Kansas City Region~ Working Mecum Auction


Kansas City Region~ Working Mecum Auction
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
The Accelerator
Kansas City Region ~ Working Mecum Auction
President’s Message
We have had winter to shine
and maintain our autos and I
hope you are ready for a great
With spring in the air the
time for cruises and shows is
upon us. Always have your
AACA information and
membership applications with
you. Our area has many cars
that are prospects for our
If you have not yet signed-up
to volunteer on a committee
for the Central Spring Meet
there is time and openings are
still available.
Drive safely, Bonnie
Pictured to the above right are Jon and
Martie Kernodle and below right are
Sharon and Jerry Cygan.
This story continued on page 6. See more
photos and a short narrative.
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
Member Profile ~ Donna and Bob Wa"is
1989 Mercury Cougar LS
“Little Blue Beauty”
It was a pretty typical Sunday
morning, that March 31, 2014!
Bustling about getting ready for
church, Bob glanced out the
window and commented “Hmmm
that’s a good looking car in Sue’s
Now it isn’t unusual for Bob to
comment on a car - in fact, he
notices ALL of them and
comments on MANY! We got
into our ’64 Chevelle and drove
down the street and he said again
“Wow, I wonder who that little
Cougar belongs to - sure is a clean
car”. Again, I made no comment
as I did, and still do, score low in
“Car Appreciation 101”!!! I am
the sports fan in the family - Bob
the car fan! And you can add
“addict” to the sports and car
prefix and get a good idea of our
Our marriage 4 years earlier
brought me into a brand new
world - one of a car being more
than a means to transport you
from one place to the other!
Now I always appreciated a nice,
beautiful vehicle - and it always
HAD to be clean and serviced.
But it really meant little to me if
it was a 1964 Chevelle, a 1969
Camaro, a l957 Thunderbird or a
1989 Mercury Cougar!!! I
Bob and Donna’s Cougar LS
probably wouldn’t be able to even identify one of those on the
road - a Corvette I might recognize!
Rounding the corner to our street that morning as we
returned from Church, the sun made a shimmer on that little
car in just a way that caught my eye! It was a pretty little car dark blue with white vinyl roof. I mentioned that it was a nice
looking car and he again wondered outloud about who might
own it! 2 hours later, Bob, a lawn mower repairman, went
outside to clean a mower that was repaired and would be
delivered to the customer the following Monday morning!
After 1 1/2 hours, and knowing that to clean up a walk behind
would not take more than 20 minutes, I went to the window
and there he was - looking at that car, with a nice looking 40
year old man who I did not recognize! Not only were they
looking, but he was getting into the driver’s seat and backing
out of the driveway!
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
The Cougar LS at the Friday evening car show in Lincoln
He returned, and I went out on the front
porch, jokingly asking him “Oh, did you buy
me a car?” He got “that look” on his face you know the one you see on a face when
you’ve discovered something you really
weren’t supposed to know quite yet? The two
men exchanged glances and they both started
nodding their guilty heads! Thus, the little
beauty became “ours”!!!!!
There’s not much I cannot tell you about her
(the car!) since she came with every bit of
paperwork ever generated! Documentation
for every oil change, every visit to Rusty Eck
Ford Lincoln-Mercury dealership in
Leavenworth, Kansas for any purpose is in
our possession! She’s a pedigreed Twilight
Blue #7F pup and cost her owner $17,800.00
(including extended warranty, Super Seal and
Sales Tax).
It’s a 1989 Mercury Cougar LS purchased
August 25, 1989 by the mother of our
neighbor! It was our neighbor’s son who was
driving it that Sunday, and because his
grandmother had to be moved into a nursing
home, they had decided it should be sold.
Ruth, his grandmother, was the only owner of
this auto sporting a 6 cylinder 3.8 liter engine!
When Ruth bought her, she had 25 miles
on the odometer, when she came to live with
us there were 60,428 actual miles. Her
interior is the same blue as the exterior and is
that soft and near perfect velour that was
popular in 1989!
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
Now, the intent in purchasing this
little gem was to re-sell it! We paid
$3,000 cash for it - put another $700.00
in repairing the power window guides
and having the air conditioner serviced
and a few parts in that unit replaced.
