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G00D STUFF LEISURE AND RECREATION NEWS FROM THE 21ST FORCE SUPPORT SQUADRON September/October 2016 Sat., Sept. 24 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free to the military community Patriot Park Trees & Trains Weekend Page 4 – Outdoor Recreation Copper Mountain's Discounted Season Ski Passes! Page 6 – ITT Halloween Costume Contest Page 7 – Bowling Center Mega Bingo Page 12 The Club Halloween Storytime Page 19 – Library CONTACT INFORMATION Aero Club (Rocky Mountain USAF Flight Training Center) Worldwide Day of Play PAGE 3 Outdoor Recreation PAGE 4 Outdoor Recreation PAGE 5 Leisure Travel, ITT, Arts & Crafts PAGE 6 Bowling Center PAGE 7 Silver Spruce Golf Course PAGE 8 Aquatics Center PAGE 9 Pikes Peak Lodge PAGE 10 The Club, Colorado Pizza & Sports Grill PAGE 11 Club Member Benefits PAGE 12 Aero Club PAGE 13 Fitness & Sports Center, Mini Golf PAGE 14 Functional Fitness PAGE 15 Geico Ad PAGE 16 R.P. Lee Youth Center, CDCs PAGE 17 Family Child Care (FCC) PAGE 18 Library PAGE 19 SnoFest, Ski Expo PAGE 20 Airman & Family Readiness Center PAGE 21 Education Center PAGE 22 Sponsor Spotlight, Advertiser Guide PAGE 23 Hangar 133, 719-556-4310 Airman & Family Readiness Bldg. 350, 719-556-6141 Aquatics Center Bldg. 404, 719-556-4608 Aragon Dining Facility Bldg. 1160 719-556-4782 (Menu Line) 719-556-4180 (Flight Kitchen) Arts & Crafts Center Bldg. 640, 719-556-4867, Option 2 Bowling Center Bldg. 406, 719-556-4607 Child Development Centers Main CDC: Bldg. 1350, 719-554-9572 Pete East CDC: Bldg. 2004, 719-556-7460 Club, The Bldg. 1013, 719-556-4181 Reservation Line, 719-574-4100 Catering, 719-574-4103 Colorado Pizza & Sports Grill Bldg. 1013, 719-556-4181 Education Center Bldg. 1141, 719-556-4996 Family Child Care Bldg. 1465, 719-556-4322 Fitness & Sports Center Bldg. 560, 719-556-4462 (Front Desk) 719-556-3210 (Special Programs) 719-556-2767 (Capt David Lyon Memorial & Peak View Parks) Greenside Grill & Smokehouse Bldg. 1054, 719-556-4454 Information, Tickets, & Travel Bldg. 640 Information/Tickets 719-556-4867, Option 6 LEISURE & RECREATION NEWS FROM 21 FSS THE STAFF Leisure Travel GOOD STUFF Bldg. 640, 719-556-2116, (719) 556-6447 Library Lt Col David J. Wilson Bldg. 1171, 719-556-7462 Outdoor Recreation Bldg. 640, 719-556-4867, Option 1 Pikes Peak Lodge Bldg. 1042 Reservation Line 719-556-7851 or 1-888-AFlodge, ext 738 R.P. Lee Youth Center Bldg. 1555, 719-556-7220 Silver Spruce Golf Course Bldg. 1054, 719-556-7414 GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 21 FSS Commander Dorothy Choate 21 FSS Deputy Director Carrie Grover Marketing Director Margie Arnold Writer/Editor Marjorie Bennett Commercial Sponsorship & Advertising Alison Ramerth Publicity Specialist Always confirm all programs or events with the activity because dates, times, prices and locations may have changed since this GOOD STUFF was published. No federal endorsement of sponsors or advertisers intended. 2 GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 3 OUTDOOR RECREATION CRESTED BUTTE Adventure Weekend September 9-11 Let Outdoor Rec take you to one of Colorado's last great mountain towns for a weekend of adventure and festivities. You will get to enjoy slope side accommodations, lift access to a Friday evening hike down the mountain, your choice of either horseback riding through aspen groves, downhill mountain biking, or a high ropes course with zipline. Afterwards, purchase your wristbands and commemorative glass to take part in the famous Chili and Beer Festival at the mountain base. There is also free transportation to iconic town of Crested Butte itself so that you may enjoy the numerous shops, restaurants, pubs, and galleries. COST: $185 per person based on dual occupancy and includes roundtrip transportation, two nights lodging, Friday's hike, and one of the Saturday adventure activities. Enrollment discounts for third or fourth occupants and children 6 and under. Alpine Meadows by Horseback Sat., Sept. 10 COST: $50 Trees and Trains Weekend September 23-25 Join us on a scenic fall foliage tour of Southwestern Colorado. We'll depart Friday morning to Durango where we will stay at for the weekend. Friday evening enjoy a relaxing soak in Trimble Hot Springs. Saturday morning we will board the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad. We'll take a three hour train ride through some the most beautiful and remote parts of Colorado, enjoying the yellow aspen trees along the way to Silverton. We'll spend two hours watching the daily gunfight re-enactment and roaming the streets of the rustic gold-mining town of Silverton before boarding a Greyhound bus back to Durango. On Sunday morning we will hit the trail for a mile and half hike to Piedra River Hot Springs and enjoy one last soak before heading back to Colorado Springs. With the weather starting to cool down and the aspens starting to change color, what better way to explore your "backyard" than on a beautiful horse. Outdoor Rec has teamed up with the Colorado Outdoor Education Center to offer you an opportunity to explore the alpine meadows behind Pike's Peak on one of their trusty steeds. Sign up by Sept. 7. GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 $280 per person includes transportation, lodging, hot springs access pass, and train/bus ticket, breakfast Saturday morning. Sign up by Thurs., Sept. 15. Bldg. 640 • (719) 556-4867, Option 1 4 OUTDOOR RECREATION RecOn Tandem Skydiving September 24 HOPPY TRAILS Who hasn't wanted to jump out of a perfectly good airplane? ODR presents a unique opportunity to tandem skydive right here over Eastern Colorado Springs. Thanks to funding from RecOn, our deployable military members and their dependents are eligible to take the leap for only $30 per person. We have only ten spots available so act fast. Each jumper must be 18 years or older and weigh less than 225 lbs. Winery at Holy Cross Abbey Sat., October 8 Savor this exquisite wine tasting at the renowned regional winery that won gold medals for its wines, beating out California and International favorites. Included is transportation, VIP wine tasting with trays of cheeses, fruits and breads that complement the wines, a private hostess for our group and, of course, the wines we’ll be sampling. COST: $50/person. SIGN UP: By Fri., Sept. 30. Pikes Peak Pampered October 15-16 Pikes Peak is calling and Outdoor Rec wants to take you up in style. We will guide you up to historic Barr Camp on Saturday where you will get to stay in one of the rustic cabins overnight before attempting to summit on Sunday morning. During our overnight stay you will be treated to Barr's legendary spaghetti dinner and pancake breakfast. What could make this trip even better? How about taking the train down instead of hiking back? Yeah, weather permitting, we're going to do that, too! $125 per person includes overnight stay, two cooked meals, the train ride down and round trip transportation. Hop on your bike and join us as we explore some of the trail systems and microbreweries that make Colorado Springs one of the best mountain biking and microbrew cities in the country! Each session we will introduce you to a new trail for a guided evening ride. Afterwards, we will share the experience over some frosty pints at a new microbrewery complete with a limited edition "Hoppy Trails" sili pint. DATES: Sept. 8, Oct. 6 COST: $30 (Mountain bikes are available for rent via our rental center.) SIGN UP: At least a day in advance. Please visit our website at and check out all of the other wonderful programs we have to offer! If you have something in mind that we do not yet offer, please let us know. We would love to organize a custom trip for you. All you have to do is provide the people and we will provide the fun! Please confirm all trips with Outdoor Rec at (719) 556-4867, Option 1, as dates, times, prices and locations are subject to change. All pricing is per person. Reservations are first-come, first-served. Bldg. 640 • (719) 556-4867, Option 1 HOURS OF OPERATION Peterson AFB Recreational Facility Haunted House Trips Saturdays, October 22, 29 GOOD STUFF July/August 2016 Outdoor Recreation/ITT/Arts & Crafts Mon.