Connect, Equip, Multiply - Grace Evangelical Church


Connect, Equip, Multiply - Grace Evangelical Church
and Truth
5905 East Southport Road
Indianapolis, IN 46237
August, 2012
Connect, Equip, Multiply
by Bryan Hult
Love God, love others and
make disciples to Jesus Christ.
It’s hard to drive down the road while looking into thick
fog. That’s why clear vision is a key ingredient for forward
movement. A vision statement needs to be simple, memorable and clear to guide us where we need to go.
Most of us are visually oriented. Imagine keeping your
eyes closed for 24 hours! A vision statement captures
the mind to tell people where they are going and guides
them along the way. Vision is the picture that gives people a sense of belonging and community.
Before we continue with vision, let’s note the mission
statement and purpose of Grace. A mission states why an
organization exists. Our mission statement is: “Love God,
love others and make disciples to Jesus Christ.” Purpose
defines why the vision and mission statements matter.
Our purpose is found in our constitution and states:
The purpose of Grace Evangelical Church shall be
to glorify God by means of teaching and preaching of
the Word of God, by fellowshipping with one another,
by discipling believers into maturity, by emphasizing
spiritually strong families, by providing a weekly time
of corporate worship and prayer, and by encouraging
believers to share the good news of Christ through life
and words in the sphere of the home, community and
throughout the world.
If we are clear on our purpose, we must be clear on
our vision. There are three statements in our vision:
• Connecting together to worship God;
• Equipping together in grace to be more like
• Multiplying together with the gospel to reach the
the Bride of Christ together. We will all one day worship
together before His throne: “Then I looked, and I heard the
voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten
thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice: ‘Worthy is the Lamb who
was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and
strength and honor and glory and blessing!’ ” 1
We gather together to honor Him in worship in one purpose of the Bride of Christ.
Secondly, each statement is proactive and measures
something. Paul writes, “[Communication gifts were given]
… for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry,
for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the
unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children,
tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of
doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness
of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may
grow up in all things into Him who is the head – Christ –
(Continued on page 6)
“While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night
Shall not cease.”
–Genesis 8:22
Let’s note several thoughts about these statements.
First, each statement includes the word “together”. We are
Check out our website at
G R A C E and Truth
August, 2012
Word of Life Fellowship
by Alan Dunn
You may think of Word of Life only as the curriculum for
our children to grow in their walk with the Lord and learn
Bible verses, but it offers so much more. Word of Life
Fellowship was founded in the 1930s by Jack Wyrtzen and
Harry Bollback. Word of Life Fellowship is headquartered
in Schroon Lake, New York in the Adirondack Mountains.
In 1940 WOL owned a camp and conference center, and
the first Bible Institute was formed in 1971.
Today, Word of Life has active youth ministries in over
62 countries and is involved in youth camps, Bible clubs,
evangelistic campaigns and radio ministry. It now operates
two Bible Institutes in the United States: one in New York
and one in Florida. There are also Institutes in Canada and
Korea. The Bible Institute is a two year program with the
first year in intense study of the whole Bible. The second
year focuses on ministry with an internship in a ministry of
your choice. It is accredited by the Transnational
Association of Christian Colleges and Schools.
The Word of Life Youth Camps and Conference
Centers are designed to use highly focused programs that
are exciting and life changing. Word of Life strives to teach
each camper to know Christ as their personal Savior by
challenging them to accept God’s free gift; to grow in their
knowledge of God’s Word; and to show their faith to others by challenging them to be God’s representative. The
goal at Word of Life is to make a lasting imprint on the
hearts of everyone who attends – junior camper, teen
camper or youth leader.
The Word of Life Inn and Conference Center offers conferences and retreats with a beach and a pool. Well known
speakers and musical artists give conferences on various
topics. Some who have come this year are Jimmy De
Young, Stanley Toussaint, Ken Ham, Erwin Lutzer and
Crawford Loritts.
