Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 51 PARENT COMPANY ACCOUNTS Dynaction SA management report Balance sheet Profit and loss statements Notes to the annual accounts Financial results of Dynaction SA for the last five years Statutory Auditors’ Reports Resolutions 52 62 64 65 76 77 80 Dynaction SA management report 52 Dynaction SA is the parent company of the Group and carries our assignments in the general interest of the Group. Its role is one of strategic coordination, financial control of its subsidiaries, evaluation of opportunities for external growth and quest for synergies. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS During the year, Dynaction: • relocated its head office to Longjumeau, into the premises already occupied by its subsidiary PCAS; • modified shareholders’ equity by reducing its share capital by EUR 9,232,509, by reducing the nominal share price from EUR 8.75 to EUR 6.00 and by allocating the sum of the reduction in share capital to reserves (to remain in compliance with article L. 225.210, paragraph 3 of the French Commercial Code); • cancelled the 61,434 treasury shares reserved for the first share purchase option scheme and which had expired on 16 October 2004. Share capital at 31 December 2004 stood at EUR 19,775,052 and is divided among 3,295,842 shares. Financial profit of EUR 968,000 was down 17%, principally due to the drop in marketable securities. Extraordinary income is largely due to the partial cancellation of a dividend due to the creditors of CFCI (–EUR 62,500). As a result of all these operations, Dynaction reported a net loss of EUR 1,026,000 at 31 December 2004. Information about the activity of the subsidiaries is provided in the Group management report. ALLOCATION OF EARNINGS The Company’s annual accounts for FY 2004 are in the continuation of this report. Non-deductible expenses, as covered by article 39.4 of the General Tax Code, amounted to EUR 10,425.25. Allocation of the earnings, which will be submitted for your approval in the second resolution at the Annual General Meeting of 30 June 2005, is as follows: Origin of the earnings to be allocated (in EUR) Retained earnings (or loss) Net profit for the year Total RESULTS AND FINANCIAL POSITION Dividend payments to Dynaction SA by its subsidiaries resulted in the recognition of investment income of EUR 1,695,000 while EUR 331,000 in operating income relates to technical assistance fees of EUR 140,000 and EUR 191,000 in rents. Operating costs of EUR 2,070,000 are down 0.53%, slightly lower than the previous year. But for the exceptional costs linked to the two sell offs, these costs would in fact have been down 22.26% as against 2003. –49,947.65 –1,026,115.06 –1,076,062.71 Allocation of the earnings (or loss) (in EUR) Allocation to the retained earnings account The retained earnings account now has a negative balance of –1,026,115.06 –1,076,062.71 The maximum number of shares the Company will be able to acquire pursuant to this authorisation, under any circumstances, must not exceed 10% of share capital, as provided under article L. 225-209 of the French Commercial Code. Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 53 In accordance with the provisions of article 243 b of the French General Tax Code, dividends and corresponding tax credits paid for the three previous years were as follows: Year Number of shares Net dividend (in EUR) Tax credit at 50% at 25% Actual revenue with 50% 25% tax credit tax credit 2001 3,310,883 – – – – – 2002 3,357,276 0.50 0.25 0.13 0.75 0.63 2003 3,357,276 – – – – – ACQUISITION OF OWN SHARES BY THE COMPANY As part of the legislative framework created by articles L. 225-209 of the French Commercial Code, the authorisation given by you to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 17 June 2004 will expire at the end of this General Meeting. We propose in the fifth resolution that this authorisation be extended until after the Ordinary General Meeting called in 2006 to approve the annual accounts of the Company for the year ending 31 December 2005, and as a consequence, to authorise the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, to trade shares of the Company on the share market in accordance with the terms and regulations provided for in article L. 225-209 of the French Commercial Code, in order to achieve the following outcomes in order of priority: • acquire and sell shares of the Company on the share market, according to market conditions and in order to manage the Company’s share price; • favour financial and expansion operations by the Company. Shares acquired can be used for any purpose, in particular to be retained, sold, transferred or exchanged, in whole or in part; • allocate them to personnel and management under the conditions of, and in accordance with, the terms and conditions provided for in the law, in particular as part of the distribution of the fruits of the expansion of the Company, subscription options and/or the acquisition of shares through a company savings scheme; • cancel up to 10% of the Company’s share capital within a 24-month period, in accordance with authorisation for a reduction in share capital referred to in the first resolution of the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 30 June 1999 and the renewal of the same, which was approved by the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 21 June 2001 (first resolution), the Extraordinary General Meeting of 28 June 2002 (first resolution), the Extraordinary General Meeting of 17 June 2003 (first resolution) and the Extraordinary General Meeting of 17 June 2004 (first resolution). If this resolution is approved, it will be possible to resort to any means in the acquisition, cession, transfer or exchange of these shares, whether on the share market, by private transaction or the use of derivative financial instruments. The resolution hereby proposes the following maximum and minimum share acquisition and sale prices, subject to adjustments in the event of an operation involving the capital of the Company: • maximum acquisition price: EUR 25.00 per share, excluding acquisition costs; however, the Company may not disburse more than EUR 8,239.600 on the acquisition of its own shares; • minimum sale price: EUR 8.00 per share, excluding sale costs. The maximum number of shares that the Company can buy under the terms of this authorisation must not exceed 10% of its share capital stipulated in article L. 225-209 of the French Commercial Code. 54 OPERATIONS CONDUCTED BY THE COMPANY ON ITS OWN SHARES In order to comply with the provisions of articles L. 225-209 and L. 225-210, the table below contains details of the operations conducted by the Company on its own shares: Date Nature of operation Number Net of shares value of held/ acquisitions acquired (in EUR) January 2001 Opening position June 2001 Plan no. 3 allocation 11 October 2001 Capital reduction via cancellation of own shares –165,646 Sub-total 182,000 Average Gross % of share price value of capital (in EUR) acquisitions owned by (in EUR) Company 347,646 10.00% Number of shares allocated to 1st plan 2nd plan 100,000 12,000 3rd plan 4th plan 5th plan Not allocated 235,646 70,000 –70,000 –165,646 5.50% 100,000 12,000 70,000 November 2001 Share acquisition 12,090 289,481 23.94 291,203 12,090 December 2001 Share acquisition 3,630 93,121 25.65 93,631 3,630 31 December 2001 Convertible bond conversion 31 December 2001 Total –1,076 –25,781 –25,781 196,644 382,602 384,834 January 2002 Share acquisition 24,936 674,252 27.04 678,306 February 2002 Share acquisition 627 16,929 27.00 17,018 5 March 2002 Plan no. 4 allocation –1,076 5.94% 100,000 12,000 70,000 14,644 24,936 627 19,000 –19,000 March 2002 Share acquisition 5,000 157,500 31.50 158,808 5,000 April 2002 Share acquisition 5,000 156,000 31.20 157,000 5,000 October 2002 Share acquisition 5,775 127,633 22.10 128,296 5,775 November 2002 Share acquisition 2,568 61,489 23.94 61,777 31 December 2002 Total 240,550 1,576,405 1,586,039 2,568 7.17% 100,000 12,000 70,000 19,000 39,550 January 2003 Share acquisition 1,251 27,688 22.13 27,787 1,251 February 2003 Share acquisition 1,472 33,837 22.99 33,958 1,472 March 2003 Share acquisition 2,195 45,342 20.66 45,505 2,195 April 2003 Share acquisition 408 8,719 21.37 8,749 408 May 2003 Share acquisition 847 17,291 20.41 17,363 847 June 2003 Share acquisition 892 18,955 21.25 19,023 892 July 2003 Share acquisition 637 13,740 21.57 13,789 637 August 2003 Share acquisition 1,233 25,017 20.29 25,107 1,233 September 2003 Share acquisition 5,659 112,967 19.96 113,426 5,659 October 2003 Share acquisition 6,464 117,695 18.21 118,124 6,464 4,390 80,084 18.24 80,378 10,203 192,575 18.87 Share option adjustment November 2003 Share acquisition December 2003 Share acquisition 31 December 2003 Total 2,390 276,201 2,270,314 286 1,676 456 –4,808 4,390 193,582 2,282,832 10,203 8.23% 102,390 12,286 71,676 19,456 70,393 January 2004 Share acquisition 7,266 138,951 19.12 139,538 7,266 February 2004 Share acquisition 2,105 41,234 19.59 41,385 2,105 Implementation of 2004 plan 60,359 March 2004 Surrender of rights –40,956 December 2004 Cancellation of shares from 1st plan –61,434 26 April 2005 Total 224,138 2 450 499 –2,048 –17,408 –60,359 60,412 –61,434 2,463,755 6.68% 0 10,238 71,676 2,048 60,359 79,817 Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 55 REDUCTION OF THE COMPANY’S SHARE CAPITAL In accordance with provisions of article L. 225-209 of the French Commercial Code, in order to provide the Board of Directors with the greatest flexibility to reduce the Company’s share capital via the cancellation of all or part of the shares acquired through the share acquisition program, which is also submitted to vote by the Annual General Meeting’s fifth resolution, the first resolution of the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 30 June 2005 proposes to authorise the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, to reduce the Company’s share capital by up to EUR 1,977,505 by cancelling all or a portion of the shares acquired, a maximum of 329,584 shares. If this proposition is approved, the Company’s Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, will be authorised to use this right of delegation for up to 18 months from the date of this Meeting, in accordance with the law, to offset the difference between the cancelled shares’ acquisition value and their nominal value (or book value in the event of the absence of any reference to nominal value in the by-laws) on premiums and available reserves. The authority necessary will be granted to the Board of Directors, which may delegate them to its Chairman, to set terms and conditions, calculate the final extent of reduction or reductions of share capital, to modify the Company’s by-laws if needed, and generally do what is necessary to ensure the successful operation of the Company. In accordance with legal provisions currently in force, separate resolutions must be reached when the delegation contains the surrender by shareholders of preferential subscription rights, or when the delegation aims the incorporate reserves, profits or share premiums into capital. The second resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting proposes to authorise the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, the necessary authority to issue, either in France or overseas, shares and/or securities – including warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries – that confer entitlement to shares in the Company, with preferential subscription rights. It is proposed that the Board of Directors be authorised to create for shareholders a reducible subscription right. If subscriptions do not cover a whole issue, it can be decided in each case, as determined by the Board and in accordance with the conditions stipulated by the law, to limit the issue to the value of subscriptions received, allocate all or part of the unsubscribed shares, free of charge, or offer them to French and/or foreign residents and/or the international market. The third resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting proposes to authorise the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, the necessary authority to issue categories of transferable securities that confer immediate or future entitlement to shares in the Company, as provided for in the second resolution, without preferential subscription rights, in particular in the event of an exchange offer made by the Company. Reasons for, nature and maximum amount of these authorisations The vote on the second resolution by the Extraordinary General Meeting, like the vote on the third resolution, will contain or include, where appropriate, the surrender of preferential subscription rights to shares to which any securities likely to be issued by virtue of these authority will be conferred. The Board of Directors must be able to tap