Annual Reports - Yarmouth Hospital Foundation


Annual Reports - Yarmouth Hospital Foundation
Yarmouth Hospital Foundation
The mission of the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation is
to support and enhance our hospital as a community
and regional centre of excellence in health care.
Enhancing Health Care
Campaign exceeded goal for major projects
Province, hospital share costs 75/25
New CT Scanner
YHF share: $355,506
The CT scanner uses advanced software
applications which allow more detailed diagnoses.
At left, Chief Radiologist Dr. Joel Surette
examines a scan, while (above) senior CT
technologist Tina Maillet prepares a patient.
System (MMS)
YHF share: $391,301
MMS brings administration and
dispensing of medications up to
industry standards. It improves
drug monitoring and reduces
waste. At right, pharmacy
technician Samantha Hedley
prepares a prescription.
Annual Repor t
Welcome to the first Yarmouth Hospital Foundation’s Annual Report. The Yarmouth
Hospital Foundation’s Annual Report will be distributed at the June Annual General
Meeting to our donors and the community. It is a comprehensive report on the
Foundation’s activities throughout the year and is intended to give our donors,
sponsors, partners and other interested parties information about the Foundation’s
activities and financial performance.
Over the Top
A heartfelt thank-you
Board of Directors
A gift from the heart
A generous bequest
Paying into a legacy
Doctors giving back
Leading by example
Leading the change
A patient says thanks
Enhancing health care
Wall of Honour
Our donors
Foundation events
Community driven events
Our Impact
The French version of the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation will be available on
our website:
A heartfelt thank-you
‘The success of this campaign
is due to you, our donors’
Great hospitals need great community support. The
impact of our community on the Yarmouth Regional
Hospital has been tremendous and is allowing us to
build a reputation that is a credit to the
high-quality care and compassion that we are
delivering in Yarmouth and the Tri-Counties.
It is inspiring to look back on the past year and
count our many successes. With the generosity of
our volunteers and you, our donors, remarkable
things are happening at the Yarmouth Regional
Hospital and the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation
(YHF). As a result of overwhelming community
support, we are building a better hospital with better
tools to help our physicians and treat our patients.
In the spring of 2014, the Foundation launched the
Enhancing Health Care (EHC) campaign to raise
$754,000 to fund a new state-of-the-art CT scanner
and the automated Medication Management
System. The Yarmouth Women’s Auxiliary led the
way with a very generous gift of $150,000.
The Foundation received a second significant gift
from YHF Board Director Elaine Thistle and her
husband, Doug. The Thistles’ donation of more than
$200,000 provided a lead gift to the Future Fund, a
second pillar of the EHC campaign, thus setting a
new campaign goal of $1.2 million. The Future Fund
helps the Foundation prepare for future equipment
needs. I am pleased to report that we have
exceeded our over-all goal. The success of this
campaign is due to you, our donors.
On March 26, 2015, we celebrated the success of
the Enhancing Health Care campaign by hosting a
celebration in the lobby of the Yarmouth Regional
Hospital. We publicly acknowledged the Women’s
Auxiliary lead gift for the campaign and recognized
the Thistles’ generous donation, given in memory of
Elaine Thistle’s parents, Walton and Josina Warner.
As a testament to their generosity, a name plate has
been added to the Wall of Honour under “Patrons.”
Our signature events, the Spring Gala and the Jody
Shelley Golf Fore Health, continue to be very
successful, with the dollars raised by these events
going towards much needed equipment for the
Yarmouth Hospital. Thank you to the YHF staff for
their dedication to the Foundation’s fundraising
Au nom du conseil d’administration de la Fondation
Hôpital de Yarmouth, j’étendre mes sincères
remerciements pour tous les dons, le support des
commanditaires et les bénévoles qui donnent si
généreusement de leurs temps et d’argent pour
assurer les meilleurs soins de santé possible dans
notre région. Merci!
Shirley M d’Entremont
Chair, Yarmouth Hospital Foundation Board
Board of Directors
West Pubnico
Greg Barro
Colin Fraser
Gloria Banks
Paul Comeau
Past Chair
Donnie Cook
Dr. Harold
South Ohio
Vernon D’Eon
West Pubnico
Lester Doucet
Donna KitterLloy
South Ohio
Doris Landry
South Ohio
Don LeBlanc
Port Maitland
Neil LeBlanc
Jeff Little
Lr. Wedgeport
Marcel Pothier
Reg Rose
Brian Saulnier
Mark Setlakwe
Elaine Thistle
Dr. Kenny Yee
A gift from the heart
‘A gift to the hospital is a gift
to the community as a whole’
For Doug and Elaine Thistle, giving is a way of life.
It’s a habit that began in childhood and recently
culminated in a major gift to the Yarmouth Hospital
Foundation of more than $200,000.
The sale of their business and property came with
major tax implications, but by making the gift to the
Yarmouth Hospital Foundation, a registered charity,
that tax implication was cut in half.
When they retired and sold their business, Thistle
Hyundai in Dayton, and its property two years ago,
they decided to give back to the community that had
supported and sustained them for many years.
“It’s a cost-effective way of supporting a charity,”
says Elaine, who ran the business side of her
husband’s successful automotive dealership. She
also sits on the Board of Directors of the Yarmouth
Hospital Foundation.
“When you look at an institution in this area that
affects everybody, then there is nothing that has the
impact of the Yarmouth Regional Hospital,” Doug
says. “A gift to the hospital is a benefit to the
community as a whole.”
