
Combine these regional modules to build your dream ECO vacation and contribute to Angel Conservation’s (notfor-profit) Project Kamarakoto - a community based project working directly with the Pemón Indians of Kamarata
Valley in Canaima National Park.
Customize your own itinerary by joining together various mini eco-trips available throughout the country. Select the
standard of accommodations you require then submit your request for final pricing. Hotels in Caracas can be used
at different intervals such as when you arrive and when you leave and can also be substituted with local hotels by
the airport for your convenience.
Canaima National Park & Angel Falls
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 4 days
Best time to visit – Rainy season (May-Dec)
Departs daily • 3 days
Day 1: Arrive Caracas
You are welcomed to Venezuela’s capital and transferred
to your hotel, well located with a wide selection of
facilities. Selection of 3*, 4* and 5*hotels available (no
Day 1: Caracas / Canaima National Park
Fly to the jungles of Canaima, dotted with lagoons and
soaring waterfalls pouring over the sheer cliffs of flattop
tepuis. You are transferred to your lodge for a day of
exploring, with a hike to the thundering Sapo Falls. Rustic
(budget) – standard - superior accommodations
available (L,D)
Day 2: Caracas
A half-day tour explores colonial treasures amid Caracas’
modern façade, and the legacy of native son Simon
Bolivar. Selection of 3*, 4* and 5* available (B)
Day 3: Caracas
The day is at your leisure to explore on your own or take
optional tours. Selection of 3*, 4* and 5* hotels
available (B)
Day 2: Canaima National Park, Angel Falls
Take a 3 hr riverboat trip by curiara to Angel Falls along
rivers surrounded by virgin rainforest and tabletop
mountains. Hike to Angel Falls, which pours off a
mountaintop 3,212 feet (979 mtrs) to the jungle floor below.
Hike, wade and swim at the foot of the falls. Overnight in a
hammock in front of the falls. Rustic only. (B,L,D)
Day 4: Depart Caracas
Transfer to the airport for your departing flight. (B)
Day 3: Canaima / Caracas
Return to Canaima and fly back to Caracas. (B)
Please note: most museums closed Mondays in Caracas –
airport assistance and transfers included.
Angel Falls approach (Rio Churún)
Colonial Caracas
Canaima National Park – Pemón Lodges
Canaima National Park & Angel Falls
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 4 days
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 3 days
Day 1: Caracas / Uruyén
Enjoy your connecting flight in a light aircraft flying over
Angel Falls, pouring off a mountaintop 979m (3,212 feet) to
the jungle floor before landing at Uruyén in the middle of La
Gran Sabana. Immerse your self into the Indian culture
staying at a picturesque Indian lodge alongside where
Jimmie Angel set up base camp in 1937 and Ruth
Robertson some years later in 1949. The Indians will be
your guides for the next few days taking you on
breathtaking hikes into local canyons with spectacular
waterfalls and swimming pools in the middle of nature
where time has stood still for millenniums. All the time
overlooked by vast table top mountains and the Gran
Sabana. Uruyén Lodge (L,D)
Day 1: Caracas / Canaima National Park
Fly to the jungles of Canaima, dotted by lagoons and
soaring waterfalls pouring over the sheer cliffs of flattop
tepuis. You are transferred to your lodge for a day of
canoeing and exploring, with a hike to the thundering Sapo
Falls. Rustic (budget) – standard - superior
accommodations available (L,D)
Day 2: Uruyén / Kavak
Rising early for the beautiful sunrise and great photo
opportunities - experience the screeching of flocks of
parrots overhead. Take a jeep or hike to Kavak via the
Indian villages of Old Uruyén and Santa Marta. Your
Pemón guide will lead you hiking, wading and swimming
into Kavak’s sacred canyon where you will eventually swim
in the pool under its spectacular. Stay at in a traditional
Indian lodge set before the looming wall of Auyántepui.
Kavak Lodge (B,L,D)
Day 3: Kavak / Kamarata / Canaima
Take an early morning jeep ride to Kamarata (weather
permitting) and tour the Indian township for fabulous photo
opportunities with the indigenous peoples – visit them in
their own dwellings - churuatas. School term and time
permitting visit the mission of Kamarata where the local
school children attend daily classes. Transfer to charter
flight to Canaima for lunch. Your day is not finished - in the
afternoon enjoy an excursion across Canaima Lagoon by
dug out canoe (curiara) to Sapo falls and walk behind a
cascading curtain of water falling to the lagoon below.
Overnight in local lodge. Rustic (budget) – standard superior accommodations available (B,L,D)
The wrath of Sapo Falls, Canaima
Day 2: Canaima National Park, Angel Falls Overflight
Soar in a light aircraft over Angel Falls, pouring off a
mountaintop 3,212 feet to the jungle floor. Hike, wade and
swim through Kavak Canyon and its waterfall with a
Pemón guide, and visit a traditional Indian village set
before the looming wall of Auyántepui. Overnight in Kavak
Lodge. (B, L, D)
Day 4: Canaima / Caracas
Transfer to the airstrip and fly back to Caracas. (B)
Kavak Canyon
Day 3: Kavak / Caracas
Morning excursion to La Toma. Transfer to the airstrip and
fly back to Caracas via Puerto Ordaz. (B)
Pemón ritual dance
Orinoco Delta
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 3 days
Day 1: Maturín – Orinoco Delta
We start our expedition in Maturín or Ciudad Bolivar
traveling by road and then by river to the lodge in the
Delta. From the comfort of your water-taxi you may
observe a wide variety of flora and fauna, such as the
boral (a river plant), pink dolphins, giant river otters,
toucans, macaws, parrots, llanos sideneck turtles and
even occasionally one may see an anaconda. Along the
riverbanks you will see Indian villages with their unique
raised dwellings (palafitos), built over the river's edge.
Experience the wild, natural habitat of the virgin jungle,
your Warao guide will point out edible plants which
sustain the natives on hunting trips. Take a swim in the
river by the camp and later enjoy one of the fabulous
delta sunsets. Typical lodge (L, D)
Day 3: Orinoco Delta - Maturín
Try your hand at piranha fishing and conditions permitting
enjoy the Orinoco ‘beach’ in the middle of the river to
swim and relax. Return to Caracas via Maturin or Ciudad
(B, L)
Rio Caura
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 3 days
Day 1: Ciudad Bolivar – Rio Caura
Travel to the jungle lodge of Rio Caura by jeep - a road
trip of approx. 4 hrs. We pass through local indigenous
villages en route until we arrive at the plantation, located
deep in the jungle of Rio Caura. On arrival we will walk
through the nearby jungle to experience the local flora
and fauna (approx 3 hrs). Our final camp site, where will
pitch our hammocks for the night, is in between a huge
granite rock formation and the jungle - hidden from the
outside world. Early evening set out to explore our local
surroundings. (L, D)
Day 2:
Wake up to the sounds of the jungle and continue the
expedition with a long hike, deep into the jungle towards
the banks of the Rio Caura. Many natural observation
points are made up with the formation of the famous
rocks in and around Rio Caura. Enjoy the richness of the
Guyanese jungle along the way with its diversity of flora
and fauna. Continue the adventure from Rio Caura to the
next lodging - Campamento Yokore. (B, L, D)
Warao guide hunting for “food” in jungle
Day 2: Orinoco Delta
Navigate the Orinoco in search of river dolphins,
spectacled caiman, capuchin and red howler monkeys by
the rivers edge, hummingbirds, scarlet ibis, toucans,
parrots, macaws and kingfishers in the skies above. Visit
Warao villages and their palafitos that line the riverbanks.
Your guide will explain about Warao culture, and the flow
of the community's daily life. Meet some of the Warao
craftsmen / women and negotiate for their handcrafts.
Typical lodge (B, L, D)
Campamento Yokore on the Caura River
Day 3:
In the morning take to the river for a half-hour boat ride to
the indigenous village of La Trincheras. Observe
freshwater dolphins and other flora and fauna in their
natural environment. Our jeep will be waiting for our
return Ciudad Bolivar. (B)
Warao guide - Piranha fishing
Henri Pittier National Park & La Cíenaga
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 4 days
Day 1: Caracas / Ocumare De La Costa
A scenic 3 hr drive from Caracas with the last 1 1/2 hrs
driving up high into the clouded rainforest of Henri Pittier
(Venezuela’s first National Park). Arrive to where the
“rainforest meets the sea” one can enjoy the local beaches
of Cata and Catica if you arrive early enough in the day.
The secluded beaches are often deserted mid week,
except for the local vendors of fresh fish, local seafood and
refreshing Caribbean cocktails. Enjoy the accommodations
of two different ecolodges during your stay. On the
mainland cycles are available to do your own selfexploration. De La Costa Ecolodge (L, D)
Day 4: La Cienaga / Caracas
Time permitting - take one last look at the local beaches
and sleepy hollow town and enjoy a picnic lunch at Rancho
Grande Biological Research Station atop the rainforest on
your return journey to Caracas. (B, L, D)
Aloe Spa Ocean Lodge & Plantation
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 3 days
Day 1-2: Caracas / Caruao
A destination for the senses - relax after a long hiking /
trekking expedition - just 2-3 hours drive scenic coast
brings you to the spa, tucked away in the rain forest of El
Avila National Park. Relax in surroundings with nature all
around – enjoy Tai Chi sessions early in the morning on
the spa’s very own stretch of beach or simply “kick back”.
