Fall Hunting BIG BOY HUNT & FISH grizzly climber tree stand 178-0245 $159.99 Proud to be 100% Canadian Owned! 2014 $ 9 3 31 buy $ 300 6 buy THE ULTIMATE DUAL PURPOSE HUNTING BLIND AND ICE SHELTER BUILT FOR THE CANADIAN OUTDOORSMAN cap afety laze s b le ovab * rem 6-man Package climbing vest harness rated for 300 lbs. 178-0150 $64.27 weekender gear bag mo camo, 24” x 12” x 12” 494-0124 $29.84 2 man tent chair blind realtree xtra 178-0226 $149.99 big gunner blind max-4 664-1010 $324.11 buy 12 for only $5.99ea! scout bigmouth gear bag mo camo, 12” x 8-1/2” x 8” 494-0125 $21.06 hunting/ice shelter 815-0101 $339.00 predator xcs layout blind 664-1044 $649.99 brotherhood dlx. ladder stand 178-0250 $279.99 15’ 2 man 15’ warrior ladder stand ladder stand 178-0163 $164.99 178-0246 $224.99 tent chair blind realtree xtra 178-0225 $104.99 sniper dlx. blind shadow grass 664-1001 $129.99 STEP UP TREE STEPS 3 PACK 700-7001 $6.99 3-man pro vs haybale blind 664-1020 $378.67 pop-up hunting blind 58” x 58” x 64” 935-0700 $85.50 explorer bigmouth ranger bigmouth alps trilogy duffle bag 30”, next-g camo gear bag gear bag 177-0116 $36.35 mo camo, 16”x 8-1/2” x 10” mo camo, 18” x 11” x 12” 494-0127 $26.40 494-0126 $38.95 2-pc luggage set 20” & 24” 555-1143 mo w/ pink 555-1144 mossy oak INVISIBLE TREE CAMO TOTE BAG 26'' x 14-1/8'' x 13-1/2" 191-0108 $29.99 PINK MOSSY OAK duffle bag 555-1140 20" $33.95 555-1142 14” $23.99 INVisible CAMO $119.00 mossy oak backpack w/ pink trim 18” x 12.5” x 6.5” 555-1141 $29.95 Deluxe camo hunting pack 935-0604 $19.99 16” trooper day pack mo snow 700-3003 $11.50 buy 12 for $7.49ea buy 6 for $29.99 Top ! y t i qual omega pack 1525 cu. inches 915-0125 $33.60 buy 6 for $39.99 power rut pack 2285 cu. inches 915-0127-01 $44.95 max-4 hayhouse blind 178-0173 $157.88 MOUNTAINEERS BACKPACK 18'' x 32'' x 8-1/2'' 191-0109 $47.50 expedition wheelie duffle bag 935-0609 $59.99 NEW NEW deluxe quiet 6-pocket fanny pack 935-0606 $33.72 deluxe day pack blaze orange 935-0600 $23.50 3-pocket fleece fanny pack orange camo 935-0602 $13.50 padded multipocket fanny pack 935-0605 $15.62 Email: windland tree camo duffle bag 555-1124 16” x 8” x 9.5” $21.95 555-1125 22” x 11” x 12” $24.99 555-1126 30” x 15” x 14” $30.50 deluxe fanny pack blaze orange 935-0601 $18.70 28” waterproof duffle bag 935-0603 $39.99 Orange Fanny Pack ORANGE BACKPACK 18" MULTI-POCKET 16” x 6” x 4” 555-1110 $28.95 555-1112 $12.50 net 30 (FULL FREIGHT ALLOWED ON ORDERS OVER $3500) 1 BUY 12 asst. $4.99EA hunter’s safety vest 12-pc display 175-0150 $65.88 ($5.49ea) kolpin gun boot iv mobu camo 528-5609 $84.80 wfs zippered vest blaze orange 935-0261 xl 935-0262 XXl/xxxl Allen Safety Vest Blaze Orange Youth 26-36” chest 1193-5040 $6.99 Adult 38-48” chest 1193-5041 $6.99 Big Man chest to 60” 1193-5045 $7.98 $5.99 atv tire repair kit 528-5801 $23.04 61” Shooting stick 1193-0020 $17.36 quik-shot shooting stick 411-0100 $14.77 metal atv bracket 683-5052 $65.43 Allen hand held target Thrower orange 1193-5004 $6.69 Blaze Cap/Vest Combo 0788-1337 $9.85 mesh orange safety vest 1193-5039 $6.99 BUY 6 for $12.49EA kolpin gun boot 4.3 w/ bracket 528-5612 $82.96 gunslinger atv scoped rifle case soft/hard case 683-5218 $59.97 compact gun & bow hanger 1193-0061 $7.43 NEW power hang scale measures up to 440 lbs. 625-1104 $15.01 NEW BUY 12 for $10.99EA bow hanger w/ adjustable bow arm winchester triple 1193-0060 $10.60 metal target 625-1106 $13.73 allen gambrel & hoist standard kit holds up to 440 lbs 1193-0055 $22.69 allen rangemaster adjustable rifle rest 1193-5005 $53.32 Deluxe Deer Carcass Bag 1193-5016 $2.43 daisy max speed bb’s 350 ct 235-0120 $1.95 antler mounting kit green skull cover game cleaning kit 1193-5020 $13.62 2 types of gloves, apron and bag 1193-5021 $2.82 defender elite airsoft kit includes both rifle & pistol 0617-0216 $46.80 $199.00 when you buy 3 vantage air rifle with scope 4 x 32mm scope, .177 cal 0617-0315 $144.14 daisy max speed pointed pellet 250 ct, .177 235-0123 $2.49 daisy pointed pellet 250 ct, .22 235-0124 $3.69 jim shockey legacy air rifle w/ scope .22 cal 0617-0322 $249.00 H&K G36 AEG Airsoft Gun 0896-0381 $74.47 REMANUFACTURED WITH FULL WARRANTY! pumpmaster .177 kit scope, Ammo, Glasses & Targets 0617-0301 $48.99 your partners in profit $39.99 when you buy 3 REMANUFACTURED WITH FULL WARRANTY! raven .177 break barrel rifle 0617-0330 $79.99 $34.99 when you buy 3 powerline airgun BB/Pellet, Pump-up Rep 235-0104-01 $39.99 walther airsoft ammo 12G, blue 0896-0508 2000/jar $4.02 0896-0509 5000/jar $8.06 daisy max speed flathead pellet 500 ct 235-0122 $3.79 Deluxe elk Carcass Bag 4 pack 1193-5022 $13.03 $109.99 when you buy 6 $38.99 when you buy 6 gun/tool rack no drill attachment 1193-5024 $12.47 max speed co2 cylinders 5 ct 235-0130 $3.69 Elk Quartering Bags 4 pack 1193-5017 $8.11 camo makeup kit olive, black, brown, grey 1193-5061 $5.65 2 kolpin gun boot 4.3 w/ universal bracket 528-5614 $92.18 Shadow Plus Air Gun Kit 235-0161-01 $48.75 $29.99 when you buy 3 daisy pink ladies Air Rifle .177 cal, pump action 235-0328-01 $34.99 buy 6 only $9.99ea INCLUDES 5 STYLES! RWS .177 bb Pellet Sampler 500 ct 0896-0206 $12.78 crosman glow in the dark tracers 2000 ct, .12g 0617-0251 $6.99 crosman match grade biodegradable ammo 2000 ct, .20g 0617-0252 $11.17 Ph: (204) 284-1874 Toll Free: (800) 268-1123 fax: (204) 284-1875 Buttstock Shotgun Shell Holder Black 1193-0015 $4.48 s he l l s n o t i n c l u de d Buttstock Rifle Cartridge Holder Black 1193-0016 $4.48 buy 6 for $9.99 46” durango shotgun case asst. earth tones 1193-5106 $14.18 rifle shell belt fits to 52”, holds 20 shells 1193-5007 $5.93 