They chose to donate a substantial number of highyield shares valued at $205,000 to the Foundation’s
Future Fund, which was created to ensure that our
community receives the health care services it
needs and deserves.
The donated shares will continue to appreciate in
value and that profit will go directly to support the
vital work of the hospital, since registered charities
do not pay income tax.
Their gift is made in honour of Elaine’s parents,
Walton and Josina Warner of Yarmouth, who were
killed in a car accident in 1970, in memory of their
lifetime of giving. In recognition, a nameplate has
been added to the Wall of Honour.
A generous bequest
Marg McGray’s final gift
to help sustain health care
Margaret McGray was raised at a time when it was
important to look after family and never go into
debt. She took those principles seriously and
“Marg was frugal and smart with her money,” Ron
Love, her sister’s son, says, “but she was also
extremely generous. ”So generous that, when she
died last October, just before her 93rd birthday, she
not only looked after her family in her will, but also
left a very substantial legacy to the Yarmouth
Hospital Foundation.
“My aunt always appreciated the fact that a little
community like Yarmouth had such a terrific facility,”
Ron says, adding she wanted to help the hospital
maintain that tradition with her gift.
Marg McGray spent her early life in Yarmouth, at
first with grandparents on the Boyd farm, which later
became part of the Yarmouth Airport. Later her
parents, Margaret and Stuart McGray, moved the
family to a small farm on Session Hill in Dayton.
World War II took her to Halifax where she enlisted
in the Canadian Women’s Army Corps. Marg
worked in logistics and attained the rank of
sergeant. After the war she was a secretary in the
engineering department at Maritime Tel & Tel.
In the early 1980s, her mother died and Marg, who
never married, retired and returned to the family
farm to care for her father. She stayed long after he
passed away, until her own health began to fail.
Then she needed to be surrounded by family
herself, and in 2006 moved to Huntsville, ON, to be
close to her younger sister, Phyllis, and her family.
Phyllis was a nurse who had trained at the
Yarmouth Hospital and moved Ontario to work.
Yarmouth beckoned again when Phyllis passed
away in 2011. Marg spent her final years in the
community she loved, first at Gentle Care Seniors’
Boarding Home on Lakeside Rd. and finally at
Treasured Memories Seniors Estate on Elm St.
While Marg was in and out of hospital in her final
years, a cousin and his wife, Allan and Carole
Thompson, took very good care of her, Ron says.
“We hated to see her go. We would have liked the
opportunity to be of more help to her.”
Many people remember the YHF in their wills, from
some surprisingly generous donations such as that
made by Marg, to more modest bequests. All
bequests are deeply appreciated and are a
testament to a caring community.
For more information on making a bequest in your
will, contact Paulette Sweeney-Goodwin, YHF
Managing Director, at 902-749-1669.
Paying into a legacy
‘Over time it will grow
into something substantial’
Colin Fraser is a modest young lawyer who believes
in investing in his community now and in the long
policy specifically for this purpose, but an existing
policy could also be altered to name the YHF as
Born and brought up in Yarmouth, Colin
demonstrates his commitment by serving on the
Yarmouth Hospital Foundation (YHF) Board of
Directors. He is the secretary of the Foundation and
sits on the Executive Committee. Among other
endeavours, he serves on the board of the South
West Nova Transition House Association, which
operates Juniper House.
“As a board member, I wanted to show my support
and eventually leave a legacy to the hospital,” he
says. “And so for me the best way to do that was to
establish a whole life insurance policy, making
monthly contributions that would eventually result in
a large gift to to the hospital. It’s paying into a
Colin also believes in establishing a legacy gift to
continue the work of the Foundation and support
the continued excellence in health care provided by
the Yarmouth Regional Hospital.
Opting for this approach is a great way for a young
person to craft a longterm gift to the hospital, he
says. “You can start out with an amount you can
afford, which is what I’ve done, and hopefully over
time it will grow into something substantial.”
Many people choose to remember the Foundation
in their wills, but, given Colin’s youth, he opted for a
different approach — an insurance policy with the
foundation as beneficiary. In his case, he set up the
For more information assigning an insurance policy
to the Hospital Foundation, contact Paulette
Sweeney-Goodwin, YHF Managing Director, at
Doctors giving back
Support for people entering
a ‘noble profession’
Physicians Rajender and Asha Parkash moved to
Halifax to be close to their sons, but they haven’t
forgotten all the years they devoted to the medical
care of the people of the Yarmouth area.
They have established a $50,000 Endowment Fund
for a $1,500 Nursing Scholarship to be awarded to
a first-year student at the Dalhousie University
School of Nursing, Yarmouth Site.
“We spent many years in Yarmouth and have many
pleasant memories and feel obligated to give back
in some way to the community dear to our hearts,”
the Parkashes say. The doctors hope that their
generosity inspires other philanthropists to
contribute to the endowment fund to enhance the
value of the scholarship. They’d like to see the fund
grow to $100,000 in the next five years.
“We decided to create this fund to offer some
financial assistance to a student entering a
profession we feel would yield the best dividends,”
says Dr. Rajender Parkash, an internal medicine
specialist who spent half his life providing care in
“Nursing is a profession where one encounters and
has to deal with pain and suffering. Alleviating these
remains the essential objectives, duties and
obligations,” he says. “It is desirable that individuals,
groups and communities help these deserving
students entering such a noble profession like
Dr. Rajender Parkash had a very busy practice in
internal medicine and served as chief of staff at
Yarmouth Regional Hospital twice. In 2012 he was
presented with the Archibald Gold-Headed Cane
Award for Medical Humanities, given by the College
of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia.
