United States Version PDF - Amalgamated Transit Union
2 0 0 8 march/april w w w . a t u . o r g Official Journal of the Amalgamated Transit Union AFL-CIO/CLC Letting Our Voices BE HEARD A M A L G A M AT E D T R A N S I T U N I O N | 2 0 0 8 L E G I S L AT I V E I S S U E AMALGAMATED TRANSIT UNION INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS WARREN S. GEORGE International President MICHAEL J. SIANO International Executive Vice President OSCAR OWENS International Secretary-Treasurer International Vice Presidents TOMMY MULLINS Roanoke, VA – mullins@atu.org JOSEPH WELCH Syracuse, NY RODNEY RICHMOND New Orleans, LA – rrichmond@atu.org DONALD T. HANSEN Tenino, WA – dhansen@atu.org ROBERT H. BAKER Washington, DC – bb@atu.org LARRY R. KINNEAR Ashburn, ON – lkinnear@atu.org RANDY GRAHAM Gloucester, ON – rgraham@atu.org JAVIER M. PEREZ, JR. Kansas City, MO – jperez@atu.org RICHARD M. MURPHY Braintree, MA MESSAGE DU PRÉSIDENT INTERNATIONAL PAR WARREN S. GEORGE On ne peut pas se permettre d’avoir une Présidence McCain C’est sans aucun doute une année historique dans la politique des présidentielles aux Etats Unis avec le parti démocrate prêt à désigner soit la première femme soit le premier afro-américain comme candidat à la présidence des Etats Unis. N’importe lequel des deux serait un champion pour la défense des familles des travailleurs et l’ATU est déterminé à apporter son soutien au candidat qui finalement sera élu pour représenter le parti. Alors que la question de savoir qui sera le candidat pour le parti démocrate reste encore sans réponse, une chose est sûre, c’est que le candidat du parti républicain est le Sénateur John McCain—probablement un des membres du sénat les plus opposés aux causes des travailleurs et aux transports publics. Une longue carrière consacrée à voter contre les priorités de l’ATU Bien sûr McCain est un héros de la guerre, et en tant que tel il doit être respecté et honoré pour les services rendus à la nation. Mais il a également une longue carrière consacrée à voter contre le financement des transports publics, à être contre les augmentations du salaire minimum, à soutenir les réductions d’impôts pour les riches, et, il a même voté pour l’abolition de la Section 13(c) sur la protection des travailleurs des transports publics qui assure la protection des droits lorsque l’employeur reçoit des fonds fédéraux pour les transports en commun. Malgré l’augmentation du coût de la nourriture, de l’énergie et des frais médicaux, du nombre des maisons en liquidation et vendues aux enchères et la baisse du prix de l’immobilier, McCain continue à nier que les Etats Unis vont vers la récession et il prétend même en fait que l’économie est robuste. McCain a proposé un plan qui ne protège pas plus de gens, qui pousse les employeurs à ne plus utiliser la couverture actuelle, et qui taxerait les avantages médicaux consentis par les employeurs. McCain continuerait la politique de Bush Bien qu’il se présente comme un « non-conformiste » qui défie son propre parti et fait face au Président, la vérité est qu’il a voté 89% des fois avec l’Administration Bush—et son palmarès pour les affaires concernant les familles des travailleurs est virtuellement identique. Il ne se présente pas pour remettre les Etats Unis sur la bonne route, mais pour continuer la politique et les programmes désastreux de l’Administration de Bush. Je vous demande de voir au-delà de son image de « franc parleur » qui est promue par les gens qui font sa campagne et de regarder en profondeur comment il a traité les problèmes concernant les familles des travailleurs. McCain en tant que président signifierait des réductions importantes dans le financement des transports, des taxes sur les avantages santé, plus de délocalisations des emplois américains à l’étranger, plus de revenus pour les grandes sociétés et les riches. On ne peut définitivement pas se permettre d’avoir McCain comme président. BOB M. HYKAWAY Calgary, AB – bhykaway@atu.org CHARLES COOK Petaluma, CA – ccook@atu.org WILLIAM G. McLEAN Reno, NV – wmclean@atu.org RONALD J. HEINTZMAN Mt. Angel, OR – rheintzman@atu.org JANIS M. BORCHARDT Madison, WI – jborchardt@atu.org PAUL BOWEN Canton, MI – pbowen@atu.org LAWRENCE J. HANLEY UN MENSAJE DEL PRESIDENTE INTERNACIONAL POR WARREN S. GEORGE No Podemos Darnos el Lujo de Tener A McCain Como Presidente Este es ciertamente un año histórico en los anales de la política presidencial de los Estados Unidos, con el Partido Demócrata ya listo para nominar a la primera mujer candidata, o el primer candidato Afro-Americano para Presidente de los Estados Unidos. Cualquiera de estos dos candidatos sería un campeón a favor de los intereses de las familias trabajadoras, y la ATU está comprometida a darle su apoyo total a cualquiera de los dos candidatos que a fin de cuentas reciba la nominación del partido. Mientras que la cuestión de quién será el candidato Demócrata aun está pendiente de resolución, el candidato del Partido Republicano ciertamente será el Senador John McCain – tal vez uno de nuestros más acérrimos enemigos en el Senado americano quién sin ningún reparo lucha en contra de la clase trabajadora y en contra del servicio de transporte público. Staten Island, NY – lhanley@atu.org KENNETH R. KIRK Lancaster, TX – kkirk@atu.org GARY RAUEN Clayton, NC – grauen@atu.org International Representatives GARY MAURER Atlanta, GA – gmaurer@atu.org RAY RIVERA Lilburn, GA– rrivera@atu.org MARCELLUS BARNES Largo Historial de Votación Contra Las Prioridades de la ATU Innegablemente, McCain es un héroe de la guerra y él debe ser, justificadamente, respetado y honrado por el servicio prestado a la nación. Pero McCain también tiene un largo historial de votación en contra de financiamiento para el servicio de transporte público, de oposición a los aumentos en el salario mínimo, a favor de recortes de impuestos que favorezcan a la clase acaudalada, y hasta ha votado a favor de revocar las protecciones laborales del tránsito cubiertas por la Sección 13 (c), que garantiza que los derechos de los trabajadores estén protegidos cuando su empleador recibe financiamiento federal de subsidio al tránsito. A pesar de los galopantes aumentos en los precios de los alimentos, energía y medicamentos, las alarmantes ejecuciones de hipotecas hogareñas, y el rápido decrecimiento del precio de las viviendas, McCain continua negando que la economía del país se está abocando rápidamente hacia una recesión económica y alega que, de hecho, la economía del país está saludable y fuerte. McCain ha propuesto un plan de salud que falla en darle cobertura a un mayor número de personas, que conduciría a que los empleadores cancelen la cobertura actual, y que impondría impuestos en los beneficios del cuidado de la salud que son proveídos por su empleador. Flossmoor, IL – mbarnes@atu.org YVETTE SALAZAR Thornton, CO – ysalazar@atu.org Canadian Council ROBIN G. WEST Canadian Director 61 International Boulevard, Suite 210 Rexdale, ON M9W 6K4 director@atucanada.ca 2 IN TRANSIT Continuaría las Políticas de George Bush Aunque McCain se auto-titula ser un “disidente” que desafía las políticas de su propio partido y quién con frecuencia enfrenta a su propio Presidente, la verdad es que McCain tiene un historial de 89% de votos en el Senado a favor de las políticas de George W. Bush – y su historial sobre los temas de importancia para las familias trabajadoras es virtualmente idéntico. Él no está corriendo para Presidente con el propósito de cambiar las cosas en América, sino para continuar las desastrosas políticas y programas de la Administración Bush. Yo les ruego a ustedes que miren más allá del mito de una “persona que habla con franqueza” que es la imagen pública que los agentes de McCain promueven diariamente. Ustedes deben concentrarse en su infame historial sobre los temas de importancia para las familias trabajadoras. McCain como Presidente significaría drásticos recortes en el financiamiento del servicio de transporte público, impuestos sobre los beneficios del cuidado de la salud, una mayor exportación de empleos americanos al extranjero, y más prebendas para las corporaciones y la clase acaudalada. Simplemente hablando, ¡no podemos darnos el lujo de tener a McCain como Presidente! www.atu.org A MESSAGE FROM THE INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT We Cannot Afford a McCain Presidency This is certainly a historic year in U.S. presidential politics, with the Democratic party ready to nominate either the first female candidate or the first African-American candidate for U.S. president. Either candidate will be a champion for working families and the ATU is committed to supporting whichever candidate ultimately wins the nomination. While the question of who will be the Democratic nominee still hangs in the air, the Republican nominee is certain to be Senator John McCain – perhaps one of the most anti-labor and anti-public transportation members of the U.S. Senate. LONG RECORD VOTING AGAINST ATU PRIORITIES Sure, McCain is a war hero and he is, rightfully, to be respected and honored for his service to his country. But he also has long record of voting against funding for public transportation, opposing increases in the minimum wage, supporting tax cuts for the wealthy, and has even voted to repeal the Section 13(c) transit labor protections that ensure that your rights are protected when your employer receives federal transit funding. ‘McCain - perhaps one of the most anti-labor and anti-public transportation members of the U.S. Senate.’ Despite soaring prices for food, energy and medicine, alarming home foreclosure rates and rapidly dropping home prices, McCain continues to deny that the U.S. is heading into a recession and claims that, in fact, the economy is strong. McCain has proposed a health plan that fails to cover more people, would lead employers to drop existing coverage, and would tax your employer-provided health care benefits. WOULD CONTINUE BUSH POLICIES Although he promotes himself as “maverick” who challenges his own party and stands up to the president, the truth is that he has voted with the Bush administration 89 percent of the time – and his record on working family issues is virtually identical. He is not running to turn America around, but to continue the disastrous policies and programs of the Bush administration. I ask you to look beyond the “straight talker” image being pushed by McCain’s operatives and take a hard look at his record on working family issues. A McCain presidency would mean harsh cuts in transit funding, taxes on health care benefits, more outsourcing of U.S. jobs, and more payoffs for corporations and the wealthy. We simply cannot afford a McCain presidency. www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2008 3 march/april 2008 w w w . a t u . o r g Vol. 117, No. 2 Contents 2 International Officers & General Executive Board International President’s Message in French & Spanish 3 International President’s Message We Cannot Afford A McCain Presidency 4 Magazine Index 5 International Executive Vice President’s Message Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow 6 International SecretaryTreasurer’s Message Why You Matter 7 Know Your Rights: CDL Penalties for ‘Driving Under the Influence’ in Your Own Car 8 Become an ATU-COPE Club Member 9 ATU Activist: Tony Miles 9 16 10 10 2008 Legislative Conference 14 ATU Legislator of the Year Rep. Jim Oberstar, D-MN 15 Canadian Agenda: Canada Continues to Build Infrastructure Investment Program 16 Legislative Report Wisconsin: Working as a Team 18 2007 ATU-COPE Club List 52 ATU-COPE Upgrade 53 ATU Activists Show Support for Hillary 54 John McCain’s Transit and Labor Record McCain’s Record Shows That He Has Not Supported Transportation Workers 55 Survey Pegs Canadian Transit Needs at $40.1 Billion Through 2012 56 One Mother’s ATU Miracle 57 Arbitrations 58 Local News 55 9 10 16 18 55 ATU Activist: Anthony Miles ATU Legislative Conference 2008 Legislative Report: Wisconsin Working as a Team ‘07 ATU-COPE Clubs Survey Pegs Canadian Transit Needs at $40.1 Billion Through 2012 61 Coming ATU Events 62 In Memoriam 63 Steven Rollino Members Mark One-Year Anniversary of the Passing of Beloved Local President 64 Proud to Be ATU ATU Presents 2007 Donations to Multiple Sclerosis Research 4 IN TRANSIT Subscription: USA and Canada, $5 a year. Single copy: 50 cents. All others: $10 a year. Published bimonthly by the Amalgamated Transit Union, Editor: Shawn Perry, Assistant: Paul A. Fitzgerald. Editorial Office: 5025 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016-4139. Tel: 1-202-537-1645. Please send all requests for address changes to the ATU Registry Dept. ISSN: 0019-3291, USPS: 260-280. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40033361. RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: B&M Mailing Service Limited, 35 Van Kirk Drive, Unit 15, Brampton, Ontario L7A 1A5, E-MAIL-BMCOMM@PATHCOM.COM The objects of this International Union shall be to organize Local Unions; to place our occupation upon a higher plane of intelligence, efficiency and skill; to encourage the formation in Local Unions of sick and funeral benefit funds in order that we may properly care for our sick and bury our dead; to encourage the organization of cooperative credit unions in the Local Unions; to establish schools of instruction for imparting a practical knowledge of modern and improved methods and systems of transportation and trade matters generally; to encourage the settlement of all disputes between employees and employers by arbitration; to secure employment and adequate pay for our work, including vacations with pay and old age pensions; to reduce the hours of labor and by all legal and proper means to elevate our moral, intellectual and social condition. To engage in such legislative, political, educational, cultural, social, and welfare activities as will further the interests and welfare of the membership of the Organization. To seek the improvement of social and economic conditions in the United States and Canada and to promote the interests of labor everywhere. www.atu.org A MESSAGE FROM THE INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow We spend a lot of time looking to our past, and for good reason. We have a great deal to be proud of. Since 1892 we have been the voice of transit workers in the U.S. and Canada. Today, I want to share some of my concerns about our future. Transit is headed for some rocky times in the years ahead. Yes, the economy is clearly going down the tubes, and we will be facing funding problems everywhere. But none of these are my greatest concern. NO PIPELINE OF NEW HIRES The public transportation industry, like many service-based sectors in our countries, will be faced with major human resource challenges in the near future. A large percentage of the transit workforce – both blue and white collar – will be retiring within the next few years. Yet, there is no pipeline of new hires on the horizon because the industry has a virtually nonexistent public image that hampers its ability to attract, recruit, and retain quality employees. And for the existing workforce, new technology is rapidly changing the way transit agencies function affecting every executive director, mid-level manager, bus driver and mechanic. Unfortunately, relatively few programs exist to provide training for workers so that they can perform their jobs adequately, move up the career ladder, and help the nation’s transit agencies operate at maximum efficiency. ‘We need to figure out where our future members are going to come from.’ Recent international and domestic circumstances, including global climate change, $3.50 per gallon gasoline, increased traffic congestion, and others have propelled the U.S. public transportation industry into what should be a leading role in helping our nation address these urgent energy and environmental issues. ARE WE READY TO PERFORM? The question is, are we ready to perform? Sadly, no matter how many billions of dollars Congress and Parliament authorize for new buses, rail cars, and other transit equipment, we will never reach our full potential without quality people in place in a range of job classifications throughout the hundreds of transit agencies in the U.S. and Canada. In fact, if steps are not immediately taken to address retirement, training, and other pressing issues facing the industry, we are headed for an imminent workforce crisis. The current approach to addressing human resource issues in transit is simply not working. ATU is the leading the way in this area by proposing new programs that will invest in training. But, we also need to find ways to get young people interested in pursuing careers in transit on both the operations and maintenance side. As the head of the ATU’s new Organizing Department, my responsibilities go beyond simply providing ATU representation to existing transit workers who have yet to benefit from effective union representation. We need to figure out where our future members are going to come from. Let’s not wait until it’s too late. www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2008 5 A MESSAGE FROM THE INTERNATIONAL SECRETARY-TREASURER Why You Matter Every election year, the labor movement engages in a massive member education and mobilization program in an effort to help elect worker-friendly candidates to office. We rely heavily on union member volunteers who make phone calls to fellow members, knock on union family doors and talk to their fellow members at their worksites. ‘Without question, we do make a difference in politics.’ I am often asked by our members and persons outside the labor movement about why we bother – especially since labor union members make up only 12 percent of the U.S. working population. The answer is simple - we do it because the union vote matters! The 2006 midterm elections, when Democratic majorities were restored to both the U.S. House and Senate, are a perfect example of how the labor program affects the outcome of elections. UNION VOTERS CREATE THE MARGIN OF VICTORY When union members and their families are taken out of the vote counts for 2006, the general public’s vote was split 50-50. Union members made the difference, voting 3-1 for worker-friendly candidates and tipping the balance enough to elect a worker-friendly government. Not only do union members overwhelmingly support worker-friendly candidates, but they also turn out to vote in much greater numbers than the general public – representing more than a quarter of voters in recent elections. The ATU is no exception. Thanks to the hard work of our local officers and activists, ATU members turned out to vote in significantly higher numbers than the general public. For example, in Ohio in 2006, where general turnout was 53 percent – 77 percent of ATU members voted. Similarly, in Florida, 60 percent of ATU members voted, compared to 42 percent of the general public. In Minnesota – which has the largest voter turnout of any state – 84 percent of ATU members voted, compared to 71 percent of the general public. Without question, we do make a difference in politics. With your help, we can make a difference in 2008! 6 IN TRANSIT www.atu.org KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: CDL Penalties for ‘Driving Under the Influence’ in Your Own Car Section 201(b) of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (MCSIA) revised the Commercial Drivers License (CDL) standards imposing harsher disqualification standards. Among its revisions, the Act requires CDL holders to be disqualified if they are convicted of a drug or alcohol-related offense, such as driving under the influence, committed while operating a non-Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV). For a first time conviction of either driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance (or of refusing to submit to a sobriety test), the Act imposes an automatic one-year disqualification from operating a CMV even if the offense was committed using a personal vehicle. A second such conviction shall disqualify that individual from operating a commercial motor vehicle for life. rehabilitation program approved by the state. Any person who has received such reinstatement but is subsequently convicted of an additional disqualifying offense is strictly prohibited from qualifying for a potential state reinstatement of CMV operating privileges. Certainly, though perhaps indicative of responsibilities associated with their work, our CDL-holding brothers and sisters are being held to a standard higher than that of the general public, both in their professional lives as drivers, and in their personal lives. Those affected individuals, however, must be aware that a conviction for driving under the influence while operating any motor vehicle could have a significant adverse impact on a driving career. REINSTATEMENT POSSIBLE Nevertheless, the Act provides that a state may reinstate a driver subject to a lifetime disqualification after a period of 10 years if that person has voluntarily entered and successfully completed an appropriate www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2008 7 PROTECT YOUR JOB! Support Pro-Transit & Pro-Labor Candidates Ask Your Local Union Officer How You Can: BECOME AN ATU COPE CLUB MEMBER $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 YR CONTRIBUTION: weekly bi-weekly monthly quarterly $0.49 $0.97 $2.09 $6.25 PRESIDENT’S CLUB YR CONTRIBUTION: weekly bi-weekly monthly quarterly $0.97 $1.93 $4.17 $12.50 STATESMAN’S CLUB YR CENTURY CLUB weekly bi-weekly monthly quarterly $1.93 $3.85 $8.34 $25.00 YR CONGRESSIONAL CLUB PATRIOT’S CLUB CONTRIBUTION: CONTRIBUTION: weekly bi-weekly monthly quarterly $4.81 $9.62 $20.84 $83.34 YR CONTRIBUTION: weekly bi-weekly monthly quarterly $9.62 $19.24 $41.67 $125.00 Only ATU Members living in the U.S. may contribute to ATU-COPE 8 IN TRANSIT www.atu.org www.atu.org ANTHONY MILES Member and Union Representative ATU Local 1056-Flushing, NY “Tony has been a strong advocate for Local 1056-Flushing, NY, and the working class, both on and off the job,” said Local President Ed Figueroa about Union Representative Anthony Miles. “He’s been active in the local from day one.” “I try to be helpful,” says Brother Miles. And, according to his local president, he is very helpful. “He manned the picket lines when we went out on strike in 2005. Anytime the call goes out for volunteers, Tony is there and you can count on him,” said President Figueroa. “We’re lucky to have a man like Tony on our team.” Most recently, Brother Miles volunteered to help his home-state senator, Hillary Clinton, win the New York Democratic Primary on February 5. He helped organize volunteers from the local to mobilize on election day. Brother Miles and his fellow volunteers participated in “visibility events” throughout Queens and passed out information about Hillary outside polling places. HANDLES NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION From left, ATU Activist Tony Miles, 1056-Flushing, NY is seen above during the New York Primary campaign with fellow member Vincent Middleton. As union “rep,” he is responsible for providing union orientation to new members in his division. “COPE is one of the main things we stress with new members,” he says. During orientation, Brother Miles tries to educate new members about COPE and sign them up for COPE contributions. In addition to these activities, Miles serves as his local’s representative on the Central Labor Council and attends political directors’ meetings, town hall meetings and other events on behalf of his local. Brother Miles joined the ATU six years ago and he wasted no time getting involved in the local. “It’s hard for me to understand why more people aren’t involved in the local,” he says. “Just because we pay our union dues doesn’t mean our obligation is over.” About his job as a bus operator, Miles says “I’m in heaven when I’m driving. I really enjoy it. If you’re a people person, this is a good profession for you – and I’m a people person. I get along with the passengers.” www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2008 9 AMALGAMATED TRANSIT UNION LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE ‘08 ATU LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE MAKES PLANS TO ‘TURN AROUND AMERICA’ The ATU 2008 Legislative Conference was held from March 8-11, in Washington, DC. Representatives of U.S. locals came to learn about the legislative and political initiatives which the Union will pursue in the coming year, and to lobby their congressional representatives in the nation’s capital. The possibility that a labor-friendly president and a filibuster-proof Senate could be elected in November added to the excitement of the event which was taking place during one of the most extraordinary political seasons anyone could remember. Set against the backdrop of a close contest between the first female candidate and the first African-American to have legitimate shots at winning the Democratic presidential nomination, there was a real sense that history was in the making. BEGIN MOBILIZING NOW ATU International President Warren S. George opened the conference with an appeal to participants to take the information learned at the 10 IN TRANSIT International President Warren S. George warned conference participants not to wait for the Democrats to choose a nominee. He told them to start mobilizing for the election now. conference back to their locals and members. He challenged the participants to begin mobilizing their members around issues that will be important in the upcoming presidential election. “We can’t wait for the Democrats to choose their nominee,” warned George. “The Republicans have chosen a nominee who has voted against funding public transportation and has voted to rollback crucial www.atu.org ‘Section 13(c)’ transit labor protections. We need to start educating our members on John McCain’s ant-transit labor record now.” numbers in the most recent congressional elections, and demonstrated how that level of participation can have a big impact on the next election. Lemmon also looked at the electoral map and outlined a campaign “battle plan” for 2008. He showed just how the November elections could be won in both the executive and legislative branches of government. AFL-CIO President John Sweeney declared, “This is our moment.” TURN AROUND AMERICA The conference was privileged, once again, to be addressed by AFL-CIO President John Sweeney. The U.S. labor leader presented the theme that will be used in the federation’s election campaign. “Turn Around America” will be the “mantra” of the coming campaign which brings together all of the hopes and dreams of working American families and focuses Labor on the electoral task at hand. Sweeney warned the conference that a McCain administration would be organized labor’s “worst nightmare,” and that we can not afford four more years of the same failed policies of the Bush administration. Recognizing that individual unions may differ in their presidential endorsements and on some issues, the federation president urged “above all else we must stay unified” in the coming election. “This is our moment,” he asserted. AFL-CIO Field Director Paul Lemmon congratulated ATU’s members who vote in much higher than average numbers in comparison to the rest of the electorate. Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton noted the “ATU for Hillary” signs she sees on the campaign trail. PHONE CALL FROM THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL The conference heard from Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton whose phone call was broadcast to the participants. Clinton thanked International President George and the ATU for their “early and consistent support,” noting the ATU signs she sees along the campaign trail. The conference-goers responded enthusiastically to the call from the New York senator who has been endorsed by the ATU in her bid for the White House. The conference participants fully realized that the coming election presents a great opportunity to advance the Union’s legislative agenda. Consequently, they immersed themselves in the transit and labor issues that are important to the ATU throughout the event. AFL-CIO’s Nick Unger tackled the health care issue in the election, saying, “The side which defines the issue wins!” HOW TO TURN AROUND AMERICA HEALTH CARE The nuts-and-bolts of the “Turn Around” campaign were left to AFL-CIO Field Director Paul Lemmon who presented statistics showing that ATU members voted in much higher than average At the top of almost anyone’s agenda is health care, and, appropriately, the first guest speaker was the AFL-CIO’s Nick Unger, who focused on that issue. www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2008 11 “Health care is going the wrong way,” he insisted, “It costs too much, covers too little, excludes too many, and is getting worse.” Unger was frank, challenging what he believed to be a weakness in Labor – that union members believe that everyone in the U.S. thinks about health care in the same way they do. “The country is going in the wrong direction,” Unger explained. “The opportunity to change that direction is there, but the assumption that everyone sees it the way you do is a recipe for defeat.” Unger provided the example of the last presidential contest in which “we got beat in an election we should have won.” Unger warned the participants to take nothing for granted, bluntly stating that “the side which defines the issue wins! If we don’t win in November there will be no health care reform.” AFL-CIO Organizing Director Stewart Acuff shouted, “They are taking away the American Dream!,” and urged members to send postcards to Congress supporting the Employee Free Choice Act. But, he also reminded them that, “People + Passion = Power,” and he asked them to use that as a recipe for their own power. majority of the employees where they work sign cards indicating they want a union. He led the conference through issue-defining responses to the standard arguments against national health insurance and challenged the group to argue for their position on their terms, rather than those of our opponents. “Take the issue away from them,” he exhorted, “and make it ours.” Acuff documented the link between the decline of real wages and benefits in America and the decline in the “density” of union membership. He charged that the current administration has “driven our economy into a ditch.” “They are taking away the American Dream!” Acuff shouted, adding, “You cannot legislate a middle class; you must bargain for it.” That is why EFCA is so important. “If things keep going in this direction, eventually we won’t recognize our country,” he warned. “Sooner or later, economic inequality trumps democracy. This is about the future of our children and grandchildren.” Acuff asked for and received a commitment from every participant to get at least 10 percent of all of their local memberships to sign a card urging their congressional representative to vote for EFCA. Not only did they commit but every partcipant signed a card. AFL-CIO Transportation Trades President Ed Wytkind asserted, “This is going to be our year. We can win this. We must win this.” TRANSIT LABOR ISSUES Ed Wytkind, president of the AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department, delivered a blistering speech in which he condemned the failed, and anti-labor policies of the Bush administration, and the anti-transit and anti-labor positions of Sen. John McCain (see page 54), the presumptive Republican nominee for president. Wytkind insisted that “All of us must mobilize. This is the year we clean up the culture of corruption. This is the year we begin to treat our soldiers with respect. This is going to be our year. We can win this. We must win this.” EMPLOYEE FREE CHOICE ACT The AFL-CIO’s Organizing Director Stewart Acuff gave an inspirational address on the importance of passing the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). EFCA is a bill that would, among other things, permit workers to establish a collective bargaining unit after a 12 IN TRANSIT Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall gave a broad overview of the transit industry and its future. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT In recent years ATU and the American Public Transportation Association, a public transit trade association, have held their legislative conferences concurrently – with International President George and www.atu.org APTA President Bill Millar addressing each other’s organization. The 2008 conference took another step by bringing together some ATU local officers, management representatives, and former U.S. Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall for a wide-ranging panel discussion on workforce development issues. The discussion was cordial as labor and management discussed areas of cooperation as well as areas in their relationship that need to be improved. Marshall gave a broad overview of the transit industry exploring its strengths and weaknesses and prospects for the future. Participants on the panel included: Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall; Atlanta’s MARTA General Manager Beverly Scott, Ph.D., and Local President Benita West, 732-Atlanta, GA; New York MTA Director and CEO Elliot G. Sander and Local President Ed Figueroa, 1056-Flushing, NY; Transit Authority of River City Executive Director J. Barry Barker and Local President Jonathan J. Hunt, 757-Portland, OR. Rep. Bernice Johnson, D-TX Members of Congress also addressed the conference: - Transportation and Infrastructure Committee member Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-TX, spoke on the need for bipartisan solutions and approaches to addressing transit and infrastructure issues. - Transportation and Infrastructure Committee member Rep. Daniel Lipinski, D-IL, addressed the need for federal assistance for transit operating expenditures. Rep. Daniel Lipinski, D-IL - Celebrated civil rights leader and Chair of the Labor Task Force of the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. John Lewis, D-GA, delivered a passionate speech in which he thanked ATU members for the important public service they provide every day. - Longtime transit advocate Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-OR, spoke about the challenges facing American infrastructure and the looming deficit in the Highway Trust Fund. He warned that the current Administration has proposed taking up to $3.2 billion from the Mass Transit Account to cover the shortfall in the Highway Fund. Rep. John Lewis, D-GA On the final day of the conference, ATU members went to Capitol Hill to meet with their Members of Congress and talk to them about issues of importance to transit labor. The conference wrapped up with a joint labor-management Congressional reception, hosted by the ATU and APTA for Members of Congress Throughout the conference, there was a palpable sense that this was just the beginning of what might be a historic year in electoral and legislative politics. Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-OR www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2008 13 ATU Presents ‘Legislator of the Year’ p Rep. Jim Oberstar, D-MN The Amalgamated Transit Union presented its fourth annual Legislator of the Year Award to Rep. Jim Oberstar, D-MN, March 10, at the Union’s Legislative Conference in Washington, DC. Oberstar was unable to be present to receive the award due to previously scheduled surgery. In announcing the award, International President Warren S. George declared, “For more than three decades, Chairman Oberstar has been not only an ally, but a leader and an advocate for the ATU in Congress. As the current chair and former ranking member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, he has led the way on some of the ATU’s top priorities, including increasing funding for mass transit and preserving transit labor protections. WENT TO BAT FOR SECURITY TRAINING “Last year,” George continued, “Rep. Oberstar once again went to bat for the ATU when he worked to pass long overdue comprehensive transit and bus security legislation that included mandatory security training and new whistleblower protections for transit workers. This legislation will greatly enhance the safety and security of the transit workplace. ATU’s 2008 Legislator of the Year Rep. Jim Oberstar, D-MN, addresses the 2006 Legislative Conference. “In addition, he was an original sponsor of legislation to increase enforcement of ADA and other violations against rogue intercity bus carriers that make our roads unsafe and provide unfair competition for companies like Greyhound and Peter Pan. Not only did he introduce this legislation, but he quickly shepherded it through committee and passed it on the House floor. COMMITMENT UNPARALLELED “Chairman Oberstar’s commitment to the working men and women in transit labor is unquestioned and unparalleled. He is well deserving of this award,” George concluded. In accepting the award Oberstar wrote (in part): “I am deeply honored to receive the ‘ATU Legislator of the Year’ award for 2008. To each of the 185,000 members of ATU, I offer my heartfelt gratitude. But truly, you are the ones to be praised; we pass the laws in Congress, but you are out there every day making sure that our transit systems work efficiently, safely, and securely. Thank you for this distinguished award, but most importantly, thank you for your hard work.” 14 IN TRANSIT www.atu.org canadianagenda Canada Continues to Build Infrastructure Investment Program In the latest federal budget released February 26, Federal Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty announced two very positive steps for investment in public transit. In response to ongoing requests for stable, long-term funding, the government has committed to extending the Gas Tax Fund at $2 billion per year beyond 2013-14, and making it a permanent measure. This will allow all municipalities, both large and small, to better plan and finance their long-term infrastructure needs. MAJOR BOOST FROM FEDERAL GOVERNMENT “The allocation of $500 million in 2007-08, dedicated to public transit, is a major boost to future access and mobility in Canadian communities,” declared Canadian Urban Transit Association President (CUTA) and CEO Michael Roschlau. “Extending the Gas Tax Fund as a permanent measure is an excellent response to the ongoing needs for municipal infrastructure investment. This is a good news budget for transit,” he added. CUTA’s recent survey of Canadian transit systems reported a $40.1 billion need for public transit’s capital infrastructure for the period 2008-2012 for the maintenance and upkeep of the current systems, and for transit expansion to accommodate more riders (see page 55). GOOD NEWS FOR ONTARIO On Parliament Hill, from left, are Canadian Director Robin G. West; MP Alexa McDonough, NDP-Halifax, NS; Halifax Metro Transit Special Advisor Brian Taylor; and CUTA Communicatios Director Maureen Shuell. ATU LOBBIED FOR FUNDING The budget announcement came two weeks after ATU Canadian Director Robin West and representatives of the Canadian Urban Transit Association lobbied members of Parliament for just this sort of funding. The budget also set aside up to $500 million in the current fiscal year to be paid into a third-party trust, allocated on a provincial-territorial per capita basis, for public transit infrastructure. Funding will be paid into the trust, once legislation has been passed, for those municipal beneficiaries that have made public commitments before March 31 to undertake investments in public transit. The municipal beneficiaries of the trust will have the flexibility to draw down the funding as they require over the next two years. The trust will be used for specific projects of capital infrastructure such as rapid transit, rail, transit buses, and high occupancy vehicle and bicycle lanes. www.atu.org The McGuinty government in Ontario announced March 20, that it will invest an additional $1 billion this year to strengthen the municipal infrastructure and create about 10,000 jobs during construction. “We can’t have a strong economy in Ontario without improving infrastructure like public transit, roads and bridges, and affordable housing,” said Premier Dalton McGuinty. “Building a system that moves people and goods quickly and efficiently will ensure we can attract and keep thousands of good high-paying jobs,” said Minister of Transportation Jim Bradley. This announcement builds on the province’s investment of $450 million in 2007-2008 for the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative, consisting of $300 million announced in the 2007 Fall Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review and the $150 million announced at the 2008 OGRA/ROMA Conference. This initiative is also in addition to the proposed bill, the “Investing in Ontario Act,” which would direct a portion of provincial surpluses in excess of $800 million to municipalities for capital needs. MARCH/APRIL 2008 15 L EG ISL ATIV E R EPO R T: WISCONS Working as a team Former U.S. Secretary of Labor Ray Marshall recently said that when he was serving during the Carter Administration, if Labor and management from any particular sector came to him with a proposal that they had agreed upon, he would generally go along with it, even if he thought it was a bad idea. If it was the product of a labormanagement partnership, he reasoned, they must know what they are doing, and it is likely very important. When Labor and management come together on issues that affect the future of their industry, cabinet members take notice. Lawmakers are no different. And Wisconsin’s state and federal representatives have actually come to expect labor-management partnerships, at least when it comes to the people who are employed by the transit systems in “America’s Dairyland.” ATU represents more than 2,000 workers in all corners of Wisconsin, from the large urban center of Milwaukee (Local 998) to the smaller cities of LaCrosse (519), Green Bay (857), Wausau (1168) and Eau Claire (1310). Together, the local union representatives from these areas have turned the state’s Legislative Conference Board into one of the ATU’s most active boards in the country. A key factor in the board’s success has been the partnership that it has developed with the Wisconsin Wisconsin ATU and WURTA representatives are seen here meeting with Sen. Herb Kohl, D-WI, center at his office in Washington, DC. Second from left is Philip Swanhorst, 1310-Eau Claire, WI. Fourth from left is Legislative Conference Chair Dale Anderson, 519-La Crosse, WI. Dan Kane, 519 is second from right. 16 IN TRANSIT Urban and Rural Transit Association (WURTA), a management organization which represents 28 urban and rural bus systems, 43 sharedride taxi systems and 24 associate and affiliate members in the state. LOBBYING TOGETHER Twice a year, ATU and WURTA representatives travel to Washington, DC, to participate in joint labor-management meetings with members of the state’s congressional delegation. Together they lobby for the highest possible level of funding for public transportation, both in Wisconsin and at the national level. They also urge lawmakers to provide maximum flexibility in the use of federal transit funds so that transit systems can be free to dedicate resources in a way that most benefits their communities. According to Conference Board President Dale Anderson, president of Local 519, “the partnership works very well because we all have the same ultimate goals. Better funding leads to better working conditions and equipment.” And, Anderson says, expanded service leads to more members. Chuck Camp, general manager at Metro Transit in Madison says that “the link between transit labor and management in Wisconsin has helped improve the impact our message has with state and federal legislators on the importance of stable funding for public transportation in our state. Our legislators tell us how much they appreciate the work we do to deliver a consistent message, as it removes the possibility that they are caught in the middle with competing or conflicting messages,” he says. At the state level, Wisconsin legislators are currently engaged in a debate over the creation of regional transit authorities, which could potentially increase local control and stabilize transit funding to more effectively serve communities. And, as is the case in most states, transit advocates are calling on lawmakers to raise the percentage of transit operating expenses funded by state assistance. These decisions are made in the state capital in Madison, where ATU and WURTA take time to visit state legislators and staff to explain financial concerns over the state’s operating assistance program. Each May, they gather in Madison for a coordinated day of lobbying. www.atu.org IN AMAZING ACHIEVEMENTS ‘Coming together in one accord to ensure the stability of transit throughout Wisconsin goes beyond contracts and grievances and gets to the meat of the matter — improving and maintaining quality of life for transit riders.’ -LeAnn Minor, Legislative Director, 998, Milwaukee, WI This formula has led to some amazing achievements, including many state funding increases for transit, and most recently supplemental funding in 2008, and 2009, to help offset increases in fuel and other rising costs. Another issue that most blue and white collar transit employees in Wisconsin can likely agree upon is the Green Bay Packers. And while Brett Favre may have recently retired, Wisconsin’s transit partnership is just getting started. Like the soon-to-be Hall of Fame quarterback, ATU and WURTA hope to break all the records – in the areas of transit funding and ridership. Of course, Favre would never have achieved all of his milestones unless the Packers worked together as a team – a lesson that transit systems throughout Wisconsin learned many years ago. “At the bargaining table we may occasionally ‘lock horns,’ says Local President Richard Riley, 998. “But in Washington and Madison, we ‘lock arms’ to try to get the state and federal funding levels that will help us serve our communities.” MUTUAL RESPECT Greg Seubert, transit director at Metro Ride in Wausau, agrees with Riley, noting that there will always be issues of disagreement between Labor and management. “But that should not prevent us from working together on issues of mutual interest such as funding. It is far more effective to meet with elected officials as a team, presenting a united message, than to oppose one another. This approach has not only been effective legislatively, it has helped us to better understand one another and we’ve established a mutual respect as a result,” he says. One key to the partnership has been the ability of both Labor and management to leave local disputes at home. “We never involve each other in conversations specific to problems in our home transit systems, such as grievances, contract negotiations, discipline, etc.,” says Anderson. “We check our egos at the door, and we treat each other as equal partners.” www.atu.org Wisconsin Legislative Conference Board President Dale Anderson is seen here with wife Rita Anderson, on a legislative visit to the Washington office of Sen. Herb Kohl, D-WI, center. MARCH/APRIL 2008 17 2007 CLUB MEMBERS PATRIOT’S CLUB $500 and above CONGRESSIONAL CLUB $250 - $499 PATRIOT’S CLUB Aguilar, Arturo E Alexander, Kevin L Anderson, Dale E Avery, Ellometha Bachtel, Paul J Baker, Robert H Bangs, Robert E Belmain, Sheldon I Besses III, Louis L Blair, William A Braylock, Freda Bryant, Antonette C Buckley, Daniel J Cahill, Kevin J Caldwell, David Floyd Carter, Lisa B Cashion, Jeffrey A Church, David E Cole, Allen L Cook, Charles Crayton Sr, Leslie Crider, Mary L Crowley Jr, John J D’ambrosio, Kenneth M Danahey, Michael P Davis, Prenoyal C Dickerson, Roosevelt Dill, Herbert S Dolores, Edward J Dunn, Sherlyne Edminster, Daniel L Edwards, Annie Edwards, Roy C Ekdahl, Jimmie R Fairbanks, David S Farrell, Charles A P Fernandes, Manuel J Ferreira, Victor M Fitzgerald, James D Fitzgerald, Mary B Foley, William J Foulks, Karen M Fremming, David C Fusco, Scott D Garguillo, Michael F Gerling, Mark G Gordon Jr, Romeo O Gotcher, Joseph H Green, Brian M Green, Steven M Gronek, Stanley A Guerrero, Grace Hamilton, Bruce E Hamilton, Gary D Hanley, Lawrence J Hansen, Donald T Harris, Rick 18 IN TRANSIT 1277 1555 519 1338 587 IVP 587 618 268 618 996 1555 618 618 1164 587 1164 618 1164 IVP 1338 1164 618 618 618 587 825 788 265 1338 587 996 618 587 587 587 618 618 1015 1015 85 996 618 618 726 1321 618 1309 1321 1321 1001 825 1700 998 IVP IVP 308 Heintzman, Ronald J Holt Jr, Raymond A Hopkins Jr, Lester A Hubbard, Donnie A Huff, Sandra G Jackson, Regina D Jacobs, Jerry L Jefferson, Darrell Jensen, Brandon W Johnson, Richard W Jones-White, Rebecca Jones, Anthony L Kaplan, Paul Kendricks, William D Kimble, Maurice K Kirk, Kenneth R Kleiboeker, Jerry L Kwiatkowski, Roger S Lanucha, Jeanna L Lindsay III, James B Managault, Denise P Mazzei, Robert J Mc Clure, Brian P Mc Cormick, Kenneth Mc Donald, John L Mc Kinion, Booker T Mc Lean, William G Mervosh, Matthew Miller, Gayland Moffitt, Virginia A Monti, Michael R Moore, Samuel Moorehead, Wes R Mullins, Tommy N Munro, John C Murphy, Richard Murray Jr, Edward M Musto, Angelo Nared, William Neil, Paul B Norton, Lance F O’Toole, Michael Odorisio, Frederick C Okoniewicz, Christine Owens, Wilfred M Peck, Beth A Pekarovic, Raymond K Perkins Sr, Lloyd Perkins-Hooker, Marilyn D Reid, James R Richmond, Rodney Riley, Richard Robinson, Steven D Roderick, Antone Rosado, Jose A Rose Jr, Richard J Rovito, Joseph Ryan, Raymond M Salazar, Yvette Shackelford, Marvin L CENTURY CLUB STATESMEN’S CLUB IVP 618 618 1338 587 587 587 241 998 1433 192 241 1577 689 627 IVP 1309 268 19 1277 1321 85 1164 587 627 587 IVP 85 618 618 618 726 587 IVP 587 IVP 618 726 618 587 587 265 1321 282 1575 1575 587 998 308 618 IVP 998 618 618 587 618 256 618 IR 1287 Shaff, Jerold Shaw Sr, Matthew J Sherblum, Robert Springer, Loretta A Starkey-Oba, Tonia Stephens Jr, Willie Stevenson, Randy A Stewart, George Stroud, John Swanhorst, Philip L Sweetland, Owen C Tambellini, Mark P Teeter, Michael J Tillery Jr, Calvin Tracey, Oscar Van Dewater, Bruce Vann, Jimmy O Ward, Donald L Wells, Gary P Whitehead, Craig D Wick, Chris W Wickham, Kelly R Williams, Jimmy C Williams, Yvonne M Withington, Anthony R Wragg, Debbie A $100 - $249 $50 - $99 282 282 618 265 627 627 587 726 587 1310 618 85 587 308 822 282 587 587 1321 627 587 587 587 192 1575 587 CONGRESSIONAL CLUB Adams-Watkins, Joyce J Adams, Clinton L Agostini, Yamel Alberti, Roy P Alshiemer, William F Amundsen, Eric Anderson, Craig N Andres, Kevin C Angell Jr, Robert E Annibale, Michael Argento, John Ariel, Sherman L Askins, Mark Auger, Ovide L Baenen, Paul A Baggett, Lyn Bahorich, Joseph J Bailey, Suzanne M Bakke, Harold R Baldassare, Peter Balogh, Kurt G Balogun, O Jason Balzi Jr, Peter Banks, Bayyan Banks, Christine V Baribault, Peter A Barrios, Julio Barrios, Steven M Bartlein, Kevin P Bayer, John K 256 26 726 726 618 726 587 265 618 726 726 822 726 618 587 587 85 587 587 726 726 1338 726 819 1287 618 726 265 587 241 PRESIDENT’S CLUB FOUNDER’S CLUB Bazabal, Jorge Bean, Robert J Becker, Arnold M Beckham Jr, Clyde L Bediones, Christine B Benedetto, Tony Bernadice, Auguste Bernard, Laura Berrigan, Joan A Berry, James J Bert, Arnold R Besignano, John Bessette, David M Betts, Brian Betzler, Thomas P Beyers, William A Bilger Jr, Esker C Billerman, Joseph T Blanks, Bryan Blocchi, John Bobich, Andrew M Boles, Crystal J Botts, George R Bourbeau, Christopher Bowen, Susan E Boyce, Marlena K Bradley-Scoby, Cheyenne Breihan, Michael W Brown, Charles Brown, Edith Brown, Kathy L Buck, Connie J Buck, George E Jr Bullock, Garcell Burgio, Joseph A Burmeister, Michael Bush Jr, William H Byrd, Carol Campbell Jr, Fred Campbell, Ray H Campodonico, Ivan Camputoro, Andrew J Cappalli, Steven M Carey, Michael L Carney, Thomas J Carter, Anthony J Cassella, Daniel Castronovo, Steven R Caterina, Paul Cavaliere, Mary E Cepeda Jr, Esteban Chajet, Gustavo Chambers, Robert B Chapman, Warren M Chatman, Vida D Chernetsky, Boris Childress, David J Choudhury, Shafiqul Ciancio, Joseph Ciani, James 1309 1433 587 256 587 726 822 726 618 1179 618 726 618 726 956 1342 689 1070 1338 282 587 1277 726 726 618 268 726 788 265 587 1177 398 618 1277 618 726 85 1093 1338 587 726 726 618 1321 726 1287 726 726 726 587 1177 726 823 689 587 726 1575 822 726 726 $25 - $49 Ciollo, Onorato Clark Jr, Dewey W Clarkin, Matthew M Cleaver, John Clifford, William G Cole, Joseph A Cordero, Carmen Cox, Ronald L Craig, Edward J Cram, Theresa M Crehan, Vincent G Crombie Jr, Albert M Cruz, Carl A D’Angelo, Patrick Daly, William M Danielski, Frances Darden, Eugene Davis, James Day, Jessie T De Andrade, Scott De Bord, Mark J De Fluri, Joseph G De Palma, David De Siderato, Ronald Dearmin, Orlessia Deibler, Thomas A Del Grosso, Richard Delcroix, Andre Delfini Jr, Alfredo Delfino, Richard Delgado, Esteban Delis, Donald D Demers, Bert L Dendrinos, Christos G Denneny, Thomas J Dente, Lawrence Di Francesco, Salvatore E Di Nardo Jr, Sabatino Di Perna, Jeffrey S Dick, John R Dirla Jr, Albert Ditoro, Michael Dmochowski, Jeffrey Doaty, Debra J Dodson, Franklin E Doppmann, Jeff D Dos Santos, Terrence Dowd, Robert J Downes, Patrick D Doyle, Robert W Drake, Stanley Drennon, Derrick Driscoll, James Duffy, Edward W Dugas, Robert J Dunn, Frank Dunne, Robert J Dunwkosky, Carl W Earle, David A Edwards, Ninous 726 1287 618 726 587 618 822 416 587 618 1342 618 726 726 726 726 726 618 1564 618 587 587 726 618 1564 1309 726 726 726 726 822 256 618 587 618 726 726 85 85 726 1338 726 726 268 752 587 825 587 883 618 265 1338 726 85 618 726 726 726 587 265 www.atu.org Eicke, Richard R Endsley, Charles William Enge, Greg M Espinosa, Jose Fairlie, James R Faria, Eric V Farrell, Terrance B Farwell, Dennis A Fattorusso, John Fernandez, Douglas Ferolano, Joseph Ferrerra, Edward A Fields, Andrew L Fields, Sophronia D Figueroa, Edward Fiske, Harold Forlizzi, John Foy, Michael Fragapane, Michael Frances, Kevin Franchino, John Franklin, Stephen Frazier, Cassandra Friedlan Jr, James W Gaither, Clifford O Gallon, Dan Gardner, James R Gaudette, Joseph D Gaul, Richard Gay, Stanley George, Warren Gervasi, Joseph Giddens, Angela Gilbert, Leola F Gillen, Jerome M Giordano, Scott A Gittens, Raymond Giudice, Robert Glimm, Ronald C Golden, John Golden, Kevin T Gollnick, Gary J Gonzalez Jr, Francisco Gorton, Thomas R Grainger, Katherine F Graupe, Brigitte Greco Jr, Joseph A Greubel, Mic C Grimshaw, Thomas P Guglielmini, Michael Guttadauro, Thomas Guzzi, Thomas Hambric, Daniel Hamilton, Lavon M Hammell, Khryshtal Haney, Felix W Hankerson, Esther L Harms, Michael J Harrington, Paul M Harris, Gwendolyn M Hart-Taylor, Vivian A Hathaway, Edmund E Hawkins, Wayne R Hayes, Harvey Haynes, Patricia A Head, Karen Healey, Kevin F Hedstrom, Audrey R Hendricks, Richard J Hennessy, Michael R Hermanson Jr, James L Hershey, Clarence D Hilligas, Aaron Hines, Donald Hohman, Lewis C Holden, Evon F Holt, Hakim Hunt, Jesse J www.atu.org 823 847 587 820 726 1037 618 1037 618 726 726 618 26 268 1056 618 726 398 726 726 1309 726 265 1309 256 788 192 714 819 836 IP 726 1338 587 618 726 726 726 587 726 265 265 726 618 587 587 618 587 618 726 726 726 726 265 265 268 587 85 618 788 823 618 618 618 788 MAL 618 587 1277 1179 587 587 MAL 256 256 587 726 1555 Hussey, Ella L Hutchinson, Thomas Hyman, Jean F Ien, Timothy Ingram, Ricky Iniguez, Juan J Inzerillo, Peter Jackson Jr, Robert L Jennings, Roy D Johnson Sr, Gary Johnson, Darrell Johnson, Lynn R Johnson, Ralph J Johnson, Robert Johnson, William Jones, Jeffrey L Joseph, Vincent Joszpf, Daniel Kammeyer, Lon R Karalis, Joseph J Keller, Michael S Kelly-Vrontos, Sharon Kendall, Darren D Kielur, Theodore A King II, William E King, Edward Klugh, Ralph T Koester, Alvah H Koza, Yevgeniy Kress, Michael B Kupfer, Samuel Kurowski, Douglas Craig La Belle, Marc O La Francesca, John La Plume, Walter F Lafata Jr, Andrew Langston, Michael Lansburg, David C Larkin, David J Larney, Kenneth J Larsen, William Lauria, John Layton, Ronald Lee Leak, Carol A Lebeau, Robert Lee, Julia E Lemmon, Harold R Leonard, Karen Lesesne, Michael E Lester, Charles Levada, Richard J Lies, George Linglifelter, Glenda G Linnert, Harold J Lobaido, Steven L Longland, Valerie H Loproto, Tom A Lovata, Richard T Love, Allan Lowery, Michael A. Lucas, Daniel J Lujan, Thomas S Lutz, John M Macari, Pasco J Mack-Wilson, Sonja Maluk, Thomas Manookian, Robert Mansfield, Benetta Mapp, Sandra O Marazzo, Joan A Marcello, Kathleen Marks, Thomas Marquez, Augustine P Marshall, Charles Martinez, Jess A Martinez, Luis Mason Jr, Richard Mathewson, Charles C 1287 1338 85 825 726 825 726 587 757 268 1091 823 726 1091 726 85 726 726 1192 618 589 85 268 85 618 618 85 587 726 1164 726 1277 618 726 618 726 726 1321 618 618 726 726 1277 587 618 689 587 726 1575 MAL 618 726 1164 85 726 587 265 587 726 1395 85 1277 282 618 819 726 726 MAL 1177 726 726 726 265 726 265 726 726 618 Maurer, Gary Mc Collum, Tracey L Mc Cormack, Donald Mc Coy, Micheal E Mc Cubbin, James L Mc Cuiston, Julie A Mc Cune, Paula L Mc Donald, Marvin R Mc Garty, Charles Mc Grath, William V Mc Kinnon, Shawn Mc Kitrick, Dwayne Mc Lean, Anthony Mc Leish, James C Mc Mahon, Patrick J Mc Sorley, Daniel Mecca, Vincent Medeiros, Donald M Medeiros, Joseph C Meisten, Edward Q Mendez, Jose L Messier, Raymond B Metz, Thomas Meyers, James Michaels, Morgan L Mickel, Steven Mielcarek, Joseph V Milano, Patrick Miller, Charles N Mitchell, Walter A Moisanen, Dawn A Moitoso, Edward Monaco, Robert S Moore, Michael J Moore, Robert E Moquin, Steven M Morio, Frederick Morris, Kathi A Morris, Keith Moschello, Gregory Mulieri, Joseph Mulvihill, Warren Mundy, William Murphy, James B Neal, Letitia M Newman, Karen K Nordeste Jr, Daniel T Norris, Frank R Nowak, Craig O’Keefe, Robert J Offley III, John W Oglesby, Kellee K Okie, George J Okie, Michael Olander, J Fred Owens, Oscar Owens, Melvia R Oxendine, Ralph Padilla, Raymond Paige, Barbara Palazzolo, Joseph Palonis, Stephen M Parker, Tyrone E Parrish, Steven K Patridge, Herbert Pearson, Jeffrey S Pearson, Mark J Pearson, Wesley J Perdomo, Lydia E Perez Jr, Javier M Perino, Joseph A Pernell, Brenda G Perrotti, Michael Perry, Shawn Peterkin, Robert D Pierre-Louis, Jean R Pittari, Anthony Plivac, Muharem IR 627 726 1593 1433 1384 587 587 618 726 822 85 618 618 85 726 726 618 618 825 726 1575 726 726 587 726 85 726 587 726 883 618 726 587 587 1321 726 843 843 726 726 726 726 618 268 398 618 1321 726 398 1037 587 726 726 587 IST 26 85 726 618 726 85 726 1015 1091 85 265 85 618 IVP 265 192 726 MAL 1338 618 726 282 Plummer, La Tonya D Plutzner, Francis F Plutzner, Joseph Pollard, Denise R Pommerenk, Gregg Porter, Charles R Pradier, Larry Joseph Pressley, Albert Prieto, Lisa Prosser, Lawrence C Pulcino, Anthony J Quilla, Frank Rapcavage, Michael T Ray, Charonne L Reel, Jerry L Reese, James E Rendina, William M Riccardi, Robert M Rife, Kenneth Doane Ring, Maurice W Ripo, Michael Ritchie, Peter R Ritson, Meghan Rivera, Rafael Robinson, Doris J Robinson, Rudy Rodriguez Jr, Daniel G Rodriguez, Rolando H Rogan, Leland Rosales, Glenn A Rose, Jimmy L Rosenberg, Steven R Rotondo, Leonardo Ruffin, Bernard L Ruiz, Roberto Ruzzano Jr, John M Ruzzano Sr, John M Ryan III, Charles A Sabitoni, Albert R Safrin, Neal I Saint Rose, Jean M Salter, Ethlena Salvaggio, Todd Samuel Jr, John H Santa-Maria, Jack K Santiago Jr, Alfonso Satchell, Carol Schiffman, Steven E Schmeelk, Daniel Scott, Robert L Sepe, David G Sepolen, John W Serapiglia, Vincent Shane, Bryon S Shay, Kurella L Shea, Thomas A Sheppard, Clyde Sherlock, Brian L Shields, Loletha E Shogren, Linda J Short, Yvonne M Siano, Michael J Sidhu, James Silver, Neil H Siravo, Edward Smith III, William Smith, Francis P Solomon, Debra K Sousa, Carlos Spagnola, Richard Spaulding, Norman Spears, Wilford C Spencer, Scott A Spicer, Daniel Spivey, William J Spruill, Cassandra F St Pierre, Michael Stark Jr, Richard C 587 618 618 26 726 788 1277 726 265 1091 726 726 726 1277 812 587 587 726 1093 1309 726 618 MAL IR 1056 587 694 1338 726 1277 587 825 726 26 726 618 618 1548 618 587 726 819 726 1177 1342 825 726 618 726 192 618 587 726 85 822 618 726 587 1177 587 587 IEVP 618 1277 618 618 265 1384 618 726 265 308 587 726 587 1177 618 825 Starnino, Ronald M Stewart, Mickeal G Stinger, Rhodessa O Stites, Karen D Stofle, Dan J Stone, James Stone, Martin Swaggerty, Lawrence Swain, Nathaniel Swanson, James L Sweeney, Dennis A Swenson, Jeff M Tanzi, Angelo Taylor, Belinda J Taylor, Clinton W Taylor, Destry R Teraskiewicz, Robert Thompson, Deborah Thompson, Lisa A Tillman, Brenda J Tillou, Gary Torres, Zamira Torti, Elecuterio Townsend, Theresa D Tremblay Jr, Robert Tucker, James A Tucker, Robin Turbiak, Michael Tuttle, Robert G Updale, Eric J Vandervlis, Paul D Vanguilder, Jac V Vanore, Andrew Vargas, Shawn T Varriano, Michael Venuto, Joanne Vereecke, Robin A Vestal, David C Vitale, Ralph Vomero, Anthony von Runnen, Edward C Voorhees, Lucas W Vurture, David Wakenight, Deeann K Walker, Del L Wallace III, Jerry Wallace, Michael E Wallace, Raymond C Walsh, Donald J Ward, Dale Warren, Antoinette Watkins, Harvey B Watson, Carey P Webster, Cathleen M Welch, Joseph Wendell Ball, Musa Ibn Wetzel, Leo White, Byron S White, William E Wiggins, Larry B Wiley, Keith Williams III, Julius T Williams Jr, Stanley G Williams, Barry W Williams, Kevin J Williams, Kiyoto Williams, Paul H Williams, Randolph E Williams, Stephen Williamson, Donald R Wilson, Diana G Wilson, Maria Wilson, Ruth Wiser, Douglas L Wofford, Julee D Woodbine, Dennis M Woodfill, Greg M Yarns, Kyle MARCH/APRIL 2008 618 1015 192 1384 265 726 1093 726 26 618 1321 587 726 85 398 398 726 726 587 1287 618 820 618 1300 618 618 618 726 587 726 726 726 726 1277 726 726 1287 587 618 726 265 587 726 587 843 587 726 713 726 265 822 85 587 85 IVP 1300 MAL 726 1700 726 726 587 822 1091 823 726 1338 618 726 587 587 627 587 1145 1091 618 587 726 19 Yondola, Richard F Yula, Eryn 726 1555 CENTURY CLUB Abramov, Rubin Abramowicz, Daniel S Abreu, Jose A Abruzzo, Leonard Accilien, Joseph Acevedo, William Aceves, Jesus A Adam, Phillip Jean Adamczyk, Stanley Adamek, Mark S Adamo, Frank M Adams, Dwain Adams, Harvey Adams, Melissa A Adams, Steve M Addington, Ward R Adeosun, Mudasiru Adigun, Olubanjo Adinolfi, Joseph M Agard, Brian C Agard, Raymond Agate Jr, Peter S Aguirre, Jose C Ahmad, Raheem Ahmad, Zar’if Ahmed, Mohommed A Aiello, Peter Akhtab, Faheem Akins, Calvin Alabi, Taofiki Alatorre, Jose L Alavanja, Vera Albanese, Christopher A Albany, Kai Albarracin, Alexander Alberty, Michael Alejandro, Cathy Alex, Mammen T Alexander, Bryant Alexander, Edward C Alexander, Francis Alford, Reuben O Ali, Shadad Alia, Ronald O Aliventi, Eric Alkiewicz, John F Allard, Theodora R Allen, David Allen, James B Allen, Jeanette Allen, John Allen, Joseph Allen, Lagi T Allen, Roderick D Allen, Schenea Allen, Stephany A Allette, Oz F Almanzar, Ana A Alsheimer III, William F Alston, Robert Alston, Tammi W Altera, Jean Alverdes, Phyllis G Alzate, Julian A Alzate, Luis F Amador, Joan E Amaro, Jose R Amash, Elias J Ambert, Louis Ambos, Russell J Ameerally, Ayube Amorelli, Charies Amos, Willie R 20 IN TRANSIT 726 1005 1056 726 822 822 1277 1056 726 618 618 1056 1056 587 1310 587 726 627 726 1056 819 1056 1277 1177 282 822 726 819 241 618 1277 1235 1056 819 822 448 726 726 308 587 819 618 1056 587 1056 819 1564 618 587 265 618 726 587 822 836 1056 822 825 618 819 1328 618 587 822 1056 1056 1056 1321 726 1277 1056 726 192 Amrhein, Robert F Ancion, Eugenia M Ancrum, Beatrice Anderson, Allen V Anderson, David Anderson, David R Anderson, Dawn Anderson, Edwin J Anderson, George H Anderson, Heidi N Anderson, Linda R Anderson, Sharon B Andrade, Anthony Andre, Edna J Andrews, David Andrews, Robin L Andrews, Sakinah L Angel, Tyrone Angel, Yaneth Angeles, Luis A Anthony, Cheryl P Antonellis, Dennis Apel, Theodore Apman, Michael Appleberry, Malcolm Aquino, Angelo Arango, Jaime Arce, Luis A Archer, Sherry E Archer, Teresa D Archuleta, Christopher P Arendas, Patricia A Arias, Jaime A Arias, Mauricio O Armstead, Torrance Armstrong Sr, Roosevelt T Armstrong, Raymond L Arnold, Erika K Arocho, Daniel Arrieta, Omar Arriola, Ishmael Arsenault, Thomas Aryakia, Ali Arzu, Ervin B Ascencio, Ignacio Aschoff, Lee P Ash, Zachariah Astaiza, Giovanni Atkinson, William F Authier, Leona Avedisian, Richard G Avent, Marshall D Avila, Felix Avila, Michael A Ayala, Ernest Ayala, Juan Ayers III, Jacob W Aziz, Arbarr A Babbar, Suresh K Bacchus, Ronald Bachtel, Michael L Bacilli, Nabile Badini, Robert J Baer, Robert Baez, Manuel Baigorria, Carlos A Bailey Jr, Richard N Bailey, Gene E Bak, Carl Baker, Alan S Baker, Jerrold W Baker, Mary L Baker, Robert L Baker, Ronnie Baker, Yolander Ballard, James W Ballard, Michael Ballarte, Victor 85 819 819 1277 265 788 726 1287 587 757 587 627 1056 587 726 819 819 1575 825 822 819 1015 726 726 282 820 822 308 398 1576 265 85 1056 1277 19 282 618 757 819 1056 265 618 726 1056 1277 241 1177 1056 883 1338 618 1220 1056 1574 726 819 689 822 1056 819 587 726 85 726 448 1056 819 618 726 587 1575 1300 587 726 821 587 726 1056 Ballew, Michael I Ballon, David Ballou, Peter Balmer, John H Banks Jr, Noah Banuelos, Manuel Banyas, Gary J Barber, Christine L Barisciano, Lawrence Barnes, Byron K Barnes, Calvin C Barnes, Corliss S Barnes, Michael Barnes, Mickeda Barnes, Raymond Barone Jr, Peter Barretta, Beni Barrientos, Eliseo Barron, Michael Barry, Frederick O Barsom, Mourad R Bartalamia, Paul C Bartlett, Joseph W Bartlett, Robert Bartley, Alice Bass, Stanley M Bass, William Otis Bassler, Richard R Batchelder, Robert I Batista, Luis R Battaglia, Andrew Battey, Shaun E Battles, Russell Bauerle, Bonnie L Baxter, Madonna T Bayotlang, Eduardo C Bazukin, Leonid Beard, Ronald E Beasley, Michael L Beasley, Thelma I Beatty, Earl T Beaudet, Gerald B Becraft, Russell D Been, Stephen Behr, Douglas R Belgrave, Hubert H Bell, Charlotte V Bell, Clifford R Bell, Mark H Bell, Robert E Bell, Thomas R Bellamy, Steven Bellas, Matthew F Belle, David G Bellefluer, Guy B Bellis, David K Benavides, David P Benevento, Debra A Benjamin, Johnnie M Benjamin, Richard Bennett, Anthony Bennett, Arnold C Bennett, Mark Bennett, Nathaniel G Benoit, Wayne M Benton, Benjamin Berdin, Raymond G Bergquist, Eric A Bero, Dennis F Berry Sr, Dallas Berry Sr, James Lee Berry, Demetria Berry, John Berryman, Melvin F Best, Brian Lee Betti, Joseph R Bettro, Christopher Beuerlein, Lesa K 1277 822 618 587 265 1277 85 998 726 689 689 587 819 618 618 726 1056 1056 241 1177 1056 589 85 788 85 627 1328 998 714 825 726 1056 819 1328 398 85 448 726 587 757 689 1548 1277 726 1267 1056 820 689 587 587 587 1056 1056 1328 448 1575 694 726 1056 726 1056 1145 627 587 618 308 1277 587 587 256 1177 819 627 398 1328 85 448 282 Bevis Jr, Walter C Bewley, Kellie R Bianco Jr, Anthony Bianco, John Biddle, Leslie A Billings, Tracy K Billington, Patricia M Billups, Tiran Binyard, Steven Bird, Michael A Biro, Gary T Birtch, Deborah Bisogna, Edward Bissonette, Paul Black, William P Blackburn, Derek E Blackmon, Douglas A Blagrove, Donovan C Blair, Ervin S Blais, David P Blake, Nicole M Blakemore, Monte A Bland Jr, Edward L Bland, Tawanda A Blaylock, Eric L Blevins, Donald M Blight, Charles Conant Blocker, Deborah Blodgett, Arthur W Bodden, Edward Boehme, Paul A Bogan, Pamela J Bogart, Carl Bogdanski, Francis B Boles, Trissten M Bollman, Jack C Bonaparte, Carl Bond, Barry W Bond, Derrick C Bond, Pamela G Bond, Tanika Bonidie, Vincent R Bonn, Rose Bonnett, Ernest Booker, Ricky L Booker, Rosita Boone, John P Boone, Victor A Boose, Donald Booth, Christina Borchardt, Janis M Borland, Michael A Bosco, James Bostick, Eric Bouie, John H Bourgeois, David R Bourne, Floyd C Bowen, Jeffrey Bowers, David Bowes, Thomas G Bowman, Donald E Bowser, Errol C Boyd, Lois A Brabson, Martin E Bradbury, Wayne Bradfield, James W Bradford, Lawrence Bradley, Verdrene Bradshaw, William Brady, Catherine M Brady, Kevin P Branch, Dennis Branch, Mae E Bready Sr, Ronnie C Breard, Steven P Breaux, Antoine Breshears, Brian D Brewster, Daniel J 1547 1555 618 822 587 822 1192 819 726 1015 85 398 726 618 726 1277 1056 1056 1056 618 1056 1056 689 1177 1328 726 1277 85 1015 726 587 26 1145 85 398 85 1056 1056 1056 587 819 85 1056 265 1338 823 587 268 819 618 IVP 1056 726 822 587 618 1056 448 726 589 627 587 996 689 822 587 1056 587 1093 448 1056 726 308 627 618 1056 398 85 Brewster, Debra M Bridgeman, Chris L Briggs, Ronald C Briggs, Shirley Briley, John Brim, Freddie Brinkley, Cynthia J Brinson, Theodore E Brockman, Leslie H Broderick, Jerome P Broers, Cathleen A Bronson, Warren Bronstorph, Arnold K Brooks, Charles D Brooks, Michael Brooks, Nicolas Brooks, Willie E Brower Jr, William Brown Jr, Lasalle Brown-Bates, Valerie Brown-Cephus, Vanessa D Brown, Aldonia T Brown, Clifford M Brown, Deborah Brown, Dennis Brown, Dwain Bryant Brown, Eddie Brown, Gene M Brown, Herman W Brown, James Brown, Janaya A Brown, Jeff Brown, Larry L Brown, Lenworth E Brown, Regina J Brown, Tony Brown, Tracie Brown, Vincent K Browne, James Bruce, Michael Brutscher, Melody A Bruzzese, Joseph L Bryant, Almonda R Bryant, Jaime Bryda Jr, Theodore J Bubb, Norbert Buckendorff, Douglas Edward Buckley, Gerald F Bugalla, Robert Bullock, Christopher A Bullock, John C Burdan, Thomas W Burgos, Luis Burke, Brendan T Burke, John E Burke, Onva Burke, Richard Burkholder, Donald L Burks, Resheda H Burnett, Barbara Burnett, Michael Burney, Walter W Burns, James J Burns, Judy A Burr, Merwin J Burrell, Alphanso Burrell, LaPriest John Burrell, Leonard Burse, Curtis B Burt, Joseph Burton, Daniel K Busby, James D Busby, Timothy M Butcher, Michael G Butler, Richard Butler, Robert T Butler, Sylvester Buttafuoco, August J 627 587 587 825 758 1287 788 1342 998 85 265 822 1056 1164 822 726 1277 819 85 819 1593 1328 1070 758 819 823 265 1575 689 618 1056 1164 1056 1577 85 819 819 1309 819 1277 587 726 1177 448 448 726 398 589 1436 1015 1328 1177 726 714 85 788 589 587 822 843 819 714 618 1576 589 1056 398 1056 1056 1328 589 587 689 1056 618 618 448 726 www.atu.org Byrd, Alex C Cabrera, Gustavo Cabrinha, Christopher C Cadeau, Lucien Caleron, Ivan Calinog, Mark T Callahan, Robert L Callender, Martin A Camacho, Fernando Cameron, Jeral Campanella, John G Campbell, Candice Campbell, Geoffrey A Campbell, Jason Campopiano, Michael A Campos, Minnie Nadine Canales, Aristeo Candelaria, Harry F Canfield, John B Carbajal, Ricardo Card, Kevin Cardillo, Albert P Cardwell, Clifton N Carlucci, Joseph Carlucci, Joseph Caron, William J Carotenuti, Jason Carrasquillo, Myrna L Carrillo, Joel L Carrington, Granderson Carroll, Clifford Carroll, Robert C Carroll, Sarah E Carten, Kevin F Carter, Annette Carter, Daryl Carter, Holman F Carter, Judith Carter, Lauretta C Carter, Matthew P Carthens Jr, Dwight L Cartieri, Mark A Caruso, Rory Cascio, Anthony Casciola, Myrna E Cash, Josephine M Casillo, Giovanni Casseday, Tina Casselberry, Daniel T Castelluccio, Albert Castillo, Claris Castrillon, Guillermo Castro, Jorge Castro, Louis A Castro, Ricardo Cazares, Rocky R Ceis, Patricia J Celani, Lawrence Celestin, Dennis P Centeno, Eric Ceville, Ruperto Chacko, Abraham O Chambers, Gregory Chambers, Richard J Champion, Eric Chance, Nathan Chandler, Karen S Chapman, Jacques Charles, Joackim Charles, Robert A Charles, William A Charlton, Michael Chavez, Robert G Chavis, Hazel A Cheah, Twah D Childress, Eric J Chinapen, Trevor Ching, Sammy www.atu.org 192 618 1277 819 618 1277 589 1056 1056 822 880 1300 819 265 618 265 265 726 282 694 618 618 268 726 822 174 618 448 1277 726 819 1575 192 726 587 819 1001 822 587 1056 689 85 726 726 587 1342 822 587 85 726 822 822 823 820 822 1576 1576 618 241 1056 726 1056 819 1342 1056 822 1164 282 1056 587 726 1056 265 1328 1056 26 1056 726 Chinn, Poy G Chioffe, Michael C Choto, Tom Cilmi, Michael Cinelli, Peter Civitelli, Silvana Clancy III, John A Clardy, J A Clark, Nancy E Clark, Noreen P Clark, Norman F Clark, Willie L Clay, Eric K Clay, Linda Clay, Mark J Clayton Jr, Herbert T Clayton, Carlos Cleary, Timothy A Clement, David C Clement, Robert W Clemons, Mary J Clifton, Mitchell Clinton, Terry L Coates, Kevin R Cobey, Angelia C Cockerham, William M Coco, Thomas A Coday, Debbie E Coffey, Dana N Coffey, David P Coffil, Carl Cohen, Michael Colamaria, Anthony Colden, Darlene M Cole, Billy D Cole, David W Cole, Kevin M Cole, Steven R Coleman, Candi S Coley, Felicia S Collins, Eric Colon, Elsie Colon, Manuel I Colwell, Lynda Comer, Ivan Compare, Thomas E Comstock, Douglas E Con, Hugo L Connell, Joseph C Connolly, Kevin P Connolly, Mark Connolly, Walter Considine, Philip Constantineau Jr, W J Conway, Timothy P Cook, George O Cook, Ivey A Cooney, Austin T Cooper, Betty R Cooper, David T Cooper, Shawn B Copeland, Alexander B Copeland, Edward S Coppa, Christopher D Cordova, David C Cordray, George W Cort, Muriel J Cortez Jr, Herman Cortez, Daniel Cortez, Miguel Cossean, Brian D Costello, Robert Cotrone, Frank E Cotto, Aldaberto Cousins, Carlos S Couture, Karen J Cowan, Edgar Cox, Earl 587 1056 1277 726 282 618 589 843 587 1564 1328 448 1056 726 19 880 819 85 618 618 822 1056 788 1056 689 587 587 1235 1277 1056 1056 1056 726 1177 1056 1056 618 1277 241 1056 1056 822 1277 843 726 587 587 1277 19 589 726 726 726 618 618 268 587 618 282 282 268 1056 819 618 1575 1287 1576 308 618 1056 726 1547 618 448 819 618 822 1093 Cox, Jesse E Coyle, Parnell J Crabtree, Kenneth R Craddock Jr, Emmett Craig, Eturlai Craig, Sascha H Craighead-Bey, Clyde V Cram, Henry J Craney, Thurman D Craven, Gregory K Crawford, Lloyd T Crediford Jr, William S Creech Jr, Lee Crespo, John Crokett, Richard G Cromer, David Crutcher, Madison Crutchfield Sr, Jack S Cruz, Alejandro A Cruz, Chrissy M Cruz, Frank Cruz, Severiano Cruz, Waldemar Cubero, Joseph P Cuddy, Richard T Cuebas, Johnny Cummings, Deborah L Curatola, Joseph Curiel Jr, Carlos Curneen, James D Curry, Eugene Curry, Larry Curtis, Jacqueline D Curtis, Marchel Curtoni, Renee L Custer, Kathleen M Cute Jr, Thomas G D’andrea, Keith D’angelo, Joseph M D’arezzo, Richard V D’auguste, Jeffrey D’onfrio, Danny Da Ponte, Manuel C Da Silva, Jose Dabecco, Richard Dabreo, Travour Dacosta, Aubrey H Daily, William R Dallojacono, Brian Dalton, Shagaye Damery, Lisa M Damron, Richard P Daniel, Kenneth D Daniels, Christopher J Daniels, Clarence W Daniels, Kenneth Darelius, Joel M Davenport, Courtney E Davies, Bryce Davis, Anthony Davis, Anthony L Davis, Asha S Davis, Bobby Ray Davis, Clarence L Davis, Darryl Davis, Deborah P Davis, Deborah S Davis, Evelyn V Davis, Gregory K Davis, James E Davis, Jeri E Davis, Kenneth A Davis, La Vance D Davis, Michele Davis, Robin L Davis, Sandra Davis, Sylvester Davison, Donnie 587 587 618 448 819 85 1056 618 1287 587 1177 714 589 1056 618 726 627 689 1056 1056 1277 589 1056 1277 618 1056 1575 726 1277 587 822 26 618 26 587 1576 618 726 726 618 726 726 618 618 85 726 1056 757 1179 398 587 1277 308 587 819 1091 618 1015 1277 282 1328 822 1575 85 726 1056 587 587 1164 823 587 819 587 822 1575 822 1328 1277 Dawson, Anthony J 587 Dawson, James E 1328 Dawson, Kit N 1309 Day, Sheila 1056 Day, Thomas I 587 De Cohen, Garth 726 De Gregorio, John 726 De Jesus, Julio 448 De Jesus, Nilson 618 De Marco, Louis 618 De Maris, Ronald 618 De Rosa, Alexander 726 De Rosa, James 618 De Sisto, Leonard J 726 De Vries-Maddy, Jarijke Mm587 De Witt, Dennis M 587 Dean, Robert 1056 Deasley, Naomi 618 Decory, Russell H 587 Del Toro, Arnold 1277 Dela Cruz Jr, Juan E 1277 Delaney, Daniel J 1384 Delfino, Gary P 618 Delgado Jr, Adrian 618 Delgado, Pedro 1277 Delsesto, Stephen M 618 Dennee-Lee, Jacqueline A 1384 Denning, William J 1577 Dennis, Antoinette 822 Denson Jr, Lloyd A 1056 Deperto, Donald C 1342 Devine, Patrick Robert 85 Dewitt, Casseem 819 Di Giovanni, Anthony J 726 Di Maria, Robert 726 Di Pietro, James 618 Diaz-Gomes, Rodny 726 Diaz, Anthony 726 Diaz, Christopher 726 Diaz, Henry Alex 1277 Diaz, Mark A 726 Diaz, Raoul 1056 Dick, Philip S 587 Dickinson, Fredrick James 1277 Dickinson, Michael J 587 Dickmann, Stephen Karl 1517 Diederichs, Terrance G 1277 Diel, Adam 726 Diele, Joseph 726 Dillahunt, Cassandra 819 Dilligard, Barry 726 Dinoia, Anthony 726 Dippold Jr, George K 85 Dittamore, Dwayne J 587 Dixion, Emanuel 822 Dixon Jr, Frederick D 85 Do, Bruce H 1277 Dolan, Edward 1548 Dolby, Gregory W 618 Dompier, Timothy A 1015 Donald-Shipp, Katheryn 308 Donald, Huey 282 Dooley, Jonathan T 1447 Dorman, James P 1056 Dormeus, Roge 1056 Douglas, Anthony C 587 Douglas, Claudia 313 Douglas, Richard L 757 Dow, Duane L 883 Down, Jeff 265 Doyle, Joseph E 589 Doyle, Kevin 618 Dragon, Antoine 618 Drekalo, Vladimir 726 Driskell, Michael B 587 Driver, Sydnee M 1056 Duarte, Brien G 1575 Dube, Anna 618 Dubois, Linda Dubose, Becky C Dubose, Rhodema A Dudley, Michael S Dudley, William I Duhon, Vernell Dull, Thelma W Dumerand, Dumera Dunbar, Brian S Dunbar, Raymond L Duncan, Katherine M Dunlap, Kenneth R Dunlap, Linda L Dunleavy, Kevin F Dunne, Kathleen M Dunston, Marcus D Duong, Alan T Duran, Max A Duroe, William G Dusek, Charles H Dutra, John F Dwyer, Rodger Dwyer, Ronald E Dye, Alyenka Dyette, Lex J Dzhanashvili, Merab Easterwood, James Eastham, David Eberlin, Linda Echols, Dennis J Eckhardt, Katherine E Eddy, Todd Edelstein, Paul Edouard, Immacula Edward, Feisal Edwards, Joseph A Edwards, Kennie C Egan, Dermot Elbrecht, Dennis J Eldere, Tony C Elfers, Daniel Elgar, John Elias, Steven D Ellery Jr, Harry M Elliott, Gwendolyn Ellis, Vellesha Ellison, Joseph P Ellsworth, Keith K Elo, Ralph Enata, Orhan B English, Ardra Enos, Thomas Raymond Enriquez, Jo Ann Epps, Randy E Ernst, Carol W Ersery, Freddy L Ervin, Robert C Espejo, Eleison Espinell, Raymond L Espinosa, Larry Espinoza, Alex Esposito, James Estes, Darryl R Etwaroo, Chait Euell, Dana C Eva, Pale Evans, Maxine Evans, Steven M Evans, Timothy B Everett, Tim L Evers, James M Ezenekwe, Onyema C Fadis, Michael N Fallens, Stanley L Falls, Leonard T Farmer, Marvin W Farrari, William L Farrell, Brian J MARCH/APRIL 2008 618 265 1164 1177 689 1277 1575 819 587 282 1001 1164 1164 589 587 1056 1277 1277 587 758 618 1056 618 819 1056 1056 880 726 282 587 587 1005 726 819 726 726 1056 1056 1056 1164 627 618 618 85 1177 1056 726 448 726 752 1338 618 694 587 587 1287 998 822 1056 822 1277 726 587 1056 1056 265 1164 1093 1164 757 589 1056 1056 618 822 1300 1056 618 21 Farrell, Kevin M Farrell, Stephen S Farris, James F Fasano, Lashawn Fedd, Annette Fedrick, Eugene Felton, Jerry L Femenia, Joseph E Fenner, Raymond E Ferdinand, Veltie I Ferguson, James A Fernandes, David Fernandez, Juan M Fernandez, Osvaldo I Ferra, Keri M Ferrandino, Christopher Ferrante, Carlo A Ferrantelli, Thomas Ferrara, Christopher Ferrer, Phillip Ferruzola, Jaime F Festus, Robin L Fettermann, David A Fields, Archie Fields, Jacqueline R Fields, Ruby L Fiene, Mark R Fils-Aime, Deschamps Fionda, Peter A Firsching, Adam J Fitch, Zarnell S Fithian, Timothy Fitzgerald, Ellen D Fitzpatrick, Larry M Fitzsimmons, Robert W Flaherty, William Flanagan, Timothy J Flecha, Victor H Fleming Jr, Edward L Fletcher, Herbert L Flowers, Stephen L Fogarty, Patrick Fonseca, Juan R Fonseca, Mauricio I Ford, Cynette Ford, David L Ford, Jo Ford, John J Ford, Kevin Forges, Louis E Forleiter, Scott Forlenza, Gennaro J Forman, Eugene Formoso, Edwin M Forrest, Antoine D Fortune, Steve Foster, Gary M Foster, Jesse E Foster, Tallulah P Fournier, Donald Fowler, Willard George Fox, William J Foxworth Jr, William E Foy, Michael Foye, Luke A Fracasso, Richard L Francavilla, Michael Francese, Thomas S Francis, Daniel L Franco, H Clare Franco, Miguel Francois, Jean F Francois, Joseph L Franklin, Arthur Franklin, Camille Franklin, Norman R Franklin, Randall E Franklin, Tahanie 22 IN TRANSIT 618 618 587 726 819 819 1384 1056 1056 822 1287 618 694 587 618 726 726 726 1056 726 825 1056 587 825 85 618 998 819 241 726 587 726 282 587 618 726 587 726 788 1001 788 1179 1287 1056 627 1093 1338 726 1056 819 726 726 1056 1277 689 1056 1056 1287 1287 618 1093 587 689 398 1056 618 726 618 19 618 819 1056 1179 788 822 618 1576 819 Frede, Sharon L Frederic, Claire Frederick, Albert Frederick, Andrew M Freeman, Brian Keith Freeman, Darrius B Freeman, Gary Freeman, Judiah Freitag, Mark S Fremstad, Daniel T French, James J French, Stanley F Frett, Taiwan Fria, James Fryar, Jacob S Gadsden, Marion P Gaffney, Henry D Gaillard, David S Galbraith, James T Gallant, Robert Gallegos Jr, Theodore Gallegos, Valarie K Gallon, Arlene N Gambacorta, Priscilla Gamez, Hector A Gappa, James Henry Garcia, Henry Garcia, Javier E Garcia, Judith A Garcia, Mark A Garcia, Modesto Garcia, Nelson Garda, Dennis Gardner, Richard Gardner, Robert O Gargano, Steven M Garland, Anthony W Garner, Marvin Garner, Teresa Lee Garofalo, Leon Garris, Charles Garsva, Michael W Gaskill, Larry D Gaskins, David Gates, Rhoda L Gaurano, Noel B Gause, Hubert A Gayle, Clive C Gecevice, Peter Gehr, John Geib, Craig Geiger, Darryl S Geliga, Rafael Gelman, Scott Genussa, Angela E George, Aaron George, Derek S George, Glen George, Michael A George, Philip G Gervase, James Gessay, Brian R Gibbons, James W Gibson Jr, Earvin Gibson, Curtis Gibson, Stephen R Gilchrist, Barry L Gilder, Angela Giles, John O Giles, Mary K Giles, Tara Gill, Juanita Gillam, Regina L Gillham, George B Gilliard, Decarlo Gilliard, Willis Gilmore, Shirley E Gilstrap, Michael L 192 819 821 822 1277 26 1056 618 587 587 1575 618 1056 726 587 1056 26 265 587 618 19 587 1056 726 1056 1277 1056 1277 192 1277 1056 1056 726 448 85 726 689 998 1328 1056 726 1575 996 1056 1177 726 282 1056 726 726 825 788 726 1056 1056 819 1056 726 618 618 726 85 618 726 627 689 1056 819 1328 1177 822 308 627 1267 85 822 757 1575 Giordano, Albert 726 Giorgio Jr, Henry 618 Giovannetti, Michael D 1277 Giron, Melvin 825 Giunta, Thomas J 1056 Glasper, Sonia R 788 Glenn Jr, Edgar D 1277 Glenn, Beverly 819 Glover, Harvard 822 Glover, Thomas 282 Glover, Wyetta J 1342 Glukuov, Mark 726 Goeller, Gregory K 1056 Gold, Christopher 726 Gold, Christopher M 1056 Goldsmith, Barry 822 Gomez Cuadra, Edwin E 1277 Gomez, Luis F 822 Gomez, Roberto M 1277 Gonsalves, Darlene J 1037 Gonzales, Angelita T 1277 Gonzalez, Annaldo S 618 Gonzalez, Eva 265 Gonzalez, Jose A 820 Gonzalez, Jose M 822 Gonzalez, Juan M 1091 Gonzalez, Luis 726 Gonzalez, Luis M 822 Gonzalez, Salvador 265 Goodman, Nancy Faye 1164 Gordon, Donald H 1056 Gordon, Larry D 1093 Gorham, Dennis R 1328 Gormley, Katherine 618 Gosse, Jim Thomas 19 Gottler, James 282 Gouch, Robbie R 85 Grady, Bobbie J 1164 Graham-Lee, Patricia C 821 Graham, Addie J 822 Graham, Larry W 1575 Graney, Stephen E 714 Grant, Willie L 819 Grassetti, James 448 Graves-Jackson, Sandra Helene 192 Gray Jr, Phillip 1575 Gray, Anthony M 265 Gray, Derrick S 689 Gray, Gardner J 1056 Gray, Gary L 308 Gray, Kenneth J 618 Greco, Joseph P 1179 Green, Alfonza 1056 Green, Bertha M 1005 Green, Christa Lynn 192 Green, Curtis 1056 Green, Frank 726 Green, John A 1328 Green, Maurice L 1177 Green, Robin K 1287 Green, Ronald N 757 Green, Stanley L 587 Green, Wayne L 192 Green, Willie 825 Greene, Daniel A 282 Greene, Roland D 1056 Greener, Ralph 1056 Greenfield, Lakisha M 689 Greer, Teresa 26 Greve, Judy A 1287 Griffin, Delphine L 85 Griffin, Dwayne A 627 Griffin, James D 1056 Griffin, Tenesha M 1056 Griffith, Clint 1564 Griffith, Dean A 85 Grothe, David W 587 Grotins, Egon 1575 Guarnieri, Bernard C Guerrero, Antonio Guhl, Gordon J Guinote, Richard Gunasekara, Lionel K Gurjian, Christine G Gutierrez, Dionys Gutierrez, Edking Guzman, Bernardo F Guzzone, Susan K Haanraadts, John C Hachiya, Raymond D Haggins, Eli Hajbi, Nader Husni Haley, John M Hall, Ainsworth Hall, Bernard Hall, Edwin Roy Hall, Joel Terrell Hall, John H Hall, Michael Hall, Nathan T Haloon, Rosemary E Halsel, Roni Hamilton, Bryant E Hamilton, Mark S Hampton, Paul Handy, Ronald Hanks, Robbin Hanlon, Edward Hannah, Renee Hanson, Charlene M Haran, Walter J Hardgrove, Anthony Hardy-Cobb, Veronica Hardy, Richard R Hardy, William G Harmon, David Harms, George J Harper, James E Harrella, Joseph P Harris Sr, Gregory T Harris, Christopher L Harris, James P Harris, John R Harris, Lorene Harris, Maurice E Harris, Melissa Harris, Sandy B Harrison, Michelle A Hartzell, Larry E Harvey-Fleming, Kimberly J Haskin, Josephine Hathaway, Mark Hatley, Marvin E Hatton Jr, Richard Havard, Hernandez P Hawkins, Christopher J Hayes, April Hayes, William J Haymond, David A Haywood, Manuel H Hazel, Emma J Hazel, Twan Hearns, Kimberly Hebert, Maurice G Hellman, Martin Helm II, John F Henderson, Bryan K Henderson, Donald Henderson, Glen E Henderson, Hazel P Henderson, Jeffrey Henderson, Roger Hendrick, Larry Henry, Kenneth P Henry, Larry R Henry, Mark A 589 1277 587 819 1277 618 726 1056 1277 726 1179 587 587 822 587 822 1056 1277 819 618 1056 689 589 85 689 1575 587 618 1091 726 241 618 589 819 819 822 825 627 1179 587 801 880 587 1338 265 265 308 726 587 1056 689 85 819 618 241 726 1235 1575 819 726 398 265 1056 1056 1564 282 726 587 1056 1338 587 587 627 587 822 587 1056 1056 Henson, Floyd A Henton, Annette Herbst Sr, Karl D Herman, Hermanau Hernandez, Antonio E Hernandez, Barbara A Hernandez, Ephraim Hernandez, Jacinto Hernandez, Joseph T Herring, Tony S Herriot, Janet Hershkowitz, Russel Hess, John R Hesseltine, Paul D Hewitt, Charlotte Hickson, Alethea Higley, Denise Hildebrand, Werner Hill, Angela Hill, Bennue D Hill, Michael C Hilliard, Franette Hills, Bernell J Hink, John M Hofherr, Barton L Hogan, Chris Hoggs, Denise Hoheusle, John Holcomb Sr, Ronnie K Holeman, Debra A Holler, Michael P Hollie, Alan W Hollinger, Dwayne Hollinger, William R Hollis, Terry W Holloway, Bruce M Holloway, Terri L Holmes, Iraida Holowinski, Anthony Holst, Steven R Holt, Paul R Hopkins Jr, Ninus Hopkins, Kathy D Hopkins, Sherian Hopper, Darryl Hopper, Gary W Horn, Christopher L Horton, James J Horton, Taheesha Hossein, Ahmad W House, Patricia A House, Wright Howard, Curtis A Howard, Elijah Howard, William P Howell, Sherri E Howell, Theresa Howie, Paul F Hudec Sr, Herbert Hudson, Claudia D Huertas, Alejandro Huffin, Lou Etta Hughley, Harris T Huizar, Ernest C Hull, Anthony L Humphries, Kelly L Hunt, John D Hunt, Robin L Huot, David J Hurskin, Dennis Hurst Jr, Willie Hurt, Jeffrey A Hurt, Ursula R Husain, Azeez Hutcheson, Mark A Hutt, Daniel H Hwang, Hoon Ianno, Albert F 1309 26 1321 819 1277 726 822 1056 694 26 1056 726 627 587 726 1056 19 1056 1056 1056 726 85 1309 1575 682 618 822 758 85 587 282 1555 819 85 618 1328 627 822 726 265 265 587 587 1287 618 610 587 1287 819 1056 819 819 732 192 1267 85 1056 587 265 192 726 822 1056 694 308 587 589 1056 618 26 26 689 1287 1056 1145 587 1056 1056 www.atu.org Igani, Farahmand Ignacio, Delano Ingiane, Nicholas Iozzi Jr, Anthony Ippolito, Christopher Irizarry, Juan Isenberg, John C Ismail, Adam M Israel, Xavier D Ittiavirah, Andrews Iverson, Bruce W Ivy, Mark G Jablonski, Andrew Jack, Lennox Jackson Jr, Claude Jackson, Carl C Jackson, Carmen M Jackson, David K Jackson, Duane M Jackson, Edward A Jackson, Gary Jackson, Jeffery M Jackson, Jeffrey G Jackson, Johnny Jackson, Kyam Jackson, Phillip G Jackson, Richard T Jackson, Ronald F Jackson, Vernon E Jackson, Walter Jackson, Zenobia Jacobson, Peter N James, David A James, Devon James, Diane M James, Jeff J James, Kevin J James, Sheldon James, Thako Jamison, Ronald Janicki, Daniel Jaques, Aden J Jaras, Jesus Jose Jauregui, Juan M Javier, Leonard W Jean-Baptiste, Petrus Jeannite, Pierre F Jeannot, Maurice Jefferson, Natalie D Jefferson, Philip R Jefferson, R Craig Jeffery, Cheryl M Jenkins Jr, Leonard J Jenkins, Janie Jenkins, Joseph Jennings, Brian Jennings, Kevin M Jerro, Cedrick A Jeter, Jackie L Jeter, Roland H Jewsbury, Laurex M Johe, Wiley Johnson III, Luther Johnson, Charitta D Johnson, Debra L Johnson, Edgar Louis Johnson, Francine Johnson, Frank C Johnson, Garry B Johnson, Howard V Johnson, Ivy A Johnson, James Johnson, James C Johnson, James L Johnson, James R Johnson, Lisa Diane Johnson, Maureen S Johnson, Melvin www.atu.org 714 1575 726 618 282 726 726 587 1056 726 714 1056 726 726 587 587 843 1328 821 1056 618 587 587 1338 1056 822 1056 1056 1277 618 819 587 801 819 1575 843 587 822 1056 1300 448 398 265 1277 1056 1056 1056 1056 192 587 587 843 726 1091 627 726 618 1277 689 689 1056 1575 448 1177 192 1277 1328 587 822 1056 819 822 610 587 1056 313 726 587 Johnson, Merritt Johnson, Michael A Johnson, Michael C Johnson, Michael L Johnson, Michelle Johnson, Quaadir Johnson, Robert C Johnson, Sharon A Johnson, Wanda S Jonathis, David Jones III, Ernest Jones, Craig A Jones, Daniel W Jones, Douglas W Jones, Jerry E Jones, Omoro N Jones, Reginald M Jones, Rodney A Jones, Shelia Jones, Ted G Jones, Willie Jordan, Ronald A Jose, Kurian P Joseph, Darcelin Joseph, Sheldon Joslin, Andrew T Joule, Edward Joyner, Jerome L Joyner, Judy C Joyner, Kenny Judd, Alvester N Jurczyk, Jeffrey E Juul, Torkil Kacinko, Robert J Kambish, John E Kane, Thomas E Kanellis, Theodore Karabochos, James J Karidis, Spiros Karlin, Aleksandr Kasaj, Eddie Kawatsuma, Jun Kay, David R Kearney, Shonnetta Kee, Harold Joseph Keefe, Thomas P Keegan, James M Keeton, Graylon G Keilman, Lori A Keith, Richard Keller, John J Kelley, Donna Kellington, William G Kelly Jr, Lawrence C Kelly, Harry Kelly, Kurt Kelly, Terry Kennedy, Dennis M Kennedy, Lillie Mae Kent, James C Kern, Linda L Kessel, Jade C Keys, Barry S Khan, Saleem M Khan, Zubair Khandai, Ashok Kidd, Kenneth B Kilcullen, Jesse Killebrew, Sandra M Kimble, Michael Kimble, Samuel Kimple Sr, Lonney King Sr, James King, Christopher A King, John A W King, Philip M King, Sheila J Kinoshita, Kevin K 819 1179 1056 1342 819 822 1056 1056 265 822 241 587 1164 587 1164 587 1056 1309 822 1164 819 1700 1056 1056 618 587 726 1056 819 822 1056 308 1575 85 265 589 726 1575 1575 618 726 587 757 819 618 587 1056 268 618 1575 589 819 85 589 726 1056 1564 1056 1164 843 282 822 689 726 1056 1056 788 726 1177 1056 627 1177 1091 1300 587 726 618 757 Kinsella, Arthur W Kinsman, Tom Kirkland, Gary V Kirschner, Karen K Kirtley, Karen Klimuk, Joseph R Knestaut, Stephen Knight, Gloria J Knight, Lavonne E Knox, Kenneth Parker Knutson, Louis A Kojoian, Michael Kopperdahl, Dale L Kozub, Daniel