Exam Date Start End Location Course Instructor 5/5/2016
Exam Date Start End Location Course Instructor 5/5/2016
Exam Date Start End Location Course Instructor 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 303 Main Building PLS-30302-02 Polit. & Const. Theory Abbey,Ruth 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20100-04 Accountancy I Agostino,Frank 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall BAAL-20100-04 Accounting I Agostino,Frank 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall BAEG-20100-04 Accounting I Agostino,Frank 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20100-04 Accounting I Agostino,Frank GH-68551-01 Capstone Research Ahern,Lacey PHYS-10052-01 Concepts of Energy & Environmt Ahn,Tan ANTH-40400-01 Perspectivs in Anthro Analysis Albahari,Maurizio 5/6/2016 5/4/2016 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 310 Jordan Hall 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 120 DeBartolo Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 625 Flanner Hall 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 114 Pasquerilla Center ACMS-40730-01 Mathematical/Comp Modeling Alber,Mark 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 114 Pasquerilla Center ACMS-50730-01 Mathematical/Comp Modeling Alber,Mark 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 114 Pasquerilla Center MATH-40730-01 Mathematical/Comp Modeling Alber,Mark 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 323 Flanner Hall ECON-43830-01 Economic Growth Alder,Simeon 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-10102-06 Beginning Spanish II Almeida-Trejo,Mayra 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-10101-02 Beginning French I Aloia,Mary 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLSS-60400-01 Readings in Syriac Amar,Joseph 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-60019-01 Readings in Syriac Amar,Joseph 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30661-01 Latino Chicago Amezcua,Mike 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30709-01 Latino Chicago Amezcua,Mike 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall ILS-30408-01 Latino Chicago Amezcua,Mike 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 334 DeBartolo Hall AFST-30236-01 American Gentrification Amezcua,Mike 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 334 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30301-01 History of Amer Gentrification Amezcua,Mike 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 334 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30643-01 American Gentrification Amezcua,Mike 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 113 DeBartolo Hall THEO-83204-01 Early Christianity Seminar Anatolios,Khaled 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall THEO-20260-01 The Trinity Anatolios,Khaled 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 244 DeBartolo Hall B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 301 DeBartolo Hall THEO-60174-01 The 10 Commandments Anderson,Gary THEO-10001-15 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Anderson,Gary ROSP-40771-01 Two Wings of a Bird Anderson,Thomas ENGL-20000-03 Intro to Creative Writing Anderson,Zachary 5/5/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall SOC-10033-01 Intro to Social Problems Andrew,Megan 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 925 Flanner Hall SOC-13181-03 Soc Science University Seminar Andrew,Megan 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-20010-01 Introduction to Public Policy Anewalt-Remsburg,Claudia 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30040-01 Introduction to Public Policy Anewalt-Remsburg,Claudia 5/2/2016 MGT-30660-02 Strategic IT Angst,Corey 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 216 DeBartolo Hall 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall MGT-30490-01 Business Problem Solving Angst,Corey 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall MGT-30490-02 Business Problem Solving Angst,Corey 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall BAEN-40420-01 Innovation and Design Angst,Wendy 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall BAEN-40420-02 Innovation and Design Angst,Wendy 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall MGTC-40420-01 Innovation and Design Angst,Wendy 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall MGTC-40420-02 Innovation and Design Angst,Wendy 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall MGTE-40420-01 Innovation and Design Angst,Wendy 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall MGTE-40420-02 Innovation and Design Angst,Wendy 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 244 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20202-01 Existentialist Themes Apostolopoulos,Dimitris 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-20330-01 General Physics III Aprahamian,Ani 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 105 Jordan Hall BIOS-30407-01 Animal Behavior Archie,Elizabeth 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 105 Jordan Hall BIOS-30407-02 Animal Behavior Archie,Elizabeth 1:45 PM CHEM-10182-01 Organic Structure and Mech Ashfeld,Brandon THEO-83817-01 Theology of Karl Rahner Ashley,James 5/3/2016 3:45 PM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 143 DeBartolo Hall MI-63458-01 Anselm & Eadmer Astell,Ann 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 143 DeBartolo Hall THEO-83257-01 Anselm & Eadmer Astell,Ann THEO-13183-04 Theology University Seminar Astell,Ann ESS-30217-01 Stats Sociological Research Austin,Megan HESB-30101-01 Statistics for Social Research Austin,Megan SOC-30903-01 Stats Sociological Research Austin,Megan 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 332 DeBartolo Hall 228 DeBartolo Hall Computer 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Classroom 228 DeBartolo Hall Computer 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Classroom 228 DeBartolo Hall Computer 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Classroom 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B034 Geddes Hall THEO-60284-01 Russian Religious Thought Avvakumov,Yury 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-20408-01 The E. Church: Theo and Histry Avvakumov,Yury 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-20249-01 Eastern Churches Avvakumov,Yury 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Hayes-Healy ECON-30020-03 Intermediate Macro Theory Bachmann,Ruediger 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30811-01 Intro to Digital History Bain-Conkin,Jeffrey 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall CDT-30330-01 Intro to Digital History Bain-Conkin,Jeffrey 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30001-01 Intro to Digital History Bain-Conkin,Jeffrey 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall HIST-93990-01 Intro to Digital History Bain-Conkin,Jeffrey 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 108A Riley Hall ARST-10601-01 3-D Foundations - Basic Sculpt Bajuyo,Leticia 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108A Riley Hall ARST-20604-02 Metal Sculpture I Bajuyo,Leticia 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108A Riley Hall ARST-60604-02 Metal Sculpture I Bajuyo,Leticia 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108A Riley Hall ARST-40610-01 Installtn.Art:Space/Environmnt Bajuyo,Leticia 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108A Riley Hall ARST-60610-01 Installtn.Art:Space/Environmnt Bajuyo,Leticia 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 200 Riley Hall ARST-20603-01 Metal Foundry Baker,Robin 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 Pasquerilla Center NSCI-10102-01 Maritime Affairs Bakey,Sean 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Pasquerilla Center NSL Room NSCI-10102-02 Maritime Affairs Bakey,Sean 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20102-01 Intro to Phil: Phil & Religion Baldwin,Erik 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-10102-04 Intro to Phil: Phil & Religion Baldwin,Erik 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20801-02 Philosophy of Religion Baldwin,Erik 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building ANTH-20341-01 Language & Identity in Japan Ball,Christopher 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building ASIA-20341-01 Language & Identity in Japan Ball,Christopher 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building LLEA-20341-01 Language & Identity in Japan Ball,Christopher 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall ANTH-60204-01 Orientations to Ling Anth Ball,Christopher 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-50472-01 Relativity: Special & General Balsara,Dinshaw 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall LLRO-40548-01 Italian Cin: Realities of Hist Baranski,Zygmunt 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROIT-40548-01 Italian Cin: Realities of Hist Baranski,Zygmunt 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall AMST-30469-01 Gay Rights & the Constitution Barber,Sotirios 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-30406-01 Gay Rights & the Constitution Barber,Sotirios 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall GSC-30597-01 Gay Rights & The Constitution Barber,Sotirios 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30283-01 Gay Rghts and the Constitution Barber,Sotirios 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30071-01 Gay Rights & the Constitution Barber,Sotirios 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 824 Flanner Hall POLS-13181-06 Soc Science University Seminar Barber,Sotirios PHYS-10310-02 General Physics I Bardayan,Daniel ARST-10601-03 3-D Foundations - Basic Sculpt Barfield,Justin 5/2/2016 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 200 Riley Hall 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 108A Riley Hall ARST-10601-02 3-D Foundations - Basic Sculpt Barfield,Justin 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 105 Pasquerilla Center MATH-20820-01 Honors Algebra II Barron,Katrina 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall CDT-30425-01 La Telenovela Barry,Kevin 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall FTT-20260-01 La Telenovela Barry,Kevin 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall ILS-20901-01 La Telenovela Barry,Kevin 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall LAST-23751-01 La Telenovela Barry,Kevin 5/3/2016 1:00 PM 2:50 PM 162 Mendoza College of Business MGT-60200-02 Problem Solving Bartkus,Viva 5/3/2016 3:00 PM 4:50 PM 162 Mendoza College of Business MGT-60200-04 Problem Solving Bartkus,Viva 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 120 DeBartolo Hall EE-40472-01 Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles Bauer,Peter 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 217 DeBartolo Hall ECON-40365-01 Monetary Policy&Financial Mkts Baumeister,Christiane 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 127 Hayes-Healy PHIL-10104-01 Intro to Phil: Phil & Math Bays,Timothy 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Malloy Hall PHIL-30313-01 Formal Logic Bays,Timothy 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 334 DeBartolo Hall HIST-93340-01 Latin America in 19th Century Beatty,Edward 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Browning Cinema DPAC FTT-10101-01 Basics of Film and Television Becker,Christine 5/5/2016 FTT-20101-01 Basics of Film and Television Becker,Christine FTT-40890-01 Media Industries Becker,Christine FTT-60890-01 Media Industries Becker,Christine STV-40190-01 Media Industries Becker,Christine 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Browning Cinema DPAC B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Center B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Center B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Center 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 220 O'Shaughnessy GSC Office GSC-43606-01 Interdisciplinary Reproduction Bederman,Gail 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 220 O'Shaughnessy GSC Office GSC-63606-01 Interdisciplinary Reproduction Bederman,Gail 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 220 O'Shaughnessy GSC Office HIST-93620-01 Interdisciplinary Reproduction Bederman,Gail 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 220 O'Shaughnessy GSC Office SOC-63080-01 Interdisciplinary Reproducti Bederman,Gail 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall AMST-30343-01 US Sex/Sexualty/Gndr from 1880 Bederman,Gail 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall GSC-30625-01 US Sex/Sexualty/Gndr from 1880 Bederman,Gail 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 5/5/2016 341 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS Conf Room 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 102 Pasquerilla Center 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30806-01 US Sex/Sexualty/Gndr from 1880 Bederman,Gail PHYS-70210-01 Large-Scale Astro Surveys Beers,Timothy MATH-40740-01 Topology Behrens,Mark GH-60620-01 Leadership Theory, Disc & App Beidinger,Heidi 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30341-01 Byzantine History II Beihammer,Alexander 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall MI-30201-01 Byzantine History II Beihammer,Alexander 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30500-01 Italian Renaissance Beiting,Christopher 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall MI-30214-01 Italian Renaissance Beiting,Christopher 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 320 Malloy Hall THEO-60401-01 Sacramental Theology Belcher,Kimberly 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 320 Malloy Hall THEO-60401-02 Sacramental Theology Belcher,Kimberly THEO-83405-01 Modern Liturgy Seminar Belcher,Kimberly 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 206 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 310 Jordan Hall BIOS-60529-01 Theoretical Population Ecology Belovsky,Gary 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-40811-01 Molecular Revolution Benn Torres,Jada 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 625 Flanner Hall STV-40111-01 Molecular Revolution Benn Torres,Jada 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-13181-02 Soc Science University Seminar Benn Torres,Jada 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 212 Haggar Hall PSY-60200-01 Concepts Methods Human Develop Bergeman,Cindy 5/2/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30100-01 Financial Statement Analysis Bern,Gianna 5/2/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30100-02 Financial Statement Analysis Bern,Gianna 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BAAL-20150-01 Corporate Financial Management Bern,Gianna 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BAEG-20150-01 Corporate Financial Management Bern,Gianna 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BASC-20150-01 Corporate Financial Management Bern,Gianna 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall FIN-20150-01 Corporate Financial Management Bern,Gianna 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 134 Mendoza College of Business BA-20202-01 The Business of Energy Bern,Lester 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 134 Mendoza College of Business ENER-20202-01 The Business of Energy Bern,Lester 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 134 Mendoza College of Business MBGR-76230-01 The Business of Energy Bern,Lester 5/4/2016 EE-30357-01 Electronic and Opto Devices Bernstein,Gary 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 230 West Lake Hall DESN Room 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 203 DeBartolo Hall DESN-40100-01 VCD 8: Design for Social Good Berry,Anne 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 226 West Lake Hall DESN-40101-01 VCD 9: Professional Practice Berry,Anne 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall BIOS-20303-01 Fundamentals of Genetics Besansky,Nora 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Bond Hall ARCH-83311-01 After Urbanism Bess,Philip 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall HESB-43043-01 Health Care and the Poor Betson,David 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30157-01 Healthcare and the Poor Betson,David 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall PS-33100-01 Healthcare and the Poor Betson,David 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall STV-43343-01 Health Care and the Poor Betson,David 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall THEO-40202-01 The Christian Tradition II Betz,John 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall THEO-40202-03 The Christian Tradition II Betz,John 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 316 DeBartolo Hall THEO-10001-14 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Betz,John 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-40329-01 The Romantic Century? Betz,Laura 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 824 Flanner Hall B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Hall 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall SOC-63578-01 Training Sem:Soc Mov and Poli Beyerlein,Kraig SOC-10002-01 Understanding Societies Beyerlein,Kraig MATH-10360-03 Calculus B Bhattacharya,Prasit MATH-10120-01 Finite Mathematics Bhattacharya,Prasit ROIT-10101-01 Beginning Italian I Biffis,Emily 5/6/2016 5/3/2016 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 205 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 120 DeBartolo Hall CBE-40483-01 Topics in Biomolecular Engnrng Bilgicer,Zihni 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 120 DeBartolo Hall CBE-60483-01 Topics in Biomolecular Engnrng Bilgicer,Zihni 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 125 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-10102-03 Beginning Italian II Blad,Alessia 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 125 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-20215-01 Intensive Interm. Italian Blad,Alessia 7:30 PM 5/2/2016 3:45 PM 119 DeBartolo Hall POLS-60835-01 Field Research Methods Bleck,Jaimie 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall 9:30 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall IDS-30536-01 Rsrch M. for Fldwk in Devl Wld Bleck,Jaimie 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30807-01 Rsrch M. for Fldwk in Devl Wld Bleck,Jaimie 5/3/2016 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 121 Mendoza College of Business MGT-76030-01 Business on the Frontlines Block,Emily 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 216 DeBartolo Hall MGTC-30450-01 Strategic Human Resource Mgmt Block,Emily 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B034 Geddes Hall ANTH-43404-01 Person, Self, Body, Mind Blum,Susan 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B034 Geddes Hall ANTH-63404-01 Person, Self, Body, Mind Blum,Susan 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B034 Geddes Hall ANTH-20204-01 Fundamentls of Linguistic Anth Blum,Susan 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall FIN-40690-01 Behavioral Finance Bodnaruk,Andriy 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall FIN-40690-02 Behavioral Finance Bodnaruk,Andriy 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-30104-01 Advanced Comp. & Conv. Boes,Tobias 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-20201-01 Intermediate German I Boes,Tobias 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 120 DeBartolo Hall CBE-40477-01 Nanoscience & Technology Bohn,Paul 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 120 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-60577-01 Nanoscience and Technology Bohn,Paul 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 304 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-10101-01 Beginning French I Boll,Natalie 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 120 DeBartolo Hall CE-60422-01 Fate and Transport of Contamin Bolster,Diogo 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 206 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-10101-02 Beginning Italian I Bonaiti,Lorenzo 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall PLS-40412-02 Sci, Society & Human Person Bordogna,Francesca 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 347 DeBartolo Hall PLS-13186-02 Literature University Seminar Bordogna,Francesca 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 138 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20202-01 Intermediate Spanish II Botero,Tatiana 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 138 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20202-02 Intermediate Spanish II Botero,Tatiana 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 138 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20202-03 Intermediate Spanish II Botero,Tatiana 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall ILS-20912-01 CBL: Lang, Cult and Community Botero,Tatiana 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20810-01 CBL: Lang, Cult and Community Botero,Tatiana 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 226 West Lake Hall DESN-20115-02 VCD 2: Typography Bourgeois,Marie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 207 DeBartolo Hall ESTM-60222-01 Technology and Ethics II Bourgeois,Mark 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 231 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20608-01 Philosophy of Technology Bourgeois,Mark 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 231 DeBartolo Hall STV-20236-01 Philosophy of Technology Bourgeois,Mark 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 319 DeBartolo Hall ESTM-60222-02 Technology and Ethics II Bourgeois,Mark 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall ASIA-33318-01 "Cool Japan:" Youth & Culture Bowen-Struyk,Heather 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall LLEA-33318-01 “Cool Japan: Youth & Culture Bowen-Struyk,Heather 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall ASIA-33320-01 Modern Japanese Literature Bowen-Struyk,Heather 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall LLEA-33320-01 Modern Japanese Literature Bowen-Struyk,Heather 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall BIOS-20450-01 Neuroscience and Behavior Boyd,Sunny 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall SC-20450-01 Neuroscience and Behavior Boyd,Sunny 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 210 DeBartolo Hall MARK-30100-01 Consumer Orgzntnl Buyer Behav Bradford,Kevin 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall MARK-40100-01 Strategic Marketing Bradford,Kevin 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall MARK-40100-02 Strategic Marketing Bradford,Kevin 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall MARK-40100-03 Strategic Marketing Bradford,Kevin 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 404 Main Building PHIL-13185-01 Philosophy University Seminar Brading,Katherine 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-93888-01 Space, Time, Matter Brading,Katherine 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 126 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-20210-01 Scientific Computing Brake,Daniel 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30659-01 War and Peace in Middle East Braniff,Sean 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30394-01 War & Peace in the Middle East Braniff,Sean PSY-30160-03 Experim Psychology II: Methods Braungart-Rieker,Julia 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM B016 Haggar Hall 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall CSE-40755-01 Parallel Computing Brenner,Paul 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B011 DeBartolo Hall CSE-60755-01 Parallel Computing Brenner,Paul 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-30310-03 Intro Hispanic Lit & Cultures Brix,Catherine 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall CSE-20221-01 Logic Design Brockman,Jay 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall PSY-30400-01 Cognitive Psychology Brockmole,James 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall PSY-30400-02 Cognitive Psychology Brockmole,James 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall PSY-30400-03 Cognitive Psychology Brockmole,James PSY-30160-02 Experim Psychology II: Methods Brockmole,James 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 322 Jordan Hall PHYS-50701-01 Intro to Nuclear Physics Brodeur,Maxime 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall MEAR-20004-01 Second Year Arabic II Bronson,Catherine 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall MEAR-60004-01 Second Year Arabic II Bronson,Catherine 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 241 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-10002-01 First Year Arabic II Bronson,Catherine 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 241 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-60002-01 First Year Arabic II Bronson,Catherine 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall GSC-30596-01 Bodies in the Islamic Trad. Bronson,Catherine 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall HIST-30091-01 Bodies in the Islamic Trad. Bronson,Catherine 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall MELC-30023-01 Bodies in the Islamic Trad. Bronson,Catherine 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 216 DeBartolo Hall ECON-10020-04 Principles of Macroeconomics Brooks,Wyatt 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 216 DeBartolo Hall ECON-20020-04 Principles of Macroeconomics Brooks,Wyatt 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall ARHI-30731-01 Intro to Japanese Civ & Cult Brownstein,Michael 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall ASIA-30413-01 Intro to Japanese Civ & Cult Brownstein,Michael 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall LLEA-30413-01 Intro to Japanese Civ & Cult Brownstein,Michael 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall Brownstein,Michael 5/2/2016 7:30 PM ENGL-20003-03 Fiction Writing Bruno,Robert 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 240 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-10001-01 First-Year Arabic I Bualuan,Ghada 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 240 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-60001-01 First-Year Arabic I Bualuan,Ghada MEAR-30303-01 Advanced Conversational Arabic Bualuan,Ghada 5/4/2016 9:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-30820-01 Intro to Japanese Civ & Cult 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 206 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-20003-01 Second Year Arabic I Bualuan,Ghada 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-60003-01 Second Year Arabic I Bualuan,Ghada 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall CSE-40746-01 Advanced Database Projects Bualuan,Ramzi 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall CSE-60746-01 Advanced Database Projects Bualuan,Ramzi 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall CDT-40630-01 Ethical & Professional Issues Bui,Peter 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall CSE-40175-01 Ethical & Professional Issues Bui,Peter 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 102 DeBartolo Hall CSE-20189-01 Basic Unix for Engineers Bui,Peter 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall CDT-30020-01 Script Based Prog. 2 Bui,Peter 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall CSE-10102-01 Script Based Programming 2 Bui,Peter 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 114 Pasquerilla Center ACMS-40390-01 Numerical Analysis Bukac,Martina 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 114 Pasquerilla Center MATH-40390-01 Numerical Analysis Bukac,Martina 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 109 Pasquerilla Center ACMS-60790-01 Numerical Analysis II Bukac,Martina 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 109 Pasquerilla Center MATH-60790-01 Numerical Analysis II Bukac,Martina PHYS-70008-01 Quantum Mechanics II Bunker,Bruce 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10001-04 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Buol,Justin 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM L051 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-30280-01 Decision Processes in Acct. Burks,Jeffrey 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM L003 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-30280-02 Decision Processes in Acct. Burks,Jeffrey 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM L004 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-30280-03 Decision Processes in Acct. Burks,Jeffrey 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-40905-01 Internt'l Migration: Mex/US II Bustamante,Jorge 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall ILS-40700-01 Internt'l Migration: Mex/US II Bustamante,Jorge 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall LAST-43555-01 Internt'l Migration: Mex/US II Bustamante,Jorge 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall SOC-43404-01 Internt'l Migration: Mex/US II Bustamante,Jorge 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ALHN-13951-03 Honors Seminar Buttigieg,Joseph 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 203 DeBartolo Hall FYS-13992-01 Ethical Leadership Buttigieg,Joseph 5/2/2016 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 158 Mendoza College of Business FIN-76030-01 Security Analysis Practicum II Bythrow,Brian 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall HIST-10146-01 History of China to 1644 Cai,Liang 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall HIST-30146-01 History of China to 1644 Cai,Liang 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall LLEA-30146-01 History of China to 1644 Cai,Liang 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall MI-30229-01 History of China to 1644 Cai,Liang 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 310 Jordan Hall CHEM-40436-01 Instrumental Methods /Analysis Camden,Jon 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall AFST-30293-01 Black Atlantic Candido,Mariana 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall GSC-30632-01 Black Atlantic Candido,Mariana 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall HIST-30063-01 The Black Atlantic Candido,Mariana 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall LAST-30231-01 The Black Atlantic 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30373-01 The American Revolution Candido,Mariana Canelas Jaime,Maria Valeria Cangany,Catherine 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray CNST-30012-01 The American Revolution Cangany,Catherine 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray HIST-30602-01 The American Revolution Cangany,Catherine 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 223 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-10102-05 Beginning Spanish II 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 412 Jordan SC computer cluster PHYS-20420-01 Computational Methods in Phys Caprio,Mark 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B034 Geddes Hall AFST-20704-01 Social Inequality & Amer Educ Carbonaro,William 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B034 Geddes Hall AMST-30519-01 Soc Inequality & Am Education Carbonaro,William 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B034 Geddes Hall ESS-20202-01 Social Inequality & Amer Educ Carbonaro,William 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B034 Geddes Hall HESB-30606-01 Social Inequality & Amer. Educ Carbonaro,William 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B034 Geddes Hall ILS-20704-01 Social Inequality Carbonaro,William 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B034 Geddes Hall SOC-20228-01 Social Inequality & Amer Educ Carbonaro,William 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B034 Geddes Hall SOC-20228-02 Social Inequality & Amer Educ Carbonaro,William 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall AFST-20706-01 Inner City America: Decoding Carbonaro,William 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall AMST-30518-01 Inner City America Carbonaro,William 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall SOC-20870-01 Inner City America Carbonaro,William 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall 204 McKenna Hall ILS Julian 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Samora Library SOC-20870-02 Inner City America Carbonaro,William AMST-40511-01 Latino Art in American Society Cardenas,Gilberto 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 204 McKenna Hall ILS Samora Library 204 McKenna Hall ILS Samora Library 204 McKenna Hall ILS Samora Library 204 McKenna Hall ILS Samora Library 129 DeBartolo Hall Julian Julian Julian Julian ARHI-43840-01 Latino Art in American Society Cardenas,Gilberto ARHI-63840-01 Latino Art in American Society Cardenas,Gilberto ILS-40710-01 Latino Art in American Society Cardenas,Gilberto SOC-43162-01 Latino Art in American Society Cardenas,Gilberto 