-Fri. 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (ODR & ITT only) Sun. and all federal holidays – Closed Leisure Travel Mon. – Fri. 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sat., Sun. and all federal holidays – Closed 5 Travel Corner v el a r T e r u Leis Peterson Airforce Travel Group presents… Italian Vistas with Optional 2-Night Milan Post Tour Extension August 27 – September 8, 2017 See Back Cover Book Now & Save $ 200 Per Person ITT Copper Mountain’s discounted season ski passes are on sale now! These discounted season ski passes are only for active duty, reservists, National Guard, foreign military, retirees and their spouse/dependents with a current valid ID card. Contractors and DoD Civilians are not eligible. Copper said season pass prices may increase this fall. Also, please note that in January 2017, SnoFest, our annual snow sports weekend, will be held at Copper Mountain. (More incentive to get your Copper Mountain season ski pass and get it early.) •Adult (ages 18 & older), $279 •Teen (ages 13-17), $249 •Child (ages 6-12), $169 DISNEY SALUTE 2016 Continues thru December 19, 2016. Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida 4 Day Hopper Salute $195.00 4 Day Base/Water Park Salute $195.00 4 Day Hopper/Water Park Salute $228.00 Disneyland, California 3 Day Hopper Salute $140.00 No more than 6 tickets may be purchased by an eligible service member or spouse. Eligible service members are active or retired member of the U.S. military, including active members of the National Guard or Reservists and active or retired members of the U.S. Coast Guard. ITT (719) 556-4867, Option 6, Bldg. 640 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday Sunday and all federal holidays – Closed For more information contact ITT Peterson AFB Renate Williams - 719-556-2116 Teresa Shonka - 719-556-6447 We’re the ONLY professional, full-service leisure travel office in Colorado specifically dedicated to travel discounts for the military! ITT offers tickets to local and out-of-state attractions at discount prices. Tickets purchased at the ITT office are non-refundable. Please allow three to four weeks for delivery of all out-of-state tickets. Arts & Crafts FRAMING & ENGRAVING SHOP Recognize your military accomplishments by getting a custom shadow box made for your retirement. Several designs are available and our craftsman has perfected the assembly and presentation. Providing World Class Service to Destinations Across the World. Please see Ms. Teresa and Ms. Renate at Leisure Travel to schedule, plan, and book your next vacation at the best possible price. Leisure Travel (719) 556-2116, (719) 556-6447, Bldg. 640 Monday-Friday – 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays, holidays – Closed (Note: While our building does not officially open until 9:30 a.m., we at Leisure Travel are always at our desks and available by telephone by 8:30 a.m. Please don’t hesitate to call us.) GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 Arts & Crafts (719) 556-4867, Option 2, Bldg. 640 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Saturday, Sunday and all federal holidays – Closed 6 Peterson Air Force Base BOWLING CENTER Bldg. 406•(719) 556-4607 HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST Mon., Oct. 31 3-6 p.m. The person wearing the best costume wins a bowling party for 15 people! Sat., Oct. 29 Wear your Halloween costume and bowl one FREE game! DOLLAR GAMES September & October Mondays & Tuesdays 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Dollar games & dollar shoes. BIRTHDAY PLACE PARTY PLACE Bowl one game FREE on your birthday! Book your private parties and squadron functions at the Bowling Center. PLAY PRACTICE LEARN BOWLING CENTER HOURS OPEN CLOSE Mon. 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Tues. 11 a.m. 2 p.m. Wed. & Thurs. 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Fri. 11 a.m. 11 p.m. Sat. 3 p.m. 11 p.m. Sun.Closed CLUB MEMBER BENEFITS at the Bowling Center! Call (719) 556-4607 for details. STRIKE ZONE CAFE OPENCLOSE Mon. 11 a.m. Tues. 11 a.m. Wed. & Thurs. 11 a.m. Fri. 11 a.m. Sat. 3 p.m. Sun.Closed HOURS 5 p.m. 2 p.m. 5 p.m. 10 p.m. 10 p.m. HOLIDAY HOURS Indoor lessons available GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 Labor Day Weekend, Sat.,-Mon., Sept. 3-5 – Closed Columbus Day, Mon., Oct. 10 – Closed No federal endorsement of sponsor intended. 7 S I L V E R S P R U C E GOLF COURSE FAMILY FUN DAY Through September Here at Silver Spruce Golf Course we’ve dubbed Sunday afternoons from May through September as Family Fun Day. Come out for a round of golf and bring the kids. One adult and one junior (age 17 and younger) play for just $25; you can include an additional adult and junior for just $15 more. Cost includes green fee, cart and a bucket of balls. SILVER SPRUCE PRO SHOP Monday - Sunday 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. GREENSIDE GRILL & SMOKEHOUSE Mon.-Wed. 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thurs.-Sun. 7 a.m.-1:30 p.m. SILVER SPRUCE GOLF COURSE Bldg. 1054 (719) 556-7414 For more information, call Silver Spruce Golf Course at (719) 5567414. Always confirm all programs or events with the Golf Course because dates, times, and prices may have changed since this GOOD STUFF was published. Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 8 AQUATICS CENTER Bldg. 404 • (719) 556-4608 • Monthly Parent Child Swim Team! Swim Lessons We are partnering up with Colorado Springs Swim Team, creating a military branch that will be CSST-Peterson. COST: $75 per person/month PRACTICES: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6-7 p.m. Mondays & Wednesdays Level One: 10:30-11a.m. Level Two: 11:10- 11:40 a.m. COST:$55 non members $35 members This price includes lessons twice a week for four weeks. Ent is your financial home away from home ▲ Local and base service centers ▲ CO-OP ATM locations nationwide ▲ Deployment and PCS checklists ▲ VA mortgages and personal loans ▲ Financial education resources Open your account online or stop by one of our base service centers: Buckley AFB, Aurora 365 N. Telluride Street Peterson AFB, Colorado Springs 490 Otis Street, Building 1345 Schriever AFB, Colorado Springs 101 Falcon Parkway Peterson Air Force Base AQUATICS CENTER KyWorks V I D E O G R A P H Y Businesses. Events. Personal Projects. Visit: Call: (719) 799-0772 Specializing In: (719) 574-1100 ▲ 800-525-9623 -4K HD Resolution -Aerial Footage -Time-lapse Video -Epic Slow Motion Equal Housing Lender | Federally Insured by NCUA | Equal Opportunity Lender | © Ent Credit Union, 2016 Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. 9 Peterson Air Force Base PIKES PEAK LODGE During this time of fright and uncertainty… stay with us at the Pikes Peak Lodge! Let our award winning staff and facility exceed your expectations! Room Rates: ERM’s - $44 VQ’s - $60 TLF’s - $63 DVOQ’s - $69 OGN’s - $75 GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 For more information and availability, call (719) 556-7851 • DSN 834-7851 or visit Bldg. 1042 • Open 24/7 10 THE CLUB Building 1013 (719) 556-4181 • AIR FORCE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Sept. 16, 6 p.m. COLORADO PIZZA COMPANY Order fresh baked pizzas 3-8 p.m. Mon. 11 a.m.