Untitled - Brunello Cucinelli


Untitled - Brunello Cucinelli
In the 4th century BC, Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and the first botanist,
wrote his Treatise on Plants, which is a history of medicine.
One day in the mid-1200s, Giotto painted The Miracle of the Spring in the main
Basilica of Assisi, among other masterpieces. It depicts a monk, bent to the ground,
drinking from a spring that flows from the rock.
On a clear night in the 16th century, on a gentle Florentine hill near Arcetri, Galileo
Galilei looked through his telescope and studied the skies to discover the laws of the heavens.
Towards the end of the 18th century, Jean Jacques Rousseau was walking alone in the
woods on St. Peter’s Island in Switzerland, when he fell into ecstasy at the sight of a
simple borage flower. He called it his “countryside delirium”.
Ode to the Dignity
of Nature
In 1901, scientist Hugo de Vries introduced for the first time the expression “genetic
mutation”, a revolution that would cover the whole of Nature.
by Brunello Cucinelli
The Nature of Theophrastus and of the Franciscan
Monks is Nature naturans, Nature untouched by man,
one that nurtures and heals without asking anything,
as sung centuries later by Giordano Bruno and Baruch
The concept of Nature Scientiae of Galileo and de
Vries, born during the Renaissance and which persists
today, is becoming increasingly important. Nature
sentimentalis is the romantic notion held by Rousseau
and many others, like Charles Dickens, Alessandro
Manzoni, Huizong, Mark Twain, Katsushika Hokusai,
Edgar Allan Poe,
and each of us.
As symbols, the examples cited allow us to enter
into direct contact with the deeper meanings of things:
in this case, of Nature.
Always divided between matter and the divine, albeit in
various attitudes influenced by the progress of culture
and the needs of history, Nature has always been the
ultimate and inescapable reference for humanity, as we
depend on it for life and for death, individually and
In this great mother, over time, but also beyond time,
humankind has sought, feared, desired, and loved the
deity who created us, the generous and spontaneous
nurse that fed us, the fury that struck us.
Oh Melibeus,
a god has given me
this peace. […]
You see it was he who allow
my heifers to wander,
and me to play
popular songs
on my country flute.
Virgil, Eclogues, I, 6 - 10
Come here, Melibeus, your goat is safe,
and the kids too; if you can stop for a minute, rest in the shade.
Cattle come to these fields to slake their thirst,
here the banks of the Mincius are lined with tender reeds,
and you can hear the buzzing of a swarm in the sacred oak.
Virgil, Eclogues, VII, 9 - 13
From the Renaissance on, having become proud,
we have wanted to investigate it, succeeding first at
discovering its mysteries, and thus at modifying it.
From receptor to actor: man, who in his earliest years
suckles milk from his mother’s breast, in adulthood
takes care of her, and then takes on the huge task of
keeping her alive in order to remain alive himself.
Sing, since we are lying
on tender grass,
and now every field
and every tree is sprouting,
now the woods
are turning green, now
is the most beautiful season.
Virgil, Eclogues, III, 55 - 57
Perhaps earlier, when the human beings could do
nothing but submit to the rhythms and quantity of life,
as its subjects and offspring and certainly unaware of
the future, lived in a kind of serene condition in which
they completely deferred to a superhuman order.
In the modern era, the progress of mankind has changed
this relationship fundamentally, forcing upon us a great
responsibility and posing a huge ethical problem.
How should we handle the new opportunities that
allow us to intervene in Nature, modifying it from
within? To what extent it is permissible, or useful? We
do not yet know the answer to this question, but we do
know that it will determine whether we will have a life
full of beauty or a dramatic death. The Tower of Babel
tells the story of men who, having dared too much in
search of the truth, were lost. It is a vigorous image,
and it maintains evocative power and relevance even
outside of its religious context.
Then, when age has made you a man, […]
the wool will no longer know how to fake various colours,
the ram will change the colour of its own fleece in the fields
with purple that blushes pleasantly,
with yellow that turns to gold:
spontaneously the grazing sheep will
be clothed in carmine.
Virgil, Eclogues, IV, 37 - 45
We must be inspired precisely by natural laws,
those of the necessity of things. According to
Aristotle, Nature “never does anything useless,”
and, we can also add, it never does anything
superfluous. Even the lush plumage of peacocks,
with its thrills and its bright colours, has a reason
and a purpose. Let’s return to Giotto’s monk, and
imagine following step by step the water that flows
from the rock: first a small trickle, then a bubbling
stream, then, in the valley, a majestic river, and
finally the infinite vastness of the sea. A journey
that can last for thousands of kilometres, but that
never follows a single trajectory, a single river bend,
that isn’t essential, economic and efficient. For us
it is the same. To believe that the tools of modern
technology are our enemy is just an excuse, because
it is always we who choose how to use them,
effectively and efficiently, to achieve progress.
Prince Myshkin, when he said that beauty would
save the world, was laughed at. But like many
other visionaries who were humiliated by their
contemporaries, he was right. Beauty will save the
world: our only task is to save beauty, and we can
do this with simplicity and ethics, watching and
learning, with courage and love, from Nature.
See the world […]
and the earth and the stretches
of sea and the deep sky!
See how everything delights
in the century to come!
Virgil, Eclogues, IV, 50-52
— Aristotle —
From the mountain peaks your gaze lightly touches the horizon and goes further,
embracing the earth, the world and nature to enclose the vital human presence in everything.
In the adventure of an authentic search, the moment caught develops into a single image,
where every single detail communicates with the spirit creating intimate connections, spontaneous languages.
The elements come together in essential continuity where man-made fabrics bind with natural textures.
The artisan’s imprint creates a collection with a unique taste
bringing together the quality of knitwear and technological innovations.
The palette celebrates the neutral colours of the earth gathered in a natural and gentle symphony,
where winter whites, the neutral frozen or ruffled colours of warm cashmere sweaters,
emerge from mineral nuances and metallic finishes.
Everyday atmosphere and elegance live of light, primordial lands, tree-like reflexes
and echoes of a symphonic and human nature.
In the 4th century BC, Theophrastus, a Greek philosopher and the first botanist, wrote
his Treatise on Plants, which is a history of medicine.
One day in the mid-1200s, Giotto painted The Miracle of the Spring in the main
Basilica of Assisi, among other masterpieces. It depicts a monk, bent to the ground,
drinking from a spring that flows from the rock.
On a clear night in the 16th century, on a gentle Florentine hill near Arcetri,
Galileo Galilei looked through his telescope and studied the skies to discover the
laws of the heavens.
Towards the end of the 18th century, Jean Jacques Rousseau was walking alone in the
woods on St. Peter’s Island in Switzerland, when he fell into ecstasy at the sight of a
simple borage flower. He called it his “countryside delirium”.
In 1901, scientist Hugo de Vries introduced for the first time the expression “genetic
mutation”, a revolution that would cover the whole of Nature.