Enjoy one full spa “treatment” with the option of adding
more. Make those aching muscles go away! Hatha Yoga
Additional treatments available by request. Optional mini
tours from the lodge – swimming, snorkeling, fishing,
trekking, hiking, etc. Aloe Spa (B, L, D)
Deserted beach of Catica - even on weekends!
Days 2-3: La Cienaga
Visit the spectacular saltwater lagoon of La Cienaga
surrounded on three sides by mountainous rainforest.
Swim, snorkel, kayak and explore the mangroves, tiny
beaches and explore our nature trails behind the
mangroves in the xerophytic rain forest where it is possible
to see monkeys, deer, wild pigs and tracks of larger
animals. Learn about the importance of mangroves in our
ecosystem. Dive (optional) the many different locations in
and around the lagoon - including two sunken “ships” close
by. Coral Lagoon Lodge - La Cienaga (B, L, D)
Beatrice of Aloe Spa awaits your visit
Days 3: Caracas
With your body and soul fully replenished return to Caracas
to continue your discovery of Venezuela or your flight back
home. (B)
La Cienaga Lagoon
Los Roques
Margarita Island
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 3 days
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 4 days
Day 1: Caracas / Gran Roques
Fly to the Archipelago of Los Roques, a blue and white
mosaic of sandy isles, warm, clear waters, and coral reefs
teeming with colorful fish. Transfer to your small posada
for an afternoon of swimming and snorkeling. Typical
posada (L, D)
Day 1: Caracas / Margarita Island
A short plane hop brings you to Margarita Island, 414 sq.
miles of mountains, deserts, rivers, lakes, and fine
beaches. You are transferred to your comfortable posada.
Typical posada (B)
Pristine beaches of Los Roques
Day 2: Gran Roques, Dos Mosquises Island
Spend the day exploring one of the richest marine habitats
in the Caribbean, with snorkeling and the option of diving in
various unique settings. Take an optional side trip to the
islands of Dos Mosquises and visit the turtle conservation
centre. Typical posada (B, L, D)
Queen and Spotlight Fish
Day 3: Gran Roques / Caracas
After a leisurely morning for optional boating, snorkeling
and kayak tours, transfer to the airport and fly to Caracas.
(B, L)
Please note:
Dive packages also available for beginners and advanced
Living la vida loca!
Days 2 & 3: Margarita Island
A jeep and boat excursion explores the island’s wild side,
from mangroves to the central Sierra and Macanao
Peninsula. The rest of your stay is at leisure to enjoy your
posada’s facilities, pool or beach beckons. Typical posada
Margarita Island sunset
Day 4: Margarita Island / Caracas
Your resort getaway concludes as you fly to Caracas. (B)
Mérida (The Andes)
Maracaibo Lake – Catatumbo Lightning
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 4 days
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 3 days
Day 1: Caracas / Mérida
Fly into mile-high Mérida, encircled by rugged Andean
peaks including Venezuela’s highest, Pico Bolivar, at
16,427 feet. Transfer to your hotel. Prado Rio or similar
(L, D)
Day 1: Mérida - Catatumbo
Visit old sugar cane factories on the way to Lagunillas.
See how “Chimo” paste is prepared and visit coffee and
cocoa plantations in the foothills of the Andes. From the
Maracaibo basin, embark on a fishing boat to visit
mangroves, swamps, gallery forests and open lake to
observe wildlife such as freshwater grey dolphins,
iguanas, flocks of colourful birds and red howler
monkeys. Overnight out on the lake in a stilted house
known as a "Palafito" (hammocks). Keep one eye open
all night to experience the phenomena of the Catatumbo
lightning, replenishing the ozone layer! (L, D)
Day 2: Mérida, Teleférico Cable Car (closed Mondays)
Head to the famed Teleférico cable car for a thrilling,
10,000-foot ascent in four stages to the summit of Pico
Espejo. Take in the glorious vistas and hike the trails
before descending to Mérida for an afternoon city tour.
Prado Rio or similar (B, L, D)
Catatumbo lightning phenomenon
View from last station of the Teleférico
Day 3: Páramo Highlands / Santo Domingo
Hike under intensely blue skies through the stark, treeless
beauty of the alpine moors, or páramos. Travel to quaint
country towns and over the Pico el Aguila mountain pass to
Santo Domingo. Arrive at your graceful mountain resort for
an afternoon hike or horseback ride (optional). La Trucha
Azul or similar (B, L, D)
Day 2: Catatumbo - Mérida
Visit the impressive rainforest of the western Andes, take
a jungle trek and butterfly photo safari. Travel by road to
Mérida through La Azulita and Jají villages enjoying the
views of different waterfalls along the way within the
dense cloud forest of the Andes foothills. (B, L, D)
Day 3: Mérida – Caracas / Maracaibo
Overnight in Mérida at a local posada or hotel before
returning to Caracas, Los Llanos or even Maracaibo. (B)
Páramo Highlands
Day 4: Mérida / Caracas
Return to Mérida in time for your flight to Caracas or
transfer directly to Los Llanos. (B)
Maracaibo - Sinamaica Lagoon
Los Llanos
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs daily • 3 days
Best time to visit: Jan-May (Dry season)
Departs daily • 3 days
Day 1: Caracas – Maracaibo
Morning flight from Caracas to Maracaibo. Visit the city
market of Maracaibo and the Basilica de la Chinita church
or take an afternoon excursion to Fort Maracaibo and the
dunes at the mouth of Maracaibo Lake. Overnight at local
hotel **** (L)
Day 1: Caracas / Barinas / Los Llanos
Fly to Venezuela’s premier wildlife region, Los Llanos,
where an
outstanding diversity of animals is easy to spot in the vast
wet lands. Transfer from Barinas to your cabin at one of
the finest hato ranches in the land. Then set out to explore
the special beauty of the surrounding wilderness.
Hato El Cedral or similar (L, D)
Castillo San Carlos de Maracaibo
Horseback riding in the Llanos
Day 2: Maracaibo – Sinamaica
Early morning excursion to Sinamaica lagoon, visit the
local indigenous Indians, the Añu – Paraujana, in their
stilted houses (palafitos’) and a souvenir store full of their
local indigenous handcrafts. Overnight in Maracaibo. (B,
L, D)
Day 2: Los Llanos
Jeep excursions in the dry season and boat outings in the
wet months (roughly May to November) offer possible
sightings of crocodiles, giant anteaters, iguanas,
capybaras, monkeys, tapir, deer, giant river otters, caiman,
anacondas, and hundreds of species of exotic tropical
birds. At the lodge, enjoy nature presentations, a swim in
the pool and evening of “joropo” folk music. Hato El
Cedral or similar (B, L, D)
Indigenous handcrafts – Sinamaica Lagoon
Day 3: Maracaibo
Transfer to airport or transport to next destination. (B, L,
Anaconda up close and personal
Day 3: Los Llanos / Barinas / Caracas
The morning is devoted to wildlife observation. After lunch,
drive to Barinas at the foot of the Andes for your return
flight to Caracas or transfer to Merida. (B)
Los Llanos
Best time to visit – Dry season (Jan-May)
Departs daily • 4 days
Day 1: Mérida – Los Llanos
Take a bus from Mérida to Los Llanos - an adventure in
itself. Passing through the Venezuelan highlands your
driver will stop in Andean towns and the beautiful Sierra
Nevada National Park. Visit the local cocoa and coffee
farms located on the foothills of the Andean rainforest.
When you arrive at the camp, located near Guaritico
wildlife sanctuary, you will be given a candlelight dinner.
Overnight in hammocks – listen to the sounds of the
Llanos. (B, L, D)
Los Llanos sunset
Day 2: Los Llanos
Drift through the Guaritico Wildlife Sanctuary; observe
pink dolphins, turtles, crocodiles and alligators as well as
numerous species of exotic birds. Enjoy a leisurely lunch
and a siesta back at the camp before setting off on a walk
across the savannah and through the gallery forest. Your
guide will help spot the exotic birds, animals and reptiles.
(B, L, D)
Flocking birds
Day 3: Los Llanos
Fish for piranhas before returning to the camp for lunch in the afternoon search for caiman and anacondas
(which, at almost 12 metres, are easily the largest snake
in existence). (B, L, D)
Day 4: Los Llanos - Merida
After breakfast return up through the Andes to Mérida
and enjoy a rafting trip or tubing in an Andean foothill
river with expert guide and equipment (seasonal). (B, L)
1) Perfect for young people
2) Departing from Mérida (7am) or Barinas (12.30pm)
3) Perfect for nature and animal / bird lovers
4) One night in hammocks, 2 in beds
5) Rafting trip seasonal (not available Feb-May).
6) Budget trip - easily convertible to medium / superior
Mérida (The Andes)
- PAN DE AZUCAR TREK Best time to visit – all year round, except July to Sept
(Rainy season)
Departs daily • 3 days
Day 1: Mérida – La Culata
Leave Mérida driving up through El Valle to La Culata,
the departure point of our hike, which lies at 2,950 mtrs.
