Steinlifters June 2016 Milwaukee Region Porsche Club of America
Steinlifters June 2016 Milwaukee Region Porsche Club of America
Steinlifters June 2016 Milwaukee Region Porsche Club of America Autocross fun — see page 8 Photo credit: Al Wagner Photo credit: Mike Wiviott June 2016 Steinlifters Page 2 Calendar of events June 2—Board meeting. 6:30 p.m. Ally’s Bistro, W. Good Hope & Appleton Ave., Menomonee Falls June 4—Gimmick Rallye — see pg. 3. June 5, July 3, Aug. 7—Cars & Coffee, Lake Mills. (courtesy announcement) June 11—Tech session at Prestige Auto Works. See pg. 4. Aug. 12—DE at Road America. Enjoy a day of track time on the legendary 14-turn road course at Road America. Online sign up: -de-2016-road-america-713346#.VtMWieYkpsl Aug. 14—Drive to Botham Vineyards Classic Car Show. See pg. 9. Aug. 19 — Werks Reunion, Carmel, Calif. Sponsored by PCA during Monterey Car Week. Aug. 27—Show & Glow by the Lake, a casual Saturday celebration of all things motorized, the kick off of the Milwaukee Concours d’Elegance weekend in Veterans Park on Milwaukee’s lakefront. Show your Porsche. See pg. 11 for details. June 13 -14—Two-day DE at Road America hosted by Nord Stern Region. Details: https:// June 14 — Brew City Cruise night. German cars. New location this year: Nines American Bistro, 12400 N. Ville Du Parc Dr., Mequon. (courtesy announcement.) June 18 — DE Drivers Clinic at CS Motorsports. calendar_display.php?id=856 June 19—26—PCA Porsche Parade, Jay, Vermont, Jay Peak Resort. Visit for more details including housing. Aug. 28 — Milwaukee Concours d’Elegance, Veterans Park, Milwaukee. Information at Sept. 11—Autocross at State Fair Park (north lot parallel to I-94). Sept. 17—Blind Horse Winery tour, Kohler, Wis. See pg. 10. Oct. 7—Drive for Babies, Road America, March of Dimes. (courtesy announcement) June 24—25 — Millers at the Mile at State Fair Park, West Allis (courtesy announcement) July 7—Board meeting. 6:30 p.m. Fiddleheads, Mequon July 16 — Drive to Elkhart Lake for street concours; dinner at Lake Street Café. http:// July 19 — Brew City Cruise — Porsche night. See June 14 entry for address. Aug. 4—Board meeting. 6:30 p.m. Aug. 7 — Porscheplatz at Road America. Colorful 911s at the May Cars and Coffee, Lake Mills. Photo credit: Donna Daufenbach Note: Courtesy announcements are events that may be of interest to Porsche owners and PCA members but are not sponsored by or endorsed by PCA Milwaukee. Page 3 June 4 gimmick rallye -- days away By Bob Budecki, rallyemaster The June 4 Porsche Club Gimmick Rallye will start and end in Reedsburg, WI, about a 2-1/2 hour drive from Milwaukee. We'll begin at the Reedsburg BP Station on the corner of Hwy 33 (Main Street) and Viking Road. Schedule: Plan to arrive at 1 p.m. Drivers' meeting at 1:30 p.m.; first car off at 2 p.m. Make sure your fuel tank is topped off before you arrive. The route is about 50 miles through some very scenic back roads of Sauk County. Plan about 3 hours for the event. We will end the event at J's Pub and Grill, on Viking Road just north of the BP Station starting point. J' s Pub and Grill has a full bar, great casual menu and roomy enough for us to mingle after the event. The GR winner will receive a trophy at J's. For those new to Gimmick Rallyes it's like a scavenger hunt on wheels. Each team of Driver/ Navigator will receive detailed driving instruction plus several pages of photos of scenic items to locate along the route. Each photo has a question that can only be answered after seeing the item. All items are in clear view and do not require exiting the vehicle. What’s Porscheplatz? You may have noticed the Aug. 7 entry on our region calendar for an event called Porscheplatz? What’s that? A ceramics craft session in which you fashion clay into plates with the Porsche crest emblazoned on them? well as other PCNA leaders and dignitaries. Road America has been the site of Porscheplatz for many years and 2016 is no exception. Join other Porschephiles and enjoy a day as a spectator and soak up some motorsport knowledge on Aug. 7. This is not a regionsponsored event. Gate admission fees apply. For tickets, visit the Road America website. Not quite. Not even close. It’s a hospitality tent and a Porsches-only parking corral at most WeatherTech SportsCar Champsionship series race events throughout the year. The tent serves as the gathering place for presentations