Ode to the Dignity
of Nature
Page II
The Good Shepherd, detail of the mosaic floor, 4th century
Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta, Aquileia
© 2015. DeAgostini Picture Library/Scala, Florence
Page III
Musicians with double bagpipes and cornamuse,
detail from a miniature by the Lombardy School for the Eclogues, 15th century
Vittorio Emanuele III National Library , Naples
© 2015. DeAgostini Picture Library/Scala, Florence
by Brunello Cucinelli
The Nature of Theophrastus and of the Franciscan
Monks is Nature naturans, Nature untouched by man,
one that nurtures and heals without asking anything,
as sung centuries later by Giordano Bruno and Baruch
The concept of Nature Scientiae of Galileo and de
Vries, born during the Renaissance and which persists
today, is becoming increasingly important. Nature
sentimentalis is the romantic notion held by Rousseau
and many others, like Charles Dickens, Alessandro
Manzoni, Huizong, Mark Twain, Katsushika Hokusai,
Edgar Allan Poe,
Page IV
Castrated animals, miniature from Tacuinum Sanitatis (fac-simile)
of Codex Vindobonensis, Series Nova 2644 (fol.71r)
Oesterreichischen National Bibliotek, Wien
© Archivio Alinari, Florence
and each of us.
As symbols, the examples cited allow us to enter
into direct contact with the deeper meanings of things:
in this case, of Nature.
Always divided between matter and the divine, albeit
in various attitudes influenced by the progress of
culture and the needs of history, Nature has always
been the ultimate and inescapable reference for
humanity, as we depend on it for life and for death,
individually and collectively.
In this great mother, over time, but also beyond time,
humankind has sought, feared, desired, and loved the
deity who created us, the generous and spontaneous
nurse that fed us, the fury that struck us.
Page V
The Good Shepherd,
detail of the fresco of the Catacombs of Saint Callixtus, 3rd century – Rome
© 2015. DeAgostini Picture Library/Scala, Florence
Oh Melibeus,
a god has given me
this peace. […]
You see it was he who allow
my heifers to wander,
and me to play
popular songs
on my country flute.
Virgil, Eclogues, I, 5 - 10
Come here, Melibeus, your goat is safe,
and the kids too; if you can stop for a minute, rest in the shade.
Cattle come to these fields to slake their thirst,
here the banks of the Mincius are lined with tender reeds,
and you can hear the buzzing of a swarm in the sacred oak.
Virgil, Eclogues, VII, 9 - 13
Page VI
Shepherds with ox and sheep,
detail from the Procession of the Magi cycle by Benozzo Gozzoli (1420 - 1497)
Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence
© 2015. Photo Scala, Florence - courtesy of the Ministero Beni e Att. Culturali
Page VII
Abraham separates from Lot, detail of the fresco by Bartolo di Fredi (ca. 1330 - 1410)
Collegiate Church of Santa Maria Assunta, San Gimignano
© 2015. Photo Scala, Florence
From the Renaissance on, having become proud,
we have wanted to investigate it, succeeding first at
discovering its mysteries, and thus at modifying it.
From receptor to actor: man, who in his earliest years
suckles milk from his mother’s breast, in adulthood
takes care of her, and then takes on the huge task of
keeping her alive in order to remain alive himself.
Sing, since we are lying
on tender grass,
and now every field
and every tree is sprouting,
now the woods
are turning green, now
is the most beautiful season.
Virgil, Eclogues, III, 55 - 57
Perhaps earlier, when the human beings could do
nothing but submit to the rhythms and quantity of life,
as its subjects and offspring and certainly unaware of
the future, lived in a kind of serene condition in which
they completely deferred to a superhuman order.
In the modern era, the progress of mankind has
changed this relationship fundamentally, forcing
upon us a great responsibility and posing a huge
ethical problem.
How should we handle the new opportunities that
allow us to intervene in Nature, modifying it from
within? To what extent it is permissible, or useful? We
do not yet know the answer to this question, but we do
know that it will determine whether we will have a life
full of beauty or a dramatic death. The Tower of Babel
tells the story of men who, having dared too much in
search of the truth, were lost. It is a vigorous image,
and it maintains evocative power and relevance even
outside of its religious context.
Aries, detail of the mosaic floor, 4th century
Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta, Aquileia
© 2015. Photo Scala, Florence
Page IX
Detail from the mosaic of the apsidal vault, 6th century
Sant’Apollinare in classe, Ravenna
© 2015. Photo Scala, Florence - courtesy of the Ministero Beni e Att. Culturali
Then, when age has made you a man,[…]
The wool will no longer know how to fake various colours,
the ram will change the colour of its own fleece in the fields
with purple that blushes pleasantly,
with yellow that turns to gold:
spontaneously the grazing sheep will
be clothed in carmine.
Page X
Shepherds with donkey and sheep,
detail from the Procession of the Magi cycle by Benozzo Gozzoli (1420 - 1497)
Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence
© 2015. Photo Scala, Florence – courtesy of the Ministero Beni e Att. Culturali
Page XI
Man with antelope, detail from relief from Giza,
Fourth Dynasty of Egypt (2620 BC - 2500 BC) – Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt
© DeA Picture Library, licensed by Alinari
Virgil, Eclogues, IV, 37 - 45
We must be inspired precisely by natural laws,
those of the necessity of things. According to
Aristotle, Nature “never does anything useless,”
and, we can also add, it never does anything
superfluous. Even the lush plumage of peacocks,
with its thrills and its bright colours, has a reason
and a purpose. Let’s return to Giotto’s monk, and
imagine following step by step the water that flows
from the rock: first a small trickle, then a bubbling
stream, then, in the valley, a majestic river, and
finally the infinite vastness of the sea. A journey
that can last for thousands of kilometres, but that
never follows a single trajectory, a single river bend,
that isn’t essential, economic and efficient. For us
it is the same. To believe that the tools of modern
technology are our enemy is just an excuse, because
it is always we who choose how to use them,
effectively and efficiently, to achieve progress.
Prince Myshkin, when he said that beauty would
save the world, was laughed at. But like many
other visionaries who were humiliated by their
contemporaries, he was right. Beauty will save the
world: our only task is to save beauty, and we can
do this with simplicity and ethics, watching and
learning, with courage and love, from Nature.
See the world […]
And the earth and the stretches
of sea and the deep sky!
See how everything delights
in the century to come!