Walk for 3-4 hours to reach our first campsite at the foot
of a waterfall in the middle of a mystic valley full of
speletia flowers (3,600 mtrs). (L, D)
Natural hot springs
Day 3: Pan De Azúcar - Mérida
Descend 3-4 hours along small mountain trails to the
jewel of the Sierra - La Culata National Park. The natural
hot springs lie at 3,200 mtrs. the perfect place to relax
and forget about the cool nights (water temp. 32 - 38
degrees). Don't forget your towel and swimsuit or your
muscles wouldn't forgive you! Enjoy a picnic followed by a
short for an hours drive back to Mérida. (B, L)
Local waterfall - Mérida
Day 2: Pan De Azúcar
Trek for a couple of hours to reach the peak of Pan De
Azúcar at an altitude of 4,600 mtrs. - thin air at this
altitude is normal. Weather permitting we'll view Sierra
Nevada's highest peaks, Bolívar and Humboldt as well as
the northern side of the Maracaibo basin. Hiking through
a desert-like landscape to reach the second campsite at
the edge of 3 mountain lakes. (6-8 hours walking). (B, L,
Canaima National Park
Auyántepui Trek
Best time to visit – Dry season (Jan-May) /
end of Rainy season (Nov-Dec)
Day 5: Exploration of the summit
Explore the surroundings of El Oso. Hike across huge
slabs downhill to a tributary of the river Churún, where
you may take a refreshing bath in the cool clear water.
Continuing the exploration across the slabs one will see
different type of endemic vegetation, mosses, cacti and
orchids etc. (B, L, D)
Special departure dates • 8 days
Day 1: Ciudad Bolivar - Kavak
Flight from Ciudad Bolívar to Kavak. Take a small plane
from Ciudad Bolívar to Kavak (normally Cessna 206)
flying over Lake Guri, dense rainforest and the Caroní
River before reaching the majestic tepuis of La Gran
Sabana. Land at the picturesque native village Kavak
where typical native huts (churuatas) stand in front of the
dark, steep walls of Auyántepui. In the afternoon take an
excursion (2hrs) to the sacred cave of Kavak in Kavak
Canyon, a beautiful walk culminating in a refreshing swim
beneath Kavak’s spectacular waterfall. (L, D)
Day 2: Kavak - Guayaraca
Hike from Kavak to Guayaraca (about 6 hours). Early
morning start the trek towards Auyántepui, walking from
river to river, passing the Okono-River and ascending to
Guayaraca Camp. (B, L, D)
Day 3: Guayaraca – El Peñón
Ascend to the second plateau El Peñon (about 7 hours).
Hike across savanna until reaching the dense rainforest
around Auyántepui. Cross the dense tepui vegetation to
eventually arrive at the gigantic rock of El Peñón under
which we take shelter for the night. (B, L, D)
The vastness of Auyántepui
Day 6: El Oso to El Peñon
Descend from El Oso to El Peñon (about 6 hours). (B, L,
Day 7: El Peñon to Uruyén
Descend from El Peñon to Uruyén (about 8 hours). Hike
back to Guayaraca and have a rest at the same place
where you spent the night some days before. Further
downhill you cross Río Ocoñe and arrive finally at
Uruyén, a small native village near Uruyén River where
Jimmie Angel and Ruth Robertson both set up base
camps before their exploratory trips to Auyántepui and
Angel Falls. (B, L, D)
Day 8: Uruyén to Ciudad Bolívar
Flight to Ciudad Bolívar departing around noon. (B)
Mystical Auyántepui
Day 4: El Peñón – El Oso
Ascend to El Oso (about 7 1/2 hours). Traverse a “stony”
landscape before arriving at the steep wall of the tepui.
Hike along the wall and ascend passing a huge crevice
en route. Climbing with a rope is necessary but can be
done without any experience. The black landscape is
impressive and reminds one of primeval times. After two
hours hike arrive at El Libertador rock our resting point. In
the afternoon continue the trek to El Oso where again we
sleep under the shelter of a rock. El Oso is a beautiful
place on the summit alongside a river. (B, L, D)
Please note:
1) Medium to high standard for trekkers
2) 6 to 8 hours of daily trekking / hiking
4) Pemón and Guyanese guides
5) All camping and cooking gear provided
6) Porters for equipment and food included
7) Does not include – domestic airport taxes and national
park fee or porters for private luggage
8) Luggage allowance: 10 kg
9) Group of 6 minimum
Departure dates:
Nov 9 2006
Feb 5 2007
April 2 2007
Nov 10 2007
Roraima Trek
Best time to visit – dry season (Jan-May)
Departs Daily • 6 days
Day 1:
Depart Santa Elena for a 2 to 3 hour journey to
Pareitepuy the starting point for a 4-5 hr trek to the
Kukenán River. There are 2 refreshing river crossings
and some 30 minutes of stronger uphill walking. The river
crossing at Kukenán River depends on the water level
and can be treacherous! If the weather and sight are
good enjoy the views of Mount Roraima, Kukenán and
many other tepuys that form the Guyana shield. The
terrain is open savannah mainly. (L.D)
Day 2:
Trek uphill for a good 2 hrs crossing fields of orchids then
another 2 to 4 hrs trekking for the day before we reach
base camp. Fresh water flows from the top of "the ever
fruitful mother of the streams - Roraima". The Indian
name is perfect as “mother’s” water feeds the Amazon,
Orinoco and the Essequibo, the 3 biggest rivers in South
America! (B, L, D)
Day 3:
Waking alongside a thick and lush belt of humid cloud
forest we trek for about 2 hrs through this thick and
beautiful jungle with many neo tropical plants such as
bromeliads, tree ferns and helicons. After another 2 hours
of ascent along a path with big rocks we reach the top of
the plateau, seems like we landed on the moon! Lunch
followed by an exploration of the strange surroundings on
this “island in time”. (B, L, D)
Strange rock formations
Day 5: Time for some last photographs of the plants and
views - we start our descent saying good-bye to the giant
flying turtle and all the other strange rock formations! We
will trek to Rio Tek (around 6 to 8 hours), mostly strong
down hill and a refreshing swim in the cool river will be
the supreme reward after the days long trek. (B, L, D)
Day 6:
Last day with 3 to 4 hours to Pareitepuy cold beers and
icy refreshments await! Be aware that the local authorities
will check everyone for crystals and other “souvenirs”.
The taking of anything from the mountain is strictly
prohibited. Jeep returns to Santa Elena. (B, L)
Please note:
1) Medium to high standard for trekkers
2) Departing only from Santa Elena de Uairen at 8am on
day 1, finishing at 6pm on day 6
3) 6 to 8 hours of daily trekking / hiking
4) Pemón and Guyanese guides
5) All camping and cooking gear provided
6) Easier to travel to Santa Elena by bus with departures
at 7.30pm daily from Caracas
“Islands in time” – National Geographic May 1989
Day 4:
The plateau of Roraima is around 70 sq kms with strange
formed rock formations, bizarre flesh eating endemic
plants (drosseras) and black dinosaur looking frogs.
Explore this labyrinth of black lichen tainted rocks and
hike for the whole day. Reach the valley of crystals, the
obelisk monument of Triple Point (border of Venezuela –
Brazil - Guyana) - no passport required. Hike to "El
Pozo", a natural water hole with a small cave system
beneath. Truly fantastic - around 8 hours of walking and
exploration on the plateau. (B, L, D)
Pirate Coast - Dive Sites
Henri Pittier National Park
Best time to visit – All Year
Departs Daily
1. Morro de Turiamo - explore a rocky outcrop at the
mouth of Turiamo bay. Ocean going fish, groupers,
lobsters and conger eels
Just 3 hrs from Caracas along the Caribbean coastline
there lays a lagoon on the edge of Venezuela’s Henri
Pittier National Park – La Cienaga. Here it is said that
Captain Morgan used to anchor his galleon in wait for the
Spanish ships to pass by. Along the rocky coastline are
walls, caves, grottos, coral reefs, two sunken vessels
(Carmen Fabiana - a small freighter and Gran Roque - a
tug boat) and even your own lagoon, right on your
doorstep, just waiting to be explored by adventurous
2. Punta de Turiamo - a sheer mountain wall that drops
20 meters below the surface ending on a sandy bottom
offers a myriad of marine life with plenty of fish and sea
creatures hiding in the nooks and crannies
With 16 dive sites to choose from this is a great location to
simply kick back and spend a few days of underwater
exploration. What makes this place different is the prime
location of the dive lodge, sitting on the edge of a pristine
(, surrounded on three sides
by mountainous rain forest, only accessible by fishing boat
and about a 20 minute boat ride from the local fishing
village. When you want a rest from diving or have any nondivers in your party there is something for everyone –
swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, and hiking trails in the
rainforest, wildlife observation and even relaxing in a
hammock strung up at the waters edge!
If there are a few folks in the group that also want to take
learn to dive or take a Discovery Dive you can do that right
in front of the lodge and what a view! No cold swimming
pool and ugly dive locations for these lessons.
We have PADI and SSI certified dive instructors - the
locations are suitable for beginners & experienced divers
Sample Program:
Day 1: Caracas - El Playon
Transfer to El Playon and De La Costa Ecolodge. Spend
afternoon at the pristine crescent beaches of Cata or
Catica. Optional 2 tank afternoon dive. Overnight in El
Playon at De La Costa Ecolodge. (D)
Day 2-4: El Playon - La Cienaga
Transfer to Coral Lagoon Lodge in La Cienaga by fishing
boat. 2 tank dives daily to local spots (chose from 16 dive
locations). Kayaking, trekking local trails, wildlife viewing
in spare time or simply relax in your own beach side
hammock. Overnight at Coral Lagoon Lodge. (B, L, D)
Day 5: La Cienaga – Caracas
Transfer to Caracas or other dive locations of Los
Roques, Mochima or Morrocoy. (B)
Please note:
Group discounts and group rates available.
Suitable for beginners and advanced divers.
All dive equipment available, including kayaks and
snorkel gear for other activities.