Bob and Donna enjoying the Lincoln Meet
Among our concerns was storage - we didn’t have
room for the vehicles we had before the Blue Beauty
took residence at our address! However, the neighbor
so accustomed to seeing that car for the last 25 years
was thrilled to let us keep it parked in her driveway for
as long as we wanted to! So - we waited - we told
people about it - we even put it on Craig’s List and
showed it a few times. Comments were always so
positive - great car, so pretty! But no buyers!
So, a “FOR SALE” sign went in her
back window - we really thought we
could turn her for $5,000.00 pretty
quickly since we were coming up on
graduation and she would be a perfect
graduation gift for someone heading off
to college needing a good car! The
problem was that every time we drove
her, we would look at each other and say
“boy this car rides nice”. “She sure is
quiet”. “How can a car this old, be in
such great condition?”
We registered our ’64 Chevelle (Lucille) in the
AACA Central Division National Spring Meet in
Lincoln Nebraska in June. Now I told you I am a
sports fan(atic) and I am also from Nebraska AND a
season ticket holder for Nebraska football! So, I was
all about going to Lincoln, for a car show or for any
Engine problems kept us from driving Lucille, so
we took the Cougar. We were allowed to change the
registration and have the Cougar in the Historical
Preservation of Original Features class! We had about
3 hours of daylight to get her show ready! Bob went to
WalMart and bought the supplies - I used Q-tips to
clean the vents and small areas - we polished and
cleaned every inch we could of that little beauty.
The “Beauty’s 1st Award! A HPOF winner!
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
The following morning I cleaned the wheel
wells (I use a wheelchair so I was eye-level with
those wells and they needed cleaning)!!!! Then
we waited - and it rained!!!!! We waited, and
waited - we watched judges walk all around our
car, judging others, only to leave and head back
Finally, about 10 minutes before judging
ended, I called one of the judges over and asked
when our car would be judged! He said we
weren’t on his “roster” and he would go see. He
and another judge returned, the switch in
paperwork caused the Cougar to not be on the
judging list, even though she was registered. SO
- they judged her!!!
Donna and Bob at the Lincoln Awards Banquet
Now, competition and winning runs deep in
my veins and I have to be honest that I couldn’t
wait for the banquet that night to see how we
did. I do NOT understand the details of how
cars are judged - but when they announced that
the 1989 Mercury 2dr hardtop owned by Robert
A. Wallis from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, Vehicle
#5000000 was a HPOF winner - it was like a
winning touchdown for the Big Red!!!
New %iends, Pe&y and her husband
This past Fall we attended the Car Show in
Carthage, Missouri and our little Cougar
introduced us to new friends! A fun couple from
Joplin came by - Peggy had a car like ours years
ago and loved it. We told ‘em it was for sale - and
that today only, we’d give them a good deal. We
talked a long time, then went on to see sights of
the car show and festival that is part of this
yearly event. When we returned there was a sign
on the car that read: “Car Show Special - Today
Only $4,495.00”. Stone and Peggy were
watching us - we all laughed and have enjoyed
them visiting us during the Christmas season, as
a result of friendship forged over this little
This coming June AACA KC will be hosting
the 2015 Central Spring Meet...we only have one
award on our “board” and you can be sure the
Cougar is registered in hopes of adding another
Something’s changed. The car isn’t a car to
try to sell quickly anymore! She performs so
well, she looks so sharp and our neighbor just
loves getting to see her whenever she wants to!
My next goal - Bob, put hand controls in this
baby and let’s figure out how I can load my
wheelchair myself - I want to drive her too!!!
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
Working Mecum Auction Continued %om page 1
Once again, many thanks to
Norm Kressmann and the
Cadillac Club for allowing
AACA - Kansas City Region
to participate as car pushers at
the Spring Mecum Auction. The proceeds the Club
recognizes from this, as well
as the fun enjoyed by all, is a
great reward.
Thanks to AACA
participating Club Members: The Mecum Stage
Gary Austerman
Gary Crispin
Jim Streeby
John McLennan
Glen Porter
Bob Hickman
Wayne and Connie Lanam
Jim Hlaca,
Dennis Radford
Dave Field
Ken Rothove
Ken Lee
Dan and Sandy Bentch
Jon Cooper
Bonnie Johnson
Richard and Carol Barker
Dan and Sandy Bentch
Jerry and Sharon Cygan
Jon and Martie Kernodle
by Connie Lanham
To the right, thanks Norm for arranging
for us to work at Mecum!
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
Kansas City Auto Show ~ March 4th-8th ~ Bartle Hall
Several members of our club displayed their cars at
the Kansas City Auto Show at Bartle Hall.
