The OWL - Chi Omega Dallas
The OWL - Chi Omega Dallas
The OWL Chi Omega Dallas Alumnae Editor: Samantha Smith Fall 2013 Dear Sisters in Chi Omega, While serving as the Dallas Alumnae President for the last 5 months, I realize how blessed we are with an amazing group of energetic, committed and talented members. From Recruitment to Chi Omega Christmas Market, I have met new Chi Omegas and been reacquainted with others. The bond of sisterhood is accomplishing great things! In June we held a Recruitment 101 program in the Iota Alpha Chapter Room. Melody Collins and Kelly Little explained the Panhellenic process from soup to nuts and Nan McGee and Diane Brooks provided information on the Dallas RIF process. Our high school and college chairmen process hundreds of RIFs each year in hopes of pledging outstanding new members. They are applauded for their efforts. I am delighted that my own daughter is a new member of the Tau Chapter at the University of Mississippi. I am looking forward to her initiation in January 2014. beautiful home of Ann Mahowald. We look forward to our first meeting of the New Year on January 14th at the home of Megan McManemin. We will learn about the perfect pairings by Julie Robertson from Molto Formaggio and Aaron Benson, Sommelier, from the Dallas Country Club. Lynn Murtha is an extraordinary Vice Chairman of Programs! Beth Arnold and Ashley Chapel have worked tirelessly for a year on “A Southern Christmas” themed Chi Omega Christmas Market. COCM will be held November 20 -23 at Centennial Hall in Fair Park. The committee has vetted hundreds of merchants, secured underwriting, sold tickets, etc. to benefit nine beneficiaries – Community Partners of Dallas, Foundation for the Education of Young Women, Healing Hands Ministries, Just Say YES, Make-AWish, North Texas Food Bank, Sky Ranch, Suicide & Crisis Center and Chi Omega Collegiate Scholarships. I hope to see each and every one of you at this marvelous community event as a shopper or volunteer (or both). Please make every effort to support the alumnae who work diligently on this market year after year. The Chi Omega House Construction Campaign Steering Committee led by Paula Whisenant has dedicated their energy to securing funds for the next generation of SMU Chi Omegas. In closing, Peggy Bessellieu and the Holiday Tea Committee have The Chi Omega Educational Corporation is hard at work preparing for a move to the new Iota Alpha house and vacating remarkable home of Amy Mitchell. Invitations will be sent with the current house by May 31, 2014. President Michele McDermett and the other board members have spent countless hours working on vendor contracts, determining what to move or discard, cleaning out closets, and the list goes on from there. The advisors are mentoring the actives and preparing for new member recruitment. We appreciate everything they do. planned an incredible afternoon for Sunday, December 8 at the details. You will not want to miss this party! Count your blessings and enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Fondly, Cindy Lindsley Our first two alumnae meetings were terrific! Michael Hix entertained us with famous music at our September 10th meeting at the University Park Public Library. Lurline Morrow, professional book reviewer, impersonated Lady Nancy Astor in her book review of “In My Defense…” on October 8th at the Inside the Issue ~ Letter from the President ~ Letter from the COCM Chairs ~ COCM Information ~ ~COCM Beneficiaries ~ Young Alumnae Happenings ~ SMU Iota Alpha News ~ SUSTAINING SISTERHOOD ~ ~ What’s Up With Our Sisters & Upcoming Events ~ Dear Sisters, The 36th Chi Omega Christmas Market is almost here! If you have not already made a donation to the Market We can’t think of a better way to kick off the holiday season than shopping in support of our deserving or if you would like to place an ad in the Market Program, the deadline is November 5th in order to be beneficiaries: Community Partners of Dallas, Foundation included in the Market Program. Please be sure to sell for the Education of Young Women, Healing Hands Ministries, Just Say YES, Make-A-Wish Foundation of your Market Tickets. If you need more, they are available through our office at 214.890.1999 or North Texas, North Texas Food Bank, Sky Ranch TRU Omega