Remonstrants, 1635. Graphics, 22,5x18,6cm 126 Hermenszoon VAN RIJN REMBRANDT [1606-1669] Netherlands Portrait of Jan Asselijn, c.1647. Graphics, one of six prints, 18,7x17,4cm 127 128 Arthur SECUNDA [1927] USA Kumi SUGAI [1919-1996] Japan Uprising. Graphics, etching, hand signed, edition 75, 76,5x56,5cm S-red arrows, 1990. Lithograph with embossing, hand signed, 86/99, 76x56cm Mimmo ROTELLA [1918-2006] Italy Giuseppe SANTOMASO [1907-1990] Italy Female act in chains, 1973. Graphics, hand signed, 50x50cm The arch, 1982. Lithography, hand signed, H.C., 73x53cm Kiki SMITH [1954] USA K.R.H. SONDERBORG [1923-2008] Denmark B.A.T., 2000. Etching, hand signed, 43x33cm Composition, 1992. Lithograph, hand signed, 33/100, 77x55cm Daniel SPOERRI [1930] Romania Vassilakis TAKIS [1925] Greece Untitled, 1992. Serigraphy, hand signed, 126/250, 50x60cm Totem, 1981. Lithograph, hand signed 50/75, 53x66cm 129 Theophile ALEXANDRE STEINLEN [1859-1923] Switzerland Young woman sitting. Drawing, charcoal, marked with stamp, 34x25cm 130 Leopold SURVAGE [1879-1968] France Women in a landscape. Drawing, pen, signed, 14,5x19,5cm 131 Karin SZEKESSY [1939] Germany In the studio. Graphics, collotype, hand signed, 84,5x63,5cm Rosemarie TROCKEL [1952] Germany Untitled, 2004. Graphics, heliography, hand signed, 53x52cm 132 Antoni TAPIES [1923-2012] Spain Untitled, 1970. Lithograph, monogram, 78x57cm Antoni TAPIES [1923-2012] Spain, Untitled. Graphics, aquatinted, hand signed, 21x11,5cm 133 Mark TOBEY [1890-1976] USA No.24, 1970. Lithograph, hand signed, 10/50, 46x56cm Vasko TASKOVSKI [1937] Macedonia, Mediterranean pipe organs, 2011. Painting, oil on canvas, 170x340cm 134 Jean TINGUELY [1925] Switzerland Metamatic, 1972. Drawing, felt pen, signed, 42x31cm Wallase TING [1929-2010] China, Untitled. Graphics, hand signed, H.C. 52x73cm 135 Raul UBAC [1910-1985] France Footprint, 1982. Color lithograph, hand signed, 65/75, 54x43,5cm Gunther UECKER [1930] Germany Motion IV, 1980. Lithograph, hand signed, 49x67cm 136 Maurice UTRILLO [1883-1955] France The Rabbit cabaret. Lithograph, hand signed, 24,5x32cm 137 Victor VASARELY [1906-1991] Hungary / France, Capella. Painting, mixed media, signed, 80x80cm 138 Victor VASARELY [1906-1991] Hungary / France, Capella. Painting, mixed media, signed, E.A., 80x80cm 139 Victor VASARELY [1906-1991] Hungary / France Tlinko, 1975. Serigraphy, hand signed, edition E.A., 80x80cm 140 Victor VASARELY [1906-1991] Hungary / France VP-Cheyt. Serigraph, hand signed, F. V., 7/65, 86x76cm Victor VASARELY [1906-1991] Hungary / France Cube 1, c.1980. Plexiglas and Silkscreen Sculpture, edition 200, 20cm tall (10,5cm. cube) 141 Victor VASARELY [1906-1991] Hungary / France Tridem K, 1939. Drawing, collage, signed, 90x70cm 142 Victor VASARELY [1906-1991] Hungary / France Hexa 5, 1988. Drawing, collage, signed, 70x90cm 143 Vasil VASILEV [1938] Macedonia Vertical associative shapes, 1997. Mixed media on cardboard. 180x80cm 144 Emilio VEDOVA [1919-2006] Italy Composition, 1977. Graphics, hand signed, 92/99, 70x50cm 145 Vladimir VELICKOVIC [1935] Serbia / France, Homme qui Marche, 1974. Drawing, ink, oil, collage, hand signed, 75x108cm 146 Vladimir VELICKOVIC [1935] Serbia / France, Sant, 2008. Painting, oil on canvas, 83x62cm 147 Vladimir VELICKOVIC [1935] Serbia / France Vladimir VELICKOVIC [1935] Serbia / France Untitled, 2010. Drawing, mixed media, signed, 102x66cm Untitled, 2010. Drawing, mixed media, signed, 102x66cm Vladimir VELICKOVIC [1935] Serbia / France Vladimir VELICKOVIC [1935] Serbia / France Fall, 1991. Graphics, hand signed, E. A., 90x58cm 148 Pitbull. Graphics, hand signed, edition E.A. 9/13, 48x43cm Vladimir VELICKOVIC [1935] Serbia / France, Descente-fig.VIII. Painting, oil on canvas, 285x195cm 149 Andy WARHOL [1928-1987] USA China’s girl. Offset graphics, hand signed, 30x30cm Andy WARHOL [1928-1987] USA Lisa Minnelli. Offset graphics, hand signed, 30x30cm 150 Tom WESSELMANN [1931-2004] USA, Untitled, 1979. Graphics, hand signed, 6/500, 72,5x52,5cm 151 Ossip ZADKINE [1890-1967] France Messenger, 1966. Lithography, hand signed, 15/75, 76x56cm 152 Jan VOSS [1936] Germany Francisco ZUNIGA [1912-1998] Mexico Birds, 1972. Graphics, lithography in five colors, hand signed, edition 150, 50x65cm Impressions from Egypt, 1982. Lithograph hand-signed XLV, 48х33,8cm Paul WUNDERLICH [1927-2010] Germany, Clio, 1994. Sculpture in bronze, signed, 109/150. Height 27cm 153 World Gallery of Drawing - AWARDED ARTISTS (details) Vitaly KOMAR [1943] USA Mirjana KRSTEVA MASETTI [1979] Macedonia Pavle KUZMANOSKI [1939] Macedonia Rosica LAZESKA [1956] Macedonia Jordan MANASIEVSKI [1951] Macedonia Tatjana MANEVA [1978] Macedonia Darko MARKOVIC [1940] Macedonia Done MILJANOVSKI [1941] Macedonia Blagojce Bane NAUMOSKI [1985] Macedonia World Gallery of Drawing - AWARDED ARTISTS (details) Kai SAVELSBERG [1975] Germany Toni SHULAJKOVSKI [1969] Macedonia Yannis STEFANAKIS [1951] Greece Stoimen STOILOV [1944] Austria Jeong Min SUH [1962] South Korea Kudou TADATAKA [1941] Japan Uros TOSKOVIC [1932] Montenegro Pawel WARCHOL [1958] Poland Nice VASILEV [1948] Macedonia INDEX OF