Norm Kressmann’s /62 Ford Galaxy
John and A"y Edward’s ’36 Dodge
Our AACA-KC Club’s Display
Jon and Martie Kernodle’s Ro"s Royce Corniche
Carol and Richard Barker’s ’57 Nomad
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
~ 2015 Central Spring Meet ~ Jim Streeby ~ Chairman’s Corner ~
We are less than 40 days
away... and our 2015 Central
Spring Meet team is in full stride!
Our registration chairperson
Trish Lee is receiving 2-4
registrations daily. Our
publication directory is sold out,
composition complete and is on
it's way to the printers. Based on
our planning, marketing,
organization and feedback from
regions across the country,
National headquarters ordered
trophies and plaques for 400
cars! 2015 Central Spring Meet
Less than
June 4 - 6, 2015
Dash plaques have arrived, and committee chairs are fine
tuning their schedules and responsibilities. The closer we get
the more appreciative and impressed I am with everyone's
contribution and individual time and effort. On Monday, May 18th, our planning meeting will begin at
the Hilton Garden Inn. Each committee chairman will be
taking a "logistical walk thru" of the entire 3 1/2 day event.
With over 800 AACA members from all over the United
States, arriving as our guests, we want to be knowledgable
about answering any questions/directions they need answered. Jim Streeby, 2015 Central
Spring Meet Chairman
Vice President, Kansas City
Email: streeby58@gmail.com
Ce": (816)729-8513
Again, I am very proud of all of you who are chairing a
committee, signed up to work on 1 or 2 teams, or have
registered your car. I'm also am very aware there are several
members who have been working quietly 'behind the scenes'
recruiting friends, volunteers, and support. Thank you all!
If you have any questions about our Meet June 4-6th, don't
hesitate to call me or send an email. I'll be excited to visit
with you! PAGE 8
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
~ 2015 Central Spring Meet ~ Hagerty Valve Cover Racing Program
“This year at the
Central Spring
Meet we welcome
the Hagerty Valve
Cover Racing
program to the
schedule of events
in an effort to
engage youth in a
fun, creative way. Hagerty's Valve Cover
Racing program is designed to be a relaxed
and engaging experience for all.
2015 Central Spring Meet
When asked what this program would bring to our event,
Hagerty said, "At Hagerty we believe that "Car Guys" start
young. Therefore we have made it our responsibility to support
organizations and initiatives that help make sure the vehicles
we love – and the lifestyles that revolve around them – not only
survive, but thrive, well into the future by engaging young
people via the suite of Hagerty Youth Programs, including Valve
Cover Racing. This program is a unique, light-hearted way to
involve younger generations by providing them access to our
hobby and community.” Don’t know what Valve Cover Racing
is? Think "Pine-Wood Derby" for the car guy! Creatively built
valve covers will be raced down a specially designed track,
complete with a digital timing system and "drag racing
Christmas-tree" style starting line.
Valve Cover Racing is casual fun for "Car
Guys" of all ages! If you or someone you know
is interested in building a racer and would like
to join us at the event you can review rules,
regulations and racer specifications at
Check out thisYouTube video for more
Reported by Nicole Borghardt, AACA-KC Region Member and
information https://www.youtube.com/watch? Hagerty Regional Territory Manager, Kansas City Region, v=bfExvsl_dO8&feature=youtu.be
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
April AACA-KC Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2015 Our meeting was called to order by President Bonnie Johnson.
We welcomed new members Mike McGeeney, Roscoe Yoder, Bob Tracy
and guests: Mr. South & grandson (Jackson); Jim & Martha Dillenschneider; We presented a “club award of excellence” to Carolyn Young our
newsletter editor for her valued work on our monthly membership newsletter! We remembered Tom Kerbs who had been a club member since 2010. Tom
passed away recently from a long illness.
We discussed our past and future club events. Our website has been
updated by member Monte Kottman. We encouraged all members to send
in their pictures and car data to Monte. We discussed our upcoming event
scheduled for June 4, 5 & 6th at the Independence Event Center. Respectfully submitted, Trish Lee, Secretary
Mark Your Calendar
for This Club
Excursion ~ June 13,
Jon Cooper, our touring
chairperson, is planning an
excursion to Whiteman
Airforce Base on Saturday
June 13, 2015. Our club will
plan to drive as a group and
attend the show. Jon needed
your information by April
30th, but he may be able to
add your name to the list.