Collegiate Scholarships and Chi Omega We want to express our sincerest thanks to our Committee Chairs, Committee Members and Volunteers Camps, Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas, Chi Educational Foundation. We hope you will join us at the Market this year as a volunteer and shopper as we celebrate our long-standing tradition of giving back to the Dallas community. for all of your time and dedication to make this show a success. We also want to extend a big thank you to all of our generous Patrons and Sponsors. We look forward to seeing you at Fair Park! th This year’s Market will begin with the 36 COCM Preview Party on Wednesday evening. During this time, Loyally, while enjoying live holiday entertainment by Eleven Beth Arnold and Ashley Chapel patrons will get an exclusive look at over 185 merchants Hundred Springs, sipping cocktails, dining on hors d’oeuvres and perusing our fabulous Raffle prize packages. WFAA’s Shelly Slater will be emceeing the evening as we recognize the beneficiaries and chairmen of the past 35 years and raffle the awesome prize packages during live drawings. Also, be sure to stop by the Booth for a memorable photo op! Our ever-popular First Call Shopping opens Thursday morning followed by General Admission through Saturday afternoon. Bring the kids for a photo with Santa (see our website for Santa’s hours)! 2013 Chi Omega Christmas Market Chairmen COCM Information Centennial Hall – FAIR PARK Please visit us at to purchase tickets or make a donation. Market Hours PARKING at the MARKET Wednesday, November 20th General Parking 36th Preview Party With the abundance of parking spaces at Fair Park, Complimentary Valet Parking ever! Gate 2 is the CLOSEST parking to Centennial 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. parking during the Market is going to be easier than Join us for an exclusive preview of this year’s Market Hall. Parking is $10/entry. All parking is gated, with fantastic prizes! The evening will feature patrolled by Dallas Police Officers. Manned golf while enjoying cocktails, appetizers, and a raffle within the grounds of Fair Park, and will be WFAA's Shelly Slater as Emcee, entertainment by carts will also be available to shuttle shoppers to Eleven Hundred Springs, and photo booth by and from their cars if needed. Preview Party tickets also offer readmission during Valet Information all General Admission hours. Valet drop off is directly in front of the main Thursday, November 21st Gate 2. If you would like to valet your car, you will Be one of the first to shop the Market! directed to the valet. There you will pay the entrance to the Market and will be accessible from First Call Shopping - 9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. pay the $10 entry fee at Gate 2 and then will be First Call tickets also offer readmission during all additional $10 valet fee (for a total of $20). General Admission hours. General Admission - 1:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Please note that all parking fees are dictated by the City of Dallas, and COCM does not receive any monies from parking or valet. Friday, November 22nd For more parking information, please visit Thursday, November 21 st General Admission - 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday, November 23rd General Admission - 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m and click on "General Information" and "Directions." COCM Information cont. Yard Signs Help us paint the town red by displaying your COCM Yard Sign! If you need a sign, we have a few left at the COCM office. Please contact Natalie to coordinate a pick-up time 214-8901999 or This is an easy way to get involved and get the word out about our Market! WE NEED You! Volunteer at the Market As members of the Dallas Alumnae, COCM is an event we should ALL be proud of and take part in whatever way we can. A fantastic and easy way to serve is to donate your time for a shift or two during the Market like these lovely ladies did last year! Plus, you get FREE PARKING and FREE ADMISSION. Come volunteer and stay to shop! Visit our website at (click on "Alumnae" and then "Volunteer at the 2013 Market") to sign up. We need your help to make this Market a success! COCM on Facebook! Be sure to "like" us on Facebook at for all