camo shotgun shell belt neoprene, holds 25 shells 1193-0098 $20.45 plano se single rifle case 48.375” X 3.375” X 11” 683-5000 $24.22 46” willow scoped rifle case RT Green/pink 1193-0339 $37.78 plano pro-max single rifle case 3.8” x 53.6” x 13” 683-5111 $25.80 camo scoped shotgun case 1193-5097 52” $13.10 1193-5097-01 46” $13.65 riflescope 3-9 x 40, matte black 760-0620 $49.99 Cast Swivel set 1193-5125 for 1” slings 1193-5126 for 1-1/4” slings high country sling Moulded with Swivel, MOBU w/Pink Light 1193-0250 $20.16 $9.28 $10.54 NEW riflescope rings 1”, matte black 760-0622 $12.99 pink leather mobu gunsling w/ swivels 0587-0186 $28.67 NEW 46” el dorado scoped rifle case RT Green/gold 1193-0338 $35.21 camo shotgun sleeve fits guns w/ or w/out scopes up to 48” 1193-5170 $7.06 buy 6 only $22.66ea baktrak crosshair sling w/ swivels, green/black 1193-5166 $31.47 powder horn signature rifle sling suede/pink 1193-5089 $28.59 cobra neoprene rifle sling mo breakup 1193-5085 $12.99 black leather mobu gunsling synthetic liquid w/ swivels gun grease 0587-0230 $38.63 2 oz 199-0122 $13.39 silicone gun & reel cloth 14” x 15” 199-0105 $5.46 leather figure 8 gunsling black w/ swivels 0587-0100 $37.83 synthetic clp gun oil 0.5 oz bottle 199-0124 $7.15 SITE RITE green laser bore site w/ dx kit 378-0800 $150.37 rifle cleaning kit 191-0258 $12.45 gun blue creme 3 oz bottle 199-0123 $11.07 gun oil 4 oz bottle 199-0116 $6.72 leather diamond 8 gunsling brown w/ swivels 0587-0102 $37.83 SITE RITE BASIC Muzzle end Laser Bore Site 378-0802 $46.93 deluxe gun cleaning kit 191-0257 $25.53 camo rifle sleeve fits guns without scopes up to 52” 1193-5169 $7.06 buy 6 for $27.12 embossed deer head sling padded, swivels 1193-5087 $29.43 buy 6 only $12.66ea Classic Safari Metal Replica Ammo Box 191-0012 $30.93 buy 6 for $9.99 52” durango shotgun case asst. earth tones 1193-5105 $13.25 buy 6 for $27.12 NEW camo Buttstock Shotgun Shell Holder w/ cover, holds 5 shells 1193-5078 $6.63 camo Buttstock Shotgun Shell Holder w/ cover, holds 8 shells 1193-5079 $6.63 synthetic gun oil 4 oz bottle 199-0115 $11.38 nitro solvent gun cleaner aerosol 199-0102 $7.88 gun treatment 199-0117 4.5 oz $9.62 199-0118 12 oz $14.95 shotgun cleaning kit 191-0259 $13.77 crud buster 2 16 oz 199-0104 $12.32 rimfire cleaning kits 1266-9035 .17-22 CAL. 1266-9036 .22-30 CAL. 1266-9037 .30-45 CAL. military grade bore solvent 4 oz bottle 199-0106 $11.85 Shotgun Cleaning System 410-10ga 1266-0005 $38.65 All-Caliber Rifle Cleaning System 1266-0006 $38.65 $12.71 knockout 2-pass gun cleaner rope 378-0501 12-gauge 378-0505 270 cal 378-0502 20-gauge 378-0507 243 cal 378-0503 22 cal 378-0509 50 cal gun cleaning patches 378-0504 30 cal 1193-5048 200pc 12/16G $12.79 1193-5049 250pc 17/22cal all gauge shotgun cleaning kit 12, 20, 210 GA 1193-5130 $13.09 otis .410 21/10g shotgun cleaning kit 1266-9038 $12.71 $4.44 $3.68 all caliber gun cleaning kit 1193-5032 $12.65 Email: 80-pc gun cleaning tool box 1193-5131 $62.61 net 30 (FULL FREIGHT ALLOWED ON ORDERS OVER $3500) 3 Trumark Ammo Steel, 30cal, 3/8”, 70/bag 881-1014 $3.27 portable shooting range & targets kit 18” x 18” 0560-0120 $20.29 Trumark Tru-Shot Trumark Ammo Slingshot Trumark Folding Marble, 50cal, 1/2”, 38-Ammo Slingshot 72/bag 881-1002 $7.18 Normal Pull 881-1008 $2.76 881-1001 $8.30 sling shot Trumark 12-pc display slingshot power-band 520-3589 $39.60 ($3.30 ea) 881-1003 $3.24 junior archery arrows 3 pack 055-0410 $14.74 safety darts bandit toy for bandit crossbow crossbow 055-0420 $6.24 w/ 3 targets & darts 055-0421 $21.91 plain paper targets 0560-0115 8” round (26/pack) 0560-0116 12” round (13/pack) $3.24 12” dirty bird targets 12 pack 0560-0107 $11.55 shoot-n-c targets 0560-0135 8” 6/pk $6.89 0560-0138 12” 5/pk $11.55 0560-0139 8” 15/pk $11.55 elite camo binoculars rubber coated, optical glass 760-0610 8 x 40 760-0611 10 x 50 waterproof maple camo binoculars 760-0615 $79.99 $65.00 snow camo binoculars rubber coated, blue lens 760-0600 7 x 35 760-0601 10 x 35 760-0602 10 x 50 porro prism binoculars 727-5101 8 x 40mm $49.99 727-5103 10 x 50mm $52.99 $39.99 banshee 25lb compound bow 055-0400 $56.09 camo 10x25 binoculars w/ case 191-0170 $19.50 lil’ sioux 15lb recurve bow lil’ banshee 18lb 055-0402 green compound bow 055-0403 pink 055-0404 $40.38 waterproof floating binoculars Binocular Strap 12 x 30mm 4-way adj, blaCK 727-5121 $42.50 1193-5018-02 $9.94 $26.75 Tinks #69 hot shot doe-in-rut mist 3 oz 884-0103 $10.28 8x12” Outdoor Signs 075-0501 Private Property 075-0502 No Trespassing 075-0504 No Hunting Tinks #1 hot shot doe-p mist 3 oz, non-estrous 884-0104 $9.93 $2.99ea Tinks #1 doe-p deer lure 1 oz 884-0102 $6.11 i-kam xtreme video eyewear up to 32gb, w/ charger & case 411-0699 $96.57 skout no-glo hd camera 7mp, 32gb sd 378-0113 $89.99 unit x ops hd camera 8mp, 32gb 378-0112 $109.99 Tinks Smokin’ Sticks 884-0116 All SeasoN 884-0117 Rut 884-0147 Moose cow, estrous 884-0150 elk cow, estrous Tinks hot shot power moose mist 3 oz, estrous cow 884-0148 $11.31 $10.09 #10 Bearbangers Pen Type Launch 15mm, 6/box 019-0113 $13.12 Tinks hot shot elk mist 3 oz, estrous cow 884-0152 $11.26 Tinks #69 doe-inrut buck lure 1 oz 884-0100 $10.05 $3.99 when you buy 12 4 code blue doe urine 2 oz 700-7100 $5.40 tinks power moose synth. estrous cow 884-0145 $10.46 your partners in profit tinks power moose gel synth. estrous cow 884-0149 $10.97 $3.49 when you buy 12 Bearbangers 12ga, 5/box 019-0121 $14.06 Tinks Vanish Odor Eliminator SpraY 8-oz 884-0131 $7.64 Tinks b-tech odor eliminator no-pump spray 884-0135 $9.59 launcher kit 3-flares, 2-bangers 019-0104-01 $23.13 NEW Tinks Vanish 3X