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM BAMG-30700-10 Intro. to Process Analytics Carone,Timothy 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-30700-11 Intro. to Process Analytics Carone,Timothy 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10001-07 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Carpenter,Angela NSCI-40402-01 Leadership and Ethics Carter,John 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 109 Pasquerilla Center 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 220 Pasquerilla Center NSL Room NSCI-40402-02 Leadership and Ethics Carter,John 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 313 Hammes Mowbray ILS-40805-01 Beauty and Justice Casarella,Peter 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 313 Hammes Mowbray THEO-40869-01 Beauty and Justice Casarella,Peter 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 217 DeBartolo Hall THEO-20890-01 God and Dialogue Casarella,Peter 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-30404-01 American Congress Castle,Jeremiah 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30658-01 The United States Congress Castle,Jeremiah 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30005-01 The United States Congress Castle,Jeremiah 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall POLS-43002-01 Junior Seminar (topics vary) Castle,Jeremiah 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall THEO-20251-01 The Catholic Faith Cavadini,John 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall THEO-20251-02 The Catholic Faith Cavadini,John 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 224 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20443-01 Rationality and Action Chan,Rebecca 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall AME-60612-01 Mathematical Methods II Chang,Hsueh-Chia 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall CBE-60552-01 Mathematical Methods II Chang,Hsueh-Chia POLS-60837-01 Max Likelihood/Ltd Dep Var Chang,Ki Young 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 334 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall CSE-63802-01 Research Seminar II Chawla,Nitesh 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall 228 DeBartolo Hall Computer 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Classroom 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall CSE-60111-01 Complexity and Algorithms Chen,Danny PSY-30100-01 Experimental Psy I: Statistics Cheng,Ying 5/5/2016 5/6/2016 CSE-30151-01 Theory of Computing Chiang,David 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 317 DeBartolo Hall EE-63502-01 Solid State Seminar Chisum,Jonathan 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall EE-20242-01 Electronics Chisum,Jonathan 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10360-05 Calculus B Cholak,Peter 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 347 DeBartolo Hall PLS-43102-02 Great Books Seminar VI Chowrimootoo,Christopher 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 Haggar Hall PSY-30200-01 Developmental Psychology Christensen,Andrea 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 Haggar Hall PSY-30200-02 Developmental Psychology Christensen,Andrea 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 Haggar Hall PSY-30200-03 Developmental Psychology Christensen,Andrea 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall PSY-43641-01 Motivation & Academic Learning Christensen,Andrea 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 224 West Lake Hall ESS-33600-01 Education, Schooling & Society Christensen,Andrea 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 224 West Lake Hall ESS-63600-01 Education, Schooling & Society Christensen,Andrea 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 333 DeBartolo Hall ESS-33628-01 What Makes Students Succeed? Christensen,Andrea 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 333 DeBartolo Hall PSY-33651-01 Educational Effectiveness Christensen,Andrea 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 244 DeBartolo Hall AME-90931-01 Viscous Flow Theory I Christensen,Kenneth 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall AMST-30507-01 Religion and Social Life Christiano,Kevin 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall CST-30672-01 Religion and Social Life Christiano,Kevin 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ESS-30221-01 Religion and Social Life Christiano,Kevin 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30230-01 Religion and Social Life Christiano,Kevin 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall SOC-30672-01 Religion and Social Life Christiano,Kevin 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall SOC-30672-02 Religion and Social Life Christiano,Kevin 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall SOC-20002-01 Understanding Societies Christiano,Kevin 5/5/2016 4:15 PM PHIL-20239-01 Language, Mind and Culture Christy,Justin 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 143 DeBartolo Hall THEO-83706-01 The Modern Study of Religion Clairmont,David 5/5/2016 4:15 PM CNST-20608-01 Theo, Ethics, and Business Clairmont,David 5/5/2016 4:15 PM THEO-20639-01 Theology, Ethics, and Business Clairmont,David CDT-30423-01 Applied Multimedia Tech Clark,G. Christopher 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 6:15 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall 6:15 PM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall 6:15 PM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall 331 DeBartolo Hall Computer 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Classroom 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B016 Haggar Hall PSY-60352-01 Supervision, Con & Evaluation Clark,Lee Anna 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30140-01 Multimedia Journalism Clark,Leonard 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 246 DeBartolo Hall FTT-30109-01 Multimedia Journalism Clark,Leonard 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 246 DeBartolo Hall JED-30109-01 Multimedia Journalism Clark,Leonard 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 141 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-40420-02 Principles of Biochemistry Clark,Patricia 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 141 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-60520-02 Principles of Biochemistry Clark,Patricia 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 208 DeBartolo Hall FIN-40460-01 Working Capital Management Clements,Walter 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 9:50 AM 162 Mendoza College of Business FIN-70460-01 Working Capital Management Clements,Walter 5/3/2016 2:00 PM 3:20 PM 134 Mendoza College of Business MSMG-60330-01 Corporate Finance Clements,Walter 5/6/2016 FYS-10112-01 Personal Leadership Coates,Alyssia 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 136 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20201-04 Intermediate Spanish I Cobeta,Beatriz 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 136 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20202-06 Intermediate Spanish II Cobeta,Beatriz 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 136 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20202-07 Intermediate Spanish II Cobeta,Beatriz 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM B019 FTT Design Lab DPAC FTT-20703-01 Theatrical Production Cole,Clayton 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Browning Cinema DPAC FTT-10701-01 Introduction to Theatre Cole,Clayton 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Browning Cinema DPAC FTT-20701-01 Introduction to Theatre Cole,Clayton 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30192-01 Sports and American Culture Coleman,Anne 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30192-02 Sports and American Culture Coleman,Anne 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30192-03 Sports and American Culture Coleman,Anne 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30192-04 Sports and American Culture Coleman,Anne 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray HIST-30700-01 Sports and American Culture Coleman,Anne 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 119 DeBartolo Hall SUS-20010-01 Sustainability: Princ & Pract Coleman,Jon 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 119 DeBartolo Hall SUS-20010-02 Sustainability: Princ & Pract Coleman,Jon 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 119 DeBartolo Hall SUS-20010-03 Sustainability: Princ & Pract Coleman,Jon 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-30312-01 Venetian & N. Italian Ren. Art Coleman,Robert 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-60312-01 Venetian & N. Italian Ren Art Coleman,Robert 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-30757-01 Venetian & N. Italian Ren. Art Coleman,Robert 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-60757-01 Venetian & N. Italian Ren Art Coleman,Robert 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROIT-40828-01 Venetian & N. Italian Ren. Art Coleman,Robert 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-20362-01 European Art of 17th-18th Cent Coleman,Robert 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROIT-20362-01 European Art of 17th-18th Cent Coleman,Robert 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 1024 Flanner SOC Office SOC-63092-01 Proseminar II Collett,Jessica 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 925 Flanner Hall SOC-63903-01 Doing Dissertation Research Collett,Jessica 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall FIN-30210-01 Managerial Economics Collett-Schmitt,Kristen 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall FIN-30210-02 Managerial Economics Collett-Schmitt,Kristen 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall FIN-30210-03 Managerial Economics Collett-Schmitt,Kristen 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 Main Building AMST-30467-01 History of American Indian Edu Collier,Brian 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 Main Building ESS-33613-01 History of Am.Indian Education Collier,Brian 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 Main Building HIST-33613-01 American Indian Education Collier,Brian 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 Main Building SOC-33028-01 History of Am.Indian Education Collier,Brian 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 Main Building AMST-30180-01 Native American Studies Collier,Brian 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 Main Building AMST-30180-02 Native American Studies Collier,Brian 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 Main Building AMST-30180-03 Native American Studies Collier,Brian 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 Main Building HIST-30623-01 Native American Histories Collier,Brian 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108A Riley Hall ARST-20604-01 Metal Sculpture I Collins,Austin 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108A Riley Hall ARST-60604-01 Metal Sculpture I Collins,Austin 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115B Galvin BIOS Room BIOS-30408-01 Arthropods and Human Disease Collins,Frank 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115B Galvin BIOS Room BIOS-60557-01 Topics in Entomology Collins,Frank 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115B Galvin BIOS Room GH-60408-01 Anthropods and Human Disease Collins,Frank 5/3/2016 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 160 Mendoza College of Business MBCM-60510-01 Change Communication Collins,Sandra BACM-30500-01 Conflict Management Collins,Sandra BACM-30510-01 Negotiation Collins,Sandra POLS-60669-01 Thucydides Collins,Susan 5/5/2016 5/6/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 121 Mendoza College of Business 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 208 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-10262-01 PhysMethods in Art/Archaeology Collon,Philippe 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-20262-01 Physics of Art & Archeology Collon,Philippe 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20605-01 Lat Am Cult Thru Film Coloma,Maria 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20605-02 Lat Am Cult Thru Film Coloma,Maria 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 304 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20460-03 Spanish for Medical Profession Coloma,Maria 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 304 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20460-02 Spanish for Medical Profession Coloma,Maria 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 230 West Lake Hall DESN Room DESN-20101-01 VCD1:Origins/concepts/process Colon,Enrique 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 209 O'Shaughnessy Hall AMST-30138-01 Advanced Reporting Colwell,Jack 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 209 O'Shaughnessy Hall JED-30108-01 Advanced Reporting Colwell,Jack 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10250-01 Elements of Calculus I Conant,Gabriel 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10560-02 Calculus II Conant,Gabriel 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 220 Malloy Hall THEO-60950-01 Preaching III Connors,Michael THEO-13183-07 Theology University Seminar Connors,Michael DESN-30203-01 ID: Industry Practice Conrado,Ann-Marie 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 332 DeBartolo Hall 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 226 West Lake Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 119 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30497-01 Varieties of Democracy Coppedge,Michael 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 208 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-13181-03 Soc Science University Seminar Coppedge,Michael 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 201 DeBartolo Hall AME-90937-01 Hydrodynamic Stability Corke,Thomas AME-40530-01 Wind Turb Perform, Cntrl, Desn Corke,Thomas 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM B015 Haggar Hall PSY-60323-01 Psychological Assesment II Corning,Alexandra 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 212 Haggar Hall PSY-43362-01 Understanding Eating Disorders Corning,Alexandra 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM L014A Mendoza College of Business MGT-40700-03 Project Management Corrente,Christopher 5/3/2016 4:15 PM PHIL-10101-07 Introduction to Philosophy Cory,David 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 225 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-10101-06 Introduction to Philosophy Cory,David 6:15 PM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Malloy Hall MI-63381-01 Being / Seeing: Mind in Med Ph Cory,Therese 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Malloy Hall PHIL-83265-01 Being / Seeing: Mind in Med Ph Cory,Therese 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 202 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-13185-03 Philosophy University Seminar Cory,Therese 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 Hayes-Healy FIN-40820-01 Math Meth. in Fin. Econ. Cosimano,Thomas 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 Hayes-Healy FIN-70820-01 Math Meth. in Fin. Econ. Cosimano,Thomas 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 Hayes-Healy MATH-40570-01 Math Meth. in Fin. Econ Cosimano,Thomas 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 Hayes-Healy MATH-50570-01 Math Meth. in Fin. Econ. Cosimano,Thomas 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 224 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30272-01 American Literary Tradition II Costantino,Jesus 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 224 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-30116-01 American Lit Traditions II Costantino,Jesus 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 404 Main Building ENGL-40701-01 I, Rebel: Youth and Rebellion Costantino,Jesus PHYS-90703-01 Nuclear Astrophysics Couder,Manoel FTT-30202-01 Global Cinema II Crafton,Donald FTT-30202-02 Global Cinema II Crafton,Donald 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall 228 DeBartolo Hall Computer 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Classroom 228 DeBartolo Hall Computer 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Classroom 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall BIOS-40425-01 Mammalogy Cramer,Michael 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall SC-40500-01 Scientific Entrepreneurship Crawford,Gregory 5/6/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena CHEM-10172-01 Organic Structure & Reactivity Creary,Xavier 5/2/2016 3:00 PM 4:50 PM 160 Mendoza College of Business FIN-70670-01 Investments Cremers,Klaas 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 209 DeBartolo Hall FIN-40470-01 Corp Gov & Catholic Soc Teachg Cremers,Klaas 5/2/2016 1:45 PM PHYS-10310-03 General Physics I Crepp,Justin 3:45 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 725 Flanner Hall ECON-60303-01 Econometrics II Cronin,Christopher 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 318 DeBartolo Hall MGT-40450-01 SocialMedia:Strategy&Analytics Cronin,Jennifer 5/3/2016 MARK-40550-01 Public Relations Cronin,Jennifer PHIL-10100-01 Introduction to Philosophy Cross,Richard 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 318 DeBartolo Hall B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Hall 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall PSY-43684-01 Sem in Org Behavior Crowell,Charles 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B09A Flanner SOC Research Lab CDT-31160-01 Practicum in Robotics Crowell,Charles 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B09A Flanner SOC Research Lab PSY-31672-01 Practicum in Robotics Crowell,Charles 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30158-01 Gender & American Catholicism Cummings,Kathleen 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30158-02 Gender & American Catholicism Cummings,Kathleen 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30158-03 Gender & American Catholicism Cummings,Kathleen 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall GSC-30630-01 Gender & American Catholicism Cummings,Kathleen 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30610-01 Gender & American Catholicism Cummings,Kathleen 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall THEO-40712-01 Gender & American Catholicism Cummings,Kathleen 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 323 Flanner Hall 5/2/2016 AMST-13184-01 History University Seminar Cummings,Kathleen 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356A Fitzpatrick Hall CSE-40535-01 Computer Vision Czajka,Adam 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356A Fitzpatrick Hall CSE-60535-01 Computer Vision Czajka,Adam 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 345 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-30101-02 Intro to Literary Studies Da,Nan 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 345 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-13186-05 Literature University Seminar Da,Nan 5/3/2016 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 133 Mendoza College of Business FIN-70950-01 Fixed Income Securities II Da,Zhi 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 210 DeBartolo Hall FIN-40660-01 Fixed Incme Invstmnt Stratgies Da,Zhi 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 335 DeBartolo Hall AFST-30256-01 Islam Trade and Migrations Daddi Addoun,Yacine 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 335 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30077-01 Islam Trade and Migrations Daddi Addoun,Yacine 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 335 DeBartolo Hall MELC-30077-01 Islam Trade and Migrations Daddi Addoun,Yacine 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 335 DeBartolo Hall MI-30200-01 Islam Trade and Migrations Daddi Addoun,Yacine 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall THEO-20205-02 Chrstn Hope:Cnfrnt Last Things Daley,Brian 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-43801-01 Joint Sem:Aquinas & Augustine Daley,Brian 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall THEO-43203-01 Joint Sem: Aquinas & Augustine Daley,Brian 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30499-01 Ethnic Pol Around the World Daly,Sarah 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-30563-01 War Term, Durability of Peace Daly,Sarah 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30496-01 War Term/Durability of Peace Daly,Sarah 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 320 Malloy Hall GSC-63553-01 Rmn Imprl Mrl Prpgnda&Anct Jew D'Angelo,Mary 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 320 Malloy Hall THEO-83118-01 NT Seminar: Roman Propaganda D'Angelo,Mary ARST-20401-03 Photography I Dant,Christopher CDT-31420-03 Photography I Dant,Christopher BIOS-30341-01 Cellular Biology Datta,Anjuli EE-80656-01 Adv. Semiconductor Physics Datta,Suman POLS-53002-04 Senior Seminar Davis,Darren 5/4/2016 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography Studio 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Studio 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 335 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 333 DeBartolo Hall PSY-13181-01 Soc Science University Seminar Day,Jeanne 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall ESS-43256-01 Developing Minds Day,Jeanne 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall PSY-43254-01 Developing Minds Day,Jeanne ENGL-20106-02 Point-of-View in the Novel Deane-Moran,Noreen ENGL-20154-01 The Gothic Novel Deane-Moran,Noreen 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 524 Flanner Hall 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 524 Flanner Hall 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 524 Flanner Hall ENGL-20106-01 Point-of-View in the Novel Deane-Moran,Noreen 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 202 DeBartolo Hall ROPO-10104-01 Beg. Portuguese II DeCastro,Maria Gabriella 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-20511-01 Structural Mechanics DeFrees,Alan 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 104 Bond Hall 5/2/2016 ARCH-50528-01 Teaching Concepts/Struc Mechs DeFrees,Alan 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-40421-01 Building Technology II DeFrees,Alan 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-50428-01 Teaching Concepts/Bldg Tech II DeFrees,Alan 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-60421-01 Building Tech II/Conc, Steel DeFrees,Alan 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 DeBartolo Hall ALHN-13951-01 Honors Seminar Delaney,Cornelius 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 336 DeBartolo Hall ALHN-13951-04 Honors Seminar Delaney,Cornelius 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-10101-01 Beginning German I DellaRossa,Denise 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-30204-01 Intro GE Lit and Culture DellaRossa,Denise THEO-20894-01 Chrstn Exprnc: Voc & Theol Ima DeLorenzo,Leonard 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall THEO-40868-01 Eschatology in Art DeLorenzo,Leonard 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall CNST-30615-01 Liberalism and Conservatism Deneen,Patrick 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall HESB-30284-01 Liberalism and Conservatism Deneen,Patrick 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30664-01 Liberalism & Conservatism Deneen,Patrick 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 138 DeBartolo Hall CNST-20602-01 Political Theory Deneen,Patrick 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 138 DeBartolo Hall POLS-10600-01 Political Theory Deneen,Patrick 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 138 DeBartolo Hall POLS-20600-01 Political Theory Deneen,Patrick 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall BASC-20250-05 Principles of Marketing Deng,Yiting 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall BASC-20250-06 Principles of Marketing Deng,Yiting 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall BASC-20250-10 Principles of Marketing Deng,Yiting 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall MARK-20100-05 Principles of Marketing Deng,Yiting 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall MARK-20100-06 Principles of Marketing Deng,Yiting 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall MARK-20100-10 Principles of Marketing Deng,Yiting 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Malloy Hall PHIL-13185-02 Philosophy University Seminar DePaul,Michael 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-13185-04 Philosophy University Seminar DePaul,Michael PHIL-20617-01 Philosophy of Science DesAutels,Lane ARST-30502-01 Poster Shop Dibble,Jean ARST-20503-01 Etching I Dibble,Jean MATH-20860-01 Honors Calculus IV Diller,Jeffrey ENGL-40011-01 WWII Adaptations Dinsman,Melissa FTT-20471-01 WWII Adaptations Dinsman,Melissa THEO-20658-01 Theology of Nature Dolcich-Ashley,Anselma 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 6:15 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall 316 Riley Hall ARST Printmaking 6:15 PM Studio 316 Riley Hall ARST Printmaking 6:15 PM Studio 6:15 PM 116 Pasquerilla Center B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 12:30 PM Center B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 12:30 PM Center 10:00 AM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-20658-02 Theology of Nature Dolcich-Ashley,Anselma 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall ALHN-43951-03 Senior Moral Prob. Colloquium Dolcich-Ashley,Anselma GE-30310-01 Art as Protest Donahue,William FTT-41402-01 Adv Digital Cinema Prod. Lab Donaruma,William FTT-40402-01 Adv Digital Cinema Production Donaruma,William 5/5/2016 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall B042 DeBartolo Performing Arts 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Center Browning Cinema DeBartolo 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Performing Arts Center 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 224 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-40491-01 20th-&21st-C British Lit & Pol Donnelly,Kara FTT-30805-01 Historic Fashion: Donnelly,Richard FTT-30004-01 Makeup for the Stage Donnelly,Richard 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 143 DeBartolo Hall Costume Shop DeBartolo 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Performing Arts Ctr FTT 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 216 DeBartolo Hall AFST-30876-01 Poverty in Developing World Donovan,Kevin 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 216 DeBartolo Hall ECON-30801-01 Poverty in Developing World Donovan,Kevin 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 216 DeBartolo Hall IDS-30201-01 Poverty in the dev world Donovan,Kevin 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 243 Coleman-Morse ENGL-13186-03 Literature University Seminar Doody,Margaret 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-40337-01 Thinking with Abbeys Doody,Margaret 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall 107 Carey Auditorium Hesburgh 1:45 PM 3:30 PM Library 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall 107 Carey Auditorium Hesburgh 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Library 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall GSC-40337-01 Thinking with Abbeys Doody,Margaret ECON-10011-03 Principles of Microeconomics Doran,Kirk ECON-10011-09 Principles of Microeconomics Doran,Kirk ECON-20011-03 Principles of Microeconomics Doran,Kirk 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 ECON-20011-09 Principles of Microeconomics Doran,Kirk 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30135-01 Off the Wall Doss,Erika 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30135-02 Off the Wall Doss,Erika 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30135-03 Off the Wall Doss,Erika 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall ARHI-30484-01 Off the Wall Doss,Erika 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30198-01 20th/21st Century American Art Doss,Erika 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30198-02 20th/21st Century American Art Doss,Erika 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30198-03 20th/21st Century American Art Doss,Erika 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-60102-01 20th/21st Century American Art Doss,Erika 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray ARHI-30487-01 20th/21st Century American Art Doss,Erika 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 306 Hammes Mowbray HIST-30858-01 20th/21st Century American Art Doss,Erika 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 215 DeBartolo Hall CE-30320-01 Water Chemistry and Treatment Doudrick,Kyle 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 215 DeBartolo Hall CE-60325-01 Water Chemistry and Treatment Doudrick,Kyle 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 330 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-53000-01 Senior Seminar Douthwaite,Julia 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-40453-01 Money Matters Douthwaite,Julia 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-63453-01 Money Matters Douthwaite,Julia 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 310 Jordan Hall 210 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Classroom 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 131 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-90628-01 Special Topics in Biochemistry Dovichi,Norman PLS-20412-02 Fund Concepts of Nat Sci Dowd,Matthew 5/2/2016 5/4/2016 CNST-20200-01 World Politics: Intro to Comp Dowd,Robert 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 131 DeBartolo Hall POLS-10400-01 World Politics: Intro to Comp Dowd,Robert 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 131 DeBartolo Hall POLS-20400-01 World Politics: Intro to Comp Dowd,Robert 5/2/2016 4:15 PM THEO-10001-09 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Drahos,Kristen 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 149 DeBartolo Hall CSEM-23102-17 College Seminar Dreyer,Kevin 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20250-07 Principles of Marketing Ducoffe,Sandra 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20250-09 Principles of Marketing Ducoffe,Sandra 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20250-11 Principles of Marketing Ducoffe,Sandra 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall MARK-20100-07 Principles of Marketing Ducoffe,Sandra 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall MARK-20100-09 Principles of Marketing Ducoffe,Sandra 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall MARK-20100-11 Principles of Marketing Ducoffe,Sandra 5/3/2016 6:15 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall BIOS-30344-01 Vertebrate (Human) Physiology Duffield,Giles 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena BIOS-10162-01 Biological Sciences II Duman,John 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-10102-03 Intro to Phil: Phil & Religion Dumont,Stephen 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 DeBartolo Hall MI-30301-02 Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Dumont,Stephen 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-30301-02 Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Dumont,Stephen 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-60205-01 International Political Econmy Dutt,Amitava 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall ASIA-30841-01 Contemporary India Dutt,Amitava 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-30222-01 Contemporary India Dutt,Amitava 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30475-01 Contemporary India Dutt,Amitava MUS-10131-01 Introduction to Jazz Dwyer,Lawrence MATH-30820-01 Honors Algebra IV Dyer,Matthew 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 103 Band Bldg 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 200 Riley Hall 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 MATH-20580-05 Intro Linear Alg and Diff Eqtn Dyer,Matthew 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 320 DeBartolo Hall ECON-48100-01 Senior Research Project Dziadula,Eva 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall ECON-10020-01 Principles of Macroeconomics Dziadula,Eva 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall ECON-10020-02 Principles of Macroeconomics Dziadula,Eva 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall ECON-20020-01 Principles of Macroeconomics Dziadula,Eva 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall ECON-20020-02 Principles of Macroeconomics Dziadula,Eva 5/2/2016 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 122 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-70311-01 Anlys & Val Using Fin Stmts Easton,Peter 10:00 AM 11:15 AM 122 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-70311-02 Anlys & Val Using Fin Stmts Easton,Peter 5/2/2016 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena 5/2/2016 7:30 PM PSY-13181-03 Soc Science University