Art. 1. - Sirmione Award Art. 2. - Involvement Art. 3.


Art. 1. - Sirmione Award Art. 2. - Involvement Art. 3.
Art. 1. - Sirmione Award
The Municipality of Sirmione promotes the Sirmione photographic & audiovisual Award – 4th edition, a photographic and audiovisual prize-winning competition dedicated to Sirmione (det. n. 998 of 9.12.2009)
Art. 2. - Involvement
The competition is open to everybody with the exception of the Directors and Employees of the Municipality
of Sirmione.
Art. 3. - Sections of the prize
The Prize consists of two sections:
1. photos
2. audiovisuals
Art. 4. - Subject
Object of the competition are photos on 3 different themes:
1. Sirmione
2. Sirmione, wellness all year round
3. Sirmione: swim, ride on a bike, run and… take a photo
Images of the Garmin TriO Sirmione, triathlon competition on Olympic distance that will take
place in Sirmione the 29th of June 2013
The subject of the competition is:
1. Sirmione
Art. 5. - Registration fee
No inscription fees.
Art. 6. - Photo Section
Only a max. of 3 photos, black&white or/and coloured and printed size 20x30 are allowed per participant.
The limit of 3 photos is independent from the author’s chosen theme.
People can not present photos that participated to previous editions of the Photographic Award.
Photos must be professionally printed in a traditional way on photographic paper
Images must have no white border, no kind of writing or personal logos. There must be title on the back of
each photo.
Photos must also be presented on digital form (CD or DVD).
Characteristics of the file:
JPEG format
300 dpi resolution
Image: min 8 megapixel
File: max 16 megabyte
The file’s name must be so composed:
surname name– title of the photo
Ex. rossi mario – nightview of Sirmione
(only lower case, no capital letters, no accents, no punctuation marks, no apostrophes)
The duly packed envelope containing the photos must arrive within the 31st July 2013 at the following address:
COMUNE DI SIRMIONE – Premio Sirmione per la fotografia e gli audiovisivi
Piazza Virgilio, 52 – 25019 Sirmione (BS)
The envelope must contain:
the printed photo/s and the digital CD or DVD
one enrolment form (1 for each presented photo) completely filled out and signed to accept all the regulations
in all parts.
Art. 7. - Audiovisual Section
A max. of 1 black&white or colour audiovisual lasting less then 7 minutes is allowed per partecipant
The audiovisual must be presented in Mpeg4 format on DVD
Three resolutions are allowed:
720x576 pixel resolution
1.280x720 pixel resolution
1.920x1.080 pixel resolution.
DVD Video will be not accepted
No video made of photos in sequence.
Surname and name of the author and the title of the work must be written on the audiovisual.
The duly packed envelope containing the audiovisual must arrive within the 31st July 2013 at the following
COMUNE DI SIRMIONE – Premio Sirmione per la fotografia e gli audiovisivi
Piazza Virgilio, 52 – 25019 Sirmione (BS).
The envelope must contain:
the audiovisual on digital CD or DVD
one enrolment form completely filled out and signed in all parts to accept all the regulations.
Art. 8. Failure to comply with conditions reported in art. 6 and art. 7 will result in the exclusion from the competition
Art. 9. - Copyright
For each sent work the participant at the Award must take responsibility for the following:
• to be the author of the work and own all its rights.
• that the presented work does not belong to a third party and does not break any law.
• declares and guarantees he is the sole owner of the rights for the work presented.
• relieves the organizers of the Award of any responsibility, costs or fees that might be sustained due to the
contents of the work presented.
• allows the Sirmione Municipality a complete license, not exclusive, irrevocable, undetermined in time and
for free. The name of the author will always be mentioned.
• that the video respects Youtube’s policy guidelines about copyrights (see art. 12)
Art. 10. - Jury
The Mayor of Sirmione is chief of the Jury of the Award. The Jury is composed as following:
1) Mayor or delegate
Representants of Tourist Offices
2) Delegate of the Town Council
3) Delegate of the Civic Library
4) Delegate of the Consortium of local tourist offices
5) Delegate of the hotel and restaurant Association
Photo Experts
6) Gerardo Bonomo (Journalist, Photo Expert)
7) Antonello Perin (Photographer)
8) Gianfranco Zarantonello (Photo Expert)
The Prize of the Thermal Baths of Sirmione section will be presented by a Jury established by Terme of Sirmione.
All Jury’s decisions are unchallengeable and final. The Jury has final rights on all decisions regarding any subject
not mentioned in this set of regulations.
Art. 11. - Prizes
Photographic Section
Subject: “Sirmione”
First prize - € 1.500,00
Second prize - € 500,00
Third prize – A long week end for 2 in Sirmione (2 nights in B&B)
Fourth prize – A week end for 2 in Sirmione (1 night in B&B)
Fifth prize – A dinner for 2
Prize “DAP” – Under 18
A professional colour Canon 12 printer A/3 format
Prize “Dap” is reserved to photographers born after 1st January 1995
Prize “NewLab” – Black&White
First prize – A fine art stamp of the photo 70x100 cm
Second prize – A fine art stamp of the photo 80x60 cm
Third prize – A fine art stamp of the photo 50x70 cm
Prize “NewLab” is reserved to black&white photos
Prize “Air Dolomiti”. Women wings
First prize – Air flight and 2 overnights for 2 to a destination of Air Dolomiti
Second prize – Air flight and 1 overnight for 2 to a destination of Air Dolomiti
Third prize – Air flight for 2 to a destination of Air Dolomiti
Prize “Air Dolomiti” is reserved to all female participants
Subject:“Sirmione: swim, ride on a bike, run and… take a photo”
A week end for 2 (1 night in B&B)
Subject: “Sirmione, wellness all year round”
Prize Terme of Sirmione
First prize – Platinum voucher “Exclusive Day&Night”
Second prize – Voucher “Day&Night”
Third prize – Voucher “Aquaria passion”
Audiovisuals Section
First prize - € 1.500,00
Second prize - € 500,00
Third prize – A week end for 2 in Sirmione (1 night in B&B)
Photographic Section.
Prize “Facebook”
After the Ceremony of the Sirmione Award, a selection of photos (made by the Jury)will be published on the
Official Facebook’ s Page of the Municipality of Sirmione.
Until 30th October 2013 you can vote and comment photos.
The photo that will be mostly clicked “LIKE” will win a week end for 2 in a hotel in Sirmione (1 overnight in
2 voters and a photo comment will also be chosen in a random draw.
The comment’s author will win a Lugana white wine box and the 2 voters will win a dinner for 2 in a restaurant
in Sirmione.
The Jury reserves the right to assign additional prizes.
All prizes are personal and not-transferable and must be claimed personally by the winners during the Award
Ceremony .
Prizes cannot be combined with other prizes
Art. 12. - Publication of the works
All works will be able to be viewed on the website of Sirmione.
All audiovisuals will be able to be viewed on Youtube’s channel of the website of Sirmione.
Art. 13. - Rendering of the works
None of the works presented in this competition will be returned
Art. 14. - Headquarters and address of the Award
Premio Sirmione per la fotografia e gli audiovisivi
Comune di Sirmione - Piazza Virgilio, 52 - 25019 Sirmione (BS)
tel. +39 030 99 09 184 – fax +39 030 99 09 101 -
Art. 15. - Communications
The Organizers of the Prize wil contact the partecipants only by email or sms. Partecipants are obliged to give
both these addresses.
Art. 16. - Acceptance of the Regulations
To participate in the competition implies the acceptance of the contract’s conditions.