Dr. Asha Parkash worked part-time as an ER
physician in Yarmouth while raising their two sons,
and later worked full-time doing locums for other
general practitioners. In 1995, she opened an
allergy practice in the town.
Our Impact
Yarmouth Hospital Foundation Financial Highlights
Year Ended December 31,2014
The Yarmouth Hospital Foundation has spent the past few years focused on growing our Future Fund.
The purpose of the Future Fund is to ensure that our community receives the health-care services it
needs and deserves by being able to participate in purchasing necessary new equipment. Many large
purchases of equipment authorized by the Province require a local funding contribution of 25%.
In the next five years, there will be significant purchases required at the Yarmouth Regional Hospital. We
need to have sufficient funds on hand to donate to the hospital to help fund the purchase of this
equipment. Ongoing annual appeals and capital campaigns help us to prepare for the future.
In 2014, we held a very successful campaign to enable us to contribute 25% of the cost to the new CT
Scanner and the Medication Management System that are now currently operational at the Yarmouth
Regional Hospital. During this 2014 campaign, we also raised funds toward the growth of the Future
Fund. The donation and fundraising revenue below includes these contributions. As a consequence, the
Board of Directors approved the transfer of $400,000 to the Future Fund.
We are are committed to supporting health care today and tomorrow. And we know that our community is
behind us with every step. We could not have had the success we had in 2014 without our very valued
donors … Thank you!
Investment Income
Donations and fundraising (1)
Rental income
Total Revenue
Contributions to YHF & donations to charities
Administration & employee compensation
Total disbursements
Transfer to Future Fund
• (1) This includes Enhancing Health Care Campaign, Donations and
Fundraising events.
(1) This includes Enhancing Health Care Campaign, Donations and Fundraising Events.
Our Impact
Yarmouth Hospital Foundation Financial Highlights
We are so thankful to our many donors who contributed to the Enhancing Healthcare Campaign which
resulted in $800,120 towards the community share (25%) of the CT Scanner, phase two of the
Medication Management System and other critical equipment. The Yarmouth Hospital Foundation’s
commitment for 2015 is to provide funding of $495,977 for essential equipment needs.
The complete financial report for the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation is available on the
Canada Revenue Agency website:
Leading by example
‘Everyone has to put their weight
into things to make it work’
As a physician who uses services at Yarmouth
Regional Hospital, Dr. Kenny Yee feels a
responsibility to support the Yarmouth Hospital
Foundation’s fundraising efforts.
Dr. Yee, a member of the Foundation Board since
2012, was an important member of the campaign
team that successfully raised $762,000 for vital new
equipment last year.
All team members adopted the principle of leading
by example and began their fundraising efforts with
a donation to the Enhancing Health Care campaign
that raised the community’s portion of the cost of a
new CT Scanner and Phase 2 of the Medication
Management System.
The family physician, based in Barrington, raised
$39,000 towards the fund, soliciting donations
mainly from his own community and also among the
doctors at the Yarmouth Regional Hospital.
“It’s one of those jobs you do that you feel good
about,” Dr. Yee says. “It’s a worthy cause. As a
physician who both uses and benefits from the
system, I feel we should at least put something
back into it.”
Dr. Yee, originally from Malaysia, trained in Australia
and lived in New Zealand before settling in
Barrington 20 years ago. Over the years he has
mentored a number of international doctors who
have gone on to establish their own practices.
He continues to be involved in fundraising for the
Yarmouth Hospital Foundation. “It takes teamwork.
Everyone has to put their weight into things to make
it work.”
Leading the change
‘We are in the vanguard with
our resident training program’
“Yarmouth was a tremendously wonderful place to
come as a new doctor because people were kind
and they helped you,” Dr. Shelagh Leahey, says
reminiscing about nearly 40 years in practice in this
“It means you don’t want to hold back, because,
when a community has been good to you, you can’t
just walk away.”
Named the family physician of the Year for Nova
Scotia in 2011, Dr. Leahey is playing a major role in
shaping the way health care is delivered in the
South West Nova Scotia.
Among other initiatives, she founded Ocean View
Family Practice, which introduces internationally
trained doctors to family practice in Nova Scotia;
became the first site director for the Yarmouth
location of Dalhousie’s family medicine residency
training, and launched the Leahey Wellness Clinic,
in connection with the Tri-County Women’s Centre.
“Physicians used to be trained to work only inside
of hospitals, but we are in the vanguard with our
resident program in training people to work largely
outside of hospitals.” Dr. Leahey says “A hospital is
a tremendous resource, but a very expensive
resource, so we have to use it as sparingly as
The emphasis in health care has shifted from inpatient care to the community and the home, she
says, noting that Yarmouth Regional Hospital used
to have 200 beds, but now has just over 100, and
that 85% of surgeries are now done on an outpatient basis.
Although there are fewer beds, there is more
equipment, very expensive equipment, such as the
new CT scanner and Medication Management
System purchased last year with the help of the
Yarmouth Hospital Foundation, which launched the
successful Enhancing Health Care campaign to
finance these important goals.
“The Foundation is doing the heavy lifting of doing
the evaluation and support, so, if I can provide
money that will bring them closer to their goals,
that’s an important part of my budget,” Dr. Leahey
“If you don’t have a foundation, you get a much
lower quality product, lower standard of service,”
says the doctor, who has great confidence that the
Foundation is managed responsibly.