Seminar Eberhard,Kathleen 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM B016 Haggar Hall PSY-63409-01 Graduate Cognitive Seminar Eberhard,Kathleen 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-10311-01 Analysis of Arch Writings Economakis,Richard 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-50318-01 Teaching Concepts/Arch. Wrt. Economakis,Richard 5/5/2016 9:30 PM B016 Haggar Hall DESN-20101-02 VCD1:Origins/concepts/process Edlefson,Brian 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 320 DeBartolo Hall THEO-20888-01 Science, Theology, & Creation Ehrman,Terrence 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-50711-01 Professional Practice Eide,Jerome 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-80711-01 Professional Practice Eide,Jerome 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 226 West Lake Hall DESN-20200-01 ID: Design Drawing Elwell,Michael 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 226 West Lake Hall DESN-40201-01 ID: Collaborative Prod Develop Elwell,Michael 5/3/2016 DESN-60201-01 ID: Collaborative Prod Develop Elwell,Michael PLS-23102-02 Great Books Seminar II Emery,Kent 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 226 West Lake Hall 214 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Classroom 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall CSE-20212-01 Fundamentals of Computing II Emrich,Scott 5/3/2016 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 161 Mendoza College of Business MBET-60330-01 International Business Ethics Enderle,Georges 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 226 West Lake Hall 5/3/2016 3:00 PM 4:50 PM 160 Mendoza College of Business MBET-60370-01 Ethics in Finance and Banking Enderle,Georges 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall BALW-20150-09 Bus Law Contracts & Agency Engelsen,Angela 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 105 Pasquerilla Center SOC-20033-02 Intro Social Problems 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 302 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-20300-02 Conversational French 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-30320-01 Advncd Compstn: Art of Writing 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 302 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-20300-01 Conversational French 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-20464-01 Modern Physics I Escher,Daniel Escoda-Risto,MarieChristine Escoda-Risto,MarieChristine Escoda-Risto,MarieChristine Eskildsen,Morten 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 205 DeBartolo Hall AFST-20703-01 Intro to Social Problems Estep,Kevin 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 205 DeBartolo Hall ESS-20203-01 Intro Social Problems Estep,Kevin 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 205 DeBartolo Hall HESB-30422-01 Intro Soc Problems Estep,Kevin 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 205 DeBartolo Hall SOC-20033-01 Intro Social Problems Estep,Kevin 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-40492-01 Writing India Evans,Elizabeth 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall GSC-40577-01 Writing India Evans,Elizabeth 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 323 Flanner Hall ECON-70801-02 Workshop Seminar Evans,William 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall ECON-30331-02 Econometrics Evans,William ECON-70801-01 Workshop Seminar Evans,William 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 323 Flanner Hall 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 125 Hayes-Healy MATH-13187-01 Mathematics University Seminar Evens,Samuel 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10560-05 Calculus II Evens,Samuel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall HESB-30562-01 Sociology of War and Terror Faeges,Russell 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-20910-01 Sociology of War and Terror Faeges,Russell 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall SOC-20541-01 Sociology of War and Terror Faeges,Russell 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall SOC-20541-02 Sociology of War and Terror Faeges,Russell 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall STV-20341-01 Sociology of War and Terror Faeges,Russell 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 320 Malloy Hall THEO-83414-01 Liturgy, Icon and Deification Fagerberg,David THEO-60838-01 Orders and Ministry Fagerberg,David PLS-43102-03 Great Books Seminar VI Fallon,Stephen 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall 210 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Classroom 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-11 Accountancy II Favorite,Michael 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall EE-30342-01 Microelectronic Circuit Design Fay,Patrick 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 127 Hayes-Healy MATH-60620-01 Optimization Faybusovich,Leonid 5/5/2016 4:15 PM MATH-30610-01 Intro to Financial Mathematics Faybusovich,Leonid POLS-60239-01 Global Politics & Human Rights Fazal,Tanisha 5/6/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 6:15 PM 109 Pasquerilla Center 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 725 Flanner Hall 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-20501-01 International Relations Fazal,Tanisha 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall POLS-10200-01 International Relations Fazal,Tanisha 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall POLS-20200-01 International Relations Fazal,Tanisha 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 154 Fitzpatrick EG Lab CE-40360-01 Geomicrobiology Fein,Jeremy 5/4/2016 4:15 PM CE-60360-01 Geomicrobiology Fein,Jeremy 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 6:15 PM 154 Fitzpatrick EG Lab B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 3:45 PM Hall ECON-30010-02 Intermediate Micro Theory Feng,Felix 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 282 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-30423-01 Genomics: Sequence to Organism Ferdig,Michael 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 282 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-60577-04 Tpcs in Genetics/Molecular Bio Ferdig,Michael 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 304 DeBartolo Hall CE-60415-01 Waves & Instabilities Fernando,Harindra 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-63752-01 Vico. In Theory Ferri,Sabrina 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 345 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROIT-30721-01 Modern Italian Lit and Culture Ferri,Sabrina 5/2/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena BIOS-20202-01 General Biology B Filchak,Kenneth 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 202 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20445-01 Ethics and Personhood Finley,Katherine 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-10105-03 Intro to Phil: Ethics & Polit. Fisher,Jeffrey 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20105-02 Intro to Phil: Ethics & Polit. Fisher,Jeffrey 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10002-02 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Fitzgerald,John 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-60102-01 New Testament Introduction Fitzgerald,John 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-60102-02 New Testament Introduction Fitzgerald,John 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall BIOS-10117-01 Fundamentals of Conservation Flagel,David 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall ECON-10011-01 Principles of Microeconomics Flannery,Mary 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall ECON-10011-02 Principles of Microeconomics Flannery,Mary 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall ECON-20011-01 Principles of Microeconomics Flannery,Mary 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall ECON-20011-02 Principles of Microeconomics Flannery,Mary 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall HESB-20002-02 Principles of Microeconomics Flannery,Mary 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Malloy Hall MI-43326-01 Anselm Flint,Thomas 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Malloy Hall PHIL-43135-01 Anselm Flint,Thomas 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Malloy Hall PHIL-83229-01 Anselm Flint,Thomas 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Malloy Hall THEO-40211-01 Anselm Flint,Thomas 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 208 O'Shaughnessy Hall ALHN-13951-02 Honors Seminar Flint,Thomas CSE-30332-02 Programming Paradigms Flynn,Patrick 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 224 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-10102-04 Beginning Spanish II Fonseca Malavasi,Marisol 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 214 DeBartolo Hall ECON-10011-08 Principles of Microeconomics Forsberg,Cody 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 214 DeBartolo Hall ECON-20011-08 Principles of Microeconomics Forsberg,Cody 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30600-01 Investment Theory Forster,Margaret 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30600-02 Investment Theory Forster,Margaret 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30600-03 Investment Theory Forster,Margaret FIN-40500-01 International Finance Forster,Margaret 5/6/2016 6:15 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 319 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 204 West Lake Hall DESN Room DESN-21202-01 ID: Digital Visualization Lab Forsyth,Robbin 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 333 DeBartolo Hall LIT-20907-01 Partl Magic Quixotic Film/Text Forteza,Deborah 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall SCPP-40001-01 Preparing Health Professions Foster,James 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 114 Pasquerilla Center SCPP-40001-02 Preparing Health Professions Foster,James 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 114 Pasquerilla Center SCPP-30300-01 Intro. to Clinical Ethics Foster,James 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 114 Pasquerilla Center STV-30201-01 Intro to Clinical Ethics Foster,James 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-20513-01 Introduction to Irish Writers Fox,Christopher 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall IRST-30371-01 Introduction to Irish Writers Fox,Christopher 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 336 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30463-01 Latinos in Future of America Fraga,Luis 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 336 DeBartolo Hall HESB-30291-01 Latinos in the Future of Am Fraga,Luis 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 336 DeBartolo Hall ILS-43501-01 Latinos in Future of America Fraga,Luis 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 336 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30136-01 Latinos in the Fut of America Fraga,Luis 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 225 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-10102-06 Beginning Italian II Francalanci,Leonardo 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 347 DeBartolo Hall LLRO-13186-01 Literature University Seminar Francalanci,Leonardo 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 125 DeBartolo Hall 107 Carey Auditorium Hesburgh 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Library 107 Carey Auditorium Hesburgh 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Library 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall THEO-20111-01 Sin Francis,Michael BIOS-40416-01 Virology Fraser,Malcolm BIOS-60569-01 Topics in Infectious Diseases Fraser,Malcolm 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/5/2016 PHYS-70006-01 Electromagnetism Frauendorf,Stefan 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 220 Malloy Hall PHIL-43811-01 Chesterton Freddoso,Alfred 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 303 Main Building MI-30301-01 Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Freddoso,Alfred 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 303 Main Building PHIL-30301-01 Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Freddoso,Alfred GH-60545-01 Bioethics Fromm,Gary 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 310 Jordan Hall 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 310 Jordan Hall STV-50245-01 Bioethics Fromm,Gary 5/3/2016 1:00 PM 2:15 PM 122 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-70131-01 Topics in Acct Meas and Discl Fuehrmeyer,James 5/3/2016 3:00 PM 4:15 PM 122 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-70131-02 Topics in Acct Meas and Discl Fuehrmeyer,James 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 824 Flanner Hall ANTH-63500-01 Research Design in Anthro Fuentes,Agustin 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 216 DeBartolo Hall ECON-40356-01 Asset Pricing Theory Fuerst,Timothy 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 DeBartolo Hall ECON-40355-01 Financial Econ Enriching Exper Fuerst,Timothy 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 356A Fitzpatrick Hall EE-10114-01 Intro Microproc/Multimedia Fuja,Thomas 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-30405-01 Early Childhood Policy in U.S. Fulcher-Dawson,Rachel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall ESS-30629-01 Early Childhood Policy in U.S. Fulcher-Dawson,Rachel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30595-01 Early Childhood Policy in US Fulcher-Dawson,Rachel 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-10062-01 Science Literacy Furdyna,Jacek 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 DeBartolo Hall EALJ-40412-01 Fourth-Year Japanese II Fuse,Naoki 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 DeBartolo Hall EALJ-50512-01 Advanced Japanese II Fuse,Naoki 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 207 DeBartolo Hall EALJ-10001-01 Elementary Japanese I Fuse,Naoki 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 207 DeBartolo Hall EALJ-10001-02 Elementary Japanese I Fuse,Naoki 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 203 DeBartolo Hall EALJ-20212-01 Second-Year Japanese II Fuse,Naoki 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall ANTH-30330-01 Religion, Myth and Magic Gaffney,Patrick 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 231 Hayes-Healy MATH-60850-01 Probability Galvin,David 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10120-02 Finite Mathematics Galvin,David 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 231 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20608-02 Philosophy of Technology Gamez,Patrick 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 231 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20608-03 Philosophy of Technology Gamez,Patrick MARK-70350-02 Customer Relationship Mgt. Ganesan,Shankar HIST-30342-01 Carolingian Culture Ganz,David HIST-90200-01 Carolingian Culture Ganz,David MI-40020-01 Carolingian Culture Ganz,David MI-60020-01 Carolingian Culture Ganz,David HIST-93202-01 Latin Palaeography Ganz,David MI-60005-01 Latin Paleography Ganz,David 5/2/2016 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 162 Mendoza College of Business 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 715J Hesburgh Library Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Institute 310 Jordan Hall Medieval Medieval Medieval Medieval Medieval Medieval 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM CHEM-40438-01 Polymer: Principle to Practice Gao,Haifeng 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 310 Jordan Hall CHEM-60438-01 Polymer: Principle to Practice Gao,Haifeng 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20250-01 Principles of Marketing Garber,Stanley 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall MARK-20100-01 Principles of Marketing Garber,Stanley 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10801-01 Foundations (Fundamentals) Gardner,Patrick 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10001-02 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Gardner,Patrick 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-10342-01 Modern Phys: Quarks to Quasars Garg,Umesh 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-10140-01 Descriptive Astronomy Garnavich,Peter 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-20140-01 Descriptive Astronomy Garnavich,Peter 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20250-03 Principles of Marketing Gaski,John 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20250-08 Principles of Marketing Gaski,John 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall MARK-20100-03 Principles of Marketing Gaski,John 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall MARK-20100-08 Principles of Marketing Gaski,John 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 244 DeBartolo Hall RU-33301-01 Brothers Karamazov (in Eng) Gasperetti,David 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 244 DeBartolo Hall RU-63301-01 Brothers Karamazov (in Eng) Gasperetti,David RU-20102-01 Intermediate Russian II Gasperetti,David FTT-21001-01 Acting: Process Gaughan,Kimberly 5/5/2016 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 209 O'Shaughnessy Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B024 Rehearsal Room DPAC 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 330 DeBartolo Hall ASIA-33111-01 Chinese Literary Dreams Ge,Liangyan 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 330 DeBartolo Hall LLEA-33111-01 Chinese Literary Dreams Ge,Liangyan 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 345 O'Shaughnessy Hall ASIA-33101-01 Heroism & Eroticism in Chinese Ge,Liangyan 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 345 O'Shaughnessy Hall LLEA-33101-01 Heroism and Eroticism Ge,Liangyan 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM B034 Geddes Hall THEO-10001-01 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Geist,Andrew 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 125 Hayes-Healy MATH-93990-01 Research Seminar Gekhtman,Michael 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 125 Hayes-Healy MATH-93990-08 Research Seminar Gekhtman,Michael 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 244 DeBartolo Hall MATH-50780-01 SUMR - Honors Topics Gekhtman,Michael 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 334 DeBartolo Hall CLAS-20060-01 Classical Heroes Revisited Genghini,Maria Giulia 5/5/2016 5/3/2016 5/2/2016 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 334 DeBartolo Hall 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 246 DeBartolo Hall 715N Hesburgh Library Medieval 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Institute 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall Genghini,Maria Giulia ROIT-10102-01 Beginning Italian II Geri,Valentina MI-13185-01 Philosophy University Seminar Gersh,Stephen ECON-40710-01 International Trade Gervais,Antoine ECON-40710-02 International Trade Gervais,Antoine 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 215 DeBartolo Hall ANTH-20304-01 Paleo Parenting Gettler,Lee 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 215 DeBartolo Hall GSC-20520-01 Paleo Parenting Gettler,Lee 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 310 Jordan Hall ANTH-40120-01 Evolution/Med Persp Fatherhood Gettler,Lee 5/5/2016 GSC-40532-01 Evolution/Med Persp Fatherhood Gettler,Lee ARHI-43206-01 Sem: Size/Scale,Monumental Art Geymonat,Ludovico ARHI-63206-01 Sem: Size/Scale,Monumental Art Geymonat,Ludovico MI-43750-01 Sem: Size/Scale,Monumental Art Geymonat,Ludovico MI-63750-01 Sem: Size/Scale,Monumental Art Geymonat,Ludovico 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 310 Jordan Hall 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Institute 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-30200-01 Introduction to Medieval Art Geymonat,Ludovico 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-60200-01 Introduction to Medieval Art Geymonat,Ludovico 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-30700-01 Introduction to Medieval Art Geymonat,Ludovico 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-60700-01 Introduction to Medieval Art Geymonat,Ludovico 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 141 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-40642-01 Statistical Mechanics II Gezelter,J. Daniel 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 141 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-60642-01 Statistical Mechanics II Gezelter,J. Daniel 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-10145-01 Stats for Business I Ghiaseddin,Roya 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 214 DeBartolo Hall GH-60615-01 Quantitative Research Methods Ghiaseddin,Roya 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 3:45 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall LIT-20909-01 Classical Heroes Revisited 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10001-13 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Ghormley,Justus 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10002-01 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Ghormley,Justus SOC-43991-01 Sociology Research Practicum Gibson,David 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 925 Flanner Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall ANTH-20023-01 Intro to Irish Folklore Gillan,Jeremiah 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall IRLL-20223-01 Introduction to Irish Folklore Gillan,Jeremiah 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall IRST-20223-01 Introduction to Irish Folklore Gillan,Jeremiah 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall ANTH-30015-01 Folklore and Irish History Gillan,Jeremiah 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall IRLL-30115-01 Folklore and Irish History Gillan,Jeremiah 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall IRST-30115-01 Folklore and Irish History Gillan,Jeremiah 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 209 O'Shaughnessy Hall RU-43204-01 Pushkin Gillespie,Alyssa 5/5/2016 4:15 PM CSEM-23102-24 College Seminar Gillespie,Alyssa 6:15 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-13182-01 Fine Arts University Seminar Glass,Robert 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-30310-01 Italian Renaissance Art Glass,Robert 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-60310-01 Survey of Ital Renaissance Art Glass,Robert 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-30704-01 Survey of Ital Renaissance Art Glass,Robert 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-60704-01 Survey of Ital Renaissance Art Glass,Robert 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROIT-30207-01 Survey of Italian Ren Art Glass,Robert 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-30535-01 Rome, the Eternal City Glass,Robert 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-60535-01 Rome, the Eternal City Glass,Robert 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROIT-30535-01 Rome, the Eternal City Glass,Robert 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 101 DeBartolo Hall AME-30334-01 Heat Transfer Go,David 5/2/2016 5:00 PM 7:45 PM 122 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-70770-01 Accounting for Income Taxes Golden,Robert 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-43200-01 The Social Species Golitko,Mark 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-63200-01 The Social Species Golitko,Mark ANTH-20202-01 Fundamentals of Archaeology Golitko,Mark PHYS-30210-01 Physics I Gomes,Kenjiro 5/5/2016 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 310 DeBartolo Hall MGTC-30460-01 International Management Gomez-Mejia,Luis 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B016 Haggar Hall PSY-13181-02 Soc Science University Seminar Gondoli,Dawn 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-10145-02 Stats for Business I Gong,Maozhen 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 202 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-60801-01 Statistical Inference Gong,Maozhen 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-01 Intro to Engineerng Systems II Goodrich,Victoria 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-09 Intro to Engineerng Systems II Goodrich,Victoria 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-11 Intro to Engineerng Systems II Goodrich,Victoria 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena CHEM-10122-01 Gen Chem-Principles&Processes Goodson,Holly 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena CHEM-10122-02 Gen Chem-Principles&Processes Goodson,Holly 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-30851-01 Poetry Writing Goransson,Johannes 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30421-01 European Politics Gould,Andrew 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 244 DeBartolo Hall 214 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Classroom 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall POLS-13181-05 Soc Science University Seminar Gould,Andrew PLS-20412-01 Fund Concepts of Nat Sci Goulding,Robert 5/4/2016 6:15 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall Goodwine,John 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 4:15 PM AME-50650-01 Appl. Nonlin. Analys. & Contr. PLS-13186-03 Literature University Seminar Goulding,Robert 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 240 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-10101-03 Beginning Italian I Graff,Thomas 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 244 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-10102-01 Beginning French II Graham,Jennifer 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 824 Flanner Hall AFST-30284-01 Race & Ethnicity in Latin Amer Graubart,Karen 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 824 Flanner Hall GSC-30534-01 Race & Ethnicity in Latin Amer Graubart,Karen 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 824 Flanner Hall HIST-30905-01 Race & Ethnicity in Latin Amer Graubart,Karen 5/2/2016 LAST-30222-01 Race & Ethnicity in Latin Amer Graubart,Karen ARST-40408-01 The Photographic Portrait Gray,Richard ARST-63450-01 Photography Seminar Gray,Richard 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 824 Flanner Hall 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Studio 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Studio 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 Coleman-Morse ENGL-43412-01 Sem: Lit. of the Great War Green,Barbara 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 824 Flanner Hall CSEM-23102-13 College Seminar Green,Barbara 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall AFST-40703-01 Women in Civil Rights Movement Greene,Stuart 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30905-01 Women in Civil Rights Movement Greene,Stuart 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall CNST-30409-01 Women in Civil Rights Greene,Stuart 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-40816-01 Women in Civil Rights Movement Greene,Stuart 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall ESS-40302-01 Women in Civil Rights Movement Greene,Stuart 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall GSC-40518-01 Women in Civil Rights Movement Greene,Stuart 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-40920-01 Women in Civil Rights Mvmt Greene,Stuart 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall CNST-30621-01 Christianity/Commerce/Consumer Gregory,Brad 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall HIST-10390-01 Christianity/Commerce/Consumer Gregory,Brad 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall HIST-30390-01 Christianity/Commerce/Consumer Gregory,Brad 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall MI-30227-01 Christianity/Commerce/Consumer Gregory,Brad MATH-80750-01 Topics in Diff. Geometry I 5/5/2016 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 Hayes-Healy 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-10102-02 Beginning French II 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 Haggar Hall SOC-10722-01 Intro to Social Psychology Grove,Karsten Guihard,Lauriane Angele Emilie Gunty,Mark 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 Haggar Hall SOC-20722-01 Intro to Social Psychology Gunty,Mark 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 308 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-40027-01 Intro Classical/Quranic Arabic Guo,Li 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 308 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-60027-01 Intro Classical/Quranic Arabic Guo,Li 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 308 DeBartolo Hall MI-40668-01 Intro Classical/Quranic Arabic Guo,Li 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 308 DeBartolo Hall MI-60668-01 Intro Classical/Quranic Arabic Guo,Li 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 318 DeBartolo Hall CNST-20201-01 Intro to Islamic Civilization Guo,Li 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 318 DeBartolo Hall HIST-20075-01 Intro to Islamic Civilization Guo,Li 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 318 DeBartolo Hall MELC-20070-01 Intro to Islamic Civilization Guo,Li 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 318 DeBartolo Hall MI-20276-01 Intro to Islamic Civilization Guo,Li 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 155 DeBartolo Hall CBE-30361-01 Science of Eng. Materials Guo,Ruilan 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall EE-20234-01 Electric Circuits Gupta,Vijay 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30194-01 Transnational America Gurel,Perin 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30194-02 Transnational America Gurel,Perin 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30194-03 Transnational America Gurel,Perin 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall HESB-30629-01 Transnational America Gurel,Perin 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-30950-01 Transnational America Gurel,Perin 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall ILS-30009-01 Transnational America Gurel,Perin 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30117-01 American Conspiracies Gurel,Perin 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30117-02 American Conspiracies Gurel,Perin 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30117-03 American Conspiracies Gurel,Perin 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-30945-01 American Conspiracies Gurel,Perin 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 125 Hayes-Healy MATH-60670-01 Differential Geometry I Gursky,Matthew 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 310 Jordan Hall SCPP-23100-01 Interdisciplinary Science Sem. Gursky,Susan 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-90612-01 American Lit in the World Gustafson,Sandra 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall LIT-73100-01 American Lit in the World Gustafson,Sandra 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall ALHN-13951-10 Honors Seminar Gutting,Gary 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 234 Coleman-Morse MI-30530-01 French Literature & Culture I Haake,Gregory 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 234 Coleman-Morse ROFR-30710-01 French Literature & Culture I Haake,Gregory 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROFR-40225-01 Princes, Poets & Prophets Haake,Gregory 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 212 Haggar Hall PSY-43313-01 Science & Pseudoscience in Psy Haeffel,Gerald 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 Haggar Hall PSY-30314-01 Intro to Clinical Psychology Haeffel,Gerald 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 322 Jordan Hall PHIL-20402-02 Moral Problems Hagaman,Scott 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 322 Jordan Hall PHIL-20402-01 Moral Problems Hagaman,Scott 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 231 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20101-03 Introduction to Philosophy Hagaman,Scott 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 120 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-20201-01 Intermediate French I Haileselassie,Azeb 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 120 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-20201-02 Intermediate French I Haileselassie,Azeb 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 207 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROFR-20607-01 Contemporary France Haileselassie,Azeb 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 216 DeBartolo Hall BIOS-40450-01 Clinicl Resrch Rare Neglct Dis Haldar,Kasturi 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 Pasquerilla Center MATH-20630-01 Introduction to Math Reasoning Hall,Brian 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 140 DeBartolo Hall MATH-30650-02 Differential Equations Hall,Brian 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 240 DeBartolo Hall EE-40468-01 Photonics Hall,Douglas SOC-13181-01 Soc Science