Board Book - Cossatot Community College
Board Book - Cossatot Community College
Board of Visitors March 7, 2016 UA Cossatot embraces diversity and is committed to improving the lives of those in our region by providing quality education, outstanding service, and relevant industry training. UA Cossatot Mission Statement 1 Board of Visitors Meeting De Queen, Arkansas March 7, 2016 Sevier County Campus Agenda I. Light Meal Served 5:30 p.m. II. Open meeting 6:00 p.m. Introduce Guests: III. Staff Reports A. Chancellor’s Report by Steve Cole .............................................................................. 4-5 B. Financial Report by Charlotte Johnson ....................................................................... 6-18 C. Academic Services Report by Maria Parker ............................................................. 19-22 D. Facilities Report by Mike Kinkade............................................................................ 23-26 E. Public Services & Workforce Development ............................................................. 27-31 IV. Action Items No. 1 Approve Minutes of January 11, 2016, Board Meeting ........................................... 33-35 No. 2 Approve Revision of College Policy 101: Authority ............................................... 36-37 No. 3 Approve College Policy 718: Usage of Institutional Assets .................................... 38-39 Move to Executive Session to Discuss Personnel Matters: 2 Return to Open Session: V. Adjournment: 7:09 p.m. Board of Visitors meeting schedule: March 7, 2016 May 2, 2016 VI. Sevier County Campus Little River County Campus Information Items 1. Employee Changes .................................................................................................................41 2. Thank You Letter from Executive Director of Arkansas Community Colleges .............. 42-43 3. Thank You Card from Faith Willis ........................................................................................44 4. Administrative Council Meeting Minutes ........................................................................ 45-46 5. Academic Council Meeting Minutes ......................................................................................47 6. Distance Education Committee Meeting Minutes ............................................................ 47-48 7. Employee Safety & Wellness Committee Meeting Minutes ............................................ 48-49 8. Faculty/Staff Meeting Minutes ...............................................................................................49 3 COSSATOT COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS REPORT TO THE BOARD OF VISITORS March 7, 2016 SUBJECT: Chancellor’s Report STEVE COLE 4 Learning about Us Two months ago, our college began preparing for our next five-year strategic plan that is aptly titled “Vision 2020”. This plan will be designed to help guide our college through the rest of 2016 to the end of 2020. There will be many pieces of information contained in this strategic plan, but there will be one thing present never before seen in one of our strategic plans: valid input from all of our stakeholders. We have developed a ten-question survey that we currently are presenting to area leaders, parents, corporation heads, and others to gain insight into how we are perceived and what we should be doing to satisfy the needs of our constituents. A valuable benefit that we are already realizing is the receptiveness and honesty of those who we are interviewing. We are realizing that, after 40 years in business, our college has come to the point where we are a trusted community partner. We are trusted with the education that we deliver to our students, the workforce training we are partnering to provide to our area corporations, and the benefits we as a major employer provide to the region. While this is gratifying, the main benefits we are gleaning from these surveys are the ideas and comments from interviewees detailing what they think our priorities and goals should be to better impact industry and local education. We feel that over the past five years we have made great strides in offering the right programs and services that best impact the workforce and careers of our students, however, since we started performing these stakeholder surveys, we have uncovered a few skill gaps and demands of the workforce that we will research further. We take our strategic plans very seriously, and I feel the most important plan ever will be our “Vision 2020”. I say this because the educational and economic environment we live in now is in a very fragile state; a state that we embrace but one that will require us to make near-perfect and informed decisions to succeed. We feel our new strategic plan, with valuable input from stakeholders, will keep us on track to make these decisions and keep UA Cossatot vibrant, growing, and relevant. Respectfully submitted, Dr. Steve Cole, Chancellor 5 COSSATOT COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS REPORT TO THE BOARD OF VISITORS March 7, 2016 SUBJECT: Financial Report CHARLOTTE JOHNSON 6 Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas Summary of Unrestricted Revenues/Expenditure Report As of January 2016 REVENUES Fiscal Year 2014-2015 ACTUAL BUDGETED Fiscal Year 2015-2016 ACTUAL BUDGETED General Revenue Workforce 2000 Tuition & Fees Book Program Fees Sales Tax Revenue Other Income $2,123,085.07 779,936.08 2,744,986.55 0.00 482,513.30 130,810.81 $3,395,802.00 1,350,337.00 3,482,415.00 0.00 1,105,337.00 224,995.00 $2,075,992.26 787,696.70 2,993,972.72 155,024.26 491,930.82 116,178.55 $3,395,802.00 1,337,033.00 3,733,854.00 150,000.00 1,176,000.00 200,580.00 TOTAL REVENUES $6,261,331.81 $9,558,886.00 $6,620,795.31 $9,993,269.00 $599,925.89 965,022.96 994,903.65 222,027.65 736,848.83 111,541.79 278,785.77 2,417.26 464,259.23 249,521.38 14,018.50 31,112.06 57,491.03 116,194.68 145,844.67 1,131.34 $1,071,355.00 2,129,115.00 1,785,292.00 300,458.00 1,748,490.00 203,400.00 593,782.00 25,641.00 526,267.00 419,920.00 38,000.00 236,525.00 