M Krantz, Steven O Kraynick, Ted Krehbiel, Ronald D Krugh, Robert J Kubick, Ernest D Kuhns, Patricia R Kunde, Kathleen L Kurkjian, Matthew Kurtz, Richard Kweder, William La Barba, Alex D La Polla, Paul La Rue, Ralph La Torre, Victor R La Vern, Katherine J Lafferty, William F Lafleur Jr, Emile J Lafond, Timothy T Lagares, Lula Laguna, Angel Lambert, David G Lancaster, Samuel C Land, Gerome V Landrau, Charles J Landrigan, Thomas S Landvogt, Christopher R Lane, Bennie L Lane, Douglas E Lane, Reginald Lang, Donald F Lang, Nicholas Langager, Curtis D Langston, Sheritta R Lannigan, Stephen Lapaglia, Margaret C Lapertosa, John Laraichi, Abdelali Larner, Jeffery Larsson, Jan G Lassiter, Tia Laster, Turner L Latham, Michael Lattin, Charles J Lauckner, Rudy Laughlin, Laurence R Laurence, Marvin K Laurent, Arentz Lavallee, Cynthia Laverde, Rafael D Lawrence, Calvin A Lawrence, Richard D Lawson, Stephen Lawson, Thomas W Layer, Martin Lazo, Cesar I Le Blanc Jr, Gary T Le Bron, Juan F Leal, Mauro Lear, Antjuan Ledbetter, Chesley R Lee, Allen R Lee, Hattie D Lee, John J Lee, Veronica J 726 843 1287 847 265 726 880 1177 85 19 1277 618 587 1342 313 265 587 587 85 85 1464 MAL 726 1091 587 726 265 1056 587 618 618 19 448 1056 587 788 788 1309 822 726 1164 587 825 1056 627 19 1564 618 589 726 726 265 587 819 689 587 1342 448 587 265 1056 618 1056 1056 618 589 587 819 1056 618 308 694 627 587 589 587 589 85 Leeka, Christien R 627 Lefevre, Ronald 1056 Leggin, Jerome 587 Leistman, Richard 726 Lentini, Anthony 726 Leonard, Richard L 587 Levkovskiy, Ruslan 1056 Levy, Michael 726 Lewis Jr, Willie F 1277 Lewis, Blake L 1575 Lewis, John H 1056 Lewis, Judy L 26 Lewis, Junior V 822 Lewis, Randy L 587 Lewis, Robert A 726 Lewis, Stephen L 1517 Li, Yu Quan 1056 Lie, Fung N 1056 Lind, Steven C 282 Linville, Daniel T 587 Linville, Marcia 758 Littlefair, Bert P 1179 Littlejohn, Kevin 726 Littles, Donald E 1177 Locke, Timothy M 85 Lockman, Gary A 282 Logan, Craig 819 Logie, Kenneth 1056 Loman, Robert L 689 Londers, James 618 Longo, Michael 1179 Loomis, Robert J 757 Lopez Jr, Luis 1056 Lopez Jr, Robert C 265 Lopez Jr, Wilson 726 Lopez, Cesar J 398 Lopez, Jeffrey M 1277 Lopez, John 448 Lopez, Oniqueka 726 Lopez, Wyatt W 1277 Lorenzo, Terry L 587 Loughran, Tim 265 Louie, Clifford T 587 Louissaint, Berthony 819 Love, Ronald G 1287 Lovett, James 726 Low, George 726 Lowe, Glenroy S 1056 Lowe, John 822 Lowery, Felix J 1300 Lucarini, Eugene R 726 Lucas, Edward A 1177 Lucero Jr, Neno 265 Lucien, Matthew 256 Lukaszekski, Jeannette 618 Lumpkin, Leonard 268 Luna-McGee, Yvonne 1091 Luong, Howard 1277 Lynch, Barry A 714 Lynch, Edward J 1056 Lyon, Steven C 587 Lyons, Edgar G 587 Lytle, Diane 821 Ma, Gordon E 587 Mac Donald, William Wayne398 Mac Dougall, Stephan G 589 Mac Elveen, Christopher 587 Mac Fadden, Channing 587 Mac Lean, Thomas R 714 Macabagdal, Fernando B 1277 Macenat, Sauveur 822 Mackin, Bruce A 282 Maclies Jr, Samuel 1535 Macon, James V 998 Madaras, James M 689 Maguire, Kenneth P 618 Mahone, Henry 821 Makle Jr, Joseph B 689 Maldonado, Alfredo Maldonado, Luis Mallia, Philip Malloy, Michael J Manaham, Thomas E Manna, Joseph Mao, Saovady Maraia, Matthew Marcelo, Luis A Marchetti, John D Marchu, Richard S Marcoux, Diane Marengo, John T Marin, Richard Markoe, Rudolph C Markus, Joseph Markus, Steve G Marovic, Georgia P Marquez, Saul O Marshall, Anthony M Marshall, Larry S Martinell, Dora Martinez, Cuauhtemoc Martinez, Francisco Martinez, John P Martinez, Miguel Martinez, Paul Martins, Francisco Martins, Laerico Mason Jr, Walter A Mason, David J Massa, Ramiro Massung, Patrick S Mastrocola, Michael F Mastrostefeno, Mario E Matautia, Joel L Mather, Chad M Matson, Thomas H Matthews, Joseph L Matthews, Michael Mattingly, Dwight H Mauceri, Angelo May, Rolland C Mazujian, Mark Mazzone, Leonard N Mc Allister, Robert J Mc Amis, Michael H Mc Arthur Jr, James J Mc Avoy, Nancy Mc Bryde, Roy Mc Cann, Colleen E Mc Carthy, John Mc Carthy, John J Mc Caskie, Logan Mc Clain, Jamel Mc Clain, Richard L Mc Clanahan, Corrita Y Mc Clease, Ernestine P Mc Clinchey, Michael Mc Collum, James O Mc Cormack, Christopher Mc Cormick-Williams, Shyrl Mc Cormick, Thomas P Mc Cray, Weeler Mc Cue Jr, Raymond D Mc Cullers, Reginald Mc Cullers, Sherita R Mc Cummings, Daryl Mc Daniel, Gladys Mc Donald, Ronald W Mc Donald, Vivian Mc Donell, J Scott Mc Dougald, Paula Mc Elroy, Joel A Mc Fadden, Caesar L Mc Fadden, James Mc Fall, Shawn W Mc Farland, Roland V MARCH/APRIL 2008 822 822 726 85 819 819 1575 618 1056 1179 587 618 1056 265 26 587 1093 85 822 1056 1328 822 1277 448 265 448 265 618 726 689 1309 618 85 589 618 587 757 587 1056 265 1577 822 998 726 589 618 1164 618 1145 726 1555 448 1056 1056 823 1564 1309 1177 1179 822 726 26 618 1300 589 1328 1328 819 1056 85 241 587 819 1287 282 819 1056 85 23 Mc Farlane, Deborah A Mc Gauran, Eileen J Mc Gee, Kenneth Charles Mc Gowan, Robert J Mc Grew, Gregory A Mc Guire, Brian P Mc Intosh Jr, Henry B Mc Kenney, Robert A Mc Kiernan, Michael Mc Kinnon, Shawn Mc Laughlin, Andrea S Mc Lean, Lawrence Mc Leod, Thomas Mc Nair, Gregory T Mc Namara, Jacqueline M Mc Namara, John A Mc Neill, Juawann F Mc Phee, Michael F Mc Reynolds, Hugh L Mc Vea, Princess A Meadors II, Harold R Meadows, Claudia J Mejeur, Steven M Mejia, Cesar A Mejia, Manuel Melendez, Jose L Melgar, William Melillo, Lisa Melillo, Walter Melly, Aiden J Melnik, William A Mena, James A Menard, Debra Mendez, Miguel Menella, John Menendez, Bernardo A Mercado, Nancy Merideth, Kenneth C Merise, Jean Merrick, Haile Messier, Frank Mettler, John R Meyer, Keith D Meyreles, Benny Michaels, Patrick Francis Michels, James C Middleton, Barbara D Middleton, Vincent Middleton, Willie Mihara, James D Mikolay, Francis G Miles Sr, George Miles, Anthony Miles, Gwendolyn P Milewski, Deborah A Militello, Vincent Millard, Todd Millea, Kevin M Millender, Reginald C Millensifer, Robert D Miller-Andrews, Angela M Miller, Brian K Miller, Troy L Miller, Vicki L Miller, Wallace B Mills, Thomas Minguela, Edwin Mino, Henry Miranda, Joseph E Misciagna, Nicholas Misiti, Nick Mistretta, James D Mitchell, Corwin Mitchell, Dolly Mitchell, Gregory D Mitchell, Kim E Mitchell, Tamara Mitchom, James A 24 IN TRANSIT 398 726 1277 726 757 1342 1177 1555 618 821 587 821 1091 587 587 618 689 589 587 587 587 587 1093 1056 1056 1056 618 618 618 1056 758 1056 618 726 726 1464 819 587 819 1056 448 587 822 726 1277 587 689 1056 587 587 85 996 1056 192 819 726 618 618 587 398 268 26 627 757 1056 618 726 726 1277 726 726 589 819 1447 587 308 819 788 Moe, Ian M Moerland, Charles Mohamad, Hamdi Moisanen, Jan M Moliere, John Molina, Yolanda Molyneaux, Eric Monroe, John W Montalbano, Joseph J Montalvan, Jose A Montanye, Ruth C Montes De Oca III, Vincent Montes, Ruben C Montgomery, Billy Monti, Ralph J Moody, Jerome Moon, Terry L Mooney, David G Moore, David J Moore, Debi J Moore, Derrick R Moore, James Moore, Jason N Moore, Michael W Moore, Rosa M Moorer, Willie J Moquillaza, Carlos F Mora, Angel Mora, Ignacio R Morales Jr, Samuel Morales, Steve Moreau, Paul A Morin, Ronald P Morrill, Jennifer S Morris III, James E Morris, Hazlette G Morris, Mary E Morris, Rhonda D Morrison, Anthony T Morrissette, Barry Morsen, Steven P Morte, Kevin J Morton, Nickie D Moses, Horace L Mosley Jr, Alfred C Mosley, Pennie S Mosley, Rashima Moura, John Mourachian, Edward Muccio, Raymond J Muhammad, Damu Muhammad, Larry T Mulcahy Jr, Joseph A Mullaney, Douglas A Mulvaney, Linda Mundan, William A Muneshwar, Khemraj Munoz, Darlene Munoz, Jesus V Murgo, Gregory Murphy Jr, John M Murphy, Daniel A Murphy, Elizabeth A Murphy, John G Murphy, Mary E Murphy, Norman D Murphy, William Murray, Elliot C Murray, Patrick M Murrow, John L Musto, A Alfred Myart, Anthony C Myers, Dale L Myers, Frank J Myers, Jimmy Myers, Vincent J Myers, William A Myrick, Michael 726 836 822 883 726 1309 1056 587 726 618 825 1277 1277 825 618 822 587 589 883 587 1056 726 1056 587 1056 1056 1056 726 1575 1277 1056 1056 265 282 26 1056 1056 1235 1056 618 1056 265 1235 1056 19 313 823 618 618 1056 819 241 618 825 448 1277 1056 1056 241 618 618 1056 1056 448 618 1093 726 1056 843 587 726 1093 587 1056 689 1056 618 689 Nadrowski, Lori A Napoletano, Todd A Napoli, Anthony Napolitano, Vincent Nava, Jaime Naylor, Thomas M Naylor, Willium Y Negron, Luis O Nelson, David C Nelson, Jonathan M Nelson, Keith W Nelson, Shayne Nerius, Pierre L Neubert, Frank W Neville, George W Newberry, Jack L Newby, Lee A Newland, Victor R Newman, James D Newman, Karen K Ng, Wallace G Nguyen, Minh C Nicholas, Christine M Nicholls, Alvin Nickerson, William L Niecestro, James A Niels, Clifford G Nielsen, William S Nieves, Bernardo A Nieves, Esteban P Nieves, Luis Nist, Daniel G Nixon, John J Niz, Ralph T Noles, Gregory E Notides, John C Novicki, Walter Novsam, David C Nowlin Jr, William H Nugent, Christopher Nugent, Denis P Nyamekye, Kofi O’Brien, James M O’Brien, Michael J O’Connor, William P O’Flaherty, Richard M O’Malley, Patrick A Oba, J Ferrich Obando, Edison Oddo Jr, Frank Ogden, Sonya Okazaki, Charla L Okunseri, Henry Olaveson, Randy Olink, Arthur Oliveri, Linda G Olivo, Horacio A Olmo, Marlon Oommen, Alex Operario, Rey Opocensky, Linda A Orilia, Nunzio Orisca, Oristil Ormond, Brian D Orrick, George M Ortiz, Adelita Ortiz, Robert Osborn, Kevin Osborne, Scott Osburn, Christopher J Osorio, Juan M Osuba, Jose Otero, Juan Outterbridge, Steven N Owens, Cynthia J Owens, Eugene S Owens, Michael L Pacheco, Michael A 618 1056 1056 1056 1277 618 618 726 1056 1575 998 265 819 587 587 757 26 1056 1277 398 618 MAL 1555 1056 714 308 1277 308 1342 282 822 85 689 256 26 282 589 618 689 1056 1056 822 589 726 448 1547 618 587 1056 1056 758 587 824 1517 618 256 1056 822 1056 265 1575 1056 825 587 1164 587 265 822 822 587 1056 822 618 880 689 265 1177 1056 Pacheco, Steven Pacheco, Xiomara Packwood, Rand Pagen, Ralph Paige, Bobby Ray Paiz, Jose A Pak, Yong I Palacios, Carlos R Palandri, Anthony Palazzo Jr, Antonio F Palladino, John Pallitto, William D Palmer, Richard D Palomino Jr, Jose Louie Panzella, Victor D Papa, Gerard E Pappalardo, Peter Park, Hyunsoo Parker, Andrerson Parkerson, Robert A Parrales, Carlos W Parrillo, Ernest D Parrish, Bruce Pascall, Aubrey Pasqualicchio, Francesco Patel, Hasmukhbhai T Paternostro, George L Patrick, James V Patterson, Gregory B Patterson, Stephen D Paulino, Daniel Payne, Brent Payton, Darryl E Pazhouhandeh, Firouz Peacock, Charlie H Pearce, Pauline Pearson, Carol L Peart, Winston Peccini, Matthew Pecoraro, Pietro Pecunia, Luis Pedri, Benedict Peelo, Stephen P Pegues Sr, John A Pella, Anthony Pellerin, Richard E Pelletier, Michael Pellicano, Greg Pepe, Frank Perdue, Henry S Pereyda, Rolando Perez, Adalbert Perez, Nelson Perillo, Francis Perkins, June D Permenter, Lou Perry-Knight, Melinda Ann Perry, Charles Perry, Charles F Perry, Ronald B Persad, Trevor K Peters, Frederick E Peterson, Edward B Peterson, Jayson J Peterson, Kevin Peterson, Mark O Peterson, Victoria S Peterson, William F Petrone, James Pettit, Johanna L Petty, Shirley A Philippe, Levy Jean Phillip, Omar Phillips, Gloria Philo, Brian Phytides, Phillipos Piatek, Robert J Piazza, Larry M 1056 618 819 1056 1328 689 1056 1056 1001 618 726 822 587 1277 726 998 726 1056 825 843 1056 618 1 819 1056 1056 726 85 587 1277 822 1091 1277 618 308 822 1015 819 822 726 1056 726 1056 587 618 618 618 726 726 282 1277 819 726 726 1338 1056 1328 1056 1328 1328 1056 819 1277 587 256 587 1015 726 1056 19 843 819 1056 85 726 726 618 1575 Picado, Maria Pierce, Linda L Pillay, Masla Pires, Gary J Piskunov, Alexander Pitt, Latoya Pleasants, Herschel A Plummer, Dareyl L Plummer, David R Plummer, James G Plummer, Vincent Pobega, Anthony Poe, Donald E Pofahl, Gary A Pointer, Reginald Pokrywczynski, Thomas Poland, David D Pollock, Louice Polynice, Pierre Ponce, Jorge Poor, Hallie L Pope, David A Pope, Pamela A Porcu, Frank Porter, Donald G Potter, Paul P Pouncy, Lorenzo Poveda, Haydee Poventud, Jack Powell, Kathleen Y Powell, Mark A Powell, Michael A Pratt, Erroll C Pratt, Shirley Pray, Bruce Prendergast, Michael Price Jr, Lawrence Price, Richard Chester Prichard, Daniel P Primm, James W Primous, Melvin K Prince, Doris Prince, Frances L Proctor, Edward D Psarreas, Derrick Puerta, Hector Pulley, Roy C Purtell, David M Quade, Bill T Quarles, Bruce D Quartuccio, Paul L Quezada, Jesse J Quiceno, Maria M Quick, Gilbert M Quinn, Charles S Quinn, Eugena L Quinn, John M Quirke, Denis G Quiros, Gabriel Quiros, Michael Quisol, Cenon F Radford, Jeffrey Ragonese, Gregory Rahman, Aaron Y Raiford, Marcus Rajan, Poikayil V Rakisits, Craig A Ramdin, Nandram Ramirez, Lisa Ramirez, Ruben Ramirez, Vladimir Ramos Jr, Jose R Ramos Jr, Ottoniel Ramos, Atilano Ramos, Robert P Ramraj, Jariam Ramsay, Victor Ramsey, Barbara L 819 1037 587 1037 822 819 192 587 1384 1328 819 726 726 998 819 1342 587 1056 819 726 587 308 265 726 1093 1056 1338 822 822 192 1384 822 1056 282 618 726 1564 714 998 85 587 819 1309 1574 726 726 1328 85 587 689 726 1277 822 1056 618 1056 587 1056 822 448 265 726 1056 1235 1056 1056 1277 1056 819 1277 1277 822 1056 1309 265 1056 1056 788 www.atu.org Rana, Mansourul Randall, Randy S Randle, Marvin L Randolph, Ronald Rankin, Paul A Ransier, Marvin Ransom, Justin H Ransom, Thomas M Raposa, Marilyn M Rattey, Robert Rauen, Gary Reall, John M Reames, Edward Reams, Richard C Reaves, Aaron T Redding, Jamie Redmond, Dinah M Redmond, Sherry G Reed, Geoffrey T Reed, Robert Reed, Terry D Reeves, Jeffrey L Rego Jr, Anthony D Reiter, Chris C Remark, John A Rembiszewski, Robert D Remsen, Paul D Rettmer, Robert V Rex, Dennis Reyes, Edgardo M Reyes, Jose H Reyes, Nicholas Reyes, Raymond Reynolds, Conrad Reynolds, Dan Reynolds, Ian G Reynolds, Robert R Reynolds, Terry D Rice, Deborah F Rice, Larry D Rich, Chandler Richards, Alma C Richardson, Beatrice Ricks III, James Ricks, Marvin Ridenour, John E Rigau, Fernando Riley, Wayne T Rivera, Angel Rivera, Edwards T Rivera, Gerald Rivera, Israel Rivera, Mark Rivera, Noel Rivera, Victor Rizwan, Sheikh M Rizzo, Christine Mary Rizzo, Frank J Roach, Robert B Roache, Andre Robberson, Arthur V Robbins, Raymond Roberts, Catherine M Robertson, Michael Robertson, Wanda M Robertson, William Robinson, Jacqueline J Robinson, Kenneth J Robinson, Mark A Robinson, Michael S Robinson, Roslyn Robinson, Tina Robinson, Vivian W Rocco, Anthony Rocha, Carlos F Rodgers, Michael S Rodriguez, Cynthia A Rodriguez, Dagoberto www.atu.org 822 589 587 265 1277 265 1277 85 618 618 IVP 618 823 1277 822 618 308 587 689 308 589 714 618 1576 85 1235 1056 587 448 587 1277 726 726 880 627 1056 587 587 265 1287 627 1300 820 819 822 313 726 823 726 726 282 726 726 726 726 1056 1056 726 1287 819 618 192 627 618 1177 587 587 85 241 1056 821 618 1564 726 618 618 694 1056 Rodriguez, Juan A Rodriguez, Julio C Rodriguez, Orlando Rodriguez, Raynard R Rodriguez, Wilson Rogers, James P Rojas, Jesus Romaine, Jules Romanello, John Romano, Giovanni Rosa, Ceferino S Rosa, Ivy Rosa, Mario Rosario III, Jesus Rosario, Livio Rosario, Omar Rosario, Reinaido Rose, Andrew Rosenwasser, Mitchel D Ross, Dorothy Ross, Jeffrey Ross, Tyrone Ross, Veneice T Rossetti, Anthony J Rossetti, Joseph Rossi, Michael C Rostrom, Judith C Rouse, Benjamin F Royal, Raymond G Rubino, Gregory Rucker, Luci Rudelich, Nicholas E Ruiz, Anselmo Ruiz, Janet Run, Jannet Rusnak, Edward Russell, Michael J Russell, Patrick J Russo, Joseph J Ruth, Frank Ruvalcaba, Juan Ryan, Robert Rybock, Kenneth W Saari, William D Sabella, Daniel Sabino, Walter Saint-Sulne, Paul Saint-Sulne, Welser Salaam, Zayid F Salas, Cesar G Salazar, Johnny Saleem, Kamal F Salese, Robert F Saliba, Charles M Salley, Christopher L Samos, Christian J Samuel, Johnkutty Sanchez, Adrian Sanchez, Antonio R Sanchez, Jose L Sanchez, Miguel A Sanchez, Pedro A Sanchez, Raymond Sanchez, Rodolfo Sandoval, Gerardo Sanford, Jeffery M Sang, Stephanie Santana, Hiram Santana, Luz Santana, Omar Santiago, Edwin Santiago, Margaro Santoli, Michael Santoro, Clotide M Santos, Charles Santos, Thomas B Sariberkyan, Albert Sarter, Michael 726 1056 726 265 726 1277 726 618 726 1056 589 819 448 726 1056 819 822 819 1056 819 1056 758 822 85 726 726 587 85 618 726 788 998 822 726 822 822 448 1464 1056 819 1277 726 587 587 726 726 819 726 587 1277 1309 1056 1575 726 618 726 1056 1338 1277 726 822 1056 726 618 1056 1564 726 726 820 1056 1056 822 726 726 618 618 618 1179 Saunders, Connie Savage, Jamal P Sawrey, Richard B Saxton, Dwayne A Scales, Aretha Scarvace, Anthony Scharer, Kurt A Schatz, Kenneth Schaub, Jerome C Scherbarth, Kathy Scherkenbach, David J Schirripa, Giuseppe Schmatz, John P Schuler, Deborah E Schultz, Kenneth Devere Schwald, Brenda D Schwanke, Barbara L Schwendemann, Brian Scoppa, Salvatore Scorpio, Frank Scorzelli, Marc Scott, Adrian L Scott, Eugene D Scott, Peter J Scott, Randolph Scott, Richard E Scroggins, Lonnie Scuotto, John A Seaberg, Eric C Seabrooks, Gerald W Seabrooks, La Sonja Sealey, Herb C Seay, Debra M Sedlak, Thomas A Seerattan, Jagdish K Segura, Alvaro Serrano, Juan Serventi, Joseph J Seymore, Laura L Shackelford, William Shade, Mona M Shaffer, Jeffrey W Shagam, Don H Shambray, Inga M Shannon, James Shannon, Joseph E Sharpe, Sonia Sharrieff, Nuraddin S Shaver Jr, Richard J Shaw, Devon Shea, Thomas M Sheehan, Lorraine A Sheehan, Michael Sheffield, Michael A Shepherd Jr, Iziah Sherman, Teddy Shields, Barbara Chavis Shoffner, Wallace O Shook, Ellis O Shorter, Charisse Shorts, Charles E Shove, Miles E Shy, Lynette M Sica, Alexander R Sidberry, Daniel Siebenaler, Samuel J Sikora, Charles H Sillan, Shanta Silletto, Anthony J Silva, Ricardo M Silveira, John F Simmons Jr, Abraham Simmons, Michael W Simmons, Robert C Simoes, Robert S Simon Jr, Ervin C Simonds, Patrick C Simpson, Robert E 819 726 587 1056 819 85 587 726 85 1338 1309 726 1056 1056 1555 587 587 726 726 618 726 192 85 587 19 779 627 726 618 1056 823 821 1070 85 1056 1056 726 85 192 726 587 1277 883 627 265 726 1056 1056 1321 1056 589 589 726 822 1328 1091 1328 883 587 819 1300 282 1056 1056 1056 519 1342 587 726 1277 618 26 241 1575 618 788 843 587 Singh, Dhanpaul D Singh, Rai S Sinisgalli, Victor Sinyersky, Alexander Sionni, John Sivils Jr, Sylvester Skea Jr, Richard C Skipwith, Maria V Skwierczynski, Florian S Skwirz, Anne Sledge, Lester Sloan, Courtney R Small Sr, Donnie K Smalls, Andre L Smith-Hurley, Jeremie Smith, Cornell Smith, Ernest D Smith, Ernest P Smith, Eugene R Smith, Fitzroy Smith, Herman F Smith, Irving Smith, Ivette Smith, James A Smith, Jim D Smith, Kevin L Smith, Lisa Smith, Ramondo Smith, Robin Smith, Rudolph Smith, Terron Darnell Smithburg, Carl Smitherman, Lajuan E Snitchler, David M Snyder, Montgomery P Soblosky, Edward R Solano, Fernando Sookdeo, Rooplall Sookram, Winston D Soto, Adolfo L Soto, Angel L Soto, Arturo F Soto, Madge Soto, Mercedes B Soto, Rafael F Soto, Reuben Sotomayor, Christopher A Soubeyrand, Kenneth M Souza, Steven Souza, William J Spargur, Daniel W Sparrow, Jeffrey Spata, John M Spears, Charles Spellman, Bernard Spellman, Norris S Spence, Michael D Spencer, Donald Spencer, Tony Sprague, Marlene R St Pierre, Eric St Valliere, Anael Stark, Chris Stauffer, Thomas L Steagall, Eddie D Stennett, Ronald S Stenoien, Deborah S Stephens, Anthony Stephenson, Susan Stevens, Bruce M Stevens, Martha D Stevens, Wilgarth D Stewart, Barbara E Stewart, Beverly A Stillwell, David G Stine, Richard W Stitt, Terry L Stone, Steven E 1056 1179 1056 726 618 1447 1342 788 1310 618 627 85 1535 1056 1056 819 1056 1287 587 1056 1177 1056 618 398 587 618 618 627 822 726 836 587 822 1145 1015 1321 822 1056 1056 1277 726 1309 1056 308 822 726 1056 85 1575 618 1576 819 1277 308 1056 587 587 821 627 587 618 819 19 587 821 1056 587 822 618 265 1464 1056 1328 1070 1287 587 282 1056 Stoner, Melanie M Stoute, Leo E Strader, Marvin L Strandlien, Daryl L Strauss, Philip Strickland, Bernard P Strickland, Johnny Strong III, Robert L Stroud III, Johnnie L Stuto, Nuccio Suhd, Glenn D Sullivan, Jeremiah Sullivan, Joseph J Sullivan, Richard P Sumner, Thalin L Sumpter, Wayne M Sundquist, Daniel Sweeney, Robert Sweetsir, Seth H Swindle, Janice M Swope, Yvonne R Sygh Jr, Jacob Sylvia, William K Szoke, Stephen Taboso, Bernardo R Tal, Haim R Tamayei, Randal M Tan, Tian Tancredi, John R Tang, Frank Tangarife, Gilberto Tangorra, Vincent Tarasiewicz, Mark Tarnacki, Alexander J Tate, Isaac Tate, Kenneth Tatum, Tommy Taveras, Javier Taylor, Alexandria C Taylor, Clinton W Taylor, Kenneth Cornell Taylor, Michael E Taylor, Robin R Teal, Danny L Telesmanic, Stephen L Tenma, Bruce Terrazas, Ronny E Tester, Lyle E Tetreault, Rosemary Thandi, Chamanjeet Theodore, Stanley A Thomas, Annie F Thomas, Corey Thomas, De Wayne Thomas, George Thomas, Karmen R Thomas, Mark C Thomas, Panickel Y Thomas, Seulal Thomas, Theodore S Thomas, William L Thompson, Charles Thompson, John Thompson, Kevin D Thompson, Michael E Thornton, Dionndra J Thurston, Catherine Tilbury, David E Tillman, Gwindolyn Jeanine Tinsley, Sandra Tirado, Luis Tobin, Daniel W Tolbert, Kenneth M Tolentino, Fernando Toler, Michael Toles, Philip R Tompkins, David J Tompkinson, Brian C 313 1056 85 587 1056 308 448 587 26 726 1277 1056 880 618 1177 268 MAL 726 714 587 587 788 618 726 821 726 1277 726 618 1056 822 1056 726 618 758 726 1177 822 1056 398 1056 1177 587 822 1575 265 1277 587 618 265 1056 825 627 587 726 85 1309 1056 1056 587 1056 85 822 1575 689 26 519 587 1277 1338 822 1277 308 618 26 726 85 726 MARCH/APRIL 2008 25 Tonkin, Jerome Toohey, John J Toomey, Alan Torain, Pia Torregano, Kermit Torres, Carlos Torres, Evelyn D Torres, Jorge J Torres, Jose Torres, Jose A Torres, Pablo Torres, Veronica Toska, Amit Towell, Linda Townsell, Duane A Traina, Florence Trammell-Williams, Lalita M Tran, Cal V Trantino, Michael Travers, Richard M Travi, Juan E Trim, Kenrick Triolo, Onofrio Trompeter, Michael J Troupe Jr, William Trujillo, Carlos M Trumbull, Larry S Tucker, Marchelle Y Tucker, Ronaldo V Tuitt, Kervden Tullis, Emory Turne, Marla M Turner, Jim Twohig, Douglas Ullaury, Ronald Uzzo, Frank Vail, Elaine D Valdez, Juanita R Valenson, William S Valente Sr, Michael J Valenti, Vincent J Valentin, Samuel Valiyaveedan, Alexander Valverde, Jesus R Van Putten Jr, Vincent O Van Putten, Carol A Van Rensalier, Sandra M Van Soelen, Pieter J Vander Ploeg, William A Varella, Charlene Vargas, Gerado Vargas, Julio C Varghese, Joseph Varghese, Thomas Varkey, James Vasquez, Jorge A Vasquez, Pedro Vaughan, Robert H Vaughn, Joann Vazquez, Basilio Vega, Edgardo Veiga, William D Velasco, Mario Velasco, Oscar A Velez, Tomas Venable, Kelly A Venditti, Anthony Venezia, Paul Vera-zapata, Enrique Verlinde, David A Verzani, Richard R Vibart, David Vidalon, Eileen K Vigo, David Villacorta, Normandy G Villanueva, Anibal Villumsen, Lars Vinacco, Peter 26 IN TRANSIT 1056 618 1555 819 1309 726 1056 1056 448 282 448 1056 822 398 1056 726 1300 1277 726 618 1056 822 726 1056 587 820 587 819 689 1056 819 587 587 726 1056 1056 1576 241 85 726 1056 726 726 1277 880 880 1177 1277 587 618 1056 1277 1056 1056 1056 822 726 726 627 726 821 589 1277 1277 1056 587 726 822 1056 1576 587 1056 587 1056 1277 822 1277 618 Vinck, David J Vineyard, George E Viscomi, Rocco A Vizcaino, Jorge A Vollaro, Jeffrey Von Essen, Donald W Vorrasi, Philip Wadding, Brian D Wade, Johnny Wadsworth, Venessa M Waggoner, David S Wagner, John F Wahrer, Michael Walcott Jr, Albert Walden, Andrea Walker Jr, James Walker, Brandie L Walker, Catherine N Walker, Dennis J Walker, Leon Wallace, Freddie W Wallace, Glanford Wallace, Melvin C Walton, Noble Walton, Robin G Ward, Brentnol A Ward, Lonnie Ward, Michael Ward, Michael Ward, Terrence B Warren, Keith A Washington, Darina Washington, Marjorie C Waters-Jenkins, Angelique Watley, Alicia D Watson, Alexander Watson, Jeffrey B Watson, Lamont Watson, Milton M Webb, Gerard E Webb, Patricia L Webb, Wilton C Weekly, Johnny S Weeks, Mark A Weems, Mark Weers, Arthur J Weimann, Robert Weiner, Steven E Weinstein, Herbert Weis Jr, David P Werlein, Thomas Alan Werner, Christian A West, Darryle Westbrooks, Antonio Westerkamp, John Westley, Carlos A Wezenberg, Linda R Wheeler, Leonard White, Mary L White, Richard I Whitehead, Plummer Whitfield, Albert L Whitfield, Lytresa Wickliffe, Lindon Wiehagen, Robert J Wikman, Richard Wilcher, Cheryl Wilcox, Eric Wiley, Preston Willette, Brian W Williams, Damon S Williams, Donald Williams, Douglas Williams, Herbena Williams, Jerry Thomas Williams, Keith Williams, Kim Williams, Mark Q 726 788 85 618 726 587 726 1001 587 1177 587 587 1056 843 843 268 308 1328 1056 1056 757 448 1056 819 265 1179 265 618 843 1056 19 819 1555 627 268 587 85 726 1328 689 1164 1328 1575 1015 308 1287 398 1056 689 1056 1310 689 241 268 1474 1535 1384 819 1056 587 819 448 308 819 85 726 819 1056 819 448 1056 819 1056 26 1277 1056 880 26 Williams, Rachel L Williams, Raishavn Williams, Richard A Williams, Rod A Williams, Rodney B Williams, Sukinah Williams, Theresa Williams, Troy E Williamson, Herman L Willis, Fredia L Wilmot, David A Wilson Jr, Elijah B Wilson, Deborah Wilson, Dennis Wilson, Enid Wilson, James A Wilson, Kevin R Wilson, Leo S Wilson, Richard L Wilson, Ronald T Wilson, Russell P Wilson, Wayne F Winata, Johnny B Windram, Thomas Winters, Avery Cecil Winters, Jerry Wayne Wise, Joseph Wolf, Mark Wood, Richard P Woodbine, Cynthia Woodham, Lydell Woods, Josephine Y Woods, Larry L Woolaston, Gary A Wornum, Isidore Wright, Billy D Wright, Brian D Wright, Darnell C Wright, Eva Shikena Wright, Evelyn A Wright, Karl Wright, Susan Wright, Terrence L Wright, William R Wyatt, Joneth R Wyman, David E Wynn, Herbert G Xenofontos, Xenofon P Xirouhakis, Flias Yacono, Michael A Yakemonis, Steven E Yakimow, David S Yarbrough, Latonya Ybarra, James Yee, Warren Y Yeh, Chang-chia Yen, Wilson Yeung, Shing-Hin Yongkoom, Neville York, Louise S Young, Barrett W Young, Brenda G Young, Cynthia Young, James E Young, Janice Young, Judy J Young, Mike L Young, Sandie M Yount, Richard M Yu, Heng Li Zahreddine, Hassan K Zalak, Kevin J Zarookian, Robert Zawodniak, Timothy F Zhang, Shu Zuniga, Octavio 822 825 627 587 726 819 1091 1056 822 1338 618 1177 822 1056 819 1056 1056 819 1056 1328 85 819 1575 726 1056 1464 822 726 587 618 1056 587 1056 1056 26 689 268 308 823 26 265 819 282 1700 1091 587 1575 1056 726 1056 1277 268 587 587 587 1056 726 1056 825 1300 1575 1277 587 1328 726 587 1464 1001 587 1056 587 1179 1056 85 726 822 STATESMEN’S CLUB Abarca, Rodrigo Abban, Kathleen M Abdelal, Kaled M Abdullah, Owvor M Abernathy, Carolyn Abernathy, Sandra Abraham, Bernard Abraham, Chacko Abraham, Viji Abraham, Viji P Abram, Christy Abreu, Carlos H Abreu, Estarlo A Abreu, Freddy Abruzzese, Peter Accoo, Maranda Acevedo, Saul A Acevedo, Victor L Acevedo, Vidal Acosta, Edgar Adams, Angelita Adams, Cheri L Adams, Christopher Adams, David B Adams, Donald W Adams, John D Adams, Mary A Adams, Natacha A Adams, Rasahida Adams, Sheila G Addison, Jemil Adebayo, Olushina Adeleye, Annie M Adelmann, Henry C Adger, Loretta M Adler, Izidor Afonja, Mohammed S Agcaoili, John E Agosto-Figueroa, Sonia Aguilar, Joseph A Aguilar, Phillip M Aguilera, John R Aguirre, Daniel J Ahearn, Carl Ahearn, Jessica M Ahern, Jeremiah P Ainsley, Michael A Aitelgareh, Mohamed Ajene Sr, Charles C Akery, Frances M Alberti, Peter Alcove Jr, Steve Aldama Jr, Sebastian Alegria, Peter M Alers, Hope Alexander, Eric Alexander, Esper Alexander, Halbert Alexander, Velda D Alexandroff, Eric S Alexis, Wesner Alford, Patrice Y Alfred Jr, Edward R Ali, Damita M Allaire, Thomas H Allen, Alise J Allen, Christopher L Allen, Dale M Allen, Dwayne Allen, Florine Allen, Johnny L Allen, Kurt R Allen, Melody R Allen, Michael V Allen, Sarita Allen, Temesha L 265 589 308 587 788 589 589 726 726 1056 1338 1056 589 1056 589 1177 241 880 726 726 256 1015 726 1338 689 714 788 589 819 589 1056 726 689 1277 589 726 726 589 726 726 265 241 308 589 589 589 589 589 589 1300 726 1309 1433 1277 821 241 26 788 587 85 589 589 689 788 587 241 689 587 627 308 689 1555 26 85 85 589 Allenbaugh, David H 85 Alleyne, Rickie O 589 Allison, Theodore 308 Almanza, Jason C 1277 Almeida, Roseann B 1037 Alston Jr, Robert 1177 Alvarez, Cheryl-Lee 883 Alvarez, David 726 Amador, Javier 1070 Amador, Nelson M 589 Amalvert, Antonio 726 Amaro, Ulises 589 Amaru, Michelle M 589 Ambroise, Alix 589 Ambroise, Judith 589 Ambrose, Stephen E 587 Ambus, Deborah M 788 Ami, Nancy 726 Amon, James G 726 Amos-Sikora, Lamar 998 Amsbary, Charles Ray 1192 Amy, Howard Timothy 1300 Anastasia, Ellen M 589 Anciaux, Kenelm R 587 Anderer Jr, James L 589 Anderson, Brantley D 1177 Anderson, Bruce G 758 Anderson, Daniel T 589 Anderson, Dario J 1309 Anderson, Derek C 241 Anderson, Michael A 689 Anderson, Nancy A 589 Anderson, Shaela M 589 Anderson, William Arthur 1015 Andoscia, Robert J 618 Andrade, Renardo 589 Andrews Sr, Gerald L 1277 Andrews, Clement D 1177 Andrews, Damian E 589 Andrews, Donald R 1338 Andrews, Joseph A 589 Andrews, Tommy J 788 Angeles, Romeo S 1574 Anghuy, Sylvester R 589 Anguiano, Joseph 308 Annesi, William R 85 Anselmo, Gil B 587 Ansley, Stephanie J 589 Anthony, Jennell 26 Anthony, Lynn M 589 Antonelli, Nicole 726 Antonucci, Angelo 726 Apgood, Gregory J 880 Appignani, John 589 Applewhite, Dorothy 241 Aragon, Jose E 589 Arao, Wayne 256 Arehart, John D 1436 Arenas, Jose 726 Arenth, Lisa M 85 Arguedas, Beatriz A 589 Arias, Bethsaida 820 Arico, Richard D 589 Armand, Ferry G 589 Armstrong-Brown, Hansford A589 Armstrong, James E 689 Armstrong, Leonard C 589 Armstrong, Rick 627 Armstrong, Wanda L 998 Arrahim, Abdul W 1342 Arredondo, Gustavo A 589 Arrington, Kerry N 823 Arrison, Charles T 880 Arroyo, Angel P 689 Arroyo, Geraldo 822 Arsenault, David 589 Artz, Blake P 589 Asare, Ruth M 587 www.atu.org Ashford, Rene O Askew, Thomasina H Atkins, Staci T Attachi, Salvatore Auguste, Jacques R Augustin, Frederic Ault, Teddy A Ausano, Jerry A Austin, Erik Austin, Jennefer Lee Austin, Marianne T Austin, Warren P Autieri, Vincent M Avants, Leland S Avila, Edward J Avila, Ernest Avila, Felix Aviles, Sonia I Ayala, Daniel Ayala, Eliezer Ayala, Walter N Ayers, Rochelle Ayres, Timothy Aziz, Mohamed Babaoye, Stephen O Babcock, Brent J Baccallao, Rafael Baccarella, Philip Bach, Gloria A Bach, Mark A Baggett, James M Bailey, David S Bailey, George R Bailey, Kenneth J Bailey, Norma J Bailey, Sandra M Bailey, Yalanda M Bain, Marlon P Baio, Gina Baker, Kristal N Baker, Maryann L Baker, Michael Baker, Michael D Baker, Neil Bala, Henry Balach, Johnny Balatti, Anthony Balderas, Pedro Balkcon, Sidney Ball, Daniel A Ball, Reginald B Ball, Roxana Ball, Yvonne M Ballard, Barbara Ballard, Caleb F Ballard, Forrest Balsavage, Dorothy Balzarini, Keith R Bamrungcheep, Kriengsak Bangs, Edward A Banh, Edward Bankhead, Maurice Banks Jr, Charlie L Banks, Beverly Banks, Curtis L Banks, Kenneth R Baptista, Paulo S Barahona, Jeremias Baraona, James F Barber, Donald J Barber, Harley Barber, Ray A Barbour, Nate L Barboza, Pedro Barclay, Fitzroy Barclay, Robert Bardina, Lourdes Barklind, David C www.atu.org 880 85 589 589 589 726 85 265 726 714 589 85 822 788 313 265 726 1056 1309 1056 820 26 85 1056 192 587 820 1056 998 788 589 587 1342 282 85 19 589 689 589 26 589 265 788 265 265 85 726 1091 822 589 589 308 589 627 689 726 880 589 1277 589 589 241 1177 1300 788 589 589 589 265 1300 843 1177 689 589 819 589 726 587 Barletta, Janice N Barmore, Adolph Barnes, Deborah A Barnes, Erica Barnes, George A Barnes, Mamie J Barnes, Sebron Barnes, Stephen A Barnett, Edward D Barnett, Johnene L Barno, Margaret Barr, Joseph R Barr, Latrice Barrett, Stephen D Barrientos, Michael Barrios, Jorge L Barros Sr, Wayne P Barros, Damaso Barry, David F Barry, Michael J Barry, Sharon D Bartley, Francena C Bartolini, William A Barzda, Eric Bascombe, Rohan J Baselj, Tracy A Baskerville, Joseph Bass, Barbara J Bass, Derald A Bassett, Denise M Bastidas, Utah T Bates, Darryl E Bates, Glenn F Bates, Michelle Bathurst, Forrest F Battle, Shawn Baughns, Tasmia N Bawa, Devinder D Baxter, Gary M Baylor-Russell, June D Bayona, Hugo Beal, Aisheea Beam, Richard B Beamis, Timothy Frank Beard, Maurice Beasley-Wilkes, Angela D Beasley, Laura Beasley, Sheila Beatty, Laurie Beaudoin, Robert P Beaver, Jerry Beavers, Solomon Bechtel, Floyd E Beckles, Colin K Bedard, Andrew Bedford Jr, Henry L Beebe, Carl F Beech, Russell W Begin, Arthur J Behers, James R Behrens, Paul A Belen Jr, Jesus Belgrave, Ian L Bell-Saint Phar, Joelene E Bell, Brenda A Bell, Cabrina D Bell, Gerardine Bell, James F Bell, John S Bell, Maxine Bell, Roy J Bell, Timothy J Bell, Tyrone O Bell, William Bellard, Patricia L Belleville, James W Belleville, Rebecca S Benbrook, Matt D 589 308 308 589 1342 192 241 587 1056 85 825 1342 589 689 265 85 589 822 589 589 85 1324 618 726 1056 85 589 26 788 589 1056 26 689 308 587 819 589 822 589 1056 820 589 85 1015 265 26 589 589 587 589 1164 825 1436 589 589 694 1145 1177 589 85 788 726 589 1056 26 587 1395 1309 85 589 689 85 689 589 192 788 788 1575 Benedetto, Augustine W Benefield, Terrence L Benitez, Herlinda Bennett Jr, Jonathan Bennett, Deborah E Bennett, Harley F Bennett, Joshua H Bennett, Keith F Bennett, Prince Bennett, Thomas J Benoit, Richard S Benson Jr, John J Benson, Charles Benson, John Benson, John P Bento, Manuel G Benvie Sr, Keith H Berardi, Michael A Berardino, William J Beretta, Angel Bergles, Brian C Bergstrom, Wayne Berment, Catisha A Bernardi, Mary L Bernier, Rhiannon M Bernwell, Jerome W Berry, Deborah Berry, Rita M Beshai, Ronald P Bethany, Thomas E Bevan, Thomas E Beverly, Angela D Bevills, Millicent Beyene, Mekonnen M Beyer, Edgar L Beyer, Karen A Bezzati, Edward A Bibbs, Elmore J Bielewicz, Frank Bigio, Christina Billups, Annie R Billups, Daniel L Billups, Samuel E Binda, Aldo P Binyard, Kimberly Birkett, Edwin O Bisbee, Glenn A Bishop III, Gardner L Bishop, Edward C Bishop, Sarah A Bitter, David W Bittle, Charlene E Bittner, Scott A Bivens, Walter T Bizinski, Mark E Black, Jeanine Black, Kerry W Black, Oronde I Black, Richard F Black, Wayne A Blackmon, Paris Shantel Blackshear, Ellen L Blackshear, Gerald Blackwell, Walter Blaine, Thomas W Blair, Jimmy L Blake, Christine Blake, Gwendolyn Blake, Keyotta J Blanchard, Richard Blanchette, Jarone H Blanco, Alberto Bland, Herbert L Blandin, Janice D Blanding, Isaiah Blanfort, Freddie J Blangy, Wendy R Blankson, Humphrey A 726 1056 265 1056 85 1145 589 589 26 85 589 589 788 589 589 589 589 589 589 726 85 1575 589 85 589 1056 821 1575 726 308 85 820 788 589 788 589 589 788 998 726 788 1342 587 589 726 589 589 689 26 587 1517 689 85 26 1309 589 689 1056 589 1575 788 587 26 726 1015 788 788 726 26 726 1309 1277 85 1287 282 589 587 1056 Bleuzen, Gregoire Y Blevins, Mark D Blinn, Christopher P Bloise, Albert Bloodworth, Dwayne Bloom, Mary Joan Blount, Ronald M Blow, Sylvester Blue, Christopher Board, Gloria J Boback, Timothy M Bobak, Michael S Bobo, Angela L Bock, Charles C Boddie, Jason I Bogar, Richard Bogie, Robert G Bohner III, Thomas A Bojkovic, Muhamed Bolden, Anthony D Bolden, Maurice Bolden, Shirley A Bolosan, Elieser S Boman, Tanya L Bombaci, Frank Bonavita, John Bonazza, David G Bond Jr, Morris Bones, Arnold L Bones, Kathy A Bonett, Casey Bonilla, Angel A Bookard, Russell Booker, Antoinette D Booker, Cora L Boone, Wendell T Booth, Faye J Borczynski, Karen S Bordner, Donald L Borgeling, Henry C Boswell, Desmond G Boswell, Richard W Boswell, Robert M Bottiggi, John A Boukhalfa, Bouzkri Bourgeois, Chris W Bourgeois, Robert G Bouzianis Jr, Nicholas P Bowen, Gerald S Bowen, Ramona L Bowens, Victoria L Bowie, Robert Bowlby, Gene D Bowler, Thomas M Boyd-Hillery, Darlene V Boyd, Stanford C Boyd, Sylvia J Boyden, Daniel Boyle III, Howard C Boyle, James T Bracken, R Kelley Brackens, Patricia A Braddock, Thomas Brade, Lexvern W Brade, Stephanie C Bradley, Cheryle A Bradley, James E Bradley, Jarrell Bradley, Michael B Bradley, Neil Bradley, Noble Bradshaw, Gregory J Brady, Deandra R Brady, Donald L Brancheau, Michael S Brandon, Suzan Bransfield, Steven J Brantley, Clifford 589 752 589 726 26 85 689 726 589 26 85 85 788 1309 589 819 589 956 726 1309 26 1555 265 589 589 726 85 308 282 282 726 589 589 308 998 726 1338 1342 587 836 589 788 589 589 726 589 589 589 689 589 85 880 587 589 1300 308 788 589 1576 589 1309 1338 880 589 589 589 589 726 589 726 1338 85 26 587 587 1338 589 726 Brantley, Kevin O Branzburg, Lewis Brathwaite, Jameil Braunstein, Marc Braxton Jr, Johnnie Braxton, Jimmy L Brenden, Vernon O Brennan Jr, Norman E Brennan, Sandra Brennan, Timothy J Brent, Alexander Brent, Jimmy Brentley, Melvin K Brevard, James Brewer, Bernice Brewer, Tracey M Brewster Jr, Jules M Bridges, George R Briggs, Cecil Bright, Garry Brine, Philip A Brine, Todd S Brito, Edward A Brito, Herman Britton, Crystal A Britton, Mandalette Broadhurst, Jerry Brody Jr, John Brogaw, Patricia Reeves Broidy, Eddie Brook, Linda G Brooks III, Sidney H Brooks Jr, Herbert D Brooks-Harper, Sondra J Brooks, Ernest Brooks, Jacquelyn Brooks, Jay H Brothers, Shawn L Brown Jr, Eddie Brown Jr, Louis E Brown Jr, Marvin Brown Jr, Robert Brown, Aaron Malone Brown, Alphonso Brown, Anthony D Brown, Bill H Brown, Borritta D Brown, Carmelita S Brown, Charles E Brown, Charles F Brown, Cherry Brown, Craig A Brown, David Brown, Derrick Q Brown, Eric Brown, Floyd D Brown, Gabriel V Brown, I V Brown, James M Brown, John E Brown, Joseph D Brown, Juanita Brown, Karl Brown, Karla Brown, Katrina D Brown, Latanya J Brown, Lillie Brown, Lonnie Brown, Margaret E Brown, Michael Brown, Rene D Brown, Robert Brown, Ronald Brown, Silas E Brown, Sylvia M Brown, Timothy C Brown, Troy M Brown, William MARCH/APRIL 2008 689 589 589 726 1309 788 587 589 610 589 241 587 85 689 836 85 26 587 1309 726 589 589 820 589 589 788 825 726 1093 689 1338 241 85 85 726 589 589 589 1338 689 1277 589 192 788 85 241 308 788 788 689 589 821 26 1338 1338 627 589 788 788 726 589 689 822 589 589 85 824 241 26 1338 589 1338 26 589 308 589 589 726 27 Browne, Barnett J 282 Browne, Teresa 788 Brownell, Frank 726 Bruce, Ann M 589 Bruce, Thomas E 589 Brumirski, Henry D 998 Bruno, Angelo F 1321 Brunton, Shawn L 589 Brush, James 825 Brutus, Jacques F 589 Bryan, Matthew L 689 Bryant, Ares 26 Bryant, Craig 1056 Bryant, Eunice F 1575 Bryant, J B 192 Brydges, Christine R 1576 Bryer, Valerie P 589 Bryson, Denese 726 Buchanan, Antoine 589 Buckels Jr, Edgar 788 Buckendorf, Douglas Edward398 Buckley, Margarette E 627 Buckley, Robert T 589 Buckley, Timothy J 589 Budd Jr, Jean 192 Budd, Andre K 282 Bueno, Nelson M 589 Buerkle, Daniel 726 Buford, Leon 241 Bugg, Detroit L 1309 Buggy, Michael T 589 Bullock, Christopher 1056 Bullock, Fredrick B 1338 Bullock, Ray A 689 Bulone, Joseph 726 Bulsak, Gregory S 85 Bunch, Clarence 26 Buonviaggio, Anthony 726 Burcin, Gary T 85 Burford, Sonya B 689 Burgdorf, William F 589 Burge, Paul B 85 Burgess, Thomas R 820 Burgos, Caleb 1056 Burke, Christopher K 589 Burke, James W 726 Burke, John 726 Burke, Karen S 627 Burke, Michael R 589 Burke, Paul G 85 Burnham, James M 589 Burnley, David R 1338 Burns, Anthony 1309 Burns, Catherine V 589 Burns, Deborah E 589 Burns, Eric R 589 Burns, Freddie G 998 Burns, Michael P 589 Burns, Stephen M 589 Burrell, Deborah M 788 Burri Jr, Clifford A 589 Burris, La Tonia J 589 Burton, Prince J 26 Burwell, Anthony T 589 Busam, Mary R 587 Busch, John 1056 Bush, John P 689 Bush, Valerie L 1342 Businger, John H 19 Bussi, Raymond P 1179 Butler Jr, Frederick A 618 Butler, Christoph 689 Butler, Jahmal 726 Butler, Larry D 192 Butler, Theron B 265 Buyna, Stephen R 85 Buzby, Kenneth C 1015 Bye, Christopher 726 28 IN TRANSIT Byers, Barry Byers, Benjie Bynoe, Troy R Byrd, Anton D Byrd, Vincent D Byrdsong, Jerome U Byron, Robert J Cabacab, Genard Cabanas, Timothy W Cabral, Amos A Cabrera Jr, Juan Cabrera, George Cabrera, Hector Caceres, Fernando R Caceres, Michael F Cackowski, Martin Cadegan, Theresa A Cadet, Beaulieu Caesar, Christopher Caesar, David Cafeteiro, Ryan D Cage, Jean Cage, Munsel K Cahill, Betty E Cahill, William P Caine, Brian L Calarco, Valerie J Calderone, Frederick Caldwell, Melvin Caldwell, Sonia R Calhoun, Carl O Calhoun, Daphne Caliph, Nazrudeen Callahan III, Joseph F Callahan Jr, Francis A Camacho, Julio Cameron, Henry S Cameron, William A Campanella, Ambrogio Campbell, Christopher Campbell, Darryl R Campbell, Frank J Campbell, George D Campbell, George J Campbell, Lancellot H Campbell, Lloyd L Campbell, Samuel Campbell, Stonie Campbell, Vibert L Canady, Hiawatha Cancio, Aimee R Candelaria, Raymond Candelora, Phillip J Canino, Michael W Cannavo, Michael Cannon, Atria A Cannon, Daryl L Cannon, Derrick L Cannon, Hazel Cannon, Thomas M Cano, Roberto Cantillas, Billy Cantin, Denise A Cantrell, Jacqueline M Cao, John C Capobianco, Michael Cappelluzzi, Scott V Capper, Anthony Cappy, Diane M Capulong, Rudy Caputo, Paul S Capwell, Michael S Caradine, Freddie J Caraway, Daren E Carbone, John L Carcia, Donald A Carde, Roberto Cardoza, Dana E 825 689 589 1220 823 1177 618 822 1056 589 308 1277 820 587 587 726 589 823 726 589 589 241 26 1164 589 1056 589 819 726 825 689 819 726 589 589 1056 589 589 822 1056 1056 589 589 589 689 192 821 726 1056 1300 1464 726 589 689 726 788 689 689 589 587 726 265 589 1575 587 726 589 726 880 265 589 589 589 1338 589 85 1342 589 Cardoza, Henry D Carey, Harvey N Carey, John F Carino, Denise M Carius, Richardson Carius, Richartelin Carle, Christopher Carlisle, Nancy D Carll, Scott W Carnes, Darneese Carney, Elizabeth C Carnovale, Steven Carothers, Darrell A Carpenter, Ralph M Carr, Andre Carr, Corey D Carr, David L Carr, Ronald R Carrick, Benjamin F Carrillo, Ofelia R Carrillo, Zovek Carroll, Denise Ann Carroll, Timothy J Carrube, Jo-Ann Carson, Norman Carstarphen, Deletha Carter, Algene Carter, Devron Carter, Jayson V Carter, John Carter, Joyce A Carter, Regina Lynn Carter, Sheila V Carter, Tina L Carter, Winford Carter, Yvette Carter, Yvonne Carthans, Jeremiah Carthern, Carl C Carthy, Danielle Carvalho, Robert C Casamento, Paula D Casares, Miguel A Cascarano, Joseph Case, Edwards F Casey III, Edno D Casey, Patrick Casillas, Charles P Cason Jr, Edward Cason, William D Castellucci, Richard Castile, Antonio M Castillo, Jacob Castillo, Jorge A Castillo, Percy Castoldi, Guy R Castro, Israel Castro, Miguela A Castro, Roberto Castronuovo, Joseph Catino, James E Caughman, Yvonne A Cave, Kyle Cavitt, Reginald D Cavitt, Russell Cavolo, James D Cawthon, Jeffrey L Cayavidis, Dimitrios Cebula, Leonard Celio Jr, Frank A Celio, David Celius, Anell Centeio, Anthony J Cerbone, Joseph Cericola, Michael Cersosimo, Jay Ceruolo, Paul R Cervantes, Ninfa 265 1575 589 589 589 589 589 192 589 589 589 589 1056 589 85 308 308 308 568 1309 1309 265 85 726 788 880 589 1277 589 998 587 610 689 627 821 788 587 788 689 589 589 589 1338 589 192 26 726 1575 788 26 726 308 1091 589 726 589 726 821 1575 726 589 1056 726 788 788 85 788 265 85 589 618 589 589 589 726 1091 589 308 Chaisson, Edward J 589 Champagne, James R 589 Chan, Bruce 589 Chan, Wan 1575 Chan, Kam M 587 Chan, Raymond 589 Chandler, David R 589 Chandler, Dawn M 1235 Chandler, Florence 822 Chanonhouse, Richard H 589 Chapman Jr, Brian G 1342 Chapman, Paul A 282 Chapman, Thomas W 589 Chappelle, Mathaneal 587 Charan, Kris C 587 Charles, Patricia 819 Chase, Cheryl E 85 Chasky, Dale R 85 Chatman, Wilma J 26 Chaves, Anthony 589 Chavez, Maurico 1056 Chavez, Ronald 1338 Chavez, Virginia 265 Chazen, Ira 726 Chea, Patrick J 589 Cheatham, David A 589 Checo, Altagracia 820 Cherian, Varghese 726 Cherry, David 618 Chiaraluce, Raymond 589 Chihanick, David G 1342 Childress-Morgan, Brenda D788 Chinn Jr, Donald L 689 Chiulli, Michael 589 Chludzinski, John M 1342 Cho, Charm Wing 821 Chong, Kevin P 1056 Christoforo, Michael D 589 Christopher, Thomas 880 Chu, Jerry 589 Chuckro, David J 85 Chuney Jr, Fred J 26 Ciarlone, Keith A 589 Cieri, Frank J 589 Ciesla, Diane L 1342 Cintron Jr, Ramon 822 Cintron, Meilieng 589 Cisneros, Michael D 265 Clagett, Ellen L 85 Clanton, Daphne 726 Clark Jr, Thomas D 589 Clark Jr, Walter 689 Clark, Betty 589 Clark, Harvey W 689 Clark, Kendall A 241 Clark, Richard L 1575 Clark, Tamara A 85 Clark, William D 880 Clark, Yulonda C 788 Clarke, Allan D 589 Clarke, Mark M 589 Claudio, Prudencio 589 Clay, Cecil R 788 Clay, Sandra Q 241 Clay, Yvonne 241 Clayton, Dawn L 268 Clayton, Dionne E 268 Clayton, Felicia G 788 Clayton, Tom W 1517 Clem, Stewart 627 Clements, John H 589 Clemmons, Andrea 1164 Cleveland, Dallas W 788 Cleveland, Tommy F 1309 Cliffe Jr, Maurice J 589 Clifford, Brian G 589 Clifford, John J 589 Clifford, Kevin F 589 Clifford, Michael Clifford, Michael P Clinton, Charles F Clinton, Kenneth Clinton, Kevin M Clinton, Richard J Coakley, Patricia Cobb, Tyrone S Coburn Jr, Clyde O Coburn, Tonia C Cochran, Richard J Cochrane, Christine A Coda, Vincent L Codio, Lorentz Cody, Donna Cody, Karla Coe, Brian C Coe, Thomas P Coffey, Richard C Cogdill, Stanley L Coker, Deloris T Colasanti, Mario Colbert, Jeffrey W Colby, Leo C Cole, Kelly K Cole, Renee A Cole, Roland D Cole, Stephanie L Cole, Stephen W Coleman, Charles J Coleman, Dante Coleman, Frederick D Coleman, James B Coleman, Kenneth J Coleman, Sonja M Coleman, Willie Coleman, Willie J Coleman, Yvonne U Collazo, Jose R Collette, Anthony L Collier-Johnson, Doris F Collier, Catherine Collier, William F Collins, Francis Collins, Garret J Collins, James T Collins, John R Collins, Kenneth A Collins, Scott C Collins, Sean L Collins, Von Colon, Javier