Virgil, Eclogues, IV, 50-52
Page XII
Musicians with double bagpipes and cornamuse,
detail from a miniature by the Lombardy School for the Eclogues, 15th century
Vittorio Emanuele III National Library , Naples
© 2015. DeAgostini Picture Library/Scala, Florence
The Good Shepherd,
detail of the fresco of the Catacomb of Priscilla, 3rd century - Rome
© 2015. Photo Scala, Florence
MPMNZ2736 C2613 “Teddy Bear” shearling vest
M1F353099 C2758 “Cashmere Fur” knit scarf
M72551304 C2794 “Diamond English Rib” cashmere and silk sweater
MF906AH411 CN241Dress in silk crêpe sablé with chiffon and jewel detailing
MPMRA90221 C6300Shearling gloves
MZDBSG287 C6307 Matt calfskin boots
MT4656369 CD855
M2236306 C3405
MTS266686 C195
M0T611307 C159
Water repellent Aviator in wool and cashmere double cloth
with Thermore fill and detachable shearling collar
Cashmere half fisherman’s chiné knit cardigan
Slim fit polo shirt in piqué weave with French collar
Slim fit t-shirt in jersey with ribbed crew neck
M33306906 C2613 “Links” stitch lightweight diamond cashmere cardigan
MA5132951 C142
Alpaca and virgin wool jersey vest with jewel detailing
MF906E9000 C2350 “Paradise Flower” t-shirt in silk crêpe sablé
MA927S6199 C2759 Cashmere and cotton fleece pants
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
MZDTTG325 CNATUAmerican Raccoon fur moonboots with jewel detailing
M7A347199 C3664 Collar in lightweight diamond cashmere malfilé
MSCDAGM05 CNATUCashmere bouclé scarf with American Raccoon fur insert
M12T15826 C2621 American Raccoon fur and cashmere coat
M12156200 C2350 Cashmere “Silk Layering” sweater
MPMUP90223 C6024 Nappa leather gloves
MS2169099 C6893 “Shining Tweed” knitted cashmere trousers
M12510369 C2355 Ribbed cashmere socks
MZDGAG284 CK516“Stardust” calfskin high-laced boots with American Raccoon fur detailing
MT4379072 C201
Water repellent “Solomeo” coat in virgin wool and cashmere cloth
M2240819 CX669
Ribbed cashmere scarf
MPDAN1230 CT493 Sleeveless reversible down jacket in nappa leather, 55 g. down
M2200162 CV327
V-neck cashmere sweater
M2292118 CO774
Suede-palmed double-knit cashmere gloves
M218DF1050 C1592 Comfort gabardine slim-fit trousers
MZUBOPE156 C6225Tyrolese crafted mid-Derby in opaque calfskin with merino wool lining
Detailing pag. 109:
MA917G2405 C010 Silk “organzata” duchesse maxi skirt with “Luxury Belt”
M13825899 C055
Cashmere and silk leggings
MZDTTG325 CNATUAmerican Raccoon fur moonboots with jewel detailing
MA5114216 C184
Alpaca and virgin wool coat with jewel detailing
MPWSX2341 C6338 Cashmere lurex fur vest
MA918H5102 C2350 “Stardust” silk top
MA029P1858 CW844Crêpe cady slouchy pant with jewel detailing
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
M0PVI2808 C132
Reversible mink coat with fox fur hood
MF906AE901 C2350 “Paradise Flower” dress in silk crêpe sablé
MZDENG293 C6024 “Shiny Details” ankle boots in calfskin
MT4656369 CD855 Water repellent Aviator in wool and cashmere double cloth
with Thermore fill and detachable shearling collar
M2236306 C3405
Cashmere half fisherman’s chiné knit cardigan
MTS266686 C195
Slim fit polo shirt in piqué weave with French collar
M0T611307 C159
Slim fit t-shirt in jersey with ribbed crew neck
M051KJ1180 C1794 Slim fit garment-dyed denim trousers
MZUJEPS967 C6247Derby boot in buckskin with merino wool lining
M5S578606 C3597
MA5122836 C6307
M12154804 CH096
M0F81P1817 C2350
“Shining Tweed” lightweight cashmere double breasted cardigan
with American Raccoon fur hood
Jacket in wool and cashmere cloth with leather and jewel belt
“Ergonomic Piping” cashmere sweater
Wide Pant in washed silk duchesse
M2240990 CJ482
MPNLI1467 C6504
MG4277BYD C236
M2254503 C2350
Ribbed chiné cashmere cap
Montgomery in shearling with nappa leather effect
Contrast chevron frisé jacket in wool, silk and cashmere
with large peak lapels and patch pockets
Cashmere sweater with ribbed turtleneck collar
MT4974544 C098
Water repellent outerwear in lightweight cashmere cloth
with American Raccoon fur hood
M0PVI5186 C132
Mink vest with leather and jewel belt
M13828514 C159
“Feminine Back” sweater in cashmere and silk
M0S28D0500 C026 Top in stretch silk crêpe de Chine
M73539A92 C2759Diamond cashmere knit dress
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
MT4656370 CB179 Water repellent Montgomery in wool and cashmere cloth with Thermore fill
MSC447VS CJ984
“Karakorum” cashmere and silk scarf
M2255586 C2712
Cashmere half fisherman’s knit cardigan
MTS266686 C195
Slim fit polo shirt in piqué weave with French collar
M051KY1270 C1786Garment-dyed denim trousers with double pleats
MCS92901 CF611
Ribbed chiné cashmere socks
MZUJEPS967 C6247Derby boot in buckskin with merino wool lining
M5S578626 C3598 “Shining Tweed” lightweight cashmere cardigan with American Raccoon fur hood
MA5014791 C5762 Alpaca and virgin wool vest
MA922V6099 C2350 Silk duchesse jumpsuit with jewel detailing
MPMRA90221 C6300Shearling gloves
MZDBSG287 C6307 Matt calfskin boots
M5N573999 C3619 Lightweight diamond cashmere cap
M7A347199 C3664 Collar in lightweight diamond cashmere malfilé
M1F353099 C2758 “Cashmere Fur” knit scarf
M5N575310 C3613 Lightweight diamond cashmere “English Rib” sweater
M0R27AH141 C5782Dress in silk organza, duchesse and chiffon with jewel detailing
MZDTTG325 CNATUAmerican Raccoon fur moonboots with jewel detailing
MPMWL4404 C2668 Cashmere fur vest
M52515526 C2794 Lightweight cashmere cardigan with jewel detailing
M12154602 CH096 “Shiny Piping” cashmere sweater
MB912F0504 C159 Stretch silk georgette t-shirt with jewel detailing
MPMRA90221 C6300Shearling gloves
MA029P1774 C2350 “Fluid Crop” crêpe cady trousers
MZDBSG287 C6307 Matt calfskin boots
M1X722199 CU429 Cashmere shrug with cashmere fur insert
M0D45AH471 C2350Duchesse silk jumpsuit with chiffon cardigan
MZDBSG287 C6307 Matt calfskin boots
M12157516 CP699Double-knit cashmere outerwear with jewel detailing
M1F353099 C2758 “Cashmere Fur” knit scarf
MPMWL2956 C2668 Cashmere fur vest
M41846804 CL613 “Sparkling” cashmere and silk sweater
MPMRA90221 C6300Shearling gloves
MA914P1818 C5765 Cotton and lurex fleece Ergonomic Track Pant
MPNLI1469 C6504 Aviator in shearling with nappa leather effect and detachable collar
M2257303 CP251
Two-toned half-fisherman’s rib turtleneck sweater with chiné band
M0T639745G C159C Slim fit polo in piqué with short sleeves
M038PR1070 C003 Regular-fit wool flannel trousers
M5S578616 C3595 “Shining Tweed” lightweight cashmere cardigan
with American Raccoon fur collar and jewel detailing
MS2169008 C6893 “Shining Tweed” cashmere sweater with jewel detailing
MBUKD1192 C6321 Soft nubuck backpack with jewel detailing
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
MA917G2405 C010 Silk “organzata” duchesse maxi skirt with “Luxury Belt”
M13825899 C055
Cashmere and silk leggings
MZDTTG325 CNATUAmerican Raccoon fur moonboots with jewel detailing
MT4656356 CV531 Water repellent Biker jacket in wool and cashmere cloth
