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Dandn'Tirues Published morrth$ for members of the United Stafes Amdeur Baltroom Dancers Assocratiar>M innesofa Chapter Sepfem ber 1998 USABDA'MN Presents: afl^v-ffiRs NrrEOUtr ff6,5Jina Ballroom (Thurs&ys, Sfiakop Ballrwm Spm) pnt) (Fridays,S:30 478-6661 Ug,A42 Wahsha Sfeef Cayes (Thursdays, 7:30pm) 22+1 I 91 MN WstGoastswing CIub 731-9768 or 730-4468 941-0906 ReDels Swing Dance CIub Rendevorrst Barllroom 728-3792 The frhnor (Fri&ys, Satur&ys, 8:30pm) 690'1771 Sat 915 Danesport Studio Regular Dance, Lesson Z p-m-, Darrce at I p.m. DanceSpart Studio, Knollwood Mall, HW 169 and HwY 7, 93WA48- Sun 916 Rebels Swmg Dance Club, Regular Dance, Lesson 6:fi p.m., Dane at 7 p-m- Everett McCIay VFW, Bloamington, 3127 E.78th Street 9414906 Fri 9111 MN West Coasf Swing Ctub - Regular Dance, 21OO N. Dale St- 731-9768 ar 73F44ffi *Dale Saf gl12 Sweois h Appte Pie p61II Room Dane, Twin Crties Ballroom, Tango Group Class 8:0O p.m. Theatre Art Demo, Dancing *12, fiA at the door, sfudent with lD: Fri gng Danerb SfuOio Shorvcase, Twin Cifies Mllroom, T- 11 prn., St Paul, $15 in advan@, $17 at the door. "$ tLJa. kSamba Lesson tX4+ Saturday SePtember 19 Group clrss 7:30 - 8:30 PM Dance 8$0 - 1t30 PM gIlg USABDA Darrce - Dance Sporf Studio Sun gn| Relels Swing Dance Cluh, Regular Dance, Lesson 6:30 p.m., Dance at 7 P-m-Everett McClay VFW, Bloomington, 3127 E- 78th Sfreef, 941-0906 Fri f)ancesport Studio Knollwood Mall Hwy 169 and Hwy 7 $5,69S1582 or 292-8463- Call 641-0777 Sat Farewell to Surnrner flartce gn| MN We-sf Coasf Swing CIub - Regular Dance, &Dale N. Dale St- 731-9765 or 73&4468 21OO - Rebe/s Swing Danre CIub, Private Lessons gn7 Saturday, Timothy Auclair & Michele Wells, Saf gn6 Sun Workshops Sunday, Everett McClay VFW, Bloomington, 3127 E. 78th streef, 941-0906 sun gn7 usABDA Grand Ball, First Trust center, Dance 63A'70:30 W.483&67 Remembet the Grand Ball is Septernber 27th. Don't forget to buv your tickets- Notes From the Board '14/nnt I s USA$DA?'14/fr0 Are 14/e? USlt3DA stan& tor the United States Amateur Bdlroom Dancers Association, a non-Ptofit oxganization tormed to pleserve and prorrrote ballroom daacing not only as an art but as a healthy qport \{.innesota-s chapter was started in 1991. Ir,{embership is LTSABDA is open to ballroom dancers of dl levels. There are membership categories for all dalrcers: Social, Competitive, Junior (17 and under), College students and As sociate s (profe s siond lins tru cto ts). US$DA sponsots a monthly dance and other special dance events. Menrbership entitles you to discounts on ouf morrthly d'ances and a great networls for nreeti"g other dancers. You also have oppothrnity to purchase this newslettet- You'll have fun dancing and meet marry rrew friends! For more infotmation Call the USABDA Hodine numbet (612) 483-5467 usABD x The meeting was called to order by Gary Stroick, Vice President, rt7:28 p.m. Nineteen people were prcsent. x The treasurer reported that 52 squares of the floor had been purchased to date --- $2,860 worth with aPProximately $18,000 more to go. * Membership: Published monthly by members of the United States Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association--Minnesota Chapter, providing ne\,us of batlroom daneing to chapter members and friends. * Grand Ball: Tickets 4857 or e-mail are available. Call lr{ike Yor:ngdahl 699- * Newsletter: Jeff and Cind a computer, monitor- A * lblunteen: Fees for dances needed- will be waived for door workers, pe6on and DJ't x Discussion about floor payment and need for fi.rndraising will continue in committee.-We will hear more later as that is instinrted" * Dances: 19 Dance Sport Sept 27 Grand Ball Fint Tnrst Crnter Oct 17 Dance Shoppe next meeting: Tuesday Sept 7, 7998,7:30 Pm, Teacher Federal 5 Per Year Make dtect<s payable fo USABDAJVIN and send to: Carol Post Stroick 3600 France Ave South, St Louis Park, MN I74 subscribers, 5t kevboard and house, Johu griteful thank you goes out to SUBSGRIPTION RATES $1 \X'e have 234 members, lnstnrctors. bever4ge Minnesota Dancin' Times ^Yr:;i:!Z::i::' Credit Union, Golden Valley. 5541 6-4735 Competitor's Cofurnn ADVERN$NG Display Ads: To advertise your profussional service or event, Inclr.tdes regiwwl and subm it catnera-readY artwork. Star of the North f999 Sizes: Full page 7 1f2" wide x 9 1/2" high Iv{arch L9-2I. First Tmst Centeq St Paul. See J.rli. or Steve Vespested for informadon- 228-1557 Half page 7 1f2" wide x 4 U2" high (horizontal) 3 1P" wide x 9 1 12" high (vertical) Quarter page 3 1/2" wide x 4 112" high Business cards Rates: Full Page- $4O {-ISARDA evsfttt *xfor Cha^se a lilnre COrrPleA list, see 'Amattut'Dancers", the national pub/icattoo -for the U-S . .,4nateur Ballroom D ancers Assodatiorz. Half Page- $25 Quafter Page- $15 Business card- $15 for 3 consecutive months. Classified Ads: Free 3-line ad in Swaplines available to SS subscribers. Dance merchandise only' IUAILING Paymenft Payment must accompany ad. Plea* make checks payable fo USABDA-MN' Dancin' 'fimes is mailed bulk rate so it is affordable and stavs wiftin the cost budget. Howevef, the post office can take as long 'as th"y v"ant to deliver bulk tate mail. You may be not getting yoLlf tlewsleffer as fast as you vrantFlere's a solution: Send Carol Post-stroick an extra $6 Per ye,ar for your neuisletter and we will send it out First Class- DEADLINE Alt materials due the lfuh of eg,ch monthAll questions regarding the nevrsletter should be directed to: Editor-in-chief: Janis Livingston (61 2)481 -1017 Copy Editor: Greg Moore Nevrrsletter tayout: Julie Chase Nevrrsletter Ads: Jim Baker (61 2) 476-4843 Name: Send address changes fo. Address: Plrone: (r.vith new areacod$ Enclosed is $O tor First Class Mail MembershiP 3600 Franee Ave Sf Louis Park, MN 55416 Dancin'Times 2 of The Dancin' Times Sepfembr 1998 your prnenae is requestef ot'USAEIDA's 7 tfr Anrtun[ Sunfny, September 27 frorn 6:30 to 1-0:30 pnl of tfrn first Trust Certter Stft U lockon in St, lPauf tickets ore $20 afustrce $25 ot tfre door x CasfrlPrizw x fobubru foof x %futsut iruMruic, DancixT U fun x Darrce tfre ntgfit Azaay on Our g\bw fbor x IProfusiorwf ard Altffiteur ffifiitions x lVftsit 6y gete Mofo d Joycelfwmpson Semi,forrnal affire is requested. For advance tickets, call Mike Youngdahl prior to September 20 at (6121 699.4857. Dancin'Tirnes September 1998 WORLDAI{CE'98 Wows the World! By Yvonne & Dan Viehman he experience of the WORLDAI{CE '98 for most of us was nothing shon of "our wildest dream come tJ:ue." The dream that some day, some how, DanceSport would be mentioned in the sztme breath as Ice Dancing. Memorable TCO Moments * "The Unforgettable Award" was presented to Ms. Lotti Allison in grateful acknowledgement of her outstanding contributions to the art and sport of ballroom dancing in Minnesota; * During the weeks that preceded the WORLDAIICE '98, it was clear the ads were getting the word out to the general public. The excite- o o o o o o o o o o . o o o o o o The special "Hall of Fame" award presented to Ms. Doris Pease for publishing the largest U.S. ballroom dance maga- ((If they zine, Dancing USA; * The paso doble and jive routines by two ll-year-olds from Milwaukee, Ashley Hanneken and Josh Murillo wowed the audience with their style and high-energy flicks and kicks. Look out world when they turn eighteen! Amy Anderson, Jeannie LaFavor, Tom Severson, et al. * rherewerespecial dance appeilances Scott Anderson by & i:ilTff::?fiori" Jacobson & Jay Larson in Ken Barlow's backyard on On lC€, , tl it would * The semi-final professional rounds nearly set the floor on fire (smoke was actually seen coming from Jay Larson's - Iuckily, fire extinguishers were close at hand). Over 30 of the nation's hottest couples vyed for a moment in Saturday's WORLDAI.ICE'98 spotlights. shoes melt.oo'' I(ARE- 1 1, as well as at the IDS Center Crystal Court. Radio highlighted the event's coming with special live interview with Marci McHenry on MPR. Carol Post Stroick and Gary Stroick's befeathered theafte arts routine was a real crowd pleaser on Friday afternoon; a The precursor to the grand Tiuget Center extravaganza was TWin Cities Open Dancesport Competition held at the Minneapolis Convention Center, July I0-I2. With double the entries over last yer, it seemed that everyone wanted in on the action and excitement. After dl, it was the only comp offering live goldfish in bowls as table centerpieces ! And the riser-style seating gave just about everyone a good look at the dancing. The Friday night showcase at TCO featured a "standingroom-only" crowd with many of the finest professional competitors from all around the United States, as well as topranked amateur and Pro-Am performances from juniors on Candlelights, Elegant Music, and More "If thqt danced on ice, it would melt." How Eue this advertisement was for the WORLDAI{CE '98. Some onlookers said, "'We felt like we'd died and gone to ballroom dancer's heaven..." US$DA s gleaming 50 by 100 foot dance floor at the base of the Target Center, the Duke Ellington Orchestra, romantic candlelighting and white linen-clad tables circled the dance floor. By Minnesota standards, this event was akin to Hollywood's night at the Oscars" The show opened with the booming voice of Mr. John DePalma, the notable emcee from the PBS Series "Championship Ballroom Dancing." Over 100 top-notch dancers from The Dance Shoppe in Plymouth rushed onto the floor to the ever-popular quickstep tune "Sing, Sing, Sing." up. (continued on next page) Dancin'Times Sepfember 1998 THE WORLDANCE'98 (continued) We wanted to jump out of our seats and join in the fun. Their colorful cosnrmes and vibrant energy was a testament to the fact that we were in for the time of our lives! Seven thousand cheering fans roared with applause setting the stage for an action-packed, sequin-studded evening. During the professional rounds, the audience was invited to match wits with the judges to determine where these couples should rank As the dances unfolded, the results were quickly tabulated. Representatives from Fraser Community Services presented flowers and trophies to what they thought were the "kings" and "queens" of ballroom dancing! The audience roared at times so loud that we sat there in awe of the whole evenL Jay I-arson said afterwards, "It wtls just incredible...the feeling when Julie and I walked out onto that floor for the first time....we were just stunned...the audience was really in to it. It was great!" Memorable moments included Bldie Simon and Mchelle Officer's "I'm So prett5l" number with the mirror; Jennifer Foster's theaUical ride high above the dance floor; and lastly, the fog-spewing Harley motorcycle routine that surprised Bea Beddor more than anyone -- perforrned by Alain Doucet and Anik Jolicoeur. Just like many other spectator sports, Twin Citians had the opportunity to root for the hometown favorites of Robert & Jennifer Foster and Julie Jacobson & Jay l:rson. That Mnnesota spirit paid off. The Fosters took