–8 p.m. Tues.-Fri. Dine-In or Take-Out (719) 574-8863 GROWLER CLUB Purchase a Peterson Growler (64 oz.) to have it filled with your favorite draft beer to take home. Initial growler purchase $9. First fill is $6. Filled $9 - $15 depending on style of ale. Fill a Pete Growler and receive $1 off price. Club members receive $2 off any growler refill! Reservation Line (719) 574-4100 iler a M b Clu Watch for the new ber! cto coming in O MEGA BINGO Fri., Sept. 30 Doors open at 4 p.m. Session starts at 6 p.m. Over $10,000 guaranteed in cash prizes (based on sales) Guaranteed Jackpot games MUST GO! Pre-sell packets are on sale now for $25. After Mon., Sept. 12 packet price is $30. Each additional packet is $15. PETERSON PERK Coffee & Espresso Shop We Proudly Brew Starbucks Located in the Medical Clinic lobby. 7 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday 7 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday UTA Weekends Offering a full line of coffees, espresso, mochas, lattés, frappuccinos, juices and assorted pastries and light snacks. Club members, just show your Club card and receive a 50-cent discount on every purchase. LUNCH BUFFETS 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The buffet includes a wide variety of entrees, starches, vegetables du jour, salad bar, soup & chili, fresh baked bread, cheese display and hand-scooped ice cream & dessert. $10.95; $8.95 for Club members. Best value in town! BINGO BONANZA Every Monday night. Early birds arrive at 6 p.m.; the regular session starts 6:30 p.m. Play a wide variety of games. The Jackpot game is worth $3,000. Play progressive games and more for cash prizes. Bar and food menu available. If Monday is a holiday, there will be no Bingo that week. Our Bonanza Bingo Program is available all day, every day. Purchase a ticket from the cashier or bartender. GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 Colorado Pizza & Sports Grill formerly Stripes Pub HAPPENINGS NFL Kickoff Week – Sept. 8-12 visit for details. UFC 203 – Sat., Sept. 10 Doors open: 5 p.m. • Fights Start: 8 p.m. Mondays – The Club & Colorado Pizza & Sports Grill open at 3 p.m. BINGO at 6 p.m. & 2-Topping 10" Pizza & Beer-of-the-Week for $8. TUESDAY NIGHTS – Ribeye Steak Night 4:30-7 p.m. Every Tuesday night. A 6 oz. ribeye served with a baked potato and salad for $8. WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Pitcher Night All pitchers – all flavors, all brews – are half price every Wednesday from 5:30-7 p.m. .50-Cent Boneless Wing Night 5:30 –7 p.m. THURSDAY NIGHTS – .50-Cent Wing Night 5–7:30 p.m. EVERY NIGHT – Draft Beer of the Week $3 a pint. A different draft beer each week. Always confirm all programs or events with The Club because dates, times, and prices may have changed since this GOOD STUFF was published. 11 Club Member BENEFITS AQUATICS CENTER • $1 off every admission ARTS & CRAFTS • 10% off all framing and engraving orders for personal use (unit awards not included) • 70% unit Club membership saves your members 20% off all awards BOWLING CENTER • Bowl FREE 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday – Friday (excludes tournaments and specials) • FREE shoe rental for non-league play • 20% off special-order Pro Shop merchandise • FREE Golf Zone indoor golf simulator usage Thursdays 11 a.m.-2 p.m. • 50% off 9 holes on the Golf Zone indoor golf simulator • Half price bucket of golf balls at the Golf Zone indoor hitting stations Monday – Wednesday $1 off Strike Zone Café entree priced at $4 or more THE CLUB • $.50 off all "We Proudly Brew" items • $10 Birthday Coupon for member and spouse • $10 Anniversary Coupon • $2 off any growler refill in Colorado Pizza & Sports Grill • $2 off pizza • $2 off buffet or Colorado Pizza & Sports Grill entrée priced at $4 or more • $5 off specialty brunches (Easter, Mother's Day, etc.) • $2 off lunch catering events • $3 off dinner catering events • $5 off any special event with cover charge (Super Sunday Celebration, Homebrew Fest, etc.) OUTDOOR REC • 12th month FREE with 11 months of paid RV storage • $25 off season ski rental package • FREE Bicycle Safety Inspection ($10 value) SILVER SPRUCE GOLF COURSE • $5 off all resale items over $50 • 50% off cart rental after 3 p.m. • Large bucket of range balls for the price of a small • Play the Family Course FREE on Mondays; 50% off Tuesday – Friday $1 off Greenside Grill & Smokehouse entree priced at $4 or more Pick up a Club membership application at The Club or at GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 The Club • Bldg. 1013 • (719) 556-4181 12 ROCKY MOUNTAIN USAF FLIGHT TRAINING CENTER Aero Club PETERSON AFB PRIMARY SAFETY MEETING Tues., Sept. 27, 5:45 p.m. at The Club Tues., Oct. 25, 5:45 p.m. at The Club MAKE-UP SAFETY MEETING Sat., Sept. 10, 10 a.m. at Hangar 133 (August) Sat., Oct. 25, 10 a.m. at Hangar 133 (September) SEPTEMBER Discounts 5 & 19 – $5 off per hour T-41C. 12 & 28 – $5 off per hour T-41B. 7 & 26 – $10 off per hour 2696C only. Learn How To Fly with the Peterson Aero Club We are known as the Peterson Aero Club and have been in business since 1951. We offer FAA Part 141 courses for ground and flight training including Private Pilot, Instrument Rating, Commercial Rating, Certificated Flight Instructor, Certificated Instrument Flight Instructor, Airline Transport Pilot, and Single Engine Add on for Rotor to Fixed Wing rated pilots. All classes are VA approved except Private Pilot and Single Engine Airline Transport Pilot. Our mission is to support active duty, retired, National Guard, reserves, government contractors and their families. We also support the Coast Guard and their Auxiliary as well as the USAF Auxiliary (Civil Air Patrol). Our costs are at least 20% less than outside flight training centers. If you want to learn how to fly and get your private pilot's certificate, or any other FAA certificate, call (719) 556-4310 or visit We are open 24/7, 365 days for members to fly, and we have 15 flight instructors to assist in your training. We offer a 2-hour introductory-to-flight-training mini-class. Receive one hour of ground instruction and one hour of flight instruction to see if you would like to become a private pilot. Included is a student private pilot’s log book endorsed by your instructor with your first hour of real flight instruction. We offer this for $161. Just give us a call at (719) 556-4310 to schedule your intro class. OCTOBER Discounts 7 & 12 – $5 off per hour T-41C. 10 & 19 – $5 off per hour T-41B. 20 & 28 – $10 off per hour 2696C only. Monthly specials for September and October are at the wet rates and for club-owned aircraft only (excludes 4449R). Stream on just one device? Why, I never! Downton Abbey available at and on XFINITY TV Go app All of September and October: $5 off per hour on any single engine aircraft every Sunday (excluding N4449R). $10 off per hour on any twin engine aircraft every Sunday. Rocky Mountain USAF Flight Training Center (aka, Aero Club) ® ® With XFINITY on the X1 Entertainment Operating System, you can enjoy your favorites anytime, anywhere, on any device. 325 Hamilton Ave, Hangar 133, PAFB (719) 556-4310 Visit to learn more. Visit us at: Front Desk Hours: 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. Closed federal holidays. NPA157348-0001 GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. 