with Thermore fill and sleeves in nappa leather
M2256603 C3518Half-fisherman’s rib turtleneck chiné sweater
M0T633938 C8080 Slim fit polo in piqué, with shirt-style button down collar and pocket
ME217E1380 C1848 “Parà” leisure-fit gabardine trousers
MCS42741 CT698 Ribbed cashmere socks with border
MZUPICS103 CW560Derby boot in calfskin and aged suede with toe-cap
MCOW99100 CT092 Silver and horn “Plate” necklace
M12T15806 C2355 American Raccoon fur and cashmere coat
M5N575304 C2355 Lightweight diamond cashmere “English Rib” sweater
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
M0Z04P1877 C8102 Jumpsuit in natural stretch virgin wool flannel with jewel insert
M13825899 C055
Cashmere and silk leggings
M12510369 C2355 Ribbed cashmere socks
MZDGAG284 CK516“Stardust” calfskin high-laced boots with American Raccoon fur detailing
Detailing pag. 112:
MBTTD1190 CNATU American Raccoon fur backpack with flannel and matt calfskin inserts
MPMSC1468 C6501 Shearling suede pea jacket with detachable collar
MPCG93508 CY749 Suede-palmed leather gloves with knitted cashmere lining
M038PF1020 C003 Slim fit wool flannel trousers with pleats
M5S578616 C3595 “Shining Tweed” lightweight cashmere cardigan
with American Raccoon fur collar and jewel detailing
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
M2240980 CI505
Cashmere double-knit cap
MPMSC1472 C6500 Shearling suede pilot jacket with fisherman’s rib cashmere sleeves
M2300106 CL303
Cashmere and silk turtleneck cardigan
M0T613918 C159
Slim fit jersey polo with shirt-style French collar
MPCG93508 CY749 Suede-palmed leather gloves with knitted cashmere lining
MG454E1400 C001 Leisure-fit houndstooth cargo pants in Saxony wool with pleats
MCS42741 CT698 Ribbed cashmere socks with border
MZUBOPE156 C6225Tyrolese crafted mid-Derby in opaque calfskin with merino wool lining
M1F353099 C2758 “Cashmere Fur” knit scarf
M1F351006 C2771 “Cashmere Fur” knitted outerwear with jewel detailing
MA5122836 C6307 Jacket in wool and cashmere cloth with leather and jewel belt
MB912F0424 C2350 Stretch silk georgette top with jewel detailing
M7A347199 C3664 Collar in lightweight diamond cashmere malfilé
MSCDAGM05 CNATUCashmere bouclé scarf with American Raccoon fur insert
M12T15826 C2621 American Raccoon fur and cashmere coat
M12156200 C2350 Cashmere “Silk Layering” sweater
MPMUP90223 C6024 Nappa leather gloves
MS2169099 C6893 “Shining Tweed” knitted cashmere trousers
M12510369 C2355 Ribbed cashmere socks
MZDGAG284 CK516 “Stardust” calfskin high-laced boots with American Raccoon fur detailing
MT4379072 C201
Water repellent “Solomeo” coat in virgin wool and cashmere cloth
M2240819 CX669
Ribbed cashmere scarf
MPDAN1230 CT493 Sleeveless reversible down jacket in nappa leather, 55 g. down
M2200162 CV327
V-neck cashmere sweater
M2292118 CO774
Suede-palmed double-knit cashmere gloves
M218DF1050 C1592 Comfort gabardine slim-fit trousers
MZUBOPE156 C6225Tyrolese crafted mid-Derby in opaque calfskin with merino wool lining
MA0312840 C002
M5G576709 C2355
MA045P1886 C011
Virgin wool and cashmere chevron jacket with leather and jewel belt
“English Rib” sweater in lightweight gold cashmere
with American Raccoon fur hood
Jodhpur pant in wool jersey with jewel detailing
Mini shoulder bag in American Raccoon with jewelled strap
M0W072850 C796 “Tropical Luxury” virgin wool jacket with jewel detailing
M52534604 C2758 Lightweight cashmere “English Rib” sweater with silk chiffon insert
M0F81V5699 C2350 Washed silk duchesse skirt
MZDGAG284 CK516“Stardust” calfskin high-laced boots with American Raccoon fur detailing
ME4179067F C730 “Nautilus” wool and cashmere double cloth coat with metal buttons
M2257300 CW652 Two-toned half-fisherman’s rib sweater with chiné band
M0U411718 C003
Slim fit denim shirt with French collar
ME212R1050 C6272 Regular-fit cotton and wool grisaille trousers
MCS92901 CT388 Ribbed chiné cashmere socks
MZUJELE966 C6247 Buckskin Derby
M0PVO2342 CO409 “Inlaid” fox fur vest
M52534809 CB557 Lightweight cashmere “English Rib” sweater with satin and chiffon inserts
MA031P1795 C002 Virgin wool and cashmere chevron slouchy pull up pants with “Luxury Belt”
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
M62115349 C2355 Stretch cashmere gloves with jewelled stitching
MG4589059 C020
“Taylor” cashmere and silk chevron coat
M0Z37X1280 C1463 Lightweight denim trousers with pleats
M1F351016 C2758 “Cashmere Fur” knitted outerwear with jewel detailing
M1X722100 CT616 Cashmere sweater with cashmere fur insert
M0W27P1782 C2621 Jumpsuit in stretch wool twill crêpe
M12510369 C2796 Ribbed cashmere socks
MZDENG285 C2126 “Shiny Strap” calfskin high-laced boots
M2273906 C2713
Jacket in knitted cashmere
M0UC41718 C159
Slim fit twill shirt with French collar
MG4541996F CW207 “Armstrong” houndstooth waistcoat in Saxony wool with metal buttons
M079DE1380 C1595 “Parà” leisure-fit gabardine trousers
MCS42741 CH843
Ribbed cashmere socks with border
MZUBOWE154 C6225Tyrolese crafted mid-Derby in opaque calfskin
MBLLU234 C6104
Sporty calfskin “Boston” Handbag
M12T15826 C2621
M12R35A00 C2355
MR975B5599 C4055
M12510369 C2796
MZDMTG339 C101
American Raccoon fur and cashmere coat
“Net Precious Diamond” dress in cashmere and stretch silk crêpe de Chine
Wool jersey leggings
Ribbed cashmere socks
“Shiny Fringe Tab” minimal calfskin high-laced boots
Detailing pag. 117:
MS2169099 C6893 “Shining Tweed” knitted cashmere trousers
M12510369 C2355 Ribbed cashmere socks
MZDGAG284 CK516 “Stardust” calfskin high-laced boots with American Raccoon fur detailing
MPMWL4404 C6306 Cashmere fur vest
M13825A84 C055
Cashmere and silk knit dress with leggings
M12510369 C2355
Ribbed cashmere socks
MG4147BRZ C1417 Pinstripe suit in wool, silk and cashmere flannel, with peak lapels jacket
M2256703 C1417
Rib-stitch cashmere turtleneck sweater
MG8010091 CE123 Polka dot print pocket square in wool flannel
MZUJEPS967 C6247Derby boot in buckskin with merino wool lining
MPDAN1435 CR790
M2274106 C2712
M038P1998 CX316
M0T611304 C159
MAUVN317 C6029
ME208F1020 C005
M5G576709 C2355 “English Rib” sweater in lightweight gold cashmere with American Raccoon fur hood
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
MF920G2407 C7000 Laminated tulle skirt with jewel detailing
MZDMTG292 C101 “Shiny Details” minimal calfskin boots
Aviator in nappa leather with Thermore fill and detachable shearling collar
Fisherman’s knit cashmere bomber-style cardigan
“Fitzgerald” waistcoat in wool flannel
Slim fit V-neck t-shirt in jersey
Woven calfskin belt with lining and tip
Slim fit pinstripe trousers in wool flannel with pleats
M12T15826 C2621 American Raccoon fur and cashmere coat
M12R35A00 C2355 “Net Precious Diamond” dress in cashmere and stretch silk crêpe de Chine
MPCAP1229 CA326 Water repellent down jacket in opaque calfskin
with yoke and hood in wool, silk and cashmere flannel, down 68 g.