Laundry Detergent hot moose 24-oz Tinks b-tech odor attractant 884-0133 $10.58 remover moose mare scent hair & body soap 700-7101 $5.35 884-0132 $6.44 Pen Launcher Pull Trigger 019-0100 $10.08 Ph: (204) 284-1874 Toll Free: (800) 268-1123 fax: (204) 284-1875 Allen Magnum Mesh Decoy Bag 30x50” 1193-0002 $18.80 air lucky duck decoy 471-0107 $35.33 Big Foot Canada Goose Big Foot Canada Goose Floaters Standard 295-0101 $138.61 295-0100 $165.26 Big Foot Bull Series Canada Goose 295-0098 $168.84 Big Foot Canada Goose Feeders 295-0099 $165.26 NEW lucky duck rapid flyer decoy 471-0109 $124.17 hardcore pre-rigged mallard decoy 6 pack 402-0208 $76.26 NEW $26.24 1 gallon 060-0105 $9.13 Deer Cane Black Magic Rock 4 lb box 060-0099 $12.95 Deer Co-Cain 4 lb Block 060-0104 $9.13 roasted corn freaks 5 lb Bag 060-0106-01 $9.08 Black Magic InstaLick 40-oz 060-0111 $8.66 buy 6 only $9.99ea sugarbeet crush juice 1 gallon 932-1043 $9.18 old fashioned molasses 1 gallon 060-0119-01 $10.36 Acorn Frenzy 4 lb bag 060-0118 $11.80 Fire in Da Hole 16-oz 060-0109 $8.56 stump likker 1 gallon 060-0110-01 $10.36 tink’s moose munch vegetation spray 32oz 884-0124 $9.99 NEW $10.56 $9.13 dry molasses dirt bag 5 lb bag 060-0106 $11.64 screamin’ joker predator decoy w/ remote 471-0099 $157.57 Hare Snares 20ga, 20ft, ss 075-0140 $1.69 Deer Co-Cain Black Magic 060-0102 4.5 lb bag 060-0103 6.5 lb bag stump likker BLOCK 3 LBS. 060-0110-02 $12.09 Rut’n Apples 4 lb bag 060-0117 $12.19 rut’n apples oat-raged 3.25 lb bag 060-0116 $11.32 BLOCK TOPPER 5 LB BOX Buck Lickers 060-0112 $10.13 4 lb Block 060-0134 Apple Mineral 060-0136 Sweet Corn/Molasses $5.01 Email: $47.95 $159.66 $159.66 $89.81 $102.01 renzo’s whitetail buck decoy 471-0104 $31.50 Buck Jam 1 Gallon 060-0122 Ripe Apple 060-0124 Sweet Corn 060-0125 Honey Acorn Deer Cane Black Magic 4.5 lb bag 060-0100 $9.13 Deer Cane Black Magic 4 lb block 060-0101 $9.13 Flambeau stormfront decoys • Carved by renowned master carvers • Complete new postures & positions • Patent pending UVision™ Paint Technology • Proprietary polymer blend • Innovative new keel design 318-0222 classic mallard, 14” keel 318-0224 24” canada goose shells, unflocked 318-0224-01 24” snow goose shell 318-0225 canada goose floater 318-0225-01 23” snow goose floater hardcore rain maker goose flag 402-1004 canada goose 402-1005 snow goose hardcore touchdown snow goose shell hardcore canada goose decoy 12 pack 402-0101 6 pack feeder $183.00 402-0154 $183.00 402-0103 4 pack resting $142.33 402-0104 12 pack touchdown $172.83 black magic liquid 1 gallon 060-0097 $9.13 rack rock crush 5 lb bag Deer cane 060-0098 $12.95 liquid deer cane apple uv 5 lb bag 060-0096 $9.13 hardcore 6 slot goose bag 402-1001 $57.75 canada goose magnet 471-0200 $31.50 New economy feeder kit w/ photo cell timer 378-0700 $27.68 NEW sugarbeet crush mix 5 lb bag 932-1000 $10.62 apple crush sugarbeet mix crush xl mix 5 lb bag 15 lb bag 932-1002 $10.25 932-1001 $22.38 apple crush block 4 lbs. 932-1063 $4.18 acorn rage 5 lb bag 932-1009 $10.25 NEW apple crush juice 1 gallon 932-1044 $9.18 chestnut rage 5 lb bag 932-1005 $12.30 fall feast crush block 4 lbs. 932-1062 $4.18 fall feast crush juice 1 gallon 932-1045 $9.50 cornfused? 40 oz 932-1047 $6.75 rubline slime 32 oz 932-1046 $9.09 net 30 (FULL FREIGHT ALLOWED ON ORDERS OVER $3500) 5 buy 6 for $7.99 knight & hale moose call 700-0825 $10.99 young doe estrous bleat 411-0166 $8.72 moose call/dvd combo 411-0706 $35.46 ruttin’ buck rattling bag 411-0181 $14.51 bull hooker elk cow call 411-0712 $13.43 squeeze me elk call 411-0708 $20.39 qwik bugle mac daddy elk combo 411-0737 $29.45 mac daddy w/ mini grunt elk call 411-0714 $26.92 Flextone deer calls 365-0099 bone collector, brotherhood call 365-0100 bone collector, buck crusher call 365-0101 bone collector, buck collector call 365-0105 buck commander rut hunter call 365-0106 killer wheeze call, snort wheeze 365-0107 battle bag, stretch action bag 365-0109 last resort, comeback cry 365-0111 stealth bleat, all season flextone GOOSE calls 365-0349 supernatural canada goose call 365-0350 TEAM REALTREE CANADA GOOSE CALL 365-0352 CAMO HUNTER CANADA GOOSE CALL 365-0353 SPECKLE BELLY GOOSE CALL 365-0354 SNOW GOOSE CALL $32.63 $19.79 $13.87 $13.87 $13.87 zero gravity lounger pink camo 935-0405 $59.00 big bubba folding chair camo w/ pink trim 935-0403 $29.99 NEW 6 $9.00! realtree green papason camo lounger 411-0282 $124.99 your partners in profit horizon 360 swivel stool max-4 camo 177-0135 $55.99 buy 6 only $19.99ea buy 12 only $15.99ea buy 24+ only $12.50ea cup & call combo 700-7055 $29.99 duck picker call 700-7050 $25.00 buy 6 only $19.99ea buy 6 only $5.49ea therm-a-seat cushion .75” thick, invision brown camo predator therm-a-seat 635-0152 $8.17 .75” thick, invision camo remington camo 635-0101 $10.55 thermo seat 6-pc display heat-a-seat 625-1105 $6.80ea cushion mossy oak foam cushion w/ back heavy duty, 1” thick, waterproof 700-7000 $9.99 New $5.66 $6.20 $6.43 torch ez2 electric game call 40 calls 932-0231 $36.35 high back camo camp chair 191-0150 $13.99 Buy 12 for big bubba folding chair pink camo 935-0403-01 $29.99 big bubba folding chair camo 935-0402 $29.99 $19.20 $8.35 $15.08 $8.49 $8.49 $8.49 $9.81 flextone DUCK calls 365-0297 supernatural sngl. reed duck call $32.63 365-0298 supernatural dbl. reed duck call $32.63 365-0302 GUIDE SERIES SINGLE REED MALLARD $16.00 365-0303 GUIDE SERIES DOUBLE REED MALLARD $16.00 365-0304 CAMO HUNTER Sngl. REED MALLARD $10.67 365-0305 CAMO HUNTER Dbl. REED MALLARD $10.67 NEW ZERO GRAVITY LOUNGER 20.5" X 20.5" X 45.5" 915-0105 $59.00 hunter’s specialties elk diaphragm calls 411-0700 