Independent diving: from $45 per person
Discovery dives and dive courses available – PADI and
SSI (3 full days & 5 dives from $280 – instruction
equipment and practice dives and certification)
3. Pared de Turiamo - a mountain wall, lots of nooks and
crannies with chance to see larger fish
4. Carmen Fabiana - this 100 meter (300 feet) freighter
was purposely sunk to cater for experienced divers and
lays on its side at a depth of 30-40 mtrs. (90-20 feet).
Carmen Fabiana’s cabins, decks and hold play host to
colourful fish large and small. Although visibility is
challenged sometimes exploring the cabin’s decks and
holds is rewarding as they are teaming with schools of
fish, large groupers and lobsters
5. Gran Roque – a tugboat 30 mtrs. long was sunk at 18
mtrs next to a pinnacle that is teeming with marine life.
End your dive exploring the wreck. Groupers are
6. Pared de Guabina - explore the mountain wall with
three shallow caves. Conger eels are found here
7. Pared de Guabinita - explore the mountain wall and the
forest of soft corals
8. Punta de Guabinita - descend to 6 mtrs. to a sandy
bottom, dive through a forest of soft coral and explore the
sheer mountain walls that reach the sand at 25 mtrs.
Return at 10 mtrs. along the mountain wall and explore
the grottos where the fish hang out. Conger eels also
found here
9. Jurelito - a mountain wall with sand bottom at 25 mtrs.
featuring a shallow hard coral reef with giant brain corals.
Good for night dives also
10. Roquero de la Cienaga - a rocky out crop at 30 mtrs
within the bay of the Coral Lagoon with large snappers,
groupers and lobsters amongst many fish
11. Bajo de la Cienaga - in front of the lodge - a 10-metre
shore dive featuring the internal fringe of Coral lagoon.
Lobsters, soft coral, fan corals etc. teeming with shoals of
fish. Good for night dives
12. Pedregales - a boat dive featuring a rocky mountain
wall with a rockery at 18 mtrs teeming with fish
13. Punta de Cata - bottomless rocky mountain wall with
plenty of marine life in the nooks and crannies and many
ocean going fish
14. Pared de Cata - shore dive from Cata to explore the
western rocky wall - a good place to see Slipper Lobster!
Eastern Venezuela Discovery Tour
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs Daily • 11 days
Day 1: Caracas – Canaima National Park
Airport transfer for early flight to Canaima via Puerto
Ordaz. Enjoy panoramic views of Canaima lagoon
and nearby tabletop mountains. Afternoon
excursion on the lagoon in a dugout canoe
(curiara). Trek through the rain forest to the majestic
Sapo Falls for an exhilarating walk behind its
gushing curtain of water. Overnight in Canaima.
Rustic (budget) – standard - superior
accommodations available. (L,D)
Day 2: Canaima – Angel Falls
Hike to Ucaima Port to board a motorized canoe
along the Carrao and the Churún Rivers, to Angel
Falls in Devils Canyon. Angel Falls cascades
979m (3,212 feet) from the top of Auyántepuy to
the Rio Churún! Trek to “Mirador Laime” for a
breathtaking close up of the falls. Enjoy a
refreshing swim in Lover’s Pool at the base.
Overnight at Ratoncito in hammocks. Rustic
(budget). (B,L,D)
Day 3: Angel Falls – Eastern Plains
Return to Canaima for a flight over the jungle and
Lake Guri to Puerto Ordaz. Land transfer to one of
the most important cattle ranch of the Eastern
plains - Rancho San Andrés. Take a refreshing
swim in the ranch’s pool. Overnight Rancho San
Andres. (B,L,D)
Day 4: Eastern Plains - Orinoco
Take a river boat cruise along to a camp, located
near the Yavinoco Warao Community on of the
many tributaries of the Orinoco River. Observe
exotic flora and fauna en route - water hyacinth,
pink dolphins, giant river otters, toucans, parrots,
sideneck turtles and even the occasional
anaconda. Along the riverbanks see Indian
villages with their unique raised dwellings
(palafitos), built over the river's edge. Take an
excursion into the virgin jungle with a Warao
guide. Overnight in hammocks with mosquito nets.
Day 5: Orinoco
Navigate the Orinoco in search of the various
species that live there. Spot red howler and
capuchin monkeys high in the forest that lines the
river banks. Visit a Warao community that live in
stilted dwellings (palafitos) Experience the way the
Warao live. Meet some of their craftsmen / women
and buy some handicrafts for which they are
famous. Overnight in hammocks with mosquito
nets. (B,L,D)
Day 6: Orinoco - Caripe
In the morning fish for Piranha fishing before
heading back up river to San José de Buja.
Continuing our journey overland we will drive to
the Turimiquire Massif with its stunning views of
rain forest, alternating with flower and vegetable
plots until we reach the charming village of Caripe.
Overnight at Hotel Samán. (B,L)
Day 7: Caripe – Paria
Driving through several coffee plantations –
observe the coffee making process. Visit to El
Guacharo National Park and Alexander Von
Humboldt’s Natural Monument - a cave that was
declared a natural monument in 1975 inhabited by
the largest known colony of Oilbirds and one of
Venezuela’s natural wonders. Drive to Hacienda
Río de Agua, the biggest water buffalo ranch in
the Paria Peninsula. Overnight Hacienda Rio de
Agua. (B,L,D)
Day 8: Paria – Rio Caribe
Short tour of a working ranch, wildlife viewing,
such as water buffalo and spectacled alligators (in
the wetlands). Onward to Playa Medina,
considered one of the most beautiful beaches of
Venezuela and leisure time. Later visit Hacienda
Bukare, a cocoa farm of colonial heritage, see how
cocoa is prepared and taste the local farm
products. Drive to the fishing village of Río Caribe.
Overnight at Posada Villa Antillana. (B,L,D)
Day 9: Rio Caribe – Mochima
Journey along the picturesque coast road to
Mochima National Park where we will take a boat
trip to one of the many islands in the park. Enjoy
the blue-green water colors and interesting sea
birds nesting in the rocky cliffs, returning at sunset
to the small village of Mochima. Overnight at
Posada El Embajador. (B,L,D)
Day 10: Mochima
Enjoy another boat excursion to Chimana Island
usually enroute we will see dolphins. Snorkel
some of the richest coral reefs that this national
park has to offer. Transfer to Playa Blanca for
some leisure time on your own. Return once again
at sunset to Mochima Village. Overnight at Posada
El Embajador. (B,L,D)
Day 11: Mochima – Caracas
Transfer to Barcelona airport for your flight to
Caracas at midday. End of service. (B)
Departures (dates upon request for 2007):
26 Oct to 07 Nov 2006 - 30 Nov to 12 Dec 2006
22 Dec 2006 to 2 Jan 2007
Please note: Available all seasons but subject to
prevailing conditions – if water levels are not high
enough to visit Angel Falls by river we will replace
with a fly over and an additional night in Canaima.
Group size: Minimum 6 people – maximum 10
Accommodations - upgrades available for Caracas
and Canaima.
Includes: all meals / services as listed in the
Excludes: national airport taxes - national park
fees – alcoholic beverages and some soft drinks.
Tips are not included but much encouraged
Western Venezuela Discovery Tour
Venezuela Highlights
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs Daily • 8 days
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs Daily • 8 days
Day 1: Caracas – Maracaibo - Sinamaica
Morning flight from Caracas to Maracaibo.
Excursion to Sinamaica lagoon, visit the local
indigenous Indians, the Añu – Paraujana, in their
stilted houses (palafitos’) and a souvenir store full
of their local indigenous handcrafts. Transfer by
boat to San Carlos Fortress. Overnight in
Maracaibo. Overnight at local hotel **** (L)
ADI 1: Caracas
A half-day tour explores colonial treasures amid
Caracas’ modern façade, and the legacy of native
son Simon Bolivar. Overnight in Caracas.
Selection of 3*, 4* and 5* hotels available (B)
Day 2: Maracaibo - Catatumbo
Drive to Catatumbo River, which runs into Lake
Maracaibo from Columbia. Enjoy some late
afternoon wildlife observation and visit the local
communities that actually live on the lake.
Overnight in hammocks in a “lake house”
(palafitos) and overnight observation of the
Catatumbo lightning phenomena. (B,L,D)
Day 3: Catatumbo – Mérida
Wildlife observation with lunch in a local
community. Scenic drive to Mérida - various stops
en route. Overnight at Hotel La Pedregosa****.
Day 4: Mérida – Páramos Highlands
Teleferico cable car ride high into the Andes
Mountains (optional – except Mondays); visit the
local market in Mérida. Journey to the Páramos
(highlands) and visit the Andes condor research
station. Overnight in Apartaderos at local posada.
Day 5: Páramos Highlands – Los Llanos
Visit to Mucubají lagoon and hike to Victoria
lagoon. Picnic lunch. Scenic drive to the llanos
(wetlands). Dinner and overnight at Hotel El
Gabán. (B,L,D)
Day 6: Los Llanos
Drive to Hato El Cedral. Wildlife observation tour
in the ranch and listen to Joropo music in the
evening. Overnight at Hato El Cedral. (B,L,D)
Day 7: Los Llanos
Jeep excursion for more wildlife observation, boat
trip on the Matiyure River. Overnight at Hato El
Cedral. (B,L,D)
Day 8: Los Llanos – Caracas
Jeep excursion for wildlife observation. Flight from
Barinas to Caracas at 5pm. End of service. (B,L)
Includes: all meals / services as listed in the
Excludes: national airport taxes - national park
fees – alcoholic beverages and some soft drinks.