MG4527BTZ C007 Saxony wool suit with Prince of Wales motif
M2482096 CT698
Wool and cashmere cardigan
M0T611363G CY59 Slim fit short sleeved t-shirt with triangle embroidery
MZUBIOE972 C6246 “Goodyear Soft” manufactured long Duilio shoes in formal calfskin
MG4547BP7 C001Houndstooth suit in Saxony wool with one-and-a-half breasted jacket
M0UC40038 C159
Basic fit button down shirt in twill
MBLLU241 C6104
Satchel in calfskin with central clip
MPMAR2590 CNATUReversible American Raccoon fur vest with jewel detailing
MF906E8989 C2355 Silk crêpe sablé jumpsuit with plastron and jewel detailing
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
M2210806 CD404
Bomber-style double-knit cardigan in cashmere and lycra
MG4596334 CK617 Sleeveless biker jacket in opaque nylon with lightweight Thermore fill
M0T638306 C2079 Slim fit polo in piqué with short sleeves
MPMNZ4852 C2258 “Teddy Bear” shearling vest
MH630N0506 CE726“Silk Tie” shirt in twill
M0T1802B80 CC647 Stretch jersey top with jewel detailing
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
MA045P1886 C011 Jodhpur pant in wool jersey with jewel detailing
MR546V9504 C171 Outerwear in cashmere double flannel with jewel detail
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
MB912F0404 C2355 Stretch silk georgette tunic with jewel detailing
MR975B5599 C4055 Wool jersey leggings
MCOW99101 CARGESilver “Collar” necklace
MCOW99105 CARGESilver “Choker” necklace
MSCDAG206 CS382 Cashmere “Degradé” scarf with jewel insert
MA5114774 C278
Coat in alpaca and virgin wool with jewel detailing
M52530900 C2796 “Shiny Epaulette” sweater in “English Ribs” lightweight cashmere
MPMRA90221 C6300Shearling gloves
MA005V6099 C2613 Jumpsuit in crêpe wool double twill with jewel detailing
MCOW99108 CAGNStretch silk crêpe de Chine and black Agate necklace
MCOW9N285 CAGNBlack Agate necklace
MCOW99277 CT682 Black Agate and copper Hematite necklace
M52534126 C079
“Fox Detail” Cardigan in “English Ribs” lightweight cashmere
MR975B9000 C5455 T-shirt in wool jersey with silk chiffon sleeves
MB912G2435 C2355 “Artisanal Pleats” skirt in stretch silk georgette
MZDENG285 C2126 “Shiny Strap” calfskin high-laced boots
MT4976369 CP846
M2256700 C2711
ME6461716 C013
MG8150018 CM554
ME208F1020 C005
Water repellent Aviator in lightweight cashmere cloth
with Thermore fill and detachable shearling collar
Rib-stitch cashmere sweater
Slim fit button down shirt in twill
Tie in striped opaque silk
Slim fit pinstripe trousers in wool flannel with pleats
MG4619901 C411
MA4367BP7 C1412
M0T638316 C159
“Molton” hand finished coat in cashmere
Wide pinstripe suit in lightweight wool, silk and cashmere flannel,
with one-and-a-half breasted jacket
Slim fit polo in piqué with long sleeves
ME4174467 C036
Wool and cashmere double cloth coat with leather and jewel fastening
M52534336 C2355 “Outdoor English Rib” lightweight cashmere cardigan
with American Raccoon fur hood
M0GRAC324 C2633Glossy extra-long calfskin belt
M12153A90 C2355 Cashmere “Silk Layering” dress
MA040P1842 C195 “Athleisure” leggings in virgin wool stretch jersey
M0PVO5192 C6342 Fox fur vest with leather and jewel belt
M0T18B2310 C055 “Silk Sleeves” stretch jersey t-shirt
MA031P1789 C002 Virgin wool and cashmere chevron culotte pant
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
M12510369 C2355 Ribbed cashmere socks
MZDSPC250 C2126 Ankle boots in calfskin with jewel detailing
M5S578626 C3635 “Shining Tweed” lightweight cashmere cardigan with American Raccoon fur hood
M0W072854 C796 “Tropical Luxury” virgin wool jacket with jewel detailing
MB912F0434 C2350 Stretch silk georgette t-shirt
MA029P1784 C2350 Culotte pant in crêpe cady
M62115339 C2355 Cashmere socks with jewel detailing
MZDENC281 C2126 “Jewel” calfskin and jewel sandal
Detailing pag. 120:
M13825899 C055
Cashmere and silk leggings
M12510369 C2355 Ribbed cashmere socks
MZDENG286 C6024 “Shiny Straps” high-laced boots in calfskin
MA5124535 C6307
Wool and cashmere cloth coat with cashmere fur shawl
M5G601300 C2758 “Golden Cashmere Fur” hand made sweater
MB912F0424 C2350 Top in stretch silk georgette
MA029P1888 C2758 “Wrap Front” crêpe cady jodhpur pant
MG4591107 CE186 Water repellent sleeveless down jacket
in opaque nylon and wool, silk and cashmere flannel, down 55 g.
