Russell Young, Superstar, Press coverage
Russell Young, Superstar, Press coverage
PRESS PORTFOLIO 144 –146 New Bond Street, London W1S 2PF +44 (0)20 7100 7144 29 New Bond Street, London W1S 2RL +44 (0)20 7499 4508 Harrods, 2nd Floor, London SW1X 7XL +44 (0)20 7581 7980 Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star ENGLISH ESPAÑOL FRANÇAIS DEUTSCH ITALIANO PORTUGUÊS CALENDAR AUTHORS GALLERIES ! " ART ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN WELLNESS ART CULTURE ECONOMY & POLITICS FASHION FOOD & WINE ENTERTAINMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY SPORT Russell Young. Superstar 21 Jan — 14 Feb 2016 at Halcyon Gallery in London, United Kingdom On the street Facebook Twitter Kate Moss Superstar [Perylene maroon] Instagram On 21 January 2016, celebrated British-American Pop artist Russell Young will present Superstar, his debut solo exhibition at Halcyon Gallery, London. This brand new body of work is part of an ongoing exploration into the visual nature of fame and celebrity, as Young attempts to define the essence of what truly makes a ‘superstar’. With his trademark vividly-coloured, larger-than-life canvases, Young reinterprets iconic imagery featuring two of popular culture’s most famous faces: contemporary catwalk heroine, Kate Moss and modern screen siren, Marilyn Monroe. The exhibition features a controversial photograph of Kate Moss, first published in British Vogue in early 1990, capturing the Croydon-born supermodel aged just sixteen. Taken by British photographer Kate Garner at the cusp of the nineties, this photograph reflects the very beginning of Moss’s stellar career. By embellishing and expanding upon the outtakes, Young weaves the image into his continuing exploration of the fragile nature of celebrity and its impact on both society at large and our shared internal psyche. Whilst the original image presents a natural innocence and beauty, it is through Young’s manipulation that these paintings are elevated, transcending the restrictions of their original source material and providing a unique and very personal body of work which pays a powerful homage to one of our generation’s most celebrated icons. Alongside the images of Kate Moss is Marilyn Monroe, whose instantly-recognisable features are rendered in both opulent platinum and dazzling gold and imbued with a sense of nostalgia and Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn TRAVEL Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star [continued] celebration. Following a decade of austerity in the United States, emerging from the Wall Street Crash and the ensuing Great Depression, Monroe’s rise to fame came to represent a new era of optimism that helped revive the spirits of a nation with her much publicised and often tumultuous love life, reflecting the cultural appetite of the age. Presidents, sporting heroes and writers all fell under her spell, but it was her inherent vulnerability and untimely death that maintains Monroe’s status as the first true superstar. These works set out to serve as both a celebration and an epitaph to the Great American Dream. If Marilyn represents the beginning of a journey into the notion of what defines a superstar, then Kate must surely represent its closing chapter: these two icons of unparalleled global recognition, born five decades apart, both encapsulate the true meaning of what it is to be a superstar. British-American Pop artist Russell Young (b. 1959) is best known for compelling, larger-than-life silkscreen paintings appropriated from recent history and popular culture. Alluding to the great Pop artists of past and present, he reinvents bold, sometimes brutal imagery turned upon itself in alienation and entrapment while bearing witness to the ambition and glamorous excesses of 21st century America. Young’s artistic output embraces painting, screen printing, sculpture, installations and film. Most important to him are the titles, the crops, and the progression from darkness to light, reflecting his transition from painful early years in northern England to warmth, growth and fulfilled potential under the sunny skies of America. Young’s work is represented in the collections of the Polk Museum of Art in Florida, the Albertina Museum in Vienna, the Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, the Saatchi Collection, Barack Obama, the Qatari royal family, Liz Taylor, Kate Moss and Brad Pitt. Young has also exhibited in museums and galleries in London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Tokyo, Singapore, New York, Detroit, Miami and Los Angeles. For further information: Halcyon Gallery Halcyon Gallery 144-146 New Bond Street London W1S 2PF United Kingdom Ph. +44 (0)20 71007144 Opening hours Monday - Saturday from 10am to 6pm Sunday from 11am to 5pm Share 0 Tweet Share 0 Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star [continued] Captions 1. Kate Moss Superstar Blue 2 (lrg) ultramarine & silver 2. Marilyn Superstar (sml) vegas gold 3. Kate Moss Superstar Bluen 1 (lrg) ultramarine & silver Related articles ART ART 20 Jan — 6 Feb 2016 at Lacey Contemporary Gallery in London, United Kingdom 6 Feb — 2 May 2016 at Towner Art Gallery in Eastbourne, United Kingdom ART ART African routes Anja Niemi. Photographing in Costume 2 Mar — 2 Apr 2016 at Five Eleven in New York, United States ART The Cosmology of Rugman 9 Jan — 2 Feb 2016 at Saatchi Gallery in London, United Kingdom Recording Britain Gregg Chadwick. Mystery Train 2 — 29 Feb 2016 at Sandra Lee in San Francisco, United States ART Jane Corrigan. 