kinds of fun news, tidbits, info and insider tips! Share our Facebook page with all your friends too.... this page is not just for Chi-O's! COCM Beneficiaries Young Alumnae Happenings! Dear Sistters, I am so honored to be leading a wonderful group of young women. We have an amazing group of accomplished women and I am excited to continue the tradition of creating a platform for our members to connect and form bonds for life! The summer has come and gone and the Young Alumnae are in full swing for another fun filled year! We kicked off the year with a happy hour full of new and old faces at Social House Uptown & Music in the Park – Klyde Warren Park. We are so excited to welcome all the new members! It is always so exciting to get together after the summer months and catch up with each other. Please look forward to our Fall programs! Chi Omega Christmas Market November 20- 23rd Fair Park Holly Jolly Trolley – Uptown Trolley Saturday, December 7th 7:30- 10pm Join us for another trip on the trolley in your best tacky Christmas sweater Holiday Tea Sunday, December 8th 2- 4pm Mingle and enjoy an afternoon of tea with all the members of Chi Omega Alumnae of Dallas Stay up to date on upcoming events and “like” our Facebook page Chi Omega Young Alumnae of Dallas and follow us on Instagram at DallasXOYoungAlum . Thank you all for an exciting start to the 2013- 2014 year! Yours in Chi Omega, Kathryn Reddell ~ Chairman of the Chi Omega Young Alumnae of Dallas Young Alumnae Happenings! In Pictures SMU - Iota Alpha News Hello Sisters! This summer, the SMU Chi Omegas dispersed all over the world. Through study abroad programs and internships, the women of Iota Alpha made their mark in the US and abroad. We had girls in France, Spain, England, Italy, Germany, Africa, Australia, and many other incredible places. Needless to say, the summer was one to remember for many Chi Omegas. After an amazing summer, we are back on our beautiful campus for the start of fall semester. From football games to philanthropy events, the semester is packed with fun for Chi Omegas. Another one of our favorite parts of fall semester is recruitment! We have recruitment events and workshops planned to help prepare us for formal recruitment in January. We are really pushing our new “GOTTA GO CHI O” slogan on social media and on campus and it has been a huge success. Iota Alpha is also proud to announce that we are currently ranked FIRST in grades among the Greek community with a 3.526 cumulative GPA. We emphasize scholarship as well as campus involvement throughout the semester and are thrilled with our academic and leadership accomplishments. When we are not in class, studying, or being involved on campus, we are hanging out with our sisters and having fun! We have six boulevards planned for the home football games this semester, and we were excited to welcome our parents for Family Weekend on October 5th. We also have two date dashes and our Winter Formal coming up this semester, so we’re looking forward to breaking it down on the dance floor! Iota Alpha is excited to be back for a new school year, and we’re looking forward to all the events we have planned for the semester. For the latest Chi Omega updates, you can “like” us on Facebook at I look forward to sharing more news of fun and progress with you in the future! With Chi Omega love, Meredith Jones DID YOU KNOW? Iota Alpha has .... - 10 Hunt Scholars - 6 President’s Scholars - 1 student representative on the SMU Board of Trustees - 16 members on Student Foundation - 1 member on SMU golf team - 2 members on Pom Squad including the Pom Captain - 3 SMU Cheerleaders - 1 SMU Football Sideline Reporter SMU - Iota Alpha Happenings! In Pictures SUSTAINING SISTERHOOD Construction Campaign A Peek Behind the Fence On a sunny October afternoon, it was my privilege to join a close-knit band of Iota Alpha pledge sisters who gathered to celebrate SMU Homecoming, for a peek behind the fence at our new site. Walking across the wooden subfloor that covered the first floor from end to end, we collectively felt goose bumps over the progress made in the past two years. It is one thing to dream a dream, and another to walk your fingers over paper plans; but it is far different to smell the sawdust and actually pace the room sizes during framing! The