Tips are not included but much encouraged
Day 3: Caracas - Canaima National Park
Fly to Canaima, where your lodge is close to the
jungle, amid pink beaches and waterfalls pouring
over the staggering cliffs of flat-topped tepuis. Set
out boating and hiking to Sapo Falls in this unusual
Overnight in Canaima. Rustic
(budget) – standard - superior available. (L,D)
Day 4: Canaima National Park
Soar in a light aircraft over Angel Falls, pouring off a
mountaintop 3,212 feet to the jungle floor. Hike,
wade and swim through Kavak Canyon and its
waterfall with a Pemón guide, and visit a traditional
Indian village set before the looming wall of
Auyántepui. Overnight in Canaima. Rustic
(budget) – standard - superior available. (B,L,D)
Days 5-7: Margarita Island
Long, fine beaches and Caribbean color beckon as
you fly to Margarita Island and transfer to your fine
resort. Your 3-day beach getaway includes a 4x4jeep tour of the mangrove lagoons, central Sierra,
and wild Macanao Peninsula. Comfortable Posada
Day 8: Margarita Island / Caracas / Depart
Fly back to Caracas and connect with your return
flight (B)
Accommodations - upgrades available
Caracas, Canaima and Margarita Island.
Includes: all meals / services as listed in the
Excludes: national airport taxes - national park
fees – alcoholic beverages and some soft drinks.
Tips are not included but much encouraged
“Lost World Expedition”
(Kamarata Valley-Angel Falls-Orinoco)
Best time to visit – all year round
Departs Daily • 10 days
One of Angel-Eco’s flagship products - features
visits to two indigenous communities, the Pemón
Indians of Canaima National Park and the Warao
Indians of the Orinoco Delta and a spectacular
expedition to the world tallest waterfall - Angel
Day 1: Caracas - Uruyén
Early morning transfer to airport. Fly to Puerto
Ordaz transfer to a light plane for two hour flight to
Uruyén, landing on the same landing strip where
both Jimmie Angel (who first discovered the Falls
in 1935) and Ruth Robertson set up base camps
before their respective expeditions. Spectacular
overflight of Angel Falls included (weather
permitting). Afternoon hike to Yurwan Canyon and
local waterfalls. Overnight at the Pemón Indian
lodge of Uruyén in beds. (B,L,D)
Day 2: Uruyén - Kavak
Transfer to Kavak by jeep, or hike through the
savannah and rainforests visiting local Pemón
Indian village’s enroute. Afternoon expedition to
Kavak Canyon and the sacred cave of Kavak.
Overnight at Kavak Lodge. Special cultural
evening (groups of 6 or more). (B,L,D)
Day 4: Kavak - Canaima
Fly to the small landing strip in Canaima, close to
the “Laguna de Canaima”, from the air you will see
the beautiful Hacha Falls as well as six other
spectacular waterfalls that empty into the vast
lagoon. Explore Canaima Lagoon by curiara
(dugout canoe), hike through the rainforest to
Sapo Falls and walk behind the powerful gushing
curtain of water. Overnight in Canaima. Rustic
(budget) – standard - superior available.
Day 5: Canaima – Angel Falls
Hike to Ucaima Port to board a motorized canoe
along the Carrao and the Churún Rivers, to Angel
Falls in Devils Canyon. Angel Falls cascades
979m (3,212 feet) from the top of Auyántepuy to
the Rio Churún! Trek to “Mirador Laime” for a
breathtaking close up of the falls. Enjoy a
refreshing swim in Lover’s Pool at the base.
Overnight at Ratoncito in hammocks. Rustic
(budget). (B,L,D)
Day 6: Angel Falls – Ciudad Bolivar:
Return to Canaima and take an afternoon flight
over the jungle and Lake Guri to Ciudad Bolivar.
Overnight at Hotel La Cumbre. (B,L,D)
Day 7: Ciudad Bolivar – Orinoco Delta
Take a river boat cruise / transfer to a lodge a
located in the middle of a dense rainforest, on one
of the many tributaries of the Orinoco River.
Observe exotic flora and fauna en route - water
hyacinth, pink dolphins, sideneck turtles, giant
river otters, flocks of scarlet ibis, toucans,
macaws, parrots, even the occasional anaconda.
Along the riverbanks see Indian villages with their
unique raised dwellings (palafitos), built over the
river's edge. Take an excursion into the virgin
jungle with a Warao guide. Overnight in an
Orinoco lodge. (B,L,D)
Day 8: Orinoco Delta
Navigate the Orinoco in search of the various
species that live there. Spot red howler and
capuchin monkeys high in the forest that lines the
river banks. Visit a Warao community that live in
stilted dwellings (palafitos) Experience the way the
Warao live. Meet some of their craftsmen / women
and buy some handicrafts for which they are
famous. Overnight in an Orinoco lodge. (B,L,D)
Day 9: Orinoco - Caracas
In the morning fish for Piranha fishing before
heading back up river to the local port and then by
vehicle to Maturín airport. Transfer to your
afternoon flight back to Caracas. Airport
assistance, transfer and overnight in Caracas.
Selection of 3*, 4* and 5* hotels available (B)
Day 10 - Transfer to the airport. End of service.
Please note:
Departures - arrive in Caracas on Friday for
Saturday departure to Canaima. Special departure
dates can be arranged for groups of 4 or more.
Saturday arrivals must arrive by midday and
transfer to Ciudad Bolivar or Puerto Ordaz for first
overnight (charge extra).
Availability - all seasons but subject to prevailing
conditions – if water levels are not high enough to
visit Angel Falls by river we will replace with a fly
over and an additional night in Canaima. Best
Accommodations Caracas, Canaima.
Groups – min 2 people – max 16
Includes: all meals / services as listed in the
Excludes: national airport taxes - national park
fees – alcoholic beverages and some soft drinks.
Tips are not included but much encouraged
Ruth Robertson’s “Forgotten Expedition” to
Angel Falls
© Angel-Eco Tours, Inc.
Best time to visit – Rainy Season
Special Departure Dates • 6 days
Spurting from a cliff more than half a mile high in
the jungle fastnesses of eastern Venezuela is
Angel Falls, world’s highest waterfall, 15 times
higher than Niagara Falls or, by another yardstick,
more than twice the height of the Empire State
Building. Its first drop is 2,648 feet; its total 3,212.
I saw it the first time from the co-pilot’s
seat of an old unconverted C-47 just two years
ago as we flew over this weirdly beautiful high
jungle between the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers.
On that flight to Auyántepui, so called Devil
Mountain, I shot more than a dozen Kodachromes
in the dead-end of Angel Falls canyon.
As we flew over the dense jungle floor of
the canyon, I resolved someday to enter that
canyon valley on foot to get photographs from the
base of Angel Falls and to determine its exact
Ruth Robertson - May 1949
-------------------------------------------This trip is a special program with specialist
guest tour leaders that will relate the full Ruth
Robertson experience, reading from extracts
from her diary and memoirs as we follow her
route all the way to Angel Falls. Special dates
will be published for this expedition in July,
August and December.
For Ruth, her epic expedition started in
Caracas on April 23 1949, she reached Angel
Falls on May 11th 1949 and Mayupa Rapids on
May 17th. Our expedition will take only six
-------------------------------------------Day 1: Caracas - Uruyén
Early morning transfer to airport. Fly to Puerto
Ordaz transfer to a light plane for two hour flight to
Uruyén, landing on the same landing strip where
both Jimmie Angel (who first discovered the Falls
in 1935) and Ruth Robertson set up base camps
before their respective expeditions. Spectacular
overflight of Angel Falls included (weather
permitting). Afternoon hike to Yurwan Canyon and
local waterfalls with Pemón guide. Overnight at the
Pemón Indian lodge of Uruyén in beds. (B,L,D)
Day 2: Uruyén - Kavak
Transfer to Kavak by jeep, or hike through the
savannah and rainforests visiting local Pemón
Indian village’s enroute. Afternoon hike to Kavak
Canyon and the sacred cave of Kavak with Pemón
guide. Overnight at Kavak Lodge in beds. Special
cultural evening (groups of 6 or more). (B,L,D)
Day 3: Kavak - Arenal
Early morning transfer to Kamarata port for
riverboat expedition (curiaras) to Angel Falls. First
stop will be Kamarata to visit the local school
children at school or homes of the local Pemón.
Overnight in hammocks at Arenal camp on the
bank of the Carrao River with spectacular views of
the river and the tabletop mountains of Uey-tepuí
and Auyántepui. (B,L,D)
Day 4: Arenal - Angel Falls
After a “special” ceremony in preparation for the
day’s adventure, we take to the river early morning
for the penultimate leg of our expedition. Entering
the awe inspiring “Devil Canyon” on the Rio
Churún we will make our final approach to Angel
Falls. Trek through the rainforest to “Laime’s
Lookout Point” – the same point where Laime and
Ruth stood in May 1949 to photograph the falls.
Overnight at Ratoncito Island camp in hammocks.
Day 5: Angel Falls - Canaima - Ciudad Bolivar
Early morning curiara ride to Canaima along the
Churún and Carrao rivers. We will pass close by
Mayupa airstrip where Ruth finished her epic
journey on May 17th. One last adventure - before
bidding farewell to our captain and his Pemón
crew – Sapo Falls beckons. Walk behind the
gushing curtain – one of seven waterfalls
unloading its raw energy into Canaima Lagoon
with great vistas from the top of the falls. Fly to
Ciudad Bolivar; visit with Jimmie Angel's famous
plane at the airport. Overnight at Hotel La Cumbre.