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Prices From £675,000 %'% %% %" ❚ woman is knocked unconscious in revenge for telling off schoolboy Matt Watts and Hannah Stubbs A FATHER who brutally assaulted a teaching assistant in the street and knocked her unconscious after she told off his son in the playground has walked free from court. Assailant Marius Feneck, 28, waited outside the boy’s primary school for Lesley-Ann Noel to leave after work before following her to her car and launching a vicious revenge attack. She suffered cuts to her head and lips, swelling to her face and a shoulder injury after being found unconscious in the street by a passer-by who raised the alarm. Feneck’s son had got into a fight at lunchtime and been disciplined by Ms Noel, who was on playground duty at Glenbrook Primary School in Clapham, Inner London crown court heard. Ms Noel, 47, who has been unable Continued on Page 4 west end final %' #'% %%$ &( 020 3675 1356 & % % 020 3675 1377 Inside Anti-slavery orders for sham bride traffickers PaGE 5 Great Ormond Street Hospital Elliott’s long wait for heart transplant at GOSH PaGE 26 Sport davE BEnETT father in brutal attack on teacher goes free Homes & Property London’s toP PRoPERtY GUIdE 56 pages inside today farrells Wednesday 20 January 2016 P32 Popping in: Luther star Idris Elba and former model Christina Estrada at pop artist Russell Young’s new exhibition at The Halcyon Gallery in Bond Street. She is embroiled in a High Court battle with her Saudi ex-husband Sheikh Walid Juffali over his estimated £4 billion fortune elba’s art to art with divorcee Lampard: Chelsea need five signings baCk PaGE Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star Reuters’ Art and Culture show, Showcase Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star [continued] Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star [continued] Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star [continued] Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star The Metro Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star The Metro Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star Tendencias Art Magazine Dorotheum Sotheby’s Viena | Subasta: Marzo Mack es uno de los escultores alemanes fundamentales de la posguerra, cofundador del Grupo Zero de Düsseldorf, en 1957. El término Zero no tenía un mensaje subliminal irónico o nihilista, sino que fue escogido por sus connotaciones de silencio y pureza. Las placas de aluminio repujadas de la pieza que se licita –valorada entre 70.000 y 90.000 euros- reflejan la luz con refracciones inducidas y brillantes superficies pulidas para disolver los elementos estructurales en el ojo humano. Con sus relieves Heinz Mack nos invita a entrar en una dimensión solo perceptible visualmente: “Tome uno de mis relieves de metal labrados y pulidos. Si el relieve es adecuadamente iluminado, entonces un reflejo de luz cruzará su superficie. Parpadeará espacialmente por encima de la placa de metal. Puede ser sólo unos pocos milímetros. Planea sobre él y vibra con dulzura. A este momento de inmaterialidad, es a lo que yo llamo: ‘belleza’.” Londres | Subas Sale a pujas, tasado de euros, uno de lo monumentales de quedan en manos (725-4), ejecutado colección particula Richter ha visto co años, se pulverizab hasta en tres ocasio un año, Sotheby’s a de 1986, que arran euros, en 34 millon en un 25% el anter en un 43% el mejo una composición a creador alemán de inusitada y Richter cotizado del mund Halcyon Gallery Londres | Hasta el 14 de febrero Superstar es el flamante proyecto del conocido artista pop Russell Young en el que investiga la naturaleza visual de la fama tratando de definir lo que convierte a alguien en una ‘superestrella’. Con sus característicos colores vívidos y lienzos gigantescos, Young reinterpreta el imaginario de dos de los rostros más famosos de la cultura popular: la heroína de la pasarela contemporánea, Kate Moss, y la sirena moderna de la gran pantalla, Marilyn Monroe. La exposición incluye una polémica imagen de Kate Moss con 16 años, publicada por primera vez en la edición británica de Vogue a principios de los 90 y que marcó el pistoletazo de salida de la meteórica carrera de Moss. La otra protagonista es Marilyn Monroe, cuyos rasgos instantáneamente reconocibles se recrean en dos versiones, en platino y oro, que destilan un profundo aroma de nostalgia. 73 Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star [continued] Press Cuttings Russell Young, Super Star [continued]