Fired for being HIV-positive - The Bloomington Alternative
Fired for being HIV-positive - The Bloomington Alternative
BIWEEKLY FREE July 4, 2007 Fired for being HIV-positive In this issue: Rights agency says local business may have discriminated by Steven Higgs KH ,QGLDQD &LYLO 5LJKWV &RPPLVVLRQ,&5&KDVUXOHGWKDWHQRXJK HYLGHQFH RI $,'6UHODWHG GLVFULPLQDWLRQH[LVWVDJDLQVWDORFDOEXVLQHVVWKDW DFRPSODLQWDJDLQVWLWVKRXOGSURFHHG %ORRPLQJWRQ UHVLGHQW 'HDQ 0HDG VXHG 0RUULVRQ¶V 79 DQG$SSOLDQFH RQ 'HFDOOHJLQJWKDWRZQHU(GLH 0RUULVRQYLRODWHGKLVFLYLOULJKWVZKHQ VKH¿UHGKLPOHVVWKDQDQKRXUDIWHUKH LQIRUPHG KHU WKDW KH KDG WHVWHG +,9 SRVLWLYH &RPPLVVLRQ'HSXW\'LUHFWRU&KULVWLQH%DFDUXOHGRQ$SULOWKDW³WKHUH LV SUREDEOH FDXVH WR EHOLHYH WKDW D discriminatory employment action in YLRODWLRQRIWKHFLYLOULJKWVODZKDVRFFXUUHG´ The case will either proceed to a forPDOKHDULQJEHIRUHWKH,&5&RUWR0RQURH&LUFXLW&RXUWIRUWULDO%RWKSDUWLHV PXVWDJUHHIRUWKHFDVHWRJRWRFRXUW ,&5& &KDLUPDQ *UHJRU\ .HOODP 6FRWW UXOHG DJDLQVW 0HDG LQ D VHSDUDWH FDVHLQZKLFK0HDGFODLPHGWKDW0RUULVRQ YLRODWHG KLV KRXVLQJ ULJKWV E\ HYLFWLQJ KLP IURP D KRXVH KH UHQWHG from her. T Kicking off the Lotus season The Lotus Festival starts early again this year, with the Summer Night of Lotus on July 13, featuring the Wilders, Grupo Fantasmo and the Kuzun Ensemble. Officials will announce the fall lineup at the event. Page 5 ______________________________________________________ Above the law Editorial cartoon by Brian Garvey Page 2 Silencing WFHB’s Web stream New royalty rates for Internet radio could put an end to WFHB as a Webcaster. The community radio station joined thousands of others in a Day of Silence protest on June 26. Increased costs and additional paperwork are but some of the issues. Page 3 Civitas The return on investment proposition for sustainability Travis says humanity’s penchant for breeding and burning can’t go on forever. He shares his thoughts with IU’s Sustainability Task Force and the Bloomington Commission on Sustainability. Page 4 Around town/Venue menu The Alternative’s biweekly calendar of events and where to see live performances Pages 6-7 The Short List Melissa McReynolds highlights things to do in town. Page 8 ASTROLOGICK Astrologer Gary Paul Glynn’s biweekly forecasts FFRUGLQJWR%DFD¶V1RWLFHRI)LQGLQJLQWKHFDVH0HDGZDVHPSOR\HG E\0RUULVRQ¶VRQ6HSWZKHQ KH WHVWHG SRVLWLYH IRU +,9 +H VDLG KH ³ZDV HPSOR\HG DV KHDG RI GHOLYHULHV´ E\0RUULVRQDQG³ZDVWHUPLQDWHGIURP A Photograph by Steven Higgs A former employee of Morrison’s TV and Appliances claims the business’s owner violated his rights when she fired him immediately after learning he was HIV Positive. The case is before the Indiana Civil Rights Commission, which has found enough evidence of discrimination for it to proceed. “The evidence does indicate that (Mead) was able to perform the essential functions of his job.” - Indiana Civil Rights Commission his position immediately after informLQJKHU´RIEHLQJ+,9SRVLWLYHZKLFK LVDGLVDELOLW\XQGHU,QGLDQDODZ 0RUULVRQGHQLHGWKDW0HDGZDVKHDG RI GHOLYHULHV EXW DFNQRZOHGJHG VKH WHUPLQDWHG KLP 6KH VDLG VKH UHOLHYHG 0HDG RI KLV GXWLHV EHFDXVH ³WKHUH VLPSO\ZDVQRZRUN´DQG³WKHUHZHUH QR MRE GXWLHV IRU 0HDG WR SHUIRUP´ Baca wrote. %XW %DFD IRXQG WKLV H[SODQDWLRQ WR Continued on Page 2 Page 9 On the Web: Stories & columns OUT in Bloomington Listen up, folks!! Helen Harrell, with Carol Fischer SWI fails ozone test John Blair Editorial cartoons Videos Photo albums Blogs See Page 10 for the latest Taking climate change to the Hill by Jessica Hullinger B loomington residents are not only looking for action from their leadHUV LQ WKH ¿JKW DJDLQVW FOLPDWH FKDQJH they are demanding it. *UHHQSHDFHDQRUJDQL]DWLRQGHGLFDWHG WR¿QGLQJSHDFHIXOVROXWLRQVWRHQYLURQPHQWDO SUREOHPV VSRQVRUHG D 'D\ RI $FWLRQ WR VWRS JOREDO ZDUPLQJ RQ -XO\ 1 as part of the campaign Project Hot Seat. 7KH 'D\ RI $FWLRQ EURXJKW %ORRPington residents together at 9th Street SDUNWRHQFRXUDJH865HS%DURQ+LOO '1LQWK WR WDNH D VWDQG DJDLQVW JOREDO warming. (G\WD 6LWNR D *UHHQSHDFH DFWLYLVW KHOSHG RUJDQL]H WKH HYHQW DQG VDLG WKH SHRSOH RI ,QGLDQD DUH FRQFHUQHG DERXW climate change and need their leaders’ help. ³:HDUHZRUNLQJWRPRELOL]HWKHSXEOLFWRYRLFHWKHLUFRQFHUQVWRPDNHVXUH WKDW%DURQ+LOOXQGHUVWDQGVWKDWWKLVLVD UHDOO\LPSRUWDQWLVVXH´6LWNRVDLG editor@Bloomington +RZ LPSRUWDQW" $FFRUGLQJ WR 6LWNR Indiana already feels the effects of globDOZDUPLQJWKURXJKVWURQJHUVWRUPVDQG GDQJHURXVKHDWZDYHV ³,W¶VMXVWJRLQJWRFRQWLQXHWRJHWZRUVH LIZHGRQ¶WGRDQ\WKLQJ´VKHVDLG $QG QXPHURXV VFLHQWL¿F UHSRUWV VXJJHVWWKDWDFWLRQLVQHHGHGLIVHYHUHSUREOHPV OLNH ZRUVHQLQJ IRRG VKRUWDJHV GLVHDVHVDQGGUDVWLFVSHFLHVORVVDUHWR EHDYRLGHG Q-XQHWKH86+RXVHRI5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVSDVVHGDELOOWKDWZRXOG SURYLGH IHGHUDO IXQGLQJ IRU FOLPDWH FKDQJH UHVHDUFK ,Q WKH ELOO WKH +RXVH VWDWHGWKDWFOLPDWHFKDQJHLVD³UHDOLW\´ LQDQDWWHPSWWRHQGGHEDWHRYHUZKHWKHU there is proof that global warming is reDOO\RFFXUULQJ The bill has not yet been debated in the Senate and is opposed by the White +RXVH EHFDXVH LW H[FHHGV 3UHVLGHQW %XVK¶V UHTXHVWHG VSHQGLQJ E\ DERXW O Continued on Page 2 Photograph by Jessica Hullinger Greenpeace activist Chrissie Geels, 17, lets the sign speak for her, pushing Rep. Baron Hill to take action against climate change. She was one of several dozen citizens who participated in a Day of Action to pressure Hill on the issue. 2 The Bloomington Alternative July 4, 2007 The Bloomington Alternative The Bloomington Alternative is a biweekly journal of news and commentary published in Bloomington, Ind. Both the print and online versions are free. The Alternative is a mission-driven publication whose goal is to promote and celebrate progressive social change and independent media in Bloomington. Specifically, we promote social, environmental, and economic justice; local arts; local business; and independent writers. Alternative staff: Editor: Steven Higgs Columnists: Gregory Travis, Steve Chaplin, Tom Szymanski, Kristin Rust, Melissa McReynolds, Helen Harrell & Carol Fischer Editorial cartoonists: Brian Garvey, Tom Tomorrow Calendar: Ashlee Deon Contributing writers: Thomas P. Healy, Steve Chaplin, Lori Canada, Alison Hamm, John Blair, Kevin Howley, James Alexander Thom, Josephine McRobbie, Jessica Hullinger, Ashlee Deon, Elizabeth Henderson Ad design: Talia Halliday Copy editing: Karen Garinger Send submissions or comments to: The Bloomington Alternative P.O. Box 3523 Bloomington, IN 47402 To advertise with the Alternative: Morrison Marketing & Media 812-361-8023 To support the Alternative by check or money order: Bloomington Alternative P.O. Box 3523 Bloomington, IN 47402 To support the Alternative by credit card: • Go online to, • Click “Send money,” • Create a personal account, and • E-mail your subscription to Contributions of any kind, large or small, are not tax deductible but are greatly appreciated. Copyright 2007 © by Higgs Communications LLC. All rights reserved. Subscribe to The Bloomington Alternative Save the hassle, have the Alternative mailed to your