Contact him at jbc43266@att.net. Mark your calendar for this wonderful show with Army
Golden Knights and the Air Force Thunderbirds performing at the 2015 Wings Over Whiteman.
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
Readin’ Writin’ and Wrenchin’
By Ken Lee
AACA-KC Region
(Nine KC Region Commandments)
I. Thou shalt not store thy Classic car out-of-doors. II. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors Classic car, nor his garage, nor his battery charger. III. Thou shalt not love thy Classic car more than thy wife and children; as much, but not more. IV. Thou shalt not read thy Antique Automobile magazine, Hemmings, or Classic Car Review on company
time, lest thy employer make it impossible to continue thy car payments. V. Thou shalt not despise thy neighbor’s Edsel, nor his DeSoto, nor even her 1940 Plymouth. VI. Thou shalt not allow thy daughters nor sons to get married during the holy days of the Central Spring
Meet June 2015. VII. Thou shalt not deceive thy wife into thinking that the is taking her for a romantic Sunday drive when,
indeed, thou art going out to look at another Classic. VIII. Thou shalt not tell thy spouse the entire cost of thy latest restoration, at least not all at the same time. IX. Thou shalt not promise thy wife a new addition to the house and then use it to store your Classic. Original Editor: Marylyn Lee 1980
Revised By: Ken Lee 2015
Welcome New Members!
Ed and Gwynn Butlin
Jim and Kathryn Conway
Rosco Yoder
Michael and Millie Brown
Tom and Susan Strongman
Bob Tracy
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
Yellow Pages
The Driving Factor
by Editor, Carolyn Young
Aaron Turpin’s Blog, “Five Signs
That you’re a Car Lover lists five
signs. This month we will look at
the second sign:
Car Wash
Most people spend lots of time
washing their new car. We pretty
much agree that this is a normal
and accepted behavior. Its not
unusual for some who are proud
of their car to visit the car wash or
do it themselves in the driveway
once or twice a week. Obsessed
car lovers, tend to only wash their
car by hand and typically will not
allow anyone else to help. They
wash it nearly every time it seems
the slightest bit dirty.
This hands-on personal
connection is important. and
Aaron says that the loved car like a
good dog or child needs petting
and hugs to nurture it and keep
their relationship alive. This is
evidence of a true car lover.
In addition, a common car
lover’s justifications for their
constant cleaning when they see
phantom specs or creating makebelieve problems is typical.
“I think the wax I put on last
week needs a little touch up.”
If you can’t wait for more you may
read Aaron’s Blog - February 12,
Permission granted from:
Officer Contacts
President: Bonnie Johnson
Home: (816) 353-4114
Email: jbillybob562@aol.com
Vice President: Jim Streeby
Home: (816) 554-0810
Cell: (816) 729-8513
Email: streeby58@gmail.com
Secretary: Trish Lee
Home: (816) 356-7019
Email: 2chevynuts@gmail.com
Treasurer: Connie Lanam
Home: (816) 373-1933
Email: cklanam@aol.com
Club Chairpersons
Membership: Dave Field
Home: (816) 537-4766
Cell: (816) 289-4447
Email: clyde5555@aol.com
Touring: Jon Cooper
Home: (913) 681-5963
Cell: (913) 744-9575
Email: jbc43266@kc.rr.com
Webmaster: Monte Kottman
Home: (816) 697-3757
Cell: (816) 210-3467
Email: monte@kottman.us
Newsletter: Carolyn Young
Home: (816) 524-2083
Cell: (816) 835-5447
Email: carolyn.young@earthlink.net
May 9, 2015 - Saturday
Noland Road Baptist Church Car
Show - Trish and Ken Lee
May 16, 2015 - Gary Lang
Raymore Price Chopper Show
May 18, 2015 - 9:30 AM Central
Spring Meet Planning Meeting, Hilton
Garden Inn. Logistical Tour
May 24, 2015 - 3-5 PM
Monthly meeting - Paradise Park LS,
May 31, 2015 - 12:30 PM
Central Spring Meet Planning Meeting
June 4-6, 2015
National Central Spring Meet
Independence Events Center
June 13, 2015 - Saturday
“Wings over Whiteman” Air Show
Knob Noster, MO - Jon Cooper
June 14, 2015 - Sunday
Post “Meet” celebration to be held at
Longview Lake. Details to be
announced later
August 1, 2015 - Jon Ellis
Lee’s Summit Parade
Rescheduling - A date in the future
Warm Springs Ranch Booneville, MO
Home of Budweiser Clydesdales tenative - Jon Cooper
Please note:
Our monthly meeting location is at Paradise Park in the 2nd level
conference room - 1021 NE
Colbern Rd Lee's Summit, MO
“Meet” planning meeting location is
always held at PBI Industries Inc. 11 SE 2nd Street Lees Summit, MO
Antique Automobile Club Of America
Volume 3, Issue 3 - April 2015
National Events
Yellow Pages
We appreciate you!