A patient says thanks
‘Cheers we do give to these
dedicated guys and gals
Kathy MacKinnon is a quiet-spoken woman who
leads a quiet life. She has faced challenges and
adversity with a kind and brave heart.
She stepped up to the plate in 1979 when she left
her job and home in Halifax and moved to Doctors
Cove to care for her grandmother. When her
grandmother died, she looked after her uncle until
he went into Veterans’ Place in 1997. Since then
she has lived in a tiny seniors’ apartment in
Barrington Passage.
Somewhat frail, she enjoys her friends, writes
poetry and occasionally ventures out to the
supermarket, or to the library to use the computer.
At the age of 64, Kathy is fighting her fourth battle
with cancer. It began with bowel cancer when she
was six, followed by skin cancer and breast cancer.
Now she is undergoing monthly treatments at
Yarmouth Regional Hospital for bone cancer.
A friend who works in Yarmouth drives her to the
hospital for the treatment procedure, which lasts
about 3 hours. After, she is stiff and sore, but, while
she is waiting for her ride home, she goes to
Veterans’ Place to visit with friends she made when
her uncle was a resident.
The staff in the oncology department are very kind
and have made these sessions much easier for her,
Kathy says. To show her appreciation, she recently
presented them with a poem she wrote:
Caring and Sharing
Sweet Nurses that do Radiantly smile
Giving many a treatment that does take a while
These darling folks who Really do care
Florence Nightingale would be proud of the
kindness they do share
’Tis healing they give with a compassionate zest
Patients truly feel comforted and Blessed
Cheers we do give to these dedicated guys and
Angels walk among them as they do adhere to them
as Pals
Enhancing health care
‘Your gifts will help hundreds
of patients and families’
Each year thousands of residents in Digby,
Shelburne and Yarmouth counties come to the
Yarmouth Regional Hospital for their medical care.
At our regional health centre we are blessed with an
outstanding team of doctors, nurses, support staff
and volunteers who are committed to delivering the
best quality of care possible, as close to home as
The Yarmouth Hospital Foundation works in tandem
with our hospital leaders to ensure we have the
equipment and resources needed by our amazing
medical teams in their quest to carry out their work
each day.
We are mindful that provincial funding is limited.
Today’s funding formula is a 75/25 split.
Government funds 75% on equipment approved by
the Department of Health, providing that the
balance is raised in the community.
Having access to updated technology and
resources is also an important factor in attracting
new physicians and health care providers to our
community. Your gift to the Yarmouth Hospital
Foundation is a wonderful way to invest in your
health care and the health care of your loved ones
and your community.
Your support does make a difference. This was
clearly evident in 2014 with the successful
Enhancing Health Care campaign — more than
$1.2 million raised for our new CT Scanner and
state-of-the-art Medication Management System,
with additional funds channeled towards future
equipment needs. Thank you for your support.
In 2015, your donations will continue to enable the
Yarmouth Hospital Foundation to acquire new
equipment — 16 heart monitor defibrillators,
infection control units, and an auto-slide stainer for
the lab.
Together we will invest in technology to equip our
health care professionals with the best tools to
enhance quality care and patient safety. By
supporting these areas, your gifts will help hundreds
of patients and families throughout the year.
I look forward to working with you as we strive to
meet the health care needs of our community today
and tomorrow. Please feel free to contact me
directly at 902-740-5873 or by email at
Paulette Sweeney-Goodwin, CFRE
Managing Director
Yarmouth Hospital Foundation
Wa l l o f H o n o u r
The Wall of Honour, located in the lobby of the Yarmouth Regional Hospital, salutes the
generosity of many supporters of the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation.
(250,000 & over)
Estate of Jean Maude
Estate of Roy V. Germain
Municipality of Argyle
Municipality of Barrington
Municipality of Clare
Municipality of Yarmouth
Province of Nova Scotia
Town of Yarmouth
The Windsor Foundation
Women’s Auxiliary, Yarmouth
Regional Hospital
Yarmouth Hospital
($75,000 to $99,999)
Bank of Montreal
Basil Blades & family
Estate of John Alpha LeBlanc
Drs. Asha & Rajender
The Lobster Calendar
Rotary Club of Yarmouth
Royal Bank of Canada
R.I. Smith Company Ltd.
($100,000 to $249,999)
Comeau Sea Foods Ltd.
Estate of George Millard
Estate of Lorne Shapiro
Bernice Trask & Michael
Trask family
Doug & Elaine Thistle, in
loving memory of Walton &
Josina Warner
($25,000 to $74,000)
Adcor Marketing / Tim
David & Elizabeth Arenburg
The Atlantic Philanthropies
Joan & Peter Brett
Canadian Tire
CJLS — The Wave
Clearwater Fine Foods
Crescent Gold & Diamonds
Paul Dobson, in loving
memory of Thelma Dobson
Carl & Nancy Doty, in
memory of Sarah Doty
Debbie Doucette
Estate of Harry B. Eldridge
Gateway Realty Ltd.
Germain Mechanical &
Electrical Ltd.
Imasco Ltd.
Irving Oil Ltd.
Johnson Inc.
Earle & Helen Kaiser
Robert B. & Kathleen Killam
Maritime Tel & Tel Co. Ltd.
Moses Medical Inc.
Motor Mart Ltd.