home. Monthly $6 (2 issues @ $3.00 per issue) Quarterly $15 (6 issues @ $2.50 per issue) Biannually $30 (13 issues @ $2.25 per issue) Annually $52 (26 issues @ $2.00 per issue) Mail to: The Bloomington Alternative P.O. Box 3523 Bloomington, IN 47402 Issues mailed on the Tuesday before public distribution on Wednesday. • Taking climate change to the Hill Gina Weir of Bloomington sat at the arts DQG FUDIWV WDEOH ZKLOH KHU \HDUROG VRQ 6DPKDGDÀRZHUSDLQWHGRQKLVKDQGE\D *UHHQSHDFHDFWLYLVW:HLUVDLGWKDWJOREDO ZDUPLQJLVDKXJHQDWLRQDOSULRULW\ ³$OORIWKHRWKHULVVXHVWKDWZH¶UHFRQcerned with rely on the idea of thinking DERXWWKHHQYLURQPHQW´VKHVDLG The goal is to get Hill to sign onto WKH6DIH&OLPDWH$FWZKLFKFDOOVIRUDQ SHUFHQW UHGXFWLRQ LQ JUHHQKRXVH JDV HPLVVLRQVE\ 6LWNRWKLQNV+LOO¶VVXSSRUWZRXOGLPpact whether it passes Congress. Photograph by Jessica Hullinger ³+HKDVDUHDOO\SRZHUIXOVHDWRQWKH Jack, 5, right, eats pizza while his (QHUJ\ DQG &RPPHUFH &RPPLWWHH VR mother, Anna Tosick, writes a personal LW¶VUHDOO\LPSRUWDQWWKDWKHXVHVWKDWWR letter to Rep. Baron Hill at the GreenKHOSLQÀXHQFHKLVFROOHDJXHV´VKHVDLG peace Day of Action against global warming on July 1. he Safe Climate Act calls for a reGXFWLRQLQJOREDOZDUPLQJSROOXWLRQ Continued from Page 1 LQJHQHUDODFURVVWKHFRXQWU\PRUHIXHO ELOOLRQ DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH New York HI¿FLHQW FDUV DQG WUXFNV ZLWK DQ LGHDO VWDQGDUGRIPLOHVSHUJDOORQDQGLQTimes. Considering Hill’s position on the FUHDVHG LQYHVWPHQW LQ FOHDQ UHQHZDEOH +RXVH(QHUJ\DQG&RPPHUFH&RPPLW- HQHUJ\VRXUFHV 7KHELOOKDVFRVSRQVRUVDFFRUGLQJ WHH6LWNRWKLQNVKHZLOOEHPRUHOLNHO\ WR PRYH TXLFNO\ WRZDUG WDNLQJ DFWLRQ to the Thomas Library of Congress Web VLWHDQG6LWNRVDLGWKHUHLVDFRPSDUDEOH against climate change. %ORRPLQJWRQ FLWL]HQV DWWHQGLQJ WKH bill in the Senate as well. :KLOH*UHHQSHDFHDFWLYLVWVKRSH+LOOZLOO *UHHQSHDFH 'D\ RI $FWLRQ UHPLQGHG sign the Safe Climate Act as soon as posHill that they want change by sending KLPOHWWHUVDQGSKRWRPHVVDJHVRXWOLQLQJ VLEOH6LWNRVDLGWKH\ZLOOSXVKIRUFKDQJH WKHLUFRQFHUQVDQGSHUVRQDOH[SHULHQFHV XQWLOWKHQHHGVRIWKHSHRSOHDUHPHW ³,I KH GRHVQ¶W VXSSRUW WKH 6DIH &OLwith global warming. T PDWH$FWWKHQKH¶OOEHUHPHPEHUHGE\ ,QGLDQD¶VYRWHUVDVWKHFRQJUHVVPDQZKR did nothing while the earth grew increasLQJO\ KRWWHU DQG PRUH GDQJHURXV´ VKH said. LWNRZRUNVIRU*UHHQSHDFHRXWRIWKH %ORRPLQJWRQ (FR &HQWHU RQ 6RXWK :DOQXW6WUHHW6KHDQGRWKHU3URMHFW+RW 6HDWDFWLYLVWVFDQEHVHHQDURXQG%ORRPington sporting bright red “Stop Global :DUPLQJ´VKLUWVDVNLQJSDVVHUVE\WR¿OO RXWSRVWFDUGVWR+LOO :LWKLQWKHQH[WPRQWK6LWNRKRSHVWR PHHWZLWK+LOOWRYRLFHKHUJOREDOZDUPing concerns. ³+H XQGHUVWDQGV WKDW JOREDO ZDUPing is happening and that we need to S “We are working to mobilize the public to voice their concerns to make sure that Baron Hill understands that this is a really important issue.” - Edyta Sitko Greenpeace GR VRPHWKLQJ DERXW LW´ VKH VDLG ³,W¶V DPDWWHURIPDNLQJVXUHWKDWKH¶VDFWLQJ ULJKWQRZ´ Jessica Hullinger can be reached at • Fired for being HIV-positive Continued from Page 1 EH ³SUHWH[W´ JLYHQ WKDW WKH HYLGHQFH VKRZHG 0HDG KDG DYHUDJHG KRXUV SHU ZHHN ZRUNLQJ DW 0RUULVRQ¶V RYHU WKH WKUHH ZHHNV OHDGLQJ XS WR KLV WHUmination. ³7KLVDSSHDUVWREHDQH[WUDRUGLQDU\ DPRXQW RI ZRUN IRU QR ZRUN EHLQJ DYDLODEOH´VKHZURWH ,Q 0HDG¶V KRXVLQJ GLVFULPLQDWLRQ editor@Bloomington FRPSODLQW 0RUULVRQ VDLG 0HDG ³ZDV QRW UHVSRQVLEOH RU GHSHQGDEOH VR VKH walked across the street to tell him that WKHUHZRXOGEHQRIXUWKHUZRUN´%DFD wrote. Baca likewise rejected that claim. 7KDW0HDGKDGZRUNHG³DWRWDORI KRXUVGXULQJWKHVKRUWWLPHKHZDVHPSOR\HG VHHPV WR LQGLFDWH WKDW 0HDG ZDVGHSHQGDEOH´VKHZURWH ,Q \HW DQRWKHU GRFXPHQW VXEPLWWHG WR WKH 'LYLVLRQ RI )DPLO\ DQG &KLOGUHQ0RUULVRQFLWHG³VLFNQHVVDQGXQDEOHWRSHUIRUP´DVUHDVRQVIRU0HDG¶V discharge. ³7KH DYDLODEOH HYLGHQFH VKRZV WKDW 0RUULVRQKDVSURYLGHGWKHFRPPLVVLRQ ZLWKWZRGLIIHUHQWUHDVRQVIRU0HDG¶V HPSOR\PHQW VHSDUDWLRQ DQG JDYH \HW D third reason for the separation in a form Continued on Page 11 3 The Bloomington Alternative July 4, 2007 Silencing WFHB’s Web stream by Josephine McRobbie 5 oyalty rates for Internet radio broadFDVWHUVDUHDERXWWRWULSOH$QGWKH LQFUHDVHV ZLOO EH UHWURDFWLYH WR -DQ :KLOH WKLV GHFLVLRQ ZLOO SXW PRQH\ back into the hands of record labels and DUWLVWVZKRKDYHIHOWWKHEORZRIGLPLQLVKLQJ PXVLF VDOHV DQG GRZQORDGLQJ LW might also mean the end of many small Internet radio stations and the Web streams that accompany many non-commercial stations. ³,W ZLOO VKXW GRZQ RXU :HE VWUHDP IRU FHUWDLQ´ VDLG :)+% 1HZV 'LUHFtor Chad Carrothers. “The Web stream is MXVWVRPHWKLQJZHFDQ¶WDIIRUGWRVXEVLGL]HZLWKWKHLQFUHDVHHVSHFLDOO\ZLWKLW EHLQJUHWURDFWLYH´ %ORRPLQJWRQ¶V:)+%UXQVRQDVWDII RI³WKUHHDQGDKDOI´DFFRUGLQJWR&DUURWKHUVDQGGHVSLWHKDYLQJDSSUR[LPDWHO\YROXQWHHUV³:HDUHDVPDOOVWDWLRQ«DQGZHMXVWGRQ¶WKDYHDEXGJHW IRUWKDWNLQGRIWKLQJ´ Q0DUFKWKH86&RS\ULJKW5R\DOW\ %RDUG&5%DQQRXQFHGSODQVWRWULSOH ,QWHUQHW UR\DOWLHV DW WKH LQVLVWHQFH RI 6RXQG([FKDQJH D QRQSUR¿W SHUIRUPDQFHULJKWVRUJDQL]DWLRQ$FFRUGLQJWR LWV:HEVLWH&5%FROOHFWVDQGGLVWULEXWHV UR\DOWLHV WR FRS\ULJKW RZQHUV RI VRXQG recordings. 7KLVLQFUHDVHHTXDOVURXJKO\D¿IWKRI DFHQWSHUVRQJSHUOLVWHQHU,QUHVSRQVH WRWKLVUXOLQJWKH:HEVLWH6DYH1HW5DGLR RUJDQGWKH5DGLRDQG,QWHUQHW1HZVOHWWHU I HQDFWHGD'D\RI6LOHQFHRQ-XQHDQG :KHQ WKH\ JHW KRPHVLFN WKH\ FDQ WXQH :HEFDVWHUVSDUWLFLSDWHGE\EURDG- WR:)+%YLDWKH,QWHUQHWRUYLDL7XQHV casting silence on their Web streams. and get a little inside line as to what’s 2YHUSKRQHFDOOVZHUHPDGH JRLQJRQEDFNLQ%ORRPLQJWRQ´ WRPHPEHUVRIWKH+RXVHDQG6HQDWHRQ While the Web stream may not be WKH'D\RI6LOHQFHLQVXSSRUWRIWKH,QWHU- :)+%¶V PDLQ PHWKRG RI FRPPXQLFDQHW5DGLR(TXDOLW\$FWZKLFKZRXOGVHW WLRQLWVWLOOSURYLGHVDVHUYLFHWKDW&DUthe royalty rates for Internet broadcast- URWKHUVWHUPV³DPD]LQJ´ HUVXQWLODWDUDWHPRUHHTXLWDEOHWR WKDWSDLGE\VDWHOOLWHUDGLRVHUYLFHV KULVWLQD.X]P\FKVWDWLRQPDQDJHU RIUHYHQXHDVRSSRVHGWRWKHRIUHYRI,8¶VSXEOLFUDGLRVWDWLRQ:),8 HQXHSURSRVHGE\ VDLGWKDWZKLOH:),8 WKH&5% VXSSRUWHG WKH DFWLRQ “We have a growing audience 6RXQG([it did not participate change has of- of listeners who live all over the LQWKH'D\RI6LOHQFH fered a compro- world and enjoy WFIU’s specific EHFDXVH³ZHEHOLHYHG PLVH WKDW ZRXOG programming.” WKDW LW ZRXOG XQGXO\ help small staSHQDOL]H OLVWHQHUV IRU tions. - Christina Kuzmych legislation that they WFIU GLGQRWEULQJDERXW´ ,QVWHDG VKH VDLG )+% SDU:),8 LV ³UXQQLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQDO PHVticipated. ³:HWKRXJKWLWZDVLPSRUWDQWWRVKRZ VDJHV DERXW WKH &5% UXOLQJ DQG WKH VROLGDULW\ ZLWK WKH PRYHPHQW QDWLRQ- SHQGLQJFRQJUHVVLRQDOGLVFXVVLRQ´ ZLGH´ VDLG &DUURWKHUV ³,¶P OHVV FRQ%XW.X]P\FK¶VOLQHRIWKLQNLQJDERXW FHUQHG DERXW XV DFWXDOO\ WKDQ , DP WKHUXOLQJLVVLPLODUWRWKDWRI:)+%DQG DERXW ,QWHUQHW EURDGFDVWHUV WKDW GRQ¶W other stations that broadcast partially or KDYHWKHOX[XU\RIKDYLQJDJRRGWHUUHV- IXOO\YLDWKH,QWHUQHW WULDOVLJQDO´ ³-XVWWKHUHFRUGNHHSLQJWKLVUXOLQJGH+HQRWHGWKDWLI:)+%¶V:HEVWUHDP PDQGVLVSURKLELWLYHWRVWDWLRQVWKHVL]H GLVDSSHDUVWKHVWDWLRQFRXOGVWLOODFFRP- RI :),8´ VDLG .X]P\FK ³:H VLPSO\ SOLVKLWVPLVVLRQRISURYLGLQJORFDOQHZV GRQ¶W KDYH WKH SHUVRQQHO WR KDQGOH