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International Journal of ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING and CONSTRUCTION Editor-in-Chief Xueqing Zhang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong Architecture, Engineering and Construction Editorial Advisory Board Simaan M. AbouRizk University of Alberta, Canada Bryan T. 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ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING and CONSTRUCTION International Journal of ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING and CONSTRUCTION Architecture, Engineering and Construction Volume 5, Number 1 Research Papers Managing Editor Shuibo Zhang Tianjin University China Assistant Editors Yashuai Li 1 Integrating AHP-Fuzzy Model for Assessing Construction Organizations’ Performance Emad Elwakil 13 Performance Evaluation of Vertical Gardens Ratih Widiastuti, Eddy Prianto and Wahyu Setia Budi 21 Modeling Infrastructure Bridges Maintenance Work Zones Mohamed Marzouk and Kouzal El Banna 29 Organizational Competencies and Project Performance Tool (OCPPT©): Evaluating Construction Project Competencies and Performance Moataz Nabil Omar and Aminah Robinson Fayek 44 Investigating and Ranking Labor Productivity Factors in the Egyptian Construction Industry Michael Gerges, Ograbe Ahiakwo, Georgios Kapogiannis, Messaoud Saidani and Danah Saraireh 53 Compensation Mechanism for Early Termination of Highway BOT Projects Based on ARIMA Model Song Jinbo, Yanan Fu and Ousseni Bagaya Beihang University, China Marie Noel Bernal International Association for Sustainable Development and Management Canada March 2016 International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction Vol 5, No 1, March 2016, 1-12 Integrating AHP-Fuzzy Model for Assessing Construction Organizations’ Performance Emad Elwakil∗ School of Construction Management, Purdue University, 433 Knoy Hall of Technology, 401 N. Grant Street, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, 47907 Abstract: Organizations performance assessment is a critical aspect in today’s project management research. Construction organizations face difficulties in performance assessment, stemming from the uncertain, fragmented, and unique nature of construction industry. Most of the research neglected the different perspectives of construction organizations’ functional units when assessing their performance. Therefore, the goal of this research is to design a comprehensive performance assessment model through identifying and ranking a set of critical success factors (CSFs). Four assessment models are developed to reflect the different perspectives of four functional units in construction organizations. Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Expert System are used for data analysis and models development. The research findings indicate that the CSFs factors in construction organizations have different priorities and weights according to different functional units. The validation results range from 84% to 93%. Overall, performance assessment models will benefit organizations in assessing performance according to the perspectives of different individuals. Keywords: Organizational performance, performance assessment models, organizational functional units, analytical hierarchy process, hierarchical fuzzy expert system DOI: 10.7492/IJAEC.2016.001 1 INTRODUCTION tation technique, using the relative importance index approach to rank the classified categories based on their perceived importance. Babatunde et al. (2016) used the critical success factors (CSFs) to develop a process maturity and determine the current maturity levels of stakeholder organizations in public-private partnership (PPP). The study found that the maturity of CSFs made PPP projects successful. Wibowo and Alfen (2015) identified 30 government-led critical success factors (CSFs) from both the meso and micro levels in public-private partnership (PPP) infrastructure development, measured the importance of these factors, and evaluated the government performance within the Indonesian context. Dang and Le-Hoai (2016) used the critical success factors (CSFs) to identify the correlation between critical success factors (CSFs) and Design-Build projects’ performance measured by key performance indicators (KPIs). Nilashi et al. (2015) highlighted the importance levels of interdependency among the CSFs which has rarely been explored in the prior studies. In this study, most influential factors in successfully completing construction projects are used to develop a new integrated model, multi-criteria construction projects CSF model. Organizational performance is the main driver for success and profit, thus, making performance assessment a necessity to any organization. Moreover, performance assessment of construction organizations is more challenging due to the complex, fragmented nature of construction organizations (Abraham 2002). The factors that affect organizations’ performance must be fully understood to achieve success (Kaplan and Norton 1995), as well as diversity in the perception of success factors between different functional units within the same organization. A Critical Success Factors (CSFs) evaluation has been found to be the most appropriate methodology to assess and evaluate the organization’s performance in order to achieve its main goal of developing a comprehensive monitoring system that contains corporate-wide indicators of success (Holohan 1992; Radwan et al. 2015; Rathore et al. 2015; Radwan and Elwakil 2015). Tsiga et al. (2016) identified 58 success factors that were then classified into 11 groups. These factors were then tested within the space industry using an elici*Corresponding author. Email: 1 Elwakil/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 1-12 Many research efforts have been done to determine success factors in construction organizations. However, most of the conducted research only focuses on the construction project level rather than the organizational level (Barakat et al. 2015). Nevertheless, there are various methods and approaches to determine the key success factors of organizations. The most commonly used approach is the utilization of questionnaires and interviews with technical personnel and industry professionals. Overall, the need for determining success factors has increased as it can be an indicator for organizational performance and also can be used to assess and improve performance. The goal of this study is to understand the differences between different functional units’ perspectives in construction organizations and how the functional units’ perception affects the construction organizations’ performance through the following objectives: quantitative modeling techniques to obtain more firm results. (Rockart 1978) identified critical success factors as critical areas where high performance is important, as these factors decide the success of an organization. In addition, CSFs are the actual steps taken to succeed. Special attention and concern should normally be given to these areas, as these areas can decide the present and the future success of an organization based on its performance (Boynton and Zmud 1984). For the purpose of this research, eighteen critical success factors were identified as the factors that impact construction organizations’ success. Elwakil et al. (2009), Zayed et al. (2012) classified these factors as the following: 1. Administrative and legal factors include the subfactors: clear vision, mission and goals, competition strategy, organizational structure, political conditions, and number of full time employees; 1. Identify and study the key success factors for the construction industry at the organizational level; 2. Technical factors include the sub-factors: usage of international aspects, the availability of knowledge, usage of knowledge, business experience (number of years), and product maintenance; 2. Analyze and determine the weights and impact of critical success factors perceived by functional units on the organizational performance; 3. Build functional units based assessment models for construction organizations’ performance; 3. Management factors include the sub-factors: employee culture, environment, employee compensation and motivation, applying total quality management, and training; 4. Validate the developed models. 2 BACKGROUND 4. Market and finance factors include the subfactors: quick liquid assets, feedback evaluation, research and development, and market conditions/customer engagement. Success definitions have evolved over the past decade in the construction industry; and, it is mostly defined as the overall achievement of the organization’s goals and expectations. However, success can be assessed differently from one individual to another according to their perspectives. Elwakil et al. (2009) identified eighteen significant success factors for the performance assessment of construction organizations. A regression model based on critical success factors was developed to assess construction organizations’ performance. The obtained data were analyzed using a back propagation model of artificial neural networks (ANN), which was used to determine the significance of various success factors. Zayed et al. (2012) identified nine critical success factors as the most significant to develop an assessment model for organizational performance. Artificial neural network (ANN) model was used to assess the most significant success factors, as ANN provided the contributing weight of each factor after the completion of the training process. However, there has been a lack of research on the assessment of construction organization performance based on the different functional units’ perspectives. The available research failed to consider how the different units perceive the success factors differently and thus can affect the performance assessment. Also, the previous research did not consider the integration of different qualitative and 3 ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP) Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a multi-criteria decision making method (Goepel 2013). It is a theory of quantifying intangible factors that affect the decision making process (Zayed and Halpin 2004). It is also a non-complicated technique that attempts to simulate the human decision making process (Saaty 2008). Furthermore, AHP mainly works through a sequence of pairwise comparisons between the factors that influence the decision making process (Al-Barqawi and Zayed, 2008). The of significance AHP stems from its ability to quantify and compare the subjective or qualitative variables (Goepel 2013). In the construction industry, it is very difficult to subjectively evaluate the performance of workers or the effect of certain variations on the organizational performance. Therefore, a need for a method that converts subjective opinions of qualitative numbers is a necessity. AHP has been implemented in many different research fields. Al-Harbi (2001) applied AHP as a decision making tool for project managers. It also has been 2 Elwakil/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 1-12 utilized in the selection process of contractors for speas follows: cific projects based on qualification criteria (i.e. experiCI = (λmax − d)/(d − 1) (1) ence, financial stability, quality, resources, and equipwhere λmax is the maximum eigenvector and d is ment). For instance, Korpela and Tuominen (1996) the matrix dimensions. presented an integrated approach to the site selection process of a warehouse. The study considered both 6. Consistency ratio (CR) is then calculated as folquantitative and qualitative aspects in the selection lows: process. Also, Zhao et al. (2004) applied AHP techCR = CI/RI (2) niques to simulate and evaluate the relative weighting where CI is the consistency index and RI is the of the fire safety attributes of buildings. random index, which is the average C.I. of sets of A great feature of AHP is its flexibility to be intejudgments (from a 1 to 9 scale) for randomly gengrated with different modeling techniques like multiple erated reciprocal matrices, to indicate whether linear regression, fuzzy logic, artificial neural network, the estimates are closer to being consistent or to etc. These techniques enable researchers to extract being randomly assigned. According to (Saaty benefits from all of the combined methods, and, hence, 1990), if the CR is more than 10%, then the reachieve the ultimate goal in a more comprehensive way. sults are inconsistent. Thus, the values should be Three main principles form the basis of solving a changed until CR is verified; problem: 1) developing the hierarchies; 2) setting the priorities; 3) ensuring logical consistency within the factors. To develop an AHP model, however, six steps 4 FUZZY EXPERT SYSTEMS are required (Al Khalil 2002; Vaidya and Kumar 2006; Saaty 1990; Saaty 2008): Zadeh (1965) introduced fuzzy logic as a powerful modeling technique that can be used to understand the 1. Identify the problem to be solved or the purpose uncertainty of human thinking. Fuzzy techniques have of the model; been widely utilized in several research studies over the 2. Identify the criteria that influence the behavior past decade, and they have the ability to virtually conof the factors that contribute to problem solving; nect humans to computers through analyzing linguistic inputs to stem numerical outputs (Chan et al. 2009). 3. Assign the relative weights of the factors and subTraditionally, a set of inputs has sharp, crisp boundfactors in each category using pairwise compararies, where elements are either in or out of a set, and isons between each pair in the same hierarchy. the ranking of a membership of a variable is either zero This requires an (n-1)/2 comparisons, where n or one (Nguyen 1985). However, in the real world, inis the number of factors with the consideration formation is mainly ambiguous and incomplete. Therethat diagonal elements are equal to “1” and the fore, fuzzy logic comes in hand as elements are allowed other elements will simply be the reciprocals of to have partial memberships ranging from zero to one the earlier comparisons. A comparison matrix is (i.e. 0 is no membership and 1 is full membership) developed as follows: (Fayek and Sun 2001). 1 x y Recently, the fuzzy approach has become popular 1 z Factor Comparison =1/x among construction management researchers as fuzzy 1/y 1/z 1 logic theory has enabled the handling of complex probwhere x, y, and z are numbers (integers or nonlems in real world systems, which are mainly defined integers); through linguistic statements. The popularity of fuzzy 4. Perform calculations for consistency check, if the expert systems is summarized as follows: 1) the knowldeveloped matrix is consistent, then the weight edge based systems can summarize the human expervector for all of the qualitative factors will be cal- ts’ experiences; 2) the fuzzy linguistic descriptors are culated by elevating the matrix to different pow- most commonly used by humans, which are inexact ers and normalizing the matrix (i.e. converting and qualitative; 3) these systems can deal with inexact the summation of each column to be one) at these figures and numbers; 4) they provide reasonable decipowers. The produced normalized column is the sions even if the input knowledge is incomplete; and, 5) eigenvector. This process is repeated until the educated assumptions can be used to complete the lack eigenvector solutions are not changed from the of knowledge in some cases. Chan et al. (2009) catprevious iteration (i.e. up to four decimal places egorized the application related to construction man0.0001). If the matrix is not consistent, it has to agement using fuzzy logic research into four categories: be returned to the expert to adjust the response decision making, e.g. (Kazaz et al. 2014; Lin and Chen and to be consistent with the values. Once it is 2004); performance assessment, e.g. (Fayek and Oduba consistent, step three is repeated. 2005; Zhang et al. 2004); evaluation and assessment, 5. Consistency Index or eigenvalue (CI) is the calcu- e.g. (Zayed 2005) and modeling, e.g. (Okoroh and lated value used to check the matrix consistency Torrance 1999). 3 Elwakil/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 1-12 5 INTEGRATING AHP WITH FUZZY EXPERT SYSTEMS 4. Apply Hierarchical Fuzzy Expert System (HFES) after selecting the most significant CSFs to the different functional units to build the assessment model; 5. Develop a performance scale to assess the organizational performance based on the perspectives of the functional units and how they perceive the CSFs. The AHP is selected because it is a knowledge-based oriented technique that requires the experts’ opinions to accommodate the success in assessing organizational performance; 6. The models are tested and verified in order to check their robustness in assessing the performance of a construction organization. The different models are validated by applying the models on actual data and by checking the consistency of the output. Yang and Chen (2004) illustrated that AHP creates and deals with a much undetermined scale of judgment. Furthermore, AHP does not take into account the uncertainty associated with the mapping of human judgment to a number of natural language. Some drawbacks of using AHP solely are that the ranking of the AHP method is rather imprecise and that the subjective judgment of perception, evaluation, and selection based on the preference of decision-makers greatly influence the AHP analysis results. To overcome these problems, several researchers integrate fuzzy logic with AHP to improve the uncertainty. Moreover, numerous input variables complicate the fuzzy model development as it accordingly increases the number of fuzzy rules (Kazaz et al. 2014). If the number of factors is high, the model development would be infeasible as the number of fuzzy rules increases exponentially. In a research study conducted at Purdue University in 1995, Ersoz (1995) integrated AHP and fuzzy logic for productivity estimation; the study introduced a new assessment approach which considered the subjective factors that influence productivity. Another study, conducted by Zayed (2005), integrated the AHP and fuzzy logic methods to develop a productivity index model for piling process. 6 METHODOLOGY The goal of this research is to develop and validate a model for organizations’ performance assessment based on the perceived value of the different functional units within the organization. This goal will be accomplished through fulfilling the following objectives. Figure 1 shows a graphical representation of the methodology. 