Colon, Miguel A Colon, Pablos Colston, Tracey L Colvil, Brett Colvin, Dawn L Combs Jr, Dank Combs, Kendrick M Combs, Melinda Compel, Michael D Conard, Robert F Conde, Joseph B Condon, Michael J Condron Jr, Jacob G Conklin, James A Conneely, Michael P Connelly, Thomas F Conner, Howard Conner, Juan E Connizaro, Chris Connolly, Damien P Connolly, John F Connolly, Michael E Conrod Jr, Earven Considine, Jack R Conti, Richard A Contrada, Francis 820 589 589 589 589 589 589 998 589 589 308 589 85 589 726 758 589 587 589 587 1220 726 589 589 308 589 85 689 587 689 627 589 843 1464 589 821 1342 589 726 589 1555 822 1575 589 589 85 589 589 589 192 265 589 308 726 308 726 1177 589 788 627 85 589 589 589 801 1056 589 589 241 85 824 589 589 589 788 308 589 589 www.atu.org Conway, Francis X Cook, Benathan Cook, Hattie M Cook, Joseph K Cook, Richard K Cook, Ronald Cooke, Charles A Cooley Jr, George H Coombs, Chris Coonce, Bobby J Cooper Jr, John H Cooper, Chino V Cooper, Harold G Cooper, Kirk Copans, Lawrence S Copenhaver Jr, Harvey J Cora, Carlos E Corado, Julio C Corbin, Jerry W Corbo, Christopher M Corby, John J Corcoran, Joseph G Corley Jr, Elijah Corrado, Patricia Correnti, Lisa G Cortes, Omar Cosby, John F Cosby, Norbert P Cosey, Wiley Cospito, Anthony Cossean, Douglas Costello, Patricia E Costello, Patrick Cotto, Erin B Cotton, Johnny Cottone, Charles J Coughlan, Patrick J Council, Bernadine C Countryman, Tobbi A Cousar, Benny T Covers Jr, Chester A Cowan, Joel E Cowan, Robert Cowan, Vernon L Cowell, Carroll C Cox, Angelo Cox, Anthony R Cox, Patricia M Coyne, Colleen A Cozart, James O Craig, Scott Cranfill, Paul S Crenshaw, Willie S Crespo, David Crocker, Frederick D Crockett, Michelle D Croke, Melissa A Cronin, Daniel W Cronk, John Cronk, Wylie F Crosby, Rhodafe B Crosby, Theresa D Crosier, James D Cross, Anthony P Crowe, William Crowell, Matthew R Crowley, Matthew R Crowley, Michael W Crudup, James S Crudup, Lauren P Cruse, Gina R Cruz, David Cruz, Sherry Cucinotta, Victor Culkin, James Cullen, John J Cullen, Steven P Cullens, Joseph www.atu.org 589 1342 589 589 1575 589 308 589 822 788 880 880 1338 241 589 589 589 689 880 589 589 589 689 589 589 726 589 1235 788 726 726 589 726 589 282 587 589 880 757 1300 1342 19 26 589 589 689 587 589 589 788 589 589 1287 726 589 308 589 589 820 1547 1015 308 85 85 1356 589 589 589 265 589 589 726 265 589 241 589 589 726 Culley, Gregory T 726 Cullinan, Brian J 589 Culpepper, Arthur 822 Culver, Gregory 26 Cummings, David S 1338 Cummings, Karl D 26 Cummings, Lisa A 589 Cunha, Donna C 589 Cunningham, Robert A 589 Cunningham, Robert S 1342 Cunningham, Thomas W 589 Cunningham, Wilbert L 689 Cunningham, Yvette Y 308 Cureton, Columbus N 689 Curnane, Joseph F 589 Curran Jr, James F 589 Curran, Bruce A 1015 Curran, Donald C 589 Currie, Mary J 589 Currie, Ronald A 689 Curry, James 880 Curry, Samuel T 689 Curvin, Danny R 26 Cusick, Steven M 689 Cutillo, Stefan 726 D’Addario, Christopher C 589 D’Amelio, Donna M 589 D’Angelo, Anthony 726 D’Uva, Anthony M 85 Da Cruz, Stanley 726 Dacey, Robert N 589 Dadum, Joey D 85 Dafgard, Douglas C 1342 Daidone, Claudio 589 Dailey, James E 1164 Daley, Jamal D 589 Daley, Steven C 589 Dalli, Carmine 726 Dameron Jr, John J 788 Damery, Barbara 589 Danby, Frank E 1015 Daniel, Otis 1564 Daniels Jr, Lewis D 1091 Daniels Jr, Walter 788 Daniels, Bobby M 788 Daniels, Charles E 587 Daniels, Hadrian D 589 Daniels, John F 589 Daniels, La Quinda 627 Daniels, Lewis W 589 Daniels, Melvin 819 Daniels, Philip A 308 Daniels, Victor 1179 Dannenhauer, Michael 880 Darbous III, Samuel A 587 Darby, Eric 192 Darby, Roy L 1235 Darcy, Kevin J 589 Darrington, Jimmie R 19 Dashiell, Danita C 689 Dauksha, Mark R 788 Dauwer Jr, Michael W 589 Dauwer, Michael W 589 Davenport, Eric J 689 Davey, Mark R 757 Davidson, James E 880 Davidson, Russell Preston 398 Davidson, Stacey A 589 Davidson, Warren L 587 Davis III, Sellers 726 Davis Jr, Robert E 618 Davis-Boone, Vivian D 241 Davis-Thomas, Jacqueline R788 Davis, Albert 689 Davis, Allan H 587 Davis, Bryant S 589 Davis, Calvin J 26 Davis, Carrie Y 308 Davis, Christine Davis, Clifford B Davis, Cora L Davis, Daniella Davis, Daphaney M Davis, Darryl Davis, Daymon A Davis, Deanna S Davis, Debra L Davis, Dexter Davis, Donna Davis, Edward L Davis, Elizabeth Davis, Faith D Davis, Gerald Davis, Gwen A Davis, Haniyyah Davis, Jack L Davis, Jelani Davis, Jerome Davis, Jerry G Davis, Joseph M Davis, Kalauu M Davis, Kenneth L Davis, Kevin Davis, Lachelle Davis, Linda F Davis, Lora K Davis, Lu Verl Davis, Melicent Davis, Raymond D Davis, Scott A Davis, Shirley A Davis, Stacie E Davis, Tonya C Davis, Vickie R Davis, Wayne F Davis, Willie J Davison, Jimmie Davisson, Karen M Dawkins, Karen L Dawson, Connie Dawson, Jeanine Y Dawson, Kathleen B Day, Bobbie-Jo Day, John O Day, Kenneth Day, Merrill W De Boer, Ineke M De Fell, Andrea De Freitas, Jose A De Groot, Tom G De Jesus, Reynaldo G De Leary, Carole Ann De Lellis, Paul M De Loatch, Kevin E De Pante, Phillip M De Paoli, Steven De Riggs, Kent J De Stefano, Pasquale De Vaughn, Stephanie R De Vitto, Kathleen A De’Vant, Mary Dean, Anita Dean, Gregory Dean, John M Dean, Stephen G Dearing, Toby Decker, Logan E Degust, Robert F Dela Cruz, Cristin D Dela Cruz, Jesus Delaney, Michael C Delaney, Stephen M Delcore, Nicola Delcourt, Donna M Delgadillo, Marco A Delgado, Lazaro G 689 26 308 308 589 308 1575 589 801 265 1564 589 589 85 788 589 819 398 726 589 1338 788 587 1015 589 1309 610 587 1338 726 589 880 308 589 587 1177 714 589 308 587 85 1384 589 308 589 589 1338 1287 587 308 1277 587 1277 589 589 589 85 589 589 726 589 589 627 627 589 589 589 589 1577 589 587 265 726 589 726 589 1277 589 Delgado, Marie Delgado, Osbardo Delgado, Phyllis A Delince, Rodesky Dell’Olio, Andrew Dellavalle, Anthony B Deloch, La Wanda Delpino, Edward J Delsignore, Vincenzo Demetrio, Michael Demetrius Jr, Guy Denecke, Donald H Denham, William H Denis, Harry J Denis, William H Denk, Raymond J Denk, Robert J Dennis, Artis Dennis, Julius Dennis, Sandra D Denny, Rawle Dentkos, Teresa D Depina, Leuziloide Derheim, Lorna J Derkaoui, Abdelkader Desimone, Thomas J Devaney, James T Devito, Joseph Devito, Louis Devlin, John W Devonish, Grantley D Devora, Ester Di Benedetto, James Di Benedetto, Michael E Di Benedetto, Philip Di Dolce, Anthony M Di Fusco, Daniel Di Lorenzo, Richard Di Piano, Ralph Dias, Michelle Diaz, Carlos H Diaz, Daniel Diaz, Federico Dibbles, Mark A Dick, Philbert A Dickerson, Alpheria Diehl, Robert M Dieli, Philip Dieujuste, Job R Difederico, Alfred Diggs, Wendell K Digiulio Jr, Joseph Digiustini, Giovanni Dileo, Nicholias Dillard, Jerome S Dillon, Brian D Dilone, Adriana Dimanche, Louis Dinh, Danny Hanhba Dinoia Jr, John Dinunzio, Lois Dionne, Mary Ellen Diorio, Raymond A Distefano, Joseph Dittler, Samuel L Diveglia, William G Divers, Samuel E Dixon Sr, Gary A Dixon, Cort Dixon, Derrick R Dixon, Mark L Dixon, Rohan E Dixon, Stanley Dixon, Vance Dixon, Willie L Do, Loc Duc Dobbins, Dennis J Dobrow, Francis 726 726 1517 726 726 1575 788 820 618 589 589 1056 589 589 726 85 85 822 589 1177 726 1575 589 757 589 589 825 265 726 589 1056 1575 726 1179 726 85 589 726 1179 589 726 726 618 589 1056 268 587 726 589 589 788 758 589 726 26 589 825 589 1277 726 589 589 726 589 1179 85 689 589 589 1056 587 589 822 880 689 1277 589 880 Dobson, Latasha D 589 Dockins, Colin J 589 Dodd Jr, Robert F 589 Doherty, Daniel P 589 Doherty, James 589 Dolan, Stephen M 589 Doman, Hyacinth E 589 Dombrowski, Richard A 85 Dominguez, Lord Kaizer Kan726 Donahue, Anthony J 589 Donahue, Leah M 589 Donald, Sonji 627 Donato, Thomas 726 Donohue, Michael 726 Donohue, Vincent 726 Donovan Jr, James J 589 Donovan, Laurette M 589 Donovan, Michael T 589 Donovan, Patrick J 589 Donovan, Timothy G 589 Doody, Lynda A 589 Dooley, John P 589 Doran Jr, Thomas H 589 Doria, Mark A 589 Dorsey Jr, William H 308 Dorsey, Chesler T 1300 Dottin, Georgina M 589 Doty, James 265 Doucette, Charles E 589 Doucette, James E 589 Doughty, Suzanne L 1342 Douglas, Ann M 847 Douglas, James L 1177 Douglas, Toneya L 589 Douse, Sydney A 589 Douty, Robert H 689 Dovner, Douglas 726 Dow, David C 589 Dowland, Clancey L 589 Downs, Bryan L 589 Doyle, Dennis 627 Dozier-Malone, Larry D 788 Dozier, Michael J 998 Dragseth, Steffen M 587 Dranbauer, Mark R 1300 Drayton, Laura A 589 Drew, Shalonda N 1287 Driesen, James H 587 Driggs, Irwin S 589 Driscoll, Nancy 589 Drummer, Carshena L 1177 Du Bois, Terry 819 Dubbs, Victor J 788 Dublin, Aaron 689 Duclos, Tanya A 589 Duda, Lawrence M 241 Duderwick, Richard M 1342 Dudley, Curtis 726 Dudley, James 825 Duemmel, Joseph A 282 Duff, Elizabeth 1235 Duffey, Catherine A 757 Duffy, Kevin J 589 Dugan Jr, William J 85 Dugan, Dennis P 618 Duggan, Michael P 589 Duke, William R 589 Dukes Sr, Allen G 26 Dukes, Eric 726 Dulski, Dean G 85 Dumas, Jimmie 26 Dumas, Michael D 26 Duncan, Jacoline 256 Duncan, Pearlie A 998 Duncan, Robert J 587 Duncan, Wayne 589 Dunham, Larry 1300 Dunkle, William L 85 MARCH/APRIL 2008 29 Dunn, Joyce E Dunning, William Dunstan, Alfred H Duquet, Robert W Durand, Sraddha J Durand, Titus Durfee, Daniel Durggins, Maralene M Durham, Sonseeahay M Duval, Rosemary Duzant, Tasha Dyer, Glen D Dyer, Harold K Dyson, Marvin P Dziuk, Pauline M Eapen, Thomas Earle III, Edmund Earley, George E Easterwood, Michael Eaton III, Joseph T Eaton, Curtis K Eaton, John E Eberlin, Donald P Eberly, Buddy R Ebron, Raymond E Eckel, Gerard Edelmann, David J Edwards, Anne Edwards, Dale G Edwards, David L Edwards, Marie Edwards, Pauletta D Edwards, Thomas D Effinger, Rich L Ehrig, Kathryn M Eigner, David Alan Eiler, Scott M El Hakkaoui, Zakaria Elder, Deborah J Elderkin, Alice A Elek, Steve Elemen, Jess B Elezovic, Nicholas Elias, Abebe Elias, Bruce L Elizardo, Steven Ellerbe, Gerald D Ellerbe, Quentin Elliot , James Elliott, Larry L Elliott, Mark E Ellis Jr, Wilbert Ellis, Andrew J Ellis, Charles Ellis, Dennis G Ellis, Francis J Ellis, Gary T Ellis, Gertrude Y Ellison, Ralph C Ellwood, Susan P Elson, Robert J Elston, James H Elwell, John S Emata, Lionel C Emerick, Sally J Emerick, Susan Emerson, David Emerson, Floyd E Emerson, James P Emken, Brandon Encena, Edsel C Enfield, Bruce A Eng, Stephen K C Engdahl, Frank C Eno, Leanne K Eno, Mary V Enright, Neil J Enright, Thomas A 30 IN TRANSIT 627 265 268 589 587 589 589 770 788 589 726 714 1164 587 256 726 589 689 788 192 26 587 282 1015 823 726 85 788 587 1177 819 627 689 308 1342 998 1576 589 85 589 85 265 822 589 589 589 1179 689 880 1235 589 589 788 587 1517 1145 1309 1220 1309 1056 788 26 714 265 587 589 726 1464 589 726 1235 587 880 587 589 589 618 282 Enright, William Epple, Edward Erazo-Sosa, Jose W Ercole, Joseph A Ernst, Mark D Ervin, Curtis Eshuis, Clifford W Espada, Jose A Espinoza, Jose R Esposito, Gerard A Estavillo, William Estrada, Hugo A Estrada, John F Estrada, Juan Estrella, Jose Estrella, Victor Estudillo, Caesar F Etchoe, Michael L Etheredge, Winston E Ethier, Jeffrey R Etienne, Bernadin Eufrazio, Joseph J Eugene, Gregory M Evangelista, Dolores Evangelista, Lawrence P Evans Jr, Eguene J Evans, Jeffery Evans, Jeffery P Evans, Jennine M Evans, Kareem T Evans, Leslie N Evans, Muriel M Evans, W Mark Evans, William V Evers Jr, James M Exantus, Movil Fabionar, Luis Fagan, Christopher D Fahey Jr, Thomas J Fahey, Michael J Fahy, Jonathan P Faiella, Ralph Fair, Joseph Falconello, David P Falvey Jr, William F Fant, Larry Fantasia, Richard Faraglia, Angelo A Farinaccio, Anthony Farkas, Charles E Farland, Chester Farley, David Farley, William F Farmer Jr, Joseph A Farmer, Lavada C Farr, Louis H Farrell Jr, James J Farrell, John S Fashaw, Roxanne Feaster, Robert M Feaster, Tera D Feder, Joel A Federico, Angelo Fedor, Ronald Feeney, Scott E Feetham, Randy Feijoo, Dennis Feliciano, Hiram Felton, James M Fencer, John E Fenley, William D Fennell, Carl Fennell, Jerry L Fennelly, Patrick J Fennoy II, Hence C Fentress, William T Ferensen, Donald C Ferguson, Donna E 265 726 589 726 589 788 843 589 265 726 265 589 1309 1309 820 726 998 587 1056 589 589 589 589 589 589 85 825 85 819 589 589 589 265 85 589 589 819 587 589 589 589 726 788 726 589 726 589 85 726 85 589 589 589 689 308 587 880 589 587 726 1287 85 589 85 589 589 589 589 589 589 1001 819 689 589 26 1177 587 589 Ferguson, Roger M Ferguson, Tracey T Fernandes, Gerson C Fernandes, Leonard W Fernandez, Alberto Fernandez, Arturo A Fernandez, Belkis Fernandez, Noli Fernbach, David A Ferrando, Nicholas Ferrara, Randy Ferrari, Brian P Ferre, Luis Ferreira, Joseph A Ferris, Raymond Ferrone, Jason D Ficano, Peter Fichera, Thomas J Fields, Gary E Fields, La Vonne Figueroa, Juan G Filandrianos, Andreas Finazzo, Vito Findlay, Oswald Finley, Daniel Finley, Jai Damen Finley, Tashera Finn, John G Finnegan Jr, John D Finocchi, Michael V Fiordeliso, Richard J Fiore, Eileen A Fischer, Robert P Fish, Kenneth E Fish, Patricia Fisher, Earl C Fisher, Richard Fitchett, Keith Fitzgerald, Paul Fitzgibbon, Michael Fitzpatrick, O D Fitzpatrick, Paul W Flack, Richard H Flaherty, John P Flaherty, Kevin P Flaherty, Mark Flaherty, Shawn G Fleetwood, James W Flemate, Steven J Fleming, Bonita Flemmings, Marlene Fletcher, Herbert M Flint, Yvette Florence, James H Florence, Jesse J Flores Jr, David S Flores, Daniel Flores, Robert Flowers, Cynthia A Fluker, Daniel S Flynn III, James F Flynn, David M Flynn, Steven M Flynn, Timothy J Fofanah, Mohamed M Foley, Brian M Folger, Peter Fong, Chee F Fonseca, Ben R Ford, Robert M Foreman, Lorna A Forsyth, Albert G Fortier, Jeffrey M Fortier, Richard L Fortune Jr, Charles Foshee, Tamara Fosselman, Laura Foster, Arthur L 589 689 589 689 820 820 820 265 308 726 589 589 726 618 843 589 726 85 1575 788 589 589 726 825 589 821 821 589 85 85 282 589 589 587 589 589 726 726 MAL 85 589 714 85 589 85 589 589 1177 19 265 689 85 308 85 26 265 726 726 308 26 589 589 589 589 589 589 714 1056 589 880 589 587 589 589 192 589 265 85 Foster, Dwight L Foster, John R Foster, Paul D Foster, Rodney Foster, Steven Fowler, Larry Fowler, Lorraine Fowler, Patricia Louise Fox, Bernard W Foye, Darryl C Foynes, John H Fraas Jr, Robert E Francis, Joseph N Francis, Todd Francisco, Michael Francois, Caleb C Francois, Jean D Francois, Robert Frank, Karen F Franklin, Charles J Franklin, John E Franklin, Marion L Franklin, Maurice N Franklin, Sara D Franks, Nicholas J Franks, Ricardo Franks, Shirley Franzcak Jr, Edward S Frasier, John Frassa, Lisa M Frazier, Bertha M Frazier, Jackie D Frechette, Joseph W Freedman, Lisa Freeman, Allen A Freeman, Curtis Freeman, Nanette Fremstad, Donna E Freyer, Charles W Friedman, Meir Frisby, Robert Frontera, Chad Frontis, Steve B Frost, Joseph Fryar, Daniel J Fryar, James K Frye, Gene R Frye, Walter Fuget, Sonja L Fuller, Cepeda R Fuller, Robert M Fullis, William G Fulton, Mattie L Fultz, Marlene P Funaiock, Brett A Funches, Betty Furey, Gerard P Furia, Terri L Gabreau, Evans Gabriel, Jean Gabriel, Joseph M Gadson, Markeith J Gaffney, Christopher Gaikwad, Nitin Gaine, Denis J Gaines, Kirt Gaines, Thomas P Gajardo, Joven Galano, Anthony Galbert, Gloria J Gallagher, Gregory G Gallagher, James N Gallagher, John G Gallivan, James R Galvao, Orlando Galvez, Michael A Gambacorta, Nicholas Gamble, Ronald B 788 589 689 788 308 1091 192 192 192 589 589 85 726 726 1056 589 589 589 587 192 589 1309 1309 587 1145 589 788 726 726 589 589 589 589 589 589 788 1564 587 85 282 689 726 587 627 241 241 788 589 85 1575 1342 880 26 241 85 880 1321 714 589 618 1145 589 589 265 589 589 589 265 726 192 587 788 589 589 589 589 726 589 Gambler, Frederick Gamblin, Lynn S Gannon, Kevin E Gantt, Richard H Garcia, Efrain Garcia, Jose Garcia, Jose G Garcia, Juan A Garcia, Juan J Garcia, Lawrence Garcia, Luis Garcia, Yemny R Gardner, Clifford Gardner, John C Garland, Bridget M Garland, Sandra E Garmon, Boyce F Garner, Apryl L Garrett, D’anna L Garvin, Brigitte M Gary, Marylin P Gary, Tony Garzone, Philip Gasbarro, James M Gaston, Alix L Gathers, Tony O Gattullo III, Mario Gaudet, John W Gavin, Martin F Gay Jr, John J Gay Jr, Vance B Gayden III, Nephus Gaylor-Burt, Hazel M Gaylor, Vatonja T Gaylord, Diane G Geezil, Elsa M George, Andre L George, Carolyn L George, Peter George, Vincent Geraci, Patrice K Geranen, Curtis M Gerber, Darlene Gergurich, Peter D Germano, Christopher Gerrity, Thomas M Gettings, Wayne M Ghobrial, Mike H Gholston, Deana M Ghulam, Dayanand Giaime, Richard Giannasca, Louis Giannetti, Roberta J Gianoulis, John Gibbons, David J Gibbons, John Gibbons, Joseph P Gibbs, Cornelius Gibeaut, David L Gibson Jr, Wesley M Gibson, Steven W Giebel, Liza Gil, Andres Gilbert, Stephanie A Gildea, Robert L Gill, Daniel G Gill, James A Gill, Satnam Gillespie, Cindy A Gillespie, Marilyn C Gillespie, Ollie M Gilliom, Floyd Gilmore, Francis C Gilmore, Larry Gioioso, Joseph G Giordano, James Giorgione, Emilio Girdwood, Stephen J 1056 85 589 689 265 726 694 998 694 1277 726 836 1575 1277 589 788 689 85 589 788 587 726 726 589 589 589 726 714 589 589 689 26 589 589 587 589 26 268 589 726 589 192 85 85 726 1342 589 825 788 1056 1179 589 589 726 618 726 1056 241 998 1300 627 Mal 589 587 85 589 1342 265 589 788 788 880 589 788 589 726 589 821 www.atu.org Giroux, Bryan Gish, Michael D Giunta, Philip Givens, Earlene Giza, Ronald Glaab, James E Glaser, Randal G Glenn Sr, David C Glenn, Victor A Glidden, Robert Gliel, Abdeltif Gloster, Clemon C Gloude Jr, Charles M Glymph, Ricardo F Glynn, Barry C Glynn, Kevin J Glynn, Sean P Godlewski, John F Godor, Keith S Goforth, Frederick Gogan, Dennis M Goggin, Paul Golditch, Stewart Michael Goldsby, Thomas L Goldsmith, Joseph Y Golembiewski, Michael Golling, Thomas S Gomes, Del Rico Gomez, Hector Gomez, Johnny S Goncalves, Joao Goncalves, Miguel F Gonzales, Joyce G Gonzales, Stacy K Gonzalez Jr, Francisco Gonzalez Jr, Rafael D Gonzalez, Braulin Gonzalez, Daniel R Gonzalez, George A Gonzalez, Guadalupe Gonzalez, Herman Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Jose Gonzalez, Kevin J Gonzalez, Laureano Gonzalez, Luis Gonzalez, Maria P Gonzalez, Michael Gonzalez, Pablo Gonzalez, Rene Gonzalez, Richard Goode, Gerard J Goode, Missy Gooding, Curtesha Goodman, Linda J Goodman, Walter L Goodwin, Jeffrey L Goodwin, Mc Glotha Goodwin, Retheena M Goodwin, William H Goodyear, Michael Gordon, Alphonso Gordon, Charles G Gordon, Clive B Gordon, Emerson E Gordon, Willie M Gorman, James V Gorman, John E Goscinski, Victoria A Gosnell, Susan M Govostes, Dennis Gowans, Morgan A Graceffa, Anthony Grady, Jeffery F Grady, Michael A Grafton, Phillip H Graham, Charles H Graham, Jeffery www.atu.org 1575 587 589 589 1342 627 85 26 26 726 589 26 689 587 589 589 589 589 85 589 589 589 1001 1342 85 726 265 589 265 308 589 589 694 587 589 308 1179 587 1309 1309 1056 726 820 880 726 726 1309 1056 820 726 589 589 MAL 589 1342 1433 1005 788 825 825 589 589 1517 726 587 589 589 1056 85 589 589 241 589 689 587 26 1384 1338 Graham, Michael S Graham, Orville R Graham, Samuel C Granados, Saul A Granberry Sr, Paul A Grandstrand, Delores V Grant, Bridgette A Grant, Eric Grant, Gregory S Grant, James Grant, Jullanar Grant, Lance W Grasso, Michael Grasty, Phillip L Graves, Catherine Graves, Du Wayne D Graves, Mattie R Gravesande, Ryan A Gray, Amos B Gray, Calvin T Gray, George E Gray, Iris Gray, James Gray, Larry Gray, Steven B Greeley, Eugene S Green, Brenda G Green, Charles J Green, Christopher H Green, Douglas Green, Mark A Green, Marvin Green, Nathan A Green, Richard A Green, Ronald Green, Wayne Green, Wendell Green, Willie L Green, Willie R Greenaway, Samuel Greenberg, Craig L Greene, Barbara A Greene, Carla L Greene, Francis J Greene, John F Greene, Shannon Greene, Tamiko Greenman, Richard N Gregg II, Cleveland Gregg, Joan L Greif, Harold J Greinke, Kevin Greve, Arthur Griffieth, Bruce Griffin Jr, Louis P Griffin Jr, Robert L Griffin, Daniel M Griffin, Keith J Griffin, Larry Griffin, Samuel W Griffin, Stephon T Griffis, Raeseanda Griffith, Anthony W Griffith, James A Grizey, Justin D Groom, Dinkneh Grose, James R Gross, Derek Q Gross, Kathryn L Grubb, Frederick J Gruss, John M Guanlao, Luis V Guarnieri, Michelle Gudinas, William L Guenther, Robert W Guercia, Frank Guerrier, Jimenes Guest, Alana J 823 1056 821 589 26 1576 1309 308 308 589 819 821 726 26 1342 757 308 1056 998 689 788 822 589 1093 788 1576 308 589 689 241 1342 587 589 1287 587 85 726 1056 689 589 726 1309 85 589 589 308 589 589 689 825 1015 758 836 627 589 1342 589 241 726 821 268 265 589 85 589 589 85 308 880 85 1145 587 726 1547 880 726 589 241 Guevara, Melanie L Guillory, Aaron Guillory, Pennie R Guinn-King, Parris Gulemmo, Michael R Gulino, Alexander Gullage, James E Gullotto, Kristen A Gunn, David F Gunn, Jason C Gurley, Aundrea Gustafson, Gary L Guthrie, Brian C Gutierrez, Thomas A Guy, Chekesha M Guyton, Bertha D Guzzo, Paul S Gwinn, Vance W Haag, Susan J Haave, Kenneth L Hadley, Marian J Hads, Mike H Haenggi, Glen A Haffner, George R Hagel, Gary M Hagerty, Terrence F Haiti, Azeddine Hale, David A Hall, Billy Hall, Doretha Hall, Ebony L Hall, Jesse V Hall, Judith B Hall, Katie J Hall, Richard E Hall, Shelia M Hallahan, Joseph Hallen, Patrick Halley, Mario P Hallihan, Robert Halloran, Coleman P Halls, Thomas C Hallsworth, Harold C Halpert, Andrew Halprin, Bennett D Halupke, Basil J Hambly, Louis S Hamilton Jr, Paul G Hamilton, Balmore L Hamilton, Cheri L Hamilton, Denise D Hamilton, Valerie V Hamm, Bernard C Hamm, Samuel L Hammerstone, Frank A Hammond, Brian T Hammond, Peter C Haney, James A Hankey, Steven W Hankins, Joanne Hanna, Richard V Hannibal, Arthur A Hannibal, Robert M Hansen, Michael A Hanus, Mark Happ, Kathryne A Haran, Kevin Harbin, Anthony S Hardaway, Alan Hardemon, Jacqueline Hardemon, Wanda Hardin, Patricia C Harding, Dwight Hardison, John A Hardnett, Michael D Hardy Jr, Leroy Hardy, Catherine Hardy, Jason J 265 589 308 1564 726 726 589 589 1309 85 589 587 589 1575 589 1309 589 265 1342 1179 589 1384 587 268 587 85 589 1309 241 241 589 689 1342 589 589 308 589 820 26 726 589 820 589 726 589 1145 265 689 1179 589 589 85 689 788 1179 1056 714 85 587 998 589 265 265 726 1575 85 589 26 589 589 589 587 589 822 26 282 589 589 Hardy, Michael D Harer, Danielle M Hargraves, Tara M Hargrove, Cheryl Ann Hargrove, Earnest Hariskos, Samantha Harlach, Randolph S Harmon Jr, Rodgers Harrell, Sheila G Harrington, Christopher D Harrington, Latricia Harriot, Antonio Harris Jr, Gregory T Harris, Charles B Harris, Diane Harris, Douglas J Harris, Jamila Y Harris, Janice Harris, Jay F Harris, Karen R Harris, Michael A Harris, Michael L Harris, Quentin R Harris, Russell Harris, Tito Harrison, Bonita L Harrison, Michael L Harrison, Ronnie Harrison, William Harsche, John J Harshaw, William J Harshman, Eric J Hart, Charles G Hart, Lorrine Hart, Robert F Hart, Yvonne Harter, Dale M Hartman, Ray W Harvey Jr, Willie Harvey, Alan C Haskell, Albert A Hassan, Mahdi A Hassey, Elliot L Hastie, James V Hatch, Alexander A Hathaway, Alan Hathorn, Kenneth Hauck, Gregory J Hauck, Jeff L Hauser, Kenneth Hauser, Pamela E Hawthorne, James L Hayden, Celeste Hayes, Maria A Hayes, Michael T Hayes, Robert A Haygood, Tasha L Haynes, David N Haynes, Debra Haynes, John F Haynes, Vincent O Haynesworth, David L Healy, Cheryl A Healy, Paul E Heaney, Walter Heard, Angela Maria Heard, Cary D Heath, Timothy S Heavey, Michael J Hebard, Hugh J Hebert, Donald T Hebert, Kenneth A Hecathorn, Gregory Heck-Fellows, Allyson Hecker, Mark W Heckscher, Robert W Heidenreich, Joseph Heidkamp, Michael T 589 589 589 192 822 589 1342 308 1300 589 1338 880 880 85 788 265 26 26 589 589 788 788 819 19 1342 689 589 1338 1145 726 26 1309 689 241 1577 726 587 85 819 587 1309 589 589 1575 689 618 282 85 1235 519 589 689 589 788 726 1575 589 589 726 589 589 589 589 589 726 1277 85 589 589 589 589 282 265 589 589 1300 998 85 Helton, Donald L Hemeon, Michael T Henburg, Ronnie Henderson, George E Henderson, Jerry L Henderson, Larry A Henderson, Rick Henderson, Walter L Hendricks Jr, Michael L Hendricks, Joseph W Hendrix, Derniere L Hendron, Mark Henley, Candace Hennessey, Mike Hennessy, Cheryl L Henriksen, Henry F Henriques, Manuel Henry, Aldric D Henry, Almena J Henry, Corwin D Henry, Donald E Henry, Kenneth E Hensley, Terri Henson, John D Henson, Ronald F Hentley, Robert L Henzsley, Ricardo A Herbert, Charlene Hernandez, Alejandro Hernandez, Consuelo Hernandez, Jose Hernandez, Juan M Hernandez, Nestor Hernandez, Rodolfo B Herraera, Monica Herrera, David Herrera, Randy Herrera, Ricardo Roque Herrera, Robert Herrick, Linda A Herring, Herman L Herron, Isaiah Hershey, Peter M Herzog, Douglas J Heuer, Jeffrey L Heyward, Darrold T Hickey, Daniel Hickey, James J Hickman, William Hicks-Eleam, Rhonda M Hicks, Ann Hicks, Clayton Hicks, Owezo M Hicks, Roger E Hicks, Stephens C Hidalgo, Carlos Higgins, Andrew Higgins, Patrick J Higgins, Princess Mary Hightower, Robert P Hill, Byron C Hill, Curtis L Hill, Dan L Hill, James C Hill, Kim M Hill, Robert F Hill, Sylvia A Hill, Undra L Hillery, Cashandra Z Hillgartner, Danny A Hilyard, Floyd C Hilzinger, Ronald L Hines, Eric E Hines, James Hines, Richard J Hinson, Lorraine Hinton, Steven L Hirl, Donald J MARCH/APRIL 2008 587 589 726 26 1535 880 1575 1577 589 587 589 589 241 1433 836 618 1547 589 589 1287 689 689 589 589 589 589 689 1177 825 618 265 1309 589 689 589 1575 265 1277 265 589 589 689 880 998 788 610 1056 589 880 85 589 265 26 1177 589 726 726 788 1093 589 308 1338 1517 1577 85 788 308 26 308 85 757 587 726 627 589 587 788 589 31 Hislop, Richard M Hoban, Mark Hobbs, Antrynette J Hodgdon Jr, Ronald Hodgdon, James J Hodges, Margaret Hodl, Tom P Hodo, Maxine Hoelzle, Michael R Hoffman, James H Hoffman, Les A Hoffman, Scott H Hogan, Jean M Hogan, Patrick Holden, James Holder, Leon J Holland, Edna B Holland, Kevin E Hollins, Benjamin K Hollins, Percy L Hollis, Mary G Holman, Eric W Holman, George L Holman, Rotina Holman, Thomas Holmes Jr, Jermiah Holmes, Audrey A Holmes, Brian L Holmes, Bruce S Holmes, Johnnie L Holmes, Mark Holmes, Thomas J Holt, Patricia L Holton, Marshall L Holtz, Larry L Homicile, Sibert Honadel, Charles Honor, Gregory L Honore, Paula F Hopes, James E Hopkins, Lynne M Hopkins, Shanita M Horace, Gloria A Horan, Richard A Horne, David B Horne, Joseph L Horne, Leola Horner, Marlene K Hornsby, Ramonica Horsch, Glen W Horvath, Michael Hosea Jr, Carl E Hoskin, William Houck, John Houde, Michael G Houghton, Daniel F Houston, Jamone L Houten, Kathleen M Hovanesian, Kevin Howard, Carolyn A Howard, Douglas R Howard, Eula E Howard, Frederick J Howard, Jeff Howard, Loretta Howard, Myra D Howe, Tyrone S Howell, Bryan Howland, Kevin L Howlett, Darius S Howze Jr, Leonard W Hua, Ty Huang, Hanjie Hubbard, Bruce Huber, John A Hudlin, Lisa Hudson, Michael R Huertas, Alfredo J 32 IN TRANSIT 589 589 589 589 589 880 1015 308 843 85 587 1277 589 589 726 788 788 589 589 788 587 589 589 1338 726 1342 1056 192 308 1309 825 589 308 788 587 589 1447 26 589 823 589 821 788 589 1056 1309 819 587 308 1517 726 589 241 265 589 589 589 589 589 26 1300 689 589 265 819 1177 589 1056 19 788 589 589 589 1179 1342 627 825 820 Huey, Richard L Huff, Andre L Hughes, Artis Hughes, Cheri A Hughes, Glenn Hughes, Terry D Hughey, Marcus D Hughley, Delores Huhem, Jeffrey Hume, Robin Humphrey, Michael Hunsberger, Kathy L Hunstad, Michael W Hunt, Christopher Hunt, Melissa T Hunter Jr, Curbie Hunter Jr, Ronney Hunter, Andrew Hunter, Yvonne E Hurd, William A Hurley Jr, James A Hurley, Jean E Hurt, Elvis G Hurtado, German Huse, Darrell C Hussey, Robert G Huston, Alan S Hutcherson, Maceo Hutchinson, Mark F Huynh, Thai K Hynes, Patrick J Hyppolite, Yvon Iams, Stanley W Ianazzi, John Ianello, Patrick J Iannello, Joseph Ibarra, Michael Ibrahim, Yousif J Idelson, Edward Iglesias, Michael Igoe, Edward F Inchaustegui, Rafael Infantino, Michael C Ingram, Elbert L Ingram, Eugene H Ingram, Iver R Ingram, Raemon E Ingram, Susan E Inochkin, Yukiy Intrieri, Mark Irace, John S Iraggi, Michael Irizarry, Anthony Irving, Ronald Irwin, James R Isaac, Gail Isaac, Jeffrey O’Neal Italien, Natacha Ives, Jon O Ivey, Marylatesia Iwanow, Bonnie Iwanow, Peter Izaquirre, Fernando Izquierdo, Rosita Jacek, Wojciech Jackman II, Everett L Jackman, Charlotte Jacko, Joseph A Jackson, Bruce A Jackson, Carey B Jackson, Diana J Jackson, Donald W Jackson, Edward H Jackson, James H Jackson, Jonathan L Jackson, Kerry Jackson, Lee W Jackson, Leona L 587 308 268 589 1342 1342 26 192 726 587 241 880 587 26 589 1593 241 589 820 587 589 589 308 820 587 589 587 192 589 589 589 819 1287 726 1056 726 265 589 880 726 589 589 589 1287 26 618 1575 589 726 85 726 1179 726 1091 589 589 821 589 241 282 589 589 308 265 1056 265 265 85 880 820 788 689 589 689 589 726 788 265 Jackson, Phyllis A Jackson, Richard B Jackson, Sadie D Jackson, Sander Y Jackson, Terry Jackson, Tkisha L Jacob, Charmaine H Jacobs, Larry N Jacobs, Ronald Jacobs, Thomas G Jacobsen, Betty L Jacobsen, James P Jacobson, Alan Jacobson, Eric Jacobson, William T Jacox, Leonard W Jagielski, Kevin A Jaime, Dora E Jakaus, Kenneth Jakaus, Kimberly A Jakeman, James A James, Carl E James, Edward G James, John E James, Karla M James, Nathaniel James, Robert M James, Sharon James, Thomasenia D Jamison, Carol A Janiluinas, Scott A Jarosz, Richard E Jatkowski, Leonard D Javier, Ramon Jean-Baptiste, Renel Jean, Ernst Jean, Fitzmichael Jean, Hubert N Jean, Roudy Jeanette, Linda L Jedrzejewski, Michael J Jefferson, Elizabeth V Jefferson, Lyneshia Jeffery, Robert W Jeffords, Kenneth Jeffries, Cynthia A Jeffries, William Jenkins, Joel Jenkins, Renetia A Jenkins, Reshell E Jenkins, Stanley T Jenkins, William Jenness, Linda M Jennings, Vance E Jensen, Richard J Jeralds, Cheryl D Jermann, Andrea C Jerome, Sonny Jerry, Ricco Jessie, Victoria D Jiminez, Janice G Joerger, Dennis A John, Lyndon B Johnson II, Clinton Johnson Jr, Thomas J Johnson, Alan F Johnson, Alexander Johnson, Andrew J Johnson, Anthony C Johnson, Antoine Johnson, Avon Johnson, Bryan C Johnson, Carl D Johnson, Carla D Johnson, Carlos C Johnson, Clayton Johnson, Curtis L Johnson, Darryl C 618 85 1177 26 689 1177 589 589 726 589 587 587 589 726 587 1005 85 1309 589 589 587 788 1056 241 589 1300 726 589 689 589 589 265 85 880 589 589 589 589 589 85 85 589 819 192 1342 26 788 85 589 26 589 1177 589 85 587 880 587 589 1177 282 587 627 1056 241 589 788 589 85 589 822 241 880 26 788 689 689 689 265 Johnson, David Eric Johnson, Dayan C Johnson, Emma D Johnson, Francis Johnson, George H Johnson, George M Johnson, Geraldine Johnson, Grace H Johnson, Harvey L Johnson, Henry Johnson, Inoelia Johnson, John B Johnson, Judith L Johnson, Kathleen E Johnson, Kenneth Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Kimberly I Johnson, Larry E Johnson, Ledora S Johnson, Leonard B Johnson, Leroy Johnson, Letise T Johnson, Luther M Johnson, Maurice Johnson, Michael L Johnson, Michelle Johnson, Michelle A Johnson, Millicent Johnson, Nahema Johnson, Orlando L Johnson, Otis L Johnson, Paul T Johnson, Paulette V R Johnson, Renita Johnson, Rocky M Johnson, Sandra J Johnson, Sibyl J Johnson, Steven Johnson, Tanika R Johnson, Terri L Johnson, Todd G Johnson, Tommy Johnson, Tracy T Johnson, Vernaya J Johnson, Zina M Jolitz, Roy C Jolliemore, Patricia Jones Jr, Bolton A Jones Jr, Fred Jones Sr, Elliott B Jones, Andrew D Jones, Arnold Jones, Aubrey E Jones, Dawna K Jones, Douglas S Jones, Edward L Jones, Edwina P Jones, Efstathia Jones, Eric D Jones, Garrett D Jones, Gary B Jones, Harry Jones, James A Jones, Keith V Jones, Kevin G Jones, Kris N Jones, Lisa M Jones, Mark Jones, Rita Y Jones, Shawan L Jones, Shawn A Jones, Taijaun J Jones, Terry W Jones, Theodore Jones, Vendietta Jones, Virginia Jones, Walter T Jones, Warren M 821 589 589 726 1742 587 26 85 1309 589 1235 85 589 85 726 85 85 1287 308 589 26 1056 1164 241 589 308 589 788 726 788 1300 589 1300 1338 587 26 788 726 589 1564 589 1338 627 589 589 998 589 26 1324 308 308 1300 589 589 19 85 589 589 26 689 1342 820 819 589 241 689 589 726 1287 589 689 589 788 1547 819 825 1575 1056 Jordan, Curtis 726 Jordan, Thermon R 26 Jorgensen-Caswell, Jocelle L587 Joseph, David A 618 Joseph, Jacob 726 Joseph, Rodney 589 Joseph, Sidney 1535 Joseph, Wilbur L 1056 Jovel, Rafael A 265 Joy, Abraham 1056 Joy, Michael I 589 Joyce, Laurie B 589 Joyce, Michael F 589 Joyce, Paul M 589 Joyner, Polly 822 Joyner, Rena 589 Jules, Dominique 822 Jules, Luckson 589 Julian, Brian R 265 Jurado, Francisca G 1309 Kaciczak, Jan 726 Kaczmarski, Karen 85 Kahler, Lawrence A 587 Kahler, Russell E 85 Kahn, Jerry F 587 Kain, Joseph W 589 Kaizer, Russell K 589 Kalapinski, Kristen M 589 Kaminski, Donna L 85 Kammenzind, Scott C 85 Kane, William T 589 Karbello, Jay M 589 Karmanov, Ivan 589 Kasyan, Timothy E 85 Kaur, Jatinder 265 Kay, Thomas J 587 Kaye, Anne 1575 Kaye, Skylar W 587 Keane, Robert 589 Keaney, Patrick J 589 Kearney, Barbara J 689 Kearney, John M 85 Keating, Nicole 589 Keating, Richard R 85 Keating, William F 589 Keaton, Bryndis 19 Kebede, Tesfaye T 589 Keefe, Paul E 589 Keefe, Richard J 589 Keefer III, William S 85 Keely, Darrell 788 Keleher, Paul F 589 Keller, John J 1436 Keller, Keith C 587 Keller, Mary Jo 589 Kelley, Jason J 589 Kelley, John H 1321 Kelley, John M 589 Kelley, Mary H 843 Kelley, Michael P 589 Kelley, Paul J 589 Kelly Jr, Thomas B 788 Kelly, Anna 825 Kelly, Clifford J 589 Kelly, Daniel J 788 Kelly, Darin K 1056 Kelly, Harry G 587 Kelly, Jaime 589 Kelly, Kassandra N 589 Kelly, Michael 726 Kelly, Michael P 589 Kelly, Michael T 589 Kelly, Steven R 589 Kelly, William T 85 Kendzerski, William C 85 Kenneally, Charles M 589 Kennedy, Calvin 1324 Kennerly, Barney N 689 www.atu.org Kennerly, Phillip B Kenney Jr, Thomas J Kenney, Andrea Kenney, Dawn M Kenney, John J Kenney, Mark Kenney, William Kenny, Rosemarie Kentley Jr, David E Kerila, Thomas W Kerin, Thomas Kerkorian, Todd A Kern, Donald P Kerr, Andrew Kerr, Mary E Kerrigan, Theresa A Kettlety III, James L Keys, Donald Earl Keys, Peter A Khan, Genghis Khan, Sahibzada Kidd, Jerome Kiflegiorgis, Yemane Killeen, James J Killingsworth, Gillian Kilmartin, Kevin Kimbrough, Charles King Jr, Joseph L King, Debra C King, Eric F King, Eugene King, Kevin S King, Linda F King, Maria King, Michael L King, Nancy King, Roland King, Steven Kinney, Arthur J Kinney, Karen Kinsey, Kevin D Kirby, Dennis Kirkendall, Barrett S Kirrane, John P Kirton, Sven Kirvin, Jeffrey Kittredge, Roland C Klaus, James L Kleidman, Mikhail Klemm, Michelle A Kline, Alan Kline, Kenneth M Kline, Kevin J Klos, Larry L Knapp, Gary M Knesel, Jude Kniestedt, Rachel A Knight, Anthony J Knight, John Knight, Steven Knight, Tenisha L Knott, Arthur Knott, Larry C Knox Jr, Derick R Knox, Craig L Knudtson, Robert J Knupp, Dwight J Koeppl, Anton J Kohn, Mark S Kolar Jr, Raymond A Kolas, Carl D Koldan, John P Kolegar, Richard H Koman, Robert J Kopicko, Douglas E Kopstein, Steve Korbett, Les Korito, Steven E www.atu.org 689 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 1145 589 589 788 589 587 589 618 192 589 589 726 587 192 85 788 589 26 26 256 308 192 788 587 819 589 589 308 589 587 1517 587 726 282 589 726 820 589 788 726 85 589 256 1342 85 589 726 587 880 689 589 85 627 1338 788 1555 1310 282 880 825 265 85 308 268 85 85 726 85 587 Korona, Brian Kosinski, Peter Kosner, Thomas Kramich, William J Kraszewski, Thomas Kraus, Tim H Kreatz, Patrick A Kreps, Keith A Kronenbitter, Frank T Kruckman, Justin Kruger, Stephen J Krupski, Gerald J Kryzosiak, Andrew J Kubera, Carl L Kubisty, Christian M Kukic, Russell L Kukic, Victor J Kunkel, Gary G Kurkowski, Steven J Kusmira, Mark A Kyle, Robert La Court, Charlene K La Fontant, Daniel P La Point, Allen D La Velle, Dermathe’ F Labedz, Anthony L Lacourse, Francis G Lacroix, Charles J Ladasky, John J Ladner, Nathaniel R Laferriere, David C Lagerman, Patricia J Lagreca, Alfonso V Lai Fook, Dane K Lainhart, Alfred Laird, Leland W Lally, James M Lam, Ho M Lamberth, Rita M Lamor, Jake Lampo, Donald J Lancaster, Melvin T Land, Kenneth L Lane Sr, Larry F Langford, Carole Lannigan, John A Lant, Robert Lapommeray, Jean Marie Lara, Wilfredo Largin, Robert W Larsen, Denise Larson, Ann M Larson, David N Lasala, Jesse A Lasseson Jr, Steven J Lassiter, Anthony L Lassiter, Lucille Latney, Joseph W Latson, Nicole K Lau, Peter Laurent, Todd M Lauria, Anna Lauria, Robert Lavie Jr, Harold J Law, Albert Law, Karonise Law, Keith Lawler, Robert J Lawless, Brandice L Lawless, Joseph W Lawrence, James E Lawrence, Marc R Lawrence, Melissa J Lawrence, Robert A Laws, David W Lawson, Aarons S Lawton, Edgar J Le Gault, James E 589 726 265 589 1436 1555 589 19 398 398 757 1342 85 589 1342 85 85 85 398 85 589 589 726 587 587 1342 589 587 85 1575 618 85 1342 589 627 587 589 1056 819 1577 85 19 26 1235 589 589 726 589 589 1235 726 589 85 589 587 589 819 689 589 589 85 589 726 589 589 26 627 589 589 589 85 589 589 265 788 1056 1056 998 Le Page, Michael F Le, Kevin Leaman, Brian E Learning, Doreen J Leary, Paul F Leavell Jr, Billy K Leaver, Leona M Lebbossiere, Louis A Lechillgrien Jr, Donald Ledbetter, Jeffrey L Ledbetter, Richard L Ledford, Pennie J Lee, Gregory Lee, Robert J Lee, Todd D Lee, Willie J Leggs, Frank P Leli, Thomas Lemene, Joseph F Lemma, Alemayehu G Lennon, Garfield Lenzi Jr, Domenic J Leon, Benjamin Leonard, Steven Leonard, Tracy A Leone, Joseph A Leonida, Camillo A Lesane, Myers Leslie, Vicki E Lester, Carrie B Lester, Steven D Leulu, Telesia Leung, Kwok-on Levano, Jose’ L Levengood, Deborah Ann Levesque, Phillip Lewis, Adbian L Lewis, Alfred B Lewis, Charice L Lewis, Delcon Lewis, Diann M Lewis, Gerald E Lewis, Kevin Raymond Lewis, Lydia M Lewis, Mark D Lewis, Michael C Lewis, Milton Lewis, Milton O Lewis, Quentin R Lewis, Richard A Lewis, Shirley A Lewis, Troy M Lewis, Uvon Lewis, Virginia B Lewis, William A Lewis, William M Leyton, Richard Jay Lichten, Stewart Lifricri, Luigi Light, Chantelle L Lighty, Jacqueline J Lijewski, Kenneth P Lile, Perri M Lim, Roman P Limage, Paul V Limargo, Ben S Lincoln, Tommie L Lind, Christopher J Lindenmuth, Claybrook J Lindsey, James F Linganfield, Leonard M Linskey III, Joseph F Lione, Christopher J Lipari, Ernest J Litrell, Sam Little, Dean Little, John G Little, Vernel L 714 1277 589 589 589 241 1547 589 726 85 85 587 241 589 788 689 308 726 589 589 819 589 589 589 589 589 589 1309 587 26 587 265 726 1056 1164 726 825 689 589 589 1208 85 1277 241 587 256 726 1300 589 85 1342 821 589 610 589 282 1277 726 726 589 1056 85 26 1309 589 587 265 589 880 589 85 589 589 265 726 824 589 26 Little, William D Littlejohn, Teresa A Littlepage, Jeffery Littles, Robert Liu, Gong H Lockett, Curtis J Lodestro, Anthony Lodola, Gino P Loer, Robert M Loesh, Otto Loewen, Robert E Logan, Mark Logan, Timothy E Lohan, John C Loi, Quang T Lokchine, Leonid Lomatewama, Inez L Lomax Jr, Willie Lee Lombard, Joseph M Lombardi, Joel K Lombardi, John P Lomovsky, Dennis Long, Brian T Long, Virginia A Longen, Rex J Longo Jr, John D Looney, James C Loor, Edison E Lopata, John M Lopes, Candido R Lopez Jr, Fernando Lopez, Jose A Lopez, Juan S Lopez, Louis A Lopez, Maria L Lopez, Ricardo M Lopez, William A Lopez, Wilson Lopez, Yvette Lotito, Thomas Louis, Fritz Louis, Marcel Lourenco, George F Lovdahl, Rodney D Love, Remos Love, Tony O Lowe, David L Lowe, Edwin L Lowe, Frank L Lowry, James M Loyola, Jose R Lozada Jr, Rafael Luc, Chantel E Lucas, Paula C Lucas, Ralph A Lucas, Ronald L Luce Jr, Robert G Lucivero, Michael Lukrofka, Richard D Lundsgaard, Patricia M Luongo, Michelle Lusterino, Joseph Lydon, James H Lydon, Peter J Lynch, George R Lynch, Joseph F Lynch, Sharon A Lynch, Thomas Lynch, Walter J Lyons, Bruce E Lyons, Douglas J Lyons, Paul G Lyons, Yvette Lysne, Dennis L Lytch, Mary H Ma Karenko, Aleksaudr Mabery, Nealis Mabry, Jacqueline M 1300 192 627 589 1056 589 726 589 587 19 589 1056 589 589 589 726 587 788 589 589 726 726 589 589 758 1179 587 1179 85 589 1056 820 589 19 825 265 694 726 726 726 589 823 448 587 689 1277 1235 26 587 85 589 726 589 589 26 689 589 1181 1309 589 589 726 589 589 1179 589 589 589 589 689 627 589 589 587 821 726 241 587 Mac Donald, Barry R Mac Donald, Frederick E Mac Donald, James R Mac Donald, Linda M Mac Donald, Tina M Mac Donald, William F Mac Eachern, Mark E Mac Elhiney, Douglas Mac Farlane, Richard D Mac Gillivray, Paul J Mac Gregor, George J Mac Intyre, Michael G Mac Kenzie, Michael S Mac Kenzie, Roland R Mac Leod, Trenton J Mac Millan, James Mac Near, Keith A Mack, William D Mackey, Richard C Mackinaw, Shawn P Macri, Howard F Macri, Michael Maddalena Jr, Dante B Madden, Roy L Maddox Jr, Walter I Madeya, Michael J Madison, Elizabeth M Maeda, Michiyoshi Magee, Joseph W Maguire, Dennis C Magwood, Darnell Mahaffey, Donna R Mahan, Edwin E Maher, Joseph T Maher, Patrick B Mahoney, James P Maiello, Steven Maier, Joseph J Maisonave, Arturo Maisonet, Carlos A Majewski, Benjamin M Major, Daniel E Mak, Peter Makatura, Paul D Makena, Dajari J Makowski, Leonard J Malcom, Dennis D Maldonado, Jose L Maldonado, Maria C Malko, Emory Malko, Gregory C Mallard, Felicia A Mallet, Cynthia Malone Jr, Thomas E Malone, Louis R Malone, Malinda V Malone, Paul D Mancato, Peter J Mandelson, Michael Maney, Freddie B Mangano, Louis Mangiameli, Joseph F Mangold, Earl W Mann, Everett C Mannai, Frederick V Manon, Victor E Mansfield, Michael Mansker, Gregory B Manuel, Rufus J Manzi, Louis Manzione Jr, William Manzo, Salvatore Maras, Stephen M Marble, Krystal Marc, Kimberly A Marchese, Anthony M Marcinowski Sr, Thomas Marcolini, John MARCH/APRIL 2008 589 587 589 589 589 589 589 589 1177 589 1267 589 589 26 587 589 26 282 282 589 880 726 618 241 689 85 308 1575 589 587 85 85 308 589 589 589 726 1179 726 726 241 1309 820 85 758 689 26 822 822 726 726 241 788 589 85 589 589 726 85 788 726 587 587 308 589 589 26 587 788 726 726 726 589 589 589 726 589 726 33 Marcus, Jason Mardirosian, David E Marfongelli, Michael A Marhol, Clinton E Mariano, Joseph W Marinelli Jr, Richard Marino, Ted Marion, Bertha A Markowski, Robert Marr Jr, Henry L Marsey, Susan E Marsh, James Marshall Jr, Sylvester Marshall, Alan R Marshall, Arlene Marshall, Byron Marshall, Danny Marshall, Deritha Marshall, Lisa S Marshall, Rosemarie K Marshall, Stan Martell Sr, Mickael E Martell, Paul M Martelli, Michael D Martier Jr, Samuel L Martin, Delores W Martin, Gary G Martin, John M Martin, Leonard Martin, Letitia Martin, Michael C Martin, Patricia Martin, Randolph Martin, Rex W Martin, Richard B Martin, Walter C Martinez, Eloy Jose Martinez, Joe R Martinez, Ligia M Martinez, Luis D Martinez, Marco A Martinez, Obed Martini, Elio Joseph Martins, Jose Martocchio, Maryellen Marx, Malcom G Mason, Barbara A Mason, Lisa R Mason, Raymond E Mason, Thomas Massey Jr, Clarke Massey, Raymond W Massey, Thomas Massiah, Ryan G Mata, Jose Matchett, Fannie Y Mateja, John Mateo, Myrna Mathai, James K Mathew, Raju Mathews, Ralph W Mathurin, Erwing Matos Jr, Wilfredo Matos, William Matthews, Cedric R Matthews, Daniel W Matthews, Diane O Matthews, Rosemere Mattis, Sharon M Maurer, Michael J Mauro, Shawn A Maxwell, Georges A Maxwell, Orville May, Robert A Mayberry, Charles Maybin, Monica A Mayford, Scott H Mayhew, Marlon B 34 IN TRANSIT 589 1145 589 519 726 1179 726 1300 1179 1593 788 726 308 880 788 823 192 627 589 589 265 589 589 589 85 788 589 726 627 1056 589 819 241 587 589 26 192 1309 589 823 589 589 1575 618 589 587 268 192 587 726 1342 880 726 589 1309 589 85 822 1056 726 689 589 880 726 241 587 85 26 589 85 85 1056 589 998 726 823 998 589 Mayo, Antoinette E Mays, Kim T Mazes, Michael A Mazzeo, S David Mazziotta, Migdalia S Mazzola, James G Mazzuca, Victor J Mc Adory, Antionette Mc Alarney, Keith A Mc Alduff, Kelli Mc Allister, Joseph Mc Avoy, Donald Mc Bride, John B Mc Bryde, Rita Mc Cafferty, Debra M Mc Cafferty, Ryan P Mc Cain, George M Mc Call, Joseph M Mc Cann, Michael L Mc Carron, Patrick M Mc Carter, Eric C Mc Carthy Jr, Francis L Mc Carthy, Eugene W Mc Carthy, Laurine Mc Carthy, Richard D Mc Carthy, Robert A Mc Carthy, William G Mc Cartney, Douglas T Mc Carty, John A Mc Carver, Cynthia Mc Cauley, Joseph K Mc Clain, Kimberly Adams Mc Clain, Michael R Mc Clard, Ralph E Mc Clary, Subrina V Mc Clerkin, Kim M Mc Clure, Daryl Mc Collin, Lakesha L Mc Comb, Anita Mc Connell, Phil Mc Cormick Jr, Thomas J Mc Coy, Gerald M Mc Coy, Joyce A Mc Cracken, Randy L Mc Crady, Carl D Mc Crae, Alma Mc Crary, Michael Mc Cray, William N Mc Crea Jr, Richard M Mc Cullom, Rita C Mc Cullough, Arthur Mc Dermott, Ernest Mc Dermott, Kim I Mc Devitt, Christine A Mc Donagh, Michael F Mc Donagh, Michael T Mc Donald Jr, Murray Mc Donald, Daniel M Mc Donald, Joseph L Mc Donald, Sally A Mc Donnell, Elizabeth M Mc Donough, James L Mc Donough, Marie L Mc Dougal, Eugene C Mc Dowell, Vonzell Mc Ewen, Harriett Lynne Mc Farland, Connie M Mc Farland, Gregory Mc Farland, Rob Mc Gaffic, Gary G Mc Gahee, Connie Mc Gahee, Robert L Mc Gann, Alice P Mc Garty, Michael Mc Gee, Daniel J Mc Gee, J Vesha C Mc Glown, Thomas H Mc Govern, Sean T 1177 788 589 589 589 589 788 26 726 589 587 726 587 825 589 589 587 587 587 589 265 589 589 819 589 589 589 820 589 1338 618 85 821 1384 26 1342 241 589 788 843 265 689 308 788 192 825 26 587 880 26 788 1300 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 26 587 398 192 26 265 85 589 788 589 589 1015 1192 589 1056 Mc Gowan, Martha R Mc Gowan, Timothy J Mc Grath, James M Mc Grath, John J Mc Greal, Alfred Mc Hugh Jr, John J Mc Hugh, Kathleen Mc Hutcheon, Mary J Mc Intosh, Natalie O Mc