first with their Theatre Arts performance in the "All-Star Challenge" Segment and Julie and Jay took a very respectable Third Place finish in American Rhy-thm. Results from The WORLDANCE '98 Amerioan Smooth lst David Hamilton & Olga Foraponova Znd klward Simon & Michelle Officer 3rd Michael Mead & Toni RedPath 4rh Ben Ennis & Shalene Archer 5th Jonathan Roberts & Roberta Sun 6th Paul Holmes & Suzanne Phillips American Rhythm lst Bob Powers & Julia Gorchakova Znd Dan Rutherford & Nicole Collins 3rd Jay I-arson & Julie Jacobson 4th Robert & Jennifer Foster 5th Robeno Pagan & t oriann Greenhouse 6th Nichy Vegas & Lisa Mancuso ** If you would ftc Dancin'Times to lnternational Standard lst Alain Doucet & Anik Jolicoeur Znd Michael Mead & Toni Redpath 3rd Paul Holmes & Suzanne Phillips 4th Ben Ennis & Shalene Archer 5th Ian Folker & Maria Klubkova 6th Steve Brockman & Nancy Covi lnternational Latin 1st Bill Sparks & Kimberly Mitchell Znd Stephan Champagne & Manon Hurteau 3rd Donald Johnson &Katarzyna Kozak 4th Ingvar Geirrson & I-eslie Spearin 5th Alain Doucet & Anik Jolicoeur 6th Terry & Rozana Sweeney The All-Star Ghallenge lst Robert & Jennifer Foster Znd Rlward Simon & Michelle Officer 3rd Alain Doucet & Anik Jolicoeur 4th 5th Bob Powers & Julia Gorchakova David Hamilton & Olga Foraponova A ChanceTo Give Back Fraser Community Services** was the charity chosen by Scott and Amy. Fraser received all the proceeds from this gala event. Their beautiful video presentation on the JumboTron helped each of us understand how this unique school teaches, supports and loves kids with special needs. Amy expressed to us that through this whole process, she was suqprised at how many dancers face challenges off the dance floor in raising their special needs kids. "It seems to touch all of our lives in one way or another. It's really a great feeling to be able to give back to those who are less fornrnate," Amy said. "If you could have seen the children's faces light up as the awards were presented. It made it all worthwhile," she continued. "It was so much fun! We can't wait to make it even better next year." After it was all over, one might say that the WORLDANCE '!E was aptly named. This was the dance event of the year by far. Some doubted the possibility of filling the Target Center, but not Scou & Amy Anderson. Their determination and collaborative efforts were impeccable. We only hoPe this event will continue to flourish in the years that follow. The Andersons have shown us what a thrill it can be to gtve something back to those in need Our hats are off to you. Hey Scott & Amy, from what we saw, maybe you should have called it "WowDance 'i)8"! ! Congratulations on a magnificent production! mrll a contdhdon, pbase rnffc to: F}rser Cmunfty Scnlccg Inc, Zlll) W. 64fh Stt4 RfchlHd' MN 53123 or call (6fa E61'16t& Sepfember 1998 Twin Cities Open Scholarship Results Amateur Op.nAmerican Smooth Scholarship sponsored by Don and Ellen Ardery 1. Cr;rrj & Carol Stroick 2. Andrerv Nordberg & Jarue Sorheim 3. Jeff Chinn & Monica lVfohn 4. Bill & Bea Beddor Jim & Celeste Gibson 6. Jason Borton & Carolyn Jackson 5. Amateur Op.nAmerican Rhythm Scholarship 1. Nels Petersen & Theresa Kimler 2. Andrew Nordberg & Sorheim 3. Tom Sheehan & Elizabeth Smith 4. Jason -5. J*ie Borton & Carolyn Jackson Jetf Chirrn & i\{ontca Mohn 6. Ramon Pastrano & Mchelle \t-andesteeg Carol 'and Gz{y Stroick winning the Americart Smooth title. Photo taken by Photos by Fiffi. Arnateur Op.n International Standard Scholarship & Theresa I{mler & Petra Greszvnski 3. (?ary & Carol Stroick 1. Dale Johnson & Pam Brose 1. Nels Petersen 2. Ralf US$DA rnernber Joe Hannasch and teacher Meghan Snrdio, St Paul, are shovsn cornpeung Dancers Guernsey, at the recent Twin Cities Open. They entered 7 events in the International standard open level' They \n,on 6 fnst places and one second. Photo taken by Photos Dancin'Times b,v Finn- September 1998 Jeff Chinn and Monica Mohn hamming it up during the American Rhfhm competition. Date Johnson and Pam Brose cornPeti"s in International Standard. Dancin'Times Gordy and Linda Davis shour off their fancv foonx,'ork tn American Smooth' Sepfember 1998 JEF'F AND CINDY NEHRBASS RESCUE NE,WSLtrTTtrR EDITOR by Janis Livingston I walk into On Your Toes, my rnind pfeoccupied rrith a sense of loss, Jeff inquires as to my g[um look "Is As anyrtring wrong?" he asks. Oh dear.,. I was hoprng I was zcttngtoully normal but he lrad caught my frustrated, tzcltufn but animated conversation with Greg over wtat to do about losing my cornputer. No resources had v'otked out for wfiat the newsletter needed and it iust w?sn't in my personal of USABDA's budget to purchase the equipment" I was going to have to resign and US$DA was going to have to find an editor that alreadv owned the necessary fuE 8dihtgirtstoca Fq l(bt nd Y{anar equipment" Bummer! "Vlhat?" Jeff conunented incredulously. "We'll lose you as editor i.rst because you won't have a cornputer!?!" "It Seerns So." I replied. "Well I c'an fix that!" He said u'ith conviction. "Cindy and I iu-st upgfaded all our office cornputef equlprnent so we've got a comPuter we can glve to USABDA." "Wow!" Greg and I said immediately looking wide eyed and gffuung like tu'o kids talking to Jeff?" "Yeah, iust let me frnlsh some stuff I have to do u'ith it and itts yor-us. We can't let dre Santa Claus. "Really best nerwsletter US$DA I felt vindicated, ever had end because of this." and sooo grateful! A day or so later ... double wow .".Joht Dickerson