1. Review the existing literature and previously developed models in order to identify the critical success factors in construction organizations; Figure 1. Methodology development 2. Consult experts to determine the weight of the factors that contribute most to the organizational performance through the opinion of experts in the construction industry. Also, identify the impact of each factor on the overall organization performance; 7 DATA COLLECTION A number of critical success factors (CSFs) were identified based on experts’ opinions and experiences. Four main factors were identified as the main categories to be included in the models (i.e. administration and legal, technical, management, and market and finance). Eighteen sub-factors were included in the AHP models, but this number will be reduced in the fuzzy model afterwards based on the significance of the factors to the functional units. The idea is to identify the different perspectives of each functional unit within the organization. Data collection involved two main stages: 1) pairwise comparisons of the main factors and sub-factors 3. Develop a performance assessment model for the four different functional units in the organizations based on the CSFs using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Hierarchical Fuzzy Expert System (HFES). The AHP will be applied using the data collected from the experts and the pairwise comparisons. AHP will be used to determine the weights of the factors and to select the most significant factors to the four functional units’ models; 4 Elwakil/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 1-12 and 2) identifying the impact of each factor in the performance of the organization. A questionnaire was administered to different functional units in construction organizations to reflect their experience and the company performance from their perspectives. One hundred fifty (150) questionnaires were sent to basic functional units in construction organizations worldwide (i.e. Canada, Egypt, France, Greece, Germany, USA, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates). The returned surveys from the different respondent groups are shown in Table 1. for the main factors and sub-factors. Using pairwise comparisons allows the individuals to express the relative importance of one factor over another. AHP analysis is applied to determine the factors weight (Wi ) and sub-factors weight (SWij ) of each factor based on the individuals’ input. Consistency of the pairwise comparison matrices is tested using Equations 1 and 2 above. The CR values are all less than 10 percent, which is the acceptable range (Saaty 2008). All of the matrices that were received from experts are consistent. This step is repeated for all of the respondents in each of the four assessment models. Step 3 - Aggregated priority weights: Priority 8 ORGANIZATIONS’ PERFORMANCE weights aggregation follows the consistency analysis. ASSESSMENT MODEL Where the aggregated weight of each sub-factor is calThe AHP model is designed to identify the weights of culated by multiplying the sub-factor weight (SWij ) the CSFs as perceived by the functional units. The by the corresponding main factor weight (Wi ) of the significant CSFs are identified for each model and then same category. Accordingly, priority can be established the HFES model is designed to assess the performance based on the overall weight using Equation 3 as follows: of the construction organizations from the perspectives ASWij = Wi × SWij (3) of four different functional units (i.e. directors, senior engineers, project managers, and cost engineers). Where ASWij is the aggregated weight of the subfactor, (Wi ) is the weight of the main factor, and 8.1 CSFs Determination (AHP Model) (SWij ) is the weight of sub-factor j in the ith factor. There are several methods to assess the significance Table 2 shows the results of the aggregation process of independent factors affecting the performance of a based on the average values of the collected matrices of dependent criterion. In this research, AHP method the directors, senior engineers, project managers, and is used to assess the most significant success factors cost engineers functional units’ models. because the AHP method provides the contributing Step 4 CSFs selection: The significant CSFs are seweight of each factor after completing the model trainlected based on their average ASWij %, as the selecting process. Therefore, in the following sub-sections, ed CSFs are equal to or above the average of the total details regarding these contributing weights are preweights of the factors of their corresponding functional sented. The following steps are a guide for training the unit. Table 2 shows the selected CSFs marked with a AHP model (Al-Barqawi and Zayed 2006). bullet. Nine CSFs are identified for each model, exceStep 1 - Setting up the factors hierarchy: The factors pt for the senior engineer’s model where ten CSFs are that affect the organization’s performance are divided found to be above the average. The factors that are not into three main levels as shown in Figure 2. Level one selected are illuminated from the fuzzy model and not represents the main objective of the factors (i.e. assessconsidered in the assessment process. It is clear from ment of organization’s performance). Level two repreTable 2 that the administrative and legal category is sents the four main factors (i.e. administration & legal, totally illuminated from the senior engineers’ model actechnical, management, and market & finance). While level three represents the AHP model, sub-factors, or cording to the weights of the sub-factors. This proves the overall eighteen critical success factors (e.g. organi- the robustness of the AHP model, as engineers normalzational structure, employee culture, environment, and ly tend to focus more on the other factors rather than business experience). This step is identical in the four administration. functional units’ models. Figure 3 shows the relative importance of the subStep 2 - Assigning priorities, establishing a priority factors in each model. Where 18 represents the highest vector (eigenvector), and response consistency analy- ranking and the most important factor to the functionsis: In this step, the functional units’ individuals and al unit, while 1 represents the lowest ranking and the industry experts provide pairwise comparison matrices least important factor to the functional units. Table 1. Survey return data Directors Number of responses Response rate, proportion (%) Total 12 19% Functional unit Senior Project engineers managers 20 21 32% 33% 5 Country of origin Cost engineers 10 16% 63 Egypt Canada Other 31 49% 21 33% 11 18% Elwakil/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 1-12 Figure 2. Hierarchy of the AHP model Table 2. Aggregation process for CSFs Administrative & Legal Technical Management Market & Finance Success factors Directors X1: Clear Vision, Mission, and Goals X2: Competition Strategy X3: Organizational Structure X4: Political Conditions X5: Number of Full Time employees X6: Usage of International Aspects (ISO) X7: Availability of Knowledge X8: Usage of IT X9: Business Experience (No. of years) X10: Product Maintenance X11: Employee Culture Environment X12: Employee Compensation and Motivation X13: Applying Total Quality Management X14: Technical Training X15: Quick Liquid Assets X16: Feedback Evaluation X17: Research and Development X18: Market Conditions/Customer Engagement ASWij % 6.28% • 6.14% • 5.68% • 5.16% 5.01% 4.29% 6.3% • 5.81% • 6.43% • 5.02% 5.42% 5.74% • 5.25% 5.32% 5.55% • 5.39% 5.26% 5.96% • Selected CSFs Senior Project engineers managers ASWij % ASWij % 4.96% 6.48% • 4.47% 6.11% • 4.61% 5.95% • 4.10% 5.08% 3.81% 4.94% 4.36% 4.36% 5.63% • 6.06% • 5.76% • 5.86% • 6.03% • 6.17% • 5.29% • 5.16% 5.06% 5.29% 6.01% • 5.75% • 5.19% • 5.06% 6.16% • 5.78% • 5.71% • 5.43% 5.38% • 5.49% 4.71% 4.98% 6.14% • 6.04% • Note: • means “above average aggregated weights” Figure 3. Ranking of the CSFs among the functional units 6 Cost engineers ASWij % 6.54% • 6.02% • 5.86% • 5.39% 5.02% 4.38% 6.06% • 5.71% • 6.43% • 5.38% 5.35% 5.76% • 4.97% 5.54% 5.58% • 5.23% 4.85% 5.95% • Elwakil/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 1-12 8.2 Model Implementation (HFES) resented by those shapes. The factors were evaluated on a 0-10 scale and assigned a number of membership functions (MFs) ranging from five to two MFs. In this study, only a representation of membership functions was presented. Figure 5 shows an illustration of the “clear mission, vision, and goals” factors membership functions used in this study. The hierarchical fuzzy expert model (HFES) consists of four main sub-models with the exception of the senior engineers’ model which contains only three submodels. These models are correspondent to the four categories of the critical success factors. Finally, the last sub-model combines the results of the later four sub-models in order to generate the organization performance assessment. The crisp defuzzified results of the four sub-models (i.e. administrative & legal, technical, management, and market & finance) are combined together through the organization performance model. This process is done for the four functional units separately, as the result would be four different performance assessment models. Figure 4 explains the full view of one of the fuzzy models in this study (i.e. directors’ model). Figure 5. Clear mission, vision, and goals membership function Step 2 - Input Variables: Numerous input variables complicate the fuzzy model development as it accordingly increases the number of fuzzy rules (Kazaz et al. 2014). If all of the eighteen factors were considered in one fuzzy expert system model, the model development would be infeasible as the number of fuzzy rules increases exponentially. If a complete rule base was created for a fuzzy expert system with eighteen input variables and each variable had three membership functions, the number of rules required would be 318 (approximately four billion rules). This reasoning supported the use of the AHP technique in order to reduce the number of fuzzy and criteria. As a result, the largest number of rules was 27 rules in the sub-models. Table 3 shows the input variables and their corresponding linguistic variables and the numerical scale used for the directors’ model. Step 3 - Output Variables: The construction organization performance assessment was the main goal of this research. Moreover, the membership function of the output included five fuzzy linguistic descriptors (i.e. poor, fair, good, very good, and excellent) and the performance was ranked out of 100 to increase the sensibility. The scale shown in Figure 6 displays the scale used to compare the fuzzy numbers. Because the model was developed for performance assessment, the fuzzy sets were dependent, and there was an intersection between the sets and a sequential increase and decrease of them. Hence the center of sums defuzzification method was used in this research. Figure 7 shows the output variable membership function. Figure 4. Full view of the directors fuzzy model in this study Step 1 - Membership Functions Determination: On the questionnaire, industry experts were asked to select a range of numerical values that corresponded with the linguistic states of both input and output factors in order to construct the initial membership functions. The ranges, shapes, and values of the membership functions for each variable were designed according to the information from the literature, as well as average respondents’ values. There are many forms of membership functions, such as triangular, trapezoidal, bellcurved, and sigmoidal functions. The factors’ membership functions are used to convert the crisp input data (e.g. number of employees, years of experience, and usage of technical aspects) into fuzzy numbers. Because this study focused on the qualitative aspects of the factors, only triangular and bell-curved shapes were used, hence most membership functions were accurately rep- Figure 6. Proposed performance assessment scale 7 Elwakil/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 1-12 Equivalent impact = P (f uzzy set × weight) of each f actor P × 10 (4) f actor weights Organization P erf ormance Assessment M odel (7.5 × 34.67) + (5 × 34.05) + (9.72 × 31.28) × 10 (34.67 + 34.05 + 31.28) = 73.4 (5) = Figure 7. Organization performance membership function The crisp value from Equation 5 is then compared to the performance scale in Figure 7 to identify the linguistic term of the category. Step 5 - Consequent Aggregation: Similar procedures were established for the rest of the sub-models to finally aggregate the consequences of all of the factors and to generate the final model for assessing the organizational performance. The same concept applied to the four functional units’ models. However, due to the selection of different factors based on the perception of the different functional units, the models had different performance rules and ultimately different performance models. This process occurred after evaluating each role in the knowledge base and before the defuzzification process. The output linguistic variable was aggregated using a maximum mathematical operation as in Equation 6. During this process, the maximum membership value of any membership function is used to abbreviate the membership function for later ease of use in the defuzzification process (Fares and Zayed 2010). Step 4 - Fuzzy Rules: The last step of the model development is to establish the rules. Fuzzy rules are the conditions of the model. The rules show the correlation between the input and output variables. The number of fuzzy rules in each model is dependent on the number of factors and the number of membership functions (i.e. fuzzy sets). The rules consist of fuzzy prerequisites or antecedents and fuzzy conclusions or consequences. For example, in the directors’ model: If the Clear Vision, Mission & Goals is very good (7.5); And the competition Strategy is moderate (5); And the organizational structure is very good (9.72); Then the Administrative & Legal aspect of this organization is very good (73.4). The words in bold are a description of the factors as assigned by the experts. The numbers in parentheses are the assigned crisp value (numerical value) from the survey. µR (x1 , x2 , x3 , ..., xn , y) The sub-model equivalent impact (i.e. fuzzy numbers) shown in the previous example above can be calculated by simply calculating the total number of fuzzy sets multiplied by the weight of each factor then divided by the sum of all factor weights in this sub-model as shown in Equations 4 and 5. It is important to highlight that the differences between the four functional unit models will stem from the different input factors selected from the AHP model. Also, the weights of factors will be different, as each functional unit perceives the factors differently. N = Vj=1 [µR j(x1 , x2 , x3 , ..., xn , y)] where V represents the maximum operation and R represents each of the membership functions of the output (i.e. poor, fair, good, very good, and excellent). This operation is also applied to each of the sub-models (i.e. administrative & legal, management, technical, and market & finance). Step 6 - Fuzzy Models Defuzzification: Converting fuzzy consequents into crisp values can be performed by several defuzzification methods. The center of sum Table 3. Directors’ model input variables Main Performance Factors Administrative & Legal Technical Management Market & Finance (6) Sub-Factor Linguistic Scale Numerical Scale Clear Vision, Mission & Goals X1 Competition Strategy X2 Organizational Structure X3 Availability of Knowledge X7 Usage of IT X8 Business Experience (no. of years) X9 Employee Compensation and Motivation X12 Quick Liquid Assets X15 Market Conditions/Customer Engagement X18 v. Good, moderate, v. Bad v. Good, moderate, v. Bad v. Good, moderate, v. Bad High, moderate, low High, low High, moderate, low High, moderate, low Good, moderate, bad High, moderate, low Poor, fair, good, very good, excellent 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10 Organization Performance 8 1-100 Elwakil/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 1-12 Table 7. Assessment from a cost engineer’s perspective method is utilized in this research. In addition, the center of sum method calculates the center of gravity of each abbreviated membership function then averages their weights by their area as a reference as shown in Equation 7. This method is utilized for its ease to program, and it provides reasonable results. Factors Administration & Legal Technical Management Market & Finance Organization Performance X1, 8 X7, 8 X12, 8 X15, 4 Sub-factors X2, 6 X3, 4 X8, 2 X9, 8 X18, 4 Good Crisp organization perf ormance output = CoA1 area1 + CoA2 area2 + ... + CoAn arean (7) area1 + area2 + ... + arean 10 VALIDATION OF THE DEVELOPED where CoAn , geometric center of the area of the scaled ORGANIZATIONAL membership is a function and arean is the area of the PERFORMANCE MODELS scaled membership function n. The accuracy of each model will be determined separately based on the output performance value with the 9 MODEL IMPLEMENTATION actual value determined by the functional unit. From the collected data, 20 percent of the responses from A sample of construction organization performance as- each functional unit is selected randomly and kept assessment models for the directors, senior engineers, ide to be excluded from the model designing process in project managers, and cost engineers are presented in order to validate the modeled values. All of the modeTable 4-7 respectively. According to the final result ls are logically and practically experimented to ensure of the organizational performance assessment model efficiency in assessing the performance. After building (OPAM), the performance of the organization can be all of the models, the validation dataset is utilized to determined and assessed based on the input from the test the ability of the models to assess the organizadifferent functional units. Assessing performance can tional performance. help organizations identify weaknesses and hence work The utilized criterion for the numerical match of an on developing them. observation is the average percent error (APE) and average accuracy (AC) of a model. If the calculated percentage error is less than or equal to 20%, as this research adopts five MFs for the output variable, each MF represents a range of 20% of the possible values (Fayek and Oduba 2005). Table 4. Assessment from a director’s perspective Factors Administration & Legal Technical Management Market & Finance Organization Performance X1, 8 X7, 8 X12, 8 X15, 4 Sub-factors X2, 6 X3, 4 X8, 2 X9, 8 The percentage of error will be calculated as shown in Equations 8 and 9: X18, 4 Good AP E % = Table 5. Assessment from a senior engineer’s perspective Factors Technical Management Market & Finance Organization Performance X7, 8 X12, 8 X8, 8 X13, 10 X15, 8 X16, 8 Average Accuracy (AC%) = 100 − AP E Sub-factors X9, 4 X10, 8 X14, 8 (8) (9) where APE represents the average percent of error of the model, AC represents the average accuracy percent of the model, V1 is the outcome value, and V2 is the actual value. Table 8 shows a sample of the validation dataset being utilized, as well as the APE and AC for the models. X18, 8 Very good From the table, the accuracy values for the directors, senior engineers, project managers, and cost engineers models are 91.5%, 84%, 90.8%, and 92.5% respectively. These values indicate that the obtained results are satisfactory. When comparing the output validation data from all models, the results show that the cost engineer’s model is closer to the actual data than the other models. Figure 8 graphically shows the difference between the actual and modeled values of the overall organization performance for the four developed models, which shows a very close pattern behavior. Table 6. Assessment from a project manager’s perspective Factors Administration & Legal Technical Management Market & Finance Organization Performance |V 1 − V 2| × 100 (V 1 + V 2)/2 Sub-factors X1, 10 X2, 8 X3, 8 X7, 8 X8, 10 X9, 8 X12, 10 X14, 8 X18, 8 Very good 9 Elwakil/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 1-12 Table 8. Models validation samples Model Directors Senior Engineers Project Managers Cost Engineers Validation cases 26 25 24 24 23 22 48 47 46 52 50 48 Actual performance 85(excellent) 60(good) 85(excellent) 94(excellent) 75(very good) 75(excellent) 90(excellent) 85(excellent) 70(very good) 60(good) 95(excellent) 80(very good) Modeled performance 72(very good) 58(good) 87(excellent) 76(very good) 82(excellent) 78(very good) 91(excellent) 88(excellent) 75(very good) 58(good) 87(excellent) 74(very good) APE 17% 2.5% 9% 20% 9% 3.3% 1.5% 3.4% 7% 2.5% 8.9% 8.1% P APE and P P APE = 8.5% & P AC = 91.5% P APE = 16% & P AC = 84% P APE = 9.2% & P AC = 90.8% P APE = 7.5% & P AC = 92.5% AC Figure 8. Actual performance vs. modeled performance 11 CONCLUSION Construction organization performance is dependent on several success factors. However, there is a lack of research that focuses on assessing construction organization performance based on the different functional units’ perspectives and how they perceive the critical success factors differently. The framework for a performance assessment model was proposed to assess construction organizational performance from the point of view of several functional units. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was utilized to assess the critical success factors (CSFs) based on the input from the industry experts. In addition, AHP was utilized to assign weights to the CSFs as they were perceived from the functional units before building a hierarchical fuzzy expert system (HFES) to assess the organization performance. Also, HFES was utilized to develop four assessment models for the four functional units based on the different perceptions of the factor weights. The developed models were validated by comparing the output to the actual data regarding the organization performance. 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The vertical garden model has been verified with a set of measurement tools that measured weather parameter and thermal performance for both bare and vegetated façades. The measurement demonstrated that the plant layer on the façades can effectively reduce the interior surface temperature on the façades. The average difference was 2.1◦ C. When the outdoor air temperature increased, surface temperature of vegetated façades also increased. The effective thermal resistance of a plant layer gradually decreases when the air temperature rises. It can be concluded that the performance of vertical garden is influenced by the weather around the building. Keywords: Interior surface temperature, thermal reduction, weather condition, vertical garden DOI: 10.7492/IJAEC.2016.002 1 INTRODUCTION mal comfort based on the trees quantity in the outdoor space such as streets, pedestrian or parks. Recently, greenery aspect has spread widely as an arThis research studies about the thermal performance chitectural element to design building façades and ro- of the vertical garden in the office building and the inofs. It becomes more popular along with rapid mod- fluence of weather parameter toward the thermal perernization that changed the existing ecosystems and formance of vertical garden. replacing with hard materials such as asphalt, paving and concrete which resulted temperature increase in every day. Though not a new concept, greenery as- 2 LITERATURE REVIEW pects in the building has increased the percentage of greenery in urban built-up area and bring back the 2.1 What is Vertical Garden vanishing urban green space (Wong et al. 2003). Green wall or vertical garden is the term used to reOne of the most popular greenery systems is vertical fer to all forms of vegetated wall surfaces (Sharp et al. garden. On the market, many kinds of vertical gard- 2008). Vertical garden is not only for building aesthetens are available and it is possible to distinguish them ic, but also provides a sustainable, energy saving, comaccording to their constructive technology and to the fortable and healthy environment for building occupant type of green cover which can be grass or plants. The (Rashid et al. 2010). It is rooted into the ground, on possibility of reducing heat transfer through the build- the wall or in modular panels attached to the façades. ing envelope became a plus point of vertical garden It is also called a system to attach plants to civil en(Holm 1989). gineering structures and walls of buildings or vertical In Indonesia, research related to greenery aspects on greened façades are walls that are either partially or the building as a passive cooling system for energy sav- completely covered with vegetation, and they have exing was so rare. Mostly the research discussed ther- uberant green looks (Yeh 2010). *Corresponding author. Email: 13 Widiastuti et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 13-20 Some plants are able to grow on walls by taking root in the substance of the wall itself. Typical of these are mosses, lichens, grasses and vines. For these to grow successfully on walls and buildings, some kinds of support structure is usually essential (Johnston and Newton 2004). According to growing method, vertical garden can be classified as green façades and living wall system (Dunnett and Kingsbury 2004; Köhler 2008). Green façades are made up of climbing plants either growing directly on a wall or in specially designed supporting structures. The system of plant shoot grows up the side of the building while being rooted to the ground. Green façades use climbing plant attached directly to the building surface or supported by cables or trellis, as seen in Figure 1. Figure 2. Living wall system illustration: (a)planter box system, (b)foam system, (c)mineral wool system 2.2 Thermal Benefits-Temperature Reduction Figure 1. Illustration of green façade On the other hand, living wall systems are constructed from modular panels which contain soil or other artificial growing mediums, for example planter box, foam, felt, geotextile, perlite and mineral wool, as seen in Figure 2, the panels require hydroponic cultures using balanced nutrient solutions to provide all or part of the plant’s food and water requirements (Sharp 2007; Dunnett and Kingsbury 2004). This system usually employs evergreen plants as small shrubs which do not naturally grow vertically. Plants, especially vertical greening systems can protect the building envelope against the sunshine and freezing weather, which is beneficial for the thermal behaviour of the building indoor as well as outdoor. Vertical greening systems improve thermal insulation capacity through external temperature regulation. The extent of the savings depends on various factors such as climate, distance from the sides of buildings, building envelope type and density of plant coverage (Wong et al. 2010; Akbari et al. 1997). Therefore, applying vertical garden can influence both the cooling and heating (Akbari et al. 1997). Vegetation can play an important role in the topoclimate of towns and the micro-climate of buildings (Wong et al. 2010). Despite that, vegetation can dramatically reduce the maximum temperatures of a building by shading walls from the sun, with daily temperature fluctuation being reduced by as much as 50% (Dunnett and Kingsbury 2004). The shading and the corresponding reduction of the temperature, are the reason that climbers commonly used in Mediterranean areas against walls or as a canopy over terraces (Hermy et al., 2005). Plant canopies that shade buildings move the active heat from the building envelope to leave (McPherson et al. 1988). 