13 FITNESS & SPORTS CENTER SPECIAL PROGRAMS PETERSON RUNNING SERIES 5K FUN RUN Fri., Sept. 9, 11:30 a.m. Free Start line behind Bowling Center WING WAR FIT 5K Tues., Sept. 20, 7 a.m. Track Area NIGHT GLOW MINI GOLF Fri., Sept. 23, 6-8 p.m. Free Peak View Park WORLD WIDE DAY OF PLAY COLOR RUN Sat., Sept. 24, 10 a.m. Patriot Park No Classes Sept. 2-5 (Family Day/Holiday) PETERSON RUNNING SERIES 5K BREAST CANCER AWARENENSS COLOR RUN Fri., Oct. 14, 7 a.m. Free Golf Course Driving Range to start/finish line behind Bowling Center WING WAR FIT 5K Tues., Oct. 18, 7 a.m. Track Area Bldg. 560 • (719) 556-4462, #1 ADULT INTRAMURAL SPORTS FLAG FOOTBALL Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. under the lights on the artificial turf field next to the Fitness & Sports Center. BASKETBALL Coaches meeting is at 1 p.m. Wed., November 2 at the Fitness & Sports Center. Season begins Nov. 28 Call (719) 556-7708, #4 or (719) 556-4462, #1 for Intramural Sports information. No Classes Oct. 10 (holiday) Peterson Running Club 11:30 a.m. every Tuesday behind the Bowling Center. (Weather permitting) Peterson Cycling Club 11:30 a.m. every Tuesday & Thursday in front of the Fitness Center. (Weather permitting) Peterson Volleyball Club 9 a.m. first Saturday of every month at the Fitness Center, Gym #2. Yoga 12:05 p.m. Tuesdays, 11 a.m. Thursdays, 10 a.m. Satrudays Peterson Frisbee Club 5 p.m. every Thursday at Peak View Park. (Weather permitting) Call (719) 556-4462, #1 for more information about Personal Trainers, Massage, Taekwondo classes and more. Call (719) 556-2767 for Special Programs information. To reserve Capt. David Lyon Memorial Park or Peak View Park, call (719) 556-2767. MINI-GOLF is open 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday. Closed Friday, Saturday, Sunday, federal holidays, family days, and also when Peterson AFB is having military exercises. Bring your own clubs when we are not open. No pets. Located across from the BX in Peak View Park. Call (719) 556-2767 for more information. Always confirm all programs or events with the Fitness & Sports Center because dates, times, prices and locations may have changed since this GOOD STUFF was published. GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. 14 GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 15 You Work Hard. We’ll Work Hard to Save You Money. GEICO has been proudly saving Military customers money on their car insurance since 1936, and we want to do the same for you. We understand the special needs and sacrifices made by Military members and their families which is why we offer numerous discounts, flexible payment options, overseas coverage and more. We stand ready to serve you. Get a free quote today. | 1-800-MILITARY | local office Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states or all GEICO companies. GEICO is a registered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company, Washington, D.C. 20076; a Berkshire Hathaway Inc. subsidiary. GEICO Gecko image © 1999-2016. © 2016 GEICO GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. 16 R.P. Lee YOUTHCENTER QUESTIONS? Give the Youth Center staff a call at (719) 556-7220. Visit to see the monthly activity calendar. Bldg. 1555 • 719-556-5234/5235 Youth Center SCHOOL YEAR HOURS SCHOOL AGE PROGRAM 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday - Friday OPEN RECREATION 3-7 p.m. Monday - Thursday 3-9 p.m. Friday Saturday & Sunday - Closed HOLIDAY HOURS: Labor Day: Monday, Sept. 5 - Closed Columbus Day: Monday, Oct. 10 - Closed Halloween: Monday, Oct.31 - Closed Main CDC & Pete East CDC HOURS Monday - Friday 6:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Child Development Centers: Main CDC: Bldg. 1350, (719) 554-9572 Peterson East CDC: Bldg. 2004, (719) 556-7460 SCHOOL–AGE PROGRAM Give Parents a Break (Sponsored by the Air Force Aid Society) Fri., Sept. 9, 7-11 p.m. Babysitting classes Saturday, September 24 10 a.m.-1 p.m. FREE to the military community PrepareAthon • Free Healthy Food • Games Bounce Houses, etc. • Color Run • Family Healthy Cooking Contest Patriot Park COLOR RUN Registration: 9 a.m. • Race Starts: 10 a.m. FAMILY HEALTHY COOKING CONTEST 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. To apply for the Family Cooking Contest: 1.Visit 21FSS Facebook page at: 2.Like the page 3.Post either: a photo of your family cooking OR a comment about why your family would be a good choice 4.If you don’t have Facebook, enter at the Youth Center or either CDC. If you would like to watch or help, we would love to have you! Message our Facebook page for more info. GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 Sat., Sept. 3 Basic Class: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. Advance Class: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m Prices: Basic Class $30 Advance Class $45, includes CPR. SPORTS PROGRAM Indoor Soccer: Registration Sept. 19 – Oct. 21 First practice Nov. 7 First game Nov. 9 Basketball/Cheer: Registration Nov. 7 – Dec. 9 First practice Jan. 4, Start Smart Jan. 20 First game Jan. 21 Volunteer coaches needed. Sign up now. OPEN RECREATION Keystone /Torch Club membership drive for September. Join the Smart Girls & Passport to Manhood Clubs. See R.P. Lee Youth Center calendar for specific activities. LESSONS Guitar & Piano Lessons: $20 per ½ hour Dance Instruction: $40 per month Always confirm all programs or events with the Youth Center because dates, times, prices and locations may have changed since this GOOD STUFF was published. 17 FAMILY CHILD CARE PROGRAMS LICENSED AND AFFILIATED PROVIDERS Certified and licensed in-home care provided to Air Force families living either on or off base. Who: Any eligible family with children ages two weeks to 12 years. When: Up to 50 hours per week. REQUIREMENTS TO BE A FAMILY CHILD CARE PROVIDER 1. Complete an application and return it to the FCC office, along with a copy of your high school diploma or equivalent. 2. Participate in a family interview and reference check, 3. Consent to agency checks by Security Forces, Family Housing, Life skills, OSI, and Family Advocacy. 4. Complete required orientation training. 5. Obtain current physical examination. 6. Consent to in-home inspections by the Fire Department, Public Health, Safety Office and the FCC Coordinator. 7. Obtain $300,000 of liability insurance. EXTENDED DUTY CARE (EDC) Available during non-traditional hours for parents working temporarily extended or additional shifts to support the mission. Who: Parents working over 50 hours per week. When: Evenings and weekends. PRE-DEPLOYMENT CARE Pre-Deployment care (PDCC) provides child care for children ages 12 and under. Up to 16 hours of care per child is available to those Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve members assigned to an Air Force or Joint Base Air Force led installation prior to deploying in support of contingency operations for more than 30 days. Care for PDCC is provided in an Air Force Family Child Care (AF FCC) Home participating in the AF FCC Expanded Child Care (ECC) Program. The 16 hours must be used prior to deployment. To request care, the parent must complete the AF FCC ECC Registration and submit it with a copy of the deployment orders to the FCC office. Please call 556-4322 to contact your installation’s FCC Coordinator. certificate at their base relocation office in the Family Support Center. Families may receive a certificate at both their departure and arrival bases. • Must be used within 60 days of departure or arrival at the base. Who: Air Force families in midst of PCS move. When: Traditional care hours. ANG/AFR HOME COMMUNITY CARE Allows ANG/AFR parents to use licensed and affiliated EDC homes during drill weekends. Who: Eligible ANG/AFR members performing primary UTA weekend or IDT, if an IMA. BECOME AN AFFILIATED CHILD CARE PROVIDER If you are a retired active duty member or the spouse of an active duty or retired active duty member and if you are currently licensed by the State of Colorado to do child care in your home, you can become an affiliated provider with Peterson AFB. USAF EFMP RESPITE CARE How do I know if I am eligible? • The