City of Marathon City Council Action Minutes January 26, 2016 5:30
City of Marathon City Council Action Minutes January 26, 2016 5:30
City of Marathon City Council Action Minutes January 26, 2016 5:30 pm City Council Meeting Minutes CALL TO ORDER A Meeting of the City Council of Marathon, Florida was held on January 26, 2016 in the Government Center, 2798 Overseas Hwy., Marathon, Florida, Mayor Senrnartin called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL - There were present: Councilmember John Bartus Councilmember Michelle Coldiron Vice Mayor Bill Kelly Council member Dan Zieg Mayor Mark Senrnartin comprising a quorum Also in attendance were: City Manager, Charles Lindsey City Attorney, David Migut City Clerk, Diane Clavier Planning Director - Deputy City Manager, George Garrett Finance Director, Jennifer Johnson Ports and Marina Manager, Sean Cannon Public Works Director, Carlos Solis Utilities Director, Dan Saus Parks and Recreation Manager, Jimmy Schmidt Code and Building Director, Stacy Charlton Marathon Fire Rescue, Chief John Johnson Monroe County Sheriffs Office, Captain Gene Thompson City of Marathon City Council Action Minutes January 26, 20165:30 pm City Counci l Meeting Minutes Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda Lindsey asked to remove Resolution 2016-09 from the consent agenda in order to provide additional clarification. Lindsey also added a request to serve beer and wine and waive fees for the Pigeon Key Arts Festival to be held at Community Park. Kelly asked to table item 5E to a later date (Naming of the Marathon Fire Station). Senmartin added a Community Pool Ballot Referendum discussion. MOTION: SECOND: Bartus approved the agenda as amended. Zieg With no objection from the members of Council, Mayor Senmartin declared the motion approved by unanimous consent. Human Trafficking Awareness Month Proclamation - the Clerk read the Proclamation Florida Keys SPCA Presentation - Jane Dawkins, President of the Board of Directors and Tammy Fox, Executive Director gave an overview of the programs offered and an update on the transition of the animal shelter. Tammy Fox thanked the Council for the resent award of grant funding and informed everyone that donations were needed to make up the difference in expenses as well as volunteers and supporters. Green Incentive Program Presentation - Tammie Anderson Main gave a presentation proposing a Green incentive program for Keys food establishments to replace their use of Styrofoam containers with recycled or biodegradable containers Announcements - the community announcements were read. Zieg added the disaster drill from 9 until II am at the Marathon Airport. Coldiron informed everyone of the BPW Casino night on Saturday. Community Pool Referendum Discussion (Mayor Senmartin) - Senmartin suggested putting the question of whether the City should construct and maintain a community pool to the voters by a non-binding referendum vote on the August primary ballot. Senmartin explained the ballot deadline was June 20 th and would like to know if the residents want a community pool and if so, staff would do the work to find funding for payment and maintenance and put that question on the November ballot. Kelly stated he would support the question on the August ballot. Coldiron explained that Kelly was going to ask the School Board to use Marathon Manor property. Co ldi ron questioned what the liabilities would be, and would like a study to see if the Marathon manor was a safe structure or if it needed to be demolished and what the long term costs would be. Bartus explained people need more information before putting this on the ballot. Zieg stated he was in agreement to put it on the ballot, this is very expensive in the upper keys to maintain. Bartus suggested that if the swim team would be one of the primary users, the School Board needs to be a participant. Senmartin asked that the non-binding vote question be put on the next agenda. 2 City of Marathon City Council Action Minutes January 26, 2016 5:30 pm City Council Meeting Minutes City Manager Report Public Works Department Report - Solis informed everyone the plans for Aviation Bike Trail were 90 percent complete and the road would not shift more than 18 inches. Solis also informed everyone of the Eagle Scout project that was recently completed. Kelly questioned what the City was doing about the destruction of the sod on Aviation. Solis explained why certain barricades would not work. Lindsey explained that the City was moving forward with lessons leamed and will do what is most aesthetically pleasing but also safe. Fire Department Report - Chief Johnson explained the State of Florida Department of Health held a surprise drill and inspection and explained what it entailed. Chief informed everyone the Department had a great report and that the DOH was impressed with the cleanliness of the units. Chief also informed everyone of a typo in his