Murray GM
William & Coleen Nickerson
& family
Nova Scotia Power
Irving C. Pink
Ruth M. Pink
Pink Star Barro
Rodd Hotels & Resorts
Roger & Gaile Smith
Royal Canadian Legion –
Cape Sable Br. 148
Sea Star Seafoods Ltd., in
memory of Fenton & Bertha
Shopper's Drug Mart
Colin & Brenda Smith, in
memory of Rhonda Smith
Elnathan (Babe) & Leilani
Spears & MacLeod
Pharmacy Ltd.
Stephen Bishop & Associates
Subway Yarmouth Ltd.
Sun Life Financial
Dr. Joel Surette
A.F. Theriault & Son Ltd.
Dr. Donald W. Thibeault
Transcontinental Media
Tri-Star Industries Ltd.
Tusket Toyota Ltd.
Gertrude Uecker
Webster family, 6 generations
of N.S. physicians
Walter & Ruth Wilson
Yarmouth Forklift Ltd.
Yarmouth Hospital Auxiliary
— Hebron Branch
Wa l l o f H o n o u r
($10,000 to $24,999)
Acadian Seaplants Ltd.
S. Kent Allen
H.V. Anthony Greenhouses Ltd.
Bank of Montreal — Yarmouth
Edward & Laura Boudreau
Malcolm & Shirley Bradshaw
R.M. Buse
In memory of Robert M. Caldwell,
M.D., & Myrtle E. Nichols
Caldwell, R.N.
Cameron Publications
The Castlebury Family
Charlesville Fisheries Ltd.
Brian Chetwynd
Dr. Margaret Churchill
City Drug Store
Coastal Financial Credit Union
Rose-Anne Comeau
Cook’s Dairy Farm
Rev. Ray Corbett in loving
memory of Irene Corbett
C. W. Dean
Phyllis M. Dean
Jack deGooyer
Aline G. d’Entremont
Mary-Dolores d’Entremont
East Side Fisheries Ltd.
Ellis Print Ltd
Emery Smith Fisheries Ltd,
Tootsie Emin
Layton Goodwin & family
Estate of Myra Goodwin
David Roger Hall, in memory of
his father, C. Roger Hall
Estate of Evelyn M. Halstead
Estate of Clara V. Hamilton
H. M. Huskilson's Funeral Homes
I.M.O. Foods Ltd. Canada
Dr. Donald W. King
Estate of Bernice S. Koon
Estate of M. MacDonald Laing &
Helen Laing
Dr. Shelagh Leahey
In memory of Harold G. Lee
Audrey S. MacKay
Estate of Doris Norma
Jim & Dawn MacLeod
Richard S. Malone & family
Gerry & Marge McEachern
National Bank of Canada
Dr. Milton W. O’Brien
Pink Nickerson Star
Dr. Umesh Prabhu
Maureen P. Rattee & family, in
loving memory of Edward K.
Eileen Rhuda & family, in
memory of Ernest Rhuda
Royal Bank of Canada – Church
Point Branch
Royal Canadian Legion – West
Pubnico Branch 66
Saulnierville Pharmacy Ltd.
Scotia Garden Seafood Inc.
Barbara Singer
Smith & Watt Ltd.
George Snow, in loving memory
of Marjorie Snow
Sobey Foundation
Toronto Dominion Bank
Wedgeport Mutual Fire
Association Club
Dr. Ches Wyman
Yarmouth Automobile Dealers
Yarmouth Dental Group
Yarmouth Lions Club
Dr. Kenny Yee
($5,000 to $9,999)
Agropur Division Natrel
Roy Andrews & family
Astra Zeneca Canada
Mervin & Angela Atkinson
Joseph P. Baker
In memory of Minola M. Banks
In loving memory of Lynn Charles
Belliveau Motors
Brian & Sandra (Murphy)
Dr. Cindy Boudreau
George & Marie Boutilier
Cassa Business Equipment Ltd.
Clare Mutual Insurance
Mae Cleveland, in loving memory
of Gerald Cleveland
J.W. "Ian" & Mary Davis Clulee
In loving memory of Alphie & Lina
Marie Delia Comeau
Paul & Pat Comeau
R. Comeau Fuels Ltd.
Therese & Bernadin J. Comeau,
The Co-operators – Clyde Lutz &
In memory of The Hon. Ernest G.
Cottreau, by his wife Rachael &
Harold Crabtree Foundation
Richard & Doris Crocker
Estate of Georgia May Day
Dr. Lionel d’Entremont
R. Irene d’Entremont
Simone d’Eon
Beverly Ellis
Emera Inc.
Farmer’s Co-op Dairy Ltd.
Roy & Jean Ferguson
Gloria Ford, in memory of
Dr. Gloria R. Mauro
Nancy L. Goodwin
Paulette Sweeney-Goodwin &
David R. (Rick) Goodwin
Sam & Nancy Goodwin
John & Dorothy Goudey
B. Allan Harding
Clifford & Joan Hood, in memory
of Capt. Samuel C. Hood IV
Innovative Fishery Products Inc.
Tibor Jeszenszky
Audrey & Seymour W. Kenney
Jewish Community of Yarmouth
(Agudath Achim Congregation)
Lafarge Canada Ltd.