The total camping program is extensive, with 45 camps
in 62 countries. The United States camps include The
Ranch in Pottersville, New York, for six to twelve year olds
with a western theme. The Island in Schroon Lake, New
York offers week-long camps for thirteen to eighteen year
Noah's Ark Goes Above and Beyond
Laura Garcia and Elizabeth
by Pat Hillebrand
A mom returning to work
on July 23 needed someone
to care for her eight week old
child until Noah's Ark officially
opens on August 1. Laura
Garcia responded to the need
and is babysitting Elizabeth in
her home this week. Next
Wednesday Laura will begin
caring for her in Noah's Ark.
olds on a 45 acre island in the
middle of Schroon Lake.
Word of Life ministries in
New York includes family
campgrounds with facilities for
tents, RVs, and travel trailers,
as well as primitive cabins and
housekeeping cottages. It
offers Bible studies, swimming, miniature golf, basketball, volleyball, badminton,
tennis and a life-size chess
Anita and Dave Eger
board. The Florida Youth Camp
offers rock climbing, paintball, swimming and basketball
for junior high and teens.
The international ministries are established in countries such as Canada, South America, Portugal, Asia –
Pacific and Africa. The Canadian Word of Life was started
in 1961 with over 50 full time missionaries ministering to
French and English speaking Canadians. It offers summer
and snow camps, and there are Bible Institutes in Ontario
and Quebec.
Word of Life Brazil was founded in 1957 and was the
first International Outreach of Word of Life Fellowship.
Also in Brazil are youth camps, a one year Bible Institute
and various evangelistic outreaches. They also offer Word
of Life Bible Clubs and a Missionary Training Institute.
Word of Life Portugal began in 1976 and is dedicated
to church and outreach ministries and summer camps.
Word of Life has 695 missionaries working around the
world. Our missionaries serving with Word of Life are Dave
and Anita Eger, who have been missionaries to Indiana
and Kentucky since 1988. Dave is a graduate of WOL
Bible Institute and WOL School of Youth Ministries and
Evangelism. He is the area coordinator for the north central area. If you are interested in additional information
concerning Word of Life Fellowship, you may check out
the website at
Our church offers Word of Life Olympians on
Wednesday nights for the children during the school year.
We offer Bible lessons, quiet time curriculum, songs,
Scripture memory and games. The pre-k and kindergarten
class is called the Gophers and the first through sixth
grade are the Olympians. There is always a need for
helpers with the children if you would like to serve.
The budget of the Missions Committee operates
solely from designated giving, and not from the general offering. In order to support the Grace Evangelical
missions outreach, you need to mark your offering
envelope with the specific amount you wish to go to
MISSIONS. God has richly blessed our church and the
missions giving has always been very good. Please
join with us in making certain that you designate a
portion of your giving to MISSIONS. Let’s see where
the Lord leads us and how we can expand the outreach of Grace Evangelical Church.
G R A C E and Truth
August, 2012
by Tami Blank
Mary Ellen is 77 years old and originally from the midwest but relocated to North Carolina after her husband
died of cancer. Unfortunately in February of this year, she
also was diagnosed with cancer.
Initially Mary Ellen’s cancer came from the duct that
drains bile but recently has spread to her liver. Despite
chemotherapy, the liver began to shut down and in order
to relieve some of her pain, the doctors went in surgically
to place a drain to the outside of her abdomen. It was not
successful and the doctors determined there was nothing
else they could do.
Her daughter is from Cleveland and has seen multiple
family and friends be helped by the wonderful Cleveland
Clinic. The family decided to get her there to see if anything more could be done to relieve some of her terrible
abdominal pain.
Grace on Wings was called to help transfer her there.
Due to a recorded large fluid build up in her lungs seen
two weeks prior, I requested a chest X-ray before flight to
get a better idea of how she would tolerate the pressure
changes of altitude. Her doctor denied the request stating,
"She is comfort-measures only.” In other (my) words – we
probably won't get paid for it. I was upset. Mary Ellen was
breathing well on oxygen on the ground and after discussing it with my medical team, I felt she would probably
do OK if we flew at low altitude. This sometimes is
required for our sickest
patients but not always
ideal due to mountains,
weather, fuel burned, etc.
So Hal wasn't excited
when I called to tell him
what she needed.
Her daughter gave me
a grateful look when we
arrived and then God Medic Scott Coombs treatblessed our medic with an ing the patient in the air.
awesome IV start (after multiple attempts the day before,
the hospital staff had given up and Mary Ellen couldn't
drink or eat.) We were then able to give her some much
needed IV pain medication and fluids. She was in so much
pain when we moved her to our cot, her daughter left the
room with her hands over her face.