WKLV PXVLF DQG RSLQLRQ WR WKH %ORRPLQJWRQ W\SH RI PLQXWLDH ,Q DGGLWLRQ WKH VRIWFRPPXQLW\YLDWKHUDGLR ZDUHUHTXLUHGWRVXSSRUWWKHUHFRUGNHHS+RZHYHU :)+% DOVR SDUWLFLSDWHG LQJHLWKHULVQ¶WDYDLODEOHRULVWRRH[SHQEHFDXVH DFFRUGLQJ WR &DUURWKHUV ³:H VLYHIRUPRVWSXEOLFUDGLRVWDWLRQV´ KHDU IURP D ORW RI SHRSOH ZKR PRYH ³:H ZRXOG OLNH D ÀDW IHH VWUXFWXUH away from here after school that they WKDW UHFRJQL]HV WKH GLIIHUHQFHV EHWZHHQ XVH :)+% DV VRPHZKDW RI D OLIHOLQH noncommercial and commercial broad- C W FDVWHUV´ .X]P\FK VDLG ³7KH EXVLQHVV model for commercial and noncommerFLDOVWDWLRQVLVYHU\GLIIHUHQW´ &DUURWKHUVDJUHHG³)RU&OHDU&KDQQHO VWDWLRQVWKLVLVMXVWDGURSRIVZHDWUROOLQJRIIWKHLUEDFN´KHVDLG³,W¶VQRELJ GHDOIRUWKHP´ DUURWKHUVFLWHGKLVSHUVRQDOIDYRULWH ,QWHUQHW UDGLR VWDWLRQ ZKLFK SOD\V OLYHDQGVWXGLRSHUIRUPDQFHVRIWKHEDQG :HHQKRXUVDGD\±ZLWKWKHEDQG¶V HQGRUVHPHQW±DVDQH[DPSOHRIDVWDWLRQ WKDWZLOOEHKLWKDUGE\WKHUXOLQJ ³:LWKVLWHVOLNH:HHQ5DGLRFRPWKHLU ZKROHEXGJHWLVSUREDEO\D\HDU RUVRPHWKLQJMXVWWRSD\IRUVHUYHUDQG EDQGZLGWK´ KH VDLG ³7KH\¶UH QRW JRing to be able to afford a royalty charge WKDW¶VPRUHWKDQWKHLUHQWLUHEXGJHWIRUD \HDU,W¶VMXVWULGLFXORXV´ :KHWKHU D VWDWLRQ H[LVWV VROHO\ RQ WKH ,QWHUQHWRUXVHV:HEVWUHDPLQJDVDQHQKDQFHPHQWWRDORFDOUDGLRIUHTXHQF\WKH UR\DOW\LQFUHDVHLVOLNHO\WRFDXVHDGLVWXUbance. ³:H KDYH D JURZLQJ DXGLHQFH RI OLVWHQHUV ZKR OLYH DOO RYHU WKH ZRUOG DQG HQMR\ :),8¶V VSHFL¿F SURJUDPPLQJ´ .X]P\FKVDLG³6WUHDPLQJPDNHV:),8 DFFHVVLEOHWRWKHP´ Carrothers said the potential impact is clear. ³7KHUHZLOOEHDWUHPHQGRXVVLOHQFLQJ RIYRLFHV´KHVDLG³$QGWKHYRLFHVDUH WKRVHRIWKHOLWWOHJX\V´ C Josephine McRobbie can be reached at • Site analysis • Collaborative design • Maintenance services • Personalized plans 100 % Fruit L A N D S C A P E C O N S U LT I N G Kristin Rust Master Gardener 812.322.3091 CONTACT US NOW FOR SUMMER MAINTENANCE AND FALL PLANS! Get a plan before you plant for a beautiful, sustainable landscape anything less would be 99% or smaller all smoothies are made with fresh fruit, no ice, & no sugar 322 east kirkwood ave way downstairs from the laughing planet cafe 331.2770 editor@Bloomington 4 The Bloomington Alternative July 4, 2007 Civitas The return on investment proposition for sustainability by Gregory Travis XVWDLQDELOLW\,W¶VWKHUDJHWKHVHGD\V DVHQOLJKWHQHGFRPPXQLWLHVDQGLQGLYLGXDOVDOORYHUWKHJOREHDUHFRPLQJWR UHDOL]HDQGZRUU\QRWDOLWWOHELWDERXWLW WKDW WKH KXPDQ SURSHQVLW\ WR EUHHG DQG EXUQHYHU\\HDUDOLWWOHPRUHWKDQWKHODVW PLJKWQRWEHDEOHWRJRRQIRUHYHU %XUQLQJ ZKHWKHU LW¶V FRDO LQ D 0LGwestern electric plant or oil in a speeding VHPL FRQVXPHV UHVRXUFHV DQG FRQYHUWV WKHPWRHQWURS\,IWKDWZHUHQ¶WHQRXJKLW DGGVJUHHQKRXVHJDVHVWRRXUDWPRVSKHUH ±SHUIRUPLQJDJOREDOODERUDWRU\H[SHULPHQW ZLWK KHUHWRIRUH XQNQRZQ FRQVHTXHQFHV 7KDW ZRXOG EH ¿QH LI ZH KDG DQRWKHUODEVKRXOGZHEORZWKLVRQHXS %XWZHGRQ¶W(YHU\WLPH\RXWXUQRQ D OLJKW VZLWFK VRPHWKLQJ GLHV$QG WKH PRUHRIXVWKHUHDUHWRÀLSRQWKHOLJKWV WKHPRUHG\LQJ%UHHGLQJDQGEXUQLQJ +HQFHVXVWDLQDELOLW\7KHEDQNHU¶VQRWLRQWKDWLWLVEHWWHUWROLYHRIIRILQWHUHVW than draw down principle. And the notion WKDWZHKDGEHWWHUGRVRPHWKLQJTXLFNO\ LIZH¶UHQRWWRUXQRXWRIFDVKRQZKLFKWR draw that interest. The city of Bloomington has estabOLVKHG D VXVWDLQDELOLW\ FRPPLVVLRQ ,8 KDV HVWDEOLVKHG D VXVWDLQDELOLW\ WDVN IRUFH$QGWKH\¶YHERWKGRQHVRZLWKWKH best of intentions. %XW,IHDUWKDWLQDOOWKHWDONRI³JUHHQ URRIWRSV´ DQG FRQYHUVLRQ WR ORZHQHUJ\ VRXUFHVRIDUWL¿FLDOOLJKWLQJKDVORVWDEDVLFSULQFLSOHJRDIWHU\RXUORZHVWKDQJLQJ IUXLW¿UVW,QRWKHUZRUGVGR¿UVWZKDWLV PRVWOLNHO\WRJLYHWKHJUHDWHVWJDLQVLQ WKLVFDVHJDLQVLQVXVWDLQDELOLW\¿UVW S How we live Settlement patterns and transportation PHWKRGVKDYHE\IDUWKHJUHDWHVWHIIHFW RQKRZPXFKZHEXUQDQGVXEVHTXHQWO\ KRZPXFKZHSROOXWH$WRPDWRJURZQ in the backyard garden comes at a fraction of the atmospheric CO release of DWRPDWRJURZQDWKRXVDQGPLOHVDZD\ WUXFNHGWR\RXUNLWFKHQLQDUHIULJHUDWHG semi. /LNHZLVHFRPSDFWFRPPXQLWLHVFRPPXQLWLHV EXLOW RQ D KXPDQ VFDOH FRQVXPH IRU WKH VDPH QHWHFRQRPLFDFWLYLW\ D IUDFWLRQ RI WKH IXHO ±PHDQLQJWKH\EXUQD IUDFWLRQ DV PXFK ± DV VSUDZOLQJ ORZGHQVLW\ DXWRPRWLYH FRPPXQLWLHV 7KDWZHKDYHGHVWUR\HGWKHVKDSHDQG IRUP RI RXU WUDGLWLRQDO FRPPXQLWLHV UHSODFLQJWKHPZLWKVXEXUEDQVFOHURVLVLV RQHRIWKHFKLHIUHDVRQVZK\$PHULFDQV RQDSHUFDSLWDEDVLVEXUQWZLFHDVPXFK SHWUROHXPDVGRFLWL]HQVRIDQ\RWKHUDGYDQFHGZHVWHUQQDWLRQ Ecologists estimate that demolishing MXVW RQH EXLOGLQJ DQG UHSODFLQJ LW ZLWK DQRWKHUVWUXFWXUHXQGRHVWKHHIIHFWRI lifetimes of responsible recycling. 7KLQNDERXWWKDWWKHQH[WWLPH\RXUHDG RIDSODQWRWHDUGRZQDVWUXFWXUHEHFDXVH UHQRYDWLRQ ZRXOG EH XQHFRQRPLFDO 7KLQNDERXWLWDV\RXVRUW\RXUJODVV\RXU SDSHUDQG\RXUVRGDFDQV7KLQNWKDWDOO \RXUHIIRUWVIRU\RXUHQWLUHOLIHDQGWKRVH of nine other people at the recycling cenWHUZHUHMXVWREOLWHUDWHGE\WKHZUHFNLQJ EDOODVDOOWKDWROGEXLOGLQJ¶VPHWDOJODVV DQG FRQFUHWH DUH VHQW QRW WR EH UHXVHG EXWGLVVLSDWHGLQWKHODQG¿OOVRIDFRROLQJ XQLYHUVH $QGWKLQNDERXWZK\RXUVXVWDLQDELOLW\ OHDGHUVKLS LVQ¶W DGGUHVVLQJ WKRVH LVVXHV WKDWORZKDQJLQJIUXLW Working against itself A few days ago I penned the followLQJDGGUHVVHGWR,8¶VVXVWDLQDELOLW\WDVN IRUFHFRS\LQJWKHH[RI¿FLRPHPEHURI the city of Bloomington’s Commission RQ6XVWDLQDELOLW\ “Gentlemen: ³7KH,8VXVWDLQDELOLW\WDVNIRUFHVWDWHV as a core mission goal: ‘meeting the needs RIWKHSUHVHQWZLWKRXWFRPSURPLVLQJWKH DELOLW\RIIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQVWRPHHWWKHLU own needs.’ ³:KLFK LV FHUWDLQO\ ODXGDEOH$V , DP VXUH \RX DUH DZDUH ,8 KDV UHFHQWO\ DQQRXQFHGLWVLQWHQWLRQWRTXLWPXFKRILWV GRZQWRZQSURSHUWLHVVHHWKH'HFODUDWLRQ RI6XUSOXV5HDO(VWDWHIURPWKHWUXVWHHV¶ -XQHPHHWLQJ ³$V , DP VXUH \RX DUH DOVR DZDUH ,8 KDV DGGLWLRQDOO\ DQQRXQFHG LWV LQWHQWLRQ QHZPDQGDWHIRUVXVWDLQDELOLW\RUVHUYHV LWV DELOLW\ WR DYRLG FRPSURPLVLQJ IXWXUH generations. ³$V,DPDOVRVXUH\RXDUHDZDUHWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHVLVFXUUHQWO\LQERWKDOLTXLG hydrocarbon crisis and a growing greenKRXVHFOLPDWHFULVLV1HLWKHURIZKLFKKDV DUDWLRQDOKRSHRIPHOLRUDWLRQVKRUWRIGLUHFWDQGHIIHFWLYHDFWLRQ:KLFKQRQHRI this appears to represent. ³,ZRXOGKRSHLQWKHLQWHUHVWRIDYRLGing a patina of cynicism from disabling WKH VXVWDLQDELOLW\ WDVN IRUFH¶V PLVVLRQ that the task force will address what apSHDU WR EH WZR PRQVWURXVO\ FRQWUDGLFWRU\ DJHQGDV 1DPHO\ D FRPPLWPHQW WR KDQGLQJIXWXUHJHQHUDWLRQVDZRUOGEHWWHU WKDQWKDWZKLFKZHLQKHULWHGYHUVXVWKH more immediate and pragmatic attention WR EXVLQHVV DV XVXDO HYHQ LI WKDW PHDQV EXVLQHVVDVFROOHFWLYHVXLFLGH´ ,FDQEHJLYHQWRK\SHUEROHEXWRQHRI WKHEXLOGLQJVWREHVXUSOXVHGLQWKHGRZQWRZQORFDWLRQLVWKH,8IRRGZDUHKRXVH ZKHUHRXWOLQHVRIWKHROGUDLOURDGWUDFNV “Do first what is most XVHGWREULQJLQER[FDUVRIIRRGFDQVWLOO likely to give the greatest EHVHHQLQWKHJUDVV1RZWKRVHFDUVKDYH gains, in this case, gains in EHHQUHSODFHGE\UHIULJHUDWHGWUXFNVFDUU\LQJIUR]HQKDPEXUJHUVIURP1HEUDVND sustainability, first.” and Caesar salads from California. (DFK WRQ RI IRRG VKLSSHG E\ WUXFNEXUQVWLPHVDVPXFKIXHODQGDGGV RI PRYLQJ DQGRU RXWVRXUFLQJ PXFK RI times the atmospheric CODVGRHVDWRQ WKDWGRZQWRZQDFWLYLW\WRVXEXUEDQDXWR- shipped by rail. PRWLYHSRGVSDUWLFXODUO\WRWKHHDVWRIWKH $UHZHUHDOO\KHDGHGLQWKHULJKWVXVVRRQWREHZLGHQHG65E\SDVV WDLQDEOH