Dr. P.H. LeBlanc
Dr. J. Kenneth Little
Estate of Florence Littlefield
Joseph & Flora Ann Maloney
Maricor Group
Catherine (Cassie) T. McDevitt
J. Fraser Mooney
In loving memory of John Muise
(Johnny the Shoemaker)
Dr. Roland Muise
Municipality of the District of
Milton & Kathryn (MacLeod)
Patrick & Michael Murphy
N.S. Fishermen's Association of
Scallop Draggers
G. M. Newell Ltd.
Claredon S. Nickerson Ltd.
Estate of Florence Lavinia
Ida F. Nickerson
R.&D. Nickerson Fish Products
Malcolm Patterson
Estate of Walter Pitman
Pronova Biopolymer Canada Ltd.
Pubnico Area Lionettes
RCMP Veterans Association
The Real Estate Store
B. Reynold's Trucking Ltd.
Iris Richards
Donald Roberts, in memory of
Marilyn Roberts
Benoit & Anne-Marie Robichaud
Roger’s Furniture Company
Saxton Comeau
Dr. Gregio Sayat
Sea Crest Fisheries Ltd.
Gregory & Marianne Sears
Wilbert Sears
Sobeys Stores Ltd.
Gert Star & family, in loving
memory of Danny Star
Sweeny's Funeral Home &
Crematorium Ltd.
Greg Symonds Boat Builders Ltd.
In memory of Kirk Taylor, from his
Frank & Doris Thibeau
Town of Clark's Harbour
Town of Digby
John H. Wainwright
Dr. Donald Westby
Wilson's Shopping Centre
J. Gordon Wood & Marlene
Yarmouth "Bean There, Ran
That" Marathon Event
Yarmouth Hospital Activity
Yarmouth Rug Hookers
Our Donors
YHF salutes the generosity of all donors. In this report, we are
pleased to recognize gifts of $100 or more in 2014
A.F. Theriault & Son Ltd.
Bernard & Joan Aaron
Acadian Fish Processors
Acadian Vending
Adcor Marketing Ltd.
Agropur Division Natrel
American Legend
Frances Amero
Rev. Donald Amirault
Gladys C. Amirault
Joseph & Theodora Amiro
Arctic Fisheries Ltd.
David & Elizabeth
Bernadette Armstrong
Artco Holdings Ltd.
Assumption Life
Clara A. Atkinson
Herbert & Edith Atwood
B. Reynolds Trucking Ltd.
Alberta Bain
Ronald & Louise Bain
Katherine L. Balmanno
Dr. Olufemi & Adeloyin
Gloria Banks
Glendon & Rilla Barr
Barrington Area Lions
Greg & Kim Barro
Dr. Tom & Laura Baxter
Bell Aliant
Gary & Margaret
Maurice & Felice
William V. Belliveau
Arnold & Johanna
Geoffrey Black
John Bladek
Brian Blades
Charles & Helen Blades
Allan Boudreau
Desire & Phyllis Boudreau
Elie & Janice Boudreau
Gerald & Joanne
Michael & Geraldine
William & Joanne
Gladys Bower
Malcolm & Shirley
Gurcharan Brar
Peter & Joan Brett
Patrick & Joyce Brouwers
Bruce Honda
Ross & Cheryl Burchell
Elizabeth Burnard
Raymond Burnie
Marilyn J. Burns
Eva E. Bustin
Michelle Campbell-Upton
Canadian Bar Association
Nova Scotia
Rosaline Cann
Cape Breeze Seafoods
Tara Casey
Cassa Business
Equipment Ltd.
John & Nancy Castlebury
Charlesville Fisheries Ltd.
Brian Chetwynd
Bruce & Bertha Christie
Dr. Young & Hyoja Chun
City Drug Store Ltd.
CJLS — The Wave
Clare Mutual Insurance
Clark Connor & Lunn
Ronald & Reta Clark
Clearwater Seafoods Ltd.
Ralph & Rikki Clements
Mae B. Cleveland
Le Club Acadiens Seniors
Coastal Financial Credit
Dr. Alban Comeau
Angelina Comeau
Barbara Comeau
Catherine Comeau
Louis & Claire Comeau
Jocelyne Comeau
Mark Comeau
Muriel Comeau
Paul & Pat Comeau
Rose-Anne Comeau
Don & Marlene Cook
Jim & Doris Cook
Dr. Harold & Helen Cook
Stephen & Nancy Cook
Aaron & Janaine Cottreau
Darren & Dr. Alison
Jean & Marie Cottreau
Mary P. Cottreau
Dr. Dominique Couture
Alan & Sharon Covey
Doris M. Cox
William & Olive Cox
Norma E. Crabbe
Creamy Treat Ice-Cream
James & Susan Crosby
Philip N. Crosby
Wes Spinney & Sandra
William & Lida Crowell
Adlai & Jeri-Lynn
Brian Cunningham
Kerry Cunningham
D.B. Kenney Fisheries
D.H. Thistle Holdings Ltd
Jack deGooyer
Marjorie E. Deming
Carl & Shirley
Frank & Janet
Gaston & Patricia
Germaine C. d’Entremont
Irene d’Entremont
Joyce R. d’Entremont
Laurent J. d’Entremont
Richard & Karen
Beulah d’Eon
Diane d’Eon
Noel & Yvette Despres
Irvan & Linda Deveau
Paul Dobson
Laurie & Yolande
Blair Doucet
Brady Doucet
Lester Doucet
Dr. Alban Comeau Inc.
Dr. Catherine McManuis
Dr. John Ramessar Inc.
Dr. Kenny Yee Family
Practice Inc.
Dr. Paul Legere Inc.