ARTISTS BY NATIONAL COLLECTIONS ALBANIA [3] Anastas KOSTANDINI - TASSO (1954) [6] Elfi SCHUSELKA [4] Valentin DONCHEVSKI (1958) [3] Ji Xin SONG [4] Curt STENVERT (1920 - 1992) [1] Daniel DYANKOV [2] Brothers ZHOU (1952 /1957) [1] Stoimen STOILOV (1944) [1] Katerina EVGENIEVA [3] Lucas SUPPIN [1] Valentin GEORGIEV (1970) [1] Fritz WOTRUBA (1907 - 1975) [5] Alla GEORGIEVA (1957) [1] Juan DIEGO MANTILLA MENDOZA [1] Eleonora HADJINIKOLOVA [3] Maria ISABEL PLATA ROSAS [1] Tina ANUAR HAMZE [3] Isabel Cristina VILLANUEVA VALENCIA [3] Edi RAMA (1964) [1] Anri SALA (1974) [1] BANGLADESH [1] Arun BOSE (1934 – 2007) [4] ARGENTINA [14] Hristo HRISTOV [3] Boris HRISTOV TZONEV [3] BELGIUM [7] COLOMBIA [3] CROATIA [19] Tsvetelin ILCHEV AVITO [3] Kosta ANGELI RADOVANI (1916 - 2002) [1] Silvana BLASBALG [1] Pierre ALECHINSKY (1927) [5] Denica IVANCHEVA IVANOVA (1983) [2] Dusan DZAMONJA (1928) [2] Eduardo Victor CAUVET [3] Jan BURSSENS (1925 - 2002) [1] Dimitar KULEV [3] Smiljka FRANJIC [6] Guillermo CONTE (1956) [4] Pol BURY (1922 - 2005) [8] Krasimira KURILOVA [1] Josip GENERALIC (1935 - 2004) [110] Hugo Enrique DINZELBACHER [9] Etienne ELIAS (1936) [1] Kristina KUTLOVA [1] Ivan GENERALIC (1914 - 1992) [7] Ana ERMAN [1] Gillbert HERREYNS (1943) [1] Valentin LEKOV [1] Ivana JURIC [1] Patricia Ether FERNANDEZ CERDA [3] Frans MASEREEL (1889 - 1972) [2] Roumen MIHAILOV [1] Nives KAVURIC KURTOVIC (1938) [1] Leonor FINI (1908 – 1996) [6] Norbert VAN YPERZEELE [1] Radko MURZOV [3] Mijo KOVACIC (1935) [1] Trayana PANAYOTOVA (1984) [3] Ivan LACKOVIC (1932 - 2004) [85] Irena PARASHEVOVA [1] Edo MURTIC (1921 - 2005) [10] Escribano Norma ALEJANDRA [2] Rafael GIL [9] Kristina MISIUNAS [2] BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA [5] Lidia Beatriz OTAZUA [2] Mersad BERBER (1940 - 2012) [14] Tsocho PEEV (1951) [2] IvanA OGNJANOVAC [2] Antonio SEGUI (1934) [1] Irfan HANDUKIC (1950) [3] Mina SPIRIDONOVA [1] Sanja PRIBIC [3] Julio SILVA (1930) [1] Branko MILJUS (1936) [1] Anatoliy STANKULOV [3] Ivan RABUZIN (1921 - 2008) [4] Laura Mabel STAGNARO [1] Admir MUJKIC (1972) [3] Bozidar TONEFF [3] Miran SABIC (1986) [3] Safet ZEC (1943) [2] Georgi TRIFONOV (1947) [2] Ana SLADETIC (1985) [3] Galina TSVETKOVA [2] Marko SPALATIN (1945) [2] Bisera V’LEVA [3] Matko TREBOTIC (1935) [5] Tanya YORDANOVA [3] Ivan VECENAJ (1920 - 2013) [24] AUSTRALIA [3] Edouard GOERG (1893 – 1969) [3] BRAZIL [9] Robert MIHAJLOVSKI [2] Brandao ABELARDO [3] Kathy WOODROFFE [1] Markos BAPTISTA VARELA [3] Roberto GALVAO [2] AUSTRIA [20] Mia VUCIC [2] CANADA [4] CUBA [6] Almir MAVIGNIER (1925) [1] Walter BACHINSKI [1], 1939 Eduard ANGELI (1942) [1] Jonathan MEDINA FURUYAMA [3] Zoran MALINOVSKI [27], 1958 Waldo BALART (1931) [4] Erik (Arik) BRAUER (1929) [4] Spindola NAVER [3] Bryan MULVIHILL [2] Ricardo BREY (1955) [1] Ernst CARAMELLE (1952) [2] Oscar OIWA (1965) [4] Denise PELLETIER [1] Jorge CAMACHO (1934 - 2011) [3] Ernst FUCHS (1930) [10] Neyran PESSANHA [3] Roland GOESCHL (1932) [1] Marcelo SILVA [2] Claudio BRAVO (1936) [1] Rudolf HAUSNER (1914 - 1994) [2] Alfred HRDLICKA (1928 - 2009) [5] Alexis Leyva MACHADO KCHO (1970) [4] CHILE [3] BULGARIA [35] Wolfgang HUTTER (1928) [2] Antoaneta ABADZIEVA [3] Luigi KASIMIR (1881 - 1962) [1] Ventseslav ANTONOV (1942) [14] Wilfredo LAM (1902 - 1982) [3] Carlos QUINTANA (1966) [4] Victor FEMENIAS (1943) [1] Roberto MATTA (1911 - 2002) [6] CYPRUS [1] Rafaela SANIA MICHAELIDES [3] CHINA [7] Peter KLITSCH (1934) [1] Saso ATANSSOV LAMBOV [3] Oskar KOKOSCHKA (1886 - 1980) [8] Dilyana BELCHEVA [2] Zhang CHUNBO (1971) [4] Herman KREMSMAYER (1954) [1] Stanislav BOJANKOV STANKO [5] Xiao Shi SONG [4] Jiri ANDERLE (1936) [1] Jürgen MESSENSEE (1936) [1] Nikolay BUZOV (1960) [6] Wang SHIMIN (1958) [1] Tuvia BEERI (1929) [4] Kurt MOLDOVAN (1918 - 1977) [1] Veselin DAMYANOV VES [3] Wang Tian TIAN (1980) [4] Adolf BORN (1930) [4] Gerhard RÜHM (1930) [1] Laura DIMITROVA (1958) [5] Walasse TING (1929 - 2010) [2] Lukas BRADACEK [3] CZECH REPUBLIC [21] Othon COUBINE (1883 - 1969) [1] Jean LOUIS ARBARETAZ (1942 - 1995) [1] Francois DUFRENE (1930 - 1982) [4] Michelle NEDELEC (1932) [1] Erwin FIEGER (1928) [1] ARMAN (1928 - 2005) [1] Patrick DUPRE (1945) [2] ORLAN (1947) [1] Josef HEGENBARTH (1884 - 1962) [1] Jean ARP (1886 - 1966) [1] Jean DUPUIS (1941) [4] Roland OUDOT (1897 - 1981) [1] Milivoj HUSAK [3] ATILA (1931 - 1987) [26] Francois Xavier FAGNIEZ (1936) [1] Max PAPART (1911 - 1994) [7] Zdenka HUSKOVA [3] Yannick BALLIF (1927) [1] Jean FERNAND (1948) [1] Jules PASCIN (1885 - 1930) [1] Ales KAVER [1] Jo BARDOUX [3] Gerard FITREMAN (1945) [1] Mayeu PASSA (1921 - 1991) [4] Svatopluk KLIMES [3] Pierre BAZIRE (1938) [2] Marcel FLORIS (1914 - 2007) [8] Raymond PEYNET (1908 - 1999) [1] Jiri KOLAR (1914 - 2002) [2] Erik BERSOU (1953) [1] Claude FOSSOUX (1946) [1] Jean PIAUBERT (1900 - 2002) [2] Alphonse MUCHA (1860 - 1939) [2] Bernard BERTHOIS RIGAL (1927) [1] Claude GARACHE (1929) [2] Jean Picart Le DOUX (1902 - 1982) [1] Karel NOVOSAD (1944) [1] Michael BEZ (1951) [2] Daniel GELIS (1942) [2] Eduard PIGNON (1905 - 1993) [1] Pavel ROUCKA (1942) [1] Colett BITKER (1929) [4] Rene