calls up 'and offers a cornputer, too! It was too good to be true' It \trlras raintng cornputers! So along with Jeff s nice Pentium II (much f'aster than v-hat I had been using), It was looking John's monitor is donated to the slistem. god for me and US$DA. All I needed flo\r'' v?s sonle galznt knight to get it goirig tackle that world of rnegabytes and drives. And what do you know! In cornes Dan Viehman, ndrng trp on his white horse and shining armo\ to slay that dragon and get it ALL going for me' \[,ho says being a darnsel rn distress is old fashioned? Manv thanks to J eff and Cindy Nehrbass2 John Dickerson and Dan Viehman for their rescue and genefous donation of equipment and tirne. ftrn sufe USABDA members, as well as m-vself and the Dancin' Times staff, are truly grateful Next newsleffer deadline is S.ptember 10th!!! Dancin'Times Tricks of the Ttade Whether vou're z social ballroom dancer or a competitive dancer and regardless of whether you choose to draw- from your closet or consult a custom designer, the follorrlng design tipt are good to keep in mind. Dfuah's Ssa Flatteing Figue TiFt Ul Defuahl. Afdem dsatin Stitdre L. Dancers w-ith large hips have the opPornrnity to emphas rze a. small waist, keepitg in mind that gathering over the hips should be mintmal. 2. Dancers with large bustJines should avoid designs that feature the toc'al point of the desrgn on the bust are oi the bodice. 3. Dt gonal design features such as V necklines and V w-aistlines are more tlattering than horizontal. 4. Shiny fabrics make dancers look larger; matte finish fabrics rnalie d'ancers look smdler. 5. Dark colors are slimming bright neons 'and pastels m'alie you look bigger. 6. It's better to put the emphasis on the neckline ancl should er area rather than at the waist or tummy. 7 . Shoulder pads make hips and waistlines look smaller. Sepfember 1998 Attention: Dancin'the Night Away Dancers Dance Demo News By Yvonne and Dan Viehman Summer Sounds On July 20 at the Calhoun Beach Club, w€ participated in the Hearing Aide Society of Minnesota's annual fundraiser, Summer Sounds, which provides hearing aids to poor children. Although I didn't catch a glimpse of the "Incredible Hulk" who wzls supposedly in attendanse, we did enjoy the food and festivities! A heart-felt thank you goes to: Carol Post Sroick and Gary Stroick, Monica Mohn & Jeff Chinn, Linda & Gordy Davis, Michelle Vandesteeg & Mke Youngdahl who entertained and danced with the audience, and Pete Maki and Joyce Thompson who provided the music. Many thanl$ to Mke Youngdahl, director of the Summer Sounds entertainment committee, for inviting us back each year and for their generous donation of $50. Rlitor's Note: We want to acknowledge Susan and Arthur Hellmann who were omitted from the list of dancers in the July Darrcin' Times anicle for our Dancin' the Night Away performan@ on June 5. Our apologes to you both. USABDA Booth at TCO Many thanks to those who weekend of July IUI? at the the helped host the booth over Twin Cities Open DanceSport Competition. These volunteers included: Sue hller, Caroline O'Connor, Greg Moore, Susanne Anglo, Jim Baker, and Yvonne and Dan Viehman. Thanks also to Amy Anderson for the opportunity to display our materials at this fanhstic competition. 9116 Pne-Kick Off to National Ballroom Dance Week at the Mall of .dmerica (see details at right) 7:3O to 8:30 p.m. l,ots and lots of dancers are needed for our Dancin'Around the World Showcase (iust like the June 5 Anoka-Ramsey Our Nert Performance Mark your calendars. Our next flight arourd the world of will depart on USABDA Airlines at the Mall of dance America Rotunda on Wednesday, September 16, starting at 7:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Come and cheer your fellow dancers on during this exciting 6Gminute showcase (irrcluding a few surprise dance exhibi tioru you won't want to miss). Our theme of Dancin' 'Round thc World will showcase dance exhibitions from Havana, Buenos Aires, Vienna" New York, Hollyw@d, and much, much more. The Mall of America showcase will be similar to our June 5 performance at the Anoka-Ramsey Comrnunity College Theatre. Come out and support USABDA and see all of your fellow dancers. Why not bring your parents so they can experience the joy of dancing? Here are the details: Wednesday, September 16, 1998 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Malt of America Rohrnda If you want to volunteer, call Yvonne or Dan Viehman at (612) 553-l?fi2 and tell us which types of dances you would like to perform. We will have refresher practice sessions to re-acquaint everyone with the choreography for the "Disco Inferno" (hustle) intro and the "Grease" (EC swing) Finale. If you were not in our June 5th performance, that's OK, Come and leanr the choreography. It's fun and easy. Just ask those who learned it last June. They all caught on within the first half hour. Casset0e tapes and written instructions of the choreography are also available. Start looking for your outrageous 70's costume now. And don't forget that 50's look for the "Gr@se" Finale. ; 9l?A State Conference for DAPE (Developmental Adaptive Physical Blucation a group of teachers who work with handicapped kids; Carnp Courage, Maple I-ake (ust west on Hwy. 5D; 7-8 p.m.; 4 smooth & 4 rhyhm couples needed. rc129 Edinborough Park Plaza 77W York Avenue in Blina, 7-8 p.m.;3 smooth and 3 rhyhm couples needed. Dancin'Ttmes - Sept. 16ls LOTS of dancens are needed. If you would like to volunteer to dance, ]ou must