Day 6: Ciudad Bolivar - Caracas
Morning city tour of Ciudad Bolivar (optional
extra). Transfer to airport for flight to Caracas - for
return journey home, an extra night of fun in
Caracas or on to Henri Pittier for a few days
relaxation at Coral Lagoon Lodge (or other
Venezuelan eco-destinations). (B)
Please note:
Departures - arrive in Caracas on Friday for
Saturday departure to Canaima. Special departure
dates can be arranged for groups of 4 or more.
Saturday arrivals must arrive by midday and
transfer to Ciudad Bolivar or Puerto Ordaz for first
overnight (charge extra).
Availability - special dates available in July,
August and December 2006 and 2007 with
“specialist guest” tour leaders – Paul Stanley
(President of Angel-Eco and Angel Conservation)
or Anthony Ippolito (Professor of Ecology &
Biology and President of Southern Brazil
Adventures). Dates will be published well in
advance. Put your name on the waiting list.
Groups – min 4 people – max 16
Includes: all meals / services as listed in the
Excludes: national airport taxes - national park
fees – alcoholic beverages and some soft drinks.
Tips are not included but much encouraged
Indigenous Pemón Indians
& Angel Falls Experience
Best time to visit – All Year
Departure Dates • 7 days
One of Angel-Eco’s flagship products - features a
cultural immersion with the local indigenous
peoples of Kamarata Valley (the Pemón Indians of
the Arekuna tribe) and a spectacular expedition by
river from Canaima, to the world tallest waterfall
deep in the jungle - Angel Falls.
Day 1: Caracas - Uruyén
Early morning transfer to airport. Fly to Puerto
Ordaz transfer to a light plane for two hour flight to
Uruyén, landing on the same landing strip where
both Jimmie Angel (who first discovered the Falls
in 1935) and Ruth Robertson set up base camps
before their respective expeditions. Spectacular
overflight of Angel Falls included (weather
permitting). Afternoon hike to Yurwan Canyon and
local waterfalls with Pemón guide. Overnight at the
Pemón Indian lodge of Uruyén in beds. (B,L,D)
Day 6: Angel Falls – Ciudad Bolivar:
Return to Canaima and take an afternoon flight
over the jungle and Lake Guri to Ciudad Bolivar.
Overnight at Hotel La Cumbre. (B,L,D)
Day 7: Ciudad Bolivar – Caracas
Morning city tour of Ciudad Bolivar (optional
extra). Transfer to the local airport for flight to
Caracas and beyond. End of service. (B)
Please note:
Departures - arrive in Caracas on Friday for
Saturday departure to Canaima. Special departure
dates can be arranged for groups of 4 or more.
Saturday arrivals must arrive by midday and
transfer to Ciudad Bolivar or Puerto Ordaz for first
overnight (charge extra).
Availability - all seasons - but subject to prevailing
conditions – if water levels are not high enough to
visit Angel Falls by river we will replace with a fly
over and an additional night in Canaima. Best
Accommodations - upgrades available Canaima.
Day 2: Uruyén - Kavak
Transfer to Kavak by jeep, or hike through the
savannah and rainforests visiting local Pemón
Indian village’s enroute. Afternoon hike to Kavak
Canyon and the sacred cave of Kavak with Pemón
guide. Overnight at Kavak Lodge in beds. Special
cultural evening (groups of 6 or more). (B,L,D)
Day 3: Kavak – Kamarata – Kavak
Early morning hike to La Toma overlooking Kavak
and the canyon of Kavak. Afternoon jeep transfer
to visit local Pemón community in Kamarata. Visit
with the Pemón in their homes and schools. Pick
up a game of football (soccer). Overnight in
Kavak. (B,L,D)
Day 4: Kavak – Canaima
Fly to the small landing strip in Canaima, close to
the “Laguna de Canaima”, from the air you will see
the beautiful Hacha Falls as well as six other
spectacular waterfalls that empty into the vast
lagoon. Explore Canaima Lagoon by curiara
(dugout canoe), hike through the rainforest to
Sapo Falls and walk behind the powerful gushing
curtain of water. Overnight in Canaima. Rustic
(budget) – standard - superior available.
Day 5: Canaima – Angel Falls
Hike to Ucaima Port to board a motorized canoe
along the Carrao and the Churún Rivers, to Angel
Falls in Devils Canyon. Angel Falls cascades
979m (3,212 feet) from the top of Auyántepuy to
the Rio Churún! Trek to “Mirador Laime” for a
breathtaking close up of the falls. Enjoy a
refreshing swim in Lover’s Pool at the base.
Overnight at Ratoncito in hammocks. Rustic
(budget). (B,L,D)
Groups – min 2 people – max 16
Includes: all meals / services as listed in the
Excludes: national airport taxes - national park
fees – alcoholic beverages and some soft drinks.
Tips are not included but much encouraged
Ultimate Canaima National Park
& Angel Falls Experience
Best time to visit – Rainy Season (May-Dec)
Departure Dates • 6 days
One of Angel-Eco’s flagship products - features a
cultural immersion with the local indigenous
peoples of Kamarata Valley (the Pemón Indians of
the Arekuna tribe) and a spectacular expedition by
river from Kamarata to Canaima by way of the
world’s tallest waterfall - Angel Falls.
Enjoy visits to the homes of the Pemón, short
hikes to spectacular canyons, swimming in pools
at the foot of cascading waterfalls, a curiara trip to
Angel Falls with a trek to Laime’s Lookout Point at
the base of the falls.
Day 1: Caracas - Uruyén
Early morning transfer to airport. Fly to Puerto
Ordaz transfer to a light plane for two hour flight to
Uruyén, landing on the same landing strip where
both Jimmie Angel (who first discovered the Falls
in 1935) and Ruth Robertson set up base camps
before their respective expeditions. Spectacular
overflight of Angel Falls included (weather
permitting). Afternoon hike to Yurwan Canyon and
local waterfalls with Pemón guide. Overnight at the
Pemón Indian lodge of Uruyén in beds. (B,L,D)
Day 2: Uruyén - Kavak
Transfer to Kavak by jeep, or hike through the
savannah and rainforests visiting local Pemón
Indian village’s enroute. Afternoon hike to Kavak
Canyon and the sacred cave of Kavak with Pemón
guide. Overnight at Kavak Lodge in beds. Special
cultural evening (groups of 6 or more). (B,L,D)
Day 3: Kavak - Arenal
Early morning transfer to Kamarata port for
riverboat expedition (curiaras) to Angel Falls. First
stop will be Kamarata to visit the local school
children at school or homes of the local Pemón.
Overnight in hammocks at Arenal camp on the
bank of the Carrao River with spectacular views of
the river and the tabletop mountains of Uey-tepuí
and Auyántepui. (B,L,D)
Day 4: Arenal - Angel Falls
After a “special” ceremony in preparation for the
day’s adventure, we take to the river early morning
for the penultimate leg of our expedition. Entering
the awe inspiring “Devil Canyon” on the Rio
Churún we will make our final approach to Angel
Falls. Trek through the rainforest to “Laime’s
Lookout Point” – the same point where Laime and
Ruth stood in May 1949 to photograph the falls.
Overnight at Ratoncito Island camp in hammocks.
Day 5: Angel Falls - Canaima - Ciudad Bolivar
Early morning curiara ride to Canaima along the
Churún and Carrao rivers. We will pass close by
Mayupa airstrip where Ruth finished her epic
journey on May 17th. One last adventure - before
bidding farewell to our captain and his Pemón
crew – Sapo Falls beckons. Walk behind the
gushing curtain – one of seven waterfalls
unloading its raw energy into Canaima Lagoon
with great vistas from the top of the falls. Fly to
Ciudad Bolivar; visit with Jimmie Angel's famous
plane at the airport. Overnight at Hotel La Cumbre.
Day 6: Ciudad Bolivar - Caracas
Morning city tour of Ciudad Bolivar (optional
extra). Transfer to airport for flight to Caracas - for
return journey home, an extra night of fun in
Caracas or on to Henri Pittier for a few days
relaxation at Coral Lagoon Lodge (or other
Venezuelan eco-destinations).
Please note:
Departures - arrive in Caracas on Friday for
Saturday departure to Canaima. Special departure
dates can be arranged for groups of 4 or more.
Saturday arrivals must arrive by midday and
transfer to Ciudad Bolivar or Puerto Ordaz for first
overnight (charge extra).
Availability - important - available only during rainy
season from May – December
Includes: all meals / services as listed in the
Excludes: national airport taxes - national park
fees – alcoholic beverages and some soft drinks.
Tips are not included but much encouraged
Groups – min 4 people – max 16
Includes: all meals / services as listed in the
Excludes: national airport taxes - national park
fees – alcoholic beverages and some soft drinks.
Tips are not included but much encouraged
Henri Pittier National Park – Coral Lagoon Lodge
(operated by Angel-Eco Tours)
Coral Lagoon Lodge
Waterfront lodge
Price range
Henri Pittier National park Caribbean coastline only 3 hrs away from the International
All inclusive Full Day US$ 50, All inclusive 2 Days 1 night stay US$ 135, additional nights
US$ 100. All rates per person basis
Snorkeling, Kayaking, Diving, fishing, lying in a hammock on the waterfront (hammock
swinging!?) Nature watching, exploring mangroves and virgin tropical forests.
Set on a waterfront location our Coral Lagoon lodge offers you snorkeling, diving and
kayaking right off our doorstep.
You’ll find the Coral Lagoon Lodge on the shores of a tropical sea lagoon nestled between
the mountains of the Henri Pittier’s National Park’ Caribbean coastline and located only 3
hrs from Caracas airport. Our waterfront location allows you to enjoy snorkeling, diving and
kayaking whilst discovering the tropical marine environments right off our doorstep!