GENIS (1922 - 2004) [2] Camille PISSARRO (1830 - 1903) [1] Jana SIMACKOVA [3] Georges BLOUIN (1928) [2] Gabriel GODARD (1933) [4] Andre PLANSON (1898 - 1981) [1] Pravoslav SOVAK (1926) [2] Frederic BOUCHE (1948 - 2000) [1] Henri GOETZ (1909 - 1989) [6] Jean PONS (1913 - 2005) [1] Zdenek TOMANEK [2] Georges BRAQUE (1882 - 1963) [4] Gille GORRITI (1939) [2] Mario PRASSINOS (1916 - 1985) [1] Frantisek TOMIK [2] Yves BRAYER (1907 - 1990) [1] Jean Marie HAESSLE (1939) [1] Annie RETIVAT (1948) [2] Milos URBASEK (1938) [1] Maurice BRIANCHON (1899 - 1979) [1] Didier HAGEGE (1961) [2] Guy RIBES (1922 - 1978) [2] Martin ZALESAK [2] Gilou BRILLANT (1935) [1] Raymond HAINS (1926 - 2005) [1] Jaroslav SERPAN (1922 - 1978) [3] Camille BRYEN (1907 - 1977) [1] Victor HASCH (1945) [4] Jaques SOISSON (1928) [8] Bernard BUFFET (1928 – 1999) [2] Claude HASTAIRE (1946) [1] Jean SOLOMBRE (1948) [5] Ken DENNING [1] Christian CAILLARD (1899 - 1985) [1] Philippe Henri NOYER (1917 - 1985) [1] Leopold SURVAGE (1879 - 1968) [1] Osmund HANSEN (1908 - 1955) [1] Jean Claude CARSUZAN (1938) [1] Camille HILAIRE (1916 - 2004) [4] Nechama SZMUSZKOWICZ (1895 - 1977) [1] Jens JENSEN [2] Jean CARZOU (1907 - 2000) [2] Jean IPOUSTEGUY (1920 - 2006) [4] TETSU (1913 - 2008) [1] Asger JORN (1914 - 1973) [1] Baldaccini CESAR (1921 - 1998) [2] Pierre JACQUOT (1929) [1] Gerard Titus CARMEL (1942) [2] K.R.H. SONDERBORG (1923 - 2008) [1] Roger Chapelain MIDY (1904 - 1992) [1] Malla KESHAV [2] Theo TOBIASSE (1927) [10] Troels WORSEL (1950) [1] Pierre CLAYETTE (1930 - 2005) [1] Michel KING (1930) [2] Carine TOREL (1972) [1] James COIGNARD (1925 - 2008) [4] Michel LABLAIS (1925) [3] Claude TOUBA (1955) [2] Paul COLLOMB (1921) [1] Yves LALOY (1920) [1] Louis TOUCHAGUES (1893 - 1974) [1] Robert COMBAS (1957) [1] Charles LAPICQUE (1898 - 1988) [1] Mara TRAN LONG (1935) [4] Brigitte COUDRAIN (1934) [4] Serge LASSUS (1933) [1] Raul UBAC (1910 - 1985) [4] Gustave COURBET (1819 - 1877) [1] Alain LE FOLL (1935) [5] Maurice UTRILLO (1883 - 1955) [1] Maie HELM [3] Regis D’HO (1947) [2] Jean LE GAC (1936) [1] Marie Terese VACOSSIN (1929) [2] Virge JOEKALDA [3] Dikran DADERIAN (1929) [2] Linda LE KINFF (1942) [1] Alain VALTAT (1943) [4] Prit KOIV [2] Honore DAUMIE (1808 - 1879) [1] Gerard LECOMTE (1940) [2] Frederic VIDALEN (1925 - 2004) [4] Kristi KONGI [3] Lila De NOBILI (1916 - 2002) [1] V. Jean LOUTTRE (1926 - 2012) [2] Jacques VILLEGLE (1926) [1] Erkki LEPIK [1] Fransois DEBERDT (1934) [1] Renee LUBAROW (1923) [3] Jacques VILLON (1875 - 1963) [1] Einike LEPPIK [2] Oliver DEBRE (1920 - 1999) [1] Maximilien LUCE (1858 - 1941) [2] Henry De WAROIQUIER (1881 - 1970) [2] Lea LIBLIK [3] Eugene DELACROIX (1798 - 1863) [1] Aristide MAILLOL (1861 - 1944) [1] Jacques YANKEL (1920 - 2004) [1] Reti SAKS [2] Sonia DELAUNAY TERK (1885 - 1979) [2] Claude MANOUKIAN (1936) [1] Ossip ZADKINE (1890 - 1967) [4] Merike Sule TRUBERT [4] Gerard DESCHAMPS (1937) [4] Andre MASSON (1896 - 1987) [6] Albert ZAVARO (1924) [4] Aili VAHTRAPUU [2] Francois DESNOYER (1894 - 1972) [1] Henri MATISSE (1869 - 1954) [2] Diana YANSON [7] Pierre DMITRIENKO (1925 - 1974) [1] Maria MESTEROU [4] Jean Paul DONADINI (1951) [4] Andre MINAUX (1923 - 1986) [2] Peter ACKERMANN (1934 – 2007) [1] Angel DUARTE (1930) [1] Jacques MONORY (1934) [3] Hans Peter ADAMSKI (1947) [1] Paul AMBILLE (1930 - 2010) [3] Roland DUBUC (1924 - 1998) [2] Francois MORELLET (1926) [2] Joachim ALBRECHT (1913) [2] Filippe APELOIG (1962) [3] Jean DUBUFFET (1901 - 1985) [2] Dider MUTEL (1971) [2] Otmar ALT (1940) [2] DENMARK [6] EGYPT [1] Sarah ABBAS ALI [2] ESTONIA [11] FRANCE [129] GERMANY [315] Peter ANGERMANN (1945) [1] Boris DOEMPKE (1955) [2] Willem GRIMM (1904 – 1986) [5] Thomas KAMINSKY (1945) [1] Horst ANTES (1936) [1] Günter DOHR (1936) [3] Rudolf GROSSMANN (1882 – 1941) [3] Herbert KAPITZKI (1925) [10] Dıeter APPELT (1935) [1] Adam Lude DORING (1925) [1] Andreas GRUNERT (1947) [1] Herbert KAUFMANN (1924) [1] Dieter ASMUS (1939) [1] Johannes DÖRFLINGER (1975) [2] Herbert GRUNWALDT (1928) [3] Hubert KIECOL (1950) [1] Pidder AUBERGER (1946 – 2012) [6] Reinhard DRENKHAN (1926 – 1959) [3] Ev GRÜGER (1928) [1] Günther C. KIRCHBERGER (1928 – 2010) [1] Elvira BACH (1951) [1] August Wilhelm DRESSLER (1886 – 1970) [2] Johannes GRÜTZKE (1937) [2] Peter KLASEN (1935) [2] Ulrich BAEHR (1938) [1] Antonia DUENDE STEFANOVA [2] Dieter HAACK (1941) [1] Dieter KLIESCH (1926) [2] Rudi BAERWIND (1910 – 1982) [1] Bert DUERKOP (1935) [1] Hans – Peter HAAS (1935) [1] Dietrich KLINGE (1954) [1] Jan BALET (1913 – 2009) [1] Alfred EICHHORN (1909 – 1972) [4] Willibrord HAAS (1936) [6] Walter KLINKERT (1901 - 1959) [1] Ina BARFUSS (1949) [4] Paul ELIASBERG (1907 – 1983) [5] Herbert Otto HAJEK (1927) [1] Gustav KLUGE (1947) [2] Eduard BARGHEER (1901 – 1979) [1] Frank ERMSCHEL (1957) [2] Hajo HANGEN [3] Georg KLUSEMANN (1942) [1] Ernst BARLACH (1870 – 1938) [1] Conrad FELIXMULLER (1897 – 1977) [2] Karl Hainz HANSEN BAHIA (1915 – 1978) [4] Werner KNAUPP (1936) [2] Hans BASHANG (1937) [1] Alfred FINSTERER (1908 – 1996) [1] Fritz HARNEST (1905 – 1999) [4] Axel KNOPP (1942) [1] Moritz BAUMGARTL (1934) [1] Peter FOELLER (1945) [4] Hans HARTUNG (1904 – 1989) [8] Hans KOETSIER (1930 - 1991) [2] Erwin BECHTOLD (1925) [5] Günter FÖRG (1952) [2] Erich HECKEL (1883 – 1970) [1] Christof KOHLHÖFER (1942) [1] Hans BELLMER (1902 – 1975) [1] Sabine FRANEK KOCH (1939) [1] Erwin HEERICH (1922 – 2004) [3] Oskar KOLLER (1925 – 2004) [1] Gerhard BERGMANN (1922) [2] Christophe FREIMANN (1940) [2] Klaus HEIDER (1936) [1] Kathe KOLLWITZ (1867 – 1945) [1] Peter BERNDT (1937) [1] Heinz FRIEDRICH (1924) [2] Bernhard HEILIGER (1915 – 1995) [3] Gregor Torsten KOZIK (1948) [2] Herbert BESSEL (1921) [2] Hartmut FRIELINGHAUS [4] Wilhelm HEMPFING (1886 - 1948) [2] Fritz KÖTHE (1916 – 2005) [4] Joseph BEUYS (1921 – 1986) [1] Ernst FRITSCH (1892 – 1965) [1] Wolfgang HENNE (1949) [2] Norbert KRABBE (1951 – 2005) [1] Bernard BLUME (1937 – 2011) [2] Kunibert FRITZ (1937) [1] Walter HERZOG (1936) [4] Lukas KRAMER (1941) [2] Karl BOHRMANN (1928 – 1998) [1] Günter FRUHTRUNK (1923 – 1982) [4] Friedrich Ahler HESTERMANN (1883 – 1973) [2] Kurt KRANZ (1910 – 1997) [2] Rudolf BONVIE (1947) [2] Rudiger ESCHERT [1] Corinne HEUMANN (1962) [1] Heinz KREUTZ (1923) [1] Bernd BRACH (1946) [1] Lina FURLENMEIER (1932) [1] Peter HEYDECK [11] Dieter KRIEG (1937 – 2005) [4] Andreas BRANDT (1935) [2] Felix FURTWANGLER (1954) [1] Gregor HILTNER (1950) [3] Heinz KROH (1881 – 1972) [2] Herbert BREITER (1927 – 1999) [1] Klaus FUSSMAN (1938) [6] Ursula HIRSCH (1929) [1] Rainer KUCHENMEISTER (1926 – 2010) [2] Uwe BREMER (1940) [6] Yves GALGON (1948) [3] Hana HOCH (1889 – 1978) [1] Hans KUHN (1905 – 1991) [1] Gernot BUBENIK (1942) [2] Anna GALLI (1944) [1] Rudolf HOFLEHNER (1916) [1] Friedrich Wilhelm KUHNERT (1865 – 1926) [5] Wolff BUCHHOLZ (1935) [5] Winfried GAUL (1928 – 2003) [4] Michael HOFMANN (1944) [2] Hans LAABS (1915 – 2004) [4] Nils BURWITZ (1940) [2] Johannes GECCELLI (1925 – 2011) [1] Edgar HOFSCHEN (1941) [1] Thomas LANGE (1957) [1] Claus BURY (1946) [1] Rupprecht GEIGER (1908 – 2009) [5] Wilhelm HOLDERIED (1940) [1] Jens LAUSEN (1937) [3] Volker BUSMANN (1945) [2] Willi GEIGER (1878 – 1971) [3] Oskar HOLWECK (1924 – 2007) [1] Alf LECHNER [1] Michael BUTHE (1944 – 1994) [3] Friegrich GEILER (1946) [2] Achim HOOPS (1953) [2] Arnold LEISSLER (1925) [1] Verner BUTTNER (1954) [1] Gerhard GEPP (1940) [4] PeterHOPPE (1938 – 2010) [1] Jean (Kurt) LEPPIEN (1910 – 1991) [1] Emil CIMIOTTI (1927) [1] Ludger GERDES (1954) [1] Tom HOPS (1906 – 1976) [1] Silke LEVERKÜHNE (1953) [1] Johann Vincenz CISSARZ (1873 – 1943) [1] Reimund GIRKE (1930 – 2002) [6] Karl Ott HUGIN (1887 – 1963) [1] Max LIEBERMANN (1847 – 1935) [1] Lovis CORINTH (1858 – 1925) [3] Dieter GLASMACHER (1940) [1] Alfonso HUPPI (1935) [1] Hartmut LINCKE (1942) [1] Hans D VOSS (1926 – 1980) [1] Hermann GOEPFERT (1926 – 1982) [1] Johannes HUPPI (1965) [1] Richard LINDNER (1901 – 1978) [3] Karl Fred DAHMEN (1917 – 1981) [3] Dieter GOLTZSCHE (1934) [2] Benno HUTH (1937) [1] Wolfgang LOESCHE (1947) [4] Arne DEDERT [1] Jürgen GÖRG (1951) [1] Willy JAECKEL (1888 – 1944) [1] Roger LOEWIG (1930 – 1997) [1] Walter DEXEL (1890 – 1973) [1] Karl Otto GÖTZ (1914) [1] Hans JAENISCH (1907 – 1989) [1] Willy LORENZ (1901 – 1981) [6] Helmut Stephan DIEDRICH (1937) [1] Werner GRAEFF (1901 - 1978) [1] Bernhard JÄGER (1935) [4] Wilhelm LOTH (1920 – 1993) [2] Otto DILL (1884 – 1957) [2] Friedrich GRASEL (1967) [1] Fritz JANSEN (1916) [1] Markus LÜPERTZ (1941) [1] Rudolph DISTLER (1948) [4] Georg GRESKO (1920 – 1962) [1] Horst JANSSEN (1929 – 1995) [6] Thilo MAATSCH (1900 – 1983) [2] Otto DIX (1891 – 1969) [3] H.A.P. GRIESHABER (1909 – 1981) [4] Horst Egon KALINOWSKI (1924) [3] Theodor MAHN [1] Natasha MANN (1946) [1] Gudrun PIPER (1917) [2] Peter STAECHLIN (1931 – 2004) [1] Reiner WITTENBORN (1941) [2] Matthias MANSEN (1958) [2] Alfred POHL (1928) [1] Ferdinand STAEGER (1880 – 1976) [1] Klaus WRAGE (1891 – 1974) [2] Gerhard MARCKS (1889 – 1981) [1] Nicolas POIGNON [3] Willy STEDING (1900 – 1981) [2] Paul WUNDERLICH (1927 – 2010) [4] Gustav MARX (1855 – 1928) [8] Heinz – Günther PRAGER (1944) [2] Heinrich STEGEMANN (1888 – 1945) [1] Reinhardt ZADO (1951) [4] Christophe MECKEL (1935) [1] Barbara QUANDT (1947) [2] Christel Andrea STEIER (1958) [4] Herbert ZANGS (1924 – 2003) [2] Friedrich MECKSEPER (1936) [3] Lothar QUINTE (1912 – 2000) [1] Hans STEINBRENNER (1928 – 2008) [1] Peter ZAUMSEIL (1955) [2] Hans MEID (1883 – 1957) [2] Thomas RANFT (1945) [1] Ursula STOCK (1937) [1] Uta ZAUMSEIL (1962) [1] Katja MEIROWSKY (1920 – 2012) [2] Hans Georg RAUCH (1939 – 1993) [2] Jürgen Böttcher STRAWALDE (1931) [3] Wolfgang ZELMER (1948) [1] Gerhard MERZ (1942) [3] Ingo REGEL (1951) [2] Klaus SÜSS (1951) [1] Brigitta ZEUMER (1939) [1] Albert MERZ (1947) [2] Josua REICHERT (1937) [2] Stefan SZCZESNY (1951) [3] Heinrich ZILLE (1858 – 1929) [2] Felix MESECK (1883 – 1955) [1] Gerhart RICHTER (1939) [1] Karin SZEKESSY (1939) [5] Helmut ZIMMERMANN (1924) [1] Willi MEYER (1894 - 1966) [1] Thomas RING (1892 – 1983) [1] Walter TAFELMAIER (1935) [1] Mac ZIMMERMANN (1912 – 1992) [1] Eduard MICUS (1925 – 2000) [3] Dorothee ROCKE (1949) [4] Herman TEUBER (1884 – 1926) [1] Rune