111,650.00 84,505.00 453,110.00 3,000.00 $597,731.94 972,600.71 1,015,051.35 147,271.60 772,029.02 124,113.63 284,300.22 7,583.83 514,856.87 262,003.48 15,655.32 6,307.94 74,902.67 195,730.36 145,453.23 1,142.18 $1,022,882.00 2,199,599.00 1,860,550.00 288,575.00 1,760,869.00 207,020.00 637,181.00 23,105.00 573,062.00 470,680.00 37,625.00 348,850.00 111,650.00 117,180.00 431,441.00 3,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,991,046.69 $9,730,510.00 $5,136,734.35 $10,093,269.00 Net Increase (Decrease) for Year Cash Fund Balance at Beginning of Year $1,270,285.12 $1,245,095.00 ($171,624.00) $1,549,376.00 $1,484,060.96 $1,591,120.00 ($100,000.00) $1,400,000.00 Fund Balance at End of January $2,515,380.12 $1,377,752.00 $3,075,180.96 $1,300,000.00 EXPENDITURES Classified Salaries Nonclassified / Instruction Non-Classified / Dept. Operations Extra Help Salaries Staff Benefits Travel, Conf. Expenses, Prof. Dev. Supplies Postage/Shipping Repairs & Rentals Utilities/Telephone Insurance Professional Services Advertising Promotional Miscellaneous Other Debt Service * Capital Outlay * Pledges for Debt can be up to 25% of Tuition and Fees. Budgeted for 2015-2016 Tuition and Fees $3,733,854 x 25% = $933,464 total pledged debt maximum. Budgeted debt is currently $502,023 below the maximum amount. Student Accounts Receivables Jan-15 $704,384.53 7 Jan-16 $826,788.18 CCCUA Revenue for FY 2014-2016 for January 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 20132014 1,500,000 1,000,000 20142015 500,000 20152016 8 Other Sales Tax Book Program Sales Tuition & Fees Workforce 2000 General Revenue 0 Classified Salaries Instruction Dept Operations Extra Help Staff Benefits Travel & Prof Development Supplies Postage/Shipping Repairs & Rentals Utilities/Telephone Insurance Professional Services Advertising Miscellaneous Debt Service Capital CCCUA Expenditures for FY 2014-2016 for January 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 2013-2014 600,000 2014-2015 400,000 200,000 2015-2016 0 9 Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas Statement of Current Funds, Revenues & Expenditures for Construction As of January 2016 Available Expenditures since 7/1/15 Net Available GIF Project - Industrial Maintenance Program 13,814.96 13,814.96 - GIF Project - Student Commons 72,787.41 72,787.41 - GIF - Student Van 24,612.13 24,612.13 - GIF - HVAC Crit Maint 50,000.00 12,058.78 GIF - DISS Projects 25,000.00 GIF - Ashdown Improvements 10,000.00 GIF - Curbing 25,000.00 25,000.00 GIF - Landscaping 25,000.00 25,000.00 GIF - Miscellaneous 82,539.83 82,539.83 GIF - Crit Maint 30,000.00 - 30,000.00 GIF - Crit Maint 12,500.00 - 12,500.00 Ashdown Welding Building - Secondary Carryover 40,000.00 40,000.00 $411,254.33 $167,480.79 Total Remainder GIF Funds for Biennnium 10 37,941.22 25,000.00 4,207.51 5,792.49 $243,773.54 Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas Grants & Other Restricted Programs As of January 2016 Grants Expiration Date D & E (Direct & Equitable) ABE (Adult Basic Education) GED EL/Civics Grant 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 $72,594.60 24,295.63 183,552.55 10,293.06 $15,052.55 4,609.50 136,999.81 379.07 6/30/2016 9/30/2017 6/30/2016 12/31/2015 12/31/2016 6/30/2016 12/31/2015 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 1,009.95 146,924.00 11,233.14 13,140.41 35,000.00 7,145.00 12,419.06 6,000.00 7,857.13 76,500.00 1,009.95 64,138.36 2,691.62 13,140.41 7,631.84 5,597.69 12,419.06 43.80 7,857.13 15,347.88 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 6/30/2016 134.90 15,000.00 2,150.00 72,675.00 188,687.21 196,000.00 $886,611.64 122.73 3,380.08 1,405.66 31,039.33 83,134.98 87,913.85 $406,001.45 Adult Ed - State (Carryover) TAACCCT Grant Economic Incentive Grant (Carryover) Domtar WEC 2015 (Carryover) Domtar WEC 2016 Perkins Reserve Grant - AWS Welding Perkins Reserve Grant - AWS Welding AATYC - Accelerating Opportunity Grant Arkansas Partnership for Nursing Grant ADHE Workforce Planning-RAMP Wal-Mart WEC Grant - carryover Weyerhauser Corporate Giving Grant Dept. of Health Trauma Grant Carl Perkins Career Pathways (TANF funds) ACE-Career Coaches Totals 11 Total Amount Earned to Date Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas Schedule of Bank Accounts As of January 2016 Name of Account Name & Address of Bank Balance Cash Fund Account Bear State Bank P.O. Box 980 De Queen, AR 71832 $610,754.08 General Revenue Account State Treasury 1,380,670.22 Nashville Account Bear State Bank P.O. Box 832 Nashville, AR 71852 500.00 Ashdown Account Bear State Bank P.O. Box 547 Ashdown, AR 71822 500.00 Financial Aid Bear State Bank P.O. Box 980 De Queen, AR 71832 12,516.87 Scholarship Fund First State Bank P.O. Box 970 De Queen, AR 71832 5,938.60 Student Organizations First State Bank P.O. Box 970 De Queen, AR 71832 32,916.65 Workforce 2000 First State Bank P.O. Box 970 De Queen, AR 71832 52,414.39 Total 12 $2,096,210.81 Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas Schedule of Investments - Certificate of Deposits As of January 2016 Amount Rate Maturity Date Bank Term College Funds on Certificate of Deposit $259,024.31 1.25% 3/29/2016 Horatio State Bank P.O. Box 347 Horatio, AR 71842 12 months $256,547.32 1.00% 6/26/2016 Horatio State Bank P.O. Box 347 Horatio, AR 71842 12 months $256,738.89 1.10% 8/28/2016 Horatio State Bank P.O. Box 347 Horatio, AR 71842 12 months $772,310.52 Total College (Agency) Funds *CD Balance as of January 2015 was at $763,735.52. 