i’m lovin’ it
National Events
May 4-6 - AACA Southeastern
Divisional Tour • Pigeon Forge,
Tennessee • hosted by East
Tennessee Region
May 7-9 - AACA Central
Spring Meet • Auburn, Indiana
June 4-6 - AACA Central
Spring Meet • Independence,
Missouri • hosted by Kansas
City Region
July 16-18 - AACA
Southeastern Fall Meet •
Louisville, Kentucky • hosted by
Kyana Region
July 27-31 - AACA Vintage
Tour • Lancaster, PA • hosted by
Buzzards Breath Touring Region
August 25-27 - AACA
Western Divisional Tour •
Northern California • hosted by
Redwood Empire Region www.reraaca.org
August 30 - Sept 4 - Revival
AAA Glidden Tour® •
Chickasha, Oklahoma • hosted by
Okie Region www.gliddentour.org - contact; Jeff Lytle 405-603-6150 x3
News Other Regions
May 3 - Florham Park, NJ New Jersey's Regions 64th
Annual Spring Meet Car Show Automatic Switch, 50 Hanover
Rd, Florham Park, NJ - contact: Vince DeLisi - 908-755-4266 or
Pete Cullen - 973-650-2957;
www.njaaca.org; email: njaaca@outlook.com
May 9 - Winchester,VA AACA Shenandoah Region's
57th Apple Blossom Meet - Jim
Barnett Park - contact: Duane
Catlett - 540-533-7376: shenandoahregion@gmail.com. www.sraaca.com
News Other Regions
May 9 - Shelbyville, TN Celebration City Region Car
Club 8th Annual Car Show and
Swap Meet, Horse Show
Grounds Pavilion. Contact: Phyllis Clanton May 25 - Boalsburg, PA AACA Allegheny Mt. Region
Annual Auto Show - PA Military
Museum, Boalsburg, PA Contact: Scott Deno
814-571-9790; nds1@psu.edu
June 6 - Hershey, PA - AACA
Bus Transportation Region's
Annual Spring Bus Fling and Bus
Show - AACA Museum campus T. Collins 717-566-7100, ext. 119
June 7 - Clay (Syracuse), NY AACA Oneida Lakes Region's
Show in The Shade, contact: Jim
Smith, 315-468-2331
June 7 - Wilkes-Barre, PA Northeastern Pennyslvania
Region AACA 54th Annual Car
Show and Flea Market. ocntact: Walt Kreig: 570-332-9360
June 13 - York Springs, PA AACA Gettysburg Region's 40th
Annual Antique & Classic Auto &
Truck Show - Rick Engle 717-632-2792
June 14 - Buffalo NY, AACA
Lake Erie Region's 63rd Annual
Antique Car Show and Flea
Market; Chuck Facklam
Visit aaca-kc-events.org for more info
Youth Judging Program sponsored by Hagerty
Insurance: Nicole Borghardt, Saturday
10:30 am - 1 pm.
“Blast From the Past,” by June PetersonCrane. Vintage clothing and accessories Located in the Santa Fe C room. Viewing
available Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
“Joe’s Kansas City Bar-B-Que,” Don’t forget
to pre-register for this outdoor meal under a
tent at the host hotel, Hilton Garden Inn. The
cost is $20 per person. You won’t want to miss
the best BBQ in KC! Friday, June 5th, 6 - 8:00
pm Location/hours posted in hotel lobby.
Events Not to miss!
Limited trailer parking is also available at each
hotel. • Wednesday - 5 - 9 pm! • Saturday - 6 am - 6 pm
• Thursday - 8 am - 9 pm • Sunday - 6 am - 11 am
• Friday - 8 am - 9 pm
Independence Events Center
19100 East Valley View Parkway
Independence, MO 64055
Trailer Parking
Note: Accepting cash/check only for
merchandise . . . ATM in hotel Lobby
Location/hours posted in hotel lobby.