14 Widiastuti et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 13-20 Another statement by (Akbari et al. 1997), said that cooling energy potential of shade trees by reduction of the local ambient temperature. Irradiance reductions due to plants can reduce energy for space cooling. Vertical garden improves thermal insulation capacity through external temperature regulation (Stec et al. 2005). Since 1996, an observation has been conducted on the surface temperature of vertical garden in different settings at the University of Toronto (Bass et al. 2003). The results have consistently demonstrated that among the materials found in urban areas such as lightcoloured brick, wall and black surface, vertical garden has cooler surface temperature. After that, a new round of testing was conducted comparing a vertical garden with a light-coloured metal surface, which is typically found on roofs to shelter equipment. The purpose was not only to compare the temperature of the two surfaces (metal and leaf) but to also assess the shading potential of a vertical garden. 3 MATERIALS AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Description of Vertical Garden Model In this section the vertical garden will be described in detail, including planting system, irrigation and plant species. The kind of vertical garden used is geotextile system that consists of an aluminum structure, a PVC panel installed on it, and felt layers. The plants are growing in the plant pockets which are always irrigated. They cannot grow indefinitely because of the limited pocket space, this is why it is not appropriate to apply plants with large thick roots. A continuous watering system that functioning automatically is needed. At the top and side of the vertical garden is a flexible pipe for the irrigation. The water flow through the nozzle and the distance between each nozzle is 15 cm. Frequency of water flow depends on the season, weather conditions and local climatology conditions and orientation of the façades. The vertical garden is installed on an external not insulated wall. The material of the wall is the bricks and the thickness is 15 cm included internal and external plaster. The plants used in the vertical garden model are combination of various types of plants. They are Phalaenopsis sp., Dracaena warneckii and some of local climber plants. Detail of the vertical garden model can be seen in Figure 3. The shading effect of vertical greenery systems reduces the energy used for cooling by approximately 23% and 20% the energy used by fans, resulting in an 8% reduction in annual energy consumption (Bass et al. 2003). Because in the fact, more thermal energy flows into the non-shaded walls due to direct exposure to the sun and resulted in higher surface wall temperature (Papadakis et al. 2001). Thermal behavior and effectiveness of vegetation covers with different average absorption of solar radiation and diffusive properties 3.2 Experiment Desription (Takakura et al. 2000). The measurement on the experiment of the perforNevertheless, toward interior thermal comfort, ver- mance of vegetation-covered walls was conducted to tical garden gives an effect of increasing air humidity, validate the vertical garden model. The experiment which is create discomfort for building occupants, es- consisted of measuring the interior façade thermal perpecially in the evening (Widiastuti 2014). formance of a building non-covered and covered with Figure 3. Detail of vertical garden models 15 Widiastuti et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 13-20 plants in the Pertamina office building in Semarang city, Central Java, Indonesia, as seen in Figure 4. One interior area of the façade oriented east, approximately 4 m above the ground, was selected for the measurements of vertical garden performance and other interior area, approximately 10 m above the ground, in the same oriented façade was selected for measurement of bare wall (non covered vegetation), as seen in Figure 5. The interior spaces are non air-conditioned office space. The experiment was conducted during one day in October 6, 2013; from early morning (06:00 am) until evening 18.00 (06:00 pm). The measurements were collected at the 1 hour time intervals. The weather conditions during the experiment are summarized in Table 1. The following parameters were measured as individual points (variables) during the experiment: 1. Outdoor air temperature; 2. Surface temperature of the interior wall behind the bare façade; 3. Surface temperature of the interior wall behind the vegetated façade; 4. Relative humidity; 5. Wind speed near the façade. The indoor-outdoor air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed near the façade were measured 30 cm from the façade using 4 in 1 Environment Tester LM8000. Wind speed measurements were made at a single Figure 4. Location of experiment site, Pertamina branch office building, Semarang Figure 5. Exterior side of field measurement 16 Widiastuti et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 13-20 Table 1. Weather conditions during the experiment Values of weather condition Highest values Average values Lowest values Outdoor air temperature (◦ C) 35.2 33 29.5 point near vegetated façade. The surface temperatures were measured using an infrared-surface thermometer. Instruments are visible in Figure 6. Relative humidity (%) 64.5 62.2 58.2 Wind speed (m/s) 1 0.5 0.3 4 DISCUSSION SURFACE TEMPERATURE AND RESPOND TO WEATHER 4.1 Respond to Relative Humidity When the relative humidity of air is low, plants significantly decreased the rate of evaporation and made temperature increased. Upon the relative humidity is high (at 14.00-18.00), the rate of evaporation from plants greatly increases. Its use heat from the air to evaporate water. Automatically, its will reduce surface temperature (at 14.00-18.00). It can be said that, decrease of interior surface temperature equal to relative humidity. The area of façade covered with vertical garden cools better at higher humidity levels than bare façade, can be seen in the Figure 8. Figure 6. Measurement instruments: (a) infrared surface thermometer, (b) 4 in 1 environment tester LM-8000 4.2 Respond to Outdoor Air Temperature Data collecting was done by two assistants at the same time in every 1 hour. 3.3 Experimental Results and Analysis The experimental day was in sunny condition. Table 2, show the average, maximum and minimum values of the measured thermal properties. Bare and vegetated façade temperature measured can be seen in Figure 7. The average interior surface temperature of the bare façade was 32.7◦ C, while of the vegetated façade was 30.6◦ C. The interior surface temperature of the vegetated façade was always lower than bare façade (mean difference is 2.1◦ C). The peak interior surface temperature of vegetated façade occurred around 15.00 (at 3:00 pm), (32.15◦ C), while the bare façade occurred around 14.00 (at 2:00 pm) (34.8◦ C). This can be explained as thermal lag of the façade, which appears approximately during one hour. Although the thermal lag was short and it was not a focus of this study, it should be noted that the effect of this thermal lag beneficial to reduce cooling loads during peak hours. The interior façade surface temperatures generally increased in response to increasing air temperatures, Figure 9. Even though surface temperature of the bare façade was higher and closely matched with outdoor air temperature, but at higher air temperatures, the façade plant layer was also less effective in cooling the interior façade surface temperature. It can be seen that when outdoor air temperature increase, surface temperature of vegetated façade increase too. Therefore, it can be concluded that the effective thermal resistance of a plant layer gradually decreases when the air temperature rises. 4.3 Respond to Wind Speed Wind can improve the micro-climate and has a specific effect in the building planning. Increasing wind speed aspect made the interior façade surface temperature decreased. It was happened because of heat flux through convection. The faster air movement then the greater heat released (Frick and Suskiyatno 2007). Though, wind speed was low (average 0.5 m/s), but Table 2. Measured thermal properties of the bare and vegetated façade Measured façade properties Bare wall interior surface temperature (◦ C) Vegetated wall interior surface temperature (◦ C) Difference in interior surface temperatures (◦ C) (bare vs vegetated wall) Temperature difference between outside air temperature and interior surface bare façade (◦ C) Temperature difference between outside air temperature and interior surface vegetated façade (◦ C) 17 Maximum 34.8 32.15 4.4 Average 32.7 30.6 2.1 Minimum 29.9 28.5 0.2 0.5 0.3 0 4.8 2.4 0.3 Widiastuti et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 13-20 Figure 7. Temperature measurement of bare and vegetated façade Figure 8. Temperature measurement of bare and vegetated façade respond to relative humidity Figure 9. Temperature measurement of bare and vegetated façade respond to outdoor air temperature 18 Widiastuti et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 13-20 Figure 10. Temperature measurement of bare and vegetated façade respond to wind speed when the wind speed increased (from 0.4 m/s to 0.8 m/s and from 0.8 m/s to 1.0 m/s), the reduction in interior façade surface temperature between bare and vegetated façade also increased, can be seen in Figure 10. Since wind speed was low, vertical garden layer will act as a buffer that keeps wind from moving along on the building surface. Stagnant air made insulating effect and significantly reduced the amount of heat transfer in the building. As a consequence, these effects made thermal inside the building material reduced and made it cooler. surface temperature of vegetated façade also increased. The effective thermal resistance of a plant layer gradually decreased when the air temperature rose. In other hand, when the wind speed increased, the reduction in interior façade surface temperature between bare and vegetated façade also increased. These effects made thermal inside the building material reduced and made it cooler. It can be concluded that performance of vertical garden influenced by the weather around the building. 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 5 CONCLUSION We gratefully thank PT Pertamina Indonesia, branch office Semarang for giving the licence to conduct this In this research, a field measurement performed the research using vertical garden application in its buildpurpose of studies about performance of thermal re- ing. duction of surface temperature in the interior building façade by applying vertical garden. 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International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction Vol 5, No 1, March 2016, 21-28 Modeling Infrastructure Bridges Maintenance Work Zones Mohamed Marzouk∗ and Kouzal El Banna Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt Abstract: Costs of infrastructure bridges maintenance are attributed to the cost of maintenance and disruptive delays to users. To achieve effectiveness in managing the assets of infrastructure systems, many interdisciplinary tools and concepts are integrated and deployed to achieve lifecycle cost optimization in an effort to achieve sustainable infrastructures. As bridges become older and maintenance costs become higher, governmental authorities responsible for bridges maintenance face challenges with respect to implementation of optimal bridge management programs based on life-cycle cost considerations. This paper presents a model that determines the costs associated with each item of bridges maintenance. The model takes into consideration work zone user costs. It also compares between data in deterministic condition and probabilistic condition using simulation optimization. A comprehensive case study of El-Giza bridge maintenance is presented to demonstrate the practical features of the proposed model. Keywords: Infrastructure bridges, life cycle cost analysis, maintenance costs, optimization DOI: 10.7492/IJAEC.2016.003 1 INTRODUCTION Bridges represent a substantial investment of public funds, and are expected to provide satisfactory performance and remain in service for many years. For new bridges, design specifications typically require 75- or 100- year design life. Bridges deteriorate over time due to several factors including weather (Zhu et al. 2007; Mondal and DeWolf 2007), traffic volume, poor design work, poor quality of construction (Belli et al. 2008). Table (1) lists the factors that influence bridges deterioration as reported by Huang et al. (2010) based on literature (Jiang 1990; Scherer and Glagola 1994; Zhao and Chen 2002; Su 2003). Moreover, even bridges not suffering from any serious deterioration may become obsolete with time because of increases in legal load standards and modifications of bridge design codes. Consequently, as the age of existing bridges increases, more resources need to be allocated for their maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement (ARMY TM 5600/AFJPAM 32-1088 1994). Several research efforts have been made to diagnose bridges’ deterioration using Markov-chain (Scherer and Glagola 1994), fuzzy system (Zhao and Chen 2002), logistic regression analysis (Su 2003). It is worth noting that before conducting any action towards existing bridges deteriorations careful analyses such as an understanding of the symp- toms and the causative problems are essential in the condition assessment of bridge structures. This can be done by site investigations and laboratory tests. Subsequently, life cycle cost analysis is carried out in order to select the most efficient solution for treatment of the bridge. Planning for asset management should take into consideration the overall life cycle costs of providing the service and be prepared to make investment decisions accordingly. Asset management involves several aspects (InfraGuide 2005), including asset value, life cycle management, long-term affordability, risk management and assessment, performance measurement, operational plans, and integration of technical and financial plans. The framework for an asset management plan can be described in terms of seven questions (InfraGuide 2005): *Corresponding author. Email: 21 1. What do you have and where is it? (Inventory) 2. What is it worth? (Costs/replacement rates) 3. What is its condition and expected remaining service life? (Condition and capability analysis) 4. What is the level of service expectation, and what needs to be done? (Capital and operating plans) 5. When do you need to do it? (Capital and operating plans) 6. How much will it cost and what is the acceptable Marzouk and Banna/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 21-28 Table 1. Bridge deterioration factors Criteria General Factors Structural factors Traffic factors Environmental factors Others Factors Bridge age, No. of spans, No. of lanes, Length of bridge, Area/width of deck, Max. span, Skew angle Structural type, Girder type, Girder material, Abutment type, Pavement, Earthquake bracing, Expansion joint, Wing wall, Designed live load Traffic volume Over water or not , Distance from coast, Acid rain, Average yearly rainfall, Average rainy days per year, Soil profile Road level, Climate region level of risk(s)? (Short- and long-term financial Work zones often cause traffic congestion on high volplan) ume roads. As traffic volumes increase so does work 7. How do you ensure long-term affordability? zone-related traffic congestion and so does the public demand for road agencies to decrease both their (Short- and long-term financial plan) number and duration. Negative impacts on road users It is recommended that inspections be made annual- can be minimized by bundling interventions on sevly of all basic structures and more frequently for fend- eral interconnected road sections instead of treating ers and utilities. Additional inspections may be neces- each road section separately. Negative impacts on road sary under certain circumstances, such as a tsunami, users can be quantified in user costs. The optimum earthquakes, and accidents. Bridges can be inspect- work zone is the one that results in the minimum overed following one of the following types (ARMY TM all agency and user costs. The minimization of these 5-600/AFJPAM 32-1088 1994): costs is often the goal of corridor planning. In order to achieve this goal the interventions on each asset type 1. Operator inspection: it consists of examination, (pavement, bridges, tunnels, hardware, etc.) must be lubrication, and minor adjustment performed by bundled into optimum packages. Hajdin and Lindenoperators on a continuous basis. mann (2007) presented a method that enables road 2. Preventative maintenance inspection: is the agencies to determine optimum work zones and interscheduled examination and minor repair of favention packages. The method allows the consideration cilities and systems that would otherwise not be of both budget constraints and distance constraints, subject to inspection (e.g., pier fender systems). including maximum permissible work zone length or 3. Control inspection: is the major scheduled exam- minimum distance between work zones. The matheination of all components and systems on a pe- matical formulation of this optimization problem is a riodic basis to determine and document the con- binary program that can be solved by existing techdition of the bridge and to generate major work niques (i.e., the branch-and-bound method). required. Pavements on two-lane two-way highways are usuRehabilitation of bridges impacts their users in differ- ally resurfaced by closing one lane at a time. Vehient aspects; inconvenience to local business and com- cles then travel in the remaining lane along the work munity, noise and environmental impacts (Mallela and zone, alternating directions within each control cycle. Sadavisam 2011). Work zone road user costs are used Several alternatives can be evaluated, defined by the as economic basis for quantifying these adverse impacts number of closed lanes and fractions of traffic divertwhich can then be used for effective decision-making ed to alternate routes. Chen et al. (2005) presented to improve work zone mobility and safety (Mallela and an algorithm, referred to as SAUASD (Simulated AnSadavisam 2011; Benekohal et al. 2010). This paper nealing for Uniform Alternatives with a Single Detour), presents a model that utilizes simulation optimization to find the best single alternative within a resurfacing to analyze life cycle costs of bridges. The model adop- project. SAMASD is developed to search through posts metaheuristic optimization as an iterative generation sible mixed alternatives and their diverted fractions, process to explore and exploit the search space in an to minimize total cost, further including agency cost effort to reach near optimum solutions. Metaheuristic (resurfacing cost and idling cost) and user cost (user deoptimization combine basic heuristic methods in high- lay cost and accident cost). Thus, traffic management er level frameworks aimed at efficiently and effectively plans are developed with uniform or mixed alternatives exploring a search space (Blum and Roli 2003). The within a two-lane highway resurfacing project. Several model has several features: i) it determines the costs research efforts have been made in highway mainteassociated to each item of bridge maintenance, ii) it nance and lane closures (Wang et al. 2002; Lee 2009; calculates bridge maintenance costs over the service Meng and Weng 2010; Yang et al. 2009; Jiang et al. life of the bridge by determining the NPV for these 2009; Christodoulou et al. 2012). This paper presents costs, iii) it considers work zone user costs, and iv) it a framework that is dedicated for determining the opcompares deterministic condition data against proba- timum length of highway resurfacing work zone with bilistic condition data using simulation optimization. minimum cost. A numerical example is worked out A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the to demonstrate the essential features of the proposed practical features of the proposed model. framework. 