13 Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas VSO Account Balances As of January 2016 Administration Flower Fund Milestone Committee Recognition Committee Christmas Party Blue Jean Fridays (Christmas Party Door Prizes) Blue Jean Fridays (Relay for Life) Automotive Collision Phi Theta Kappa Radio/TV Auto Painting Agri Club Pipe Welding - Nashville Welding - Nashville Welding - De Queen Industrial Technology Post-Secondary Culinary Arts Culinary - Secondary Cosmetology Post-Secondary Cosmetology OTA - Class of 2015 OTA - Class of 2016 DQ LPN Nashville Nursing Class of June '16 Nashville Nursing Class of June '15 Nashville Med Pro Ed De Queen Med Pro Ed RN Class Rodeo Team Cossatot Student Ambassadors/S4S Student Diversity Association Soccer Team Total 14 54.41 102.18 95.19 147.11 2.97 323.51 459.73 2,059.49 2,072.78 2,060.92 207.00 1,768.64 6,076.18 225.00 3,222.76 275.00 850.78 580.92 22.10 638.79 329.64 1,833.00 710.02 2,059.97 652.60 544.10 1,889.74 268.37 33.51 47.24 165.04 842.57 2,295.39 $32,916.65 Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas Schedule of Endowment Funds January 31, 2016 Amount Rate Maturity Date Bank Term Endowment Funds on Certificate of Deposit $75,000.00 1.10% 8/28/2016 Horatio State Bank P.O. Box 347 Horatio, AR 71842 $75,000.00 Balance 12 months Total Endowment CD's Name & Address of Bank Endowment Funds in Checking $3,660.58 Bear State Bank P.O. Box 980 De Queen, AR 71832 $3,660.58 Total Endowment Checking $78,660.58 Total Endowment Funds *Endowment Fund Balance as of January 2015 was at $77,832.28. 15 Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas Foundation, Inc. Checking Account Details Estimated Financial Information As of January 31, 2016 Checking Account - First National Bank Beginning Balance (July 1, 2015): Deposits through January 2016: Employee Payroll Deduction Contributions General Donation Diversity Fest Fundraiser Revenue Fish Fry Fundraiser Revenue Colt Bolt Fundraiser Revenue Framed Diploma Fundraiser Revenue Bill & Nancy Wilson Scholarship Fund Donation De Queen Auto Group Scholarship Fund Donation Dee Cole Scholarship Fund Donation Tre Agaves Scholarship Fund Donation Clayton Castleman Memorial Scholarship Fund Donations Shirley Berner Memorial Scholarship Fund Donation Ruel & Mittie Crow Endowment Scholarship Fund (interest) Bill & Nancy Wilson Scholarship Fund (interest) Tri Lakes Area Nursing Scholarship Fund (interest) Shirley Bartholomew Scholarship Fund (interest) Leeper Scholarship Fund (interest) Checking Account Interest Total Deposits Expenses through January 2016: BOGO Scholarship Expense Awards Expenses Scholarship Expenses Fish Fry Fundraising Expenses Colt Bolt Fundraising Expenses Miscellaneous Expenses Software Expense Advertising Expenses Conference Expenses Audit Expenses Membership Fees Total Expenses Ending Checking Account Balance 16 $137,432.68 1,412.60 270.00 35.00 1,321.00 3,055.00 175.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 100.00 250.00 300.00 2,000.00 251.71 86.65 79.45 102.08 126.85 72.40 16,637.74 9,945.00 317.76 21,095.29 1,819.88 1,081.43 $2,351.57 $2,000.00 $500.00 $1,691.20 $1,850.00 $1,046.00 43,698.13 $110,372.29 Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas Foundation, Inc. The University of Arkansas Foundation, Inc. Estimated Financial Information Statement of Activities Report - January 2016 Income Project Description Beg Balance Gain (Loss) Interest Expenses End Balance - - $ 120,611.97 Morris Family Scholarship Fund $129,049.32 $ (8,437.35) Morris Family Scholarship Fund 29,009.84 3,363.91 $1,404.13 - 33,777.88 173,776.34 - 3,206.40 - 176,982.74 $4,610.53 - $ 331,372.59 CCCUA Foundation General Fund #1 Totals $ 331,835.50 $ (5,073.44) 17 Cossatot Community College of the University of Arkansas Foundation, Inc. Schedule of Certificate of Deposits Estimated Financial Information As of January 2016 Short Term Certificate of Deposits Term Rate Maturity Date Bank Amount Shirley Bartholomew Mem. Sch. 60 months 2.00% 8/13/2019 Horatio State Bank $10,125.00 DAV/General Scholarship 6 months 1.00% 2/20/2016 Horatio State Bank $21,895.24 Leeper Scholarship 12 months 1.10% 9/17/2016 Horatio State Bank $23,000.00 Bill & Nancy Wilson Scholarship 12 months 1.15% 1/24/2016 Horatio State Bank $10,000.00 Tri Lakes Area Fund Nursing Sch. 12 months 1.00% 10/9/2016 Horatio State Bank $10,546.69 Name of CD Total Certificate of Deposits $75,566.93 Total Checking, CDs, and Investments $517,311.81 * Total Checking, CDs, and Investments for Foundation totaled $536,382.70 in January 2015. 18 COSSATOT COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS REPORT TO THE BOARD OF VISITORS March 7, 2016 SUBJECT: Academic Services Report MARIA PARKER 19 Academic Services Report 1. Summer and Fall registration will open on April 4. Recruiters are busy making high school visits and activities will continue to ramp up over the next few months. 2. The Board of Trustees approved the Associate of Applied Science, Physical Therapy Assistant. The Higher Education Coordinating Board will review it in April. 3. CCSSE surveying will begin on March 7. We are excited to see areas of improvement since the last administration. 4. The Arkansas State Board of Nursing visited our ARNEC sister site, Black River Technical College, in Pocahontas on the 23rd. The reviewer was quite pleased with the ARNEC program, students, and outcomes and will recommend reaccreditation to the board in May. 5. We will be launching our BOGO campaign soon with a twist on last year’s promotion. This year we will offer a free summer class with the paid registration of a summer class. There will be an action required to claim the offer, such as posting on social media or the UAC app. 6. Six UAC employees attended a BlackBoard product meeting on the 26th. We learned about the upcoming improvements to our existing system. Faculty will receive training as we move forward with implementation. 20 Enrollment Spring 2016 enrollment: 1495 students (854.27 FTE's) as compared to Spring 2015: 1480 students (855.86 FTE's) 2015 January Testing And Assessment Centers ASSET GED Instructor TABE CRC's PRAXIS COMPASS Misc. NOCTI 0 15 302 0 16 0 78 6 0 Total 417 2016 ASSET GED Instructor TABE CRC's PRAXIS COMPASS Misc. NOCTI Total 0 26 132 7 9 0 52 2 0 228 January Adult Education Department General Enrollment Head Counts - December 2015 December Educational Hours* Site Functional Level 1 UAC-De Queen ESL/ABE/GAE 680.5 2 UAC-Nashville ESL/ABE/GAE 276.5 3 Dierks Community Center ABE/GAE 34.75 4 Horatio Elementary School ESL 67.5 1,059.25 December 2014 General Enrollment Head Counts -January 2016 Educational Site Functional Level 1 UAC-De Queen ESL/ABE/GAE 2 UAC-Nashville ESL/ABE/GAE 3 Dierks Community Center ABE/GAE 4 Horatio Elementary School ESL January 2015 1,062.75 January Hours* 958.75 417.75 26.75 65.75 1,469.00 1,749.25 Students have a minimum of 1 contact hour. * Total number of contact hours by each student for the month. ** Total number of students that walked in the door for the month. 