the market when required in the most flexible, efficient manner possible, at all times choosing from a wide range of shares that confer entitlement, either directly or indirectly, to shares in the Company, with or without preferential shareholder rights, and the financial product best suited to the development of the Company and the Group, given the characteristics of the markets at the time. Pertaining as it does to warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries likely to be issued by virtue of these delegations of authority, in order to satisfy the provisions of article 228-95 of the French Commercial Code, it will be incumbent upon the Board of Directors to expressly renounce its preferential subscription rights to shares issued as a result of the exercising of these warrants. ISSUES OF SHARES AND SECURITIES 56 In accordance with legal provisions, we propose that the following amounts be set as the maximum nominal values for proposed share issues: • EUR 4,575,000.00 for capital increases now or in the future. This amount may be topped up by the value of additional shares issued to retain the voting rights of owners of securities that confer entitlement to shares, in accordance with the law; • EUR 45,735,000.00, or the value in exchange of this amount in the event of an issue denominated in foreign currency or accounting units set according to a basket of several currencies, for securities representing debts on the Company. The contents of these two resolutions do not provide for the addition of the amounts authorised respectively according to category. The maximum nominal value of capital increases, whether direct or indirect, and the maximum nominal value of debt securities that may be issued in the future will be at all times limited to EUR 4,575,000.00 and EUR 45,735,000.00, respectively. The fourth resolution of this Extraordinary General Meeting proposes to authorise the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, the authority in order to increase share capital through the incorporation of reserves, profits or share premiums whose capitalisation is permitted, whether in combination with a cash capital increase carried out by virtue of the second or third resolution submitted to a vote as a free share allocation or increase in the nominal value of existing shares (or the par value of existing shares in the event of the absence of any reference to nominal value in the Company’s by-laws) or by combining the two operations. Reasons for the proposal to abolish preferential shareholder subscription rights authority necessary to confer upon shareholders preferential subscription rights to all or part of an issue, in accordance with the terms and conditions determined by the Board. As in the case of preferential subscription rights, the right to priority is in proportion to the number of existing shares held. Unlike the existing shares, however, this priority is non-negotiable. Terms and conditions for the determination of the issue price and justification The third resolution contains a proposal that relates to issues without preferential subscription rights. In accordance with article L. 225-136 of the French Commercial Code, the issue price will be the amount received or to be received by the Company for each share to be issued, after taking into account, in the case of warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries, the issue price of said securities, will be at least equal to the average price of the Company’s shares on the stock exchange for ten consecutive sessions chosen from the last twenty preceding sessions prior to the listing of the aforementioned securities or, if this is not possible, an adjustment of said average to take into account the difference in the vesting date. With regards to the issue of securities for the share subscriptions, the subscription price of securities redeemable for or convertible into shares and even warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries will be set by the Board of Directors based on the price determined thus. After taking into account the regulation stipulated by article L. 225-136 of the French Commercial Code, the Board of Directors will set the issue price of the securities to be issued at a level consistent with the best interests of the Company and its shareholders, in accordance with standard financial markets practice. Terms and conditions of placement The third resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting proposes to authorise the surrender of preferential shareholder subscription rights, in order to be able to effectively capitalise on, where necessary, any opportunities that may arise by tapping public funds, either in the French market or on the international market on their own or in a number of markets simultaneously. Using this method of placement, it is possible to act more quickly and issue shares at a price closer to the share price. Period of validity for proposed authorisations – terms and conditions and deadline for the allocation of shares In order to safeguard the interests of the shareholder, a provision has been made in order that the Board of Directors have the Rights to new shares in the Company attached to securities that may be issued by virtue of the second and third resolutions will In accordance with the provisions of article L. 225-129, paragraph 3 of the French Commercial Code, each of these delegations of authority will be conferred to the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman for up to twenty-six months starting from the date of this Meeting. Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 57 be able to be exercised on set dates or during one or more periods to be set by the Board of Directors, starting as soon as possible after the issue of the primary share and the following conditions have been met: • in the event of the redemption, conversion or exchange of a debt security, no later than three months after the maturity date of the security; • in the event of the issue of warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries with the suppression of preferential subscription rights, no later than five years after the date of issue; • in other cases, no later than five years after the date of issue. Complementary Board of Directors report – the impact of delegations of authority on the position of shareholders If the resolutions proposed are adopted, when the Board of Directors uses one of the relevant authorisations it will prepare, under the circumstances and conditions provided for in the law, a complementary report describing the final conditions of the operation, their impact on the position of the shareholder, in particular with relation to their share of equity in the Company, and on the value of shares therein. This report, as well as that of the Statutory Auditors, will be made available to Company shareholders, who will be informed of them at the next General Meeting. CAPITAL INCREASES DURING A TAKEOVER BID OR EXCHANGE OFFER In accordance with the provisions of article L. 225–129 IV of the French Commercial Code, the fifth resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting proposes to authorise the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, to use all or part of any delegations of authority to increase the Company’s share capital, with or without the suppression of preferential subscription rights, now subject to a vote, during a period when an offer has been made for shares in the Company, on the condition that said capital increase has not been reserved for one or more particular persons. If this proposal is approved, this delegation of authority, in accordance with legal provisions, will be conferred upon the Board of Directors until the date of the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the Company’s annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2005. AUTHORISATION TO BE GIVEN TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO INCREASE CAPITAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE L. 443-1 OF THE LABOUR CODE The intention of the law of 19 February 2001 on save-as-you-earn accounts is to amend provisions relating to employee shareholdings. Thus, in accordance with the amended article L. 225-129 of the French Commercial Code, when a decision is made to increase share capital, the Extraordinary General Meeting must rule on a draft resolution aimed at implementing a capital increase reserved for members of a company save-as-you-earn scheme and/or a voluntary save-as-you-earn scheme offered by the Company and companies linked to it by current regulations. As a result of the authorisations for capital increases mentioned above, a draft proposal is submitted to delegate to the Board of Directors the authority necessary to increase the Company’s share capital, on one or more occasions and it its sole discretion, by up to EUR 395,502 via the issue of 65,917 new shares, each with a nominal value of EUR 6.00. Subscription to these issues will be reserved for members of a company savings scheme and/or a voluntary save-as-you-earn scheme offered by the Company and companies linked to it under the conditions provided for by regulations currently in force. This delegation will not be offset against the limit for capital increases that can be carried out by the Board of Directors by virtue of the second, third, fourth and fifth resolutions to be approved at the next Meeting. The subscription price for the shares to be set by the Board of Directors cannot be more than 20% less than the average quoted price of the share in the twenty sessions of the Bourse prior to the date of the decision on the capital increase by the Board of Directors, or 30% when as part of a voluntary save-as-you-earn scheme, nor higher than the average price in either case. In the event that it resorts to the authorisations referred to in the second, third, fourth and fifth resolutions to be heard at this Meeting, the Board of Directors will approve both a draft plan for a capital increase reserved for members of a company scheme and/or a voluntary save-as-you-earn scheme, with this delegation being enacted if this resolution is approved, where appropriate. 58 If this resolution is passed: • the delegation of authority given to the Board of Directors will include the express surrender of preferential subscription rights by shareholders to said beneficiaries; • the Board of Directors, which, in accordance with the conditions provided for in article L. 225-129 V of the French Commercial Code, may delegate the task to its Chairman, will be given the necessary authority to implement this decision subject to the limitations and conditions stipulated in the relevant resolution. DIRECTORS’ FEES FOR 2005 The Board of Directors has proposed a directors’ fee of EUR 228,678 for 2005. the General Meetings of 25 June 1998 and 4 March 2002, the Board of Directors has instituted four share option plans for Dynaction staff. As at 31 December 2004, these plans contained 144,321 shares owned by 7 beneficiaries. No options have been exercised to date. COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES: REMUNERATION AND ROLES In accordance with article L. 225-102-1 of the French Commercial Code, the following information is provided on the remuneration and Directors’ fees paid to Company representatives in 2004: Gross remuneration (in EUR) Christian Moretti (Chairman) RENEWAL OF A DIRECTOR MANDATE In its seventh resolution, the Board of Directors proposes to renew the mandate as Director of Mr. Christian Moretti, which is about to expire. If the Meeting votes in favour of this resolution, Mr. Moretti’s mandate will be renewed until the General Meeting called to approve the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2010. Directors’ fees (in EUR) Alain Ferri The Board of Directors proposes to renew the mandates of the Statutory Auditors and their alternates for a period of six years, until the Ordinary General Meeting called to approve the accounts for the year ending 31 December 2010. HUMAN RESOURCES As at 31 December 2004, the Company had a workforce of three. In accordance with the authorisation conferred upon it by 2004 6,000.00 Michel Fleuriet 6,000.00 Philippe Ginestie 6,000.00 Jean-Louis Milin 6,000.00 Christian Moretti (Chairman) RENEWAL OF MANDATES OF STATUTORY AUDITORS AND THEIR ALTERNATES 2004 29,753.37 182,940.00 Martin Nègre 6,000.00 Jean-Pierre Richard 6,000.00 Philippe Santini (Deputy Chairman) 9,735.00 It should be noted that Mr. Moretti, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, did not receive any remuneration from companies controlled by Dynaction under article L. 233-16. As Chairman of Dynaction, Christian Moretti received remuneration of EUR 18,293.88 and various allowances in kind worth EUR 11,459.49. On account of his roles within the companies in the Group, Mr. Moretti received directors’ fees totalling EUR 332,940. Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 59 Directors in the Company exercise the following roles: Role Company Address Board Chairman Dynaction PCAS CMD Engrenages et Réducteurs 23, rue Bossuet – 91160 Longjumeau 23, rue Bossuet – 91160 Longjumeau 539, rue du Cateau – 59400 Cambrai Non-partner manager SNC des Peupliers 23, rue Bossuet – 91160 Longjumeau Director, permanent representative of Dynaction France Entreprise Quantel 3, avenue Hoche – 75008 Paris 17, avenue de l’Atlantique – 91940 Les Ulis Member of the Supervisory Board Rubis 105, avenue Raymond-Poincaré – 75116 Paris Board Chairman Institut d’Administration des Entreprises 21, rue Broca – 75005 Paris Director Société Française d’Investissement Dynaction Saint-Honoré PME 7, place des Cinq-Martyrs-du-lycée-Buffon – 75015 Paris 23, rue Bossuet – 91160 Longjumeau 47, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré – 75008 Paris Member of the Supervisory Board Clarins 4, rue Berteaux-Dumas – 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Éditions Jacques Lafitte Dynaction 16, rue Camille-Pelletan – 92300 Levallois-Perret 23, rue Bossuet – 91160 Longjumeau Dynaction HR Obligations Anblan COTRAFI CGroup HK Ltd RSA 23, rue Bossuet – 91160 Longjumeau 63, rue de la Victoire – 75009 Paris 23, rue Bossuet – 91160 Longjumeau 11, rue de Lübeck – 75116 Paris 26/F, Tower A, Southmark – 11 Yip Hing St. Aberdeen (United Kingdom) 11, rue Barbet-de-Jouy – 75007 Paris SR Téléperformance 6, rue Firmin-Gillot – 75015 Paris Christian Moretti Alain Ferri Michel Fleuriet Director Philippe Ginestie Director Member of the Supervisory Board 60 Role Company Address Jean-Louis Milin Chairman of the Management Board Banque NSMD Chairman of the Supervisory Board Asset Allocation Advisors NSM Gestion OBC Gestion Board Chairman NSM Vie Director Transpacific Fund Dynaction SA Lepercq Amour Corporation Istel Fund Director – Permanent representative of banque NSMD ABN AMRO Capital Investissement France Gestion Mobilière Member of the Supervisory Board – Permanent representative of banque NSMD ABN AMRO Corporate Finance France ABN AMRO Capital Investissement France ABN AMRO Fixed Income France Gestion Mobilière Member of Management Board ABN AMRO France Member of Supervisory Board Sommer Observer France Entreprise Placement Chine Jean-Pierre Richard Chairman-Managing Director Anblan Plus-Consultants 23, rue Bossuet – 91160 Longjumeau 12, rue Henri-Rochefort – 75017 Paris Director Dynaction Clarten 23, rue Bossuet – 91160 Longjumeau 32, avenue de l’Europe – 78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay Director – Permanent representative of Dynaction PCAS 23, rue Bossuet – 91160 Longjumeau Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 61 SUBSEQUENT EVENTS By virtue of the relocation of the Dynaction’s main office to Longjumeau, the Dynaction team has consisted of just two people since 31 March 2005. In addition, two mandates have been signed in order to find a tenant for the Dynaction’s premises in Boulogne-Billancourt (Dynaction’s former headquarters). Mandates for the sale of CMD have been issued to financial intermediaries. Dynaction so that that this equity guarantee could be put into effect. Claims by Magas total EUR 1,847,635.19. Dynaction filed its conclusions in defence on 15 February 2005, highlighting the inadmissibility of the claim on the grounds of a failure to comply with the conditions of guarantees, as well as the fund. Therefore, a decision was taken not to establish a provision for it. To the Company’s knowledge, there are no other disputes in the recent past likely to have had or have a significant effect on the financial situation, activity or income of the Group and/or its subsidiaries. LITIGATION There are currently four lawsuits that deserve a mention: • two lawsuits involving loans to third parties in the course of the acquisition of companies in the Group. These loans, which are due and to date have not been repaid, are before the courts. There were no new developments in respect of these cases during the year. The amounts involved are fully provisioned; • since 1997, Dynaction and Dynelec have been subpoenaed in connection with the liquidation of companies Prestatherm and TTAD in accordance with article L. 225-129 of the French Commercial Code, together with other shareholders, physical persons and institutions, in order to recover the sum of EUR 15,695,443.40. An appraisal has also been conducted, intended primarily to supply the Court with the information required to ensure an appreciation of the causes of the difficulties faced by Prestatherm and TTAD, and to determine the actual date of the cessation of payments. Given the status report on the case, the position of the defendants regarding the case and the hazards inherent to legal procedures, it is not possible to calculate the amount of any eventual fine. Therefore, a decision was taken not to establish a provision for it; • as part of the acquisition of Médiascience by Magas in January 2002, Dynaction had made a number of declarations and given various guarantees. At the end of 2004, Magas summoned ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Approval is hereby sought for the performance of the Board of Directors in 2004. At 31 December 2004, Mr. Christian Moretti held 14.99% of the Company’s capital and 24.73% of its voting rights; and Anblan held 7.66% of the capital and 13.06% of voting rights. Adroit Private Equity AG held 16.95% of capital in the Company. As stipulated in the Company by-laws, double voting rights are attributed to fully-paid registered shares held by the same shareholder for a minimum of four years. As at 31 March 2004, 744,922 shares qualified for this treatment. AUTHORITY TO COMPLETE LEGAL FORMALITIES The final resolution proposed for approval by shareholders grants the necessary authority to sign any forms or declarations as prescribed by law. The Board of Directors is available to provide any shareholders with any additional Information, and requests shareholder approval for all resolutions. The Board of Directors Balance sheet 62 As at 31 December ASSETS Gross 2004 Amortisation and provisions Net 2003 Net 2002 Net 1,555 78,879 80,434 – 9 17,358 1,326 101 18,794 88 88 495 16,902 17,397 – – – 36 – 36 – – 1,060 61,977 63,037 – 9 17,358 1,290 101 18,758 88 88 851 56,806 57,657 – 10 17,386 3,855 284 21,535 70 70 804 57,879 58,683 48 7 17,272 11,922 376 29,625 74 74 99,316 17,433 81,883 79,262 88,382 (in EUR thousands) Tangible non-current assets Financial non-current assets Total non-current assets Advances and payments on account Trade accounts and notes receivable Other receivables Stocks, shares and securities Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets Prepaid expenses Total prepaid items Total assets (note 3.1.) (note 3.2.) (note 3.8.) (note 3.8.) (note 3.4.) Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 63 LIABILITIES (in EUR thousands) Share capital Share premiums, merger and transfer premiums, re-evaluation differences Equity method accounting difference Legal reserve Tax-regulated reserve Other reserves Profit and loss account brought forward Net profit (loss) Share capital and reserves (note 3.5.) Provisions for contingencies and expenses Provisions for contingencies (note 3.6.) Total provisions for contingencies and charges Financial debts Amounts owed to financial institutions (note 3.8.) Other borrowings (note 3.8.) Sub-total Trade payables Other liabilities Total liabilities* (note 3.8.) Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity * of which falling due within more than one year of which falling due within one year 2004 2003 2002 19,775 1,055 31,534 1,401 – 8,438 –50 –1,026 61,127 29,376 1,055 26,924 1,401 – – 125 –175 58,706 12,795 9,949 28,377 1,401 16,130 – – 15,514 8,750 61,888 508 508 556 556 589 589 19,551 42 19,593 533 122 20,248 81,883 7,763 12,485 19,502 46 19,548 330 122 20,000 79,262 111 19,889 25,318 46 25,364 452 89 25,905 88,382 10,111 15,794 Profit and loss statements 64 (in EUR thousands) Operating income Net sales Other revenues Total operating income Operating expenses Other acquisitions and external expenses Taxes, levies and related payments Personnel expenses Amortisation expenses Other expenses Total operating expenses Operating profit Losses from pooled operations Total financial revenues Total financial expenses Net financial income (expenses) Current income before taxes Total extraordinary income Total extraordinary expenses Extraordinary profit (loss) Corporate income tax Profit or (–) loss (note 4.2.) (note 4.3.) (note 4.4.) 2004 2003 2002 140 191 331 140 227 367 140 315 455 984 87 694 76 229 2,070 –1,739 204 3,688 2,720 968 –975 37 81 –44 7 –1,026 1,418 73 271 90 229 2,081 –1,714 237 3,733 2,566 1,167 –784 881 65 816 207 –175 1,955 84 405 93 23 2,560 –2,105 233 5,648 4,400 1,248 –1,090 28,971 19,130 9,841 1 8,750 Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A Notes to the annual accounts 65 In EUR thousands Assets as at 31 December 2004 as presented in these notes total EUR 81,883,000. The profit and loss account shows a loss of EUR 1,026,000. These annual accounts were approved by the Board of Directors at its Meeting of 26 April 2005. 1. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS DURING THE YEAR AND SUBSEQUENT EVENTS During the year, Dynaction SA: • relocated its main office to the site occupied by subsidiary PCAS in Longjumeau; • reordered its equity, reducing its share capital by EUR 9,232,509 by reducing the nominal value of its shares from EUR 8.75 to EUR 6.00 and allocating the capital reduction to reserves (in order to remain in compliance with article L. 225-210, paragraph 3 of the French Commercial Code); • cancelled the 61,434 own shares reserved as part of the first share option plan and which expired on 16 October 2004. Share capital as at 31 December 2004 was thus EUR 19,775,052.00, consisting of 3,295,842 shares. 2. ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES AND METHODS General accounting rules have been applied conservatively, in keeping with fundamentals such as: • ongoing concern; • consistency of accounting methods; • accrual accounting, and in accordance with accounting rules used to prepare and present annual accounts. The historical cost method has been used for the evaluation of items recorded in the annual accounts. ◆ Equity investments Since 1995, and in accordance with Act 85-11 of 3 January 1985, equity investments in exclusively-controlled companies have been recorded using the equity method. This method consists of replacing their acquisition cost with the Company’s share of equity in the controlled company. The annual variation in the overall share of shareholders’ equity represented by these investments does not constitute earnings; such variations are recorded under share capital and reserves as “goodwill”. When goodwill becomes negative, a provision is established in the profit and loss account. This method is applied for all equity investments within the Company’s scope of consolidation. Shareholders’ equity is determined according to accounting principles used for consolidation. When a specific risk is not covered by the equity method of consolidation described above, a specific risk provision is established in accordance with general accounting principles. Equity investments in companies that are not exclusively controlled appear on the balance sheet at their acquisition cost or value in use, if lower. Value in use is determined on a case-by-case basis, according to criteria such as market value, adjusted net asset value and other relevant information on the companies concerned. ◆ Own shares Own shares held at the close of the period under review for the purpose of granting employee share options, stabilising the share price or allocation to eventual financial transactions are valued at their average market price during the last month of the period. If there is a negative difference between the acquisition price and the average share price in December, a provision for depreciation will be established. Shares to be cancelled are kept at their acquisition price. 