MIELDS (1935) [4] Werner ROHDE (1906 – 1990) [1] Gligor TRAIAN [3] Tilopa MONK (1949 – 2010) [5] Otto ROHSE (1925) [2] Oskar O. TREICHEL (1890 - ?) [1] Alecos FASSIANOS (1935) [2] Pitt MOOG (1932) [1] Karl RÖSSING (1897 – 1985) [4] Jan Peter TRIPP (1945) [2] Aria KOMIANOU [5] Rainer Gottlieb MORDMÜLLER (1941) [1] Frank RUDIGER (1949) [1] Rosemarie TROCKEL (1952) [1] Yannis STEFANAKIS [4] Pit MORELL (1939) [2] Fritz RUOFF (1906 – 1986) [2] Wolfgang TROSCHKE (1947) [2] Vassilakis TAKIS (1925) [2] Christiana MUCHA (1961) [2] Rolf SACKENHEIM (1921 – 2006) [1] Günther UECKER (1930) [3] Margarita VASSILAKU [2] Willy MULLER BRITTNAU (1938) [1] Armin SANDIG (1929) [6] Max UHLIG (1937) [2] Bernhard MÜLLER-FEYEN (1931 – 2004) [1] Malte SARTORIUS (1933) [2] Timm ULRICHS (1940) [2] Hanspeter MÜNCH (1940) [1] Kai SAVELSBERG (1975) [9] Niels UNBEHAGEN (1940) [1] Imre BAK (1939) [1] Jo NEIMEYER (1946) [3] Rudolf SCHARPF (1919) [1] Tomi UNGERER (1931) [1] Istvan BALIND [8] Hans NEUMANN (1873 – 1957) [2] Dieter SCHEIBEL (1950) [1] Johannes VENNEKAMP (1935) [1] Tardas BURBA [1] Otto NIEBUHR [2] Thomas SCHEIBITZ (1968) [1] Verena VERNUNFT (1945) [1] Maria DEAK NEMET [2] Werner NÖFER (1937) [1] Jochen SCHIMMELPENNING (1948) [1] Thomas VIRNICH (1957) [1] Esteban FEKETE (1924-2009) [5] Otto NÜCKEL (1888 – 1956) [3] Ali SCHINDEHUTTE (1939) [2] Fabius VON GUGEL (1910) [2] Zoltan GONDA [3] Hermann OBER (1920 – 1997) [6] Burkhard SCHITTNY (1966) [1] Gudrun VON LEITNER (1940) [1] Gabor GREGOVSZKI [1] Herbert OEHM (1935) [1] Wilhelm SCHLOTE (1946) [4] Hubertus VON PILGRIM (1931) [1] Bela KADAR (1877-1956) [2] Wilhelm OESTERLE (1876 – 1928) [1] Eberhard SCHLOTTER (1921) [8] Jan VOSS (1936) [3] Imre KOCSIS (1937) [4] Karl OPFERMANN (1891 – 1960) [1] Joachim SCHMETTAU (1937) [2] Arndt WALDSCHMITH [1] Attila KOVACS (1938) [2] Wolfgang OPPERMANN (1937) [3] Gerhard SCHMIDT [1] A. Paul WEBER (1893 – 1980) [2] Istvan NADLER (1938) [1] Osmar OSTEN (1959) [1] Michael SCHOENHOLTZ (1937) [3] Claus WEIDENSDORFER (1931) [2] Eva SEBOK [3] Paul PAESCHKE (1875 – 1943) [1] Friedrich SCHRODER SONNENSTERN (1892 – 1982) [1] Werner WEISKÖNIG (1907 – 1982) [1] Bela SZEPESSY [5] Joachim PALM (1936) [4] Bernard SCHULTZE (1915 – 2005) [4] Lothar WEISS (1929) [2] Victor VASARELY (1906-1997) [90] Pipi PALOMA (1938) [2] Ursula SCHULTZE - BLUM (1921 – 1999) [3] Rudolf WEISSAUER (1924) [4] Marcel VERTES (1895-1961) [1] Mathias PANNART (1935) [1] Volkmar SCHULZ RUMPOLD (1956) [4] Wolfgang WERKMEISTER (1941) [1] Adam WURTZ (1927-1994) [2] Ronald PARIS (1933) [1] Max SLEVOGT (1868 – 1932) [5] Franz WERNEKE (1906 - 1989) [2] Gonda ZOLTAN [3] Peter PAUL [4] Klaus SOBOLEWSKI (1962 – 2006) [2] Josef WERNER (1945) [4] Bruno PELZ (1930) [4] Maria SOLLNER [3] Theodor WERNER (1886 – 1969) [1] А.R. PENCK (1939) [6] Peter SORGE (1937 – 2000) [2] Otto WESTPHAL (1878 – 1975) [1] Wolfgang PETRICK (1939) [5] Hans SPERSCHNEIDER (1928 – 1995) [3] Stefan WEWERKA (1928) [16] Georg Karl PFAHLER (1926 – 2002) [4] Peter SPIEGEL (1944) [4] Ludwig WILDING (1927 – 2010) [2] Martin Erich PHILIPP (1887 – 1978) [1] Ferdinand SPRINGER (1908 – 1998) [1] Ben WILLIKENS (1939) [1] Santosh PALIWAL [3] Otto PIENE (1928) [2] Toni STADLER (1888 – 1982) [9] Hans WIMMER (1907 – 1992) [2] K. S. SHRIVATHSHAN [1] GREECE [5] HUNGARY [15] ICELAND [1] Gudmundur Gudmundsson ERRO [1] INDIA [2] Piero DORAZIO (1927-2005) [11] Yoshiko FUJITA [3] Rima GAIZAUKAITE [5] Vincenzo EULISSE (1936) [5] Mashahiro FUKUDA [2] Laura GUOKE [2] Mulyo GUNARSO (1979) [3] Michel Michel FINGESTEN (1884-1943) [1] Yoshi HIROTA [2] Daiva KUNIGENIENE [2] Labadiou PIKO [3] Ennio FINZI (1931) [4] Sachiko IMAI (1933) [2] Rimantas LIAUKSMINAS [3] Giring PKIHATYASONO [2] Lucien FONTANAROSA (1912-1975) [1] Keiko MINAMI (1911-2004) [1] Vladimir PANASKOV [3] Kartika Prawiro UTOMO TIKO [2] Luigi GARDENAL (1950) [1] Keizo MORISHITA (1944-2003) [1] Bernandeta RIMUTYTE [1] Kristides YUDOKO [2] Giuliano GHELLI (1944) [1] Kyoji NAGATANI (1950) [1] Giedre RISHKUTE [1] Emilio GRECO (1913-1995) [1] Taro OKAMOTO (1911) [1] Jolanda SEREIKAITE [3] Carlo HOLESCH (1926-1977) [2] Ryo SAITON [3] Mindaugas SKUDUTIS [3] Berto LARDERA (1911-1989) [1] Kumi SUGAI (1919-1996) [5] Audrone VASKEVICIUTE [2] Riccardo LICATA (1929) [1] Go SUGATA [3] Ludovico LUIGI DE (1933) [3] Kudou TADATAKA [9] Cecil KING (1921-1986) [1] Mariella MARINI (1942) [1] Yoshi TAKAHASHI (1943-1998) [2] Les LEVINE (1969) [2] Umberto MASTROIANNI (1910-1998) [5] Mikio TAKEHARA (1946) [3] Nino MEMO (1941) [3] Akihiro TOMODA [4] Paolo MINOLI (1942-2004) [2] Tomoe YOKOI (1943) [4] Eli AINOSKA-AIN [2] Richard BILAN (1946) [2] Mauruilio MINUZZI [4] Shizuko YOSHIKAWA (1934) [1] Filip ALEKSOVSKI [1] Nissan ENGEL (1931) [4] Marcello MORANDINI (1940) [1] Toshio YOSHIZUMI [3] Zoran ALTIPARMAKOV [3] Lea LIVNE [3] Francesco MUSANTE (1950) [1] INDONESIA [5] IRAN [1] Neda KASHANI [3] IRELAND [2] ISRAEL [4] LUXEMBOURG [1] Marc Frising 1960 [3] MACEDONIA [135] Rodoljub ANASTASOV (1935) [1] NORTH KOREA [4] Dimitar ANDONOV PAPRADISKI [1] Moshe MALKA (1940) [1] Zoran Antonio MUSIC (1909-2005) [4] Igael TUMARKIN (1933) [1] Giorgio PAGLIARI [1] Mi