Mary Ellen did very well after we got the medications
and fluids in her and kept the cabin altitude at minimum.
Her daughter wrote in Nellie's journal (that sits in the aircraft) how very thankful she was for the great care we took
with her mom.
Thanks for great flying again by Mark, Hal, and the
compassion of medic Scott!
Calling All Pager Pals!
by Vicki Raymann
As I was preparing for
my first Sunday as team
leader in the children's
department, I thought to
myself, "This should be a
breeze." I was wrong; it
was more like a tornado.
I have volunteered in the
children's department for
many years, but I have
not always shown up.
Most Sundays I did, but
some I had forgotten. I
didn't realize the importance of my being there.
Vicki and her daughter Olivia
After my first Sunday
as team leader, I understood that importance. That
Sunday started off smoothly, but I soon realized we would
need extra help. I thought to myself, "It's ok, I'll just page
the pager pals." However, it didn't take long for me to realize that the pager pals didn't show up … or get a replacement. As I was wondering what the next step was, Vickie
Hovenstine was there to save the day. She started recruiting people from the hallways.
This experience has opened my eyes to the importance of showing up when scheduled. I never knew what
Pat, Vickie, and Christi go through to get coverage in these
Pager Pals, you are important! I didn't realize how important we were until I was on the other side. I now see the
struggle the team leaders go through trying to find volunteers/pager pals. By being a pager pal, you have the opportunity to be a part in transforming a child's life in Christ.
Children are like clay. They can be molded into God's
word because they are so pliable. You are not only molding them, but God is continuing to use you for His purpose
and glory. Please show up when assigned. You are a part
of making future leaders of the church and children's ministry successful!
G R A C E and Truth
August, 2012
Children’s Church Has Sure Changed!
by Pat Hillebrand
Director of Children’s Ministries (aka Patty Sue)
Hmmm, who is this little girl? Can
you tell by the saddle oxford shoes
that this black and white picture was
taken many years ago? It was 1959
to be exact. Why is she wearing a
funny looking crown and sitting on
what looks like a throne? Behind her
are pictures of other children wearing
the same crown. Is it their family
tree? Are they all descendants of a
royal line? Yes they are! They are
children of the King of Kings and the
Lord of Lords.
The picture is Patty Sue in
Children’s Church when she was four years old. She
remembers to this day that she is a child of the King from
a simple Bible lesson, a silly crown and a pretend throne.
Now fast forward 53 years to July 22, 2012. In the
picture to the upper right, there seems to be a lot of sheep
in a makeshift pen with a shepherd lying in front of the
opening. Is that a real shepherd using his staff to fight off
a bear from hurting his sheep? No, it’s Christian Moreno
as the Good Shepherd and Saul Lechuga as a bear. The
sheep are the children in Kids’ Worship acting out the
lesson from John 10:1-18.
Yes, times have changed since my parents took me to
church when I was a little girl. But the importance of
children learning important truths from the Bible has not.
Grace has three opportunities for children ages three
through 6th grade to learn more about Jesus and grow in
their knowledge of His Word, the Bible. Sunday School
meets every week from 9:00 until 10:15. Wee Worship and
your corner
by Jennifer Wilkerson
What is on the mind of students of all ages and those
who teach them in the month of August? SCHOOL! Some
may eagerly anticipate it more than others. Regardless of
our response to formal academics, we can and should
learn for the rest of our lives.
2nd Timothy 2:15 tells us to…
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman
that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word
of truth.”
Here are some quotes I found about this subject –
some surprising, some humorous, and some convicting!
“It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions
much longer.”
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” (both
by Albert Einstein)
“Change is the end result of all true learning.” (Leo
Kids’ Worship is 10:30
until 11:45. Word of
Life Bible Clubs meet
on Wednesdays, 7
until 8:30 beginning
August 29th.
If parents brought
their children to each
of these it would only
total 4 hours. We all
have 168 hours in a
week. Children sleep
approximately eight
hours a day (56) and attend school and do their homework
another eight hours a day Monday through Friday (40).
That leaves 72 hours each week.