22 Marzouk and Banna/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 21-28 2 LIFE CYCLE COST ANALYSIS The life cycle cost (LCC) of an asset is defined as the total cost, in present value or annual value that includes the initial costs, maintenance, repair and renewal (MR&R) costs over the service life or a specified life cycle, whereas, life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is a process for evaluating the total economic worth of a usable project investment by analyzing initial costs and discounted future costs, such as maintenance, use, reconstruction, rehabilitation, restoring, resurfacing, and disposal costs, over the life of the project segment (Rahman and Vanier 2004). LCCA is to estimate the overall costs of treatment methods or options and select the best one that ensures the facility will provide the lowest overall cost of ownership consistent with its quality and function (Humphreys et al. 2007). A probabilistic life cycle costing analysis can be used to obtain a more realistic assessment of the benefits of innovative materials and technologies, whilst giving asset manager a basis to arrive at an acceptable level of risk, taking into account the reliability of proven/traditional solutions weighed against innovative solutions (Humphreys et al. 2007). One technique that has been used to account for the inherent uncertainty that is being widely promoted for incorporation in the evaluation of infrastructure projects specifically in (LCCA) is Monte Carlo Simulation. This technique randomly samples values for the uncertain input parameters according to their pre-constructed probability distributions and records the responses from the model, in the case of the (LCCA) model, for the sampled values. This process is iterated numerous times until the preset convergence criteria are met, after which the recorded system responses are used to construct the probability distribution of the outcome, the NPV as Equation (1). s III and Smith 1998). Each work zone is associated with a different user costs. As such, each work zone should be evaluated separately when characteristics of the work zone or the characteristics of the affected traffic change. Bridge rehabilitation and maintenance activities generally occur at different points in the analysis period with different traffic, and they generally vary in scope and duration. The time that they occur also affects the influence of the discount factor used in developing NPV (Walls III and Smith 1998). Schonfeld and Chien (1999) developed a work zone cost function which includes user delay cost and maintenance cost as per Equation (2). CT = CM + CU (2) Where; CT is total cost per lane-kilometer; CM is maintenance cost per lane-kilometer; and CU is user delay cost per lane-kilometer. The user delay cost consists of the queuing delay costs through work zones. Zone delay cost without any alternate route around the work zone and is calculated based on Equation (3). Cq = 3600 (Z3 + Z4 L)[Q1 ( 3600 H − Q1 ) + Q2 ( H − Q2 )]v V ( 3600 H − Q1 − Q2 ) (3) Where; Cq is queuing delay cost per lane-kilometer; Z3 is setup time; Z4 is average maintenance time per lane-kilometer; L is work zone length; Q1 is hourly flow rate in Direction 1; Q2 is hourly flow rate in Direction 2; H is average headway; V is average work zone speed; v is value of user time; and Z3 + Z4 L represents the total maintenance duration per zone. Equation 3 represents the queuing delay cost due to one-way traffic control, the moving delay cost of the traffic flow Q1 and Q2 , denoted as Cv is the cost increment due to n the work zone. It is calculated based on Equation (4) X Ct after considering the following factors (Marzouk et al. ( 1) NPV = (1 + i)t t=0 2011): Where; N P V = Net Present Value of life cycle costs, 1. The average maintenance duration per kilometer Ct = sum of all relevant costs occurring in year t, n = Z3 L + Z4 length of analyzed period, and i = discount rate. 2. The travel time difference over zone length with the work, VL , and without the work zone, VL0 , and 3 WORK ZONE USER COSTS 3. The value of time, v, thus: Z3 L L Work zone user costs are the increased vehicle operCv = (Q1 + Q2 )( + Z4 )( − )v (4) L V V0 ating cost, delay, and crash costs to highway users resulting from construction, maintenance, or rehabilitation work zones. These costs are function of the timing, duration, frequency, scope, and characteristics of the work zone; the volume and operating characteristics of the traffic affected; and the dollar cost rates assigned to vehicle operating, delay, and crashes. Work Zone is defined as an area of a highway where maintenance and construction operations impact the number of lanes available to traffic or affect the operational characteristics of traffic flowing through the area (Wall- Where; V0 represents the speed on the original road without any work zone. The user delay cost for this solution CU is equal to the sum of queue delay cost Cq and moving delay cost Cv as per Equation (5): CU = Cq + Cv (5) The accident cost incurred by the traffic passing the work zone can be determined from the number of accidents per 100 million vehicle hours multiplied by the C product of the increasing delay ( vq + Cvv ) and the aver- 23 Marzouk and Banna/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 21-28 age cost per accident va . As such, the average accident in longer zones. Since work zones lengths and maincost per lane-kilometer Ca is formulated as per Equa- tenance duration affect maintenance and user cost, it tion (6) (Fouad 2011): is important to determine the tradeoff between main3600 3600 tenance cost and user cost in order to minimize total (Z +Z L)[Q1 ( H −Q1 )+Q2 ( H −Q2 )]v ]na va [ 3 4 V ( 3600 −Q −Q ) cost (Marzouk and Fouad 2014; Fouad 2011). 1 2 H (6) Ca = Maintenance cost usually includes labor cost, equip108 ment cost, material cost and traffic management cost. The maintenance cost per zone is assumed to be The first step in estimating maintenance cost is to deZ1 + Z2 L, where Z1 is fixed setup cost; and Z2 is avtermine construction quantities/unit prices. In this erage maintenance cost per additional lane-kilometer. research, the cost of maintaining cost of length L is The average maintenance cost per lane-kilometer, CM , assumed to be a linear function, of the form CM = is the total maintenance cost per zone divided by the Z + Z L, in which Z represents the fixed cost for set1 2 1 zone length L as per Equation (7). Then, the total cost ting up a work zone and Z is the average additional 2 for this solution as Equation (8): maintenance cost per work zone unit length. The comZ1 + Z2 L Z1 CM = = + Z2 (7) ponents of user cost user delay cost and accident cost. L L The user delay can be classified into queuing delay and moving delay. The user delay cost is determined by CT = CM + CU + Ca (8) multiplying the user delay by the value of user time The developed simulation module captures the se- (Marzouk et al. 2011).The accident cost is related to quence of tasks involved in the resurfacing operation the historical accident rate, delay, work zone configuraand the relationships between these tasks. The proce- tion, and average cost per accident. Optimization varidure of designing and building a simulation model can ables are any entities within studied system, where any change in this entity would seriously affect the observed be summarized as following: optimization functions. Based on interviews with ex1. Break-down the operation into main processes pert engineers and extensive analysis of resurfacing opand tasks. For each task, type of resources (i.e., eration, optimization variables have been determined. materials, labor, and/or equipment) involved in The considered optimization variables are: its execution is identified. 1. Hourly Flow Rate in Direction 1 (Q1 ): Number 2. Indicated each type of tasks, either: Normal or of vehicle in the same direction with work zone. Combi depending on its need of resources. 2. Hourly Flow Rate in Direction 2 (Q2 ): Number 3. Representing the sequence and relationships beof vehicle in opposite direction against work zone. tween tasks by using Arcs to map the network. 3. Average maintenance time per lane-kilometer 4. Add more control logical conditions by created (Z4 ): the required duration for maintenance for control statements, which cannot be modeled useach lane per kilometer. ing normal arcs and tasks. 4. Work zone length (L): the optimum length for 5. Using simulation language to code the simulation work zone that decreases delay in traffic time and network and control statements. decrease accidents. 6. Verify the simulation model and test it. 5. Average work zone speed (V ): speed of vehicle at work zone. 6. Average headway (H): the time of the distance 4 OPTIMIZING WORK ZONE USERS between two vehicles. COSTS The objective of the work zone optimization problem is to minimize the total cost for work zone activities. The objective function for work zone activities can be expressed as per Equation (9): 5 NUMERICAL EXAMPLE In order to demonstrate the use of the proposed simulation optimization model in optimizing bridges rehabilM in CT = CM + CU + Ca (9) itation, an actual project example is considered of ElWhere; CT is total cost, CM is maintenance cost, and Giza Bridge. The Bridge is considered the most imporCU is user cost. tant bridges in El-Giza Governorate-Egypt. The bridge The controllable variable affecting CM include work connects El-Harm, Faisl, and Munib streets to Cairo zone length, fixed setup cost, and average maintenance University, Murad, and Abbas streets (see Figure 1). cost per unit length; the controllable variables affect- The example considers maintenance of 1 Km length. ing CU include work zone length, traffic volume, speed, Table 2 lists input values for the different considered etc. Both CM and CU are function of work zone length. parameters. These values are either taken based on It should be noted that longer zones tend to increase literature (Fouad 2011) (e.g., cost of user time value, the users delays, but the maintenance activities can be number of accidents per 100 million vehicle hours, avperformed more efficiently with fewer repeated setups erage cost per accident, interest factor), feedback from 24 Marzouk and Banna/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 21-28 Table 2. Example input parameters Parameters v: cost of user time value V0 : road speed at normal condition (without any work zone) na : number of accidents per 100 million vehicle hours va : average cost per accident r: interest factor I: inflation Index Z1 : fixed cost for setting up a work zone Z3 : standing time Value 12.7 LE/ 80 Km/hr 67 accident/100mvh 17.6 LE/hr 8% 5% 700,000 LE 10 hr/zone Table 3. Bridge maintenance cost items Cost Items Unit Expansion joints Lm Fence works Lm Brushes bridges metal flooring m2 Paint metal sectors in bridge m2 Maintaining bridge shoulders Lm Maintaining bridge supports No. Z2 (LE/Km) Total Quantity LE/Unit 30 250 2500 40000 350 16 5,800 750 485 78 350 1,250 Minimum 165,300 178,125 1,151,875 2,964,000 116,375 19,000 4,594,675 Z2 (LE/Km) Most likely 174,000 187,500 1,212,500 3,120,000 122,500 20,000 4,836,500 Maximum 182,700 196,875 1,273,125 3,276,000 128,625 21,000 5,078,325 Table 4. Optimization parameters Parameter Q1 Q2 Z4 L (work zone length) V H Range 3000-5000 Veh/hr 0 Veh/hr (one way bridge) 10-20 Hr/Lane.Km 0.1-1 Km 10-15 Km/hr 2-10 Sec Table 5. Estimated net present value over bridge life Year 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Inflation rate 1.63 2.65 4.32 7.04 11.47 18.68 30.43 NPV Total Interest rate 0.4632 0.2145 0.0994 0.046 0.0213 0.0099 0.0046 NPV (LE) 4,572,992 3,450,292 2,603,223 1,964,114 1,481,911 1,118,092 843,593 16,034,218 *Note: For year n, Inflation rate = (1 + I)n , Interest rate = NPV = 6,061,010 ∗ Inflation rate ∗ Interest rate construction practitioners (e.g., interest factor, inflation index, fixed cost for setting up a work zone, standing time), or actual data of the bridge (e.g., road speed at normal condition). Table 3 lists Maintenance Cost (CM ) and the average additional maintenance cost per work zone unit length (Z2 ) for the different items of bridge maintenance. Triangle distribution has been assumed for the average additional maintenance cost per work zone unit length (Z2 ). Optimization parameters are listed in Table 4. Applying the input parameters in Equation (4), the moving delay cost (Cv ) is estimated to be 60,008 LE/Lane.Km. Whereas, the queue delay cost (Cq ) is estimated to be 71,120 LE/Lane.Km. By 1 (1+r)n applying in the input parameters in Equation 6, the value of the average accident cost (Ca ) is very minor and it can be neglected. The bridge consists of four lanes and it has one closure lane, also one kilometer length, as such; the total cost is estimated as follows, considering the values of most likely maintenance cost, given in Table 3: CT = CM + CU + Ca = 4, 836, 500 + 700, 000 + 4 ∗ (60, 008 + 71, 120) = 6, 061, 010LE. The net present value (NPV) for the bridge over its life is estimated using Table 5. 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Many project competencies can be quantified and then used to differentiate superior from average performance. Construction organizations lack a tool that is capable of evaluating project competencies and performance measures, which would allow them to capture and anticipate continuous changes after project execution. In this paper, an overview of previous research regarding organizational competencies and project performance is presented to illustrate the need in the construction domain for a resource with these capabilities. To remedy these limitations, the Organizational c c has a user interface ) is presented. The OCPPT Competencies and Project Performance Tool (OCPPT and database to evaluate project competencies and project key performance indicators, which will provide construction organizations with a means to better quantify trends of improvement throughout the life cycle of construction projects. Keywords: Organizational performance, prediction models, organizational functional units, regression modeling DOI: 10.7492/IJAEC.2016.004 1 INTRODUCTION In previous research, project competencies have occasionally been considered as measures of project performance (Fayek 2012); as a result, this research did In contemporary construction environments, companot investigate project competencies as prerequisites nies measure their performance against a set of predefor project performance, nor did it explore the fact fined performance indicators. These performance indithat project competencies are leading indicators for cators are governed by the ability of the company to project performance improvement. Researchers conmaintain necessary sets of “competencies” that empowcluded that defining, measuring, and evaluating the er the successful execution of construction projects. In different project competencies as leading indicators to general, competencies are difficult to define and meaproject performance will result in better project perforsure due to the subjective nature of their assessment. mance (Sparrow 1995; Walsh and Linton 2001; Markus Performance indicators, on the other hand, are lagging et al. 2005). In this paper, previous studies are first indicators that capture the different critical aspects of identified and discussed to offer background on the curhow well a construction project is performing. Evalrent state of the art in the areas of project competencies uating the different project competencies and project and project performance. Next, a detailed illustration performance measures will allow for the identification c of the OCPPT is presented. Finally, the setup and of project competencies that require further improvec evaluation modules of the OCPPT are presented alment, which will, in turn, result in improved project ong with an illustrative case study to highlight the asperformance (Antonacopoulou and FitzGerald 1996). *Corresponding author. Email: 29 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 sessment process of project competencies and project performance. 2 ORGANIZATIONAL COMPETENCIES AND PROJECT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION MODELS A distinction between project performance and project competencies as a prerequisite for project performance has not been established in previous research (Fayek 2012). Moreover, few studies have provided a distinction between project competencies and project performance (Fayek 2012; Omar and Fayek 2014; Omar and Fayek 2016a). In 1986, Hitt and Ireland used corporate level competencies to evaluate performance. Lyle and Signe (1993) developed an “iceberg model” that considers the qualities of individuals as one element of the model and knowledge and skills as the second element; the two elements are used jointly for evaluating performance. Spencer and Spencer concluded that in order to adequately measure competencies, the personal and professional competencies of individuals in an organization must be considered. Sparrow (1995) attempted to integrate the different concepts of organizational competencies described in previous research through the different levels of an organization and presented three main approaches to evaluating organizational competencies: 1) the “management competence” approach was introduced for the purpose of evaluating effectiveness across different occupations and sectors within an organization; 2) the “behavioral competence” approach, which complements the “management approach”, was introduced to evaluate individuals across different occupations and management hierarchies within an organization; and 3) the “core competence” approach was used to identify the resources and capabilities of the organization that are connected to overall performance. Sparrow concluded that looking for ways to reintegrate the aforementioned three approaches in organizations will enhance organizational performance. Walsh and Linton (2001) first made the distinction between competencies and capabilities. When evaluating performance, Walsh and Linton limited their investigation to core competencies. Competencies were defined as “firm specific technologies and production related skills”, while capabilities were defined as “firm specific business practices, processes and culture” (Walsh and Linton 2001). According to Walsh and Linton, the implementation of the two concepts requires a deep understanding of what core competencies are. Core competencies are a “relative pursuit” where companies and project groups tend to gauge their competencies in terms of benchmarking. Accordingly, competencies are being assessed to achieve supe- rior performance. Isik et al. (2009) applied a structural equation model to establish the relationship between different management competencies and organizational strengths and weaknesses. Alroomi et al. (2011) proposed a core-competency estimation framework and methodology to prioritize cost-estimator behavioral competencies on the basis of the combined effects of the level of importance of each competency and the associated gap between the ideal and actual level of competency. A correlation analysis was conducted to measure the degree of relationship between the different behavioral competencies. Factor analysis was then used to group the predefined behavioral competencies into factor groups. According to previous research, two main categories of project competencies have been identified (Omar and Fayek 2014, 2016a). The first category is attributable to how an organization functions, while the second category is attributable to the competencies attained by individuals. Together, the two categories contribute to better construction project performance. Lists of functional and behavioral competencies are provided in Table 1 and 2 (Omar and Fayek 2016a), respectively. Each of the project competencies is further divided into a set of evaluation criteria that are evaluated using predefined scales; functional competencies consist of 162 evaluation criteria and behavioral competencies consist of 86 evaluation criteria. To capture the subjectivity and uncertainty associated with the functional competencies’ evaluation criteria, two scales may be used for measuring them. The first scale is the maturity scale (Sarshar et al. 2000; Willis and Rankin 2010, 2012; Omar and Fayek 2016a), which measures the relevance of the different evaluation criteria to a construction project and to what degree the different evaluation criteria are implemented. The second scale is the importance scale, which is a five-point scale ranging from 1 “extremely unimportant” to 5 “extremely important” (Omar and Fayek 2016a). The importance scale