66 3. NOTES TO THE BALANCE SHEET 3.1. Tangible non-current assets 3.1.1. Total non-current assets ◆ Operations during the period Nature Gross value as at 31 December 2003 Acquisitions, line to line transfers 1,105 286 Sales, line to line transfers Gross value as at 31 December 2004 Gross value as at 31 December 2003 Gross value as at 31 December 2002 1,391 1,105 1,010 48 48 43 Buildings General installations Transportation equipment Office equipment, computers and furniture Total 48 120 1,273 286 4 116 120 120 4 1,555 1,273 1,173 3.1.2. Depreciation ◆ Depreciation over the useful life of the asset is calculated using the straight-line method according to expected service life: Buildings 5% Fixtures, installations and improvements 5% General installations 10% Transportation equipment 25% Office equipment 20% Computers 33.33% Office furniture 10% ◆ Operations during the period Nature Value as at 31 December 2003 Allocations Recoveries Value as at 31 December 2004 Value as at 31 December 2003 Value as at 31 December 2002 Buildings General installations Transportation equipment Office equipment, computers and furniture Total 294 62 356 294 239 12 12 24 12 30 116 2 3 115 116 100 422 76 3 495 422 369 Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 67 3.2. Financial non-current assets ◆ Situation Gross value 31 December 2004 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 57,141 52,538 53,991 Other investments 6,471 6,471 6,471 Receivables related to shareholdings 2,287 2,287 2,287 Other investments 5,721 4,404 3,710 Investments valued using the equity method Loans and other financial assets 7,259 6,872 6,440 78,879 72,572 72,899 Value as at 31 December 2004 Value as at 31 December 2003 Value as at 31 December 2002 Total ◆ Provisions for depreciation Nature Value as at 31 December 2003 Allocations Recoveries Other investments 6,471 6,471 6,471 6,471 Receivables related to shareholdings 2,287 2,287 2,287 2,287 Financial non-current assets Total 7,008 1,151 15 8,144 7,008 6,262 15,766 1,151 15 16,902 15,766 15,020 A provision is established when the probable realisation value is lower than the acquisition cost. 3.2.1. Investments accounted for using the equity method ◆ Operations during the period Nature Investments valued using the equity method Total Gross value as at 31 December 2003 Increases Decreases Variation in value using equivalence method Gross value as at 31 December 2004 Gross value as at 31 December 2003 Gross value as at 31 December 2002 52,538 – 7 4,610 57,141 52,538 53,991 52,538 – 7 4,610 57,141 52,538 53,991 ◆ Variations in equity method valuation Variations in equity method valuation, other than changes in the scope of consolidation listed above, related mainly to the consolidated profit or loss from investments, after the deduction of dividends paid during the year. 3.2.2. Other investments and miscellaneous receivables These entries relate to Cellier only, which is in receivership, and have been fully provisioned since 1992. 68 3.2.3. Other investments Nature Gross value as at 31 December 2003 Adjustment of 1st employee share option plan* Increases Reclassi- Cancellations fications** Gross value as at 31 December 2004 Gross value as at 31 December 2003 0 65 270 324 316 1,888 1,888 1,843 –435 51 486 474 65 –26 Own shares intended for 2nd employee share option plan * 324 –54 Own shares intended for 3rd employee share option plan * 1,888 Own shares intended for 4th employee share option plan * 486 Own shares intended for 5th employee share option plan * Other own shares held Total –39 Gross value as at 31 December 2002 1,451 1,451 1,641 180 240 2,061 1,641 1,077 4,404 180 1,176 5,721 4,404 3,710 –39 * See paragraph 5.4. ** See paragraph 3.4. 3.2.4. Loans and other non-current financial assets This item includes fully-provisioned existing loans totalling EUR 6,152,000, as well as a vendor loan of EUR 271,000 granted by Dynaction in connection with a share sale. The vendor loan is repayable in sixty months from 1 January 2004. 3.3. List of subsidiaries and equity investments Company or group of companies Capital PCAS 91160 Longjumeau 8,000 10,000 CMD Engrenages et Réducteurs 59400 Cambrai Reserves and profit and loss account brought forward before allocation of profits Proportion of capital held (in %) Net re-evaluated value of shares Loans and advances granted by the Company not repaid 52,980 * 69.68 37,847 15,200 10,219 * 99.75 20,695 Turnover for 2004, excluding taxes Profit or loss (–) in 2004 194,437 * 9,460 * – 64,952 * 1,267 * 1,695 SCM Comed 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt 38 –35 100.00 1 1 –1 SNC des Peupliers 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt 117 –614 100.00 –873 1,227 –204 Médiascience International 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt 200 –718 100.00 –529 511 –12 Total 57,141 Cellier 73100 Aix-les-Bains 2,287 59.73 0 2,287 ** * Consolidated data. ** Fully provisioned. It should be noted that Dynaction has given no guarantees endorsements to its subsidiaries. Dividend paid in 2004 0 Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 69 The following table indicates the value of reserves and profit and loss accounts brought forward before the appropriation of earnings and the profit or loss of the Group’s parent companies and their subsidiaries: Company Reserves and profit and loss accounts before the appropriation of earnings Profit or loss (–) in 2004 9,719 1,047 29,924 –5,074 CMD Engrenages et Réducteurs PCAS 3.4. Stocks, shares and securities Nature Gross value as at 31 December 2003 Increases Decreases 960 2,724 2,410 Money market funds Own shares* Other stocks, shares and securities Certificates of deposit Redeemable MET bonds Total Cancellations Reclassifications* 1,764 –1,176 2,940 Gross value as at 31 December 2004 960 977 0 2,940 2,940 1,000 610 5,562 610 2,724 4,020 1,764 –1,176 Gross value as at 31 December 2002 1,274 52 1,000 Gross value as at 31 December 2003 52 52 52 0 1,000 8,100 0 610 610 1,326 5,562 12,679 * See paragraph 3.2.3. For listed securities and money market funds, historical value is compared to balance sheet value (as at 31 December). Provisions are established where necessary. 3.5. Share capital and reserves ◆ Share ownership The share capital of the Company is made up of 3,295,842 shares. Double voting rights are given once registered shares have been owned by the same shareholder for four years. ◆ Main variations 31 December 2003 Capital (1) (2) Share premiums, merger and transfer premium, re-evaluation differences Tax-regulated reserves 29,376 Decreases 31 December 2004 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 9,601 19,775 29,376 12,795 1,055 1,055 9,949 – – 16,130 125 –15,514 1,055 – Other reserves – Own shares (1) (2) Profit and loss account brought forward (3) Increases 9,233 125 795 8,438 175 –50 Explanation for variations during the year: (1) Extraordinary General Meeting of 19 November 2004: reduction of share capital from EUR 9,233,000 and by appropriation of the capital in reserves. (2) Board of Directors Meeting of 17 December 2004: cancellation of 61,434 own shares intended for the first employee share option plan and which had matured on 15 October 2004 (impact on capital = EUR 368,000 – other reserves = EUR 795,000). (3) Appropriation of profit for 2003. 70 ◆ Equity method differences 31 December 2003 Equity method difference Variation during the year 31 December 2004 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 26,924 4,610 31,534 26,924 28,377 26,924 4,610 31,534 26,924 28,377 Allocations Recoveries 31 December 2004 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 556 204 252 508 556 589 556 204 252 508 556 589 Total 3.6. Provisions for contingencies and charges Nature 31 December 2003 Provisions for contingencies Total At 31 December 2004, recorded provisions and recoveries relate to subsidiary contingencies. 3.7. Expenses payable Liabilities and expenses payable by the end of the year were as follows, according to category: Suppliers – invoices not received 144 Accrued interest 51 Provision for paid public holidays 4 Statement – expenses payable 3 Personnel – expenses payable 317 Total 519 3.8. Maturity schedule of receivables and payables ◆ Receivables Category Gross amount 2004 Due in 1 year or less Due in more than 1 year 2003 Gross amount 2002 Gross amount Fixed assets Receivables related to shareholdings 2,287 2,287 2,287 Loans and other non-current financial assets 12,980 2,287 36 12,944 11,276 10,150 Total 15,267 36 15,231 13,563 12,437 Current assets Trade accounts and notes receivable 9 8 1 10 7 Other receivables * 17,358 76 17,282 17,386 17,272 Total 17,367 84 17,283 17,396 17,279 Payments in advance Grand total 88 52 36 70 74 32,722 172 32,550 31,029 29,790 * This item includes primarily a current account advance provided to PCAS for EUR 15,200,000. In the absence of a capital increase, this sum cannot be repaid to Dynaction until the loans extended at the time of acquisitions made in 2001 and 2004 mature in 2009. Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 71 ◆ Debts Category Gross amount Due in 1 year or less 2004 Due in between 1 and 5 years Due in more than 5 year 2003 Gross amount 2002 Gross amount Financial debt Amounts owed to financial institutions • Up to 2 years • More than 2 years Other borrowings Total 51 51 19,500 11,900 42 19,593 11,951 165 165 2 73 7,600 19,500 25,245 42 46 46 19,548 25,364 263 345 7,642 0 Operating debts Supplier and related accounts Tax and social charges 369 369 Total 534 534 Other creditors 121 Grand total 20,248 0 0 121 12,485 7,763 0 58 107 321 452 131 89 20,000 25,905 At 31 December 2004, total short and medium-term lines of credit used amounted to EUR 19,500,000. Deadlines for repayments are as follows: • EUR 1,900,000 on 3 May 2005, • EUR 10,000,000 on 29 January 2006, • EUR 1,900,000 on 3 May 2006, • EUR 1,900,000 on 3 May 2007, • EUR 1,900,000 on 3 May 2008, • EUR 1,900,000 on 3 May 2009. 3.9. Items for several items on the profit and loss account Entry Associated companies Investment Investments valued using the equity method – 52,531 Investments – 6,471 Receivables related to shareholdings – 2,287 Debit current account balance – 16,939 – – Assets Liabilities Positive current account balance 4. NOTES ON THE PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 4.1. Associated companies Liabilities applicable to associated companies appear in paragraph 3.9. above. The income and expenses of these companies were as follows: Category Technical assistance Financial income Dividends received Income 140 432 1,695 Other acquisitions and expenses Total Expenses 96 2,267 96 72 4.2. Analysis of net financial income Financial income from shareholdings Income from other securities, receivables on non-current assets and other interest and related income Provisions recovered Net income from disposal of securities on sale Total financial income Allocation to amortisation and provisions Interest and similar charges 2004 2003 2002 1,695 2,598 2,192 666 800 937 1,296 237 2,148 31 98 371 3,688 3,733 5,648 1,352 1,899 1,770 758 667 2,309 Loss on receivables linked to shareholdings * Net expense from disposal of securities on sale ** Total financial expenses 307 610 2,720 14 2,566 4,400 Recoveries Allocations Provisions on own shares * 418 938 Provisions on other stocks, shares and securities 626 Provisions for subsidiary contingencies 204 204 48 210 1,296 1,352 2004 2003 2002 6 642 4,924 * In 2002: write-off of loans to subsidiaries. ** This net expense is offset by the recovery of a provision of the same amount. Recoveries and allocations for the year relate to: Items Provisions for other contingencies Total * Cancellation of the 61,434 own shares reserved for the first share option plan. 4.3. Analysis of extraordinary profit (loss) Extraordinary income from management operations Extraordinary income from capital transactions Total extraordinary income Extraordinary expenses on management operations Extraordinary expenses on capital transactions 31 239 24,047 37 881 28,971 73 160 8 65 18,947 81 65 19,130 Extraordinary allocation to amortisation and provisions Total extraordinary expenses 23 Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 73 4.4. Increases and reductions in future taxation liabilities ◆ Certain or potential disparities (assets) Base 2003 Variation Other provisions for contingencies and charges 307 –49 Loss provision SNC des Peupliers 204 Deferred amortisation 294 Other (market value differences of OPCVM) Deferred tax losses carried forward Total 2004 258 204 77 371 17 –12 5 4,349 2,390 6,739 5,171 2,406 Tax liability 7,577 2,525 ◆ Non-deductible expenses and temporary reinstatements Base Provision for depreciation of own shares Provisions on stocks, shares and securities Total 2003 Variation 2004 2,110 –118 1,992 52 –16 36 2,162 –134 2,028 Tax liability 676 5. OTHER INFORMATION 5.1. Financial commitments 5.1.1. Commitments given Category Guarantees given to banks as pledges to securities (value of available and pledged lines of credit, 120% guaranteed) Mortgages and pledges Pensions Property lease rentals not due Other commitments given Total 31 December 2004 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 23,400 23,400 30,296 1,933 1,820 1,820 5 15 19 1,447 1,555 1,663 10 19 28 26,795 26,809 33,826 31 December 2004 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 Debt guarantees were given in the course of the sale of Médiascience in January 2002. 