beginner red 411-0701 super blue 411-0702 herd bull brown flextone ELK calls 365-0400 BONE COLLECTOR BULL COLLECTOR CALL 365-0401 little jewel cow elk 365-0402 ABE & SON CALL GIRL ELK CALL 365-0406 ABLE & SON BABY MAMA ELK CALL 365-0407 ABE & SON YO’ BABY ELK CALL 365-0408 ABE & SON BABY DADDY ELK CALL 365-0409 BONE COLLECTOR BOOTIE ELK CALL $18.31 $17.79 $19.77 $16.64 $8.31 $16.48 $10.67 $10.55 realtree 4-loop lanyard 365-0355 $13.87 635-0270 17” dia. $10.99 folding aluminum cot camo 935-00406 $59.99 NEW heavy duty folding stool w/ carry bag 935-0404-01 $8.99 NEW NEW sleeping bag 935-0800 6lb flannel 935-0808 3lb camo $55.75 $27.50 6.5" led hurricane lantern 9-pc display, 3 colours 520-9710 $34.83 ($3.87ea) 14" led hurricane lantern 3 asst. colours 15-led camping 16-led hurricane lantern 520-9729 $13.15 12" copper lantern hurricane lantern 520-9725 silver $8.73 520-9326-05 $5.30 520-9726 copper $13.15 520-9721 $8.73 Ph: (204) 284-1874 Toll Free: (800) 268-1123 fax: (204) 284-1875 Roughriders spoon combo 4 styles 652-1020 $16.37 Roughriders spoon diamond 652-1005 2-7/8” 652-1006 3-1/2” 652-1007 4-1/2” 652-1008 5-1/2” $4.50 $4.50 $5.89 $9.17 roughriders metal Roughriders bait plate frame fx spoon green or black glow 652-1238 $6.55 652-1100 2-7/8” $4.50 652-1101 3-1/2” $4.50 roughriders coolies 652-1102 4-1/2” $5.89 652-1220 can coolie Roughriders spoon 652-1222 bottle coolie scale $3.27 652-1000 2-7/8” $4.50 652-1001 3-1/2” $4.50 652-1002 4-1/2” $5.89 652-1003 5-1/2” $9.17 roughriders seat cushion 652-1234 $8.51 roughriders glass cutting board 652-1211 $19.66 n e e r g f o a a Se 24-piece displays 1/4” x 50-ft 520-4879 3/16” x 50-ft 520-4879-01 3/8” x 50-ft 520-4879-02 ($5.45 ea) ($4.77 ea) ($10.22 ea) $130.00 roughriders license plate green or camo 652-1236 $6.55 $114.48 $245.28 GLOW-IN-THE-DARK ROPE diamond braid rope 12-pc display 1/2” x 100-ft 520-4876 $134.88 ($11.24 ea) roughriders lure bottle opener 652-1200 $4.58 new! diamond braid rope 24-pc display 1/4” x 100-ft 520-4874 $125.28 ($5.22 ea) diamond camo rope 12-pc display pelican camo spoon 1/4” x 50-ft 2oz, 5-1/2” 520-4888-02 $42.60 ($3.55 ea) 652-0307 $8.99 buy 12 only $2.99ea Buy 6 for $10.00ea braided diamond rope 16 strand, 1/4” x 50-ft 760-0403 $4.99 Buy 6 for $7.99ea poly rope on coil 12-pc display 1/4” x 66-ft 520-4889-03 $54.60 ($4.55 ea) buy 12 only $1.99ea neon reflective rope 12-pc display hollow braided rope 1/4” x 50-ft yellow, 1/4” x 100-ft 520-4883-02 $51.84 760-0420 $4.99 ($4.32 ea) 14” double joint steel cable lock long-nose pliers 191-0211 $16.99 6-pc display 520-4658 $13.09 cable gun lock 12-PC display 520-3555 $52.80 combination ($4.40 ea) trigger lock 6-PC display 520-3556 $57.00 ($9.50 ea) camo seat cover 185-1303 $11.99 camo bench seat cover w/ 2 head rest camo steering wheel covers cover 185-1307 $20.70 8-pc display 185-1304 $9.99ea shotgun shell knives 24-pc display 1390-0705 $60.00 ($2.50 ea) NEW camo floor mat 185-0285 $16.99 CAMO windshield sunshade 9-pc display 185-1309 standard 185-1310 jumbo $6.14 $7.25 camo bandages 15-pc Tin Display 32 bandages/tin 1390-0320 $44.70 ($2.98 ea) Email: tow str ap 2” x 30-ft, with hooks, 5-ton, comple te w/bag 760-0440 $13.99 2-pc rope hoist set 250-lb, 6-PC display 520-3525 $67.50 ($11.25 ea) Buy 12 for $4.00ea! breakup camo duct tape 2” x 20 yd. 700-6999 $6.73ea camo carpet floor mat 4-pc set 185-1305 $12.78 cloth camo duct tape 2” x 10’, 24-pc display 520-3559-05 $2.42ea 3.5" black pocket knife 48-pc display 215-0254 $95.52 ($1.99 ea) camo utility mat 185-1306 $14.99 24-pc wildlife knife display 1390-9096 $51.60 ($2.15 ea) tow rope w/hooks, pkg, 12mm x 12-ft 760-0442 $10.99 p o t r e counstplays di 3.5" camo pocket knife 48-pc display 215-0253 $95.52 ($1.99 ea) 200-pc neon cable ties 520-2629 $4.40 net 30 (FULL FREIGHT ALLOWED ON ORDERS OVER $3500) 7 heavy duty vacuum bottle 1.2L sS, 6-pc display 015-0161 $153.90 ($25.65 ea) backwoods cooler 11.4" x 7.9" x 10.2" 915-0122 $17.99 NEW camo cooler bags realtree camo 220-0090 green 220-0090-01 pink antler salt & pepper set 685-0102 $7.99 $3.99 salt & pepper shakers 592-5060 maple leaf 592-5061 maple/orange vacuum tumbler hunting pattern 14.5oz, 12-pc display 015-0160 $154.20 ($12.85 ea) $5.99 NEW coffee pot hunting pattern .65L, 6-pc display 015-0101 $111.00 ($18.50 ea) glass salt & pepper shakers 022-0052 deer 022-0053 bald eagle 022-0055 moose 022-0061 loon 022-0062 walleye 022-0065 goose buy 6 for $19.99 $7.35 $4.36 NEW NEW NEW $17.50 western jacquard dish towel 220-1020 $5.40 RealTree AP camo Kitchen kitchen towels Towel 2-pc set 18x28” 220-0073 $8.07 220-0070 $6.92 napkins 20 per pack 1390-0627 horses 1390-0628 pinecone 1390-0630 cabin 1390-0631 camo 1390-0632 deer 1390-0639 bear $5.99 camo shopping bag realtree camo 220-0097 green 220-0098 pink melamine serving tray realtree camo, 18” x 13” 220-0084 $7.35 moose holding salt & pepper set 1390-0578 $9.79 FALL TRANSITION DRINKWARE 1390-0093 8OZ WINE (2-pc CAMO) 1390-0094 8OZ WINE (2-pc PINK) 1390-0097 BEER PINT (2-pc CAMO) camo wine bottle opener 1390-0199 $4.13 realtree ap pot holder 220-0076 $7.50 realtree ap oven mitt 220-0075 $8.65 antler napkin/ salt & pepper set 1390-0520 $12.41 bear holding salt & pepper set 1390-0546 $9.79 camo coffee mug 592-5010 camo 592-5011 maple leaf 592-5012 deer $14.99 tree camo cooler bag 11.5” x 9.5” x 9.5” 191-0191 $10.99 moosehead salt & pepper shakers 8.5” H 760-0510 $14.99 ss double vacuum flask 1L, 6-pc display 015-0150 $142.08 ($23.68 ea) camo bbq tool set 3-pc, deer pattern 760-0505 $24.99 NEW high country cooler 13" x 10.5" x 13.5" 915-0124 $23.99 vacuum flask hunting pattern 1L, 