family member is enrolled in the Air Force EFMP. • The EFM child is birth to 18 years of age. • The EFM is diagnosed as moderate or severe. • You are stationed at one of the following locations. Charleston, SC • Colorado Springs, CO • Hampton, VA • Honolulu, HI National Capital Region • San Antonio, TX • Tacoma, WA. For more information on USAF Respite Care, families can call their local EFMP-FS Coordinator at the Airman and Family Readiness Center, (719) 556-6141. FCC • Bldg. 1465 • (719) 556-4322 DEPLOYMENT CHILD CARE Deployment Child Care (DCC) provides child care for children ages 12 and under. Up to 16 hours of care per child is available to those Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve members assigned to an Air Force or Joint Base Air Force led installation during the member’s deployment in support of contingency operations for more than 30 days. Care for DCC is provided in an Air Force Family Child Care (AF FCC) Home participating in the AF FCC Expanded Child Care (ECC) Program. The 16 hours must be used during the deployment. To request care, the parent must complete the AF FCC ECC Registration and submit it with a copy of the deployment orders to the FCC office. Please call 556-4322 to contact your installation’s FCC Coordinator. RETURNING HOME CARE (RHC) Child care for eligible members returning after a minimum 30-day deployment in support of a contingency operation, after a series of short-term deployments totaling 30 days in a six-month period, or during members’ 2-week R&R leave from deployed location. Who: Active duty, Air National Guard, or Air Force Reserve. When: 16 hours of child care for each child under 12 years. SUBSIDY PROGRAM Allows parents to use an AF FCC child care program for the same cost as the Child Development Center (CDC) or School Age Programs (SAP). Summer months only. Who: Families with children 2 weeks - 12 years. Cost to Parent: CDC/SAP weekly fee. Determined by Air Force application process. CHILD CARE FOR PCS Cares for children while parents prepare for PCS move. Covers 20 hours of care per child at both departing and new base. Must be used within 60 days of departure or arrival. Additional Information: • Air Force Aid Society pays up to 20 hours of care per child in licensed AF FCC homes on base or AF affiliated homes off base. • Families with PCS orders must get a Child Care for PCS GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. 18 Library Bldg. 1171 • (719) 556-7462 HALLOWEEN STORYTIME Wednesday, October 26 10:15 a.m. PROGRAMS: DISPLAYS: HOURS OF OPERATION OPENCLOSE Monday 11:30 a.m. Tuesday 9:30 a.m. Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Thursday 9:30 a.m. Friday 9:30 a.m. Saturday 10 a.m. Sunday & Holidays Closed Monday, Sept. 5 – Labor Day – Closed Monday, Oct. 10 – Columbus Day – Closed GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 7 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 2 p.m. September Back to School Month Update Your Resume Month – emphasis on Transition Assistance collection Healthy Aging Month Banned Books Week Sept. 26 – Oct, 1 September & October Story Times – Each Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. October National Crime Prevention Month Halloween – Haunted House display Computer Learning Teen Read Week Oct. 9 –15 19 SKI EXPO Sat., Nov 19 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Skis, Boots, Boards & Apparel Sale Equipment/Resort vendors with promotional sales Grand Prize Ski Package from Black Diamond Free Food, Prize drawings, Activities for children and adults Outdoor Recreation Bldg. 640 719-556-4867, Option 1 GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 20 PETERSON AFB AIRMAN & FAMILY READINESS CENTER Must pre-register for all classes. visit EMPLOYMENT Career Planning for Military Spouses Wed., Oct. 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Basic Resume Wed., Oct. 19, 9-10:30 a.m. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Financial Planning Workshop Thurs., Oct. 20, 9-10 a.m. Bundles for Babies EFMP-FS American Sign Language Class RELOCATION Right Start Tues., Oct. 11, 7:45 a.m.-3 p.m. TRANSITION Mandatory Pre-Separation Briefing http://apps.militaryonesource. mil/esat Oct. 3-7, Oct. 31-Nov. 4 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. RENE WIEBE Sept. 9-Oct. 28 Thurs., Nov. 10, 1-3 p.m. TAP GPS Workshop • Business or Commercial • Home Appointments Available • Specialty insurance coverage WORK LIFE PROGRAMS Key Spouse Orientation Oct. 6-7, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Tuesdays, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Insurance you can design to meet your ever-changing needs. 5472 TOMAH DRIVE COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80918 Online Sponsorship Training EFMP-FS Coordinator: (719) 556-6141 Military & Family Life Consultant: Adult (719) 342-9572 or (719) 425-1115 Child & Youth (719) 651-7851 Casualty Assistance: (719) 556-6232 Survivor Benefits Counselor: (719) 556-4229 School Liaison Officer: (719) 556-6141 For more information, email: or call (719) 556-6141 or visit Follow us on Facebook • Bldg. 350, Rm. 1203 Call 719.548.0811 today for Auto, Home, Life and Business. Always confirm all programs or events with A&FRC because dates and times may have changed since this GOOD STUFF was published. Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. We have your community covered ... from military news to local business news. The Fort Carson Community The Schriever Air Force Base Community The Peterson Air Force Base and The NORAD Community The Legal & Financial Community The Business Community Call 634-5905 to subscribe or for targeted advertising opportunities 74, & Friday , Wednesday the ~ Monday r serving Published newspape needs No. circulation financial A general legal and 1894 real estate, business, County since of El Paso 1 Publisher of Public Notices and Real Estate Springs Official Legal Newspaper , March 30, $1.00 • Wednesday 2016 • VOLUME CIX, NUMBER and s Solution Delta years, For 16 tegies has ed and Stra ully navigatin successfays-uncerta the alw climate. defense 7 38 stars L122 YEARS or our ownJUSTAPRI OT ver, let’s hon #N AR Forget Den L YE Transactions FOR LEGALLY PUBLISHING the City of Colorado BIZ L ANS DESOLT LUTIO SMAL Vol. GE PA 2 g plannin ergency ires em u q re l Trave e to consolidat claims of the proceeds used some of several promising dead, who and gain control s, living and t in those individual Aspen. initial investmenbeen it. Springs in nal ’s $50,000 st almost helped build 1970s the Colorado society’s Hagerman Hazlehur . 