21 December Active** 69 43 3 16 131 135 January Active** 79 50 3 13 145 173 COSSATOT COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS REPORT TO THE BOARD OF VISITORS March 7, 2016 SUBJECT: Facilities Report MIKE KINKADE 22 Facilities Update as of 29 February 2016 Sevier County Campus Student Commons Planning: This project has been placed “on hold” indefinitely. We have the drawings and specs for this project available when (or if) we determine the proper time for construction. Curbing and Landscaping: We are gathering quotes on installing the remaining curbing for this campus. Our goal is to complete this project this semester, if at all possible. We have quotes on the landscaping, which was on hold for the Student Commons project. This project should be started by early to mid-March. Howard County Campus Computer / Coding Lab: This project has moved along very nicely, thanks to the funding from Weyerhaeuser. We have completed the sheetrock and painting for the walls, and are moving to the blackout of the ceiling and installing the light fixtures and the receptacles. Once these are completed, we will epoxy the floor, add cove base and install the remaining fixtures. This project should wrap up by the end of March. Other Projects Marquee Signs: As our digital signage is nearing the end of its useful life, we made a conscientious decision not to replace our two sided marquee signs with new replacement signs. The primary reason(s): 1) Replacement costs at $25K-$30K per sign; 2) We’re not convinced we can’t get our message out in an “easier to see” format. We are replacing these digital boards with new logo signs that will be installed this spring. Video cameras: For the safety of our staff and students, we will continue installing video equipment in all our buildings. So far, we have completed Lockesburg and pretty well wrapped up Nashville and Ashdown. We will begin installing cameras in DQ in March. 23 Community Utilization of Sevier County Campus Facilities Jan-16 Group Name Weyerhaeuser Sevier County Ext Cattlemen's AFMC TOTALS Program Name Training Meeting Meeting Meeting Hours Used 8 2 3 2 15 No. Served 65 8 40 10 123 Feb-16 Group Name Cattlemen's Sevier County Ext Pilgrims EZ-Mart AFMC TOTALS Program Name Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Hours Used 3 2 16 3 2 26 No. Served 40 10 95 100 10 255 Community Utilization of Howard County Campus Facilities Jan-16 Group Name HMH Fleet Staff DQ Mena Co-op Relay Beekeepers DWS TOTALS Program Name Class Diabetics Job Fair Quiz Bowl Meeting Meeting Meeting Hours Used 2 2 7 2 4 3 20 No. Served 14 10 200 10 65 3 302 Feb-16 Group Name HMH Bee Keepers Foster Grandparents Relay Michelle Kuntz Jr. Auxiliary MDT DWS TOTALS Program Name Diabetic Class Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting Bunco meeting Meeting Hours Used 8 4 5 2 2 14 2 5 42 No. Served 56 65 25 10 15 35 3 6 215 24 Community Utilization of Little River County Campus Facilities January/February 2016 Room Date Group # of hours # of people Room 207 Total for Room 207 0 0 Total for Room 217 0 0 SW AR Injury Prevention Coalition Total for OTA 3 20 3 20 Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Total for Laynesport Room 4 30 4 30 Senior Get Fit Exercise Class 46 345 Poll Worker Training Poll Worker Training Swilley Private Party LifeShare Blood Drive 7.5 7.5 4 5 30 30 50 30 70 485 Little River Genealogy Society 5 20 Carla Myane--Art Lessons Little River Cattleman's Assoc. 8 5 40 80 2 1.5 3 20 20 40 24.5 220 101.5 755 Room 217 OTA Laynesport Room Civic Center 2nd Tuesday each month 2nd Tuesday each month Mon, Wed, Fri each week; 2 hrs. each time; 15 people each day 1/19/16 1/26/16 2/20/16 2/22/16 Total for Civic Center Millwood Room 2nd Tues each month for 2.5 hrs. Every Tues for 1 hr. Last Monday each month for 2.5 hrs. 1/16/16 1/28/16 2/25/16 Little River 4H Archery Little River Arts Council FTN Associates--Public Mtg. for ARNRC Total for Millwood Room GRAND TOTAL FOR January/February 2016 25 COSSATOT COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS REPORT TO THE BOARD OF VISITORS March 7, 2016 SUBJECT: Public Services & Workforce Development TAMMY COLEMAN 26 Public Services and Workforce Development Report DECEMBER 2015 – JANUARY 2016 Total Number Served Continuing Education/Workforce Development Courses (768 Training Hours, 77 Tests) Ashdown Workplace Education Center (418 Tests Given) Career Pathways 450 201 190 59 Training Hours: # Students x Course Contact Hours 1. UA Cossatot’s Career Pathways program was recently featured in an article published in the De Queen Bee, entitled “Helping Parents Go Back to School.” The article highlighted multiple incentives available to qualifying parents to encourage college enrollment, particularly those being offer to parents receiving financial assistance through the federal Transitional Employment Assistance (TEA) program. TEA enrollment has increased, representing 3% of the program’s current overall enrollment. December 2015 through January 2016, five Career Pathway participants graduated with associate degrees in health sciences. Two students graduated from the Licensed Practical Nursing program and three others graduated from the Occupational Therapy Assistant program. Additionally, one program participant earned a General Education Diploma (GED) and seven others earned employability certificates, a credential that may be added to student’s portfolio and can lead to employment. The certificate program addresses basic academic skills, career counseling, basic computer skills and employability skills not always available in traditional college classes. 