6-pc display 015-0140 $116.34 ($19.39 ea) longleaf camo coolers holds 24 cans 330-0105 green camo 330-0106 pink camo $2.72 camo placemat realtree camo 220-0079 reversible 220-0079-01 realtree ap 220-0104 13” placemat melamine chip & dip tray realtree camo 220-0085 $4.72 $8.07 $6.46 $2.75 buy 12 for $5.49 melamine dinner ware realtree camo 220-0080 10” serving bowl 220-0102 6” dinner bowl tablecloth 6-pc, realtree camo 220-0104 13” placemat 220-0110 52” X 90” 220-0111 60” x 90” $6.30 $3.91 $2.75 buy 3 for $35.00 $6.99 16oz beer glass deer pilsner glass 24oz, 2 pack 592-5000 camo 1390-1940-01 $14.77 592-5001 rack man $8.99 8oz deer flask 592-5031 $9.99 8 16oz ihunt travel mug 592-5020 $9.99 your partners in profit 8oz embossed 8x20 cutting board deer flask 1 gal. stainless 760-0516 fish design 12-pc display flask 760-0517 deer design 191-0201 $5.50ea 191-0312 $28.00 $15.99 12x9 cutting board maple leaf design 760-0515 $9.99 camo knife set 5-pc w/ block 760-0500 $39.99 Ph: (204) 284-1874 Toll Free: (800) 268-1123 fax: (204) 284-1875 folding pocket knife gut hook, nylon sheath 760-0150 $17.99 realtree camo folding knife sold in 6-pc displays 740-0100 rt extra 740-0101 rt pink $9.99 camo liner lock knife black blade 760-0155 $11.99 6” fixed hunting knife camo, nylon sheath 760-0152 $19.99 4.5” gut-hook knife w/ nylon sheath 4.5” hunter knife 760-0255 $14.00 w/ nylon sheath 760-0256 $14.00 Buy 6 for $12.99! realtree camo knives 48-pc display 32 camo - 16 pink camo 740-0001 $425.84 ($8.87 ea) 9” tactical dagger w/ nylon sheath 674-0105 $14.99 16” hunting knife w/ nylon sheath 674-0170 $16.99 12” camo hunting dagger 674-0100 woodlands 674-0101 blizzard 15-in-1 camo multitool w/ nylon sheath 760-0229 $11.99 $15.99 9” gut-hook tactical dagger w/ nylon sheath 674-0110 $14.99 30” professional bow saw 520-5631 $8.84 high mesa skinning knife 1193-5067 $14.43 high mesa saw w/ 2 blades 1193-5065 $21.76 pack saw wood, metal, bone blades 2813-0050 $23.90 8” folding saw 520-5634 $8.73 2-pc hunting set axe/saw, with sheath 760-0250 $26.99 3” outdoorsman lockback knife 760-0156 $9.99 13.75” hunting dagger black blade 674-0150 $15.99 steel machete 18.5” blade, camo handle & sheath 760-0225 $12.99 3.5” razor-blaze knife w/ nylon sheath & 6 blades 2813-0010 razor-blaze knife 2813-0011 replacement blades camp axe steel/nylon 760-0219 9” 760-0220 14” 760-0221 17-1/2” 760-0222 28” $38.25 $10.58 8-pc wild-pak butchering set 2813-0002 $43.71 $18.00 $20.00 $29.00 $36.99 Buck Special 6” Fixed Blade, Black 1636-0135 $63.37 sharp n’ Easy 24-pc display 446-1000 $95.76 ($3.99ea) 3-pc butcher kit 2-knives, saw w/ nylon case 760-0261 $19.99 4” Bucklite max 1636-0140 large $28.17 1636-0141 small $22.53 swing-blaze knife w/ nylon sheath 2813-0020 $56.60 mini-grip display 6 black, 6 orange, 6 pink 2813-0018 $255.00 ($14.16ea) 4” Bucklite max w/ gut hook 1636-0140-01 $32.39 Adjustable Angle Pull-Thru Sharpener 1956-0132 $23.86 Axe & Machete Sharpener 1956-0151 $16.99 2-step knife sharpener Counter Top Display 1956-0103 $3.90ea diamond edge elite Electric Knife Sharpener 1956-0122 $64.32 accusharp diamond rod Sharpener 446-1037 $9.99 Accusharp Blue/ White Sharpener 446-1030 $9.50 4” Bucklite max orange 1636-0140-02 $34.66 Accusharp camo Sharpener 446-1029 $10.99 Edge Pro Compact Accusharp pull-thru Electric Knife golden spike knife Sharpener Sharpener 9-1/4”, fixed blade w/sheath 1956-0124 $27.82 446-1041 $19.44 2061-0139 $36.88 Email: Schrade 10-1/2” Deerslayer w/leather sheath 2061-0120-01 $32.73 uncle henry old timer bearhead knife 3” lockback 2061-0120 $16.89 Schrade old timer trail boss 5.6” blade, fixed 2061-0090 $24.34 uncle henry smokey knife Schrade 7-1/4” sharpfinger 3-3/4”, lockback w/sheath w/leather sheath 2061-0108 $24.89 2061-0112 $20.89 net 30 (FULL FREIGHT ALLOWED ON ORDERS OVER $3500) 9 NEW 2 pocket hooded sweatshirt blaze orange 935-0170 med. 935-0171 large 935-0172 XL 935-0173 XXL realtree thermal pullover hoodie 366-0500 med black/camo 366-0501 large black/camo 366-0502 XL black/camo 366-0503 XXL black/camo 366-0505 med camo 366-0506 large camo 366-0507 xl camo 366-0508 xxl camo $24.99 pink camo zip hoodie 935-0282 small 935-0282-01 med 935-0282-02 large 935-0282-03 XL NEW $24.37 $22.99 NEW realtree thermal raglan crew 366-0530 med brown 366-0531 large brown 366-0532 XL brown 366-0533 XXL brown 366-0535 med black 366-0536 large black 366-0537 xl black 366-0538 xxl black realtree flannel pant 366-0600 med camo 366-0601 large camo 366-0602 XL camo 366-0603 XXL camo $14.99 $9.99 thermal insulated under pant 760-0120 small full head net 760-0121 med. w/ flexible wire 760-0122 large frame 760-0123 XL 1193-5013 $4.76 760-0124 XXL Buy 6 for $8.49! NEW $12.99 pink camo soft shell jacket 935-0281 small 935-0281-01 med 935-0281-02 large 935-0281-03 XL thermal insulated $41.59 long-sleeve shirt 760-0110 small 760-0111 med. 760-0112 large 760-0113 XL 760-0114 XXL realtree thermal zip-up hoodie 366-0510 med black/camo 366-0511 large black/camo 366-0512 XL black/camo 366-0513 XXL black/camo 366-0515 med camo 366-0516 large camo 366-0517 xl camo 366-0518 xxl camo NEW camo bootfoot chest waders 1193-5240 size 7 1193-5241 size 8 1193-5242 size 9 1193-5243 size 10 1193-5244 size 11 1193-5245 size 12 1193-5246 size 13 short-sleeve tee oaktree camo 640-0554 MED. Yukon uninsulated 640-0554-01 LARGE jacket 640-0554-02 XL 700-2018 Large 640-0554-03 XXL 700-2019 XL $29.99 $11.98 3-in- 1 waterproof insulated parka w/ durable zip-in inner jacket 700-2070 large 700-2071 XL Fleece Jacket w/hood 700-2072 XXL burly Camo/pink $59.99 935-0155-01 med 935-0155-02 large 935-0155-03 XL $27.95 