12 mine had to BizJour worthy By John No to the Back in the Mollie Gibson 1891. He was ready initiated the AL | @CS d john.hazlehu rding Commerce EN “Business the l. 60 Dangerfiel by March the turned. Chamber of Vo ,” acco Combs a exhausted of honoring when his luck We’re the Rodney no respect! Percy later introducednt. put up more capital Let’s face it: INGM annual tradition better,” ’s way respect, education was struck,” | $ 2.00 Wand cities — no the 6 Boulder, Citizen of the Year,” silver ore achieveme getting hour y that 2016 als of Colorado bashed by the end of, 201 “Bonanza s and OF for lifetimeunfortuna tely, website. aren’t adversar have tenh 31, Vail Award” by Denver, CSRP Happy wrote. “Before Rising Profession4-6 24 than le area the more Marc violated by “Founders Disdained (which, CE Hagerman banked] only, “Things have an -profi . They by Pueblo, h 25 rchrichest silng the Colorado Springs on the Regional year, the company [had Mathe for members St. Those records AN t high mate even pushed around Aspen. “We tional now ithstandi | Marc al hour, free Jan. Tejon RTaren’t currently available by be invaluto feel any said. It was probably BER 1 ay, s-na ere, notw not a glob e rists targe can deci 8, 201 happyRasta Pasta, 405 N. and avoided aside, it’s easy for us PO website) will NUM , rsd in quantity from induct- $1.5 million. shipped as terro disasters d. 6 p.m., too tran ME 27, Business Alliance g Hall of Fame Alliteration ore everThu States.” There’s a Delta Forc e disrespecteIM Busi-do prepared y ver ever ywh and VOLU relatively ra able in determinin mark in the ES United tly colnatural ern city. must be tacles aspects. ... not Arm h mor dejected, rejected sed Colorado lo r IZ mine in the mod made their market subsequen Vade attention to GN se, Co in- ees whopast. Take the Denver-ba online force. There’stree. It’s muc most ness travelersa retired the The silver ja B. oks Pro to use e the turned his Fame. y om the been ofCO to re-examin recent bs, how so Hagerman Busi sbj.c By Mari SBDC QuickBo Ba ness Hall who have er leav and funding police nd ever Inc., tionerss be fascinating Penrose and Win- lapsed, Com RE Aft laureates er@c e Coloalso a series about Pikes Peak organizing 124 of It’ll Mining from KOA behi III the T Creek, are rc a.vad Of p.m., Part s and vaca guy record. Palmer, towering figures, Cripple profitable Isabella Gold said Bart t colonel. ed SOL marij the hall, nine 1675 EN $75, 12:30-5 attacked ” embassie— into r Fo elers were honored include historical start rm that train ductedAi QuickBooks, Development Center, EV extremely on you.ness trav t on U.S. To lieutenan Combs bombers were pren Springs. The nine so Orin, Dusty and field Scott Stratton fi rgencies business in Company. rado alone. Small Business Gods Road, suite 1107. in 1896, Hageror Busi tary, Maj. multiple week, few events.terso Loo family (Miriam, Tutt, Thayer Tutt, but they weren’t man who was a giant ys coun of eme t on their Springs rs and survive the Isabella land age of the mili under selling Mexico hen Garden Gen the alwa After rado case this racto Pe F. Gon . Rya in a New the carn Hybl, Russell His There is another whose career included can’t can coun William Jackort in a Colo ent cont escape and register, pikespeak Gary), Bill rail- man lost millions Brussels damage, business, another story. and Gen. center, salves, n assy s Connect block inductees, American iron ore, steel, for supp etimes they — but that’s the g Spencer Penrose governmto recover, tions. all worthy on the 600 planned com Lakes steamers, nt and Colorado venture ts, embalong som d for CSRBA Busines Coloradorterparts. Alliance networkin , well- more stone mansion still stands, now man ers Palmer. They’re mean that only nine Great even but the pare 604 son situa developme Business cy at s elaborate coun this erted own general ding land c. are roads, uate Avenue still tly Regional — does p.m., Panino’s, erou of Latte Peak region foreigning emergen but c’mon t evac 15 11:30 a.m.-1 the pani ember, conc dead and shutting , of North Cascade s. Infa Christ the loca l on, 471-8183. in dangbs spoke recen from the Pikes the hall? demines. event, free, apartment ntry 4th es mus Travel page . Dur Jesus individuals , For informati In Nov hundreds ts of Paris, ermath ent in his name. converted to just one of dozens who the and Division Com J.J. Hagerman N. Tejon St. rch of meeting is never heard sometim ersity See left deserve aft worthy of enshrinem Hagerman , and Fort Car gs Chu staff — and we ness g Univ 1839, Hagerman You’ve probably attacks on the stree . In the honor their Sprin Ontario in Nope. to be honored them in an annual ts busi ham Youn days were confused and 4th Inf. son, folks in Denver their coun- Born poor in business ventures serve honor Div. wounded city for es food and to in various esle It means that Day Sainof the Brig ety. Colorado opportunity to Com Fort Car s Expo selv both good the scant attention our own made a fortune before moving to ter prof for them Business the banquet, complete with and down attacks, peop . own and pay means that we need CSRBA Busines Maj. mand Sgtson ess branch y. ent Soci is to “fos ion in the Midwest doctor advised travel to It Springs Regional expr ienc free, 10 the past, Smith) try cousins. s to Colorado ts resil A. CroMichae . of bothand uncertainnational in 1884. His he risked an early good drinks. giants from by Dave Business Expo, Arena, Managem p’s goal and a pass of Fame. by en- Springs that benefi nd inducting photo O brick building legends as exWorld Business Hall founded and built a roun sby leadl Alliance’s annual As well as warning him afraid ease of inter lace are Air Force The grouin business g LEG es in down. ual tic on, Broadmoor our city’s living (U.S. who wel- move, as to expa didn’t slow ivid Our city was applausd of C a.m.-4 p.m., i Blvd. For informati down was, and women els usin niqu The we could honor alism ty. demise if he marketp e ind ic plas s — men wishing — but the Steve mod ss tech sion rnet plunge ’s idea of slowing es Retired e for OLORA DO S PRINGS and opportuni “to trepreneur Schuck, 3185 Venetucc litat icon xpre well. later, Hagerman O s: Steve way, adventure faci g the Lou ers build ToE the Inte business overseas risks M ILITARY wrote decades LEGushave led the Florent Capt. 471-8183. comed risk, Some suggestion David Sunderland, y train Build help ices defense and his son Percy the most difficult enterprises es with NEWSPA Palmer might said use Dave ienc y to ns usin Americanand serv Groberg in Colo- Bach, Laura Muir, duri Penrose and others made significant PER G Cybersecurity ant on ind ling y com resil how to pan atio Perry Sanders, into one of ng undertaken ROUP sult cati against social of unit a start. SBDC es com of situ Kathy Loo, remarksopening just con edu counse products of prosperit but dozens had ever been the city. rity defense shar Wing to That’s Mellini, Business ns the which the er on ce nt Small Cybersecu Jenkins. and we’re Spa al train cati ate and eve lasting contributio ed bya variety a.m.Colorado Mid- Lux and David g, Pikes Peak Thursday a Dec. of prospect e8 to be honored Edu por matic “She rado.” free, 10:30 3185 engineerin — 21st glob and built the more. even elop , March21 cere Springs to They deserve the old saying goes, could addColo. cation Let’s do it — dev ssion in ks. , LEGO the cor trau y pag ent Center, s bill He financed mon24, 2016 same E, Odisagree? it. As Developm from Colorado and Aspen. We enc Edu r World Arena, the cap y to bare crawl pre lding bric ney used in g from g. horn, the anyone itiv ones to do i Carver’ sili Does By Sta land Railway To register, Springs CE BAS LEG a downtown not her own Re gin buildin a intu great lift bui noon, The Broadmoo Med tain’s add Glenwood ne Rai ely din,a website, Penrose Club. ff Sgt acquired and AIRifFOR who tooteth just Rep. Territ easier it’sRed Fort See Lay are wid ns ran team ry e. IPA.forI’ll happily own Leadville, be Kelly tooted.” Venetucci Blvd., ally, he also rative ing . Cra Cars under events. ON plaq al of Hon eve atio or plac 9 create our ks . shall not be and gold. a commemo look’s silver on Pub ig Can ERS Not coincident properties that would bric s in situ g math to work and makes slate ays just likefell into rch PET h 9, 2016 and to J.J. Hagerman Wall ue to the or of Fame. mining So let’s get lic Affa trel Ma the marketing hin trie Business Hall excuse to developed line. level Marc and glass e is alw ered to use in the of Honor irs Offi l to tran skills to g, andortunity us an smng.c ent Center Colorado Springs SBDC Nextwww.cDevelopm to teac the The 4th served by his line at a profit in 1890 om ce s gath r fun and give ce Bas nin headqudivision importantly, on, For cy trai ning opp ner ner how It’ll be easy, Small Business free, The Broadmoo He sold the fi rst retu rn ofInfantry military licenses. party. More y and arte ce course, cy