27 2. The Continuing Education office released the new Spring 2016 Workforce Development & Continuing Education Schedule. Over 30 courses are being offered this spring, most beginning in February. This does not include the 100 plus EducationToGo courses that will be available online monthly. Over 900 schedules were mailed to former students and others that have requested course information. The department also expanded its social media efforts by opening a new Facebook page and utilizing Constant Contact to reach out to more than 500 individuals via email to remind them of upcoming learning opportunities. Courses/services/activities offered by Continuing Education Services and Workforce Development, December 2015 through January 2016: included BLS for Healthcare Providers Renewal, Bunker Gear Drills, Distracted Driving, Emergency Vehicle Driving Refresher, OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER), and Microsoft Excel: Level 1. Corporal J.D. Jones talks to Emergency Vehicle Driving course participants about Arkansas State Statues pertaining to emergency vehicle operations. Forty-eight area firefighters, EMS personnel & members of law enforcement participate in an Emergency Vehicle Driving course at UAC Nashville. Participants of the Distracted Driving course observe as officer Monte Stringfellow of the UA Cossatot police department and a student complete a driving exercise. Seventy-six high school students completed the course, offered in conjunction with Red Ribbon Week. 28 3. The Workplace Education Center --- a member of the Public Services and Workforce Development Department --- is a cooperative of Domtar, Texarkana Arkansas Adult Education Center and UA Cossatot. The services provided, number of students served and the number of tests given December 2015 through January 2016, in addition to the year-to-date totals, are as follows: Workplace Education Center A Cooperative of Domtar, Texarkana Arkansas Adult Ed Center and UA Cossatot December 2015 WEC Services Essential Skills DHS-TEA/WIA Testing Total WEC Services Community Resource Services Instructor/ASSET/Compass Career Ready 101 (KeyTrain) WorkKeys/CRC Domtar Employee CR 101/KT Domtar Employee WorkKeys Total CRS Services Total Students/Hours Students Tests Students Tests Hours YTD YTD 9 0 9 1 151.75 0 0 1 151.75 77 1,398.50 9 12 86 1410.5 101 227 454 5 2 13 6 15.5 8 60 77 181 230 146.75 306 5 36 14 22 194 98 10 13 292 504.5 293 656.25 26 486 543 441 2676 2762 74 3606.75 5017.25 5 118 127 January 2016 Students Tests Hours WEC Services Essential Skills DHS-TEA/WIA Testing Total WEC Services Community Resource Services Instructor/ASSET/Compass Career Ready 101 (KeyTrain) WorkKeys/CRC Domtar Employee CR 101/KT Domtar Employee WorkKeys Total CRS Services Total Students/Hours 51 6 57 Hours YTD 301 1,630 Students Tests YTD YTD 2,982 Hours YTD 12 2 14 9 108.25 2 2 11 110.25 12 2 14 9 2 11 108.25 2 110.25 25 30 60 25 30 60 13 9 39 27 36.25 36 13 9 39 27 36.25 36 1 11 6 1 11 6 7 9 114 147.25 125 257.5 1 49 63 7 114 125 9 147.25 257.5 1 49 63 29 The Workplace Education Center staff is celebrating one student’s completion of a General Education Diploma (GED). She immediately enrolled in college classes and is now attending classes at UA Cossatot this semester. Two of the four recent GED recipients have enrolled in college classes at UA Cossatot. The Workplace Education Center received a grant from Domtar Industries in the amount of $35,000 for the 2016 calendar year. Domtar’s long-term support of the center is appreciated and enables the center to continue to provide adult learners the opportunity to acquire and improve educational and life skills necessary to enhance the quality of life as workers, family members and citizens of Southwest Arkansas. Services offered include: - Industry Test Proctoring - Career Ready 101 - WorkKeys Testing for the Arkansas Career Readiness Certification - Blackboard and Course Paper Test Proctoring - The Adult Basic Education (TABE) Testing for GED Prep, DWS, and WIA - Basic Skills Improvement - GED Prep - Certified Instructor Tutoring for Basic Skills/GED - College Placement Exam Prep - College Placement Exams: COMPASS and ASSET - Keyboarding Instruction - Computer Literacy - Other College’s Test Proctoring 4. There are currently 312 registered student/alumni/community and 50 registered employer accounts within UAC’s virtual career center. There were 26 active job posts in December 2015 and 19 active job posts in January 2016. Use of the Virtual Career Center is free to both employers and job seekers. 5. Sixteen Career Readiness Certifications were earned at UAC December 2015 through January 2016, certifying that each individual has successfully completed the required Reading for Information, Applied Mathematics and Locating Information WorkKeys® assessments. 5 Gold: Possess core employability skills for approximately 90% of the 14,000 jobs profiled by WorkKeys® in the three skill areas. 7 Silver: Possess core employability skills for approximately 65% of the 14,000 jobs profiled by WorkKeys® in the three skill areas. 4 Bronze: Possess core employability skills for approximately 65% of the 14,000 jobs profiled by WorkKeys® in the three skill areas. 30 6. From the spring 2014 through the spring 2015 semesters, 96 students were enrolled in National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) certified courses that were embedded within UA Cossatot’s skilled and technical programs. Sixty-five participants completed Core Curriculum credentials. NCCER credentials are portable nationally recognized credentials. The Core Curriculum instruction included: safety, construction math, hand tools, power tools, construction drawings, basic rigging, communication skills, employability skills, and material handling. In addition to receiving a wallet card, participant’s successful completion of the training program has been recorded and will be maintained in NCCERs Automated National Registry (ANR) to provide easy verification of training for current or potential employers. 31 COSSATOT COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS BOARD OF VISITORS ACTION ITEMS March 7, 2016 32 Board of Visitors Meeting – March 7, 2016 Action Item No. 1: Approve Minutes of the January 11, 2016, Board of Visitors Meeting. 