Obihiro Ice Festival1/29 to 1/31
Obihiro Ice Festival1/29 to 1/31
What·s HaR~~ni~g i~ 06ihiro? -=====-----llntemational and Domestic Relations Section Newsletter Jan 2009 Issue 202 I-----======- ini volley all A little bit of volleyball Mini-volleyball is the Japanese attempt to make volleyball more accessible. The court is smaller, the ball is soft and light, and the net is much lower; low enough for some people to look right over! The International and Domestic Relations Section holds a Mini-Volleyball Night every 2nd Wednesday of the month (that's the 13 th in January) at the TlRC, where anyone and everyone can come and play mini-volleyball with friendly people from around the world. People of all levels come to play, so it's always a good time. You should come check it out! For more info, contact us at : The Tokachi International Relations Center (TlRC) West 20 South 6, in Obihiro TEL: 0155-34-0122 Obihiro Ice Festival1/29 to 1/31 I can't think of a better way to enjoy the freezing cold temperatures of Obihiro's winter than with gigantic sculptures made of snow and ice, and huge exploding balls of fire! The end of January is probably the coldest part of winter here in Hokkaido and to lure everyone out of their cozy blankets, the City of Obihiro puts on quite the show in Midorigaoka Park (around West 12 South 19). There will be hot food and musical performances, not to mention all the beautiful ice and snow sculptures. This festival can be a memorable moment for you and your friends, or it could be a romantic date, but just being outside for a little while is quite chilly, so definitely wear lots oflayers of warm clothing, and bring a bunch of those little hand warmer heat packs (called kairo in Japanese) to keep you warm! Fireworks over the main, giant snow sculpture at the Obihiro Ice Festival For more info contact us at : International and Domestic Relations Section West 5 South 7, in Obihiro TEL: 0155-65-4133 ·Pg.l: Mini-Volleyball and Ice F:estival Pg.3: Winter Danger and Seijin Shoo Pg.2: Events and Fun in Tokacbi Pg.4: Movie Schedule • anuary yen s n ach and Oblhlro When What Where/Contact # Every Sat., Sun. and Mon. from now to March 30th First race at 11 :00 Last race at 17:00 Draft Horse Racing: This is probably what Obihiro is most famous for. In these Ban'ei horse races, huge work horses pull sleds loaded with weights. Sometimes the sand track gets covered with a soft white blanket of snow. Obihiro doesn't have a heated racetrack, so it specializes in these winter snow races. *~ft~tI Obihiro Horse Racetrack 0155-34-0825 Winter Zoo: il5LCu.01b~1II Come see how lions, elephants, and giraffes survive in cold snowy Obihiro! Obihiro Zoo 0155-24-2437 12/5 to Feb (Open Fri Sat Sun and Holidays) 11 :00-14:00 Shikaribetsu Lake Kotan: "Kotan" means village in the 1120 to 3/31 (everyday) 10:00 - 22:00 1123 (Sat) 14:00-15:00 RSVP language of the Ainu. There is going to be a village built on the frozen Shikaribetsu Lake. There will be an open air onsen (hot bath), an "ice bar" completely constructed of ice, and igloos too! ~~IJ5tiII Shikaribetsu Lake 01556-9-8181 Story Telling Around the World: This month we will ~O)~mtti·+Jm be reading a America children's book in both English and Japanese. We will also play some games and have a good time. Target audience: children from 3 yrs. old to 2nd grade elementary students. RSVP by TEL, FAX, or email.---+ Tokachi International Relations Center TEL 0155-34-0122 FAX 0155-34-0165 Obihiro Ice Festival: Lots offun for kids and adults, 1129 -1131 (Fri - Sun) (details at right) but be sure to dress warm! Opening Ceremony and Fireworks 112917:30-18:30 1130 11 :40 - 19:30 Various activities 1131 10:00 - 17:00 Concerts, live performances and the Closing Ceremony Obihiro Ice Festival Note: The Sapporo Snow Festival (probably Hokkaido's biggest tourist attraction) will be Feb. 5 th - 11 th • If you don't have hotel reservations yet, you may be too late... 2 ~~O)*~LJmil~R~ Obihiro Festivals Promotion Committee TEL 0155-22-8600 .... Winter DangerSq~d'hOh'to Avoid for them at convenience stores. 2) Buy something called a yutanpo (hot water container). These come in all shapes and sizes, but you can just buy any cheap one, put it under your desk, and rest your feet right on it (make sure to put the cloth covering on it first!) The warm water inside will keep your toes toasty for hours. Danger 4: Cold intestines Japanese people are very careful not to let their intestines get cold because they insist this will lead to catching a cold. Keep your own innards warm with a yutanpo (see above). But not just any yutanpo. Go to the Mega Don shopping mall on the west side of Obihiro and buy a cute little sheep, dog or teddy bear yutanpo that you can cuddle in your lap all day at work. Not only will it maintain your .