first be a USABDA member (for insurance reasons). We would love to show off your talents. Upcoming Demos Community College performmce) Dancin' the ntght away... 9 We're looking for several [-as Vegas showgirls to perform as well. If you want to help choreograph, create/locate costumes, or donate feather boas /headdresses, call Yvonne at (612) 553-t?n2. September 1998 TGonsrs at DAN$cESPoRTr Inside Knollwood Mall (H*y. 7, just east of Hwy. 169) St. Louis Park, MN - 93&0048 Group Classes for Late Summer, 1998 Taught by Eric Remsen (You do not need a partner in order to participate.) I/tI (Basic/Introductory) Wednesdays, September 2nd - October Level 7th from 7:00-8:00 P.m. A $-session course for those who have little or no experience in West Coast Swing. III/IV (Intermediate/Advanced) Wednesdays, September 2nd - October 7th from 8:00-9:00 P.m. Level A G-session course for persons with experience in West Coast Swing beyond the basics and who wish to polish their technique while adding new patterns and style variations to their repertoire. West Coast S,wing for Ballreom and Latin Daneers *** Wednesdays, September 2nd- October 7th from 9:00-10:00 P.m. *** This is a special O-session course for persons who have reached the Silver or Gold levels of Ballroom or Latin dance, and who wish to learn West Coast Swing patterns and styling at an accelerated pace. lf you are looking for a fun and challenging new dance to learn, this could be the class for you. If you already have some experience in West Coast Swing, you will learn new patterns and variations while developing the characteristic West Coast look and style. lf the dance is new to you, this class will provide you with patterns and styling that will have you dancing it in an authentic and 'non-beginner' manner. Registration Fee (all Levels) is $48.00 per Person (rpace is limited to L2 students per class). Nationally-acclaimed instructor and performer MICHELLE KINKAID is visiting the TWin Cities the weekend of August 28-30. She will teach three separate 90-minute group clas$rri at Rodeo nightdub in Cottage Grove on Saturday the zgth,beginning at 10:3{ Michelle is one of ,. 'l foremost performers and teachers in the swing dance r td today. She will te,, xt one class in West Coast Swing, one in Hustle, and one ;., , fightclub 2-Step. Call Eric Remsen at724-3155 for further information and to register. Dancin'Ti;rTIes 10 Sepfember 1998 PARTNER CONNECTION them. KSE,NL\ RUDE,NSIUK and IUARK LE,E, say I'hirr w'hen the mutr-ral For the first month, fuIark \f,,as the instructor. Using videoapes of world-class dancers and a stack of note cards, I\{ark carefully showed Ksenia sorne basic positions and moves. Then they embarked on a few months of Soup classes. Soon th.y were ready for a Stop by the TVin Cities Ballroom some Thurs day evening. lbull probably see a young couple on the floor, sailing along confidently amid the rapids and u'hidpools of fleck rolls, double reverses, and triple pivots. It's International rounds night, and lvfark is leading b1g rnove: tr3enia Rudensiuk (ks-EN -ya tude-en-S11JKE) througlr their five routines. This is fun for them" And they take it very very senously" private lessons. Wbrking with Donna Rlelstein and Paul Botes, th.y put together a plan \X'e decided to spend at least one They've each danced for many years, Since partnenng up in April 7997, hou'ever, they ysar with each level," explains Mark. "W'e wanted to make slue ve really understood the have found somethirg that was once rnlsslng in their dance, something that has grven them special satisfaction. For Mark, it is a sense of competence: "I used to do American smooth, and I always enioyed the open work but now that I'm doing basics before we tried doing arry hard snrff." So far, their strategy is working: they enioyed a string of wins at Star of the North last lt{arch, and 'are novr working on silver routines. And they're having the time of their lives. International I feel like I'rn becoming a much better dancer." IGenia is a shrdent of bdlet, and has discovered a joy in balkoorn Wistful , fat-avtay er(pressions come over their faces when they hear the that many of us may take for granted: "In the ballet studio, I11 dance a set of figures from one word "Blaclpool." . Careful planning is important, of course. But a partrership is powered corner to the otheg and then I'rn done, Now I can dance bv the inteqplay of personalities. ivlark w-orries 'and fi:.sses, whether itts next year's comp or a not-quite-perfect whisk, and his tenacity can sometimes grind him down. Ksenia is philosophical and broad-minded. She looks at the big picture. Her even-tempered rnanner and encouragement have helped Mark to become less selfcritical. His asrbitions and perseverance har,'e opened new doors fclr her: "Competitions ?re so excitits so make-believe ... like a Hallmark Christrnas!" continuously, arourd 'and around the floor. Ids v-onderful." Mark took his frrst b'allroom lessons about ten ,vears Lgo. Soon after that, he enrolled in a ballet class to of his classmates, but their relationship u/as no rnore than 'an occasional exchange of nods and smiles" Ma-rk enioyed the challenge of ballet so much, he snrck with it for severl rrrore years before moving on to competition-level They have learned that z pzttnership demands dedication, both to your art and to each other. "Ballroorn is incredibly tougfn on a partrnership," says tr{ark- "but we've learned to re'allv trust each other-" "When I dance for myselft' says lGenia" "I