1. Background information: This is routine action for the Board. 2. Why action is needed at this time: This action is customary at the meeting following the meeting for which the minutes are recorded. 3. Chancellor's Recommendation: The Chancellor recommends the Board approve the minutes of the January 11, 2016, Board of Visitors Meeting as submitted. 4. Board of Visitors Action: __________________________________________ The Board of Visitors approved the minutes of the January 11, 2016 Meeting. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Motion by: Greg Revels Seconded by: Robert Martinez Yeas: 5 Nays: 0 33 34 35 Board of Visitors Meeting – March 7, 2016 Action Item No. 2: Approve Revision of College Policy 101: Authority. 1. Background information: This revision is necessary for UA Cossatot to be in compliance with the University of Arkansas System Policies. 2. Why action is needed at this time: This is the first time the Board of Visitors has met since the revision was made. 3. Chancellor's Recommendation: The Chancellor recommends the Board approve the revision to College Policy 101: Authority. 4. Board of Visitors Action: ___________________________________________ The Board approved the revision of College Policy 101: Authority. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Motion by: Robert Martinez Seconded by: Greg Revels Yeas: 5 Nays: 0 36 COLLEGE POLICY 101 BOARD OF VISITORS AUTHORITY The University of Arkansas System Board of Trustees determines the Board of Visitors’ powers and authority. Other than policies that were grandfathered in by the 2001 Merger Agreement with the University of Arkansas System, P policies and procedures enacted by the Board of Visitors not in accord with the University of Arkansas system policies and procedures shall be considered null and void. All college policies in force prior to UA Cossatot’s affiliation with the University of Arkansas System are considered active and binding policies. July 7, 2014 January 1, 2011 December 5, 2005 September 24, 2001 37 Board of Visitors Meeting – March 7, 2016 Action Item No. 3: Approve College Policy 718: Usage of Institutional Assets, Personal Use of College Property, Equipment or Facilities. 1. Background information: This is a new policy written to correspond with the UA System Policies. We had two old policies, College 318 under Business and Operating Policies and College Policy 425 under Personnel, which dealt with the use of college property, equipment, and facilities. By combining these two policies and placing it in the 700s, we will be in line with the UA System. 2. Why action is needed at this time: This is the first time the Board of Visitors has met since this change was made. 3. Chancellor's Recommendation: The Chancellor recommends the Board approve College Policy 718: Usage of Institutional Assets, Personal Use of College Property, Equipment or Facilities. 4. Board of Visitors Action: _______________________________________ The Board approved the revision of College Policy 718: Usage of Institutional Assets, Personal Use of College Property, Equipment or Facilities. Motion by: Dr. Lance Seconded by: Barbara Horn Yeas: 5 Nays: 0 38 COLLEGE POLICY 718 FACILITIES USAGE OF INSTITUTIONAL ASSETS PERSONAL USE OF COLLEGE PROPERTY, EQUIPMENT OR FACILITIES Institutional assets are to be used for the sole purpose of aiding UA Cossatot in achieving its stated mission. Any other usage would be a violation of state law. Usage of college assets by community groups, governmental, quasi-governmental, and other educational institutions is permitted when their usage is in harmony with the mission of UA Cossatot and does not conflict with college activities nor subjects the college to potential liability. No employee of UA Cossatot may use college property, equipment or facilities for personal gain, nor will employees be permitted to use college assets without prior approval. Persons using school property including cell phones, equipment, or facilities, for personal use or gain during that person’s normal duty hours will may have disciplinary action taken against the abuse and, upon repetitive violation of this policy, is subject to termination of employment. UA Cossatot does provides cell phones and/or pagers to college employees as required by certain circumstances of employment allows business to be conducted while employees are away from their offices. UA Cossatot employees may be authorized to receive cell phone service for business use, subject to supervisor or departmental approval. Business use is any use in the course of performing specific job related duties on behalf of and for the benefit of UA Cossatot. Any employee who has been issued a college cell phone has the responsibility, along with their supervisor and the Business Office, to select a rate plan that most efficiently accomplishes college business. College issued cell phones are not intended for personal use. However, personal use may be permitted if it does not conflict with business use of the device. Such personal use should be limited in occurrence and duration. Employees who use a college cell phone or pager for personal use will may be required to reimburse the college for all personal calls. The business Office will routinely audit the monthly bills for their intended use. Failure to follow this policy may result in amounts being incurred as a taxable fringe benefit to the employee. Excessive personal use of the cell phone may also result in this privilege being revoked. Employees who have not been issued a college cell phone, but who are required to use a personal cell phone for business use, may submit a copy of charges incurred for reimbursement to the business office. Only college employees may operate college vehicles. A vehicle rented by the college is not considered a “college vehicle” per se, and the rules concerning college vehicles may not apply. September 8, 2014 August 18, 2014 January 1, 2011 December 6, 2010 July 30, 2001 39 COSSATOT COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS BOARD OF VISITORS INFORMATION ITEMS March 7, 2016 40 