rainsuit set white camo 935-0146 med 935-0146-01 large 935-0146-02 xl 935-0146-03 xxl $65.22 CAMO RAIN SUIT 494-0250 LARGE 494-0251 Xl 494-0252 xxl 494-0253 xxxl $125.00 $9.99 $24.99 jacob ash camo neoprene hand handwarmer warmer odor-x, blaze orange 700-0839 $11.58 625-9002 $12.99 wool blend socks brown mossy oak wool 625-0601 $5.99 blend socks one size 625-0600 $5.99 HYBRIDZ WORK GLOVES 625-8995 LARGE 625-8996 X-LARGE $10.99/pair xtremez Gloves 625-8990 LARGE 625-8991 X-LARGE $13.99/pair WILDERNESS GLOVES MOSSY OAK 494-1000 MED 494-1001 Large 494-1002 X-LArgE BACKCOUNTRY GLOVES MOSSY OAK 494-0995 MED 494-0996 Large 494-0997 X-LArgE $13.28 cowhide leather mitt w/ removable liner 370-0103 $7.99 winchester thermal socks 3 pair 215-0581 $5.25 hot footers boot insoles one size 635-0295 1 pair $7.77 635-0296 45-pc display $301.48 $24.99 thinsulate hunting GLOVES oaktree 640-0134 MED 640-0135 Large 640-0136 X-LArgE $14.95 men’s oaktree camo crew socks 2 pair, sz. 10-13 366-0100 $10.99 women’s pink camo crew socks 1 pair, one size 366-0115 $7.99 10 $24.99 john deere work gloves 520-1496 $4.99 blaze watchcap thermal insulated hat w/ cuff 760-0107 $6.99 0788-9249 $4.75 fleece hat & mitt set 640-0240 boys 640-0241 girls 12-pc camo reversible 24-pc camo fedora infant onesie watch cap toboggan display shipper 935-0270 boys camo $13.74 blaze orange w/ deer reversible toque Camo, Blaze Orange 175-0106 $240.00 935-0271 girls camo camo/orange 0788-9270 $7.99 175-0122 $4.99ea ($10.00 ea) $5.99 0788-8899 $5.93 your partners in profit Ph: (204) 284-1874 Toll Free: (800) 268-1123 fax: (204) 284-1875 5 led shot shell flashlight 24-pc display 215-0033 $50.40 ($2.10 ea) 50 caliber 9 led flashlight 18-pc display 215-0036 $95.04 ($5.28 ea) buy 3 displays for only $2.99 per lighter! 32+1 led camo work/flashlight 15-pc display 215-0034 $93.90 ($6.26 ea) 30+7 led camo work light 12-pc display 215-0035 $100.56 ($8.38 ea) randy deer high intensity flashlight 15-pc display 428-0103 $56.85 ($3.79 ea) wind-proof angle torch 11-in-1 multi-tool/ 20-pc display flashlight 12-pc display 428-0201 $79.80 ($3.99 ea) 428-0300 $47.88 ($3.99 ea) 9-bulb led flashlight Duck & Buck 9-bulb 9-led mossy oak led flashlight hunting lantern 15-pc Countertop 15-pc Counter Display 6-pc display Display 330-0101 $74.85 428-0125 $29.94 330-0100 $74.85 ($4.99 ea) ($4.99 ea) ($4.99 ea) 9-led Mossy Oak Flashlights 15 per pack 428-0105 $74.85 ($4.99 ea) Bark Flashlights laser pointer 12-pc display 428-0115 $59.88 ($4.99 ea) revo 900 lumen handheld spotlight w/ rechargable battery 378-0070 $115.41 18-led fan light integrated hook Thor s250 spotlight cyclops 3-watt 378-0102 $17.89 cyclops 1-watt Adjustable lever stand, led lantern ranger x-power recharable lantern 378-0107-02 $27.99 AC/DC or car adapter, 2.5 million candle power head lamp 378-0107 $16.99 378-0105 $28.16 4 light modes 378-0090 $19.90 swivel worklight cob light mevo 255 lumen 520-9382 $14.36 handheld spotlight 5-led cap light w/ aa batteries clip on 378-0077 $39.49 520-9291-01 $2.73 cyclops thor spotlight 4 million candle 378-0106 $26.40 blaze orange cap 935-0265 $3.99 9-led ladies 19" foam party tube flashlight 4-led, 24-pc display 520-8840 $3.10 520-0629 $45.36 ($1.89 ea) realtree extra green camo hat 0788-9081-04 $7.99 tribal deer skull cap blaze orange 0788-9269 $10.66 team realtree team realtree brown cap blaze orange cap 0788-1174 $8.09 0788-1107 $9.67 blaze orange cap DAYSTONE REALTREE CAMO CAP 0788-9248 $6.99 625-8998 $4.99 mossy oak camo utility led lights 12-pc display 428-0126 $59.88 ($4.99 ea) jumbo 4-led telescoping flashlight 520-9290 $8.19 Micro hat Clip Light 18-pc display 5-LED bulbs, 15 degree tilt 378-0100-01 $118.00 ($6.55ea) flo-orange cap 148-0100 $4.99 bullet 9-led flashlight 12-pc display 428-0104 $45.48 ($3.79 ea) DAYSTONE MAX-4 CAMO CAP 625-8999 $4.99 canada goose camo cap 0788-1323 $10.57 Email: flashlight w/ laser pointer 16-pc display 520-9296-07 $79.52 ($4.97 ea) 20+1 LED camo worklight 520-9323-05 $6.41 buy 12 asst only $4.99ea (4 styles) telescopic magnetic camo light 15-pc display 1390-0893 $134.25 ($8.95 ea) snow camo hat rt extra deer skull 0788-9081-06 $7.99 cap 0788-9269-01 $10.66 team realtree team realtree rt extra green max-4 hd camo hat pink camo cap pink cap camo hat 0788-9082 $7.99 0788-9081-05 $7.99 0788-1318 $9.51 0788-1108 $9.95 net 30 (FULL FREIGHT ALLOWED ON ORDERS OVER $3500) 11 glow top butt bucket 6-pc display 520-0010 $13.50 ($2.25 ea) 2-pc sonic deer whistle 520-1792 $1.99 earbud headphones 24-pc display 520-2698 $33.21 ($1.38 ea) riptidz ear buds 12-pc display 175-0134-01 $59.88 ($4.99ea) iphone 4 istrong case 175-0135-01 $81.48 ($6.79ea) double usb car charger 24-pc display 520-2691 $94.18 ($3.92 ea) buy 24 only $0.59ea 3-in-1 travel charger 12-pc display 175-0134-02 $83.88 ($6.99ea) camo tri-fold wallet 12-pc display Sunglass Straps 175-0136 $60.00 625-0370 Green Camo ($5.00 ea) 625-0371 Blue Camo camo card guard 99¢ wallet 15-pc display 215-0397 $59.85 ($3.99 ea) 11” bbq/fireplace matches 48 boxes per case 520-1501-02 $1.54ea usb wall charger 24-pc display 520-2690-05 $54.52 ($2.27 ea) nail clippers display 20-pc, 4 styles 520-0682-05 $24.20 ($1.21 ea) mini dream catcher 24-pc display, 3 asst. animals ceramic comical animals 636-0127 DEER POKER $8.94 636-0112 $46.43 636-0128 OUTHOUSE $12.80 ($1.93 ea) 636-0132 DEER ATV $8.15 $3.00 12 6” bear on atv 636-0117 $8.15 14” captured hunter 636-0140 $8.15 jumbo trident camping fork 520-9033-03 $7.70 bear soap pump 685-0601 $5.55 Spruce up the cabin d $11.66 8-1/2” duck shooting 606-2531 $10.65 deer soap dispenser 636-0104 $7.74 deer soap dish 