by team drivers as Learn more about Porscheplatz: porscheplatz-frequently-askedquestions Cost is $20 per vehicle payable on day of event. All vehicles are welcome and you do not have to own a Porsche or belong to the club or to do this rallye. If you plan to register day of the event, please let me know that through an e-mail so I have enough driving instructions and photo sheets available for everyone. We hope your summer plans include this fun event. Please feel free to contact the rallyemaster with any questions. Bob Budecki, email: or 262-375-1038. Speaking of Road America, did you know that on regular race weekends you can park your Porsche in Porsche Park, the designated parking area near Turn 1? For many years the region has sponsored this parking area and has provided landscaping upgrades and ongoing maintenance. It’s a great place to park your Porsche for the day while you watch the events on the track. Follow the signs to Porsche Park. Note: Porsche Park may not be accessible during non-public track events such as our DE days. Porsche Park is also the name of the region website: When we launched our website years go our board at the time thought Porsche Park was an ideal name for the site. It remains so today. June 2016 Steinlifters Welcome, new members Page 4 Porsche is part of his family's heritage. "My Father was a Porsche owner for years and that Eric Fisher, Elm Grove, alternates driving his 2006 Cayman S, Seal Gray, that he acquired in late spring and a 2014 Cayenne Diesel Black that he has owned for more than a year. He purchased both through a dealer. certainly cultivated my passion for the brand. With that said it is my fellow Porschephiles that make this brand so unique and so special," Joseph concluded. Dale Roble, East Troy, 2005 911 Turbo S Cabriolet Black Nick Saidai, Elm Grove, 2006 911 Carrera 4 silver Zach Zarder, New Berlin, 2011 Cayman S Dark blue metallic. Joseph Moore, Pewaukee, drives a a 2012.5 991.1 911 Carrera S Cabriolet. It is Platinum Silver Metallic over Carrera Red. Joseph purchased it in purchased April 2015. He found the car at Porsche of Naples, Fla. "It was very close to how I would have ordered it. It has a few extras but is missing the one thing I really wanted: the PSE otherwise known as 'the loud button,'” he said. He cites two reasons why owning a Porsche is great: "Other than the feeling I get just looking at it in the garage, it is driving it," he said. Joseph Moore and his 2012.5 911 Carrera June 11 tech session at Prestige Auto Works Join fellow members and guests for a tech session June 11 at Prestige Auto Works, 6301 W Douglas Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53218. The session will start at 9 a.m. with coffee and donuts/bagels. We’ll learn the history of this collision repair shop. Then we will see examples of paintless dent re- pair, windshield repair, metal finishing, frame pulling, body work, plastic repairs, painted pin stripe and restoration/ buffing, and painting. There will also be time for questions. We’d like a headcount so please RSVP by June 7 to Mike Wiviott: Page 5 June 2016 Steinlifters Membership anniversaries in June David Hatch V Quinn Fiske Mark P. Schneider Bruce A. Tammi Donald J. Brescia Allen C. Hoeppner Bud Sova David M. Tyler Ronald A. Marasco Jeffrey P. Cowie Wayne P. Soder Alan S. Bloom Gerd F. Bauer David Szewczykowski Carl J. Pace Luis Arisso Ben Kordus Peter R. Bray Paul J. Grabowski Jason R. Bemis Timothy F. Hunt Thomas J. Ryan Jeffrey A. Jaeger Kevin T. Kwasniewski Jerry J. David James R. Westdorp Michael Tagtow Thomas J. Cahill Bob Kreinz 1971 1979 1981 1988 1989 1991 1991 1992 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2003 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2008 Brian L. Ellison Michael R. Preisler Michael Sura Brian Bergner Allan J. Wasserman Peter D. Hanson Gene Reddick Bryan A. Rasch Robert J. Engle Richard D. Pearson Anders J. Graff Jeffrey J. Gruchalski Bryan Gleisner David Smith Jeffrey Bailet Brandon Koltz Douglas J. Schellinger Max Strycker Daniel Ryan Jerry Smith Todd Ponath Paul Hoff Brian Robbins Jamie Harris Richard Brown 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 Region contacts Officers Directors President & Membership Chair Donna Daufenbach 262-695-2980 Alan Bloom 414-540-0478 Vice President Tony Quebbemann 847-650-0981 Secretary Greg Kizevic 414-352-6611 