Parents, will you partner with the teachers at Grace in
the spiritual training of your children by bringing them to
church for those four hours?
Weeders Wanted
by Pat Hillebrand
Due to the watering ban in
Marion County there isn't anything we can do about the brown grass surrounding the
church. However, there is something we can do about the
weeds. It seems they are the only thing that is green and
growing nowadays. Several people with the gift of weeding have begun attacking the weed problem at Grace.
Would you like to be on the weeding team? There is
no experience necessary. The hours are flexible … anytime, any weed.
This is a place to submit poetry/prose that is meaningful to you,
or short testimonies about how the Lord is working in your life!
For consideration, please email them to
Buscaglia )
“So you see! There’s no end to the things you might
know, depending how far beyond zebra you go.” (Dr.
“The capacity of the female mind for studies of the
highest order cannot be doubted, having been sufficiently
illustrated by its works of genius, of erudition, and of science.” (James Madison)
“I am not a teacher, but an awakener.” (Robert Frost)
“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”
(Derek Bok)
“If we let ourselves, we shall always be waiting for
some distraction or other to end before we can really get
down to our work. The only people who achieve much are
those who want knowledge so badly that they seek it while
the conditions are still unfavorable. Favorable conditions
never come.” (C.S. Lewis)
G R A C E and Truth
August, 2012
Fellowship Group Spotlight
While Steve Agal is away this month, we are blessed to
have several speakers to inspire us. We are also planning
a cook-out after worship service on Sunday, August 19th
and the Word Processors will be our guests that day.
Looking forward to sharing with them! The OWLS will
meet in room 112 at 9:00 a.m.
The 10:31 class has begun a study going through
some of the parables of Jesus. These brief, cogent
teachings of Jesus are jam-packed with tremendous
truths – truths which are intended to rattle our thinking
and move us to application of truth to life. You are welcome to join us if you think this is something you would
find interesting. The 10:31 class is open to anyone posthigh school. The 10:31 Fellowship Group meets in
room 109/110 at 9:00 a.m.
The Word Processors Fellowship Group is studying the
book of 2 Corinthians. We have fun by fellowshipping
together and gleaning as much as we can through the
teaching of God's Word. We have weekly updates for
prayer and enjoy monthly celebrations of birthdays and
anniversaries. We support the Servant’s Heart ministry with
prayer and by supplying volunteers. Please join us. The
Word Processors meet in Room 115 at 9:00 a.m.
The Legacy Fellowship Group is currently studying the
book of Genesis. It’s a challenging book with a lot of information and insights. Feel free to join us at any time. Our
five home groups continue to meet on Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, and Sunday nights. If you’d like more
information about our home groups, call Steve Perron at
408-6298. We also offer various social gatherings throughout the year. The Legacy Fellowship Group meets in
the café at 9:00 a.m.
Mike Lawlis continues to sizzle by teaching the truth
from the Book of James! Please come join us for opportunities to learn and apply God's Word, along with the community of fellowship. We offer open houses and coffee/conversation at Panera Southport (Sunday evenings).
The Refuge meets in room 111 at 9:00 a.m.
Word of Life Leaders’
Meeting and Cook-Out
Men’s Ministry to Show
“Courageous” at Grace
by Jim Hillebrand
Save the date!! Save the date!! Mark your calendar
now for Friday, August 24th from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. for the
viewing of the movie "Courageous" hosted by the Men's
Dads, we all need to be inspired and challenged to be
the men God created us to be. So even if you've already
seen it you can invite a friend, neighbor or relative as an
outreach opportunity. You may also bring your wife and
children. Please be aware the movie is rated PG 13. No
need to worry if you are rushed, you can grab a hot dog
and a bag of chips for $1. Lemonade will be provided.
Honor begins at home. Will you accept the
Jennifer Wilkerson
and Janet Simpson . . . . . .
GRACE AND TRUTH Newsletter Editors:
Bryan Hult, Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dick Witmer, Seniors Pastor . . . . . .
Donna Huff, Financial Secretary .
Connie Newman, Secretary . . . . . .
Grace Evangelical Church Office Staff:
by Pat Hillebrand
All returning leaders from last year are invited to
Jim and Pat Hillebrand's home for a cook-out on
August 8th at 6:00 p.m. We would also like to invite
new people who are interested in joining us this year
in Word of Life. The address is 6752 Kentland Way. It
is five minutes east of the church in Southport Green.