Intyre, Thomas Mc Kay, Shawn Mc Kelvey, Timothy E Mc Kelvey, Troy V Mc Kenney, John G Mc Kenzie, John Mc Kibben III, Frank L Mc Kinnon, Kevin G Mc Kissack II, Robert N Mc Knight, Don R Mc Lallen, Gail B Mc Laughlin, Michael L Mc Laughlin, Theresa A Mc Laurin III, Clarence Mc Lean, Beverly V Mc Lean, Jason D Mc Little, Carl Mc Lucas, Sean H Mc Mahon, Joseph P Mc Mickle, James W Mc Millan, Terry L Mc Millan, Tony R Mc Morrow, Michael P Mc Namara, Brain F Mc Namara, James A Mc Neal, Bernice Mc Neal, Nathaniel N Mc Neil, Tilena Mc Nie III, Gilbert C Mc Pherson Jr, Edward Mc Pherson Jr, Leroy A Mc Pherson, Edward Mc Pherson, Jamie M Mc Queen, Rowena Mc Roberts, Annette D Mc Shane, Lise C Mc Sweeney, Thomas P Mc Williams, Shelley J Mcfarland, Toni M Meadows, James M Meagher Jr, James D Means, Elaine Medeiros, Jeffrey P Medeiros, Luis Medeiros, Michael Medhane, Alem S Medina, Anjanette Medina, Jason Medina, Manuel A Medina, Salvador D Medley, Leonard D Medwid, Kevin C Meehan, Edward Megia, Leonard C Mehnert, Robert Meier Jr, Robert F Meier, William V Mejia, Noe E Melanson III, James A Melatti, Rick A Melau, Carl W Melendez, Angelo Melkonian, Zareh Mello, Patricia A Mellus, Edward M Melonson, Angela Mena, Digno Mendez Jr, Michael Mendez, Luis R 589 589 589 589 589 589 819 589 1177 726 726 85 587 788 726 85 589 308 758 880 589 589 589 589 589 788 589 589 589 1015 1056 820 589 589 589 587 726 85 819 589 589 589 589 788 587 589 589 1338 26 589 308 589 618 618 589 589 726 1056 265 1287 85 726 265 820 85 726 589 589 265 1015 1056 589 589 589 587 820 726 1056 Mendez, Michael C Mendez, Sergio Mendoza, Ramiro Mendoza, Rolando L Mendyk, Joseph J Menear, William Mennella, Christopher Mercado, Maria A Mercaldi, Susan M Mercurio, Michael F Meredith, Michael W Meredith, Terrance A Merola, Michael Merrill, Dennis R Merriman, Margie E Mertzel, Jeffrey N Mesa, Ray A Messenger, Shawn M Messina, David M Metz, Robert J Metzger, Gabriel R Mevissen, Thomas E Meyer, Kevin J Meyers, Stephen A Michalek, George J Michalowski, Philip T Michalski, Steven R Middleton Jr, Stephen Miele, Stephen Miesel, Charles R Mignosa, James A Mikell, Wilson Mikolajczyk, Kenneth Mikos, William J Miles, Brenda L Miles, Elsie L Miller Jr, Eugene W Miller, Barton W Miller, David M Miller, Janice A Miller, John R Miller, Juanita Miller, Mary P Miller, Michelle L Miller, Paul A Miller, Sharice Miller, Sheila M Miller, Tamara S Millhouse, Cherise Y Millien, Jean R Millien, Marie Y Mills III, Thomas F Mills, Brian H Milmore, David J Milton, Nichole R Milton, Stanley Mimy, Lysandra Mina, Jacqueline E Minafee, Beverly F Minard Jr, Everett L Mingo, Eric Minichiello, Arthur J Minnaji, Patrick Minnaji, Steven A Minnifield, James Minor, Kathy Mintor, Gaston Miramontez, Ricardo D Miranda, Edgardo Miranda, Keith J Mireles, Carlos Mirza, Marssod M Miscioscia, Raymond D Misek, Conrad R Miser, David G Mitchell Jr, John H Mitchell, Andre R Mitchell, Beverly A 1093 822 1309 265 85 589 726 589 589 589 1338 308 726 1517 589 726 265 1093 589 85 726 1005 568 627 1267 589 589 726 618 1447 589 689 1342 85 268 589 85 589 788 19 85 589 589 589 192 1056 1005 1555 587 1547 589 589 589 589 589 589 819 589 998 587 1342 589 85 85 589 1164 589 587 726 589 1091 1056 589 589 1164 19 589 1593 Mitchell, Charles Mitchell, Charles P Mitchell, Darrell X Mitchell, Diane Mitchell, Eboney Mitchell, Gisele Mitchell, Kenneth C Mitchell, Veronica L Mitrano, Kenneth A Mixon, Kenneth Mizelle, Jacqueline B Mo, Tianmin Moar Jr, Thomas H Mobray, Joshua A Moczygemba III, Vincent Modena, Peter Modeste, Davin E Mohamed, Abdalla J Moise, Max R Mojica, Cruz Molinelli, Brian Molitor, John P Moll, H Edward Molton, Herbert L Monaco, Anthony J Monahan, Maryann Monahan, Patricia Mondello, Thomas Mondile, Leonard A Mongelli, Vincent Monjure, Ronald J Monroe, Mark A Monson, Robert A Montanez, Ramon Montano, Kenneth Monte, James Monteagudo, Orlando Monteiro, Deidra Montezuma, Jaime Montgomery, Willie S Montoya, Ramiro Montrond, Armando C Monzon, Elaine Moody, Dennis G Moody, Geneva Moody, William L Moon, Veronica D Mooney, Brian Moore III, James Moore Jr, Calvin Moore, Ann J Moore, Bryan Moore, Bryan L Moore, Christine A Moore, Christopher L Moore, Deonne Moore, Joan C Moore, John T Moore, Marshall P Moore, Mary A Moore, Michael D Moore, Mitchell A Moore, Roney Moore, Sandra K Moore, Stacey K Moore, Thomas M Morales, Jose M Morales, Luis Morales, Marcos A Moran, Marie Moran, Patrick Moran, Robert E Moreau, Ronald T Morell, Mark Moreno, Jeffrey J Morgan Jr, Charles A Morgan Sr, Andrew Morgan, David J 589 1575 589 825 627 589 26 1309 589 241 689 589 589 589 694 726 1555 1309 589 820 726 788 1342 788 589 589 589 824 880 726 843 589 587 820 265 1575 820 589 589 726 1309 589 587 589 589 1577 589 726 689 85 192 726 788 85 1220 880 589 689 689 1235 26 85 788 268 589 308 241 820 1056 589 1179 589 618 589 589 589 836 788 www.atu.org Morgan, Joseph W Morgan, Lavonia Morgan, Robert H Morgan, Rodney Wayne Morgan, William M Moro, Anthony W Morrill, Allen Morrill, Brian E Morris Jr, Gregory A Morris, Charles E Morris, Christine B Morris, Ernest Morris, Jared Morris, Jay B Morris, Joyce Morris, Kamali J Morris, Kirk Morris, Lance L Morris, Marty M Morris, Michael W Morris, Penny P Morris, Sherry L Morrison, Arlyne R Morrissey, Ann M Morrissey, Kevin J Morrow, Gary D Morton, Bruce Morton, James I Moses, Edward K Moses, Wally D Mosesso, Richard P Mosiello, Stanley Moss, Anthony Motta, George A Mottram, Valentina Moulton, Carl N Mounce, Chris W Moyer, Angela D Moyer, James Mudhar, Jasveer S Mueller, Dale B Muhammad, Donald I Muhammad, Tamir Gha-Is Muhlbeier, Donald A Mulkern, Brian J Mullen, Carlene Mullen, Harrison Mulligan Jr, Michael D Mulligan, Philip J Mullins-Jenkins, Carolyn L Mulnik, Henry P Mummert, Timothy E Munch, Earl W Munoz, Abel Munoz, Cecilia G Munoz, Rolando J Munro, Jeffrey Munroe, Kevin Munzert, Robert E Muratore, Steven J Muren, Louis Murin, Bruce R Murphy, Betty J Murphy, David W Murphy, Gregory P Murphy, Kenneth W Murphy, Maurice P Murphy, Paul E Murray, Byron K Murray, Janice C Murray, John S Murray, John S Murray, Raymond M Musco, Craig Musgrove, Priscilla Musser, John E Mustafa, Samer H Musto II, Dominick C www.atu.org 85 825 1577 1015 589 1277 843 589 85 241 589 241 1309 85 821 589 819 788 1517 589 819 308 589 589 589 589 1564 85 587 1517 85 726 589 589 618 265 627 788 726 587 85 1575 880 587 589 788 1342 589 1015 241 788 1436 85 1575 1309 820 726 726 589 726 726 85 589 589 1056 589 589 589 589 1300 589 589 880 726 282 587 589 1056 Muttillo, Anthony Myers, Francis M Myers, John D Myers, Linda S Myers, Maria J Myers, Michael A Myers, Travis Naddaff, Brenda J Nahoum, Gabriel E Nakano, Steve S Nale, Robert S Napoli, Giuseppe Napoli, John A Napoli, Joseph Napolitano, Gerard Nappo, Joseph Nardi, Vincent Nardulli, Salvatore Nash, Charlesene Nash, Willie Mae Nath, Garendra Natoli, Joseph J Nau, Peter Naughton, Eugene J Naumann, Patricia L Navarro, Ernesto Naylor, Dennis A Neal, Charles L Nebel, Kevin Neczypyr, Nicholas P Neff, Ronald M Negrillo, Carlos Negron, Angel Negron, Carlos B Neiffer Jr, Martin R Nelson Sr, James B Nelson, Damon J Nelson, David C Nelson, Eleanor M Nelson, Glenwood Nelson, Jimmy Nelson, Jimmy L Nelson, Keisha L Nelson, Lashaun Nelson, Robin D Nenadic, Dusan Neptune, Ronald J Nerocker, Frank C Nesmith, Leroy D Neubauer, Tammy Neumeier, Mary C Neurohr, John A Neve, Eric W Neven, Michael F Newberry, Victor Newby, Darryl A Newcombe, Raymond Newhall, Dianne F Newhall, Jason N Newhall, Mark W Newman, Lawrence B Newport III, Don C Newton, James Newton, Michael K Ng, Benjamin P Ngo, Da N Nguyen, Charlie H Nguyen, Cuong Dinh Nicholas, Victor C Nichols, Eric Nichols, Karl Nichols, Richard Nichols, Steve A Nicholson Jr, Edward F Nickens, Greg D Nickolite, Stephen M Nicolocopolos, Joseph Nieves, Mark 880 589 589 589 589 627 726 589 1309 587 587 589 726 589 726 726 726 726 26 998 1056 726 726 880 587 265 587 1338 85 589 589 822 726 820 587 589 85 1575 589 1336 1338 587 788 589 589 265 714 587 880 589 1464 726 587 265 1056 26 1179 589 589 589 265 1300 819 1056 589 589 589 265 589 265 589 589 1177 726 689 26 824 726 Nikol, Yuriy Niles, Renaldo M Nillas, Nathaniel Nims, Thomas M Nixdorf, Eugene A Nixon, George E Nixon, Ronald S Noblick, Darren F Nocella, Stephen R Noel, Hyacinth A Nolan, Benjamin C Noles III, Douglas E Noles, Kenyatta Norling, Edward W Norman, Levene Norris, Seth N Norton, Thomas D Norvell, Don O Novi, Michael D Nowlen,christopher Nufio, Carlos R Numa, Nathaniel K Nunez, Fabio A Nurse, June S Nusom, Christina C Nutt, Russell Nye, Scott O’Banner Jr, Allen O’Boyle, Paul O’Brien, Andrew M O’Brien, David J O’Brien, Diane M O’Brien, Josephine M O’Brien, Kerri A O’Brien, Kevin J O’Brien, Matthew W O’Brien, Michael P O’Connell Jr, John T O’Connell, Gerald G O’Connell, Mary E O’Connell, Paul O’Connor Sr, John F O’Connor, Frank O’Connor, Margaret A O’Connor, Timothy O’Donnell, Paul R O’Donnell, Philip M O’Dwyer, Barbara A O’Keefe, Gerard P O’Leary, Theresa M O’Meara, Brian O’Melia, Joseph H O’Neal Jr, Roger O’Neal-Rogers, Meisha J O’Neil Jr, Ronald O’Neil, Joseph B O’Neill, Eric O’Toole, John Oberlander, William L Obstoy, Valerie J Odoms, Sylvester R Odrowski, Anthony J Ogamba, Aidan I Oge, Perald M Ogletree, Claudette M Ogletree, Laticia D Ogunsanya, Festus L Okoli, Vivian Okoro, Kenneth S Olds, Ramirez Olejniczak, Alan C Olen Jr, Chester Olenja, Khakali Olenja, Leah A Oliva, Carlos A Olive Jr, Frank J Oliver, Kamal D Oliver, Steven E 726 589 587 587 85 85 587 1576 589 589 589 589 26 589 1338 589 589 757 1575 726 587 819 689 589 192 689 726 241 880 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 1555 726 589 589 589 823 589 589 589 589 589 308 589 820 589 726 726 589 998 589 308 265 1056 241 26 589 1300 587 880 1342 1342 589 589 1575 880 589 689 Oliver, Valary M Oliver, Wendell L Olmos, Rafael Olney, Christine Olsavicky, Patricia D Olsen, James R Olson, Frederick Olson, James A Olson, Sharlene A Onwudinjo, Mercy V Onyemepu, Anthony C Oommen, Philip Oppie, Jason J Oquendo, Alexis Orangis, William M Orchard, Joseph W Orlando, Barbara A Orr, Don E Orr, Jacqueline W Ortega, Damaris Ortega, Jose A Ortega, Pedro L Ortiz, Mariana E Ortiz, Miguel Orvis, Althea Osagie, Emmanuel Osborne, John L Oscar, Joseph Frantz Osetek, Richard J Osgood, Carlos Osmic, Eset Osorio Jr, Luis Osorio, Jacqueline Oster, Joseph J Ostrowski, Edward J Otis, Richard P Ott, Harry M Owens, Barry L Owens, David Owens, Denise Owens, Michael Owens, Sharron N Owens, Terry J Owens, Walter L Owie, Alex L Ozioko, Livinus O Pace, Bruce Pack, Jennifer E Packard, John G Pagan, Julio Pagan, Zenaida Y Page, Jada Page, Lynnette D Page, Pamala G Pagel, John T Paine, Stanley Palathinkal, Shebi Palevic, Rexhep Pallitto, Anthony Palmer, Earl H Palmer, Frank T Palmer, Janet M Palmisano, John J Palumbo, Michael Pamphile, Jean Y Panasside, Vincent Pang, King Panicker, Koshy Papagni, Joseph Pape III, William W Paray, Chris N Paredes, Jose G Pares, Edwin R Parham, Cassandra L Parilla Jr, Nicholas R Parish Jr, Donald Parker III, Roderick A Parker, Nancy L 1056 1309 1056 1235 85 589 589 587 998 268 821 1056 587 589 85 589 726 308 1300 880 589 589 589 589 398 589 788 1179 589 589 282 265 589 19 241 714 241 589 589 1056 1338 788 589 241 589 589 726 85 589 726 1056 308 587 1164 589 788 1056 726 822 85 85 587 589 726 589 726 589 726 589 726 1056 689 589 1056 589 689 589 589 Parker, Yvette Parks, Darren Parolisi, Jeffrey Paronich, Ronald Parson, David H Parsons, Dana R Partee, Timothy J Pascarella, John J Pascucci, Richard A Passalaqua, Mark Patikowski, James S Patterson Sr, Bennie M Patterson, Charles W Patterson, Darrellzane Patterson, Jermaine D Patterson, Theodore Patterson, Walter L Patton Jr, Phillip L Patton, Carita Patton, Cleophas Paul, Bruce F Paul, Philome C Paul, Thomas Paulicelli III, John A Pavao, Kevin Payne, Christopher Payne, Danny M Payne, Ivy O Payne, James Payne, Lydell E Payne, Melvin P Payne, Robert V Payne, Wanda E Paynter, Ronald D Payton, Curtis R Peacock, Wayne M Pearson, Derek A Pearson, Ezra L Pearson, Fred A Pearson, James E Pearson, Leslie A Pearson, Thomas A Pecoraro, Ignatius Pecoraro, Michael R Peczonczyk, Luba Pedersen, Keith A Pedone, Edward A Pee-May, Tessee B Peloquin, Steven W Pelton Jr, John W Pena, George Pena, Reinaldo Pendelton, J C Pendleton, Jeanie Penn, Lawrence Penn, Vonda J Pennington, Kelly M Pennybaker, Nathaniel Penrod, Jerry L Pensoneau, Stephen L Peoples, Brenda Peppers, Geraldine Peppers, Jerry W Percherke, Christine Pereyra, Ramon Perez Jr, Hector L Perez, Annettys Perez, Frank Perez, Frank Perez, Israel Perez, Jose Perez, Lucas F Perez, Ramon Perez, Santos G Perez, Wanda Perez, William F Perham, Guy M Perillo, James MARCH/APRIL 2008 589 589 589 726 85 589 589 85 589 726 825 998 1235 589 589 308 587 241 1564 788 589 589 589 589 589 627 589 589 726 308 1575 85 589 589 825 589 589 1056 689 85 85 589 1342 1056 1342 1179 589 689 589 589 1056 589 1342 308 589 788 589 85 1309 788 589 308 308 85 589 1056 589 726 726 820 822 308 726 308 726 589 1015 726 35 Perkins, Doretha C Perkins, Gill C Perkins, James R Perkins, Rocky Wayne Perniola, Frank M Perrington, Lionel W Perrone, Michael C Perrotta, David J Perry, Brenda Faye Perry, Charles E Perry, Cynthia V Perry, Daniel Perry, David J Perry, Dennis D Perry, Howard B Perry, James Perry, Kafi Perry, Keith W Perry, Larry Perry, Michael P Perry, Patricia Perry, Raynard Perry, Sharon L Perry, Vicky Personette, Joseph Perzan, Kenneth E Peters, Arnold F Peters, Raymond T Peters, Richard B Peters, Walter H Peterson, Gloria G Peterson, Jennifer Petrick, Jeffery Petteway, Calvin F Pettiford, Irvin R Pettingill, Nina K Pettit, Joan M Pettus Sr, Travis D Pettway, Debbie A Pezzano, Francis M Phelimond, Diesseul Philhower, Jeremy Phillips, Roy Phinn-Westby, Rosa M Picard, Nancy Marie Pickens Jr, Howard Pickering, Derek B Pickett, Kevin J Pickett, Rodney Picklesimer, Roberta M Pieczykowski, Walter Pierce, Cheryl Pierce, La Vorn Pierce, Lauretta A Pierce, Mary J Pierre, Michelet Pierre, Smath Pierson, Earl Pilewski, Anthony Pina, Jose A Pinales, Ysabel M Pinkham Jr, Ernest G Pinkham, Kevin M Pinkney, Clarence M Pinkston, Helen A Pinto, Elizabeth L Pinto, Joseph K Pinto, Osbourne Pires, Jose M Pisano, John Piskopanis, Vasilios Pitts, James Pittsley, James C Pizzuto, James C Plante, Richard D Platt, William E Pleasant, Carlton W Plunkett, Philip J 36 IN TRANSIT 821 308 26 398 1056 589 825 589 1164 998 689 822 618 589 26 1548 26 689 1235 589 589 26 241 589 726 788 589 1056 1342 788 689 1310 85 880 689 313 689 589 589 820 589 726 726 589 714 26 880 26 726 589 241 819 689 1177 587 589 1547 726 85 589 589 714 589 689 241 589 1179 726 589 726 589 589 1145 85 714 1056 587 627 Podymaitis, William P Poidomani, Joseph Polcari, Edward J Politano, Stephen Pollard, Michael E Pollutro, Jerome P Polseno, Jerry Polverari, Richard L Polynice, Jean C Pomerantz, Alan Ponder, Stephanie J Ponischil, Tom J Pontes, Jose E Poole, Valerie L Poon, Felix S Popescu, Radu Porch, Alvin Q Porco, Michael P Porres, Felipe Porter, Lori A Porter, Michael Porter, Preston J Porter, Robert T Porter, Shakeysha A Porter, Tyson T Portney, Steven M Poshkus, Richard Posley, Bradley L Poso, Frank Joseph Pothier, Christian M Potts, Charles Richard Potts, Wallace L Poulos, William A Pouncie, Aishah Powell, David W Powell, Gina R Powell, Lenwood Powell, Michael J Powell, Roy R Power, Anthony Powiershih, Joseph Praileau, Claudette M Pratt, Manuel L Prefontaine, Sally A President Jr, Willie Preston, Gwendolyn E Preston, John F Preziosi, Vincent J Price, Gary Price, Roger A Price, Sandra Prince Jr, Frederick C Pringle-Gosman, Priscilla Pritchard, Charles Pritchett Jr, Frederick W Proctor, Samuel L Proia, Gerard Propp, Lawrence F Proud, Richard J Provenzano, Leonard C Provorse, Ronald J Pruitt, Desirea M Pruitt, Norman Berry Prunty, John K Pryear, Willie H Pryor, Charles Pucik, Michael J Pugliese, Robert A Puleo, Pasquale J Pulliam, Darrell E Punch, Dennis P Punnolil, Varghese Purcell Jr, John H Purnell-McAfee, Eileen A Purvey, Grace R Purvis, Alan L Pyda, Wojciech Pyne, Francis J 589 726 589 589 1056 1342 726 618 589 821 587 587 589 1001 1555 726 689 85 1267 1287 788 589 589 1564 1164 589 589 26 265 589 589 714 589 589 85 998 589 308 241 589 726 589 1093 998 589 308 714 589 26 587 821 589 589 1547 265 689 726 998 85 589 694 788 398 1056 589 26 757 282 589 788 589 1056 589 1577 1056 757 726 589 Qasim, Tanvir 726 Qualls, Terry 26 Quan, Jack 589 Quarles-Alston, Shelia C 689 Quarles, Brenda K 689 Quarles, Frederick E 589 Quezaire, Steve L 998 Quiles, Joel 726 Quin-Harkin, John 1575 Quinerly, Lovette 85 Quinn, William R 1517 Quinney-Fisher, Janina 1277 Quinones, Henry A 1056 Quinonez, Elias E 589 Quintana, Jose G 308 Quintero, Octavio 820 Raab, Donald R 587 Rabideau, Robert 1235 Raboin, Mark 589 Rae, Opal J 1576 Ragland, Leo W 788 Ragland, Sidney C 192 Rago, Frank A 1342 Raia, Paul L 589 Rainey, Eric T 589 Raju, Philipose E 1056 Ramdath, Ken 726 Ramdeen, Bridgemohan 825 Ramey, Albert E 587 Ramey, Gary W 589 Ramirez Jr, Jose 241 Ramirez, Antonio O 192 Ramirez, Arelis 820 Ramirez, Joel L 589 Ramirez, Salvador 192 Ramkhelawan, Shubash 1056 Ramlagan, Nateram 1056 Ramos, Charlie 1056 Ramos, Evelyn 820 Ramos, Mario L 308 Ramos, Nathan 726 Ramos, Victor 1056 Ramsammy, Richard R 1056 Ramsey, James E 823 Rand, Anthony 726 Randazzo, Salvatore 726 Randisi, Anthony 726 Randles, Marty F 587 Randolph, Byron 589 Range, Melody E 1309 Rangel Jr, Daniel 1309 Ransom, James 589 Ransom, Stewart 726 Rascoe, Matthew 589 Rash, Beatrice M 589 Rawlins, Nicole L 192 Rawlinson, Floyd 819 Ray, Barry A 1564 Ray, Stephorn D 689 Raycrow-Simpson, Alethia M689 Rayford, Shirley A 265 Raymond, Emmanuel 589 Razik, Hamid 589 Reardon, Kevin P 587 Rebernisek, Jon F 998 Rebsamen, Michael E 1575 Redford, Gregg 589 Redick, Dennis N 26 Redmond, Lavald 241 Reed Jr, Joseph 589 Reed Jr, Raymond R 589 Reed, Diane V 819 Reed, Michael 26 Reed, Robin M 589 Reed, Tracey 627 Reeder, Louella 880 Reeder, Ronald W 587 Reese, Alonzo R 26 Reese, Elizabeth L Reese, George M Reeves, Charles J Reeves, Morgan L Regan, Eric P Reick Jr, Edward J Reid Jr, Harvey R Reid, Edward L Reid, John W Reid, Sharon D Reilly, Michael T Remias, John J Rendero, Thomas Resto, Jayson Rew, Frances L Reyes, Larry A Reyes, Perlamar Rheubothom, Thomas Rhoden, Ronald Riccardi, Michael Riccio, Luigi A Rice, Chakolus R Rice, Dwaine E Rice, Tawnya A Rice, Warren T Rich, Anthony J Rich, Gerald D Rich, James E Richard Jr, Arnett Richard, Gary F Richardi Jr, James E Richards, Leroy Richards, Robert Richards, Stanley G Richardson Jr, Kenneth C Richardson, Gerald Richardson, Glenda T Richardson, Rochelle Richardson, Rodney Richey, Aldo R Richko, Lisa A Richman, Russell A Richmond, Patrick J Richmond, Wesley C Rickard, Robert A Ricks-Patton, Dorothy D Ricks, Wanda L Rico, Louis Riddell, Robert A Riddle Jr, Epson Ridgeway, Jaime Rieger, John J Rienks, David Riggs, Marshall D Riley, Lawrence J Riley, Michael Riley, Michael J Riley, Peter J Rini, Carolyn D Rioja, Miguel Riotta, Maria Ripa, Alfred Risch, Jacqueline A Ritter, Thomas Rivera Jr, Miguel Rivera, Anthony Rivera, Carlos A Rivera, Edwin Rivera, Gregory Rivera, Joel A Rivera, Julio X Rivera, Mara I Rivera, Nichola Rivers, Rhonda K Rivers, Ricky Dean Robbins, Mark W Robello, Melvin K Roberson, Lesley 589 589 85 308 589 85 26 694 1177 589 618 272 726 589 1015 820 822 726 241 726 589 788 788 788 627 589 689 788 26 589 589 589 726 689 589 1309 1342 788 587 587 85 589 589 308 589 788 192 726 1575 788 880 998 1547 85 1342 1309 589 589 85 825 726 880 627 85 1056 1056 589 880 726 589 1001 308 726 1447 26 1235 265 589 Roberson, Richard 998 Robert, Thomas L 1056 Roberts, Douglas E 589 Roberts, Glen D 1056 Roberts, Jeff G 1164 Roberts, Michelle 819 Roberts, Sherman T 85 Robertson, Bernard 689 Robertson, Katrina 1177 Robertson, Maurice 587 Robicheau Jr, Bertrund P 589 Robinson, David T 689 Robinson, Denise M 627 Robinson, Elizabeth L 85 Robinson, Gary D 26 Robinson, Irvin E 589 Robinson, James 1164 Robinson, Nicole 85 Robinson, Patricia A 689 Robinson, Pierce F 820 Robinson, Richard P 85 Robinson, Russell A 241 Robinson, Ruth 819 Robinson, Shari J 1575 Robinson, Shirley A 752 Robinson, Tawna Louise 1517 Robinson, Willie E 268 Robinson, Wilma L 308 Robles, Robert V 265 Robles, Steven E 265 Rocha, Lonnie W 836 Rochford, Patrick 726 Rockhold, Ernest 241 Rodeck, Thomas S 589 Rodgers, Anthony R 192 Rodrigue, St Julien 1179 Rodrigues, Orin R 1056 Rodriguez Saborio, Eliecer A1056 Rodriguez, Angel 589 Rodriguez, Anthony 726 Rodriguez, Carlos 820 Rodriguez, Dennis 1056 Rodriguez, Edmond 1342 Rodriguez, Emmanuel 589 Rodriguez, Gustavo T 694 Rodriguez, John M 788 Rodriguez, Jose 821 Rodriguez, Juan 308 Rodriguez, Ramiro 822 Rodriguez, Ruth 726 Rodriguez, Shannon 265 Rodriguez, Thomas 726 Rogers, Carletha A 1342 Rogers, Fudail 265 Rogers, Marie A 26 Rogers, Shirley J 1177 Rogerson, Joseph D 587 Rogowski, Tina M 589 Rojas, Candida 589 Rojas, Robert A 265 Rolark, Thaddieus M 241 Rolfe, Diane S 587 Rollins Jr, John F 1164 Romain, Marc A 589 Roman, Carlos M 589 Roman, Paul G 589 Romandetti, Christopher L 726 Romano, Anthony 726 Romano, Anthony B 589 Romano, Bartholomen 726 Romano, William R 589 Romero, Joffre F 1056 Romero, Maria E 820 Rooks, Gregory J 627 Roopnauth, Balram 1056 Rosado, Edgar J 1056 Rosado, Edward 726 Rosario, Frank 726 www.atu.org Rosario, William 726 Rose, Clifton S 689 Rose, Hillary D 589 Rose, John W 1342 Rose, Partick T 589 Rosebrough, Kenneth 1300 Rosemond Jr, Robert J 589 Ross Sr, Eric 268 Ross, Bobby 1338 Ross, Charlene L 589 Ross, James E 589 Ross, James M 589 Ross, Jeffery A 85 Ross, Kimberly C 589 Ross, Pearlie M 689 Ross, Robert L 689 Ross, Stephen S 1056 Rossetti, Stephen 589 Rossman, Marcia J 1005 Roth, Patrick A 85 Roullier, Daniel A 1277 Roundtree, Edith M 1300 Rouse, Tamara T 589 Rowe, Frederick J 589 Rowlett, Byron K 1338 Rozier, Ephram 822 Rozzell, Randall M 1179 Rubenstein, Steve D 589 Rucks, Alvena D 26 Rudd, Donald E 26 Rue, Donald 26 Ruggiero, Anna L 589 Ruiz, Caffie 726 Ruiz, Fermin 589 Ruiz, Randy 265 Rumbaugh, Robert P 85 Rumble, Brian A 589 Rumpf, Terry L 788 Rupp, Paul J 1575 Rushmore, Warren 726 Russell, Albrigail 26 Russell, James M 85 Russman, Michael J 85 Russo, Angela M 589 Russo, Joseph M 726 Russo, Paul R 265 Ryan, Michael E 265 Ryan, Robert D 1342 Ryan, Thomas J 589 Ryan, William H 589 Ryder, Glenn L 587 Safra, Amir G 1575 Sagastume, Oscar 1277 Salami, Frederick J 589 Salas, Jehu 1338 Saldana, Richard 1056 Sales, Woodrow 1235 Salinas Jr, Nicholas 265 Sallis, Esther F 241 Salter, Gregory A 1338 Saluto, Robert 1179 Salvato, Patrick J 589 Salvatore, Joseph D 618 Sam, Lindall J 398 Samaraweeramudlig, Mahendra 726 Samaroo, Ramlall 880 Samatallee, Nazir A 1056 Sampson, Mary R 1015 Samu, David 1056 Samuel, Evelyn 819 Samuel, Shiju 726 Samuels, Deborah 726 Samuels, Sylvia D 689 San Agustin, Tami S 265 San Filippo, William J 85 Sanchez Jr, Rafael 589 Sander, Rayfale 589 Sanders, Bruce B 26 www.atu.org Sanders, David P Sanders, Isaac Sanders, Michael J Sanders, Napoleon Sanders, Ronald K Sanders, Tony Sanders, Vernell L Sanderson, Catrina L Sandoval, Christopher R Sandoval, Richard Sanford, John E Sanford, Latoya S Sankoh, Sahr S Sanphy, Donna E Santagata, Andy Santana-Goff, Nora Santana, Angel Santana, Carlos Santana, Rafael Santiago, Adrian Santiago, Marco A Santiago, Pascual Santiago, Wilfredo Santillanez, David Santobello, Ronald Santos, Gregory Santos, Mara Santosuosso, Marc E Sapienza, Beth A Sarcone, Joseph Sardinas, Miguel Sarsfield, Gerald J Sarter, Peter Sasso, Theresa M Sataraka, Neddy K Satchell, Karl A Sattler, Michael A Saucedo, Guillermo Saufnauer, Kelli A Saunders, Ainsley H Saunders, Michael Sauvageau, Phillip J Savado, Anthony Savage-Bey, Jay T Savage, Fred L Savage, James M Sawh, Maryellen Sayo, Lamberto D Sbai, Tarik L Scadding, Richard B Scafede, Anthony J Scaggs Sr, Russell W Scales, David W Scales, Jason P Scales, Larry S Scales, Shawn L Schadlick, Thomas W Schaefer, June E Schaefer, Kelly A Schafer, Delroy S Schaller, Robert D Schergen, Marc J Scheuer, William E Schiavone Jr, Vincent Schmautz, Curt D Schmidt, Dennis Schmitt, James M Schoen, Eric B Scholz, John J Schulz, Thomas E Schulze, Paul F Schuster Jr, Paul M Schwartz, Alan M Schwartz, Kenneth Scipione Jr, Rudolph Scola, Antonio C Scopa, Cindy M Scorcia, Joseph 282 788 689 589 589 265 726 1177 85 1517 589 589 589 589 618 1309 822 726 726 589 589 241 820 1277 726 589 589 589 85 726 820 85 1179 1056 587 589 587 1277 1575 589 726 589 241 689 1179 85 726 1575 589 589 85 241 1309 589 788 589 589 788 589 1005 1005 241 587 726 587 627 1056 1277 519 589 1342 85 589 85 880 589 589 726 Scott, Allen Scott, Anita E Scott, Betty C Scott, David A Scott, David W Scott, Emery Scott, James L Scott, Pamela A Scott, Richard Scott, Shaun A Scully, Linda M Scurti, Frank J Seaberg, Gary C Sealy, Dana Searles, Daniel C Searles, Scott D Seaver, David C Seda, Hilton Seise, Gilbert Selby, Trina L Sembler, Robert J Semiglia, Deidre Senbet, Worku Senteneri Jr, Frank Sequeira, Maurice M Serafin, Joseph M Seregily, Margery Sergi, Pauline Serra, Patsy Serrano, Hilda Serrano, Judith Sewell, Anthony W Sewell, Mary A Sgro, Lisa M Shafer, Wesley L Shahan, David B Shaheed, Hassan M Shaheed, Sarwar Shambee, Tamika A Shamlin, George C Shapiro, Robert H Sharp, Thomas A Sharrocks Jr, Robert C Shaughnessy, Alice M Shaw, Dejuan Shaw, Denise Y Shaw, Gerri Shaw, Lamont C Shaw, Lonnie S Shaw, Ronald Shea, Christopher Shea, Robert P Sheard, Thomas J Sheehan, Jo Ann Sheehy, Brian C Sheffield, Theodore I Shegog, Keith Shelton, Bobby W Shelton, Clarence Shelton, Donald Shelton, Michael S Shento, Anthony H Shepard, Mary L Sheppard, Patricia Sherden, Georgia A Sheridan, John F Sheridan, Michael J Sheridan, Thomas P Sherrock, Robert F Shields, Anthony W Shields, George H Shields, Joseph G Shields, Michael E Shipley, Alvin C Shiring, Scot M Shirkus, Peter C Shon, Dah-Chiang Shorter, Kevin 689 589 689 85 1235 822 192 589 825 689 589 589 618 589 589 589 589 1179 880 589 726 589 265 880 589 1342 726 589 726 822 820 689 1300 589 1145 689 1555 241 308 1338 788 26 1179 589 627 627 822 589 758 19 589 589 85 1447 589 589 788 1235 689 308 85 85 589 880 308 1277 1575 726 1056 1324 589 589 85 85 85 589 589 689 Shub, Arkadiy Shuler, Michael Shumac, Earl Shury, Roland T Shutsha, John B Sibert, Janice Sibley, Michael Sica, Ernesto Sicari, Christy N Sichak, Dale W Sidbeck, Clarence Sidbury Jr, Stanley Siegle, Jeremy Silva, Angel M Silva, George M Silva, James R Silva, Margarita Silva, Michael Silva, Natalino E Silva, Robert Silva, Stanley J Simmons Jr, Lawrence Simmons, Daryl D Simmons, Delonte O Simmons, Dolphus S Simmons, Michael D Simmons, Sheretta Simmons, Stanley O Simmons, Terence Simmons, Thomas P Simms, Paul Simon, Michael L Simonelli, Wayne Simpson, Emma M Simpson, Frank D Simpson, Kisha L Sims, Susan E Sims, Valencia V Sims, Willie E Singh, Hardeep Singh, Naunihal Singleton, Dennis K Sintayago, Ricardo Sipe, Patrick H Sippel, Richard D Siraco, Daniel R Siracusa, Louis M Sison, Edward A Sizemore, Juvonny O Skaris, Gary J Skaris, Joseph A Sklar, Edward Skornickel, Anthony J Skrinjar, Edward J Slater Jr, John O Slisz, Stanislaw Sloan, Anthony W Small Jr, Edward I Small, Enrique R Small, Ronnie L Smalls-Dudley, Jessie M Smalls, Diborah Smalls, Isaac M Smalls, Robert A Smalls, Sallie L Smart, Douglas Smart, George A Smedman, Marilyn Smiley, Charlene Smith Jr, Arthur C Smith Jr, Clinton Smith-Poter, Emma Smith, Aaron Smith, Andre D Smith, Carla S Smith, Cassandra M Smith, Colette R Smith, Densel 726 689 85 1177 1056 689 1564 1179 589 85 587 689 627 1056 589 589 241 726 589 726 589 610 589 689 689 1056 788 689 836 822 689 587 589 241 1056 589 26 821 788 1056 265 788 726 85 589 589 589 1277 689 85 85 726 85 85 587 726 689 589 1056 1575 589 822 1177 610 589 1309 589 726 1447 1575 26 822 822 589 589 1177 587 265 Smith, Desideria Smith, Don G Smith, Dorothy O Smith, Edward J Smith, Everet Smith, Frederick Smith, Frederick E Smith, George W Smith, Gerald A Smith, Gloria J Smith, Herman Smith, James E Smith, Joann Smith, Karen Smith, Kevin A Smith, Larry G Smith, Latisha S Smith, Lee A Smith, Leon B Smith, Leonard R Smith, Malcolm Smith, Michael Smith, Michael J Smith, Nicholas Smith, Nicole L Smith, Orlando S Smith, Robert W Smith, Rodney Smith, Rodney L Smith, Roger A Smith, Sarah G Smith, Scott R Smith, Stephanie L Smith, Stephen Smith, Tamara A Smith, Timothy Smith, William Smith, William C Smitreski, Lawrence Smollett, Terrence J Smyntek, James T Snead, Teondra R Snoderly, Lee R Snow Sr, Anthony Snow, Joseph B Snyder, Danny W Snyder, Kelly J Solaequi, Joseph Solitro, Michael J Sollitto, Dominic Somers III, Fred W Soohoo, Nelson Sookmarine, Rajendra Sorem, Alana E Soriano, Ramon Sorrells, Jeanette Soto, David Soto, Josue L Soto, Juanita Soto, Maria T Soto, Noberto Sotomayor, William Sottile, Stephen Southern, Jenarold J Souza, Alan J Sparks, Thomas J Sparnroft, Robert Spaur, Michael G Spear, Ruth Spearman, Dwight A Spence, Rodger Spencer-Moore, Toni J Spencer, Darryl Spencer, Mary F Speranza, Ralph Spetelunas, Peter S Spikes, Deborah Spinnenweber, John MARCH/APRIL 2008 26 956 589 788 726 282 265 1300 26 589 610 589 589 1564 788 26 819 85 788 589 26 726 618 265 589 788 589 26 26 308 880 589 689 589 589 726 726 589 726 589 1342 589 1164 589 589 19 398 726 618 726 589 589 1056 587 820 627 589 589 241 589 726 726 726 1309 1575 587 726 618 1179 26 825 788 589 880 726 618 819 85 37 Spivey, Maria Spriggs, Nena N Springer, Debra Springer, Tracey K Springfield, Mary A Squire, Patricia A Squires, Patrick K St John, Gary A St Julien, Godfred Stack, James P Stadelman, Paul J Staffieri, Peter A Staffierri, Francis P Stallings, Robert L Stallworth, Roscoe Stamps, Michal M Standley Jr, Roy A Stanley, Brian L Stannard, Steven A Stanton, Paul J Stapf, Rickey Staples, Noel T Starks, Darryl Starr, Michael C Stasio, Matthew Stavropoulos, Paul Steadmon, Cordie L Steagall, Lynda Stebbins, Donna P Stebbins, John L Stebner Jr, William J Steele, Roger R Steen, Karl S Steichen, James L Stepanek, Donna M Stephens, Jakeem Stephenson Sr, David R Sterling, Michael L Sterrett, Lisa J Stevens Sr, Charles D Stevens, Anthony L Stevens, Frank R Stevens, Gus N Stevens, Robert A Stevens, Thomas L Stewart Jr, Russell Stewart-Heard, Vicki S Stewart, Bryan P Stewart, Calvin G Stewart, Clarence W Stewart, Darrell D Stewart, Edward Stewart, James H Stewart, June M Stewart, Kato Stewart, Regina Stewart, Ricky L Stewart, Robert L Stiles Jr, Nicholas S Stites, Micheal J Stock, Glenn P Stockbridge, Steven Stockwell, Erik Stoehr, Robert J Stoffle, Robert L Stokes, Chantal Stokes, Latanga Stone, Debra Lynn Stone, Karl R Stone, Letitia Stone, Wayne E Stovall, Misty T Stoy Jr, John J Straccia, Gerald Straccia, Joseph C Strahilov, Svetlin S Stratford, Brian A Streater, Clifford E 38 IN TRANSIT 1309 689 1547 589 26 1321 788 1309 589 85 85 589 589 788 589 85 587 589 1093 589 85 589 726 587 589 589 1447 821 589 589 1433 1517 19 587 1575 589 85 19 589 589 689 85 241 589 589 689 1575 589 282 788 26 241 998 1300 726 589 1235 1015 589 1384 85 589 589 85 256 589 589 85 416 589 589 788 801 589 589 589 589 880 Striker, Roy A Stroker, Jerry W Strom, James E Strong-Nelson, Barbara Strong, James J Strong, Kenneth Stroud, Brenda J Stroud, Rick B Stroughter, Fred L Strouts, Lily Strub, Wayne C Strunk, Emil W Strutt, Gerard E Stuart, Richard J Stubbs, Patti Y Studivent, Marc E Stulack, Kenneth G Suarez, Margarita Suarez, Mike Suber, Autumn P Suchecki, Casimir Sukalic, Baram Sullivan Jr, John C Sullivan Jr, Paul J Sullivan, Charles A Sullivan, Craig D Sullivan, Daniel J Sullivan, David Sullivan, Ellis Sullivan, Gregory S Sullivan, Michael Sullivan, Michael F Sullivan, Ronald S Sullivan, Thomas L Sullivan, Tyrell Sullivan, William J Summer, Valerie K Summerville, Pierre L Sumpman, Joseph C Surgeon-Jones, Sandra Suter Jr, Charles A Sutherlin, Lee C Sutton, Maurice S Sutton, Reginald E Sutton, Rodney C Swank, Diana M Swank, Richard W Swann, William E Swanson, Ronald C Sweeeney, Michael B Sweet, Peter J Swenson, Mike D Sylvain, Bachides Szymczak, Michael R Tabb, Michael E Tablit, Regidor M Tacardon III, Crispin Tagen, Sean M Taimi, Patricia L Tait, Tamica Lenear Talbot, Harold Tallent, John I Talley, James R Talley, Tara C Talton-Higgins, Tina L Tammaro, Anthony Tan, Jianping Tang, Stanley W Tango, Karen M Tapper, Perry M Tappero, Frederic Taqwa, Abdulrahman Tarbell, Candace J Tarr, Katherine M Tarter, Jerome Tavara, Oscar Tavares, Wanda J Tavarez, Abagail 1342 788 587 758 26 1338 26 1164 788 587 1056 726 85 589 689 589 880 282 589 85 589 726 589 85 589 589 589 589 26 589 589 589 788 589 589 618 587 689 85 1464 26 788 241 689 1564 85 85 689 1564 589 843 587 589 589 589 587 726 589 587 821 1056 1164 1235 589 85 726 589 726 589 587 265 589 398 85 589 821 880 726 Tavella Jr, Anthony F Taylor Jr, Michael Taylor, Alvin B Taylor, Chanler L Taylor, Charlotte R Taylor, Darryl R Taylor, David Taylor, Douglas S Taylor, Gordon E Taylor, Larry Taylor, Leon Taylor, Marvin Taylor, Oneil C Taylor, Robert Taylor, Susan M Teagarden, Robert L Tedeschi, Christopher Tedesco, Eric L Tejeda, Conrado D Tejsingh, Laikram Tello, Ramon Templeman, Terry Tenenholtz, Aron Tennaro, Alfonso Terenzi, Mary J Termine, Joseph T Termine, Michael Terraghi, Robert Terry Jr, Thomas Terry, Arleane Terry, Katrina A Terry, Nyleve Terry, Wallace Tham, William Thaxton, Gerald R Theodore, Alexandre D Theodore, Lynette C Theork, Prosper J Thevenin, Evans Thigpen, Lynette L Thomas, Adrian H Thomas, Arnold A Thomas, Christopher A Thomas, Dana J Thomas, Deirdre Y Thomas, Derek Thomas, Douglas L Thomas, Excell Thomas, Henrietta D Thomas, Larry A Thomas, Lorene J Thomas, Lorenzo Thomas, Mohan Thomas, Roderick T Thomas, Sherman L Thomas, Stephen G Thomas, Teresa Thomas, Vincent J Thomas, Willie C Thompson Jr, Chester Thompson, Courtney Thompson, David D Thompson, Julie A Thompson, Lawrence B Thompson, Regging Thompson, Ryan O Thorbourne, Anthony Thorbourne, Donald Thorne, Charles W Thorne, Colin Thorne, Oliver J Thornton Jr, Louis E Thornton, Clement N Thornton, George P Thornton, Rose A Thour, Paul D Threadgill, Melvin Thurmond, Michael G 589 589 26 85 26 689 265 587 587 819 241 880 1056 726 589 587 726 589 1056 1056 726 726 589 589 589 726 726 726 589 819 26 726 589 589 589 1056 1400 589 589 308 589 282 589 589 589 819 85 788 843 587 589 308 726 788 26 587 519 26 26 1356 589 1576 265 85 726 589 819 820 689 726 689 689 689 85 589 1005 1575 85 Thurston, Byron Tibbetts, David F Tidwell, Joel Tighe, Edward J Tilley Jr, James F Tilton, Carol A Tinsley, Purcell L Tirado, Edwin Tisdale, Marvin L Tjon, Vincent Tobin, John E Tobin, Roger Tobin, Theresa L Tobin, Thomas E Todd Jr, John V Todman, Alpheus Tolbert, Glenn R Toledo, Edward J Tolliver, David L Tolliver, Marlayna J Tolliver, Veronica D Tolson, Daniel L Tomassian, Russell J Tompkins, Ormayne Toney, Samuel M Tonge, Leasea Tonkinson, Doyle E Toohey, Charles F Toohey, Kevin W Toomey, Francis M Topete, Bonnie Torres, Angel R Torres, Evangelina Torres, Fausto N Torres, Jack Torres, Juan Carlos Torres, Robert S Toscano, Robert A Touchstone, Robert E Towne, Elvin B Townsend, Sandra L Townsend, Wesley Tramel, Renata Tramontano, Vincent Tramontozzi Jr, Francis A Tran, Loan Tran, Su V Tran, Thanh Trantel, Eric A Traut, Thomas D Trautmann, Joe F Travers, Carolyn M Travis, Giles O Traynor, Richard A Treanor, Timothy P Trevethan, Michael D Trice, Derrick L Tringali, Michael J Trinh, David Trischitta Jr, Frank S Troianiello, Joseph Trongone, George B Trotter, Vernon E Trotty, Martha Troung, Hoi I Troupe, Charles Q Troupe, Yul M Troutt Jr, James R Troxell, Charles M Troy, Joanne C Truesdale, Bryant F Trujillo, Rudy Trusell, Pamela Tsaintoulas, Sotirios E Tse, Kin L Tsoukalas, Michael Tubbs, Andra Tucker, James M 1056 788 880 589 589 589 1300 880 823 265 589 589 587 587 589 589 26 726 788 589 26 689 589 788 85 589 587 589 589 589 265 589 1277 587 726 1277 265 589 1267 398 788 308 880 618 589 589 1575 265 1179 268 587 1300 241 714 618 1300 689 589 589 726 726 589 788 589 1277 788 788 265 726 589 689 1001 1056 589 589 589 308 589 Tucker, Michael E Tuning, Daryl L Turchio, Cono Turnbough, James E Turner, Angel L Turner, Kelvin T Turner, Mark A Turner, Maryjo D Turner, Michael N Turner, Robert T Turner, Scott T Turner, Timothy L Tuttle, John Twaites, Georgia Twomey, James F Ubah, Augustine U Uhren, Michael P Ulloa, Javier V Ulmer, Curtis L Ulrich, Gerard Ulrich, Jon C Ulysse, Alande Umana, Eddie Underwood, Catherine R Une, Jeremy B Uraga, Faustino Urban, Christopher F Urbaniak, John R Urbaniak, Richard F Valdes, Ginnette G Valdez, Armando R Valdivia, Henrietta Valencia, Daniel A Valenti, Charles Valenti, Paul Valenti, Thomas V Valentini, Marcello Valenzuela, Rodolfo Valery, Ritchie Valliere, Keith Valliere, Stephen Valys, Keith J Van Auken, Randolph S Van Hemert, Peter M Van Lieu, Christina M Van Loan, Malverse Vanderpool, George E Vanderveer, Edward Vann, Richard C Vannoy, Robin G Vargas, Belinda Vargas, David Vargas, Victor M Vargason, John H Vargo, Gary G Vargo, Joseph S Varkey, Michael Varley, William D Vasconi, Francis E Vasquez, Anthony Vasquez, Sasha Vaughan, Dean A Vaughan, Thomas P Vaughan, Todd Vaughn, Leroy D Vaughn, Willie F Vaughns Jr, David Vayos, Thomas G Vecchio, Jarrod R Vechter, Richard L Vega, Julian Vega, Obed Velasquez, Iris Velasquez, Rogelio Velez, William D Veloza, Edward Venditto, Chris R Vercosa, Amarildo M 308 689 726 308 85 1338 26 589 589 192 85 627 587 758 589 589 587 1056 587 726 1309 589 1056 85 587 726 589 587 587 589 821 1287 1309 726 85 726 589 1309 589 589 589 589 282 788 1001 880 1145 880 1179 26 308 726 726 1005 85 788 1056 85 1145 726 589 587 589 726 689 689 192 726 589 85 589 726 822 726 820 589 726 1056 www.atu.org Vertus, Jean A Vialet, Ginette Vicinanza, Frank Vick, Janice Vicuna, John Vidrio, Richard G Vietmeier, John D Vietri Jr, Alfred Viggiani, Gene Vignola, Nicholas Villa, Jose L Villahermosa, Jose Villalva, Berta A Villasenor, Juan S Virgo, Karl Vitale, Robert Vizcaino, Coriolano Volel, Gregory J Von, Winner Np Vong, Sing Vreeland, Richard L Vukosa, Steve A Vunck, Marcus L Wacker, James J Waddington, Carol A Wade, Bernard Wade, Bruce E Wade, Christopher Wade, David W Wade, Diane D Wagner, Wayne A Waiters, Thomasina E Walker III, Doyle J Walker, Alicia Walker, Anthony Walker, Anthony Walker, Bradley P Walker, Chanae Walker, Deborah R Walker, Eloise M Walker, Felton E Walker, Janet L Walker, John R Walker, Lydia A Walker, Marcus E Walker, Perry J Walker, Rita Walker, Roy E Walker, Samuel I Walker, Theresa M Wallace III, Francis B Wallace, Barbara Wallace, Barbara A Wallace, Eugene A Wallace, Eunice M Wallace, James M Wallace, Marvin L Wallace, Michael A Wallace, Ricardo T Wallace, Stanley Wallace, Thomas D Wallace, Thomas R Walsh, Brian C Walsh, Christopher Walsh, Daniel S Walsh, Dermot F Walsh, Joseph L Walsh, Paul J Walstrom, Douglas R Walters, Gloria Walters, Matthew Walthers, Andrew R Walton, Benjamin E Walton, Ralph W Wambold, Susan T Wanders, David M Ward, Angel A Ward, Bruce E www.atu.org 589 822 726 1235 726 265 85 1309 726 726 1309 758 1555 589 589 726 726 589 589 265 1575 589 265 1342 265 1338 1056 1575 85 788 587 589 998 1564 241 589 843 589 589 241 1056 85 1338 85 192 880 26 714 589 308 589 1338 788 788 788 589 1070 241 268 788 689 85 589 589 589 589 589 589 726 880 726 587 19 589 589 589 689 714 Ward, Chris G Ward, David A Ward, Joseph F Ward, Michel D Ward, Stewart R Wardlow, Wayne Warner, David E Warner, Jeffrey P Warner, Michael L Warner, William R Warren, Carlos W Warren, Easter M Warren, Margaret E Warren, Tarron Washington Jr, Vinson M Washington, Almer A Washington, Carroll Washington, Charnita Washington, Erika M Washington, Raymond L Washington, Shirley L Washington, Wanda V Wasik, Donna M Wassiliew, Victor N Waters, Donte M Waters, Kenneth L Waters, Stephanie D Waters, William Watkins, Alfred J Watkins, Anthony D Watkins, Dwayne A Watkins, Kevin L Watkins, Larry E Watkins, Roxann J Watson, Antoinette Watson, Edward R Watson, Melvin M Watson, Rolanda Watson, Yvonnjamaria Watt, Robert J Weakly, Norman P Weathers, Michael L Weatherspoon, David Weatherspoon, Laurica Weaver, Renee D Webb, Jerri Lynne Webb, Michael S Webb, Nancy A Webb, Stephen M Webster Jr, James Webster, Brandon K Webster, Brian E Webster, Jerbe A Wedderburn, Nigel V Weddington, Gloria J Weekes, Philmore B Weems, Curtis Wehner, David C Wehr, Marlene Wehrmeister, Brian A Weiner, Darryl Weinstein, John A Weiss, Joshua M Weitzman, Karl Welby, Michael Welch, Patrick E Welch, Robert B Wells, Alan Wells, Demathraus Y Went, Peter S Wentz, Kirt L Wesley, Michael West III, Arthur J West, Brian A West, Doris L Westbrook Jr, Fred A Wettergreen, John M Wettergreen, Mariellen 1235 589 589 689 1056 241 788 587 398 1575 587 788 1300 26 689 589 822 1564 587 627 192 610 85 589 689 689 1300 689 589 689 788 26 1342 192 1056 880 241 726 788 1056 1056 1056 788 256 587 398 587 587 589 85 26 85 587 1056 788 589 26 85 1091 85 265 589 589 268 589 587 589 26 308 689 843 1577 689 1056 819 26 589 589 Whalen, James E Whalen, Michael D Whalen, Richard M Whalen, Thomas F Whatley, Andre R Wheeler, Adrienne D Wheeler, Richard Whelan, Richard Whetstone, Olivia Whippen, Brian E Whipple, Shirley M Whitaker Jr, Robert Whitaker, Stephanie Whitby, Ricardo P White, Andrea White, Arndray White, Bruce B White, Eddie White, James White, James L White, Joy White, Juanita White, Kevin L White, Michael T White, Pamela C White, Robert White, Ronald E White, Walter D White, William J Whitehead, Michael A Whitehead, Thomas Whiting, Deborah J Whiting, Robert E Whitley, David F Whitney, Leonard Whittle, Randy Wick Jr, William Wick, Lonnie H Wicker, Ida Lee Wigandt, Douglas E Wiggins, Glenda B Wilbourn Sr, Armond C Wilburn, Carl W Wilburn, Inga P Wilcox, Mark J Wilcutt, Robert Wilder, Tiffany Wilderness, Helen R Wiley, Addis G Wiley, Dianna Wiley, Marcus R Wiley, Stephen A Wilk-Smith, Alberta A Wilkes, Lewis A Wilkes, Tony E Wilkins, Jacquin L Willey, Charles Williams, Alexander B Williams, Almazine Williams, Brenda Joyce Williams, Bruce M Williams, Cassandra Williams, Charlene Williams, Cornelius Williams, David L Williams, Deborah B Williams, Denise Marie Williams, Edwin A Williams, Effie J Williams, Falisla Williams, George A Williams, Hilda Williams, Howard J Williams, Jacqueline M Williams, James N Williams, Jeffrey L Williams, Jennifer L Williams, Jerome K 85 998 589 589 1342 689 589 589 1300 589 694 820 819 689 85 726 726 1093 726 689 726 589 1056 726 1177 589 1177 85 589 587 1338 788 788 587 265 1091 589 589 788 589 1177 788 85 308 589 618 1338 788 726 726 589 26 282 822 26 1309 398 788 1164 192 788 819 589 788 282 1575 589 1179 192 726 689 819 85 788 26 589 85 587 Williams, Jerome K Williams, Jewell A Williams, John R Williams, Joseph Williams, Judy A Williams, Kory D Williams, Larry L Williams, Latarsa L Williams, Lautricia Williams, Lemont Williams, Linwood E Williams, Majorie Williams, Mark A Williams, Nikki T Williams, Pamela Williams, Patricia A Williams, Quentin E Williams, Renee Y Williams, Robin Williams, Roy R Williams, Stephanie Williams, Sylvia R Williams, Van K Williams, Wayne M Williams, William D Williford, George H Willingham, Damon Scott Willis, Troy M Wilmington, Dori L Wilson III, Johnny Wilson Jr, Wallace Wilson Jr, William Wilson, Charles R Wilson, Cheryl R Wilson, Christopher Wilson, Joehayward V Wilson, Juan T Wilson, Kathy V Wilson, Lloyd A Wilson, Nancy E Wilson, Nina M Wilson, Oliver S Wilson, Paul W Wilson, Richard C Wilson, S D Wilson, Theresa J Wilson, Tony C Wilson, William L Wimmer, Ingrid Winder, Malik J Wingard, Suleim J Winn, Vernon D Winsky, Jose A Winsor, David A Winston, Richard T Winter, Kevin W Winters, Ralph R Wisbey, Sherry T Witchko, Wayne S Witham, Garry R Witheril Jr, Dennis N Withers, Donald R Withers, Stanley J Witherspoon, Larry Witner, Thomas P Wittmer, Ralph A Witts, Thomas J Wockley, Jeffrey L Wohltjen, James Woldrufael, Girma Woleen, Randy Wolf, Frank W Wolf, Steven Wolfe, Charles Wolfmeyer, Gregory M Wolford, Darrell T Wong, Leighton G Wong, Andrew K 1342 589 589 589 1145 192 689 308 1338 726 1056 589 589 589 589 788 689 589 758 589 26 836 589 1300 26 880 788 1235 843 1338 589 26 85 847 1338 587 1056 1517 1056 880 85 1056 589 589 1575 282 587 1287 587 589 589 689 1056 1342 689 587 85 1015 85 589 587 820 689 1300 85 85 880 85 726 589 1342 880 726 880 788 85 589 589 Wong, Raymond Wong, William Woo, Raymond C Woo, Virgil Wood, Brian Wood, Mark Wood, Renee L Wood, Stanley E Wood, Vernon Woodroffe, Paul A Woods, Everett Woods, Gerard W Woods, Isaiah Wooten, Orvin L Wopperer, Dixie F Woshner, Gregory T Woulms, Michael P Wright-Oyekoya, Sharla L Wright, Arvesta Wright, Benedetta Wright, David Wright, Devron J Wright, Gardenia S Wright, John J Wright, Karen R Wright, Kevin Wright, Melvin Wright, Randy G Wright, Ricky Wright, Sean C Wright, Thelma Wright, W Douglas Wright, Zita R Wroblewski, Kevin J Wuschke, Robert D Wylie, Robert L Wynn Jr, William Wynne, Brian T Xiao, Xiaoliang B Yahya, Aminah Yakouty, Ismail Yarbrough, Lester Ybarra, Richard R Yeargin, Linda F Yee, Darrall Yeri-Obidake, Sandra Yiannousas, Liza C Yip, Kwong K Yore, John V Young Jr, Arthur