The Diameter Of The Bomb
The Diameter Of The Bomb
The Diameter Of The Bomb By: Sergio Song Table Of Contents: Author ◦ Writings ◦ Poetryy Analysis Video Conclusion Author:Yehuda Amichai Born on May 3, 9 , in 1924, Germany. Moved to Jerusalem. Amichai`ss Writings: Amichai War Experiences. p Young Israeli so d e s. soldiers. Amichai`ss Poetry: Amichai Relate with everyday conflict. Known to be b e too relate e e able his feelings with the feelings of the j y majority. Analysis The h Diameter off the bomb was thirtyy centimeters and the diameter of its effective range about seven meters, With four dead and eleven wounded. And around these, in a larger circle of pain and time, time two hospitals are scattered and one graveyard. d But the young woman who h was buried in the city she came ffrom, at a distance of more than a hundred kilometers, kilometers enlarges the circle considerably. And the solitary man mourning her h death d h at the distant shores of a countryy ffar across the sea includes the entire world in the circle. And I won`t even mention the h crying off orphans that reaches upp to the throne off God and beyond, making a circle with no end and no God. God p y _ 2QhArA&feature=related Conclusion: The h b b bomb`s diameter never stops p ggrowingg as long as it is remembered. Bibliography: h // / h / PID/125 2/ amichai/poems/page-2/ http://en wikipedia org/wiki/Yehuda Amichai