Heather Dugas
Jack & Sally Dunn
East Side Fisheries Ltd.
Peter & Mary Eldridge
Mr Loran & Beverly Ellis
Emera Incorporated
Emery Smith Fisheries
Tootsie Emin
Estate of Rosalie
Monique Buse
Eugene Newell & Sons
Federation of Law
Societies of Can.
Roy & Jean Ferguson
Bernie Firth
Sharon E. Fitzgerald
Bruce & Sheila Fleming
Ford Motor Company
Colin Fraser
Bill Freeman
Frenchy's Fashion Show
Fundy Club Telephone
Robert Garron
Gateway Realty Ltd.
Daniel Gaudet
George & Dorothy Gibbs
Patricia A. Giuffre
Nancy L. Goodwin
Rose Goodwin
Jack & Sandra Goreham
Fred & Pamela Graham
Graham Construction Ltd.
Grant Thornton
David Griesman
Mary E. Guptill
H.M. Huskilson’s Funeral
Homes Ltd.
H.T. LeBlanc Dental Inc.
H.V. Anthony
Greenhouses Ltd.
Donald Haight
Rhonda Haley
Charles & Patricia
Halifax Employers
David R. Hall
David & Helen Harris
Dr. Eric & Joy Hatfield
Dermot & Sara HayesO’Sullivan
Marjorie Hickey
Hilltop Furniture &
Appliance Ltd.
Peter & Crystal Hilton
Hood & Fraser Law Inc.
Clive & Barbara Hopkins
Norma J. Hopkins
Loran & Paula Hopkins
Richard & Barb Hubbard
Gregory & Deborah
IMO Foods Ltd. Canada
Imprimerie Lescarbot
In Focus Optical
Investors Group Financial
Services Inc.
Lyman & Catherine
Mary Jacquard
Janet & Jamie Fisheries
Dr. Edwin & Elizabeth
Antaia Jarvis
Arthur & Beth Johnson
Johnson Inc.
Kenney & Ross Ltd.
David King
Dr. Don & Louise King
Dr. G.K. & Karen Kini
Andrew & Janet Kirk
L & B Silvi Ltd.
L.G. Trask Holdings Ltd.
Todd Lacey & Dr. Lisa M.
Ladies Auxiliary, East
Pubnico Fire Dept.
Lake Milo Canoe Club
Lakeside Realty
Evelyn M. Landers
Doris Landry & Roger
Frank Landry & Corrine L.
C.D. & Susan Langille
Ida E. Larkin
Le Club Acadiens Seniors
Allan & Eileen LeBlanc
Godfrey & Anne Marie
J. Walter LeBlanc
Neil & Grace Ann LeBlanc
Raymond & Angele
Tommy & Ena LeBlanc
Suzanne Lefort
Dr. G. Alderic and Sandi
Leroy & Florence Legere
Continued ▶
Based on donations made in the 2014 calendar year and information on hand
at time of printing.
Our Donors
YHF salutes the generosity of all donors. In this report, we are
pleased to recognize gifts of $100 or more in 2014
◀ Continued
Les Religieuses
Floyd Linton
Jeff Little & Erika TuttyLittle
Dr. Kenneth Little
Milford Lloy & Donna
Luedey Consultants Inc.
Scott Lutz
Charles & Marina
Blair MacDonald & E.
Ann Robbins
Elaine MacDonald
Ian & Elaine MacDonald
Macdonald Chisholm
Trask Insurance
Norman & Eleanor
Alan & Annette
Jim & Dawn MacLeod
Maxine MacLure
Sidney & Doris
Cory R. Mahoney
Joseph & Flora-Ann
Timothy & Susanne
Bruce & Pauline Marling
John Marrow
Dr. Gloria R. Mauro
Maynard Mullen's Fur
Farm Ltd.
J. & Marjorie
Craig McLaughlin
Dr. Paul & Nancy
Hubert & Aline
Simone Melanson
Mike & Barbara Melville
Robert Merchant
John & Donna
Janet Minor
Eileen R. Morisset
Dr. Brian & Tamara
Moses Medical Inc.
Doug & Priscilla Mosley
Anthony & Sandra
Hubert & Hilda Muise
J. Antoinette Muise
John Muise
Mark & Paulette Muise
Pierre & Laura Muise
Dr. Roland Muise &
Suzanne Babin-Muise
Maynard & Anne Mullen
Municipality of
Municipality of Clare
Municipality of the
District of Yarmouth
Municipality of the
District of Argyle
Colin & Katherine
Milton & Kathryn
Bruce & Marilyn Murray
Murray GM
William & Gaylon Newell
Andrew & Helen
Eileen Nickerson
Hatheway Nickerson
Heather Nickerson
James & Norma
Jeremiah Nickerson
Kevin & Krista
Lisa Nickerson
Lloyd & Joyce
Randall & Patricia
Nova Scotia Power
Novatec Braids Ltd.
Richard & Ada
On the Front Line
Ronald & Elsie
Karen Page
James & Catherine
Parade Street Animal
Chris & Frieda Perry
Pharmasave West
Natalie Pierce
Caroline Pike
Darrel & Elizabeth Pink
Joel & Rita Pink
Ronald & Joan Pink
Ruth M. Pink
Steven & Gloria Pink
Pink Star Barro
Gerald & Audrey Pottier
Dr. Umesh & Jayanthi
Craig & Genny Prouty
Pubnico Trawlers Ltd.
John & Geneve
R.I. Smith Company Ltd.
