GAME ROOM - Japan Society
GAME ROOM - Japan Society
MATERIAL CALCULATION Scale=1/20 GAME ROOM PLAN / SECTION / ELEVATION MATERIAL CALCULATION G-top 1-b G-top 1-a VIDEO GAMES: Artist Title 1 Iwatani Toru Year Pac-Man Monitor Selfplay Mario 1980 2 Shigeru Miyamoto Super Mario World 1990 3 Shigeru Miyamoto The Legend of Zelda 2002 147 144a 144b 144c 144d 144e 144f Game Shelf 144g 144h 144i 151 150 Monitor Selfplay Zelda G-bottom 1-b Packman table G-bottom 1-a Packman Chair EQUIPMENT: Item G-side1-a Nos. Sony monitors PVM-2030 20" screen HWD 15.75"x20.25"x17.25" 4 Nitendo Super Famicon SHVC-001 HWD 72x200x242mm 2 Packman Table HWD 76*94*69mm 1 G-side 1-b G-side 1-a G-top 1-b G-top 1-a G-bottom 1-b 2 Game Shelf see detail y la l f p da S e Ze l Extension cable L=1~2m (monitor-player) Reel type Se M lfpl ar a y io Image G-bottom 1-a FURNITURE: Image Item Nos. Game Shelf : type A 1300*1300*1838*198mm with 3 wiring holes 2 Game Shelf : type B 1300*1300*1838*198mm with 2 wiring holes 2 Chair A 350!350!450mm 3 Chair B 350!350!450mm 2 G-side1-a G-side 1-b G-side 1-a Packman chair see detail G-top 1-b Pacman table G-top 1-a G-bottom 1-b Extension l=1m io ar l e M yab a Pl Chair C 350!350!450mm 2 Chair D 350!350!450mm P l Ze a y ld ab a le G-bottom 1-a G-side1-a G-side 1-b G-side 1-a 3 G-top 1-b VIDEOGAME ROOM ARTWORK MIYAMOTO SHIGERU MARIO FRAME 11”x14” 9 DOME 20”dx7”h 2 DOME 14”dx7”h 1 144c 144d 144e 144f 144g G-bottom 1-a 144h 152a-c 145a-c 146a-c 147 146a-c 144b G-bottom 1-b 145a-c 144i G-side1-a MIYAMOTO SHIGERU ZELDA FRAME 11”x14” 1 DOME 12”dx6”h 1 DOME 20”dx7”h 1 151 G-side 1-a G-side 1-b G-side 1-b G-middle G-side 1-b G-side 1-b G-middle 152a-c G-middle PLAN and ELEVATIONS scale=1/50 G-middle MDF t=24mm A A A Top Top Top C-1 C-2 C-1 C-2 D-1 Top D-2 A D-1 A C-2 B-1 B-2 C-1 A B-2 C-2 A B-1 C-1 A B-2 D-2 D-1 D-2 D-1 D-2 D-1 D-2 D-2 B-1 A D-1 A 150 G-side 1-b A A 144a G-top 1-a B-2 B-1 Top Top Top Top Top MDF t=15mm Top ! MDF t=24mm : 12.87sqm " MDF t=15mm : 8.27sqm KRAZY! @ NEW-YORK JSG Atelier Bow-Wow Suga-cho 8-79, Shinjuku-ku, 160-0018 Tokyo, tel/+81-3-3226-5336, fax/+81-3-3226-5366 GAME ROOM: PLAN-ELEVATIONS 1/50 SCALE: 1:50 09.02.19 A-105 DETAIL of PACKMAN CHAIR (Nos.10) GAME ROOM MDF t=24mm Urethane paint in grey-same as wall Wall DETAIL of GAME SHELF (Nos.4) DETAIL of GAME SHELF (Nos.4) CHAIR: Type A 'Type A' (Playable) : Nos.2 shelf for playable moniter 3 wiring holes B Monitor 'Type B' (Playable) : Nos.2 shelf for self-playing moniter 2 wiring holes g plu look from avobe Movable for wiring MDF t=24mm Urethane paint in grey: same as wall Wiring hole 70mm MDF t=24mm Urethane paint grey: same as wall MDF t=24mm Urethane paint grey: same as wall Screw MDF t=24mm Urethane paint grey: same as wall Wall Movable for wiring 4 WDH 350!350!450mm MDF Urethane paint Blue, Pink 3 WDH 350!350!450mm MDF Urethane paint Yellow, Red 3 WDH 350!350!450mm MDF Urethane paint Red, Blue, Pink 5 int C PLAN of top level scale=1/20 Super Famicon for 'Type A' WDH 350!350!450mm MDF Urethane paint Yellow* Nos. po MDF t=24mm Urethane paint in grey-same as wall Wiring hole 70mm Wiring hole for 'Type A' 50mm Specifications 20" Monitor Screw fixing on wall MDF t=24mm Urethane paint grey: same