is used to measure and prioritize the evaluation criteria pertaining to each functional competency. Two scales may be used for measuring the different behavioral competencies. A seven-point bipolar linguistic agreement scale (Ajzen 1991), ranging from a negative evaluation (e.g., strongly disagree) on one end to a positive evaluation on the other end (e.g., strongly agree), is used to form a bipolar continuum for evaluating subjective and uncertain human behaviours such as behavioral competencies. Similar to the functional competencies’ evaluation criteria, the second scale considered for measuring behavioral competencies is the importance scale (Omar and Fayek 2016a). The different scales for measuring project competencies (i.e., functional and behavioral competencies) are presented in Figure 1 (Omar and Fayek 2016a). As for project performance, in the early 1990s, the evaluation of the success of construction projects was 30 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 Table 1. Functional competencies 1. Project Integration Management 2. Project Scope Management 3. Project Time Management 4. Project Cost Management 5. Project Engineering and Procurement Management 6. Project Resource Management 7. Project Risk Management 8. Project Communication Management 9. Project Safety Management 10. Project Human Resource Management 11. Project Quality Management 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Project Project Project Project Project Project Project Project Project Project Change Management Stakeholders Management Environmental Management Commissioning and Startup Innovation Workface Planning Contract Administration Team Building Workforce Development Technology Integration Table 2. Behavioral competencies 1. Analytical Ability 2. Training 3. Assessment Ability 4. Decision Making 5. Leadership 6. Teamwork 7. Consultation 8. Motivation 9. Negotiation and Crisis Resolution 10. Ethics 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Self-Control Reliability Problem Solving Commitment Adaptability Building Trust Interpersonal Skills Influence (Assertiveness) Cultural Competence Initiative Figure 1. Project competencies’ measurement scales tied to a few performance measures, which, in turn, were tied to the projects’ objectives (Kaplan and Norton 2005; Eccles 1991; Bourne et al. 2000; Norreklit 2000; Bassioni et al. 2004). These performance measures were a function of project duration, cost, and quality (Navarre and Schaan 1990). Recent studies have focused on evaluating project performance through best practices and benchmarking programs. Construction best practices developed in the UK introduced the project KPIs measurement program, which defined sets of project KPIs for different project and organizational levels that directly reflect the current performance and performance targets for organiza- tions and projects (Egan 1998). Similarly, the Canadian Construction Innovation Council (CCIC), the Construction Industry Institute (CII), and Construction Owner Association of Alberta (COAA) have each developed a benchmarking program that facilitates data collection and analysis pertaining to performance measures on projects ((Rankin et al. 2008; Nasir et al. 2012; CII and COAA 2009; CII 2013). After reviewing the different frameworks and identifying the advantages of each, an updated framework and a detailed set of performance metrics and project KPIs were developed by Omar and Fayek (2016a). The categorization of performance measures into perfor- 31 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 mance metrics and sets of project KPIs provided a comprehensive overview of project performance through seven different performance metrics consisting of 46 project KPIs. Table 3 lists the seven project performance categories and a sample of project KPIs. Omar and Fayek 2014, 2016a identified a number of project competencies and their evaluation criteria as well as project performance measures. In addition, an advanced fuzzy hybrid model incorporating fuzzy set theory and artificial neural networks was also developed by Omar and Fayek (2016a) to enable the evaluation of project competencies and performance and to help identify the relationship between project competencies and project performance. Findings from Omar and Fayek (2016a) indicated a need for a tool for use within the construction domain that would allow for the evaluation of project competencies and project performance prior to modeling the relationship between c them. The OCPPT , presented in this paper, was developed to account for the assessment of the different project competencies and project performance measures (i.e., project KPIs) thus allowing construc- tion practitioners to store information related to their project competencies and assess the performance of their construction projects. c 3 OCPPT c c The OCPPT was created using Visual c and SQL to evaluate project competencies and c project performance. The OCPPT allow users (i.e., researchers and construction practitioners) to analyze different project competencies (i.e., functional and behavioral competencies) using project KPIs and the predetermined scales described earlier in this paper. This evaluation was conducted prior to the application of the fuzzy hybrid model developed by Omar and Fayek (2016a). c The OCPPT structure consists of two modules: c c (1)OCPPT setup and (2)OCPPT evaluation. Each module has three sub-modules: (1)organizational and projects’ structures, (2)project competencies, and (3)project KPIs. The sub-modules account for the development of the different requirements for evaluating Table 3. Examples of performance measures (Omar and Fayek 2016a) Performance metric Cost KPI number 1.1 KPI description Project Cost Growth Schedule 2.1 Project Growth Change 3.1 Total Change Cost Factor Safety 4.1 Lost Time Rate Quality 5.1 Total Field Rework Cost Factor Productivity 6.1 Construction Productivity Factor (Cost) Satisfaction 7.1 Satisfaction (Design team) Schedule KPI definition KPI formula The variance between the actual total project cost todate and the total project estimate to-date at tender stage, expressed as a ratio of the total project estimate to-date at tender stage The variance between the actual total project duration to-date and the project duration to-date at tender stage, expressed as a ratio of the project duration to-date at tender stage The ratio between the total cost of scope changes (contractor and client) to-date and the actual total project cost to-date The ratio between the time lost to incidents in hours measured over 100,000 hours of work The ratio between the total direct cost of field rework to-date, and the actual construction phase cost to-date The ratio between the total installed work cost to-date and the total actual manhours to-date Owner/Contractor overall satisfaction with the design team (Actual total project cost – total project estimate at tender stage) / total project estimate at tender stage 32 (Actual total project duration – project duration at tender stage) / project duration at tender stage Total cost of scope changes / actual total project cost Amount of lost time to incidents (in hours) / 100,000 hours of work Total direct cost of field rework / actual construction phase cost Total installed cost / total actual man-hours worked Rating from 1 to 7, where, 1 is extremely dissatisfied and 7 is extremely satisfied Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 c Figure 2. OCPPT structure construction projects in terms of project competencies and project performance, respectively. A description of each of the modules and sub-modules is presented in Figure 2. tional competencies that consist of 162 evaluation criteria and 20 behavioral competencies that consist of 86 evaluation criteria). The predefined libraries (i.e., functional and behavioral competencies) can be reconfigured to add, remove, and edit predefined project c competencies and criteria to suit each company’s nee4 OCPPT SETUP MODULE ds. Figure 5 displays the predefined functional compe4.1 Organizational and Projects’ Break- tencies’ library and a sample evaluation criteria pertaining to one of the functional competencies (i.e., down Structure Setup Sub-Module project time management). First, the organizational and projects’ breakdown c structure are defined in the OCPPT . Project-specific data are entered, as shown in Figure 3, to provide infor4.3 Project KPIs’ Setup Sub-Module mation regarding project characteristics and progress. Examples of project information include the following: project name, contract type, project start date, project As for project KPIs, the OCPPT c has a predefined value, and required project respondents for complet- library of project performance categories and project ing the functional and behavioral competencies’ evalu- KPIs (i.e., seven performance categories that consist ations. of 46 project KPIs), as identified by Omar and Fayek c The OCPPT is capable of including several organi- (2016a). The predefined library can be reconfigured to zations (e.g., company A and company B) and projects add, remove, and edit predefined project KPIs to suit within each organization when creating the organiza- each company’s needs. The predefined project perfortional and projects’ breakdown structure. First, orga- mance categories and a sample project KPIs library nizations are created and then projects for each orga- are shown in Figure 6. A sample project KPI formunization are introduced, as presented in Figure 4. la (i.e., Project Cost Growth) and variables created in 4.2 Project Module Competencies’ Setup Sub- After creating the organizational and projects’ breakdown structure, the user defines the different project c competencies to be evaluated. The OCPPT has predefined libraries of project competencies (i.e., functional and behavioral competencies). The predefined libraries consist of project competencies’ evaluation criteria identified by Omar and Fayek (2016a) (21 func- c the OCPPT are shown in Figure 7. As displayed in Figure 6, variables for Project Cost Growth KPIs (shown in the cost performance indicators category) represent the following: (1) actual total project cost to-date and (2) total project estimate at tender stage to-date. The formula for calculating Project Cost Growth KPIs is (actual total project cost to-date - total project estimate at tender stage todate)/total project estimate at tender stage to-date. 33 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 Figure 3. Project information setup Figure 4. Sample organizational and projects’ breakdown structure Figure 5. Functional competencies library and sample evaluation criteria 34 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 Figure 6. Project performance categories and sample project KPIs Figure 7. Project KPIs’ library c 5 OCPPT EVALUATION MODULE liverables compared to its planned objectives. The organization (i.e., company) and its projects, conc sidered for evaluation and defined in the OCPPT setup phase, are used to evaluate the different project competencies. First, project respondents are identified for assessing the evaluation criteria pertaining to the different project competencies. Then, the evaluation criteria are combined, using a prioritized aggregation algorithm (Omar and Fayek 2016b), to produce overall evaluations representing the project competencies. Similarly, project KPIs’ variables are entered to calculate the different project KPIs and to generate values that measure how well the project is producing its de- 5.1 Organizational and Projects’ Breakdown Structure Evaluation SubModule Company and project-specific information that are dec fined in the OCPPT setup module are used to identify project respondents who will evaluate the project competencies. A sample project organizational breakdown structure used to identify respondents who are participating in assessing the different project competencies (i.e., functional and behavioral competencies) is presented in Figure 8. 35 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 values are then used to calculate the different project KPIs. Figure 12 displays sample KPIs’ variables enc tered in the OCPPT to calculate the project KPIs. The calculated evaluations of project competencies and KPIs allow construction practitioners to measure and evaluate the impact of project competencies on performance. Furthermore, trends of improvement can be detected by performing periodic evaluations of project competencies and KPIs throughout the life cycle of the project. In the next section, an illustrative case study highlighting the evaluative capabilities of c the OCPPT is presented. 6 ILLUSTRATIVE CASE STUDY Figure 8. Sample project organizational breakdown structure 5.2 Project Competencies’ Evaluation SubModule The different functional and behavioral competencies’ evaluation criteria are then assessed by the identified respondents for each project. Figure 9 shows a sample functional competency evaluation criteria entered into c . the OCPPT The assessed project competencies’ evaluation criteria for each project competency are then combined using a prioritized aggregation algorithm (Omar and Fayek 2016b). The prioritized aggregation algorithm provides a collective evaluation for the different project competencies (i.e., at the project competency level rather than the evaluation-criteria level). The prioritized aggregation assesses both the relative importance of the project competencies’ evaluation criteria as well as the individual criteria pertaining to a given competency. Hence, a high maturity score of a lower priority evaluation criterion for a given functional competency will not compensate for a low maturity score of a higher priority evaluation criterion for the same functional competency. Similarly, a high agreement score of a lower priority evaluation criterion for a given behavioral competency will not compensate for a low agreement score of a higher priority evaluation criterion for the same behavioral competency. Figure 10 display a sample export of functional competencies’ evaluation c criteria for a given project using the OCPPT . The final evaluations for a given project’s functional competencies after performing the prioritized aggregation are displayed in Table 4 and Figure 11, respectively. 5.3 Project KPIs Evaluation Sub-Module In this case study, a sample commercial project is used to demonstrate the setup and evaluation capabilities c of the OCPPT . In terms of project percentage completion at the time the evaluations were conducted, engineering works were 100% complete, construction works were 60% complete, and the overall engineering and construction works were 70% complete. The project team consisted of one project manager, one foreman, and one crew of three electrical tradespeople. The project manager completed the evaluation of project functional competencies. As for the evaluations of behavioral competencies, a total of five evaluations were completed by the project manager, foreman, and three electrical tradespeople and were then analyzed to determine the different behavioral competencies of the team. Out of the five evaluations, two were behavioral competencies evaluations of supervisors (i.e., project manager and foreman) and three were evaluations of team members (i.e., electrical tradespeople). Project KPIs’ data relevant to project performance provided by the project manager were used to derive projectspecific KPIs to facilitate performance evaluation for this particular project. Each phase of the project setup and evaluation setups explained earlier in this paper are applied in the illustrative case study, as described in the next section. 6.1 Project Setup First, the project’s characteristics, general information, and project organizational breakdown structure are developed, as shown in Figure 13. Second, the predefined libraries for the project competencies (i.e., functional and behavioral competencies) and the project KPIs are used to generate the different project competencies’ evaluation criteria and project KPIs for respondents on the construction project. For simplicity, only two project KPIs are considered in the evaluation of this illustrative case study. As described earlier in the project KPIs’ setup submodule, the project KPIs are calculated using predefined project performance metrics and KPIs. First, all 6.2 Project Evaluation c project KPIs’ variables are entered into the OCPPT The different project competencies (i.e., functional (e.g., by a project controls manager); the variables’ competencies to be evaluated by the project manag36 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 Figure 9. Sample functional competencies evaluation Figure 10. Sample exported functional competencies’ evaluations Figure 11. Sample graphical evaluation of project functional competencies 37 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 Table 4. Sample project functional competencies overall fuzzy and crisp evaluation No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Functional Competency Project Integration Management Project Scope Management Project Time Management Project Cost Management Project Engineering and Procurement Management Project Resource Management Project Risk Management Project Communication Management Project Safety Management Project Human Resource Management Project Quality Management Project Change Management Project Stakeholders Management Project Environmental Management Project Commissioning and Startup Project Innovation Project Workface Planning Project Contract Administration Project Team Building Project Workforce Development Project Technology Integration Project Overall Maturity Value 0.333 0.3 0.333 0.36 0.279 0.24 0.338 0.3 0.347 0.279 0.35 0.3 0.301 0.378 0.357 0.269 0.281 0.308 0.35 0.297 0.366 Figure 12. Sample project KPIs’ variables er and behavioral competencies to be evaluated by the project manager, foreman, and three electrical tradespeople) are evaluated by the identified project respondents. Similar to project competencies, project KPIs are generated and completed by the project manager, as described in the next section. The functional competencies are evaluated by management staff who oversee the application of the different organizational practices on the project. Accordingly, in this project, the functional competencies were evaluated by the project manager, as shown in Figure 14. A radar diagram is generated for the functional competencies’ evaluation, as presented in Figure 15. For the behavioral competencies, supervisors (i.e., the project manager and foreman) and team members (i.e., the electrical tradespeople) evaluate the project team’s behavioral competencies. Figure 16 displays the behavioral competencies’ evaluations completed by the different respondents (i.e., supervisors and team memc bers) entered into the OCPPT . The different behavioral competencies’ evaluation criteria are assessed by the supervisors for their team, as displayed in Figure 17. In addition, team members perform self-evaluations of their own team, as described in the next section. 38 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 form aggregation. A radar diagram is then generated for the team’s behavioral competencies’ evaluation, as presented in Figure 18. For project KPIs’ variables, data are collected at the same time project competencies’ evaluations are completed. Sample project KPIs’ variables are displayed in Figure 12, and a sample project KPIs’ evaluation is shown in Table 6. c The OCPPT is then utilized to model the relationship between project competencies and project KPIs, as described by Omar and Fayek (2016a), by using the overall project competencies evaluation (i.e., Figure 15 & 18) and project KPIs evaluation (i.e., Table 6). 7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Figure 13. Project general information and breakdown structure First, the aforementioned respondents’ behavioral competencies’ evaluations are collected and entered to c the OCPPT . Then, a consistency check is performed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (Cronbach 1951). Prior to the assessment of behavioral competencies, this check is used to measure the internal consistency of the data collected (Cronbach 1951) from a supervisor and his or her randomly selected team members. For this project, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is calculated using the supervisor evaluation (i.e., foreman) and the team members’ self-evaluations (i.e., three electrical tradespeople) as displayed in Table 5. The generated Cronbach’s alpha coefficient indicates that the consistency of the foreman’s evaluation with the self-evaluations of the electrical tradespeople was considered to be of “excellent consistency” (George and Mallery 2003). Therefore, the supervisor evaluation (i.e., the foreman evaluating the crew) was considered sufficiently representative for the purpose of the analysis. After ensuring the consistency of the evaluations, c the data are exported to an Excel template to per- c The OCPPT was developed to evaluate project competencies and project KPIs. First, an overview of previous research in the areas of project competencies and project performance was presented, and the need for a tool capable of evaluating project competencies and project performance was assessed. Next, the different components of the c OCPPT were laid out. Then, an illustrative case study was presented to demonstrate the evaluative cac c allows con. The OCPPT pabilities of the OCPPT struction practitioners to evaluate their project competencies and project performance (i.e., project KPIs), respectively, at different points in the project life cycle. This evaluation quantifies trends of improvement in project competencies and KPIs throughout the life cycle of the projects. Future work will explore the development of additional built-in capabilities to identify and quantify the relationship between project competencies and project KPIs using advanced hybrid modeling techniques described by Omar and Fayek (2016a). Applying advanced hybrid modeling capabilities to the developed c OCPPT will enable additional analyses, such as factor analysis and granular fuzzy neural networks, as presented by Omar and Fayek (2016a). These new capabilities will allow construction practitioners to evaluate their projects’ competencies and performance, in addition to helping them predict project performance using existing evaluations of project competencies. Table 5. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for crew behavioral competencies’ evaluation Statistics for Respondents Number of evaluation criteria considered for consistency check Mean for respondents Standard deviation for respondents Variance for respondents Sum of evaluation criteria’s variance Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 39 Value 20 123 7.528 56.667 4.823 0.963 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 Figure 14. Sample project KPIs’ variables Figure 15. Project functional competencies graphical evaluation Figure 16. Behavioral competencies respondents’ evaluations 40 Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 Figure 17. Sample behavioral competencies supervisor evaluations Figure 18. Project behavioral competencies graphical evaluation Table 6. Sample project KPIs’ evaluations KPI name KPI definition KPI formula Project Cost Growth Variance between the actual total project cost and the total project estimate at tender stage, expressed as a ratio of the total project estimate at tender stage, and is expressed as a percentage The ratio between the actual total project cost to date and the sum of the total project estimate at tender stage and approved changes (actual total cost – total estimate at stage) / total estimate at stage Project Budget Factor project project tender project tender actual total project cost / (total project estimate at tender stage + approved changes) 41 KPI value 7.53% KPI threshold 1.60% <0 Desirable Value; =0 Planned Value; >0 Undesirable Value <0 Desirable Value; =0 Planned Value; >0 Undesirable Value Omar and Fayek/International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 29-43 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Industrial Research Chair in Strategic Construction Modeling and Delivery and the NSERC Discovery Grant for Advancing Fuzzy Hybrid Techniques for Competency Modeling of Construction Organizations, both held by Dr. Aminah Robinson Fayek. 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The results from the analysis revealed ten major factors affecting labor productivity in the construction industry in Egypt. These factors are: tools and equipment shortages; delay in material delivery on site; payment delay; undisciplined labor; material shortage; rework; labor expensive and skills; low quality of raw material; waiting for equipment to arrive; and on-site accident. Consequently, these findings would serve as a useful tool and a basis to make recommendations to governmental and construction personnel regarding the productivity of labor in the Egyptian construction industry. Keywords: Construction industry, Egypt, delay, labor productivity, relative importance index DOI: 10.7492/IJAEC.2016.005 1 INTRODUCTION The construction industry has changed significantly due to the use of advanced tools, technology, management skills, material, and heavy equipment. The importance of the industry can be measured by how much the sector adds to the country’s economy through its contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the portion it takes in any nation’s employment population (Sweis et al. 2009). The industry has become more complex due to new business demands, challenges, large numbers of parties as clients, contractors, consultants, stakeholders, shareholders, regulators, and others. Laborers are a very important part of the construction phase of any project, since they are the ones who are actually responsible for building the project. All construction projects rely on the productivity of equipment and workers to achieve good results. investment expected to reach US$21bn by 2017 (UKTI 2013). Being the largest country in the Middle East with the 4th largest economy, the Egyptian construction industry has been facing a range of difficulties since the 2011 revolution. With the high rate of population increase at 1.7% per annum (World Bank 2012), construction work in Egypt is increasing rapidly to meet the needs of the growing population through the expansion of portable water systems, residential housing, hotels, sanitary drainage facilities and various infrastructure project (Mack et al. 2009). Most of the construction workers in Egypt come from Upper Egypt (the southern part of the country). They usually move to Cairo for high wages, regular work, a more exciting life, lack of rural job opportunities, and The loss of construction labor productivity can be most importantly it gives them the chance to remit cash attributed to various factors, and understanding how in order to support family members at home in the village much these factors affect labor productivity is crucial (Zohry 2002). to improving project performance, increasing profit, and overall project success. The aim of this paper is to identify the factors The construction industry in Egypt is a multibillion- contributing to the decline in laborers’ productivity in the dollar industry and it contributes approximately 15%- Egyptian Construction Industry, and thus affect project 17% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), with an performance. *Corresponding author. Email: 44 Gerges et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 44-52 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Thorough literature review of previous studies indicated that four major factors contribute to labor productivity. These factors include management factors (e.g. planning, incentive programs, and competency of labor supervision), human factors (e.g. labor experience, skill age, and education), external factors (e.g. training sessions, design changes, payment delays, and government law), resource factors (e.g. poor site conditions, material storage location, and violation of safety rules) and miscellaneous factors (accidents during construction, shortages of water and power supply (Jarkas and Bitar 2011). This research is therefore based on a questionnaire survey designed to gather all necessary information aimed at: (1) Understanding productivity challenges to construction laborers; (2) Understanding the Egyptian Construction Industry; (3) Identifying factors that impacts the productivity of laborers in Egyptian Construction projects; and (4) Proposing strategic drivers that will enhance labor productivity. However, it was agreed that the type and style of questionnaire should not use lengthy questions; it should not use confusing questions that can be easily misunderstood, resulting in a low participation rate. In addition, Arabic translation was used to ensure the questionnaire was properly understood clearly. 16,400 contractors registered with the EFCBC in 2014, compared to 41,000 contractors in 2010 (El-Behary 2013). That huge drop was either a result of contractor bankruptcy or change of career. All contractors are divided into seven groups. These groups differ based on the annual income, number of employees, projects size, tool and equipment rented or owned, number of engineers, and years of contractor experience. The researcher has decided to target contractors within the first three classes. The first class included 188 contractors; the second includes 276 contractors, and the third 312 contractors. The three classes add up to a total of 776 contractors. The researcher has used the formula (El-Gohary and Aziz 2013) have used and cities as (Hogg et al. 2010): n= m 1 + ( m−1 N ) (1) n= sample size of limited population m= sample size of unlimited population N = available population The only unknown in this equation is the value of m, which can be calculated using the following equation. Z 2 ∗ P ∗ (1 − P ) (2) ε2 Z is the statistical value of the confidence level used i.e. 2.1 Pilot Study 2.575, 1.96 and 1.645 for 99%, 95% and 90% confidence levels. Since P is unknown, Sincich et al. (2001) stated A pilot study was conducted to validate and improve that value of 0.50 should be used as sample size. ε is the questionnaire. According to (Hertzog 2008) sample the maximum error of the point estimate. Using 95% size for pilot study can be considered as 5% of the confidence i.e. 5% significance level, the unlimited sample questionnaires distributed. A draft of the questionnaire size of the population “m” is approximately calculated as was given to 13 (5% of 258 distributed questionnaires) following: construction project managers in Egyptian construction projects, who have more than 10 years of experience. The 1.962 ∗ 0.50 ∗ (1 − 0.50) aim of the pilot study was: m= = 385 (3) 0.052 1. To test the questionnaire based on its format For the total number of targeted contractor under first, (layout) second, third class in EFCBC, N = 776, the representative 2. To test the wording of questions sample size was calculated as follow: 3. To validate the list of factors being surveyed 4. To test the measurement scale 385 5. To test the accuracy of the Arabic translation n= = 257.5 (4) 1 + ( 385−1 776 ) m= The draft questionnaire was collected back from =258 contracting companies respondents, and certain changes were made to the factors Based on the following equation a total number of list and to the questionnaire. It was then approved before being circulated. The Factors were reduced from 53 to 41, 258 contracting companies in Egypt will be surveyed Arabic grammar and spelling of the questionnaire was as a sample to represent a sample of a total of 776 contractors. The respondents vary from project corrected, and the overall design was also improved. managers, construction managers, supervisors, engineers, architects, and consultants in their organisations. 2.2 Sample Size The contractors will be the ones who are registered in the Egyptian Federation of Construction and Building Contractors (EFCBC). Being registered in the EFCBC means that the contractor holds a license to work legally (El-Behary 2013). There are more than 2.3 Primary Data Analysis For analysing the data, relative importance index technique was used and is calculated using the following formula: 45 Gerges et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 44-52 Relative importance index(%) = 5(n5) + 4(n4) + 3(n3) + 2(n2) + n1 ∗ 100 5(n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5) error in understanding the questionnaire, and respondent are busy so they fill the questionnaire quickly without (5) reading it carefully. The relative importance index was used to rank the factors. Where n1, n2, n3, n4, and n5 are the total number of respondent who selected “1” Strongly not important, “2” Not Important, “3” Neutral, “4” Important, “5” Very Important, the factors were ranked based on an average of the experience of the professionals targeted. The factors were ranked using the relative importance index by Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. All the data was inserted into a spreadsheet to rank the factors. Table 2. Group of factors affecting labor productivity Factor group Human/Labor Factors Material Factors Management Factors External Factors Average relative importance index 77.73% 77.62% 73.65% 73.10% Rank 1 2 3 4 3.1 Human Labor Factors 3 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 3.1.1 Undisciplined Labor Two methods of ranking were used: (1) all ranked factors and (2) group ranked factors. The factors were categorised into four different groups (human/l factors, management factors, external factors, material factors), making a total of 41 factors. Following is a summary of the questionnaire conducted for establishing the factors affecting labor productivity in the Egyptian Construction Industry: From Table 3, “Undisciplined labor” was ranked 1st with a relative importance index of 82.63% and ranked 4th in overall ranking. This factor is mainly as a result of the nature of the Egyptian laborers; they tend to be very undisciplined by chatting away rather than carrying out the work, they tend to go away for unscheduled breaks at regular intervals. Table 3. Factors related to the human/labor group Total questionnaire sent = 258 Number of questionnaire received = 227 Type = Hard Copies Time taken to collect data = 60 days % of questionnaire received = 87.98% Factors Undisciplined labor Labor experience and skill Personal/family problems Working 7 days a week without rest Absenteeism Labor motivation Arguments between workers Physical fatigue Labor age (old/young) Communication problems between labor and supervisor Labor motivation Table 1. Number of respondents and their professions Respondent Engineers Foremen Site Supervisors Construction Managers Project Managers Quantity Surveyors Architects Total Number 98 33 32 27 18 12 7 227 Relative importance index (%) 82.63% 81.96% 80.37% Rank 1 2 3 79.47% 4 79.21% 77.62% 75.67% 74.47% 74.27% 5 6 7 8 9 71.58% 10 77.62% 6 3.1.2 Labor Experience and Skill Similarly, “Labor experience and skill” was ranked 2nd in the group and overall ranking 7th between 41 factors with a relative importance index of 81.96%, this validated why most of the laborers where undisciplined. This ranking was further supported by Durdyev and Mbachu (2011) where labor productivity was measured in New Zealand and Enshassi et al. (2011) where labor productivity was also measured in Gaza both research indicated that the experience of laborers affects the work done on site. Furthermore, Kalsum et al. (2010) also stated that “laborers migrated to other countries after the breakdown of the soviet union” for a better income. The same circumstances are found in Egypt, the majority of the experienced and skilled laborers have travelled to the Gulf countries for a better income, after 2011 and 2013 revolution. As a result contractors have employed young Figure 1. Experience of the respondents aged and inexperienced construction laborers to carry out The ranking of the groups are very close to each other, these jobs. This usually results poor quality work, cost with all group factors have a relative importance index overruns as a result of rework and delays in the project above 70% this might be due to bias in the questionnaire, schedule. Table 1 shows the percentage of the professions surveyed, out of the 227 questionnaires received. All contractors are divided into seven groups. 46 Gerges et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 44-52 3.1.3 Personal/Family Problems Personal/Family problems was ranked 3rd in the group with a relative importance index of 80.37% and an overall ranking of 13th between the 41 factors. This result is similar to the results obtained by Zakeri et al. (1996), where personal/family problems where ranked 3rd out of 10th factors affecting labor productivity in Iranian construction projects. Zakeri et al. (1996) reported that “most large and developed projects are located in remote and less developed areas, with poor access and insufficient facilities”. Whilst the majority of the laborers come from rural areas there are not seeing their families for days, plus the economy crises the country is facing, add more pressure to the laborers meeting their families’ needs. Although this factor “Personal/Family problems” affecting labor productivity in Egypt is different from the result obtained by Ailabouni (2007) where “Personal/Family problems” where ranked 10th out of 11 factors affecting labor productivity in UAE. While in Enshassi et al. (2011), it ranked 8th out of 45. factors in its group and overall ranking 4th among 40 factors. Furthermore, Gundecha (2012) explains that equipment/tool shortage is a key factor for laborers to be able to complete their work, without them the project will be delayed which results in cost and time overrun. In Iran Ghoddousi and Hosseini (2012) indicate that shortage of tools and equipment is one of the top three factors that affect labor productivity in the Iranian construction projects. The factor was ranked 1st in the material group and overall ranking of 3rd among 31 factors. Table 4. Factors related to the material group Factors Tools and equipment shortages Delay in material delivery on site Material shortage Low quality of raw material Waiting for equipment to arrive Damaged material on site Inefficient use of material on site Increase of material price Relative importance index (%) 85.79% 83.42% 82.37% 81.84% 81.78% 72.93% 70.36% 62.47% Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 In Egypt, after the 2011 and 2013 revolutions, contractors have been unsure of the fate of construction Ranked 4th in the group and 15th overall with a hence they are careful in spending heavily on construction relative importance index of 79.47% is “working 7 equipment. They resort to hiring most equipment and days a week without rest”. The outcome supports rely on manual labor for most tasks. the findings reported by Jarkas and Bitar (2011), Durdyev and Mbachu (2011) and Enshassi et al. (2011) 3.2.2 Delay in Material Delivery on Site that working 7 days a week without rest creates an Delay to material delivery on site is ranked 2nd in this adverse effect on the motivation and physical strength of group and overall ranking 2nd among 41 factors with labor. Furthermore due to the schedule pressure by the a relative importance index of 83.42%. This result government and private sector after the 2013 revolution substantiates the results obtained by Zakeri et al. (1996) to get construction projects completed on time, both where it was ranked 3rd amongst 31 factors. Zakeri laborers and construction professionals have been working et al. (1996) stated that “irregular payments lead to more than 5 months without any time off, which may lead poor procurement and remain a serious obstacle in the to a decrease in motivation and morale. path of purchasing material on time” in other words 3.1.4 Working 7 Days a Week without Rest poor procurement planning is the main cause for delay in materials delivery on site. Waiting for material is a As shown in Table 3 Absenteeism is ranked 5th in the major factor affecting labor productivity negatively in human/labor group and 16th overall. The findings agree Egypt, since materials are very important to complete with Gundecha (2012), where labor productivity was construction tasks, without them the construction process measured in USA, and this factor ranked 18th out of 40. can be on hold. Most of the suppliers have kept their The results also agree with Lim and Alum (1995), where prices the same especially after the revolution to make it was ranked 4th out of 17 human factors affecting labor sure the profit margin is still the same. This then productivity in Singapore. Lim and Alum (1995) further results in long-term discussions between contractors and explains that the most absenteeism is caused by laborers suppliers to agree the price. who do not turn up, where they are either reported on 3.2.3 Material Shortage medical leave or just taking a day off. 3.1.5 Absenteeism 3.2 Materials Factors 3.2.1 Tools and Equipment Shortages From Table 4, “tools and equipment shortages” is ranked 1st but also among the 41 factors. The factor was ranked very highly by respondents, who from discussions have stated that tools and equipment shortages are a major factor that affects labor productivity negatively. In USA, Gundecha (2012) indicated that tools and equipment shortage was also a very important factor to labor productivity and it was ranked 2nd between 12 With a relative importance index of 82.37% Material shortage was ranked 3rd in this group and 5th among 41 factors. An example of material shortage can be shortage of cement, bricks, and steel reinforcement which can be a concern as they cause work disruption on site. In Gaza, Enshassi et al. (2011) material shortage was ranked 1st in the group and 1st overall between all 45 factors with a relative importance index of 89.47%. Enshassi et al. (2011) justifies the results by stating that in most construction projects that take place in Gaza, the materials have to be imported from Israel, therefore any closure of crossing points between the 47 Gerges et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 44-52 two countries causes a delay in material delivered which need it, this process then delays work by making laborers results in shortage of material. The results were further wait for equipment to be arrive on site. supported by Kaming et al. (1997) in Indonesia were it was ranked 1st among all factors that affect labor 3.3 Management Factors productivity negatively, since materials could cost 50-65% of the construction cost in high buildings in Indonesia. Table 5. Factors related to the management group Kaming et al. (1997) calculated that the average time Relative imporFactors Rank tance index (%) wasted for unavailable materials is as follow; steel 2.25 Payment delay 82.76% 1 hours, carpenter 3.51 hours and bricklayer 1.69 hours. Rework 82.11% 2 In Egypt this factor was ranked high due to the financial Lack of supervision leadership 80.53% 3 problems the contractors are facing or a shortage in Incapability of contractor’s site management to organize site 79.94% 4 credit facilities which is an issue for material procurement. activities Another important reason why this factor was ranked Pick and drop facility 78.68% 5 high is due to delay of payment from client to contractor Late payment from client to 75.79% 6 contractor which results in contractor delayed in ordering materials. Design changes 72.63% 7 Design and schedule changes were another reason why Unrealistic scheduling 70.46% 8 the factor ranked high by respondents since design and Offered services for labor (life 69.84% 9 schedule changes cause different material ordering to insurance, medical care) Perks (Eid Bonuses, Free Lunch, complete modified designs. Therefore based on the 69.81% 10 School books for children) schedule the contractor orders the materials while the Incentive scheme 69.47% 11 recent government policy after the revolution and the Inspection delay 67.89% 12 paper work on material procurement has also been Lack of periodic meeting with 65.79% 13 labor causing material shortage, since the procedure takes time Lack of training sessions for to be approved by the government. 