J Young, Billie L Young, Cale N Young, Clarence Young, David K Young, Garnett R Young, James E Young, Larry D Young, Larry E Young, Ursulla V Young, Victor M Yuan, Kenny Yuen, King H Yuskauskas, Marianne Zabik, Jan Zablosky, Kim I Zajac, Stephen J Zambello, Joseph Zamora, Diego M Zawacki, Ronald R Zawacki, William M Zawaski, Maryanne K Zees, Manuel Zembsch, Kurt Ziegler, Doreen P Zigarovich, William J Zimmer, Joseph M Znidarzich Jr, John J Zuffante, Michael 1056 589 1575 589 85 589 1464 1464 26 589 241 589 689 788 587 85 627 589 308 998 1056 689 1300 589 85 788 820 788 308 589 819 256 589 726 589 1145 85 589 282 836 589 589 256 1235 589 265 589 1056 589 589 1300 1564 689 26 587 26 282 85 589 26 589 589 589 726 1433 589 589 821 85 757 589 726 1575 1056 85 85 85 726 MARCH/APRIL 2008 39 Zuffelato, Robert T Zuppe, James D Zwetzig, Michael J 589 589 757 PRESIDENT’S CLUB Abbarno, Joseph M 1342 Abbondanza, Raymond 85 Abeygoonesekera, Lakmin V1555 Abram Jr, William C 268 Acosta Jr, Eliseo 265 Adamczyk, Thomas 241 Adamowski, Linda M 398 Adams, Bryan D 788 Adams, Emma 821 Adams, Floyd A 689 Adams, Gordon 26 Adams, Joseph P 85 Adams, Kevin M 85 Adams, Letha 1338 Adams, Marc E 1179 Adams, Regina C 268 Adams, Richard D 1177 Adjieteh, Emmanuel 308 Ago, Isuf 726 Ahmad, Nasirullah 998 Alavanja, Zelyko 1235 Alba, Arthur A 998 Alberti, David A 85 Alcom, Timothy P 85 Alcorn, Sandra F 1287 Alejandro, Kim F 265 Alexander, Anthony 1235 Alexander, Larissa Y 788 Alexander, Philip H 1395 Alexander, William J 85 Alix, Fernando 825 Allan, William D 85 Allen Jr, Bryce L 85 Allen, Cynthia A 1300 Allen, David 788 Allen, Dewanna L 26 Allen, Dulvet A 241 Allen, Helen S 1001 Allen, Isabell P 627 Allen, Jacqueline 998 Allen, Lourrie A 241 Allen, Thomas Ray 1235 Allen, Veronica L 85 Allison, Andrew S 1577 Almbayed, Susan M 85 Almirante, Antonio 1309 Almond, Robert L 85 Alston, Beverly D 689 Alston, Bruce Francis 1277 Alston, Dane L 85 Alston, Glynnis M 26 Altmiller, Robert J 85 Alvardo, Jose 819 Alvarez, Hilary 726 Ambrose-Steckbauer, Robert L998 Ambrosino, Carmine A 1179 Ameli, Ghassem 822 Ames Jr, Robert L 1300 Ammer, Dennis J 85 Amoabeng, Charles 1091 Amoranto, Edwin G 1575 Amos, Roosevelt P 1338 Andara, Jose Mejia 1277 Anderson III, Ulysses S 268 Anderson, Alan D 85 Anderson, Alfonso 998 Anderson, Carla L 1575 Anderson, Diann F 1555 Anderson, Don E 85 40 IN TRANSIT Anderson, Dwight O Anderson, James Edward Anderson, Jeffrey N Anderson, Jerome J Anderson, Jerry L Anderson, Kim L Anderson, Lionel Anderson, Lisa Anderson, Marcus P Anderson, Michael J Anderson, Natakianika N Anderson, Norman C Anderson, Rodney E Andre Jr, Martin Andre, Cleatos R Andrew, Thomas R Andrews, Alberta Andrews, Dion N Andrews, Michael Andrews, Ronald Andrysczyk, Karen M Anes, Thomas A Antoine, Robert R Antonella, Sean Antonovich, Bryan Antonovich, Gary A Applewhite, Carol Arbaczewski, Gerard R Archer, Orin G Arend, Jeffrey L Arenth, Christopher C Armstead, Ronald G Armstrong, Pamela Y Arno, Donald R Asbury, Calvin Asbury, Lee M Ashe, Sheila L Ashford, Sherman J Askew, Charlotte M Askew, Nathaniel L Atkinson, Carrenthia Atwal, Kirpal S Augenstein, Jason S Augustine, James Austin, Frederick D Austin, Maurice Autore, Donald L Avenoso, Ronald Averett, Derrick E Avery, Terry L Ayaz, Bahattin Aycart, Rene M Ayele, Mulugeta A Bacher, John R Back, Gary L Bacon III, Clifford Badillo, James Bagley, Dawn E Bagley, Richard Bahar, Ephraim A Bailey, Adrienne N Bailey, Brian O Bailey, David A Bailey, Desmond R Bailey, Eric Bailey, Gary B Bailey, Robert E Bailey, Tyrone Bailey, William Bailiff Jr, Edgar Baines, Marilyn T Baker Jr, William Baker Sr, Kenneth L Baker, Darrell D Baker, Judy A Baker, Nedgra D 825 1277 1309 788 1324 1324 788 627 268 726 1564 1015 1338 788 85 19 788 689 1164 85 998 85 1005 85 788 85 689 85 689 85 85 689 788 714 1179 85 819 998 1177 85 1338 265 85 1056 241 241 85 726 26 26 1179 726 241 1179 1333 268 1436 85 85 268 1177 308 714 689 1001 1742 26 26 85 689 1235 825 998 998 268 1179 Baker, Peter J Balch, Beatrice L Baldwin, Darrell Balenton, Cheryl M Bales, Renee A Balint, Clinton E Baltzer, Bruce E Banachoski, Charles J Banks, Antwan M Banks, Mekelljon Banks, Ralph D Bannister, Glen E Bannon, Barbara J Bannon, Douglas E Banyai, Bernard William Barbary, Thomas S Barber, Arlene Y Barber, Brandon Barber, Felton Barber, Gregory E Barber, Myron N Barca, Christopher R Barczy Jr, Emory J Bareham II, James R Barger Jr, William T Barker, Robert G Barkovich, James Martin Barnes II, Billy Barnes Jr, Ernest Barnes Jr, Levi W Barnes, Blanche V Barnes, Edward C Barnes, Jeffery Barnes, Johnny Barnes, Lenee M Barnes, Tyree Barnes, Virginia A Barnes, Yvonne M Barnett, Jeffrey U Barnett, Ronald R Barone, Michael J Barrella, Daniel Barrett, Charles R Barrett, John Barrett, Kevin P Barrios, Pedro Barry, Dennis M Barson Sr, Lawrence T Bartee, Fredrick N Barthelemy, Brian P Bartko, Mark R Bartley, Margie A Basa, David W Baskin, Robert E Bast, Melodee L Bastida, Armando A Batch, Charles Wesley Bates, Alvin J Bates, Jacqueline M Bates, Lynnette L Bates, Richard H Batey, Fernecia M Battle, Wayne Batts, Tavia N Batzel, Joseph A Bauer, Kathleen A Baune, Raymond A Bautista, Debra K Bean Jr, Wilford T Bean, Michael A Beason, Charles B Beatty, Daniel Joseph Beatty, Vernell L Beaty, Jeffery S Beaty, Shirley Beck, Neil E 1235 1321 85 241 265 85 1001 85 788 1564 85 1400 85 85 85 1342 1177 1338 241 689 85 85 85 282 85 587 85 85 1235 788 1300 1235 1300 788 1015 268 998 268 85 26 1056 726 1235 726 85 1277 85 85 1338 85 85 788 85 1235 998 1309 1395 998 85 85 85 1235 1338 1564 268 627 1015 998 788 1342 788 85 85 1235 1338 1575 Becker, Tod Becks IV, George Becton, James W Bedford, Shirley Beilfuss, Charles P Belback, John A Belback, Joseph Paul Belback, Roberta L Bell, Cynthia A Bell, James E Bell, Michael A Bell, Michael D Bell, Robert J Bell, Rosemary I Bell, Tim E Bellard, Donald R Belt, Tammy M Benardis, Sotirios Bender, Edwin S Bender, Lisa J Bender, Regis P Bendtsen, Robert A Bennett, Gregory O Bensley, David E Benson, J L Benson, John W Benton, La Tonya A Benton, Willie Berard, Elie J Bercini, Carolyn Berdnik, Robert J Berkavich, Kevin W Berkavich, Rose Marie Berkley, Dean F Bernard, Milagros Bernthon, Thomas B Berry, Donna Bertschy, Walter H Betancourt, Daylin Bethavas, Steven Beverly, Rodney J Bey, Mumtaz M Bey, Richard A Beyah, Ericka A Bianchi, James V Bick, Kevin A Bickar, James R Bickar, Jason M Biel, Albert I Bilal, Charmaine H Bilbrey, Joe L Billing Jr, Grady Billingsley, Angelina M Bindus, Jason A Bingham, Robert P Binion, Larry Binkley, Larry W Bishop, Donna M Bitna, Prakash M Bivens, Jason A Black, Brenda A Black, Dan L Black, Gary Blair, Danny J Blake, Lashanette Blanchard, Antoinette M Blanford, Jacqueline E Blasco, Martin A Blasius, Linden G Blasko, Kirk S Blazer, Theresa E Blevins, Kathleen S Blobner, Ronald J Blocher, Greg Blue, Leonardo M Blue, William L 788 268 1179 627 998 85 85 85 1309 241 416 85 85 587 85 1338 192 1056 85 1309 85 85 587 1145 1338 282 1338 192 85 85 85 85 85 1287 1179 1145 1338 998 726 726 788 85 85 268 1235 85 85 85 1342 85 1235 26 788 85 85 26 1235 1287 1179 689 268 265 1436 1309 788 85 26 85 268 85 1235 192 85 836 85 85 Blundell, Daniel J Blunt, Wanda A Boada, Mauro R Boado, Jojo M Boatman, Donald E Boddie, Callen Boddie, Phyllis Bodnar, Albert M Boehm, Stephen J Boggess, Laurie Lynn Boggs, Richard K Boitnott, Judith A Boldware, Darlene M Bolivar, Renee E Bolton, Rochell D Bomar, Lester W Bond, Grace J Bongioranni, Anthony Bonidie, Michael A Bonidie, Roy A Bonilla, Arnaul Bonneau, Debra A Bonner, Leonard J Bonura, George C Bonzell, David G Booker, George C Booker, Karema N Booker, Ollie D Booker, Regis D Booker, Steven M Boone, Beatrice Boone, Reginald F Booth, Robin J Borders, John L Born, John P Borodycia, Christine Borowski, Douglas L Borowsky, William T Borruso, Robert Bosco, Anthony D Boss, Kenneth D Bossert, John R Boston, Shamerra L Boswell, Christi L Boswell, Rhonda Bouldin, Coleatha A Bound, Jerome M Bower, Gloria J Bower, John J Bowers, Anthony W Bowers, Elijah L Bowers, Kelvin B Bowers, Linda K Bowers, Phyllis Y Bowers, Rhonda S Bowers, Rose Lee Bowers, Toi W Bowman, Phyllis A Bowman, Sandra Bowser, Doran M Boxley, Elizabeth Boyd, Anthony Boyd, Curtis Boyd, Robert L Boyer, Karl P Boyle, Daniel W Boyle, James C Boyle, Timothy P Bracken, Wendy L Bradley, Arnell A Bradley, Curtis Bradley, Tyrone Bradley, William E Bradshaw, Ralph S Brady, Carrie A Brady, James W 998 1300 820 587 1575 752 1177 85 85 85 1338 587 268 398 689 1235 1338 726 85 85 587 85 85 85 1277 85 1179 268 788 689 1300 268 26 1464 416 85 85 85 726 1179 1309 726 880 1309 85 26 268 85 519 1235 1015 241 998 1235 1015 836 308 1177 587 85 85 85 1342 1015 1056 85 85 587 788 1338 1091 282 85 85 998 1300 www.atu.org Brager, Edmund A Brame, Debra A Branch Jr, Charles A Branch, Charles A Brandon, Angela M Brandt, Douglas S Branker, Kerwin Brannon, Anthony Brannon, L H Brannon, Shawn M Brar, Harmeet Braun, Daniel Keith Braxton Jr, Samuel W Braxton, Andrew W Bray, Camille M Bray, Dana Edward Brazle, Vaughn K Breazeale, Patsy L Breeden, Jeannie A Breedlove, Heather K Breisinger, David A Brennan, Arthur F Bressler, Lance T Brewer, Bernadette D Brewer, Dennis E Brewer, Steven C Bridges, Ginger Bridges, Marion Brinkman, Thomas J Brister, Sheila Britt, Andrianne Brock, Garnett C Brock, Richard H Brooks, Lamont Brooks, Michael O Brooks, Michelle L Brophy, Patrick J Brown Jr, Melvin J Brown Jr, Milton Brown, Angela S Brown, Brian C Brown, Calvin Brown, Christopher A Brown, Cornelius Brown, Donna C Brown, Douglas J Brown, Henry Brown, Henry L Brown, James Brown, James B Brown, John W Brown, Keith M Brown, Kevin Brown, Leo Brown, Norman R Brown, Pauline Brown, Regina E Brown, Relondo J Brown, Ricky E Brown, Robert C Brown, Robert L Brown, Ronice Brown, Steve Brown, Sylvester Brown, Sylvia R Brown, Toyia Q Brown, Vickeith F Browne, William F Browner, Paul Bruce, Edward Bruder, Darlene M Brunetti, Francis A Bruno, Leonard Bryant, Willie O Brynildson, Donald J Brzykcy, Joseph www.atu.org 682 26 1235 1235 998 85 1300 1179 1338 85 843 85 26 268 1015 26 1338 587 26 26 85 589 1333 26 998 1235 268 819 627 1338 1338 85 268 1338 85 268 85 26 1338 1300 998 282 85 1235 1342 1015 1338 998 1338 998 192 241 998 26 26 788 788 998 1287 788 1235 85 1447 26 26 268 26 85 627 268 85 85 1342 998 1005 1342 Bucar III, George Bucci, Anthony F Bucero, Diego Buchanan, Rodgers Buchholtz, Dennis L Buckley, Kenneth J Buckson, John R Budowski, Konstantin Buenaventura, Cesar Buettner, Robert A Buggs, Sandra J Bugni-Coleman, Heidi S Bullock, Daniel C Bullock, Kenneth W Bunch, Bernetta M Bundy, Timika M Bunkley, Darryl Burchell, Linda L Burgess Jr, Harold V Burgess, Vern L Burk, John R Burket, Donald N Burkett, John R Burkhart, Donna C Burl, John Burnam, Richard L Burnett, Michael H Burnett, Robert Brandon Burns, Rusty Burns, Willie James Burrell, Donzell V Burris, Bettye Burry, Gary Burton Jr, Alfred Burton, Lucille Burton, Vonell Bush, Angela Busse, Bruce Joseph Butler, Anita L Butler, Daniel M Butler, Dorothy N Butler, Eugene Butler, Lillie B Butler, Phillip Butler, Ray Butler, Ronald E Butler, Timothy Butterfield, Sandra Butts, Edwin Byarse, Reginald Bylsma, James E Byrd, Bobbye Byrd, Patricia A Byrd, Tina L Cabrera, Herminio Cage, Edward Cain, Antonio O Cain, Randall Calcagno, Ronald Caldito, Wilfred Calhoon, David R Calhoun, Celeste Calhoun, Sabrina Denise Calk, Matthew S Calkin, Scott F Calloway, Lester Calloway, Norma J Calloway, Timothy J Calton, Robert J Cameron, David W Cameron, Thomas S Camp, Kimberly Camp, Michael D Campbell, Calvert R Campbell, Danny R Campbell, Elizabeth 85 85 1056 1235 1436 589 998 682 1309 85 192 587 26 26 1277 85 26 85 85 1015 85 1300 757 587 256 398 1015 1277 85 788 1056 1338 1575 788 682 268 26 1277 268 85 998 627 788 825 26 85 998 1310 627 268 788 241 788 26 1056 788 689 1309 726 265 752 85 192 85 1548 1564 1309 26 820 85 85 1338 282 998 1338 1287 Campbell, Lorna M Campbell, Michael J Campbell, Ricky O Campbell, Rose B Cannon, Damion L Cantrell, Janise L Cantwell, Gary P Canty, Lezette P Capaci, Anthony M Capell, H Grant Capers, Lewis C Cappellett, Brian J Cappetta, Christopher P Capshaw, George T Caputo, Leonard Caracciolo, Nicholas Caraway, William E Cardenas, Joe A Cardwell, Bruce J Carey, David C Carey, William F P Carini, George F Carlisi, Frank Carlisle, Matthew Carlton, Gordon J Carmichael, Raymond L Carnes, Mary E Carney, Karen A Carr, Christopher J Carr, Edward S Carr, Wilbur K Carriero, Carl F Carrillo, Hector Carroll, Clara M Carroll, Edward J Carroll, Eric N Carroll, Robert P Carson, George Carswell, Larry Carten, John A Carter Jr, Allen Carter Jr, Samuel Carter, Allison Carter, Giles L Carter, Gwendolyn L Carter, Jimmie Carter, Joyce A Carter, Kay F Carter, Linda O Carter, Michael K Carter, Reginald Carter, Robert L Carter, Russell M Carter, Sharon Carter, Willie Carthins Jr, Lafayette Cartwright, Tony L Caruso, Donald J Caruthers, Patsy A Carver, Gary E Cary, Ira Lee Casarez, Teresa Casciano, Patrick Casciato, Nicola J Cascio, Guiseppe Cason, Lorenzo Cassan, Sam A Castelli, Angelo Castillo, John M Caston, Michael L Catalan, Guillermo Cataldo, Thomas J Catarcio, Nick D Caughman, Bennie L Cavannaugh, Margaret Ceballos Jr, Raul 1179 85 1300 85 689 1070 85 241 587 587 587 1145 85 1235 726 85 1338 1001 268 1436 589 85 1179 1338 26 1564 85 85 85 85 26 268 822 1300 1177 1400 726 1338 682 589 627 825 788 1742 998 1436 836 1309 1309 1056 1338 1177 85 1338 1395 825 1235 85 1235 1287 1742 1564 726 85 1179 1309 1015 726 1267 241 1309 1309 89 1179 268 1575 Cella, James G Celony, Etienne Ceravolo, Gregory Cerra, Richard M Chamberlain, Tamula D Chambers, Darryl Chambers, Keith A Chancellor, Tammy L Chandler, Marcus A Chaney, David Lee Chapman, Reginald Chappell, Dorothy L Chappell, Jacqueline D Charles, James J Charles, Jean M Chase, Lane Chaudry, Shahid Chavez Jr, Isidro Chavez, Edwin Chavis, Pamela Cheatam Jr, James E Cheriyan, Jacob Cherubini, Jeffery Chesney, Minnie P Cheta, Nankumar Chiarenza, John Chin, Renard Chiodo, Dean F Chisco, Damian S Chodor, Mary K Choice, Charles Choice, Yolanda Chrisp, Crystal Victoria Christian, Deboss D Christiansen, John A Chriswell, Kevin Chung, Du M Churney, Jan B Cialone, Angelo M Ciardo, Sebastian Cibula, Christopher Cichoski, Raymond J Clancy, Stephen Clark, Carliss Y Clark, Jackylon L Clark, Jerel M Clark, Michael W Clark, Ralph J Clark, Terra J Clark, William F Clark, William S Clarke, Andrew B Claudino, John Clawsell, Stephen A Clay, Ronnald B Clay, Timothy Clay, Vicki Clemens, Patrick F Clementi, Steven G Clements, Arthur M Cleveland, Christopher Cleveland, James E Cliff, Melvin E Clifton, Mitchell Clore, Cheryl Clough, Caronda Clouser, Timothy A Clukey, James A Coale, Robert D Cobb, Daron Cobb, Delores Coburn, Jimmie C Coburn, Phillip R Cochran Jr, Edward L Cockrell, Jacqueline Y Cockroft, Rhonda R 85 821 85 85 1235 788 627 85 1338 85 26 1209 1177 85 1056 758 1056 241 819 85 1436 726 998 1164 1056 1179 825 85 85 85 1338 1338 788 1338 1015 26 1300 85 85 998 85 85 85 788 1212 26 1267 85 26 880 788 1056 726 85 1235 26 998 998 998 689 1338 1015 282 26 1309 1338 1436 1309 587 26 788 26 1742 26 1300 998 Cody, Olliver L 788 Coffee, Elna D 1235 Coffy, Jeffrey T 85 Cohen, Joseph 825 Cohn, Matthew P 85 Colarossi, Richard C 85 Colbert, Herschel 627 Coldren, Mary 85 Cole Jr, James W 85 Cole, Bernadette J 1300 Cole, Susan M 85 Colega, Samuel J 85 Coleman Jr, Maurice 241 Coleman, Cornelia A 788 Coleman, Glenda P 1091 Coleman, James 1338 Coleman, Melissa G 1235 Coleman, Ruth A 308 Coles, Leslie T 85 Coley, John J 85 Coley, Mark J 85 Collana, Charles J 1342 Collar, Fred C 589 Collell, Jim L 757 Collier, Cynthia 1338 Collier, Erving V 26 Collier, Montenia F 268 Collin Jr, John D 85 Collins Sr, John J 85 Collins, Adam B 85 Collins, Alfreda L 788 Collins, Cheryl D 1177 Collins, Donald J 788 Collins, Ernest T 268 Collins, Gregory P 1338 Collins, Juanita L 85 Collins, Kevin F 1575 Collins, Larry L 627 Coln, Theodor 1056 Colorado, John 820 Colton, Edith M 998 Colwell, Richard J 85 Comanici, Robert S 85 Compton, Joe W 268 Compton, Pamela K 883 Compton, William M 998 Conkle-Taylor, Karen D 268 Conley, John R 85 Conley, Kerry P 85 Conner, Gregory D 268 Conner, Jefferey T 1338 Conners, Bradley J 85 Connerton, Patrick H 998 Connor Jr, Lawrence A 85 Connor, Douglas E 85 Connor, Thomas P 1464 Connors, Louis W 85 Connors, Richard M 1309 Conrod, Lamesa L 788 Conroy, Thomas R 85 Conte, Anthony 85 Contreras, Roberto 825 Contristano, Gerard A 85 Conway, Lizabeth L 998 Conwell, Tammy Y 1235 Cook, Elaine R 26 Cook, Grover C 689 Cook, Ronald 1164 Cooks, Olivia B 788 Coonce, John E 788 Cooper Jr, Ottie 268 Cooper-Williams, Kimberly1338 Cooper, Bryan W 1300 Cooper, Darrell D 1575 Cooper, Kenneth 788 Cooper, May L 998 MARCH/APRIL 2008 41 Cooper, Sherman Cooper, Willie Cope, Robert L Copeland, Elaine Copeland, Robert E Corbett, Paul Cordell, Dwayne Cordero, Jose Cordero, Ricky Cordiello, Michael Corleto, Mario Corley, Renee Cornelius, Anthony D Corner, Paulett Corona, Jose A Corpening, Calvin Corradetti, Luciano Cortes, Gerardo Cortes, Harry Cortez, Manuel G Cosgrove, Kevin D Costanza Jr, Frank Costello, Donald J Costello, Judith A Coston, Gregory Cotham, Richard F Coto, Patrick Cotton, Kenneth M Couch, Herbert W Couchenour, David Cox Jr, Mathew B Cox, Barry D Cox, Jerome Coyne, James E Cozad, Larry R Craig, Vickie L Crain, Travis J Cravens, Clifton Crawford Jr, William Crawford, David H Crawford, Lyndon O Crawford, Stacy Crawl, Philip Crear Jr, Lester E Crewl, Dawn M Crichley, Janet L Crigler, Lyvyra C Crisanto, Luis Q Crisp, Garry D Criswell, Victor D Crivaro, Charles Crocco, Eugene Cromity, Mary C Crooms, Charles D Crosby, Milton W Crosby, Paula P Crosby, Ronald J Crosby, Tamacie Pamela Crosby, Tina Crose Jr, Lloyd E Cross, Eddie L Cross, Glenie Cross, Lovell Cross, Orlando Crosswright, Christopher Crovak, Walter J Crowder, Loretta Crumpton, Donvale Anissa Crupi, Richard D Crutcher, Jimmy L Cruz Jr, Robert Cruz, John Cruz, Larry M Cruz, Miguel Cruz, Sergio Cuba, Eduardo D 42 IN TRANSIT 282 825 85 998 26 85 26 821 726 1181 1179 788 1436 241 587 26 85 726 822 1277 268 85 85 268 1309 1235 85 26 85 85 1575 1517 85 998 627 788 1338 1338 268 1179 308 308 998 1277 85 85 788 587 689 192 85 726 268 627 26 85 85 26 1338 268 788 26 268 308 308 85 788 1179 726 1235 726 1056 726 821 265 1338 Culbert, Jacqueline 1287 Culbreth II, Walter 1056 Cullinan, John J 1287 Cullins, Edward 1338 Cummings, Christopher J 880 Cummings, Mark F 1742 Cunningham, Verlin E 825 Curb Jr, Allen 26 Curcio, Vasthi 1309 Curley, Jonathan G 85 Curry, Brian 1056 Curry, Gwendolyn 1342 Curry, Richard J 85 Curtin, Dennis M 1342 Curtis, Bessie C 998 Cyrus, Carletta P 26 Czajkoski, Edward J 85 Czintos, Eric Andrew 1277 Czwojdak, Lawrence 1342 D’Ambrogi, Suzanne 1575 D’Amore, Joseph S 589 D’Angelo, Mark J 726 D’Eliso II, Albert J 85 D’Oria, Antonio 1056 Da Forna, Paul B 1235 Dabbs, Donald 1338 Dacres, Glenroy 1056 Dailey, Douglas S 1576 Dale, Shawn R 627 Daley, David D 85 Dallas, Peggy A 998 Dandridge, James H 85 Danhires, Phillip D 85 Daniels, Arthur J 788 Daniels, Charles 627 Daniels, Gail 1338 Daniels, Glen W 1342 Daniels, James E 689 Daniels, Kimberly 836 Danielson, Carly J 757 Danko, Brenda L 85 Danko, William G 85 Danner, Ella M 268 Dansby, Vincent A 26 Dantzler, Billy W 998 Darby, Derek 726 Dartis Jr, William 1235 Dasaro, Dennis J 726 Daubel, Jenine L 1015 Daubney, Anthony M 1321 Davenport, Michael D 1235 Davenport, Torrance Lynwood1300 Davey, Timothy F 1145 David, Chery L 1324 David, Linda 1177 Davidson, Eric D 26 Davidson, James E 627 Davidson, Linda K 587 Davis III, Albert 1338 Davis Jr, James A 268 Davis Sr, Michael V 998 Davis, Alta L 788 Davis, Anasa 1338 Davis, Claudia J 1015 Davis, Craig B 85 Davis, Debra L 1564 Davis, Donald 268 Davis, Donnie A 1338 Davis, Gerald H 85 Davis, Gregory E 26 Davis, Harry 85 Davis, Herman E 1338 Davis, Irvin J 265 Davis, Jimmie 26 Davis, Karen M 85 Davis, Kim D 1300 Davis, Linda Davis, Margaretta Y Davis, Mark A Davis, Marven Davis, Marvin D Davis, Michael A Davis, Ozie Davis, Patrick W Davis, Robert E Davis, Robert S Davis, Robin L Davis, Ronald F Davis, Vivian E Dawkins, Robert L Dawkins, Timothy Dawson, Valeria Day, Marie L Daye, Michael D De Fazio Jr, Frank J De Felice, Nello De James, Mark A De Jesus Jr, Robinson De Jesus, Fred De Jesus, Jose L De Leon, Jorge De Moss, Sadie C De Nardo, Chris A De Rose, Andrew De Trolio, Charles G De Vaughn, Leland Dean, Steve A Dearing, Chandler Deatherage, Steven W Decker, Edward Decker, Victor M Dehaan, Christine M Deiseroth, Paul H Deitt, Thomas E Del Duca, Deborah L Del Sorbo, Sabato Delegram, Thomas M Delgado, Francisco J Deller, Jolene A Deluigi, Timothy A Delzer, David A Demeri, Richard L Demonbreum, Anto D Denisiuk, Tamara Dennis, Thomas Densmore, Daniel A Derganz, Paul M Desiante, Peter Desir, Leon Dethloff, James E Devera, Virgilio B Devers, Dennis J Devlin, Joseph D Devlin, Michael A Dhanpath, Dave H Di Diano, Nicholas Di Fiore, Frank Joseph Di Vella, Joseph Diario, Louis M Diaz, Marcos R Diaz, Ricardo Dibben, Andrew K Dibiasso, Paul M Dickens Jr, William C Dickens Sr, Larry G Dickenson, Ray Dickerson, James Dickson, John L Dienert, William J Diesslin, Michael J Dietz, Michael L Diggs, Bernadette G 1338 788 998 1564 85 689 241 1015 1235 85 85 1235 268 1336 282 1338 998 85 85 85 1342 1342 1056 1179 1575 1235 85 85 825 627 1384 265 1287 726 85 308 85 85 85 1342 85 1309 85 85 998 85 1235 587 682 85 85 1179 822 757 268 85 85 85 1179 85 85 85 726 1336 587 398 589 689 1300 788 1338 85 85 1005 85 1300 Dill Jr, Louie Gene Dilla, John E Dillard, James C Dillinger, Diana R Dillingham, Rufus V Dimitroff, Jeffrey M Dingle-El, Diane G Dings, Lawrence Dinwiddie, Carl Dionne, Steven D Dishong, Robert K Dixon, Eric D Dixon, Frederick J Dixon, Harold K Dixon, Larry O Dixon, Levay R Dixon, Michael R Dixon, Patricia Djedje, Freda D Djordjevic, Michael Doane, Cynthia S Dobson, Bruce H Doctolero, Ronald F Dodd II, James R Dolan II, Warren C Dolan, Michael P Dolessandro, John W Dollhopf, Brandon L Dominguez, Diego M Dominguez, Guillermo Donahue, Martha A Donald, Kassandra Donaldson, Sherly A Donaldson, Stephen F Donnelly, Ruth Ann Donohue, Ralph H Doom, Leslie A Dorreman Jr, Garret Dorsey Sr, Dyron D Dortch, Joyce Doss-Torello, Rosie B Doss, Sharon L Doster, Lucille L Dotson, Adreana Dotson, Donovan L Dougherty, Matthew T Doughrity, Deshon Mae Douglas, Cheryl Douglas, Jonnie E Douglas, Joseph Doviak, John S Dow, Suzette G Dowden, Mark D Downey, Donald E Downs, John A Doyle, Daniel L Doyle, Martha J Dragina, Sean E Drago, Vincent Drains, Judy Drakulic, George Drewery Jr, Edward Drishcler, Daniel R Dryburgh, Donald C Dubose, Tammy Denise Ducar, Robert M Duchaney, Susan F Ducrepin, Jean-Richard Dudziak, John D Duff, Seneca A Duffie, Rolanda Dugan, Michael J Dulski, Douglas D Dumo, Ray F Duncan Jr, Moses N Duncanson, Dennis J 192 85 85 85 689 85 1300 1548 265 1015 85 308 1235 1309 85 825 268 1338 268 998 1548 85 265 26 587 85 85 998 1277 726 1309 26 788 85 85 1575 1177 825 192 1338 788 1235 618 998 788 85 26 85 1338 85 85 726 85 85 85 85 788 85 726 26 85 268 85 85 1300 85 589 1179 1342 1235 1338 85 85 587 26 519 Duncan, Anthony Dunlap, Jeffrey E Dunn, Alvin S Dunn, James C Dunn, Nicholas Dupriest, John L Duran, Marco A Durk, Jacklyn F Dwyer, James P Dzikiy, Tina Marie Eads, Timothy R Eagle, Richard G Eason, James A Eatmon Jr, Sammie L Eaton, Kevin E Eberra, Michael W Echeverria, Jose Echols, Modesta Eckhardt, Gary W Eddins, James C Edinger, John P Edmerson, Ronnie V Edmondson, Neil R Edmundson, Cornelia Edwards, Alfred Edwards, Charles S Edwards, Dennis R Edwards, Derrick W Edwards, Douglas Edwards, Jennifer A Edwards, Michelle L Edwards, Thomas Larry Edwards, William J Egan, David L Eggar, Stephen Andrew Eggleston, Charles C Ehlert, Lance R Eiben, Gary J Eichelberger, Patricia A Eiermann, Donald R Einloth, Edward A El Amin, Musa Abdullah Elam, Frank E Eldridge, Kendrick Elias, Keith A Elicone, Marcello A Eller, Robert W Ellis Jr, William Ellis, Brenda S Ellis, Fredrick Ellis, James Ellis, Kionna L Ellis, Patricia A Ellis, Thomas R Elm, John Elzy, Amy R Emerson, Janet Y Emery, Charles W Emery, Richard K Emmons, Willie J Engelhardt, Kurt English, Frank H Enochs, Wilson D Enriquez, Rosario Ephraim, Chedwick Eppes, Barbara A Epps, Rodney Erickson, Rita M Erjavec, Marcia A Erkins, Ernest Erkins, James W Ervin, Yevonda D Erving, Everett L Erwert, Clair L Escobedo, Jose I Eskildsen, Lyn M 1338 998 1235 1235 825 268 1235 998 85 85 85 85 788 268 1015 1287 726 1342 85 1235 85 1309 85 1235 1338 689 998 1338 788 1338 85 1277 85 85 85 268 268 85 998 268 85 282 1338 1338 85 589 398 26 1309 1338 1164 998 788 998 85 1395 998 85 85 1338 85 1015 878 265 1338 1177 880 788 268 627 998 1212 1338 1015 1277 998 www.atu.org Espinosa, Zulma Esposito, Thomas Evans Jr, Speregon J Evans, Annette Evans, Brian A Evans, David Evans, David A Evans, Eddie L Evans, Edward A Evans, Erwin H Evans, Troy B Evans, Winslow A Everett, John O Evers, Dale Ewing-Chow, Peter Ewing, Gloria D Ezekial, Idella S Fabian, Nancy L Faccenda, Bernard N Fair, Diana L Fair, Mae Fairley Jr, Moses Falat, Joseph J Falls, Donna D Farah, Abdirizak Farar Jr, James E Farmer, Ernest Farrell, Robert Lee Farrington, Donna M Farrow, Kevin E Farzati, Bartholomew Faucette, Donald F Faulkner, Margaret A Fayne, Pamela L Feagin, Derrick Fears, Jerry Feeney, John J Felder, Sylvia Felicetty, Shannon P Felton, Leon G Felton, Mindy L Felton, Sharon Fenlock, David G Ferguson, Timothy M Fernacz, Joyce A Fernacz, Richard A Ferrari, Daniel R Ferrell, Mickey R Ferrington, Keith D Ferson, Daniel W Fetsick, Thomas Lynn Fewell, Michael J Fey, James P Fields, Derek A Fields, Judy Fields, Mario D Figueroa Jr, Juan R Finch, Pamela B Finkelstein, Stuart M Finley, Frederick Fischer, Mark J Fischer, William A Fisher, Gary R Fisher, James D Fisher, John M Fisher, Sandra J Fisher, William J Fiske, Thomas E Fite III, John Fite Jr, Alvin Fite, Jeffrey Fitzgerald, Thomas W Fitzgerald, Timothy L Fitzpatrick, Kimberly D Fitzpatrick, Thomas J Fiumara, John L www.atu.org 1179 726 26 1212 85 26 241 1338 689 1338 1179 1056 1342 998 1267 1235 689 1575 85 85 1338 282 268 1235 998 689 241 1235 1547 85 85 689 1300 788 627 268 85 1287 85 689 1015 1338 85 85 85 85 85 752 85 85 85 85 85 1287 241 26 1056 85 1179 26 1015 85 1384 519 85 788 85 1235 308 1235 85 85 1235 85 85 85 Flannery, D Kevin Fleisner, Raymond Flemming, Ernest G Fletcher, William M Flores, Adrian Flores, Anna C Flores, Ines Flowers, Gary A Flowers, Laurence C Flowers, Warren L Floy, Hilary A Floyd, Janet R Floyd, Marcus A Floyd, Robert L Fly, Michael A Flythe, Carol Oliver Fogg, John M Foisy, Donald B Foley, Timothy M Foley, William A Fondren Jr, Floyd Fonos, Richard M Fonseca, Joao Vicente M Fontana, Irelvin Forbes, Althea A Forbes, Tomeka L Ford Sr, Michael W Ford, James A Ford, James O Ford, Nickole Ford, Robert L Ford, Stanley M Ford, Theresa Forde, Frank Gerard Forester, John R Forester, Wayne T Forland, Johnnie F Forno, Ernest J Forster, Robert J Fortino, Anthony J Fortuna Jr, Frank W Foster Jr, John H Foster, Barton I Foster, Charles Foster, Wayne P Fouch, Shannon M Foulk, Robert J Fountain, James L Fowler, Doris J Fowler, Robert J Fowlkes, Seglenda Fox Jr, Steven W Fox, Franklin C Fox, Michael J Fox, Sheila Ann Frager, Rosemary Franchino, Joanne M Francis, Arthur Francis, Ray Franco, Andrew Franklin, Cecil T Franklin, Cheryl J Franklin, Robert H Franta, Andrew Frattaroli, Anthony Frauens, Thomas J Frayne, Allen R Frazier, Joseph Frazier, Leonard Frazier, Samuel J Frazier, Sekina D Frazier, Tyler Freck, John W Frederick, Denise Freeman, Bruce L Freeman, Clarissa 85 85 689 1342 1309 1309 1277 1056 1277 689 726 1235 1342 1177 689 1300 689 587 85 589 788 85 1575 825 85 1177 1212 1338 1342 85 610 689 1342 1277 788 788 1015 1145 85 268 1177 268 726 26 85 241 568 26 788 85 241 85 1300 85 998 788 1309 788 820 265 689 26 1300 627 85 85 1342 85 1287 85 1464 268 1267 1300 998 1338 Freeman, Fred J French, Marcus Freund, Michael I Frey, Jennifer C Fridia, Howard G Frisch, Christopher J Frisoli, Anthony Frost Jr, Jerome A Frost, Anthony C Fruechte, Alan P Fryer, Emmett Fugate, Yenerall D Fulford, Lee E Fuller, Mary C Fuller, Rhoda Fulton, Gloria A Fuqua-El, Gwendolyn D Fuqua, Lonnie Gaertner, Daniel A Gailes, Renda J Gaillard, Bruce A Gaither, Barbara Galante, Glenn G Galiyas, Gary J Gallagher, Jan Gallegos, Robert A Gandia, Noel Gannon, Thomas J Gant, Norman Richard Garay, Roberto U Garcia, Andrew Garcia, Carmel Garcia, David Garcia, Jose Gardner, Becky L Gardner, Donald E Gardner, Jared D Gardner, Lashon Gardner, Nora Gardner, Willie C Garigan, Reggie D Garland, Norma S Garner Jr, George W Garner, Debra A Garner, Joseph F Garner, Patricia Garner, Yvonne Garrett, Evelana C Garrett, Ronald E Garris, Deborah Garrison, Marlon B Garver, Paul T Gary, Michael L Garza, Mike Gates, Melvin Gates, Timothy D Gatewood, Kenneth Gatherwright, Malcolm Gathing, Kenya R Gatto, Carl T Gaudette, Diane M Gayfield, Gernice Geary, Timothy Gee Jr, Haywood Geer, Lawrence E Gellman, David Gelormini, Joseph M George, Raju George, Ricky Geramita, Frank D Gerber Jr, George F Gerber, David J Gerkin, Michael L Gettys, Randall R Giambra, Steven Gibbs, Barry A 1342 627 587 998 1338 241 85 689 26 519 268 1056 998 1575 1338 610 85 1342 85 26 265 627 85 85 85 1001 726 627 1464 1338 998 192 1056 682 1192 1015 788 726 1235 788 1015 85 85 788 85 689 85 1338 85 1300 26 85 1179 265 788 85 26 627 788 85 714 788 1447 998 268 726 85 1338 819 85 85 85 85 268 821 1056 Gibson, Michael D Gielata, Michael E Gierczynski, Richard J Gigliotti, Edward Gil, Jennie L Gilbert, William F Gilchrist, Simon M Giles, Anthony Giles, John A Giles, Kimberly A Giles, Patricia A Gilkerson, Pat H Gill, Dalvinder S Gill, David Gill, Thermond E Gillespie Jr, Lyle Gilliam III, Richard Gilliam, Corlette Gillie, Elton Gillon, David R Gills, Elbert L Gilmer, Brian P Gilmore, Eunice V Gilmore, Kathleen E Gilmore, Larry B Gilmore, Paul J Gilstrap, Philip M Ginsberg, Norton Giovannelli, Frank G Gist, Nickilyn Givan, Anthony K Givens, Louis Givens, Ray F Glaser, Gregory R Glasow, Robert J Glass, Johnny L Glaze, Daryl Glossett, Lee Allen T Glover, Ashton Glover, Patrice A Gluck, Alan H Goad, Charles R Godbold Jr, Odell Godesky, Thomas F Godwin, William M Goggins, Anita A Goldman, Howard D Goldsberry, Robert Golnik, James P Golob, Glenn M Golofski, Christopher Golofski, Joanne S Gomez, Jose S Goncalves, Serafim M Gonzales, Becky Gonzales, Marsha A Gonzales, Virginia Gonzalez, Jose A Gonzalez, Ramon E Gonzalez, Rodolfo Jose Gonzalez, Sandra L Gonzalez, Wilfredo Goob, John J Gooden, Claudia A Gooden, Kenneth A Goodman, Charles R Goodman, Robert L Goodwin, David E Goodwin, Donald Goodwin, Gary Gordier, Russell W Gordon-Foote, Willette Gore, Kenneth E Gothe, Howard A Gould, Joseph M Gover, Robert E 85 85 85 1181 587 627 1015 823 1235 1336 732 1742 587 1338 998 788 26 268 998 85 1338 192 1300 85 689 587 1309 1056 85 1564 26 1324 788 85 1015 998 85 26 1056 85 1548 1235 26 85 1235 85 85 1179 308 1324 85 85 1277 1548 265 1287 265 880 1179 1464 682 820 85 1179 26 1309 1235 1015 627 1338 1575 788 1177 85 880 627 Gowen, Guy F 714 Gower, Judy D 1235 Graca, Kim E 268 Gracia Sr, Alfred 1277 Graham Jr, Thomas J 1309 Graham, Carl R 788 Graham, Charles E 1309 Graham, Elois 788 Graham, James E 1300 Graham, Johnny C 726 Graham, Leston S 1179 Graham, Sheryl Ann Young1309 Graham, Steven L 689 Graham, William L 1235 Gralish, Daniel C 85 Granberry Jr, Arthur 998 Grandberry, Cathy I 26 Granquist, Keith 726 Grant Jr, Norman 192 Grant, Bobby J 26 Grant, Jimmy 1338 Graves, Johnell 1324 Graves, Todd A 998 Gray, Anthony C 241 Gray, Edwin 1342 Gray, James L 689 Gray, Phyllis F 1177 Gray, Sherry 1235 Gray, Tesha M 788 Gray, Wadell 1338 Grays, Gregory D 26 Grays, Gregory R 689 Grays, Willie J 998 Green Aaron D 85 Green, Cassandra 26 Green, Clifton 1300 Green, Effrem S 1464 Green, Eunice D 265 Green, Fred 1015 Green, Lawrence C 1400 Green, Leona M 85 Green, Mary T 1400 Green, Shelton D 85 Green, Simon S 1056 Green, Timothy J 268 Greene, Jimmie V 26 Greene, Luann L 85 Greenhill, John H 1235 Greenlee Jr, Charles A 85 Greenwood, Justin 1338 Gregory, Ronald 26 Grgic, Joseph V 85 Grice, Tracey 26 Grier, Howard J 1300 Griffin, John 85 Griffith, David D 1212 Griggs, Harry H 85 Grigsby, Brister G 788 Grigsby, Nicola L 1235 Grill, Jeff P 85 Grim, Dennis C 85 Grimes Jr, Richard B 85 Grimm, Darrell R 85 Grimm, Jeffrey S 85 Grissom, Alice 627 Grooms, Cynthia 26 Grooms, Danieile D 26 Gross, Charles 85 Grosse, Eric J 85 Grove, Mark D 26 Grubb, Thomas Walter 1015 Grubbs III, Monroe 85 Grubbs, Donald G 85 Gruels, Dwayne J 1179 Grusong, Marcel B 85 Grzes, Gary W 85 MARCH/APRIL 2008 43 Guarino, Samuel A Guatell, Gary M Guelker, Robert W Gulledge, Willie T Gulley, Joel A Gunn Jr, Eugene D Gunn, James R Guy, Audrey N Guzman, Emigdio Gwinn, David C Gwozdz, Matthew Gyke, Stephen L Hackworth-Hall, Julia R Haddock, Catherine D Haddock, Patrick J Haggerty, Johnny Haid Jr, Sylvester J Haile, Christopher R Haile, Kumlachew Hailey, Belinda L Hairston, Alvin V Hairston, Rahfel I Hairston, Renay D Haldeman, Walter G Hale, Delores Hall Jr, John W Hall-Easley, Patricia S Hall, Brenda L Hall, Derrick L Hall, Kelvin L Hall, Loni Hall, Steven M Hall, Tony Hall, William E Hallett, Barbara T Hallom, Michael A Hallowes, Jeffrey R Halsel, Jackie Halsel, John M Hamberlin, Frank J Hamilton, Angela Hamilton, Gloria J Hamilton, Menyetta D Hamlet, Kevin M Hammer, Devlin W Hammond, Antonio D Hampton, Derrick Hancher, Rodney E Haney, Donley D Hanks, Eddie A Hanna, James E Hannah, Terri L Hansen, Jennifer L Hanson, Eunice V Haralambidis, Anestis Harden Jr, Edward L Harden, Randolph Hardge, Myron Harding, Stephanie Hardnett Jr, J C Hargrave, Tangie M Harkins, Edward R Harlan, Norman W Harlee, Corrie E Harmon, Mario Harp, Rebecca I Harper, Frank Harper, Nettie Harper, Tiffany Harrell, Stanley A Harrington, Jill I Harrington, William Harris, Alfred Harris, Angelia B Harris, Angennette Harris, Delaney R 44 IN TRANSIT 85 85 268 26 268 85 587 85 998 85 923 85 1338 85 85 1338 85 1277 587 1338 689 1015 85 880 627 26 1235 1300 26 26 1338 85 1338 268 1548 268 1436 1447 85 998 1309 998 26 1300 85 26 241 85 1342 788 85 241 1015 825 825 268 1338 26 85 26 1300 85 1575 1300 1208 998 627 1342 1338 1338 587 85 788 1177 788 26 Harris, Gerald E Harris, John Henry Harris, Larry B Harris, Milton M Harris, Phillip Harris, Ronald M Harris, Ruth Harris, Ryan Harris, Susan Harris, Tracy L Harris, Vern K Harrison, Rodney Hart, Daniel R Hart, Terence Hart, Thomas G Harvey, Victor D Harvin, Dennis Hasan, Kathy Hassman, Annie M Hast III, Charles A Hastings, Carol L Hastings, Reginald T Hauck, Gary L Haun, Paul F Hawkes, Alan B Hawkins Jr, Leroy Hawkins, Christine A Hawkins, Ivy May Hawthorne Jr, Raymond Hawthorne, Joseph A Hawthorne, Robert G Hayden, Dennis E Hayes, Belinda M Hayes, Jimmie Hayes, Ronald E Hayes, Scott L Hazelwood, Herman Hazlett II, Thomas S Head Jr, Charles H Head, Stacy L Healy, Theresa Marie Healy, Virginia E Heasley, Kevin Mark Heath, Raymond Heaven, Daniel L Hecht, Alan W Hedges, David A Heiber, Edward P Helfer, Brian M Helmer, Cindy J Henao, Yeidy Henderson, Candace Henderson, James E Henderson, James L Henderson, Rose M Henderson, Terence S Henderson, William M Henderson, William O Hendricks, von K Hendrix, Annie Hendrix, Rick L Henington, Marla A Henley, Florine L Henley, Kurt Henry Jr, Willie J Henry, Annie L Henry, James S Henry, Michael A Henry, Sylvan O Henry, Walter L Hense, Carmen M Hensel, Christina G Hensley, Ronnie Hepple, Forrest M Herald, James G Herford, Donnie 85 192 268 1575 1575 85 1300 726 268 85 1287 880 85 26 1015 1235 1300 627 998 85 1309 1235 1235 1575 85 1338 241 1001 1277 1338 752 788 241 26 268 1277 1300 85 26 85 85 398 85 689 836 85 85 85 726 757 820 1338 788 192 26 788 268 85 788 1338 398 859 241 26 26 1177 85 788 1056 1300 788 1464 627 85 85 1235 Herman, Philip Hernandez, Marque O Herrera, Alfonso A Herrera, Johnny G Herrera, Otto A Herrera, Virginia A Herring, Min Herrmann, Eric J Hester, Harold L Hewitt II, James C Hibbert, Paul Hickey, Donald C Hickman, Kenneth A Hicks, Bryan K Hicks, Geraldine Hicks, Lavon R Hicks, Nathaniel Hidalgo, Carlos Hidalgo, Javier G Hidalgo, Luis A Higbee, Elizabeth J Hikes, Patricia A Hildebrand, William E Hill Jr, Leonard Hill Sr, James L Hill, Andre’ Hill, Delvin E Hill, Donald Hill, Floyd V Hill, Howard L Hill, James T Hill, Jamie A Hill, Leonard F Hill, Marcus A Hill, Michelle L Hill, Rhonda L Hill, Ruth D Hill, Shantel Hillard Jr, Walter Hillyard, Frank P Hinds, Tina M Hines, John A Hines, Stacey S Hintze, Charles E Hinz, Kurt Hirschfield, William T Hitchcock, Gloria P Hlavsa, James R Hobbs, Daryl L Hobbs, Gary P Hobsen, Earnesteen Hodge, Dana A Hodge, Robert L Hodges, Rand C Hodnick, Richard P Hoerner, Richard J Hoffart, Cindy S Hoffman, Gary L Hogan, John A Holden, Lawrence J Holden, Maltarhea Holland, Ralph T Hollinger, Edith D Hollins, Anthony G Hollins, Cheral D Hollins, Jerry L Holloman, Tracy Holloway, Betty L Holloway, James R Holly, Roger L Holman, Ken Holman, Pandora A Holman, Richard Holmes, Anthony J Holmes, Howard C Holmes, Katisha D 1179 587 1575 1338 192 1056 819 85 85 268 268 587 85 26 268 26 85 825 757 880 1575 1309 1548 241 998 689 788 265 788 1177 1300 268 1300 26 627 627 1235 1400 1436 85 85 85 85 788 726 85 788 85 26 1235 998 85 1548 1277 85 1179 998 1309 1235 85 85 85 85 268 1338 1235 1338 1300 85 1300 1192 788 726 282 85 282 Holmes, Mark J Holt, Melvin D Holt, Rohan Holt, Sarah A Homer, Edward M Hoof, Randy A Hookes, William R Hooper, Dale B Hopkins, Christopher D Hopkins, Grover D Hopkins, John Thomas Horenburg, James M Horikawa, Keith S Horne, David G Horning, Johanna K Horrell, Donald Horton, James Horton, Leathell Horton, Vava S Horvath, Stephen J Hosey, Ronnie L Hoskins, Michael Housey, Robert F Houston, Glenn S Houston, Linda L Hovanec, Richard Howard, Darryl O Howard, Kevin M Howard, Kymberlea Howard, Michael L Howard, Reginald Howard, Rick W Howze, Jai Hrabic, David Hudgens, Claude Hudnall, Duane Hudson, Bernard Hudson, Dannol H Hudson, Mary J Hudson, Robert Hudson, Rowena Huerta, Andrew M Huff, Andrew J Huff, Jason R Huff, Marvin Huffman, Mark Huggins, K Douglas Hughes, Bryenda J Hughes, Chepren S Hughes, Edmead Hughes, Katrina Hughes, Linda G Hughes, Lonnell Hughes, Patrick J Hughes, Phyllis Hughes, Roderick E Hughes, Ronald J Hughes, Wesley Hughes, William E Huguley, Princess L Huizinga, Craig W Hull, Gary L Hundley, Yulane Yvette Hunt, George B Hunt, Joe-el Hunter, Holiday A Hunter, Leandrew Hunter, Patricia Hunter, Roderick Hunter, Sammy G Huntley, Edwin C Hurd, Dana P Hurdle, Diane Hursey, Joseph M Hursey, Nathaniel D Hurtado, Cristobal 1287 1235 1179 85 85 998 268 398 1309 1742 1015 726 1277 85 1015 1300 268 788 998 85 788 241 998 1309 85 85 1235 1056 1338 1309 788 788 1436 85 1235 26 268 85 1338 26 1338 1575 1235 85 627 26 85 1564 627 825 268 26 998 85 1338 752 268 26 1300 85 587 1001 788 85 1342 825 788 1309 1338 268 726 1277 998 587 26 1277 Hutchison, Brett E Huth, Charles Huwe, Carl A Hux, James K Hyler, Edward D Hymon Jr, George B Hyster, Sharon P Hyter, Jacques H Ibrahim, Feroze B Ibrahim, Rollin R Ilicic, Goran Imes, Richard E Imp, Michael J Inglut, Andrew J Ingram, Omar J Ingram, Perry M Ireland, Alfred Irizarry, Evelio Irizarry, Marco A Irvine, Gerald L Irving, Gregory R Iskhakov, Edward S Ismail, Camal Ispahani, Shahzad Ivkovich, Nicholas Ivy, Roger E Jackson Jr, Fonzo D Jackson Jr, Odvie Jackson, Anthony Jackson, Candice D Jackson, Charlene Jackson, Cheryl D Jackson, Darryl W Jackson, Edward L Jackson, George A Jackson, James W Jackson, Johnnie L Jackson, Jonathan Jackson, Kenneth W Jackson, Lannard Jackson, Lula Jackson, Meltrenna G Jackson, Richard Jackson, Rodney E Jackson, Russell G Jackson, Vera Y Jacob, Pierre E Jacobs, Dyonne R Jacobsen, Ginger A Jadorie, Merchand Jagielski, Mark D Jakubic, Michael J James, Aaron M James, Dennis L James, Floyd James, Kavin L James, Mack D Jameson, Michael Jarden, Jessie Jarnagin, Pamela Joy Jarrell, June M Jasim, Mahir F Jasko, Michael J Jaworski, Thomas H Jeanes, Barbara S Jeannette, Steven M Jedlicka, David L Jefferson, Eugene Jefferson, James L Jefferson, Moneka T Jefferson, Samuel Jefferson, Sharon N Jefferson, Timothy K Jefferson, Wayne D Jeffrey, James R Jeffries, Kerry E 85 519 85 788 998 1177 788 26 1179 85 1235 998 998 1342 85 1235 880 825 241 85 788 268 822 726 85 26 770 1309 1056 788 1338 241 85 1338 1287 26 998 26 1338 1338 1338 998 836 1235 843 1177 1179 268 1015 1056 85 268 1056 85 1338 587 26 1235 1338 1177 880 85 85 1145 998 85 268 241 85 85 788 1287 689 998 85 85 www.atu.org Jemmott, Thomas Jenkins, Alphonso W Jenkins, Harold M Jenkins, Kelvin M Jenkins, Linda Jenkins, Lynette K Jenkins, Michael D Jenkins, Sandra A Jenkins, Sylvia M Jenkins, Wilma F Jethroe, Ronald W Jett III, Thomas Jett, Tommie Ruth Jew, Thomas F Jimenez, Anibal J Jimenez, Irving Jimenez, Salvador Joachim, Dennis Joe, Sammy Johanson, W Glenn John, George T Johns, Felisha Johns, Jermalle H Johnson III, Clifford T Johnson Jr, George Johnson Jr, Irvin Johnson Jr, John L Johnson Jr, Reuben L Johnson Jr, Richard Johnson-Brooks, Carolyn D Johnson-Nance, Angela Johnson, Albert Johnson, Ana T Johnson, Andre L Johnson, Andre P Johnson, Anthoney E Johnson, Anthony E Johnson, Antoian T Johnson, Augusta Johnson, Calvin Johnson, Calvin Johnson, Carol Johnson, Carolyn J Johnson, Chad A Johnson, Charles D Johnson, Cheryl P Johnson, Claire Johnson, Clarence J Johnson, Cyprian F Johnson, Darryl Johnson, Deborah Johnson, Deetra D Johnson, Desiree Y Johnson, Dollett Johnson, Donnie R Johnson, Eric Johnson, Florence A Johnson, Frank C Johnson, Freddie L Johnson, Gerald R Johnson, Gladys Johnson, Gregory A Johnson, Gussie Johnson, Ida R Johnson, Imogene E Johnson, Irvin M Johnson, James C Johnson, Janet F Johnson, Joe A Johnson, John A Johnson, John W Johnson, Johnny R Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Karen Y Johnson, Kelly L Johnson, Kenyetta A www.atu.org 1181 1338 85 627 268 1342 26 1309 1235 998 788 85 26 85 1577 726 682 1177 1338 85 726 627 85 1235 998 1400 1338 241 26 1235 1235 1338 268 689 85 627 689 788 1338 241 1338 822 788 1015 268 268 726 689 1300 1277 1338 682 85 998 241 85 85 689 788 85 26 1235 627 85 85 1015 689 859 1338 1235 26 1338 1338 825 85 268 Johnson, Kimberly M Johnson, Larry L Johnson, Laurin G Johnson, Leo Kelvin Johnson, Lloyd Johnson, Marcus D Johnson, Mark E Johnson, Mary Louis Johnson, Michael B Johnson, Neal Johnson, Ocie J Johnson, Phyllis G Johnson, Rachel Johnson, Robert B Johnson, Robert L Johnson, Ronald E Johnson, Shelia L Johnson, Shiela Johnson, Surayyah R Johnson, Terrence Johnson, Tiffinnee Johnson, Veronica Johnson, William E Joja, Aligo Jolliff, Sherman Jolly, Patricia Jones Jr, Aaron Jones Jr, Rozell Jones, Ada M Jones, Bobby Jones, Charity A Jones, Charles E Jones, Christine Jones, Clifford L Jones, Clyde Jones, Dale Jones, De’edra Jones, Deborah J Jones, Derek T Jones, Derry G Jones, Duke E Jones, Emanuel Jones, Ernest L Jones, Estoria L Jones, Frederic J Jones, Gary A Jones, George Jones, James D Jones, James O Jones, James P Jones, Joe T Jones, John A Jones, Karen Jones, Keith Jones, La Tonya S Jones, Larry Jones, Leanza Jones, Leroy Jones, Lewis J Jones, Lloyd W Jones, Mark A Jones, Nedra Ann Jones, Phyllis L Jones, Randy L Jones, Roberta Jones, Rodney Jones, Ronald Jones, Roosevelt E Jones, Sandra J Jones, Stacey Jones, Tamara A Jones, Tamiko Jones, Victor Jones, Victor D Jordan, Carlton J Jordan, Clark A 26 268 998 1464 268 689 1235 1235 788 1300 998 587 1338 1309 268 788 268 1056 823 998 627 821 1177 1637 241 268 689 1338 1235 1338 1235 788 1591 85 192 1338 265 85 26 268 1338 26 308 1300 85 1235 825 26 689 85 1338 1309 1338 192 26 689 1277 998 1309 85 26 1235 1235 788 241 26 268 268 308 627 1287 1338 1177 689 998 85 Jordan, Craig S Jordan, Darlana Jordan, David D Jordan, James A Jordan, Jamie J Jordan, Joyce G Jordan, Shanda M Joseph, Kimmoko Joy, Sunil Juarez, Javier M Kachmar, Ronald R Kaiser, Robert T Kalchthaler, Richard J Kaminski, Charles V Kane Jr, James E Kane, Daniel L Karn, Gary L Kasko, John W Kasperowicz, Ronald Kasprowicz, Annette Kattner, Jerome M Katz, Charles A Kaufman, James D Kay, David J Kaylor, Leo O Keasley, Oscar R Keating, Eileen Kee, Jerard J Keefer, John R Keenan, Richard J Keeps, Clothilda V Keeton, Kevin K Kein, Audrey Mae Keith, Jamie Allen Keller, Timothy D Kellerman, Douglas A Kelley, Bernus J Kelley, Regina Kellough, Mary R Kelly Jr, Robert E Kelly, Christopher T Kelly, James D Kelly, Raymond D Kelly, Vernon D Kemp, Candice Kendrick, Rose M Kennedy, Brian E Kennedy, Charlene T Kennedy, Michael J Kent, Annette Kent, Robert Keogh, Patrick K Kerley, Cleopatra Kern, Eddie D Kern, Howard Kern, Wilma L Kerr, Charles A Kerr, Curtis A Ketnon, Roger L Key, Michael L Keyes, Thomas B Keyner, Willy Keys, Lee E Keys, Luna L Keys, Tyquenta T Khaimchayev, Zuvrun Khan, Altaf G Khan, Larry H Kidd, Fred Kielty, John F Kiggins, Todd R Kilgore, Herbert Killebrew, Edward Killebrew, William M Killian, David A Kilpatrick, Henry 998 85 85 998 85 85 788 1575 1056 265 85 823 85 85 272 519 1015 85 282 1342 998 587 