report; his department collected a total of $107,646 for building and vacation rental inspections services provided by the fire marshal for the year; not $17,646. Chief informed everyone the activity at the airport scheduled on Thursday will be a drill. Park and Recreation Department Report - Schmitt explained the Mojito Salsa Band was cancelled on Saturday because of weather and will be rescheduled to be held April 9'h. Schmitt reminded everyone of the free Family Fun Fest, there will be over 52 vendors there on Saturday, January 30'h Kelly suggested the Park and Recreation Committee meet every other month since they could not get a quorum many times. Planning Department Report- Garrett gave highlights of his written report, explaining the status of the projects and development agreements as well as lobbyist activity. Garrett informed everyone the FlU affordable housing report was sent out and was a solid report. Coldiron questioned when the laundromat would be open. Garrett informed everyone the laundromat would open in approximately two weeks. Marathon Chamber/OFF Request Permission To Serve Beer/ Wine At The 40'h Annual Original Marathon Seafood Festival, and Waive Fees. Event To Be Held At Marathon Community Park on March 12 & 13 . - Bartus questioned the City Attorney if there was a conflict in him voting since he would also be participating at the festival as a paid entertainer. Migut explained there was not a conflict because the payment did not depend upon approval of the Council. MOTION: SECOND: Zieg moved to waive fees and permit the serving of beer and wine. Kelly With no objection from the members of Council, Mayor Senmartin declared the motion approved by unanimous consent Request to Waive Fees and Extend Park Hours For Relay for Life Event on April 1, 2016 3 City of Marathon City Council Action Minutes January 26, 2016 5:30 pm City Council Meeting Minutes MOTION: Bartus moved to waive fees and extend the hours of the park for the Relay for Li fe event. SECOND: Coldiron With no objection from the members of Council, Mayor Senmartin declared the motion approved by unanimous consent Request to serve beer and wine and waive fees for the Pigeon Key Arts Festival to be held at Community Park MOTION: SECOND: Bartus moved to approve the request for Pigeon Key Arts Festival Zieg With no objection from the members of Counci l, Mayor Senmartin declared the motion approved by unanimous consent Citizens' Comments: Senmartin called for public comments; hearing none, closed public comments. Quasi-Judicial Public Hearings Resolution 2016-06, Consideration Of A Request By Jobe Partners LLC, For A Conditional Use Permit, Pursuant To Chapter 102, Article 13 Of The City Of Marathon Land Development Regulations (Code) Entitled "Conditional Use Permits", Authorizing A Boat Ramp At Property Located At 102 Avenue G, Which Is Legally Described As Bk 10 Lt 14 & Adj Canal Coco Plum Beach PB4-l66, Fat Deer Key, Monroe County, Florida, Having Real Estate Number 0364400-000000, Nearest Mile Marker 54. The Clerk swore in speakers and Council explained they had no ex parte communications. Garrett explained the request for the conditional use approval for the construction of a boat ramp on the property located on Avenue G which includes a new home construction with a dock and boat ramp. The portion of the project that requires a conditional use review is the boat ramp . Garrett recommended approval and informed everyone the owners were not absentee owners, they will be full time residents. Martie Jobe - spoke for approval of the request. MOTION: by staff. SECOND: Zieg moved to approve Resolution 2016-06 with the Conditions outlined Coldiron Vote of the Motion: Yes: Zieg, Coldiron, Bartus, Kelly, Senmartin No: None 4 City of Marathon City Council Action Minutes January 26, 2016 5 :30 pm City Council Meeting Minutes None Absent: Abstain: None Vote on the Motion: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent, 0 Abstain Dodge Lake Boat Ramp Discussion - Lindsey explained the staff would be addressing the safety issues by creating a tow away zone on Aviation Blvd. and thi s would come back to the Council at the next meeting as an ordinance for first read ing. Resolutions for Adoption * Resolution 2016-07, Waiving The City's Purchasing Policies And Procedures And Approving Sole Source Direct Purchases Of Wastewater Treatment Equipment Repair Services To The City Owned Centrifuge By EES (Environmental Equipment Services, LLC) In an Amount Not to Exceed $74,882.53, Which Will Be Submitted For Reimbursement Through FDEP Grant LP44041; Authorizing The City Manager to Expend Budgeted Funds On Behalf Of The City; And Providing For An Effective Date. * Resolution 2016-08, Waiving The City'S Purchasing Policies And Procedures And Approving Sole Source Direct Purchase In An Amount Not To Exceed $7 1,340.00 For VUE Works (a Computerized Maintenance/Asset Management Solution), Through Data Transfer