don't alwavs grr. 100%. Btrt with lv{atk I a}ways do my best ... we iust want to be beautiful"" Such commitment keeps their work on track and g;ives it the kind of meaning that a roornful of uop]ries could never express. American smooth. After a )'ear on the competition floor, he decide to try lnternational: "I figured it'wauld give me the technique I needed." He also weflt looking for a partner. "... sorneone r*'ho w'as nevz to ballroom, someone I felt I could grov' with." He rvas drawn back to the ballet studio. He stopped by one afternooo, iust 'afrer his old class had ended for the dalt" FJe was chatting with a former classrnate about his new plans, when Ksenia approached Dancin'Times to frietd/classmate asked her if she wanted to be M'ark's ne\f,r partner, She was inuigued. A week later, th*y discussed schedules, costs, and long-range plans. They decided to gwe it a try. by CrregMoore improve his postrre and carriage. Ksenia w'as one She barelv had time 11 Sepfember 1998 Paid Advertisesrcrlt SWING DANCE CLI.JB proud rnembers of the world swing Dance council Present*, Tim Auclair nnd Michele Wells St. Louis, MO. Septentber 27,7998. several yeuT Tim Auclair and MicheteWellshavebeen competing for aroga the country, and were the 1996 NASDE winnel€' rank as top competitors in the SwingDance wotld.Tim ind Miclute of the u.s open in 1996 & and finished ord in r9g7. frey il".Jd 2nd and 4th in the classic Division Both Tim and reciation' AppLg7, and,*o" ,Jpi"r.-tr .ir in" coveted Feather award for Crowd now! calendars your - Michele have acclmpfshmene too nunercus to mention here. Mark Tin Auclhr anil MicheleWells will be available fior private bookings. Workshops SundaY SePtember 27th lftfi)am - 1200(nood Techniques of West Coast Swing Price $10 Rebels members, $15 nonmembers will focus on the importance of the This class is for everyone from beginners to instructors! Tim and Michele the slot, and rrudr mudr more! leaders and foilowers parts to one another, the movement within 12:1{ipm - 1:10pn Intriguing Whip Variations Pi."t $10 Rebels menbers, $15 nonmembers whip thenyou are reldy to take this dass and If you know your g count basic whip and your I court basket Rebels Basic I and tr students, this dass is for you' learn new and interesting variations of these basic pattenrs. 7:70W - 2:00Pm LunchBreak West Coast Swing 2:00pm - 3:15pm - Spioi and 1i''ns Technigues fot Price-: $13 Rebels member, $18 norunembers will teach fun patterns that incorporate spins and Not your usual class in,dw, spin drills. Tim and Michele turns, and show you the techniques needed to exectrte them smoothly' g:gopn - a:aspm Hot New Moves in west coast swing ' tinduaing wildly unique whiP patterns) Price $fg Rebels membersr$l8 nonmembere with the latest instyle' Experience This is the stuff that gets everyones attention - cutting edgechoreogt"Phy patterns' of Trm Auclaiias y-ou learn ne* and tnrly original whip the award ",t-rfr;;.;t"phy I Packase- oailable fot rchasi Catl the Rebels HOTLINE 672-941-0906 Dancin'Times 12 Teptember 1998 aid Advertisenent Twin Cities Rebels Fall Class Schedule Everett McClay V.F,W. - 3In ' E. 78th Street, Bloomington,MN. n^n^nnn Introduction to West Coast Swing IVednesdaysrT-gpm Sept n$O & OcL 7 Sundaysr 4:30-5:30pnr Aug.30 & Septl}r2l0 This class is for beginners with no prior West Coast Swing experience. herequisite: None Prices: Rebels members $36, nonmembers $50. Repeat students $20 AAAAA Basic I, Fundamentals IVednesdayse 7-9pm Oct. 2lr2t & Nov,4 Sundrys, 4:30-6:30pm October 11, lE & 25 to improve your look on the dance floor. Strong emphasis on technique. way The fastest Prerequisite: Some knowledge of W.C.S. Prices: Rebels members $36, nonmembers $50, Repeat Students $20 AAAAA Basic tI - Fundamentals \ilednesdaysr 7-9tr1m SundeVS, 4:30-6:30pm Aug.lgrffi & SepL2 15 &?2 NovemberS, An embellishment of Basic I patterns with additional patterns. Strong concentation on technique. equisite: Rebels Basic I class Prices: Rebels members $36, nonmembers $50, Repeat studeots $20 nAnnn Price: Rebels members $10, nonmembers $15 Night Club ltvo Step, Wed. Sept.16, 7pm, Jason Barnes Basic Latin, \Med. Nov.18, 'lpm, Kathy Garnble Hustle, Wed. Dec.2,'7pm, Neil Otey & Lynette Schwickerath REGISTRATION WILL TAKE PI-ACE 30 MIN. PRIOR TO TTIE FIRST CI-ASS OF EACH SESSION AANAA Remember to clrcck the flotlittc 612-94149(M frequently for updates ard clnnges. The Twin Cities Rebels are proud rnembers of the World Swing Darce Council and tlw Rythym & BhPs DI Assocatian. Dancin'Times 13 Sepfe mber 1998 AI\INTRODUCTION by bJed Kottmeyer ME.MBE,RSHIP My llafne is Ned Kottrneyer. My partner, Celia Mulleq and I turned professional about three months ago -ru-ith the intent of comPeting in the The ater We w'elcorne the following 11e\1,- members to USABDA and subscribers to dre newsletter: Arts/Cabaret division of ballroom dance. \Ve Me in somethitg of a unique position for a professional competitg couple in that we intend to teach ballroorn on a limited basis while maintaining our prot-essional careers independent of the dancing. This lends itself well to ouf stvle of cornPetidon, which involves lifts and drops, where a lack of concentration or fatigue can have sornewhat more serious consequences than for the other styles. By not teaching dance full-time we carl maintarn !