University Seminar Halton,Eugene 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 925 Flanner Hall 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20200-05 Principles of Management Halvorsen-Ganepola,Marie 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20200-06 Principles of Management Halvorsen-Ganepola,Marie 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20200-08 Principles of Management Halvorsen-Ganepola,Marie 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall MGT-20200-05 Principles of Management Halvorsen-Ganepola,Marie 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall MGT-20200-06 Principles of Management Halvorsen-Ganepola,Marie 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall MGT-20200-08 Principles of Management Halvorsen-Ganepola,Marie 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall CE-40456-01 Analysis and Modeling of Hydro Hamlet,Alan 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall CE-60456-01 Analysis and Modeling of Hydro Hamlet,Alan 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 334 DeBartolo Hall CSEM-23102-18 College Seminar Hamlin,Christopher 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30551-01 Technology in History Hamlin,Christopher 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall STV-40187-01 Technology in History Hamlin,Christopher 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 231 DeBartolo Hall CNST-20402-01 Markets & Morality Hammond,Ryan 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 231 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20434-01 Markets and Morality Hammond,Ryan 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 102 Pasquerilla Center CNST-20402-02 Markets & Morality Hammond,Ryan 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 102 Pasquerilla Center PHIL-20434-02 Markets and Morality Hammond,Ryan 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 DeBartolo Hall EALJ-30312-01 Third-Year Japanese II Hanabusa,Noriko 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 129 DeBartolo Hall EALJ-10112-01 First-Year Japanese II Hanabusa,Noriko 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 129 DeBartolo Hall EALJ-10112-02 First-Year Japanese II Hanabusa,Noriko 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 129 DeBartolo Hall EALJ-10112-03 First-Year Japanese II Hanabusa,Noriko 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Hayes-Healy MGTI-30620-01 Business Intelligence Hao,Lin 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Hayes-Healy MGTI-30620-02 Business Intelligence Hao,Lin 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Hayes-Healy MGTI-30620-03 Business Intelligence Hao,Lin 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 243 Coleman-Morse ENGL-13186-04 Literature University Seminar Harris,Susan 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-40529-01 Gender and Irish Drama Harris,Susan 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall GSC-40514-01 Gender and Irish Drama Harris,Susan 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 127 Hayes-Healy CHEM-30324-01 Physical Chem for Engineers Hartland,Gregory 5/2/2016 1:00 PM 2:50 PM 162 Mendoza College of Business MGT-70750-02 Spreadsheet Decision Modeling Hartvigsen,David 5/2/2016 3:00 PM 4:50 PM 162 Mendoza College of Business MGT-70750-04 Spreadsheet Decision Modeling Hartvigsen,David 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 127 Hayes-Healy ACMS-30530-01 Introduction to Probability Hauenstein,Jonathan 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 105 Pasquerilla Center ACMS-40790-01 Topics in Applied Mathematics Hauenstein,Jonathan 5/4/2016 MGT-40700-02 Project Management Hayward,Sharon 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 824 Flanner Hall THEO-60024-01 Sndgs in Theol German II Hefelfinger,Scott 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 824 Flanner Hall THEO-60027-01 Theological German Hefelfinger,Scott 5/3/2016 4:15 PM THEO-60995-01 Pastoral Topics I Heintz,Michael FTT-30463-01 Broadcasting and Cable Heisler,Karen 5/2/2016 6:15 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Center 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-30820-02 Mod Lat-Am Lit & Cult Heller,Ben 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 224 DeBartolo Hall LLRO-63090-01 Lit Transl:Theory & Practice Heller,Ben 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 224 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-63090-01 Lit Transl:Theory & Practice Heller,Ben 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 119 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 101 Jordan Hall CHEM-20273-01 Organic Reactions & Applicatio Helquist,Paul 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 210 DeBartolo Hall FIN-40630-01 Options and Futures Hemler,Michael 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 210 DeBartolo Hall BAAL-20150-05 Corporate Financial Management Hemler,Michael 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 210 DeBartolo Hall BAEG-20150-05 Corporate Financial Management Hemler,Michael 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 210 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20150-05 Corporate Financial Management Hemler,Michael 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 210 DeBartolo Hall FIN-20150-05 Corporate Financial Management Hemler,Michael 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall CLLA-20003-01 Intermediate Latin Hernandez,David 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall CLLA-60003-01 Intermediate Latin Hernandez,David 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall CLAS-30352-01 Archaeology of Roman Empire Hernandez,David 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall CLAS-30352-02 Archaeology of Roman Empire Hernandez,David 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30310-01 Archaeology of Roman Empire 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 308 DeBartolo Hall 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 136 DeBartolo Hall CBE-30356-01 Transport Phenomena II Hernandez,David Herrera Liendo,Laura Patricia Hicks,Jason 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 320 Malloy Hall THEO-83809-01 Systematic Sem:Theo Anthroplgy Hilkert,M. Catherine ROSP-10102-01 Beginning Spanish II 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall GSC-40567-01 Feminist&Multicult.Theologies Hilkert,M. Catherine 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall GSC-60555-01 Feminist&Multicltrl Theologies Hilkert,M. Catherine 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-50705-01 Fem and Multicultural Theo Hilkert,M. Catherine 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-70211-01 Fem and Multicultural Theo Hilkert,M. Catherine 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-40810-01 Feminist&Multicltrl Theologies Hilkert,M. Catherine 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-60823-01 Feminist&Multicltrl Theologies Hilkert,M. Catherine CBE-20260-01 Chemical Engng Thermodyn I Hill,Davide 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall CBE-30367-01 Chemical Engineering Thermo II Hill,Davide 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 140 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10270-01 Mathematics in Architecture Hind,Richard 5/5/2016 4:15 PM MATH-60360-01 Basic Real Analysis II Hind,Richard CE-20320-01 Environ. Aquatic Chemistry Hixon,Amy ENGL-20213-01 The World of the Middle Ages Hobbins,Daniel HIST-30250-01 The World of the Middle Ages Hobbins,Daniel MI-20001-01 The World of the Middle Ages Hobbins,Daniel EE-60573-01 Detection and Estimation Hochwald,Bertrand EE-60553-01 Advanced Digital Communication Hochwald,Bertrand 5/6/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/4/2016 6:15 PM 125 Hayes-Healy 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 154 Fitzpatrick EG Lab B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Hall B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Hall B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 332 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 203 DeBartolo Hall AME-50652-01 Intermediate Controls Hoelzle,David 5/6/2016 1:45 PM AME-30315-01 Dif Eqs,Vibrations&Controls II Hoelzle,David 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall EE-40478-01 Intro Quantum Computing Hoffman,Anthony 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 Pasquerilla Center AS-30102-01 Air Force Leadership Studies Hofmann,John 9:30 PM 105 Pasquerilla Center AS-10102-01 Foundations of the USAF Hofmann,John 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 Pasquerilla Center AS-10102-02 Foundations of the USAF Hofmann,John 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 105 Pasquerilla Center AS-30102-02 Air Force Leadership Studies Hofmann,John 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 404 Main Building ENGL-20002-01 Intro to Poetry Writing Holdaway,Christopher POLS-60880-01 Applied Game Theory Hollibaugh,Gary POLS-60810-01 Quantitative Methods I Hollibaugh,Gary 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 335 DeBartolo Hall 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall BALW-20150-05 Bus Law Contracts & Agency Hollis,Laura 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall BALW-20150-07 Bus Law Contracts & Agency Hollis,Laura 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall BALW-20150-08 Bus Law Contracts & Agency Hollis,Laura 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 207 DeBartolo Hall BAEN-30500-01 IntroductionToEntrepreneurship Hollis,Laura 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 207 DeBartolo Hall MGTE-30500-01 Intro to Entrepreneurship Hollis,Laura 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 283 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-30305-01 Evolution Hollocher,Hope 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 283 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-30305-02 Evolution Hollocher,Hope 5/3/2016 1:00 PM 2:50 PM 160 Mendoza College of Business MGT-70430-01 Negotiation Holt,Joseph 5/2/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2108 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/2/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2146 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/2/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2171 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/2/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2172 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/2/2016 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 2173 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/2/2016 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 3108 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/2/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3171 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/2/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3172 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/2/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Law School Robing Room SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/3/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2146 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/3/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2171 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/3/2016 9:00 AM 12:30 PM 2172 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/3/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2173 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/3/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3108 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/3/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3171 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/3/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3172 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/3/2016 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 2108 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 1310 Biolchini Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 9:00 AM 12:30 PM 2108 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2146 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 9:00 AM 12:30 PM 2171 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 9:00 AM 12:30 PM 2172 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 9:00 AM 12:30 PM 2173 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3108 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3171 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3172 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 1:00 PM 6:00 PM 1315 Biolchini Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/5/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2108 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/5/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2146 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/5/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2171 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/5/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2172 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/5/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2173 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/5/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3108 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/5/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3171 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/5/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3172 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/6/2016 9:00 AM 12:30 PM 2108 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/6/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2146 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/6/2016 9:00 AM 12:30 PM 2171 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/6/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2172 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/6/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 2173 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/6/2016 9:00 AM 12:30 PM 3108 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/6/2016 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 3171 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/6/2016 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 3172 Eck Hall - Law School SSO Exams Horvath, Peter 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 220 Malloy Hall HPS-93812-01 HOPOS from Sci Rev to 1900 Howard,Don 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 220 Malloy Hall PHIL-93812-01 HOPOS from Sci Rev to 1900 Howard,Don 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 307 DeBartolo Hall HPS-93828-01 Ethics and Policy in Tech Mgmt Howard,Don 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 307 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-43722-01 Ethics and Policy in Tech Mgmt Howard,Don 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 307 DeBartolo Hall STV-40218-01 Ethics and Policy in Tech Mgmt Howard,Don 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall EE-60568-01 Fundamentals of Photonics Howard,Scott 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-80203-01 Astrophysics: Galaxies Howk,Jay 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 Haggar Hall ACMS-20750-01 Intro to Applied Math Mthds II Hu,Bei CSE-60321-01 Advanced Computer Architecture Hu,Xiaobo 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 318 DeBartolo Hall BAEN-30520-01 Funding New Ventures Hubbard,Mark 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 318 DeBartolo Hall MGTE-30520-01 Funding New Ventures Hubbard,Mark 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 155 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-40420-01 Principles of Biochemistry Huber,Paul 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 155 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-60520-01 Principles of Biochemistry Huber,Paul 5/3/2016 1:45 PM ACMS-30440-01 Probability and Statistics Huebner,Alan 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 105 Pasquerilla Center ACMS-40950-01 Topics in Statistics Huebner,Alan 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 Hayes-Healy ACMS-30600-01 Stat Mthds & Data Analysis I Huebner,Alan 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 322 Jordan Hall CHEM-60541-01 Genomics & Proteomics Hummon,Amanda 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-05 Accountancy II Hums,Edward 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-06 Accountancy II Hums,Edward 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-08 Accountancy II Hums,Edward 5/4/2016 3:45 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall ECON-70701-01 Public Economics I Hungerman,Daniel 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 824 Flanner Hall 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall FIN-40720-01 Real Estate Capital Markets Hutchison,David 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall FIN-40720-02 Real Estate Capital Markets Hutchison,David 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-10145-03 Stats for Business I Huynh,Huy 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-10145-04 Stats for Business I Huynh,Huy 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-40842-01 Time Series Analysis Huynh,Huy 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-60842-01 Time Series Analysis Huynh,Huy BIOS-60577-05 Tpcs in Genetics/Molecular Bio Hyde,David 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 202 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 320 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-60610-01 Organometallic Chemistry Iluc,Vlad 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-04 Intro to Engineerng Systems II Ivie,Peter 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall CSE-40613-01 Web Applications Izaguirre,Jesus 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall CSE-60613-01 Web Applications Izaguirre,Jesus 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 112 Pasquerilla Center ACMS-30540-01 Mathematical Statistics Jain,Ankita 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 112 Pasquerilla Center MATH-30540-01 Mathematical Statistics Jain,Ankita 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall ACMS-20340-01 Statistics for Life Sciences Jain,Ankita 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall ACMS-20340-02 Statistics for Life Sciences Jain,Ankita 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 119 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-10110-01 Beginning Spanish Jancha,Monica 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 119 DeBartolo Hall 5/3/2016 ROSP-20202-04 Intermediate Spanish II Jancha,Monica 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-80501-01 Solid State Physics Janko,Boldizsar 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 203 DeBartolo Hall THEO-60951-01 Reconciliation Ministry Jarret,Peter 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 336 DeBartolo Hall LAST-30405-01 Captives, Traitors, Renegades Jauregui,Carlos 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 336 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-30816-01 Captives,Traitor & Renegades Jauregui,Carlos 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 332 DeBartolo Hall POLS-13181-04 Soc Science University Seminar Javeline,Debra 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall POLS-40491-01 Sol:Sci,Pol&Saving the Planet Javeline,Debra 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall PSY-30358-01 Behavioral Medicine Jean-Pierre,Pascal 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall PSY-60358-01 Behavioral Medicine Jean-Pierre,Pascal 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 220 Malloy Hall PHIL-43171-01 Kierkegaard Jech,Alexander 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 105 Pasquerilla Center MATH-10110-01 Principles of Finite Math. Jedlovec,Phillip 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 347 DeBartolo Hall CSEM-23102-04 College Seminar Jensen,Lionel 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 335 DeBartolo Hall ALHN-13951-06 Honors Seminar Jensen,Lionel 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 215 Riley Hall ARST Seminar Room ARHI-43202-01 Sem.: Idols and Icons Jensen,Robin 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 215 Riley Hall ARST Seminar Room ARHI-63202-01 Seminar: Idols & Icons Jensen,Robin 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 215 Riley Hall ARST Seminar Room MI-40419-01 Idols & Icons Jensen,Robin 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 215 Riley Hall ARST Seminar Room MI-60419-01 Idols & Icons Jensen,Robin 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 215 Riley Hall ARST Seminar Room THEO-60254-01 Idols & Icons Jensen,Robin 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-20261-01 Cross, History of Christianity Jensen,Robin 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-20456-01 The Cross Jensen,Robin 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-20261-02 The Cross Jensen,Robin 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 118 DeBartolo Hall PHYS-50602-01 Particles and Cosmology Jessop,Colin 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BASC-20200-02 Principles of Management Jiang,Kaifeng 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BASC-20200-03 Principles of Management Jiang,Kaifeng 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BASC-20200-04 Principles of Management Jiang,Kaifeng 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall MGT-20200-02 Principles of Management Jiang,Kaifeng 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall MGT-20200-03 Principles of Management Jiang,Kaifeng 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall MGT-20200-04 Principles of Management Jiang,Kaifeng 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 304 DeBartolo Hall LIT-20908-01 AntiHero & Modern Literature Jiang,Qingyuan 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 316 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-80770-01 Topics in Applied Mathematics Jilkine,Alexandra 5/5/2016 4:15 PM ACMS-20550-01 Intro Applied Math Methods I Jilkine,Alexandra 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 336 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-20616-01 Dystopias and the Family Jimenez-Moreno,Ana 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 154 Hurley Hall ACMS ACMS-60886-01 Applied Bayesian Statistics II Jin,Ick Hoon 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 224 DeBartolo Hall THEO-40405-01 Mary & Sts in Litgy,Doc,& Life Johnson,Maxwell 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 224 DeBartolo Hall THEO-60425-01 Mary, Sts in Liturgy, Doct Lif Johnson,Maxwell 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-60403-01 Christian Initiation Johnson,Maxwell 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall AL-43102-01 PPE Colloquium Johnson,Terence 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 216 DeBartolo Hall ECON-40050-02 Game Theory Johnson,Terence 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 725 Flanner Hall ECON-73001-01 Research Seminar -Micro Johnson,Terence 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 625 Flanner Hall AMST-30249-01 American Modernisms Johnson-Roullier,Cyraina 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 625 Flanner Hall ENGL-40771-01 American Modernisms Johnson-Roullier,Cyraina 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 313 Hammes Mowbray ENGL-30101-03 Intro to Literary Studies Johnson-Roullier,Cyraina 5/2/2016 7:30 PM AL-20201-01 Mock Trial I Jones,Andrew 6:15 PM 117 Hayes-Healy 9:30 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall AL-30301-01 Mock Trial II Jones,Andrew 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 345 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-20202-01 Intermediate German II Jones,Claire 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 Coleman-Morse GE-10102-02 Beginning German II Jones,Claire 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 126 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20201-03 Intermediate Spanish I Jones,Heather 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 126 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20201-05 Intermediate Spanish I Jones,Heather 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 126 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20202-05 Intermediate Spanish II Jones,Heather 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 126 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20202-09 Intermediate Spanish II Jones,Heather 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall SOC-10002-02 Understanding Societies Jones,Jennifer 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-10 Intro to Engineerng Systems II Jones,Samuel 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall MATH-20550-01 Calculus III Jorza,Andrei 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall MATH-20550-03 Calculus III Jorza,Andrei 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 302 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-63453-01 Reading Cinema Franco's Spain Jorza,Diana 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 208 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/4/2016 ROSP-30570-01 Making Cinema Franco's Spain Jorza,Diana 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 313 Hammes Mowbray CSEM-23102-22 College Seminar Joshua,Essaka 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-30302-01 History of Modern Philosophy Joy,Lynn 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall HPS-93819-01 Hume Joy,Lynn 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-83266-01 Hume Joy,Lynn 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B024 Rehearsal Room DPAC FTT-20801-01 Acting for the non-major 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-30500-02 Earl Pen Lit & Cult 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROSP-30710-01 Earl Pen Lit & Cult 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROSP-53000-01 Senior Seminar 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 212 Stinson Remick Hall AME-40462-01 Aerospace Design Juan,Anthony JuarezAlmendros,Encarnacion JuarezAlmendros,Encarnacion JuarezAlmendros,Encarnacion Juliano,Thomas 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 126 DeBartolo Hall AME-30333-01 Theory/Experiment Aerodynamics Jumper,Eric 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-20606-01 Science, Technology & Society Jurkowitz,Edward 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall STV-20556-01 Science, Technology, & Society Jurkowitz,Edward 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall STV-20556-04 Science, Technology, & Society Jurkowitz,Edward CNST-33400-01 Intro to Econ&Catholic Thought Kaboski,Joseph ECON-33150-01 Intro to Econ&Catholic Thought Kaboski,Joseph FTT-40433-01 That Eighties Class Kackman,Michael FTT-13182-01 Fine Arts University Seminar Kackman,Michael CDT-40210-01 Digital and Forensic Psyc Kajzer,Mitchell PSY-40677-01 Digital and Forensic Psycho Kajzer,Mitchell 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 725 Flanner Hall 6:15 PM 725 Flanner Hall B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 6:15 PM Center B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 12:30 PM Center 331 DeBartolo Hall Computer 10:00 AM Classroom 331 DeBartolo Hall Computer 10:00 AM Classroom 6:15 PM 217 DeBartolo Hall THEO-10001-11 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Kaltenbach,Jonathan 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall CHEM-20204-01 Environmental Chemistry Kamat,Prashant 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall STV-20306-01 Environmental Chemistry Kamat,Prashant CHEM-10101-01 Foundations of Chemistry Kandel,S. Alex CSLC-30101-01 Intro to Second Language Acq Kang,Hana EALK-30312-01 Third Year Korean II Kang,Hana 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 5/4/2016 5/2/2016 6:15 PM 101 Jordan Hall 6:15 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall Ctr for Languages and Cultures 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 329 DBRT 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 136 DeBartolo Hall CBE-30338-01 Chemical Process Control Kantor,Jeffrey 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall CNST-20002-01 American Politics Kaplan,Joshua 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall POLS-10100-01 American Politics Kaplan,Joshua 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall POLS-20100-01 American Politics Kaplan,Joshua 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-10101-02 Introduction to Philosophy Karbowski,Joseph 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-10101-01 Introduction to Philosophy Karbowski,Joseph RU-40102-01 Advanced Russian II Karpukhin,Sergey 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 307 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 302 DeBartolo Hall RU-10102-02 Beginning Russian II Karpukhin,Sergey 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 302 DeBartolo Hall RU-60102-01 Beginning Russian II Karpukhin,Sergey 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 302 DeBartolo Hall RU-10102-01 Beginning Russian II Karpukhin,Sergey 5/2/2016 7:30 PM IIPS-60411-01 Improvising Peace Katongole,Emmanuel 5/2/2016 7:30 PM THEO-60702-01 Improvising Peace Katongole,Emmanuel GSC-40001-01 Perspectives on Gender Kearney,Mary GSC-60001-01 Perspectives on Gender Kearney,Mary FIN-40230-01 Forecasting/Predict. Analytics Keating,Barry PSY-40304-01 Unlocking Human Potential Kelly,Anita 9:30 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 9:30 PM 232 DeBartolo 211 DeBartolo 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Center 211 DeBartolo 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Center 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 215 DeBartolo 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 404 Main Building 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 Hall Performing Arts Performing Arts Hall 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 212 Haggar Hall PSY-60610-01 Social Aspects of Behavior Kelly,Anita 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 304 DeBartolo Hall CLLA-20003-02 Intermediate Latin Kelly,Sean 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 304 DeBartolo Hall CLLA-60003-02 Intermediate Latin Kelly,Sean 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 524 Flanner Hall PHIL-13185-06 Philosophy University Seminar Kelsey,Sean 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 524 Flanner Hall PHIL-13185-05 Philosophy University Seminar Kelsey,Sean 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 141 DeBartolo Hall CE-40450-01 Hydraulics Kennedy,Andrew 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 215 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-40209-01 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales Kerby-Fulton,Kathryn 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 215 DeBartolo Hall MI-40153-01 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales Kerby-Fulton,Kathryn CE-30160-01 Civil Engineering Materials Kerr,Elizabeth 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 356A Fitzpatrick Hall 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 110 Stinson Remick Hall CE-40702-01 Senior Design Kerr,Elizabeth 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 110 Stinson Remick Hall CE-40702-02 Senior Design Kerr,Elizabeth 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall CE-30210-01 Structural Analysis Khandelwal,Kapil 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 356A Fitzpatrick Hall CE-40240-01 Structural Systems Kijewski-Correa,Tracy 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 356A Fitzpatrick Hall CE-60240-01 Structural Systems Kijewski-Correa,Tracy 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Hayes-Healy ACMS-30440-02 Probability and Statistics Kim,Oleg 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall FIN-40410-01 Mergers and Acquisitions Kim,Taehyun 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall FIN-40410-02 Mergers and Acquisitions Kim,Taehyun 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall FIN-40410-03 Mergers and Acquisitions Kim,Taehyun 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM L014A Mendoza College of Business MGTI-40612-01 Mobile Application Development Kimmet,Mark 8:00 AM 10:00 AM L014A Mendoza College of Business MGTI-40680-01 Enterprise Architecture Kirner,Scott 5/3/2016 4:15 PM EG-40422-03 Adv. Topics: Intergr. EG & Bus Kitz,Michael 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall EG-40422-01 Adv. Topics: Intergr. EG & Bus Kitz,Michael 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 138 DeBartolo Hall EG-40422-02 Adv. Topics: Intergr. EG & Bus Kitz,Michael 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 313 DeBartolo Hall CBE-40487-01 Drug Develop/Mech of Action Kiziltepe Bilgicer,Tanyel 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 313 DeBartolo Hall CBE-60487-01 Drug Develop/Mech of Action Kiziltepe Bilgicer,Tanyel 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10001-03 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Klein,Elizabeth 