EMPLOYEE CHANGES Newly Hired Julia Shankles Hire Date: 02-01-16 Position: Administrative Specialist III Salary: $25,268 Jon Bunyard Hire Date: 02-11-16 Position: Broadcasting Assistant Salary: $37,000 Employee Status Change Fredia Lofland Change Date: 02-06-16 Position: Food Preparation Specialist Salary: $17,102 41 42 43 44 Administrative Council Meeting January 6, 2016 Present: Steve Cole, Maria Parker, Barry Reed, Alisha Lewis, Charlotte Johnson, Dustin Roberts, Mike Kinkade, Relinda Ruth, Tammy Coleman, Tony Hargrove, Justin White, and Loren Hinton The minutes of November 18 were reviewed and stand as recorded. Tony is continuing to work with PaperCut on our printing solutions. The cost for including the Colt Bucks card is too expensive at this time. Tony and Mike will continue to work on getting speakers in the shop areas and hallways for emergency notifications. Tammy announced Manufacturing Day 2016 is scheduled for February 23 on the Ashdown High School campus from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. They will conduct two sessions in a format similar to last year’s event. One session will be for Ashdown’s 9th and 10th graders, and a second session for Foreman’s 10th and 11th graders. Brown & Root, Domtar, Pilgrims, and Weyerhaeuser have already committed to participate, and we expect more industries to get on board in the days ahead. Steve suggested that Tommi Cobb and Southwest Arkansas Community College Consortium needed to be on the program. Relinda reported that the Educational Resource Centers will be closed on Friday for training. She will be conducting workshops for students again this semester. She plans to do an English as a Second Language workshop also. Steve went over the Stakeholder list and assignments were made to council members. The deadline date for completing the surveys is March 1, 2016. The surveys should be done in person if possible. The results will be used in our portfolio for the Higher Learning Commission which is due in June 2016. Steve announced that Barry will be writing an ANCRC grant for the Lockesburg project. We also plan to request that the old Lockesburg High School be placed on the Registry of Historical Places in Arkansas. Steve stressed to the council members that if you supervise part-time personnel, do not let them work over 25 hours per week. Please pay close attention to this as this is out of budgetary concern. jj Administrative Council Meeting January 13, 2016 Present: Steve Cole, Maria Parker, Dustin Roberts, Kelly Plunk, Relinda Ruth, Tony Hargrove, Mike Kinkade, Alisha Lewis, Justin White, and Charlotte Johnson The minutes of January 6 were reviewed and stand as recorded. Steve reminded everyone of the Stakeholder Surveys that need to be completed. He also mentioned the full-time radio position that has been advertised. 45 Dustin reported on the Diversity Fest scheduled for May 7th. Emily has reached out to a company regarding a concert in the evening. The day time festivities will be much like last year. We will have an opening ceremony and invite vendors to sell food and crafts. Tres Agaves Restaurant will host a 5K run again this year. We may even have a jalapeno pepper eating contest. We will also have a professional petting zoo. Dustin has also contacted a carnival that may come if they are in the area at the same time. They would not be able to sell food but would operate rides. Mike Kinkade brought a new policy on usage of institutional assets for review. With some additional deletions in the policy, it will be taken to the Board of Visitors for approval at their next meeting in March. Charlotte brought College Policy 101: Authority for review of revisions regarding UA Cossatot’s affiliation with the University of Arkansas System. This policy will also be taken to the Board of Visitors for approval at their next meeting in March. jj Administrative Council Meeting February 24, 2016 Present: Steve Cole, Barry Reed, Alisha Lewis, Charlotte Johnson, Kelly Plunk, Dustin Roberts, Mike Kinkade, Montu Patel, and Tammy Coleman The minutes of the February 17th meeting of the Administrative Council were reviewed and stand as recorded. Steve mentioned the Manufacturing Day at Ashdown High School yesterday and the interest the high school kids had in the robot from the De Queen East Lab students. Domtar and Weyerhaeuser were two of the industries represented. The council reviewed two new procedures, 112-1 and 114-1 from the Board of Visitors section of the Policy Manual. Procedure 114-1 was the procedures for preparation for our Board of Visitors meetings, and procedure 112-1 was the procedure for members of the Board of Visitors reimbursement for travel expenses when on official business for the college. The council approved both procedures as presented and they will be placed in our new procedures manual. The next section of the policies to be considered for procedures is the Administration section which we will look at next week. Charlotte is working on an estimated budget for the auditors which is due March 1st. She will be sending out an e-mail to everyone regarding our 217 budget and we will begin holding our departmental budget meetings soon after March 1st. Mike reported the curbing will be finished and the landscaping project will begin. Since we are not able to begin the student commons project we will be sprucing up the court yard area. Steve reminded everyone of the Stakeholder Surveys that are to be completed the first of March. These will be used to build our strategic plan for the next five years. jj 46 Academic Council Minutes February 10, 2016 Present: Maria Parker, Alisha Lewis, Barbara Lacefield, Kim Dickerson, Relinda Ruth, Steve McJunkins, Dustin Roberts, Pat Earnest, Brenda Morris Maria began the meeting by announcing the University of Arkansas System eVersity Symposium that will be held on the Cammack Campus in Little Rock, Arkansas on April 8, 2016. She suggested that this would be a great resource and will help in our efforts to become more OER. Barbara brought up the text book adoptions and asked how exactly they needed to be handled. Relinda