Amy Racine
Raymond & Gaile
Hugh & Joan Rankin
Maureen P.J. Rattee
Eileen M. Rhuda
H. Iris Richards
Harold & Carolyn
Ruth L. Ricker
Charles & Barbara
Robert Long Real
Estate NS (2009) Ltd.
Delbert & Carol
Robichaud's Meat
Market Ltd.
Kenneth Rodney
Reginald & Joanne
Warren & Marilyn Ross
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Canadian Legion
Br. 148
Russell Investments
Barbara Saderholm
Brian Saulnier &
Rosanne Thibault
Victor & Simone
Saulnierville Pharmacy
Scotia Garden Seafood
Jane Scott
Sea Crest Fisheries Ltd.
Sea Star Seafoods Ltd.
Gregory & Marianne
Wilbert & Joyce Sears
Mark & Kelly Setlakwe
Joseph Sewards
Shoppers Drug Mart
Les & Linda Silver
Patricia Simpson
William & Barbara
Sissiboo Investments
Bernard & Agnes Smith
Lois J. Smith
Jackie Smith-LeBlanc
Neil & Jean Smith
Rachel Smith
Sidney & Elizabeth
Smith & Watt Ltd.
George A. Snow
Sou'west Nova ATV
Spears & MacLeod
Pharmacy Ltd.
Ronald & Elizabeth
David & Joanne
Thomas & Della Stanley
Gertrude Star
Phil & Francine Star
Laurence & Elsie
Elizabeth Stoddard
Faith Stoll
Strictly Lobster Ltd.
Hilda Stuart
Annette Surette
Glen & Mary Surette
Jean M. Surette
Stan & Velma Surette
Gord & Lee Sutherland
Keith Sutherland
Macky Sutherland
Robert Sutherland
Sutherland Forest
Resources Ltd.
Linda Sutton
Paulette SweeneyGoodwin & Rick
Ann Taylor
TD Waterhouse
The United Way of
Lunenburg County
Joan Thibault
Dr. Donald W. Thibeault
Thistle Hyundai
Joan Thompson
Charlotte Throp
Shirley Throp
Lou & Gloria Thurber
William & Helen Tower
Town of Yarmouth
Morris & Goldie Trager
Matthew & Michelle
Michael & Gwen Trask
Tim Trask
Triple V Ranch Ltd.
Tri-Star Industries Ltd.
Raymond & Laurana
Tusket Sales & Service
Tusket Toyota Ltd.
Willard & Lorraine Tutty
United Pentecostal
Church of Yarmouth
United Way of Halifax
United Way of Ottawa
V.S. Sweeny's (1997)
Anne B. Vergez
Vernon d'Eon Fishing
Supplies Ltd.
Villa Saint-Joseph Du
Dr. Donald & Paula
Rod Wetmore
Wheelans White
Roger & Pauline White
Leo & Eleanor Williams
Wilson's Shopping
Centre Ltd.
Women's Auxiliary-YRH
J. Gordon & Marlene
Woods Harbour Lobster
Co. Ltd.
Yarmouth Dental Group
Yarmouth Jr. A Mariners
Yarmouth Marathon
Yarmouth Subway Ltd.
Dr. Kenny & Linda Yee
YRH Administration
Ray & Louise Zinck
The Board of Directors and the staff of the YHF are committed to protecting the privacy of our donors and potential supporters
and is compliant with PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act).
2014 Gala: “The Sky’s the Limit”
Presenting Sponsor: Yarmouth Dental Group
2014 Spring
Gala raised
Photos by Clifton Saulnier
Jody Shelley Golf Fore Health
Presenting Sponsor: Tri-Star Industries
2014 Golf
Recipient of the Best Golf Event at
the “Best of YAS” (Yarmouth &
Acadian Shores) Awards
Community Driven Events
Thank you
for the wonderful support from our communities
Over $20,000 was raised in 2014
Community fundraising events are a very important component of our annual program. These
independent (3rd party) events are organized by community groups, businesses or individuals.
Shoppers Drug Mart – Tree of Life
Sou’West Nova ATV Association
Photo by Tina Comeau
2014 Dragon Boat Challenge
Yarmouth Jr A Mariner’s donation
Photo by Carla Allen
Dr. Cindy Boudreau’s “Frency’s Fashion Show”
Yarmouth “Bean There Ran That” Marathon
Ford Drive One 4 Your Community
Yarmouth Hospital Foundation
Together we can make a difference
There are many ways you can choose to help. No gift is too small and every dollar makes a difference in the care
we are able to provide. We are available to take your donation by phone at 902-749-1669 and are pleased to
provide any additional information you may require. Our office is open Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Make a Donation
A gift by cheque or
credit card is the
most common way
to give. Donors may
choose to designate
their funds or make
a donation to our
Greatest Needs.
Planned Giving
Monthly Giving
Other Options
Online Donations
You may wish to
support our hospital
through a bequest in
your will or you may
choose to make the
Yarmouth Hospital
Foundation the
beneficiary of an
insurance policy.
Monthly giving
allows you to donate
over 12 months by
withdrawals from
your bank account or
recurring charges on
your credit card.
Did you know a gift
of stocks, bonds or
securities goes
further as no income
tax is paid on capital
gains generated by
this type of donation.
For many, this is a
convenient and easy
way to give. You
may make one-time
donations or set up
your monthly gift.
Making Your Health Care Dollars Work For You In Your Community
Ph: 902-749-1669
Fax: 902-749-0748