85 85 85 85 85 1179 268 85 788 85 26 1742 757 1309 1338 1338 1309 587 85 1338 268 85 819 26 1235 1324 26 1436 1548 1015 1338 268 85 241 998 1179 1235 1338 85 265 788 1300 1235 1179 1056 1277 998 589 85 726 1338 85 85 998 Kilvanick, Charlene T Kimbrough, Bronte’ Tamia King, Alice L King, Donnie D King, James E King, Jerome King, Michael-Frank King, Orlando E King, William King, William S Kinnel, Darrell E Kinzler, Thomas M Kiper, Eugene Kipp, Judy Kirk, Dionne M Kirkpatrick, Brenda Jean Kirkpatrick, Gloria E Kish, Kristine E Kissoon, Praimnauth Kittle, Robert C Kleuser, Albert Klimko, Paul Klimo, Robert J Kling, Robert D Klos, Edward Henry Knapp, Anthony T Knight, June R Knight, Stanley Knighten, Jerry W Knighton Jr, Robert B Knitter, James R Knutson, Steven G Koerner, George Kohle, David A Kolb, Timothy S Komar, David M Koontz, Gregory A Koonz, Anthony Herold Kopelic, Michael D Kopp, Ralph Korbe, Dennis C Koroma, Ibrahin Kosslow, Kirk R Kostresh, Boris Kostresh, Christine N Kotarski, Frank Kottler, Michael J Kouvaras Jr, John N Kozikowski, William F Krakosky, Jerome Kramer, Dale J Krebs, Michael R Kress, Edward J Kress, Paul W Krey, Alan R Krieger Jr, Robert W Kriehn, Douglas E Kristof, Andrew W Kroll, Brian Kroncke, Mark Krueger, Donald J Krystof, Paul Krzywiecki, James Kubit, Charles J Kubler, Mark J Kucewicz, Sigmund S Kuda, Frank R Kuder, Austin D Kuester, Patrick J Kuflewski, Greg Kulich, Sandra L Kunkel, Darryl R Kuntz Jr, Harold R Kupecz, William E Kupetz, Mark C Kupinski, Andrew A 85 26 268 26 1235 998 26 627 1338 85 788 85 998 519 1338 788 1235 85 1179 1145 880 85 85 85 85 1300 241 1742 1742 268 998 519 268 85 788 85 788 1001 85 627 85 1338 85 587 587 726 85 85 85 85 85 1342 85 85 85 85 998 85 282 1575 998 726 85 85 85 1342 998 268 998 726 568 85 1235 85 268 519 Kutcher Jr, John Kuykendoll, Ulysses La Brosse, Gaston G La Civita, David E La France, Cecily J La Gasse, Theodore W Laabs Jr, Leonard C Lacey, Francis R Lachut, Sylvester J Lainis Jr, John A Lakes, Vurl D Lamar, Robert D Lamb, Gale A Lamb, Wayne Lambert, Danai Lamberty, Herminio T Lampkin, Garvin Land, Richard Landon, Ernest Landrum, Lorraine D Lane, Ronald J Lang, John A Lang, Peter A Langan, Christine M Lankford, Ray A Lannie, Anthony Lantz, George A Lanza, James J Lappin, Patrick J Laresca, Lorraine Larkin, Anthony J Lascu, Mircea Laskey, Christine A Latham, Julia M Lathan, Ira P Latortue, Justin Lauffer, Charles Lauri, Michael A Lavallee, Russell A Lavorgne, Anthony J Lawhorn, Scean M Lawlor, Patrick L Lawrence, Layne L Lawrence, Thomas Lawson Jr, Willie H Lawson, Joel M Lawson, Traci R Leaman, Bryan R Ledell, Joyce E Ledger Jr, Fred Lee, Deborah R Lee, Juilene Lee, Long Lee, Phyllis E Lee, Sadie M Leefe, Robert H Leek, Patrick Leffler, Anthony J Leibold, Kevin W Leinen, Scott J Lekovitch, William J Leland, Timothy B Lempner Jr, Edward E Leohr, Carlos R Leon, Graciela L Leonard Jr, Virgil Leopold, Jocelyn A Lepore, Nicholas Lester, Bobby C Lester, Dwayne L Leung, Tic Q Levesqve, James R Lewis Jr, Richard K Lewis, Brenda Lewis, Cardinale E Lewis, Charles W MARCH/APRIL 2008 825 788 85 85 1576 282 85 85 85 1342 627 1309 1177 1309 256 19 788 1338 241 998 825 85 85 1179 85 1056 241 1342 589 726 85 627 85 1235 1177 1179 1447 1056 1433 85 85 1235 1235 1235 268 1300 1015 268 1070 268 1177 1177 1277 998 1177 1547 1235 85 1179 1015 85 1436 268 1277 1309 998 1179 85 1212 26 1056 1015 1015 1338 825 85 45 Lewis, Darrell Lewis, Donald Lewis, Dwayne W Lewis, Hassan Lewis, Jockquise L Lewis, Kena R Lewis, Sharon A Leyden, Michele Marie Leyva Jr, Arnold P Leyva, Tommy Lichtenstein, Gregory L Liebert, Boyce M Liggons, Douglas Lighty, Charles E Lihs, Roger J Liking, Lajuana D Lindberg, Howard W Lindsey, Melissa A Lindsley, Carlos Linkes, David N Lippert, Damon M Lipsey, Derrick D Lisiecki, Anthony M Little, Marc C Little, Tovera Little, Wendell Litz, Phillip W Livingston Jr, Raymond L Locke, Reba M Lockridge, Stephanie L Locksa, James E Lockwood, Katrena L Loeb, Dwain E Loeffler, James M Loeliger, Michael W Lofaro, Arcangelo Lofton Jr, Robert Logan, Carol A Logan, Michael Loman, Gail L Long, Leonard H Long, Lucious R Longie, Donald M Lopez, Jose B Lorcy-Charles, Irlande Lorcy, Francois Lorenz, Rita A Lorthridge, Anthony S Los Banos, Doem M Loubriel, Jesus M Lovan, Beverly A Love, Gregory L Love, Jontay Love, Sarah L Love, Walter J Loving, Mark Lowe, Candace J Lowe, Russell Lower, Leanne Kathleen Lowery Jr, Earl Lowery, James E Lowther, Terrence Q Lucas, Marlon J Lucas, Thomas R Lucchesi, John L Lucero, Kimberly L Lue, Paul Lukasik, Richard Luketich, Terri J Lumpkins, Michael Lunsford, Robert Lusk, Ulysses Lutsch, Christine Marie Lyerly, Argie Lynch, Frank W Lyons, Harold 46 IN TRANSIT 1338 627 85 1056 1235 998 998 268 1309 265 1179 85 1235 85 757 825 85 788 1235 85 85 26 85 1235 1338 1300 85 587 1309 788 85 1145 1179 519 85 820 788 1309 726 689 822 1436 1015 836 1179 1179 85 788 821 241 788 627 627 788 1300 85 1235 758 1015 726 85 1342 85 1277 1179 1001 923 1342 85 26 85 1338 85 85 689 1338 Lyons, William J Lytle, Joan E Mac Gregor, Thomas P Mac Lean, Stephen M Mac Neil, James C Macabata, Robert M Macauda, Marcello Machi, Chester A Macias, Manuel Maciupa, Jeff Mack, Cassandra R Mack, John E Mack, Melvin Mack, Wesley Mackey, John A Mackie, Donna L Macon, Beverla Madeya, William G Madison, Nina M Madison, Shirley Magersupp, Donald A Magilson, Robert P Maguire, Sean R Mahee, Ralph W Maholmes, James G Mahoney, Craig M Mahoney, Phillip Mahoney, Stephen J Mahr, Michael A Maier, Juliann Majernik, Donald J Majeski, John P Major, Gary Major, Jerri Makinster, Marge M Maldonado, Anthony Maldonado, Juan J Mallard Sr, Johnny W Mallory, Seth R Malone, Lee A Malone, Regina L Malone, Terrence L Maloon, Steve Mancuso, Angelo Mandich, Gloria L Mangolia, Loreen M Manier, Mark A Manuel, Dorothy A Marabito, James Lewis Marable, Mary E Marano, Tobias Maranto, Donna L Markham, Keith J Markley, Robert S Marovic, Jeffrey M Marquez, Augie Marroquin, Edgard Marrow, Henry W Marshall, Sion Marti, Michael R Martin, Bruce K Martin, Christopher M Martin, Daryl Martin, Genean J Martin, Gerald J Martin, James Martin, Joel O Martin, Jonathan Martin, Lizzie M Martin, Maria A Martin, Norman L Martin, Ronald D Martin, Steven Martin, Theresa A Martinelli, Salvatore Martinez, Andres 788 1015 268 282 85 587 726 85 1277 85 998 85 1338 1300 85 1548 788 85 1564 1179 1300 85 587 1309 26 268 822 85 788 85 85 85 627 1338 757 726 1309 1338 265 788 1287 26 265 85 85 282 1235 282 85 282 1179 1309 85 587 85 265 265 689 1400 587 85 998 1338 788 1015 265 26 268 241 85 1577 1015 1015 85 1179 268 Martinez, Dennis J 85 Martinez, Francisco 1179 Martinez, Ilda 1338 Martinez, Jerry 1309 Martinez, Rene 265 Martinez, Robert 822 Martinez, Steven J 998 Martinez, Susana 1091 Martone, Daniel M 1342 Martori, Jorge 822 Maruca Jr, Frank B 85 Mascilli, Donna J 85 Maserick, Paul H 1436 Maskell, Harry R 824 Mason, Anthony C 1300 Mason, Earl B 1324 Mason, Frederick L 85 Mason, Steven A 689 Massey, Audrey L 26 Matesic, Robert S 85 Mathew, David P 1577 Mathews, Brady E 85 Mathis, Bernard 26 Matias, Regino 825 Matos, Alfredo 1056 Matta, Gregory A 85 Matthews-Flowers, Sandria C689 Matthews, Ricardo D 26 Matthews, Rosalind C 1235 Mattox, Ruthie L 788 Mattson, Eric L 85 Mauceli, Nicola 1179 Maughan, Tracy 85 Maxwell, Andrea T 788 Maxwell, Richard L 1235 Maxwell, Robert L 1575 Mayer, Brent A 1015 Mayer, Ricky A 85 Mayo Jr, Kevin Lee 1324 Mayo, Conrad K 85 Mayo, Harry R 1300 Mays, Tenika L 1235 Mazion, Gregory 627 Mazzarese, Gordon C 85 Mazzola, Thomas 726 Mc Adams, Robert M 85 Mc Adory, Clyde D 26 Mc Afee, Louis 85 Mc Aleer Sr, Robert J 85 Mc Andrews, Edward J 85 Mc Ardle, Ryan B 85 Mc Bryar, Isaac L 1212 Mc Cabe, Dennis 1577 Mc Cabe, Mark A 85 Mc Cabe, Matthew C 85 Mc Call, David M 85 Mc Cambridge, Jeff L 85 Mc Candless, Bruce 1309 Mc Carty, Phillip L 1447 Mc Cauley, Jeff K 1015 Mc Clain, Denise M 26 Mc Clain, Dwayne 26 Mc Clain, Eric 726 Mc Clain, Wilton 268 Mc Clelland, Gary D 85 Mc Clelland, James A 85 Mc Clendon, Darnel 1342 Mc Clendon, Richard 192 Mc Clendon, Rogerstene S 1309 Mc Clory, Jeffrey D 85 Mc Clung, Vernon M 85 Mc Clure, Articia V 268 Mc Cluskey, Wayne S 85 Mc Coy, Eileen A 788 Mc Coy, Jerome J 85 Mc Crackin, Allen D 1235 Mc Crae, Rita R Mc Crary, Anthony E Mc Cruter, Cortez Mc Culloch, Chris W Mc Curdy, Gregory W Mc Curdy, Michael Mc Curdy, Ryan M Mc Curry, Willis Mc Cutchen, William C Mc Daniel, Lynette M Mc Donald, Ella R Mc Donald, Larry J Mc Donald, Nathan Mc Donald, Russell E Mc Donald, Theresa Mc Donnell, Dennis Mc Donnell, Richard A Mc Donough, James L Mc Donough, Michael J Mc Elhaney, Vicki Mc Elravy, Todd R Mc Ewen, Donald E Mc Fall-Wray, Sherrie D Mc Farlane, Corbet Mc Fetridge, David M Mc Gee, Jesse Mc Gee, Leroy Mc Ghee, Dyana J Mc Glory, Linda D Mc Glothian Jr, Odell Mc Gonigle, James L Mc Gowan, Ruby T Mc Grath, Michael J Mc Graw, James V Mc Grew, Ronald J Mc Griff, Alvin L Mc Griff, Wynette Mc Guffey, Joann Mc Hale, Brian M Mc Hale, Michael Patrick Mc Intosh, Gunard H Mc Intyre, Duaine A Mc Kean, Henryka A Mc Kee, James P Mc Kenzie Jr, Albert L Mc Kinley, Rose M Mc Kinney, Avery Mc Kinney, Wilmer Mc Kinnis, Glorietta Mc Kinsey, Ira Mc Kissack, Jermaine S Mc Laughlin, Michael A Mc Laughlin, Patricia Mc Lean, James H Mc Leod, Damone M Mc Morris, Humphrey B Mc Mullen, Janet Mc Mullin, Robert Mc Murray, William H Mc Murtrie, Daniel P Mc Nair-Johnson, Suzette E Mc Neece, Gary T Mc Neil, Charles A Mc Neil, Jerome M Mc Neil, Kevin Mc Neill, Karen D Mc Rath, Henry D Mc Sweeny, Robert T Mc Vey Jr, Michael T McElroy, Leonard McKinney Jr, Elmer Meacham, Kim Means, Joann Medley, Benson D Meehan, Richard Meeks III, Gibbie 26 268 26 1015 85 627 85 268 265 1177 241 998 726 788 1395 825 1235 85 85 1164 85 1235 268 1056 85 26 241 268 1309 26 1548 1309 85 85 1575 1309 268 627 85 1436 26 587 282 85 192 610 26 998 265 1015 1235 85 85 1300 1300 998 1179 627 85 85 26 1015 788 689 85 1300 788 85 726 1338 1338 85 998 689 726 788 Melishen, Kevin Mellerson, Lacresha Y Mellon, Mary L Melvin, Willie E Mendes, John P Mendez, Magali Meneese, Bonnie L Menefee, Coleen S Mercadante, Charles R Mercado, Edgardo Mercado, Rafael A Mercer, Elmer Merritt, Alfred J Merritt, David J Merritt, Juanita M Merritt, Tanya M Merriweather, Cleo Merriweather, Gregory Mesa, Alberto Meyer, Karen K Meyer, Robert A Meyers, William T Miah, Fazlu Mianzo, Dominic J Michael, Tara M Michaels, Joseph L Michak, Robert A Michaloski, Stanley Micklo, John T Middlebrooks, Rodney Edwin Midura, Henry Migliozzi, Frank A Mihoces Jr, Edward Miles, Anita M Miles, Don Miles, Fred Miles, Lawrence Milhalovic, Lucas Miller, Charles J Miller, Charles K Miller, Edward H Miller, Gerald Miller, Gwender Miller, James S Miller, John Terry Miller, Kelly J Miller, Larry L Miller, Michael G Miller, Mitchell A Miller, Paul R Miller, Peggy J Miller, Russell G Miller, Stanley W Miller, Thomas G Milliken, Paul R Milluzzo, Salvator J Mingle, Charles R Minney, William H Minor, Leann M Minor, Nathaniel Mirick, Thomas R Mitchell Jr, Cornelius Mitchell-Ward, Cynthia L Mitchell, Carl Mitchell, Lanette M Mitchell, Lillian Lucille Mitchell, Patricia Mitchell, Raphael Mitchell, Toi M Mitchell, Tyronne Mitchell, Venetia R Mitchell, Vernon N Mitchell, Victoria Mitchell, Wilbur J Mitchell, Willie L Mitchell, Yvonne L 726 1342 85 788 1267 726 1576 1235 85 1342 825 268 1309 1342 836 308 788 1324 241 788 85 85 1056 85 85 85 85 1342 85 788 1342 85 85 998 1338 26 1338 519 85 282 1267 1179 1338 85 519 1235 26 85 85 85 883 85 1235 85 1235 1235 268 85 998 26 878 998 1309 26 85 1300 1338 85 26 26 268 1300 998 241 268 26 www.atu.org Mizerak, Robert J Moberly, William C Moeslein, Thomas M Moffett, David T Moffitt, Rita K Mohr, Michael H Mojta, Michelle L Mollise II, Salvatore Monaghan, Matthew Monegro, Juan C Monroe, Gregory Monroe, Leslie Y Monteer, Leonard J Monter, Manuel M Montgomery, Gary L Montgomery, Lakeeta S Montgomery, Melvin C Montrose, Robert Moody, Clyde H Moon, Scott T Moore-El, Gerald B Moore, Alandis Moore, Andrew M Moore, Donnell Moore, Edward A Moore, Frencella K Moore, Glenn R Moore, Godfrey T Moore, Gregory M Moore, Jacquelyn Moore, Joel P Moore, Johnny Moore, Judy E Moore, Laurence C Moore, Lekeitha A Moore, Lettie R Moore, Michael E Moore, Monica S Moore, Philip C Moore, Richard D Moore, Tonya Moore, Wade L Moorehead, Tammy A Morales, Armando Morales, Hector Morchinek, Patricia J Moreno Jr, Joe Armando Morgan, Billie J Morgan, Felicia J Morgan, Kwame A Morgan, Patrick J Morgan, Paul E Morgan, Persa Morgan, William O Mori, Rogelio R Morman, Michael A Morris III, James H Morris Sr, Robert H Morris, Alisha A Morris, Constance Morris, Eileen C Morris, Gerald W Morris, Kia T Morris, Sammy L Morrisette, Reginald Morrison, Francis J Morton, Frenchella Moser, Jeffrey L Moses, Jean Charles Mosley, Joe J Moss III, William C Moss, George T Mosura, John Motosicky, Thomas P Mott, Thomas R Mounger, Don G www.atu.org 265 1015 85 85 689 1015 85 85 726 825 1309 85 1287 1575 825 788 85 822 689 85 268 627 752 788 85 788 1015 85 268 268 85 1309 788 587 1338 788 416 788 26 1575 689 1015 788 1338 1277 998 1277 1338 788 689 85 1309 1338 689 1277 241 1179 85 1436 1338 85 587 788 1177 26 589 1300 85 819 1001 1564 1235 85 85 1015 998 Mowat Jr, Donald H Moyer, Larry Muceus, Jeff M Muhammad, Basim S Muir, Angelee M Mullen, Davlin Mullenbach, Michael J Muller, Brian A Muller, Mary A Mullings, Cedric Mumma, Gilbert J Mumolo, Jeffrey P Mumpy, Robert A Mundy, Tony E Muniz, Betty Muniz, Sara E Munoz, Mark Murguia Jr, Andres Murillo, Juddy Murphy, David Murphy, Richard W Murphy, Sharon E Murphy, Terry L Murphy, Vonnel Murray-Brown, Gary L Murray, Daniel V Murray, David N Murray, Garry V Murray, Joann Murray, Lawrence M Murray, Rosalind D Murray, Walter A Musilek, Donald F Mussington, Hugh A Muszynski, Dennis Mutcherson, Felicia M Mutzig, David P Muzzio, Kirk J Mwasi, Muchugia Myers, Carlotta H Myers, Dorothy Myers, Richard T Myres, Cynthia Nadjem, Skikeb A Naithram, Robin Narcisi, Philip E Nash, Joseph M Nash, Larry Nash, Yelonda L Naujelis, Thomas J Neal, Anthony D Neal, Clyde D Neal, Ira Neal, Isaac J Neal, Jacqueline Neal, Lloyd C Neal, Thedois Neely, Bradford R Neff, Robert Henry Neidhardt, Gary A Neita, Anthony M Nelms, Steven M Nelson Jr, John C Nelson, Arthur Nelson, Eddie J Nelson, Gerard Nelson, Jeffrey Nelson, Linda L Nelson, Mark A Nelson, Rhonda Nelson, Robert V Nelson, Vicky Y Nemcsik, Curtis Neria, Carlos R Nero, Doreen P Neumeyer, David P 1575 1436 757 689 825 85 998 85 1015 825 788 1277 998 1277 1338 1338 1436 1555 822 1338 85 85 268 627 1338 85 1179 85 26 268 1564 589 85 1179 998 1324 85 85 1576 241 1164 689 1447 825 689 85 998 998 998 85 1338 85 26 192 825 85 788 1235 1164 85 241 26 689 689 587 822 265 308 85 587 85 1235 85 1338 1342 85 Neundorff Jr, James C Newman, Robert J Newman, Vanessa Newton Jr, James Nicholls, Sandra I Nichols, Brenda D Nichols, Kevin Nicholson, Carla Nicholson, Eric Nickelson, James E Nickeson, Robert G Nickles, Robin Nicolas, Carlo Nicotero, Ross V Niedelmeyer, Shawn Niedert, Edward L Nienkark, Jim Nieser, William R Nii, Clayton K Nikolich, Cynthia Ann Nimmick, Alan R Nimnum, Theodore A Nishie, Brian T Niswander, Bradley D Nix, William H Nixon, Alice B Nixon, Anthony D Noel, Theodore Nolan, Darrell D Nolan, Gerald Nolan, Terrance R Nolte, George S Noonan, Edmund Nordstrom, Bruce W Norman, Judith A Norreel, Michael G Norris, Jeannette Norris, Rodney Norris, Willie Norton, Chris L Norton, Melaine Norwood Sr, Theodore R Novak, Gary J Novak, Kristine A Nowak, John M Nowak, Wayne Nowlin, Derek J Nugent, Bryan Nugent, Charles Nunn, Gerald B Nwaneri, Rameta Nye, Larry C O’Brien, James M O’Bryant, Cheryl O’Bryon, Charles R O’Connor, Linda M O’Connor, Maureen O’Connor, Timothy A O’Connor, Timothy M O’Donnell, Eugene E O’Geese, Valerie O’Neal, Patrick T O’Neal, Phillip O’Toole, Loria P O’Toole, Thomas J Oakley Jr, Johnny Q Obenauf, Robert P Odell, Geno M Oden, Le Andre Odoms, Lamar Odoms, Valerie J Ogden, Thomas C Oglesby, Anthony Oglesby, Gary Ogrinc, David J Ohler, Robert J 1056 1336 1164 998 1576 268 26 788 788 689 85 627 825 85 85 1192 1192 85 1517 85 998 282 1277 752 268 1300 1179 821 1235 1235 998 85 589 519 85 1575 268 1338 1235 1015 610 26 85 998 1179 998 85 1015 726 1309 1338 85 1300 26 85 519 1555 568 85 1548 1338 788 26 85 85 788 85 587 26 26 308 1300 26 627 268 1235 Olare II, William J Olasin Jr, Joseph Olidge, Brian L Oliveira, Edward B Oliver, Arthur Olson, Jane A Olson, John M Olson, Richard D Ondo, Dennis Orellana, Richard D Ortiz, Deborah J Ortiz, Elreco Ortiz, Robert Ortiz, Rosalva Osborne, Ronald Oskin, Raymond W Otey Jr, James C Ovalle, Manuel A Owen Jr, Robert T Owens, Ericka Owens, Lenore M Owens, Ronald Owens, Sydney L Pace, James A Pacella, Joseph M Pacheco, Robert S Page Jr, Johnnie T Page, Winona J Paige, Brandi Paige, Virginia Palasics, Steve M Palmer, Alan C Palmer, Donald J Palmer, John Palmer, John A Palmer, John C Palmer, Lynn M Palmer, Ozzie L Palmer, Robert W Palmieri, Generoso Panati, Janet L Panik, James S Pappas, John Paradise, Raymond C Paredes, Fredy A Parisi, Frank Parker, Calvin M Parker, Harold Parker, Johnny L Parker, Nathaniel Parker, Roedonther Parker, Sharon D Parkinson, Charles W Parks, Niccolle D Parnell, Clinton R Parrish Jr, Vaughn P Parshay Sr, Darek L Parson, Joseph D Pastucha, Patricia A Patak, Stephen T Patillo, Demetrius E Patrick, Carlos Patterson, Basil L Patterson, Elreater D Patterson, Gwendolyn Patterson, Howard L Patterson, La Gene E Patterson, Leonard Patterson, Ronnie Patton Jr, Larry E Patton Sr, Larry E Patton, James R Patton, Nikita S Paul Jr, Edward J Paul, Stanley C Pawlowski Jr, Joseph R 85 85 689 820 1338 1015 519 998 85 1575 1309 26 998 1309 1338 85 1235 1177 1742 627 85 192 1342 85 85 1277 1300 268 1400 880 268 1517 85 1338 85 85 1300 282 1015 726 85 85 1179 788 1179 726 1177 1400 788 726 308 726 85 26 85 85 26 689 519 85 26 1300 1400 689 788 26 85 85 998 1235 1235 1056 788 85 85 85 Paxton, Douglas Paxton, William E Payne, Leroy Payne, Russell Payton, Roderick D Pearson, Eric M Pearson, Pergena Pearson, Ray C Peduto, Francis Pegher, William G Pellegrino, Dennis Y Pellegrino, Jerome L Pena III, Dionicio Pendergrass, Ishmael Pent, Diane L Peoples, Gerald Peoples, Walter J Pepper, Robert C Perhacs, Arthur A Perich, Philip J Perkins Jr, Lloyd Perkins, Cornell Perkins, David N Perlongo, Joseph A Perris, David A Perrotti, Charles A Perry, Cynthia Perry, Earl A Perry, Fountane D Perry, Robert J Perry, Roberta L Perry, Tyrone Perryman, Charles J Persad, Binodh Peschek, Craig A Pete, Will Peters, Tanga M Peterson Jr, Donald R Peterson, George K Petrick, Jerry L Petro, George R Petrone, Edward C Pettaway Jr, Rommie L Pettit, Wayne Pettway, Jessie L Pfefferkorn, Thomas E Pfisterer, Leo Edward Pfleging, Frances Phelps, Donald C Phillips, Berlinda Michelle Phillips, Kenneth S Piacentino, Louis Picchini, Michael Piccininni, Frank J Piccola, Salvatore G Pierce, Randy L Pierce, Rhanda Pilkerton, Charles A Pillow III, William R Pimentel, Ana Pintirsch, Michael A Pirk, Patricia I Pirozzi, Felix R Piskulic, Thomas R Pitre, Michele Pitta, Joseph Pittman, Eric E Pitts, Vincent E Pivirotto, Raymond Pizzi, Gregory Platten, Todd K Pleasant, Eric Plummer, Chauncey J Plump, Craig Plunkett, Robert A Poindexter, Cryvonne 85 85 1235 788 1564 85 1338 998 726 85 1145 85 26 1564 85 26 26 788 85 85 998 689 1300 1015 85 85 26 998 689 998 85 85 998 819 998 1338 1321 998 1548 268 85 1179 689 1321 1336 682 85 726 1575 1300 1235 726 726 726 85 788 1575 1300 268 1338 85 1235 85 1309 726 726 1015 788 85 85 1001 265 1338 788 85 85 MARCH/APRIL 2008 47 Poindexter, Guenther H Pointer, John R Pollardo, Rita F Pollion, Frederick E Pompey, Richard Poole, Mary A Pooran, Kenneth I Pope, Charles Popeck, Walter W Porter, Angela J Porter, Cynthia Porter, Cynthia A Porter, Richard D Porterfield, Johnny Portis, Earl Poulos, Andrew G Powe, Douglas L Powell Jr, Jesse Powell, Diane M Powell, Gregory L Powell, Larry Powell, Simone T Power, Joseph Poyntz, Kevin M Prater, Mary P Prescott, Greg Presley, Sherral S Preston Jr, Otis L Preston, D’yon M Prevette, John C Prevo Jr, Pedro M Prexta, Kenneth J Price II, Robert L Price, Reggie Price, Shelly A Prilla, George D Primm, Thomas M Prince, Curtis L Prince, Kimberly A Procek, Edward J Procoffie, Charles Prokop, Michael R Prozellar, Judith Prunty, Mark B Pryce, Stephen A Psyk, Lawrence A Pulphus, Lillian D Pursley, Danny L Puskar, James M Pyatt, Chiquita A Quach, Raymond Q Quartey, Nicholas Quinones, Jose D Quintero, Carlos A Quirk, Robert V Quizhpe, Pablo H Rabb Jr, Lawrence Rabb, David S Racan, James G Radford Sr, Wesley G Raffaele, Anthony G Ragins, Anthony I Rahim, Roger A Rakisits, Cheryl Lynn Raleigh, Bryan D Ralston, Alexander T Rama, Raymond Rambo, Cynthia Ramoodit, Tilack Ramos, Jose Ramsaran, Ian Ramseur, Joseph L Ramsey, James E Ramsey, Kevin W Rancic, Livijo Randle, Gloria 48 IN TRANSIT 1300 998 1576 788 1342 998 241 85 85 998 26 1395 85 1300 825 726 770 689 241 998 1309 85 726 265 998 587 998 1336 268 587 268 268 689 627 85 85 85 268 1235 998 85 85 998 85 627 519 308 1235 85 241 1277 820 1309 825 618 1235 1300 1342 85 26 85 1338 268 1277 26 1179 825 1338 1056 1056 1577 26 85 85 825 268 Randolph, Lionel H Randolph, Raphael L Range, Douglas B Ranick, Michael A Rankin, Blanche E Rankin, Wendy S Ransaw, Louis Rauenswinter, Mark R Raven, Tamika Rawling Jr, Preston A Rawls, Barbara J Ray-Stroman, Robin Ray, Mancefield H Ray, Tonya R Rayman, Terry L Raymer, Ronald G Razack, Raymond Reaves, Sayligmon Rebholz, Richard J Rector, Jeffrey Reddick, Christopher F Reddick, Tammora A Redington, Brian J Redman III, Eugene R Redmond, Sherman C Redwar, Adrian Reece-Bowens, Crystal Reece, Andre’ T Reed, Jerry L Reed, Nazerine Reed, Odell Reed, Reginald P Reep, Shawn S Reese, Alvin W Reese, Jerry O Reese, Lashell N Reese, Marcia M Reese, Thomas W Reeve, Gary A Reeves Jr, Charles J Regan, Gregory Register, Kevin W Reichert, David W Reid, Frank T Reid, Milton R Reiss, Ronald W Reitz, Charles T Remy, Jean C Renfro, Sabrina Resutko, Andrew R Revels Jr, Richard Reynolds, Anthony L Reynolds, Brian P Reynolds, Bruce L Reynolds, Renae Rhodes, Albert H Rhodes, Julius E Rice, Charlotte Ann Rich, Edward T Rich, Warren L Richard, Mary K Richard, Shalawna S Richardson, Audrey J Richardson, Brian Richardson, Charletha K Richardson, Cornell Richardson, Eric J Richardson, John T Richardson, Kevin B Richardson, Mark C Richardson, Michele J Richardson, William A Ricupito, Delores Riddick, Mary P Rieber, Sandra M Ries, John J 1436 26 268 85 85 1015 85 85 627 1309 85 1300 1235 85 85 85 998 26 85 1436 689 689 85 1001 1338 822 627 26 998 689 241 1338 85 265 268 85 85 85 587 85 85 268 85 85 241 85 85 1235 1342 85 1287 85 1235 1287 85 85 788 85 85 1309 85 26 1300 820 1338 788 689 689 689 1309 268 689 1342 788 85 1342 Riggs, Donald A Riley Jr, Abrom L Riley Jr, James F Riley, Charmayne A Riley, Frank W Riley, Linda R Riley, Mary E Riley, Mavon S Riley, Michael J Riley, Michael L Riner, Michael D Rios, Mike Ritter, Kyle E Rivera, Joseph Rivera, Patrice Rivera, Wilfredo Rivers, Mary J Roach, Pamela J Roark, Alan G Roark, Joann Robb, Francis S Robbeloth, James R Roberson, Erma Roberson, Robert J Robert, Richard R Roberto, Ralph Roberts II, John D Roberts, Armenta B Roberts, Deloris B Roberts, Eduardo J Roberts, Joel E Roberts, Kenneth Roberts, Winifred Robertson, Bryant A Robertson, Michael A Robinson, Andre Robinson, Danny K Robinson, Ellis Robinson, Francis N Robinson, Frank Robinson, George E Robinson, Hubbard R Robinson, Karen L Robinson, Michael C Robinson, Oliver L Robinson, Patricia Robinson, Paul D Robinson, Phyllis G Robinson, Sherrielynn Robinson, Sheryl E Robinson, Tina Robinson, Tony Robinson, Tracy R Robinson, William Robison, Sheldon W Robles, Cesar Roby, Patty L Roddy, Marion Rodgers Jr, James G Rodgers, Zachary M Rodney, Changra C Rodocker, Bobbie J Rodriguez, Alfredo Rodriguez, Cetedra Rodriguez, Ricardo Rodriquez, Carlos R Rogers, Everrett C Rogers, James T Rogers, Jennifer A Rogers, Kenneth B Rogers, Sharon D Roggio, Richard Rollins, John B Rollins, William L Roloff, Mark A Romagna, Anthony T 85 836 1548 1575 998 26 26 1338 85 26 587 726 519 726 26 1056 1309 1309 1287 1287 689 85 1338 1338 1235 85 85 1177 1235 1177 1235 26 85 689 998 1179 1338 1338 689 822 26 26 26 788 241 26 85 689 1001 1267 1564 241 1342 1342 689 1338 998 788 1177 1464 1179 85 822 1179 1179 1577 689 1300 1342 825 85 726 1015 610 268 85 Romano, Anthony B Romano, Joseph J Romine, Aaron Roner Jr, Hubert J Ronzino, John M Rosarion, Guy E Rosby, Darryl Rose, Leon Roseborough, Gwendolyn Rosemond, Marvin A Roshell, Cynthia L Ross, Diane L Ross, Gayla Ross, James H Ross, Larry Ross, Terry L Rost, Thomas A Rothstein, Jason Rouse, Kendall R Rouse, Renee F Roux, Charles H Rowe, Anita R Rowe, Cheryl L Rowe, Eugene Rowe, Leonard L Rowe, Milton G Royak, Joseph Royal, Nicholia R Royster, Derrick Rozier, De Ann L Rubinich, John S Rubio, Angel L Rubio, Oscar Rucker, James H Rucker, Lamon S Rudder, Patricia A Ruffin, Kenneth J Ruffing, Michael G Ruiz, Anthony Ruminski, Steven M Rundle, Thomas A Rupcic, Paul E Rush, Horace Rushinskiy, Paul Rutherford, Darius Ryan, David R Ryan, Harold Ryan, Kelli L Ryan, Matt V Ryan, Michael W Ryan, Patricia E Saati, Gebrail Sable, John T Sadowski, Robert M Safko, John A Sahadeo, Muniram Sahr, Glenn R Saiani, Geno P Saiani, Sherry L Saint Vil, Garry Sakowski, Christopher Salerno, Thomas Salido, Arnoldo Salmon, Ralph D Salomon, Joyce B Salute, Karl Sanchez, Daniel O Sanchez, Manuel Sanchez, Sixto Sanderfer, Marguerite Sanders-Buxton, Carolyn Sanders, Carrie J Sanders, Cynthia D Sanders, Gerald D Sanders, Jimmie L Sanford II, Terry S 85 1179 627 85 1179 825 282 825 268 627 1212 1436 1342 788 1338 1338 1342 726 998 26 1300 241 587 998 268 1342 85 998 85 85 85 825 1277 788 268 1309 788 85 726 998 268 85 26 1575 26 85 726 85 1309 85 1564 825 85 268 85 1179 85 85 85 825 726 1181 1309 1287 1179 1179 265 1277 1464 1212 1436 836 998 268 268 587 Sanford, George J Sangster, Earnestine Santangelo, Casper Santiago, John Santimauro, David A Sappington, Gary J Saras, John Sardo, Benny Sarsfield, Albert R Sarvis, Timothy A Saucer, Lester Saulle, John C Saunders, Richard J Saundras, David C Saussol, Albert H Sawdy, Gene E Saxon, Larry G Sayre, David Earnest Scaglione, Steve J Scanlon, Suzanne Scarano, Richard Schaefer, Michael G Schaefer, Ronald D Schafer Sr, David H Schaller, Terry J Schallus, Charles G Schallus, Mary Ann Scharff, Thomas Schaub, Lynette R Schefield, Audrey Schenk, Dale M Scherbick, Donald A Schifferdecker, Jerry Schildknecht, Mark C Schilling, Richard A Schiraldi, Peter H Schloss, Jess W Schmitt, John F Schmitt, Vivian L Schoffstall, Albert Schoolman, Duane M Schultz, Dawn Marie Schultz, Michael P Schultz, Russell E Schulz, Ruth M Schwartz, Frederick J Schweitzer, Lucius Schwert, Paul S Scipio, Elizabeth M Scott, Chastidy D Scott, Dean W Scott, Kenneth D Scott, Patricia A Scott, Tyesha L Scott, Victor L Scotto, Vincent Scrugg, Alicia L Scruggs Sr, Roger Lee Scullon, Charles G Sealey, Beatrice E Searcy, James H Seaver, Christopher S Sedillo, Phyllis K Sedlacek, Michael Sedlacek, Patricia M Sedlachek, Neal R Sedlock, Kurt P Segura, Abel Segura, Jerome Segura, John Seibert, Gregory T Seibert, John P Seiller, Dennis Sellers, Keith Sellers, Scarlett A Sellman, Andrew L 268 1342 726 726 85 1300 85 1309 85 1300 689 726 85 85 85 788 268 1742 998 85 1342 788 26 757 519 85 85 1548 85 1300 998 85 788 587 85 1145 1015 85 788 85 752 85 752 998 998 1005 85 1235 1300 85 1015 1338 1015 26 998 726 1235 1235 85 85 1235 1015 1309 85 85 998 85 1436 308 998 1436 85 819 726 1164 689 www.atu.org Semego, Michael G Senigar, Dexter C Septh, Kevin B Sepulveda, George Serrano, Ana D Serrano, Ernest M Serrano, Nancy Servatius, Stacey L Shabazz, Khalid Shack, Samuel L Shakir, Monica M Shamlin, Tracy Shareef, Khalil Akmal Shatzer, Fred F Shaw, Marcia Shaw, Samuel Sheerer, Timothy W Shelby, Rochelle Sheldon, Noel P Shellman, Freddie Lee Shelton, Ronald M Shephard, Betty Shepherd, William J Sheppard, Jerrell Sheppard, Juantelro L Sherman, Aleta Shick, Dale A Shimkets, Frank R Shimko, Michael R Shipp, Larry H Shoaf Jr, Thomas C Shoals, Joshua Shoemaker, Robert A Shorter, Arnold Shorts Sr, Henry Shovlin, Patrick Shows, Rene’e A Shuler Jr, Willie T Shumate, Donna L Sibala Jr, Aristotle Sibert, Harry A Siebert, Steve Siedlecki, David Sierra, Michael Siler, Nadine E Sillman, Richard W Silvera, Ronald Silvio, Angelo Albert Silvio, Mark A Simak, Robert A Simler, Nancy A Simmon, Laquicha Simmons, Alicia R Simmons, Charity M Simmons, Ella J Simmons, Ian Simmons, Jerone M Simmons, Michael Simmons, Reginald V Simmons, Ronald P Simmons, Wayne E Simmons, William S Simon, James E Simon, Patricia Y Simonis, Alan J Simpson, Jerome C Simpson, William B Sims, James C Sims, James F Sims, Kenneth W Sims, Veronica Singh, Rajkumar Singletary, David R Singleton, Gregory Sinkler, Darrell Sirk Jr, Harold W www.atu.org 85 1575 1056 1338 1336 85 820 1015 627 26 268 1338 85 85 1338 788 85 1338 85 1342 241 26 85 1338 1338 788 85 85 85 1235 85 1338 85 268 1145 682 26 1179 1356 822 26 26 256 26 1300 85 825 85 85 85 85 1338 282 1342 85 880 788 26 689 1015 268 788 85 770 998 85 627 26 998 1575 282 1179 752 26 1179 268 Sirls, Machelle Skanes, Earnest J Skiver, Patrick B Slade, Carmen F Sleet, Jade L Sloan, Matthew R Smaby, John F Smahol, Daniel Smalls-George, Cheryl L Smalls, Stanley J Smart, Donald B Smiley, Marcus B Smith Jr, Charles Smith Jr, Earl Smith Sr, Ernest R Smith, Arthur Smith, Audrey P Smith, Billy A Smith, Charlie Smith, Clara M Smith, Clark L Smith, Danny Smith, David A Smith, Debra M Smith, Delesia Smith, Doris F Smith, Emmit J Smith, Homer Smith, Inga Smith, Jamal D Smith, Janenell M Smith, Joann Smith, Joel D Smith, Joseph C Smith, Joseph D Smith, Juanita E Smith, Juwanna L Smith, Kathryn D Smith, Kevin M Smith, Lambert Smith, Laura Jean Smith, Leonard Smith, Lester C Smith, Levester Smith, Mary C Smith, Michael D Smith, Michael D Smith, Mickey E Smith, Paul E Smith, Ralph L Smith, Ricardo Smith, Richard J Smith, Robbie A Smith, Sandy N Smith, Saundra M Smith, Tanya L Smith, Tenqua Smith, Tyrone Smith, Vincent Smith, Wayne Smith, Willie J Smith, Willie V Smith, Winfred Smith, Yolanda G Smith, Zachary G Smylie, Noel A Sneed, Alissa M Snider, David F Sniegocki, Michelle L Snow, Christopher M Snyder, Barbara J Snyder, Dale R Snyder, Teri L Solomon, Michael Somerville, Charmale F Sommer, Cynthia L 788 1395 268 1177 836 268 519 282 1056 1324 820 26 788 268 878 26 241 1436 1338 998 1235 1395 1742 1555 268 1235 1395 308 1300 689 268 726 788 85 825 822 85 1212 788 1555 1001 1235 587 1235 1235 85 1436 1338 1338 85 85 714 1287 1235 241 627 1338 627 726 824 268 26 627 998 85 268 26 265 85 788 85 85 85 726 85 85 Sontheimer, Gregg A 85 Sossong, Mark E 85 Soto, Denis 726 Spalding, J Larry 627 Spangler, Glen C 682 Sparacino, Joseph 726 Sparandera, Paul F 726 Sparby, Rita 1333 Spates, Pamela D 823 Spearman, Joe W 268 Spearman, Theoplius G 788 Spears, Corine A 308 Spence, Donald B 1342 Spence, Frederic L 998 Spence, Gregory D 26 Spencer, John F 1287 Spencer, Lester 788 Spencer, Roy D 1577 Spencer, Sharlene Elizabeth1336 Spezzano, Louis R 85 Spiller, Demond L 788 Spraggins II, Frank J 788 Spraggins, Jesse J 788 Spratley, Joseph 85 Sray, David 85 St Arromand, Andree 1179 Stadtfeld, Glen E 85 Stallworth, Dewitt 1395 Stallworth, George W 1395 Stallworth, Scosha H 998 Stalworth, Rodney 627 Stanberry, Alice R 1395 Stancel, Tara Y 1395 Stanley Jr, John 85 Stanley, Albert J 1300 Stanton, Craig 878 Stanton, Kipp A 85 Staples, Monica E 85 Stark, Raymond G 85 Starkey, Larry 26 Starkman, Alfredo 85 Staton, James R 1547 Staudt, Jeffrey P 85 Steele, John C 519 Steele, Tobbie 268 Steele, William C 788 Steger, Robert A 1235 Stein III, John E 26 Stephens, Douglas C 1338 Stephenson, Judy L 85 Stepnick, John R 85 Stevens Sr, Maurice 1342 Stevenson, Chyrel 1575 Steward, Anthony 1235 Stewart, Allen 788 Stewart, Craig A 85 Stewart, Delia T 1400 Stewart, Mary A 85 Stewart, Tina C 682 Stewart, Wilbert E 85 Stewart, Zelliar D 1056 Still, Damian D 85 Stith, Donnavan M 1177 Stitzel, William J 85 Stocke, Dennis J 85 Stojanoff, Ted 85 Stokes, Colando 1179 Stokes, Robert W 85 Stone, Vicki L 85 Stoudmire, Donald H 85 Stoyanoff, Steven L 85 Stoyanov, Violeta B 788 Strader, William J 1179 Straub, David P 85 Straub, Robert J 85 Strayhorn, Gary 627 Streck, Karolyn K Street, Monique Y Streeter, Lournie Streuli, Daniel Strickland, Jo A Strong, Barbara Strong, Exzavier S Stroud, Airrick D Stroud, Sherri L Strycharz, Jaroslaw Studer, Mark D Suarez, Leonel Villalpando Sugrue, James Sullivan, William G Summers, Sherman L Sumpter, Gregory Suprano, Gregory S Sutherland, Maurice L Sutton, David D Sutton, Robert Swanstrom, William Rich Swartwood, Deborah M Sweet, Darrell Sweet, Gary T Swift, Randall L Swimelar, James R Swindell, Veronica Swinney, Kimmer L Swisher, Gary D Sykes, Larry Sylvester, Edmond G Sylvester, Michael R Szalai, Frank D Szmyd, Robert M Ta, Liem Van Taalib, Brenda Y Tagaloe, Daniel M Taipt, Veab Talarico, Vincent A Talley, Linda E Talocco, John Tanase, Nicolae Tansmore, Tashell Taplett, Kenneth Tarasi, Joseph Tarbet, Michael W Tarnowski, Thomas N Tarr, Richard M Tarsala, Ronald A Tasby, Henry E Tate, Scott A Tatum, Billy D Tautkus, David G Taylor III, Charles H Taylor, Brenda Taylor, Clarence H Taylor, Diane Taylor, Gerald D Taylor, James L Taylor, Janis L Taylor, Jon J Taylor, Lavette Taylor, Lisa K Taylor, Max S Taylor, Pamela J Taylor, Paul A Taylor, Rudolph Taylor, Sean L Taylor, Stacy R Taylor, Stanley M Taylor, William E Teague, Raymond W Teasley, La Donna Teeter, Dale M Telek, Ronald K Templer Jr, Tom 587 689 1300 1235 1235 998 268 26 26 822 85 1277 726 589 1235 1179 85 1321 1179 1235 1015 1342 726 1164 998 1015 26 788 85 1564 825 85 998 85 1277 788 85 822 85 1235 825 1179 85 1400 85 265 998 85 85 1338 998 1287 85 282 268 241 268 998 192 26 85 788 1235 1742 788 1742 1300 689 1235 689 1177 1179 26 1145 85 998 Tenant, Diane Terrazas, William F Terrell, Trevor D Terreri, Dennis J Terry, John D Terry, Nathan S Thandi, Balhar Tharpe, Lamont Theccanat, George M Thiem Jr, Thomas A Thom, Michael P Thomas, Alfred Thomas, Allan Thomas, Andrew R Thomas, Brian L Thomas, Carla D Thomas, Dentis D Thomas, Jacqueline E Thomas, Jason R Thomas, John L Thomas, Kenneth Thomas, Roland Thomas, Ronald Thomas, Roy Thomas, Sha’ron Thomas, Tina H Thomas, William L Thomas, Willie B Thompkins, Jenell Thompson, Byron B Thompson, Derrick R Thompson, Latasha S Thompson, Marc A Thompson, Terry A Thorpe, Kenneth W Thorpe, Rennarda Thorps, Vivian M Thorton, Sondra Thrower, Jeffery J Tidwell, Cassandra Tiedeman, Donald Tilley, Bessie L Tillman, Felicia A Tiples, Justin D Tippelt, Edward J Tipton, Eddie L Tobey, Lisa C Todaro, Charles Todd, Christopher J Todd, Quentace Tolan, Alvin L Tolbert, Charles Tolbert, John K Tollens, Jose A Tomter, Wayne C Toomey, Rannette Torres Jr, Carlos Torres, Deifa Torres, Nerris Tortora, Ludwing Tousignant, Peter M Townsend Jr, James O Townsend, Christine E Townsend, Eric Townsend, Mattie M Townsend, William Trani, Thomas Travis, Robert A Treadwell, Scott A Tremmel, John Trent, Hasson Trevino, Mario A Trimble, Geraldine Triplett, Charles N Triplett, Walter Triplin, Ernest E MARCH/APRIL 2008 880 1277 1235 85 241 1300 726 1309 308 627 268 880 825 998 752 1338 1300 1056 85 587 627 788 1338 726 1300 788 788 587 1164 788 689 788 788 85 1342 1300 788 627 1015 268 836 1091 1342 1277 998 998 587 1342 1309 85 788 268 282 282 1310 85 1179 822 820 726 998 26 788 85 26 689 1548 85 85 726 825 1235 268 788 268 1179 49 Trost, Charles 726 Troyer, Teresa 1015 Truby, Richard W 998 Truhan, David A 85 Truiett, Joseph D 1300 Truitt, Lugene 26 Trujillo, Eduardo R 823 Trujillo, Joseph Lynn 85 Tsegaye, Fassil 1235 Tucker, Anthony G 268 Tucker, Darla J 85 Tucker, Jeffrey S 1235 Tucker, Michael J 1235 Tucker, Vince E 689 Tucker, Welbert L 268 Tunstall, Gwendolyn C 770 Turner, Allen Sidney 85 Turner, Alvin T 1400 Turner, Carl E 1342 Turner, Jerome L 85 Turner, Larry G 26 Turner, Vanessa Ann 192 Turzak, Gregory 85 Twardowski, Boguslaw Bob1277 Tyler, Gerald C 1056 Tynes, Doris L 1177 Tyus, Gwendolyn D 268 Uglialoro, Rudy M 282 Uherc, Joseph 268 Uhls, Claude R 1235 Ulam, Michael T 85 Ulloa, Jose F 825 Underwood, Katherine D 268 Urango, Edna 265 Urda, Frank J 85 Uzzell, Larry L 788 Vachal, Joseph E 85 Vaden Jr, Hardy 1338 Vale, Vernon P 1575 Valentine, Freddie 1338 Valentine, Rennie 1056 Valentino, Emedio V 85 Valenzuela Jr, Andrew 1056 Vallecorsa, William J 85 Vallus, John 85 Vang, Ge 519 Van Ellis Jr, Charles 308 Vargas, Andrew L 268 Vargas, Rene I 1145 Vargo, Rocky J 1575 Vasher, David 1338 Vasquez, Delina 26 Vaughn Jr, Frenchel 1338 Vaughn, Calvin E 788 Vaughn, Nikki 26 Vega, Sharon L 268 Vega, William 448 Velez, Lucio 1338 Veloz, David A 1277 Veltri, Francis R 85 Ventresca, Joseph P 880 Ventrice, Anthony P 85 Vera, Nemesio 1056 Vereb, Eugene J 85 Verges, Debra 788 Verhaalen, Robert J 998 Verlato, Ted W 85 Vermeulen III, Frank J 85 Vick, Christopher L 1235 Vidal, Nickson 265 Vietmeier, Thomas J 85 Vikara, George J 85 Villagran, Luis A 1179 Villanueva, Alfonso V 1277 Villao, Jim J 1056 Villegas, Hector M 1309 50 IN TRANSIT Villegas, Olga R Vincent, Arthur M Vitalbo, Lisa A Vogel Jr, James F Vogel, Edward C Vollmar, Richard J Von Arx, Richard Vukmanic, Joseph Vurich III, Joseph P Vybiral, Matthew S Wachowicz, Aimee M Wachtl, James A Wade, Arnold S Wade, Richard W Wade, Robert B Wagner, Marie E Wagner, Ronald R Wagner, Wayne E Waite, Kevin Wakefield, Rosalyn K Waken, Daniel E Walden, Stephanie L Walker Jr, David Walker Jr, Donald F Walker, Ackema S Walker, Anthony Walker, Anthony L Walker, Deborah J Walker, Dennis Walker, Donna R Walker, Henry J Walker, Kenneth E Walker, L D Walker, Ricky R Walker, Walter Wallace Jr, Lorenzo Wallace, Rita A Waller, Cornell Walls, Vincent D Walnick, Mark A Walsh, James T Walsh, Niles Walton, Howard L Walton, Tammy Ward Sr, Carl Ward, Sheron M Wardezak, James C Warren III, Ernest Warren, Donya N Warren, Laverne Warren, Nathaniel R Warwick, Willis Lavalle Washington-White, Brenda S Washington, Angela M Washington, Anthony E Washington, Brian K Washington, Kirk Washington, L Robin Washington, Lonnie Washington, Milton E Washington, Newman V Washington, Rodney A Washington, Synetta L Washington, Tywanna F Wasick, Michael D Watkins, Brian S Watkins, Donna M Watkins, Jerry Watkins, Kevin W Watkins, Mallory Y Watson Sr, David E Watson, Debra A Watson, Delores Watson, Marjorie B Watson, Reginald Watson, Roy M 819 85 85 85 85 998 519 268 265 85 1342 998 85 1235 1235 85 85 85 726 268 268 85 1338 85 1235 1342 268 268 268 85 26 1235 689 1338 627 268 788 26 268 85 85 824 268 1338 26 788 85 1287 788 308 26 843 788 1575 689 788 26 1177 998 1287 1338 1300 1395 85 85 752 241 1235 788 85 26 998 308 1577 1338 689 Watts, Bernard Watts, Glenda G Wayman, Paul F Waymer, Charise Waymer, Christopher Weare, Ivory Weaver, Anita Weaver, Dana Weaver, Franklin J Weaver, John L Weaver, Joseph L Weaver, Melvin Weaver, Sylvia A Webb, Alice L Webb, Danny K Webb, Richard M Webb, Wendy D Webster, Arlene M Webster, Keenna D Webster, Kenneth A Webster, Michael C Weeden Jr, Alfred M Weems Jr, Leonard F Weems, Troy A Weihrauch, Scott T Weiss, William T Wellington, Donnie L Wellington, Larry D Wells Jr, Frederick M Wells, Donald L Wells, Labarion Wendt, Alan F Werwie, James J Wesby, Yvonne Wesley, Joyce Wesley, Renee West, Earl P Westfall, Mary E Wetmore, Edward C Wetmore, Gene Wetzel, Thomas E Whatley, Thomas J Wheeler, Alious Wheeler, Charlie N Wheeler, George H Wheeler, Jack Wheeler, Monika Whelan, Stephen Whidden, Rendol Whitaker, Alphonso White Jr, Frank White, Angelique G White, Augusta White, Carmale L White, Drayfris K White, Gary T White, Katie L White, Richard W White, Sandra E Whitehead, Tyrone B Whitfield, Willie L Whitley, Dan E Whitlock, Gregory T Whitlock, Sylvester L Whitlow II, Reginald M Whittaker, Neville K Whittley, Rodney Wickenhoefer, Claudine Wieczokowski, David Wierzchowski, John F Wierzchowski, Kim R Wietrzykowski, Charles R Wilbert, Lauri Wilcher, Stephine D Wilcox, Robert L Wilder, Denise E 627 1309 1145 726 726 998 26 1235 587 1436 998 1338 1576 757 788 1145 788 85 998 788 85 1342 268 85 85 85 998 689 26 1277 998 998 85 788 1338 1338 1179 85 85 85 85 268 1342 26 998 726 85 726 1267 1177 1400 192 241 788 308 85 268 85 1287 85 241 788 1309 1436 26 1179 998 1575 26 85 998 85 85 1235 689 587 Wiles, William F Wiley, Gary H Wiley, Jeanette Wilford, Lestine M Wilke, Terry L Wilkerson Jr, Robert Wilkerson, Freddie M Wilkes Sr, Malcolm P Wilkins, Anthony M Willette, Steven L Williams Jr, Earl Williams Jr, Jorge R Williams Jr, Martin C Williams Jr, Paul Williams Sr, Gerald C Williams-Green, Ruby D Williams, Catherine Williams, Charles Williams, Charles Williams, Charley L Williams, Charmin Williams, Christine Williams, Clara M Williams, David Q Williams, David T Williams, Duane G Williams, Elaine R Williams, Eric Williams, Gary A Williams, Gary L Williams, Gregory M Williams, Henrietta Williams, Izell Williams, Janice M Williams, John K Williams, Joseph Williams, Karima K Williams, Keith Williams, Kenneth N Williams, Kevin L Williams, La Vaughn Williams, Lamar I Williams, Laronda Williams, Lisa W Williams, Lolette Williams, Marshall T Williams, Melvin D Williams, Michael L Williams, Milton H Williams, Phyllis J Williams, Ralph L Williams, Regina G Williams, Reginald Williams, Rene Williams, Rhoda R Williams, Roxanne S Williams, Thomas C Williams, Ventley R Williams, Walter Williams, Willis Williamson-Cheatham, V Williamson, Derrick K Willis, Gary M Willite, Linda N Wilmer, Sharon Wilson Jr, Cleotha Wilson Jr, J C Wilson-Lowery, Jamie C Wilson, Calvin L Wilson, Donald A Wilson, Donald L Wilson, Gerald B Wilson, Kenneth L Wilson, Kevin E Wilson, Marc Wilson, Michael 85 85 1338 788 1015 26 1338 1177 1179 998 788 1177 268 268 1436 788 241 1338 1338 788 627 1300 788 265 689 26 85 1309 1300 1338 26 85 1177 268 819 1338 85 1447 1464 26 26 268 1338 268 1179 1056 268 85 85 85 85 1338 26 265 1177 85 85 998 26 822 1564 308 268 1164 85 26 26 998 265 998 1309 26 85 1338 1277 825 Wilson, Patricia Wilson, Rodney Wilson, Rosetta L Wilson, Terrence Wilson, Terry A Wilson, Verta D Wilson, Wayne Carlyle Wimbish, Johnny D Wimbish, William E Wimes, Belinda L Wincko, Michael P Windish II, Harry F Winfield, Marc Winston, Denine Winston, Emma M Winston, Joe T Winston, Marie A Winston, Walter Winters, Daniel J Winters, Lamont M Winters, Robert L Wirbicki, Vincent Wisdom, Henry C Wisdom, Warren Wise, Karen A Wise, Ted J Wisniewski, Robert Witcraft, Paul Witherspoon, Thomas R Witkowski, Kelly J Witman, Hilda E Wittenmeyer, Dale W Wittenmeyer, Ruth A Wojtseck Jr, John E Wolas, Richard D Wolf, Charles W Wolfe Jr, Wyatt A Woo, John Y Wood, Callie M Wood, James M Woodall, William J Woodard, Gerald R Woodard, Linda L Woodcook, Frances C Woodfork, Charlene Woodley, Brenda J Woodlon, Jerry M Woodruff, Byron L Woodruff, Edward S Woodruff, Luther Woods, Anthony L Woods, Robert G Woodward, Carla D Worriels, Patricia A Wortham, Kean Worthy, Sandy L Wray, Michael Wright Jr, Ray A Wright, Alan Wright, Colin M Wright, Curtis E Wright, Delroy Wright, John K Wright, Melvin Wright, Reeshemah Wright, Rodney Wroblewski, William J Wunderlich, David P Wyatt, Jesse Wyly-Winfrey, Dianne R Wynn, Derek A Wynn, Gregory A Wynn, Roosevelt L Wynn, Stephanie R Wynn, Yvette R Wyrick, Clyde E 241 268 1300 627 85 788 85 1309 1309 1164 85 880 627 627 822 689 85 268 85 788 1342 85 1577 1309 85 1015 85 519 689 85 1342 85 85 85 85 880 519 1575 788 689 1212 268 1235 85 587 282 1300 689 85 689 265 85 268 1324 1338 757 1015 1070 1338 587 788 825 998 788 1177 1338 726 85 1338 627 85 1235 1177 788 85 85 www.atu.org Wyrsch, Gregory A Xiques, Alberto Yakelis, David A Yandrlic, Richard D Yang, Jason Yanosky Jr, Steven Yarbough, Valencia Yarbrough, Rita C Yarusinsky, Michael G Yauch, Charles Yenchik, Steven P Yobbi, Gregory D Yoro, Jennifer L Youkers, Terence J Young Jr, John J Young, Andre L Young, Donnell Young, Llyron L Young, Marcus Young, Michael W Young, Raymond Young, Robert L Young, Thomas Younghans, Gregory G Yura, Thomas C Zahn, James E Zaldivar, Damian J Zambri, Paul L Zangrilli Sr, Daniel J Zapata, Thomas Zeis, Robert M Zellars, Kenton H Zendejas, Michael Ziebart, Gordon D Ziegler, John A Zilch, David A Zimmerman, Roger Zink, Stephen L Zoeller, David P Zook, Chad A Zubik, Sherry Ann Zuelow, Lewis F Zupanek, David R Zwickle, Anthony D 1575 1338 85 85 519 85 627 268 85 726 85 85 627 85 85 85 26 1277 519 85 85 26 923 85 85 85 1309 85 85 1056 85 85 1277 998 85 85 519 1015 85 1436 85 1575 85 85 FOUNDER’S CLUB Adams, Francis H Alderton, Robert C Allen Jr, James W Alvarado, Orlando Andrews, Bruce M Auman, Dennis J Babilonia, William Bailey, John Bruce Barber, Ernest Lee Bardell, Steven W Barkley, Eugene W Barletta, Janice N Bashor, Horace I Becker, Edward Carl Becker, Joseph J Bethea, William Birchett, Gregory B Biscardo, Jordan L Bowen, Albert E Bowman Jr, Preston Breeden, William Bregman, Israel Brenden, Vernon O Brennan, Raymond M Brown, Clarence L Brown, Silas E Brzykcy, Joseph www.atu.org 1345 1300 689 1056 1309 1433 308 689 689 757 192 589 1277 757 1321 1179 1575 