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 234 Coleman-Morse ENGL-40323-01 Shakespeare: Revenge Tragedy Knoppers,Laura 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall ALHN-13951-07 Honors Seminar Knoppers,Laura BALW-20150-01 Bus Law Contracts & Agency Knox,Tracy 6:15 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ASIA-30474-01 Gods and Governments Koesel,Karrie 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-30224-01 Gods and Governments Koesel,Karrie 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30474-01 Gods and Governments Koesel,Karrie 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 116 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30660-01 Authoritarian Politics Koesel,Karrie 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 116 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30477-01 Authoritarian Politics Koesel,Karrie 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30154-01 Chinese Economy since 1800 Koll,Elisabeth 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall LLEA-30154-01 Chinese Economy since 1800 Koll,Elisabeth 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 244 DeBartolo Hall SOC-30900-01 Foundations Sociological Thry Konieczny,Mary Ellen 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 244 DeBartolo Hall SOC-30900-02 Foundations Sociological Thry Konieczny,Mary Ellen SOC-63691-01 Research & Analysis Soc of Rel Konieczny,Mary Ellen 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 824 Flanner Hall 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 302 DeBartolo Hall GSC-23901-01 Power and Identities Konieczny,Mary Ellen 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 302 DeBartolo Hall SOC-23901-01 Power and Identities Konieczny,Mary Ellen 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 302 DeBartolo Hall SOC-23901-02 Power and Identities Konieczny,Mary Ellen 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 300 Riley Hall ARST ARST-10201-03 Drawing I Korte,Lucas 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 108A Riley Hall ARST-63650-01 Sculpture/Ceramic Seminar Kremer,William 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B024 Rehearsal Room DPAC FTT-21005-01 Viewpoints for Actors/Direct Kresny,Carys 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 DeBartolo Hall THEO-13183-05 Theology University Seminar Krieg,Robert 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM L050 Mendoza College of Business BAET-40410-01 Values-Based Leadership Kronk,Michael 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM L050 Mendoza College of Business MGTC-40410-01 Values-Based Leadership Kronk,Michael 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM L050 Mendoza College of Business BAET-40410-02 Values-Based Leadership Kronk,Michael 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM L050 Mendoza College of Business MGTC-40410-02 Values-Based Leadership Kronk,Michael 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLLA-40510-01 Latin Survey I Krostenko,Brian 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLLA-60510-01 Latin Survey I Krostenko,Brian 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall LIT-73211-01 Latin Survey I: Birth & Grow Krostenko,Brian 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-30111-01 British Literary Traditions II Kucich,Gregory 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-60202-01 Orientations to Archaeology Kuijt,Ian 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 116 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-20887-01 Christianity & Other Religions Kuiper,Matthew 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 216 DeBartolo Hall CE-40270-01 Reinforced Concrete Design Kurama,Yahya 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 303 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30480-01 Yugoslavia in the 20th Century 310 Riley Hall ARST Figure Drawing 6:15 PM ARST-40203-01 Figure Drawing, Multilevel Room Kusiak-Brownstein,Alicja 6:15 PM 309 Riley Hall ARST Painting Studio ARST-20301-02 Painting I Lahr,Jason Lahr,Jason 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BIOS-40411-01 Biostatistics Lamberti,Gary 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BIOS-40411-02 Biostatistics Lamberti,Gary 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 308 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-20231-01 Shakespeare Lander,Jesse 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 332 DeBartolo Hall EE-40453-01 Communication Systems Laneman,J. Nicholas 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 725 Flanner Hall SOC-13181-02 Soc Science University Seminar Langenkamp,Amy 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 333 DeBartolo Hall SOC-43959-01 Sociology of the Life Course Langenkamp,Amy PHYS-10422-01 GenPhysB-Electrcty&Mag Lannon,Kevin 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 209 Jordan Hall PHYS Room 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLAS-30330-01 Origins of Medical Terminology Lanski,Alison 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall STV-30113-01 Origins of Medical Terminology Lanski,Alison 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 207 O'Shaughnessy Hall PSY-60250-01 Cognitive Development Lany,Jill 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM Stepan Center Arena CHEM-20274-01 Advanced General Chemistry Lappin,Alexander 5/4/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM Stepan Center Arena CHEM-20274-02 Advanced General Chemistry Lappin,Alexander PSY-30160-01 Experim Psychology II: Methods Lapsley,Daniel 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B016 Haggar Hall 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20100-01 Accountancy I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20100-02 Accountancy I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20100-03 Accountancy I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BAAL-20100-01 Accounting I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BAAL-20100-02 Accounting I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BAAL-20100-03 Accounting I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BAEG-20100-01 Accounting I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BAEG-20100-02 Accounting I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BAEG-20100-03 Accounting I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20100-01 Accounting I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20100-02 Accounting I Larocque,Stephannie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20100-03 Accounting I Larocque,Stephannie 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 305 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-43600-02 Sem: 19th-C Amer Lit & Tech Larsen,Alexander 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall FYS-10414-02 First Generation at College LaSalle,Donald 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10560-03 Calculus II Le,Doan 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 134 Mendoza College of Business MSMG-60220-01 Microeconomic Analysis Leady,James 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall ECON-33420-01 Employee Relations Law Leahy,William 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall ECON-13181-01 Soc Science University Seminar Leahy,William 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall ECON-30331-01 Econometrics Lee,Byung-Joo 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall CBE-20258-01 Num. & Statistical Analysis Leighton,David 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLLA-10002-02 Beginning Latin II Leithart,Tara 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLLA-60002-02 Beginning Latin II Leithart,Tara 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 356A Fitzpatrick Hall EE-30372-01 Electric Machinery & Power Sys Lemmon,Michael 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 300 Riley Hall ARST ARST-10201-04 Drawing I Lemna,Laura 5/5/2016 1:45 PM EG-10112-06 Intro to Engineerng Systems II Lent,Craig 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 129 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-10102-02 Beginning Italian II Lenzi-Sandusky,Giovanna 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 129 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-10102-04 Beginning Italian II Lenzi-Sandusky,Giovanna 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 129 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-10102-05 Beginning Italian II Lenzi-Sandusky,Giovanna 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall LLRO-13186-03 Literature University Seminar Leone,Anne ACCT-40750-01 Ethics in Accounting Levey,Brian MGTI-30610-01 Application Development Lewandowski,Robert 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 310 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM L004 Mendoza College of Business 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLAS-63501-01 Prosem in Early Christian Stdy Leyerle,Blake 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-63808-01 Prosem in Early Christian Stdy Leyerle,Blake 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-63206-01 Prosem ECS: Theoretical App Leyerle,Blake 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall CLAS-13186-01 Literature University Seminar Leyerle,Blake 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 Hayes-Healy ACMS-40875-01 Stat Methods in Data Mining Li,Jun 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 Hayes-Healy ACMS-60875-01 Stat Methods in Data Mining Li,Jun 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BIOS-30338-01 Neurobiology Li,Lei 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 214 DeBartolo Hall ECON-10011-04 Principles of Microeconomics Lieber,Ethan 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 214 DeBartolo Hall ECON-20011-04 Principles of Microeconomics Lieber,Ethan 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 310 Jordan Hall CHEM-40634-01 Structural Elucidation Lieberman,Marya 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 310 Jordan Hall CHEM-60634-01 Structural Elucidation Lieberman,Marya 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 129 Hayes-Healy BIOS-20480-01 Intro to Dyn Sys for Scientist Lim,ChongKeat Arthur 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 129 Hayes-Healy MATH-20480-01 Intro to Dyn Sys for Scientist Lim,ChongKeat Arthur 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10360-01 Calculus B Lim,ChongKeat Arthur 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 345 O'Shaughnessy Hall EE-60655-01 Adv Control Systems Lin,Hai 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-40108-01 New Testament Introduction Lincicum,David 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10001-10 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Lincicum,David 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 313 Hammes Mowbray POLS-13181-02 Soc Science University Seminar Lindley,Daniel POLS-60226-01 International Security Lindley,Daniel 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 129 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-20620-01 Applied Linear Algebra Lindsay,Alan 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM B036 Geddes Hall CHEM-30342-01 Intermediary Metabolism Littlepage,Laurie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall ACCT-30100-02 Corporate Financial Reporting Liu,Chao-Shin 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall ACCT-30100-03 Corporate Financial Reporting Liu,Chao-Shin 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 109 Pasquerilla Center ACMS-40852-01 Advanced Biostatistical Method Liu,Fang 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 109 Pasquerilla Center ACMS-60852-01 Advanced Biostatistical Method Liu,Fang EE-30358-01 Waveguides and Antennas Liu,Lei SOC-68900-01 Publishable to Published Lizardo,Omar 5/2/2016 5/4/2016 6:15 PM 333 DeBartolo Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 224 DeBartolo Hall 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 1024 Flanner SOC Office 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall BIOS-40320-01 Aq Conserv: Globl FW, Sci/Pol Lodge,David 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Studio 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Studio 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Studio 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Studio 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 243 Coleman-Morse BIOS-60320-01 Aq Conserv: Glbl FW Sci Consrv Lodge,David ARST-30405-01 Photography II: Digital Wrkshp Lopez,Martina CDT-31425-01 Photography II: Digital Studi Lopez,Martina ARST-20401-01 Photography I Lopez,Martina CDT-31420-01 Photography I Lopez,Martina 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/6/2016 ENGL-20000-02 Intro to Creative Writing Lopez-Maldonado,Luis 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-43400-01 Refugees & German Identity Lorke,Tim 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-43502-01 Refugees & German Identity Lorke,Tim 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-60415-01 Refugees and German Identity Lorke,Tim 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall MELC-43301-01 Refugees & German Identity Lorke,Tim 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30540-01 Refugees & German Identity Lorke,Tim 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-80004-01 Quantum Field Theory II LoSecco,John 5/2/2016 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 161 Mendoza College of Business FIN-70611-02 Equity Valuation Loughran,Timothy FIN-40610-01 Security Analysis Loughran,Timothy FIN-40610-02 Security Analysis Loughran,Timothy PSY-60123-01 Intro to Linear Model Lubke,Gitta PSY-60122-01 Intro to Statistical Learning Lubke,Gitta ECON-43330-01 Forecasting for Econ & Busines Lugauer,Steven 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 5/6/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes Hall B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 212 Haggar Hall 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 212 Haggar Hall 331 DeBartolo Hall Computer 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Classroom 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 307 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-63908-01 Men with Guns Lund,Joshua 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 345 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROSP-30581-01 Latin America and the Politics Lund,Joshua 5/4/2016 7:30 PM AME-20231-02 Thermodynamics Luo,Tengfei 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray CNST-30227-01 From Rasputin to Putin Lyandres,Semion 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray HIST-10355-01 From Rasputin to Putin Lyandres,Semion 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray HIST-30355-01 From Rasputin to Putin Lyandres,Semion 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 125 DeBartolo Hall EALC-10001-01 Elementary Chinese I Ma,Congcong 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 125 DeBartolo Hall EALC-30312-01 Third Year Chinese II Ma,Congcong 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 335 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-20223-01 Medievalisms Contemp Culture MacDonald,Leanne 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 335 DeBartolo Hall GSC-20518-01 Medievalisms Contemp Culture MacDonald,Leanne 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 335 DeBartolo Hall MI-20194-01 Medievalisms Contemp Culture MacDonald,Leanne 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 333 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-40211-01 History of English Language Machan,Tim 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 333 DeBartolo Hall MI-40102-01 History of English Language Machan,Tim 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 DeBartolo Hall HESB-30263-02 Ethics Madison,Ryan 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20401-02 Ethics Madison,Ryan 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10001-08 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Mahon,Katharine 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 Pasquerilla Center POLS-98703-01 Comp Pol Dissertation Workshop Mainwaring,Scott 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 107 Pasquerilla Center POLS-98703-02 Comp Pol Dissertation Workshop Mainwaring,Scott 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Institute 10:30 AM 12:30 PM CSEM-23102-15 College Seminar Major,Linda CSEM-23102-16 College Seminar Major,Linda 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Pasquerilla Center NSL Room NSCI-20202-01 Navigation Malherek,Jennifer 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 220 Pasquerilla Center NSL Room NSCI-20202-02 Navigation Malherek,Jennifer 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 207 DeBartolo Hall AFST-20381-01 Christianity & World Religions Malkovsky,Bradley 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 207 DeBartolo Hall ASIA-20828-01 Christianity & World Religions Malkovsky,Bradley 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 207 DeBartolo Hall THEO-20828-01 Christianity & World Religions Malkovsky,Bradley 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 333 DeBartolo Hall THEO-40866-01 Catholicism & World Religions Malkovsky,Bradley 5/4/2016 7:30 PM ENGL-13186-08 Literature University Seminar Malloy,Edward 5/3/2016 4:15 PM FIN-40520-01 Global Portfolio Management Malpass,Scott 5/3/2016 10:30 AM FTT-30410-01 Intro to Film & TV Production Mandell,Theodore 5/5/2016 8:00 AM CDT-30430-01 Internet Television Production Mandell,Theodore 5/5/2016 8:00 AM FTT-30407-01 Internet Television Production Mandell,Theodore 5/3/2016 8:00 AM ROSP-20201-02 Intermediate Spanish I Mangione-Lora,Elena 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 141 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20237-03 Conversation and Writing Mangione-Lora,Elena 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 201 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20237-04 Conversation and Writing Mangione-Lora,Elena 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 244 DeBartolo Hall LAST-10502-01 Beginning Quechua Maqque,Victor 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 244 DeBartolo Hall LLRO-10111-01 Beginning Quechua Maqque,Victor 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 Main Building ENGL-90145-01 Theories of the Nonhuman Marshall,Kate 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 303 Main Building HPS-90488-01 Theories of the Nonhuman Marshall,Kate 5/5/2016 4:15 PM ENGL-20631-01 Great New Books Marshall,Kate 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-80601-01 Elementary Particle Physics Martin,Adam HIST-30471-01 Imperial Russia, 1700-1861 Martin,Alexander 5/4/2016 9:30 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall Investment Office Eddy St 6:15 PM Commons B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 12:30 PM Center B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 10:00 AM Center B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 10:00 AM Center 10:00 AM 141 DeBartolo Hall 6:15 PM 120 DeBartolo Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 304 DeBartolo Hall 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-10002-02 First Year Arabic II Martin,Amaya 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-60002-02 First Year Arabic II Martin,Amaya 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-30006-01 Third Year Arabic II Martin,Amaya 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-60006-01 Third Year Arabic II Martin,Amaya 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 301 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-40030-01 Arabic Short Stories Martin,Amaya 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 301 DeBartolo Hall MEAR-60030-01 Arabic Short Stories Martin,Amaya 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 335 DeBartolo Hall FYS-10700-01 Global Arts and Identity Martin,Holly 5/5/2016 THEO-10001-05 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Martin,James PLS-20302-02 Bible and Its Interpretation Martin,Jennifer 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall 214 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Classroom 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-10240-01 Elementary Cosmology Mathews,Grant 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 330 Coleman-Morse GSC-10001-01 Introduction to Gender Studies Matos,Angel 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 330 Coleman-Morse 204 McKenna Hall ILS Julian 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Samora Library 204 McKenna Hall ILS Julian 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Samora Library 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building GSC-20001-01 Introduction to Gender Studies Matos,Angel THEO-40294-01 US Latino Catholicism Matovina,Timothy THEO-60246-01 U.S. Latino Catholicism Matovina,Timothy 5/4/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/5/2016 THEO-60709-01 Catholicism in the US Matovina,Timothy 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 119 DeBartolo Hall CE-30510-01 Geotechnical Engineering Mavroeidis,George 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall ACCT-20200-02 Accountancy II Maxson,Lauren 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall ACCT-20200-18 Accountancy II Maxson,Lauren 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 212 Haggar Hall PSY-60101-01 Quantitative Methods II Maxwell,Scott 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 214 DeBartolo Hall MARK-30450-01 Sports Marketing Mayo,Edward CLAS-10200-01 Greek and Roman Mythology Mazurek,Tadeusz 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 207 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLLA-10001-01 Beginning Latin I Mazurek,Tadeusz 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 207 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLLA-60001-01 Beginning Latin I Mazurek,Tadeusz 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLGR-30010-01 Crime in Hellenic World Mazurek,Tadeusz 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLGR-60010-01 Crime in Hellenic World Mazurek,Tadeusz 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 211 Brownson Hall Nanovic Room POLS-43002-05 Junior Seminar (topics vary) McAdams,A. James ARST-20401-02 Photography I McCarthy,Lynette CDT-31420-02 Photography I McCarthy,Lynette SOC-53913-01 Research Methods McClintock,Elizabeth 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 5/2/2016 6:15 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Studio 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Studio 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 524 Flanner Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 524 Flanner Hall SOC-63913-01 Research Methods McClintock,Elizabeth 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 332 DeBartolo Hall GSC-43652-01 Family, Gender and Employment McClintock,Elizabeth 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 332 DeBartolo Hall SOC-43377-01 Family, Gender and Employment McClintock,Elizabeth 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 404 Main Building ENGL-90527-01 Ulysses McCrea,Barry 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 108 DeBartolo Hall CBE-60544-01 Transport Phenomena I McCready,Mark 5/2/2016 3:00 PM FIN-70640-01 Applied Investment Management McDonald,Bill 5:30 PM 161 Mendoza College of Business 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall SOC-30518-01 Sociology of Money McDonnell,Erin 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 313 Hammes Mowbray SOC-63820-01 Sociology of Organizations McDonnell,Erin 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 925 Flanner Hall SOC-43165-01 Art in Everyday Life McDonnell,Terence 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 925 Flanner Hall SOC-63119-01 Culture Workshop McDonnell,Terence 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 118 DeBartolo Hall SOC-20002-02 Understanding Societies McDonnell,Terence 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-20202-01 Intermediate French II McDowell,Paul 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-20202-02 Intermediate French II McDowell,Paul 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall CBE-40461-01 Structure of Solids McGinn,Paul 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall CBE-60561-01 Structure of Solids McGinn,Paul 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-60405-01 Comp Politics & Party Systems McGraw,Sean 5/2/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall MGT-30220-02 Management Communication McKendree,Amanda 5/2/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall MGT-30220-04 Management Communication McKendree,Amanda 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall ANTH-43310-01 Advanced Human Ethology McKenna,James 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall ANTH-63310-01 Advanced Human Ethology McKenna,James 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-10195-01 Intro to Anthropology Honors McKenna,James 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 224 DeBartolo Hall THEO-83655-01 Modern & Contmp Ethics: Prtsnt McKenny,Gerald 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall IRLL-13186-01 Literature University Seminar McKibben,Sarah 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-20179-01 Modern Literature in Irish McKibben,Sarah 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall IRLL-20116-01 Modern Literature in Irish McKibben,Sarah 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 225 DeBartolo Hall IRST-20118-01 Modern Literature in Irish McKibben,Sarah CSE-30332-01 Programming Paradigms McMillan,Collin 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 207 O'Shaughnessy Hall IRLL-20203-01 Intermediate Irish II McQuillan,Peter 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 207 O'Shaughnessy Hall IRST-20203-02 Intermediate Irish II McQuillan,Peter 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall IRLL-30303-01 Advanced Irish II McQuillan,Peter 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-05 Intro to Engineerng Systems II McWilliams,Leo 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-12 Intro to Engineerng Systems II McWilliams,Leo 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 117 Hayes-Healy ACMS-30440-03 Probability and Statistics Mehta,Dhagash 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 129 Hayes-Healy ACMS-80770-02 Topics in Applied Mathematics Mehta,Dhagash 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 Pasquerilla Center PATL-60102-01 Patent Law & Prosecution II Meier,Bradley 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall THEO-20103-01 One Jesus & His Many Portraits Meier,John 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall THEO-20103-02 One Jesus & His Many Portraits Meier,John 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 725 Flanner Hall THEO-83111-01 New Testament Seminar Meier,John ALHN-13951-05 Honors Seminar Meissner,Collin 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-30320-02 Advanced Grammar and Writing Menes,Ivis 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 108 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-30320-01 Advanced Grammar and Writing Menes,Ivis 5/5/2016 4:15 PM ROSP-20603-01 Spain Today Menes,Ivis ENGL-30853-01 Writing Outside the Lines Messina,Anthony 5/3/2016 6:15 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 243 Coleman-Morse 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall CDT-30140-01 Human Computer Interaction Metoyer,Ronald 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall CSE-40424-01 Human Computer Interaction Metoyer,Ronald 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall CSE-60424-01 Human Computer Interaction Metoyer,Ronald 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-04 Accountancy II Meyer,Michael 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-13 Accountancy II Meyer,Michael 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-14 Accountancy II Meyer,Michael 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall GSC-20466-01 Marriage and the Family Michalka,Karen 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall SOC-20342-01 Marriage and the Family Michalka,Karen 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall SOC-20342-02 Marriage and the Family Michalka,Karen 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall BAMG-30900-08 Strategic Management Michel,John 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall BAMG-30900-09 Strategic Management Michel,John 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall BAMG-30900-10 Strategic Management Michel,John 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 322 Jordan Hall PS-43000-01 Capstone Seminar Mick,Connie 5/2/2016 7:30 PM MATH-83990-01 Mathematics Teaching Seminar Migliore,Juan 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 125 Hayes-Healy MATH-40510-01 Intro to Algebraic Geometry Migliore,Juan 5/2/2016 1:00 PM ACCT-70691-01 Income Taxation/Intl Individls Milani,Kenneth 9:30 PM 125 Hayes-Healy 2:15 PM 160 Mendoza College of Business 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 140 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-40660-01 Tax Assistance Program Milani,Kenneth 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 140 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-40670-01 Tax Assistance Program Milani,Kenneth 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 140 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-40660-02 Tax Assistance Program Milani,Kenneth 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 140 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-40670-02 Tax Assistance Program Milani,Kenneth 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 320 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-40632-01 Advanced Organic Chemistry II Miller,Marvin 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 320 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-60632-01 Advanced Organic Chemistry II Miller,Marvin 5/2/2016 3:00 PM MGT-70525-01 Launching New Ventures Miller,Samuel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 283 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-30315-01 Tropical Med & Public Health Milord,Marie Denise 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-30510-01 Notre Dame and Its Artifacts Minor,Heather 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-30510-02 Notre Dame and Its Artifacts Minor,Heather 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-60510-01 Notre Dame and Its Artifacts Minor,Heather 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 215 Riley Hall ARST Seminar Room ARHI-33331-01 Giovanni Battista Piranesi Minor,Heather 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 215 Riley Hall ARST Seminar Room ARHI-43331-01 Giovanni Battista Piranesi Minor,Heather 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 215 Riley Hall ARST Seminar Room ARHI-63331-01 Giovanni Battista Piranesi Minor,Heather 4:50 PM 159 Mendoza College of Business 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30342-01 US Foreign Policy in Cold War Miscamble,Wilson 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall CNST-30411-01 US Foreign Policy in Cold War Miscamble,Wilson 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall HESB-30473-01 US Foreign Policy in Cold War Miscamble,Wilson 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30805-01 US Foreign Policy in Cold War Miscamble,Wilson 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-30528-01 US Foreign Policy in Cold War Miscamble,Wilson 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 224 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-30310-05 Intro Hispanic Lit & Cultures Miseres,Vanesa 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall LAST-40436-01 From Texts to Table: Miseres,Vanesa 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-40905-01 From Texts to Table: Miseres,Vanesa 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 200 Riley Hall MATH-30860-01 Honors Analysis II Misiolek,Gerard 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 136 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-30120-03 Acct Measurement&Disclosure II Mittelstaedt,H. Fred 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 310 Jordan Hall CHEM-40560-01 Chemical Biology Mobashery,Shahriar 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 310 Jordan Hall CHEM-60560-01 Chemical Biology Mobashery,Shahriar 5/5/2016 7:30 PM MSL-30302-07 Applied Military Leadership II Mockus,Raymond 9:30 PM 112 Pasquerilla Center 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 307 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-30310-02 Passage to Italy Moevs,Christian 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 336 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-30300-01 Let's Talk Italian Advanced Moevs,Christian 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall LIT-73665-01 Dante II Moevs,Christian 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall LLRO-40116-01 Dante