Treasurer Greg Kovacs 920-650-3374 Kevin Ford 414-350-3563 Terry Royals 414-559-9302 Mike Wiviott 414-759-8589 For other committee chairs, see the region website, Look at the Contact Us tab. We are always in need of help to make our region as productive and valuable for our members as possible. Want to serve on a committee? Be a liaison for our club with our local Porsche dealers? Lead a tour or arrange a tech session at a local shop? Suggest a place where we could meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner? We have room for you. Contact any board member to ask a question or raise your hand to help. Page 6 June 2016 Steinlifters 2005 Snell-rated helmets not expiring 6/1 By Terry Royals PCA extends use of Snell 2005-rated helmets to January 2017 For those of you familiar with SNELL ratings, you recall that we (this is tied to PCA’s Club Racing requirement) follow a particular guideline where the helmets are "dated" within 10 years of the upcoming season. The 2015 helmets are currently in short supply and in working to stay consistent with club race rules, we will accept your 2005 version for the Milwaukee Region Aug. 12 driver education event as well as the Milwaukee Region Sept. 11 autocross. Learn more about helmet requirements on the region website. This season we will continue to accept the 2005 rated due to the delay in new 2015 models. May 14 drive to breakfast report Eleven Porsche owners and passengers braved the unseasonable chilly temps on May 14 for a drive to breakfast. We started in Wales and drove to East Troy. With tour leader Donna Daufenbach at the head of the pack, drivers exhibited patience and courtesy as we shared a segment with Ironman athletes and dodged turkeys crossing the road. We enjoyed scenic twisty roads before sitting down to tasty breakfast choices. Tour attendees tucked into big breakfasts after the drive from Wales to East Troy. Tommy Lowther captured this shot of the tour leader’s skill in avoiding two Tom turkeys flirting with a female turkey. June 2016 Steinlifters Page 7 An invitation to join the Tour Committee Any committee seems to work better with a lot of input and ideas. By Al Wagner For a few years, the Tour Committee has been without a leader. Despite that, the region has been relatively successful in having an interesting slate of tours, ranging from short drive-to-breakfast (or lunch, or dinner) tours to longweekend (3-day) tours on the club’s calendar. Just think what the region could do if someone actually headed up the tour committee! Since shortly after purchasing our first Porsche in 2006, my wife, Ellyn, and I volunteered to lead tours. We started by leading short breakfast drives. We have always operated on a very simple philosophy: “If we enjoy going to interesting places, events and/or restaurants, following Porsche-friendly roads, there’s a strong likelihood that other club members would enjoy that same type of outing.” More recently, we have been leading more complicated to organize longweekend (3-day) tours along the Great River Road, as well as many other shorter tours. The tours have been popularly acclaimed the by the participants. We must have been doing something right. Now, I have been requested to consider heading up the tour committee and have agreed to do so, provided that I get some help from other region members. I’m happy to report that, as of now, Patrick and Linda Seroka, and Jim and Kay Schustedt have agreed to serve on the committee. Any committee seems to work better with a lot of input and ideas. That’s where you come in! Please consider joining the Tour Committee. The 2016 calendar is pretty full, at least through September, but it’s never too early to start thinking about the last several weeks of the 2016 driving season, and beyond to 2017. If you join the committee, you don’t necessarily have to lead a tour at first, but you may want to, and we would be happy to mentor you, and provide all the help you will need to be successful. Even if you don’t lead a tour, you can provide ideas, and help by making arrangements for a visit to a certain venue. If you’re interested, please email Al Wagner ( and make him aware of your interest. It’s just that simple. Photos from the May Cars & Coffee, at 2 Shores International in Lake Mills. On the first Sunday of the month you’ll find our region president showing her Porsche and shooting photos