Thursday 4 - 8 pm
Friday 3 - 6 pm
Hospitality and AACA Merchandise
When registering please enclose a stamped, selfaddressed envelope or post card for confirmation of
reservation. Registration fee: $30 per vehicle.
Location/hours posted in hotel lobby.
Thursday 12 - 9 pm
Friday 10 - 6 pm
5:30 am -!Trailer parking field opens @
! ! ! ! ! Independence Events Center
7:00 am - ! Show Cars Enter Field @ Independence
! ! ! ! ! Events Center 8:00 am - ! Judges Breakfast @ Hilton
! ! ! ! ! Garden Inn 9:30 am - ! Owners briefing on show field
9:30 - 10:30 am ! ! ! ! ! Certified Judges Education (CJE) 10:30 am -1:00 pm ! ! ! ! ! Youth Judging w/ Hagerty Insurance ! ! ! ! ! Nicole Borghardt 11:00 am -Vehicle Judging Begins (all vehicles
! ! ! ! ! must remain on show field until 3pm)
3:00 pm -! Judging Complete (all vehicles off
! ! ! ! ! show field)
6:00 - 7:00 pm ite
! ! ! ! ! Cocktail/Social @
n l les!
! ! ! ! ! Hilton Garden Inn
gis 00 V
7:00 pm - ! Awards
! ! ! ! ! Banquet @ Hilton
! ! ! ! ! Garden Inn
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Friday, June 5, 2015
9:00 - 10:00 am ! ! ! ! ! Seminar: Hagerty Insurance by !
! ! ! ! ! Nicole Borghardt
10:30 - 11:30 am ! ! ! ! ! Seminar: We Have Ignition
! ! ! ! ! by Ken Lee
12:00 - 3:00 pm ! ! ! ! ! Bingham Waggoner Home Tour,
! ! ! ! ! Lunch & Chico’s Fashion Show 1:00 pm - !Special Seminar: To Be Announced
2:00 - 4:00 pm ! ! ! ! ! Judges School 4:00 - 5:00 pm ! ! ! ! ! RoundTable Discussion ! ! ! ! ! “Members opportunity to ask questions
! ! ! ! ! about AACA & the future” 6:00 - 8:00 pm ! ! ! ! ! KC Joe’s Barbecue (outside)
! ! ! ! ! Hilton Garden Inn (registration required) 9:00 - 11:00 am ! ! ! ! ! Armacost Museum Tour ! (bus provided)
2:00 - 4:00 pm ! ! ! ! ! Arrowhead Stadium Tour (caravan)
Thursday, June 4, 2015
5:00 - 9:00 pm ! ! ! ! ! Secured Trailer Parking Opens
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
No refunds after the deadline date.
May 15, 2015
Registration Deadline
June 4th - 6th, 2015
2015 Central Spring Meet
Kansas City Region
Chief Judge
Charles “Chuck” Crane
5411 East State Hwy 159
Fayetteville, TX 78940
Cell: 281-814 4081
email: flivverway@gmail.com
Registration CHAIRMAN
Trish Lee
13400 East 49th Terrace
Kansas City, MO 64133-2697
Home: 816-356-7019
email: 2chevynuts@gmail.com
Jim Streeby
11620 Milton Thompson Road
Lee’s Summit, MO 64086
Cell: 816-729-8513
email: streeby58@gmail.com
The Kansas City
Region of AACA
welcomes you! Join
us at the 2015
Central Spring Meet held at the
Independence Event Center located in
Independence, Mo. Minutes from Kansas
City, President Harry S. Truman’s spirit is still
alive in Independence! The city has over 20
heritage sites, Truman Library; Truman
Home; Frontier Trails attractions; Victorian
mansions; historic square and religious sites.
Independence also boasts the Bass Pro
complex, Midwest Genealogy Center and
their new Event Center. In addition, there are
a variety of shops and restaurants. For more
information visit:
welcome to the kansas city region
Reservations: 1-816-633-8720
Country Gardens RV Park
7089 Outer Road
Odessa, MO 64076
Reservations: 1-800-748-7729
Address: 1000 R.D. Mize Rd.