GLUHFWLRQ" ,W¶V QHDUO\ KRXUV ³,WZRXOGEHKHOSIXOWRKDYHDVWDWHPHQW VLQFH , VHQW P\ OHWWHU EXW P\ LQER[ LV IURPWKHXQLYHUVLW\DVWRKRZLWVPRVWUH- empty. FHQW DQQRXQFHPHQW RI DEDQGRQPHQW RI WUDGLWLRQDO ORZHQHUJ\ FHQWUDO EXVLQHVV Gregory Travis can be reached at GLVWULFW GHYHORSPHQW LQ IDYRU RI KLJK HQHUJ\ KLJKHQYLURQPHQWDOFRVW VXEXUEDQDXWRPRWLYH GHYHORSPHQW VHUYHV LWV Editorial Cartoons Online at Brian Garvey Tom Tomorrow Paul Kane Keith Knight editor@Bloomington 5 The Bloomington Alternative July 4, 2007 the Alternative Arts & Culture Kicking off the Lotus season by Lori Canada V DQRWKHU VXPPHU IURP +DGHV EODQNHWV VRXWKFHQWUDO ,QGLDQD DQ HDUO\ VLJQ RI PHUFLIXO IDOO DUULYHV ZLWK WKH 6XPPHU 1LJKW RI /RWXV D FRQFHUW RIPXVLFDOKRUVG¶RHXYUHVPHDQWWRZKHW DSSHWLWHVIRUWKHXSFRPLQJ/RWXV:RUOG 0XVLFDQG$UWV)HVWLYDO 7KUHH YHU\ GLIIHUHQW ± EXW DOO WULSOH VWUHQJWK FDIIHLQDWHG ± PXVLFDO DGYHQWXUHVZLOOXQIROGLQKLJKJHDUDWWKH%XVNLUN&KXPOH\ 7KHDWUH RQ )ULGD\ -XO\ DWSP ,QLWLDWHGWKUHH\HDUVDJRDVDQDQQXDO PHDQVRIRI¿FLDOO\ODXQFKLQJWKH/RWXV ³VHDVRQ´ WKLV \HDU¶V 6XPPHU 1LJKW RI /RWXVIHDWXUHV*UXSR)DQWDVPDDOLYHO\ PDQ $XVWLQEDVHG $IUR/DWLQ IXQN IXVLRQ RXW¿W WKH :LOGHUV D IRXUSLHFH VWULQJEDQGIURP.DQVDV&LW\NQRZQDV PXFK IRU WKHLU WRUUHQWLDO FRPHG\SHSSHUHGOLYHSHUIRUPDQFHVDVIRUWKHLUUHPDUNDEOHPXVLFLDQVKLSDQG.XVXQ(QVHPEOH DQ H[KLODUDWLQJ SHUFXVVLRQ DQG GDQFH JURXS KDLOLQJ IURP *KDQD WKDW PDQ\IRONVZLOOUHFDOOKDYLQJVHHQGXULQJ/RWXV)HVWLYDO A I WKH GHFLGHGO\ XSWHPSR OLQHXS /RWXV([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU/HH:LOOLDPV VD\V *UXSR )DQWDVPD ZLOO OLNHO\ EHWKHOHDVWZHOONQRZQWRDWWHQGHHV%XW O those who do catch WKH VRQLF OLYH ZLUHV are in for a treat. ³(YHU\RQH ,¶YH talked to who has seen them play says they are some of the best SHUIRUPHUV WKH\¶YH HYHU VHHQ´ KH VD\V ³7KH\ KDYH UHDOO\ JRRGSUHVVJUHDWSUHVHQWDWLRQWKH\KDYHLW DOO´ ,QGHHG *UXSR )DQPhotograph courtesy of The Wilders tasma has garnered both national and local The Wilders will bring their brand of bluegrass, hillbilly, attention. Hand-picked honky-tonk and country western to the Summer Night by Prince to back him of Lotus on July 13. GXULQJ KLV H[SORVLYH ZHOONQRZQDUWLVWVLQWKHFRPPXQLW\RI 6XSHU %RZO SHUIRUPDQFH ODVW )HEUXDU\ PXVLFWKH\UHSUHVHQW3HRSOHZKRNQRZ WKH JURXS KDV EHHQ VHOHFWHG E\ $XVWLQ WKHPORYHWKHP7KH\¶YHEHHQGRLQJWKH 0XVLF$ZDUGV DV %HVW /DWLQ &RQWHPSR- IHVWLYDOFLUFXLWIRUDORQJWLPHDQGZH¶UH UDU\%DQGIRUVHYHUDOFRQVHFXWLYH\HDUV OXFN\WRKDYHWKHPKHUH´ %RDVWLQJ D KHIW\ WUHDVXUH FKHVW RI ERWK VWDQGDUG DQG H[RWLF LQVWUXPHQWDDGLFDOO\ MXPSLQJ JHQUHV *KDQD WLRQLQFOXGLQJKRUQVSHUFXVVLRQJXLWDU EDVHG .XVXQ (QVHPEOH ZLOO EULQJ DQG FXDWUR *UXSR )DQWDVPD LV NQRZQ LWV HQHUJHWLF PL[WXUH RI WUDGLWLRQDO DQG IRULWVH[XEHUDQWPL[WXUHRI$IURIXQN LQQRYDWLYH:HVW$IULFDQPXVLFDQGGDQFH /DWLQ FXPELD KLSKRS VDOVD DQG PH- back to Bloomington after being here for UHQJXHUK\WKPVWRFUHDWHDQRYHUDOOPX- /RWXV)HVWLYDOWZR\HDUVDJR sical atmosphere in which dancing is MXVWSODLQFRPSXOVRU\ 5 LNH *UXSR )DQWDVPD WKH :LOGHUV ZKR KDYH EHHQ EXUQLVKLQJ WKHLU EUDQGRIEOXHJUDVVKLOOELOO\KRQN\WRQN DQG FRXQWU\ZHVWHUQ WXQHV VLQFH DUH DOVR NQRZQ IRU WKHLU DUGHQW WUDQVFHQGHQWOLYHVKRZV )LHU\ ¿GGOH EDQMR GREUR PDQGROLQ JXLWDU VWDQGXS EDVV DQG DLUWLJKW YRFDOV±DORQJZLWKRQVWDJHEDQWHUWKDWLV GRZQULJKW IXQQ\ ZLWKRXW HYHU YHHULQJ LQWR LUUHYHUHQW LURQLF WHUULWRU\ ± GLVWLQJXLVKWKH:LOGHUVIURPWKHLUSHHUV :LOOLDPV VD\V WKH IHLVW\ TXDUWHW LV ³FRQVLGHUHGRQHRIDKDQGIXORIWKHPRVW L Photograph courtesy of the Kusun Ensemble The Kusun Ensemble left audiences breathless when they played Lotus two years ago. Williams says many will remember .XVXQ(QVHPEOHIURPZKHQ³WKH\SDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKHGUXPPLQJZRUNVKRSWKH SDUDGHV DQG SXW RQ DQ DPD]LQJ SHUIRUPDQFHDWWKH%XVNLUN&KXPOH\´ )RXQGHG E\ 1LL7HWWH\7HWWHK .XVXQ (QVHPEOH GHOLYHUV D FRQYXOVLYH FRPELQDWLRQRI:HVW$IULFDQWUDGLWLRQDOPXVLF ZLWK$IULFDQMD]]DQGKLOLIHLQDQLQVWUXPHQWDO SDFNDJH WKDW LQFOXGHV WKH ÀXWH GUXPVJXLWDUDQGEHOOV $XGLHQFHVDUHW\SLFDOO\OHIWVSHOOERXQG DQGGL]]\DIWHUVHHLQJ.XVXQ(QVHPEOH SDUWO\EHFDXVHRIZKDW:LOOLDPVFDOOVWKH “awe-inspiring athleticism and dance and PRYHPHQW´RIWKHLUSHUIRUPDQFHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR VHUYLQJ DV D IXQGUDLVHU IRU WKH /RWXV )RXQGDWLRQ WKH 6XPPHU 1LJKWRI/RWXVZLOOVHUYHRWKHUIXQFWLRQV DVZHOO:LOOLDPVVD\V ³,WLVWKHµNLFNRII¶WRWKHIHVWLYDOVHDVRQDQGZHZLOOEHDQQRXQFLQJRXUIXOO IHVWLYDO OLQHXS DQG SHRSOH ZLOO EH DEOH WR EX\ WKH IHVWLYDO SLQ DQG 7VKLUW´ KH says. This year’s T-shirt and pin were deVLJQHG E\ PXOWLWDOHQWHG /X$QQH +ROODGD\ZKRLV/RWXV)HVWLYDODVVLVWDQWGLUHFtor as well as a graphic artist. While the DFWXDOLPDJHZLOOUHPDLQDVXUSULVHXQWLO FRQFHUW QLJKW +ROODGD\ GHVFULEHV DQ HOHJDQWGHVLJQFKRFNIXOORIV\PEROLVPWKDW most Bloomingtonians hold dear. “The T-shirt and pin designs are reODWHG´VKHVD\V³,ZDVLQVSLUHGE\WKLV \HDU¶VYLVXDODUWVSURMHFW±WKHµDUWELNH¶ ZKLFK ZLOO EH WULFNLQJ RXW DQG GHFRUDWLQJDGR]HQRUVRELNHVWREHXVHGLQWKH /RWXV)HVWLYDOSURFHVVLRQV ³%LNHV DUH FXOWXUDO LFRQV DURXQG %ORRPLQJWRQEHFDXVHRI%UHDNLQJ$ZD\ DQGWKH/LWWOHHWFWKHVHGD\VWKHUH DUH HYHQ PRUH UHDVRQV WR DGYRFDWH IRU ELNHVDQGVRRQ7KHUH¶VDOVRWKHZKROH symbolic impact of circles and spirals: FRPPXQLW\ZKROHQHVVDQGPRYHPHQW´ OHQW\RIPRYHPHQWDQGFDUGLRYDVFXODU ZRUNRXW PXVLF ZLOO EH RQ KDQG DW 6XPPHU 1LJKW RI /RWXV :KLOH WKLV \HDU¶VOLQHXSLVPRUHXSWHPSRWKDQWKH SUHYLRXV WZR :LOOLDPV VD\V WKLV LV D VKRZPXVLFORYHUVZRQ¶WZDQWWRPLVV ³7KLVWLPHLW¶VGH¿QLWHO\PRUHDJJUHVVLYH DQG LQ \RXU IDFH´ KH VD\V ³EXW LW ZLOOEHDQDPD]LQJQLJKWRIPXVLF&RPH RQRXW´ P Lori Canada can be reached at 7:C?II?ED?I7BM7OI<H;; &OKPZUIFTPVOETPGKB[[BUUIF*6"SU.VTFVN©'SJEBZOJHIUTJO+VMZ Jazz in July Concert Series Every Friday @ 6:30 p.m. 5IBOLTUPPVSTQPOTPST W IU 4QFDJBMTVNNFSFYIJCJUJPOTUISPVHI4FQUJODMVEF 103.7 fm v"SDIJUFDUVSF3FBMBOE*NBHJOFE v*ODPOWFOJFOU4UPSJFT1PSUSBJUTPG7JFUOBN8BS 7FUFSBOTCZ+FGGSFZ"8PMJO ® ! # $" $!$% v"#VJMEJOH-JWFT*6"SU.VTFVN $FMFCSBUFT:FBSTJO*.1FJµT#VJMEJOH # editor@Bloomington 6 The Bloomington Alternative July 4, 2007 Around town Wed - July 4 Civic Monroe County Courthouse: Bloomington Peace Action Coalition Anti-war Peace Vigil, 5-6 p.m. OUR 59TH S Music Auer Hall: IU Summer Music Festival, Biava Quartet & String Academy Faculty, 8 p.m., $6-12 Comedy Bear’s Place: Comedians Seamus O’Brien & Tim Rowlands with opener Todd Merriman Bear’s Place: Karaoke, 10 p.m. Recital Hall: IU Summer Music Festival, 7th USA International Harp Competition, 9 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. & 3-6:30 p.m., free Trojan Horse: Acoustic guitar, 6-8 p.m. Uncle Fester’s: Retro Rewind 80’s Dance Bloomington Playwrights Project: William Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew”, 7 p.m., $5-8 Space 101: The Missoula Oblongata presJenn Christy, Third Street Park, July 6 Dance ents ‘The Most Mysterious Day Of The Year,” 7 p.m., $3-6 suggested donation Fri - July 6 Art Harmony School: Wednesday Night Contra Dance, 8 p.m., $3-5 Boxcar Books: Photography & sculpture Misc. Courthouse Lawn: Bloomington’s Fourth of July parade, 9 a.m., free Elks Lodge: Fourth of July pancake breakfast, 7 a.m., $5 Fourwinds Resort & Marina: Fourth of July fireworks, 10:15 p.m., $5-7 Kirkwood Observatory: Night viewing of sky & Saturn, 9-11 p.m., free art exhibition by Justin Rhody, “I Just Don’t Wanna Go To Jail” 7-10 p.m., free Windfall Dancers Studio: Latin Dance Party, 9 p.m., $5 Auer Hall: IU Summer Music Festival Vilmos, Szabadi, Chih-Yi Chen, 8 p.m. Gallery North on the Square: “Skinny Courthouse Square: Bloomington Com- Cascades Park: Improvapalooza featuring Hot Fighter No. 1 & PTA, 12 p.m. Four Winds Resort & Marina: all-re- Spoken word 7 p.m. 7th USA International Harp Competition, 9 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. & 3-6:30 p.m., free Regazzi Arte Café: Southern Italian accordion music, 6-9 p.m. Rhino’s: The Hollywood Ending, 8 p.m., $5 Uncle Fester’s: Eggie and the Timers, 10:30 p.m., $3 Boxcar Books: The Midwest Pages to Bloomington Playwrights Project: William Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew”, 7 p.m., $5-8 Arthur Murray Dance Studio: Ballroom dance party, 7:30 p.m., $7 Auer Hall: IU Summer Music Festival, Beaux Arts Trio, 8 p.m. Bluebird: Karaoke, 9 p.m., $1 Players Pub: Songwriters Showcase, 8 p.m., free The God Damn Doop Band, 10:30 p.m., $3 Tue - July 10 Buskirk-Chumley Theater: Golden Age of Hollywood movie series presents “National Velvet”, 1:30 p.m., free Misc. Boxcar Books: Ken Waldman’s book & c.d. release Auer Hall: IU Summer Music Festival, Kirkwood Observatory: Night viewing Chanticleer, 7 p.m., $10-20 of sky & Saturn, 9-11 p.m., free Bakehouse: Traditional Irish Music Session, 5:30-8:30 p.m., free Bluebird: Rodney Atkins, 9 p.m. The Cinemat: Hamell on Trial with Ron Music Robert Bradley’s Blackwater Surprise, Bluebird, July 14 Recital Hall: IU Summer Music Festival, 7th USA International Harp Competition, Sun - July 8 Civic Whisperwall, 8 p.m., $5 live concert, 7-8:30 p.m., free Boxcar Books: The Midwest Pages to p.m., free Runcible Spoon: Irish music session with Wed - July 11 Prisoners Project, 2 p.m. Civic Music Theater People’s Park: Cathi Norton, 11:30 a.m.-1 Grey Larson, 7 p.m. 9 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. & 3-6:30 p.m., free Third Street Park: Jenn Christy Band, Bluebird: Battle of the Bands, 10 p.m. Musical Arts Center: IU Summer Music Festival, Symphony Orchestra Four Winds Resort & Marina: all-re- p.m., $3 Dance Music Film Music Uncle Fester’s: Totally Michael, 10:30 Prisoners Project, 7 p.m. Dance Club six-week session, 8 p.m., $40-50 Uncle Fester’s: The Accidents, Bifurious, Theater Rhino’s: A Moment’s Affair, Rehearsal Day, Civic IU Indiana Memorial Union: IU Swing Stan Hamilton art reception, 5-8 p.m., free quest DJ dance party, 9 p.m., free Thur - July 5 Dance quest DJ dance party, 9 p.m., free Tim Terry Jewelry & Fine Antiques: Placone, 9 p.m., $7 Boxcar Books: Matrix Poetry Open Mic, Seamus O’Brien Recital Hall: IU Summer Music Festival, IU Art Museum: Jazz in July series kickoff, Ford-Crawford Hall: Summer Music Max’s Place: Open mic night, 7:30 p.m. Runcible Spoon: Open mic night, 7 p.m. Bear’s Place: Comedians Chip Flatow & Dipping” public reception for summer gallery walk, free munity Band opens Bloomington’s 4th of July parade, 9 a.m., free Festival, 7th USA International Harp Competition opening ceremony, 4 p.m., free Comedy Might, Below the Hips, P.T.A., 7 p.m., free 6:30 p.m., free Music Prisoners Project, 7 p.m. Bluebird: Railroad Earth, 9 p.m. Bryan Park: Totally Michael, When We Overman’s opening reception for “Retreat”, 5-7 p.m., free and downtown sidewalk sales, 5-8 p.m., free Boxcar Books: The Midwest Pages to Music Buskirk-Chumley: Illustrator Emma Downtown Bloomington: Gallery walk Civic Dance Party with 3rd Sex, DJ Flufftronix, and Mother Truckers, 10:30 p.m., $3 Theater Mon - July 9 Auer Hall: IU Summer Music Festival, Monroe County Courthouse: Bloomington Peace Action Coalition Anti-war Peace Vigil, 5-6 p.m. Beaux Arts Trio, 4 p.m. Bloomington Playwrights Project: William Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew”, 7 p.m., $5-8 Sat - July 7 Bryan Park: Gordon Bonham Blues Band, Dance 6:30-8 p.m., free Cabin Lounge: Jeff Foster and Sam Collins, 6 p.m., free Harmony School: Wednesday Night Snuffy’s Place: Bob Jones Band, 7-11 p.m. Contra Dance, 8 p.m., $3-5 the Alternative Arts & Culture Civic Third Street Park: Pastors for Peace gathering, 6:30-9 p.m., all are welcome, free editor@Bloomington Theater Bloomington Playwrights Project: William Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew”, 2 p.m., $5-8 the 7 The Bloomington Alternative July 4, 2007 SEASON by John Foley, Mark Hardwick, Debra Monk, Cass Morgan, John Schimmel and Jim Wann By Ken Ludwig By Tennessee Williams ALCP-$.#()$(+#(/$)(#),$)/ Xk/1''gd ALCP/#(,#)(#))#)/)0Xk*1''gd ALE<.$0#(+$(-#)'$)*#).$*' Xk/1''GD ALE<('#(-#(.#)*#)+#*' ALCP(Xk*1''GD Film Monroe County Public Library: Summer Film & Music Series: Hot Jazz Hollywood Style “New Orleans”, 7-9 p.m., free BY NEIL SIMON 8L>LJK*$+#0$((#(,$(/ Xk/1''gd 8L>LJK,#((#()#(/#(0Xk*1''gd J<GK<D9<I)(#))#)/#)0# F:KF9<I,$-#()$(*# (0$)'Xk/1''gd J<GK%)*#*'#F:K%.#(*#(+# )'Xk*1''gd Info 812.855.1103 or 812.988.2123 812 988 2123 (Opens (O May 26) Music Comedy Bear’s Place: Comedians Tom Mabe & Auer Hall: IU Summer Music Festival, Johnny Watson Strings Academy Gala Concert, 8 p.m. Bakehouse: Traditional Irish Music Session, 5:30-8:30 p.m., free Music Max’s Place: Open mic night, 7:30 p.m. Musical Arts Center Lawn: IU Summer Music Festival, Summer Band, 7 p.m. Runcible Spoon: Open mic night, 7 p.m. Uncle Fester’s: De Novo Dahl, 10:30 p.m., $3 Thur - July 12 Jake’s: Jake-a-palooza with ESW, The Phi- Spike Davis, Comedy Caravan, Bear’s Place, July 14 losophy, Mental Afro, DJ Stak, 10 p.m., $3 ard, Roso AD, 8 p.m., $5 Third Street Park: Fiddle ‘N Feet, 7-8:30 p.m., free Auer Hall: IU Summer Music Festival, WeissKaplan-Newman Trio, 4 p.m. Uncle Fester’s: Long Distance Affair, Macpodz, 10:30 p.m., $3 Bryan Park: Big Ol’ Things, 6:30-8 p.m., free Cabin Lounge: Jeff Foster and Sam Collins, 6 p.m., free Spoken word Runcible Spoon: Poetry reading with the Poets for Peace, 7 p.m. Snuffy’s Place: Bob Jones Band, 7-11 p.m. Civic Boxcar Books: The Midwest Pages to Pris- dance party, 7:30 p.m., $7 Comedy Bear’s Place: Comedians Spike Davis & Johnny Watson Music Bluebird: Karaoke, 9 p.m., $1 Musical Arts Center: IU Summer Music Festival, Festival Jazz Orchestra, 8 p.m. Tue - July 17 Mon - July 16 Sat - July 14 Arthur Murray Dance Studio: Ballroom Dance Club six-week session, 8 p.m., $40-50 Music Rhino’s: Room Full of Villains, Shoot Cow- Boxcar Books: The Midwest Pages to Dance IU Indiana Memorial Union: IU Swing quest DJ dance party, 9 p.m., free Civic Prisoners Project, 7 p.m. Dance Bluebird: Dave & Rae, 10 p.m. Four Winds Resort & Marina: all-re- oners Project, 7 p.m. Music Bluebird: Battle of the Bands, 10 p.m. Max’s Place: The Heptet, 8 p.m., free Musical Arts Center Lawn: IU Summer Music Festival, Summer Band, 7 p.m. People’s Park: Lunch concert series, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., free