II Moevs,Christian 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall MI-40553-01 Dante II Moevs,Christian 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall MI-60553-01 Dante II Moevs,Christian 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-40116-01 Dante II Moevs,Christian 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-63116-01 Dante II Moevs,Christian 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 202 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30455-01 Constitutionalism, Law & Pol Molinari,Lori 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 202 DeBartolo Hall CNST-50001-01 Constitutionalism, Law & Pol Molinari,Lori 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 202 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30661-01 Constitutionalism, Law & Pol Molinari,Lori 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall PSY-43318-01 Stress, Disorder, and Disease Monroe,Scott 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall PSY-30310-04 Abnormal Psychology Monroe,Scott 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall PSY-30310-05 Abnormal Psychology Monroe,Scott 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B036 Geddes Hall PSY-30310-06 Abnormal Psychology Monroe,Scott 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 234 Coleman-Morse ENGL-90251-01 The Reformation in Rhyme? Monta,Susannah 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 304 DeBartolo Hall ALHN-13951-08 Honors Seminar Monta,Susannah 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-40157-01 Meaning, Vulnrblity&Humn Ident Montemaggi,Vittorio 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall LLRO-40107-01 Meaning, Vulnrblity&Humn Exist Montemaggi,Vittorio 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-40584-01 Meaning, Vulnrblity&Humn Ident Montemaggi,Vittorio 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-43915-01 Meaning, Vulnrblity&Humn Ident Montemaggi,Vittorio 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall PRL-33112-01 Meaning, Vulnrblity&Humn Ident Montemaggi,Vittorio 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-40837-01 Meaning: Vulnrbilty&Humn Ident Montemaggi,Vittorio 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 Coleman-Morse LLRO-13186-02 Literature University Seminar Montemaggi,Vittorio 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall MARK-30500-01 Advertising and Promotion Moore,Elizabeth 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall MARK-30500-02 Advertising and Promotion Moore,Elizabeth 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30089-01 Modern Islamic Thought Moosa,Ebrahim 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-40609-01 Modern Islamic Thought Moosa,Ebrahim 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-60414-01 Modern Islamic Thought Moosa,Ebrahim 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall MELC-40701-01 Modern Islamic Thought Moosa,Ebrahim 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall THEO-40709-01 Modern Islamic Thought Moosa,Ebrahim 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 127 Hayes-Healy THEO-10001-17 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Morgan,Jeffrey 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 229 Hayes-Healy THEO-10002-04 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Morgan,Jeffrey 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-09 Accountancy II Morris,Michael 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-16 Accountancy II Morris,Michael 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 149 DeBartolo Hall THEO-13002-01 Hnrs Fdt of Theo: Biblcl/Hist Moss,Candida 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-20243-01 Martyrs & Martyrdom Moss,Candida 5/3/2016 8:00 AM MGT 70730-01 Lean Six Sigma Final Mullaney, Carol 9:50 AM L003 Mendoza College of Business 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLAS-10225-01 Christianity in Roman World Muller,Hildegund 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall 715N Hesburgh Library Medieval 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Institute 715N Hesburgh Library Medieval 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Institute 715N Hesburgh Library Medieval 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Institute 715N Hesburgh Library Medieval 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Institute 715N Hesburgh Library Medieval 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Institute 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 O'Shaughnessy Hall HIST-20230-01 Christianity in Roman World Muller,Hildegund CLLA-40017-01 Medieval Latin Survey Muller,Hildegund CLLA-60017-01 Medieval Latin Survey Muller,Hildegund LIT-73629-01 Medieval Latin Survey Muller,Hildegund MI-40632-01 Medieval Latin Survey Muller,Hildegund MI-60632-01 Medieval Latin Survey Muller,Hildegund 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/4/2016 ENGL-40264-01 Travels to Medieval Holy Lands Mulligan,Amy 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 O'Shaughnessy Hall IRLL-30224-01 Travels to Medieval Lands Mulligan,Amy 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 O'Shaughnessy Hall IRST-30224-01 Travels to Medieval Holy Lands Mulligan,Amy 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 206 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-30675-01 Travels to Medieval Lands Mulligan,Amy 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 DeBartolo Hall CNST-40001-01 Civil Liberties Munoz,Vincent 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 DeBartolo Hall POLS-40074-01 Civil Liberties Munoz,Vincent 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 332 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-20001-01 Intro to Fiction Writing Muntz,Kyle 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 219 West Lake Hall DESN Room CDT-30110-01 VCD 3: Web Design Murnieks,Andre 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 219 West Lake Hall DESN Room DESN-20120-01 VCD 3: Web Design Murnieks,Andre 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 224 West Lake Hall CDT-31125-01 VCD 6: Motion Design Murnieks,Andre 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 224 West Lake Hall DESN-30131-01 VCD 6: Motion Design Murnieks,Andre 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 319 DeBartolo Hall ESTM-60224-01 Funding New Ventures II Murphy,David 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall BALW-20150-02 Bus Law Contracts & Agency Murphy,Tonia 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall BALW-20150-03 Bus Law Contracts & Agency Murphy,Tonia 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall BALW-20150-04 Bus Law Contracts & Agency Murphy,Tonia 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 824 Flanner Hall SOC-43471-01 Social Aspects Mental Illness Mustillo,Sarah 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 206 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-20628-01 Creature Poetry Myers,Nathaniel 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 206 DeBartolo Hall IRST-20628-01 Creature Poetry Myers,Nathaniel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 205 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-40760-01 Future Humans in Contemp. Lit Myers,Nathaniel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 205 DeBartolo Hall STV-40195-01 Future Humans in Contemp Lit Myers,Nathaniel 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 DeBartolo Hall CE-10300-01 Global Change, Water and Eng Neal,Clive 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 DeBartolo Hall CE-20300-01 Global Change, Water & Energy Neal,Clive 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 108A Riley Hall ARST-20602-01 Wood Sculpture Neill,Timothy 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall CE-40330-01 Environmental Biotechnology Nerenberg,Robert 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall CE-60330-01 Environmental Biotechnology Nerenberg,Robert 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-20150-05 Statistical Inference in Bus. Nestler,Scott 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-20150-07 Statistical Inference in Bus. Nestler,Scott 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-20150-09 Statistical Inference in Bus. Nestler,Scott 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 231 DeBartolo Hall MGT-40620-01 Sports Analytics Nestler,Scott 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-20454-01 Intermediate Mechanics Newman,Kathie 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 214 DeBartolo Hall ECON-30330-02 Statistics for Economics Nguyen,Hau 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 309 Riley Hall ARST Painting Studio ARST-20301-01 Painting I Nguyen,Martin Lam 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 300 Riley Hall ARST ARST-10201-01 Drawing I Nguyen,Martin Lam MATH-10860-01 Honors Calculus II Nicolaescu,Liviu 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 131 DeBartolo Hall MATH-30530-01 Introduction to Probability Nicolaescu,Liviu 5/2/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall AME-20241-01 Solid Mechanics Niebur,Glen 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall MGTI-30630-02 Systems Analysis and Design Nijim,Sharif 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall MGTI-60639-01 Systems Analysis and Design Nijim,Sharif 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 305 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-10101-01 Beginning Spanish I Nino,Guillermo 5/3/2016 4:15 PM THEO-60996-01 Pastoral Topics II Noem,Stacey 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall AMST-30365-01 Religion & American Politics Noll,Mark 6:15 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-30624-01 Religion & American Politics Noll,Mark 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall HIST-30630-01 Religion & American Politics Noll,Mark 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 120 DeBartolo Hall HIST-10985-01 World Hist of 20th-C Christ'y Noll,Mark 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 120 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30985-01 World Hist of 20th-C Christ'y Noll,Mark 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray ANTH-20306-01 Hacking Life Nordstrom,Carolyn 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray STV-20344-01 Hacking Life Nordstrom,Carolyn 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-43309-01 Global Crime and Corruption Nordstrom,Carolyn 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-63309-01 Global Crime and Corruption Nordstrom,Carolyn 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall IDS-43100-01 Global Crime and Corruption Nordstrom,Carolyn 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall IIPS-45501-01 Global Crime and Corruption Nordstrom,Carolyn IIPS-73203-01 Global Crime and Corruption Nordstrom,Carolyn ARST-20401-04 Photography I Norman,Zachary CDT-31420-04 Photography I Norman,Zachary 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Studio 201 Riley Hall ARST Photography 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Studio 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 109 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-10002-03 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Novick,Michael 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-83102-01 Hebrew Bible Seminar Novick,Michael THEO-60018-01 Intermediate Hebrew II Novick,Michael BIOS-10112-01 The Marine Environment Novick,Rachel 5/6/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 524 Flanner Hall 107 Carey Auditorium Hesburgh 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Library 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 209 O'Shaughnessy Hall ESS-30615-01 Ideas Catholic Education Nuzzi,Ronald 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-20008-01 Intro to Writ Creative Non-Fic Nye,Bret 5/2/2016 1:30 PM 2:45 PM 122 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-70711-01 Bus Law: Property & Neg. Instr O'Brien,James 5/2/2016 3:30 PM 4:45 PM 122 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-70711-02 Bus Law: Property & Neg. Instr O'Brien,James 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 140 DeBartolo Hall BALW-20150-06 Bus Law Contracts & Agency O'Brien,James 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 310 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-40710-01 Bus Law: Property & Neg. Instr O'Brien,James 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 925 Flanner Hall CSEM-23102-08 College Seminar O'Callaghan,John 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 323 Flanner Hall IRLL-10101-01 Beginning Irish I O'Callaghan,Mary 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 323 Flanner Hall IRLL-60101-01 Beginning Irish I O'Callaghan,Mary 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 323 Flanner Hall IRST-10101-01 Beginning Irish I O'Callaghan,Mary 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 323 Flanner Hall IRLL-20103-01 Intermediate Irish O'Callaghan,Mary 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 323 Flanner Hall IRLL-60103-01 Intermediate Irish O'Callaghan,Mary 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 323 Flanner Hall IRST-20103-01 Intermediate Irish O'Callaghan,Mary 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 323 Flanner Hall IRLL-10101-02 Beginning Irish I O'Callaghan,Mary 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 323 Flanner Hall IRLL-60101-02 Beginning Irish I O'Callaghan,Mary 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 323 Flanner Hall IRST-10101-02 Beginning Irish I O'Callaghan,Mary 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 336 DeBartolo Hall SOC-20342-03 Marriage and the Family Ocobock,Abigail 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 301 Riley Hall HIST-93305-01 20th C. Empires and Colonies Ocobock,Paul PHIL-20214-01 Ancient Wisdom and Modern Love O'Connor,David 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 283 Galvin Life Science Center 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building THEO-60601-01 Foundations of Moral Theology Odozor,Paulinus 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building THEO-60601-02 Foundations of Moral Theology Odozor,Paulinus 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 209 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-13183-02 Theology University Seminar Odozor,Paulinus CSLC-73005-01 Intl Grad Student Presentation Oglesbee,Lisa 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 306 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 335 DeBartolo Hall CSLC-30102-01 Methods in SL Teaching Oglesbee,Lisa 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 335 DeBartolo Hall ESS-30674-01 Methods in 2nd Lang Teaching Oglesbee,Lisa 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 108 DeBartolo Hall CSLC-73002-01 Acad&Tech Writing Intl Grad St Oglesbee,Lisa 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Browning Cinema DPAC AMST-30703-01 History of Television Ohmer,Susan 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Browning Cinema DPAC FTT-30461-01 History of Television Ohmer,Susan 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Browning Cinema DPAC STV-30161-01 History of Television Ohmer,Susan 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 217 DeBartolo Hall FTT-30491-03 Debate Ohmer,Susan 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall AFST-30792-01 Disaster, Relief, & Dev. Oka,Rahul 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-30344-01 Disaster, Relief, and Develop Oka,Rahul 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-60344-01 Disaster, Relief, and Develop Oka,Rahul 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall GH-60344-01 Disaster, Relief, and Develop Oka,Rahul 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall IDS-30100-01 Disaster, Relief, and Develop Oka,Rahul 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall IIPS-30951-01 Disaster, Relief, Development Oka,Rahul 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-43308-01 Trade/Globalization >100000 BC Oka,Rahul 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 625 Flanner Hall ANTH-63308-01 Trade/Globalization >100000 BC Oka,Rahul 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 310 Jordan Hall CHEM-40618-01 Chemical Crystallography Oliver,Allen 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 310 Jordan Hall CHEM-60618-01 Chemical Crystallography Oliver,Allen 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall LAST-40437-01 Memory Studies Southern Cone Olivera-Williams,Maria 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall LIT-70459-01 Memory Studies Southern Cone Olivera-Williams,Maria 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-40767-01 Memory Studies Southern Cone Olivera-Williams,Maria 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall LAST-30401-01 Mod Lat-Am Lit & Cult Olivera-Williams,Maria 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-30820-01 Mod Lat-Am Lit & Cult Olivera-Williams,Maria 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall BAAL-20150-02 Corporate Financial Management Olson,Thomas 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall BAEG-20150-02 Corporate Financial Management Olson,Thomas 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20150-02 Corporate Financial Management Olson,Thomas 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall FIN-20150-02 Corporate Financial Management Olson,Thomas 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-40404-01 Theology of the Mass O'Malley,Timothy 5/5/2016 4:15 PM THEO-60880-01 Nineteenth Century Theology O'Regan,Cyril THEO-40202-02 The Christian Tradition II O'Regan,Cyril 4:50 PM 158 Mendoza College of Business MBCM-60400-02 Management Speaking O'Rourke,James 5/3/2016 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 159 Mendoza College of Business MBCM-60400-04 Management Speaking O'Rourke,James 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 121 Mendoza College of Business BACM-30420-01 Business Writing O'Rourke,James 5/6/2016 5/2/2016 6:15 PM 244 DeBartolo Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 Hayes-Healy 3:00 PM 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 311 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200 01 Accountancy II O'Tousa,Janet 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 313 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200 01 Accountancy II O'Tousa,Janet 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 312 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-01 Accountancy II O'Tousa,Janet 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 318 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-03 Accountancy II O'Tousa,Janet 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 319 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-03 Accountancy II O'Tousa,Janet 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 320 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-03 Accountancy II O'Tousa,Janet 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 310 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-07 Accountancy II O'Tousa,Janet 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 317 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-10 Accountancy II O'Tousa,Janet 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 316 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-20200-12 Accountancy II O'Tousa,Janet 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall AFST-23702-01 White Privilege Seminar Outlaw,Iris 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall SOC-25850-01 White Privilege Seminar Outlaw,Iris 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall AME-30363-01 Design of Machine Elements Ovaert,Timothy 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 105 Pasquerilla Center AS-40102-02 National Security Affairs Paek,John 9:30 PM 102 Pasquerilla Center AS-20102-01 Evolution of USAF Air Power Paek,John 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 Pasquerilla Center AS-20102-02 Evolution of USAF Air Power Paek,John 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 Pasquerilla Center AS-40102-01 National Security Affairs Paek,John 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall AFST-33776-01 Gender in the Africana World Page,Jacquetta 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall AMST-30909-01 Gender in the Africana World Page,Jacquetta 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall GSC-33658-01 Gender in the Africana World Page,Jacquetta 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall GSC-63658-01 Gender in the Africana World Page,Jacquetta 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 120 DeBartolo Hall THEO-20251-03 The Catholic Faith Pagliarini,Anthony CHEM-10172-02 Organic Structure & Reactivity Parise,James CHEM-20262-01 Math. Methods for Chem. Sci Parkhill,John ARST-20501-02 Silkscreen I Parrish,Heather 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 5/4/2016 5/3/2016 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena 6:15 PM 313 DeBartolo Hall 316 Riley Hall ARST Printmaking 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Studio 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 245 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20201-08 Intermediate Spanish I Parroquin,Rachel 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall BAEN-30505-01 Social Entrepreneurship Paulsen,Melissa 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall BAEN-30505-02 Social Entrepreneurship Paulsen,Melissa 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall BAUG-30505-01 Social Entrepreneurship Paulsen,Melissa 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall BAUG-30505-02 Social Entrepreneurship Paulsen,Melissa 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall CST-30505-01 Social Entrepreneurship Paulsen,Melissa 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall CST-30505-02 Social Entrepreneurship Paulsen,Melissa 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall IDS-30921-01 Social Entrepreneurship Paulsen,Melissa 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall IDS-30921-02 Social Entrepreneurship Paulsen,Melissa 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall IIPS-30924-01 Social Entrepreneurship Paulsen,Melissa 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 118 Nieuwland Science Hall IIPS-30924-02 Social Entrepreneurship Paulsen,Melissa 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 Haggar Hall PSY-63527-01 Sleep, Stress, & Psychopathlgy Payne,Jessica 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 301 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-20003-01 Fiction Writing Pelkey,Matthew 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 312 DeBartolo Hall CHEM-30322-01 Physical Chemistry II Peng,Jeffrey AME-60614-01 Numerical Methods Peng,Zhangli 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 307 DeBartolo Hall GH-60612-01 Advanced Qualitative Methods Penney,Naomi 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 Pasquerilla Center NSCI-30302-01 Naval Ships Systems II Perez,Victor 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 Pasquerilla Center NSCI-30302-02 Naval Ships Systems II Perez,Victor BIOS-10119-01 Evolution and Medicine Perkins,Troy 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 105 Jordan Hall 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROFR-30310-01 Art of Interpretation Perry,Catherine 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROFR-40653-01 Contemporary French Films Perry,Catherine 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 127 Hayes-Healy THEO-10001-06 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Petrin,Michael 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall CST-20643-01 The Askesis of Nonviolence Pfeil,Margaret 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-20729-01 The Askesis of Non-Violence Pfeil,Margaret 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-20643-01 The Askesis of Nonviolence Pfeil,Margaret 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-40605-01 Catholic Social Teaching Pfeil,Margaret 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall CST-40001-01 Catholic Social Teaching Pfeil,Margaret 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-40613-01 Catholic Social Teaching Pfeil,Margaret 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-60614-01 Catholic Social Teaching Pfeil,Margaret 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall BIOS-60132-01 Basic Computing for Bioinform Pfrender,Michael 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall CSE-60132-01 Basic Computing for Bioinform. Pfrender,Michael 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 West Lake Hall DESN Room Woodworking Studio West Lake 7:30 PM 9:30 PM Annex DESN DESN-30209-01 ID: Digital Solid Modeling Phaup,Kevin DESN-31212-01 ID: Rapid Prototyping Phaup,Kevin 5/5/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 1:00 PM 2:50 PM 161 Mendoza College of Business MARK-70300-01 Brand Strategy Phillips,Carol 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-10222-01 Physics of Civilization Phillips,Lara AFST-13184-01 History University Seminar Pierce,Richard 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10170-01 Mathematics in Sport Pilkington,Anne 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10560-01 Calculus II Pilkington,Anne 5/4/2016 FTT-30705-01 Theatre, History, & Society II Pilkinton,Mark 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 246 DeBartolo Hall 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 213 DeBartolo Hall CSE-40910-01 Topics in Mathematical Logic Pillay,Anand 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 213 DeBartolo Hall MATH-40910-01 Topics in Mathematical Logic Pillay,Anand 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 213 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-43922-01 Topics in Mathematical Logic Pillay,Anand 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall AFST-43644-01 Black Pol. Multi. Amer. Pinderhughes,Dianne 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall AMST-40420-01 Black Pol. Multi. Amer. Pinderhughes,Dianne 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-43546-01 Black Pol. in Multiracial Am. Pinderhughes,Dianne 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30039-01 Black Pol. Multi. Amer. Pinderhughes,Dianne 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-20003-02 Fiction Writing Pittenger,Bailey CSE-30341-01 Operating System Principles Poellabauer,Christian MATH-30710-01 Algebra Polini,Claudia 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 229 Hayes-Healy 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS-13186-01 Literature University Seminar Polzonetti,Pierpaolo 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 336 DeBartolo Hall EE-67032-01 Physics of Computation Porod,Wolfgang 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-40636-01 Intro: Catholic Moral Thought Porter,Jean 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 333 DeBartolo Hall THEO-13002-02 Hnrs Fdt of Theo: Biblcl/Hist Porter,Jean 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30224-01 Comparative Law Powell,Emilia Justyna 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall 214 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Classroom 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 109 Pasquerilla Center B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Hall B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Hall 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 136 DeBartolo Hall CSEM-23102-21 College Seminar Powell,Emilia Justyna PLS-40412-01 Sci, Society & Human Person Power,Clark MSL-40402-01 Adptve Mil Ldrshp Mil EthicsII Pratt,Christopher ECON-30020-01 Intermediate Macro Theory Pries,Michael ECON-30020-02 Intermediate Macro Theory Pries,Michael 5/2/2016 5/5/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 MATH-10250-03 Elements of Calculus I Pro,Curtis 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10560-04 Calculus II Pro,Curtis 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-40432-01 Biological Physics Ptasinska,Sylwia ROSP-30310-04 Intro Hispanic Lit & Cultures Quintero,Santiago 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 306 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall HESB-30108-01 Applied Quantitative Methods Radcliff,Benjamin 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall POLS-40813-01 Applied Quantitative Methods Radcliff,Benjamin 5/5/2016 POLS-53002-03 Senior Seminar Radcliff,Benjamin PLS-20302-01 Bible and Its Interpretation Radde-Gallwitz,Andrew 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 307 DeBartolo Hall 210 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Classroom 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall PSY-10000-01 Introductory Psychology Radvansky,Gabriel 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall PSY-10000-02 Introductory Psychology Radvansky,Gabriel 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall PSY-20000-01 Introductory Psychology Radvansky,Gabriel 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall PSY-20000-02 Introductory Psychology Radvansky,Gabriel 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 112 Pasquerilla Center HIST-97500-01 Experience/Ept. in Early Sci. Ragland,Evan 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 112 Pasquerilla Center HPS-93636-01 Experience/Ept. in Early Sci. Ragland,Evan 5/2/2016 1:00 PM 2:50 PM 158 Mendoza College of Business ACCT-70200-01 Strategic Cost Management Ramanan,Ramachandran 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 202 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-30310-01 Intro Hispanic Lit & Cultures Ramirez,Emmanuel 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 202 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-30310-02 Intro Hispanic Lit & Cultures Ramirez,Emmanuel 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall AFST-30601-01 Race/Ethicity & Amer. Politics Ramirez,Ricardo 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall AMST-30431-01 Race/Ethnicity & Amer.Politics Ramirez,Ricardo 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30421-01 Race/Ethnicity & Amer.Politics Ramirez,Ricardo 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall ILS-30535-01 Race/Ethnicity & Amer.Politics Ramirez,Ricardo 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30035-01 Race/Ethnicity & Amer.Politics Ramirez,Ricardo 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-43897-01 The Policy-Making Process Ramirez,Ricardo 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 106 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30047-01 Policy-Making Process Ramirez,Ricardo 5/2/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Hayes-Healy ACCT-40510-01 Audit and Assurance Services Ranzilla,Samuel 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Hayes-Healy 5/2/2016 ACCT-40510-02 Audit and Assurance Services Ranzilla,Samuel 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 334 DeBartolo Hall CNST-30622-01 17th Century England Rapple,Rory 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 334 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30412-01 17th-Century England Rapple,Rory 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 334 DeBartolo Hall CNST-30623-01 Irish History, 1600-1800 Rapple,Rory 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 334 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30431-01 Irish History, 1600-1800 Rapple,Rory 5/3/2016 4:15 PM ECON-60102-01 Microeconomic Theory II Rath,Kali 6:15 PM 725 Flanner Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 283 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-40339-01 Human Gross Anatomy Ravosa,Matthew 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 283 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-40340-01 Human Anatomy Ravosa,Matthew 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 316 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-10102-01 Intro to Phil: Phil & Religion Rea,Michael 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30210-04 Managerial Economics Reed,Jason 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30210-05 Managerial Economics Reed,Jason 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30210-07 Managerial Economics Reed,Jason 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30210-08 Managerial Economics Reed,Jason 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-30412-01 Politics of Global Environment Regan,Patrick 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30259-01 The Pol. of Global Environment Regan,Patrick 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 334 DeBartolo Hall POLS-43002-02 Junior Seminar (topics vary) Regan,Patrick 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 208 O'Shaughnessy Hall IDS-30539-01 Int'l Dev. in Practice II Reifenberg,Stephen 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 208 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30596-01 Intn'l Dvlpmnt in Practice II Reifenberg,Stephen 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-20201-01 