5.1.2. Commitments received Category Mortgages and pledges Total 274 274 274 274 274 274 74 5.1.3. Finance lease commitments Category Original value 31 December 2004 31 December 2003 31 December 2002 3,278 3,278 3,278 84 84 84 1,091 1,007 923 141 152 169 3,667 3,526 3,374 108 108 108 81 189 297 1,258 1,258 1,258 Theoretical amortisation • Allocations during the year • Accumulated allocations Payments made, excluding taxes • During the year • Accumulated Payments due, excluding taxes • Within less than 1 year • Within between 1 and 5 years Residual acquisition price 5.1.4. Pension liabilities Pension liabilities are calculated and updated based on wages payable as at 31 December 2004. This calculation takes into account the anticipated period of service as at the theoretical retirement date, adjusted by the probability of continued employment until that date. Theoretically, Dynaction personnel are entitled to receive EUR 5,000 at the end of this year. 5.1.5. Debt management instruments It should be noted that the Company has not conducted any transactions on Matif or Monep. 5.2. Management remuneration Gross compensation, including fringe benefits (in EUR) 2004 Christian Moretti (Chairman) 29,753.37 Directors’ fees (in EUR) 2004 Philippe Ginestie 6,000.00 Jean-Louis Milin 6,000.00 Christian Moretti (Chairman) 182,940.00 Martin Nègre 6,000.00 Jean-Pierre Richard 6,000.00 Alain Ferri 6,000.00 Michel Fleuriet 6,000.00 Philippe Santini (Deputy Chairman) 9,735.00 It should be noted that in accordance with article L. 233-16, Mr. Moretti, the Board Chairman, did not receive any remuneration from the companies controlled by Dynaction. As Chairman of Dynaction, Christian Moretti received remuneration of EUR 18,293.88 and received various benefits in kind worth EUR 11,459.49. By virtue of his roles within the companies in the Group, Mr. Moretti received directors’ fees totalling EUR 332,940 (including EUR 182,940 from the parent company). 5.3. Personnel As at 31 December 2004, the Dynaction workforce consisted of 3 paid executives. Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 75 5.4. Share option plan Allocation no. 2 Date of Annual General Meeting Date of Board of Directors Meeting Total number of shares that can be subscribed or acquired Number of participating employees DYNACTION Allocation no. 3 Allocation no. 4 Allocation no. 5 25 June 1998 25 June 1998 4 March 2002 4 March 2002 5 October 2000 30 May 2001 5 March 2002 25 February 2004 5% of shares comprising capital at the time of the Annual General Meeting 1 1 1 4 Earliest option exercise date 6 October 2000 1st June 2001 5 March 2002 25 February 2004 Option expiration date 6 October 2006 1st June 2007 5 March 2008 25 February 2010 26.51 25.07 23.36 18.54 Subscription price (in EUR) Total number of options granted as at 31 December 2004 10,238 71,676 2,048 60,359 Number of shares acquired or subscribed as at 31 December 2004 0 0 0 0 Including options given to Company officers and directors: • Philippe Santini – 71,676 – – 10,238 – 2,048 60,359 0 0 0 0 Including options given to the first ten non-executive representatives Number of shares subscribed or acquired as at 20 April 2004 The first allocation was due on 16 October 2004, by which time the 61,434 options given had not been exercised. In view of this, the Board of Directors Meeting of 17 December 2004 decided to cancel said shares. 5.5. Litigation There are currently four lawsuits that deserve a mention: • two lawsuits involving loans to third parties in the course of the acquisition of companies in the Group. These loans, which are due and to date have not been repaid, are before the courts. There were no new developments in respect of these cases during the year. The amounts involved are fully provisioned; • since 1997, Dynaction and Dynelec have been subpoenaed in connection with the liquidation of companies Prestatherm and TTAD in accordance with article L. 225-129 of the French Commercial Code, together with other shareholders, physical persons and institutions, in order to recover the sum of EUR 15,695,443.40. An appraisal has also been conducted, intended primarily to supply the Court with the information required to ensure an appreciation of the causes of the difficulties faced by Prestatherm and TTAD, and to determine the actual date of the cessation of payments. Given the status report on the case, the position of the defendants regarding the case and the hazards inherent to legal procedures, it is not possible to calculate the amount of any eventual fine. Therefore, a decision was taken not to establish a provision for it; • as part of the acquisition of Médiascience by Magas in January 2002, Dynaction had made a number of declarations and given various guarantees. At the end of 2004, Magas summoned Dynaction so that that this equity guarantee could be put into effect. Claims by Magas total EUR 1,847,635.19. Dynaction filed its conclusions in defence on 15 February 2005, highlighting the inadmissibility of the claim on the grounds of a failure to comply with the conditions of guarantees, as well as the fund. Therefore, a decision was taken not to establish a provision for it. To the Company’s knowledge, there are no other disputes in the recent past likely to have had or have a significant effect on the financial situation, activity or income of the Group and/or its subsidiaries. Financial results of Dynaction SA for the last five years 76 (in EUR) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 13,249,835.74 12,618,520.15 12,795,334.31 29,376,165.00 19,775,052.00 3,476,529 3,310,883 3,357,276 3,357,276 3,295,842 305,507.83 192,436.40 140,253.09 140,253.08 140,253.08 I - Year-end financial position Share capital Number of shares outstanding II - Overall operating profit (loss) Net sales, excluding taxes Profit (loss) before taxes, amortisation and provisions –10,839,436.43 –33,521,005.53 8,380,637.89 1,783,492.47 –886,420.46 Corporate income tax –3,304,231.22 –2,355,981.26 762.25 206,187.29 7,500.00 Profit (loss) after taxes, amortisation and provisions –7,768,057.20 –23,876,793.30 8,750,416.75 –174,724.15 –1,026,115.06 2.50 0.47 –0.27 2.61 –0.05 –0.31 Earnings distributed 1,574,209.73 1,553,861.50 III - Operating profit (loss) per share Profit (loss) after taxes but before amortisation and provisions – 2.17 –9.41 Profit (loss) after taxes, amortisation and provisions – 2.23 –7.21 Dividend per share 0.50 0.50 IV - Personnel Number of employees as at 31 December 6 5 5 3 3 Payroll 730,053.19 581,921.64 255,369.98 182,518.95 245,866.90 Amount paid in employee benefits (social security, company benefit schemes, etc.) 344,147.71 323,970.00 149,626.69 88,559.09 447,548.43 Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A Statutory Auditors’ reports 77 For the year ended 31 December 2004 GENERAL REPORT Ladies and Gentlemen, In accordance with the mission entrusted to us by the General Meeting, we present to you our report for the year ending 31 December 2004. This report covers: • our audit of the annual accounts of Dynaction, as attached to this report; • justifications for our assessments; • specific verifications and information as provided for by the law. The annual accounts were approved by the Board of directors. Our role is to express an opinion of these accounts, based on our audit. 1. OPINION ON THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS Our audit was carried out in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. In accordance with these standards, we are required to perform procedures that enable use to give reasonable assurances that the annual accounts do not contain any material anomalies. An audit consists of an examination of items intended to justify the information contained in theses accounts, via tests, as well as an evaluation of the accounting principles used and significant estimates made in the preparation of these accounts, and to evaluate the overall presentation of said accounts. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed below. We certify that the annual accounts are, in terms of French accounting rules and principles, appropriate and give a true and fair view of operations for the year ended, as well as the financial position and assets and liabilities of the Company at the end of the year. Without changing the opinion expressed above, we draw your attention to the information relating to the Prestatherm and TTAD case, which is described in paragraph 5.5. of the notes to the annual accounts. 2. JUSTIFICATIONS FOR OUR ASSESSMENTS In accordance with the provisions of article L. 225-235 of the French Commercial Code relating to justifications for our assessments, we draw your attention to the following: Accounting rules and principles Paragraph 2 of the notes to the annual accounts relating to accounting principles, rules and methods contains accounting rules and methods relating to financial assets. As part of our assessment of the accounting rules and principles adopted by your Company, we have verified the appropriateness of the accounting methods mentioned above and information supplied in the notes to the annual accounts. We are satisfied that they have been properly applied. Accounting assessments As mentioned above, the case against Prestatherm and TTAD is addressed in the notes to the annual accounts. In the course of our work, we assessed the risk analysis of the Company, based on the information available. We verified the appropriateness of the position of Dynaction, which consisted of not establishing a provision, in particular in cases where the size of a possible fine cannot be calculated. These assessments are within the scope of our audit of the annual accounts as a whole, and thus contributed our opinion, expressed without reservation, in the first part of this report. 3. SPECIFIC VERIFICATIONS AND INFORMATION We have also carried out, in accordance with professional standards applicable in France, specific verifications provided for in the law. We have no comment to make in relation to the accurateness of, and conformity with, the annual accounts of information contained in the Management Report prepared by the Board of Directors and documents addressed to shareholders on the financial position of the Company and the annual accounts. Pursuant to the law, we have ascertained that the information relating to equity investments, as well as the monitoring and identity of shareholders and holders of voting rights, has been provided in the management report. Paris and Paris-La Défense, 31 May 2005 Statutory Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Olivier Thibault Audit Synthèse Thibaut de Lembeye 78 STATUTORY AUDITORS’ SPECIAL REPORT ON REGULATED AGREEMENTS Ladies and Gentlemen, In accordance with the mission entrusted to us by the General Meeting, we present to you our report on regulated agreements. Our role was not to verify the possible existence of other agreements, but rather to disclose, based on information at our disposal, the main features, terms and conditions of those that have been brought to our attention. Nor have we been asked to express an opinion on their usefulness or the grounds on which they are based. In accordance with the terms of article 92 of the decree of 23 March 1967, it is incumbent upon you to assess the benefit for the Company of entering into these agreements with a view to the approval of the same. Agreements authorised during the year We inform you that we have received no new information on any agreement concluded during the year in review, in accordance with article L. 225-38 of the French Commercial Code. Agreements authorised during previous years whose execution continued during the year In accordance with the decree of 23 March 1967, we have been informed that the following agreements, which were authorised in previous years, continued to run during the year in review. Terms: general assistance services and specific missions recorded in the Company accounts are remunerated at a rate of EUR 1,296 per day. In 2004, turnover from these services totalled EUR 140,253. Board of Directors: amendment of 23 April 2002. Companies (amounts in EUR) CMD Engrenages et Réducteurs 56,406 PCAS 83,847 Total 140,253 2. With Médiascience International Nature and objective: overdraft granted to Médiascience International. Details: the overdraft extended by Dynaction to Médiascience International came to EUR 510,979.08 as at 31 December 2004. This overdraft does not accrue interest. Board of Directors: 21 October 2002. We have carried out our audit in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. In accordance with these standards, we are required to perform procedures in order to verify the conformity of information with which we have been provided with the original documents from which they have been taken. Paris and Paris-La Défense, 31 May 2005 1. With PCAS A. Treasury agreement Nature and objective: the creation of a EUR 15.2 million advance fund for use as required. This advance fund accrues interest equal to the 3-month Euribor rate, set on the first working day of