as wall D Colors by RGB Yellow : 255, 252, 0 Red : 255, 39, 0 Orange : 255, 204, 0 Pink : 255, 160, 205 Blue : 0, 253, 253 Packman motif PLAN scale=1/20 MDF t=24mm Urethane paint in grey: same as wall Wiring hole for 'TypeA' 50mm Screw Screw Wiring hole for 'TypeA' 50mm MDF t=24mm painted grey: same as wall Wiring hole for 'Type A' 50mm Wiring hole 70mm MDF t=24mm Urethane painted in grey grey: same as wall MDF t=24mm Urethane paint grey: same as wall assembring plug point ±0 FFL ±0 FFL SECTION scale=1/20 AXSONOMETRIC ELEVATION scale=1/20 B A C D Toop Board MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color Toop Board MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color Toop Board MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color Toop Board MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color Side Board MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color Side Board MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color Side Board MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color Side Board MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color MDF t=15 Urethane paint in color hole #50mm PLAN/ ELEVATION scale=1/10 KRAZY! @ NEW-YORK JSG Atelier Bow-Wow Suga-cho 8-79, Shinjuku-ku, 160-0018 Tokyo, tel/+81-3-3226-5336, fax/+81-3-3226-5366 GAME ROOM: FURNITURE DETAILS SCALE: 1:10, 1:20 09.02.19 A-106 ANIME GARDEN lighting track !"#$%#& -,.' / $67)'83$(.98 !"#$%&'()$*+(,*& -,%.%$++&/01%,++2& $#(+,3$&4565758 2 %.(8*7)3:89 90#%(:0 2;;< 5 =.>8'?3@*7)) 90.;0<,%&6&2&=>$&),?($ /005 A :.(*?7)'83@(8>8 @:(%0 /011 B =.C8(83%7)9C.) =>$&9;01$&9%,)(+$3& (*&A"%&B0%;C&'0C+ < =.*..C)3-?.*. /(*3&D0)$ 2;;A D -8C83:.998 E,F<,C&G$<,# /001 105 a-c 106 a-c 107 a-c 108 a-c 109 a-c 110 a-c 111 a-c 112 a-c 113 a-c suspended ceiling: plaster board t=9.5mm frame painted white LGS C-profile SOUND BOOTH YOKO KANNO VIDEO BOOTH 5 VIDEO BOOTH 6 MIND GAME VIDEO BOOTH 4 AKIRA VIDEO BOOTH 3 MACROSS PATLABOR VIDEO BOOTH 2 PLACE PROMISED VIDEO BOOTH 1 PAPRIKA deck: PVC, white MDF t=25mm acoustical batt insulation (impact sound) t=18mm lumber boards t=25mm 2x4 lumber 4x4 lumber s /012 333 34 /015 as #)(+, 40" screen gl !'()*( ramp: PVC sheet, white MDF t=25mm plywood substructure acoustical batt insulation landing: PVC, white / +250mm +4mm SOUND BOOTH S=1/50 SECTION B-B S=1/50 EQUIPMENT: Nos. JVC LT-40FN97 flatscreen 40" 6 JVC SR-DVM700US dvd player 4 JVC XV-N652S dvd player 8 JVC SR-DVM700US dvd player for Kanno 1 ENT +0mm Speaker FURNITURE: Item MIND GAME +0mm EXIT dwarf wall: urethane paint white MDF t=11mm timber structure t=78mm see cushion detail dwarf wall h=34" urethane paint white MDF t=11mm timber structure t=78mm 113 a-c HVAC RAMP slope:1/12 DETAIL 04 Projector 112 a-c +0mm cushion 'B' see detail Projector 111 a-c +0mm separation: prefabricated board t=40mm urethane paint: white +0mm VIDEO BOOTH 1 PAPRIKA suspended ceiling: plaster board t=9.5mm frame painted white LGS C-profile wire hangers 110 a-c VIDEO BOOTH 2 PLACE PROMISED 40" TV +250mm 6 +4mm LANDING 109 a-c VIDEO BOOTH 3 MACROSS VIDEO BOOTH 6 DETAIL 03 window sound booth: glass t=8mm frame: wood, painted white urethane paint Yoko Kanno DOME 14”dx7”h :nos.9 108 a-c 40" TV +0mm