636-0106 $5.31 26" dream catcher 636-0200 moose 636-0202 wolf 636-0203 deer 636-0220 wolves 636-0225 eagle only $3.00ea! wooden matches 250ct, 2 boxes per pack 520-1501 $1.30 playing cards 022-0204 moose 022-0210 walleye 022-0214 goose cowboy boot windchime 685-0120 $9.94 $12.99 in the car or on the go! 2-in-1 usb charger 520-2690 $5.16 usb car charger 24-pc display 520-2691-05 $29.24 ($1.21 ea) 42” compact camo umbrella 1390-0247 camo 1390-0248 pink camo 36-PC BIG BUCK i-wear sunglasses 520-0001 $108.00 ($3.00 ea) ihunt iphone 5 case 592-5040 $11.99 3' USB-MICRO USB CHARGE CABLE 24-pc display 520-2695 $39.16 ($1.63 ea) metal dial tire gauge camo ipad case 20-pc display 369-0100 realtree pink 215-0199 $59.80 369-0101 realtree ($2.99 ea) $29.99 ecor! gun with hat lamp 685-0121 $39.99 3-pc bear bathroom set 685-0957-01 $11.11 foldable storage ottoman 14" x 14" 636-0401 deer 636-0402 bear 636-0403 wolf 636-0406 eagle 636-0407 horse animal sound 636-0421 brown leaf bear alarm clock sportsman’s alarm horse toilet paper holder 3.5” camo 636-0422 pink leaf clock alarm clock 3 asst. styles 3 asst. $22.38 606-3099-07 $13.99 1390-1752 $17.12 285-0110 $39.42 606-2377 $10.65 your partners in profit Ph: (204) 284-1874 Toll Free: (800) 268-1123 fax: (204) 284-1875 caboodle 4-pc travel set pink camo 683-0620 $31.50 beach towels 34" x 64" 289-0600 Horse Adventure 289-0601 Bear Adventure 289-0602 Cedar Run $15.99 camo cashmere fleece blanket 60" x 80" 266-0170 natural 266-0171 pink 266-0173 white 266-0174 black 266-0175 orange polar fleece blanket 12-pc display pinecone fleece 289-0400 $11.50ea throw 50” x 60” 220-3000 $17.65 $17.99 hanging toiletry bag 8" x 2" x 6", rt green 369-0203 $25.99 $19.69 hanging toiletry bag 8" x 3" x 6", rt green 369-0205 $22.99 cosmetics bag 9" x 5" x 5", rt pink 369-0200 $22.99 hanging toiletry bag 10" x 4" x 7", rt green 369-0202 $29.99 $13.30 camo/red cross billfold 685-0115 $14.99 camo/red cross purse 685-0115-01 $29.95 black bear wine bottle holder 606-1141 $12.22 mossy oak gun handbag 950-1030 purple 950-1031 pink $36.06 horse wine bottle holder 606-7133 hanging toiletry bag 9" x 2.5" x 6", rt pink 369-0201 $25.99 $30.15 camo bath mats 20" x 30" 266-0460 natural 266-0461 pink 266-0462 white 266-0463 black 266-0464 orange 266-0465 lavender caboodle medium train case 6.88” x 4” x 6.25” 683-0621 $15.02 caboodle tapered tote 9.13” x 6.5” x 7.38” 683-0625 $22.89 camo mink baby blanket 43” x 55” 266-0130 natural 266-0132 pink queen mink blanket 79" x 96" 266-0150 wolf 266-0151 horse 266-0152 eagle 266-0153 deer caboodle small train case 6” x 3.75” x 4.5” 683-0622 $13.26 orange longhorn red/brown longhorn billfold billfold 685-0115-02 $14.99 685-0119-03 $14.99 $15.99 wine awesome sign 5” x 4” deer and 689-0118 $7.77 beer sign Brown "g" purse 950-0618 $29.99 8” x 8” 689-0120 wine does that sign 10” x 6” 689-0114 $14.77 camo wallet 950-0690 fuchsia 950-0691 beige 950-0694 orange more than beer sign 4” x 5” 689-0117 $7.77 gallons of beer sign 10” x 4” 689-0110 $10.88 $7.68 mossy oak handbag 950-1000 black 950-1001 fuchsia 950-1010 beige 950-1020 pink $14.77 in dog beers sign 10” x 4” 689-0133 $10.88 bring beer sign 4” x 4” 689-0121 $6.22 $36.06 camo iphone wallet 950-0711 black 950-0712 fuchsia 950-0713 blue 950-0714 orange 950-0715 green 950-0716 beige $10.82 mossy oak wallet 950-1100 black 950-1106 silver 950-1109 pink 950-1122 purple $20.94 Email: shadow box 10” x 10” 689-0153 wine 689-0154 beer beer bellies sign 5” x 3” 689-0113 $6.22 $25.66 coffee mug 689-0145 lake time 689-0146 at the cabin 689-0147 cabin time $7.00 net 30 (FULL FREIGHT ALLOWED ON ORDERS OVER $3500) 13 hunting decals 592-0342 $10.77 beer coin bank 592-0363 rack men 592-0364 vegetarian 592-0365 retirement geese Framed Canvas 450-0170 12" x 16" $23.10 450-0171 18" x 24" $36.18 450-0172 26" x 38" $61.60 $8.77 hunting family decals 592-0344 $6.38 caribou Framed Canvas 450-0190 12" x 16" $23.10 450-0191 18" x 24" $35.42 450-0192 26" x 38" $61.60 16oz double wall cup GRUNT CALL hunting coaster 592-0352 $5.99 set 4-pc pvc 592-0355 $4.79 Double Deer Wooden Frame 24” x 16” 685-0114 $20.16 chair collage Framed Canvas 450-0250 10" x 20" $23.10 450-0251 14" x 38" $38.50 dock collage Framed Canvas 450-0240 12" x 22" $23.10 450-0241 14" x 38" $38.50 chair horizon Framed Canvas 450-0260 10" x 20" $23.10 450-0261 14" x 38" $38.50 canoe collage Framed Canvas 450-0230 10" x 20" 450-0231 16" x 40" sunset collage 10” x 20” 450-0262 $23.10 $23.10 $38.50 24” bullshit corner sign 606-3145-09 $18.65 northern lights collage 10” x 20” 450-0263 $23.10 Moose Creek Lodge Sign 630-0600 $23.81 white tail buck canvas 630-5000 $17.00 inukshuk/northern lights Framed Canvas 450-0140 10" x 20" $23.10 450-0141 14" x 38" $38.50 cowboy Framed Canvas 450-0220 16" x 16" $23.10 450-0221 22" x 22" $35.42 moose Framed Canvas 450-0200 12" x 16" $23.10 450-0201 18" x 24" $35.42 450-0202 26" x 38" $61.60 howdy kowboy klipper kanvas 630-1600 $14.17 wolf/northern lights Framed Canvas 450-0130 12" x 16" $23.10 450-0131 18" x 24" $35.42 450-0132 26" x 38" $61.60 loon Framed Canvas 450-0150 12" x 16" $23.10 450-0151 18" x 24" $35.42 450-0152 26" x 38" $61.60 Metal western Design plaque 606-7909 $19.99 outhouse etiquette signs 3 asst. styles 630-0090 $9.01 11” welcome to the lake wood sign 606-0462 $4.44 deer word sign 630-0107 $10.54 lighted green lantern canvas 630-0184 $23.02 deer country welcome sign 630-2300 $17.88 cowboy hat canvas enjoy the ride 630-0189 $16.23 canvas 630-0176 $13.01 lost husband sign 630-0109 $9.01 16” wood loon plaque 606-3217-03 $13.88 deer signs 3 asst. styles 630-0800 $6.00 no trespassing