-ery high enefgy level for both practtcing ^ Charles Flartel, hda4r Baker, Jeante Hewitg Joh Zander, I(athleen Poeliot, Portat Cooks, Shiri Cooks, Karen Boole, A. Cathrine Coats, and Thomas Frasen. We r.velcorne You to the wonderful world of ballroorn dance. and teaching. Frorn a teachirg point of view we both want the opporhrnity to shonz what we have learned over the past several yeats w-ith r,vleat is already one of the toP atnateur ballroom dance corffnunities in the united States. I believe my exPerience teachi.g college combined with my college athletics and years of ballroom dance gives rne arL advantage in explaining and breaking dorvn corlcepts that are othenxrise very ditficult to cornrnunicate and verY often neglected" Celia's extensive forrnal dance training in ballet and iu' along with her years of ballfoom training and .o*p.titive experience make her an ideal choice for anyone at any levrcl who wishes to raise their standard of dancing. We afe both continually tgdvin$ and talcing additional trai.ting to further enhance the quality oi our teaching v/e both have set a personal goal of takit€ the professional international standard medalist exanlgiven by the Imperial Socieg oi Balkoom Dance this year. From a competitive point of view we rvant to bring somethirrg entirely difterent to our style of dance' In everlthitG frorn our choice of rnusic to the types of lifts \tr'e perforfn to the imagery and storv w-_e a:fe attemptrng to convey' \nie intend to exceed the audiences exPectattons and, hoPefully , give them llr Monoy. 6et the Michael J. Youngdahl 7707York Avenue South, Suite 350, Edina, MN 55436 sornething endrely unexPected' 672/ / 927-3338 (FA>r) 92143n, r,,r,,*rug,,1s? governmeni agencies und thelr parmers thal organlzed thls campalgn haie rrof endonsCd aly panicular flrms, bruke6' pmrlucts. Or Serviges' The. Dancin'Ttmes 14 Sepfember 1998 Nordb erg and J*i. Sorheim dernonstrate winning form as they dominate the American Smooth Division at Virgrnia State, zlzrge Regional Competion. INSTBUCTTONA!. DANCE VTDEO COLLECTTON Y our 0re,$lop-$[op to lfie Wrirlil 0f ftanr;e Coll Todoy for o FREE catolog. lmprove your doncirlg overnigM bn'r Deloy! Coll Now! 1.800.951 .2913 One Click is all that stands between you and the &nce floor! vrrtrut dan cevis ion. corn or Fox 7V2.256.4227 DorrceVision 69&l V. Sohso Ave- fuite Los Vegos, l.fv 091 lol 17-5626 Desdgned, Paid Advertisement Wnetfter buying or selling, Yow thoughts and wishes are important to me. For twelve years I've been making my clients real estate stories have a happy ending. I can do the same for You. P roft: s.s i o n a I$ D e s i gne d Pnfonnance Coslumes Since Open by Appointment Only Sanae Storey 690-8564 I97B M-F(9amto4pm) Or or' speclally arranged evenin{ specially evening and Saturday appointments StttefrBs' Paid Advertisernesr W . Minneapolis, Minnesota ,5473 Paid Adveaisement ' ,ir l" li' i,'; iii ij, ".. *'i!j' .,,,,,''';". ti 'tt ' rri" i: ill ..,jli _,,;ri,,-i' ,.i ii, ,L .,,: ,ir*'ri fi 1,1 tls:t ':lP 'dll'-'"' I1 EDa,rltge ;!r, ,ltr(' ".;1'irl!tl!' .j*"":l:1,' -r-. ,i lt' th kqii'6o':;n*!r.Ft,,....-. ttn. '1!\L t!L,* Ti\"" I 11 'i' - rwo^:rir'*ll ..1;.;,.;1,,,r,,-,,,. :l €l3tO Dancin'Times 16 Sepfember 1998 ** Simple yet e t Americao gown. Corel-red *i*inimum stoning, high neckline, full arm pieces. Size 2-6. Asking $575. Call Stacie * 467-2090. # Z-piece American gown. Black skirt v'r/beaded white and black top. Great for sonreone starting out. Size 24. Asking$zzs- CaIl Stacie at 467-2090. # Blue rhythml knee length wislit up to thigh for movement, unique upper back Comments From Our Readers: on dress. Earrings included. Must see. Size 2-6. Atki"g $375. CaIl Stacie at 4672090. x "I really like the humor that comes througlr in the newsletter a:ticles. It's so fun to see rx"hat you come up with next." 2 arrtractive Theatre Ats dresses. One s}rort, one longer, @oth abovc' dre knee) Flowing sorne stoning. Size S. $100 each. CaIt Andre- for detarls at 38L-1954. i* Eleganq beautiful, black and gold gown. Lots of stoning on rhe iron! sorne on the back Feathers on hem. Unique design. Size S. $350. CaIl Andre' for det^ils at {€ts 38 1- 1 954. x "Wodd Dance \f,,'as fabulous! A treat for the eyes. I dldn't want to leave my seat fbr anything. I v-as aftatd I'd miss something" {.* A striking magenta colored, off the shoulder, A-merican wy*le gown s'ith clegant stoningby Marcia Wiest-Hines, sizc 4-8, soft chiffon dor:bie skirt with strctch velvet bodice that has chiffon tloats. Earrinp and "Titanic"-look necklace to match. Worn in three competitions. Like new. Asking $1100. Jaris 651-,+81-t017. #' Esquisite professional stan&nd gown. Size 24. Orchid and pale blue, nev/est one layer style, es seen on Nostalg^ T\- USDSC episode" Custom rnade in March 1998, Asking $14m. Cdl Donna at 6L2-fi+L6L7. {€F Call C,arol Post-Stroick for the following ads 92G7648" ^t Starrdand gown size {6, loaded nzith 80 gross AB stones over a Co:.:.l and White go'wn) ne'qi sfl.. $800. Apple Green Arnerican gown, sleeves and bodice lattic-e wodg loaded with large Ab stones Attention getter on tl:e floor $600. Size 2-6Standard gow-n, traditional sryle, feathers, floats in sunglow &yellow, size 2-6, $400. Hub Nelson for the follorving ads at 225-8554. Simply elegant silk ballgown - size 2-t. White with black square neckline, mesh arrns and upper back Emphasis is on clean line: princess seaming no feathels or tloats (d"ppi"g sleeves show rnovement), it a whiri! $900. Standard gown - Size 4-6. Classic desig$, unusual colors! Seafoam .green over sunglow orsnge. Feathered herr5lace bodice, and symmetrical tloats. $900. 