each year, plus 0.76%. This advance fund is frozen until loans taken out by PCAS from banks in 2001 and 2004 are repaid in 2009. Duration: one year from 1 April 2001, then renewed each year by tacit agreement, except if cancelled by either party. Terms: interest invoiced for 2004 totalled EUR 431,763.28. As at 31 December 2004, the balance of the current account was EUR 15,200,000. Board of Directors: 5 March 2001. B. General assistance agreement Nature and objective: Dynaction provides its subsidiaries with the following services: • general assistance services, in particular in administration, accounting and finance; • specialist services to carry out specific missions of a general management nature. Amounts invoiced by Dynaction in 2004 Statutory Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Olivier Thibault Audit Synthèse Thibaut de Lembeye STATUTORY AUDITORS’ REPORT ON PLANS FOR A REDUCTION IN SHARE CAPITAL THROUGH THE CANCELLATION OF SHARES ACQUIRED OR TO BE ACQUIRED Ladies and Gentlemen, As Statutory Auditors of Dynaction, and in accordance with the mission provided for in article L. 225-209, paragraph 4 of the French Commercial Code, in the event of a reduction in share capital through the cancellation of shares acquired or to be acquired, we have prepared this report in order to draw your attention to the causes and conditions for the planned share capital reduction. We have carried out our work in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. In accordance with these standards, we are required to perform procedures in order to examine whether the causes and conditions for the planned share capital Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 79 reduction are appropriate. This operation is in connection with the acquisition by your Company of up to 10% of its own share capital, in accordance with the conditions provided for in article L. 225-209, paragraph 4 of the French Commercial Code. This authority to acquire shares is recommended for approval by the General Meeting and, if approved, will be valid for 18 months. The Board of Directors has asked that you delegate to it the authority necessary to cancel up to 10% of its share capital acquired every 24 months in the course of the authorisation for your Company to acquire its own shares, for a period of 18 months. We have no comment to make in relation to the causes and conditions of the planned share capital reduction, except that it cannot take place unless the Company’s General Meeting first approves the acquisition by the Company of its own shares. Paris and Paris-La Défense, 31 May 2005 Statutory Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Olivier Thibault Audit Synthèse Thibaut de Lembeye SPECIAL STATUTORY AUDITORS’ REPORT ON PLANS FOR SECURITIES ISSUES Ladies and Gentlemen, As Statutory Auditors of Dynaction, and in accordance with the mission provided for in articles L. 225-135, L. 228-92 and L. 228-95 of the French Commercial Code, we present to you the Company’s plans for securities issues, with and without preferential subscription rights, operations on which you are called to vote in the second and third resolutions. The Board of Directors proposes, in the context of article L. 225-129, paragraph 3 of the French Commercial Code, that you delegate to it for a period of 26 months the authority to approve the details of these operations and, where appropriate, to renounce your preferential subscription rights in the third resolution. The maximum capital increase that would result from these issues would be EUR 4,575,000. In the event of an issue of debt securities, the maximum debt that would result from this operation would be EUR 45,735,000. We have performed our role in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. In accordance with these standards, we are required to perform procedures in order to verify the terms for the setting of the issue price. Since the issue price for share capital to be issued is not fixed, we have not expressed an opinion on the definitive conditions under which these issues will take place and, as a result, on the proposal that you surrender your preferential subscription right in connection with the operations subject to your approval. In accordance with article 155-2 of the decree of 23 March 1967, we will prepare a Complementary Report at the time of the share issues by the Board of Directors or Chairman. Paris and Paris-La Défense, 31 May 2005 Statutory Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Olivier Thibault Audit Synthèse Thibaut de Lembeye SPECIAL STATUTORY AUDITORS’ REPORT ON THE CAPITAL INCREASE IN CONNECTION WITH THE EMPLOYEE SHARE SUBSCRIPTION SCHEME Ladies and Gentlemen, As Statutory Auditors of Dynaction, and in accordance with the mission provided for in articles L. 225-135 and L. 225-138 of the French Commercial Code, we present to you our report on the plan for a capital increase reserved for members of a company savings scheme and/or a voluntary save-as-you-earn scheme provided by the Company and companies linked to it, under the conditions provided for in legislation currently in force. You are called upon to express an opinion on this operation. The Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions of article L. 225-129 VII of the French Commercial Code, proposes that you delegate to it the authority necessary to approve the details of the increase in the share capital of the Company, under the conditions provided for in article 443-5 of the French Labour Code, and that you surrender your preferential subscription rights. The maximum nominal value of shares that can be issued thus is set at EUR 395,502. We have performed our role in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. In accordance with these standards, we are required to perform procedures in order to verify the terms for the determination of the issue price. Pending the subsequent examination of the conditions for the proposed capital increase, we have no comment to make on the terms for the determination of the issue price contained in the Board of Directors’ Report. Since the issue price for share capital to be issued is not fixed, we have not expressed an opinion on the definitive conditions under which these issues will take place and, as a result, on the proposal that you surrender your preferential subscription right in connection with the operations subject to your approval. In accordance with article 155-2 of the decree of 23 March 1967, we will prepare a Complementary Report at the time of the share issues by the Board of Directors. Paris and Paris-La Défense, 31 May 2005 Statutory Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Olivier Thibault Audit Synthèse Thibaut de Lembeye Resolutions 80 ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Second resolution First resolution The Ordinary General Meeting verifies that the annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2004 show a net loss of EUR 1,026,115.06. The Meeting approves the plan for the appropriation of the result presented by the Board of Directors, and has decided to allocate the result as follows: Having heard the reports on the annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2004 prepared by the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors — reports which show a net loss of EUR 1,026,115.06 — the Ordinary General Meeting hereby approves the accounts as presented, as well as the transactions reflected or summarised in the same. In accordance with article 223 quater of the French General Tax Code, the Ordinary General Meeting hereby approves non taxdeductible expenses and charges totalling EUR 10,425.25. As a consequence, the Ordinary General Meeting gives its full and final approval for the management of the Board of Directors for the year ending 31 December 2004. Composition of loss to be allocated (in EUR) Profit and loss account brought forward –49,947.65 Profit (loss) for the year –1,026,115.06 Total –1,076,062.71 Allocation of profit (loss) (in EUR) Allocation to profit and loss account brought forward –1,026,115.06 The profit and loss account brought forward balance now has a debit balance of –1,076,062.71 Dividends paid in the previous three years, together with the corresponding tax credit, were as follows: Year No. of shares Net dividend (in EUR) at 50% at 25% 2001 3,310,883 – – – – – 2002 3,357,276 0.50 0.25 0.13 0.75 0.63 2003 3,357,276 – – – – – Third resolution Having heard the special reports by the Statutory Auditors on the agreement referred to in articles L. 225–38 of the French Commercial Code (previously articles 101 of the Companies Act of 24 July 1966), the Ordinary General Meeting hereby approves each of the agreements cited individually and successively, in the order in which they were presented and mentioned. Tax credit Actual income 50% 25% tax tax credit credit the year ending 31 December 2004, including the consolidated balance sheet, income statements and notes to the annual accounts, as presented, as well as the operations contained or summarised in the same. It establishes the net loss for the year recorded by the Group at EUR 5,862,318. As a consequence, the Ordinary General Meeting gives its full and final approval for the management of the Board of Directors for the year ending 31 December 2004. Fourth resolution Having heard the report on the management of the Group included in the Board of Directors’ Report and the Statutory Auditors’ Report on the consolidated accounts, the Ordinary General Meeting hereby approves the consolidated accounts for Fifth resolution Having heard the Board of Directors’ Report, the Ordinary General Meeting authorises the Board, as of today, to trade shares in the Company on the share market as per the details provided for in Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 81 articles L. 225–209 of the French Commercial Code (previously articles 217-2 of the Companies Act of 24 July 1966) in order of priority, to: • acquire and sell shares in the Company on the share market, according to market conditions and the objectives of management; • acquire shares in the Company that can be held, sold, transferred or exchanged, in whole or in part, in order to facilitate financial transactions (including the acquisition of shares with the exercise of rights that come with securities granting the right via redemption, conversion, exchange or presentation of a warrant or any other means to acquire shares in the Company), or the growth of the Company; • acquire and sell shares in the Company in order to distribute them among personnel and/or management, in accordance with the conditions and the details provided for in the law, in particular in connection with a view to sharing in the fruits of the expansion of the Company, through a share option plan and/or the acquisition of shares or a company savings scheme; • acquire shares in the Company for the purpose of cancelling up to 10% of the Company’s share capital, in connection with the authorisation for a reduction in share capital referred to in the first resolution of the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 30 June 1999 and its renewal, which was approved by the Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 21 June 2001 (first resolution), the Extraordinary General Meeting of 28 June 2002 (first resolution), the Extraordinary General Meeting of 17 June 2003 (first resolution) and the Extraordinary General Meeting of 17 June 2004 (first resolution). Any means can be used in the acquisition, cession, transfer or exchange of these, whether on the share market, by private transaction or via the use of derivative financial instruments. The General Meeting has decided that: • the Company may not disburse more than EUR 8,239,600 on the acquisition of its own shares; • the maximum number of shares that the Company can buy under the terms of this resolution must not exceed 10% of its share capital as stipulated in article L. 225-209 of the French Commercial Code (previously article 217-2 de the Companies Act of 24 July 1966), the equivalent of 329,584 shares. The General Meeting has decided that the minimum and maximum sale and acquisition price for the shares will be as follows: • maximum acquisition price: EUR 25.00 per share, excluding acquisition costs; • minimum sale price: EUR 8.00 per share, excluding sale costs. Nevertheless, if all or part of the shares acquired by virtue of this delegation of authority were to be used to grant share options in accordance with article L. 225-179 of the French Commercial Code (previously article 208-3 of the Companies Act of 24 July 1966), the sale price will then be set in accordance with legal provisions governing share options. In the event of a capital increase via the incorporation of reserves or the allocation of bonus shares, or in the event of a share split or reverse share split, the prices stated above will be adjusted by a coefficient equal to the ratio between the number of shares that comprise the Company’s share capital before the operation and the number of shares that comprise the Company’s share capital after the operation. In order to ensure the implementation of this delegation, the Board of Directors is hereby given full authority, together with the power to delegate to its Chairman, to: • establish, subject to the approval of the Financial Markets Authority and publish a prospectus for the share acquisition program; • issue any market order and enter into any agreement, in particular with a view to keeping a record of share acquisitions and sales; • make any declarations, comply with any other formalities and, more generally, perform any necessary tasks. This authorisation for the acquisition and sale of shares supersedes all prior authorisations of a similar nature, in particular that given under the fifth resolution approved by the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 17 June 2004. This authorisation will remain in effect until the Annual Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the Company’s annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2005. The Board of Directors will inform the Annual Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of operations conducted by virtue of this resolution. Sixth resolution The General Meeting set the total amount to be paid as directors’ fees to the Board of Directors at EUR 228,675 for 2005. Seventh resolution Having heard the report prepared by the Board of Directors, the Ordinary General Meeting decided to renew the mandate of: Christian Moretti, a French national residing at 6 Lytton Court14 Barter Street – London WC1A 2AH (Great-Britain), born 21 January 1946 in Nice, as Director for a six-year term until the end of the Ordinary General Meeting that will approve the annual accounts for 2010. 