answered her question by explaining the OER process and voiced that she needs the sheets. She also suggested that if anyone has used the OER previously to make sure that it is documented correctly to ensure accuracy. Steve brought up the fact that some Advisors and Mentors are mentoring outside of their regular work hours and suggested stipends for those who meet these criteria. Maria addressed this issue by saying that the council will review the expectations for faculty mentoring and advising. Nothing has been decided. It was agreed upon that the contracts need to be reviewed before a decision is made in order to determine whether or not they are going outside the contracted duties for the college. Maria mentioned that the enrollment reports were down at the Nashville Campus. She stressed that Academic Programming needs to be a main concern to attract students and that more information needs to be advertised as to what is available. Several ideas for new programming were discussed in order to raise enrollment. BOGO was discussed for the Summer Campaign in order to increase summer enrollment. We discussed the opportunities that this would bring for Marketing and it was agreed that the students should have to take some form of action in order to receive the benefits of “BOGO” whether it be through social media or another form. Maria brought up that Course Management will not be used any longer and that we will be using the previous course schedule in order to obtain more accuracy. She also mentions that open registration for Summer/Fall 2016 is April 4th. It was made clear that summer needs to be finalized by the end of February and the schedule needs to be finished by March 1st. JS Distance Education Committee January 29, 2016 Present: Committee Chair Karen Arbuckle, Co-Chair Sunni Davis, Crystal Sims, Barbara Lacefield, Bruce Franklin, Relinda Ruth (recorder), Kathy Richards, Jeremy Dull, Shannon Duke, Ashley Dougherty, Tammy Heminger, Laura Riddle, Ashley Aylett, and Lynze Greathouse The Distance Education Committee met on January 29, 2016 to discuss various items. 47 Laura thanked David Blackwell for his help and Relinda mentioned that the group should do something nice for him, as he continues to help with Blackboard almost daily. Without him, we would not be able to continue the Blackboard enrollment process. We rely heavily on his willingness to continue assisting us. The group discussed the upcoming Blackboard course contest for faculty and approved selected contest judges. Judges will review courses through the next two weeks The group discussed recent technical reviews and agreed that reviewers should complete follow up as soon as possible Relinda mentioned that she had encountered several courses with links to the former Learning Center, the old bookstore (Texas Book Company) and Kimball Library and requests that instructors remove those links and replace them with a link to the ERC to minimize student confusion Tony and Laura have been working on new contact information posters for the AV rooms. (Tony distributed copies in De Queen and Nashville). Laura is continuing work on AV room directions and Jeremy offered his assistance The group discussed the necessity of adding Distance Ed to Blackboard Enhancement courses and Laura agreed to take care of that Respectfully submitted by Relinda Ruth Employee Safety and Wellness Committee February 2016 Employee Safety and Wellness Committee held monthly meeting in AV11 on February 12, 2016. Members Present: Annette Davis, Debbie Gatlin, Cathy Billingsley, Michael Marsh, Stephanie Hollis, Tammy Morris, and Waco Jackson. Members Absence: Tim Whisenhunt and Rick Pruitt on assignment, Arvadell Lynn on sick leave, Chrystal Hunter sick leave, Rod Dancer sick leave, David Sirmon leave, Jackie Taylor leave, Allen Clark in class, Mark Kutak and Felipe Linares out of office. Our De Queen Campus held a Blood drive on February 8th, 2016, the Nashville campuses will hold one at a later date. The De Queen campus had a record number of blood donors. Thanks to everyone that took part in helping our community with the blood drive. 48 Our long term project goal is to have a fitness center on each campus. We will be looking into the liabilities in this as well as if approved UAC employees may donate exercise equipment or acquire equipment from Marketing & Redistribution (AR. state surplus). Mike Kinkade will bring to Admin for approval. 27% employees has taken advantage of the Health and Wellness program. We encourage all to go on line and complete the assessment. We will be checking the AED’S to insure date on pads are not expired as well as checking batteries. Waco Jackson will check Nashville campus, Barry Reed Ashdown and Kay Trotta De Queen campus. Cathy Billingsley will be putting out a flyer early March for our Quarterly March-May. dg Faculty/Staff Meeting February 5, 2016 Moderator: Monte Stringfellow Recorder: Dustin Roberts Chancellor Steve Cole reported that our college is getting ready to embark on two major grant projects with a short deadline. We will be writing for another CAMP program and we will be writing for a TRIO/Talent Search grant. Both will help our college tremendously. Erika Buenrostro is leading the CAMP Grant. Justin White and Julie Rhodes are leading the Talent Search Grant. Dr. Cole also spoke about our College’s health insurance rates going up with UMR. Reports show that obesity is the leading cause of this increase. UA Cossatot Police Officer Monte Stringfellow presented a safety PowerPoint presentation about identity theft. Monte gave some reminders to all UA Cossatot employees; always lock your computer when you step away from your desk and to close POISE to protect employee and student information. Monte also encouraged everyone to have credit checks done annually to detect any fraudulent activity. Tommi Cobb reported for the Milestone Committee and recognized all the February birthdays. February babies were honored as we sang Happy Birthday. Moderator for the March Faculty/Staff Meeting will be Justin White and the recorder will be Rachel Hickey. dr 49