The waterfront location of our Coral Lagoon lodge offers you snorkeling, diving and kayaking
right off our doorstep. Accessible only by sea, the lodge is a great place to get away from it
all and relax swinging in a hammock on the waters edge under the shade of the mangrove
You’ll find the Coral Lagoon of La Cienaga nestled between the mountainous forests of the
Henri Pittier’s National Park’ Caribbean coastline, only 3 hrs drive from Caracas airport!
The coral lagoon’s reefs and its bordering mangroves teem with colourful parrot fish, angel
fish, trumpet fish, lobsters, squid and octopus amongst many others, not to mention many
types of flourishing hard and particularly soft corals. Taking a kayak and snorkeling gear you
can set out to explore this unique coastal habitat and even catch a glimpse of sea turtles
grazing on sea grass in the mornings! For nature lovers there are trails you can explore on
foot that venture into totally virgin tropical forest and mangrove swamps where its possible
to see puma and jaguar tracks, deer, snakes, scarlet ibis, ospreys, wild pigs, capuchin and
howler monkeys just to mention a few!
Coral Lagoon Lodge offers accommodation in two cabins, with a total of 7 rooms for 2 to 4
people, with fans and en-suite facilities. Our multilingual host will ensure to make you feel at
home and delight you with his cooking as well as looking after your every wish. Meals are
served under the shade of the mangrove trees allow you to contemplate the amazing views
of the surrounding mountains and the turquoise waters of the lagoon. Hammocks,
deckchairs, kayaks and snorkeling equipment are available for your enjoyment. We operate
a free open bar offering local drinks were guests just help themselves.
How to find us
Just a small distance from the lodge there are many unique diving sites where the accented
coastline hides underwater grottos and canyons to explore. A ten minute boat ride away you
can dive two locally renowned wrecks, the 'Carmen Fabiana', an impressive 10,000 ton
freighter laying at 30 meters and the 'Gran Roque' a typical tug boat lying at 18 meters. You
can also take a shore dive straight from the lodge or take the dingy to many other diving
sites found close by. We work with PADI and SSI qualified instructors that offer scuba diving
courses and discovery dives by appointment.
How to find us:
To reach Ocumare de La Costa:
By air: Maracay Airport (1.5 hrs) Valencia Airport (2 hrs) Caracas Airport (3 hrs). From
Caracas Airport, the simplest way to reach the lodge is to request us to collect you at the
airport by taxi. (3 hours travel time, US$ 75 -$120 for up to 3 persons depending on arrival
date / time). This is an advantage because this gives you peace of mind and the opportunity
to get your holiday off to a relaxing start on the beach.
By bus: Alternatively numerous buses travel between Caracas - Maracay – Ocumare. Once
in Ocumare de la Costa we will transfer you to the pier (la Boca) where you take a 15 minute
boat transfer to the Coral Lagoon Lodge.
Making a
Late evening arrivals can stay at De La Costa Eco-Lodge for the night ($60 per person
including dinner and breakfast) before continuing to the Coral Lagoon on the following
Rooms with en suite facilities and fans
Open bar offering local drinks
Host/Chef services
Waterfront restaurant specializing in fish
Snorkeling equipment
Beach chairs and hammocks
Solar power (under construction) / generator electricity
Fresh water supply collected from rainwater
Dinghy for guided nature outings
How this holiday makes a difference
As the Coral Lagoon has grown popular as a travel destination the effects of uncontrolled
tourism have grown apparent in the form of coral degradation, fish reduction and the
appearance of refuse. To overcome these problems we have joined forces with the local
neighborhood association in the formulation and execution of a sustainable tourism plan for
the bay. The plan aims to define a clear set of rules for the bays users, measure the present
flow of visitors to the bay in order to establish a carrying capacity of the area, as well as to
determine and execute measures to prevent further damage and to recuperate the affected
environment. With funding obtained from our commercial activities and as an education and
sensitization measure we have already placed environmental education notice boards in the
key transit points used by visitors to the bay. We have placed 20 collection refuse collection
points around the bay with 20 more planned and have managed an agreement with the local
boatmen to retrieve the refuse.
We presently offer our lodge and our radio equipment as a communications center for
medical and security emergencies and to report illegal fishing activities in the bay. We have
also donated radio equipment to the local national guard outpost in charge of environmental
Public toilets, anchor points for boats, a public information center and the creation of the
figure of bay ranger are planned for the near future.
The Coral Lagoon Lodge is located within a stilted timber building dating from the 60’s. All
refurbishment work of the lodge was carried out by local residents and maximized the use of
local building materials. We also recycled where possible the existing timber elements of the
The Eco-Lodge is self sufficient. All our freshwater supply comes from rainwater collection
and our toilets flush with saltwater. Power is presently generated through generator but we
already store surplus power in batteries thus increasing the efficiency of the system over
200%. We are currently switching to Solar power system with a generator as back-up to
reduce noise, increase operational efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.
We have an operational workforce all comprised of local residents (2 full time staff and 2
part time/seasonal). We subcontract services to local providers i.e. boats and boatmen,
trucks and local taxis. We maximize the use of local products in our kitchen purchases i.e.
fish, vegetables etc.
We minimize the use of toxic materials in our buildings and construction where possible. i.e.
minimize use of bleach as a cleaning agent and experiment with other appropriate options
such as vinegar. We encourage guests to use towels and sheets for 2 days to minimize
washing and detergent use. All our organic refuse is composted and serves as food supply
for local wildlife and non-recyclable refuse is returned to civilization for appropriate disposal.
We discourage the purchase of products/items that are known to be direct/indirect
detriments to wildlife or environment i.e. lobster out of season, fish that has been speargunned, necklaces made from coral, game meat or live wild animals that has been poached
from the park.
View our slide show of La Cienaga:
Panoramic view
of lagoon
Special community based projects:
Angel-Eco is proud to be Venezuela’s inbound operator for a number of major tour operators. By working with
Angel-Eco you are supporting an organization with admirable ecotourism principles and practices. As an
example of our working together – a percentage of the receipts of all of our tours / expeditions will be allocated
to special community projects that Angel-Eco and their partners are involved with.
Angel-Eco’s projects to date –
“Proyecto Kamarakoto”- an on-going project working directly with the Pemón community of Kamarata valley.
The project so far has helped teach trail and environmental interpretation, rebuild lodges to tourism standards,
supply important reading / writing materials to the community, supply limited medical supplies, assisted in
helping local families to send their children to the local school system and even supply materials to help build
Angel-Eco Tours have partnered with Angel Conservation and Fundacion Etnika - two not-for-profits working
with indigenous cultures in Venezuela and also with Proyecto Maniapure who manage the local Telemedicine
Project (enabled by Angel-Eco), bringing communications and medical help to the communities of Kamarata
PACKAGE consists agreement and acceptance
of the terms and conditions set forth below, which
cannot be verified except in writing by an officer
of Angel-Eco Tours, Inc. In this agreement,
Angel-Eco Tours, Inc. maybe referred to as the
Operator or Angel-Eco Tours.
Reservations: A non-refundable deposit of 25% is
required within 7 days of notification and
confirmation. Full payment, unless it is a late
booking, must be made no later than 45 days
prior to departure date. Bookings made less than
45 days prior to departure are subject to
immediate payment in full.
Revisions: An administration fee of $30.00 per
transaction will be charged for any revision after
Angel-Eco Tours has confirmed booking.
Late Bookings: All reservations made less than
10 days prior to departure may be charged
The following scale of charges will apply prior to
tour commencement when cancellation is notified
after Angel-Eco Tours confirms the booking.
More than 30 days – 25% of total cost
30 days or less – 100% of total cost.
Any additional airline charges will be assessed
for all cancellations received after issuance of
Refunds, if any, will be limited to the amount
actually recovered from the suppliers and
contractors, less the cost of obtaining such
refunds. No refunds will be made for unused land
and air arrangements once the trip has
Pricing variation: Rates may be subject to
change. Angel-Eco Tours reserves the right to re
invoice participants in case of error made in
computing our price.
Angel-Eco Tours, Inc. shall be responsible to the
participant for supplying the services and
accommodations purchased by all the
participants, except where such services cannot
be supplied or the itinerary is changed due to
delays or other causes of whatever kind of nature
are beyond the control of Angel-Eco Tours. In
this instance, the operator will offer comparable
services. In the absence of their own negligence,
neither Angel-Eco Tours, nor its agents or cooperating organizations, shall be responsible for
any cancellations, delays, diversions or
substitutions of equipment or any act or omission
whatsoever by air carriers, hotels, transportation
companies, or any other persons providing any of
the services and accommodations to participants
including any results thereof, such as changes in
services or accommodations, necessitated by
some. Nor shall Angel-Eco Tours be liable for
injury, illness or death, or for any omission of any
person not its direct employee or under its
exclusive control. The carriers, hotels and other
suppliers who provide services on tour are
independent contractors; they are not agents,
employees or servants of Angel-Eco Tours.
Angel-Eco Tours shall not be liable for any
damages or claims resulting from events beyond
its control such as (without limitation) acts of
God, war, weather, strikes or government
restrictions. The participant waives expressly all
rights that she or he may have against Angel-Eco
Tours in connection with the foregoing. AngelEco Tours is not responsible for any criminal
conduct by third parties. Transportation
companies, airlines etc. are not to be held
responsible for any act, omission or event during
the time passengers are not on board of planned
transportation or conveyances. At any time,
Angel-Eco Tours may decline, for any reason,
any person as a participant on trip.