of the assembled cars. Thanks Donna Daufenbach. Return of Autocross to region calendar a success Page 8 By Mike Bolton, Autocross chair “We could not have asked for a better day. May 22 was a sunny Sunday with light breezes and temperatures in the low to mid 70's for our first PCA Autocross event this season at Miller Park. We had a great turnout of 26 people, and 13 of them had never participated in an Autocross event before. We were very pleased to have so many people new to the club join us for this event. “Once everyone got after it on the course, It quickly became apparent that the challenge would be to get through it in less than 1 minute. If you check out the times you will see that several people worked their cars hard and did just that. Our best time of the day goes to PCA member Ron Starkey in a Cayman S. A number of drivers that broke the 1:00 minute barrier were new to the sport. We have to congratulate the first timers for being such quick learners. And for anyone that thinks Autocross is a "guy" thing, four ladies hit the course hard, pushing the limits and besting many of us guys, with Karen Busalacchi breaking the 1:00 minute mark in her Cayman. Cars line up at the starting grid before their timed runs on the AX course. “I have to thank Bruce Tammi for all the good advice and assistance. Bruce and Ron Starkey helped set up the course which was universally lauded for the combination of speed and challenge. Ron also rounded up some volunteers and handled Tech Inspecton. We couldn't have done this without the help of Renee and Gary Messing handling registration and car control. If you missed it, please give some thought to joining us on Sept. 11, 2016, at Wisconsin State Fair Park. Watch future issues of Steinlifters for more information," Bolton said. Complete results for all drivers and more photos available online at Autocross chair Mike Bolton (center—blue shirt) conducts the drivers’ meeting. journal.php?id=903 Bruce Tammi tests his AX skills on the course. Photo credits: Mike Wiviott and Ian Tyree. Tom Golner and his early 911 are AX regulars. June 2016 Steinlifters Page 9 Botham Winery Annual Car Show You are invited to join other PCAMilwaukee Region members on Sunday, Aug. 14, for a drive to Botham Winery in Barneveld, Wis., to experience the Winery’s annual car show. We will depart from the west side of Milwaukee on a drive that will include a mix of freeway miles and Porsche-friendly backroads, with emphasis on the latter. Botham has held this event for many years, and features a different car marque each year. Porsche has been the featured marque, however, this year, the featured marque will be Lincoln. There, no doubt, will be some vintage sports cars on display, probably including a few vintage Porsches. Check out Botham’s website: vintage-celebration, for more details. There will be no cost for this event, aside from the $10 per person admission fee charged by Botham. Botham will have food for sale on site, including grilled burgers, bratwurst, etc. Obviously, wine will be available for tasting and purchase. No carry-in alcohol is allowed, but carry-in food is allowed, if you prefer to bring your own. Botham will have bottled water and soda available for purchase. Registered participants will be provided with the requisite tour details, including meeting place and time. Registration is easy: simply send tour leader, Al Wagner, an email advising him that you plan to participate. Al’s email address is: The deadline for registering is midnight, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016. If you have questions, please send Al an email, or call his cell 262-416-8503. Situated in the heart of Wisconsin’s Iowa County Uplands and surrounded by more than 900 acres of nature conservancy, Botham Vineyards & Winery has been growing and producing regionally distinctive Wisconsin wines of international acclaim since 1989. Join us for the Blind Horse Winery Tour and lunch, Sept. 17 Join other PCA – Milwaukee Region members on Saturday, Sept. 17 for a drive through the twisty, hilly backroads of the North Kettle Moraine to the Blind Horse Winery in Kohler, Wis. There, we’ll have a private tour of their production facilities, followed by lunch on their patio. Upon arrival, our cars will be directed into an area of their parking lot reserved just for our Porsches. The event provides not only an