RAN PARK [3] Natasa ANDONOVA [1] Andrea PAGNACCO (1937) [1] Lee SEUNG MI [1] Irena ANDONOVA [2] Ruggero PAZZI (1927) [2] Sin SUMI [2] Narcisa ANDREEVSKA [4] Mario ABIS (1924-2004) [1] Achille PERILLI (1927) [1] Yue TOYOMA [3] Antonio ARANDELOVIC [1] Valerio ADAMI (1935) [6] Lino PIRONE (1936) [2] ITALY [63] Simeon ARNAUDOV [3] SOUTH KOREA [4] Slave ATANASOVSKI-KRSTANCE (1915) [3] Getulio ALVIANI (1939) [1] Carlo PIZZICHINI (1962) [1] Enrico BAJ (1924-2003) [1] Armando PIZZINATO (1910) [2] Sang HYUN AHN [2] Dragutin AVRAMOVSKI-GUTE (1931-1988) [15] Corrado BALEST (1923) [3] Mimmo ROTELLA (1918-2006) [4] Kim En JOONG (1940) [1] Violeta BLAZESKA [1] Ida BARBARIGO [1] Bruno SAETTI (1902-1984) [1] Jeon SO HYANG [3] Trajce BLAZEVSKI (1955) [7] Gianni BERTINI (1922-2010) [1] Giuseppe SANTOMASO (1907-1990) [10] Jeong Min SUH [3] Mensur BOJDA [5] Agostino BONALUMI (1935) [1] Pino SATURNO (1938-1989) [3] Paik SU JEONG [1] Atanas BOTEV (1973) [2] Remo BRINDISI (1918-1996) [1] Gino SILVESTRI (1928-2010) [2] Bruno BRUNI (1935) [5] Emilio TADINI (1927-2002) [1] Enzo CACCIOLA (1962) [1] Luigi TITO (1907-1991) [2] Antonio CALDERARA (1903-1978) [4] Arturo TOSI (1871-1956) [1] Emilija BOZINOVSKA [1] KOSOVO [1] Valdeta VELIU VUCITRENA (1970) [2] Emilija BOZINOVSKA [3] Tome BUNDOVSKI [8] Lidija CAKOVIC MOJSOVSKA [3] LATVIA [3] Gligor CEMERSKI (1940) [46] Giuseppe CAPOGROSSI (1900-1972) [4] Bartolini UBALDO (1944) [1] Carmelo CAPPELLO (1912-1996) [1] Wainer VACCARI (1949) [1] Grazina KAMBLEVICIUTE [2] Marina CVETANOVSKA MARTINOVSKA [1] Eugenio CARMI (1920) [2] Emilio VEDOVA (1919-2006) [2] Kate SERZANE [3] Sergej DAMOVSKI [3] Mauro CASARIN (1958) [5] Andrea VIZZINI (1949) [3] Lolita VORKALE [3] Anka DANILOVSKA [1] Enzo CATINI [2] Tono ZANCANARO (1906-1985) [1] Giuseppe CESETTI (1902-1990) [3] Giorgio DE CHIRICO (1888-1978) [2] Gjeorgi DESANOVSKI [3] LITHUANIA [14] JAPAN [21] Maksim DIMANOVSKI [1] Mantas ARBACIAUSKAS [3] Simonida FILIPOVA KITANOVSKA [3] Paolo CIAMPINI (1941) [9] Kazuo AIDA [4] Stasys AUKSTUOLIS [2] Slobodan FILOVSKI (1950) [4] Antonio CORPORA (1909-2004) [1] Fujio AKAI (1945) [8] Indre BARONE [1] Irena GAPKOVSKA (1970) [3] Giorgio COSTA (1920) [1] Hiroshi ASADA [2] Sigute BRONICKIENE [1] Dimitar GASPAR [6] Angel GAVROVSKI [10] Darko MARKOVIC (1940) [14] Denis TENEV [3] Jan COMANDEUR (1954) [1] Kiril GEGOSKI [1] Nikola MARTINOSKI (1903-1973) [4] Stojce TOCINOVSKI [1] Guillaume CORNEILLE (1922-2010) [5] Stanko GEORGIEV [1] Petar MAZEV (1927-1993) [2] Dimo TODOROVSKI (1910-1983) [4] Guido DE WAART (1931) [1] Vladimir GEORGIEVSKI (1942) [9] Srdan MIKIC [1] Trajko TOSHEVSKI [3] Jaap HOFFMANN (1938) [1] Borjana GJORGJIEVSKA [3] Done MILJANOVSKI (1941) [8] Borislav TRAIKOVSKI (1917-1996) [1] Willem DE KOONING (1904-1997) [1] Vlado GORESKI-RAFIK [3] Ilija MINOVSKI [2] Novica TRAJKOVSKI [1] Hannes POSTMA (1933) [2] Jordan GRABULOSKI GRABUL (1925-1986) [1] Jana MISEVA [2] Goce TRAJKOVSKI (1982) [1] Harmenszoon van Rijn REMBRANDT (1606- Lence GULEVSKA [2] Irena MITEVSKA STOJANOVA [1] Kostadin USTAPETROV [3] 1669) [2] Zlatko HADZI PECOV [2] Boro MITRIKESKI [11] Vasil VASILEV (1938) [25] Jorg REME (1941) [1] Petar HADZI BOSKOV (1928) [25] Petar MITROV [3] Nice VASILEV (1948) [101] Gerrit WESTERVELD (1949) [2] Stefan HADZI NIKOLOV (1955) [3] Ivana NASTESKI [3] Gligor VASKOV [1] Fehim HUSKOVIC (1967) [2] Blagojche Bane NAUMOSKI (1985) [1] Vladimir VELICKOVSKI [1] Vladimir ILIEVSKI [4] Vangel NAUMOVSKI (1922-2006) [65] Ondrej VENJARSKY (1930) [3] Barry CLEAVIN [3] Goce ILIEVSKI (1988) [4] Dimce NIKOLOV(1953-1998) [ 1] Pavle ZUFA [1] Jane MITCHELL [2] Valentina ILIJEVSKA [1] Verina NIKOLOVA [1] Nikola IVANOV-BALTON (1948) [2] Marija NIKOLOVSKA [2] MAURITIUS [1] NORWAY [5] Emil JAKOV [6] Stefan NIKOLOVSKI [3] Neermala LUCKEENARAIN [3] Ole HAUKI (1935) [2] Branko JAKSIC [2] Blagoja NIKOLOVSKI (1944) [2] NEW ZEALAND [2] Eva Laila HILSEN [1] MEXICO [8] Sol KJOK (1968) [1] Trajce JANCEVSKI (1928) [2] Dimitar AVRAMOVSKI PANDILOV (1898-1963) [62] Mice JANKULOVSKI (1954) [20] Marjan PECEV [1] Juan Sebastian BARBERA (1964) [4] Edvard MUNCH (1863-1944) [1] Goran JOVANOV [2] Ivo PECOV [3] Ivan GARDEA (1970) [2] Lis Petersen (1957) [1] Petra JOVANOVSKA ROSTOVSKA [1] Dusan PERCINKOV (1939) [5] Alberto GIRONELLA (1929) [1] Risto KALCEVSKI (1933) [2] Ordan PETLEVSKI (1930-1997) [2] Becky GUTTIN (1954) [1] Ilija KAVKALESKI (1932) [4] Pande PTROVSKI [4] Saul KAMINER (1952) [1] Manfred BATOR (1986) [3] Vangel KODZOMAN (1904-1994) [4] Dragan POPOVSKI DADA [5] Rodolfo NIETO (1936-1985) [2] Banay BEN (1917-2003) [3] Dimitar KONDOVSKI (1927-1993) [4] Vesna RADISIC [1] Sergio SANTAMARIA [2] Rico BLASS (1908-2002) [1] Mile KORUBIN (1922-2000) [1] Maja RAUNIK KIRKOV [1] Francisco ZUNIGA (1912-1998) [1] Bartolomiej BLAZEJOWSKI [1] Filip KORUNOVSKI [3] Goran RISTOVSKI [3] POLAND [45] Agniezska Ewa BRAUN (1990) [3] MONTENEGRO [7] Lukasz CYWICKI [9] Vasil KOSTOV [3] Nikola SEKULOSKI [3] Maja KOVACEVSKA [3] Simon SEMOV (1941) [7] Marina ABRAMOVIC (1946) [3] Stawomir DANIEC [1] Tomislav KRMOV [2] Emil SHULAJKOVSKI (1969) [3] Anka BURIC (1956) [6] Maciej DEJA [2] Mirjana KRSTEVA MASSETTI [3] Teofil SHULAJKOVSKI [1] Miodrag DJURIC DADO (1933-2010) [20] Andrej DUDEK-DURER [3] Spase KUNOSKI (1929) [1] Toni SHULAJKOVSKI [25] Zlatko GLAMOTCHAK (1957) [4] Johnny FRIEDLAENDER (1912-1992) [4] Miodrag KURJAK [3] Tomo SIJAK [1] Dragan KARADZIC (1950) [3] Agata Gerthen (1985) [8] Pavle KUZMANOSKI (1939) [149] Vladimir SIMEONOV [1] Pavle PEJOVIC (1950) [1] Lukasz GIERLAK [3] Ilija LAFAZANOVSKI [3] Krsto SLAVKOVSKI [12] Uros TOSKOVIC [4] Marek GLOWACKI [2] Ana LAZAREVSKA [3] Mladen SRBINOVIC (1925-2009) [1] Rosica LAZESKA (1956) [35] Dita STAROVA [1] Borko LAZESKI (1917-1993) [1] Dimitar STOJCEVSKI [2] Lazar LICENOSKI (1901-1964) [1] Marija SVETIEVA [5] Leszek GOLINSKI [1] MOROCCO [1] Andre VIGUD (1939) [4] Roland GRABKOWSKI [3] Slavomir GRABOVWY [4] Jarostaw GRULKOWSKI [3] NETHERLANDS [14] Hanna GRZONKA [3] Tanas LULOVSKI-TANE (1940-2006) [2] Borislav TALEVSKI [3] Jordan MANASIEVSKI [9] Tanja TANEVSKA [3] Karel APPEL (1921-2006) [2] Joanna JANOWSKA AUGUSTYN [2] Sveto MANEV (1945) [1] Vasko TASKOVSKI (1937) [28] Bram BOGART (1921-2012) [1] Dariusz KACA [1] Dimitar MANEV (1948) [1] Vele TASOVSKI (1949-2009) [4] Bob BONIES (1937) [2] Gregor KLIMEK [3] Tatjana MANEVA [2] Ana TEMKOVA [4] Jan BOON (1882-1975) [2] Ana KOSAREVSKA [6] Antoni KOWALSKI (1957) [1] Stepan FEDOROVIC KOLESNIKOV (1879-1955) [2] Zvonimir KOSTIC PALANSKI [3] Krzyszof KRAWIEC [3] Anatoli Lvovich KAPLAN (1902 - 1980) [1] Ilija KOSTOV [2] Katarzyna NOVAK [3] Vladimir KUPRIJANOV (1954) [2] Ljuba POPOVIC-LJUBA (1934) [2] Daniel ARGIMON (1929-1996) [2] Magdalena NOWAK [1] Andre LANSKOY (1902-1976) [2] Biljana MALJKOVIC [3] Eduardo ARRANZ-BRAVO (1941) [8] Natalia PAWLUS (1982) [5] Marat MARIN [1] Nikola MILUNOVIC [1] Eduardo ARROYO (1937) [1] Paulina POCZETA (1980) [3] Vladimir MARTYNOV [5] Mirko MOLNAR [4] Joan Gardy ARTIGAS (1938) [5] Kamil PRZYBOROWSKI [3] Hans ORLOWSKI (1894-1967) [1] Miroslav MUNIZABA (1949) [2] Rafael BARTOLOZZI (1943-2009) [4] Izabella PETKOWSKA [6] Ivan PLAKSIN [3] Predrag POPARA (1973) [1] Miguel BERROCAL (1933-2006) [2] Weronika SIUPKA [3] Jean POUGNY (1894-1956) [1] Florika PUJA [4] Francisco BORES [1] Pitor STACHLEWSKI [3] Dimitar PRIGOV (1940-2007) [1] Luka RADOJEVIC (1986) [4] Jose Manuel BROTO (1949) [1] Marta STANCO [2] George PUSENKOFF (1953) [1] Jelena SALINIC TERZIC (1976) [3] Roser BRU (1939) [4] Jerzy STEPNIAK [1] Igor SACHAROV ROSS (1947) [1] Miroslav SAVKOV [2] Maria CARBONERO (1956) [1] Wtadystaw SZEZEPANSKI [3] Olga SAMOSYUK [2] Sava SEKULIC (1902-1989) [1] Alberto Rafols CASAMADA (1923-2009) [2] Tomasz TOBOLEWSKI (1973) [3] Konstantin Andreevich TERECHKOVITCH Milic STANKOVIC [17] Jorge CASTILLO (1933) [4] Pawel WARCHOL (1958) [12] (1902-1978) [1] Kiro STANKOVSKI (1944) [2] Eduardo CHILLIDA (1924-2002) [2] Katarzyna WOKODKIEWICZ [3] Ayrat TEREGULOV [2] Snezana STEFANOVIC [3] Joan CLARET (1932-2001) [1] Katarzyna WOTODKIEWICZ [3] Irina YELAGINA [5] Branislav STEFANOVIC [1] Antoni CLAVE (1913-2005) [2] Klaudia ZAWADA [3] Nikolay ZAYKOV [1] Tomislav TODOROVIC [3] Maria Teresa CODINA (1927) [1] Katarzyna ZIOTOWICZ [5] Vladimir ZUEV [1] Vladimir VELICKOVIC (1935) [48] Enric CORMENZANA (1948) [5] Milica VERGOT [1] Rafael Tur COSTA (1927) [3] PORTUGAL [1] SAN MARINO [1] Zarko VUCKOVIC [5] Salvador DALI (1904-1989) [20] Pedro CALAPEZ (1953) [2] Giangiacomo SPADARI (1938-1997) [1] Aleksandar ZARIC [2] Amadeo GABINO (1922-2004) [2] Bogosav ZIVKOVIC (1920-2005) [11] Pierre GARCIA FONS (1928-2003) [4] PUERTO RICO [2] SERBIA [45] SPAIN [48] Jaume GENOVART (1941-1994) [2] SLOVAKIA [6] Curro GONZALEZ (1960) [1] Carline GUTIERREZ [2] Ilija BOSILJ (1895-1972) [1] Jose RAMON OSORIO-BULERIN [2] Janko BRASIC (1906-1994) [29] Milan HNAT [3] Josep GUINOVART (1927-2007) [5] Bozidar DAMJANOVSKI (1947) [11] Eva HNATOVA [5] Jose HERNANDEZ (1944) [1] Pal DECOV (1951) [3] Lidija JERGUSOVA VYDARENA [2] Joan HERNANDEZ PIJUAN (1931-2005) [2] Paul ACKERMANN (1908-1981) [1] Vladimir DONCEV [1] Barbora PAULOVICOVA [2] Fernando LERIN (1929) [1] Jakabhazi ALEXANDRY [2] Mihailo GLIGORIC [5] Veronika RONAIOVA [3] Federico LJOVERAS (1912-1983) [1] Nani CORINA [3] Marija GRUJIC [1] Blanka VOTAVOVA [1] Robert LLIMOS (1943) [2] Gyongyi KAROLY-ZOLD (1949) [1] Zuzana HALUPOVA (1925-2001) [12] ROMANIA [12] Ramon LLOVET (1917-1987) [4] SLOVENIA [10] Maria Jose LOPES Y LOPES (1950) [6] Zoltan KEMENY (1907-1965) [1] Jan HUSARIK (1942) [4] Adriana LUCACIU (1965) [1] Olja IVANJICKI (1931-2009) [2] Miha BOLJKA [3] Juan MARTINEZ (1942) [3] Mircea MILCOVICH (1941) [2] Ana IVANOVIC [2] Joze CIUHA (1924) [81] Joan MIRO (1893-1983) [2] Maria NICHITA [5] Ljubomir IVANOVIC (1882-1954) [2] Peter CIUHA (1968) [5] Andrea NAGEL (1947) [1] Ilas Elena NICOLETA [1] Bogoljub IVKOVIC (1924) [22] Crtomir FRELIH [3] Alfons Borrell PALAZON (1931) [2] Suzana PANTANARIU [3] Milan JAKSIC (1952) [2] Zdenko HUZJAN [3] Carlos PAZOS (1949) [4] Mircea POPESCU [2] Dusan JANACKOV [1] Stane JAGODIC [2] Pablo PICASSO (1881-1973) [67] Daniel SPOERRI (1930) [1] Ljubodrag JANKOVIC-JALE (1932) [4] Vladimir MAKUC (1925) [2] Juan PONC (1927-1984) [8] Martin JONAS (1924-1996) [7] Stefan PLANINC [3] Antonio RIVERA (1939) [1] Zorica