Runcible Spoon: Irish music session the Alternative Arts & Culture with Grey Larson, 7 p.m. Film Bryan Park: “Singin’ in the Rain”, 9:30 p.m., free Misc. Justin Rhody, photography & sculpture art exhibit opening, Boxcar Books, July 6 Frank Southern Ice Arena: Wonderlab’s Film 12th annual Bubblefest, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m., $2 Monroe Resevoir: Doggy Day Camp, 1 p.m., free Buskirk-Chumley: African Film Series presents “Faat Kine”, 7:30 p.m., $5 Music Music Bluebird: Robert Bradley’s Blackwater Surprise, 9 p.m. Auer Hall: IU Summer Music Festival, Weiss-Kaplan-Newman Trio, 8 p.m. Bear’s Place: Karaoke, 10 p.m. Trojan Horse: Acoustic guitar, 6-8 p.m. Uncle Fester’s: Stampead, 10:30 p.m., $3 Theater Oliver Winery: Bloomington Playwrights Project, sole performance of Vintage Scenes and dinner, at Oliver Winery, 6:30 p.m. Fri - July 13 Four Winds Resort & Marina: all-request DJ dance party, 9 p.m., free Jake’s: Club Jake with DJ Action Jackson, 9 p.m. Musical Arts Center: IU Summer Music Festival, 7th International Harp Competition Finals with the Summer Music Festival Orchestra, 7 p.m. Regazzi Arte Café: Southern Italian accordion music, 6-9 p.m. Rhino’s: Civilian, Siddius, Descent, 8 p.m., $5 Sun - July 15 Civic Film Buskirk Chumley: Summer Night of Boxcar Books: The Midwest Pages to Prisoners Project, 2 p.m. Lotus presents “Grupo Fantasma”, “The Wilders” and the “Kusun Ensemble”, 7 p.m., $20 the Alternative Arts & Culture Alternative Arts & Culture editor@Bloomington * VENUE MENU Art Hospital: 1021 S. Walnut St. Bear’s Place: 1316 E. Third St., 339-3460 Blue Room: 732 Whitehorn Place Bloomington Playwrights Project: 107 W. Ninth St., 334-1188 Bluebird: 216 N. Walnut St., 336-2473 Boxcar Books: 310 S. Washington, 339-8710 Brown County Playhouse: 70 Van Buren Street, Nashville, 988-2123 Buskirk-Chumley Theater: 114 E. Kirkwood, 323-3020 Cinemat: 123 S. Walnut, 333-4700 Crazy Horse: 214 W. Kirkwood, 336-8877 Encore Café: 316 W. Sixth, 333-7312 Indiana University Art Museum: 1133 E. Seventh St., 855-4826 Auer Concert Hall D: 200 S. Jordan Ave., 855-9846 Auditorium: 1211 E. Seventh St., 855-1103 Frangipani Room: IMU, 900 E. Seventh St. , 855-2231 IMU Gallery: 900 E. Seventh St. , 855-2231 La Casa: 715 E. Seventh St., 855-0174 Musical Arts Center: Jordan Avenue just north of Third Street Radio & TV Building: 1229 E. Seventh (SW corner, Main Library lot) Ruth N. Halls Theater: 275 N. Jordan Ave., 855-1103 SoFA Gallery: Fine Arts Building, 1201 E. Seventh St., 855-8490 Student Activities: East Seventh St., 855-4352 Well Metz Theater: 275 N. Jordan Ave., 855-1103 Wittenberger Auditorium: IMU, 900 E. Seventh St. , 855-2231 Kilroys: 319 N. Walnut St., 333-6006 Malibu Grill: 106 N. Walnut St., 332-4334 Max’s Place: 109 W. Seventh St., 336-5169 Monroe Co. Public Library: 303 E. Kirkwood Ave., 349-3050 Players Pub: 424 S. Walnut St., 334-2080 Rhinos All Ages Club: 325 1/2 S. Walnut St., 333-3430 Second Story: 201 S. College Ave. Soma Coffee House: 322 E. Kirkwood Ave., 331-2770 Tutto Bene: 213 S. Rogers St., 330-1060 Uncle Fester’s: 430 E. Kirkwood Ave., 323-1159 Unitarian Universalist Church: 2120 N. Fee Lane, 332-3695 Upland Brewery: 350 W. 11th St., 336-2337 Waldron Arts Center: 122 S. Walnut St., 334-3100 Walnut Street Tap: 419 N. Walnut St., 331-2947 8 The Bloomington Alternative July 4, 2007 The Long List The Short List the rest of Melissa’s picks by Melissa McReynolds Third Thursdays at Nick’s English Hut A benefit for Stepping Stones 423 East Kirkwood Thursday, July 19 5–8 p.m. O nce a month Nick’s throws open its doors to aid a local not-for-profit. The brainchild of Natalie Cabanaw, a fave wait staffer of yours and mine, “Third Thursdays” has brought in hundreds upon hundreds for our area agencies. “It’s a great way for people who don’t have a lot of cash to help donate,” says Natalie. “It adds up!” Natalie donates all of her tips the night of the event – as does bartender Andrew Hilton. Additional wait staff pitches in, and 20 percent of the total food bill goes straight to the agency. The notfor-profit is asked to take the reins in advertising the event. J uly’s beneficiary is one of Natalie’s favorites -- Stepping Stones (www.steppingstones-inc. org), a nonprofit, independent organization that offers transitional housing for young people (16-20 years old) who are experiencing homelessness. Three groups of young people experience homelessness: “system youth,” young people currently in foster care or transitioning out of it; “runaway youth,” who leave homes to escape physical N ick’s menu of burgers, sandwiches, steaks, strombolis, pizza and beloved jambalaya is available as always, not to mention the full range of brews, wines and mixed drinks. “We can all help our friends in need,” says social justice activist Dee Hupp-Sanders. “Natalie shows how everyday folks can utilize their resources to make the world a better place.” D and/or sexual abuse, substance abuse, or domestic violence; and “throwaway youth,” who are neglected or pushed out of their homes by parents or guardians. “What a wonderful agency!” Natalie says, acknowledging two alarming trends: an increasing number of young people experiencing homelessness and a greater risk for young people to be homeless than for adults. Buying, Selling, Remodeling or Building a Home? Going green may be easier than you think! • Energy savings • Tax credits • Site and Materials Selection • Lender Information • Comfort and Air Quality • Affordability ee and Natalie are collaborating on a benefit for A Gathering Place, a Sunday-morning hot meal program located just down the street from Nick’s at First Christian Church (www.fcc-blmgtn. org). The fall event at Nick’s will help volunteers secure food to feed our community members without an address. Melissa McReynolds can be reached at For more info about Third Thursdays visit www.nicksenglishhut. com. To request a slot for your notfor-profit, call Natalie at Nick’s, 332-4040. Online only at Bloomington Party for the Planet! Ivy Tech Campus July 7, 6 p.m. Vintage Scenes Bloomington Playwrights Project Oliver Winery July 12 Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Performances at 7:30 p.m. Blues Jam Players Pub Tuesdays at 8 p.m. Click Sections » Arts & Culture » Columns ! "#$ $ %&$' (! (! )( *+,-.