~I digestive organs at warm fiIllIlIIIIRi temperatures, but it will also look cho-kawaii! (super cute) Danger 1: Hitting a snowbank Tokachi roads get icy in the winter, and we don't use roadsalt so much to reduce salt damage to cars and to reduce water pollution. Make sure to put winter tires on your car and drive slowly when roads are icy or wet; wet roads tum to icy roads at unexpected moments. Danger 2: Taking a dive on the sidewalk Obihiro's sidewalks are often angled and covered in ice. This can be difficult to walk on, especially when a thin layer of snow hides the ice below. If you're walking around town, assume that every next step with be a slippery one and you will never be unpleasantly surprised. Also, don't ride your bike in the snow and ice; that's just asking to taste the pavement... Danger 3: Cold feet: Wearing socks and warm slippers at all times are the traditional way to keep your feet warm, but there are two more ways to up the warmth down there. 1) There are hand warmer like pads that are specially made to put in your shoes. They are shaped to fit under your feet. Look :Japan pfasfi, Seijin Shiki A small insight into any and all aspects oflife in Japan ~A~ A seijin shiki is a coming of age ceremony in Japan. They are generally held in January at local city offices, but the only one I ever attended was held at a fancy hotel. Attendees this year will be everyone who did or will tum 20 between April 2, 2009 and April I, 2010. The ceremony I attended in Tokyo (when I was 20) was held in a large chandeliered dining hall. There was a stage where various officials gave speeches, some comedians told jokes, and I believe there was even a pair of clowns who did all this crazy clown stuff. The speeches (though I could barely understand them at the time) were about telling the new adults to ganbaru (do their best) and to be responsible adults and such. The performances and huge buffet of free food were there as celebration of our becoming adults. Us foreigners had no idea what we were doing so we just showed up in button down shirts and other random asemblages of clothing, but the Japanese guys and gals had their act together. All the young women were dressed in beautiful kimono called furisode (which means swinging sleeves). These kimono with long hanging sleeves can only be worn by unmarried women. The young men mostly wore suits, but some of them wore the traditional hakama (picture below). People usually rent these special kimono as they are rarely used on any other occasion. If you turned 20 this year, I definitely recommend you search out your local seijin shiki and attend it for sure! 3 Janua ry Movies At Cinema Taiyo, in Obihiro Times are subject to change. To confirm, call or check online at: Title (Nishi 3, Minami 7) Tel: (0155) 20-1525 Language· Starts -Ends (Bruce Willis in a blonde wig!) English Jan 22 - Feb (Sci-Fi action flick) English Dec 23 - Feb (Johnny Depp is John Dillinger) English Jan 1 - Jan 29 The 4 th Kind English Dec 11 - Jan 22 2012 English Jan 1 - Jan 15 Japanese Jan 15 - Feb Surrogates Avatar Public Enemies Where the Wild Things Are (voiceover) Japanese Jan 30 - Feb' Japanese Jan 1 - Jan 29 Ototo ("Little Brother") Japanese Jan 30 - Feb Grandpa Carl's Floating House Japanese Dec 5-Jan 29 Prof. Layton and the Eternal Songstress Japanese Dec 19 - Jan 29 Zero no Shoten ("Zero Focus") Japanese Nov 14 - Jan Golden Slumber (voiceover) Tinkerbell Movies ending this month Greg Hertel -Editor, Events, Movies, Web manager International and Domestic Relations Section Kotomi Kashiwagi, Hisashi Ono - General Advisory Obihiro City Hall International and Domestic Relations Section - Articles Nishi 5, Minami 7-1 What's Happening in Obihiro? can be found at the following locations: Obihiro City Obihiro, Japan, 080-0867 Hall, Tokachi International Relations Center, Obihiro University International Center, Phone: (0155) 65-4133 Obihiro Tourism and Convention Center inside the Obihiro JR Station, Obihiro Public Fax: (0155) 23-0171 Library, Cinema Taiyo, Joy English Academy and E-mail: international@city.obihiro.hokkaido.jponline at r:':':<"·>· '-::. 4 -,:. 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