'Fr CalI Dance Notes: >F The ne'*rsletter still needs a prfurter. If vou donate one please corrtact Janis Ln-rngston 651-48L-I017. \t'e arc slou'ly getting drere! Order yolrr tickets for the Gr'and Ball by Septemb er 20 and it only costs $20. It will be $25 after that date. So call lv{ike Youngdahl os', 699*+8571 * Floor squates ate still for sale" Take a ornent to consider how impoftatLt a dance floor is to your dancing and help us Pay o our US$DA loan. Also watch for sorne frrn fund raising activities coming soon. Beautiful gown size 2-6, sott pink with hot pink, Jessica McClintock lace over bodice which is also covered with AB stones,'vrorn in two comps, mint cond" $1,200, Joanie 48+456?- Lt C*een Ballgown. # -10. Feathers on bottom. Ashing $550. Call Ellen er521- 232-5896(w) or 537-67a3 (pm) Sz 4-8. AB stoning throughout Shirnmer,v lycra spandes, skirt moves greal Asking $200 or BO. Beautiful Midnight Blue Rhythm! Sz 4-8- L piece. Panne stretch veivel Ivloves great and very cornfortable too! AB stoning along neckline, built irr dance trunks" Call Janie for the following ads ^t Hot Lime Green & Black 2 Piece Rhythm! $20a / Bo. Elegant Red Rhyth-! Sz 6-8. Flared skirt v'ith AB stoning on kris-I<ross spaglteni straps and bodice. Matching dance tnrnks. Asking $150 or BO. :fak For the Folloting ads contact Tracy at79?-2322 Glowing Yellow Standard Gown, Elegant neckline and disEinctive stoning. Absolutely \blunteers are needed to staff the check-in esk at the US:\BDA dances. Can you help? Sz 8 8745. a steal at $1000. Glamorous, Yet Simple American Gown. llard to Paft wirh. Halter sgle in the truest of reds widr minimum stoni4g. At only $600, yoLr can make it ]or-rrs"! tsdc Popular lavender two-piece - size ?-6- Halter-sgvle top with armbands arrd earrirrp and pienty of rhinestones. Bottonr is asymmetrical cut- Latest cornfort stretch material. Blackpool dress. $600. Call T1eresa at 7044405. der Black one-piece miqi rhlthm dress - siz.e 2-6. Fti"f beading to gfve extra movemenl Black rhincstones throughor-rE body. Tan halter straps for a sleek look and sexy neckline. $650. CaIl Theresa at 70444O5- Sudirc is a monthfi fealan ofiniag members tbe cbaxu to sell lbeir tlanrc menhandise" A &,trti semm ts for part nn:sbips Dancin'Times 17 me not pn b fi"rlt ed i r tb is co lum n- Sepfember 1998 BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE }andn'Tmes PAID Minneapolis, MN Permit No. 4559 Address Servic e Requesfed OEEIffiRS President Vice Ptesident 'fteasurer: Secretary Ellen Ardery, PlSrmouth Gary Stroick, St Louis Park Paul Joyce Thornpson' St' CAROLPOST STROICK 3600 FRANCE AVE S ST LOUIS PARK, MN 55416 Expiration Date: Jul-00 Melanio Helvig Minfleapolis MTIIPAEPT'ICA.TIONS Carol Post-Stroick 612-92G7618 NEIYSLffiIER Advertis-g - Jim Baket 67217(c-/f43 Roiog 5238364 Articles,Pictures,Comrnents - J*it Liv'rngston 6 5I..481'LAfi Dancets N[ht Out - Mats 61 2483-5467 E+nait address : 4psk001 @tc.umn'ed u hft p : ffirrnrw. arc. u mn'ed u lu sa bd al LEARN WTH THE PROS Donna Lath'rre Frylcnan, St *Loren Greenberg, St- Paul' # @ #: Paul' '777-5447 'Call for grcuP class information BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE hndn'Tmes PAID Minneapolis, MN Permit No. 4559 USABDA-MN 12530 58th Ave North Plpotrth, MN 55442 Address Service Requesfed onnffins President Presi&nt: 'freasutet: Secretaqn Ellen Ardery, PlSrmouth Gary Sttoick, St Louis Park Vice JoYce ThomPson' St Paul Molanie'Helv$r Minneapolis MTIIPAEPnICATIOIVS Carol Post-Strcick 672-92G7 618 NEIYSIETIER Advertisr"g - Jim Baker 67217G4813 R"iog 5234361 Articles, Pictures,Comments - J*it Liv'rngston 6 57-481-LO17 Dancers N[ht Out - Mats HOTLI NE 61 2483-5467 E+nail address : 4psk001 @tc.umn.ed u h ttp: Il\mrvw. arc'u mn .ed u Iu sa bd a/ LEARN WTH THE PROS Minneapolis scot & Amy Anderson, Plymor.rtr Artrur Munay School of Dance, Edina *Peart Bailey, Bumsville . Fred Beilke, Stillwater... Harry Benson, Minneapolis Paut Botes, Minneapolis 504-1403 David Aanestad, *ConsEntine Dance Center, Minnetonka . 'The Dancers Strdio,St. Paul *DanceSport Ballroom, Minneapolis Nathan Daniels, MinneaPolis wendyDavies. DonnaEdelstein, Minneapolis . 5@{995 . 920-1900 . " " 890-5104 " -.4m'9258 " .4*5665 . -..40+1617 ' ' 476404'/. 6414777 - - 938'0048 --- 37ffi42 ....212-9874515 -- - -40+1617 Heights . '451€@ 639-1 544 . ' 938-0048 Minneapolis Fred Astaire Dance Studio, lnver Grove Fred Astaire Dance Studio, Roseville . Robert & Jennifer Fosbr, *Carot Fritc*rie, S1 Paul Minneapolis... Paul. st Fryknran, Latb,rre Donna *Loren Greenberg, St. paul. *FourSeasonsDancing, Iruife tfris issua... th Hffi d @ #' ' 4M785 ...342-4902 .777-Se-ql .774-5516 David & Barbara Hanson, Duluh/St Paul Charlie Hardcasfle, MinneaPolis Ned Kottneyer,St Paul Arlene and Bill Kroll, MinneaPolis Jay Larson, Plymouth *Timothy & Michelle Mason, Jane McEvers, MinneaPolis Deanne Michael, MinneaPolis *Jim & Kay Mondo, St Paul. . . *Alice Monson, MinneaPolis. 'Craig Monis, MinneaPolis .218-7224742 . . 938{048 . .7V2-6125 . . 561 -5N7 81.-3H:n? . . 688-7988 . . 933-1893 . . 770-1651 ". 461-2966 . . 561€206 " . 695-1 582 Celia Mullen " .92t-^7803 Jeff & Cindy Nehrbass, St. Louis Park. *Northwest Health Clubs, Minneapolis. 546€554 *On Your Toes School of Dance, SL Louis Park . 928-7803 724-3156 Eric Remsen (\A/C Swing), Minneapolis . . .8n€966 Denise Rondano, Minneapolis ""870-9189 Heidi Smith,StPaul ... - -342-O9Oz Rebeca Tros! Minneapolis Twin Cities Rebels Swing Dance Club WC Swing)- . - 941-0906 ' 649-4505 U of M Ballroom Dance Lessons 'Call for grcup class information