ARTWORK: 107 a-c 40" TV VIDEO BOOTH 4 PATLABOR +0mm 7 Clogs Cushion 'B' LWH 1150!400!109 40" TV VIDEO BOOTH 5 AKIRA Nos. Clogs Cushion 'A' LWH 1800!300!109 106 a-c SOUND BOOTH YOKO KANNO plaster board t=12.5mm painted white LGS frame t=92mm batt insulation t=80mm / 6 40" TV TV: wall mount sound booth ceiling: plaster board t=12.5mm LGS t=92mm batt insulation t=8mm plaster board t=12.5mm 1 40" TV rear wall : LGS frame t=92mm plaster board t=12.5mm painted grey* floor: existing carpet LGS t=92mm batt insulation t=80mm plaster board t=12.5mm absorbant foam, t=5mm painted grey* RAMP SLOPE:1/12 sound system Sound system for Yoko Kanno suspended ceiling above Doors: keep open DECK +250mm cushion urethan foam t=100mm polychloroprene cover, white clogs cushion 'A' see detail IKA +0mm PAP R 105 a-c dwarf wall: h=34" urethane paint white MDF t=11mm timber structure t=78mm +0mm 6 HVAC Item Projector Panasonic PT-AX200U DG HVAC MIN E AM SECTION A-A S=1/50 projection screen: plaster board painted in grey*; same color as carpet mounted on 2 rails on top and bottom D ISE M RO PROJECTION SCREEN DEVELOPED LENGTH=2445mm AKIR PL AC EP A PATLABOR MACROSS PLAN S=1/50 MODEL KRAZY! @ NEW-YORK JSG Atelier Bow-Wow Suga-cho 8-79, Shinjuku-ku, 160-0018 Tokyo, tel/+81-3-3226-5336, fax/+81-3-3226-5366 ANIME GARDEN: FLOOR PLAN,SECTIONS 1/20 SCALE: 1:20 09.02.19 A-109 INTRODUCTIONS 1. NORTH GALLERY W: 55 sqm, h= 4,15m 2. NORTH GALLERY E: 80 sqm, h= 4,15m 3. BAMBOO HALL: h= 2,60m 4. BAMBOO GALLERY: 41 sqm, h= 2,60m 5. SOUTH GALLERY: 210 sqm, h= 2,90m GAME ROOM TOTAL sqm: 386 sqm 6.ANIME 1:1 5.GAME 1:1 3 2. Title 3. Introduction 4. Manga Room: New Enginering 6. Anime Room: Patolabor 5. Video game Room: Super Mario ELEVATION Scale=1/50 BAMBOO GARDEN 7.ANIME POLE N Sintra 2 ANIME ROOM MANGA ROOM PLAN@a S=1/20 Cramp 1.KRAZY! logo L R [!] [Y] L: 66-1/16" L: 48-9/16" R: 68-15/16" R: 53-1/4" Steel bar 3/8" ! 2 [Z] L: 59-7/16" R: 56-1/8" [A] [R] [K] L: 56-15/16" R: 61-1/4" L: 65-7/8" R: 69" L: 66-5/16" R: 72-9/16" 2.TITLE 1 PLAN@b S=1/20 ENT 4.MANGA 1:1 EXIT Steel bars Steel solid 200!200!30mm mill scale 3.INTRODUCTION Sintra White 2!4', 2pieces Steel bar r=3/8" total length: 736-5/16" Steel solid MATERIAL CALCULATION Scale=1/50 AXONOMETRIC a MUSEUM SHOP FIRST FLOOR PLAN Scale=1/200 a Sintra t=13mm white Bending 2-3/8" Bending 4" Sintra t=13mm white Caption board Caption board Stylene board t=5mm Inkjet print cutout: 5mm from outline PLAN1 @ BOARD Magnet sheet fixed on caption board Cramp painted in white Steel bar 3/8" ! 2 mill scale Steel bar 3/8" ! 2 Welding in spots @12" Welding in spots @12" approx. Welding b !FFL !Bottom of pool @ TOP Steel solid 200!200!30mm welded ELEVATION ELEVATION from BACKSIDE S=1/20 Steel Plate t=1.5mm PLAN2 @ BOTTOM Steel solid 100!100!15mm AXONOMETRIC "#$%&' #3 ()** Steel Plate t=1.5mm Rebar #3 "9mm Plan 1 FL +250 Welding 1 Welding Plan 2 Steel solid 100!100!15mm FL ± 0 FRONT BACK SIDE 7. ANIME GARDEN CAPTION STAND S=1/10 KRAZY! @ NEW-YORK JSG PLAN S=1/50 1. KRAZY! logo Atelier Bow-Wow Suga-cho 8-79, Shinjuku-ku, 160-0018 Tokyo, tel/+81-3-3226-5336, fax/+81-3-3226-5366 GRAPHIC - INTRODUCTIONS SCALE: 1:50 09.02.19 G004
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