- Global Missions


- Global Missions
Revival in Puerto Rico!
Missionaries Paul and Stephanie Rivero
God is doing Great Things in Puerto Rico!
blessing to the conference! We were
As we wrap up 2015,
we want to take a moment to also involved in several other local
thank God for the work that and sectional events. We helped
with a special children’s service in
He is doing in Puerto Rico!
We also want
We were
to thank all of
blessed by a
you, our
visit from
Pastor Ralfriends and
4th Quarter 2015
ston of Lake
Charles, LA
for partnering
and the Vinwith us to
cent family
help reach
from his
Puerto Rico
church. We
with the
Eli Hernandez ministers to the church of
Good News Bro.
Puerto Rico at the General Conference!
inof Jesus
vestment in
the work here in Puerto Rico! Sis.
We have stayed busy
Rivero helped with a sectional Laministering in the Bible Col- dies meeting, while Bro. Rivero was
lege, preaching, teaching in
able to attend the Caribbean ConferSunday School in different
ence in Jamaica. So, October was a
churches, and in helping in
full month!
any way needed.
In November, Bro. Rivero
In September, we had the preached at the men’s retreat. He
privilege of being a part of
also had the privilege of attending
Ungidos, and we enjoyed the the Global Council meetings in Sri
ministries of Rev. Felipe Pa- Lanka as a translator. That was an
gan, Rev. Martin Gonzalez,
and Rev. and Sis. David
We are thankful for the privilege
Jimenez during those serto work with such a great team of
partners! Thank you for your burden
In October, we had the
to help to help spread the whole
General Conference for
gospel to the whole world!
Puerto Rico. Bro. and Sis.
Eli Hernandez were a great
You can give without loving, but you cannot love
without giving!
Contact Information:
8855 Dunn Road
Hazelwood, MO 63042
One of Bro. Rivero’s Bible College
classes working hard on a project.
Sis. Kathy Hernandez and Charity
Hernandez minister in song at the
General Conference in Puerto
Bro. Rivero translating at the Global
Council in Sri Lanka.