85 726 1056 689 1056 587 241 241 589 1342 Buffington, Bernadine Buie Jr, Robert L Burke, James T Burnitz, Edward W Bush-Lee, Katherine L Cage, Jean Campbell, George D Carr, Martin Allen Carter, Ethel M Carter, James Robert Cartledge, Ernest B Casey, William J Chapman, Joseph Chapola, Robert A Chasteen Jr, Stanley V Christophel, Jack Christy, Philip N Ciraolo, Dorothea Clark, Gilmore R Clarkson, Robert Coger, Joseph D Cogley, John A Colby, James E Cole, William D Collins, Walter D Colon, Jaime Conway, Michael Cooper Jr, Leslie S Cordiner, George M Cosby, Rufus A Cox, Chester D Coznick, John L Curran, Paul R Curtin, Dennis M Dale, Fred L Danahy, Kenneth C Davis Jr, Robert L Davis, Carolyn F Davis, John L Davis, William B Davis, William C Dawes, James E Dawkins, Thomas Elwood Demes, Amos Diesslin, Michael J Doggette, Al L Donovan, Richard Doxtater, Marion M Drader, Marlin L Dritto, Joseph P Dronsfield Jr, Robert S Earley, George E Echols, Modesta Edelen, Eugene M Edwards, Eric Eiben, Ralph James Elkins, Lawrence Entzel, Arnie J Evans Sr, Rush Fenley, William D Fischer, Robert P Fitchett, Billy R Fleming, Carl W Flores, Fausto Flowers Sr, Elwood Flowers, Rosetta Follen, Charles J Franklin, Ellis B Fultz, Frederick M Funches, Levi Galvan, Filiberto G Garcia, Agustin C Garfield, George E Garmon, Boyce F Garza, Raul 26 241 821 241 85 241 589 689 308 1764 689 589 689 689 MAL 788 85 1181 689 880 1177 85 880 1700 308 241 580 MAL 1700 1220 MAL 689 589 1342 589 128 241 308 1056 1056 256 757 192 192 1005 1056 726 1005 265 1181 689 689 1342 1300 819 85 689 1005 689 1001 589 1700 1277 1277 308 308 85 1700 823 241 694 241 241 689 694 Gathings, James E Gauss, Johann Geddes, Edward M Gibson, Joseph L Gilmore, Thomas B Goans, Kenneth E Goldman, James S Goodman, Harry L Goodwin, Norman Earl Gragg, Robert L Graves, Noble Green, John D Green, Oliver W Greer, John Lamar Hallsworth, Harold C Hannon, Alfredo Hanson, Harvey J Harper, Leandra Harris, Lamont C Hathaway, Joseph D Hawkins, Claude B Herbert, Charles E Hill, Albert G Hollins Sr, Arthur L Horn, Joseph Hughes, Dorothy L Hughes, Robert Hukill, Bert V Hull, Aloysius Hynes, Patrick J Ingram, Frederick W Ivey, Bernard Jackson Sr, Donald R Jackson, Vernon E Jenkins, Sylvia A Johnson Jr, Harry M Johnson, Albert C Johnson, Carl D Johnson, James C Johnson, Nathan E Johnson, Reginald Jones Jr, Aaron Jones, David S Jones, Robert C Jordon, John C Joyal, William Kane, Francis J Kaylor, Donald J Kee, Harold Joseph Keller, Debra Kelly, James J Kelly, Paul M Kendrick, Glenn R Kenney, John J Klimas, Gustav Knight, Shirley A Knox, Clarence Kohler, Ida M Kohler, John M Kolarich, Robert A Kostrzewa, Frank J Kresge, Kyle J Kuemmel Jr, Edward Kussro, Elmer Lagarde, Thomas T Langlois, Gerald O Lankford, Heinz Gerhard Lantz, Gary L Larney, Kenneth J Leaders, Lucille Ruth Ledward, Richard F Lee, Jack H Leonard, James M Leslie, John R Lewis, Bobby L 241 1277 241 1700 241 1164 1436 1700 689 1700 241 757 1300 732 589 819 1001 1225 689 1001 192 689 689 1321 540 788 282 241 1056 589 1700 268 689 1277 689 689 192 26 1300 1309 689 689 MAL 192 265 425 689 1241 618 1181 689 85 823 589 425 308 308 265 265 998 241 819 241 MAL 26 618 192 1249 618 788 192 MAL 1235 757 1056 Lewis, Hartman G Lindsay, John A Linquist, Thomas W Loibl, David G Long, Robert J Lowe, Clarence M Lucas, Jestine Mack, Wesley Maes, Jesse Magee, Joseph W Makowski, Anthony Malone, Helena A Markula, Elaine L Martin, Julius Martin, June E Martin, Michael J Mascarella, Mariano J Matos, Wilfred Matthys, Leon B Mazzei, Robert J Mc Carthy, Richard D Mc Combe, William M Mc Conville, John P Mc Curtis, James L Mc Lean, Michael D Meadows Sr, Wayne L Michaelson, Vernon A Middleton, Robert L Midura, Henry Miller, Willis J Monk, William E Montague, James V Moore, Thomas D Moran, James C Morgan, Joseph W Mori, Dana K Morrell, Harold E Mosack, Kenneth K Murphy, Maurice P Myers, Robert K Nee, Daniel J Nelson, Robert E Niedermeyer, Carl W Niehaus, Joseph Albert Parish-Suggs, Cornelia P Patruno, Theresa Payne, James D Perry, Cornelious Pfile, Robert W Phillips, Afree J Plaikner, Rudolph Ponder, Herbert Price, Lee Roy Primm, Thomas Pritchard, Monroe D Puente, Robert A Puffenbarger Jr, John Purcell Jr, John H Putnam, Earle W Quin-Harkin, John Ragsdale, Frederick Ratcliffe, William A Redd, Vernon Y Rees, Robert A Reyes, Bernardo A Ricupito, Delores Ringold, Joseph Riskosky, John B Robinson, William Rodriguez, Hortensia Rossmango, Alfred Saenz, Eleanor Saleem, Jamal D Salmond Jr, Hayes Sampson, Albert R 1300 MAL 587 1001 241 689 819 1300 265 589 1181 308 1005 1589 308 1179 822 1700 85 85 589 192 308 308 1005 192 1005 1056 1342 1005 825 638 85 85 85 1277 819 85 589 1300 85 1005 85 85 689 1181 689 192 1277 265 85 85 1447 85 1309 1277 689 589 MAL 1575 241 425 241 241 265 1342 689 1309 1342 241 726 265 1277 689 1277 Sanders Jr, William Sangster, Earnestine Saunders, Carl William Scarvace, Anthony Scheboth, Edward Schulze, Paul F Scott, Mary E Scott, Ronald E Sellars, Stanley B Sexton, George V Sheckels, Rosemary Sheler, Lester Shelton, Louis Shephard, Betty Sherblum Jr, Carl A Simmons, Karen S Simmons, Leonard Simmons, Robert C Sims, Walter Singleton, Isaac Smisek, Paul Smith, Leo W Smith, Leroy Sneyers, Louis E Sorrell, Billy H Soto, George A Sowell, Nathaniel Stark, Lester J Stewart, Wendell Lee Stitt, John M Stokes, Bobby E Stokes, Sterling R Stouffer, Harold R Stover, Norman Suarez, Victor Sullivan, Thomas L Summers, Alfred B Thomas Jr, John J Thomas Sr, Dennis T Thomasel, Peter A Thompson, Geraldine S Thompson, Willie L Turner Jr, Virgil Ulysses, Mial Underhill, Donald J Urban, Michael R Van Gundy, Albert R Vanderhoof, Thomas P Vatovec, Edward R Velez, Amador Vergari, Victor Vernaci, Victor A Verzellesi, Alfred Wallace, Raymond C Warren, John Howard Washington, Purnell C Watkins, Harvey B Whitehead, Jesse B Whitman II, Joseph G Williams, Charles A Williams, Donald Earl Williams, Donald Glenn Williams, James Allen Williams, John K Williams, Julius Williams, Phillip J Williams, Willie Gray Willis, Phillip Wimmer, Wilfred W Wojciechowski, Richard Woods, John L Woods, Roosevelt Cato Young, George F Young, George N Young, Ronald E MARCH/APRIL 2008 1338 1342 26 85 85 1342 1181 308 689 1181 308 689 788 26 618 788 85 1575 1177 1300 824 241 1700 820 MAL 1277 308 1575 580 85 998 770 689 725 726 589 689 589 1056 1056 192 1181 241 819 26 164 1277 1321 1181 241 824 726 85 713 26 1300 85 241 618 308 689 1287 1181 819 1056 1001 689 282 757 85 308 268 689 1277 689 51 THE VOICE OF TRANSIT WORKERS UPGRADE your ATU-COPE Club level this month & RECEIVE an ergonomic ATU-COPE Travel Mug HOW CAN YOU UPGRADE? If you are already contributing at an ATU-COPE Club level, increase your yearly pledge to the next ATU-COPE Club level. If you are not in an ATU-COPE Club or are not contributing to ATU-COPE at all, pledge a minimum of $25 a year to become a member of the President’s Club. If you have already reached the Patriot level, increase your yearly pledge by at least $20. 52 52 IN IN TRANSIT TRANSIT www.atu.org www.atu.org Photo by Angela Radulescu ATU ACTIVISTS SHOW Support for Hillary Members of Local 192-Oakland, CA, rallied for Senator Clinton during the California Democratic Primary campaign, including, from left, Glenda Akins, Financial Secretary Rebecca JonesWhite, and Linda Bryant. Neither snow nor sleet could keep Cleveland’s Local 268 members from their appointed rounds in support of Senator Clinton during the Ohio Democratic Primary campaign. From left, is Assistant Business Agent for Operations Louis Besses, and Recording Secretary Debora Doaty. ATU member shows her support for Senator Clinton before the Ohio Democratic Primary. International Vice President Larry Hanley, left, stands with members of Locals 726-Staten Island, NY, and 1056-Flushing, NY, as they go campaigning for Senator Clinton before the New York Democratic Primary. Vinnie Catalano and George Martinos, both from Local 1181-New York, NY, reach out to convince union members to vote for Hillary in the New York Democratic Primary. Sabatino Dinardo, 85-Pittsburgh, PA, is working hard to make Senator Clinton the winner of the Pennsylvania Democratic Primary. www.atu.org www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2008 53 John McCain’s Transit and Labor Record McCain’s record shows that he has not supported transportation workers. McCain voted to ROLL BACK McCain will NOT Section 13(c) Transit Labor Protections by supporting an amendment that would restrict the right of unions to negotiate job protections when public transit agencies contract out services to private operators. 1 work toward universal health care. His plan would chip away at employer-based health care, making it harder for union members to maintain high quality health care in their bargaining agreements. 7 McCain voted AGAINST transit funding legislation that would have provided millions of dollars for mass transit. 2 McCain has OPPOSED raising the minimum wage and wants to cut overtime and equal pay provisions. 3 McCain has voted to WEAKEN worker rights and their freedom to bargain collectively. 4, 5, 6 Check the Facts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 54 Vote on Gramm Amendment to H.R. 2, 2/4/1987 S. 1072, Vote #14, 2/12/2004; H.R. 3, Vote #220, 7/29/2005 H.R. 2, Votes #23, 24, 25, 37, 39, and 42, 1/24/2008-1/31/2008; S. 2766, Vote #179, 6/21/2006; ; S. 256, Vote #26, 3/7/2005 S. 1637, Vote #79, 5/4/2004 H.R. 800, Vote #227, 6/26/2007 S. 1788, Vote #188, 7/10/1996 Conversation with John McCain, WMUR New Hampshire, 3/30/2007 IN TRANSIT www.atu.org Survey Pegs Canadian Transit Needs at $40.1 Billion Through 2012 The Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) published the fifth edition of its transit infrastructure needs survey, February 4. This latest edition now estimates the infrastructure requirements of transit systems across the country to be $40.1 billion for the period 2008–2012. In late 2007, CUTA surveyed all of its transit system members, asking them to detail their capital infrastructure needs for the next five years. Submissions were received from 72 systems, representing 95% of total Canada-wide transit operations according to annual operating costs. Transit systems were asked to divide their needs into four groups: 1. Currently planned rehabilitation or replacement (possible within existing funding programs) 2. Rehabilitation or replacement contingent on new external funding 3. Currently planned expansion for ridership growth (possible within existing funding programs) 4. Expansion for ridership growth contingent on new external funding MORE AGGRESSIVE EXPANSION Of the $40.1 billion required, 29% is needed to rehabilitate or renew existing infrastructure, while 71% would be dedicated to expanding service capacity for ridership growth. These figures indicate that, while the need for renewal and rehabilitation of existing infrastructure continues to be important, transit systems across the country are more aggressively planning to expand service to meet the mobility needs of the growing Canadian urban population. The report notes, however, that only half of the project value can be accomplished within current funding programs, whereas the other half is contingent on new external funding, suggesting a significant shortfall for the period 2008–2012. Canadian transit systems estimate they will need more than $11.7 billion during the period just to maintain their equipment, rolling stock and support facilities in a state of good repair. While rehabilitation www.atu.org and replacement projects totaling $9.2 billion are currently planned, it is important to note that many of these investments have not yet been budgeted by the municipalities and local authorities in question, nor are they assured of receiving approval. DEMAND Transit systems estimate they will need to invest $28.3 billion on expansion between 2008 and 2012 to meet projected demand. The pressure on transit systems has increased in the past years as transit has been identified as a key solution to mobility, environmental and economic challenges in urban areas. Of this total, only $10.9 billion is possible within existing funding programs, with the remainder dependent on new commitments. These investments will help in the battle against increasing traffic congestion, air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The total infrastructure needs of Canadian transit systems have grown as pressure increases to make significant ridership gains to impact transit modal share. Over 73% of the total amount is in Canada’s three largest census metropolitan areas (CMA) more specifically, the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), York Region Transit (YRT), Durham Region Transit, Mississauga Transit, Brampton Transit and GO Transit in the Greater Toronto Area; the Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT), the Société de transport de Laval (STL) and the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) in the Metropolitan Region of Montréal; and TransLink in Vancouver. Added pressure from the increasing population of these CMAs reflects one of the many challenges public transit systems are facing in these urban centres and their surrounding suburbs. The results from this survey confirm an identical message from previous surveys: if Canada’s urban transit infrastructure investment needs are to be met, and if transit is expected to help increase mobility in urban areas, both federal and provincial levels of government must continue to invest aggressively in transit. MARCH/APRIL 2008 55 miracle ONE MOTHER’S ATU The following was sent to us by Sherry Malone, 587-Seattle, WA: On Sunday, January 20, I received one of the phone calls every parent fears – my 15-year-old daughter had run away. She was attending a boarding school in Lakeland, FL. She and another girl had slipped out a side door at 3:00 a.m., disappearing into the night. I live in Seattle, WA – on the other side of the country. Monday was a holiday, and by Tuesday afternoon the paperwork for the case was still sitting on a desk in the county sheriff’s office in Florida – not yet assigned to a detective. I frantically asked what they were doing to find my daughter. Nothing yet, they said; the office had been closed due to the holiday. ‘MISSING POSTERS’ The officers and staff at Local 587 photocopied 500 of our posters in under an hour and got them to me as I headed toward the airport. I arrived in Tampa at 10:30 a.m., and drove straight to Lakeland, FL, where the girls had run away. Within an hour of arriving in Lakeland I received a call from Operator Bob Prainito of Palm Tran in West Palm Beach. He had just seen the poster and told me that he was certain the girls had been on his coach at noon. I drove straight to West Palm Beach. I asked if they had sent out an inter-county bulletin with the photos the school had provided. They were working on it, they said, and I should be hearing from a detective in the next couple of days. I placed an internet ad on “Craig’s List” for a tour guide in the Palm Beach area, and I was inundated with calls and email from good, honest people volunteering to help. A COUPLE OF DAYS? The next morning I met a few of the volunteers at my hotel room and we fanned out distributing the posters. We went to the malls, the transit centers, the beaches, and teen hangouts. Panic stricken, I immediately called the other girl’s mother. We took matters into our own hands. We made our own “missing posters” and called the sheriff’s department asking them to send them out. “No,” they said, “we like to do our own.” I asked if they would be sending them to transit agencies and Greyhound, etc. No, again, they replied; they would only do that if there had been an abduction or if there was cause to believe that the girls were in imminent danger. Ironically, the one place I had completely overlooked was the very hotel I was staying in. When I showed the desk clerk the poster he immediately recognized the girls and said that they had stayed there the night before. Unbelievable! I nearly fainted. I was led right to them and missed them by footsteps. ASTONISHMENT! By Wednesday the girls had been gone four days. Nothing was being done and no one was looking for them. We were getting nowhere. To my absolute disbelief and astonishment, those girls walked right into that hotel lobby the very next evening! TURNED TO THE ONE PLACE SHE KNEW THEY’D GET HELP My prayers were answered in a huge and miraculous way. I had traveled 2,500 miles from Seattle to Palm Beach, and found my daughter 300 miles from where she ran away, and within 30 hours of landing in Florida. What are the chances of that? I’m a transit driver for King County/Metro in Seattle, WA, and a member of Local 587. My daughter grew up riding buses with me and I knew she wouldn’t hesitate boarding one. So, I turned to the one place I knew I’d get the help we needed – the transit agencies and my ATU brothers and sisters. I contacted the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART) in Tampa and spoke with Safety and Security Officer Joe Diaz. I asked him if he would email our posters to the transit agencies in Florida and have them placed where all the city bus drivers could see them. Officer Diaz took my cry for help seriously and distributed them to every transit agency, law enforcement agency, and train station in the state within six hours. The networking in Florida between the transit agencies and the ATU was incredible and will never be forgotten. We came together as one and accomplished the impossible. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I want to thank everyone involved in helping me locate my daughter including the HART-RTA administration, Safety and Security Officer Joe Diaz, Operator Bob Prainito, and the officers and staff at Local 587. We were able to do what the police could not with the help of the transit agencies and my ATU brothers and sisters. God bless you and your families! I then made arrangements to fly to Tampa from Seattle that evening, catching the “red eye.” 56 IN TRANSIT www.atu.org Arbitration Decisions Local 1700 and Greyhound Lines, Inc. ISSUE: Was the four day suspension levied against Grievant Don McClinton for failure to properly wear his seatbelt based in just cause; and if now what shall the remedy be? SUMMARY: While on a run from Seattle, WA, to St. Regis, MT, Grievant began experiencing difficulties with his harness and lap belt assembly. The harness was irritating Grievant’s lower neck and shoulder area, and he was unable to adjust the apparatus to rectify the problem. During a scheduled stop, Grievant elected to remove the harness and place it behind him in the seat, wearing only the lap belt. Grievant testified that he was in fact aware of the work rule regarding seat belt usage while operating the vehicle, but reasoned that, because other bus models he was familiar with had only a lap belt, that he was in compliance with the work rule. Grievant was observed by a spotter wearing only his lap belt, and was subsequently reported for violating the work rule. After a review of the spotter’s report and an investigation into the incident, Greyhound Lines suspended Grievant four days; additionally, the company informed Grievant that a second seatbelt violation would result in immediate termination. HOLDING: Arbitrator Thomas Angelo noted that while Grievant was admittedly in violation of the work rule regarding seatbelt, he had taken steps to comply with the rule and was in clear discomfort while wearing the harness. Additionally, as Grievant noted, many buses have only the lap belt, and Grievant was just as safe operating his vehicle with just the lap belt as he would have been in a vehicle with only the lap belt; this warranted some mitigation, according to Angelo. As such, Angelo held that the grievance would be sustained in part, reducing Grievant’s suspension to two days, ordering that he be compensated for the two eliminated suspension days, and that Grievant not be subject to the second offense termination penalty in the event of a second seatbelt violation. Locals 241 and 308 and Chicago Transit Authority ISSUE: Did the Chicago Transit Authority (heretofore CTA) have sufficient cause to charge Grievant Javier Cortez with a safety violation in connection with a collision at the Kedzie Avenue Grade Crossing, and if not, what shall be the remedy? Furthermore, did CTA have just cause to terminate Grievant? SUMMARY: At the time the grievance occurred, Grievant had incurred three safety violations in the past 13 months, and accordingly was placed on a 12 month probationary period. Grievant was serving as a combined rail operator on the Brown Line. Due to renovation at Kimball Terminal, trains were forced to dwell at Kedzie Station longer than normal, often creating a backup of trains onto the Kedzie Avenue street crossing. To mitigate congestion, gatemen were assigned to manually operate gate crossings during heavy travel periods. On November 16, 2006, Grievant volunteered for and was assigned a shift as a gateman at Kedzie Station. Recognizing that it was rush hour for both automobile traffic and train traffic, Grievant began manually raising and lowering the crossing gates. At approximately 5:34 PM, train Run 431 began exiting the station at a faster than expected rate, and Grievant felt that he did not have enough time to manually lower the crossing gate; accordingly, he began urgently waving his flashlight at Run 431, in an attempt to stop the train, in accordance with CTA procedures. The operator of Run 431 did not stop his train, and collided with a pick-up truck, causing severe damage to the truck and minor damage to the train. After an investigation, CTA determined that Grievant acted in an unsafe manner in not attempting to lower the gate to stop Run 431, and that he was doing a poor job managing the flow of automobile and train traffic. He was charged with a safety violation, his fourth in 24 months, and subsequently terminated on December 18, 2006. HOLDING: Arbitrator Anita M. Rowe held that CTA failed to show sufficient evidence that Grievant had done a “poor job” managing traffic, or to show that Grievant should have attempted to lower the gate manually, as CTA suggested should have been done. Furthermore, CTA was noted to have provided ambiguous and incomplete training to gatemen operating the crossing gates at the Kedzie Station. Rowe sustained the grievance, ordering that Grievant be reinstated, he be made whole for his monetary losses, and the discipline be removed from his record. www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2008 57 LOCAL 19 - Colorado Springs, CO Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc. Local President Kenneth Knox and International Vice President Ron Heintzman report Interest Arbitration for first agreement. TERM: 3.3 years WAGES: Top Operator 11/1/07 - Ø 11/1/08 - 51¢ 11/1/09 - 52¢ 11/1/10 - 54¢ - H & W: Employer pays 75% individual, 75% + $50/month for employee +1, 75% + $100/month for family 11/1/07 - 2/28/11 Ø- $16.91 3.0% - $17.42 3.0% - $17.94 3.0% - $18.48 LIFE INSUR.:$10,000 PENSION: Employer 401(k) - employer match 25% of employee contribution up to 1.5% of annual salary VACATION: 1 year of service - 1 week 2 years of service - 2 weeks 5 years of service - 3 weeks 12 years of service - 4 weeks 20 years of service - 5 weeks SICK LEAVE: 1 day/month - 66 maximum accrual, one personal day/year is added if no sick is used HOLIDAYS: 6 + 1 personal day BEREAVEMENT: 5 days for immediate family or spouses immediate family NOTE: Training pay $1/hour permium LOCAL 89 - New Castle, PA New Castle Area Transit Authority Local President John Pezzuti and International Vice President Paul Bowen report settlement. TERM: 5 years WAGES: Top Operator 1/1/06 - 35¢ 1/1/07 - 25¢ 1/1/08 - 25¢ 1/1/09 - 25¢ 1/1/10 - 25¢ - 2.0% 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% 1.4% - $17.75 (was $17.40) $18.00 $18.25 $18.50 $18.75 Top Mechanic 1/1/06 - 40¢ 1/1/07 - 30¢ 1/1/08 - 30¢ 1/1/09 - 30¢ 1/1/10 - 30¢ - 2.2% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% - $18.28 (was $17.88) $18.58 $18.88 $19.18 $19.48 1/1/06 - 12/31/10 H & W: Employer pays 100% Employer pays up to $25.04/month for dental S & A: $280/week for 52 weeks LIFE INSUR.: $20,000, retirees $5,000 PENSION: Current employer contribution $3.28/hour increases to $3.68 by last year of agreement TOOL ALLOW.: $200, $3,000 insurance LOCAL 279 - Ottawa, ON First Bus Canada, Ltd. (Para Transpo Division) Local President Andre Cornellier and International Vice President Randy Graham report Interest Arbitration. TERM: 58 IN TRANSIT 3 years 1/1/06 - 12/31/08 www.atu.org WAGES: Top Operator 1/1/06 - 61¢ - 3% - $21.02 (was $20.41) 1/1/07 - 63¢ - 3% - $21.65 1/1/08 - 65¢ - 3% - $22.30 H & W: Add vision (maximum $250 every 2 years) S & A: Short term sick leave pay-out - 75% (was 55%) Long Term Disability: 66.6% of monthly earnings up to $2,500/month (New) LIFE INSUR.: to $31,000 (now $28,000) retirees - $2,000 + PERS Plan NOTE: ASE Certified - 20¢/hour per certification to $1.60 Training rate $1.00/hour (was 25¢) Night differential 25¢/hour (was 15¢/hour) The contract was ratified by a vote of 444 to 138. LOCAL 662 - Pueblo, CO MV Transportation (City of Pueblo Paratransit) Local President Anthony DeJoy and International Vice President Ron Heintzman report 1st contract. LOCAL 381 - Butte, MT Silver Bow County School District #1(drivers) Local President Robert Sandoval and International Vice President Ron Heintzman report settlement. TERM: 2 years WAGES: Top Operator 9/1/07 - Ø - 4.35% - $12.11 9/1/08 - 42¢ - 3.5% - $12.53 H & W: Employer contribution $440/month (to $465/month on 9/1/08) 9/1/07 - 8/31/09 SICK LEAVE: Sick leave bank - new members must belong to bank for 3 months before qualifying. TERM: 3 years WAGES: Top Operator 12/1/07 - $1.65 - 24.0% - $8.50 (was $6.85) 12/1/08 - 26¢ - 3.0% - $8.76 12/1/09 - 26¢ - 3.0% - $9.02 12/1/07 - 11/30/10 Dispatcher 12/1/07 -Ø- Ø - $8.40 12/1/08 - 35¢ - 4.2% 12/1/09 - 35¢ - 4.0% H & W: - $8.75 - $9.15 Employer contributes $1,800/year, or $600 opt-out LIFE INSUR.:$5,000 PENSION: 401(k) - employer match up 6% of employee’s first 10% Local President Lance Norton and International Vice President Ron Heintzman report settlement. VACATION: 6 months - 7.7 hours/pay period 1 year of service - 1.54 hours/pay period 3 years of service - 2.31 hours 5 years of service - 3.08 hours Vacation cash out option at 100% of regular rate of pay TERM: 1 year HOLIDAYS: 6 paid WAGES: Rail Operator 11/1/06 - Ø - Ø - $25.34 NOTE: Metro employees given preference for most Central Link and Street car positions. (This is new service with no incumbent employees). This agreement becomes a supplement to the MTA agreement. LOCAL 587 - Seattle, WA King County Metro Transit (Rail Labor Agreement) 11/1/06 - 10/31/07 LOCAL 627 - Cincinnati, OH Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA) Local President Mark Bennett and International Vice President Bob Baker report settlement. TERM: 3 years WAGES: Top Operator 2/10/08 - 32¢ 8/10/08 - 32¢ 2/8/09 - 35¢ 8/9/09 - 36¢ 2/7/10 - 39¢ 8/8/10 - 40¢ - 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.75% 1.75% 1.75% - $21.66 (was $21.34) $21.98 $22.33 $22.69 $23.08 $23.48 Top Mechanic 2/10/08 - 34¢ 8/10/08 - 34¢ 2/8/09 - 35¢ 8/9/09 - 41¢ 2/7/10 - 42¢ 8/8/10 - 43¢ - 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.75% 1.75% 1.75% - $22.96 (was $22.62) $23.30 $23.65 $24.06 $24.48 $24.91 H & W: 2/1/08 - 1/31/11 (New) HSA savings plan. Employee contribution $78/month for family plan (was $87/month) www.atu.org BEREAVEMENT: up to 7 days un-paid UNIF. ALLOW.: Provided NOTE: Prior to agreement all employee’s considered part-time with no benefits. 8 full-time operator positions guaranteed in current contract The contract was unanimously ratified by a vote of 12 to 0. LOCAL 662 - Pueblo, CO Pueblo Transit Local President Anthony DeJoy and International Vice President Javier Perez report settlement. TERM: 1 year WAGES: Top Operator 1/1/08 - 34¢ - 2.1% - $16.67 (was $16.33) H & W: Employer pay 95 % of premium NOTE: Bi-lingual pay for Customer Service Representatives - $50/month (New) The contract was ratified by a vote of 21 to 1. 1/1/08 - 12/31/08 LOCAL 682 - Fort Wayne, IN Fort Wayne Public Transportation Corporation Local President Bart Hofherr and International Vice President Javier Perez report Interest Arbitration. TERM: 4 years 1/1/06 - 12/31/09 MARCH/APRIL 2008 59 WAGES: Top Operator 1/1/06 - 38¢ 1/1/07 - 48¢ 1/1/08 - 59¢ 1/1/09 - 71¢ - 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% - $19.18 (was $18.80) $19.66 $20.25 $20.96 Top Mechanic 1/1/06 - 40¢ 1/1/07 - 52¢ 1/1/08 - 63¢ 1/1/09 - 75¢ - 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 3.5% - $20.52 (was $20.12) $21.04 $21.67 $22.42 WAGES: Top Operator 8/1/07 - 2.25% - $17.27 1/1/08 - 2.25% - $17.66 Dispatcher 8/1/07 - 2.25% - $17.79 1/1/08 - 2.25% - $18.19 PENSION: Employer pension plan - mandatory for all permanent employee’s UNIF. ALLOW.: $325 VACATION: 1+ years of service - maximum 10 days accrual 2+ years of service - 3 weeks 7+ years of service - 4 weeks 16+ years of service - 5 weeks 25+ years of service - 6 weeks CLEANING ALLOW.: $85 UNIF. ALLOW.: Provided TOOL ALLOW: $473 (tool, shoe & foul weather) SUBCONTRACTING: Sub contracting of bargaining unit work prohibited LOCAL 732 - Atlanta, GA NOTE: Local President Benita West and International Vice President Kenneth Kirk report settlement. LOCAL 1031 - Beaumont, TX Trailer pay - 75¢/hour premium Veolia Transportation Services, Inc. (was ATC/Vancom of Georgia) TERM: 3 years WAGES: Top Operator 7/1/07 - 49¢ - 3.1% - $16.55 (was $16.06) 7/1/08 - 60¢ - 3.6% - $17.15 7/1/07 - 6/30/10 Beaumont Transit Company Local President Wendall Goodman and International Vice President Kenneth Kirk report settlement. TERM: 3 years HOLIDAYS: Holiday pay counted as time worked for calculation of over-time (New) WAGES: Top Operator 11/1/07 - Ø - Ø - $17.96 11/1/08 - 50¢ - 2.8% - $18.46 11/1/09 - 50¢ - 2.7% - $18.96 SICK LEAVE: 7 days with 48+ months (to 8 days on 1/1/09) H & W: Employer contributes $200 toward eye glasses (was $75) LIFE INSUR.:$35,000 (+$35,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment) 11/1/07 - 10/31/10 GUARANTEE: 40 hours (was 35 hours) TOOL ALLOW.: $300 (increase $50 on 4/30/08 and 10/31/08) LOCAL 757 - Portland, OR Canby Area Transit (Oregon Housing and Associated Services, Inc.) Local President Jon Hunt and International Vice President Ron Heintzman report 1st agreement. NOTE: Add one position to extra board (to reduce forced over-time) LOCAL 1119 - Wilkes-Barre, PA TERM: 1.75 years WAGES: Top Operator 1/1/08 - $1.86 - 14.0% - $15.11 (was $13.25) 9/1/08 - 75¢ - 5.0% - $15.86 8/1/09 - 66¢ - 4.2% - $16.52 Local President Darrell Ramos and International Vice President Richard Murphy report settlement. TERM: 3 years H & W: Employer pays 100% employee only, opt-out maximum $548/month PENSION: Employer contribution - 6% VACATION: 1 year of service - 7.5 hours/month 2 years of service - 9.5 hours/month 4 years of service - 11.5 hours/month 6 years of service - 13.5 hours/month 8 years of service - 14.5 hours/month 10+ years of service - 15 hours/month WAGES: Top Operator - Charter 1/14/08 - .016 - 3.3% - $.506 (was .49) 12/23/08 - .016 - 3.2% - $.522 12/23/09 - .016 - 3.1% - $.538 1/1/08 - 9/30/09 HOLIDAYS:12 SICK LEAVE: 8 hours/month, 480 hours maximum accrual BEREAVEMENT: 3 days paid Frank Martz Coach Company, Inc. 12/23/07 - 12/22/10 Top Mechanic 1/14/08 - 50¢ - 3.3% - $15.65 (was $15.15) 12/23/08 - 55¢ - 3.5% - $16.20 12/23/09 - 56¢ - 3.5% - $16.76 BONUS: Safety bonus - one day for calendar year without preventable accident (New) H & W: Employer pays 70% (to 72% by third year) Wellness program (New) S & A: $275 (to $290 on 1/1/10; was $265) LIFE INSUR.: $25,000 (was $23,000) UNIF. ALLOW.: Provided VACATION: 10 years of service - 3 weeks (was 11 years of service) 25 years of service - 5 weeks (was 27 years of service) LOCAL 987 - Lethbridge, AB SICK LEAVE: 1 day/year, 3 days maximum accrual (New) City of Lethbridge (Paratran) BEREAVEMENT: Add grandchildren Local President Richard Sieppert reports settlement. UNIF. ALLOW.: Work gloves & boots provided to porters (New) TERM: NOTE: 60 2 years IN TRANSIT 1/1/07 - 12/31/08 The contract was ratified by a vote of 60 to 39. www.atu.org LOCAL 1177 - Norfolk, VA Top Mechanic 10/1/07 - 68¢ - 2.5% - $27.80 (was $27.12) 10/1/08 - 83¢ - 3.0% - $28.63 10/1/09 - 86¢ - 3.0% - $29.49 Hampton Roads Transit Local President Stephen McClease and International Vice President Tommy Mullins report settlement. TERM: 5 years WAGES: Top Operator 10/1/05 - 50¢ 10/1/06 - 50¢ 10/1/07 - 50¢ 10/1/08 - 50¢ 10/1/09 - 50¢ Top Mechanic - 115% of top operator 10/1/05 - 58¢ - 3.2% - $18.52 (was $17.94) 10/1/06 - 57¢ - 3.1% - $19.09 10/1/07 - 58¢ - 3.0% - $19.67 10/1/08 - 57¢ - 2.9% - $20.24 10/1/09 - 58¢ - 2.9% - $20.82 H & W: opt-out of $100/month Employer pay 95% of premium (85% on 1/1/10) S & A: $150/week 10/1/05 - 6/30/10 - 3.2% 3.1% 3.0% 2.9% 2.8% - H & W: Employer contribution increases $41 for single only and $36 for employee +1 and family NOTE: The contract was ratified by a vote of 90 to 36. $16.10 (was $15.60) $16.60 $17.10 $17.60 $18.10 2008 ATU Training and Events LIFE INSUR.: 2x annual salary - Felonious assault insurance: $100k TOOL ALLOW.: $260 UNIF. ALLOW.: $265 SHOE ALLOW.: Shoe/jacket - $115 CDL: Reimbursed for actual cost NOTE: Employer will arrange for rest rooms and drinking water on lines. LOCAL 1225 - San Francisco, CA Monterey Salinas Transit Local President William Parks and International Vice President Chuck Cook report settlement. TERM: 3 years WAGES: Top Operator 10/1/07 - 50¢ - 2.5% - $20.60 (was $20.10) 10/1/08 - 62¢ - 3.0% - $21.22 10/1/09 - 64¢ - 3.0% - $21.86 10/1/07 - 9/20/10 May 5 – 10 Canadian Training Vancouver, BC May 14 – 16 ATU Veolia Western Labor-Management Seminar Phoenix, AZ May 17 – 22 Mid-West Regional Training Minneapolis, MN May 29 – June 1 ATU Black Caucus Meeting Cleveland, OH June 4 - 7 ATU Canadian Council Conference Halifax, NS June 19 – 22 ATU Women Caucus Meeting Savannah, GA Coalition of Black Trade Unionists The Coalition of Black Trade Unionists will hold its 37th International Convention from May 21-26, 2008, at the Renaissance Grand Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri. The ATU is a major sponsor of this event. CBTU is a constituency group of the AFL-CIO which advocates for labor rights, human rights, national health care, fair trade and economic policies as they relate to jobs for American workers. CBTU builds coalitions with other AFL-CIO constituency groups, civil rights, religious and community rights groups. www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2008 61 In Memoriam Death Benefits Awarded January 23, 2008 - February, 29 2008 1 - Members at Large James H. Armstrong William S. Barnes Elmer E. Elkins Townsend C. Juncker William Lewis Link Gladys Clark Stewart 26 - Detroit, MI Ernest Bledsoe 85 - Pittsburgh, PA Charles F. Caye John C. Conley James De Witt Christopher R. Dixon Howard J. Ebner Michael V. Finocchi Regis L. Foremsky Harry Franklin Hall James L. Harris George H. Kersey Gordon E. Kilmer Jack Kisse George W. Y. Linn Allen G. Smart 107 - Hamilton, ON Alfred C. Handorf 113 - Toronto, ON William Andrews William V. Baker Diane C. Blain Leonard E. Briant Harold George Brown Neil Browne Ryan L. Campbell Albert G. Colliston Leonard Demmy John Henry Dodds James Elson Brian A. Farrell Allan A. Gale Gary Hammond Daniel Houlahan Charles Kernoghan Michele Leonardi James A. Maltais John William Martin Robert A. Norberg Charles Pearce Albinas Radziunas Mohamed K. Rahim 62 IN TRANSIT Joseph Harvey Reid Bruce M. Roy Mauro Santoro William John Trainor Charles Henry Wilgus Norman Wright 134 - Vancouver, BC Robert James Straw 192 - Oakland, CA Otis Milton Lee 241 - Chicago, IL James E. Coleman James Degnan Anastacio Gonzalez Jr Romuald Howard Waymon S. Jeffrey Frank A. Johnson James B. Miller Donald W. Ryba William J. Vessels Jerome Walker Charles A. Washington 265 - San Jose, CA Cornelius T. Harrigan Peter Hernandez Ralph Hughes Robert C. Zuniga 268 - Cleveland, OH William E Johnson 281 - New Haven, CT Stephen Hoydilla 282 - Rochester, NY Robert A. Kulp 425 - Hartford, CT Martha Mc Gowan 569 - Edmonton, AB William Ceminchuk Frank Szaszvari Ewald Wolfram 580 - Syracuse, NY Roy W. Dolan 583 - Calgary, AB Gary P. Delaney John J. Lawrence Jeno Lechner Gerald Patrick Murphy 587 - Seattle, WA Robert E. Hammond James C. Looney 589 - Boston, MA Nicholas Capezzuto Ugo T. Contini William A. Foley Thomas V. Gill James B. Mc Donough 618 - Providence, RI Joseph M. Mollicone 627 - Cincinnati, OH Jeremiah Sanders 689 - Washington, DC Pella Francis Elliott Ronald A. Hammond Robert M. Mills John J. Schools Robert Deams Torrance 691 - Springfield, MO Billy Gene Kirkey 713 - Memphis, TN James E. Beard Jarmon Hugh Lott Gerald W. Mc Cay John L. Pullen 725 - Birmingham, AL Boyd P. Swan 732 - Atlanta, GA John B. Gage 757 - Portland, OR Claude E. Anderson Michel B. Bobbe Glen Martin Lyons Donald R. Moon Harold C. Wymore 788 - St. Louis, MO James Moore Stanley E. Voellinger 819 - Newark, NJ John H. Carey Ely Marinelli William Mc Tague 820 - Union City, NJ Peter R. Uphold Allen L. Engen Donald V. Rundquist Lyell C. Wallace 1385 - Dayton, OH Alvin E. Cook Olen Gibson 1037 - New Bedford, MA Anthony Pina 1447 - Louisville, KY David Davisson 1070 - Indianapolis, IN 824 - New Brunswick, NJ Leon Harding Fred Taylor 1179 - New York, NY 825 - Oradell, NJ Robert Armstrong Jr. Jack Lotts Dennis Winter 1505 - Winnipeg, MB William Stanley Delve Harry Eggett 842 - Wilmington, DE Dorothy Ashley Hazel B. Miller 1561 - Oak Lawn, IL John M. Farrell 880 - Camden, NJ Walter M. Beadling Thomas Mc Cann Frank J. Sheppard Carlyle Wilson 1181 - New York, NY Annette C. Bove John J. Christman Robert Desrosiers James G. Mac Pherson Charles P. Morale Vernonica Petito Vito Rutigliano Antoinette Tobia 892 - Tulsa, OK Marlin Clayburn 1235 - Nashville, TN James Williams 1605 - Concord, CA Jacqueline Bradley 998 - Milwaukee, WI Anthony Alberti James W. Beierle Harold H. Borngraeber John R. Brandt Thomas Bryant Thomas E. Davis Jr Kenneth E. Garthee Robert H. Gatzow William L. Hamilton Elmer P. Leistikow Robert G. Sonnenberg Thomas A. Thompson Theodore W. Wiesner Ronald Young Hubert F. Zarek 1249 - Springfield, IL James E. Miller 1700 - Chicago, IL Larry J. Gore Ella M. Thompson 1001 - Denver, CO Donald M. Collins Joseph D. Hathaway Richard L. Mitchell Robert E. Oram Clarence E. Tripp 1005 - Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN Carl R. Dierke 1267 - Ft.Lauderdale, FL Samuel Valentin 1277 - Los Angeles, CA Charles Mayall 1517 - Idaho Falls, ID William H Lester 1575 - San Rafael, CA Robert E. Hibbs Stephen J. Leitner James W. Lopez Dan M. Smith David A. Walker 1745 - Kankakee, IL Elmer E. Wilson 1765 - Olympia, WA William H. Martin 1287 - Kansas City, MO Robert F. Durbin 1336 - Bridgeport, CT Joseph A. Dunnell 1338 - Dallas, TX Marvin O. Dodson 1342 - Buffalo, NY David M. Edwards William Mc Alpin 1374 - Calgary, AB Robert P. Omilon Bert A. Young www.atu.org Members Mark One-Year Anniversary of the Passing of Beloved Local President Steven Rollino p The following tribute was sent to us by Isabella Molony, 1179-New York, NY March 11 marked the one-year anniversary of the passing of Steven Rollino. He was a devoted member and local officer of the ATU. His sudden death was and still is a great loss to all. Steve Rollino was hired as a bus operator in 1967, becoming a member of Local 1179-New York, NY. Even though he had a wife and three sons to care for, he developed a passion to help members in need of guidance and advice from the moment he started work as a Green Lines driver. ELECTED EBM IN 1979, VP IN ’84 dances, organized picnics, sent birthday cards to his members, and started having meetings for the retirees. He negotiated better benefits than ever before; added lighting and gates to improve the security for his members where they worked; and he negotiated a shift in the beginning of the work week from Sunday to Monday to help members coming home from vacations. To this day the pension plan that he improved, and the 401k that he instituted, continue to benefit our members. Steve wasted nothing. We had so much money in the union accounts that at times he did not take out union dues. That was the way he operated. In 1979, we fought a long, hard strike. This event made him realize that he and his fellow members needed to be represented in a more proactive way. That is why he ran for, and was elected local executive board member. Later, in 1984, Steve was elected vice president and shop steward under Local President Walter D’Auria. ‘I BELIEVE IN WHAT I’M DOING’ He lost the vice presidency in the next election. This loss would have stopped a lesser man, but not Steve. He maintained his shop steward position and continued to fight for the rights of “his members” as he always referred to them. Years ago, a man came to Steve saying, “I was told that you could help me get work.” Over the next three years, he began a campaign for local president with an ambition that was unheard of in our local. He won that election in 1993. The joy of that victory, however, was tempered by the loss of his wife to cancer shortly thereafter. PASSIONATE ABOUT HIS JOB Listing all of his accomplishments would take more space than this column allows. One story says it all: Steve asked him, “What can you do?” The man replied, “I am a hard worker, but I do not read so well.” Steve said, “Don’t worry, we will figure something out for you.” Steve got him a job that turned that man’s life around. That story is just one of many. There are so many more just like it. He always cared so much about helping people. In a word, he was selfless. Never really having a chance to mourn his loss, he threw himself into his work. He knew he had a responsibility to the members who had elected him. He was always passionate about his job, but after his tragedy he gave totally of himself. What motivated him? Steve worked tirelessly to make life better for his members. He had an open door policy. He was available seven days a week; never too busy to help. Every member had his home phone number. His loss will be will be felt for many years to come. When asked he simply explained, “It might sound corny, but I believe in what I’m doing.” Steve did many small things for his members to show them how much they were valued and appreciated. He started retirement dinner www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2008 63 PROUD TO BE ATU Moving the U.S. and Canada Safely ATU Presents 2007 Donations to Multiple Sclerosis Research The ATU recently presented its 2007 ATU MS Research Funds donations to the National MS Society in Washington, DC, and the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, ON. From left, International President Warren S. George presents the latest check donating this year’s contribution to the work of the Multiple Sclerosis Society to National MS Chapter President J. Christopher Broullire, and Research & Clinical Programs Vice President Dr. John Richert at the MS Society’s National Capital Chapter in Washington, DC. The presentation was made at the Society’s “research luncheon” outlining the progress made in the fight against the disease. “We are incredibly fortunate to have partners like ATU in the fight against MS and are grateful for this year’s landmark tournament contribution to support MS research through the Promise: 2010 initiative,” stated MS Society National Capital Chapter Director of Development Kate Shifflett about the contribution. In Canada In Canada, Local 113-Toronto, ON, has been very active in raising money for the ATU MS Research Funds. Canadian contributions have gone to advance the MS research of Dr. John Roder at the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital. Members of Local 113 are seen here making the Canadian MS donation. From left, are Brian Wicks, Rocco Signorile, Jim Boyle (in back), Financial Secretary Les Moore, Stan Rossell (in back), and Dr. Roder. Mount Sinai Development Associate for Events Keiko Okutsu told International President George, “Mount Sinai Hospital is very grateful that the ATU has been a strong supporter of the research conducted at our renowned Samuel Lunenfeld Research Instititute. As in previous years, your donation will be directed to Dr. John Roder’s research in the area of multiple sclerosis and other neurological diseases. “In the past year,” she continued, “Dr. Roder’s research focused around discovering the mechanism underlying neurological diseases… They have made great strides in understanding the multiple sclerosis gene in recent years and they are confident that there will be a cure for MS.” Amalgamated Transit Union AFL-CIO/CLC 5025 Wisconsin Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20016 www.atu.org PRINTED IN U.S.A. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID WASHINGTON, D.C. PERMIT NO. 2656
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