MG4257BCC C241 Wool, silk and cashmere frisé “Cavallo” jacket
M2229500 CX669
Cashmere fisherman’s rib sweater
M0T656686 C159
Slim fit polo shirt in mercerised jersey with French collar
M0T523272G C061 Track pants in lightweight stretch double fleece
MCS42741 CM047 Ribbed cashmere socks with border
MZUFECK200 CF530 Sneakers in felt, suede and calfskin
M12T15899 C2355
M12T15826 C2621
M52534306 C2355
MA045P1843 C011
Cashmere double flannel coat with jewel detailing
Shearling velour reversible coat
with American Raccoon fur hood and jewel detailing
“Sparkling” cashmere and silk sweater
Stretch nappa leather leggings
MT4656370 CX792
MG4277BGDF C238
M2273003 C102
M218DF1050 C1592
Water repellent Montgomery in wool and cashmere cloth with Thermore fill
Contrast chevron frisé two-buttoned jacket in wool, silk and cashmere
with large peak lapels and metal buttons
Rib-stitch cashmere turtleneck sweater
Comfort gabardine slim-fit trousers
M5S578626 C3635 “Shining Tweed” lightweight cashmere cardigan
with American Raccoon fur hood
M0T1802B80 CC647 Stretch jersey top with jewel detailing
MPMUP90223 C6024Nappa leather gloves
M64945069 C079
Stretch cashmere leggings
MZDBSG287 C6307 Matt calfskin boots
MPMRA4437 C6300 Shearling velour reversible coat with jewel detailing
M13450008 C055
Boat neck sweater in cashmere and silk
MR5464401 C5056
MPMRA4813 C6307
M41450004 CL613
M0V29P1860 C2621
Cashmere scarf with American Raccoon fur insert
American Raccoon fur and cashmere coat
“Outdoor English Ribs” lightweight cashmere sweater
“Ergonomic Crop” trousers in wool jersey
MG4547BP9 C001Houndstooth suit in Saxony wool,
one-and-a-half breasted jacket and trousers with double pleats
M0UC40038 C159 Basic fit button down shirt in twill
ME8149904 C159J Cotton pocket square with coloured border
MAUVA315 C5950 Printed boarded calfskin belt with loop
MBLLU241 C6104 Satchel in calfskin with central clip
M12157536 CP707Double-knit cashmere outerwear with jewel detailing
M52R35304 C2803 “Bloom Luxury Quilt” lightweight cashmere vest
with cashmere and calfskin belt
M0W07P1784 C796 “Tropical Luxury” virgin wool culotte pant
MG4257BPCF C243 One-and-a-half breasted frisé jacket in wool, silk and cashmere with metal buttons
MG4591601 CF964Down waistcoat in opaque nylon with notch lapels, down 20 g.
MG6101718 C013
Slim fit shirt in embossed micro-pinstripe with French collar
M2400103 CU181
Turtleneck sweater in wool and cashmere
MG8010091 CL474 Polka dot print pocket square in wool flannel
MAUDN309 C6604 Woven nappa leather belt
M0Z37X1280 C1463 Lightweight denim trousers with pleats
MPDAN1439 CB401 Biker jacket in nappa leather with Thermore fill
ME4387BC7 C106 Lightweight wool, silk and cashmere flannel suit
with Prince of Wales motif with “Cavallo” jacket
M0T633928 C159
Slim fit polo in piqué, with shirt-style French collar and pocket
MZUBIOE970 C6244Derby in formal calfskin with toe-cap
M1F351016 C2758
MA917S4106 C010
“Cashmere Fur” knitted outerwear with jewel detailing
“Shiny Plastron” dress in “organzata” duchesse
MCOW99279 CZ034 “Dégradé” Pyrite and brown Quartz necklace
M1X722199 CU429 Cashmere shrug with cashmere fur insert
M13836A94 C2613 Cashmere and silk knitted dress with stretch georgette skirt and sequin embroidery
MZDGAG284 CK516 “Stardust” calfskin high-laced boots with American Raccoon fur detailing
MA0222529 C2350 Jacket in wool crepe fluid twill with jewel detailing
MPMAR2698 CNATUReversible American Raccoon fur vest with jewel detailing
M0T1802B80 CC647 Stretch jersey top with jewel detailing
MA046P1791 C008 Slouchy pull-up pants in virgin wool and silk tweed
ME4739079 C036
MG4257BCC C241
M2273800 CJ774
MTS263938 C8080
M079DF1040 C1592
Water repellent “Taylor” coat in cashmere
Wool, silk and cashmere frisé “Cavallo” jacket
Two-toned cashmere sweater
Slim fit polo in piqué weave with shirt-style button down collar and pocket
Slim fit gabardine six pockets trousers
ME4179068F C720
M0Z376229 C6700
M2209218 CE524
ME208F1020 C002
“Army” wool and cashmere double cloth coat with metal buttons
Lightweight denim four pockets jacket
Fleece-style sweater in cashmere with raglan sleeves
Slim-fit pinstripe trousers in wool flannel with pleats
Detailing pag. 125:
M12510369 C2796 Ribbed cashmere socks
MZUFEPK200 CS628Felt and leather sneakers
MT4974616 C5769 Water repellent outerwear in lightweight cashmere cloth
with American Raccoon fur hood
M52534400 C2350 “Back Silk” lightweight cashmere sweater
MA029P1673 C2759 “Tailored Jogger” in crêpe cady
MA4287BBDF C028 One-and-a-half breasted jacket in lightweight wool, silk and cashmere flannel
with patch pockets and metal buttons
M2273700 C2704
Cashmere sweater in stocking stitch and half-fisherman’s ribbing
M0UC41718 C738 Slim fit twill shirt with French collar
MG8000091 C2712 Wool flannel pocket square
MG4521169 CW374 Sleeveless reversible down jacket in Saxony wool with Prince of Wales motif, down 55 g.