interesting drive but also the opportunity to visit a true "Napa Valley" style winery and enjoy lunch in a rustic, elegant setting. We will be led on a tour of Blind Horse’s wine production area by chief winemaker, Thomas Nye. We’ll get to sample from some of their barrels and each participant will receive a bottle of Blind Horse wine with a “PCA-Milwaukee Regioncentric” label. Page 10 For those not familiar with Blind Horse, they make serious wines, worthy of some of the better winemaking regions of California. We think you’ll be impressed with their vintages. For those wanting to further sample their products, an additional tasting of any 5 of their wines is available for $6. The cost of the tour (including one bottle of Blind Horse wine) will be $30 per participant. In addition, each participant (or couple) will be responsible for paying his or her (their) own lunch check. We must provide Blind Horse an exact count by noon, Saturday, Sept. 3, 2016. Afterwards, we’ll have lunch on Blind Horse’s patio (weather permitting…otherwise, we’ll be served inside) and order from their full menu. For a preview of their lunch menu, check their website, http:// Following lunch, feel free to linger on the patio (hopefully, in abundant sunshine!), and then return home on your own. There will be no organized return drive. To register for the event, please print out the reservation form, and send it with a check of $30 per participant to the address shown on the form. The form and check must be received by the above-noted deadline. Details regarding the starting place and time will be provided to registered participants the week prior to the event. If you have questions, contact information is provided on the reservation form. Blind Horse Winery Tour and Lunch — Sept. 17, 2016 Participant 1 name _____________________________________________________________________ Participant 2 name _____________________________________________________________________ Cell number that will be with you on the tour: __________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________ Winery Tour (includes 1 bottle of wine per participant)** Number of participants: x $30 = **Winery Tour participants are invited and encouraged to have lunch on the patio after the tour. Lunch cost will be "on-your-own," and is not included in the cost of the tour. Total cost: Make check payable to PCA-Milwaukee Region Mail by Aug. 31, 2016 to: PCA-Milwaukee Region c/o Al Wagner, N32W7401 Lincoln Blvd., Cedarburg, WI 53012. Questions? Call 262-416-8503 or email Register for Show & Glow at the Lake, Aug. 27 More than two dozen members of the region showed their Porsches at the 2015 car show at the lakefront and we hope to see more at this year’s event which kicks off the Milwaukee Concours d’Elegance weekend. Date: Aug. 27, 2016 Location: Veterans Park, on Milwaukee’s lakefront Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (open to the public) Arrive by: 9 a.m. Cost: $15 if you register before Aug. 12. After that, and including up to the day of the event, the price goes up to $25. Note: You can register on the day of the event this year. All Porsches will be grouped in the same area of the show field. Join us to make a statement about German design and engineering! Full details, including early registration, are available online. The Milwaukee Region, PCA, is a sponsor of Sunday’s Milwaukee Concours d’Elegance. Milwaukee Region PCA Driver's Education DRIVER'S CLINIC RSVP NOW!! By Jeff Cowie When: Saturday, June 18 Time: 9:30 a.m. to Noon Where: CS Motorsports W220 N7136 Townline Road Lannon · · · · · · · Powerpoint presentation track -specific to Road America How to have fun and be safe for the day. Review of the DE day A description of each run group Instructors and Instructor pairings How to prepare your car before you arrive at the track, aka Tech What to wear What to bring to the track · · · · · · · · · What the various warning flags are and their important meanings How to enter, apex, and exit all specific 14 turns at this track Proper braking Where you can pass and what are "wave-bys" One-day track insurance available at hpde-and-track-insurance-1 Sharing a car What’s your goal for the day? A Q & A Session Computer & assistance onhand to register you Page 12 RSVP TO: BY JUNE 16 TO GUARANTEE FOOD Have any questions, send us a note at or call 414.559.9302. Your DE