Philosophy of Human Nature Reimers,Adrian PHIL-20105-01 Intro to Phil: Ethics & Polit. Reimers,Adrian 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 201 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-20201-02 Philosophy of Human Nature Reimers,Adrian 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 320 Malloy Hall MI-63459-01 Muhammad Reynolds,Gabriel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 320 Malloy Hall THEO-83708-01 Muhammad Reynolds,Gabriel 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-20100-01 Intro AncientGreece,Rome,Egypt Rhodes,Robin 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-20100-02 Intro AncientGreece,Rome,Egypt Rhodes,Robin 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-60100-01 Intro AncientGreece,Rome,Egypt Rhodes,Robin 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLAS-20400-01 Intro AncientGreece,Rome,Egypt Rhodes,Robin 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARCH-40211-01 Greek Architecture Rhodes,Robin 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-40121-01 Greek Architecture Rhodes,Robin 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-40121-02 Greek Architecture Rhodes,Robin 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-60121-01 Greek Architecture Rhodes,Robin CSE-40333-01 Mobile Application Projects Rich,Brandon CSE-60333-01 Mobile Application Projects Rich,Brandon AFST-30775-01 Caribbean Diasporas Richman,Karen AMST-30609-01 Caribbean Migrations Richman,Karen ANTH-30013-01 Caribbean Migrations Richman,Karen ILS-30101-01 Caribbean Diasporas Richman,Karen LAST-30654-01 Caribbean Diasporas Richman,Karen 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 6:15 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall 6:15 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall 204 McKenna Hall ILS 12:30 PM Samora Library 204 McKenna Hall ILS 12:30 PM Samora Library 204 McKenna Hall ILS 12:30 PM Samora Library 204 McKenna Hall ILS 12:30 PM Samora Library 204 McKenna Hall ILS 12:30 PM Samora Library 12:30 PM 305 DeBartolo Hall Julian Julian Julian Julian Julian CE-40420-01 Reactive Transport Richter,David 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 212 Stinson Remick Hall CSE-40943-01 Autonomous Mobile Robots Riek,Laurel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 212 Stinson Remick Hall CSE-60943-01 Autonomous Mobile Robots Riek,Laurel 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 207 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-20004-01 Poetry Writing Riggs,Nichole 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall PATL-60112-01 Patent Practitioner Ethics Rinaldo,Amy 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-10102-02 Beginning Spanish II Rios Puras,Natalia 5/5/2016 4:15 PM CNST-30603-01 Ancient Empires Roberts,Veronica 5/5/2016 4:15 PM POLS-30768-01 Ancient Empires Roberts,Veronica PLS-40302-01 Metaphysics and Epistemology Robichaud,Denis PLS-40302-02 Metaphysics and Epistemology Robichaud,Denis 5/4/2016 6:15 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall 210 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Classroom 210 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Classroom 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BIOS-40415-01 Medical & Veterin Parasitology Robichaud,Jennifer 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BIOS-40415-02 Medical & Veterin Parasitology Robichaud,Jennifer 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall BIOS-60579-01 Topics in Parasitology & VB Robichaud,Jennifer THEO-60947-01 Liturgcl Celebration/Minsty II Rocca,Peter 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 6:15 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 209 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall BIOS-30312-01 General Ecology Rocha,Adrian 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-40105-01 Tragedy, Comedy, Identity Roche,Mark 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B034 Geddes Hall PHIL-20233-02 Nietzsche Rodgers,Jordan 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B034 Geddes Hall PHIL-20233-01 Nietzsche Rodgers,Jordan 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 225 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-10101-03 Introduction to Philosophy Rodriguez,Jennifer 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 203 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-10101-05 Introduction to Philosophy Rodriguez,Jennifer 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 225 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-10101-04 Introduction to Philosophy Rodriguez,Jennifer 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 524 Flanner Hall PHIL-10102-02 Intro to Phil: Phil & Religion Roeber,Daniel 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 Pasquerilla Center PHIL-83701-01 Epistemology Roeber,Daniel 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356A Fitzpatrick Hall AME-50571-01 Biomaterials Roeder,Ryan 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall FIN-30220-05 Macroeconomic Analysis Rogers,James 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall FIN-30220-06 Macroeconomic Analysis Rogers,James 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 127 Hayes-Healy THEO-20801-01 Theology of Disability Romero,Miguel 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall HESB-30113-01 Thesis Research Design Rosato,Susan 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall POLS-40805-01 Thesis Research Design/Methods Rosato,Susan 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall POLS-53002-05 Senior Seminar Rosato,Susan POLS-43002-04 Junior Seminar (topics vary) Rosato,Susan 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 112 Pasquerilla Center ACMS-40740-01 Math/Comp Modeling Neurosci Rosenbaum,Robert 5/5/2016 1:45 PM PHYS-30220-01 Physics II Ruchti,Randal 3:45 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 305 DeBartolo Hall PSY-43357-01 Food and the Brain Rudenga,Kristin 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-30472-01 Electromagnetic Waves Ruggiero,Steven 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-20401-01 Ethics of Emerging Weapon Tech Ruiz De Olano Altuna,Pablo 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30289-01 Ethics of Emerging Weapon Tech Ruiz De Olano Altuna,Pablo 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-20912-01 Ethics of Emerging Weapon Tech Ruiz De Olano Altuna,Pablo 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-20628-01 Ethics of Emerging Weapon Tech Ruiz De Olano Altuna,Pablo 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall STV-20228-01 Ethics of Emerging Weapon Tech Ruiz De Olano Altuna,Pablo 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-20401-02 Ethics of Emerging Weapon Tech Ruiz De Olano Altuna,Pablo 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30289-02 Ethics of Emerging Weapon Tech Ruiz De Olano Altuna,Pablo 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-20912-02 Ethics of Emerging Weapon Tech Ruiz De Olano Altuna,Pablo 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-20628-02 Ethics of Emerging Weapon Tech Ruiz De Olano Altuna,Pablo 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall STV-20228-02 Ethics of Emerging Weapon Tech Ruiz De Olano Altuna,Pablo 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building AFST-30234-01 Race & Am. Pop. Culture Ruiz,Jason 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building AMST-30169-01 Race &American Popular Culture Ruiz,Jason 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building AMST-30169-02 Race &American Popular Culture Ruiz,Jason 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building AMST-30169-03 Race &American Popular Culture Ruiz,Jason 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building HIST-30895-01 Race &American Popular Culture Ruiz,Jason 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 303 Main Building ILS-30006-01 Race and Popular Culture Ruiz,Jason 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall AME-20213-01 Measurements and Data Analysis Rumbach,Paul MATH-10550-01 Calculus I Rupel,Dylan PHIL-10105-01 Intro to Phil: Ethics & Polit. Rush,Fred 5/5/2016 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 229 Hayes-Healy 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 330 Coleman-Morse PHIL-43429-01 Radical Politics Rush,Fred 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-13183-06 Theology University Seminar Russo,Nicholas 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray ECON-10020-03 Principles of Macroeconomics Safonova,Dasha 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray ECON-20020-03 Principles of Macroeconomics Safonova,Dasha 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 212 Haggar Hall AME-60639-01 Advanced Aerodynamics Sakaue,Hirotaka 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall CST-20625-01 Discipleship: Loving Action Sandberg,Kevin 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 202 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-20625-01 Discipleship: Loving Action Sandberg,Kevin ENGL-20620-01 Imag Mod Amer Conservatism Santin,Bryan 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 234 Coleman-Morse 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 184 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-40454-01 Quantum Mechanics II Sapirstein,Jonathan 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall EE-40471-01 Digital Signal Processing Sauer,Ken 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10360-04 Calculus B Saumell,Luis 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena MATH-20580-03 Intro Linear Alg and Diff Eqtn Savale,Nikhil 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall HESB-30661-01 Community and Power Sawatzky,Nathan 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-30735-01 Community and Power Sawatzky,Nathan 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30769-01 Community and Power Sawatzky,Nathan 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 204 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-40850-01 Advanced Fiction Writing Sayers,Valerie 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 204 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-40852-01 Advanced Fiction Writing II Sayers,Valerie 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 204 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-40855-01 Advanced Fiction Writing III Sayers,Valerie 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 232 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-30850-01 Fiction Writing/English Majors Sayers,Valerie 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 311 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-30110-01 Acct Measurement&Disclosure I Schaefer,Thomas 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall EE-20222-01 Intro to Elec Engr & Emb. Sys Schafer,R. Michael 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 283 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-30424-01 Tumor Cell Biology Schafer,Zachary 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 283 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-60570-01 Topics in Cell Biology Schafer,Zachary 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall CSE-40567-01 Computer Security Scheirer,Walter 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall CSE-60567-01 Computer Security Scheirer,Walter 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLGR-10002-01 Beginning Greek II Schlegel,Catherine 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLGR-60002-01 Beginning Greek II Schlegel,Catherine 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLLA-40033-01 Roman Satire Schlegel,Catherine 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLLA-60033-01 Roman Satire Schlegel,Catherine 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall LIT-73896-01 Roman Satire Schlegel,Catherine 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 DeBartolo Hall AME-60673-01 Kinematics of Human Motion Schmiedeler,James 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B036 Geddes Hall PHIL-20101-02 Introduction to Philosophy Schmitt,Margaret 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 356A Fitzpatrick Hall CBE-20255-01 Intro to Chemical Engineering Schneider,William 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 116 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-30402-01 Education Law and Policy Schoenig,John 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 116 O'Shaughnessy Hall ESS-30605-01 Ed. Law and Policy Schoenig,John 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 116 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30568-01 Education Law and Policy Schoenig,John 5/4/2016 4:15 PM POLS-30154-01 Education Law and Policy Schoenig,John 5/2/2016 10:30 AM ARHI-43214-01 Sem.: Art/Arch., Islamic Spain Schreffler,Michael 5/2/2016 10:30 AM ARHI-63214-01 Sem.: Art/Arch.,Islamic Spain Schreffler,Michael 5/2/2016 10:30 AM MI-43765-01 Sem.: Art/Arch., Islamic Spain Schreffler,Michael 5/2/2016 10:30 AM MI-63765-01 Sem.: Art/Arch.,Islamic Spain Schreffler,Michael 5/6/2016 10:30 AM ARHI-20801-01 Pre-Columbian Art, Mesoamerica Schreffler,Michael 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-20801-02 Pre-Columbian Art, Mesoamerica Schreffler,Michael 6:15 PM 116 O'Shaughnessy Hall 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 12:30 PM Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 12:30 PM Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 12:30 PM Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 12:30 PM Institute 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 207 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-10102-01 Beginning German II Schuler,Tanja 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-60501-01 German Graduate Reading Schuler,Tanja 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 207 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-10101-02 Beginning German I Schuler,Tanja 5/2/2016 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 159 Mendoza College of Business FIN-70440-01 Financial Policy Schultz,Paul 5/2/2016 10:00 AM 11:50 AM 159 Mendoza College of Business FIN-70441-02 Financial Policy Schultz,Paul FIN-70440-02 Financial Policy Schultz,Paul CHEM-30333-01 Analytical Chemistry I Schultz,Zachary PHIL-20101-01 Introduction to Philosophy Schupack,Jesse 5/2/2016 1:00 PM 2:50 PM 159 Mendoza College of Business 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 DeBartolo Hall 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B024 Rehearsal Room DPAC FTT-31002-01 Voice and Movement Scott,Siiri 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall POLS-53002-01 Senior Seminar Scully,Timothy EE-60542-01 Analog Integrated Circuit Des. Seabaugh,Alan 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 224 DeBartolo Hall 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall CST-33001-01 Catholic Social Teaching Sedmak,Clemens 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall CST-20664-01 Theology of Poverty Sedmak,Clemens 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-20733-01 Theology of Poverty Sedmak,Clemens 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall THEO-20664-01 Theology of Poverty Sedmak,Clemens 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-07 Intro to Engineerng Systems II Seelinger,Michael 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-08 Intro to Engineerng Systems II Seelinger,Michael 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall AME-20222-01 Mechanics II Seelinger,Michael MGTI-30640-01 Networking and Security Seidl,David 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM L003 Mendoza College of Business 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 322 Jordan Hall CHEM-60539-01 Molecular Metabolism Serianni,Anthony 5/5/2016 4:15 PM CHEM-20284-01 Chemistry Across PeriodicTable Sevov,Slavi 6:15 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 233 Geddes Hall CSC-33972-01 Restorative Justice Sharpe,Susan 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 233 Geddes Hall IIPS-50703-01 Restorative Justice Sharpe,Susan 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 233 Geddes Hall IIPS-63205-01 Rest Justice: Theory, Practice Sharpe,Susan 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 109 Pasquerilla Center MATH-60380-01 Basic Complex Analysis II Shaw,Mei-Chi 7:30 PM 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 ESS-33606-01 Social Foundations of Coaching Sheehan,Kristin 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray ANTH-20201-01 Fundamentals of Bio Anth Sheridan,Susan 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray 105 Reyniers Life Building ANTH 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Room 105 Reyniers Life Building ANTH 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Room 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 316 DeBartolo Hall BIOS-20401-01 Fundamentals of Bio Anth Sheridan,Susan ANTH-43101-01 Bioarchaeology Sheridan,Susan ANTH-63101-01 Bioarchaeology Sheridan,Susan 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/6/2016 9:30 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall MARK-30550-01 Imagination, Creativity &Comm Sherry,John 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 332 DeBartolo Hall CSE-40522-01 CPEG Capstone Design Shi,Yiyu 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-83202-01 Aristotle's Metaphysics Shields,Christopher 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 323 Flanner Hall CSEM-23102-09 College Seminar Shields,Christopher 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-30574-01 War and World Order Shin,Ji Hye 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30367-01 War and World Order Shin,Ji Hye 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall CE-40350-01 Environmental Microbiology Shrout,Joshua 5/5/2016 4:15 PM CE-60350-01 Environmental Microbiology Shrout,Joshua FTT-30468-01 Ethics in Journalism Sieber,Gary JED-30468-01 Ethics and Journalism Sieber,Gary 5/5/2016 6:15 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Center B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Center 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 317 DeBartolo Hall IDS-20500-01 Intro to International Dev Sievers,Sara 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 317 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30363-02 Intro Itnl Development Studies Sievers,Sara 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM L003 Mendoza College of Business MGT-40700-01 Project Management Siler,Scott 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 5/2/2016 1:45 PM PHYS-10310-01 General Physics I Simon,Anna 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 161 Fitzpatrick EG Lab CE-30540-01 Petrology/Earth Materials Simonetti,Antonio 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM B015 Haggar Hall PSY-60334-01 Intervention Science Simons,Anne ECON-60202-01 Macroeconomic Theory II Sims,Eric 5/3/2016 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 424 Flanner ECON Office 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall AL-33201-01 Geographic Information Systems Sisk,Matthew 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall AL-53201-01 Geographic Information Systems Sisk,Matthew 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall ANTH-33201-01 Geographic Information Systems Sisk,Matthew 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall CE-33100-01 Geographic Information Systems Sisk,Matthew 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-40269-01 Jonathan Swift and Mark Twain Sitter,John 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 120 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-20107-01 Satire: Swift to Oliver Sitter,John 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10360-06 Calculus B Smarandache,Roxana 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 311 DeBartolo Hall EE-30363-01 Random Phenomena in EE Smarandache,Roxana 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena CHEM-10172-03 Organic Structure & Reactivity Smith,Bradley 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 Haggar Hall ARCH-40521-01 Applied Structural Systems Smith,Brian 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 Haggar Hall ARCH-60521-01 Structures II / Concrete Smith,Brian 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-02 Intro to Engineerng Systems II Smith,Brian 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena EG-10112-03 Intro to Engineerng Systems II Smith,Brian 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 Haggar Hall PSY-30310-01 Abnormal Psychology Smith,David 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 Haggar Hall PSY-30310-02 Abnormal Psychology Smith,David 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 Haggar Hall PSY-30310-03 Abnormal Psychology Smith,David ARCH-53411-01 Hist. of Amer. Arch. 1630-1915 Smith,Thomas ARST-20501-01 Silkscreen I Smyrniotis,Elena 5/5/2016 5/3/2016 5/6/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 303 Bond Hall 316 Riley Hall ARST Printmaking 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Studio 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 5/2/2016 10:00 AM MATH-20550-02 Calculus III Smyth,Brian 3:45 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall MATH-30650-01 Differential Equations Smyth,Brian 2:00 PM Doermer Room A Carl Walrath Econ Final Snider, Regina 3:00 PM 4:50 PM 133 Mendoza College of Business 5/2/2016 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Mendoza Auditorium ACCT- 70160-01Sustainability: Accounting and Reporting Daewon Sun Business Intelligence Final Exam 5/3/2016 10:00 AM 1:30 PM Doermer Room C Carl Walrath Strategic Decision Making Final Snider, Regina 5/3/2016 1:00 PM 4:00 PM Doermer Room B Javier Hernandez Exam Snider, Regina 5/3/2016 2:00 PM 4:00 PM Doermer Room C Carl Walrath Corporate Finance Final Snider, Regina EE-80666-01 Advanced Electronic Devices Snider,Gregory MATH-40480-01 Complex Variables Snow,Dennis 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 334 DeBartolo Hall 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 127 Hayes-Healy Snider, Regina Snider, Regina 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 304 DeBartolo Hall AFST-30217-01 History of American Sport Soares,John 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 304 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30329-01 History of American Sport Soares,John 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 304 DeBartolo Hall B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Hall 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 149 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30631-01 History of American Sport Soares,John PHIL-20602-01 Medical Ethics Solomon,William CNST-40604-01 Morality and Modernity Solomon,William PHIL-40314-01 Morality and Modernity Solomon,William ENGL-30101-01 Intro to Literary Studies Solomonescu,Yasmin 5/2/2016 5/6/2016 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 149 DeBartolo Hall 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 201 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-20150-06 Statistical Inference in Bus. Somanchi,Satya Venkata 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-20150-08 Statistical Inference in Bus. Somanchi,Satya Venkata 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-20150-10 Statistical Inference in Bus. Somanchi,Satya Venkata 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 330 DeBartolo Hall EALC-50512-01 Advanced Chinese II Song,Hongnan 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 120 DeBartolo Hall EALC-20212-01 Second-Year Chinese II Song,Hongnan 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 120 DeBartolo Hall EALC-20212-03 Second-Year Chinese II Song,Hongnan 5/5/2016 4:15 PM ENGL-20300-01 Romanticism and Religion Soto,Cesar 6:15 PM 404 Main Building 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-30482-01 Contemporary Art: Art Now Speaks,Elyse 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-30482-02 Contemporary Art: Art Now Speaks,Elyse 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 107 O'Shaughnessy Hall ARHI-60484-01 Contemporary Art: Art Now Speaks,Elyse 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 206 O'Shaughnessy Hall ALHN-13901-01 20th Century Art Speaks,Elyse 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall ECON-10011-05 Principles of Microeconomics Spence,Forrest 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall ECON-10011-06 Principles of Microeconomics Spence,Forrest 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall ECON-10011-07 Principles of Microeconomics Spence,Forrest 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall ECON-20011-05 Principles of Microeconomics Spence,Forrest 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall ECON-20011-06 Principles of Microeconomics Spence,Forrest 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall ECON-20011-07 Principles of Microeconomics Spence,Forrest 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall HESB-20002-05 Principles of Microeconomics Spence,Forrest FIN-40450-01 Corporate Risk Management Spiess,D. Katherine 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 311 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall BAAL-20150-03 Corporate Financial Management Spiess,D. Katherine 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall BAAL-20150-04 Corporate Financial Management Spiess,D. Katherine 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall BAEG-20150-03 Corporate Financial Management Spiess,D. Katherine 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall BAEG-20150-04 Corporate Financial Management Spiess,D. Katherine 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall BASC-20150-03 Corporate Financial Management Spiess,D. Katherine 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall BASC-20150-04 Corporate Financial Management Spiess,D. Katherine 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall FIN-20150-03 Corporate Financial Management Spiess,D. Katherine 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall FIN-20150-04 Corporate Financial Management Spiess,D. Katherine 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 333 DeBartolo Hall SOC-13181-05 Soc Science University Seminar Spillman,Lynette 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 347 DeBartolo Hall B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Center B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Center B043 DeBartolo Performing Arts 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Center 143 DeBartolo Performing Arts 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Center 143 DeBartolo Performing Arts 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Center 143 DeBartolo Performing Arts 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Center 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 105 Pasquerilla Center SOC-63125-01 Cultural Sociology Spillman,Lynette CDT-30420-01 Sound &Music Design-Dig. Media Spoonhower,Jeffrey DESN-31132-01 Sound/Music DESN,Digital Media Spoonhower,Jeffrey FTT-30420-01 Sound &Music Design-Dig. Media Spoonhower,Jeffrey CDT-40420-02 Advanced 3D Digital Production Spoonhower,Jeffrey DESN-41208-01 Advanced 3D Digital Production Spoonhower,Jeffrey FTT-40416-01 Advanced 3D Digital Production Spoonhower,Jeffrey BIOS-60534-01 Methods In Biochemistry Stack,Mary 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 105 Pasquerilla Center CHEM-60534-01 Methods in Biochemistry Stack,Mary 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-20221-01 Architectural History II Stamper,John 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-50228-01 Teaching Concepts/Arch Hist II Stamper,John 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 104 Bond Hall ARCH-60221-01 Architectural History II Stamper,John 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 104 Bond Hall STV-20142-01 Architectural History II Stamper,John 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 205 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20438-01 Ancient Philosophy Stanbury,Michele Anik 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 404 Main Building PLS-30302-01 Polit. & Const. Theory Stanbury,Michele Anik 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall ECON-40025-01 International Macroeconomics Stangebye,Zachary 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall AME-50551-01 Introduction to Robotics Stanisic,Michael MATH-30750-01 Real Analysis Stanton,Nancy 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 229 Hayes-Healy 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 229 Hayes-Healy MATH-20750-01 Ordinary Differential Equation Stanton,Nancy 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 102 Pasquerilla Center MATH-80520-01 Topics in Math Logic II Starchenko,Sergei 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 116 Pasquerilla Center BIOS-10101-01 Human Genetics Evoltn & Socty Stark,Amy 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-20174-01 Teachg Literature in Classroom Staud,John 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall ESS-33624-01 Shkspr & Tolkien: Lit & School Staud,John 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM B019 FTT Design Lab DPAC FTT-30801-01 Scene Design Stephens,Marcus 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Browning Cinema DPAC FTT-10701-02 Introduction to Theatre Stephens,Marcus 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Browning Cinema DPAC FTT-20701-02 Introduction to Theatre Stephens,Marcus 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-30263-01 Ethics Sterba,James 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 201 O'Shaughnessy Hall PHIL-20401-01 Ethics Sterba,James 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall BASC-20200-01 Principles of Management Stevens,Christopher 5/3/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall MGT-20200-01 Principles of Management Stevens,Christopher 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 201 DeBartolo Hall EE-30321-01 Embedded Systems Stevenson,Robert 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM B016 Haggar Hall PSY-25275-01 Sign Language Stillson,Cheryl 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM B016 Haggar Hall PSY-25275-02 Sign Language Stillson,Cheryl 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall FIN-30220-01 Macroeconomic Analysis Stiver,John 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall FIN-30220-02 Macroeconomic Analysis Stiver,John 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall FIN-30220-03 Macroeconomic Analysis Stiver,John 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 Jordan Hall FIN-30220-04 Macroeconomic Analysis Stiver,John 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-30120-01 Acct Measurement&Disclosure II Stober,Thomas 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-30120-02 Acct Measurement&Disclosure II Stober,Thomas 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 Hayes-Healy MATH-60440-01 Basic Topology II Stolz,Stephan 5/6/2016 1:45 PM Stoyell-Mulholland,Brian 5/4/2016 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10560-06 Calculus II Woodworking Studio West Lake 7:30 PM 9:30 PM DESN-31202-01 ID: Portfolio Lab Annex DESN 303 Cushing Hall of Engineering EG 8:00 AM 10:00 AM CE-20230-01 Engineering Programming Room 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall ECON-40400-01 Advanced Labor Economics 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 116 Pasquerilla Center PHIL-93534-01 Rationality & Pers Persistence Sullivan,Meghan 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 244 DeBartolo Hall CNST-30202-01 England Since 1789 Sullivan,Robert 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 244 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30415-01 England since 1789 Sullivan,Robert 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 1024 Flanner SOC Office SOC-63995-01 Ethnographic Methods Quality I Summers-Effler,Erika 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall MGTI-30630-01 Systems Analysis and Design Sun,Daewon 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall MGTI-60639-02 Systems Analysis and Design Sun,Daewon 5/2/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall PHYS-10320-01 General Physics II Surman,Rebecca 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 223 DeBartolo Hall ESS-20208-01 Learning in Informal Environs Svarovsky,Mary-Geraldine 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena MATH-20580-04 Intro Linear Alg and Diff Eqtn Szekelyhidi,Gabor 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena MATH-20580-06 Intro Linear Alg and Diff Eqtn Szekelyhidi,Gabor 5/5/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 Suhardjo,Andika Sullivan,James MATH-20610-01 Linear Algebra Szekelyhidi,Sonja Mapes CE-30150-01 Dynamics and Modeling Taflanidis,Alexandros CDT-40220-01 Cybercrime and the Law Tamashasky,Eric 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 140 DeBartolo Hall 331 DeBartolo Hall Computer 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Classroom 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 