The Godfather Exam - Chicago Teacher Tonic
The Godfather Exam - Chicago Teacher Tonic
THE GODFATHER EXAM 100 POINTS I. At the beginning of the novel, Michael: A. Assumes he will be the next Godfiither B. Elopys with Kay Adams C. Attempts to get into the casino business D. Rer>ents his family 2 Luca Bnisi: A. Advises Don Corleone on business matters B. Organizes the family's hit rnen C. Marries Connie Corleone D. Acts as the Godfather's most brutal assassin 3. At Connie's wedding, Johnny Fontane: A. Sleeps with Lucy Mancini B. Asks Tom Hagen for money C. Sing?, a duet with Nino D. Atten:5)ts to kill Fredo Corleone 4. M e r starring m a movie, Johnny Fontane: A. Wins an Academy Award B. Remarries his e.xwife, Ginny C. Moves to New York to work for Don Corleone D. Commits suiude 5. Vito Corleone is known for his: A. Brutality B. Stupidity C. Reasonableness D. Bad temper 6. Vito Coileone refuses SoUozzo's offer because: A. He thinks drugs is a dirty busiiiess B. He received f-i ly^tter offer from the Tattaglia family C. It wasn't the right time D. He wants to go "legitim/ite" 7. Wl>/.-n Michael visits his father at the hospital: A. He argues with Sonny B. He finds th« Don is dead C. He discovers the Don has no protection D. He convinces the Don to let him kill Sollozzo 8. J"Michael kills Sollozzo and McCluskey: A. In a restaurant B. In a stairwell C. In an all> sy D. Inabar Why does Don Corleone becouK angry with Sonny? A. He beat his wife B. He reveali'-d to Sollozzo that the family was not in ^reement C. He refused to assume the position of Go 'ifether D. He plotted against Michael Corleone 10. In Sicily, Michael Corleone: A. Created his own crime femily B. Comes to terms with h is family's heritage C. Gathers support to fight against the Tattaglia family D. Pursues politic s II. Tom Hagen's main fault (other than not being Sicilian) is: A. He's a bad war-time coasigliere B. He's an alcoholic C. He's a clumsy negotiator D. He refiises to kill anyone 12. After killing Fanucci, Vito Corleone: A. Is arrested B. Flees the country C. Hides out fiom the Fanucci family D. Gains respect in his neighborhood L 3. Don Vito Corleone: A. Is assassinated B. Dies of poisoning C. Dies in his garden D. Regains control of the family 14. When Michael offers to buy Moe Greene's share of the hotel, Moe Greene: A. Grows an^^^ry and refuses B. Attempts to have Michael assassinated C. Makes a coimter offer to the Tatta'glia femily D. Accepts his offer 15. After Kay Ad^ms left Michael: A. She moved to Las Vegas B. Eventually returned to Michael C. Turned Michael over to the police D. Returned to college: 16. He cooperated with the Brazini femily in setting up Sonny's assassination: A. Fredo Corleon*;: B.Michael Corleone C. Tessio D. Carlo Rizzi 17. Vito Corluone's childhood friend; asked Vito to save him on his deathbed: A. Jtile;'. Segal B. Mario Perillo C. Genco Abbandando D. Tom Hagen, Sr. 18. The word for "counselor", or main advisor to the Godfether: A. Gmerta B. Consigliere C. Fanucci D. Conseulo 19. He was Icnown for being good with a knife; had a femily in Turkey and one in the United States: A. Genco Abbandando B. Jack Wohz C. Salvatore Maranzano D. Virgil Sollozzo 20. Phrasit'; that mee^os you've proven your value to the femily, usualh^ through your first assassination: A, Omerta B. Consigliere C. Make your bones D. Sleeps with the fishes 21. He was with Don Corleone when the Godfather was shot; later, he moved to Las Vegas: A. Ftedo Corleone B. Jules Segal C. Johnny Fontane D. Nino Valenti 22. The term that me'ins "captain", or head of the mob's hit men: A. Consigliere B. Kkirtoum C. Caporegime D.Cosa nostra 23. He M'as originaJly a police officer; later joined the Corleone family as Michael'^ bodygi?ard md nmin assassin; A, Luca Brasi B. Felix Bocchicchio C. Jules Segal D. .Albert Neri 24. The law c;'silence: A. Cosa nostra B. Omerta C. Khartuom D. Caporegin«; 25. He was 'iriven oat of New York for performing abortions; moved to Las Vesgas where he met Lucy Manc'ini: A. Amerigo Eionasera B. Jack Woltz C. Jules Segal D. Don TommasiiiO 26. He was a U.S. war hero; had his jaw broken by a New York police captain: A. Tessio B. Michael Corleone C. Fredo Corleone D. Rocco Lampone 27. She was Johnny Fontane's second wife; a Hollywood star and a slut: A. Kay Adams B. Vjrg-jiia C. Lucy Mancisii D. Margot Ashton 28. The linger vviiose handsome face was bloated from his continual drinking: A. Nino Valenti B. Jolimiy Foniane C. Frcaik Sinatra D. Paulie Gatto 29. He was killed for l:)etr;:vying Micliael Corleone: A. Clemenza B. Enzo C. Tessio D.Verdi 30. Phrase describing a hideout during wartime between the Families: A. Laying low B. ?Chartuom C. Go to the mattresses D. Eat a curb 31. He was known for his temper, not his business sense; wanted to get into the dru ij, trade: A. \'ito Corleone B. Michael Corleone C. Mr. Roberto D. Sonny Corleone 32. He was an undertaker who irequested justice from Don Corleone after his daughti'.r was asfiaulted: A. Luca Brasi B.Jack Woltz C.Carlo Rizzi D. Amerigo Bonasera 3'3. He wt3s a German-Irish lawyer who worked exclusively for Don Vito Corleone:A. Jack Wokz B. Tom Hagen C. Virgil Sollozzo D. John Phillips 34. Terrn for a big shot, or a person of importance: A. Consigliere B. Abbandand* > C. Pezzionovante D. Pesci 35. He owned a prize lacehorse; tried to drive Johnny Fontane out of the movie business : A. Virgil Sollozzo Pi. Khartuom C. John Phillips D.Jack Woltz 36. Connie's maid (jf honor; has some "female plumbing" taking care of: A. Margot Ash ton B. Sharon Moore C. Lucy Mancini D. Filomena Vespucci 37. Confesses to the murders of Sollozzo and McCluskey: A. Michael Corleone B. Fabriz zio C. WaxBaines D. Fehx Bocchicchio 38. Tvlichael's iirst wife: A. Sandra B. Kay Adams C. Appolonia Vitelli C. Virginia 39. Has a cn-^de tattoo on his chest; is guimed down at a pizza parlor in Buffelo: A. Tessio B. Fabrizz'.o C. Fanucci D. Wax Baines 40. The novel ends with her praying for the soul of her husband: A. Sandra B. Connie C. Kay D. Virginia
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