crew, Terry Jeff and Matt REGISTER HERE events/pca-milwaukee-de-2016-road -america-713346#.Vsyt2eYkpsl ATTEND EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOT YET REGISTERED Complimentary continental breakfast & light lunch Photo credit: Mike Wiviott 39 enjoy the hilly, twisty roads of Driftless era by Bill Wright Al picked some spectacular backroads to help clear the winter cobwebs from our Porsches! We traveled down some fun and challenging roads. The ferry ride across the Wisconsin River was interesting in that it looked like a shipment from Stuttgart! The setting for our lunch at the Botham Winery was wonderful and we were able to sample a number of their wines. Most of us left with some delicious mementos of the tour! The owner of the Botham Winery had their beautiful XK140 on display as you can see from the attached picture. We had a very interesting tour of Pendarvis at Mineral Point. We learned about how Robert Neal and Edgar Hellum began restoring some of the buildings in the former lead mining community in the 1930’s and created a restaurant to help pay for their efforts. They ran it until they retired in 1970 when it was acquired by Wisconsin Historical Society. We then traveled to Chestnut Mountain Resort in Galena where we experienced wonderful accommodation’s and a spectacular view of the Mississippi. Al even had arranged for special Porsche parking! After a chance to refresh we gathered for a group dinner were we had a chance to talk and dine with our old and new PCA friends. After a restful night sleep we were off again on some exhilarating roads through southeastern Wisconsin where we concluded our trip in Potosi Wisconsin, home of the Potosi Brewery. There we had a chance to tour the National Brewery Museum that is housed on the grounds, followed by a luncheon in Page 13 the upper floor of the brewery. From there we were on our own to enjoy the delightful roads back to the hotel. Saturday night we were on our own to discover the wonderful city of Galena. We were in awe of the number of beautiful old homes, shops and restaurants! We have never been to Galena, but we will certainly now plan on returning. The weather for the weekend couldn’t have been nicer, the fellow PCA members couldn’t have been more enjoyable, and the tour Al put together couldn’t have been better. It was truly one of the best weekends Deb and I have ever had! Al and Ellyn Wagner should be congratulated for a job well done! See more photos and read testimonials of several other participants online at: journal.php?id=904 More photos to follow on pages 13—15. Ellyn and Al Wagner Great River Road III continued Crossing the Wisconsin River at Merrimac via a ferry Regrouping along the river after departing the ferry. Checking our some brewing history in Potosi are (left to right) Bill Wright, Jim Morris, Betsy Royals and Debby Wright. Porsches parked at Pendarvis. The Kirk’s 911 adds to the scenery along the Mississippi. Great River Road III continued U.S. President Grant’s home in Galena, Ill. Dinner companions included left to right Pat Johansen, Dan Johansen, Tony Quebbemann, Julie Quebbemann, Debbie Ponath, Todd Ponath, Mike Tagtow, Kathy Tagtow . Sharon Stewart, left, listens to a tour guide at Pendarvis, the mining community in Mineral Pt. Great River Road warriors at dinner included left to right Karen Gnatzig, Marty Gnatzig, Sharon Mucklin, Barb Mulligan, Tom Mulligan, Paul Stewart, Sharon Stewart and Tom Mucklin . Porsche-only parking at Chestnut Mountain resort was most appreciated by participants of the Great River Road IIII tour. Amid brewery memorabilia are, left to right, Scott Clausing, Ellyn Wagner, Noreen Fellenz, Linda Kirk and David Kirk at the National Brewing Museum. Great River Road III continued Pat and Linda Seroka were among the many happy travelers on the trip. Debby Wright, Bill Wright, Betsy Royals, Elizabeth Eiche, Terry Royals, Brian Eiche, Stuart Eiche, Laura Eiche at our Friday night dinner in the Sunset Grille at Chestnut Mountain Resort. View of the Mississippi River from the resort Waving “hello” as the group arrives at Botham Vineyards in Barneveld, Wis., on Friday, May 20 The group enjoyed lunch and a wine tasting there. Refueling after a day of driving are, left to right Gregg Eisenhardt, Christy Eisenhardt, David Kirk, Kay Schustedt, Jim Schustedt, Scott Clausing, Linda Kirk, Noreen Fellenz . Read more about this amazing weekend at: Photo credits: David Kirk, Jim Schustedt, Al Wagner, Pat Seroka, Bill Wright June 2016 Steinlifters Classifieds FOR SALE: Porsche 2005 911 Turbo S Cabriolet VIN: WP0CB29975S675800, 39,920 miles, 3.6-Twin Turbo, 444hp, No engine or body modifications, 6speed, Black/Black leather, Bridgestone Potenza, 10 exclusive options, Retired one owner, Stored in climate-controlled garage, More photos: Photobucket. library/ Dale, 262-939-3390, or email Note: New process for classified ad submission Members: We have taken steps to stop spammers from attempting to place bogus classified ads on our site. Members may still place ads for no charge using the same link that is on the Classified webpage: classifieds/. When you click that link and begin the process to enter the contents of your ad, you will be asked to enter the log in and password for the membersonly section. If you do not know the log in and password, you will be directed to send an email to the webmaster requesting same. The webmaster's email address can be found on the Contact Us page. Hint: It's the same email address as our newsletter editor -- Alternatively, if you do not wish to go through the site, you can, as always, send your ad information directly to the webmaster via email. Page 17 FOR SALE: 1964 356 SC Coupe This is an outstanding 356 SC Coupe that has been fully restored with great care to exacting specifications. The exterior is Dolphin Gray over a green interior. Clear title. $100,000 firm. Call 262-689-5257 to set an appointment to see this car. It is located in Washington County. FOR SALE: 1974 914-4 $18,500 Rust-free California car. Matching numbers. Restored/ rebuilt mechanicals (engine with Euro compression pistons and cylinders, transmission, clutch, brakes, fuel injection), electrical and exterior by Black Forest Racing in NC. New repaint in original Sunflower Yellow. Fuchs, new tires. New, period correct beige upholstery. Solid engine and handling. Extensive list of restorations available. Maintained by Fabson Engineering in Cedarburg. Health necessitates sale. Contact Chuck Hays 414-704-3574 Page 18 June 2016 Steinlifters Classifieds FOR SALE: 4-18-inch Porsche Turbo Wheels Used for winter driving. Wheels currently have 225/40 R18s (Pirelli-2 full seasons driving) and 265/35R 18 Blizzak (these are virtually new). Wheels have a few scuffs. For information, call me (Terry Royals) at 414-559-9302 or see pictures on Craigslist: http:// $1,000 for the set. FOR SALE: 2013 Porsche Boxster 2013 Aqua Blue Metallic convertible Porsche Boxster. It is fully loaded and has extremely low miles -- under 5,000. Meticulously maintained as you can see by the pictures. It is a one owner no accident vehicle. Clean title in hand, and all paperwork for this car, including the Certificate of Authenticity. This fun sports car has a manual transmission, the Premium pkg, Nav., Sirius satellite radio, Bose surround Sound system, sport heated leather seats, Bi-Xenon headlights, and much more! This car is ready for summer! Please only serious buyers. Call, text or email. 414-614-9110. WANTED TO BUY: Early Cayman or Boxster with removable hard top. Base or S, manual transmission. Cash purchase now or after this driving season. Buyer is founder and leader of the 2-seater sports car group. Please email offers to David Fisher, Wanted: Your story of Porsche ownership This newsletter is published for members of the Milwaukee Region, Porsche Club of America. It’s about members and their cars specifically, and about Porsche, generally. Each new member is invited to reply to a brief questionnaire about his/her Porsche. Fewer than 20 percent respond. We want to publish the stories of all members, whether new or long-term PCA members. You can respond now — whether you are new or have been a long-term member. Tell the editor the answers to these questions. Send your answers in an email to: · Year and model of your Porsche · Exterior color/interior color · How long have you owned it? How did you find it? · What attracted you to Porsche ownership? Attach a .jpg of your Porsche. That’s it. Easy. Let’s hear from you. . Steinlifters is published monthly for members of Porsche Club of America, Milwaukee Region. Comments and suggestions for content should be sent to the editor, Beverly Jurkowski, © 2016
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