sign 11” x 16” 1390-1525 $6.79 praying cowboy roll tray 685-0125 $5.29 we don’t dial 911 sign 11” x 16” 1390-1532 $6.79 woodland retreat sign 11” x 16” 1390-1523 $6.79 good woman wanted sign 11” x 16” 1390-1588 $6.79 last outpost advertising tray 630-0170 $10.50 14 gang’s all here sign 11” x 16” 1390-1539 $6.79 day on the lake advertising tray 630-0165 $10.50 your partners in profit door mat 18” x 30” 1390-1860 deer 1390-1862 horse “how can a man” $9.99 tin sign 12" x 17" 1390-1597 $6.79 4-pc western canister set 630-0200 $24.99 bigger is better sign 11” x 16” 1390-1565 $6.79 tin thermometer 5" x 17" 1390-1391 don't dial 911 1390-1392 no trespassing white tail buck thermometer $9.99 630-0700 $11.88 Ph: (204) 284-1874 Toll Free: (800) 268-1123 fax: (204) 284-1875 ass kickin’ peanuts 340G 830-0092 chile lime 830-0095 chipotle honey 830-0100 habanero 830-0101 jalapeno cheddar 830-0102 honey roasted 830-0229 SC ghost pepper ass kickin’ ketchup 830-0072 $4.35 $5.52 new ass kickin’ ketchup w/ bacon 830-0080 $4.35 mustard from hell 830-0111 $3.94 spontaneous combustion 5oz Habanero X-Hot Sauce 830-0225 $5.20 kick yo ass hot sauce 5oz Habanero X-Hot Sauce 830-0202 $4.97 66¢ ass kickin’ snack mix 830-0122 $4.62 ass kickin’ dijon mustard 830-0127 $3.45 ass kickin’ teriyaki sauce 12oz 830-0126 $3.84 ass kickin’ peanuts 1oz bag 830-0094 chipotle honey 830-0096 honey roasted 830-0098 jalapeno cheddar 830-0099 habanero Ass Bl aster Outhouse 5oz Habanero X-Hot Sauce 830-0200 $9.32 ass kickin’ hot sauce 5oz 830-0103 original $3.47 830-0123 cajun $3.25 830-0124 roast garlic $3.25 830-0125 wasabi $3.25 new ass kickin’ jelly beans 830-0130 $5.52 devil’s revenge hot sauce 5oz 830-0112 $5.20 Xtreme Heat Mini Bottle 4 pack 830-0141 $3.84 ghost pepper salsa from hell 13oz 830-0117-01 $7.89 hot sauce from hell 142G 830-0110 $3.25 ass kickin’ peanut butter 830-0132 $6.31 Hot Spot Centre 3oz, 6 ASST. 153-0185 $10.99 New! AK corn bread 1lb 830-0134 $5.20 Ass Kickin’ margarita mix 830-0131 mix only $5.20 830-0263 gift pack $16.56 Email: extreme hot sauce 4 pack 830-0004 $16.56 bloody mary from hell 26oz 830-0118 $5.20 devil’s rage hot sauce 5oz 830-0117-02 $5.20 AK beer bread 1lb 830-0135 $4.97 Ass Kickin Mini Bottle 4 pack 830-0142 $3.38 ass kickin’ popcorn seasoning 830-0091 jalapeno cheddar 830-0091-02 kettlecorn 830-0091-03 wasabi 830-0091-04 bacon $3.55 New! ass kickin’ sriracha 18oz 830-0072-05 $3.47 net 30 (FULL FREIGHT ALLOWED ON ORDERS OVER $3500) 15 bradley Original Electric Smoker Comes with 4 removable racks & simple to use temp controls. Bradley Original smoker can be used as a slow cooker or a slow roasting oven. 775-0100 $289.99 New! bradley Digital Smoker Digital Smoker includes all the features of the Bradley Original Electric Smoker along with the benefits of digital technology. 775-0103 4-rack smoker $386.00 775-0105 6-rack smoker $468.99 bradley Sausage Hooks heavy duty chrome plated steel 775-0121 $17.05 bradley Weather Resistant Cover form-fitting weather guard 775-0122 4-rack smoker $30.25 775-0123 6-rack smoker $32.70 ! r e k o o c le b ta r o p t s e b World’s the fryin’ saucer 355-0100 fryin’ saucer 355-0101 wind skirt 355-0102 skimmer 355-0103 steamer $167.76 $25.60 $27.64 $22.92 bradley non-stick Jerky Racks 4/box 775-0126 $26.71 portable smoker/oven LP Hose & Regulator, 16,000 BTU, 2 Racks, Water Pan, Wood Chip Pan, Thermometer, storage Bag 677-0150 $244.40 30qt turkey kit 38,000 BTU, LP Hose & Regulator, Timer, Stainless w/ Rack and Lift Hook, Thermometer 677-0104 $145.77 5" meat thermometer 677-0157 $9.92 Outdoor Stainless Steel Deluxe Package 12” Propane Cooker, 38,000 BTU, LP Hose & Regulator, Timer, 30 Qt. Turkey Pot w/ Spigot, Basket, Rack & Lift Hook, Thermometer 677-0105 $230.90 30Qt Stainless Turkey Pot includes lift rack, hook, thermometer & lid 677-0203 $114.69 Marinade/Seasoning Injector 677-0235 $21.28 beverage can marinade rack 677-0156 $6.65 g n i v i sg al k n a h t speci Batter Bowl No-Mess Batter System 153-0142 $13.99 deluxe injector 153-0140 $8.66 Cajun Injector 16-oz Refills 153-0101 Creole Garlic 153-0102 Rosemary Garlic 153-0104 Roasted Garlic w/Herb 153-0108 Cajun Hot’n Spicy 153-0109-04 Turkey Gold 153-0109-05 turkey Supreme $5.44 backwoods fresh sausage variety pak for 40 lbs. 512-0300 $12.12 backwoods cure variety pak for 20 lbs. backwoods fresh sausage 512-0301 $15.97 seasoning for 5 lbs. 512-0212-01 sweet italian 512-0214-01 chorizo 512-0217-01 maple breakfast Jumbo Jerky Gun Complete w/3 tips 670-0139 $18.24 $4.10 clear fibrous, inedible, 2.5” X 20”, 10 pack mahogany fibrous, 2.5” x 20”, inedible, 10 pack fresh collagen, edible, 21mm, 20 pounds hog casings, edible, 25 pounds JERKY SPICE WORKS 6 PACK 670-0130 PEPPER/GARLIC 670-0131 ORIGINAL 670-0132 HOT & SPICY 670-0133 variety pack 670-0134 TERIYAKI 670-0136 sweet hrdwd. 670-0137 buffalo wing $6.87 Sausage Casings your partners in profit $7.99 backwoods fresh sausage hot italian for 25 lbs. 512-0340 $15.32 backwoods cured summer sausage seasoning for 5 lbs. 512-0266-01 $6.29 16 bradley Smoking Bisquettes 24/box 775-0150 alder 775-0151 apple 775-0152 cherry 775-0153 hickory 775-0154 maple 775-0157 oak 775-0158 pacific blend 775-0161 whiskey oak special ed. 124 126 132B 141 512-0321 512-0323 512-0327 512-0330 $10.36 $10.97 $12.80 $10.83 JERKY SPICE WORKS 6 PACK, disc. packaging 670-0131-01 ORIGINAL 670-0134-01 teriyaki 670-0135-01 pepper/garlic $6.87 Ph: (204) 284-1874 Toll Free: (800) 268-1123 fax: (204) 284-1875
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a Single Trigger action, Oversize stainless
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