//0'1233 4 4 Beth Fisher: Indiana’s First Certified EcoBroker Resources and Results 3802 E. Third St.; Bloomington, IN, 47401 - tel: 812-334-2021 fax: 812-339-0822 Mobile: 812-322-5496 editor@Bloomington 9 The Bloomington Alternative ASTROLOGICK and the urge to get stuff done. Any late afternoon glitches are temporary. commence on July 14. Launching anything new right now would be a mistake as it will never quite seem to get off the ground. High vibrations charge the air as the day progresses – revelations and acts of defiance may be in evidence as well as scientific discoveries and breakthroughs. Moon in exact alignment with Neptune, we might be noticing a vague sense of anxiety or insecurity – particularly over the next two weeks. Today would be a better day to make last-minute changes to a new project than diving in head-first – you can do that tomorrow. Saturday, July 7 Wednesday, July 11 With the Aries Moon entering its Last Quarter Phase, this is a good week to bend your energies toward the completion and follow-through of projects and plans in progress while shunning any new business. Information overdose? With the Gemini Moon moving into its closing phase, this is a good day to ride the wave. Sorting through old bills and correspondences, mailings and anything else you put off during Mercury retrograde may be a drag, but Someone’s got to do it. Everything else points to endings and completions ahead of Saturday’s New Moon in Cancer. A great day to roll up your sleeves and tackle a project you’ve been contemplating over the past month. Then again, with the Moon in playful Leo, you might find a more entertaining way to spend the day. Big, bold and upbeat energies are active through the late afternoon. Biweekly forecast for all signs by Gary Paul Glynn hese next two weeks could provide Tsome interesting distractions and re- actions as Mercury stations direct on July 8 while the Moon is in its closing phase. For best results, complete unfinished business but hold off on anything new until July 16. The recent Saturn-Neptune opposition coincided with skewed Supreme Court rulings, a further weakening of the economy, Dick Cheney’s imagination and the usual assortment of executive scandals. With Venus translating between Saturn and Neptune, our collective value system is likely to undergo alterations in the weeks and months ahead. Wednesday, July 4 Independence Day. Good day to contemplate the overused word: Freedom. Moon in Pisces today suggests a desperate case of flag-waving and too much beer. Given clear skies, this would be good night to catch a sky show. Oooo! Ahhhh! Thursday, July 5 The party’s over for those not taking the rest of the week off. Unexpected developments this afternoon could force a sudden reversal, triggering clever thinking on your part. Or you might simply register this lunar alignment as more restlessness and/or dissatisfaction with the status quo than usual. Friday, July 6 If you feel as though you’ve been wandering in the fog these past two days, things become clearer later this morning when the Moon enters Aries. This is an action-oriented Moon-sign combination that can give you an attitude boost Attention Gardeners! July 4, 2007 Sunday, July 8 Energy levels remain high through most of the morning hours although the Aries Moon goes void-of-course (VOC) between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Plans made during this 5-hour Limbo are likely to turn out differently than planned – which might be a very good thing. Speaking of a good thing, the Moon enters the sensuous earth sign of Taurus at 2:00 p.m., even as its ruler, Venus forms an irresistible alignment with Pluto. The potential for passion and hot ‘n’ steamy sex is there if you have a way to make it happen to begin with. Not in the cards? Don’t worry, this same alignment will reoccur in mid-August and again in October – maybe you’ll get lucky! Monday, July 9 Stubborn refusals or practical maneuvers are in the offing first thing this morning while the communication sphere shows signs of overloading as Mercury begins to station ahead of turning direct at 10:15 p.m. Too much information! Thursday, July 12 Something once hidden is brought to light. A five-hour timeout is called by the Gemini Moon VOC at 1:38 p.m. – this afternoon is a poor time to reach agreements or make final decisions. The mental emphasis of the past few days shifts to an emotional gear tonight when the Moon enters Cancer at 6:39 p.m. Closer attention to your feelings might provide relief from perplexing conundrums only made worse by thinking about them all the time. Friday, July 13 In the dark of the Cancer Moon, the stage is cleared for a new cycle to commence tomorrow morning. Finishing touches are applied and final details are hammered out. Good night to spend at home, surrounded by family and friends. Tuesday, July 10 Saturday, July 14 With Mercury now moving direct, it is presumably safe to sign it, send it, or get the message. Factoring in the Moon in its closing phase, Mercury can lend itself to finishing up old business, clearing the decks for a new phase of activity to The Cancer New Moon takes place at 8:04 a.m. (21Can41), opening a new solar-lunar cycle with a domestic emphasis. Issues surrounding security, privacy and family play a key role in decisions made over the coming month. With the New Sunday, July 15 Monday, July 16 Even with energy levels relatively high, there might be some cloudy thinking to cut through in the early afternoon. A more serious, funky vibe is indicated later in the day that may leave you feeling heavier than usual. Look to the western sky after sunset tonight and tomorrow night as the Moon joins Saturn, Venus and the fixed star, Regulus. Tuesday, July 17 Alignments created by the Virgo Moon could correspond with shifting attitudes throughout the day. Relationships may lie open on the dissection table, ready for closer scrutiny. With Venus preparing to turn retrograde in ten days, greater emphasis will surround partnerships and their overall value. Times are EDT/-0500 UTC Gary Paul Glynn Professional astrologer 25 years of experience Personal birthchart interpretation 812-333-1346 '1' %.73+-' 6+3* 3* * 6 7 ' *' %. . ' ,0 / & 1 ( % /13* 3%3' /%& ,//-+.)3/. ! ! $ ! ! ! %3+2(77/41'5'17)%1&'.+.).''&9+.&//12%.&/43%,,7'%11/4.& # ! !!" 8 editor@Bloomington Bring In This Ad For $5 Off Any Purchase of $50 or More, or $10 Off Any Purchase of $100 or More! 10 The Bloomington Alternative July 4, 2007 3RP]MR8LI%PXIVREXMZI3RPMRI OUT in Bloomington by Helen Harrell with Carol Fischer Listen up, folks!! Want to know one of the fastest and surest ways to become a social outcast, while alienating your friends and sometimes losing your family network? In case you don’t know, all you have to do is let folks know that you are a lesbian – or gay, or bisexual or transgender, and you will discover that the very fabric of your personal, cultural environment was made of a puff of air. Poof, it’s gone, and there you are standing alone on a precipice of guilt and fear. Click Sections » News » Columns CitizenD Casualty defined by David Wierhake (th)ink A Mother’s Grief Let’s get him! by Denise Travers In an exclusive interview with murder victim Aaron Hall’s mother, The Bloomington Alternative reveals the inside story about Aaron’s disappearance and the shocking events that led to the discovery of his body. by Keith Knight Here’s to You, W! (and more) by Paul Kane Click Sections » News » Editorial Cartoons Medical Examiner’s Report by Denise Travers Victim’s body reveals important information about his life, death. Multimedia Pin the tail VIDEO Keys & Purse Strings • The Global Climate Change Report – July 1, 2007 • Hate Crime in Indiana? by John Blair • MADE into a Rock Star by Several pollution-producing Southwest Indiana MTV SWI fails ozone test counties would fail to comply with a new ozone standard proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The scientific evidence that ground-level ozone is harmful to public health is so overwhelming that even the Bush EPA has proposed a new standard that would improve health protections for millions of Americans if fully implemented and enforced. Click Sections » News » Stories Blogs Editorial cartoons Columns & Stories PHOTO ALBUMS • Local Foods Tour - by Josephine McRobbie • Campbell Preserve – by Steven Higgs Updated! • Iraq Photos - by local soldier Billy Reed editor@Bloomington by Sophia Travis Who holds these things? In Monroe County government, the County Council holds the purse strings. It could be said that the county auditor holds the keys. The County Commissioners pick out much of the stuff that’s in the bag. Through a system of checks and balances it should mostly work out that the council isn’t too much of a stingy tightwad or a spendthrift. The auditor ought to know which key to use to drive the car ... and the County Commissioners should manage the sundries and toiletries in the bag. Click Sections » News » Blogs 11 The Bloomington Alternative • Fired for being HIV positive Continued from Page 2 Steven Higgs can be reached at HDG DOVR FODLPHG WKDW 0RUULVRQ e d i t o r @ B l o o m i n g t o n A l t e r n a t i v e . WROG RWKHU HPSOR\HHV DERXW KLV com. LOOQHVV0RUULVRQGHQLHGWKDWDOOHJDWLRQ DQGRWKHU0RUULVRQ¶VHPSOR\HHVVXEPLWWHGVWDWHPHQWVWRWKH,&5&VD\LQJWKH\ KDGHLWKHUOHDUQHGRI0HDG¶VLOOQHVVIURP 0 “There is probable cause to believe that a discriminatory employment action in violation of the civil rights law has occurred.” - Indiana Civil Rights Commission Kennel English bulldogs “Olympic dog” Cute, sussy female English Bulldog puppy for sale Parents have champion bloodlines from known U.S. kennels Lots of wrinkles, big head and big chest Health guaranteed Registration Puppies Available Now!! E-mail Kennel English Bulldogs at Ethnic Clothing Specializing in rugs D clothing woven with yarns naturally dyed by the weaver, Sally Baldwin & Accessories World Music CDs & Instruments peace him or from other employees. %DFDPDGHQR¿QGLQJVZLWKUHJDUGWR ZKRWROGZKRPDERXW0HDG¶VLOOQHVV %XW VKH FRQFOXGHG WKDW 0RUULVRQ¶V ³YDULRXV DQVZHUV WR WKH FRPSODLQW JLYHV ULVH WR VXVSLFLRQ RI DQ XQODZIXO employment practice and shows that 0RUULVRQ PDGH DQ DGYHUVH HPSOR\ment decision based on the perception WKDW0HDG¶VGLVDELOLW\ZRXOGFDXVHD SUREOHP´ 0 HDG¿OHGKLVKRXVLQJGLVFULPLQDWLRQFRPSODLQWZLWKWKH,&5&RQ 'HF DOOHJLQJ WKDW 0RUULVRQ ³WROGKLPWROHDYH´WKHKRPHKHUHQWHG from her after he told her of his test reVXOWV :KLOH 6FRWW VDLG WKH HYLGHQFH LQGLFDWHGWKDW0RUULVRQXVHVWKHKRXVHIRU storage and “has not rented the prop- PO Box 1262 • 96 W. Franklin • Nashville, IN 47448 812.988.0411 • Celebrating 40 years in Bloomington! THE BLOOMINGTON BARBER SHOP (Formerly the College Mall Barber Shop) Walk-ins and appointments are welcome Call 812-332-4166 Bring in this ad for $1 off your next haircut. Now at our new location 4001 E. Third Street in Edwards Square across from the Office Lounge editor@Bloomington Bicycling is healthy for you and your world. Ride a bike more often. VXEPLWWHGWRWKH'LYLVLRQRI)DPLO\DQG &KLOGUHQ´%DFDIRXQG :LWK UHVSHFW WR KLV DELOLW\ WR ZRUN 0HDG VDLG KH SURYLGHG 0RUULVRQ ZLWK ³PHGLFDOGRFXPHQWDWLRQRIKLVGLVDELOLW\ZLWKQRZRUNUHVWULFWLRQV´ %DFD UXOHG ³7KH DYDLODEOH HYLGHQFH LQGLFDWHVWKDW0HDG¶VUHTXHVWWRFRQWLQXH HPSOR\PHQW ZDV GHQLHG DQG QR accommodation efforts were made. The HYLGHQFHGRHVLQGLFDWHWKDW0HDGZDV DEOH WR SHUIRUP WKH HVVHQWLDO IXQFWLRQV RIKLVMRE´ HUW\IRUSUR¿WVLQFHWKHV´VKHDFNQRZOHGJHGWKDWVKHDOORZHG0HDG³WR VWD\RQKHUSURSHUW\WHPSRUDULO\´ 0HDGDGPLWWHGKHGLGQRWKDYHDOHDVH DQG WKDW KH WROG 0RUULVRQ ³KH ZRXOG PRYH E\ WKH ZHHNHQG´ DIWHU VKH WROG KLP KH ZDV QR ORQJHU LQ KHU HPSOR\ Scott wrote. $ 0RUULVRQ¶V VSRNHVPDQ GHFOLQHG comment since the case is in litigation. 0HDG UHIHUUHG LQWHUYLHZ DQG SKRWR UHTXHVW WR KLV ,QGLDQDSROLV DWWRUQH\ .LPEHUO\ -HVHOVNLV ZKRVH RI¿FH GHclined comment. July 4, 2007 112 S. College Ave. Bloomington, IN 47404 339-9970/(800)Pro-Bike 12 The Bloomington Alternative July 4, 2007 SYMPHONIC SERIES | CHAMBER MUSIC SERIES | OUTDOOR BAND | OPERA | FESTIVAL JAZZ ORCHESTRA | RECITALS AND MORE! Summer JUNE 17 – AU AUGUST 4 2 0 0 7 FESTIVAL OPERA THE ELIXIR OF LOVE BloomingTube is a new community video posting Web site. JULY 27, 28, AUGUST 3, 4, 8PM MUSICAL ARTS CENTER (OPERA INSIGHTS AT 7PM) IU Opera Theater presents a much-loved opera set in an Italian village. A travling doctor sees an opportunity to make money by creating an “elixir of love “ to aid two lovers. Little does he know the outcome of his plan! SYMPHONIC SERIES Upcoming Concerts FESTIVAL ORCHESTRA Enjoy one of the finest orchestras in the Midwest, under the direction of world-class guest conductors Michael Stern, Roberto Abbado, and David Robertson. THURSDAY JULY 19, 8PM MUSICAL ARTS CENTER ROBERTO ABBADO, Conductor be u T ng .c om i m o o l .B ww w Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 4 in G Major (1901) Franz Liszt: Les Préludes (1848) THURSDAY AUGUST 2, 8PM, MUSICAL ARTS CENTER DAVID ROBERTSON, Conductor Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 5 in C-Sharp Major (1902) Sponsored by The Bloomington Alternative SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA TUESDAY JULY 10, 8PM MUSICAL ARTS CENTER (FREE!) CLIFF COLNOT, Conductor Lyadov: Kikimora, Op. 63 Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6, “Pathétique” USA INTERNATIONAL HARP COMPETITION SATURDAY JULY 14, 7PM MUSICAL ARTS CENTER (FREE!) FESTIVAL ORCHESTRA DAVID EFFRON, Conductor Roy Graham FESTIVAL JAZZ ORCHESTRA Lawyer MONDAY JULY 16, 7PM MUSICAL ARTS CENTER Don’t miss the exciting return of the Festival Jazz Orchestra, led by IU Distinguished Professor David Baker. In a tradition established last year, the ensemble includes a number of the finest Jacobs School jazz alumni and faculty jazzing it up! “Prompt and Personal Service” 812.336.5957 Serving Monroe and Surrounding Counties Since 1992 OUTDOOR BAND CONCERTS Bloomington resident 16 years experience since 1974 in Monroe County IU School of Music Courts 1974-1976 Specializing in Former owner, criminal defense and Busy Bee Bakery 1981-1983 family law (FREE!) Relax on the lawn at the MAC on a balmy Bloomington evening during our free Wednesday outdoor band concerts featuring marches, popular favorites, solos, and light classics. July 11, 7pm: Stephen W. Pratt, Conductor July 18, 7pm: Stephen W. Pratt, Conductor July 25, 7pm: David C. Woodley, Conductor TICKETS: MAC Box Office (855-7433), Ticketmaster (333-9955), or online. Find out about the full festival lineup:! mention The Bloomington Alternative for a special rate W IU 103.7 fm 3370 North Russell Road Bloomington, IN 47408 editor@Bloomington