65.53% 14 laborers 3.2.4 Low Quality of Raw Material Low quality of raw material is ranked 4th in this group, with a relative importance index of 81.84% and 8th among the 41 factors. The results agree with the findings found in Afghanistan by Kalsum et al. (2010), it was ranked 1st in the material group and 5th among 68 factors with a relative importance index of 83.75%. Kalsum et al. (2010) identified that materials delivered are not to the standard specified which delays the construction process since they have to wait for the required and specific materials to arrive on site. Similarly, in Egypt Low quality material is an issue that has been around for a while in the construction industry. Suppliers either send not specified material or the quality of the material itself is very poor. Some of the suppliers do this to save money, and assume that the required material can be substituted by other standard materials that are cheaper without noticing. Suppliers also change the cement bags with imported cement bags to show a high quality cement is been delivered. 3.3.1 Payment Delay Payment delay had a relative importance index of 82.76% and was ranked 1st in this group it was further ranked 3rd among all factors explored. The result is in agreement with the finding of Kalsum et al. (2010) in Afghanistan, where it was ranked 2nd in the group and 6th out of overall 68 factors. Payment delays are as a result of unqualified contractors awarded contracts but do not have the financial capacity to carry out those jobs. An example is the case of Afghanistan. Similarly, in India and Gaza, this factor was ranked 2nd in the management group (Soham and Rajiv 2013; Enshassi et al. 2011). The factor was further ranked 6th among 45 factors with a relative importance index of 78.68%. Enshassi et al. (2011) justifies the result that payment delay affects laborers mood and “consequently decreases”. As discussion with respondent showed that the problem is not any different in Egypt. Some of the construction projects took up to 8-10 months for payments to go through. The laborers cannot wait more than a week to get paid since they 3.2.5 Waiting for Equipment to Arrive also had family needs. Most of the contractors pay from With a relative importance index “waiting for equipment their own pocket to the laborers until they get payed by to arrive” was ranked 5th in the group and 9th overall the client. When laborers mood decreases, motivation with a relative important index of 81.78%. Examples decreases and that results in either decrease in laborer of equipment can include vibrators, bulldozers, backhoe performance or leaving to find another job where they loaders, cranes, and concrete mixers. Equipment are can get paid on a daily basis. very important for completely any construction tasks, as laborers cannot work without them. Waiting for 3.3.2 Rework equipment can be a serious issue since it can cause delay in Rework had a relative importance index of 82.11% and daily work and extra cost. With the current situation of was ranked 2nd in the group and 6th among all factors. the construction industry in Egypt contractors don’t book This effect substantiates the results obtained by Kaming equipment in advance since they are not sure the project et al. (1997) in Indonesia were the factor was ranked will keep going on it, they rent the equipment when they 2nd out of 9 factors. Kaming et al. (1997) states that 48 Gerges et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 44-52 brick-layers and carpenters spending almost double the time reworking than steel fixers, this is either caused by design changes, poor instructions, complexity of design specification, and poor workmanship. In Egypt design changes and unclear instruction lead to rework. Beside laborers are working six or seven days a week without rest which causes physical fatigue, and rework. Respondents stated that rework is caused by unclear drawings, supervisor is unaware of job, design complexity, design changes by client and working overtime. Example of common problem would be revised construction drawings send to subcontractor cause rework due to construction errors. Supervisors and craftsmen have a big role in this factor, since lack of leadership, skills, and knowledge results in incorrect information send to the laborers, where it leads to rework. The time it takes for rework by the skilled laborer and the time it took by the inexperienced, unskilled laborer have caused the project to be delayed. and Luxor. They are unfamiliar with Cairo city which therefore not sure how to travel to the construction site. Pick and drop facility is an issue since it causes high percentage of laborers absenteeism. Some contractors send cars to bring laborers to construction site, and class contractors such “Arab Contractors”, “Orascom Construction Industry”, and “Hassan Allam” have their own buses to pick and drop laborers from their homes to the construction site and back. These pick and drop facility will save time since all laborers will start and be at the construction site at right scheduled time. 3.4 External Factors Table 6. Factors related to the external group Factors On site accident Access to site Poor site condition Shortage of power supply/water Weather (high wind, hot temperature, rain and sandstorms) Security (crime and theft) Insufficient lighting Regulations change by government Natural disaster (flood and hurricane) 3.3.3 Lack of Supervision Leadership The third ranked factor is “lack of supervision leadership” with a relative importance index of 80.53% and overall ranking 12th among the 41 factors. The outcome supports the findings of Jarkas and Bitar (2011) who identified that lack of supervision encourages operatives (especially those who are under the direct employment method) to engage in unproductive activities, especially when supervisors leave the site for personal matters. Similarly, when supervisors are unaware of how to complete tasks or give instruction this causes lack of leadership and weak control of laborers. Most of the supervisors in Egypt’s construction projects are not thorough and the do not have the proper training in terms of project control. They arrive late on site, and, or leave the site early. They also lack leadership skills and generally poor supervision causes all sorts of problems on site. This problems includes rework, laborer attitude problems, problems between workers, and delayed tasks. Relative importance index (%) 81.58% 80.79% 78.38% 76.42% 75.00% 71.32% 68.91% 65.26% 60.31% 3.4.1 On Site Accident Ranked 1st in the group was “on site accidents” with a relative importance index of 81.58% and overall ranking 10th among 41 factors. It is obvious that on site accidents causes delay in the construction project. The results obtained from this research agree with the results obtained in Gaza by Enshassi et al. (2011). This factor was ranked 2nd out of 7 in the group and overall ranking 13th out of 45 factors. Enshassi et al. (2011) explained that there are three types of accidents 1- Accidents that results in death, 2- Accidents that causes injured laborers to be hospitalized for more than 24 hours 3small accidents that result from nails and steel, wires and affect productivity in few cases. Laborer’s careless, 3.3.4 Incapability of Contractor’s Site Management ignorance, negligence, and lack of attention by contractor to Organize Site Activities causes unsafe working environment, which therefore leads Ranked 4th in the group and 14th out of 41 factors overall, to site accidents. When laborers are injured they delay with a relative importance index of 79.94% is “incapability the work of the rest of the gang. In Egypt it was stated of contractor site management to organize site activities”. by respondents that nearly every week there is an injured A Site manager is responsible to ensure that site has been laborer, either a small accidents or big accidents. Most of prepared for laborers to be able to accomplish their tasks. them cause the work to stop since all laborers gather to They should also check the work sequence according see what happened and start chatting. Over confidence to work programme. Inexperienced site managers in in laborer’s skills has also led to site accidents, where procurement, leadership, scheduling and planning slows laborers have thought they are aware of all healthy and down work progress. When site managers cannot organize safety policies on site. They tend to get injured by site activities it causes delay in construction process. equipment and tools or falling from height. 3.3.5 Pick and Drop Facility 3.4.2 Access to Site “Pick and drop facility” had a relative importance index of 78.68% ranked 5th in the group and 17th overall. As stated previously that nearly all the construction laborers come from rural cities that are hundreds of KM away from Cairo such as Asyut, Aswan, Qena, Sohag, Minya Ranked 2nd in the group is “Access to site” and overall ranking 11th out of 41 factors, with a relative importance index of 80.79%. This effect substantiates the results obtained by Gundecha (2012) in the USA whose research placed “Access to site” in the 11th rank among 40 factors. 49 Gerges et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 44-52 Gundecha (2012) justifies the findings that poor access reduces the free movement of labor and consequently, reduced labor productivity. The majority of the laborers live far away from the construction site. Getting access to site either because of transportation or security reasons can be a key element that affects labor productivity negatively. Another important reason why the factor was ranked high was due to holes and barricades and time spending finding alternative routes. For security reason the majority of the laborers are to provide their ID before entering the site. 3.4.3 Poor Site Condition Poor site condition is ranked 3rd with a relative importance index of 78.38% and ranked overall 18th among 41 factors. Poor side condition can be land height, shape and ground conditions. Some examples of different site conditions occur when a contractor performs earth excavation and different soil types that weren’t previously seen. Each site is different than another and poor site condition can cause difficulties and unsafe working environment, which can result in accidents and delay. Most of the site conditions are outside the hands of the project managers control but contractors should take care of it before the start of the project, which can cost the contractor extra money. 3.4.4 Shortage of Power Supply/Water With a relative importance index of 76.42% “shortage of power supply/water” ranks 4th in the group and 20th overall, one of the main contributes to large productivity gap between developed and developing countries is low quality infrastructure. Power supplies in many African countries have the reputation for high distribution costs, and unreliability that affects efficiency and competitiveness (Abdul Kadir et al. 2005). After the revolution shortage of electricity and water supply has been an issue; this is as a result of the bombings of major power station during the revolution. Most of these problems are out of the contractors hands. If power and water were available there might be also other problems such as underground power cables being stuck by excavators, and water pipes are burst during excavation work. Gundecha (2012) states that proper lighting is one of the basic requirements for obtaining fair labor productivity with any construction work, failure to have adequate lighting may lead to different consequences, such as misplacing a particular job, or even a serious accidents and deaths. climate was looked at. Most of the African countries are hot and dry. In Egypt the temperature averages between 26.7o C and 32.2o C in the summer and up to 43o C on the red coast. In winter the temperature varies on an average between 13o C and 21o C. In general the weather in Egypt is hot, dry and humid in the delta coast along the Mediterranean. Humidity increases in July and August and spreads through all Cairo. The majority of North Africa and the Middle East are hot and dry with an average temperature between 29o C-35o C where laborers are used to working in such conditions but get tired quickly and need breaks for water and food. In UAE, Ailabouni (2007) found that weather condition affects labor productivity negatively. The temperature in UAE goes up to 42-45o C and a relative humidity varying from 40-90 and some cases 95%. The government makes a mandatory break for all construction workers between 12:30-3:30pm from the period of June to September to assure the safety of the workers. The same case was found in UAE’s neighbour Kuwait. Where findings in Kuwait done by Jarkas and Bitar (2011) has ranked the factor 11th overall out of 45 factors. The temperature in Kuwait can reach up to 50o C between the periods of June-August where the government then bans work in open environment between 12:00 -16:00. The rest of the months are normally pleasant with mild temperatures ranging from low 20o C to low 30o C. 100% productivity can be reached when the temperature is between 5o C and 25o C and a relative humidity is below 80% (Zakeri et al. 1996). Since weather cannot be controlled by contractors, contractors can overcome the problems by pre fabricating some of the work. 3.5 Overall ranking All the factors identified from the survey are ranked based on their percentage of relative importance. This is shown in Table 7. 4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This study described an investigation into different factors affecting the productivity of labor in Egyptian construction industry so as to improve the performance of the industry. 41 factors were identified based on extensive literature reviews and these factors were further grouped in 4 major categories: (1) Human/Labor Factors; (2) Material Factors; (3) Management Factors; and (4) External Factors. Survey questionnaires were handed out based on the 3.4.5 Weather factors identified a total of 258 hard copy questionnaires The fifth ranked factor was “weather” (high wind, were handed out and 227 were collected back. The data hot temperature, rain and sandstorms) with a relative from the survey was analysed and the factors were ranked importance index of 75.00% and ranked 23rd overall. based on their relative importance index. The results The majority of the construction work is done in open revealed that these 10 factors ranked between RII = atmosphere and can be seriously affected by unexpected 85.79% and RII = 81.58% are the major factors affecting weather conditions. To understand why the factor was labor productivity in Egypt. These factors include: (1) ranked highly by respondents a closer look to Egypt’s Tools and equipment shortages; (2) Delay in material 50 Gerges et al./International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 44-52 Table 7. Overall ranking of all the factors Factors Tools and equipment shortages Delay in material delivery on site Payment delay Indiscipline labor Material shortage Rework Labor experience and skill Low quality of raw material Waiting for equipment to arrive On site accident Access to site Lack of supervision leadership Personal/family problems Incapability of contractorąŕs site management to organize site activities Working 7 days a week without rest Absenteeism Pick and drop facility Poor site condition Labor motivation Shortage of power supply/water Late payment from client to contractor Arguments between workers Weather (high wind, hot temperature, rain and sandstorms) Physical fatigue Labor age (old/young) Damaged material on site Design changes Communication problems between labor and supervisor Security (crime and theft) Unrealistic scheduling Inefficient use of material on site Offered services for labor (life insurance, medical care„ „) Perks (Eid Bonuses, Free Lunch, School books for children) Incentive scheme Insufficient lighting Inspection delay Lack of periodic meeting with labor Lack of training sessions for laborers Regulations change by government Increase of material price Natural disaster (flood and hurricane) delivery on site; (3) Payment delay; (4) Undisciplined labor; (5) Material shortage; (6) Rework; (7) Labor expensive and skills; (8) Low quality of raw material; (9) Waiting for equipment to arrive; and (10) On-site accident. From these findings the following recommendations are made as ways of improving and reducing the factor that affect labor productivity, they are: 1. Investment in people is very valuable especially in a country like Egypt with a relatively high population and an abundance of manpower. Government policy should pay attention to secondary technical education and apprentice programs. 2. Government need to provide rules and regulation which will help create a safe working environment for laborers such as obliging companies to provide minimum wages and insurance coverage against accident during work. This can be agreed with the “Egyptian Trade Union Federation” to make sure the laborers are under the umbrella of working in safe environment. Government could also 51 Relative importance index (%) 85.79% 83.42% 82.76% 82.63% 82.37% 82.11% 81.96% 81.84% 81.78% 81.58% 80.79% 80.53% 80.37% Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Factor group Material Material Management Human/Labor Material Management Human/Labor Material Material External External Management Human/Labor 79.94% 14 Management 79.47% 79.21% 78.68% 78.38% 77.62% 76.42% 75.79% 75.67% 75.00% 74.47% 74.27% 72.93% 72.63% 71.58% 71.32% 70.46% 70.36% 69.84% 69.81% 68.95% 68.91% 67.89% 65.79% 65.53% 65.26% 62.47% 60.31% 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Human/Labor Human/Labor Management External Human/Labor External Management Human/Labor External Human/Labor Human/Labor Material Management Human/Labor External Management Material Management Management Management External Management Management Management External Material External provide industry wide seminars and workshops that promote Health and Safety issues. In this way accidents on site will reduce due to the laborers are more familiar with the Health and Safety regulations. 3. Contractors should support laborers for regular training and for the craftsmen to keep them up to date and aware of skills which have to be improved. 4. Improve labor motivation by paying them a fair wage that they and their families can live from with the cost is increasing. That could be done by developing an Incentive scheme programs were workers will know that tasks completed on-time with the standard required will result in bonuses and will also increase laborer’s loyalty and moral of laborers. This can also be done by developing good work schedules that respect workers home needs both local to area and external to area. This means provide balance between safe site and happy life. 5. 