412 Jordan SC computer cluster PHYS-50303-01 Quantum Optics Tanner,Carol 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 412 Jordan SC computer cluster PHYS-70303-01 Quantum Optics Tanner,Carol 5/2/2016 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 129 Hayes-Healy Strom,Kerstin 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 131 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10250-02 Elements of Calculus I Taylor,Laurence 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena MATH-20580-01 Intro Linear Alg and Diff Eqtn Taylor,Laurence 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 131 DeBartolo Hall ROPO-10106-01 Beg Port for Span Speakers II Teixeira,Sandra 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 131 DeBartolo Hall ROPO-10115-01 Intensive Beg Portuguese Teixeira,Sandra 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 131 DeBartolo Hall ROPO-20202-01 Intermediate Portuguese II Teixeira,Sandra 5/3/2016 8:00 AM ROPO-67000-01 Special Studies Teixeira,Sandra 9:45 AM 131 DeBartolo Hall 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 217 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30166-01 Magazine Writing Temple,Kerry 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 217 DeBartolo Hall JED-30177-01 Magazine Writing Temple,Kerry 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 125 DeBartolo Hall CSE-40822-01 Cloud Computing Thain,Douglas 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 125 DeBartolo Hall CSE-60822-01 Cloud Computing Thain,Douglas 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 203 DeBartolo Hall CSEM-23102-07 College Seminar Thibert,Jeffrey 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 725 Flanner Hall ENGL-20321-01 Decadent Modernity Thomas,David 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 725 Flanner Hall GSC-20517-01 Decadent Modernity Thomas,David 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 129 DeBartolo Hall AME-30381-01 Orbital and Space Dynamics Thomas,Flint 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 DeBartolo Hall CNST-30225-01 Modern Japan Thomas,Julia 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30120-01 Modern Japan Thomas,Julia 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 DeBartolo Hall LLEA-30602-01 Modern Japan Thomas,Julia 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 347 DeBartolo Hall CNST-30412-01 The Global Environment Thomas,Julia 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 347 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30993-01 The Global Environment Thomas,Julia 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 347 DeBartolo Hall IIPS-30928-01 The Global Environment Thomas,Julia 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 347 DeBartolo Hall STV-30193-01 The Global Environment Thomas,Julia 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall SOC-20732-01 Introduction to Criminology Thomas,Mim 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall SOC-20732-02 Introduction to Criminology Thomas,Mim 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 141 DeBartolo Hall STV-20331-01 Introduction to Criminology Thomas,Mim 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 136 DeBartolo Hall CE-40285-01 Bridge Engineering Thrall,Ashley 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 136 DeBartolo Hall CE-60285-01 Bridge Engineering Thrall,Ashley ECON-73002-01 Research Seminar Thurk,Jeffrey 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 335 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 201 DeBartolo Hall EE-60548-01 Electromagnetic Theory Timp,Gregory 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 224 West Lake Hall DESN-20200-02 ID: Design Drawing Tisten,George 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM B034 Geddes Hall PHIL-20801-01 Philosophy of Religion 310 Riley Hall ARST Figure Drawing 10:30 AM 12:30 PM ARST-40308-01 Multilevel Painting & Drawing Room 310 Riley Hall ARST Figure Drawing 10:30 AM 12:30 PM ARST-60308-01 Multilevel Painting & Drawing Room 316 Riley Hall ARST Printmaking 10:30 AM 12:30 PM ARST-63250-01 Painting/Printmaking Seminar Studio 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 102 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20201-01 Intermediate Spanish I 5/4/2016 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 5/3/2016 Tolly,Jeffrey Tomasula,Maria Tomasula,Maria Tomasula,Maria Topash-Rios,Andrea 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 102 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20201-06 Intermediate Spanish I Topash-Rios,Andrea 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 102 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-20201-07 Intermediate Spanish I Topash-Rios,Andrea 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 102 DeBartolo Hall 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Institute 715J Hesburgh Library Medieval 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Institute 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall ROSP-20237-02 Conversation and Writing Topash-Rios,Andrea CNST-30620-01 Medieval Iranian World Tor,Deborah HIST-30083-01 The Medieval Iranian World Tor,Deborah MELC-30036-01 The Medieval Iranian World Tor,Deborah MI-30245-01 The Medieval Iranian World Tor,Deborah CSE-60952-01 Intro to Network Science Toroczkai,Zoltan 7:30 PM 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/5/2016 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 PHYS-70152-01 Intro to Network Science Toroczkai,Zoltan 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall 9:30 PM 123 Nieuwland Science Hall MI-40457-01 Deification in Christian Theol Torrance,Alexis 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall MI-60457-01 Deification in Christian Theol Torrance,Alexis 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall THEO-40248-01 Deification in Christian Theol Torrance,Alexis 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 DeBartolo Hall THEO-60251-01 Deification in Christian Theol Torrance,Alexis 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 232 DeBartolo Hall THEO-13183-01 Theology University Seminar Torrance,Alexis 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLGR-40011-01 Homer Torrance,Isabelle 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLGR-60011-01 Homer Torrance,Isabelle 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall CLAS-40026-01 Greek Tragedy and the Irish Torrance,Isabelle 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall IRST-40026-01 Greek Tragedy and the Irish Torrance,Isabelle 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall LIT-73015-01 Greek Tragedy and the Irish Torrance,Isabelle 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 313 DeBartolo Hall AFST-23703-01 Blood, Guts, and Glory Torres,Gabriel 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 313 DeBartolo Hall ANTH-20301-01 Blood, Guts, and Glory Torres,Gabriel 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 313 DeBartolo Hall GSC-20519-01 Blood, Guts, and Glory Torres,Gabriel 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 209 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROFR-30645-01 Theater and Film Toumayan,Alain 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall LIT-73724-01 Baudelaire Toumayan,Alain 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROFR-40617-01 Baudelaire Toumayan,Alain 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROFR-63617-01 Baudelaire Toumayan,Alain 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 220 Malloy Hall ROFR-33500-01 La Chanson française Toumayan,Alain 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall CE-40610-01 Construction Management Tracy,Brian 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 307 DeBartolo Hall POLS-53002-02 Senior Seminar Trejo,Guillermo 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall POLS-60456-01 Logic of Political Violence Trejo,Guillermo 5/4/2016 7:30 PM AME-20231-01 Thermodynamics Tryggvason,Gretar AME-63999-01 Graduate Seminar Tryggvason,Gretar MBCM-70530-02 Mgt Writing for Non-Native Eng Tuleja,Elizabeth BACM-30530-01 Global Business Communication Tuleja,Elizabeth 5/5/2016 5/2/2016 9:30 PM 105 Jordan Hall B001 Andrews Auditorium Geddes 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Hall 1:00 PM 2:50 PM 133 Mendoza College of Business 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 215 DeBartolo Hall 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM L014B Mendoza College of Business BACM-30400-02 Business Speaking 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 200 O'Shaughnessy Hall Tuleja,Elizabeth ENGL-20000-01 Intro to Creative Writing Tusher,Alethea 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 1024 Flanner SOC Office AMST-43151-01 Religion and Irreligion Tweed,Thomas 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 224 West Lake Hall DESN-20201-01 ID: Intro Product Development Uhlman,Wendy 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 310 Jordan Hall SCPP-30401-01 Medical Counseling Skills Vachon,Dominic 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 Pasquerilla Center SCPP-30406-01 Spiritualities of Caring Vachon,Dominic 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 114 Pasquerilla Center THEO-40870-01 Spiritualities of Caring Vachon,Dominic 5/3/2016 4:15 PM SOC-63957-01 Hist & Comparative Sociology Valenzuela,J. Samuel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 223 DeBartolo Hall IDS-43607-01 Sociology of Development Valenzuela,J. Samuel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 223 DeBartolo Hall LAST-43557-01 Sociology of Development Valenzuela,J. Samuel 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 223 DeBartolo Hall SOC-43513-01 Sociology of Development Valenzuela,J. Samuel 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 140 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-20202-01 Intermediate Italian II Valterza,Loren 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 140 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-20202-02 Intermediate Italian II Valterza,Loren 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 140 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-20202-03 Intermediate Italian II Valterza,Loren THEO-60106-01 Prophets VanderKam,James BIOS-20241-01 Molecular Cell Biology Vaughan,Kevin BIOS-10115-01 Microbes and Man Vaughan,Patricia BIOS-30401-01 Principles of Microbiology Vaughan,Patricia 5/2/2016 5/5/2016 5/2/2016 6:15 PM 925 Flanner Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 323 Flanner Hall 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 105 Jordan Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 101 Jordan Hall 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall CLLA-10002-01 Beginning Latin II Vawter,Alexandria 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204A O'Shaughnessy Hall CLLA-60002-01 Beginning Latin II Vawter,Alexandria 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall ACCT-30210-01 Strategic Cost Management Vera-Munoz,Sandra 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall ACCT-30210-02 Strategic Cost Management Vera-Munoz,Sandra 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 101 Jordan Hall ACCT-30210-03 Strategic Cost Management Vera-Munoz,Sandra 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 DeBartolo Hall CNST-30626-01 Contemporary Political Thought Villa,Dana 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 118 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30622-01 Contemporary Political Thought Villa,Dana 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 113 DeBartolo Hall POLS-43002-03 Junior Seminar (topics vary) Villa,Dana 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 208 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROSP-40252-01 The Spanish Baroque Vitulli,Juan 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 208 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROSP-63912-01 The Spanish Baroque Vitulli,Juan 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 208 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROSP-30715-01 Imagined Worlds: Now and Then Vitulli,Juan 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 155 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-10110-01 Beginning Italian Vivirito,Patrick 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 155 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-10110-02 Beginning Italian Vivirito,Patrick 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 155 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-20201-01 Intermediate Italian I Vivirito,Patrick 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 155 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-20201-02 Intermediate Italian I Vivirito,Patrick 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 102 Pasquerilla Center MSL-10102-01 Intro to Military Leadrship II Vonderheide,Kyle 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 105 Pasquerilla Center MSL-20202-01 Foundtns of Military Ldrshp II Vonderheide,Kyle 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall MATH-20670-01 Math Methods in Physics II Vural,Dervis 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 241 DeBartolo Hall PHYS-20452-01 Math Methods in Physics II Vural,Dervis 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-20150-01 Statistical Inference in Bus. Waddell,Jennifer 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-20150-02 Statistical Inference in Bus. Waddell,Jennifer 5/4/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-20150-03 Statistical Inference in Bus. Waddell,Jennifer 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall BAMG-20150-04 Statistical Inference in Bus. Waddell,Jennifer THEO-10001-12 Found of Theo: Biblcl Historcl Wadler,Shlomo 5/4/2016 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 204 DeBartolo Hall THEO-60806-01 Ecclesiology Walatka,Todd 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 305 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-43600-01 Sem: 19th-C Amer Lit & Tech Walls,Laura 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 305 DeBartolo Hall STV-40193-01 Sem: 19th-C Amer Lit & Tech Walls,Laura CSEM-23102-02 College Seminar Walls,Robert 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 347 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30141-01 Native American Literature Walls,Robert 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30141-02 Native American Literature Walls,Robert 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 246 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30141-03 Native American Literature Walls,Robert 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 246 DeBartolo Hall ANTH-30041-01 Native American Literature Walls,Robert 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 246 DeBartolo Hall ENGL-40814-01 Native American Literature Walls,Robert 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 126 DeBartolo Hall CSE-40113-01 Design/Analysis of Algorithms Wang,Chaoli 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall CSE-40437-01 Social Sensing / Cybr-Phys Sys Wang,Dong 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall CSE-60437-01 Social Sensing / Cybr-Phys Sys Wang,Dong 5/2/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 217 DeBartolo Hall ECON-30330-01 Statistics for Economics Wang,Jing 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 212 Haggar Hall PSY-60155-01 Longitudinal Data Analysis Wang,Lijuan 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 117 DeBartolo Hall AME-30332-01 Compressible Aerodynamics Wang,Meng 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 301 DeBartolo Hall EALC-41412-01 Fourth Business Chinese II Wang,Wei 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 119 DeBartolo Hall EALC-10122-01 Hybrid First Year Chinese II Wang,Wei 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 119 DeBartolo Hall EALC-40412-01 Fourth-Year Chinese II Wang,Wei 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 308 DeBartolo Hall EALC-40412-02 Fourth-Year Chinese II Wang,Wei 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 129 DeBartolo Hall CNST-20607-01 Philosophy of Law Warfield,Ted 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 129 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-20408-01 Philosophy of Law Warfield,Ted 5/5/2016 4:15 PM PHIL-43606-01 Topics in Epistemology Warfield,Ted 6:15 PM 220 Malloy Hall 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 305 DeBartolo Hall PS-43000-02 Capstone Seminar Warlick,Jennifer 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 305 DeBartolo Hall PS-23000-01 Intro to Poverty Studies Warlick,Jennifer 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall PSY-30300-01 Psychology of Personality Watson,David 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall PSY-30300-02 Psychology of Personality Watson,David 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 102 DeBartolo Hall PSY-30300-03 Psychology of Personality Watson,David 9:30 PM 332 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-13185-08 Philosophy University Seminar Watson,Stephen 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 108 DeBartolo Hall PHIL-13185-07 Philosophy University Seminar Watson,Stephen 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall MI-20492-01 God's Grace and Human Action Wawrykow,Joseph 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-20803-01 God's Grace and Human Action Wawrykow,Joseph 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 241 DeBartolo Hall THEO-83015-01 Medieval Latin Reading Wawrykow,Joseph 5/5/2016 1:45 PM PHYS-30220-02 Physics II Wayne,Mitchell 5/3/2016 3:45 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall GE-20113-01 German for the Business World Weber,Hannelore 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-10312-01 Intensive German II Weber,Hannelore 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 338 O'Shaughnessy Hall GE-60312-01 Intensive German II Weber,Hannelore 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 215 DeBartolo Hall MARK-40650-01 Mktg Planning for Growth Weber,John 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall CST-33301-01 Soc., Self, & Cath. Soc. Trad. Weigert,Andrew 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall ESS-30214-01 Soc., Self, Cath. Social Trad Weigert,Andrew 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-33702-01 Soc, Self, Cath Soc Trad Weigert,Andrew 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 115 O'Shaughnessy Hall 214 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Classroom 210 O'Shaughnessy Hall PLS 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Classroom 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 335 DeBartolo Hall SOC-33001-01 Soc, Self, Cath Soc Trad Weigert,Andrew PLS-30202-02 Lit II: The Longer forms Weinfield,Henry PLS-30202-01 Lit II: The Longer forms Weinfield,Henry PHIL-20425-01 Contemporary Political Phil Weithman,Paul ARST-10201-02 Drawing I Welch,Mark 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 5/6/2016 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 300 Riley Hall ARST 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 925 Flanner Hall CNST-43401-01 Law,Society,& Criminal Justice Welch,Michael 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 925 Flanner Hall SOC-43704-01 Law, Society, and Criminal Jus Welch,Michael 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 725 Flanner Hall SOC-13181-04 Soc Science University Seminar Welch,Michael 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 101 DeBartolo Hall MATH-10360-02 Calculus B Wen,Haomin 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall CNST-30223-01 Contemporary Russia Wengle,Susanne 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall POLS-30473-01 Contemporary Russia Wengle,Susanne 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 114 O'Shaughnessy Hall RU-30473-01 Contemporary Russia Wengle,Susanne 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall CSE-40497-01 Web Science and Info Retrieval Weninger,Timothy 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 125 DeBartolo Hall CSE-60497-01 Web Science and Info Retrieval Weninger,Timothy 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 203 DeBartolo Hall ROFR-20215-01 Intensive Intermediate French Werner,Kathleen 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 O'Shaughnessy Hall FYS-10406-01 Intro to Research Process Wernert,Sean 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall ACMS-60590-01 Finite Elements in Engineering Westerink,Joannes 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall CE-60130-01 Finite Elements in Engineering Westerink,Joannes 5/2/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 356 Fitzpatrick Hall CSE-60130-01 Finite Elements in Eng. Westerink,Joannes 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray PSY-43531-01 Psychology and Medicine White,Robert 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray SCPP-43531-01 Psychology and Medicine White,Robert 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray STV-40151-01 Psychology and Medicine White,Robert 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30143-01 Fashioning American Identities White,Sophie 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30143-02 Fashioning American Identities White,Sophie 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray AMST-30143-03 Fashioning American Identities White,Sophie 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray GSC-30537-01 Fashioning American Identities White,Sophie 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 Hammes Mowbray HIST-30650-01 Identities in Colonial US White,Sophie 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 356A Fitzpatrick Hall CBE-20260-02 Chemical Engng Thermodyn I Whitmer,Jonathan 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall CST-20619-01 Rich, Poor, and War Whitmore,Todd 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall HESB-20211-01 Rich, Poor, and War Whitmore,Todd 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall IDS-20653-01 Rich, Poor, War Whitmore,Todd 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall IIPS-20701-01 Rich, Poor, and War Whitmore,Todd 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-20619-01 Rich, Poor, and War Whitmore,Todd 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 O'Shaughnessy Hall THEO-20619-02 Rich, Poor, and War Whitmore,Todd 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 202 DeBartolo Hall THEO-83622-01 Theo and Class Social Theory Whitmore,Todd 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 DeBartolo Hall AMST-30321-01 U.S. Environmental History Wiersema,Courtney 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 DeBartolo Hall HIST-30632-01 U.S. Environmental History Wiersema,Courtney 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 306 DeBartolo Hall STV-30132-01 U.S. Environmental History Wiersema,Courtney 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 310 Jordan Hall CHEM-10109-01 Themes in Chemistry Wiest,Olaf 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 Coleman-Morse AMST-30273-01 Contemporary U.S. Fiction Wilkens,Matthew 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 242 Coleman-Morse ENGL-43710-01 Sem: Contemporary U.S. Fiction Wilkens,Matthew 5/2/2016 9:30 PM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall ENGL-13186-06 Literature University Seminar Wilkens,Matthew 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall 7:30 PM ENGL-13186-07 Literature University Seminar Wilkens,Matthew 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 138 DeBartolo Hall MARK-30120-02 Marketing Research Wilkie,James MARK-43900-01 Explr Frontiers of MK Thought Wilkie,William 5/3/2016 3:30 PM 6:00 PM 158 Mendoza College of Business 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM B036 Geddes Hall SOC-73994-01 Categorical Data Analysis Williams,Richard 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B036 Geddes Hall SOC-30902-01 Methods Sociological Research Williams,Richard 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM B036 Geddes Hall STV-30902-01 Methods Sociological Research Williams,Richard 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 241 DeBartolo Hall ROSP-10101-02 Beginning Spanish I Williams,Shauna 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 283 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-40414-01 Stem Cell Biology Wingert,Rebecca 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 283 Galvin Life Science Center BIOS-60570-02 Topics in Cell Biology Wingert,Rebecca 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 305 DeBartolo Hall MEHE-10002-01 Elementary Hebrew II Winitzer,Abraham 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 305 DeBartolo Hall THEO-40003-01 Elementary Hebrew II Winitzer,Abraham 5/4/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 305 DeBartolo Hall THEO-60003-01 Elementary Hebrew II Winitzer,Abraham 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 336 DeBartolo Hall THEO-60155-01 Myth & Myth Mak Acnt NeEast Winitzer,Abraham 5/2/2016 4:15 PM EE-60566-01 Solid-State Devices Wistey,Mark ACCT-70621-01 Taxation Corps & Share Holders Wittenbach,James 5/2/2016 6:15 PM 201 DeBartolo Hall 11:30 AM 12:45 PM 122 Mendoza College of Business 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 107 Pasquerilla Center ACCT-40610-01 Federal Taxation Wittenbach,James 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 114 Pasquerilla Center ACCT-40610-02 Federal Taxation Wittenbach,James 5/3/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 112 Pasquerilla Center ACCT-40610-02 Federal Taxation Wittenbach,James 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 217 DeBartolo Hall AMST-40701-01 Sinatra Wojcik,Pamela 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 217 DeBartolo Hall FTT-40444-01 Sinatra Wojcik,Pamela 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 217 DeBartolo Hall GSC-40510-01 Sinatra Wojcik,Pamela 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 217 DeBartolo Hall FTT-30333-01 Child in Cinema Wojcik,Pamela 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 217 DeBartolo Hall 331 DeBartolo Hall Computer 4:15 PM 6:15 PM Classroom 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 323 Flanner Hall GSC-30544-01 The Child in Cinema Wojcik,Pamela SOC-71994-01 Categorical Data Analysis Lab Wood,Michael 5/3/2016 5/2/2016 IRLL-10102-01 Beginning Irish II Woods,John 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 323 Flanner Hall IRLL-60102-01 Beginning Irish II Woods,John 5/2/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 323 Flanner Hall IRST-10102-01 Beginning Irish II Woods,John 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 215 Riley Hall ARST Seminar Room ARHI-43408-01 Seminar: Pop,Fluxus,Minimalism Woods,Nicole 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 215 Riley Hall ARST Seminar Room ARHI-63408-01 Seminar:Pop,Fluxus,Minimalism Woods,Nicole 5/3/2016 9:00 AM 10:20 AM 158 Mendoza College of Business MSMG-60310-01 Strategic Decision Making Wowak,Adam 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 158 Mendoza College of Business MSMG-60310-01 Strategic Decision Making Wowak,Adam 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall BAMG-30900-11 Strategic Management Wowak,Adam 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall BAMG-30900-12 Strategic Management Wowak,Adam 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall BAMG-30700-07 Intro. to Process Analytics Wowak,Kaitlin 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall BAMG-30700-08 Intro. to Process Analytics Wowak,Kaitlin 5/5/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 127 Nieuwland Science Hall BAMG-30700-09 Intro. to Process Analytics Wowak,Kaitlin 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 725 Flanner Hall ECON-33265-01 Econ Research in Policymaking Wozniak,Abigail 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 725 Flanner Hall ECON-33265-02 Econ Research in Policymaking Wozniak,Abigail 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30400-01 Advanced Corporate Finance Xu,Qiping 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30400-02 Advanced Corporate Finance Xu,Qiping 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 155 DeBartolo Hall FIN-30400-03 Advanced Corporate Finance Xu,Qiping 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 200 Riley Hall ACMS-40212-01 Advanced Scientific Computing Xu,Zhiliang 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 200 Riley Hall ACMS-60212-01 Advanced Scientific Computing Xu,Zhiliang 5/6/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM Stepan Center Arena MATH-20580-02 Intro Linear Alg and Diff Eqtn Yang,Jinwei 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall ASIA-20842-01 Intl Reltns: China Japan Korea Yang,Ki Woong 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall LLEA-20842-01 Intl Reltns: China Japan Korea Yang,Ki Woong 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 240 DeBartolo Hall POLS-30395-01 Intl Reltns: China Japan Korea Yang,Ki Woong 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 330 DeBartolo Hall LLEA-30323-01 Chinese Literature and Gardens Yang,Xiaoshan EALC-50514-01 Readings: Mod Chinese Classics Ye,Weibing 5/3/2016 4:15 PM 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 118 DeBartolo Hall EALC-20212-02 Second-Year Chinese II Ye,Weibing 5/2/2016 4:15 PM EALC-30312-02 Third Year Chinese II Yin,Chengxu 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 116 DeBartolo Hall EALC-10112-01 First-Year Chinese II Yin,Chengxu 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 116 DeBartolo Hall EALC-10112-02 First-Year Chinese II Yin,Chengxu 5/6/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 116 DeBartolo Hall EALC-10112-03 First-Year Chinese II Yin,Chengxu 5/4/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 824 Flanner Hall PSY-43308-01 Cognition and Emotion Yoon,Kathleen 4:15 PM EALK-20212-01 Second-Year Korean II Yoon,Yeonhee EALK-10112-01 First-Year Korean II Yoon,Yeonhee 5/2/2016 5/3/2016 6:15 PM 208 O'Shaughnessy Hall 6:15 PM 116 DeBartolo Hall 6:15 PM 305 O'Shaughnessy Hall 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 306 DeBartolo Hall 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall ASIA-30340-01 Exploring Korean Hist./Culture Yoon,Yeonhee 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 117 O'Shaughnessy Hall LLEA-30340-01 Exploring Korean Hist./Culture Yoon,Yeonhee 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 124 Crowley Hall of Music CSEM-23102-19 College Seminar Youens,Susan 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 308 DeBartolo Hall MI-53556-01 Italian Senior Seminar Zaccarello,Michelangelo 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 308 DeBartolo Hall ROIT-53000-01 Italian Seminar Zaccarello,Michelangelo 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 206 O'Shaughnessy Hall ROIT-63091-01 Italy Past and Present: Zaccarello,Michelangelo 5/4/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 143 DeBartolo Hall THEO-13183-03 Theology University Seminar Zachman,Randall 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 320 Malloy Hall THEO-83258-01 Reformation Controversies Zachman,Randall ROSP-10102-03 Beginning Spanish II Zapata Lopez,Krystal 5/3/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 231 DeBartolo Hall 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 223 DeBartolo Hall PSY-30100-02 Experimental Psy I: Statistics Zhang,Guangjian 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 206 DeBartolo Hall AME-60634-01 Intermediate Heat Transfer Zhang,Teng 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 219 West Lake Hall DESN Room CDT-30110-02 VCD 3: Web Design Zhang,Yan 5/5/2016 4:15 PM 6:15 PM 219 West Lake Hall DESN Room DESN-20120-02 VCD 3: Web Design Zhang,Yan 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 119 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-40395-01 Numerical Linear Algebra Zhang,Yongtao 5/5/2016 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 119 DeBartolo Hall ACMS-60395-01 Numerical Linear Algebra Zhang,Yongtao 5/4/2016 4:15 PM PSY-60108-01 Bayesian Statistics Zhang,Zhiyong 6:15 PM 110 O'Shaughnessy Hall 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 212 Haggar Hall PSY-63199-01 Grad Semnar:Quantitative Study Zhang,Zhiyong 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 229 Hayes-Healy ACMS-30010-01 App Math Fin Eco II Zheng,Jeffrey 5/2/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 229 Hayes-Healy ACMS-40790-12 Topics in Applied Mathematics Zheng,Jeffrey 5/6/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 231 Hayes-Healy ACMS-40020-01 Loss Models II Zheng,Jeffrey 5/3/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 216 DeBartolo Hall BACM-30400-03 Business Speaking Zimmer,Eric 5/5/2016 10:30 AM 12:30 PM 313 DeBartolo Hall ACCT-40770-01 Adv. Writing: Accounting Pros Zimmer,Eric 5/2/2016 1:45 PM 3:45 PM 105 Jordan Hall AME-20241-02 Solid Mechanics Zorlutuna,Pinar 5/5/2016 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 149 DeBartolo Hall POLS-60606-01 Federalist & Anti-Federalist Zuckert,Michael