Solutions, LLC.; Which Will Be Submitted For Reimbursement Through FDEP Grant LP44040; Authorizing The City Manager to Expend Budgeted Fund s On Behalf Of The City; And Providing For An Effective Date. Resolution 2016-09, Approving an Amendment To The Contract With Siazar Construction and Plumbing, Inc., For Sludge Removal Services; Increasing The Contract Amount From $27,360.00 to $218,000.00; Authorizing The City Manager To Execute The Amendment And Expend Budgeted Funds On Behalf Of The City; And Providing For An Effective Date Lindsey explained because the Centrifuge has been out of service, additional funding for sludge removal services has been necessary. This funding can be transferred from dewatering services funding if necessary. Mayor Senmartin called for speakers, hearing none, closed the public comments. MOTION: SECOND: Zieg moved approval of Resolution 20 16-09 Co ldiron With no objection from the members of Council, Mayor Senmartin declared the motion approved by unanimous consent. * Resolution 2016-10, Nominating Property For Purchase By The Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Land Authority As Conservation Land; Requesting That The Property 5 City of Marathon City Council Action Minutes January 26, 2016 5:30 pm City Council Meeting Minutes Title Be Transferred To The City; Authorizing The Mayor To Sign A Conservation Easement; And Providing For An Effective Date. Resolution 2016-11 , Approving An Agreement Between The City And Pedro Falcon Electrical Contractors, Inc., For The DesignlBuild Of The Uti lities And Public Works Maintenance Facility In An Amount Not To Exceed $1 ,994,484.00; Which Will Be Submitted for Partial Reimbursement From Wastewater Utility Grant Funding; Authorizing The City Manager To Execute The Contract And Expend Budgeted Funds On Behalf Of The City; And Providing For An Effective Date. Lindsey explained this contract has been in the works for a while and originally, the bids came in at 2.1 million. Pedro Falcon was the lowest bidder. Bartus asked for an explanation of how this was funded. Zimmerman informed everyone the public works portion was from gas tax proceeds and the Utility portion from grant funding . Serunartin commented on the timeframe. Solis explained the time needed for design and permitting. Mayor Serunartin called for speakers, hearing none, closed the public comments. MOTION: SECOND: Zieg moved to approve Resolution 2016-11 Bartus Vote of the Motion: Yes: Zieg, Bartus, Kelly, Coldiron, Serunartin No: None Absent: None Abstain: None Vote on the Motion: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent, 0 Abstain Resolution 2016-12, Approving The Professional Service Agreement Between The City And Chen-Moore, For Pre-Construction Services and Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) Services For The utilities and Public Works Maintenance In An Amount Not To Exceed $168,790.00; Which Will Be Submitted for Partial Reimbursement From Wastewater Utility Grant Funding Authorizing The City Manager To Execute The Contract And Expend Funds On Behalf Of The City; And Providing For An Effective Date. Saus explained the agreement for Chen Moore and Associates for pre-construction design . . revIew servIces. Mayor Serunartin called for speakers, hearing none, closed the public comments. MOTION: SECOND: Zieg moved to approve Resolution 2016-12 Coldiron Vote of the Motion: Yes: Zieg, Coldiron, Bartus, Kelly, Serunartin 6 City of Marathon City Council Action Minutes January 26, 2016 5:30 pm City Council Meeting Minutes No: None Absent: None Abstain: None Vote on the Motion: 5 Yes, 0 No, 0 Absent, 0 Abstain Citizens' Comments: Senmartin called for public comments; hearing none, closed public comments. Council Comments Coldiron reminded everyone to be careful on the roadways and to keep a look out for pedestrians. Bartus reminded everyone of the celebration of life for Rocketman from 2 until 10 pm on Thursday. Zieg informed everyone they could receive TramaStar stickers from the City to attach to their id in case of serious injury requiring a flight out for residents, TramaStar is less expensive. Zieg also reminded everyone that the Council held four meetings in the last three months and everything has gone smoothly. Kelly informed everyone while he was in Washington, he met with Rep. Carlos Curbelo, who is working very hard for the Keys and he was optimistic that the City would receive grant funding. Senmartin reminded everyone of the Family Fun Day on January 30'h and the FlU housing report has been received and the Affordable Housing Committee would hold a special meeting, and encouraged everyone to be a part of it. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Senmartin adjourned the meeting at 6:58 pm by unanimous consent. I certify the above represents an accurate summary of the regular Council meeting of January 26, 2016. dTIc" \W ..Qlc,U/L~ e... 1Cb . I Diane Clavier, City Clerk ,001(0 Date 7