MT4976225 C098
Water repellent outerwear jacket in lightweight cashmere cloth
M2382026 CW425 Cashmere and silk cardigan
M0T611304 C159
Slim fit V-neck t-shirt in jersey
MAUDN309 C6604 Woven nappa leather belt
ME211E1360 C5053 Comfort leisure-fit trousers in wool and cotton cover with pleats
MZUPECK200 CY798Leather sneakers with felt detailing
MCOW9P281 CPIR “Long Mix Material” Pyrite and leather necklace
MCOW9N281 CAGN“Long Mix Material” black Agate and leather necklace
MCOW99282 CAGN“Long” black Agate necklace
MCOW9P283 CZ034“Nuanced” Pyrite and brown Quartz necklace
MBOW90020 CX891 Black Agate, copper Hematite and burnt Quartz necklace
MBOW90022 CZ034 Quartz and Pyrite necklace
MBOW90023 CPIR Pyrite necklace
M12W15606 C2668 Fisherman’s knit cardigan with cashmere fur and jewel detailing
MA043P1876 C001 Virgin wool flannel jumpsuit with jewel detailing
M0T1802B80 CC647 Stretch jersey top with jewel detailing
MPCAP1442 CH909
ME4687BRC C364
ME2121996 CD199
ME6461716 C001
MG8190018 CD489
Pilot jacket with hood in opaque calfskin with Thermore fill
Wool grisaille jacket with peak lapel
“Armstrong” waistcoat in comfort cotton and wool grisaille
Slim fit button down shirt in twill
Regimental design tie in wool and silk gauze
Water repellent “Taylor” coat in cashmere
Wool, silk and cashmere frisé “Cavallo” jacket
Two-toned cashmere sweater
Slim fit polo in piqué weave with shirt-style button down collar and pocket
Slim fit gabardine six pockets trousers
ME4174436 C040
Wool and cashmere double cloth coat with jewel detailing
M12157536 CP707Double-knit cashmere outerwear with jewel detailing
M52R35304 C2803 “Bloom Luxury Quilt” lightweight cashmere vest
with cashmere and calfskin belt
M0W07P1784 C796 “Tropical Luxury” virgin wool culotte pant
M12510369 C2355 Ribbed cashmere socks
MZDMTG313 C101 “Jewel” derby in minimal calfskin
MPMSC1465 C6505
M2257306 CN767
MH6011718 C013
MG8130018 C2425
MAUVA315 C5950
M218DF1050 C1592
MBLLU236 C6104
M12T15816 C2621 American Raccoon fur and cashmere coat with leather and jewel belt
MA0462852 C007
Tweed jacket in virgin wool and silk stretch tweed
MA922AH961 C2350Silk duchesse and satin dress with tulle skirt and jewel detailing
M13825899 C055
Cashmere and silk leggings
MZDENG256 C2126 “Shiny Details” ankle boots in calfskin
M7A347199 C3664 Collar in lightweight diamond cashmere malfilé
MBOW90023 CPIR Pyrite necklace
MBOW90022 CZ034 Quartz and Pyrite necklace
MR5464217 C172
Cashmere double flannel coat with reversible vest in American Raccoon fur
M52534400 C2350 “Back Silk” lightweight cashmere sweater
M41846999 CB79
Cashmere and silk leggings with lurex
M12510369 C2796 Ribbed cashmere socks
MZDVFG253 C6307 Textured calfskin high-laced boots with glitter detailing
ME4739079 C036
MG4257BCC C241
M2273800 CJ774
MTS263938 C8080
M079DF1040 C1592
Redingote in shearling suede
Two-toned half-fisherman’s rib cardigan with chiné band
Poplin slim fit shirt in double check design with French collar
Tie in opaque silk
Printed boarded calfskin belt with loop
Comfort gabardine slim-fit trousers
“Two Days” bag in sporty calfskin
ME4174467 C036
Wool and cashmere double cloth coat with leather and jewel fastening
M52534336 C2355 “Outdoor English Rib” lightweight cashmere cardigan
with American Raccoon fur hood
M0GRAC324 C2633Glossy extra-long calfskin belt
MA040P1842 C195 “Athleisure” leggings in virgin wool stretch jersey
MZDMTG333 C6309Minimal calfskin Boots with cashmere fur detailing
MB9122824 C2802
MB977S8006 C2376
M0091M2906 C159
M0F81V5689 C2350
Stretch silk georgette jacket with sequin embroidery
Cotton melange fleece with jewel detailing
“Shiny Pin” Shirt in stretch poplin
Bermuda in washed silk duchesse with jewel detailing
MB9122824 C2802 Stretch silk georgette jacket with sequin embroidery
MB977S8006 C2376 Cotton melange fleece with jewel detailing
M13825504 C2796 Cashmere and silk “Cape” sweater
M33306900 C2350 Lightweight “Links” stitch diamond cashmere sweater
M0S28D1200 C2350 “Paradise Flower” stretch silk crêpe de Chine t-shirt
M912PP1851 C2759 “Slouchy Sequin Net” Stretch silk georgette trousers
MZDENG330 C2126 Calfskin heels with fox fur and jewel insert
MA428AS21 C055D
MA428S1994 CE044
ME624S1886 CD114
MR8130003 C101
ME6240091 C001
Wool, silk and cashmere flannel tuxedo with peak lapels jacket
One-and-a-half breasted “Dickens” waistcoat in wool, silk and cashmere flannel
Twill plissé shirt in with French collar and twin cuffs
Cotton and silk satin bow tie
Twill pocket square for tuxedo
M33306900 C2350 Lightweight “Links” stitch diamond cashmere sweater
M0S28D1200 C2350 “Paradise Flower” stretch silk crêpe de Chine t-shirt
Detailing pag. 128:
MG454E1400 C001 Leisure-fit houndstooth cargo pants with pleats in Saxony wool
MCS42741 CT698 Ribbed cashmere socks with border
MZUBOPE156 C6225Tyrolese crafted mid-Derby in opaque calfskin with merino wool lining
Via della Spiga 30
Tel. +39 02 76015982
Via della Spiga 5
Tel. +39 02 76014448
Via Borgognona 33
Tel. +39 06 6787680
Calle Vallaresso 1337
Tel. +39 041 2602306
Via dei Mille 31/33/35
Tel. +39 081 4238126
Via della Vigna Nuova 47
Tel. +39 055 285832
Via Lagrange 8
Tel. +39 011 4407207
Gal. Cavour 4/G
Tel. +39 051 221593
Via Argiro 71
Tel. +39 805210366
Via Libertà 26
Tel. +39 091 335222
Forte dei Marmi
Via G. Montauti 3
Tel. +39 0584 784663
Cortina D’Ampezzo
Via Roma 1
Tel. +39 0436 862130
Women - Via Camerelle 14
Tel. +39 081 8376889
Men - Via Camerelle 16
Tel. +39 081 8377765
Porto Cervo
Piazzetta delle Chiacchiere 5
Tel. +39 0789 907689
Women - Via Calata Marconi 29
Tel. +39 0185269194
Men - Via Roma 38
Tel. +39 0185 269267
Milano Marittima
Viale Romagna 51
Tel. +39 0544 991123
Bognergasse 4
Tel. +43 15350225
13 Boulevard de Waterloo
Tel. +32 02 5137802
83 Kustlaan
Tel. +32 0 5 0601655
4 Saborna Street
Tel. +359 888 419929
Pilestraede 8A
Tel. +45 33898989
54 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
Tel. +33 0 1 42656452
179 Boulevard Saint-Germain
Tel. +33 0 1 42227031
17 Rue François 1er
Tel. +33 1 58 56 96 43
7 Rue des États-Unis
Tel. +33 0 4 97065003
7 Rue de la Ponche
Tel. +33 0 4 94976764
Kurfürstendamm 194
Tel. +49 3088717920
Goethestraße / Luginsland 1
Tel. +49 06921995520
Hohe Bleichen 17
Tel. +49 40 35018525
Maximilianstraße 10
Tel. +49 89 24215265
Sylt (Kampen)
Strönwai 3
Tel. +49 46 518364091
2 Valaoritou Str. Syntagma
Tel. +30 210 7211303
44 Gedimino Prospektas
Tel. +370 52616583
99 P.C. Hooftstraat
Tel. +31 020 6860888
3-5 Burlington Gardens
Tel. +44 20 72874347
159 Sloane Street
Tel. +44 20 77305207
Monaco (Monte Carlo)
17 Avenue des Spélugues
C.C. Le Métropole, Locaux 134/135
Tel. +377 97773267
Dorobantilor Street No. 198 1st Dist.