Please RSVP at 985-1848.
Plans for the 2012-2013 year will be shared and
opportunities given to fill the various positions. At this
time there are openings in the Gopher Buddies Club
(four year olds to kindergarten), Olympians (first to
sixth grade) and Youth (teens). Word of Life operates
on a team concept with leaders serving in one or more
of the following positions: games, songs, record keeping, check-in table, review quiz, listening posts for
memory verses, Bible teacher, snacks, small group
leaders, Christian service coordinator and evangelism
The first night of Word of Life Bible Clubs is
Wednesday, August 29th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Registration will begin in the lobby on August 19th.
The cost for the year is $35 per student. This
includes the daily Quiet Time journal, memory verses
and all the discipleship materials needed.
Scholarships are available upon request. Discounts
will be given for families with three or more children/teens. If you have any questions, please email
August, 2012
Connect, Equip, Multiply
(Continued from page 1)
from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies,
according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth
of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
You can tell when you are connected – you are in fellowship with people at church
and “knit together”, growing to unity of the faith (doctrine). You can tell when you are
equipped – you are in the work of ministry. You can tell when you are multiplying – you
are training and sending your replacement.
Thirdly, each statement focuses attention vertically and horizontally. The horizontal element is seen in the equal standing we have together before God. The vertical
element is seen in “worshipping God”, becoming “more like Christ” and taking the
“gospel [good news from heaven]” to reach the world.
Connect, equip and multiply – those three words will see us through to accomplish
God’s purpose for Grace. I’ll take each word in the next three months to amplify and
help us capture the Elders’ vision so you can see where we’re going!
5:11,12; 2Ephesians 4:12-16
Team Uganda – Here and There!
by Pat Hillebrand
On July 14th the seven members of the missions team going to Uganda arrived
at the Indianapolis Airport at 3:30 a.m. They were all filled with anticipation. First
they flew to Washington D.C. and then had a long flight to Ethiopia and a short flight
to Uganda. They went by boat to Buvuma Island on Lake Victoria where they were
carried to the land to avoid the parasites in the water.
Thank you Justin and Debby Williams, Joni Willits, Allie Clesi, Kari Witmer, Alex
Garcia and AJ Hillebrand for being the hands and feet of Jesus to the people in
Uganda. We can't wait to hear about your life-changing experiences when you
return to Indy on July 30th. We are so proud of you!
G R A C E and Truth
Laura Vollmer
Isaac Jaynes
George Sirilla
Gabriel Moxley
Laura Garcia
Brent Smith
Steve Conlin
Brian Clesi
George Manley
Stephen DeMotte
Kitty Acree
Gary McCabe
Randy Greb
Matthew Smith
Paula Dale
Venessa Hendricks
Bruce Connan
Skip Gilbreath
Norman Moore
Ashley Roberts
Howard Roberts
Daniel Crosby
Luke Rappe'
Ellie Bandy
Holly Wohlhieter
Linda Wilson
Liliana Georgen
Debby Williams
Lindsey Lawlis
Angela Johnson
Rick Bishop
Wanda Cooney
Amy Jo Lambrecht
Molly Hilliker
Bev Connan
Debbie Dunn
Rich Witmer
Dick Davis
Sherri Hillebrand
Donna Huff
Gretchen Jaynes
Dahlia Sirilla
Above: (front row) Justin Williams, AJ Hillebrand,
(second row) Kari Witmer, Debby Williams, Joni
Willits, Allie Clesi (back) Alex Garcia.
Top right: Allie Clesi being carried to shore.
Bottom right: Justin Williams was also carried to
shore to avoid the parasites in the water!
Ken & Barbara Hansen
Curtis & Michele McGill
Bill & Janet Simpson
AJ & Angel Hillebrand
Keith & Amy Bartusek
Aaron & Anna Daniel
Brian & Julie Clesi
Larry & Cheryl Dilk
Steve & Pam Farrar
Gary & Cheryl McCabe
Brent & Venessa Hendricks
Donald & Barb Andry
Steve & Laura Vollmer
Kyle & Liz Black