trai trai units. Educati n Air lien trai i Blvd., communit rs. hold an annual the time sinc RetiredDivisio lien top ir marketing ces lien O resi que erso 3185 Venetucc sbdc. civilian honoring our resi on’s ss the LEG in resi gram Pet to aid uni e he th Scienhave Cap n and cere Medal it’s a way of World Arena,To register, pikespeak cati for ks Pete s this pro only mon of Hon was awa t. Flo For t Car ner bric ss,ina punitive and Healtments way O set Team O Edu cy acro in headqu Penrose Club. trai $2.5Omillion y at added plaq the 25th Photo or, andter rded rent Gro son hon Nursing y investhe city andthe LEG resilien events. LEG up of LEG oExpre ue has occ Vol. 10 by Anton arte the “Iro dur ing g org under mas ge of Technolog he damages berg ored this No. 12 r rs A grosaid n from ldin global s to useBuildT Jr. reduced the puColle both in ates are io Franc resident, n Hor a reve been asion sinc bui damages. com Maj. Gen Dec. lear in for , Complaints ts to the His of Gibney way A. Beth-El lation lab. students ly. Estim Top write a Florida to now t is rent years. ith $350,000 hun 21. the din John in of man 10 . se” BBB: e ks cap Collins, Judge than ’ complain staff up as parto the Virginia Div. quick k for simu r at the din Ryan F. for bric ware Sm irs for more of 200orcriminal we “As ‘Flo wall,” g in the 1917, that ly Red 2:15-3:15 s Top 25 industries Affa in fear a senio school’s courseworforce moreng years. Kel the gro Woods box nof Dav lived look said nitive ’s’ against Cramer Gro and For g generalGonsalv ario award Bureau, free, because 3185 tied A By DeniseNewswires By Public atio credit. s He could Gon division a Medal ned g scen entered judgment work berg mline Dumon, s in the to hisframe comi t es, ordered Cramer Better Business hands wereo. — a situ r World Arena, ner trai innin of Hon salv to his Joey S, work ol to streato enter the nurses in Wing his and Dolan Media by Carson , 4th and Gibney also fighting Coldamage To register, ce ls pict takes ran es. headqu of Honor and lain get ce trai tooservices p.m., The Broadmoo Weary of trai rantsSE, Collins’ name $1.35 million. Spa Hon or plaqadding , hon Inf. ure, at UCC the scho ing them of 17,000 Penrose Club. arte or lien utility D, VA — home from using any form. 21st the victim E BArent ored a exp ed , allow rs on mov resi getable his k on this RICHMON Venetucci Blvd., age a cellphone. under events. reci or, next ue to his Me allow RC notvisually could on in it to refrain his good name, help this ter notvalu stor pien a short FO d to areas He are two ement con not believe that injuncto the the Wa dal some mas Did you in vain to protect of tho y andwall of personal identificati rural could see ts from just would AIR brig fed- name.g said toys relative found ONand the clerk serve court March a fed sisti hours of know the AAFES be use ce Win He ular people wasn’t me.” Gibney had se he the honor, two com ade com of a renegade charitable litigator ng of as state very “This cere the 24 prev ll of in open and operati ERS “That can stor Cramer pop Shoppe a Spa ido on 4th said, this weeken on will depression man seve join ies Nationa man when he PET bricks 21st ofts the month with ls men tion order in the rare and mony Inf. ious be altered tte breakfast he suffered d/Easte d serg ders ral seni s, or O advantage Div l was a “moral ChamberCommerc rem y. Forassistan men. Collins said 4th “I was in complete 2. neteral judge. men , but as infa not e net or leadhours are as followsr Weekend? for LEGtook As Army ean , two ark is also . Infa man who Tri-LakesChamber g of said the outcome a storninjudgment Their Air strain on his marriage. • Friday, Now, the : ntry able Collins a answ t of Solthe embllible compou they appbrigade ts maj battalio ers wover tell million d his maybe a bit more. to bono to inclMarch 25, has a $1.35 a.m., chamber said. Tri-Lakes traihanging or Div event pro going he fello n ered a clos and fun nd, 7:30-9 • Collins odi com of we’re redie Saturda com roa and distress,” said Brian ision, and ing not think ng a in the form at the n tovictory” man y,ude March 26,10 a.m.-4 p.m. a litcourt injunction working breakfast,St., Monument. Annual Gon the call rs who - turn e to the Groberg ched mander. an Afg • Sunday certainly do as Chu for ip Relief came Fender, an attorney in Japa ders we might get and a federal in help 10 form the salv to serv tow , March onege. “We membersh judgobserve ked only dollars, but g took , 27, a.m.-4 p.m. assisted office, 166 Second Forhan Matthew pro on the judg moreista kin of coll wor e,” bulge undard the ation. and chamber inju Gro ber es. his head. said he was oods office, get a million amber. informa A. lawyer. never collect d an vincial n tion, CLOSED wor nd McGuireW pro bono dues are $30 register, trilakesch form Wh and he” not ed ex-said. Fender P. Scott. er, George Fender Collins may call 567-443 cid e ries durg sus tain thehfirm’s an timetle, To The ind gov — Ma Gro erneath atio en the gain fields his half-broth gives Richmond as one of wit t t rou Jap is required. chamber events. 0. 4th Inf , Laurenbe the real prize, he by lawyer er j. Gen bom ing a tha he also ed and wit berg con the n, Gro person ividual ernor’s in Collins’ case nex ed to ment against successful civil lawsuit Cra at trial upcoming may he care ring berg ind to ,clear his walkin for CraAsa Div ring com under ber assi of The . Rya ant sui but injunction old ways, turnsought Provin , tuto projects. ith his legal team Cramer, but he is not responsible noti mad dab stan h com fi rme ivid r. Dushadowed an at- reverts to his to ney number jobs n F. Oppor ision Equ ry that of and ad, atta ck - he phy ce of plete d the ual’s clot ced ane an abru g yea d mo the power All e Sm Fender a Gon Aug ce, Afg ant evenIf asCramer him proof r falsehoods that Lunch and learn Park Chamber$15judge with Wing the lor.a federal Ku the oth disrega bulg abnorm pt aur said. e in were salv tunity al Collins Davsome of misdeeds. . 8, hing. Spouse save ally facentu e n) ienc ng rest ldk and han nar the formsically By upSpace staffofwrite mer’s string list. Cramer saddled thou es 201 could par and judgments Fender said. Greater Woodland r LED lighting, Hoffma gets s al pusheder mem rd for was a ista irs des hinkold eve Warrants SE, gotpera Chesterfie contempt, and thou- 21st Martin will hol office nne forma program on Dennis It’s a long thing Brian was On that 2. f, Affa suicevents are invited n, BA s includifrontjudgUpo ation. Pac punish de aria, Class Ute Pass Cultural Commerce criminal record lawyers andPublicCollins. chie be the best 1st the ber of his life ide marked withto lead day The CE am d explosi el t in a ns wou n fall a.m.-1 p.m., Ave., Woodland ices to the irsi might in “That suic removed. FOR toe dre with a Virginia in civil judgments Col vest in Bulg ing a , Gro hot by Airman voidCola. $24,674.19 itio cha $25, 11:30 observLuther Kin a fraud said. photo dan pos ide the securit, with dollars Born land and could be a E. Midland dism berg and wouve ves ing, the alleged. ColAIRjudgehav Lt. for nal serv e his of this,” heing ten on constructi bom sands of se Air Force the ssio first cam Center, 210 ON dren Collins d. Heiateam’s work by identity oun Collins’ lawsuitrenewal on the County (U.S. the elop out U.S. land y WEE 687-9885. t for Group, Jan. ance at g Jr. Day ber THIS ndi ngt killing suicide against live his ted ERS Fender said dev . c profe. Chung mentchil an. of medical bills, awa deta eren dica l Jap afflicted gin by Cramer. d in Eng er now Park. To register, il, K 19 a passport tist d to the father forVirothers PET — All diffcommitted federal bom num fou r help den , tal Clini 2016 Me oyasuit from was Richmond no lins was refused warrant, he claimed. of o. Air yForce Confer at the 2 p.m. rne reroadmap his thern sferred ber erous mem educate L.A., Cart tal for Den h 22, a allegedly pt damthis, filedStatesin ut money 21st as a retu adthey victim Col it wasThen, Nag rson cases like Nor and tran the are the Transcri Assistance ng, in basis of a criminal He ia whe thieves. others.bers of detokicks abojust not ence Elkhor many been the — Inside t nate Pete c here Marc digi g has his riate ited and on ny further from “I’m the form d his gin ng, . lege sure tt Chu ity thereed r’s Fender said. “But Un though ma off “Mr. Collins Center n Fund forbidding to misapprop Bre court g updemandin Chu al clini Ohio directs .............. 