Tel. +4 0 21 2311012
11 Stoleshnikov Pereulok
Tel. +7 495 7856179
3 Krasnaya Ploshchad
Tel. +7 495 6203454
48 Kutuzovsky Prospekt
Tel. +7 495 9372386
MKAD (Moscow Ring Road) 66th km
Tel. +7 495 6469815
Saint Petersburg
19/8 Bolshaya Konyushennaya
Tel. +7 812 3152056
74 Sakko i Vantsetti str.
Tel. +7 343 215 60 41
Paseig de Gracia 68
Tel. +34 932721043
Calle de Lagasca 25
Tel. +34 91 1151109
Puerto Banús (Marbella)
Calle de Ribera 10
Tel. +34 952 815448
Palma de Mallorca
Avenida Jaime III 4
Tel. +34 971 712043
Marina Botafoch - n.321
Tel. +34 971 191472
6 Rue Robert-Céard
Tel. +41 22 3101209
Bahnhofstrasse 36
Tel. +41 43 4973530
Via Nassa 29
Tel. +41 0 91 9226784
St. Moritz
Via Maistra 4
Tel. +41 81 8337300
28 Untergstaadstrasse
Tel. +41 33 7445083
Crans Montana
10 Rue du Prado
Tel. +41 27 4818112
İstinyepark Alışveriş Merkezi Pınar Mah İstinye
Bayırı Cad Mağaza No. 464 İstinye-Sarıyer
Tel. +90 212 335 67 05
4 Basseynaya Str.
Tel. +380 44 4597373
11 Basseynaya Str.
Tel. +380 44 2464692
28 Serghey Varlamov Str.
Tel. +380 48 7480791
New York City
683 Madison Avenue
Tel. +1 212 8130900
New York City
379 Bleecker Street
Tel. +1 212 6279202
New York City
Soho, 134 Greene Street
Tel. +1 212 334 1010
East Hampton
39 Newtown Lane
Tel. +1 631 3243400
2080 Northern Boulevard
Tel. +1 516 6273566
Beverly Hills
220 North Rodeo Drive
Tel. +1 310 7248118
Costa Mesa
3333 Bristol Str. South Coast Plaza
Tel. +1 714 9576930
San Francisco
116 Grant Avenue
Tel. +1 415 982 1200
Bal Harbour - Miami
9700 Collins Avenue, B. H. Shops
Tel. +1 305 8644833
939a North Rush Street
Tel. +1 312 2666000
Las Vegas
3720 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Tel. +1 702 5277766
508 East Cooper St.
Tel. +1 970 5440600
46 Highland Park Village
Tel. +1 214 520 9500
3065 Peachtree Road NE
Space # B217
Tel. +1 404 467 4080
Ala Moana
1450 Ala Moana Blvd., Space 2044
Tel. +1 808 949 3680
Buenos Aires
Libertad 1362
Tel. +54 114 8151404
Mexico City
Presidente Mazaryk 440
Distrito Federal
Tel. +52 55 52816469
São Paulo
Shopping Cidade Jardim
Av. Magalhaes de Castro 12000
Tel. +55 11 31989387
Calle Miguel Dasso No. 101
6-4-14 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku
Tel. +81 3 5467 5155
Tamagawa Takashimaya West Bldg. 1F
3-17-1, Tamagawa, Setagaya-ku
Tel. +81 3 3700 5680
Block 31, 31-1, Akashi-cho, Chuo-ku
Tel. +81 78 3918388
Shin Kong Place, Shop D4028, No. 87
Jianguo Road, Chaoyang Distr.
Tel. + 86 010-65307210
Charter Shopping Center No. 69
Fuxing road, 1C-003-004, Haiding Distr.
Tel. +86 010 88199211
Charter Shopping Centre, Shop C1117
No. 1255 Chongqing Road
Chaoyang Distr.
Tel. +86 0431 88483306
Maison Mode
Women - Shop 104
Men - Shop 201
No. 56, Section 2, Renmin South Road
Jinjiang Distr.
Tel. +86 28 86207029
Time Square Mall, Shop k203, 50 Remin Road
Zhongshan Distr.
Tel. +86 411 88079909
Charter Shopping Centre, Shop 1131
No. 106 Anlong Street
Daoli Distr.
Tel. +86 451 87736987
Deji Plaza, Shop L230, No. 18
Zhongshan Road, L230, Xuanwu Distr.
Tel. +86 025 84763396
Shanghai Centre, Shop A05
No. 1376 West Nanjing Road, Jing’an Distr.
Tel. +86 21 6289 8008
yifeng Mansion, Shop L106
No. 77 East Beijing Road, huangpu distr.
Tel. +86 021 20280278
MixC Centre, Shop 126
No. 288 Qin Nian Street, heping distr.
Tel. +86 24 31379577
Charter Shopping Centre
Shop 1109-2, No. 7-1 Beijing Street
Shenhe distr.
Tel. +86 24 22795562
galaxy Mall, Shop L1-028 No. 9
Le yuan Road, hexi distr.
Tel. +86 022 8388735
Zhongda International Center No. 30
Nan da street, A212 Beilin distr.
Tel. +86 029 87203346
Hong Kong
IFC Mall, Shop 2071, Podium Level 2
No. 8 Finance Street, Central hong Kong
Tel. +852 2311 3068
Hong Kong
Ocean Centre, Shop 115 harbour City
Tsim Sha Tsui Kowloon
Tel. +852 2736 3588
Hong Kong
New World Tower, Shop 18A
16-18 Queen’s Road Central
Tel. +852 2866 6783
290 Orchard Road, No. 01-17/18, Paragon
79-16, Cheongdam dong
Tel. + 82 2 3448 2931
B2, No. 3, Lane 39, Sec. 2,
Chung Shan N.Rd, Zhongshan distr.
Tel. +886 2 2521 6116
2F, No. 28, Songren Rd, Xinyi Distr.
Tel. +886 2 8786 9119
Taichung City
No. 251, Sec. 3, Taiwan Blvd., Xitun Dist.
Tel. +886 4 2254 4055
63 Lý Thái Tổ Street, Tràng Tiền Ward
Hoàn Kiếm District
Tel. +84 439392530 - 439392539
Jw Marriott Absheron
91 Neftchilar Avenue
Tel. +994 773105555
Al-Farabi Avenue 140a, TC “Villa”
Tel. +7 7273153050
The Gate Mall
63 Maysaloun Street
No. 860 p.o. box 121
Tel. +974 4 4077 179
Olaya, Tahliya Street
Centria Mall, Ground Floor
Store No. GS2411672
Tel. +966 11 4666331
64 Queen Street Woollahra
New South Wales
Tel. +61 2 93638833
19-29 Martin Place
New South Wales
Tel. +61 2 92233
Special thanks go to İsmail Hakkı Demir,
a Turkish photographer whose photo captured the essence of an original ritual
where man and nature are truly joined together
Artistic Direction
Ciro Falavigna
Alistair Taylor-Young
Cover and Back Cover
Man milking goats and frieze, details of floor mosaic, 6th century
Imperial Palace, Istanbul © 2015. Photo Scala, Florence
We wish to thank Cariaggi, our esteemed cashmere supplier
We also thank everyone who contributed to this book
No part of this publication can be reproduced by any means, also electronic, without specific authorization
from the owners of the copyrights or from Brunello Cucinelli S.p.A.
Holders of rights to any unidentified photographic sources should contact the publisher
Printed in May 2015
Printed in Italy
Brunello Cucinelli S.p.A. Solomeo di Corciano (Perugia) – Italy – Tel. +39 075 697071 Fax +39 075 6970700
Press Office Milan Tel. +39 02 34933478 – Press Office Solomeo Tel. +39 075 6970748 cucinelli@brunellocucinelli.it

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