Participants are subject to the ticket terms and
tariffs of the airlines, which when issued, shall be
the sole contract between the airline and the
Is the responsibility of the individual participant to
obtain the necessary documentation. The inability
of the participant to obtain the necessary visa(s) /
passport prior to departure does not constitute
grounds for withdrawal with refund. In such cases
the standard cancellation / refund policy will
The travel agent shall be responsible for ensuring
that clients enrolling for Angel-Eco Tours’
programs have received a copy of our full
bookings terms and conditions.
Trip cancellation, health, accident and luggage
insurance is available and strongly recommended
to protect all participants against unforeseeable
Insurance is available from World Nomads - a
link can be found on Angel-Eco Tours’ web site –
Participants and operator agree to resolve any
dispute in a court of competent jurisdiction in
New York State.
Angel-Eco Tours, Inc
53, Remsen Street, Suite #6
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel/Fax: 212 656-1240
Angel-Eco Tours - Booking Form
Please fill out one form per household
Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Miss Name (as appears on ID / passport)
Date of birth
Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Miss Name (as appears on ID / passport)
Phone (day)
Phone (evening)
Destination & Tour Name (if applicable)
Passport Number
Start Date
Location of Issue
Expiration Date
Deposit enclosed
(no. of persons)
$ ____________
Check (preferred) † Wire transfer † (details at foot page 3)
(credit cards subject to 4.95% surcharge) Credit Card: Visa †
MasterCard † American Express †
Method of payment
#_________________________ Exp. Date_______ Security code________ (from back of card; Amex on front)
Name as it appears on the card: ___________________Signature to approve charge: ________________
Is billing address the same as above?
YES † NO † (If no, please provide billing address)
Do you have any medical conditions? YES † NO † Please give details_________________________
Do you have any special dietary requirements?
YES † NO † Please give details______________
Other requests _________________________________________________________________________
Emergency contact name: _________________________
Phone number: __________________
INSURANCE It is highly recommended that you purchase comprehensive travel insurance when you pay your
deposit and prior to booking any airline tickets. Please review the insurance plans for details: In the event that you choose to decline coverage, we require your signature
below to acknowledge that you understand the risk involved. Please have each traveler sign. If you have a preexisting condition (meaning you received medical care, advice, consultation or treatment within the last 180 days).
you must purchase a special policy within 14 days of your initial trip deposit.
Please check here to cover a pre-existing condition: †
Angel-Eco Tours Booking Conditions & Liability Release
BOOKING CONDITIONS: A non refundable deposit of 25% is required to initiate booking and will apply to the balance of the trip
cost. The balance is typically payable 45 days prior to departure. Due to currency fluctuation, all quoted rates are valid for 24 hours;
after that time, rates will be recalculated based on the current exchange rate at the time of final payment. We reserve the right to
make changes to any of our booking conditions should any unforeseen or exceptional circumstances arise.
CANCELLATIONS & REFUND POLICY The following scale of charges will apply prior to tour commencement when cancellation
is notified after Angel-Eco Tours confirms the booking. More than 30 days – 25% of total cost 30 days or less – 100% of total cost.
Any additional airline charges will be assessed for all cancellations received after issuance of tickets.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Angel-Eco Tours, Inc. (including, for the purpose of this paragraph, its employees, agents, suppliers,
contractors, and any person or company associated with the planning and/or execution of your trip) hereby notifies you, as a
traveler, that all tickets or vouchers issued to you for transportation, conveyance, hotel accommodations, or tours are made for you
on the express condition that Angel-Eco Tours shall not be liable or responsible for any injury, damage, liability, loss, accident,
delay, expense or irregularity which results from any of the following: (a) any defect in any vehicle or other mode of transportation;
(b) any act or omission of any person or entity engaged in conveying passengers or providing lodging or tour activities, including the
acts or omissions of any agent, employee or contractor of any such person or entity; (c) any act or omission of any other person or
entity engaged in carrying out the arrangements of the tour. Angel-Eco Tours shall not be liable or responsible for any injury,
damage, liability, loss, accident, delay, expense or irregularity which results from (i) delays or changes in schedule or itineraries; (ii)
hotel over-booking; (iii) failures of others to perform obligations for the benefit of Angel-Eco Tours or its tour participants; (iv) injury,
sickness or ill health; (v) weather or action of the elements; (vi) strikes; (vii) civil disobedience, riot or war; (viii) quarantine; or (ix)
other events or occurrences beyond the direct control of Angel-Eco Tours. By confirming your reservation and participating in the
tour, you assume any and all risk of any and all injury, damage, liability, loss, accident, delay, expense or irregularity which may
result from any or all of the events or occurrences described in this paragraph. All prices quoted are based on exchange rates in
effect at the time of quote. In the event of a drop in the value of the United States Dollar relative to foreign currencies, Angel-Eco
Tours may charge a supplement bearing a relation to the drop in the value of the Dollar. We retain the right to not accept or retain
any individual whose actions, conduct or physical or mental condition is determined, in Angel-Eco Tours absolute and unfettered
discretion, to be detrimental or incompatible with the safety, interest, comfort, harmony or well-being of any tour group as a whole.
As a tour participant, you are responsible for your own baggage (and its contents) and other items throughout the entire trip - any
loss or damage are at your own risk. Angel-Eco Tours shall not be liable or responsible for any injury, damage, or loss of baggage
(or any contents); or for any injury, damage, liability or loss resulting from injury, damage, or loss of baggage (or any contents).
You’re paying a deposit, or any partial or full payment of a reservation, shall constitute your accepting all of the terms and conditions
set forth herein.
HEALTH & FITNESS: I acknowledge that I am joining an active trip, and I represent and warrant that I have no knowledge of any
physical, emotional or other condition or disability which may create a hazard to myself or any other tour participants. I represent
and warrant that I have discussed this trip with my personal physician, who has assured me that I am physically fit and able to
undertake the trip. I am not under the influence of drugs and am sufficiently qualified, trained and capable to participate in these
activities. Therefore, I assume full responsibility for myself, including any minor children for which I am responsible, for bodily injury,
accidents, illness, death, loss of personal property, and expenses as a result of any accident which may occur. I hereby authorize
any medical treatment deemed necessary in the event of an injury while participating in the activity. I have either appropriate
insurance, or in its absence, agree to pay all costs of rescue and/or medical services as may be incurred on my behalf. I also agree
to wear life saving equipment when necessary for the specific activity.
RELEASE & ASSUMPTION OF RISK: In consideration of services, activities, and/or property booked or provided by Angel-Eco
Tours, I, for myself and any minor children for which I am a parent, legal guardian or otherwise responsible, any heirs, personal
representatives or assigns, agree that Angel-Eco Tours and each of their principals, directors, officers, agents, employees and
volunteers, operators, their insurers and each and every land owner, municipal and/or governmental agency upon whose property
the activity is conducted, from all liability and waive any claim for damage arising from any cause whatsoever. I hereby assume any
and all risks associated with my participating in a trip offered or organized by Angel-Eco Tours, including but not limited to, any and
all risks of illness, injury and death. I elect to participate in spite of the risks. I agree to wear the appropriate safety gear pertinent to
the specific activity. I also agree to comply with all rules of the tour operator and follow the instructions of personnel when given.
While participating in an adventure activity, I will not leave the area of activity/operation and I will stay clear of obvious hazards. I
agree to know what defines the area of operation, whether on land or (in) water. I agree that if I am injured, become ill or die while
traveling to or from, while participating in, or as a result of having participated in a trip (including any event or activity related to the
trip) organized or offered by Angel-Eco Tours, I hereby release, waive any claim against and will not sue Angel-Eco Tours, or any
board member or officer of the organization, or any employee, agent, supplier or contractor of Angel-Eco Tours’, or any other
organizer or sponsor of the event or activity, even though my injury, damage or death may be caused by or result form negligence or
carelessness on their part. I agree that the foregoing waiver and release binds me and my heirs, distributes, guardians, legal
representatives, successors and assigns.
PHOTOGRAPHY: I hereby agree to permit Angel-Eco Tours, its agents, employees, contractors, suppliers, and other tour
participants to take photographs and make film records of this trip, which may include pictures of me, without compensation or
further recourse. I understand and agree that such photographs may be used for commercial and/or promotional purposes.
Signature _______________________________ Print Name ______________________Date __________
Signature _______________________________ Print Name ______________________Date __________
Angel-Eco Tours - Flight Information Form
If you have already arranged your own flights, please provide your flight information here:
Outbound from
Flight #
Arrival time
Return from
Flight #
Departure time
If you would like Angel-Eco Tours to book your flights please provide your preferred travel
dates, airports, and if you have an airline preference (please note processing fee will apply):
Outbound from
Return from
Frequent Flyer Information (please provide any/all that you would like us to keep on file for you):
Mileage Number
Mileage Number
Passport Information and In-Flight Preference:
Passport Number
Seating Preference
Flight Meal Request
Passport Number
Seating Preference
Flight Meal Request
Please note that passports must typically be valid for at least 6 months from the
date of travel.
Some airlines require you to reconfirm your flights.
Account Name: Angel-Eco Tours, Inc.
Bank Name: Citibank N.A
Bank Address: Br#2 – 320 Madison Avenue (at 42nd Street). New York, NY 10017
Bank Routing Number (sort code): 021000089
Bank Account Number: 01810451
Swift Number: CITIUS33
Angel-Eco Tours, Inc.
53 Remsen Street, Ste #6,
Brooklyn, NY 11201 – USA
Tel/Fax: 212 656-1240