new Chi Omega house in construction at 3034 Daniel Avenue will truly be the most thoughtfully designed house on campus. I could hear the sigh’s of amazement as our Interior Designer, Mersina Pappas Stubbs shared her vision of the first floor rooms. She described the framed glass doors and interior lanterns so vividly, we could almost imagine ourselves taking supper in the new dining rooms. And when our chief architect, John Brown, described the steel and concrete reinforced stair shaft that could one day serve as a disaster shelter for the residents of Chi Omega, our small band of alumnae nodded with approval of the detail that could one day save the lives of our residents. Sisters, the New House Construction Steering Committee and the Chi Omega Educational Corporation are pleased to share this progress report regarding the new house construction. Countless hours are being spent monitoring every detail, from pennies spent on the construction to details of the May move that will begin the transition from 3014 Daniel to the new home for Chi Omega, set to open in August 2014. The vision of a new house is no longer just a dream, and all you have to do is drive down Daniel Avenue to catch the excitement. The new Chi Omega house will serve a deserving Iota Alpha chapter and the Dallas alumnae for decades to come. If you have not already made a contribution, it is not too late to add your name to the donor list. Please contact Connie O’Neill (214)476-8300 or Juli Harrison (214) 207-1001 for additional information. We are accepting contributions large and small so everyone can have an opportunity to be a part of history for Chi Omega in Dallas. left to right: Connie O'Neill, Paula Whisenant, Mary Tabor and Juli Harrison What’s Up With Our Sisters NATIONAL PANHELLENIC NEWS The Chi Omega Alumnae of Dallas has acknowledged the following events in the lives of our membership: x x x x x x x x Nancy Williams lost her Father Kari Wade has a new Grandson Jean M. Mrasek, development director for the College Cheri Neil lost her husband of Chi Omega sorority, has been named chairman of Debbie Dickenson’s husband had heart surgery 15. Beth Anderson had ACL surgery of Education at TCU and a former national president Dottie Hargett has been ill the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) for 2013- Amy Timmerman had a Baby boy Beth Arnold received the Presidents Award at Nathan Grace x x x x x Terri Guthrie had an Appendectomy Jackie Count lost her husband Carol Hillman lost her father Judy Zurlis lost her father Lisa Honea Jacobs’ daughter is a new pledge at Missouri & just recently lost her father x Kelsie Guthrie, a 2010 Chi Omega Christmas Scholarship Recipient, recently married x The following information was released by Texas Christian University: Jo Fay Harrison Godbey (SMU) is with our sisters in the Omega Chapter Mrasek, from Southlake, TX, will lead the NPC board, which represents 26 national and international member sororities in the United States and Canada. NPC sororities are located at 666 campuses with 325,772 undergraduate members in 3,127 chapters. Mrasek and four other members of the NPC Executive Committee were installed at the group's annual meeting in Los Angeles Oct. 12. NPC's 26 member sororities, as a whole, continue to report membership increases year over year, said Mrasek. Women continue to find value in the sorority experience through friendships made, community AND … service work completed and in connecting to potential job sources after graduation. We are so grateful to have Jean Mrasek as part of our university community and now as a much bigger part of the women's sorority movement, said TCU Chancellor Victor Boschini. She will undoubtedly do her usual outstanding job in this new leadership role. Historically, TCU has had a long-standing positive tie with our national sororities. We are thrilled to be building upon that relationship with Chairman Mrasek. Fall Recruitment News The Chi Omega RIF board proudly announces 61 new PNM’s including 17 Chi Omega legacies and completing a fantastic fall 2013 rush. Texas A&M, TCU, Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma University pledged a record number of outstanding girls from our Dallas area high schools. An increasingly large number of alumna provide