2 to win worse,” the the an injunction arehelo clients. lled Vir duatednity ColUniverscom by Defendant rg, Thatio thatplet t M. e 2016 can go to . Deeds ................. agesto— but ng is. Now campaign use that identity gro e some and Bret at the dent terbe See + Co. ..... 3 y fulfiing to gra name. 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Voices tend the ttle betw sch ET FIX your unit skills progra h the youth shakers rs. ency? .................. Other Pag It wasld shu rnating insolv unde KS BUDG representativ m. Contac e 21 PERA do Trust ......... inform Wo rrior and doe wou an, alte t ation. AN BLOC es for Colora to CADM more Jap On the Horizon 4 Monday, April 5 Tuesday, April W Iden 7 Thursday, April Base Briefs nounce ment y nit r tu ppo go asin Ch to rsing nu 14 Coloradoe looms g shorta O G PR SA ITRT ER RALCA YOUN 6 S SPRINGOF FAME HALL 51 1 Writing history, one less on 07 25 1 More 565 Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. ST EHUR HAZL BUSINESS 6 GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 divis ion ll a fulfi LSN SLEKGIIL SLATIO am dre a wa ks te spea Pe n Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. “… we his sto look to his those ry and the picture, he or inf joins, stories of no all embo ible me t as idols n, bu dimen t answ ered t of Soldi as the the cal ers l to ser who ve.” Insi de know? AAF Shoppe ES tte hou rs Easter Weekend Grossma Mes sage boar d Did you NS VE TERA by Bryan MOHHonor recip ient retu rns t o April 6 Photo ding Builliency: resi block One a time ice in civil court Schriev er host s 16.4 Op at im finds just en An tity theft vict Wednesday, Wal l of RIAL: EDITO 21 16 Peterson Air Force Base EDUCATION CENTER For Education Center correspondence, or to schedule appointments, please email Education Center office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. To schedule tests for sessions on Monday through Friday, please email indicating the test you need to take and your preferred session date/time. To schedule any testing on the UTA dates, send your email to The testing schedule is as follows: Monday: DLPT/DLAB/AFCT @ 8:30 a.m.; PME @ 1 p.m. Tuesday: DLPT/DLAB/AFCT @ 8:30 a.m.; PME @ 1 p.m. Wednesday: CDC @ 8:30 a.m.; FAA @ 1 p.m. Thursday: DLPT/DLAB/AFCT @ 8:30 a.m.; PME @ 1 p.m. Friday: DLPT/DLAB/AFCT @ 8:30 a.m. UTA Saturday – CDC/PME @ 1 p.m. UTA Sunday – CDC/PME @ 9 a.m. FAA Testing: Available at the Peterson Education Center: Our Education Center is fully certified as a FAA testing site. Airframe and Powerplant testing is offered every Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. If you are interested in testing, send your request to UPCOMING EVENTS: Post-9/11 GI Bill Briefings: Learn more about the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Topics covered include eligibility criteria for the bill, the transfer to dependents option, payment amounts, comparison to the Montgomery GI Bill, and more. September 20 and October 11 at 9:30 a.m. BUILDING 1141 • 556-4996 / 4065 / 7738 Initial Tuition Assistance (TA) Briefing (required for all first-time TA users): Every Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Additionally, any personnel who have not pursued their education in the last year are now required by AFI 36-2649 to have a follow-up counseling. This briefing fulfills the requirement. Transition Goals Planning Success (T-GPS) Accessing Higher Education Track: Are you separating or retiring from the military and thinking about going back to school? This two-day program guides you through the variety of decisions involved such as choosing a degree program and college institution, funding considerations, and the admissions process. September 14-15 and October 19-20 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. To sign up, send an email to Enlisted Commissioning Program Briefing: If you are interested in becoming an officer, this is a great starting point to gain a high-level overview of the major programs for enlisted personnel to commission. September 19 and October 17 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please reserve a spot via the Team Pete Professional Development Center SharePoint site ( ON BASE PROGRAMS: The following classes will be offered at Peterson AFB. To find out more information on the classes, please use the contact information provided. October 17, 2016 – December 11, 2016 Undergraduate Level Course Fall 2016 Term MI2 Course PSY101 ART110 COM115 Don’t have time? Skip the line. A brand new way to Chick-fil-A ENG121 CSC105 HUM121 MAT055 • Download the CFA ONE app •Createyouraccount •Placeordersaheadoftime •Payviayourphone •Tap“I’mhere”asyouarrive •Wedelivertoyourcar! CIT-270A Mat-110A Plus, automatically earn rewards. Eat More Chicken-Get More Treats! SPSM 5800 PROC 5810 MNGT 5590 BUSN 5620 CHNG 5100 MNGT 5990 For more info, please call (719) 502-4300 Title CR Days General Psychology 3 MW Art Appreciation 3 S (Hybrid) Public Speaking 3 F (Hybrid) English Composition I 3 TR Computer Literacy 3 S (Hybrid) Early Civilizations 3 S (Hybrid) Algebraic Literacy 4 MWF October 10 – November 13, 2016 Undergraduate Level Courses Fall 2016 Block 2 For more info, call (719) 596-9235 Software Project 3 Methodologies Math Concepts 3 October 17 – December 16, 2016 Graduate Level Courses Fall 2, 2016 For more info, call (719) 574-7562 GPS & Radio Systems 3 Acquisition Law 3 Organizational Behavior 3 Current Economics 3 Change Leader Self-Mastery 3 Corporate Responsibility & 3 Society Times 5:30-8:15 pm 9 am-12 pm 11 am- 1:30 pm 5:30- 8:15pm 9 am-12 pm 9 am-12 pm 5:30-8:10 pm Tu 5-9 pm W 5-9 pm M M T W W R 5:30-9:30 pm 5:30-9:30 pm 5:30-9:30 pm 5:30-9:30 pm 5:30-9:30 pm 5:30-9:30 pm *Curbside pick up at N Academy (behind the building) and N Carefree (east side by double doors). Curbside not available at Chapel Hills Mall. **Reward Program begins June 1. Download the app now to be ready for the upgrade to start receiving treats. DownloaD via the app Store or GooGle play © 2016 CFA Properties, Inc. Chick-fi l-A® and C Stylized One & DesignTM are trademarks of CFA Properties, Inc. June ’16 • MF-034 Paid ad. No federal endorsement of advertiser intended. GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 22 “We love to say yes” N Th an & CONC TIVAL ER S TI FE MODERN DENTISTRY AND ORTHODONTICS ETERSO 016 P N RU N S p on s o r! NORTH POWERS k u2 yo RIES SE Dell ponsors! RK s PA k you 20 Than 16 thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you NG NI Y IL so r E TH FA M Thank you 2 RT O P FIELD DAY sp & on S s! 01 6S SPONSORS SPOTLIGHT “We love to say yes” GOOD STUFF ADVERTISER GUIDE These businesses are more than advertisers, they are our partners in supporting our vibrant 21 FSS community. Use this index to easily locate their products and services. Be sure to tell them you support the 21 FSS community - and read GOOD STUFF! Farmers Insurance GEICO KyWorks Videography Orangetheory First Command GOOD STUFF September/October 2016 Xfinity Business Journal AT&T at& USAA Ent Credit Union Chick-Fil-A No federal endorsement of sponsors or advertisers intended. 23