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New York, USA. 52 International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction Vol 5, No 1, March 2016, 53-60 Compensation Mechanism for Early Termination of Highway BOT Projects Based on ARIMA Model Jingbo Song ∗ , Yanan Fu and Ousseni Bagaya Faculty of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning, China Abstract: Due to the incomplete characteristic of concession agreements and unpredicted events, such as decision-making mistakes and force majeure, many Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) projects were terminated before the expiry of the concession period. In general, the government and the private sector will have a quite laborious negotiation on the compensation clauses. In a bid to avoid the endless disputes and huge losses, this paper proposes a quantitative compensation model for early termination of highway BOT projects by the analysis of cash flow. An ARIMA model has been constructed to forecast the future traffic volume, operation and maintenance cost, and future cash flow. The compensation amount is determined based on the realized revenue and estimated future revenue. By adopting a numerical example, this paper illustrates the application of the proposed model and provides a reference on compensation for early termination of highway BOT projects for both the government and the private sector. Keywords: Build-Operate-Transfer, early termination, ARIMA model, compensation DOI: 10.7492/IJAEC.2016.006 1 INTRODUCTION There has been a move toward increased reliance on Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) for infrastructure development, which aims at enhancing profitability, reducing deficit/debt and overcoming broad public sector constraints in relation to a lack of capital or capacity to develop, manage, and operate infrastructure assets (Akintoye et al. 2003; Zhang and Kumaraswamy 2001; Zhang 2005). However, many BOT projects are characterized by large scale investments, various stakeholders and long concession periods, which results in high and multi-dimensional risks and uncertainties (Liu et al. 2014; Cruz and Marques 2012). In practice, hasty and unreasonable decision and lack of well-designed risk allocation arrangements make many projects difficult in recovering investment and face with renegotiations, even fail to operate (Guasch 2000). Early termination means stopping the original contract and quitting the concession. Results from recent research for risk prioritization have shown that the termination of concession is one of the most important risks for infrastructure construction (Valipour et al. 2015; Zhang and Xiong 2015). Nowadays, early termination of BOT projects are very common. The World Bank (2011) has found that 334 of the 4,874 PPP projects undertaken in developing countries from 1984 to 2010 were early terminated. Even some famous projects, such as National Physical Laboratory (Leahy 2005; House of Commons 2006), Skye Bridge project (Moles and Williams 1995; Whitfield 2011), Channel Tunnel (Ho 2006; Ho and Tsui 2010) in the U.K. and Camino Colombia Toll Road (Samuel 2003), South Bay Expressway (Samuel 2011) in the USA, were terminated before the expiry of the concession period due to a variety of risks and unreasonable decisions. In general, the liability on early termination can be mainly attributed to the private sector, the government or force majeure. Standardization of PF2 contract in the U.K. indicates that the concession contract should deal comprehensively with the consequences of compensation and transfer of the remaining project assets (HM Treasury 2012). With the frequent occurrence of early termination for BOT projects, decision-making on compensation, as the most concerned issue for the government and private sector, has attracted many researchers’ attention (Chen and Doloi 2008; Chen 2009; Demirag et al. 2011; Xiong et al. 2015). The compensation amount for early termination depends on the cause of early termination: If the early termination is *Corresponding author. Email: 53 Song Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 53-60 caused by the private sector’s default, the payment is normally the market value of the project, which can be determined by the rebidding price of the contract. If it is caused by force majeure (e.g., a natural disaster), the government normally pays an amount linked to the private sector’s debt and, in some cases, to the book value of its equity. If it is caused by the government’s default, the government should fully compensate lenders and shareholders for their losses (Irwin and Mokdad 2009). Kolleeny (2007) indicated that the concession agreement must provide clear rights for the concessionaire in the event of early termination on any grounds (including the private sector’s own default) to receive immediate payment from the concession authority of the full, fair market value of all assets. Alonso-Conde et al. (2007) presented a valuation model of the Melbourne City Link Project to calculate the compensation of early termination by using real options theory. Aiming at the buyback issue of toll road, Ren and Li (2011) constructed a bargaining game model between the government and the private sector. Xiong and Zhang (2014a) introduced two popular compensation approaches, which are compensation based on the financial statement and discounted value of future cash flow. By studying the Melbourne City Link Project, Arndt (1998), Lay and Daley (2002) pointed out that the compensation amount should include the construction cost of the project, operating expenses and the cost of capital of the project sponsor. Besides, if an agreement is terminated, the compensation amount must be proportional, a matter to be assessed separately in every case. For the compensation, issues to be considered also include duration of the agreement, past and expected future value of the agreement for both parties, reason for termination, gravity of the breach of agreement (Iossa et al. 2007; Talus 2009). company and force majeure event) are summarized in Figure 1. An early termination scenario means an event that has occurred and forced the project to terminate before the expiry of concession period. Among them, the expropriation and nationalization are regarded as the main termination causes, under which private sectors can do nothing but ask for warranties and compensation in a long-term contract (Efficiency Unit 2003). In this case, it’s reasonable for the government to judge whether the actual revenue of the project reaches the break-even point before paying the compensation. If the actual revenue does not reach the break-even point, the private sector could not recover the initial investment, and therefore, compensation amount should include unrecovered investment and, in some cases, a part of future revenue. If the actual revenue reaches the break-even point, the private sector has recovered the initial investment, and the future revenue should be shared between the government and private sector. Such compensation measures are fair and beneficial for both of them. Figure 1. The compensation mechanism for early termination of BOT projects Assuming that a highway BOT project has a concession period of T years, including a construction As mentioned above, no matter what methods have period of m years, the project has been terminated been proposed, the termination causes and revenue at the T year. The key issue in developing f forecasting are always the significant factors for the quantitative compensation model is to estimate determining the compensation. To accurately calculate the future cash flows. The research hypotheses in the reasonable compensation amount, this paper developing the model are discussed in the following applies ARIMA model to forecast the traffic volume sections. and O&M cost, then, proposes the compensation Hypothesis 1: There are many stochastic variables solution through calculating the discounted value of affecting the cash flows of the project, of which the estimated future cash flows. It also provides a traffic volume and O&M cost are the most important, reliable quantitative method on compensation of early and other stochastic variables are not taken into termination in order to smooth the negotiation process consideration in this study. of highway BOT projects for the government and the Hypothesis 2: All of the vehicles belong to the private sector. same type and there is no congestion during the whole operation period. Let N P V1 denote the accumulated net present value (NPV) over the last Tf years, thus, 2 COMPENSATION MECHANISM N P V1 can be determined as follows: AND RESEARCH HYPOTHESES Through the classification of liability of early termination, several early termination scenarios (such as government’s expropriation, bankruptcy of the project 54 N P V1 = − m X t=1 Tf X It P Qt − Ct + (1 + r)t t=m+1 (1 + r)t (1) where It is the construction cost, Qt is the actual Song Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 53-60 traffic volume, P is the actual toll rate, Ct is the actual O&M cost and r is the discount rate of the project. If the highway BOT project hasn’t been terminated earlier but is still operated by the private sector till the expiry of the concession agreement, the accumulated NPV of the project in the whole concession period can be calculated as follows: 0 0 T X P Qt − Ct (2) N P V2 = N P V1 + (1 + r)t model is used for analyzing non-stationary time series. ARIMA model was firstly proposed by Box and Jenkins in the early 1970s (Box and Jenkins 1976). As a famous time series prediction method, ARIMA model includes autoregressive model AR (p), moving average model MA (q), autoregressive moving average model ARMA (p, q) and ARIMA model (Zhang 2003). AR (p) can be expressed as φ(B)ωt = at , φ(B) = (1 − φ1 B 1 − φ2 B 2 − · · · − φp B p ), φ(B) is the AR operator, p is the order of the AR model, at is the white t=Tf +1 noise time series sampled from a random variable with where N P V2 is the accumulated NPV in the whole 0 mean 0 and finite variance σ 2 . MA (q) is expressed as concession period, Qt is the estimated traffic volume, 1 2 q 0 Ct is the estimated O&M cost. This paper only ωt = θ(B)at , θ(B) = (1 − θ1 B − θ2 B − · · · − θq B ), θ(B) is the MA operator, q is the order of the MA considers the situation of N P V2 ≥ 0. model. ARMA (p, q) is described as φ(B)ωt = θ(B)at Let GP denote the compensation amount for the which combines both the AR (p) model and MA (q) private sector and assuming that GP is a one-time model. Based on it, ARIMA model can be expressed payment at the year of Tf + 1. If N P V1 < 0, which as: means the actual revenue does not reach the breakθ(B) at (5) (1 − B)d X(t) = µ + even point and the private sector could not recover φ(B) the initial investment, thus the compensation amount where d = the order of differencing. µ = mean value should include two parts, which are the unrecovered investment and a part of future revenue. The first of transformed stationary time series (1 − B)d X(t). part GP1 should compensate for the unrecovered The procedures for applying ARIMA model to forecast investment, which means GP1 should satisfy N P V1 + traffic volume and O&M cost are discussed in the GP1 = 0 , while the second part GP2 is a part of following: (1+r)Tf +1 (1) Series test and transformation. Augment Dickeyfuture revenue. Fuller (ADF) unit root test is usually adopted to Let α be the private sector’s sharing ratio of the examine whether the time series is stationary. If the future revenue, and it can be determined by negotiating ADF test value of series is greater than the critical with the government. Thus, compensation amount GP value of unit root test, time series is non-stationary. can be expressed as: Any non-stationary time series data must be transGP = GP1 + GP2 formed into stationary data. Several methods such as = −(1 + r)Tf +1 N P V1 + αN P V2 (3) Box-Cox transformations, classical decomposition and If N P V1 ≥ 0, which means the actual revenue has differencing can be used to transform the data series. reached the break-even point and the private sector In this study, differencing method is used to do the has recovered the initial investment, the compensation transformation, and normally the order of differencing GP should be only a part of the future revenue. Thus, is no more than 2. (2) Model selection. After transforming the original GP can be determined as follows: data series into stationary data series, an ARIMA (p, GP = α(N P V2 − N P V1 ) (4) d, q) model must be selected to fit the data series. The 0 0 If the future traffic volume Qt and O&M cost Ct initial values of parameters p and q can be determined were predicted, N P V2 can be calculated smoothly. By from the autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial considering the Eq. (3) or Eq. (4), the compensation correlation function (PACF) graphs. If the PACF amount GP can be derived. So the core issue in of the time series cuts off after √ lag p and the ACF 0 0 reduces to the bounds ±1.96/ n, which are the upper determining GP is to forecast Qt and Ct . and lower 95% confidence limits, the time series is AR (p). If the ACF of the time series cuts off after 3 ARIMA MODEL lag q and the PACF reduces to the bounds, the time series is MA (q). If both the ACF and PACF of the 0 0 Obviously, the traffic volume Qt and O&M cost Ct time series reduce to the bounds, the time series is are dynamic time series data. In order to accurately ARMA. However, the identification of the model type forecast them, a time series analysis is conducted based on these functions is not always feasible, so it based on the relationship between the actual value is necessary to chose other criterion to determine the and future value, which is an effective way for dealing fitting model. The criterion widely used in modelwith dynamic data. However, the traffic volume and selection processes is Bayesian Information Criterion O&M cost could be non-stationary time series while (BIC) or Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The BIC the traditional time series model can only describe the or AIC is an estimation of the information lost when changing trends of stationary time series, thus ARIMA a given model is used to represent the process that 55 Song Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 53-60 Table 1. Operation data of project S Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Traffic volume (vehicles per day) Revenue (million RMB) 12,762 14,741 16,127 17,845 20,084 22,027 24,276 25,606 27,994 31,145 91.88 107.61 117.72 130.26 146.61 160.79 177.21 186.92 204.35 227.35 O&M cost (million RMB) 1,000.00 1,000.00 20.30 22.99 24.92 27.75 30.83 33.53 36.62 38.51 41.79 46.07 NPV (million RMB) -1,000.00 -925.92 61.37 67.17 73.67 75.35 78.80 86.61 88.59 86.59 87.83 90.69 Accumulated NPV (million RMB) -1,000.00 -1,925.92 -1,864.55 -1,797.38 -1,723.71 -1,648.36 -1,569.56 -1,482.95 -1,394.36 -1,307.77 -1,219.94 -1,129.25 actually generates the data (Xiong and Zhang 2014b). 4.1 Series Test and Transformation So the model with minimized BIC or AIC is the best The Eviews 6.0 is used to conduct the time series fitting model. analysis. The original time series graphs of traffic (3) Model testing. Autocorrelation (AC) test and volume and O&M cost from 2003 to 2012 are showed in partial correlation (PAC) test need to be done in this Figure 2, in which both two data series have the longsection. If all P values of the Q statistics of the term increasing trends, thus they are non-stationary residual series test are greater than 0.05, the residual and have to be transformed into stationary series. series of the original data set are white noise, and the Differencing method is applied for both the two data chosen model is fitted. Otherwise, the model should be sets. Results show that the time series after the first differencing are still non-stationary, so differencing modified. treatment has to conduct again. The test results of the (4) Prediction. After the best fitting model has quadratic differencing series are shown in Table 2. The been selected, the final step is to use the determined ADF Test statistics of traffic volume and O&M cost ARIMA(p, d, q) model to forecast the future traffic are correspondingly -3.03 and -3.15, which are both volume and O&M cost data. less than the critical value of the significant level 1%. The test results indicate that the transformed series have become the stationary series. So the differencing order d is set to be 2. The transformed data series of 4 NUMERICAL EXAMPLE traffic volume and O&M cost are plotted in Figure 3. S is a highway BOT project which was built in 2001, Table 2. ADF Test of the transformed data series of traffic volume and O&M cost with 2 billion RMB investment and a planned 27year concession period including a 2-year construction Traffic volume O&M cost Significant level period. In the operation stage, the actual traffic -3.03 -3.15 volume was much lower than the estimated traffic 1% level -2.93 volume. The private sector suffered from great losses 5% level -2.00 over the last 10 years. Therefore, the government 10% level -1.59 and private sector agreed to terminate the concession agreement by consensus. To achieve win-win outcomes for both the government and the private sector, 4.2 Model Selection the government decided to terminate the concession After transforming the original data series into agreement and compensate the private sector. stationary data series, the next step is determining the The operation data of Project S from 2001 to 2012 optimal parameters p and q. The ACF and PACF are shown in Table 1. The toll rate P is 20 RMB per graphs are computed based on the transformed data vehicle, which is the average toll rate of all vehicle types sets. Both the traffic volume model and O&M cost in proportion to their traffic volume. The discount model are initially defined as ARIMA (0, 2, 0) as rate is assumed to be 8% for highway projects (Hu and both the ACF and PACF reduce to the bounds after Cao 2010). The accumulated NPV in 11 years is -1.12 lag 0. Furthermore, BIC is used to selected the best billion RMB, so there is still a long term to recover the fitting model. Table 3 presented the various models initial investment. with different orders and corresponding BIC values. 56 Song Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 53-60 Figure 2. Original data series of traffic volume and O&M cost Figure 3. Transformed traffic volume and O&M cost data series Figure 4. ACF and PACF graphs of the transformed traffic volume and O&M cost ARIMA (0, 2, 1) has the minimized BIC, so it has been selected for both the traffic volume model and the O&M cost model. 4.3 Model Testing The time series model is appropriate if the residual forms a white noise time series data set. Autocorre- lation test and partial correlation test results of the residual series of the traffic volume and O&M cost are presented in Table 4. All P values of the Q statistics of the residual series test of traffic volume and O&M cost are greater than 0.05, therefore, the residual series of both the traffic volume and O&M cost are white noise time series data set. ARIMA (0, 2, 1) model are fitted appropriately. 57 Song Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 53-60 Table 3. Summary of selected time series models Traffic volume model ARIMA (0, 2, 0) ARIMA (1, 2, 0) ARIMA (0, 2, 1) ARIMA (1, 2, 1) BIC O&M cost model ARIMA (0, 2, 0) ARIMA (1, 2, 0) ARIMA (0, 2, 1) ARIMA (1, 2, 1) 13.559 13.875 13.539 14.098 BIC 9.564 9.869 9.563 10.114 Table 4. Autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation test of the residual series Lag 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Test of the traffic volume residual AC PAC Q statistics 0.005 0.005 0.0002 -0.188 -0.188 0.4737 -0.516 -0.533 4.7370 0.052 -0.043 4.7907 0.116 -0.114 5.1511 0.028 -0.358 5.1825 0.004 -0.042 5.1838 series P 0.988 0.789 0.192 0.309 0.398 0.521 0.638 Test of the O&M cost residual series AC PAC Q statistics P -0.114 -0.114 0.1476 0.701 -0.344 -0.362 1.7277 0.422 -0.137 -0.270 2.0275 0.567 -0.268 -0.594 3.4665 0.483 0.397 -0.026 7.6767 0.175 0.114 -0.314 8.2010 0.224 -0.149 -0.256 9.9731 0.190 Table 5. Predicted data of traffic volume and O&M cost and NPV analysis Year 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Traffic volume (vehicles per day) 34,260 37,789 41,784 46,301 51,394 57,115 63,521 70,663 78,598 87,379 97,059 107,694 119,337 132,042 145,863 Revenue (million RMB) 250.09 275.86 305.02 337.99 375.17 416.94 463.70 515.84 573.76 637.86 708.53 786.16 871.16 963.90 1,064.80 O&M cost (million RMB) 50.12 54.61 59.59 65.11 71.24 78.01 85.49 93.74 102.80 112.73 123.58 135.41 148.27 162.21 177.30 4.4 Prediction After the models have been developed, the future traffic volume and O&M cost can be forecasted respectively. The traffic volume and O&M cost from 2013 to 2027 are predicted with a 95% confidence interval and listed in Table 5. The toll rate is fixed at 20 RMB per vehicle in the future. The result shows that the traffic volume increases and reaches more than 140,000 vehicles per day, while the O&M cost increases and reaches about 0.17 billion RMB. The traffic volume increases due to the economic development, population increase, and so on. As for O&M cost, it increases because of more repair and rehabilitation activities. NPV (million RMB) 92.62 94.89 97.46 100.34 103.47 106.84 110.39 114.08 117.85 121.68 125.50 129.27 132.96 136.54 139.95 Accumulated NPV (million RMB) -1,036.63 -941.74 -844.28 -743.94 -640.47 -533.63 -423.24 -309.16 -191.31 -69.63 55.87 185.14 318.10 454.64 594.59 N P V1 and the predicted traffic volume and O&M cost in the remaining concession period (from 12 to 26 years), is 594.59 million RMB. N P V1 < 0 means the private sector did not recovered the initial investment, thus compensation should include the unrecovered investment and a part of furure revenue. According to the Eq.3., the first part GP1 to fill up the unrecovered investment is 2,437.96 million RMB. Assumed that α is 0.4, so the private sector’s sharing of the part of future revenue GP2 is 237.87 million RMB. The final solution of compensation amount GP is 2,675.83 billion RMB. It means that the government should pay a total amount of 2,675.83 billion RMB at the year of Tf +1 as one-time payment to the private sector. 4.5 Compensation solution 5 CONCLUSIONS From Table 1 and Table 5, it is clear that the N P V1 of Project S over the last 11 years is -1,129.25 million In this paper, an ARIMA model is proposed to forecast RMB and the N P V2 , which is calculated based on the key influencing variables of compensation for BOT 58 Song Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction 5 (2016) 53-60 Highway projects. To make the compensation amount more feasible, the liabilities of early termination and realistic situation of actual revenue of project should be considered carefully. In the case of expropriation and nationalization, if the actual revenue does not reach the break-even point, the compensation amount should include unrecovered investment and a part of future revenue. If the actual revenue reaches the break-even point, the government and private sector should fairly share the future revenue by a proportion. Based on it, the cash flow analysis is conducted and the dynamic cash flow for the future is predicted by ARIMA model. A numerical example is employed to illustrate the application of the proposed models. The application of time series analysis shows that the dynamic variables can be satisfactorily fitted to the selected time series model. It is also shown that the ARIMA model is appropriate to deal with the time series data such as traffic volume and O&M cost, by which the proposed model provides a reference on compensation for early termination of highway BOT projects. For the simplicity, this paper didn’t try to take the liabilities of early termination into consideration and just considered the case of expropriation and nationalization. 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