GrainValley, MO 64029
Address: Campus RV Park
406 S. Pleasant
Independence, MO 64050
RV facilities
COMFORT SUITES - Independence
19751 East Valley View Parkway
Independence, MO 64057
Reservations: 1-816-373-9880
19901 E. Valley View Parkway
Independence, MO 64057
Reservations: 1-816-795-8889
Alternate HOTEL
19677 East Jackson Drive
Independence, MO 64057
Tel: 1-816-350-3000
Reservations: 1-800-774-1500
Ask for the special AACA Discounted Rate!
Please make your own reservations/cancellations.
Area Closed to AACA
Enter Here from
the East.
Show Field
Trailer Parking
Spectator Parking
Download Map at aaca-kc-events.org
Large Trailer Parking
Judge’s Parking
Selsa Road Exit 17
Enter Event Center from 1-70. Take
Selsa Road South to Valleyview
Parkway. Drive West on Valleyview.
The Bingham Waggoner Home Tour and
Fashion Show - Friday, June 5th, 2015,
12:00pm - 3:00pm Cost is $25 per person.
Transportation provided from the host hotel,
Hilton Garden Inn. Lunch will be provided
by the Bingham Waggoner Home. A fashion
show will be provided by “Chico’s” of Lee’s
Summit, MO. Limited availability.
Kansas City Chiefs - Arrowhead Stadium
Tour Driving tour - Thursday, June 4, 2015
from 2:00pm - 4:00pm. Cost is $20 per person.
See details on our event website:
Armacost Museum Tour - Thursday, June 4,
2015 from 9:00am - 11:00am. Cost is $20 per
person. Transportation provided from host
hotel, Hilton Garden Inn. Great Automobiles
of the Past and Present
2015 Central Spring Meet
Spectator Parking
2015 Central Division Spring Meet
Registration Form
AACA Vehicle #_______________ (for vehicles previously entered in an AACA meet)
select only ONE:
DPC or
Class Judging - If Class Judging Enter Class # __________
Model Year _______ Make _______________________________ Model __________________________
(Packard, Chevrolet, Ford, etc.)
(120, Corvette, Mustang, etc.)
Body Style ___________________________________ Color _____________
(Roadster, Sedan, Truck, etc.)
No of Cyl ____ Cu In.______ Horsepower _______ Brakes:
2 wheel
4 wheel
Spouse Car
VIN ____________________________________
Name of Previous AACA Owner if this is a transfer _________________________________________
2015 Central Division Spring Meet
Independence, MO
June 4-6, 2015
In signing this registration form to enter a vehicle in a National Meet,
I acknowledge that its completed judging form will be the sole official
record upon which the vehicle will receive any award.
I further
acknowledge, as stated on the official judging form, that the information
on the completed form or copies of the same are not available to me as
a vehicle owner.
I affirm that this vehicle has current liability insurance in accordance
with all applicable state and local laws.
I certify that this vehicle entry meets the rules as required by the Official
Judging Guidelines. Furthermore, I understand that the burden of proof
as to the authenticity of this vehicle is solely mine.
Owner’s Signature _________________________________
Owner’s Telephone ________________________________
Owner’s Email_____________________________________
IMPORTANT: All vehicles judged must have a fully charged,
To register additional vehicles, write to AACA, P.O. Box 417, Hershey, PA 17033 or go to www.aaca.org or phone (717) 534-1910 for additional forms.
Central Division
June 4-6, 2015
Spring Meet
Independence, Missouri
Vehicle Registration @ $30.00 each ............................................................................................................
Thursday Armacost Car Museum Tour - @ $20 per person ........................................................................
Thursday Arrowhead Stadium Tour - @ $20 per person .............................................................................
Friday Bingham Waggoner Tour/Lunch/Fashion Show - @ $25 per person ..............................................
Bar-B-Que (outdoor tent with DJ Music) - @ $20 per person ............................
Meet T-shirt @ $15 each: ___ small, ___ medium, ___ large, ___ X-large, ___ 2X, ___ 4X ...................
_____ Saturday Awards Banquet (black tie/evening wear optional) @ $45 per person ........................................ $
_____ Saturday Awards Banquet (youth 12 & under) @ $12 per youth ................................................................ $
TOTAL ENCLOSED .................................................... $
Please make checks payable to: AACA-KC Region and mail to: Trish Lee, Registration Chair, 13400 E. 49 th Terrace, Kansas City,
MO 64133-2697; 816-356-7019; 2chevynuts@gmail.com
No Credit Cards
SASE for registration confirmation
Registration deadline: May 15, 2015