82 Eighth resolution The mandates of the Statutory Auditors expire at the end of this Meeting. The General Meeting has made the following appointments: • PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit, of 32 rue Guersant in the 17th arrondissement of Paris represented by Olivier Thibault, as Statutory Auditor for a period of six years to expire at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting called to approve the annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2010; • Pierre Coll, of 32 rue Guersant in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, as Alternate Statutory Auditor for a period of six years to expire at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting called to approve the annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2010; • Audit Synthèse, of 19 avenue de Messine in the 8th arrondissement of Paris represented by Olivier Thibault, as Statutory Auditor for a period of six years to expire at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting called to approve the annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2010; • Hervé Sichel Dulong, of 6 rue de la Rosière in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, as Alternate Statutory Auditor for a period of six years to expire at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting called to approve the annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2010. Ninth resolution The Ordinary General Meeting gives full authority to the bearer of a copy of an extract of the minutes of the deliberations to carry out any lodgement and publication formalities provided for in the law, as well as to sign any documents or declarations and, in general, perform any necessary tasks. EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING First resolution Having heard the Board of Directors’ Report and the Statutory Auditors’ Special Report in connection with the authorisation of the acquisition of own shares by the Company conferred by the Annual Ordinary General Meeting held, the Extraordinary General Meeting authorises the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, effective as of that day and in accordance with provisions of article L. 225-209 of the French Commercial Code (previously article 217-2 of the Companies Act of 24 July 1966), to: • reduce share capital by up to EUR 1,977,505 via the cancellation of all or part of the shares bought, i.e. no more than 329,584 shares, after rounding, eligible for dividends from the acquisition date; • allocate the difference between the acquisition value of the shares cancelled and their nominal or par value, in the event of the absence of any reference to nominal value in the by-laws, to premiums and available reserves. The General Meeting confers the authority necessary to the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, to fix terms and conditions, settle disputes, verify the reduction(s) in capital resulting from cancellations authorised by this resolution, amend the by-laws of the Company, where appropriate, and more generally perform any necessary tasks to ensure the successful completion of said operation. This authorisation, which supersedes all prior delegations, is granted to the Board of Directors for a period of 18 months from the date of this Meeting. Second resolution Having heard the Board of Directors’ Report and the Statutory Auditors’ Special Report, the Extraordinary General Meeting: 1. conferred upon the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of article L. 225-129 of the French Commercial Code, the authority necessary to issue, when and in the proportions it deems appropriate, either in France or abroad, shares and/or securities — including warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries — that confer an entitlement to shares in the Company. Said shares will confer the same rights as previously-issued shares, subject to their vesting date; 2. decided that imminent and/or future increases in share capital by virtue of this delegation cannot exceed a nominal value of EUR 4,575,000, an amount to which the nominal amount of additional shares to be issued to preserve the rights of the owners of securities that confer rights to shares will eventually be added, in accordance with the law; 3. decided that the nominal value of debt securities to be issued in the short-term by virtue of this delegation will be limited to EUR 45,735,000, or the value in exchange of this amount in the event of an issue in a foreign currency or accounting units set according to a basket of currencies; Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 83 4. decided that in the event of a subscription offer, shareholders will, under the conditions provided for in the law, be able to exercise their irrevocable preferential subscription rights. In addition, the Board of Directors will be authorised to grant shareholders irrevocable subscription rights for a number of irrevocable securities greater than that to which they would be able to subscribe, in proportion to the subscription rights available to them, and, in any case, within the limits of their demand. If irrevocable subscriptions and, where appropriate, revocable subscriptions have not absorbed a whole securities issue, the Board of Directors will be able to resort to one or more of the following measures in the order they see fit: • limit the issue to the value of subscriptions received, on the condition that these subscriptions be equal to at least threequarters of the intended issue value; • allocate all or part of the unsubscribed irrevocable securities and, where appropriate, revocable securities for free; • offer all or part of the unsubscribed securities to the public; 5. decided that the issue of subscription warrants for shares in the Company can take place either via a subscription offer under the conditions mentioned above or a free allocation to existing shareholders. In the event of a free allocation of warrants, the Board of Directors will have the authority to decide that the allocation rights that make up odd lots of shares will not be negotiable and that the corresponding warrants will be sold. Proceeds from the sale will be allocated to holders of voting rights no later than 30 days after the date of inscription of all warrants allocated to them into their account; 6. has verified and decided, as appropriate, that this delegation: • will give full voting rights to holders of securities that confer future entitlement to shares in the Company to be issued in the short-term, and the surrender by shareholders of preferential subscription rights to shares to which these securities confer voting rights; • will incorporate the express surrender by shareholders of their preferential subscription right to shares that will give them rights to securities to be issued in the short-term as convertible bonds; 7. decided to expressly renounce preferential subscription rights held by shareholders to shares to which securities to be issued in the short term as warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries will confer entitlement; 8. decided that the amount received or to be received by the Company for each share issued in connection with this delegation, after taking into account, in the case of the issue of warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries, of the issue price of said warrants, will be equal to at least 80% of the average share price of the Company on the share market for 10 consecutive sessions chosen from the 20 trading sessions prior to the beginning of the issue of the aforementioned securities, after, where appropriate, the adjustment of said average to take into account the difference in the vesting date; 9. decided that with regards to the issue of bonds in the form of warrants for share subscriptions, bonds exchangeable for shares, even bonds convertible into shares and warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries, the subscription price of said securities will be set by the Board of Directors based on the value of the share in the Company, as approved by the Board; 10. decided that the Board of Directors will have the authority, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, to implement this delegation, for the particular purpose of setting the dates and terms and conditions of issues, as well as the form and characteristics of the securities to be issued, approve the conditions and price of issues; set the number of shares to be issued; determine the listing date, retroactively or otherwise, of securities to be issued and, where appropriate, the conditions for the acquisition of the same; suspend, where appropriate, the exercise of rights to the allocation of shares attached to the securities to be issued for a period of no more than 3 months; set the terms and conditions according to which the preservation of the rights of owners of securities that give the holder rights to share capital in the future will be assured, where appropriate, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions; proceed, where appropriate, to any imputations on issue premium(s), in particular those for costs associated with issues; and in general take any useful provisions and enter into any agreements aimed at the success of planned issues, verify any capital increase(s) resulting from any issue that takes place under the auspices of this delegation, and make any corresponding amendment to the by-laws. In the event of a debt security issue, the Board of Directors will have the authority, which it may delegate to its Chairman, in particular to decide on its subordinated status or otherwise and set the interest rate, duration, variable of fixed redemption price, with or without a premium payable, and terms and conditions of amortisation as a function of market conditions and conditions under which these securities will confer entitlement to shares in the Company; 84 11. decided that this delegation, which supersedes all prior delegations of a similar nature, is granted to the Board of Directors for a period of 26 months from the date of this Meeting. Third resolution Having heard the Board of Directors’ Report and the Statutory Auditors’ Special Report, the Extraordinary General Meeting: 1. conferred upon the Board of Directors, with the authority to delegate tasks to its Chairman in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of article L. 225-129 of the French Commercial Code, the authority necessary to issue shares and/or securities – including warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries – that confer entitlement to shares in the company that in turn confer the same rights as existing shares, subject to their vesting date, by tapping the market on or more occasions as deemed appropriate in terms of timing and size, in France or abroad; 2. decided that imminent and/or future increases in share capital by virtue of this delegation cannot exceed a nominal value of EUR 4,575,000, an amount to which the nominal