rifs, letters, and information to complete our rush packets. High School chairs continue to do an amazing job organizing and providing all of this information for our collegiate chapters. Please see their names listed in our directory and give them a huge Chi O thanks! Without our committee, these large numbers would not be possible. Diane Brooks is focused on spring rush and SMU with dates to be announced soon. Please contact her with any information concerning spring rush. Go Chi O!!!! Alabama Alabama Alabama Arkansas Arkansas Arkansas Clemson Georgia Georgia LSU Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi Mississippi Missouri N. Carolina State OU Abby * Shannon Sarah Kara * Shelby * Anna Sara * Emily Alex Katherine Haley Danielle Adele Ellen * Jennifer Abbey Rachel * Julianne * Judy Madison Calhoun Pugh Tyson Bell Everett McDaniel MacDowell Bearden Williams Payne Caffey Cole Elder Elder Lindsley Sosnoskie Unkefer Jacobs Sillers Cole Hockaday Shelton Highland Park TCA Highland Park Highland Park Parish Bishop Lynch Highland Park Ursuline Highland Park Highland Park Highland Park Highland Park Ursuline Highland Park Highland Park Parish Highland Park TCA TCU TCU TCU TCU TCU TCU Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas A & M Kirsten Morgan Sarah Meg Meredith * Peyton Caroline Ashley Alexa Kaitlin * Charlotte * Mary Beth Natalie Jessica * Audrey Pascale Ramie Caitlyn Bri * Sarah Last Name Burns Compton Kline Moran Perot Pritchard Collins Deatherage DelaVega Dorey Gunn Hamilton McDole McQuaid Pritchard Queralt Payne Smith Williams Bailey OU OU OU OU OU OU Samford Samford South Carolina TCU Kendall Dani Cassidy * Kelly Lauren Madison Autumn Allie Lyssie * Ellen Daly Fluharty Hansen Merlino Newman Plott Adams Manos Ropp Beecherl Ursuline Ursuline Parish Bishop Dunne Highland Park Highland Park TCA TCA Highland Park ESD Texas A & M Texas A & M Texas A & M Texas A & M Texas A & M Texas A & M Texas A & M Texas A & M Texas Tech Texas Tech * Rachel Kathryn Claire Anna Mary Katherine * Amelia Mason Kirby * Kelly Maggie Braun Carter Holder Montie Mountjoy Rohrman Strickland Wagner Click Dooley College First Name * Indicates Legacy Last Name High School College First Name * Indicates Legacy High School Highland Park Parish TCA TCA ESD Highland Park Ursuline Hockaday Highland Park Hockaday Hockaday Highland Park Highland Park Ursuline Ursuline Hockaday Hockaday Parish Highland Park Highland Park Woodrow Wilson TCA TCA Highland Park Covenant Highland Park Hockaday Highland Park Highland Park Highland Park Upcoming Events Chi Omega Christmas Market 2013 COCM Patrons and Beneficiary Presentation Centennial Building@ Fair Park Thursday, February 20, 2014 / 6:00-8:00 p.m. Holiday Tea Boulevard, Dallas 75205) At the home of Amy Mitchell (4321 St. Johns Drive, Alumnae Happy Hour with Chi Omega Mothers Club Dallas, 75205) Location, Date and Time: TBD Alumnae Meeting Eleusinian Banquet November 20-23, 2013 Sunday, December 8, 2013 / 2:00-4:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 14, 2014 / 6:00-8:00 p.m. At the home of Megan McManemin (5145 Yolanda Lane, Dallas, 75229) “The Perfect Pairings” Aaron Benson, Sommelier at Dallas Country Club Julie Robertson from Molto Formaggio in Highland Park Village Golden Owl Luncheon Party At the home of Melissa Wise (3444 University Monday, April 7, 2014 Pre-dinner gathering: 5:30 p.m. Dinner and Program: 6:30 p.m. At the Arboretum (8525 Garland Road, Dallas 75218) Alumnae Turnover Meeting Tuesday, May 6, 2014 / 8:30-10:30 a.m. At the home of Stacey Wilkins (4530 Melissa Lane, Dallas, 75229) Thursday, January 23, 2014 / 11:30 a.m. “Travel with Chi O...See the World with Your Sisters!” Lakewood Country Club (6430 Gaston Avenue, Dallas, Featuring 2014-15 Chi Omega Dallas A. H. - Karen 75214) Gray Panhellenic Recruitment Forum Panhellenic Scholarship Luncheon Sunday, February 9, 2014 / 2:00-4:00 p.m. Northway Christian Church (7202 West Northway Highway, Dallas, 75225) Wednesday, May 21, 2014 / 11:30 a.m. Dallas Country Club (4100 Beverly Drive, Dallas, 75205) ** This luncheon raises money for the Panhellenic Scholarship Program. Dallas Alumnae Candids Dallas Alumnae Candids Dallas Alumnae Candids Dallas Alumnae Candids Dallas Alumnae Candids
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