Dora KLJAJIC [1] Vlado SHKRK [1] Antonio SAURA (1930-1998) [1] Rais GAITOV [9] Jan KNAZOVIC (1925-1986) [3] Joze TISNIKAR (1928-1998) [3] Antoni TAPIES (1923-2012) [1] Valery HASANOV [3] Tijana KOJIC [6] Fernando TEXIDOR (1936) [1] Georgii KARPOV [3] Milan KONJOVIC (1898-1993) [4] Joan Josep THARRATS VIDAL (1918-2001) [2] RUSSIA [20] Augustin UBEDA (1925-2007) [3] Joan Pere VILADECANS (1948) [4] THAILAND [4] Tom MOSLEY (1927-2009) [3] Robert QUIJADA (1935) [4] Robin PAGE (1932) [2] Jean RICHARDSON (1940) [1] Dario VILLALBA (1939) [4] Anupong CHANTORN [1] Peter PHILLIPS (1939) [1] James RIZZI (1950-2011) [1] Jose Maria YTTURRALDE (1942) [2] Kunjana DUMSOPEE [2] Fiona ROBINSON [1] David ROW (1949) [3] Evru ZUSH (1946) [4] Knakorn KACHACHUWA [1] Miranda SKY [1] Fritz William SCHOLDER (1937-2005) [3] Tanin TANTRAKUL [4] Ian TYSON (1933) [2] Arthur SECUNDA (1927) [2] TURKEY [11] USA [51] Bengt BOCKMAN (1926) [1] Aylin BEYOGLU (1978) [1] Richard ANUSZKIEWICZ (1930) [1] Kiki SMITH (1954) [1] Hans JOHANSON [2] Hatice BICINCILER [3] Leonard BASKIN (1922-2000) [1] Mark TOBEY (1890-1976) [6] Bengt LINDSTROM (1925-2008) [2] Mahmut DURMUS [3] James BROWN (1951) [2] Frank WERNER (1955) [1] Olle MARTINSSON [3] Nevin GUVEN [3] Alexander CALDER (1989-1976) [3] Tom WESSELMANN (1931-2004) [1] Ebba MATZ (1963) [1] Saime HAKAN DONMEZER [1] CHRISTO (1935) [31] Jaak POOM [3] Duriye KOZLU [3] Alfred COHEN (1920-2001) [2] Yusuf NUS [3] Douglas COOPER (1945) [4] Ahmet SINASI ISLER (1968) [3] CAPOBIANCO [2] Otto BACHMANN (1915-1996) [2] Cinla SEKER [2] Allan D’ARCANGELO (1930-1998) [2] Max BILL (1908-1994) [2] Arzu Guldali UYSAL [3] Robert DANDAROV (1959) [2] SWEDEN [7] Stefan BERGER (1960) [7] SWITZERLAND [24] John SEERY (1941) [1] Amaranth Roslyn EHRENHALT (1928) [1] Ursula BRUENGER (1932) [1] Urs DICKERHOF (1941) [1] UKRAINE [11] Frank ETTENGERG (1945) [1] Franz EGGENSCHWILER (1930-2000) [3] Alexander ARCHIPENKO (1887-1964) [1] Sam FRANCIS (1923-1994) [1] Andre EVRARD (1936) [1] Nina DENISOVA [2] Helen FRANKENTHALER (1928) [1] Camille GRAESER (1892 - 1980) [1] Sergiy IVANOV [3] Sebastian GARCIA HUIDOBRO [2] Herve GRAUMANN (1963) [1] Mykhailo KRASNYK [3] Helen GILBERT (1922) [1] Hans HINTERREITER (1902-1989) [3] Orest KRYVORUCHKO [1] John GILBERT (1966) [3] Andrien HOLY (1898) [1] Petro MALYSHKO [3] Yuji HIRATSUKA [6] Karl HOSCH (1900) [1] Mykola MALYSHKO [3] Jenny HOLZER (1950) [1] Thomas HUBER (1990) [1] George SERGEEV [3] Robert INDIANA (1928) [2] Silvius JURA (1939) [1] Vitaley SHNITKO [3] Paul JENKINS (1923-2012) [1] Lenz KLOTZ (1925) [3] Victor STOROZNUK [2] John Paul JONES (1924) [1] Sven KNEBEL (1927) [1] Ulyana TURCHENKO [1] Steve KEENE (1943) [4] Vitaly KOMAR (1943) [2] Verena LOWENSBERG (1912-1986) [1] Josef Felix MULLER (1955) [2] UNITED KINGDOM [17] Paul KOSTABI (1962) [4] Richard RANFT (1862-1931) [2] ARINA [4] Nicholas KRUSHENICK (1929-1999) [1] Dieter RUDEN (1941) [6] Francis BACON (1909-1992) [1] Don KUNKEL (1933) [4] Nelly RUDIN (1928) [1] Arthur John BLACK (1855-1936) [1] Sol LEWITT (1928) [1] Josef SCHIBLI (1925) [1] Kathleen CADDICK (1937) [1] Roy LICHTENSTEIN (1923-1997) [7] Martin SCHWARZ (1946) [8] Lynn CHADWICK (1914-2003) [1] Andrea MAKIN [2] Theophile Alexandre STEINLEN (1859-1923) [5] Hannah COLLINS (1956) [2] William MOREHOUSE (1929-1993) [1] Andre THOMKINS (1930-1985) [1] Berry COTTRELL [3] Sarah MORRIS (1967) [1] Jean TINGUELY (1925-1991) [1] Elisabeth FRINK (1930-1993) [1] LeRoy NEIMANN (1921-2012) [3] Richard HAMILTON (1922-2011) [1] Lowell B. NESBITT (1933-1993) [4] David HOCKNEY (1937) [1] Dennis OPENHEIM (1938-2011) [1] Hyun JIN KIM [6] Abrahams IVOR (1935) [1] Raymond PARKER (1922-1990) [1] Mei LING LIU [3] Henry MOORE (1898-1986) [4] Taylor Marie PRENDERGAST (1990) [4] TAIWAN [2] Peter SHIRE (1945) [2] URUGUAY [1] Carlos CAPELAN (1948) [2] VENEZUELA [1] Rafael MARTINEZ (1940) [1] Издавачи: Publishers: ОСТЕН Скопје, Македонија | OSTEN Skopje, Macedonia За издавачот: For the Publisher: Мице Јанкуловски | Mice Jankulovski директор на ОСТЕН Скопје, Македонија | Director of OSTEN Skopje, Macedonia Уредник: Editor: Корнелија Конеска, ОСТЕН Скопје | Kornelija Koneska, OSTEN Skopje Текстови: Texts: Мице Јанкуловски | Mice Jankulovski, Македонија | Macedonia Ник Тау | Nick Thaw, САД | USA Венцеслав Антонов | Ventseslav Antonov, Бугарија | Bulgaria проф. м-р Павле Пејовиќ | Prof. MA Pavle Pejovic, Црна Гора | Montenegro Превод на англиски: Translation in English Лектор на македонски: Lector in Macedonian: Нора Буклеска | Nora Bukleska Татјана Ефтимоска | Tatjana Eftimoska Фотографија: Photography: Ладислав Кинг | Ladislav King Дизајн: Design: Урош Вељковиќ | Uros Veljkovic Сашо Јовчевски | Sasho Jovcevski Печати: Print: Европа92, Македонија | Evropa92, Macedonia Тираж: Circulation: 250 OSTEN Skopje 8. Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje, Makedonija tel.: +381 2 3213665 osten@t-home.mk contact@osten.com.mk www.osten.com.mk Во соработка со: In cooperation with: CIP - Каталогизација во публикација Национална и универзитетска библиотека “Св. Климент Охридски”, Скопје ISBN 978-608-65577-2-0 COBISS.MK-ID 94448650 164