amount of additional shares to be issued to preserve the rights of the owners of securities that give rights to shares will eventually be added, in accordance with the law; 3. noted that the values referred to in this and the previous resolution are not cumulative; 4. decided that this capital increase can result from the exercise of a right of allocation, conversion, exchange, redemption or presentation of a warrant or any other means resulting from all securities issued by any Company in which the Company holds, either directly or indirectly, more than half the shares with the consent of the latter; 5. decided that the nominal value of debt securities to be issued in the short-term by virtue of this delegation will be limited to EUR 45,735,000, or the value in exchange of this amount in the event of an issue in a foreign currency or accounting units set according to a basket of currencies; 6. decided to surrender the preferential subscription rights of shareholders to securities to be issued, given that the Board of Directors can grant shareholders a priority subscription facility for all or part of the issue for a period and under the conditions set by the Board. This priority will not give rise to the creation of negotiable rights; 7. decided that if subscriptions from shareholders and the public have not absorbed a whole securities issue, the Board of Directors will be able to resort to one or more of the following measures in the order determined by it: • limit the issue to the value of subscriptions received, on the condition that these subscriptions are equal to at least threequarters of the intended issue value; • allocate all or part of the unsubscribed irrevocable securities and, where appropriate, revocable securities for free; 8. has verified and decided, as appropriate, that this delegation: • will give full voting rights to holders of securities that confer future entitlement to shares in the Company to be issued in the short-term, and the surrender by shareholders of preferential subscription rights to shares to which these securities confer voting rights; • will incorporate the express surrender by shareholders of their preferential subscription right to shares that will give them rights to securities to be issued in the short-term as convertible bonds; 9. decided to expressly renounce preferential subscription rights held by shareholders to shares to which securities to be issued in the short term as warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries will confer entitlement; 10. decided that the amount received or to be received by the Company for each share issued in connection with this delegation, after taking into account, in the case of the issue of warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries, of the issue price of said warrants, will be equal to at least 80% of the average share price of the Company on the share market for 10 consecutive sessions chosen from the 20 trading sessions prior to the beginning of the issue of the aforementioned securities, after, where appropriate, the adjustment of said average to take into account the difference in the vesting date; 11. decided that with regards to the issue of bonds in the form of warrants for share subscriptions, bonds exchangeable for shares, bonds convertible into shares and warrants not reserved for designated beneficiaries, the subscription price of said securities will be set by the Board of Directors based on the value of the share in the Company, as approved by the Board based on the price stipulated in paragraph 10 above; 12. decided that the Board of Directors will be able to use all or part of this delegation to allocate securities to a public exchange Y N PA R E A CC NT O CO U N TS MP A 85 offer initiated by the Company, within the limits and under the conditions provided for in the law; 13. decided that the Board of Directors will have the authority, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, to implement this delegation, for the particular purpose of setting the dates and terms and conditions of issues, as well as the form and characteristics of the securities to be issued, approve the conditions and price of issues; set the number of shares to be issued; determine the listing date, retroactively or otherwise, of securities to be issued and, where appropriate, the conditions for the acquisition of the same; suspend, where appropriate, the exercise of rights to the allocation of shares attached to the securities to be issued for a period of no more than 3 months; set the terms and conditions according to which the preservation of the rights of owners of securities that give the holder rights to share capital in the future will be assured, where appropriate, in accordance with legal and regulatory provisions; proceed, where appropriate, to any imputations on issue premium(s), in particular those for costs associated with issues; and in general take any useful provisions and enter into any agreements aimed at the success of planned issues, verify any capital increase(s) resulting from any issue that takes place under the auspices of this delegation, and make any corresponding amendment to the by-laws. In the event of a debt security issue, the Board of Directors will have the authority, which it may delegate to its Chairman, in particular to decide on its subordinated status or otherwise and set the interest rate, duration, variable of fixed redemption price, with or without a premium payable, and terms and conditions of amortisation as a function of market conditions and conditions under which these securities will confer entitlement to shares in the Company; 14. decided that this delegation, which supersedes all prior delegations of a similar nature, is granted to the Board of Directors for a period of 26 months from the date of this Meeting. Fourth resolution Having heard the Board of Directors’ Report, the Extraordinary General Meeting, which satisfied the conditions of quorum and majority required for General Meetings: 1. delegated to the Board of Directors, with the authority to delegate the task to its Chairman, the authority necessary to increase share capital as and in the proportions and when it sees fit, via the incorporation of reserves, profits, premiums and other amounts the capitalisation of which will be admitted, in conjunction with a capital increase in cash carried out by virtue of the third or fourth resolution above, as allocations of free shares, an increase in the nominal value of existing shares or even of the par value of existing shares in the event of the absence of any reference to nominal value in the by-laws, or a combination of the two operations; 2. decided that the nominal value of increases in share capital pursuant to this delegation cannot exceed EUR 4,575,000; 3. noted that the amounts referred to in this resolution and the two preceding resolutions are not cumulative; 4. decided that the Board of Directors will have full authority, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, to implement this delegation in particular to: • approve the Details and conditions of operations authorised, and in particular to set the amount and type of reserves and premiums to be incorporated into the capital; set the number of new shares to be issued or the nominal proportion of existing shares (or the par value of existing shares in the event of the absence of any reference to nominal value in the by-laws) by which the share capital will be increased; the date, even if retroactive, from which new shares will come into effect or from which the increase in the nominal share price (or the par value of existing shares in the event of the absence of any reference to nominal value in the by-laws) will take effect and proceed, where appropriate, to any imputations on issue premium(s), in particular costs associated with the implementation of issues; • decide, where appropriate, notwithstanding the provisions of article L. 225–149 of the French Commercial Code, that the rights that make up odd lots of shares are not negotiable and that the corresponding shares are to be sold. Proceeds from the sale will be allocated to holders of voting rights no later than 30 days after the date of inscription of all coupons allocated to them into their account; • take any measures and enter into any agreements necessary in order to ensure the success of the operations planned and, in general, take any steps and fulfil any formalities necessary in order to render permanent any increase(s) in capital that may take place by virtue of this delegation, as well as to make any corresponding amendments to the by-laws; 5. decided that this delegation, which supersedes any prior delegation of a similar nature, is granted to the Board of Directors for a period of 26 months from the date of this General Meeting. 86 Fifth resolution Having heard the Board of Directors’ Report, the Extraordinary General Meeting: decided to renew the authorisation of the Board of Directors to use all or part of their delegations of authority, in order to increase share capital, via an issue of shares and/or securities that give the holder the right to shares, not reserved for specific beneficiaries, in the event of a takeover bid or exchange offer involving securities issued by the Company. Full authority is given to the Board Chairman to request the admission to negotiations on a regulated market the securities thus created. In accordance with the provisions of article L. 225-129 IV of the French Commercial Code, this authorisation is given to the Board of Directors, which may delegate the task to its Chairman, until the Annual Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the annual accounts for the year ending 31 December 2005. Sixth resolution Having heard the Board of Directors’ Report and the Statutory Auditors’ Special Report, the General Meeting, having met the conditions of quorum and majority stipulated for Extraordinary General Meetings and in accordance with the provisions of the French Commercial Code, in particular paragraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph VII of article L. 225-129 and article L. 225-138 and, on the other hand, articles L. 443-1 of the French Labour Code: 1. delegated to the Board of Directors the authority necessary to implement one or more share capital increases, at its own discretion, via the issue of shares reserved for members of a company savings scheme and/or a voluntary save-as-youearn scheme; 2. decided that the beneficiaries of authorised increases in capital will be, either directly or by way of a company funds manager, members of a company savings scheme and/or a voluntary save-as-you-earn scheme established by the Company and companies attached to it under the conditions provided for in legal texts currently in force and which, in addition, will satisfy any conditions set by the Board of Directors; 3. decided that this delegation incorporates the express surrender by shareholders of their preferential subscription rights to these beneficiaries; 4. set the period of validity for this delegation at 26 months, as of the date of this General Meeting; 5. set the maximum nominal value of shares that can be thus issued at EUR 395,502. This limit is fixed independently, so that the nominal value of shares to be issued by virtue of this delegation is allocated to the limit established for capital increases that the Board of Directors is authorised to carry out by virtue of the second, third, fourth and fifth resolutions of this Meeting; 6. decided that the price of the shares to be issued, in accordance with point 1 of this delegation, cannot be more than 20% less than the average quoted price of the share in the twenty sessions of the Bourse prior to the date of the decision on the capital increase by the Board of Directors, or 30% when as part of a voluntary save-as-you-earn scheme, nor higher than that price; 7. decided that the Board of Directors will have full authority, within the limits and under the conditions stated above, as well as those set in legislation and regulations currently in force, to take any measures necessary to implement capital increases and, where appropriate, the allocation of free shares or other titres that give the holder access to capital and, in particular, set the conditions and details of the same, make any corresponding changes to by-laws, imputer any costs against premiums paid at the time of the share issue and remove from this amount sums to be allocated to bring legal reserves up to a tenth of the new level of capital after each capital increase. Seventh resolution The General Meeting gives the bearer of a copy or an extract of the minutes of proceedings full authority to undertake any submission and publication formalities provided for in the law, as well as to sign any documents and declarations and, in general, perform any necessary tasks.